miss-daisy04 · 1 month
relating back to having the flu, WHY THE FUCK ARE CHECKUPS/VISITS SO EXPENSIVE AT THE DOCTORS OFFICE. like i knew i was sick but my gf said i should just go in, so i did. now tell me why it was 182 DOLLARS. I LITERALLY COULD HAVE PREDICTED IT MYSELF.
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theyoungeragrippina · 2 months
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JAZZ I LOVE YOU 🩷🫶🏻⭐️💞💛💝🌟💕
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goblin-hart · 3 months
In a world where I spend most of my time thinking I can't do anything- looking at something and thinking "I can do that" is kinda beautiful.
And I dont just mean things you are actually capable of but also things you aren't.
Like looking at a handstand and thinking: "oh yeah, easy" even though you can hardly do a back bend.
I love it because it looks past what I'm currently capable of and sees potential to do anything.
Like can I make and edit a perfect video? No, but my brain believes in me enough to try even if the first couple of results won't be what I expected.
I think my subconscious knows something I don't- even though I've taught it to doubt.
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0celestialbitch0 · 5 months
-hugs and kisses and hugs and kisses and hugs and kisses MWAH-
I love you with all my heart you beautiful star! Thank you for this love truly I needed it HUGGING AND KISSING YOU BACK MWAH MWAH MWAH 💗💓💗
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goosewizard · 6 months
make 2024 a year of kindness, selflessness, understanding, forgiveness, love. learn to stop talking shit about other people. compliment strangers. hold the door. volunteer. help that lady cross the street. smile at kids and adults and everybody. forgive the person that cut you off, that talked bad about you, that did something petty. know that kindness and compassion IS radical. keep talking about Palestine, and Sudan, and the Congo. take care of one another. be good to one another.
now, that being said, kindness does not equal docility. advocate for yourself, for others. do a kindness by demanding better from the government. keep fighting for what is right. keep fighting for one another.
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johnlennonofficial · 6 months
From the Bob Dylan/George Harrison “throat-licking” artist, it was indeed a joke 🤕 I tried not to tag it so less people would find it but it still found its way in the tags…
i love you . no orher piece of art has stuck on my mind as much as yours. some people may memorize the smile on the moan lisa but i will never forget the dylarrison kiss
as a next request: george spying on bob through his window
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seijorhi · 6 months
I've never watched TR and probably won't either, but I love your TR ffs so much and it inspired me to read more TR ffs 😭 I was constantly googling what those dudes look like and now I have a pretty good idea lol (adult ran & hanma, I'm on my knees 🧎‍♀️) your writing is sooo good, probably my favorite author and I'm always rereading your ffs if I can't find any new/good ones, thank you for your service, ma'am 🫡
See tokrev is a funny thing because I am nuts about a good few characters, but if someone was like ‘would you recommend this series?’ the answer is not straight forward dhhdhdhdjsls
BUT I do love that you read the fics even without having watched/read it. Those men (and women) have me in such a fucking death grip lmao
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mins-fins · 9 months
babe i bet ur gorgeous those haters need to back off🤗🤗
please your too nice to me 😭 i was way too sleep deprived to deal with that shit
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the-phantom-author · 11 months
I love you 😘
You're amazing 🤩
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spindrifters · 1 year
I think you're extremely smart and thoughtful. You're such a talented writer and a kind human being. You genuinely care about people in your life, even those who are only on the fringes of it. You're also cool as fuck. 🩵
I immediately regret doing this now I have to contend with people being NICE to me
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gimmethatagustd · 1 year
hi jai, ruu here,
how are you babe
(the wannabe-photographer chronicles tae)
Uh I wanted your opinion on something.
*attaches a mirror selfie in lingerie*
Is it too slutty for next photo session?
*already pulling out his camera*
"Is there really such a thing as too slutty? I think you should challenge yourself, really sit with the infinite possibilities that life affords us, and consider this: how can you make this sluttier? That, sweet Ruu, is the real question here."
jai is feeling kinda shitty so if you wanna send a character ask my inbox is open??
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imindecisivesorry · 1 year
Give him my piano so he can learn how to play a song for her? Fuck no.
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bivampir · 1 year
Is your icon some kind of evil Ohio? Stan.
anon can we kiss
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You are the cherry blossom 🌸 to my autumn days🦋
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It wouldn't let me see the picture at first and I was 50% sure you had sent me a penis.
and if you're like, MB who would do that. first of all, LB nearly every morning.
This was adorable. you dont know this but I have been in my sheep era. And if you're like, what the fuck does that even mean IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. I just want to be a simple european sheep farmer who occasionally unleashes their flock in the middle of a road. why, you ask? to cause problems.
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lowlights · 2 years
Tell me about Ezra. Tell me what our little gremlin likes done to him.
My beloved.
I'm putting this under the cut because to quote @joel-mlller: oofa doofa
Ezra likes your panties in his mouth while you ride him. Especially if you get good and wet beforehand. He also likes when you call him naughty but then let him prove that he's really a good boy for you. While my personal kinktober HC for him is that he likes to control your orgasm, he also likes when you deny him his own. For a little bit, at least.
He also really likes when you make him beg for a cheeky little rim job. He likes to eat you out while he wears a plug, and on special days he gets pegged.
Lastly, tie this boy up. Edge him into oblivion. Rub his pre-cum on your clit while he watches but can't touch you. Get off on his thigh, use him use him use him.
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honeybyte · 2 years
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happy birthday @oniisann i love u !!!
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