#ANCIENT in the future so the timeline isnt exactly 100 years but its like
zero-is-nebulous · 2 years
I have issue with the way Sega went about silvers character and apparently at one point in the past month I decided to rewrite his entire lore so
(Disclaimer: a lot is changed, this was note taking, and the original future timeline has shifted a LOT)
what if silver was created by eggman to be the ultimate weapon, a NEW take on Shadows construction. A biological lifeform that can channel chaos energy in NEW ways, and absolutely keep order to the eggman empire.
What if, when he was being created, he was left in stasis, forever a prototype with no test schedule. So now there's this incompleted glorified servalence and order organism, and he's got Psychoconesis so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty. He's a hedgehog because that's what shadow was and eggmans still working off of Gerald's ideals, and also isn't that just a KICK in the face to the fallen hero, in the end? He's not immortal. He could never quite figure that out, although his life force is strong in diffrent ways. The formation of telekinetic chaos abilities strengthens his brain, something that he would need to fix. Monitor. He needed him to NOT be as sentient and free thinking as shadow, and so, that sets back the project.
Silver is a passion project, named silver because while eggman is gold, the highest honorary position of leadership, this hedgehog will be his concluded victory. His second in command. Because eggman never was really a fan of dirty work.
Silver, project s. A being that, after the 'first apocalypse' went wrong, was let loose from his prison and introduced to the world. It was an accident. He wasn't finished yet, fixed yet- He grew up in less than a year because, well, he needed to survive. Eggman bots chased him, attempted to capture him, but he'd seen the world around him and the eggmans face plastered on every billboard. He'd seen families in alleyways cry, had mourned their world WITH them as they explained to him its condition.
He knows he was kept there, woken in a faulty crio pod in the wreckage of a collapsing base. Chalkboards with notes and diagrams were brushed over in place of keeping himself alive so he doesn't know much, but his glimpse of the lab gave him an idea.
And then little planet happens, just like it does every 11 months. And eggman attemps to colonise it, just like he did back then. Silver, after realising his abilities, is well on his way to gain some revenge, and some answers if he can help it, too. So he leaves for little planet and finds runes. The time stones, and yes. Time, a way to manage and bring ORDER to this apocalypse. A way to FIX things, once and for all and he knows, then, what he's going to do. He'll bring order. He'll maintain, and he will protect.
He has a run in with the eggman that created him as he gathers the last of the time stones into his quills for safe keeping. Eggman is excited to see him, sending his bots down to grab and contain him. But alas, as the adjustments to silver were incomplete under his care, he had neglected to understand his capability. His raw power, his raw DRIVE, and his undeniable sentience, reminiscent of Shadow himself just as the original scraps of arcs blueprints had detected. And boy was there little to go by, a coded text, kept locked in prison island and only UNCODED after years in his possession.
But, i digress.
Silver learns from eggman that he is imperfect, flawed, that the evil genius isn't FINISHED with him, and Silver is curious. He is a child to the universe and so, he asks questions. He gets few answers but he's smart, for his age, just as robotnic had designed him and so with little information the general image is formed regardless.
Silver then, vows. He vows to stop him, no matter what it takes, and then time stones are flinging silver BACK. Way, way back.
Over timeliness, silver learns of a golden glow that paints the sky in times of absolute distress. Legends, almost, through every year. Its in carvings on angel island, and its proclaimed with statues that flicker in and out of fallen futures. Memorials for their last hopes flame being snuffed out, more bronze than gold under the grit.
And then he meets him, and he is. He's gold, a hedgehog like himself, glowing and warm and smiling as he defeats their foe with a motion lost to his own eyes.
He is silver, and this hero, is Gold. The key to the future. And he was only ever really meant to be loyal to gold.
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