honeykngdom · 1 year
the caretaker | iruka umino
Pairing: Iruka Umino x 19+f!reader Synopsis: It's particularly rainy that Sunday morning. You have places to be, and the rain certainly wasn't going to stop you - a pothole in the road might, however. How embarrassing, now you're late and wet. Oh, God, please tell me you didn't see that? WC: N/A - nothing but fluff. Word Count: 5.5k A/N: tbh I fell in love with the idea of iruka being soft and taking care of me, so I decided to write something to fulfil my own need since I couldn't find anything to scratch that itch. Reader is a Sarutobi bc the plot required it. If you liked reading my work, please know my requests are open & I offer taglists for new content I post! :)
Read part two here!
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It was raining outside. Under any other circumstance, Iruka wouldn’t have minded. Except that it was cold, and wet, and it was Halloween. And normally, Iruka didn’t have arrangements for Halloween, so the terrible forecast wouldn’t have been a concern – except that he did this year, and the rain was impeding on those particular plans. 
For the last two years, Halloween landed on a school day. For the most part, he was bogged down with lending an additional hand after class. In prior years, he didn’t bother to celebrate the holiday simply because he hadn’t had the time. It appeared that wasn’t a sufficient answer for Master Jiraiya. 
The Sannin arrived in town just the night prior after a gruelling month of training with Naruto; he was dining at Ichiraku’s with Kakashi and Asuma. They feasted on ramen while Iruka listened to the tales of their various training. He was always impressed as a teacher of the Academy to listen to the growth and strength that students of his past accomplished in their own personal endeavours. Especially with Naruto. The boy was an enigma, Iruka decided, one he was keen on rooting for. 
But no amount of compliments to Jiraiya and his masterful work with Naruto could spare Iruka from the dreaded conversation; what was going on for the holiday in the village? Iruka all but hung his head in his ramen bowl as the conversation around him ensued. It was unsurprising that Kakashi knew the goings-on of celebrations within the village; the man knew everything about everyone, for the most part. Asuma, not unlike Iruka, also didn’t typically partake in the festivities, but appeared rather intrigued at the prospect of joining his fellow comrades in a night of fun. 
Iruka tried to avoid it; he was busy grading, preparing next week's lessons, and watering his plants – to no avail. Jiraiya all but insisted that Iruka join them for the evening. No if, ands, or buts about it. This brought Iruka to his current predicament. Not only did he have plans for the evening, it was also pouring with rain. 
He watched the puddles from his perch on his small balcony attached to his second story apartment. The streets were painted a dark grey from the moisture, curbsides overflowing with an ongoing stream that seemed to come from and go nowhere in particular. The tea in his hand was far from serving its purpose of keeping him warm, which was a pity, given it was the last of his favourite herbal blend. Iruka signed petulantly, circling the remainder of the cup's contents in a slow motion.
When he heard the yelp, he nearly leaped from where he stood to the sound. Looking up to search the street once again, he noticed the laying figure of a young woman. From the way her wicker basket sat several feet away from her, Iruka determined she must have fallen in her travel. He watched her for a few moments, noticing that she was slow to rise to her feet. Ultimately, he decided if anything, he needed to ensure she wasn’t injured. 
In your rush to make it to your aunt’s get together in time, you had stupidly forgotten to securely fasten one of the ankle straps on your rollerblades. Under normal conditions, it wouldn’t have proven to be too much of a problem; but when you’re speeding down the road and forget about the pothole just on the left hand side, it certainly can be. 
You probably should’ve moved. You were in the middle of the street, after all. Sure, it was raining and there was likely no one coming that you could be a bother too, but nonetheless. You were laying in the dirty street. In a puddle. And you’re pretty sure your ankle would begin to swell just about any moment. 
“Just great,” you muttered to yourself, unable to contain your annoyance any longer. It was nothing but obstacles since your eyes opened that morning. You ran out of your favourite tea blend, and in your search of finding something new to pair with your morning eggs, you burnt the last of them. You had no hot water when you went to shower – something that now seemed futile, given that your hair was soaked in rain water and mud. And, you were running late.
You heard the slam of a door followed by the approach of footsteps. You turned slowly, using your arms to push yourself up off the ground with a groan. 
“Are you alright?” 
Looking up, a gentleman stood above you with an umbrella in one hand and the other stretched out as an offer of help. He looked so comfortable in his training pants and turtleneck – comfortable and dry. You went to grab the hand he held out, and grimaced when you noticed the scrapes across your palm mixed with pieces of gravel. 
“I’ve been better.” You conceded, brushing your hands across your pants as soon as you were standing upright. You noted a tear in the knee in one pant leg and frowned. “Thank you for coming to help me, though.” You turned to the man that was now bent over and collecting the various items that had fallen from your basket. Oh, no – the taiyaki! “My desserts!” 
Rolling forward to grab the basket, the movement of your weight from one leg to the next sent a shooting pain throughout the entirety of your ankle and up the front of your leg. With a short cry, you went to collapse to the ground again, but found yourself caught by a pair of firm hands. 
“Woah, easy! I think it’d be best if you get that ankle checked out.” Iruka felt horrible. There was something about the way your face broke at the sight of your soaked taiyaki that made him feel all the more guilty, although he hadn’t the faintest clue why he would. “Those are death traps you have strapped to your feet.” 
You shot a look up at him. “They are not!” 
“That so?” Iruka’s brow lifted in challenge, slowly removing his grip from your arms to allow you to steady yourself on your own feet. From the look of pain that pulled your brows together, he had proven his point. “It should be looked at.” 
You sighed petulantly. Looking up at him now that the umbrella was situated over both of you, you allowed your brain a moment to register the man standing in front of you. You knew Iruka. You were only a few years his junior, so the pair of you never shared a class or completed any training together. But he was a familiar face, and a friendly one at that. 
“I appreciate the concern, Iruka. But I’m actually running late.” 
“I don’t think you understand,” he began, shaking his head slowly as he explained, “you’re not going to make it very far in this condition, and certainly not in this weather. Aren’t you in pain?” 
Of course I’m in pain, you thought coarsely. “I promised my nephew taiyaki, I’m bringing him taiyaki.” 
Iruka paused. As much as he wanted to argue that it was imperative you seek medical attention, he could appreciate that you felt you had a duty to fulfil. He often felt that same sense of duty when tending to his students. He took a moment to assess the situation, gnawing on the inside of his cheek while he processed. 
“For Halloween?” 
You nodded your head. “It’s his favourite holiday, and I love that he loves all things scary. I make him taiyaki every year and we eat it after we carve pumpkins.” 
Iruka fell into silence again; the two of you stood under the shared umbrella surrounded by the pouring rain with your basket full of the ruined dessert hanging between the two of you in your hands. If you weren’t soaked to the bone, and your ankle wasn’t screaming with pain, it might have otherwise been quite a pleasant little moment. 
Finally, Iruka spoke with an even and controlled tone. “I think it would be a good idea if you let someone take a look at your ankle. Besides, you can’t bring these to Konohamaru,” he held up one of the fish-shaped waffles between his fingers, “he’ll just come to the Academy tomorrow and tell everyone all about it. Do you want all the other youth to hear about how your taiyaki was soggy?” 
Could this be considered blackmail? You wondered, skeptically eyeing him. Probably not. But he was making a good case, unfortunately. 
“If I go to the clinic now, I can kiss the rest of my day goodbye.” 
Iruka paused, pursing his lips together in a firm line; then he sighed. “I can take a look at your ankle for you.” 
This time, you hesitated. You watched him for a long moment, searching his face for any indicator that he might be just saying that for the sake of being polite; but from where you stood, he appeared nothing if not sincere. While you didn’t entirely love the prospect of letting Iruka see your foot, there was still the matter of your wet clothing. 
You grimaced. “I’m not sure.” 
“At most, it’s probably a sprain. You can ice it for a bit and then I’ll wrap it for you.” He replied, his face remaining calm and even. 
You looked down, tugging at the hem of your shirt. “I’m going to drag mud in.” 
Iruka sighed. “Are you always this stubborn when offered help?” 
You almost laughed. “Unfortunately. Bad habit, I guess.”
“How about this: I’ll help get you back home, that way you can change into something dry and then we can set you up with a temporary fix for your foot.”
Admittedly, that was a better option. The feeling of your pants clinging to your body from the rain was beginning to irritate you greatly, and you were itching to get out of these clothes. “Okay, that’s not a horrible idea.” 
Iruka lifted the corner of his mouth in a half-grin, shifting the umbrella from one hand to the next. “Do you think you can manage if you hold onto me?” 
You shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.” 
The pair of you only made it to the top of the hill and around the corner before you halted entirely and shook your head. If you lived closer, it may have been feasible, but you still had another eight minutes to go. No chance you’d make it. After another five minutes of arguing, Iruka opted to pull you onto his back. It was decided that it was the easiest option to get you back to your apartment without putting further strain on your ankle, all while keeping you both safe from the rain. 
The short walk back to your home was quiet. Iruka needed to use both hands to hold you steady, leaving you in charge of keeping the umbrella upright and over the both of you. Sometime along the way, you became increasingly aware that you were soaking his clothing with your own — something you felt terribly for. You wanted to apologize for it, but you knew Iruka would shrug it off. Always the gentleman. 
“Here, let me help you.” Iruka knelt down once you were safely concealed inside your apartment. Remnants of your baking clung to the air and the space was still warm. You watched as the man’s fingers worked to undo the straps on your rollerblades; you quickly placed a hand on the wall beside you to steady yourself when he loosened the laces. “Can you step out of them?” 
Albeit painful, you did manage to remove your feet and place them flat on the floor. Iruka placed your rollerblades next to a pair of sneakers you had just to the left of your front door, then stood and immediately began removing his own footwear. 
“Do you own a tensor bandage?” He inquired, placing his jacket on the hook next to the one you had opted to leave at home just twenty short minutes ago. 
“Somewhere in the bathroom,” you pointed to the door across the way. 
Iruka nodded once. “I’ll go look for it. You find something dry to change into.” 
He left you where you stood and made his way across your tiny studio to where the bathroom was. He shut the door behind him, offering you a moment of privacy; it was when the door was closed and you were alone that you finally took a moment to process what was happening. 
Six years ago, you would have simply died to have Iruka hold you close, in any regard. Thankfully, you no longer felt like your tongue was swollen every time he happened to say hello when passing by in the streets. Overtime, the silly school-girl crush dissipated into respect - a mutual respect. You weren’t entirely sure when it happened. Maybe after Konohamaru started at the academy. 
Not wanting to waste any more time, you quickly rummaged through your closet for a pair of clean joggers and a matching sweater. Peeling the rain-soaked jeans from your legs was the least enjoyable part of the process, but one you were grateful for. The flesh of your thighs were so cold it felt as though it was being pricked by thousands of tiny needles. 
By the time Iruka exited out of the bathroom, you were pulling your sweater over your head. He found the tensor bandage and was stretching it out between his hands, his eyes lifting up to meet yours from across the space. “You look more comfortable.” He smiled. 
“I am,” you conceded with a nod and a smile in return, “thank you for getting me home. I’m sure you have better things to be doing with your afternoon.”
Iruka chuckled and shook his head. “No bother at all.” The man appeared sincere, coming to sit down next to you on the tiny loveseat nestled at the foot of your bed. He pursed his lips together tightly and patted his meaty thigh twice. “Alright, let’s take a look.” 
Removing the sock from your foot was the last thing you had wanted to do, but it couldn’t be put off any longer. You gave a quiet sigh, then reached down to slip the material of your sock away from your foot. Iruka helped guide your ankle into place on his leg; he then spent a few moments surveying the tenderness, his fingers gently touching along the swollen area. He kissed his teeth, offering a slight ‘tut’. 
“I think you may need something to help bring the swelling down.” He finally decided.
“I’ve got a bottle of painkillers up there.” You sighed, pointing over to the cabinets above your stove. “There’s also a bag of frozen vegetables in the freezer, could you grab it for me?” 
Iruka was quick to retrieve the items; he filled a small glass with some tap water and made his way back over to the loveseat to sit next to you. He set two tablets into the palm of your hand and watched you throw them into the back of your mouth before he handed you the water to swallow them down. When he was sure you had taken them, he took the glass from your hand and placed it on the table in front of him before gingerly placing the frozen bag of peas over your ankle. 
You couldn’t help but still feel embarrassed. Surely he had better things to do with his Sunday than play caretaker for you. “I’m so sorry.” 
Surprised, Iruka looked over at you. “What are you apologizing for?”
You shrugged once. “This definitely isn’t the best way to spend an afternoon, let alone your Halloween.”
The smile that Iruka flashed at you was warm and comforting. “Trust me, this is more up my alley than going out to celebrate.” 
You rolled your eyes. That felt hard to believe. “What, you don’t go out with Asuma and the others?”
This time, it was Iruka who looked embarrassed. He brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck in a guilty manner, his eyes slipping closed as his cheeks lifted in an innocent smile. “I have a great deal of respect for your brother,” he admitted, “but Jiraiya can certainly be a little enthusiastic. Large gatherings aren’t exactly my idea of a good time.” 
You blinked twice, then snorted. “Are you scared of the jōnin, Iruka?” 
“Absolutely not!”
“Master Jiraiya’s enthusiasm is not a good enough excuse to opt out of Halloween,” you retorted. 
Iruka sighed. “What if I say something stupid?” 
You couldn’t help but laugh again. What a silly thing to be worried about, given that your older brother had his own fair share of stupidity. However, you also knew that Asuma also held most people at arm's length at all times, and so the remainder of the village didn’t have the privilege of knowing the Asuma that your family did. For the most part, he was rough around the edges; most certainly the suffer in silence type. But over the last few years during his budding relationship with Kurenai, another side of him began to make its appearance. Someone softer, more tender. 
“If that’s what you’re worried about, don’t.” You lamented. “People say stupid things when they’re halfway through a bottle of sake.” 
The man next to you seemed to visibly relax. “I suppose you’re right.” 
“Besides, if Master Jiraiya invited you, then you’d ought to be there. I don’t really think anyone in the village turns down a request from one of the Legendary Sannin.”
Iruka seemed to consider this. Admittedly, he would never let it be known that he just simply didn’t care for the antics of the holiday. In his youth, Halloween was the perfect day to plan for. He’d spend hours upon hours pulling together the most elaborate pranks; as responsibility came to the forefront, Iruka found that he spent less and less time giving a second thought about trivial things like holiday celebrations. Not having a family to celebrate with may have also played a part in that. 
“What about you?”
Confused, you replied, “What about me?” 
“Do you have any plans for the evening?” Iruka inquired, quickly followed by: “I mean, apart from trying to deliver moist desserts to a poor unsuspecting child?” 
“To be fair, Konahamaru is expecting them.” You couldn’t help but snicker at his words. He was teasing you, and despite the fact the pair of you had not engaged in a steady conversation in almost four years, Iruka teasing you felt natural. As though he had been doing it his whole life. “But no, no plans. I probably would’ve been home after spending the afternoon with him and spent the evening watching a bad thriller and eating leftovers.” 
“That doesn’t sound like an awful time.” He lied. Did she do this every year? Understandably, bringing sweets to your nephew seemed like a wholesome tradition – returning home like a hermit to indulge in the most basic and mundane of activities? 
Well, Iruka couldn’t really judge. If he had it his way, he would be staying home tonight. Glancing down at your iced ankle, he decided if he was lucky enough, he could maybe weasel his way out of it.
You shrugged. “Not as fun as hanging out with my brother, I suppose.” 
Iruka tensed, lifting his hand to the back of his neck to scratch the area lightly. It was still damp with rain from outside, but he was no longer cold. Actually, he noticed it was quite warm inside your studio. “Can I ask you a favour?” 
“Anything.” It came out embarrassingly fast. You hoped he couldn’t see the heat creeping up your neck. 
He appraised you for a long moment, then shook his head. “Nevermind. I couldn’t ask that of you.”
You decided not to press it any further; truthfully, you were a little annoyed. Now you were curious. What had he wanted to ask you? “I think I should probably wrap it now.” 
Iruka nodded, dutifully tending to your ankle. Using both hands, he gently guided your foot from the table to his lap; he spent time examining the wound closely before unravelling the tensor bandage. He began at the base of your foot, then slowly brought it up in careful motions around your swollen ligament. When he was satisfied with his handiwork, he tucked the loose end of the bandage into one of the loops and repositioned the bag of frozen vegetables over your ankle. 
“I appreciate you helping me,” you said after a moment. Admittedly, everything that happened to you up until this point should have had you in tears of frustration — nothing had gone right. Yet, from the moment Iruka joined you outside in the rain to offer you a helping hand, the anger began to melt away. Now, the only thing weighing on your mind was the fact Konohamaru would go his first Halloween in six years without you and your shared desserts. “It’s nice to have a friend.”
It sounded so foreign coming from your mouth, but you were sincere. 
“I won’t keep you any longer.” You said suddenly, feeling silly for not sending him off sooner. “Wouldn’t want to keep Jiriya waiting, would you?” 
Iruka sighed. “I suppose.” He was slow to move, staring down at his hands that rested in his lap for a few moments longer before he turned towards your body. “I have a few hours before I’m expected anywhere, and I think I should make sure you get something to eat first.”
“Iruka, I’m fine.” You assured him. 
The man nodded in agreement, but remained seated. “I hear you, I just think Asuma may think differently of me if I were to head out without making sure you were set for the rest of the evening. What kind of a man would I be if I left you now?” He said it nonchalantly, but there was a heavy insinuation behind his words. 
You sighed, “I highly doubt Asuma would care.”
Iruka looked pointedly at you, “Would Asuma do it?” He asked, waiting patiently for your answer. When you lowered your eyes to the table in front of you, the man next to you chuckled and nodded in satisfaction. Because he was right – Asuma wouldn’t have left anyone’s side without ensuring they had everything they needed. You chalked it up to the way you were raised; your father had been an attentive man, and your brother seemed to be following in his footsteps. “That’s what I thought.” 
Unwilling to argue with him, you accepted defeat and leaned back into the cushions of your sofa. “Fine. If you feel you must,” you grumbled lowly, trying to sound annoyed albeit unsuccessfully – Iruka appeared amused – and folded your arms indignantly across your chest, “what were you thinking?” 
The man simply smiled, pushing himself off the sofa to wander over to the pantry just next to your fridge. He spent a few moments browsing through the various items you had leftover in your fridge and cupboard, compiling a batch of ingredients onto the countertops. 
He paused after a while, a sound of displeasure breaking the silence. “No eggs?” 
Guilty, you sunk lower into the pillows. “I used my last two this morning.” 
Iruka looked over his shoulder to where you sat. He didn’t appear to appreciate that answer, and after shutting the fridge door, he made his way over to where he had left his shoes by your front door. 
“Where are you going?” You asked, embarrassed by how quickly it had come from your lips. 
He looked over to you again, his expression blank as he responded. “Heading to the market, I need eggs.” 
You looked over to where your bag sat at his feet and sat up. “I have some change in the front pocket —”
Iruka held up his hand to stop you. “Nonsense, I’ve got it.”
Iruka looked so out of place standing in the middle of your tiny kitchen. He towered over the top of the fridge, needing to bend considerably in order to investigate its contents. His shoulders and back flexed with every movement; you found yourself mesmerized as he diligently diced the veggies into fine slices, absolutely enamoured with the current visual taking place. Admittedly, you never wanted it to end. For a moment, you allowed yourself to live in delusion. Having Iruka up close and personal like this made you long for something more permanent. 
An hour later, Iruka set down a large bowl overflowing with a heaping pile of steaming deliciousness. “Tantanmen is served!” 
You watched as he sat down across from you, noting the way he left his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and kept the apron around his waist. It was amusing to see Iruka so domestic; you only knew him as a prankster growing up, and in his later years, as a dutiful and dedicated teacher. To see him in any other light was strange, and yet, still refreshing. 
“It looks incredible,” you couldn’t lie even if you wanted to. The scents that now filled your apartment had you practically drooling by the time dinner was ready. 
“I wasn’t sure how much spice you could handle, so I went a little easy on yours.” He admitted, watching you intently as you took the first bite. When you closed your eyes and hummed in delight, his mouth broke open into a wide-toothed grin. 
“It’s delicious.” You claimed, happily digging in for a second bite. “Wish I could cook like this.”
“Asuma doesn’t bother to teach you?” He inquired. 
You shrugged. “When we were younger, sure. But, it’s been sixteen years since our mom died. I can’t imagine he remembers all of her recipes.” 
Iruka hesitated with his next question. “Do you remember much of her? Your mom?” 
“No.” You frowned, pushing the noodles around in the broth. “I was six when she was killed. Most of any memories that I have of her include watching her practice medical ninjutsu, more so when Kushina was pregnant.” 
“That’s right,” Iruka nodded, “I had forgotten Biwako was one of Kushina’s midwives.” 
You sat back, staring down into your bowl of ramen. “Seems like so long ago, when you consider everything.” 
The man pursed his lips, watching you quietly for a moment before he leaned forward onto the table. “Do you ever think about following in her footsteps?” 
You smiled, mostly to yourself. “Sometimes. I’m a fair kunoichi, don’t get me wrong. I’m just not sure if maternal practice is the best suited for me.” 
Iruka nodded. “You mean that you prefer to be in the field.”
You shrugged sheepishly, meeting his gaze. “I blame Asuma for that. Reckless as he is, he may as well have his own team of medical-kunoichi.” You sighed deeply, dropping your eyes. “Not that I’ve been out in a while. Since my old man died, well . . .” you trailed off, chewing on the inside of your cheek. 
“No one thinks any less of you, if that’s what you’re implying.”
“I’d like to say I believe you,” you mumbled dryly, “but people treat me differently now that he’s gone. Not bad, but almost like they feel bad for me. Like I need their pity.” 
Iruka folded his arms on the table, “I hardly think anyone pity’s you. You’re a Sarutobi, for God’s sake.”
“Sure feels like it.” Now you just felt silly, pouting at your grown age like this. In front of Iruka, nonetheless. 
The man across from you sighed, unsure of how else he could comfort you. Iruka had watched you train plenty of times; from his classroom at the Academy, he had the perfect view of a few of the training fields that chūnin and jōnin gathered at to practice. He would be lying if he said he didn’t watch Asuma help you work on your hand signals from time to time, or that he found it amusing when you became frustrated.  
“You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he said after a while of silence. The softness of his voice surprised you. “I know that living this life can be difficult for most, but I would like to think that your father and mother wouldn’t want you to feel like this. Hiruzen spoke about the will of fire so often, I felt like I needed to make it my personal mission to ignite it within the youth of our village. 
Sometimes I forget about how much will the rest of us harbour. I see it in Asuma everyday. I see it in Kakashi, and even Naruto and Shikamaru. They show up for their teammates and their friends every day, they make the choice to continue to aid the community and village in their own unique ways. Whether that be through completing missions at the benefit of protecting the village, or through enhancing their own strengths with vigorous training. It exists in all of us, and undoubtedly within you, too.” 
Unable to hide the blood that rushed to your cheeks, you looked down into your bowl and moved around the noodles. Iruka was right. Maybe you did need to stop being so hard on yourself. 
The pair of you sat across from each other for at least another hour or two before either of you realized the sun was setting behind the tops of the apartments; the rain had cleared, but the streets remained damp with puddles. A part of you was a little disappointed the afternoon had flown by so quickly. Spending time with Iruka turned out to be incredibly relaxing, and it turned out the two of you had a lot more in common than you previously thought. 
You decided that you liked the way he smiled with his eyes. You liked the way the area around them crinkled whenever he lifted his lips into a grin. His hair was beginning to fall in stray strands from his neatly formed ponytail, and while you didn’t understand the logic, it made him all the more human. Intimate, even. Iruka was always seen pulled together, despite working closely with some of the most rambunctious youth the village had ever seen. Even during his sparring matches, a single hair never fell out of place. 
The broad shouldered man was leaning into the counter as he washed the small batch of dishes you had accumulated throughout the day. You told him to leave them and protested profusely, but he waved you away with a laugh in reassurance.
“Are you going to end up meeting with Asuma and the others?” You asked after a few minutes of silence. 
“Why don’t you come with me?” He asked in return, turning away from the sink. “I’m sure no one would mind.”
You almost laughed in disbelief. “I wasn’t necessarily invited.”
Iruka shrugged nonchalantly. “I fail to see the problem. Like you just said, Asuma’s going.”
You thought about it. Surely you would get some grief about not making it to see Konohamaru, but being able to join your brother and his friends in the festivities. Not that Asuma would truly care — if anything, you were more concerned about how he may react to seeing you in a bandage. Protective as ever, Asuma was. 
“Should I really be walking around just yet?” You wondered, looking down at your ankle with uncertainty.
Iruka wiped his hands on a small towelette, his head tilting to the side as he appraised you for a brief moment. Then, he replied, “If it gets to be too much, I will carry you home.” 
From the definitive look in his gaze, you could tell he was sincere. You felt like you had no other choice but to chalk it up to the simple fact Iruka didn’t want to attend this gathering any more than you did, but a small, miniscule part you really wanted it to be because he enjoyed spending time with you. 
“You’ll carry me all the way back?” 
He nodded once. “And you can always lean on me if you need to take a load off, though, I imagine we will be able to sit.”
We will. It may have been wishful thinking, but you wanted to believe that meant he would stay by your side the rest of the night. Suddenly excited with the prospect of spending the remainder of your evening with him, you finally decided to nod and brace your hands on your knees. 
“Alright. I’ve just got one more favour to ask before we head out anywhere, though.” You admitted sheepishly, looking sideways at him. 
He only chuckled, something that always sounded carefree. “Name it.” 
“I may need help changing into something a little less … casual.” 
This time, it was Iruka who appeared to scramble to hide blush that creeped into his own cheeks. Flustered, he nodded but for the first time, suddenly looked completely frozen.
“Don’t worry,” you giggled, noticing the way he gulped noticeably when you began to unzip your sweater, “I won’t tell Asuma that you had a peek.”
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yamikawas · 2 years
hiiiiiii darling!!! my pretty little darling!!!!! don't mind me staring from outside the window, just keep doing your cute little tobi things. i'll need some good photos to add to the collection, okay dear? love you mwah!!!!!!
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sacredmouche · 4 years
Teardrops On My Guitar | Kuroo x Reader
Word count: 1.8K
Warnings: angstyyyy
Genre: Angst
ProVolleyballPlayer!Kuroo × Musician!Reader
There’s a lingering question keeping you wide awake every night, wondering if it will ever be answered. Will you ever be mine, my love?
It’s a cliché scenario where you fall in love with your best friend and you thought it only happens in movies and novels, but you thought wrong. You did not expect this cruel thing will strike to you. Yes, falling in love may be great, it’s all rainbows and unicorns not until you fell to the wrong person, most likely your best friend since you two are in your diapers.
It seems like an okay (but not really) set up, you are being in love with him without him knowing. In this way, you can act naturally but you can’t help yourself when he does things that makes your heart beat faster like it’s going to explode. Okay, I must calm down and act like I’m not in love with him. It’s like a prayer you always whisper before facing him just to remind you to be careful of your actions and act not too obvious or else a world-shattering event will come to you. You don’t want that to happen.
Just a normal day, so as you thought, Kuroo walks beside you. You two walked your way home in silence. Being in this position, just this position where you are beside him can make your stomach full of butterflies. I haven’t eaten a single butterfly in my entire life, but why is my stomach so full of it? You asked yourself. This is the first time for you to feel like it’s taking forever for the both of you to reach your destination, not that you really mind. It’s just making you kinda uncomfortable because of the almost deafening silence, thanks to the vehicles passing by and to the pedestrians.
Savoring the smell of his cologne that became your favorite smell in the world unconsciously, you looked at him ever so slightly. From his strong arms, you imagined yourself wrapped up between those into a tight hug, down to his large, calloused hands, you noticed he was fiddling it.
“Is there anything you want to tell me, Kuroo?” you asked, based on your observation it looks like he wants to tell you something. He does not fiddle with his fingers habitually; it usually happens when he’s thinking or if he wants to tell you something but is not sure yet.
Looking down on you with wide eyes, you said “Of course I know, you’re fiddling with your fingers. Now, tell me what it is?”
He looked down and put his hand on the back of his neck.
“Well, you see… I don’t really want this to be jinxed but I’m telling you,” he said, pouting. You eyed him with anticipation, curiosity filled your mind, and eagerness to know what he’s about to tell.
“Are you going to watch my game?” you nod to answer his question, “Okay, good. Because I met this person and I’ll show you, you will be surprised! Aaahh! I’m in love and I know I got it this time right. No screwing up!” he continued.
“He says he’s so in love, he’s finally got it right”
After the long, long walk, you bid each other goodbye. You have now entered your apartment. Disappointment painted all over your facial features, the tears that are threatening to fall for a while have reached its limit and got heavy it fell from your eyes. You put your hand over your chest, back pressed on the door, you let yourself slide down. Bawling your eyes out, hurtful cries filled the empty apartment.
“When will you be mine? Will you ever be mine?” you said in between your cries. After your crying, you stood up and walked to your room. Picking up your guitar, you took your seat on your bed. Being a musician kinda helps in this situation, you pour all your emotions in your music, producing soft, sad melodies. It is Kuroo who is always the cause of these gloomy sounds. It is him who brought teardrops on your guitar.
It’s a wonder for you if he notices your almost obvious actions that says you are in love with him, but that wonder of yours can be answered by you and only you because now, you know. There is someone who have his attention, who have his love that you are longing for.
“Will it ever cross your mind that I only think of you?” you whispered before you fell into a deep slumber.
“I wonder if he knows he’s all I think about at night”
Waking up with the feeling of blue, it will go all throughout your day. It’s a good thing that you don’t have work today so there’s a freedom for your gloominess to reign over you. Good timing, just as you thought.
You are in your studio room slash your bedroom, fiddling with the strings of your electric guitar. You won’t let this motivation (as what you call it) slip through you, so you are taking this as an opportunity to produce music. Thanks to Kuroo Tetsurou for making you this way. He became part of your music, he’s an essential chunk in it. Be it a song of happiness, a song of love, or a song of sadness. He’s your inspiration to all those sounds you make. But it is for the sad genres he always takes part, where he has a big contribution to. And you are aware that;
“He’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar”
You’ve got everything you wanted in life. A big apartment, a nice circle of friends, a happy family, living alone, and a job that you are passionate about. You name it then you got it. But there is an exception to that, there’s one thing you can’t and will never ever get. Kuroo’s love. You know you can’t just force him to love you and you can’t just force yourself to fall out of love. You just can’t, because there’s a teeny tiny bit of hope hanging inside you.
Now that you have everything you wanted, Kuroo is the only one left in your list of wants. Kuroo and his love.
Even when you pray to all the gods and saints that ever existed in this world, you can’t have him. You even wish for him to every shooting star you see, even the airplanes in the night sky, but you know it more than anyone else that you can’t have him. You can’t make him yours and that is how this cruel world works, you can’t have a say on that.
“The only thing that keeps me whishing on a wishing star”
The day of his game came, even after high school he pursued his volleyball career and now he is a part of a V League team.
You really don’t want to go, but you don’t want him to wait for you and look for you, so you came. Entering the arena, your ears are immediately filled with noise coming from the audience as they anticipate for their teams, your olfactory sensed nice smelling and mouth-watering food all over the place. You even saw that stall that Osamu owns.
You made your way to your assigned seat that was indicated on the ticket that Kuroo gave you. It’s not that hard to find since he got you the nearest seat to the court.
I wonder who is this girl he talks about?
Your thoughts were stopped when the commentator speak, introducing the opposing team and Kuroo’s team. You cheered when he showed up and he looked at you in acknowledgement, but he waves to someone, not far from you. You traced the direction of his gave, but you have no clue who was he waving to because almost everyone is waving too.
Shrugging it off, you focused on the game that started.
As a someone who always went to all of Kuroo’s game, you can say that every time you see him play, he always shows improvements, way different in high school.
The game was wrapped up after only two sets, Kuroo’s team as the victor of the match. He signaled you to wait outside. Okay, this is it. I’m going to meet this lucky girl who have my Kuroo’s heart.
Reaching your destination, you fixed your clothes, nervously pulling it then someone tapped your shoulders from behind. You turned around and it was him, the love of your life who breaks your heart without him knowing.
“Still in the restroom, will be here in a minute. Please don’t act weird, don’t tell anything that will embarrass me” he said, laughing. You faked a laugh; you can hide your pain in your laugh, but you can’t hide it in your facial expression. Good thing he did not notice it.
“Oh, he’s here” eyes widened, he?
You followed his gaze. You saw a man, wearing hoodie which you suspect as Kuroo’s possession. His familiar bleached hair with black roots made your heart raged. It’s Kenma.
You three were best of friends during high school, being their manager of course it brought the three of you closer. But Kenma was not in touch at all because of his job, you didn’t know Kuroo and him are still in communicating and wow, they’re meeting up without you knowing. Double kill.
“K-kenma! Hi! Oh, wow. Nothing much have changed, wow, I– uhm, I’m surprised!” it’s really hard for you to keep the tears in your eyes and you’re afraid that it will betray you and fall out of your eyes.
“Nice to m-meet you again, sorry but I got to go. Still have work tomorrow, I’ll see you both some time!” then you turned your back them, not looking back. You made your way to parking lot and get inside your car.
Now that you feel alone and safe to express your pain, you free those tears wanting to be free. You cried your heart out, questions scrambled in your already scrambled mind, heart is filled with rage.
“Why him? I’m the one who’s always at your side! I never, once in my life, been gone and lost in touch! It was me who’s with you through your ups and downs!” Even at this point, you mind is left to wonder, and it will never be answered because you have no courage to confront him, you’re too weak in front of him.
“I really wanted to call your name without the feeling of pain, but I guess it will never happen”
“Kuroo…” you whispered in between your whines.
And now you’re decided, you can’t let yourself be in this pain because you have been in here for a long time and it’s sickening.
You don’t know why do you keep hoping for a chance that never existed in the first place, but now you have learned how to give up and let go of that hope that keeps you from moving on.
“He’s the song in the car I keep singing, don’t know why I do”
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Forgive this t r a s h bc I HAD TO. mY BRAIN IS OVERFLOWING WITH IDEAS. tnx.
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legacyofpower · 6 years
ok bc i'm dumb, take two: 1 trini, 3 tommie, 8 trini again (i was gonna say kim but i think i would already know lol, 9 tomberly, 13 i'm throwing in a zack here, 14 kim or tommie again i think, 15 zack, 17 kim, 20 maybe a little bit of all of them? idk lol
send me a legacy character + a number for a headcanon
thank you!!! answers under the cut
1. Their sleep schedule (Trini)
I’ve alluded to this a bit in Legacy, but Trini’s got a pretty good-ish, consistent sleep schedule. She’s usually in bed by 11 or midnight and wakes up around 6 to get ready for school. On Saturdays, it’s the same, and on Sundays, she sleeps in until about 8 and then gets up to prepare for a 10am Mass.
3. How long they hold grudges (Tommie)
Not at all, actually! Tommie believes in like… letting go of things past because there’s nothing she can do to change them. Also, like, nothing good is going to come her way if she’s constantly carrying anger around with her. She tends to get over her anger at someone pretty quickly, but if it’s something serious, she might hold onto it for like… idk, a week or something before she feels the irresistible need to confront them.
8. Getting sick (cold, flu, etc.) (Trini)
This stubborn child would go to school while sick except wave off everyone who tries to touch her by saying “I’m sick” lmao. Like, she’d INSIST on doing everything as normal and then probably fall over from exhaustion. A disaster.
9. Eating (Kimberly & Tommy)
Kimberly takes, like, forever to eat because she’s usually talking while Tommy eats faster than she does because he’s… usually listening to her lmao. Also, Kimberly likes to steal his food sometimes and Tommy’s completely okay with that because he loves his wife so much. They’re disgusting.
13. Type of music they like (Zack)
Zack likes white boy hip-hop (like Post Malone, EDEN, Drake, etc) because I almost ran out of main genres for the characters and didn’t have anyone liking rap yet flkjhadfjh. His playlist in all of its mediocreness can be viewed here.
14. A beloved toy or pet they had as a child (Kim)
I can’t do Tommie for this one because she had no childhood :)
Anyway, Kim sleeps with a stuffed puppy that she named Mr. Woofer. He’s probably seen better days, but she loves him and will never throw him away. Mr. Woofer has made several appearances in Legacy already :’)
15. Where they see themselves in ten years (Zack)
Hopefully in residency post-medical school. Zack wants to become a doctor even though… he sucks at biology. It’s not something he’s really shared with anyone, but he does want to go into medicine. Or, at least, try.
17. How good they are with technology (Kim)
Kim is…. incredibly good at Googling things? Like, she can work her phone and laptop and anything she needs to use for her everyday life, but it’s not like she can hack into a computer or do any programming or coding. Google is her best friend when she’s stuck with anything.
20. What they think the meaning of life is (Kimberly)
I went with just Kimberly for this one because I’m lazy. But, to Kimberly, the meaning of life is just like… existing? Taking the love that’s in her heart and pouring it out to others until she overflows. Because, like, she spent so much of her life before this point in Legacy not being where she wanted to be in terms of like… taking a long time to finish college, not knowing what she wanted to do with her life after her gymnastics career ended, etc, and now that she’s older, none of that really… matters. Like it mattered a bit, but not as much as she used to think it did. So, yeah, she just wants to see the people she loves be happy and give that same love to the world.
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monbabi · 7 years
Can you do them reacting to their S/O being good at baking but horrible at cooking?
ofc!! sorry it took so long exams have been kickin my ass
• u two are baking brownies for the boys since theyve been stressed lately and u wanted to do something nice for them• shownu watches in awe as u expertly pour in and mix the brown batter in the bowl• u always had some kinda magic touch when it came to baking, u knew how much sugar and flour to add in and when to add the vanilla extract• it just made shownu smile bc wow how cute is that ur working ur butt off for some sweet treats for him and his members• “hey (y/n) i’ll take over the stirring can u make eggs or something? i havent eaten all day”• u freeze and give him a smile• “sure”• u hand him the bowl and walk over to the fridge to grab some eggs. easy enough right?• u crack the eggs into the pan, not failing to leave some egg shell in the yolk thats starting to sizzle in the pan• u turn to shownu whos diligently mixing the batter, workin up a sweat • tbh he looks real good• hes totally shirtless, wearing grey sweatpants and to top it off, a cute little pink apron that looks like its gonna bust open at the seams• u lean against the stove, basking in the appearance of this actual adonis in an adorably domestic setting • unfortunately u totally forget that stoves are hot and pull ur hand away as it stings with heat• shownu puts the bowl down and rushes over to u, holding ur hands and blowing frantically at them• “babe are u okay?” he asks worriedly, his eyes watching ur reaction closely to see if ur in any great pain• u reassure him “im fine” until u hear the beeping of the fire alarm• “oh my GOD”• u turn around to see the pan totally covered in SMOKE and shownu switches the stove off • ur kinda upset that u cant even make eggs for ur boyfriend but shownu just chuckles and kisses ur forehead• “next time i’ll cook okay?”
• “baby are u hungry?” wonho comes into ur shared room where ur sitting in bed on ur phone. he wraps his arms around ur waist and nuzzles his nose into ur neck• u smile at the sensation. “mm kinda? what do u wanna eat?”• he gives u a knowing smile and u sigh and get up from the mattress• “ramen?”• he smiles and takes a hold of ur hand, stroking ur index finger with his thumb • u know me so well"• the two of u chase each other to the kitchen and u grab the very familiar plastic bowl labelled shin ramen • u rip off the lid and unlock the hot water dispenser, filling the bowl to an unsteady level where the water is teetering around the edges. u put the bowl in the microwave and punch in 50 seconds• all seems well until u hear some popping noises from inside the microwave• “um. babe”• “yea?” u ask, too scared to turn around and see what happened inside the microwave• “did u take out the sauce packet before adding water and putting it in there?”• “oh my g-”• BEEP• wonho moves u out of the way and opens the microwave, his face contorting at the smell of burning plastic and the sight of ramen sauce power all over the inner surface. some soup flowed over the top too• u laugh nervously, put ur hand over wonhos, and close the microwave. u head over to the fridge and take out a plate• “how about we eat the macarons i made yesterday?” u give a sheepish smile• a smile creeps onto his face and a goofy laugh escapes his lips. ur hysterically laughing and he’s bent over his knees, so thoroughly amused by ur antics• “man i dont know how u do it. but yea i’ll take a macaron” he opens his mouth. u pop one into his mouth and he chews then hums with delight• “these are so good??? what happened just now? are u the same (y/n) i know and love?”• u two laugh again and he puts u in a playful headlock and plants kisses on the top of ur head
• u got a text earlier that ur boyfriends gonna come home late so u wanna surprise him with a nice meal• u can bake a mean cake but ur not too confident about ur cooking abilities• but u’ve baked minhyuk so many cookies and cakes and cupcakes ur worried for that boys blood sugar• so after watching 3 youtube tutorials u try to make kimchi stew, one of his favorites• u roll up ur sleeves and get to work. u throw some broth and vegetables into the pot• u cut some kimchi then some fishcake some spring onions u get the pork out of the fridge• u think its going well • until u get a text from minhyuk that he’s on the way home• according to ur calculations he was supposed to be coming home late• shit• u do some quick math if u boil the stew at maximum heat for 2 minutes u’ll finish in time before minhyuk gets home so u crank that stove up and • KACHOW the pot overflows• soup is everywhere, the kimchi is on the floor, ur kitchen looks like a natural disaster• “honey! where are u???”• he comes into the kitchen sweaty from practice and ur just on the floor crying next to ur empty pot, food is scattered around the floor• “oh baby what happened?” he cooes at u and crouches down next to u, wiping ur tears with his thumb• u barely manage to get a sentence out• “i-i tried to cook u” u hiccup, “something but e-everything just fell apart” • he kisses u on the forehead and stands up to grab his phone• “well i like pizza. how about we order some pizza and we watch kitchen nightmares yea?” u flinch at kitchen nightmares. “okay how about we watch house hunters” u nod frantically and smile• totally ignore the mess on the floor• u clean it up eventually dont worry
• u made a deal with minhyuk that at the next house party u were gonna cook something to bring and kihyun was gonna bake a cake to bring along with the food u made and in return he was gonna make a video of himself flicking a booger and post it on instagram• the problem? minhyuk knows u cant cook for shit and kihyun cant bake for shit • kihyun originally protested saying “he doesn’t want his house to end in flames” but after minhyuk kept egging him on saying he was a wuss, he threw on his apron and started reading martha stewart books• so u and him are in ur kitchen, face in hands and sitting at the counter• “why did i agree to this”• “why did i let u agree to this”• u sigh and slide off the stool. “i mean i can make like, fried rice right?” kihyun groans. “knowing u it might result in a call to 911” u shoot him a glare. “hey bobby flay at least i know how to bake a cake”• he scratches his head and gets off the stool. “how about we make this a competition between ourselves. whoever makes the better dish wins”• “ur on yoo kihyun”• its like iron chef u two start scrambling around ur kitchen, opening cabinets and packages • u lift the lid of the rice cooker and groan in frustration as u see a clean, empty container• kihyun indulges himself in a shrill giggle until it abruptly stops when he’s opened the last cabinet and found no cake mix• “u’ve got to be kidding me” • u hover over the grey pot, finally shutting off the faucet when the rice grains look like they’re drowning in tap water • kihyun’s throwing sugar, flour, and eggs into a bowl, trusting his “chef’s intuition” that he doesn’t need measuring cups for a mere cake• u throw the soggy rice into the pan and just start adding stuff u think will taste good together in there. zucchini, bits of kale, ketchup, leftover chicken that probably has been sitting in ur fridge for at least 2 weeks • it smells pretty goddamn awful but when u look over at kihyun u think u have a good shot at winning• he’s gotten green food coloring all over his hands and t-shirt and the batter’s completely runny• “how u doin ogre there”• “im never doing this ever again”
• u two are laying on opposite sides of the couch, sitting up to show each other dog pictures and whatnot• u see a video on instagram showing u how to make this yummy looking beef over rice thing• u lean over hyungwons knee, excitedly showing him the video and how u should make it for him• he gives u this knowing look • “(y/n) do u remember the last time u cooked something?”• “no why”• “i was taking a nap and u tried to make this weird chicken thing u saw on youtube”• “uh huh”• “and when i walked into the kitchen”• “yea?”• “i have never seen so much fire-”• u playfully slap him on the thigh, pouting. “i forgot to turn the stove down while it was boiling!!!” u huff, turning away while crossing ur arms• hyungwon laughs and sits up to ruffle ur hair• “but u made it up by baking cupcakes to give to the very nice firemen who saved our apartment”• u giggle and bring ur knees up to ur chin, reminiscing in the time u almost burned down ur entire apartment complex• hyungwon sits crosslegged facing u, staring at ur face• “what?”• “im just wondering how the hell u managed to do that”• “no cupcakes for u then”• he whines and the two of u share a laugh and settle back into the sofa to continue laughing at twitter memes
• he never fails to send u a text asking if u’ve eaten yet and if ur free, to go out and get lunch together• its the sweetest thing and u decide u wanna do something nice for him• so u roll up ur sleeves and make a lunchbox for him. its kinda childish but it seems easy to make and for ur……limited cooking skills, its ideal• ur in the kitchen, scraping an egg off the pan as it burns to a crisp• “aw man that was the last egg,” u whine, looking at all the failed prototypes on a plate next to the stove• u begrudgingly roll up the burnt egg in the lunchbox and set up some lettuce on the side, trying to make it presentable at least• now time for the Meat• the last time u cooked meat was when u and jooheon were out eating kbbq and whenever the tongs were in ur hand u’d somehow toss the meat in a way that cooked it. lets say well overdone• jooheon had to call a worker to get the fire down even tho it was at its lowest heat. nobody on the restaurant knows how u did it• so yea ur not the best at cooking meat but hey second times the charm• so u slide the beef into the pan, satisfied with the sizzling sound that came after• now the hard part. knowing when to flip it so it doesnt slowly burn into charcoal. so u just keep flipping it mindlessly, too scared to let it burn• the beef is just NOT turning the brown that it usually does when jooheon cooks it and u settle for when the beef is a weird brown, pink, red—u dont even know what color it is but its 12:30pm and jooheons lunch break is about to start• u shrug as u pack the lunchbox. u made cookies before this mess so• u drive up to the building complex and climb up the stairs to his studio. u punch in the passcode and pop the door open• jooheon hears the door click and turns around in his chair, giving u that sweet dimpled smile • u show him the lunchbox and bag of cookies u’ve been hiding behind ur back and he opens his arms to bring u into a hug• “how did i get so lucky?” he kisses the top of ur head and sits u down on his lap• he turns the chair around and u place the lunchbox and the cookie bag on his desk in front of his monitor and open it• he has to stop himself from laughing, the corners of his lips trembling to rise into a smile. u flick him on the arm, a smile growing on ur own face. “shut up i tried my best!!!!!”• jooheon kisses ur temple, a small chuckle leaving his lips still dumbfounded by the mess of food in the lunchbox• “i made cookies?” u suggest• “yea we can share those” jooheon closes the lunchbox
• u guys ate out at this one restaurant that had really good pork stir fry• so naturally u two went to the internet and searched up recipes to cook at home, inspired by the dish• after finding a seemingly easy recipe online, u and changkyun head to the kitchen and grab whatevers in ur fridge• oh by the way its 1 in the morning so theres no supermarkets still open • it sounded like a good idea at the time• anyways u two are jus rummaging through ur kitchen, substituting whatever needs to be substituted• “hey kyun we’re outta sugar”• “we have lucky charms”• “that works” • u and him lay out the shabby ingredients on the counter• pork? eh leftover hot wings should do• bok choy? iceberg lettuce thats been sitting in ur fridge for 3 months• but at least u have soy sauce• u start choppin up the lettuce, slicin and dicin and ignoring whatever wilted leaves u see bc hey food is food• changkyun: hey how do i start the stove• “…….ur kidding right”• u put down ur knife and walk to the stove, hesitant to turn any knobs• “um its this one right?”• u switch on the stove on the inner right corner which seemed fine to u…….until the roll of napkins next to it caught fire• “HOLY SH-” “HOLY SHIT”• the fire alarm starts beeping and u freak out and start blowing on it until changkyun shoves his hand into ur face. “DONT BLOW ON IT ITLL GET BIGGER” • “WHAT DO WE DO THEN”• luckily ur dating the son of a scientist so he grabs a pot lid from the cabinet underneath and throws it on top of the fire, stopping the flow of oxygen and u hear the sizzle of ur bounty napkins • u and changkyun breathe out a relieved sigh and u lean on him• u suggest making cookies tomorrow and changkyun insists on putting lucky charms in them• u roll ur eyes, “yea yea whatever lets clean up and go to bed”
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hunter-of-sorts · 7 years
It’s Okay
A/N- Ahh this one took long bc there was soo many ways this could have gone but I had also already forgotten my original idea bc I’m smart and didn’t write it down -_- Any who! Tell me what you think! x)
Summary- After being afraid to sleep because of that dream, you stay awake so that Dean and Sam wouldn’t see you wake up with tears in your eyes. Can you convince them that you’re ‘fine’ or will the sleep deprivation add to the already crumbling tower?
No Pairing
Part 1 |
Word Count- 1062
It was a no hunt day. Dean, Sam, and you were all trying to keep busy in the bunker, though the day was almost over. Dean, needless to say, was a tad bit restless, since he had already done everything that needed to be done the day before. He was even cleaning his car again. Sam was on his laptop, looking for nothing in particular. You, you were in the library with Sam, though you were reading book. Three in fact. You had three books open, reading one until you got bored with its contents and moved to the next. Though, reading probably wasn’t a very good idea since you were incredibly sleepy.
 You had a hand holding your head up, while the other you used to turn the pages. You had bags under your eyes, and it was apparent that you hadn’t been sleeping. Dean and Sam had notice, though you desperately tried to hide it. Insisting that you were fine. They weren’t buying it though, but they knew you wouldn’t say even if asked.
 Truth was that you kept having that dream. Well it was more like a vivid memory when you were young and unwanted. Now that you were older and worked with the Winchesters, your insecurities, they never left.
 You, after hours of nodding off and waking up right after, you finally fell. Sam was there to witness it. He waited a few minutes before moving you to your bedroom. He knew the desk wasn’t comfortable, no matter how sleep deprived you were. Luckily your door was already open. He set you down on your bed, tucked you in, kissed your forehead goodnight and was headed out the door. He stopped just before he was out the door, and turned to look at you.
 “Good night Y/N,” he whispered, before actually leaving.
 Not ten minutes later did you wake up suddenly, sweat trickling down your cheek, panting, almost gasping for air. You didn’t remember what it was you dreamt, though you could guess. It was that dream again.
 You buried you face in your hands, trying to calm down. Trying so desperately to hold the dam of tears from overflowing, but it just wasn’t working. It never did. You quietly sobbed, not even questioning why you were in your room.
 You don’t know how long you were in there sobbing the night away for but Sam came in.
 “Y/N we have a-” he stopped mid-sentence when he saw your tears. “Hey... What’s wrong?” he asked softly. He sat down next to you and lightly patted your back.
 Him doing so, made you realize that he was there. You quickly rubbed the tears away, “I’m...” you couldn’t even say it. You knew you weren’t fine. He knew you weren’t fine. What was the point anymore? More tears replaced the old ones and you couldn’t speak because of it.
 At this point Sam was hugging you and you were both rocking slowly. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “It’s okay,” he repeated. “I’m here,” he added.
 After an hour you moved away from him, ready to confess your miseries, but the moment you opened your mouth to speak, your voice was barely audible.
 “I’ll go get you some water,” Sam said. He didn’t move until you nodded.
 He walked to the kitchen and quickly poured water in a cup for you. Just as he was about to go back to you, Dean came into the kitchen for a beer.
 “Did you tell Y/N about the hunt?” he asked.
 “We’re not going on that hunt,” he responded.
 “What? Why not?” Dean exclaimed.
 Sam just sighed, “Come... but don’t say anything alright?”
 Dean followed him, curious and a bit concerned with what he meant. Surprisingly enough they ended up in your room. Dean watched Sam hand you a cup of water, that’s when he noticed that you were crying. He remembered not to say anything but he walked closer, surprise apparent in his eyes.
 After you had drank some water, you still said nothing. You didn’t really know where to start. Not at first but then you decided to tell them about your dream or rather that memory.
 You cleared your throat, “Every... Every now and then- I have this dream. In the dream I relive my childhood,” you paused. “You guys already told me about yours or your lack of and mine isn’t as bad or anything I just...” you paused, this wasn’t going anywhere and you just wanted to cry.
 “Hey-” Dean said as he sat on your bed, “Just because you know our past and how painful it was for us doesn’t make your any less hard.”
 Sam nodded, “Yeah, we’ll be here for you no matter what.”
 You smiled a little and took a deep breath. You continued, “In my... family... I was hated. My dad, he hated looking at me. Hated when I talked. Hated when I didn’t. My mom and brother didn’t care. So to stop hearing all the crap they told me, I would always leave my house until they were all asleep. When I came back, the doors were locked and I’d have to climb up to my window. It got to a point where I couldn’t take it anymore. The cruel words that would be yelled at me every single day of my life... I was a teenager at the time and who does that to their kid?” you sighed out of frustration, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. “I left... one night... I couldn’t take it anymore... I was a teenager and I left... I don’t even know how I managed to survive all this time and I stumbled into hunting. I met you guys a few years after... and... I hated both of you,” you confessed. They seemed shocked so you continued. “I hated you because you two seemed so well off. You could tell you were brothers and that you love each other... I envied that... I- I wanted a family like... that,” your tears began to fall and your voice began to falter. “I wanted a family like yours. A family that loves me... I stayed here with you because... I -” you couldn’t continue.
 Sam and Dean both moved to hug you. To comfort you.
 “What are you talking about Y/N?” Sam asked.
 “You are family,” Dean finished.
Hope you liked it! x)
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