cry-ptidd · 1 year
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who hurt his feelings >:(
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dramat-ique · 2 years
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Bart and Tim. They’re talking about their feelings <3 losers
Or we’ll mostly Bart is. Idk mostly I was thinking about a few instances in comics I’ve been reading where Bart’s feelings aren’t treated very seriously and I liked the idea of him getting to talk about his feelings <3
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light of my life tbh✨
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slavicafire · 23 days
I was so worried about the possible opinions on my haircut but literally zero of my friends noticed when meeting me. good
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seasilenxe · 4 months
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avatoh · 5 months
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Idk what it is about GTARP, but its the perfect lowkey drawing background noise/ podcast
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
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Lashton @ Take My Hand Uncasville - 8 July 2022
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liliallowed · 7 months
it's usually the nice guy's that are fucking evil.
I'm going to punch player.
in the fucking face
as reader.
which is concerning cuz I'm technically both...
look, lemme play with my dolls and be happy.
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bugsbenefit · 7 months
it's admittedly really funny to see the primary content of st day be miniature builds of sets or edits of the show (aside from the play teaser they dropped first thing in the morning). it's expected obviously, but still really interesting to see in comparison to how they usually get to market the show with bts or actor interviews. I really hope some investors are seeing the drop in engagement to previous years because if the studios had resolved the strikes before they happened and were reasonable earlier, they could have been months into s5 production and could have sold out today
like this st day could have been such a pull for the show from a marketing perspective if they were 5+ months into filming the final season. they could have had so much bts and things they could hint and tease at. because even if they started filming by next month, the next st day is a whole year off and by then they're already so close to/in the actual s5 marketing campaign that it won't serve as a "keep the fandom engaged" event anymore the same way it would now. from a logistical pov they could have used today as a such a good pull through day but because of studio greed they fumbled their major opportunity and all they can present is a teaser for the play 99% of their audience won't be able to watch in person and arts and crafts, maybe a second episode title if they're generous/scrambling for crumbs. like it's dire out there
and st is obviously not the only show where it's already super evident how the strike is negatively impacting marketing, but I think its one of the biggest promo events targeted at fandom engagement that's this obviously struggling. yeah sure, its just a matter of time until investors and the studios have to face that "waiting it out" doesn't work, the same way it didn't for the writers. but it IS quite satisfying to see the strike actually be so obvious today
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snapeysister · 2 years
When you look for pictures from your favourite actor's youth, and the ones you find make your heart melt...😍🥰🤩😳🤤
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 3 months
Lisa Frankenstein was crazy (in a good way) and funny!!!!!! And Lisa Wardrobe....Wonderful.
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I think that anyone who really likes Holiday Star should go watch Princess Tutu.
I mean, I kind of think that everyone should watch Princess Tutu, but PARTICULARLY Holiday Star enjoyers. If the second half of Holiday Star is your favourite part of the series, you should do yourself a favour and watch Princess Tutu. This is my big recommendation to you.
It has the storybook aesthetic down to a fine art, and it evokes the EXACT same sort of dreamy, watercoloured, it's beautiful but something is terribly wrong here feeling that the Holiday Star has. It's surreal. It's dreamlike. It's beautiful. It's constantly paying homage to fairy tales. The art is just DRIPPING with charm in the exact same way the backgrounds of the Holiday Star does. These two LOOK the same. I feel like you could superimpose Princess Tutu characters onto the Holiday Star backgrounds and it would look like they belong there.
Also, if you enjoy stories that are sort of cyclical "Everyone's fate was set from the beginning" they were dead from the start, even if they weren't really, and we're all just orbiting this one sad, doomed boy, swirling around and around in an ever deeper spiral, the way Hatoful Boyfriend often is, then Princess Tutu does that BEAUTIFULLY, AND it actually has closure and an end to this cycle.
If you like "This one guy's real fucked up, and now we have to run around in a terrible landscape made from his own twisted aching heart depicted as a picturesque storybook landscape with Something Wrong With It" then you'll love Princess Tutu because it is ALSO that.
And finally, if you're a fan of stories that are like "The Narrative is alive and it's COMING FOR YOU!!" Princess Tutu is the best non-video game example of that kind of thing that I have ever seen. It's AMAZING. The whole like... The forces of the narrative are felt by the characters within it, and they are at war with the nature of being a fictional character in a story that has already been written. That. It's so, so fucking good you guys idk why No One watches this show.
It's also a bird themed magical girl show. I probably should have mentioned sooner that a significant portion of the cast are birds, but yeah, a significant portion of the cast are birds. It's a magical girl show, and the theme of the magical girls is that they're like, different birds. Depending on how you define "bird" and "character" we have as many as like five or six major characters who are birds at least sometimes. If your definition of "bird" and "character" is super limited, we still have at least two that are definitely, absolutely actual birds.
Anyway, this has been my Princess Tutu propaganda. You should watch it, it's a good show.
It's available on Amazon Prime (free with subscription). It used to be on Netflix and Crunchyroll too, but I'm pretty sure it's been removed from both (rip) but tbh I feel so strongly about this that I'd literally stream it for anyone interested and have a little watch party.
If you need more convincing, here's some screencaps
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It's so pretty and dreamlike and watercolour flavoured....
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timoswerner · 10 months
has michail antonio ever considered just shutting up and not talking about richarlison
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dee-g · 1 year
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i make goofy fanarts for goofy water wizard game so i guess it shouldn't be wrong for me to post my avatar
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unsureofu · 1 year
I have a (new) job that I really truly deeply never ever thought I would be qualified for or get, and even then, I thought it would take so much longer to be where I am now. And it’s not my final goal, no, but it’s a step along the way that I’m very happy to sit in for a while
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I'm re-watching Adventure Time in order as an adult now, after being OBSESSED with it as a kid and as a tween (but i only watched by cartoon network live on tv so i missed a lot of episodes and watched pretty much all out of order and i think only until like season 5 or something) , so I'm currently at s06E07 "Food Chain" my god what an excellent episode if you don't recognize it or haven't watched it i highly recommend it i don't think it's particularly lore relevant either so I think you can watch it without worrying about spoilers too if you intend to watch it in order at some point.
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need i say more
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