cherry-bomb-ships · 5 months
So I decided to check out the 2016 Powerpuff Girls reboot for some ungodly reason (jk the reason is I am deadly curious) and yeah. Yeah its really badly written and the art style irks me incredibly so and the girls hardly ever actually fight crime and its so awkward and strange and badly written.........
But mannnn. There are some pretty fuckin good Mojo moments in the episodes I watched
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once-upon-a-ouat · 6 years
This was supposed to be my entry for Golden Queen Week 2018 Day 7 - Halloween but it’s super late. I didn’t feel like writing these days and today I managed to crash my car but at least I finally got some inspiration and finished this. It’s canon divergence after Rumple made the deal with Snow that prevented Regina from hurting her and David again in 2x10 “The Cricket Game”.
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It was Halloween. It was Halloween and she was sitting in Granny’s in the middle of the annual–ridiculous–party. Her only effort when it came to a costume was to put on a witch hat which she’d bought on her way there. There was no point in doing more since she was only there to kill time. Although she had to admit it wasn’t as bad as she always made it up to be. It provided her with an opportunity to stir some trouble. She was using what little power she had to make everyone’s evening a little bit of hell. It was one evening a year and she needed some way to entertain herself. Last year she’d ‘spiked’ the apples from the apple bobbing contest with some special ingredients. There wasn’t such thing as too many curses. Even though even the simplest of spells drained a lot of energy out of her. So this year she’d restrained herself to smaller things that she could manage just by lifting a finger. But even without her intervention there were plenty of losing battles to witness.
Archie was already running out of ideas for Pongo’s costume and it had barely been a decade. Ruby was also fussing over her costume that wasn’t revealing enough for her standards. Mal–Mercie as she was known in this world–was fighting with her daughter over the candy the girl had received during the trick-or-treating. Little Emma–well, she wasn’t so little anymore–wanted to eat it all now but Mal–Mercie–was having none of it. Regina watched them argue, still not sure what exactly her intentions had been when she’d made them a family in this world. Mal would probably incinerate the whole town if she knew she was raising the daughter of the people who’d caused her to lose her own baby. But she seemed happy–happier than most of the others were–and Regina allowed a small smile to make its way to her face. It quickly disappeared though when she noticed she wasn’t the only one who was watching the two blondes.
From the booth across from them Mary Margaret was looking longingly at the girl while waiting for her husband to return. He’d excused himself around twenty minutes ago. Not even a minute later Regina had seen Kathryn follow him into the men’s room. Mary Margaret had seen her too but she was still waiting dutifully for David like a dog. Ever the hopeless romantic. She’d even turned down Whale’s advances when he’d asked her for a dance even though she was well aware what her husband was doing a few feet and a door away. It was almost too pathetic.
Regina startled when she felt something against her skin. She looked down at her hand and found a big golden spider crawling on it. There would be no way to explain it if somebody noticed. But of course no one did. Because no one was paying attention to her when she wasn’t scaring the hell out of them.
The spider crawled up to her wrist and its legs closed around it in couples, forming four solid circles of gold as it turned into a bracelet. She smirked at the new piece of jewelry and grabbed her coat. She put it on and headed for the exit, throwing the witch hat at one of the booths. Her free time was over. It was time for work.
The spider would shoot out a sparkly cobweb at every crossroads to show her the direction. As if she didn’t know where she was going. It was the same place every year. She didn’t need guidance. But he wanted to have an insurance that she’d go. So he sent her gifts that she’d have to wear until the next Halloween if she refused to go. He didn’t trust her. And she shouldn’t trust him either.
She reached the abandoned mansion where they always met a good half an hour later. She wished she could teleport but that was out of the question no matter how badly she wanted it.
He stood, waiting for her, his cane less useful when he had magic as a crutch but he’d brought it nonetheless because by the time they’d be finished there would be no more magic.
“I came to return this,” she said, outstretching her arm towards him so he could take his pet spider off her. She made extra effort to sound annoyed by the message of ownership it sent lest he thought she actually enjoyed feeling like she belonged to him. She didn’t.
He took her hand and the spider’s hold on her disappeared when he touched it. It moved up his arm and nestled itself into the pocket of his suit jacket, turning into a neatly folded handkerchief woven from fine golden threads.
She tried to pull her hand away but he didn’t let her.
“I also have something to return to you,” he said as he reached into the pocket of his trousers. He took out something and held it out to her. It was one of her skeleton keys.
“You just like to steal from me, don’t you?” she asked as she took the key from him and pocketed it, her voice heavy with the meaning she put in that sentence. She held his gaze, hoping to look challenging rather than hurt.
He studied her for a moment, then pulled her towards him by the hand he was still holding and claimed her mouth. Her lips immediately parted for him just like the first time they’d kissed.
It had been their second Halloween in Storybrooke and they’d been in his shop, preparing for their ritual, when she’d felt something. His dagger, she’d been certain. She’d been so close to finding it. But he’d kissed her and everything had become hazy. Her mouth had opened to him and so had her legs. He’d robbed her of her breath in more than one way lest she robbed him of his. He didn’t trust her. And she shouldn’t trust him either.
His free hand slipped into her hair, keeping her in place, as his tongue probed in her mouth, searching for lies. When it didn’t find any, it finally paid attention to her own, sliding against it slowly and prolonging the kiss until her lungs started burning from the lack of oxygen.
The hand she’d rested on his arm grabbed at his sleeve to draw his attention.
He pulled away when he’d had enough, leaving her desperately gasping for air that was much overdue. “I also give you in return,” he said, barely a hitch in his voice. The kiss hadn’t affected him enough.
He did. He gave in return. But not nearly as much as he took. And she would tell him so but she didn’t have enough breath to speak. The kiss had affected her too much.
“Shall we begin?” he asked, letting go of her hand and turning slightly towards the round table where he’d set out everything they needed.
She nodded.
He moved toward the chair, his sleeve jerking out of her grasp at the motion, and pulled it back for her.
She walked to the table and sat down, her legs suddenly like jell-o. It was the task at hand that made her so anxious. It was a complicated spell and they needed it to work. Everything was at stake.
He sat down opposite of her and reached for Pandora’s box that was placed in the middle of the table. “Are you ready?” he looked at her.
She positioned her hands on both sides of the box and nodded again, giving him a brief look but staying focused on the box.
He opened it and she summoned her magic, creating a shield around it to prevent the magic that they’ve already stored in it from escaping. Her task grew harder and harder every year. The more magic they collected, the more power she needed to use to keep it inside. It was draining her a lot faster and it forced them to cut down on the duration for which they performed the spell. And at midnight when all magic disappeared until the next Halloween she never had enough strength left to believe that they would succeed. But she had no choice. She had to keep going because otherwise it would’ve all been for nothing.
He’d talked her into casting the Curse after he’d left her no other way to get her revenge. He’d promised her exactly what she wanted. He’d told her she could have everything. Because magic always came with a price but they were going to a land without magic. A land without magic where one day every year a gateway opened between dimensions and an enormous amount of energy poured into the world unsuspectingly to the people in it. It wasn’t magic but it could be transformed into such by running it through the system of a magic user. And that was exactly what Rumple was doing. He was channeling the energy and storing the new magic into Pandora’s box. And when they had enough, they could break the laws of magic and be reunited with the people they’d lost.
He’d explained to her that magic was only limited when there wasn’t enough of it in one place to break the laws. And it was a lot easier to gather the needed amount of magic at a place that barely had any than at one that was drenched in it. So he’d convinced her to cast the Curse, promising that she could have not only her father back, but also Daniel. ‘We can have everything,’ he’d said, ‘if we stick together.’ And she’d fallen for it.
He had lied to her of course. He’d created the Curse so that it could be broken by Snow White and Prince Charming’s daughter. She’d learned too late to change it but she’d managed to get to the baby before they’d sent her through the wardrobe that would save her from the Curse. She’d stolen her from Snow’s arms but she hadn’t had what she needed to kill her. She could’ve snapped her neck without even needing magic to do it. But she hadn’t had time. And she’d found herself in a town where time had stopped and Emma was the only one who was aging. Rumple had his failsafe in case they failed. He’d lied to her because he didn’t trust her. And she shouldn’t trust him either. But she had no choice. She had to keep going because it couldn’t have all been for nothing.
Her hands were shaking violently as she felt the life force being drained out of her. Rumple felt it too because he reached for Pandora’s box and closed it. Her magic threw her back now that there was no counter-measure to it. She fell on the floor, her bones cracking at the impact, tears springing to her eyes.
“Regina,” Rumple was quickly at her side, palm glowing in purple as he searched for the injury.
She hadn’t even made it till midnight this year and they started later than any other year. It was getting harder for her. With each passing day she was forgetting the feeling of magic under her skin and when the time came to use it, she found herself unable to summon it as easily as she used to.
The pain disappeared but the tears had just started falling from her eyes. She grasped at Rumple’s arm, holding on to him even though she shouldn’t trust him. Because he was all she had. Even if he wasn’t quite enough.
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nygmobblepot-trash · 8 years
Happy Valentine’s day @scarletb1tch I hope you enjoy the story! This takes place 4 years after the latest Gotham episode. Oswald and have Ed have worked everything out and are secretly dating. This is one of their dates.
 Edward Nygma anxiously ran his fingers over a golden ring encrusted in diamonds, with a ruby in the middle. Ed had spent months on it, robbing several jewelry stores to find the perfect jewels. He was no jeweler, but he was the Riddler, who was smarter than any man. Well that’s what he told himself even if he was proven wrong… a lot.
Edward took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. He watched the sun slowly get lower and lower in the sky.
“Ed are you up there?” A voice asked below a trap door.
Edward almost dropped the ring while briskly putting it back into his iconic green suit. He ran over to the trap door and helped Oswald Cobblepot onto the roof.
“You’re late, Mr. Cobblepot.” Ed noted.
“You try finding this place on your own. Every building is abandoned here in this side of Gotham.” Oswald snapped back.
Edward escorted Oswald to a table he had set up for the date. The table was covered in a black cloth with silverware, ceramic plates, wine glasses and candles in the middle.
“What do you think?” Ed asked afraid that maybe he had gone overboard as usual. Normally he wouldn’t care as much, but this night had to be perfect.
“It’s beautiful Ed.” Oswald said as he sat down.
Ed took the other seat and pulled out a bottle of wine. “May I?”
“Of course.” Oswald handed his glass to Edward.
As Edward poured Oswald couldn’t help, but to laugh.
Ed looked at him perplexed. “What’s so funny Os?” He asked giving Oswald the wine.
“You said I was late, but you’re the only that’s late, 3 years late.” Oswald pointed at the wine.
Edward faked a smile. “Yeah you’re right.” He looked off into the distance remembering the day he promised he would show up to Oswald’s house with a bottle of wine. Fate had other ideas and he was taken away by a blonde headed girl. Edward didn’t know if he should tell Oswald that was the wine he bought years ago.
When Oswald realized what he had done he quickly spoke, “I’m sorry Ed. I didn’t mean t-”
“No it’s fine Ossie.” Ed’s fake smiled dropped again as he studied his lover’s face. All of his mistakes stared him back at his face. Over the years Oswald’s face and body had been the victim of terrible crimes. Most of the marks had been caused by Ed and it haunted him.
“Ed you’re staring. What has gotten into you?” Oswald asked obviously worried.
Edward suddenly stood. “Why do you stick around? I’ve done so much to you and yet you’re sitting here with me. You should just put a bullet in my head.” Ed couldn’t help it. No matter what he did there was always a voice that told him he wasn’t good enough. “I’ll hurt you again. I know I will and-”
“Edward that’s enough!” Oswald shouted. In one swift motion Oswald pulled Ed into an embrace. “I told you to never talk like that again. Listen to me Ed, you’re the only person I will ever love. You’ve saved me countless times even after everything I’ve done. If I could go back and do it all again, I would. Falling in love with you was the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Oswald held Ed tighter trying to hold back his tears.
Edward panicked. He didn’t know how to fix things, he had ruined another date. He always knew what to do, except when it came to Oswald. When he was around Oswald all reason went out the window and his head became static. “What do I do?” Edward whispered.
“Shut up and kiss me, Nygma.” Oswald cried into Ed’s shirt.
Ed was about to do as he was told when he heard two car doors slam shut.
“Jim, I’m telling you, the freak put you on another goose chase. He won’t be here. Let’s just call it a day and go get a drink.” A voice came from the street below.
Oswald and Ed both froze they knew exactly who was down there.
“Harv, we can’t just ignore this. If we don’t act quickly who knows what Nygma will do. He’s sick. Besides if you can’t handle it, you can just go. I’ll find you later.” Another man’s voice chimed in.
“And let you kick Nygma’s ass without me? Hell no.” The first man spoke again.
“Ed you need to leave now.” Oswald said with urgency.
“I’m not leaving you.” Edward said grabbing Oswald.
“Don’t worry about me. They’ll only take me to Arkham. I’ll be out in a couple of days.” Oswald pulled away and say back down at the table. “I’ll only slow you down.”
Footsteps and voices were heard from the trap door.
“Go!” Hissed Oswald.
Edward finally did as told and found a ladder on the side of the building. Oswald smiled at Ed one final time as Ed disappeared down the building.
“GCPD!” A man yelled as he busted open the trap door.
Oswald watched as two men climbed up through the opening in the roof. One man was fairly older than the other with a grey and brown beard, the younger one had slick brown hair and eyes that teared into Oswald’s soul. They immediately pointed their guns at an unamused Oswald.
“I see you still have no manners.” Oswald sighed and crossed his arms.
“Where’s the green freak, Penguin?” The older man asked clearly out of breath.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now if you excuse me, my food is getting cold.” Oswald picked up a container of spicy mustard.
“Cut the shit, Cobblepot. I figured out Ed’s riddle. He should be here. I suggest you tell us or I can drag your ass back to Arkham.” The younger one was obviously not in the mood.
Oswald turned to both of the men. “As much as I would love to help you with whatever adventure you’re on now, I’m kind of busy currently.” Oswald said with a mouthful of food. “You’re not very good at your job, Jim. I expect this much from a buffoon like Harvey, but not you. Nygma and I are enemies. Don’t worry I’ll find him and when I’m done I’ll send you what’s left.” Oswald hoped Ed was long gone, so he couldn’t hear the terrible things being said about him.
“You say that, but here you are at a table set for two. I was there 4 years ago when you and Nygma were buddies. I know he’s here, Oswald.” Jim Gordon took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Oswald to a pipe connected to the building.
Oswald was about to tell Gordon otherwise when he was interrupted by the Riddler’s booming voice over what sounded like a megaphone. “Detective Gordon and the other imbecile there’s still one final problem! You have 8 minutes and 45 seconds to stop my bomb from going off. I gave you more time since you have a Harvey with you, Gordon. You better hurry or all the people trapped inside will die. Good luck, you’ll need it.”
A building a half block away lit up with green.
Oswald turned back to the detectives and pleaded. “Don’t you dare leave me here. If that maniac finds me, I won’t be able to defend myself.”
“Don’t get my hopes up Penguin.” Harvey said as he quickly dropped down the trap door.
Gordon stared at Oswald as if he knew what was happening. “You can run, but I’ll find you guys.” Jim promised as he disappeared down the hole after Harvey.
Edward climbed back onto the building as the detectives raced to the green building. He quickly ran over and uncuffed Oswald.
“I told you to get out of here!” Oswald yelled.
Edward only ignored him and pulled him down where Jim and Harvey exited earlier. Once they were out of the building Ed picked Oswald up and ran. He didn’t know where he was going, but Edward knew he had to get them out if there.
“Edward Nygma stop ignoring me and put me down at once!” Oswald screamed.
Ed kept running. Tonight was the night he was going to propose. He wouldn’t let Jim or his own mistakes ruin it.
After about a mile and a half of running and taking quick breaks, Ed suddenly stopped realizing where he had taken them. The dock haven’t changed in years.
“Why do you never listen?!” Oswald shouted as he broke free from Ed.
Ed stared at the water in front of them. How could he have taken them here? Memories Ed tried to forget every night flooded into his head all at once. He heard Oswald’s voice begging him not to pull the trigger.
Oswald watched as Edward fell to the ground. “Damn it. We don’t have time for this. They’ll corner us if we don’t leave now, Ed.”
Oswald tried to push his own memories of the dock away, but couldn’t. So he sat next to Ed and watched as police lights get closer.
Oswald put his hand on Ed’s. “It’s going to okay, Eddie. We can’t let the past ruin our future.”
“You’re right Ossie, like always.” Edward smiled. What happened in the past is the past. This place doesn’t have to be a hurtful reminder. Maybe it could be a happy beginning.
Edward put his other hand into his pocket and felt the ring as Oswald stood up to face the nearing ever closer GCPD. An idea pushed its way into his head, it was crazy, but he had to do it.
“Oswald do you remember when you told me that we needed each other, that one couldn’t exist without the other?” Oswald heard Ed’s shakey voice behind him.
“Yes then you shot me.” Oswald stated coldly not wanting to remember the past.
“It took me four years to realize that you were right. I need you Oswald.” Ed’s voice was now cracking as if he was about to cry.
Oswald saw Jim running towards them in the distance. Oswald spun around to face Edward. “What the hell-” Oswald stopped mid sentence. Edward was on one knee.
Oswald choked back sobs of joy, “Edward Nygma I swear to God if you propose to me with a god damn riddle I will shove you into the water.
“What needs two to work, falls apart with one, and ends only at death?” Edward smiled proud of his riddle and pulled out the ring.
“Screw you Nygma.” Oswald sobbed.
“Is that a yes?” Edward pressed.
“Yes, you big idiot!” Oswald yelled as he ran into Edward’s arms.
“Wait Nygma and Cobblepot are a thing?!” Harvey yelled out of breath from running. Harvey opened his wallet and pulled out 20 dollars.
“I told you.” Jim Gordon sighed and took the money from Harvey.
They had a bet on if Edward and Oswald ever got together. Jim may have left the part out where he saw the two singing together in Ed’s apartment.
Edward paid no attention to the GCPD and kissed Oswald.
“Can I shoot them now?” Harvey joked wanting to go home.
“It’s too much extra paper work, Harv.” Jim sighed again.
“You’re just mad, because Nygma and Cobblepot got a happy ending, but you and Lee didn’t.” Harvey laughed suddenly enjoying the situation.
Jim turned to one of the officers. “Make sure those two are far away from each other in Arkham.” He turned back to Harvey “I need that drink now.”
“Now you’re talking. Have fun on your honeymoon in Arkham.” Harvey said following Gordon back to his cop car.
Oswald responded with a gesture that Harvey sadly didn’t see.
The Riddler and the Penguin were then apprehended and taken to Arkham. They were both out in record time.
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klbwriting · 8 years
The Little Gordon Part 2
Fandom: Gotham
Pairing: Jerome x Reader
Warnings: mentions of violence
Summary: Jerome is back and bringing about a purge so he comes to visit.
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Jerome smirked and knew where to go once he poured the city into darkness.  You, the little Gordon, would need protected and with how preoccupied Jimmy boy would be he wouldn’t be able to do it, so that left it up to Jerome Valeska, recently deceased but alive once more.  And boy he could sure do with corrupting someone so sweet.  He thought for just a moment if he should attempt to cover up his recently stapled face but shrugged.  You wouldn’t be able to see him that well anyway.
              He moved through the streets, easily avoiding being attacked by those who took his idea seriously, watching as chaos and carnage exploded around him and laughing all the time.   Then he saw the apartment building and headed inside and up the stairs.  
              The hallway was quiet, no one wanting to risk getting attacked outside.  You were in Jim’s place, candles lit and the curtains closed, you were being as quiet as you could be, hoping no one would think you were home.  You didn’t expect anyone to want to find you or kill you, but with how Jim talked about the people in this city you didn’t know if actually knowing someone mattered.  You were about to lock yourself in the bathroom and take a bath, with a fully loaded weapon beside the tub, when someone knocked.  You frowned and peered out the peephole before realizing how useless that was.  Instead of answering you stayed quiet.
              “Hellooooo Y/N, I’m here to protect you!” came that familiar voice you had dreamed about.  Jerome.  How could Jerome Valeska be here?  He was dead!  You had thought the person on the TV had been a fake, someone pretending to be him.  But you knew somehow that the man outside your door was him and despite all the things he’d done you couldn’t shake the feeling he wouldn’t hurt you.  You swallowed hard and knew that your trusting and caring nature was getting the best of you when you opened the door.  There he was, just barely recognizable in the dim light, his smile seemingly plastered on.  “So…you wanna know how I got these scars?”
              “Hi Jerome, I see you’re not dead anymore,” she said, letting him inside before locking up again.  He glanced over you in your robe, eyebrow rising in question.  You sighed. “I was going to take a bath and wait for this insanity you created to be over.”  
              “I didn’t create the insanity, I just…set it free,” he said with a smile.  “What like you haven’t thought about killing someone?  Perhaps me?”  He moved closer to her and surprisingly she stood her ground, not breaking eye contact.  “O your eyes look so sweet, you really like me don’t you?”   You couldn’t argue with him, you did like him despite everything he’d done.  Hell, after Jim told her what he had done she still went and met him for their date, and then had a few more after that before he was killed.  You more than liked him.
              “Yes Jerome, I do really like you,” you admitted.  “You want a drink?  Something to eat?  Have you eaten since you were brought back?”  She was always so sweet and caring with him, in his head he was thinking about how much he wanted to take that love and care and use it up until she was a shell of herself, but something in him, his heart maybe? Was telling him that he shouldn’t take advantage, that he should see how this went.  He ignored his brain, figuring he had time to corrupt her later.  
              “I’m starving beautiful,” he said.   You nodded, going about getting a sandwich ready for him and yourself, acting as if a crazed killer wasn’t in your apartment.  You were aware of where he was but you trusted him not to stab you in the back.  What you didn’t really expect was him to sit down at the table and wait patiently for his meal.  You handed him the plate and sat down across from him.
              “So why did you instigate a riot on your first day back?  You couldn’t just rob a jewelry store or something?” you asked.  He sighed like you just didn’t understand.
              “Go big or…go home…and since I have no home,” he said like it was obvious.  “However, I did stop by a nice jewelry store on the way here…” He slid a long package across the table for her.  That was another thing he hadn’t been able to really explain to himself, the need to get her something shiny, something to make sure she knew he liked her.  Maybe it was because he wanted to make it easy to get in her pants or maybe…just maybe…he wanted her to not hate him for starting a purge on the city and maybe get her brother killed.  
              “Did you at least make sure Jim was safe?” she asked, not touching the package.  Jerome couldn’t look at her.
              “He’s old Jimbo, he’ll be fine,” Jerome said with a dismissive wave.  You watched him.  You hadn’t expected him to take care of your brother considering your brother had put him in Arkham and then was partially responsible for his death.  She knew of Jim’s darker side and wondered what else he had done to Jerome to deserve his hatred.
              “So, why aren’t you out killing anyone you can get your hands on?  Why are you here?” you asked.  He looked in thought for a moment, then he glanced at the package.  It was clear he wanted you to open it.  You finally gave in and opened the box, smiling a little at the ruby bracelet.  He remembered how much you liked rubies and it was almost sweet, making your heart swell with love for him.
              “I’m here because I want two things and I’m not sure which one I’m going to go with yet,” he said.  You looked at him curiously as he took the bracelet and put it on your wrist.  “I really want to get you into bed and corrupt the fuck out of you and your sweet disposition…that sounds appetizing…but…I also want to not make you a shell because you’re nice this way…so sweet and loving…” You eyed him as he spoke, mulling his words around.
              “You won’t corrupt me,” you said finally.  You could see it in his eyes.  He wouldn’t do that, he could be confused or in denial but you could see it, he cared about you.
              “You’re right,” he said.  “I won’t.”  Then you both looked up as the front door was kicked in.
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