bird-in-a-fish-cage · 11 months
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kjs-s · 5 years
Scrapper to hero
Fandoms Marvel and Star Trek AOS
Pairing Brunnhilde|Vlakyrie x reader
Summary During a bounty hunting job gone bad Valkyrie and the reader encounter the Enterprise
Words 1730
Warnings mention of injury and fighting
A/N This is my first entry for @locke-writes cinema rewrite challenge. I hope you like it. I haven’t actually watched either movies I used the plot and script from the 2009 Star Trek. I Just finished my second entry and i wil post it next week.
I tried to not make the reader female or male. Hope i achieved that. 
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‘’If he is not here I suggest we just leave. We have been searching all over Saturn for the last few days. I am exhausted. Not to mention the information about him traveling to Titan was sketchy at best. Who knows if the officer who told us that wasn’t working with him? Maybe we agree that he is not worth it.’’ You asked your girlfriend knowing that she would argue with you. However, you still had a faint change that she was frustrated with the alien you were looking for as well.
‘’No way (Y/N), the bounty on him is worth losing some sleep. It’s so high that I believe this could only mean he is an extremely dangerous criminal. Why else would the federation offer so many units to whoever captures him?’’ The alien you were chasing didn’t seem as threatening as Brunnhilde was making him out to be. Then again, the bounty money suggested otherwise.
‘’I wish you are right Brunnhilde. Otherwise, we just missed our anniversary dinner for nothing. And I was planning something special for us.’’ She knew immediately that you were just disappointed by the change of plans and not at her. She loved you and had every intention to refuse to hunt a bounty so you could spend time together. She had told you this one was for the money although she didn’t mention that she wanted it to be able to get you a present.
Before she could apologize for ruining your dinner plans, you spotted the target. He was trying to escape from someone else and failed to notice the two of you. As soon as you saw him, you pointed a gun at him and ran.
After losing you in the crown for a while, Brunnhilde turned on her communication to contact you. She hoped you would be fine but needed to make sure the target hadn’t hurt you in any way. Having following the signal from the tracker, she had given you last year for your birthday; she froze when you screamed out in pain.
‘’I hate shapeshifters.’’ You yelled out while struggling to stop the blood running from a wound on your left calf. Your knee was bruised as well except the pain wasn’t that bad due to the adrenaline.
‘’What happened? Did the target hit you? Where is he? I will make him regret touching and hurting you.’’ She looked around only to find nothing.
‘’There’s no point. Apparently, the reason he is so valuable is that he can change forms. I lost him for just a moment when I almost tripped on a vendor’s cart. I asked a little girl if she had seen something. She pulled out a knife and stabbed my leg. I was so confused but she turned back into our target after fleeing. However, that doesn’t matter. I need help with this.’’
You managed to stand up and let Brunnhilde wrap a piece of cloth from her sleeve. She suggested carrying you back to your ship. The idea sounded good up until you remembered that there were no medical supplied on board. And that carrying both you and or your guns will definitely be exhausting.
‘’We need to locate a ship. Hopefully, they would have a doctor or at least some bandages to treat you. Does anything else hurt?’’
‘’My knee, however, I can cope with it. Thanks for supporting me while having all the guns.’’ You paused and focused on a sight you never expected to witness. A large saucer-shaped ship flew above you and into the cloud surrounding the moon. Nobody else around you paid it any attention except you knew exactly which ship this was. Being a fan of the federation’s space program from an early age, you always dreamed of visiting the enterprise one day. One of your aunts used to work there before she retired and her stories about their mission was a daily entertainment in your household growing up.
Brunnhilde was planning a way to search for a ship in order to steal the medical supplies you needed while you were daydreaming about your passion.
‘’There is no need to steal anything. Did you spot the ship that flew above us earlier? It was the enterprise, the best vessel the federation owns. I bet they will have everything I need, including a doctor. I have heard a lot about the crew of the ship and if the captain is the one my aunt knew while she was working there, I know they will help us.’’ Your confidence assured your girlfriend about seeking help from them.
Approaching the ship made it obvious that they were hiding from someone. You couldn’t tell how many people there were on board, although Brunnhilde commented about hearing arguments. Her faith in your judgment faded with every passing moment.
‘’Don’t move. State your names and your business here.’’ A security guard questioned you. After explaining the situation and determined you are not a threat, he walked you to the bridge.
‘’Welcome to the enterprise. I am captain Kirk, my officer informed of your issue and you have nothing to worry about. I already alerted the med bay and they are waiting for you.’’ Both of you were surprised at the captain’s hospitality and that he asked you nothing about the guns. Being bounty hunters was never addressed so he would have every right to not trust you or think of you as thieves.
‘’Thank you, captain. My partner needs the help of your doctor and we are grateful for your assistance. We were after an extremely dangerous individual and we will be out of your way in no time.’’
‘’There’s no need to rush their treatment. They could have a serious injury that would prevent you from your bounty hunting. However, I will alert doctor McCoy to take care of them as fast as he can.’’ He noticed your surprise and informed you that the security guards mention your profession. He also had made sure to familiarize himself with bounty hunters and their tactics just in case he might need to use them.
Brunnhilde escorted you to the med bay and stayed with you until a very attentive nurse had to ask her to leave. She passed the captain and overheard him talking about waiting for a ship to cross their path. Having heard of the name before she offered to aid the enterprise with their mission.
‘’I can’t ask that of you. Having my first officer risking everything to stop the distraction of Earth is already too much.’’ Kirk was feeling so stressed to protect everyone and having two more people on the ship was added pressure.
‘’I used to be a Valkyrie before becoming a scrapper. Whatever threat you are facing, I can handle this. In addition, my weapons are nearly as powerful as yours are.’’
‘’I think she should come with us. Neither of us is as skilled fighters as a former Valkyrie even despite me being trained in martial arts. Fighting is what they are known for.’’ Spock showed his admiration to the warrior and they entered the transporter room.
‘’ Transporter room. We are in position above Titan’’ An announcement was heard and Brunnhilde felt confident that she can help the team and return the favor. She had no idea what their mission was before the captain showed her a hologram of the person they were trying to rescue. He was the one you were saying would let them both in since he knew your aunt.
‘’Whatever happens Mr. Sulu, if you think you have the tactical advantage you fire on that ship even if we're still on board. That's an order. Otherwise, we'll contact the Enterprise when we're ready to be beamed back.’’ Kirk thanked both Spock and Brunnhilde for following him.
‘’If there’s any common sense in the design of the enemy's ship I should be putting you somewhere in the cargo bay, shouldn't be a soul in sight.’’ As soon as hearing that, they indeed found themselves where they expected on board the Narada. However, they encountered six guards working on cargo consoles.
They all seemed surprised at the intrusion but Brunnhilde led the attack on the crew. Once everyone was apprehended, Kirk ordered the others to destroy the black hole drill while he would search for captain Pike and deal with Nero.
‘’We have to find a way to destroy the drill but I can’t see any way. Maybe we can borrow another ship and make it collide with this one. That way both the ship and the drill will be consumed by the dark hole.’’
‘’I love your idea. I suggest we borrow mine. If we can have someone of your teammates set my ship on course to collide with this one, we can calculate when we can beam back.’’
Before setting the plan in motion, Brunnhilde talked to the captain to make sure he was ok with their plan. Luckily, he has rescued his mentor and agreed with everything. He even tried to offer his enemy a chance to escape which he refused.
Back to the enterprise, you woke up only to hear everyone being frantic around you. You saw captain Pike being treated and you asked whomever you could find about what happened. Brunnhilde explained everything to you including how she sacrificed your vehicle.
‘’I’m sure it was worth it. The nurse informed me that I would need at least two weeks to have a full recovery. I am afraid I won’t be able to follow you to work.’’
‘’It will be fine. Besides the new captain of this ship offered us both a job. There are rumors about Pike being promoted after everything and Kirk seemed impressed by both my skills and what I told him about you. Therefore, we can both stay here on one condition. We will have to complete the academy’s training program.’’ You were thrilled about it because you always hoped you would have the opportunity. In addition, experiencing it with your girlfriend would be the best time of your life. Not included the ceremony for the promotion, in which the federation awarded Brunnhilde with a medal of valor for her part in the operation.
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