lightwanders · 4 years
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I finally finished my icons so here’s an official starter call! Mutuals hit that ♥ for a starter, multis specify the muse, etc etc. I may message to plot and length will vary. No cap for now!
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spiritmaiden23 · 4 years
hey this is a callout for tumblr @volcania / @wiindful they used red life force and upon reading that shocked me my life has never learned peace again, snakes started manifesting in my house physically 
omg but y’all pls don’t think this a legit call out BUT I AM MAD™
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uniforced · 4 years
I don’t know how the Grand Army of the Republic works and at this point I’m Too Afraid To Ask
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secondsister-a · 4 years
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It’s almost the weekend which means I’ll have time to be here and write! Give this post a ♥ if you’d like a starter! Mutuals only, multi’s specify the muse, etc! 
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doesmuch-blog · 6 years
im goin to bed coz uhhhhh 2am but sfhfg before i forget --- i drew Boyfs today uwuwuwuwu
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nny11writes · 4 years
(1/2)So I read the entirety of your Close But No Cigar series for the better part of the last few days and staying up until 4am and I feel like reading it for a second time already. It's so detailed and well written and it made me fall in love with every single character in that story. I grew to love Yoda only for you to rip my heart out in the 'wrong jedi' chapter when she saw him leaving the room. I went through so many emotions reading it and I'm so grateful to you for sharing this story.
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Okay FIRST OF ALL, you just made me literally cry and I had to walk away from my computer to process b/c I’ve been having a bad few months, and this was amazing. So, fun story time. I was unemployed and my depression and anxiety were MAXED out. I realized that I’d stopped having personal hobbies of any kind, and decided to try and get back into writing after about three years of not typing a single word. I hated all of it. Everything I wrote was “bad” and I didn’t want to share any of it with anyone. Then I got a reminder of NaNoWriMo and decided to try and go for it to build a writing habit back up. What came out was a hot jumbled mess in a tone I’d never written in before, and for some reason it included Ahsoka being Yoda’s Padawan. And I didn’t meet my goal, and I didn’t write the story I wanted to, and I thought it was the Worst Thing I’d Ever Written. But I kept going back to it every week. Thinking about it more, daydreaming about it more, actually planning out a plot for the story, and eventually even doing the unthinkable. I continued to work on a WiP I’d abandoned on my drive. And I still hated it. It felt so stiff and strange and off. Until one day it suddenly all clicked and I went, “Oh…wait, wait a second. This could work. What?” It was 6 months after I’d started writing it and I was harassing my best friend to read and help me with the fic. He come back with oodles of notes for things I could try or do or fix tucked in between the majority of his squeeing. And I still didn’t think anyone would like it. I resigned myself to the fact that while I was more excited, I’d probably get like 5 people MAYBE who liked the story and read it. I am so very grateful that I was so very, very wrong. I wanted to put that out there first to try and lay out how much getting this was an amazing heart punch. That the “weirdly too detailed” details and “this is not the plot why are we here” side stories and B plots and “I better just own this OOC characterization” characterization….they’re all things someone enjoyed so much that they stayed up until 4AM just slamming the content back while losing all sense of time and space. Things I hoped would shine through like Ahsoka’s ever growing family bonds being deep but also silly, getting mentioned in this? Imma die. For you. Like, if you ever need someone to die for you, call me first. Name a time and place I will be there! My weird Force visions that I worried about being too jumbled and hard to follow being loved, and the tight nit lineage feels being lauded. Like, dude, I can’t express how much I wish I could give you a hug right now, except that I would probably start crying and get snot on you and I think we’re probably both good to not go there. :p And then I turn into a little demon because-
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Tearing it all apart at the seams was way more fun that I’d expected it to be, and having someone read it all and go, “Excuse me. The execution is a dreadful masterpiece, Ahsoka’s shock built this anticipation, and then you ripped my heart out. Thanks!” 
Have I mentioned yet that I love you? Because I love you. Hi! 
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The VERY LONG WINDED point I’m building to here is: Thank you for writing me. 
Not just because I crave the same sweet, sweet validation that every author does. But also because this is a story that came from a bad place for me, and grew into something wonderful and meaningful to me. And especially after having a kinda hellish time on and off recently, getting to see someone just enthralled with this fic in particular, well, like I said at the start I legit had to have a lay down because I was crying and felt so good. I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed this series! And I’m very grateful for the amazing feedback you provided! I know I’m fond of saying it, but seriously, I feel The Force validated in this Chili's tonight. So Thank You!
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kadywicker · 7 years
spoilery pros/cons list under the cut!
cons first
my biggest issue w/this movie was finn and poes plots. while they do get abt the same amount of screentime as rey smth just feels... very empty. poes plot is esp ooc and finns just... idk how to describe it other than empty? it left a lot to be desired 
the humor was weird??? like? sw is humorous yes but... it was very different. not in a good way. like yeah i snorted with the whole “i’m holding for hux” thing from poe bc i hate hux and that was a big mood but it felt very off for the film/universe. as did luke throwing the lightsaber. and some other moments i dont rlly remember
kylo ren shirtless scene was literally awful and as a lesbian i wanted to kms
holdo was??? so fuckin pointless oh my fuck literally every time she was on screen i just literally did not care
yoda being there what the fuc gk
kylo being a fucking dumbass and not wondering how luke got a lightsaber when he literally just broke the thing in half but ig it’s p in character for kylo ren to not think for once in his life
the times that finn/poe were put in harmful situations played for laughs. like.... yes, the same happened to rey too but it has much different vibes when its moc being targeted. intentional or not it was a bad call and just made me incredibly uncomfortable
paige dying :(
pros !
shockingly bc i think im the first person to say this, luke’s characterization. the main complaints have been: a) regretted not killing vader b) considered/tried to kill kylo c) too cynical. now as someone whos a certified Luke Stan im gonna debunk these bc every one of those is down to misinterpretation or misquoting of scenes. a) he never said he regretted saving his father. in fact, he still has his kyber crystal from his saber hanging on a necklace in his hut. the conversation went like this. “the jedi have done awful things etc etc they created vader” “and you saved him” luke is not the one listing saving him as a mistake of the jedi. it’s rey countering that luke saving him was smth good the jedi did. and luke DOESN’T disagree. his only argument is that he regrets that it made him a “legend” which in turn lead to him being blinded to how dark kylo had gotten. which is honestly perfectly in character for luke. only he would feel bad for smth like that and beat himself up over it bc as usual hes a sunshine boy b) also didnt happen. when we see the scene from kylos pov, he mistells rey the story to make it seem like luke was some evil vengeful master. nope. he literally ignited his lightsaber for like 2 seconds bc he saw how many ppl kylo was going to kill before he realized what he was doing and went to turn off his saber but kylo had already seen. it’s also made clear later that while hes sorry abt what happened (which, cmon, this is luke. him feeling bad abt shit isnt an indication that its villainized. he apologized to an alien that didnt like him in anh) that he knows he was right and that kylo doesnt have good in him anymore. kylo was still the one who destroyed the order. rey was never mad at luke for trying to kill kylo simply for the sake that she felt “bad” for kylo. she was pissed that, from the distorted version kylo showed her, it seemed as if he’d “created” kylo who’d killed so many ppl.  c) okay yes hes cynical. but he doesnt stay that way. look. what have we seen from luke in the ot? we’ve seen him feel guilty over goddamn everything always and try and be a self sacrificing dumbass every second bc of that (i mean this in a very fond way i love my son). so when he blames himself for this shit, he tries to hide himself away so he doesnt fuck things up. we cant forget that while luke was a softhearted, emotional hero, he also had a lot of moments where he was cynical or annoyed (all of anh, dagobah, points in rotj). still, he overcomes that and realizes that he CAN still help and that the jedi are still needed. he talks about hope and is his same sweet self to leia and everyone else in the resistance. he also does have his sweet moments with rey.
moving on tho. holy shit the blatant parallels they drew with luke & leia and rey & kylo more than ever convinced me that they’re either siblings or cousins. him leading her into an answer of her parents being nobodies when shes already told him thats her biggest fear definitely isnt a concrete answer. like. they literally create the same scenes between rey & kylo and luke & leia. the weird ass hand scene thats been floating around also happens between luke and leia via the force. luke and leia communicate via the force more than once in the same way rey and kylo do. rey leaves in nearly the exact same manner to go to kylo as luke did when leaving dagobah to save leia. rey and leia also feel luke die via the force and they both see him in the same way rey & kylo and luke & leia have been seeing each other. if this were just a bond by snoke, that bond wouldnt exist between rey & luke & leia as well. i’m just saying y’all. luke was told his entire life growing up that his parents were nobodies and it’s stated outright in anh and yet look @ where we are now lads
rose was such a sweetie?? i didn’t love her introduction for reasons i’m sure youve all read by now but the rest of the movie she was a rlly good character and that hope sw is always about.
finn is called a hero who knows right from wrong and fights for whats right. finn is also given so many hero moments in the movie that got everyone in the theater cheering. he kills phasma. also, although dj does try and sell the whole “the rebels are just as bad as the first order” bullshit, finn calls him on it and fully proves just how bullshit that is. it’s definitely not the message of the movie.
finn and reys reunion oh gm yg od. that was so SWEET. she buried her face in his neck and he nuzzled her hair and they were both smiling and clinging to each other it was real blessed. rey also keeps asking abt finn and finn keeps asking abt her and honestly i feel god in this chilis tonight
the only good thing kyle did in this movie was force throw hux against a wall and knock him out bc hes annoying and i might hate kyle but god what a big goddamn mood
kylos irredeemable and stated to be so by the end and u kno what? thank fucking god
yes luke dying sucked and as a luke stan im gonna live in denial forever but if theres any way luke skywalker would go out itd be sacrificing himself for everyone he loves so 
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lightwanders · 4 years
Dave Filoni: Ahsoka’s got a sort of Gandalf vibe Me, knowing nothing about LotR: Alright we’re gonna lean into that
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lightwanders · 4 years
“It’s a battle tactic invented by his former Padawan apprentice. A warship turns its hangar bay away from its attacker and launches its fighters unseen. They stay in the ship’s visual shadow while they form up and accelerate to attack speed. Then they come around their ship from all sides, attacking the enemy from every direction...Anakin told me a marg sabl is a type of Togrutian flower that opens its petals in a sunburst shape every morning.”
I just think it’s neat Ahsoka invented a battle tactic that’s so effective it went on to be used by Anakin and Thrawn multiple times. 
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secondsister-a · 4 years
AU Where Vader gets pissed at the Grand Inquisitor and makes him use this desk
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lightwanders · 4 years
Thank you so much to everyone who followed me so far!!! I’m still slowly working on editing icons omg I have so many but as soon as I have a healthy mix of the all the seasons + rebels I’ll post a proper starter call. But my IM’s are open if anyone would like to get a jump on plotting ♥
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lightwanders · 4 years
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𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 to an independent, selective, mutuals only blog for 𝙰𝙷𝚂𝙾𝙺𝙰 𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙾 of Star Wars, written by 𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙇𝘽𝙔. Interpretation is drawn from the The Clone Wars, Rebels, The Mandalorian, and my own headcanons. Typical RP etiquette applies; see my rules for more detailed information. I work full time during the week with most of my activity during the weekends, but my IM’s are always open for plotting and chatting! Discord available upon request for mutuals. Important links below
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𝙲𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙳: Rules and about can be found here, as well as information on verses and mains.  
𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙳𝙲𝙰𝙽𝙾𝙽𝚂: Information relevant to my portrayal.
𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙼𝙾: Please consider reblogging!  
𝙼𝙴𝙼𝙴𝚂: Always accepting sentence starters
𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽𝚂: Free for any mutuals to reblog
𝙼𝚄𝚂𝙴 𝚂𝙸𝙳𝙴-𝙱𝙻𝙾𝙶: @walkedlight​
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uniforced · 4 years
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If u see me answering drafts that are months old, know that I know this, and I also wish I wasn’t like this,
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secondsister-a · 4 years
Who is committed to making a High Republic verse when all the material drops in January?
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secondsister-a · 5 years
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I love that Trilla holds the opinion no self-respecting Jedi would EVER pull a blaster --- so much so, that when one does she assumes ( CORRECTLY ) that they’re an impostor. It’s a combination of Jedi honor -- the need to meet one’s foe face to face, blade to blade --- and arrogance, as such a weapon is so beneath them. 
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It somehow makes this exchange all that more amusing because 1 ) Can her opinion of Cere fall any lower at this point? 2 ) They both know Cere isn’t going to hit her. If anything, it’s an expression of opinions. Cere going “I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS” and Trilla batting the bolts back like “DID YOU REALLY, THOUGH?”
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secondsister-a · 4 years
Y’all are NOT ready to see the theme commission I just got
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