#silver the hedgehog reimagined
latin-dr-robotnik · 1 year
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Gonna try the new Sonic P-06 Silver campaign later tonight, but I’ve heard the new cutscenes are incredible, and tbh Crisis City’s intro cutscene already makes a strong first impression
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h-worksrambles · 8 months
Sonic X Shadow Generations fascinates me. Because it feels like something I shouldn’t be excited for. And yet I absolutely am.
Don’t get me wrong. I love Sonic Generations. It’s my third favourite game in the series and my favourite 3D Sonic game (with Sonic Adventure 2 in a close second). I’m very happy to see it getting a re release to expose it to new audiences, and playing it in 4K60fps on my PS5 is a very enticing. Likewise, I really like Shadow as a character and I’m excited to play as him again.
And yet, his new bonus campaign promises to basically be a bunch of nostalgic pandering for Shadow the Hedgehog, a game which I consider to be, simply put, crap. It was boring, dull, colourless and embarrassing trend chasing. And pretty much everything I hated about it is on display in this trailer.
We’ve got gritty, grey cityscapes, we’ve got the rather blah alien villain, Black Doom returning, we’ve got the looming return of the series’…bafflingly executed lore. In a word, Shadow was a pretty much everything I didn’t want Sonic to be shoved into a blender. I’ve given my thoughts on revisiting past excesses and failures for the sake of nostalgia. I wrote a whole thing about Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and my fears that it would go overboard pandering to the 2000s spin offs (which I dislike a for lot of the same reasons as a lot of Sonic stuff from the mid 2000s). A faux attempt at maturity that sacrifices Sonic’s camp and colour, and lacks the writing competency to make its tone shift work is pretty much my worst case scenario for the series. And now we’re invoking that for nostalgia? Again, I should hate this.
So if I dislike Shadow the Hedgehog so much. If it really is so emblematic of Sonic’s worst excesses that I want it to leave behind in the 2000s…then why am I so damn hyped for this? Why am I not feeling the same dread as whenever VII Remake implicitly threatens to bring back Genesis?
I think it’s because of the specific relationship Sonic has had with its past for the last decade. So much of the stuff from that time period is material that Sega has seemed actively scared to touch again. Sometimes with good reason. But I think that’s why some material from that time has gained such a strong nostalgic cult following, and why they’re held up as such bastions of missed potential. There’s never been anything quite like Shadow or 06 since they came out with how safe Sega has subsequently played things. And in many respects, that’s a good thing. But I can see how it build a sense of mystique around them. It was kind of sad to see 2010s Sonic so…scared of itself. Terrified to invoke its own history but not really committed to a new direction either. And this is pretty much the exact opposite of that hesitancy.
Basically, the reason I react to seeing Westopolis or Black Doom with ‘holy shit let’s go!!!’ rather than ‘why, god, why?’ is because I genuinely never thought I would see them again after this long. It’s just exciting to see Sonic Team throw caution to the wind and embrace all the parts of their franchise. Even the parts I personally dislike. Plus, Sonic Generations is kind of the perfect game in which to reimagine that stuff and make it..actually good this time. This was the game that made Crisis City of all things into a banger level. The game that took Silver, one of the most notorious boss fights in the series, and gave him a kickass encounter.
If they can fix that, they can do anything.
Plus, the fact that the trailers already show all these trippy stage effects and anime af boss fights and set pieces tells me we’re not just gonna be running through the same drab washed out burning cities that made Shadow 2005 so boring. Again, there’s evidently an effort being made to rehabilitate and reimagine this stuff, not just repeat all the same mistakes. And that’s exciting.
So yeah, Sonic X Shadow Generations has somehow managed to get me genuinely excited for all the parts of the series I typically balk at. And that’s pretty impressive.
That said, if I see Mephiles again, I’m leaving.
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lethal-highway · 8 months
After having thought about it, here are my predictions for Sonic Shadow Generations. My predictions are mostly about what stages will be introduced for Shadow, since the standard stages in Sonic Generations will most likely already be included as implied by it being a remaster. It seems like this game largely exists as a lead up to Sonic Movie 3, which will be a play on the events of Sonic Adventure 2 (interesting that they're skipping the first Adventure title, by the way.)
It's probably to make Shadow marketable again, like with Knuckles. If this succeeds, he may very well become even more popular than ever before.
Main Prediction: Backstory Level Pack + Playable Character After unlocking him, Shadow becomes a playable character in Modern Sonic stages. Pretty straightforward, but they might add a few things to the stages in order to utilize some unique mechanics of his. You can see him teleporting in place of a homing attack in the few seconds of gameplay they show, so it's possible.
In addition, I predict for there to also be a smaller sum of levels for Shadow in order to sum up his backstory before heading into a conflict with a resurrected Black Doom. For this prediction, I'm selecting 1 per game.
Shadow Stage 1: Radical Highway That city stage in the trailer could easily be Radical Highway given the red siding on the roads. Plus, it's Shadow's first stage ever, it's very iconic, and Sonic Team loves to use the stage theme as a musical motif for Shadow. If they don't include Radical Highway in some form, I'll be shocked.
Shadow Stage 2: Final Chase This one's a gimme if you watched the trailer. His debut title is Sonic Adventure 2, and we get a brief glimpse of him on that very stage attacking GUN robots. It's only natural, since it looks like it'd get followed up with that reimagining of the Biolizard boss fight, which was the culmination of Shadow's arc in SA2. Shadow Stage 3: Hang Castle/Mystic Mansion His next appearing title is Sonic Heroes. I'll admit, this one's wishful thinking- there's not much evidence for it, since all four teams go through every stage in Heroes. It means none of them really have any special meaning to or association with Shadow, as a character. I love these Halloween stages, though. Sue me, I named myself after the fucking month of Halloween.
Shadow Stage 4: Westopolis His next chronological installment is Shadow the Hedgehog. To tell the truth, I'm torn between Westopolis (the first stage, and the one you have to do on every playthrough, ugh) and Final Haunt (the only stage that comes close to being good, a stage taking place in the alien landscape of the Black Comet, home of the Black Arms and Black Doom.) The trailer's city stage could still be Westopolis, though, given that red fog, which looks very similar to the fog in the hilarious opening cutscene of Shadow the Hedgehog, so I suppose my hands are tied. But my earnest desires are for Lethal Highway (gee, wonder why,) and Final Haunt.
Shadow Stage 5: Radical Train His next installment is Sonic 06. Normally, I'd not include one from this title, but Crisis City is literally in Sonic Generations. Anyway, Radical Train is the only stage anyone likes, so let's root for it. It's also the stage associated with the cutscene where Shadow roundhouse kicks Silver, and that one is truly legendary.
Shadow Stage 6: Mystic Jungle - Eggman's Facility This one was difficult: his most recent appearance in a mainline title was Forces, as a DLC character, with three stages for a short story explaining his involvement with Infinite, a prominent villain in that title. There's not much to go on here. Ultimately, I've picked this stage, as it's the most distinct of the three, involving infiltrating one of Eggman's bases. Nobody wants a second Green Hill stage.
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magpiejay1234 · 4 months
Anyway, let's go over some older specific Sonic talking points.
There has been some discourse about Blaze being removed from games, under the assumption that there is a rights issue. However, there isn't any, all characters introduced in Dimps games, except maybe specific bosses like Mecha Knuckles (which doesn't seem to be the case, as IDW Comics brought him back). Agreements with Dimps were about using characters created, and owned by Sonic Team.
Since Dimps, and SEGA long broke apart, with Dimps being a second party producer for Bandai since 2017, any sort of remaster, or proper remake of Dimps produced games (which is not limited to Sonic) is out of question. For Nintendo variants, since Nintendo was effectively a co-publisher for them, those can be resold in Nintendo Virtual Console, and other Nintendo ecosystems (Advance trilogy was previously released in Wii U Virtual Console). However, Nintendo has no direct connections to Dimps right now, so any changes for those rereleases either will not occur, or will be very limited.
This, in effect, means Rush duology, much like Advance trilogy is stuck in "canon but not to be rereleased" limbo, well, except Advance 1 on Japanese Android.
It is possible, if Dimps is acquired by a larger company (most likely Bandai at this point), this issue will be resolved, but due to Nintendo's pseudo co-publisher status, they will need to be slightly altered from from their Nintendo versions to be legally distinct.
Sonic Rivals duology, which is Silver's canon introduction back to the franchise*, is in a similar limbo, since their original developer Backbone Entertainment was closed by its parent company, which itself was dissolved, with the developer being one of the few studios they did not sell off. So nobody owns the rights of the stuff from those games except SEGA, but there might be unprecedented legal cases through legacy licenses preserved by former executives.
*However, Silver was reintroduced in Generations as the Sonic Next Gen (Sonic 06's internal title), so Generations technically recanonized 06. Of course, original leaked script of Forces had Mephiles being brought back to the canon, but that did not happen yet (though recent merch has happened). That is another topic entirely.
So what this all mean? Well, since according to Midori, Iizuka is apparently planning to reintroduce Silver, and Blaze, with Infinite, in the potential Heroes remake/reimagining. This is kind of necessary, since even though both characters were introduced/reintroduced in handheld spin-offs, and have existed in mainline games for a while, they never had a proper introduction in mainline games (Silver sort of did in Forces, but that is canonically after Generations, so...).
We already have Cream's reintroduction to main cast with Dream Team (which is produced by Hardlight, not Sonic Team, though still SEGA), though she was already in Heroes (and added as a cameo in SADX, she was also in Shadow the Hedgehog, though that didn't come back to mainline series until Avatar sort of reintroduced gun play with Wispon), so it kind of makes sense why Iizuka would consider this as an option.
Though I guess most would prefer Blaze to be reintroduced in another lower budget mobile title, Dream Team had Apple throwing cash at SEGA to make it, which is unlikely to occur for a Sol Dimension revisit game.
There are other possible characters to discuss, but those are more complex.
As for the SABK versions of Silver, and Blaze, while SEGA owns everything about it, since SABK has exclusive publishing rights by Nintendo, they would have to remake it from ground up to rerelease it outside of Nintendo, but also, it is a Storybook spin-off, with AU versions of Silver, and Blaze, so it doesn't really count. Same goes for many, many, Sonic & Mario titles.
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tomb-bloom-noctem · 2 years
Fic writing emoji ask: 🤡 🎶 💞
Thank you!!
Clown Emoji: What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
There's been quite a few even in my angsty glorious piece TA&TA especially with Storkules and Launchpad but I'll pick something a bit more recent. It's a little dumb but this exchange in my Brothers: A Tale of Three Hedgehogs fic, Chapter 3, cracks me up.
Shadow groaned as a knock came to the door once again.
"Leave me the fuck alone Sonic," he growled.
"A-actually it's me, Silver," came the muffled reply from the other side.
"Leave me the fuck alone Silver," Shadow repeated.
Like it's so dumb and silly but I find it so funny, maybe cause I can see Shadow's annoyance in my mind so clearly 😅
Music note emoji: Do you listen to music while you write? What songs have you been playing on loop lately?
Ooooh! Usually yes I play music while writing but I try to stick more with instrumental music since the lyrics can sometimes distract me. Since I'm like, one of the few people in this world who actually pays for Youtube Premium because fuuuuck advertising when I'm trying to watch a giant video essay, anyway- there's a lot of great "radio" stations on there. The one I tend to pull up the most is our queen of lofi, the iconic lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/study to. However I definitely am frequently mixing it up (because the suspected ADHD brain requires Just The Right Kind of stimulation 🙃) so I frequently pull up various video gane soundtracks like Legend of Zelda games, Life is Strange games, The Last of Us games, and Sonic games. I also frequently look up "sonic lofi" where game tracks have been reimagined as lofi which is super fun. Or just. Whatever is the right mood.
Spinning hearts emoji: do you have a comfort character?
LOL definitely. I swear I'm not trying to always project onto main characters but the comfort characters are often main ones. But I'm especially fond of Donald Duck and Sonic. (Hence why a lot of the times when I write them they wind up with my issues 😅)
Thanks for the ask! Sorry it had to go sit in the drafts for a bit!
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zero-is-nebulous · 2 years
I have issue with the way Sega went about silvers character and apparently at one point in the past month I decided to rewrite his entire lore so
(Disclaimer: a lot is changed, this was note taking, and the original future timeline has shifted a LOT)
what if silver was created by eggman to be the ultimate weapon, a NEW take on Shadows construction. A biological lifeform that can channel chaos energy in NEW ways, and absolutely keep order to the eggman empire.
What if, when he was being created, he was left in stasis, forever a prototype with no test schedule. So now there's this incompleted glorified servalence and order organism, and he's got Psychoconesis so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty. He's a hedgehog because that's what shadow was and eggmans still working off of Gerald's ideals, and also isn't that just a KICK in the face to the fallen hero, in the end? He's not immortal. He could never quite figure that out, although his life force is strong in diffrent ways. The formation of telekinetic chaos abilities strengthens his brain, something that he would need to fix. Monitor. He needed him to NOT be as sentient and free thinking as shadow, and so, that sets back the project.
Silver is a passion project, named silver because while eggman is gold, the highest honorary position of leadership, this hedgehog will be his concluded victory. His second in command. Because eggman never was really a fan of dirty work.
Silver, project s. A being that, after the 'first apocalypse' went wrong, was let loose from his prison and introduced to the world. It was an accident. He wasn't finished yet, fixed yet- He grew up in less than a year because, well, he needed to survive. Eggman bots chased him, attempted to capture him, but he'd seen the world around him and the eggmans face plastered on every billboard. He'd seen families in alleyways cry, had mourned their world WITH them as they explained to him its condition.
He knows he was kept there, woken in a faulty crio pod in the wreckage of a collapsing base. Chalkboards with notes and diagrams were brushed over in place of keeping himself alive so he doesn't know much, but his glimpse of the lab gave him an idea.
And then little planet happens, just like it does every 11 months. And eggman attemps to colonise it, just like he did back then. Silver, after realising his abilities, is well on his way to gain some revenge, and some answers if he can help it, too. So he leaves for little planet and finds runes. The time stones, and yes. Time, a way to manage and bring ORDER to this apocalypse. A way to FIX things, once and for all and he knows, then, what he's going to do. He'll bring order. He'll maintain, and he will protect.
He has a run in with the eggman that created him as he gathers the last of the time stones into his quills for safe keeping. Eggman is excited to see him, sending his bots down to grab and contain him. But alas, as the adjustments to silver were incomplete under his care, he had neglected to understand his capability. His raw power, his raw DRIVE, and his undeniable sentience, reminiscent of Shadow himself just as the original scraps of arcs blueprints had detected. And boy was there little to go by, a coded text, kept locked in prison island and only UNCODED after years in his possession.
But, i digress.
Silver learns from eggman that he is imperfect, flawed, that the evil genius isn't FINISHED with him, and Silver is curious. He is a child to the universe and so, he asks questions. He gets few answers but he's smart, for his age, just as robotnic had designed him and so with little information the general image is formed regardless.
Silver then, vows. He vows to stop him, no matter what it takes, and then time stones are flinging silver BACK. Way, way back.
Over timeliness, silver learns of a golden glow that paints the sky in times of absolute distress. Legends, almost, through every year. Its in carvings on angel island, and its proclaimed with statues that flicker in and out of fallen futures. Memorials for their last hopes flame being snuffed out, more bronze than gold under the grit.
And then he meets him, and he is. He's gold, a hedgehog like himself, glowing and warm and smiling as he defeats their foe with a motion lost to his own eyes.
He is silver, and this hero, is Gold. The key to the future. And he was only ever really meant to be loyal to gold.
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infinitethejackal · 2 years
People who make Mephiles a good dude are so boring, I could make him completely repulsive and then erase his memories and make him a amicable guy and then put him through a extreme psychological hell that he cannot find respite from
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shadowiie · 3 years
Vio’s Romance Free Fic Recs 💕🚫
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(art by @louie-mania​)
because finding fanfic on Ao3 that isn’t about romance is unreasonably difficult
also if you’ve got your own recs please please please send them over im begging for more non-romantic content
Elusive - Tirainy
Gen | Sonic & Shadow | Angst with hopeful ending
Sonic thought them to be dreams. Shadow thought them to be hallucinations. In reality, they weren't really either.
[SA2 never happened AU where Shadow, trapped in stasis on the ARK for 50 years, meets Sonic in his dreams.]
we are all walking each other home - Asushunamir (check out their other works too)
Gen | Shadow & Rouge | Hurt/Comfort
In hindsight, it's strange Shadow didn't see this coming. It might have something to do with the brainwashing.
[Set in ShTH, Shadow wakes up tied up to an altar surrounded by Black Arms eggs with a massive headache. Rouge helps him out.]
where will you be, if you can’t find you? - gayemeralds
Gen | Metal Sonic & Sonic | Corruption Angst
Metal Sonic discovers his own true origins, and slips down the dangerous slope of insanity.
[Metal Sonic is Sonic from a bad future like in Sonic CD.]
have the lines in your head first - rockholmes
Gen | Scourge the Hedgehog | Character Study
That being said, Scourge still kind of wishes he could talk to someone about his issues. Y'know, someone who isn't directly responsible for said issues. And someone who isn't going to see him as weak for it. So, pretty much anyone and everyone is out of the question.
[Scourge talks about Zone Jail and how it affected him.]
Sonic the Comic; Night of the WereKitty - JXW_SOC (check out their other works too)
Gen | Super Sonic, Ebony, Pyjamas | Halloween Fluff
To celebrate Halloween, Ebony wanted to go out with a blast. Little did she know she got more then she bargained with...
[StC Ebony gets turned into a WereKitty.]
Code Instability - greenhillsblueskies
Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death (check tags before reading) | Sonic.exe | Reimagining
Two game characters are dead, and Sonic is the cause. Shadow tries to figure out what's wrong with him so he can fix their game, but soon realizes he may be in over his head. A different take on EXE.
Even in This Mild Fever, I Cannot Hesitate - terratrio
Gen | Shadow the Hedgehog | Christmas Fluff
Shadow has a strange way of gift giving. (Written in a day. Today.)
[Shadow goes around giving Christmas presents to everyone.]
Dimensional - SaltwaterJanuary
Gen | Mighty, Ray, and the rest of the Chaotix | Longing
How do you find something when you don't know what you're looking for? Oneshot.
[Mighty and Ray are in the Classic Universe, Vector, Espio, and Charmy are in Prime. They try to remember one another again.]
The Fairy of AIF - Ryntaia
Gen | Bean & Bark | First Meeting
Bean, on the run from the Battle Bird Armada, runs into an interesting local legend that may well lead to a life long partnership. Theoretical ‘how Bean and Bark met’ fic.
A Problem of Paradoxical Proportions - stagemanager, tharkflark1
Gen | Sonic, Shadow, & Silver | Fusion AU
It should have been a routine mission. Run in, trash some robots, throw some banter, and foil whatever evil plot Eggman was hatching. And with Shadow and Silver helping him out, Sonic knew that this was gonna definitely be a piece of cake.
Yeah, NO.
Alluring - AquatiiicColony
Gen | Sonic & Amy | Asexual vs. Siren’s Song
Any angelic tune would be enough to viciously snatch a sailor or pirate from their ship and plunge them into the depths of the treacherous deep blue... but not this pirate. His own fantasies didn’t involve any beauty in his life, as only the thrill of the adventure is enough to keep him satisfied. Who knew that, however, one little taste of danger has gotten him to meet a creature that only existed in fairy tales? He isn’t sure if he should stay pinned to the ship... or to be intrigued by the mystery that lies within this mermaid. (Inspired by the Mermay prompts)
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sciamellis · 7 years
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my bby boy I'm so sorry (but hey at least I'm getting better at drawing him)
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magnetothehedgehog · 3 years
Dimension’s Ridge Announcement!
Hi everyone, With all the rise in Sonic media and the great releases coming up, such as The New sonic game in 2022,the sonic movie 2, sonic prime, and literally anything Idw has been releasing including their new side series “Imposter syndrome”, I am challenged to up my game and release information on my long running project in the works. Especially Since sonic prime and Idw is literally gonna blow out all the spoilers before I do if I don't start releasing stuff first. Since its been happening constantly, I gotta be a step ahead.
So, without further ado, I introduce you to the World of Dimension's Ridge.
Dimensions Ridge is My personal Alternate Universe that seeks to combine all aspects of sonic media. In fact, its super similar to the upcoming Sonic prime, archie and Idw Comics in this regard, with it possibly being a bit more ambitious, or at least equally as ambitious as Idw.
The Series will follow a number of favorite canon and non canon characters alike, but will also their universal counterparts and alternate universe selves.
The Main overarching plot line is that a Existence level Threat is putting everything in jepoardy. This Creature Known as an Existence Eater spreads its influence to a planet by releasing its minions into it, then after enough time, it comes to absorb the planet, thus erasing it from existence entirely, as if it had never been there in the first place. This has been happening for quite a while, until a few people caught onto it. They began leaving messages and warnings to others in a attempt to save them.
Being an existence level threat, this will take the combined effort of every Version of Sonic,Tails,Sally, Eggman and everyone else if they want anything to be left in the multi-verse. This Story is about how they all come together to do just that.
However that is the main plot. The story follows many minor or sub plotlines and stories that all connect and weave into this ultimate narrative. For Stories featuring Sonic and friends, Stories start off in the classic area and work their way into the modern area as the characters develop and mature, so we get to see and live their journey alongside them. For older characters and parents, I wanted them to have a  more staple involvement in the series, even if only at the beginning. Their Adventures as the World slowly slips into chaos can be read in War on Mobius.
While there are Prequels to the beginning of the story, such as the “Rift War.”, the main storylines that kicks off all the other starts is one of my current productions “War on Mobius.”This follows the economical and political collapse following the Recent End of The Rift War and begins the Egg Empire's rise to Power.I would like to mention that The Egg Empire Now consists of the collective versions of Eggman all working together as a family. Egg Fam for short. But we have Great additions such as boom eggman, Ova Eggman, Aosth Eggman, Satam Eggman, Russian Eggman,Eggette, and a few custom additions such as Omelette and Scramble.
Things That happen in War on Mobius will be seen effecting or influencing the states of things in my Classic Era Story “Classic adventures.” and others ones such as “The Freedom Fighters.”
Alongside canon appearances of less known or scrapped characters and designs, such as Tiara and Honey the Cat, Readers can expect appearances of my own characters, both as counterparts to main characters, and also as people who drive the story forward and show interesting and dynamic opinions of their changing world. A few Such ones would be “Tribal Ties” Focusing on the Tribes of Echidnas, Bayblonians and Pangolins Tribes, all of which play a part not only in Mobius history, but also will play a vital part in its future.
After Classic adventures, comes one of my long running claims to fame and a personal favorite of mine from my early script writing days. Zone Runners. This takes place after the Events of Classic adventures and as the world has been influenced by the political unrest in War on Mobius. It follows the Group of People on the East Side of the World as they try to fight back against the Egg Empire, Newly risen Oscillators Group, and The Very lack of Sonic and Freedom Fighter there. This series will also begin unraveling some of the mysteries behind the existence eater and the ultimate narrative. Originally this concept came from the Fleetway comics, and ever since I've been completely inspired to incorporate this into my own series. If anyone was ever on Sonic Amino, they might have seen me post things related to it back in the day.
I also wish to be a more character focused series as a whole, one who focuses on the people collectively as opposed to just Sonic himself. I want it to as if each character us actually a main character and can save the day, and that the day is only won because everyone has done their part, whether powerful or powerless.
To that End, I have many characters stories intertwine, or lead to one another. Some characters will have branching off stories, while others will be closely intertwined, and always interact with each other, regardless of who the story is currently focusing on.
A few I'd like to notable mention is, Shadow's Ark, Silvers Sanctuary, and Heir of Sol. Focusing on the characters Shadow, Silver, And Blaze Respectively.
While I have a lot of other Titles for the stories respectively, I'd just to touch on a few more before I close.
Worlds collide finally answers the question in sonic media about two planets and the dimensional connundrum of sonic rush and sonic 06. While also bringing together multiple characters who were on their own paths, for the collected purpose of setting up how everyone will be needed much later.
Dimension Forces is, a reimagined Version of Sonic Forces, including a whole new team of villains to take on the heroes from our prior stories. I call them: Forever Force. The Main Three Hitters Being the Villains Infinite, Eternity, And Enigma. In this Story we'll get to see Whispers team in action, and also get to see new stories involving Gadget and His Brother Widget, and a host of other rising heroes soldiers and returning cast members.
I also had this Idea that the wisps were able to use their abilities on their own, except in smaller weaker versions then when they had a mobians help.Thus you could call in drill air strikes and other things to help you in battle, and the flew alongside you rather than in containers. I had these idea way long ago, but what do you know Idw beat me to the punch again in rise of the wisps. However I would just like to say before they do it too, that I had the idea of the wisps combining their powers, as if anyone played Sonic simulator, you would know you can actually combine wisp powers. If its the same type, its twice as strong with a bonus effect. If its different, you can combine the strengths of two different powers. Think how eggman used cube with laser in the boss nega wisp armor.
Speaking of Sonic Simulator! Thats another Story I have plans for. Following alongside the events of Sonic colors, Sonic simulator follows the group of hedgehogs abducted from Mobius and sent to eggman's interstellar amusement park as part of an organic experiment to take out sonic. Suggested by The Leader of the Oscillators, These hedgehogs will now have to work together to prove their worth to Eggman and as worthy adversaries of Sonic! But what of their past memories? What will happen if they remember? And if they do, can they escape? Find out! Also its follow up story leads to sonic lost world.
I'd also like to talk about the Idw Verse Mini series I have been working on! Getting Art from the Talented CatRage and getting to voice my Ideas to My Friends as well as My sister, I present my own Miniseries! Mimic's misadventures!
This story takes place between  the events of Idw's Bad guys, and follows mimic's operations and struggles as he tries to complete his missions, and deal with people of similar caliber to himself. Will this mercenary manipulate his way easily out of another situation? Or has the Octopus finally met the one group who will send him back to the ocean? Find out!
Currently, this miniseries has 5 canon issues and one undecided.
1.Ghost Of The North.
2.Into the Spiders Nest
3.Hunt is on
4.Jaws of a Predator
5.Belly of the Beast
undecided: 6.Seaside Escapade.
Currently I am writing the script for Part 1 of Ghost of the North and hope to finish up the Audio drama reading for it soon.
So this is all the stuff I've had in production for the past few years! Along with my co writer Pinky heart.
Please, Please! Reblog or retweet this. It would mean the world to me. Also please! Ask as many questions as you'd like. I'll answer as many as I can, and would love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions, as well as questions and inquires involving the series.
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theflashdriver · 5 years
Silvaze: Fiction and a First
The atmosphere following Iblis' defeat was strangely comforting to Blaze. She knew the monster would return in a few weeks and its flames still dominated the city but as she lay, sprawled across an old couch with a poetry book in hand, those facts found no quarter in her mind. Instead, she found herself whisked away by the words in front of her; thoroughly capable of indulging herself.
Well, the beast's defeat wasn't the only factor contributing to her comfort. The good health of a certain grey hedgehog, lounging atop a beanbag chair just a little out of reach, relieved her to no end. Silver the Hedgehog, her partner in combat and in life. After the battle with Iblis, they'd had more than a few injuries to tend. Both Blaze's shoulder and knee had been injured during the fight but Silver's wounds had been relatively minor. A grazed elbow where he hadn't fully deflected a hurled boulder and a small burn on the right side of his muzzle were really the only ones of note but, of course, she'd tended his wounds as thoroughly as he'd tended hers; despite his protesting over the difference in scale.
Daring to throw him a glance, Blaze was forced to suppress a giggle. He'd thoroughly sunken into his chair, legs crossed in front of him while the rest of his body arched back. His arms were stretched toward the ceiling as he slowly flicked his way through a book. She had no idea how he could find the position comfortable but, for now, she concluded there was no harm in his silliness. After all, she wasn't sat upright either.
As her eyes returned to her book a yawn managed to slip past her lips. They'd, perhaps, made themselves a little too comfortable in their new home. What'd once been a youth centre, a gathering place for teenagers and young adults, had been converted into a two-floor house. The first floor didn't see much use, the street-level was too susceptible to monster attacks, but the second floor had been thoroughly customised. Powerless computers and televisions had been thrown out, quickly being replaced with books and board games. Posters of bygone football teams had been replaced with maps of the world and star atlases, they'd constructed a bed in a snug room with no windows and brought with various additional comforts. Safe to say, she slept more easily here than she had in their prior, ramshackle, homes.
The fact she was wearing pyjamas likely contributed to her sleepy state. She'd chosen them over her usual garb for the sake of comfort, donning a mauve tank top had allowed Silver to easily tend her shoulder and her black shorts kept her injured knee free from chafing. Still, regardless of intent, the usual purpose of these softer clothes was too heavily ingrained; another yawn broke free and tears filled the corners of her eyes. Deciding she'd won enough fights today, Blaze set the book atop her chest (careful to keep her page) and allowed her eyes to close.
For a while she simply lay there, content to drift asleep, but a voice managed to rouse her, "Blaze?"
"Hmm?" She hummed, managing to half acknowledge her partner.
"How much do you know about kissing?"
Blaze's eyes shot open; she raced to sit up, almost sliding from the couch as she did so. His words had granted her a pulse-pounding second wind, her tiredness was fully transmuted to surprise, "Wh-What?!"
Silver, meanwhile, despite what he'd just asked, was still sprawled atop the beanbag; looking at his book rather than daring to face her, "I was just wondering how much you know about kissing because… I don't really get it?"
"Where did you even learn that word?" That was stupid to ask; of course Silver knew what kissing was. He'd surely read about it at some point, "W-Why do you want to know?"
"Oh, it just came up in this book I'm reading?" Silver replied, "I've known about kissing for a while but this story makes it seem a whole lot more important…?"
He finally shifted to sit upright, his quills briefly cascading into his face before being pushed back by a wave of psychic energy. As Blaze caught sight of the book in his hands she felt her blush grow brighter still; all of a sudden she was on her feet, fists clenched as she struggled to keep herself from snatching it. There was no mistaking the book's title, it stood out so clearly against the book's otherwise featureless navy cover. Emblazoned on the front, written in a cursive font, were the words, 'The Cure for a Petrified Heart.' It was a romance novel aimed at teenage girls. A romance novel a certain, fire manipulating, purple, teenaged feline had read several times.
"Where did you find that?! Th-That's a…" She didn't dare finish her sentence, the words 'Romance Novel' weighed much too heavily on her tongue. "You don't read… those. You read history books and books about nature, n-not young adult fiction about "
Blaze knew she was being more than a little hypocritical; after all, she'd only recently started reading romance novels herself. Her first had been The Cure for a Petrified Heart, the very book he now held. She'd mistaken the tome for a poetry book but, having finished her other tomes, she'd decided to give it a go. Blaze wasn't willing to admit how quickly she'd fallen in love with the story, let alone its characters. She'd become immersed in the tale a teenaged hedgehog named Ivory, a girl who spends most of her time studying to appease her restrictive parents, and her burgeoning affection for her best friend, a feline by the name of Star. Of course, the hedgehog's feelings come into conflict with her need to study and soon she's fighting to choose between stargazing with her beloved and doing advanced trigonometry.
"I know it's not what I usually read but I saw you reading it a while ago. Whenever you did, it looked like it was making you really happy, so I figured it was worth reading myself," He must have caught the shock in her eyes, wincing slightly he asked, "Should I not have? You left it on the shelf ages ago and you hadn't marked a page, so I thought you were done with it. If you're not you can have it back, I'm sorry."
Ignoring his query, she couldn't help but ask a question of her own, "How much have you read?"
"I think I'm about halfway through it? Ivory has been hiding up in her room, pretending to be sick and not even going to school, because Star keeps accidentally distracting her in class and her grades have started to slip. Her parents aren't happy about it and neither is she, but she's sure that if she doesn't study on her own things will get worse," Silver expunged and, as he did, Blaze felt her blush grow brighter still, "Star doesn't seem to understand that he's the problem though, judging by the chapter I've almost finished. He made copies of all his notes to give her but, rather than just give them to her parents; he climbed her wall to knock on her bedroom window."
Of all the scenes in the book, Blaze knew that one the best and that truth embarrassed her most of all. She had read and reread that chapter on no fewer than twenty separate occasions; she could recall it from memory, practically word for word.
"He wanted to give her the notes and leave but she took his hand instead, it was raining so she insisted that he stayed for a while. They talked for a bit, she kept looking at his lips and, well, eventually they just… kissed," He concluded, so very bluntly.
That moment was the reason Blaze was embarrassed that he was reading the book. It was during that chapter that the Blaze couldn't help drawing parallels between the studious, serious, hedgehog and herself. Ivory's feline lover on the other hand, contradictory as it was, matched Silver all too well. The character of Star was painfully honest, overly curious, genuine and very naïve indeed; going out of his way for Ivory far more often than he truly should have. Additionally, although Blaze had never lived as a normal girl in a normal house, the concept of Star scaling Ivory's wall to see her could so easily be swapped with Silver floating his way to Blaze's windowsill to stay for a little while. Just long enough for a kiss of course, long enough to sweep her off her feet but not to carry her away; enough to leave her wanting just a little more.
Blaze would never admit, not even to herself, how many times she'd imagined and reimagined that scene.
The only response she could muster were two, quiet, words, "I-I see."
"I've been enjoying it, it's really nice to see what high school was like way back when it existed, but kissing keeps coming up. Ivory kept thinking about him kissing her, she kept considering kissing him and stuff like that. I thought when they actually did it I'd be able to understand why she thought about it so much, but I still don't?" Silver embarrassingly extrapolated, "They built up kissing as this wonderful thing and that it's really special, but isn't it just two people pushing their mouths together? I've read about kissing in encyclopaedias, and kisses have been mentioned in other stories I've read, but it never seemed all that important to me. Ever since I started this book, I can't stop thinking about it."
Blaze tried her hardest to keep her tail under control as those last words slipped free from his lips. Her arms folded across her chest, her ears pinned back and her eyes found themselves magnetically drawn away from his face and toward by a patch of burnt carpet.
"Well, um," She tried her best to think of some brief, yet thorough, explanation but embarrassment forced the truth from her, "It's rather difficult to describe the appeal of kissing."
"I've reread that passage a ton and I just don't get it…" He nodded in agreement, "Kissing is supposed to feel nice, I can tell that much, but, in the book, it's described as feeling like an explosion in your chest? But Ivory also says that it feels soft and sweet and tender, how can it be so many different things?"
"I'm," She nervously swallowed, now pondering on it herself. Thinking back to how she imagined kissing Silver would feel, "N-Not entirely sure."
"And why didn't people kiss more often? If it feels so amazing, wouldn't you want to do it all the time? Wouldn't lots of people just… kiss each other?" He'd asked yet another question, Blaze felt like she had to give some kind of answer this time.
"W-Well, I always thought that it wasn't kissing itself that feels like that, it's the fact you are kissing the right person; that's what makes it feel so wonderful. It's the fact that you're sharing such an intimate moment with someone you care deeply for; the person you care for the most. You're showing them how much you care about them by drawing them in close and exchanging a touch reserved for them and no other. The two of you get to share a moment born of your intimacy, m-made real by your closeness. You couldn't ask just anyone to kiss you and expect it to be wonderful, it has to be that special person. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't matter so you wouldn't get that feeling," The feline felt herself stumbling over her words. Though her understanding of kissing was clearly more developed than his, she, of course, hadn't actually kissed anyone. "At least, I think that's how it's supposed to be…"
"No, I think you're right. I think that makes way more sense than just touching lips and feeling a magic spark or some kind of nice earthquake. It having to be the right person would explain why everyone wasn't kissing all the time..." Silver seemed to pause for a moment, deep in through, "Can we try it?"
What puzzled her most of all was how nonchalant he was being. Had her explanation been that poor? Did he not understand he'd been reading a romance novel? Did he really think it was some kind of historical document, detailing an actual young girl's time at high school? Even then, the book focused so much on Ivory's crush while her schooling was more of a backdrop that occasionally pushed the narrative in an interesting direction. He had to know kisses occurred between loved ones rather than friends, didn't he? Despite how flustered she felt and how her blush was surely showing, he seemed totally unfazed by their situation; not in the least bit bashful about his proposal! Had she not explained this was one of the most intimate acts a pair could perform, reserved for only-
"I care about you more than I care about anyone or anything else, so if kissing works like you said then you're the person I should be kissing," He explained, entirely serious and more than half confident in his hypothesis, "Right?"
It was as though her brain was misfiring, Blaze was left completely speechless. Here he was, asking if he could kiss her and asking her to kiss him. There was zero hesitation in his voice, not an iota of contemplation or a speck of bashfulness. As was ever so common, the hedgehog's heart was on his sleeve and his intentions were much too easily discerned. They cared a lot about each other, the bandages they wore were more than evidence of that, but for him to so bluntly surmise their mutual care still caught her off guard. Not only that, but he truly wanted to try it; he wasn't joking, he wasn't the type to do that, Silver genuinely wanted to try kissing. He wanted to kiss her.
She must have been staring into space for too long because, when he finally broke the silence, concern hung on his voice; "We don't have to if you don't want to Blaze, it's ok-
"N-No I…" Blaze caught herself before she could finish that sentence; she swallowed her stutter and steeled herself, "Get up! You want to do this so we're doing it!"
"Really?!" The smile on his face was overwhelming, Silver bounded to his feet without hesitation but he paused before he could approach any further, "Are you sure? I don't know much about kissing, but the book made it out to be a big deal. A person's first kiss especially, that one's supposed to be really special. "
"I just agreed, didn't I? I'm more than certain, " A realisation dawned upon Blaze, she posed a similar question, "Are you okay with me being your first kiss?"
"Of course I am Blaze! There's no one else I'd even consider, you're really important to me and this is meant to be really important so it only makes sense," He was beaming at her, clearly overexcited, "As long as you're sure, I'm sure. As long as you're okay, I'm okay."
"Just," She felt a warmth she could only describe as bubbling giddiness; it was growing too powerful, "Give me a moment."
Blaze fully turned away from him in an attempt to compose herself, her eyes shut and arms still tightly folded across her chest. A bizarre shudder raked through her; she imagined it was the combined symptom of anticipation and, admittedly, a little bit of fear. Though she'd thought about it, Blaze hadn't anticipated something like this actually happening for years, if it ever did. She'd assumed, at the very least, neither of them would have the will to broach the subject until after Iblis was defeated for good. Furthermore, she'd imagined it'd be her dropping hints and to struggling to gently show interest. This was all just a little too fast, all just a little too sudden. Blaze felt her tail wriggle and writhe, it was as though her embarrassment was attempting to break free of her body and manifest as its own, awkward, entity. Were it not for today's endeavour, had she not fought and drained herself, Blaze was certain that her flames would have sprung forth long ago.
It was only as she reopened her eyes that she noticed he'd shifted. Not only had Silver drawn a few steps closer but his bright yellow eyes were shining down on her, carrying upon them an innocent worry that pierced her heart.
"I'm fine, I said I was… you're so naïve," Blaze caught herself half growling, reflexively puffing herself up in an attempt to look more confident than she actually was. One of her arms fell to her side, her remaining hand still gripping at her elbow. She sighed, trying to relax just a little, "This is all very new to me too and I want to do it right. I'm trying to think how we should… start."
"We could just do it like they did?" Despite her state, he still seemed oblivious to the connotations of their immanent embrace. She couldn't tell if that was for better or worse, "Like Star and Ivory."
The first kiss between Star the Cat and Ivory the Hedgehog, while not as heated as kisses she'd read about in later books, was a rather intimate affair. As she recalled, it remained surface level (that, or anything beyond the lips was left purely to the imagination) but the position they managed and the time spent in lip-lock was a feat in and of itself. To call that moment between them their first kiss would be to put it too lightly, too simply; it was much more than an awkward peck. But it wasn't too much more, she hoped at least.
"L-Like Star and Ivory," Blaze managed to repeat, half reflecting on what she wanted out of this first kiss and half on what she thought was possible, "I don't think that's beyond being possible?"
Having said that, Blaze did realise (now putting herself in Ivory's shoes) she would have to guide him. Even though he knew the hold, she was going to imitate this. Blaze, struggling not to turn away as her embarrassment maximised, reached across with her left hand; fumbling to find his hand only for him to find hers. Their fingers slowly interlocked and, as they did, she gingerly crossed her thumb across his.
"W-Wrap your arm around my waist," With the embarrassment behind her breath, it sounded almost as though she'd commanded him.
Despite her rashness, his arm immediately coiled around her waist. Blaze stumbled forward slightly; her chin had almost met with his chest fur. The gap between their frames was so very small; as her gaze dropped again she saw that her feet were between his. As she felt his right hand come to rest, only her tank top kept his fingers from her hip and his palm from the small of her back.
It was close, but this wasn't quite the complete hold Star and Ivory had shared. After all, Blaze still had one free hand. She wasn't brave enough to sink her fingers into his quills, not yet at least. For now, the less intimate contact would do; she'd have to build up to it.
Another realisation struck, only furthering Blaze's embarrassment. Despite the fact she was leading, despite her telling him what to do and how to kiss her, she was almost half a head shorter than him. The feline wore her heels so often (and she'd been so distracted by her embarrassment) that she'd completely forgotten the difference between their heights. Getting Silver to bend down and kiss her was, somehow, more embarrassing than the alternative. She would have to rise, climbing to her tiptoes in order to kiss him. It wasn't helping that, with so little distance between them, she was on eye level with the lips she'd soon be kissing. Try as she might, she couldn't stop staring.
"Is this okay Blaze? Am I holding you too tight?" He innocently inquired.
"N-No, that's good, I…" Her mouth felt dry all of a sudden, she assumed it was the heat, "We'll also need to tilt our heads, o-otherwise our lips won't meet properly," He blinked at her. Once again, he hadn't fully understood, "Lets both tilt right?"
"Like this?" Without hesitation, Silver tilted his head too far right. His muzzle was pressing against his shoulder, it seemed she would have to take more initiative than simply rising to her tiptoes.
"A little less, more like…" Blaze, without even thinking, reached up and sunk her hand into his quills, thus completing the hold as described in the book and the position they'd often taken in her mind's eye. Lines she'd read about pairs sharing passionate embraces, fingers running through hair and quills alike, quickly rushed to the forefront of her mind. Despite this, the feline couldn't bring herself to remove her hand from his overgrown spines. As she tilted her head to match his, she convinced herself that her hand should stay there. This way she could course-correct if they made a mistake, "There, th-that's perfect."
Innocent, excited, yellow eyes sparkled, but at this distance Blaze managed to spot something interesting. Now, with that promised kiss no more than a few moments away, a pink tinge had gently spread across his cheeks.
"Are you starting to understand? I've been feeling like this ever since you asked about kissing. Warm and nervous and…" Blaze forced herself to continue the explanation, after all; she was supposed to lead this, "Like my heart is exploding."
"I-I," He very almost forgot her hold as he shot up straight, eyes widening at his own stutter. Suddenly, his eyes darted to part from hers; unfortunately, there weren't many other places to look. He managed to half mumble, "I think I am."
"Do you still want to…" She led, once again finding herself unable to finish her sentence. It wasn't that she wanted to stop, in fact now she'd faintly invigorated, but she had to be sure he was comfortable.
Those bright yellow orbs flickered back to her amber ones as he gave as best a nod as he could, "I'm starting to get it, b-but now I want to know what it's actually like."
Silver's blush was creeping further, threatening to scale his ears with each passing moment. Well, at least they were flustered together; to Blaze, that somehow made this all just a little less embarrassing. She didn't have much time to consider that though, the tension between them seemed to be growing thicker by the second. She felt those often-described butterflies in her stomach but, as long as he did too, she knew that was fine. As long as it was mutual, as long as they were on the same wavelength, she knew everything would be okay.
"Alright, I'll lean in and, once I start kissing you, try to make your lips match mine," She instructed, managing to properly hold eye contact for the first time since he'd asked.
The hedgehog's brow furrowed, "What do you mean?"
"Just," She had no idea how to elegantly phrase what she wanted to say, "When I push my lips against yours, you're supposed to push back…? You can use your neck a little but I-I think you're supposed to just use your lips," Clearly still befuddled, Silver started to shape his lips into various (likely useless) forms. Not wanting to add humour to the dangerous concoction of emotions she was feeling, she quickly told him, "W-Watch and feel as I lead, I think the best way to learn is by doing it."
A look of realisation overcame his muzzle, fighting against his blush, "Oh, okay. So this is like practice?"
"If that helps then yes, th-think of it like practice," Blaze wasn't sure what she was saying at this point.
Practice for what? Practice for who? The only person she'd ever considered kissing was Silver and he'd only started to question kissing today, he'd even admitted she was the right person for him to kiss. Did he mean practice for the future? When she'd agreed, did she mean practice for the future? Blaze felt her hands grow sweatier as she contemplated that. She knew that even if Silver couldn't feel her sweat, he'd surely feel the heat that accompanied it. Thankfully, he hadn't mentioned it yet.
Swallowing one last time, she felt her grip grow just a little tighter, "Are you ready?"
"I-I think so?" Once again, caught off-guard by his own stutter, the blush on his cheeks grew a shade warmer. He managed to return her query, "Are you ready?"
"Yes," Blaze half-nodded, there was nothing more to do. The moment was finally upon them, "Close your eyes and stick out your lips, I'll…" Synapses failed to fire as she struggled to give her final instruction. Eventually, she decided to draw upon their reference material, "I-I'll be Ivory, I-I'll lead and you … just do what you can."
For a moment he hesitated, perhaps he thought he'd be taking the hedgehog's position, but he quickly complied; closing his eyes and puckering up. He looked more than a little silly, clearly not sure of what to do with his mouth and his brows were strongly furrowed, but it was rather endearing. Just as neither of them knew what this would feel like, neither of them really knew what they were doing. For whatever reason, that thought relaxed Blaze just a little.
Blaze took a deep breath, squinting incredulously at Silver; expecting reality to, somehow, fall away before their lips could meet. She shifted onto to her tiptoes, maintaining her stare as matched the hedgehog's height. His eyes were shut much too tightly and his shoulders looked much too tense; it was as though he was bracing for a literal explosion rather than a figurative one. Deep within her chest, Blaze felt a fluttering warmth. It was soft and yet, somehow, prickly. It was calming yet exhilarating; soothing yet overwhelming. It was as if her blood had been replaced with crackling energy; fuzzy feelings were flowing throughout her body but her heart couldn't handle the strain. As the distance between them shrank her temperature continued to rise, the feeling was just as contradictory as the books made it out to be. It was too strange to verbalise yet unabashedly wonderful.
Her eyelids grew heavy, her head tilted to mirror his alignment and three stuttered words managed to slip from her mouth. It was a phrase she couldn't help but use whenever these feelings grew just a little too palpable, "Y-You're so naïve…"
Eyes fully shut, Blaze pressed her muzzle against his; their lips met for the very first time. Surprised caused his fingers to tense, his grip around her waist tightened so suddenly that Blaze very almost ended their lip lock there and then; but her own hold on his quills kept them connected. Admittedly, however, a muffled, not unlike a squeak, did push past her lips. She kept hold of the back of his head, trying to make sure that he didn't mistake the sound for some kind of regret. Blaze felt herself almost melt into Silver, despite the strength with which they were surely holding each other; three of their four contact points faded into obscurity while the fourth drew all of her attention.
Electrifying was a word Blaze had never truly understood, electricity belonged to a long lost past, but, finally, she could match a sensation to its definition. Despite the heat and her nervousness, or perhaps even due to it, Blaze was thoroughly enjoying this.
It was only as she began to understand this feeling that it metamorphosed into something even greater. Silver had overcome his surprise and was fighting to return her kiss! She felt him shift in her grasp, contrary to what she'd advised he'd shifted his head and leant in closer still; pressing his mouth into hers. Despite the clumsiness behind his effort, it was more than enough to draw muffled purrs from her throat and send what remained of her senses into disarray. She felt her tail whip wildly and her ears press angle down further; as if urging her to somehow close the distance even further.
This was achieved by tugging his quills, she'd tilted his head just a little more and thus allowed their contact to deepen. His lips pushed against hers, he'd overcome his shock and remembered her advice. The warmth of her face now mingled and matched with that in her chest, culminating in a combined heat the likes of which she'd never felt. It was unlike any flame she could conjure and must have been the antithesis of Iblis' lava. It was like a roaring hearth, a heat that comforted despite its ferocity. Blaze found herself sifting through his quills and felt herself unravel just a little more; giving in to feelings she'd previously quarantined. If it was only going to be this once, this one and only test, she wanted to make the very most of it.
When they finally separated the sound of their panting filled the room and Blaze felt more than a little lightheaded. Were it not for their shared grip, one of them would have surely stumbled. Blaze wasn't sure how long that silence lasted but, equally, she didn't care. She was much too distracted by the lingering warmth on her lips.
"That was incredible, Blaze! I-I think I get it now!" Silver, meanwhile, was recovering in his own way. Trying to reassure her thus reassuring himself. Still, he wasn't wrong, "I-It's even better than the book said!"
With her embarrassment returning to its highest point, Blaze's voice was robbed from her and her eyes returned to that patch of burnt carpet. But, regardless of her capacity to speak, the feline's uncontrollable purrs were most certainly conveying mutuality of his statement.
"Can we do it again?"
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stuff-of-legends · 3 years
Shadow 06-
2026 is right around the corner so Sega should definetely redo Sonic 2006. Shadow had the best storyline so I'd retool it around him. He is a more believable suspect for the Iblis trigger than Sonic. Silver looks less like a dolt for going after him. You could play up the tension because Shadow did threaten the world as a villian once before. People should be skeptical of his attempts at heroism. That's something you could lean into....
Unlike my "Silver Boom" and "Force if Shadow" pitches, this is more of a tweak than a whole reshuffle.
You could keep most of the cast and even the setting, just tweak them around.
For example- Sonic believes in Shadow's innate goodness, Tails is unsure and Knuckles doesn't trust him.
Putting Shadow as the lead won't fix everything. Elise is still gonna be a bland damsel in distress character. But it's worth a shot.
With Elise, I'd just have her be an animal instead of a human. Because humans in Sonic Games always bugged me.
Even Eggman.
Spinballing.tumblr.com had the Soleana citizens be birds so that works ;)
Sonic works as a flat arc protagonist. He doesn't really grow or change. His main role is to bring out the best in others. So having him teach Elise how to fight and be brave seems to be the best option. Having a small section where you play as Elise trying to escape from Eggman's clutches seems to be a good way to spin it.
You could always replace her with an existing character like Sally Acorn.
You could just dump Sally and the Freedom Fighters in Soleana and let that be their game intro.
Blaze also works. You could give Blaze a counterpart in Sonic's dimension. Maybe she isn't as capable as her other counterpart? Or just set the story over there?
Either option works.
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allspark · 6 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, DuckTales, Sonic the Hedgehog, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and much more! All coming your way for September 19th!
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“Silent Option,” Part 1 (of 4)! Following in the bloody footsteps of the smash-hit “Dawn of the Arashikage” story arc, living legend Larry Hama brings us the newest chapter in breakout character Dawn Moreno’s G.I. JOE journey-and her first (un)official mission as a JOE may very well be her last… and nobody will ever know. Because when Agent Helix is involved, the only option is the SILENT OPTION.
•   The return of breakout character Dawn Moreno (Snake Eyes) to the pages of G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero! •   The introduction of Agent Helix to the G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero universe! •   Each over-sized issue includes the 20-page main story by the “Dawn of the Arashikage” superstar creative team of Larry Hama and Netho Diaz, and a four-page backup “Codename: Helix” origin story by Ryan Ferrier (G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero vs. The Six Million Dollar Man) and Kenneth Loh (Dead Rising: Road to Fortune, KISS). •   A great jumping on point for new readers! •   Self-contained canonical mini-series that takes place within the G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero continuity!
Lee Allred, Michael Allred (A/CVR B) Rich Tommaso (A/CVR A) Michael Allred
IDW Publishing proudly presents the rebirth of one the most iconic comic-strip heroes of all time, Dick Tracy! The All-American detective just made the biggest collar of his career, and it only cost him his job! But now the honest cop has packed his bags for “the city by the lake,” and its criminals better watch out! Reimagined for the 21st century through a retro lens by the superstar team of Michael Allred, Lee Allred, Rich Tommaso and Laura Allred, Dick Tracy: Dead or Alive is a lock to be the pop-art event of 2018!
•   Bizarre villains! Crooked cops! Gunfights galore! •   Cover art and co-written by Eisner Award-winning superstar Michael Allred (Madman, iZombie, Silver Surfer, Batman ’66)! •   Illustrated by Rich Tommaso (Spy Seal, Dry County) with Michael Allred inks! •   Each issue features a “mug shot” alternate cover by Rich Tommaso! •   Ask your retailer about the “coloring book” variant cover by Michael Allred! •   Ask your retailer about the ultra-rare Mike Oeming variant cover!
Steve Behling (A) Gianfranco Florio (CVR A) Giuseppe Fontana (CVR B) Marco Ghiglione
Gladstone Gander takes Donald’s place on Scrooge’s next adventure! Will he prove to be a good luck charm? Plus: Scrooge and the kids meet Huge McDuck, another billionaire who claims to be a long lost relative! But can he be trusted?
J. M. DeMatteis (A/CVR A) Mike Cavallaro
Join 17-year-old Number Horowitz as she and her team board a cosmic train called the Non-Local Express, riding across the quantum sea and into the Infinite Spiral that leads to other worlds, new dimensions, parallel universes and through time itself.  Impossible, Incorporated is the tale of a teenage girl with extraordinary abilities, seeking the truth about the universe-and her own mysterious past!
•   Written by Eisner-winner J.M. DeMatteis (JLA, The Amazing Spider-Man) •   With art by Mike Cavallaro (Ben 10 Omniverse, Cartoon Network Action Pack)!
Ian Flynn (A/CVR B) Tracy Yardley (CVR A) Lamar Wells
“The Battle for Angel Island,” Part 1. One of the greatest threats Sonic has ever faced descends upon Angel Island, home of the mystical Master Emerald, seeking to take the Emerald’s power and control the world. Can Sonic and his friends stop the attack on the island-or is it already too late?
•   Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Tangle, Whisper, Shadow… Everyone’s in this issue! •   It’s all been building to this!
Gabriel Rodriguez (A/CVR A & B) Gabriel Rodriguez
War! It all ends here with the climatic conclusion to an epic two-issue battle! Will Avalon and her companions emerge victorious against the combined might of the Red Clan and the Templar Order? Do our heroes have what it takes to prevail?
Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (A/CVR A) Dave Wachter (CVR B) Kevin Eastman
“Battle Lines,” Part 1 of 3! The maniacal Bishop has his eyes set on destroying the Utroms and the Triceratons once and for all. The Turtles will have to use all of their resources to stop him… but new divisions between the brothers threaten to ruin the plan before it begins!
•   The start of a pivotal new story arc!
Carol McGreal, Pat McGreal (A) Giorgio Cavazzano (CVR A) Andrea Freccero (CVR B) Corrado Mastantuono
“The Case of the Saucer Impostor!” O.K. Quack’s coin-shaped spaceship can shrink to the size of a real coin-and since Scrooge McDuck spent it and lost it, he’s forced to help Humphrey Gokart, ace detective, find it!
It’s the stuff dreams are made of! Meet Humphrey Gokart, Disney’s infamous duck detective-beloved in comics around the world, with master artist Giorgi Cavazzano at his service!
•   Continues this beloved series’ legacy numbering at #444!
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IDW Comics Shipping List for September 19th! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like…
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