#and I hope you’re doing well
carlav-blogs · 8 months
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Ahsoka Tano/ Barris Offee
Celebrating 6 months of the Star Wars Sapphics Server
Here I am on my people who were failed by the Jedi Order kick. Let me present you more pain.
Go check out the other works made for this celebration Six Months of Star Wars Sapphics collection
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oneshortlove · 4 months
YOU!! 🫵
i love you
don’t forget it 💙💙💙
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oldtvserieslover · 11 months
Hello there!
Lately I started sketching a lot for fun and training purpose simply to get better and to overcome my art block.
I decided to start with sketching animals, so if anybody has an idea what kind of an animal I can sketch feel free to send me some requests! 😁
Meanwhile here a jellyfish for y’all 🤭🪼
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goosewizard · 6 months
make 2024 a year of kindness, selflessness, understanding, forgiveness, love. learn to stop talking shit about other people. compliment strangers. hold the door. volunteer. help that lady cross the street. smile at kids and adults and everybody. forgive the person that cut you off, that talked bad about you, that did something petty. know that kindness and compassion IS radical. keep talking about Palestine, and Sudan, and the Congo. take care of one another. be good to one another.
now, that being said, kindness does not equal docility. advocate for yourself, for others. do a kindness by demanding better from the government. keep fighting for what is right. keep fighting for one another.
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gravedigginbbydoll · 6 months
Sending love to all my friends who’ve been wronged by the holidays
You are seen and loved
And we can go punch the world in the face if you want
Or scream out into the wind, either one
If you wanna chat it out or anything know I’m here or on discord as gravedigginbby
I send hugs and bundles of smut ur way
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decided to post my current header image as a separate post because i like it so much. it was made last month i think, in ms paint by one of my mutuals @weaponsdrawn
and girl if youre reading this i still appreciate u, even if we don’t talk much anymore 😅
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tamil-culture-is · 7 months
Tamil culture is wondering if you should call yourself desi if you’re a second-generation immigrant whose parents are from Sri Lanka. It's being afraid you'll forget the language when you grow up even though you want to know the grammar and formal/informal language behind your favourite songs. It's knowing you won't find any comprehensive language-learning books/resources online. It's being anxious you WILL fail yourself and your family. As a second gen “Westernised” immigrant, I feel lost. :(
i'm so sorry for the late reply
first thing! don't worry. as long as you have someone to speak the language with you won't forget it. a few language learning books online are the valar thamil books, annai poopathi books to name a few- one way to find them is to ask family members about younger cousins and what they might be using to learn. and it's never too late to try to learn a language if you do forget bits. and you aren't failing yourself or your family. your parents might have moved for a better life, but it's up to you to live that life how you choose, and you can choose to live it however you would like.
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scientistswishingwell · 11 months
Ten minute write while I wait for my train day 3/?
I really hate the subway. It’s grimy. It’s often late. It’s loud as hell and overwhelming. It’s filled with weird people who stare at me or try to talk to me. It’s not actually all that cheap, though it is much cheaper than driving.
Every so often I see people on the train I know I’ll never see again. And then I see them again the next day, or a few weeks later, or a month or two later. I wonder if they remember me the way I remember them. The girl with the black and red hair and striking eyes and big headphones. The tall woman with the cream colored dress. The man who spent the whole hour-plus ride sitting up straight, staring straight ahead, looking at nothing, listening to nothing, his hands folded neatly in his lap. I wonder who I would be to them. The girl fiddling with her rings? The girl giggling at something on her podcasts? The girl who smiled at them on their way home? I wonder.
If the train was made of little moments like this, tiny connections where the world is suddenly cozier because oh right, I have seen you before, and you were soft and kind, then the train and I might get along better. But instead it clangs the loudest bell I’ve heard and it echoes through the tunnel and I cover my ears like a child while it approaches.
It is something I do not miss on weekends or holidays. But sitting here, watching the town fly by, I find myself wondering about the mother and her young daughter who used to read to one another every morning. I hope they are happy. I doubt they think about me.
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So! Since some people are clearly INCREDIBLY dense, let me make myself perfectly clear. If you are buying that game, I do not like you and you deserve to feel any and all guilt that decision brings you. :)
I do not condone death threats or any other harassment or hateful/violent speech towards any human being. However,,, letting someone know they are actively causing harm and by knowingly doing so have lost my respect and any trust/validity in my eyes is NOT harassment. It is simple fact.
I personally have never gone into anyone’s comments/reblogs/replies/etc. and shamed anyone. Ever. However… this is my blog and I hope all of you buying this racist bullcrap feel shamed and ashamed of yourself. I hope your experience with it is terrible. I hope you take one look at that disgusting excuse of a “plot” and vomit. I hope you learn from your mistakes and do better.
But if you don’t… you do not deserve my respect. It’s very simple. I feel like a lot of people have said this in much more descriptive terms than me, and I’m not looking to engage in discourse, so I’m not going to attempt to change your mind. I will say that if you are thinking of buying this game, and you’re feeling guilty? Good. You should feel guilty.
We are not children anymore. I would hope for everyone’s sake that we have grown the capacity for compassion and love of human beings. I would hope we have all learned to think critically and use kindness. But if you haven’t… you should do some self reflection, because blaming trans people for your guilt over a nasty decision YOU MADE is NOT OKAY.
I personally don’t care if you disagree. I personally don’t care if you’re an ignorant misogynistic racist transphobe. But DO NOT claim to be an ally and disregard it when it’s convenient to you. You do not get to spit in my face and tell me it’s raining. Shut the fuck up and go be a bigot elsewhere.
If you disagree do not argue with me… you will be blocked immediately and I will move on with my life secure in the knowledge that my worldview is not based on insecurity and vile hatred. I am actively working on being a mindful of others as I can. This does not make me weak or soft or stupid or whatever the fuck. This makes me actively stronger and smarter than any terf has ever been.
I will be blocking anyone who comments/replies/reblogs any stupid ass comments. If anyone wants to add their rants on this post feel free. I’m tired of this shit. I’m angry. It’s okay to be angry about other peoples harmful behavior. It’s okay to call them out. It’s also okay to block them when you get overwhelmed or sad at the state of this shitty world. I highly suggest playing the block game with any terf/idiot in the replies/reblogs. It’ll help you to just slap a ban hammer on them and move on. You will live rent free in their minds knowing they took time out of their day to reply and you didn’t bother responding. And you can move on and never think of them again!!
Anyway, to any of the many people being harmed by Rowling and her nasty terf cult. I love you. You’re allowed to be upset, but just remember this is ignorance and insecurity. None of this is your fault and you are beautiful. We are beautiful. Have a beautiful day lovelies! 💜
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hellmylifeishell123 · 8 months
I'm new so please don't say anything that can be taken as offensive but other than that hi hope you have a good rest of your day.
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haisley · 9 months
Was crying in bed about miscellaneous things just now and was feeling like absolute shit like
In a full on depressive episode and just managed to make my self feel better by remembering this one silly little thing that happened to me way back in my freshman year of college.
I remember I was sitting in the back corner of the dining hall with my laptop open to Facebook messenger and crying because my fucking phone had blue-screened itself randomly. It was a slightly older model and the display just up and died on me while my friends and I were in the common room watching the Super Bowl
This immediately caused me great amounts of distress as I was six and a half hours away from home with no license and no car and almost no way to contact anyone who could advise and coach me through this situation.
I was messaging my dad over FB messenger to tell him what had happened and when prompted, told him how I felt like shit (very understandably). When asked further I told him it was because I had just potentially lost every single precious photo of my long dead childhood pets who were very dear to me that we unfortunately lost to less than happy events.
My dad, super star old man that he is responded by sending a few pictures of said pets along with some encouraging words.
This of course made me cry. (Like desperately fighting back tears level of crying)
One of the work study students in the dinning hall had to have noticed this, because moments into me frustratingly trying to wipe my face with my sleeves, a girl came up to refill the empty napkin dispenser closest to me on the table.
She really had to have noticed me tearing up because the stack of napkins she used to refill the dispenser was comically too much. I sat there and watched her struggle to shove what was obviously too many napkins into this cheap plastic dispenser for a solid five minutes or so before she was able to force it shut. She then smiled awkwardly at me and walked away.
This thing was so stuffed full with too many napkins that you couldn’t actually get any of them out in one piece. You kinda just had to rip small bits off until you had a big enough wad of shredded napkin pieces to do anything. My face was still uncomfortably stained with shed tears and snot but ig it’s the thought that counts.
But anyways, remembering this little silly story just now instantly improved my mood so much that it let me catch my breath and stop crying.
If your still reading this, I guess the lesson here is that next time you find yourself in a depressive spiral, remembering a random awkward but silly moment from your past just might help you break out of that darker frame of mind long enough to help yourself feel better.
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nerodoesstuff · 10 months
Oh darling. Oh dear. How I’ve waited for so long. To see your smile. To see your face. To see every bit of your grace. I laugh at the memories we once had even knowing you’ll never be glad again. My beautiful darling. My beautiful wife, who might as well be dead.
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sansthesalt · 1 year
i’ll never forgive you (i can’t stop loving you)
i said i knew you and if we didn’t put specific things in place you’d never reach out
and you said that it wouldn’t have to be forever
and i said, you don’t say goodbye to people you’ll see again, you say see you soon.
and i just wish she came out and said it. said that it was forever, that she had no intention of ever being friends again, not really, that it wasn’t that friends were too much,
it was that I was too much.
and there were no words that could spill out of my mouth��� pleas, begs, screams— that could ever make you stay. that could ever make any of them stay. but you had the audacity to ask for a hug. and you hugged me like you never did before, but you still couldn’t find the courage to say that you loved me.
maybe that’s why you left, because you didn’t have enough love in you to give. because maybe a mean heart weighs less than a trying-to-be kind one. because maybe sitting there, across from them, laughing and making fun of teachers, is easier than telling me you love me.
it is easier. i just thought that maybe for me you’d try. because you said you tried, and i know you did, but trying isn’t just putting in effort to change, it’s to work around those stones we already have settled in our bones. to one day pass over and move through them. but no, i was simply too much.
i sat there in the corner as you sobbed and sobbed— why do you get to cry as you’re hurting me? you don’t see a assassin beg for forgiveness as he turns the knife. because with you, i am not allowed to be hurt. i am supposed to take your hands around the blade and say that i forgive you. that is not love.
love is you hurting me and me saying “it’s okay”, not because i feel okay, but because i love you and i know i will be okay. because love is permanent. love is something that makes you feel like air and you drag with your foot. i cannot say that you cancelling last minute, lying to me when you had no intention of going, making me feel awful for being upset, didn’t upset me. i felt annoyed, or disappointed, or let-down, but i didn’t hate you. hell, after an hour or two i wasn’t even mad at you.
i just missed you. i just wished you were there. and so i tried to text you, but you barely had a word for me; even when i sent u a video trying to make you feel included, you couldn’t be bothered to type real words.
sometimes the softest people hold the sharpest blades. sometimes the loudest people just want to be soft.
i swore i wouldn’t tell myself we would last— i did it every other time, and i was wrong every other time, but with you, eventually, i fell back in. sometimes when i think about you i want to swear my love away forever— to never give it to another living person again. to never loan, borrow, or give my love to another soul.
but like my mother, i cannot stop loving someone i once had. maybe we’re different in that way. i cannot stop loving you. i can turn it into sickness, or unfamiliarity in my stomach, but no, i cannot stop loving you. even when you can’t say it back to me, even when you can’t be bothered to send a real paragraph, even when you can’t look me in the eyes. i cannot stop loving you.
but as you sobbed in that room, you just overstimulated me. i didn’t want to be around you. i was ready to walk out of there and smile at a freshmen and leave you behind forever. i could’ve done it. i could’ve left and never came back. and maybe i will, maybe i’ll switch schools and never have to hear you awkwardly chuckle when you can’t make a decision, or never hear how your voice gets higher when you get tired, or how sometimes, when your back is away from me, you can tell me something you wish you could say more often.
but i didn’t. i sat in that room, trying not to have a panic attack simply from the room being so loud, and i heard you say words you’ve said before. i heard you say words i’ve though before… over and over. it’s not you it’s me over and over again like you were trying to reassure every part of me. but what they don’t tell you as you grow up, saying things more times doesn’t hide the fact you’re lying, it just covers your eyes until you realize you can see right through.
your hair looked pretty today. i couldn’t tell you that. i also realized you either skipped school to get your hair done, or in your some-kind-of-grief, decided that a new hairstyle was the perfect move.
tomorrow we have two of our classes together, shared table, shared notes, shared post-it’s— but now i don’t have anything. because now the table is longer than it is wide. now the space across from me is not long enough for my hands to reach. and you said we could be friendly, just not close friends. but i heard it in your voice, i felt the pause. so when it left your mouth i heard,
“we can be friendly… just not friends”
(and i can go anywhere i want, just not home)
and i can notice you but you can’t notice me. because love is a drink i never learned how to sip and hope is not something you can believe in.
i hope that time heals all your wounds. i hope you find someone to love and you love them with all you’ve got. i hope you get your mom out of her house and get your brother out too. i hope you learn to live away and speak your mind. i hope you learn how to be brave and be alone without being lonely. i hope you find some scrap of courage to leave everything you’ve ever known and find some kind of home. i hope one day you never have to worry about your mom and your brother changes his name. i hope one day you get to feel like you’re in charge of the world. i hope that one day you look at the stars and you never feel more excited. i hope you stick with your best friend and i hope you never stop loving your passions. i hope you live a long and full and healthy life, but i pray to god that i never have to see it.
and i pray, that one day, you’ll see doc martens or a french textbook or a monthly tumblr post and think of me. and think of the way we laughed. and think of the way we ran.
i hope you see a quote about lost friendships and think of me, and you know i’ll think of you, too.
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bryndisr · 1 year
Does anyone else have a long distance, never met person that they just have a massive crush? Like, you don't know if you'll ever meet but every interaction just brings a smile to your face....
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 170
Once again on my Ras & Danny being training rivals thanks to time travel bullshit. 
Look, Danny knows about the league of Assassins, but he almost dies of laughter when he realizes it’s the modern name of the league of Shadows. He’s an adult now, has been for a while, he’s allowed to find the situation he’s found himself in amusing. Hell, his sparring buddy who is somehow still alive is laughing too. 
And no one else knows what’s going on, okay? This random man walked into their secret base, completely ignored the many assassins trying to stop him, and called their illustrious leader a “Little Bitch Man” and they are now fighting?
The fighting is familiar, but why the fuck is Ras cackling and saying things like “Ayreh Feek” back. Practically saying “Fuck you,” while laughing and oh Pit, they’re Bantering this is terrifying, why has Ras not won yet, why has this man not died yet and- bodies aren’t supposed to bend like that what the fuck- 
Ras on the other hand, has One friend, who is immortal like him, actually remembers the shit he complains about, is also down for saving endangered animals, and actually knows how to spar! It’s not a proper spar unless someone loses at least a hand that has to be reattached! And honestly, people nowadays should know that the proper greeting to an old friend is to instantly try to kill the other. 
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lasagoofs · 10 months
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some gomens doodles from the past few days. I’m so normal about them
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