chamiryokuroi · 3 months
So since you've said you're not gonna post the NSFW art, which is fair. I'm curious, do you draw the sausages cut or uncut? Obviously only answer that if you want to.
Anon I am in the middle of a zoom call at work you can’t just ask this, how am I supposed to hold in my laughter 😂
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ghostbite0 · 4 months
i know its not much but ur my fav person on tumblr
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apollos-olives · 6 months
sorry i meant borderline obese
??????????? IM NOT?????????????????? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ???????!!!!!!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 month
re: the maki ask. i think people talk about misogyny with maki’s arc because where shuichi is touched and tangibly impacted by the presence of kaito in his life, maki goes from point a to point a with a boyfriend. like her characterization doesn’t move beyond her threatening to kill people and responding to situations with violence, she doesn’t apologize for trying to kill everyone and betraying shuichi, she just is suddenly said to have “changed” because she loved a man. and she hasn’t changed. and every moment that she’s on screen becomes about the impact that kaito has had on her in the meantime. (maki and himiko also kind of get shafted in trial six and spend a lot of time just regurgitating words and phrases, outside of maki’s moment where she says she’ll sacrifice herself to kill tsumugi and proves she hasn’t changed even a little bit because she’s still trying to kill the mastermind.) i don’t know. i don’t think people mean to say it’s misogynistic that maki loves kaito i think people mean to say her writing wouldn’t be like this if she wasn’t a woman. because we get to see fuyuhiko whose arc also revolves around his love for another person visibly grow and shift and spend time with OTHER people who he then values and apologizes for hurting. there’s actual growth there, a real character arc. the most you could say about maki is she touched grass :(
Anon while you have a point about Himiko and Maki's characterization in trial 6, I completely disagree that maki doesn't change at all throughout the game. I'm shocked you can even say that? How can you look at chapter 1 Maki and pre-trial chapter 5 Maki and say "this is the exact same character. Nothing significant has happened to her over the course of the game."
I have been a long time hater of forced romance plots as an aro ace person who, as a kid especially, really wanted to connect to female characters without a romance plot overtaking their whole personality. So believe me, I am usually very critical of this kind of plot. And while I would agree it is probably not shown as well as Fuyuhiko's, I would also argue that Fuyuhiko's character arc's climax is in chapter 2, while Maki's is in chapter 5. We don't get to see how Maki interacts with the others differently for nearly as long as we do Fuyuhiko. And she does interact with them SUBSTANTIALLY differently for the short time we see it pre-trial in chapter 6!
Not to mention, its not like she acts one way and completely shifts because of her confession to Kaito. You can slowly see her change from being completely walled off in chapter 1 and 2, to slowly opening to the idea of being around other people, trusting them, and giving them her heart. Its not just with Kaito, but with Shuichi, and Himiko too.
While I agree and I wish she could have apologized to the others after trial 5 for trying to sacrifice them all for her own vendetta against Kokichi, I think the reason it might feel like she doesn't change up to that point is that in chapter 5, she's relapsing on character growth. She's acting how she did in chapter 1 because of an extremely traumatic thing happening to her. Notice how she is with Shuichi in chapter 4, right before this. Shes opening up to him, too, in her own awkward way, and trying to support him as a friend for the first time in her life. How is that not character growth?
And also, while the way she voices the change in chapter 5 post trial does ring similar to romance-poisoned characters I disliked so much as a kid, I think there's more to it than just what she's saying in the moment. From a watsonian perspective, you have to keep in mind that kaito is actively dying, so everything she says is going to be filtered through the fact that he has about 10 minutes before he keels over. And from a doylist perspective, the changes in her character are extremely visible outside of him and outside of that moment, just a bit more subtly than her post-trial confession.
Is it perfect? No. There's definitely some misogyny in how she is written, I won't deny this. DR is DR, after all. But I don't think it's nearly as bad as you're making it out to be.
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jacks-weird-world · 3 months
#Anonymous ask
Okay, Kennedy PR team. 😂
Or should I call you "delulu in love"?
"you sure do miss/misinterpret his jokes a lot." Cool, and how should I interpret such behavioral abstractionism? Ah, you answer yourself: Like silly goofy.
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tarn-ati0n · 2 months
OK long story short me and the rest of a server I'm in have been debating about this for - and I shit you not - at least 3 hours so in a desperate attempt to resolve the situation peacefully and without victims I'm now asking for your input because you're the only splatoon fan I know on here who is versed well enough in Kink culture to answer me this:
Between Pearl and Marina, who is the dom?
Marina is a power bottom.
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
. . . . .🫤
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binkusdinkus · 8 months
How many failures will it take you to realize that drywall can not be stacked
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askacultleader · 11 hours
(the shadow wizard anon)
ight so you made a promise to that poor lass that you ain't gonna fck with the poet in the same way
im gonna hold you to that by making a promise of my own, that if you fuck that up some how, im gonna hit you with
the cramp™
and by the crown lemme tell you you don't wanna be hit with the cramp
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"Calm down, there's no need to threaten me."
"I will not be participating in fucking of any kind anytime soon."
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call-me-maggie13 · 1 year
I agree with the last anon. You're giving us too much sweet, love and we always end up with an "aww" at the end of the last few episodes. You're about to stab us with angst, right? Yes, you are about to do it!! and you know what? I love you for that XDXD
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
"Pops is getting insecure." Changing my name to secure 😎
I have passed away.
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scuddle-bubble101 · 1 year
Ok theres way too many hotties, I need a top 10 hottest in the midroads please
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The top ten hottest of Mid-roads...
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My brother in non-christ.
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stiffyck · 2 years
snow leopard scar but the way he lost his tail was he accidentally pulled to hard on it and it popped off like an action figure’s arm
scar but he can pop on and off body parts like a Lego man
Anon this is the funniest fucking thing ive seen all day.
Scar lost his tail because he popped it off and then forgot it somewhere. He never found it again.
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Not only did he do a cover of Bohemian Rhapsody but it was for the Jared Leto Suicide Squad movie. 🫠😬
Say psyche.
Anon, say psyche right now.
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 5 months
im fukcing losing it
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hyugahell · 6 months
does hiashi know about the alphaverse..
Hiashi: ...The "alphaver-"?
Hinata, crying and snatching her father's phone: NO! NO PLEASE NO, NO!!
Neji: ENOUGH!!
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