choosingfreedom-a · 6 years
insert fancy graphic depicting my love for kai in a humorous yet poignant way here. ideally it features erwin and levi in a way that is both cute and caring, and says “happy birthday” in a tastefully sloppy text.
okay, so, your actual present is coming At Some Point In The Future, but because my life is a mess of final projects right now i couldn’t get it done in time for yesterday, and like, obviously even this is late, so, uh. YEAH. FOR THE MOMENT, YOU’RE GETTING THIS. let it tide you over. 
ANYWAY, kai, i just wanted to take the time to say, on your birthday (or the day after, AS IT HAPPENS), how glad i am to have met you <3 i remember when you first followed me, and i was excited to see an erwin, but i think i took a few days to follow back, just bc i wait for new blogs to have writing up before i follow them. but when i did see your writing it took, like, .2 seconds to hit that follow button. and then i think our first interaction was me writing you a starter that blossomed into this wonderful thread with erwin and levi digging at each other early on in levi’s time in the corps, testing each other’s limits, erwin trying to convince levi to with others -- i owe you a response for that, which isn’t surprising, because i owe you a response for Many Things lmao.
but!! anyway!!! i knew the first time you wrote a reply for me that it was going to be wildly fun writing with you, and i loved reading your threads even when i wasn’t a part of them. your erwin is such a wonderful, well-rounded mixture of all of his qualities, not just a few: he’s pragmatic and ruthless and guilt-ridden and grim and cheeky and compassionate and humorous and brave all at once. i don’t think you’ve said a single thing about erwin or levi or their relationship that i disagree with; every time we talk about them, you bring these amazing and insightful aspects of erwin’s character to the table that make plotting so fulfilling. 
and i loooove that we have this ship, but that it isn’t just about romance. like, i’m in love with our cheesy fun deep romantic reincarnation threads, but i also adore our canon-era threads that are just -- them having a deeply trusting and nuanced relationship where romance might be an undertone, if you squint, but never a main theme, because it doesn’t need to be, because the depth of care is present between these two no matter what kind of relationship they have.
neither of us have been super active on erwin and levi right now, and that’s totally okay!! because i look at the drafts of our threads that are waiting for me and i’m excited to write for them, but i also know that you, lovely patient person that you are, won’t get tired of waiting for them, just like how a reply from you is worth any wait for me <3 but without a doubt you’re one of the writing partners i look forward to replying to the most, and we could never have enough threads to satisfy me, tbh, because there will never be an end to the number of ways we could explore erwin and levi. and that’s so special to me. our ship is the only ship i have on this blog, and i’m so ridiculously okay with that, because it’s so fulfilling.
and, okay, to talk about you for a bit -- well, first of all, your writing. i know you don’t necessarily like reading back on your writing, so let me just assure you: it’s all wonderful. your imagery, your sharp and accurate insights into both erwin and the character of whoever you’re writing with, the way you keep all of erwin’s demons so close to the surface and yet never breaking through his mask -- there’s a ruthless understanding and a beautiful subtlety in your writing that never fails to make me excited when i read your posts.
and then, you as a person -- you may be a shadowy cryptid, slipping in and out of group chats like a ship passing through the night, but that only makes your appearances more delightful. you’re funny (which is such a common way to describe someone, i feel like, but it’s true, your brand of humor has me laughing every time you pop up to deliver it), you’re smart, you’re insightful, you’re devious without ever being unkind. plus you take my angst like a champ, and then throw it back in a way that hurts me even as it adds another several years to my life out of sheer wicked delight. the point is, i love talking to you -- and i hope we’ll get the chance to do so more often once we’re both out of school’s clutches <3
and i can’t go without mentioning your beautiful graphics -- your themes always kill me with how lovely they are, like, every time i open your blog i just have to sit and admire it for a minute. and the same for the rest of your graphics, be it icons or banners or promos -- i remember on your last theme, when i first saw the mains banner you made for me (WHICH YOU DIDN’T EVEN TELL ME ABOUT), i just had to sit there and vibrate in delight because it looked so lovely. (also, i still laugh at the little chibi levi on your blog -- it’s so obnoxious, oh my god, it’s just floating there right over your sidebar, just as completely irreverent of erwin’s calculated appearance as levi ever was.) 
ANYWAY, i need to wrap this up or i’ll go on forever -- but the point is, i’m incredibly lucky to have you as a writing partner and as a friend, kai. i admire you as a writer and i adore you as a person, and i will always be amazed and grateful that i’ve been able to write and ship with you. you deserve the world, and i’m sorry i’m a bit late for your birthday, but i hope it was as amazing as you are, and that the rest of your year brings you every joy* !!
     *except for the angst that comes from me, which is still kind of joy if you’re sadistic enough.
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the-writer-nerd-ro · 3 years
Part 1 of my HDL birthday fic. The other part will be out in the next few days
Birthday Plans
D: Any fun plans for today?
It was seven in the morning and Dewey was sitting in the cockpit of the Sunchaser on his birthday. Della was bringing coffee but Dewey was still a little tired. There was a different kind of tiredness that had settled in his bones as he thought about spending his birthday away from his brothers. He didn’t expect either of them to be awake but he thought he would shoot them a text before he started flying.
H: I wish. I have a bunch of tests tomorrow so I have to study all day today. But tomorrow after my tests, my friends and I are going out for belated birthday drinks.
D: Tell the bartender it’s your birthday and get free belated birthday drinks
H: I’m not going to lie, it’s against the JWG
D: You’re 24. You’re not a Junior Woodchuck anymore.
H: You’re right.
H: I’m a Senior Woodchuck.
L: Do you guys ever sleep???
D: It’s 7 AM
L: Yeah, it’s 7 AM, you should be asleep
D: What are your plans today, Lou?
L: Boyd is visiting after I get off work and we’re going to spend the rest of the day together
H: Aww, adorable.
D: Sappy
L: Anyway, what are you doing today, Dewdrop?
D: Doing a flight with mom and then cake with some of the fam later
H: Have fun, eat a slice of cake for me.
D: Will do
L: Your present should be in the mail. Yours too, Hue.
D: You didn’t have to get me anything
L: Yeah, but I feel bad that we can’t be together today. It feels weird.
D: It does feel weird
H: I miss you guys
Dewey set down his phone, blinking back tears. He hadn’t wanted to get emotional this morning but he was having a hard time holding it together if Huey was throwing around, “I miss you,” and Louie was commenting on how weird things were.
To avoid addressing his emotions Dewey found a gif of a dancing baby that said happy birthday. That was enough to start a gif chain that moved them away from heavy emotions.
“You okay, sweetheart?” Della asked, offering her son a cup of coffee, and taking in his bummed-out expression.
“Yeah, just texting Huey and Louie.”
Della nodded somberly, “It’s hard being apart from them, isn’t it?”
Dewey was trying his hardest not to get choked up.
“I shouldn’t be so dramatic. They’re just a few hours away, and we’re meeting up in a couple of weeks after Huey’s done with finals.”
“But today’s your birthday. It’s okay if you miss them extra hard today. Your feelings are valid.”
“It’s our first birthday apart,” Dewey whispered.
“I know how hard that can be,” Dell said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“Mom? Does it get easier?”
“A little. But the time apart makes the time together so much better. And you get to do one barrel roll in the Sunchaser on your birthday.”
“I should get to do 24 barrel rolls because it’s my 24th birthday.”
“Don’t push it, buddy.”
Huey had a coffee and an English muffin (toasted, lightly buttered) and was one flashcard away from a breakdown. He was exhausted, which was not the way you wanted to spend your 24th Birthday.
Everything was always happening all at once. Huey probably wouldn’t have remembered it was his birthday until Dewey had texted him earlier. He’d fussed about lying to an imaginary bartender but had had no qualms lying to his brothers. There were no friends taking him out for belated birthday drinks. No one here knew him intimately enough to know his birthday.
Texts would roll in all day from the family and friends who he desperately missed, wishing him a pleasant day and asking him about his fabricated plans. He was almost in tears every time he furthered this delusion that he had people here, that he was not just a loser alone on his birthday. How pathetic would that be? When Dewey was with their family and Louie was with his boyfriend. Huey’s chest ached about the fact he was the only one alone.
Fenton was the only one who called him out on his lie.
F: What’re you doing for your birthday, Huey?
H: I have to study today but I’m getting drinks with some friends tomorrow.
F: Oh, nice.
F: So you finally made some friends over there?
Huey wished that he hadn’t ranted to his mentor about how incredibly difficult it was to find time to make friends.
H: ...No
F: So who are you drinking with?
H: Nobody
F: Drinking alone, then? Maybe call a car to get home.
H: I’m not drinking alone
F: So you just lied to me?
H: Not just you?
Fenton stopped responding for a few minutes and Huey felt devastated. He hadn’t wanted to lie to his loved ones but he hadn’t wanted them to pity him either. And now he had to deal with guilt on top of all the exhaustion.
F: So you’re all alone on your birthday?
H: I guess I am
F: I see why you wouldn’t want to talk about that
F: But you didn’t need to lie
H: It’s too late now, I already told everyone that I’d be drinking with friends tomorrow.
F: Well, I don’t have any plans tomorrow. Team Science reunion?
H: Team Science reunion
Huey felt a bit better about his birthday, grateful that Fenton had reached out. He still missed his brothers though. He decided to text them both one more time today before he went back to studying, though he decided to text them separately this time.
H: Have a safe flight, Dewey.
D: Thanks, bro. Good luck studying
H: Thanks
He decided to text Louie later since he’d been tired and he wasn’t fun to talk to when he was tired. And then, swamped with studying, he promptly forgot until dinner.
H: Hey! I hope you had a good day at work and that you and Boyd have fun today. A responsible amount of fun.
L: Lol I’ll tell Boyd that the arson is canceled
H: No arson, but you could still probably make S’mores. Boyd’s really good at that.
L: I get it, you’re both Senior Woodchucks. Hey, do something nice for yourself today, okay? Don’t just study yourself to death.
H: ...Okay. Thanks, Lou
“Who’re you texting?” Boyd asked, already making himself comfortable on Louie’s couch.
“Huey. He told us to have fun. And to not commit arson.”
“I wasn’t gonna commit arson on purpose, were you going to commit arson?”
“Well, it’s my birthday, and you did bring cupcakes and candles.”
“Mm, those are more fun if you blow them out instead of letting them burn. How’s Huey doing anyway? Fenton just texted me about him.”
“I’m afraid he’s overworking himself,” Louie admitted, “But that’s just Huey’s nature. I'm not especially surprised.”
"That's the vibe I got too. Fenton asked me if I wanted to go get drinks with him and Huey tomorrow so that he doesn't have to be alone."
“Whoa,” Louie said, eyes widening.
“Huey must’ve lied about having plans with his school friends tomorrow.”
“Aw. Well, you would’ve done the same thing. Huey probably just didn’t want you guys to worry. A classic Louie move.”
Louie frowned deeply.
"Hey, babe, do you ever get the sense you're doing the wrong thing?"
"Well, I took this internship, to you know, pull myself up by my bootstraps. Be my own person."
"I'm really proud of you for that."
"Yeah, well… Being my own person sucks. I've always been one in a set of three. And it feels like recently someone ripped the "Do not separate" sticker off and I hate it."
"Hm… Do you want to come and get drinks with me tomorrow?"
"Getting wasted won't help. I've tried and alcohol doesn't fill that hole."
"I know, I've carried you home before. But I mean do you want to go get drinks with me and your brother? We could surprise Huey."
"Hey… That's not such a bad idea. I need to make a call."
“I’ll light your cupcakes on fire,” Boyd said cheerfully.
“No fair, starting the arson without me,” Louie laughed, as he pulled up the texts from the morning and tapping on Dewey’s number.
“Oh, hey! Hey, Louie, hold on, guys Louie’s on the phone, we gotta sing again!”
Louie laughed, cringing a little in anticipation of the awkwardness as his family began a staticky and muffled rendition of Happy Birthday.
“Thanks, guys, means a lot to me. Dewey, can I talk to you for a moment?”
“Sure, sure, let me just step outside,” A moment later Dewey’s voice came back, “What’s up?”
“Are you busy tomorrow?”
“Uh, not sure, why?”
“Well, it seems like Hubert lied about his birthday plans. Apparently, there were never any friends he was gonna go drinking with, so Fenton decided to drop by and he wanted to bring Boyd and Boyd thought it was a good idea if I tagged along. So what if we surprise Huey? He’s been working really hard at med school- hell, we’ve all been working really hard. What do you say?”
Dewey was silent for a minute and then Louie heard a laugh (Or was it a sob?) on the other end.
“Man, I’ve missed you guys so much. I’d love to do that. Let’s set something up, mm-kay?”
“Yeah. Boyd! Text Fenton and tell him that me and Dewey are gonna come surprise Huey, we’ll figure it out from there.”
“Okee dokee,” Boyd said cheerfully, putting an alarming amount of candles (probably 24) in one cupcake.
“I have to go, Dewey, I’m afraid that Boyd is about to set my apartment on fire without me, but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow! Enjoy your fire hazard and your boyfriend.”
“Those are the same thing, Dewey.”
“Then enjoy your fire boyfriend. Boyfire? I dunno.”
“He is pretty fire, isn’t he? Bye, Dewey.”
“Boyd if you light that you’ll coat that cupcake in so much wax it’ll be disgusting and that’s just a waste of a good cupcake.”
“Then I’ll eat that one. I’m an android I’m not as picky about what is and isn’t cupcake.”
“Sometimes, fortunately not often but sometimes, you remind me so much of Dewey that it’s terrifying.”
“Do you still love me?” Boyd asked, squinting a little and laser lighting the candles. As Louie had assumed it quickly became a soupy, fiery mess.
“More than words can express,” Louie said, capturing Boyd’s lips in a kiss after extinguishing the cupcake.
“Did you make a wish, baby?” Boyd asked, holding Louie close by the hips.
“I don’t need to, everything is going to be okay. In fact, I think that everything is going to be… Perfect.”
“Happy Birthday…”
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btxtreads · 4 years
Underneath the Stars | H.Kai
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➳ The stars will always shine, even if it can never shine brighter than the moon.
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↳ Pairing: Hueningkai x Reader
↳ word count: 4.4k
↳ genre: fluff, like a tinee bit of angst, messy bc i was writing this with no idea of what plot to do also i think the ending is rushed but i still went past 12kst so what use was that rush sakjsjka, Hogwarts AU with a babie hufflepuff kai!
↳a/n: Belated happy birthday hueningie. Ningningdungies enjoy this half-baked Hufflepuff Kai fic
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It was a cloudy day, perfect for students as they walked around aimlessly at the grounds before the anticipated quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff started.
Hueningkai, the Hufflepuff seeker, should have been making his way down to the Quidditch Pitch.
That’s why Y/N was so confused why they chose to be up in the owlery—laughing maniacally at her in amusement.
“Why are you even here?” She whined, clutching her letter to her chest.
“Well, I was curious why you weren’t in the stands to cheer me and Taehyun on,” Kai grinned, wiggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner. “Clearly, you’re more interested in sending a letter to a certain Slytherin,”
Kai laughed again, dogding a flying shoe courtesy of the girl.
“Good aim, want me to train you for Chaser?” Kai said nonchalantly, walking closer to the owls.
“No, thank you. Shouldn’t you be down at the pitch?” Y/N sighed in irritation, clutching the letter closer to her as he scooted closer—his eyes trained on the small envelope.
“Not going without you,” Kai snorted, crossing his arms. “What did you even say in the letter?”
“I’m going to confess—tonight at the Astronomy tower,” Y/N declared firmly, before burning red again as she shot Kai a small pout. “Do you think he’ll like me.”
Kai only gave her a small smile.
“He’d be stupid if he didn’t,” Kai grinned, gesturing his head over to the envelope. “Now, come on. Send that off and let’s go, we have a match.”
Y/N huffed, raising the envelope to Beomgyu’s owl—watching as it opened its wings and flew off to drop the anonymous envelope to Beomgyu.
It’s been a year, huh? Can we meet at the astronomy tower at midnight? I have something to ask you about the Yule Ball in a few weeks. -your admirer.
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Y/N has always been around Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai for as long as she can remember.
Growing up, the five boys were practically hounding at her every day.
Soobin was her older brother, the perfect brother one can have—doting but not too overbearing, talented and charming, smart but can be airheaded most times.
It was through him that she met Yeonjun, his soon-to-be best friend and new next-door-neighbor.
Of course, that automatically meant meeting Yeonjun’s little brother, Beomgyu.
The mischievous pest warmed up really quickly to her—what with their mutual desire to torture their older brothers with endless pranks.
Then, they met Taehyun and Hueningkai through their parents.
Kai’s mother and Taehyun’s father were good friends with their parents, as well as Yeonjun’s and Beomgyu’s.
Of course, a reunion between old friends means a meeting between their children—and the moment Y/N met Kai she swore she found her other half.
Platonically speaking.
Sure, Taehyun and Beomgyu were so in sync with him, and Soobin and Yeonjun were just the perfect hyungs to be.
Y/N was different.
She was instantly hooked the first time he gave her the softest smile—introducing himself as “Hueningie” instead of his actual name of Kai and offering a cuddle of his plushie as a welcoming gift.
It wasn’t until they were around 10 years old when Y/N started realizing what love was—it was what she felt for her other best friend—Beomgyu.
Of course, Hueningkai knew this.
Of course, he didn’t say anything.
Even if he knew her love would hurt him in the long run.
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Y/N rushed, hands shaking as she made her way up the Astronomy to finally tell Beomgyu how she’s felt for years.
She made sure she wouldn’t make him wait—going there thirty minutes before even the agreed time.
But it seems like someone beat her to the punch—two someones.
By the observation deck stood Beomgyu, cheeks burning red as he conversed with a short girl with long brown hair.
Lee Daeun—Slytherin, one of the prettiest in her house, and Beomgyu’s crush since freshman year.
He swore up and down that he grew out of his crush on her—obviously not with the way he blushed a bright red.
“This is you?” Beomgyu asked as he held a couple of envelopes in his hands—all love letters that Y/N herself wrote throughout the duration of the year.
“Yes,” Daeun replied shyly as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “I really liked you, Beomgyu, so I thought I should send you some letters,”
Beomgyu smiled softly.
“You do?”
“I do,”
“What did you want to ask me?” Beomgyu asked gently, hand reaching out to grab the girl’s.
“Will you take me to the Yule Ball, Beomie?” Daeun asked, using Kai’s childhood nickname that only Y/N was allowed to use.
Instead of bringing that up, Beomgyu’s eyes brightened up as his smile widened even more.
As Y/N watched the scene from a the doorway, arms circled around her waist and a chin rested on her head.
“It’s okay,” Kai sighed, tightening his grip.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N asked, hand trailing down to grip his tightly.
Hueningkai buried his face in her hair, muttering as his eyes locked onto the scene in front of him—Daeun giggling non-stop as Beomgyu smiled brightly.
“I’m here to tease you,”
“Then tease me,” Y/N replied, voice wavering. “Tell me how stupid I am for falling in love with one of my best friends.”
“Falling in love with your best friend isn’t stupid,” 
Y/N didn’t reply, watching as Beomgyu leaned forward and planted a kiss on Daeun’s lips.
Kai didn’t speak as Y/N turned around, burying her head in his chest and starting to cry.
He just tightened his grip on her.
“Falling in love with your best friend hurts, Kai,”
Kai smiled sadly.
“I know,” Kai said. “I know how it feels,”
There, four beating hearts stood underneath the same bright stars—nothing but the shining moon to witness the pain and heartache.
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The next day, Kai sat next to Y/N and Soobin in the Gryffindor table—chewing happily on a pancake.
Mina, the Gryffindor prefect passed by.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at the Hufflepuff table?”
Kai only grinned.
Soobin, who was the other Gryffindor prefect, waved his hand nonchalantly.
“It’s nothing big,” Soobin replied, tearing into another piece of bread—continuing his statement with a mouthful. “People do it all the time,”
“I’m sorry—house divisions exist for a reason. Tables are separate for a reason and—“ Mina’s eyes hardened, mouth opening to argue more.
A body decked in an emerald green plopped down next to Soobin with a groan.
“It’s 7:00 AM on a Sunday, Mina,” Yeonjun glared. “Literally take that stick out of your arse and leave us alone,”
“A Slytherin—“
“Leave or I’ll tell Professor Binns you cheated on your History of Magic exam yesterday, Ms. Prefect,” Yeonjun hissed, effectively shutting down the girl.
After Mina huffed and marched away, Yeonjun rolled his eyes.
“Good morning,”
Soobin greeted back—mouth still full of bread loaves—while Hueningkai waved.
Y/N just gave a weak smile.
“Why are you here?” Soobin asked once he swallowed down his food.
Taehyun arrived, sitting down next to Hueningkai—his blue robes standing out.
“Is it because Beomgyu and his new girlfriend are getting too disgusting?” Taehyun asked, reaching out to take a slice of meat from the serving plate in front of Hueningkai.
“It’s 7 in the morning—I have no patience for that crap—“ Yeonjun said, before raising his voice. “Or you, Mina—shut it!”
Soobin continued chewing, eyebrows furrowing inquisitively.
“Wait,” Soobin tilted his head. “He has a girlfriend now?”
“Yeah, Lee Daeun,” Yeonjun grumbled.
“But—“ Soobin started, is eyes falling on his sister. “Oh, so that’s why.”
“Can we not talk about this?” Y/N asked.
“Talk about what?” Beomgyu’s voice asked as he appeared behind them, hands on Y/N’s shoulders happily.
“Nothing,” Kai grumbled as Beomgyu raised an eyebrow.
“Okay?” He laughed, hand tugging on the sheepish girl behind him. “Everyone, this is Daeun. My girlfriend.”
Y/N didn’t react, only continuing to poke with her food.
“Hi,” Yeonjun grumbled.
“How exactly did this happen?” Soobin piped up.
“Or when?” Taehyun added.
“Last night,” Beomgyu recalled happily. “Remember the letters I’ve been getting? It’s all her.”
Soobin and Yeonjun—who both found out about the letters—and Taehyun—who, much to the dismay of Kai, suggested Y/N do the letters—all widened their eyes to look at the Slytherin girl giggling next to Beomgyu.
“No, she isn’t,” Yeonjun said, pursing his lips at the glare Kai sent his way.
“I am,” Daeun said happily, giggling as she leaned on Beomgyu’s arm. “And now we’re dating and going to the Yule Ball,”
Before anyone could say anything, Y/N slammed her fork on the table and wiped her lips with a napkin.
“I’m not hungry anymore.” Y/N said.
Beomgyu furrowed her eyebrows.
“Y/N, you barely ate.”
“I lost my appetite.”
“But why—“
“That’s because anyone would lose their appetite with you and your girlfriend around, Choi,” a voice declared. “I would retch.”
Kai groaned, head slamming on the table in exasperation.
Soobin continued eating as Yeonjun started to mix a cup of coffee for him and Taehyun—invested in the scene in front of them.
Beomgyu’s eyes immediately darkened as he looked over at the approaching Gryffindor.
It was true—no matter how much a Slytherin or a Gryffindor liked each others’ houses, there’s always that one person from another house that they hate.
In Beomgyu’s case, that was Song Hanbin.
“I don’t recall you being part of the conversation,” Beomgyu quipped to which Hanbin only smirked.
“I don’t recall your friends inviting you over to eat with them,” Hanbin shot back.
“Technically, we invited no one—they just came on their own,” Soobin said, which was ignored.
“Anyways, Choi, don’t worry your pretty little head—I’m not here for you,” Hanbin said. “I’m here for Y/N.”
The said girl’s head shot up, along with Kai’s.
Hanbin turned, smiling over at Y/N.
“I think you’re really beautiful, and I’ve been admiring you from afar for years now,” Hanbin started.
At this point, Hueningkai’s eyes were wide open—a signal for help sent to his hyungs, who were the only ones who knew about his feelings for Y/N.
Granted, he felt weird that her older brother was so invested in his sister’s love affairs.
Soobin and Yeonjun only exchanged a look of panic, Taehyun next to them signalling a cut across his neck.
“Stop it now!” Taehyun mouthed.
“I think you’re a really smart, captivating girl,” Hanbin continued. “And I’d really like it if you went to the Yule Ball with me,”
At this point, Y/N’s eyes darted all over her friends’ faces.
Beomgyu was positively fuming while Hueningkai was burning bright red in panic.
“She’s not going with you,” Beomgyu replied for Y/N.
“Well, that’s not your choice, is it? Focus on your girlfriend.” Hanbin replied, mocking Beomgyu before Y/N spoke.
“I’m not going with you—“ Y/N said. “I’m going with Hueningie,”
At this, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun, Soobin and even Kai himself stopped—freezing as Y/N smiled over at Hanbin.
“Thank you, Hanbin. I’m flattered, but I’m already going as Kai’s date.”
“You are?” Kai squeaked as Beomgyu furrowed his eyebrows.
“That’s unfortunate,” Hanbin smiled, shrugging as he backed away. “Better luck next time, eh?”
“Sure,” Y/N nodded, looking back at Kai.
“You’re going with me?” Kai said, a hopeful tone to his voice.
“Of course,” Y/N started, but was cut off by Beomgyu shaking his head.
“No, you’re not?” Beomgyu said, making Y/N turn to him.
“Why not?”
“You don’t like him, right?” Beomgyu said. “Why are you going on a dance with him?”
“None of your concern, Beomie, or maybe I should just call you Beomgyu.” Y/N sighed, standing up and sending an exasperated nod to a frozen Daeun.
“Huh?” Beomgyu asked.
“Have a nice day,” Y/N cracked a small smile as she nodded over to the couple.
As she left, Kai stood up—shooting Beomgyu an incredulous look.
“Next time, try to clarify who exactly you’re talking to and meeting,” Kai said. “Daeun didn’t send those letters.”
Kai left, following Y/N.
One by one, Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun took their leave.
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Hogsmeade—the district next to Hogwarts where students frequent to do their purchases and spend on a whim during their stay in Hogwarts.
Soobin and Yeonjun—one of the most sought-after in the school—decided to play a prank on their admirers by going to the ball together.
When offered to buy dress robes together, Yeonjun and Soobin refused to go with Kai and Y/N, choosing to go to instead head to the Shrieking Shack (which the both of them have seen a couple of times already, but still frequent to scare the innocent students looking at it for the first time).
Taehyun decided to be a lone wolf—stating that he’d either leave early or make fun of people with Soobin and Yeonjun.
For dress robes, he said he made a promise to go with his Ravenclaw buddies.
No one has talked to Beomgyu since that day with Daeun.
All five promised to meet up at Three Broomsticks at exactly 7 in the evening. It was currently only 2 in the afternoon.
Kai and Y/N found themselves in Gladrag’s Wizardwear—only among the selected few who decided to go for dressrobes first.
Taehyun was already finished by the time they arrived—waving a goodbye and promising to be at Three Broomsticks.
“Yeonjun and Soobin are going to be stuck in line later,” Y/N said as she thumbed through the selection of dresses.
Kai, with arms already holding a brand new set of plain black dress robes, snorted.
“We did tell them to come with us,” Hueningkai said, eyes locking onto Y/N’s arms. “Will you be wearing all of these?”
“Trying out some of them, yeah,”
“I think you look really beautiful in blue,” Kai said, burning bright red when Y/N looked at him in shock. “Just—Just a suggestion,”
Y/N smiled softly.
“What about red?”
“I think you look beautiful in everything,” Kai said, coughing akwardly as he looked off to the side. “I just really like blue.”
In the end, Y/N got a beautiful blue dress and they left the store with bags carried in Kai’s left hand, and Y/N holding the other.
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Hands still tightly clutched in Hueningkai’s, Y/N pouted as she tried to choose what flavor of no-melt ice cream she would purchase for the day.
“Maybe mint chocolate?” Kai suggested making the girl wince, looking over at the boy who was already eating his own ice cream in the wretched flavor.
“That’s disgusting,” Y/N hissed, scrunching her nose up in disgust. “It’s like eating cold toothpaste.”
“No, it’s not!” Hueningkai argued, making the girl roll her eyes and settle on a flavor.
“Vanilla with Cookie Dough, please,” Y/N requested.
“That’s so boring,” Kai commented as Y/N received her own cup.
“You’re boring!” Y/N shot back.
With a grin, Hueningkai shoved a spoonful of mint chocolate ice cream in Y/N’s mouth—laughing maniacally.
Y/N whined as she pulled the spoon out.
“It tastes so weird,” Y/N groaned.
Hueningkai laughed as Y/N continued to whine, stopping when he saw Y/N’s lips with a small crumb of ice cream.
“Your—uh—“ Kai said. “You have um—“
Kai didn’t reply, reaching out and brushing the corner of her lips.
Y/N’s eyes widened as Hueningkai blushed, brushing the crumb off of his hand.
“You had a—“ Hueningkai stopped, eyes locking with Y/N’s. “Something.”
Y/N didn’t speak, eyes searching his as Hueningkai started to lean down.
“Excuse me, are you guys still in line?”
Y/N flinched, stepping back in surprise as Hueningkai turned to a bored-looking Slytherin.
“Oh, uh, no,” Kai replied, hastily pulling Y/N out of the way. “Sorry,”
“Next time, make out somewhere more private than a sweets shop.”
Y/N blushed red as Hueningkai stammered.
Next to them, the ice cream clerk was smiling.
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Y/N sat next to Hueningkai in Three Broomsticks—laughing loudly as Yeonjun and Soobin started to argue about some stupid things.
Taehyun smirked off at the side, chiming in every once in a while to aid either party to make the argument bigger and bigger.
Hueningkai and Y/N sat side by side, hands awfully close to one another.
The Hufflepuff breathed deeply, ready to grab Y/N’s hand and intertwine it with his before—
“Hi,” A voice greeted meekly, revealing a shy Slytherin walking up to the table.
“Beomgyu?” Y/N asked in surprise as Beomgyu stepped forward. “Where’s Daeun?”
Beomgyu pursed his lips, shaking his head.
Y/N’s eyes turned sympathetic, hand reaching out to land on Beomgyu’s arm.
“Beomie, it’s okay, you don’t deserve a liar,” Y/N said, smiling.
Beomgyu only smiled, squeezing her hand on his arm.
“Will you meet me at the Astronomy Tower tonight, then?”
Y/N chuckled.
“Sure, if you sit down and eat right now.” Y/N smiled back.
Yeonjun snorted, resuming his argument with Soobin.
Beomgyu smiled and took a seat next to Y/N.
At the side, Hueningkai retracted his hand next to Y/N’s.
He’ll probably have to stay with Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun for the Yule Ball.
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Y/N reached the top of the Astronomy Tower, smiling slightly at the sight of Beomgyu sitting on the ledge of the observation deck.
“Hi,” Beomgyu replied, still looking up at the stars.
“Just you?” Y/N asked, making Beomgyu laughed as he glanced over at her.
“I promise—no Daeun this time,” Beomgyu said, patting the spot next to him. “Sit.”
“What if I fall?”
“I won’t let you,” Beomgyu smiled, hand steadying the girl as she plopped on the spot next to the boy.
There was a beat of silence before Beomgyu sighed.
“This is how it should have been,” He started, eyes drifting towards Y/N. “Isn’t it?”
Y/N only hummed, chuckling softly.
“Maybe, but things happen.”
Beomgyu smiled, raising an eyebrow.
“So you made me all those letters, huh?”
Y/N winced, shrugging.
“Yeah, blame Taehyun.”
“Oh, I will,” Beomgyu snorted. “He told me you didn’t like me,”
Y/N laughed, looking at Beomgyu. “Well, I told him to.”
Beomgyu only sighed, smiling as he combed a hand through her hair.
“I liked you, Y/N, I always have.” Beomgyu said. “If it was you, and not Daeun, that I met up here that night, it would have been you and me,”
“I was up here, that night,” Y/N shared, shaking her head. “I saw what happened—how she told you it was her and everything.”
“And the kiss?”
Beomgyu winced, making Y/N chuckle.
“It’s fine, you know. I had Kai—he followed me,” Y/N explained.
Beomgyu nodded, hand taking hers.
“You know, Y/N,” Beomgyu said. “If you asked me now, I’d say yes.”
Y/N smiled softly—the past few weeks rolling around in her brain.
The one person who cared about her enough to follow her every step of the way, who was there when she got hurt that night.
The one who was there to pick up the pieces and side with her throughout all this time.
The one who always hid in the shadows and backed off when Y/N decided that, no, she wanted to be with Beomgyu instead of him.
She stayed silent, only looking up at Beomgyu who grinned understandingly.
“Yeah, okay,” Beomgyu laughed, making Y/N smile in relief. “So, you don’t like me anymore?”
“Oh, I do,” Y/N laughed. “You’re my best friend, Beomie—I’ll always like you,”
“But?” “Not as much as I used to,” Y/N snorted.
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow as Y/N fiddled with her fingers.
“There’s someone else.”
“I, uh, realized I always liked him—I just never knew.” Y/N explained, groaning at Beomgyu’s teasing smirk. “Shut up, Choi.”
“I didn’t say anything!”
“I know you’re thinking it!”
Beomgyu laughed shaking his head as he leaned back on his hands.
“In the back of my mid, I kind of always knew.” Beomgyu hummed, making Y/N sigh.
Beomgyu turned to his best friend, dusting his robes.
“Do you want me to walk you back to the Gryffindor tower?”
“I think I’ll stay for a bit.”
Beomgyu nodded, smiling and kissing her on the cheek.
“Good luck,” he said.
“Thank you,” Y/N muttered, eyes trained up as her heart felt a little lighter.
There she sat, under the shine of the stars—her heart admitting the words her heart always knew.
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Hueningkai stammered as Beomgyu dragged him to the Gryffindor tower, straight from the entrance of the Hufflepuff dorms.
“Beomgyu, wh—“
Hueningkai fussed, successfully shaking the boy off of his arm by the entrance to the Gryffindor towers.
“Kau, where the hell were you?” Yeonjun whined.
Soobin only tilted his head inquisitively as Taehyun seemed unbothered.
“I was—I was planning to come to the Great Hall when the ball started—“
“You had a date,” Beomgyu hissed. “Dude, really?”
Kai furrowed his eyebrows.
“But—“ Kai stammered. “I thought you and her—“
“No, Kai,” Beomgyu sighed, an exasperated smile on his face.
Kai jumped in surprise, heads turning to Y/N as she exited the Gryffindor tower with a soft smile.
Hueningkai melted on the spot as he saw the blue dress Y/N had picked on their trip to Hogsmeade when he mentioned he liked blue.
He stammered on the spot as Y/N walked over.
Yeonjun and Soobin looked on in amusement, wiping fake tears off of their faces as they muttered about how “they grow up so fast,”
Taehyun and Beomgyu looked on proudly, chattering amongst themselves.
“You look beautiful tonight,” Hueningkai started as he offered out his arm, scrunching his face. “I meant you look beautiful every night, but especially tonight—I—“
“Thanks, Kai,” Y/N smiled, looping her arm through his. “You look beautiful too.”
He only smiled.
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A swirl of colors mixed on the dance floor.
Laughter and excitement filled the Great Hall.
By the buffet table, Yeonjun and Soobin fought over the last piece of loaved bread.
Taehyun and Beomgyu idly conversed in a nearby table.
Kai and Y/N awkwardly held hands, slow-dancing upon the insistence of Beomgyu and Taehyun. (Yeonjun and Soobin actually couldn’t be bothered because they were more concerned with the food table.)
Kai coughed softly, blushing a bright red as Y/N smiled in amusement.
“Are you feeling weird?” Y/N asked making Hueningkai shake his head.
“No, I’m okay,”
“You feel awkward?” Y/N laughed as Kai shook his head. “Come on, let’s go out,”
Kai breathed heavily as Y/N pulled him away, her eyes locking with Beomgyu who shot her a thumbs up.
Hueningkai burned a bright red as they exited the Great Hall and made their way to the Black Lake.
“What, are you drowning me today?” Kai teased as he sat by the shoreline.
Y/N snorted, tilting her head.
“Yeah, probably,” Y/N grinned, about to take a seat if it wasn’t for Hueningkai gasping.
“Wait, no—“
Hueningkai pulled off his dress robes and set it on the ground.
Y/N shot him a tiny smile and sat, arms wrapping around her knees.
“So,” Hueningkai said, pursing his lips as Y/N glanced up at the bright moon.
“Remember how we used to look up at the night sky when we were kids?” Y/N asked, making Kai laugh.
“Yeah,” Kai snorted. “I remember we used to say we’d run away with Beomgyu, Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun on broomsticks and live off of Chocolate Frogs and Licorice Wands,”
“Simpler times,” Y/N smiled. “That was before I had a crush on Beomgyu.”
At the mention of the older Slytherin, Hueningkai practically deflated on the spot.
He looked back up at the night sky, eyes trailing over at the moon.
“I think I’m like the stars,” Hueningkai said.
“I’m always there, always shining and waiting for someone to see me—but I always get ignored for the moon,” Hueningkai explained, a penchant look on his face as Y/N turned to him. “but even if I am, I’ll stay there—waiting for that one shot to be seen, even if it’s the time I fall,”
Y/N didn’t reply, leaning her head on her knees as Kai continued to rant.
“I-I—“ Kai said, looking back down at the girl. “I’m a star just waiting for you to see me,”
Y/N smiled softly as Kai continued.
“Y/N, I like you,” Kai breathed heavily, almost as if relieved he spoke the words. “I’ve been holding this back for years and now it’s out. I like you.”
Y/N straightened up, smiling widely.
“Really, and it feels so light to say it—wow. I mean I know you like Beomgyu, and by all the means go for him, but I just really want to admit it and—“
Courage is one of the qualities encompassed by a Gryffindor.
It took great courage for Y/N to lean forward to plant a quick kiss on Hueningkai’s lips.
Kai stopped his rambling, eyes wide as he looked over at Y/N.
His first kiss.
Y/N pulled away, smiling shyly as she looked back up.
“Yeah, yeah,” She scoffed lightheartedly. “I like you, too.”
Hueningkai blinked, hand creeping up to touch his lips.
“You-You kissed me?”
“Shut up,” Y/N snorted, burning bright red in embarrassment. “It was my first kiss too, you know,”
Hueningkai’s smile slowly appeared, widening rapidly as he relaxed in his seat.
Y/N shifted, leaning over to rest her head on his shoulders.
“The stars look beautiful tonight—“ Y/N said. “Brighter than the moon, even.”
Hueningkai only smiled, turning his head to the side as he laid another soft kiss on her lips underneath the blanket of the brightest stars.
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finoalcielo · 4 years
Haduki You Birthday Tweets 2020
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Source: @/jikudam
I’m so sorry for taking so long, but I had some troubles to deal with in real life. I’ll try to get Matsuri’s birthday tweets soon and the recent irregular fortune tweets as soon as I can. 
Happy belated birthday, You!
If you like my work, then please consider supported me by buying me a coffee. Thank you~
☆Today is Haduki You's (CV: Kakihara Tetsuya) birthday☆ Yoru: You! Happy...
一Everyone: birthday!!!
You: yes, yes thank you☆ During the daytime, I already received lots of congratulations from the girls, which is what I what I desired, so I'll accept your congratulations as bonus!
一Everyone: yes yes
#Haduki You Birthday 2020
☆You's birthday ②☆
Kai: Anyways, it was so hot today~! As expected of the birthday of the child of the sun?
Iku: It seems like a rainbow appeared... and the sun was dazzling like lightning bolts... It was really lively (laughs)
Rui: As expected of You's birthday
You: It's a big midsummer event, you know
Shun: A festival! (tehee~)
Note:Kai uses the word "申し子" which literally means heaven-sent child (in response to a Buddhist/Shinto prayer) so the phrase "太陽の申し子" literally means child of the sun
#Haduki You Birthday 2020
☆You's birthday ③☆
Yoru: You was also in perfect shape since the morning, he was busy taking a commemorative photo with a poised look and air kiss (bitter laugh)
You: Because I'm the protagonist for today~ I have to carry out the fanservice for everyone involved
Rui: Then, give us fanservice too
Shun: You-kun~! Look over here~!
#Haduki You Birthday 2020
☆You's birthday ④☆
You: I'm watching you, I definitely am.. Now, look here--
Kai: How cold... got it, our fighting spirit is low. Wait a moment. I'll bring out my uchiwa.
Iku: Why do you have a uchiwa? (www)
Shun: I made it~
\ Click /
Shun & Kai & Yoru: Staring for 10 seconds
You: Uwaaa
Note:Uchiwa.. well, Shun has a 'Hajime fan' to show his love. That's an uchiwa
#Haduki You Birthday 2020
☆You's birthday ⑤☆
Yoru: um, you know, we have to take one back here too! Please look here?
Kai: Please!
\ Click /
Shun & Kai & Yoru: Happy Birthday! You-kun!
You: Uwaaa (ww). Are you idiots? (ww) thank you (ww)
Rui: Let's do a call-response too
Iku: This became a venue for a live birthday, huh? (laughs)
#Haduki You Birthday 2020
☆You's birthday ⑥☆
Rui: As always with our feelings, here you go
Iku: We'll do our best to show you!
You: What's with that?
You: You... are you guys fired up~?!
一Everyone: Yes~!
You: To those who have been looking forward to today!
一Everyone: Yes~~~!!
You: Do you like me~! ?
一Everyone: We do~!
#Haduki You Birthday 2020
☆You's birthday ⑦☆
You: Come~
一Everyone: My sunshine~!!!
一Everyone: (swoosh~~~)
~ Everyone was surrounded by a mysterious sense of accomplishment ~
You: What is going on? (www) Please be motivated with this loveable idiot for the rest of the year! Thank you for your support!
Happy birthday, You!
#Haduki You Birthday 2020 
Note:This is the name of You's shampoo xD
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This might seem out of nowhere, but I was recently listening to For the Dancing and the Dreaming from HTTYD 2, and thought, “This would be great for a KiriKara AU thing.” Soooo, if at any point you’re still taking requests...? ^-^’
Sorry this is so late, galfriend!! I meant to get this done by your birthday, but that didn’t work out, so I guess this is a belated gift or something. Anyway, hope you like it!! I kinda like how it turned out, actually!
I did kinda use some elements from your story for me, which was amazing, and I did twist it just a bit so I’m not copying.
This was kinda what I needed to get back into writing MHA and Takara, so I think tonight I’ll work on the chapter I’ve been off and on working on for a while (feel free to remind/kick me later about it, kay? (: ) 
One last note to everyone: If you haven’t heard For the Dancing and the Dreaming, PLEASE treat yourself right now!! I ADORE that song so much and this request was so perfect for my babies! ;v; *wipes happy tears* Okay okay enough stalling. Let’s get to the story! 
God Bless and Good Day! 
~The Lupine Sojourner
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 “Mom?” The question makes me pause my folding. I set the shirt aside and turn my head to the doorway, walking over to my little son, Senshi.
“Yes, son? What is it?” I ask. He fiddles with his fingers, a habit he picked up when he was nervous. I smile warmly at him and sit before him, something that usually helped him calm enough to speak whatever was on his mind. He settles in my lap as usual and plays with my hair.
“Well, how did you and daddy marry?” He asks. I blink, chuckling in slight shock that my five year old son would ask that question.
“What do you mean?” I ask. “You’ve been to a wedding, you know how it goes.” He nods, now moving to pick at my shirt.
“I know, mommy, but...what happened before that? Why did you and daddy marry?” I smile.
“Well...you see, your daddy is a very strong man, and he would go on adventures in the wild with his friends while I helped Grandma and Grandpa in their tavern. He would visit me a lot and we grew to be best friends.”
“And then you married?” Senshi asks, enraptured as always by my stories. I laugh.
“No, son. Now, don’t interrupt me, please. Remember your manners.” He blushes in embarrassment and squirms a bit.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Thank you.” I reply, nuzzling him to show I wasn’t mad. “Now, your daddy and I never got tired of seeing each other when we could, and then came the day a bunch of bandits decided to raid the town Grandpa and Grandma live in. I lived there then and Eijiro happened to be coming to see me. He saw what was happening, and that made him madder than I’d ever seen him. He transformed into his dragon form and raced to my side just as my magic was almost gone. He protected me, even when all the bandits wanted to hurt him. Eventually, we won and went to a healer. Eijiro got a lot of injuries making sure I was safe, so I stayed with him while he got better.”
The memory was so fresh in my head as I talked, it was like it was happening again.
The chirp of the birds did nothing to ease my squirming stomach.
Before me lay Eijiro, the brave man I’d barely begun to court, and he looked almost dead on that bed.
He’d risked everything to shield me from the bandits. They’d picked a day when Mom and Dad were out on summons to a special celebration of King Toshinori’s 50th year as king, and Mom as both part of King Toshinori’s security and Dad’s escort.
I guess Eijiro’s group had been on their way to the village, because I heard a rallying cry and suddenly Eijiro stopped trembling with every attack. I heard more voices driving the bandits away and ensuring they were taken care of.
Now, Eijiro was alive and slowly recovering. That was all I could ask for. I stroke his hair gently, humming to myself a song Mom taught me. It was a proposal song, but I loved the simple melody and found myself humming it often, wondering when it would be sung to me for real.
I don’t know how long I sat there, but eventually, I fall asleep.
I wake to the feeling of a strong hand gently stroking my hair. Slowly, I turn my head to look and Eijiro is smiling tiredly at me. I smile back, my heart filled to overflowing with joy that Eijiro was awake. I yawn into my hand, but before I can greet him, Eijiro begins to talk.
“How’d you know I wanted to sing that song to you?” He asks raspily. I blink.
“There was a moment where I woke up, and I swear I heard an angel singing. Thought I died. I listened closer and knew it was you, and then everything began to hurt, so I knew I was alive. Then I fell back asleep. I wanted to talk to you…” I blush. He’d never mentioned wanting to sing the song to me...no way! He was gonna- -! “about...about marrying...but maybe it’s--mmph!” I cut him off with an elated kiss, careful not to jostle him too much. Pulling away, I kiss all over his face in more happiness than I’d possibly ever felt in my life. “...can I take that as my queue to start singing?” Eijiro asks, slightly out of breath from the kiss and smirking at me. I laugh, cheeks heating in embarrassment.
“Oh...um...sure.” Eijiro nods even as he yawns.
"Well, I'm thinking I wanna do it when I can actually move and dance with you, sorry." I laugh and stroke his hair.
"I think that's best, Eijiro. You...you don't know how scared I was." I whimper. I move to grab his bandaged hands. "Eiji...you almost died." I tear up. "Baka, why'd you do that!?" Eijiro's hand gripped mine.
"I told you, you're my treasure. I'd defend you til I die." I blink back tears, but it doesn't really work.
"But...but I...you can't just die on me, okay?!" I sniffle, wiping my eyes. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you! Promise me you won't pull a stunt like that again, okay?!"
“...Kara, we both know I can’t promise that.” Eijiro points out calmly. “I can, however, promise I will do my utmost to always return to you and stay alive, deal?” I swallow.
“Now, you should be able to get around roughly the same as before, just try to take it easy, alright?” The healer in charge of Eijiro instructs, to which Eijiro nods.
“Of course. Thank you for helping me.”
“Any time, young man. Just don’t waste this second chance, son.” Eijiro smiles.
“I promise you, I won’t.” The healer smiles knowingly. He’d seen the woman who stayed with his charge, and it was amazing how strong their bond already was. Those two were made for each other, he could tell, and he happened to have overheard their conversation about the proposal song and dance. He hoped things would go better for them. The young didn’t deserve such scars and memories. They deserved their happiness.
He watched Eijiro leave with a large grin on his face and chuckled as he readied the cot for his next patient.
Eijiro raced toward the tavern, knowing Takara would be busy, but hoping she’d have a moment to let him propose. The ring in his pocket, a rather simple affair fashioned as a band swirling around emeralds and rubies he’d collected himself, seemed incredibly heavy, as if it were as eager as Eijiro to see it on his love’s finger. Feeling the wounds pulling and twinging a little, he slowed and caught his breath, relieved when the feeling subsided.
Finally arriving, Eijiro nudged his way inside, he saw not too many people inside. Good. His throat was dry no matter how excited he was to finally sing the song that had been itching in his throat for a long time. Fewer people meant less audience, which helped to calm his nerves.
It takes Takara a few minutes to see him, hovering by the door awkwardly. Her father, Hizashi Yamada, spots him, too, and smiles at him before making his way to his daughter and relieving her of her tray so she could talk to Eijiro.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Takara muses with a touch of wryness to her voice. She knew he wouldn’t keep her waiting for long.
“I was just passing by, so here I am.” Eijiro replies. Takara laughs.
“Well, alright then. Have a seat. I’ll bring your usual meal and ale to you in a sec.” He moves his hand to gently grab Takara’s upper arm as she turns to leave. He pulls her in for a kiss. She accepts it readily and grins at him, patting his arm. “I’m so happy to see you recovered, Eiji.” She murmurs softly. He smiles and leans his forehead briefly against hers.
“I’m happy to be out of the healer’s cot.” He replies, then rubs up her upper arm. “Get going before your parents start missing you.” He teases. Takara takes her leave with a final smile and a wave. He gathers his courage and fingers the ring. He knew what she would say and he’d talked to Mr. Yamada and gotten the parents’ blessing to wed their daughter. The only thing holding him back was the small audience, and so with one last deep breath, heart hammering in his ears, he steps into the center, where a small area was usually kept clear for those who felt like dancing.
Loud and clear, he began to whistle the tune, hoping she’d hear and come forward. Sure enough, he saw her stop what she was doing, drop off the few flagons and baskets of small loaves on her tray, set the tray down, and came to meet him in the center area. She started whistling, too, joining him effortlessly. “I’ll sail and swim on savage seas,” he began singing. Takara stayed silent, swaying to the tune as she hummed. He found it remarkably easier to focus on singing now that Takara was before him. As long as he kept focused on the love of his life, he didn’t even see the few patrons that had started to watch the performance. “with ne’er a fear of drowning…and gladly ride the waves of life, if you will marry me…” Takara was grinning as if the thing she wanted most in the world was right before her and she swayed a bit closer as her part neared. “No scorching sun, no freezing cold, will stop me on my journey,” he declared boldly, meaning every word he’d sang thus far. “if you will promise me your heart…” He swallowed, mentally reciting the steps Mr. Yamada had coached him on for the approaching dance. Slowly, his arm began to drift up as Takara did the same.
“And love me for eternity.” Takara’s clear voice rang out in tandem with Eijiro’s as their arms met. She takes a breath, beginning to circle Eijiro, who kept his eyes locked on Takara’s as they moved in sync. “My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me, but I’ve no need for mighty words when I feel your arms around me.” The pair circled each other, each smiling like the sun. They chuckled, and Eijiro took the lead again.
“But I would bring you rings of gold, and I would even sing you poetry!” He sang out, adding a bit of a skip to his steps, now that he’d adjusted to the song and dance. Takara joined him, laughing.
“Oh, would yeh?” She replies coyly.
“And I would keep you from all harm, if you would marry me!” Eijiro sang, hoping the sincerity of his words wasn’t lost on his love. It wasn’t. Takara pretended to turn a tiny bit snobby as she danced alongside Eijiro.
“I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry!” She declares, swirling at Eijiro’s direction, easily fitting under his arm and leaning into his chest as if she was made to fit there. She felt safe as Eijiro’s strong arms circled her and they swayed in the embrace before she twirled out again. “I only want your hand to hold, I only want you near me!” Though the pair sang the line together, it was Takara’s turn to hope her sincerity was made clear to Eijiro. He understood perfectly. “To love and kiss, to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dreaming!” They sang out together. “Through all life’s sorrows and delights, I’ll keep your love inside me! I’ll swim and sail on savage seas with ne’er a fear of drowning, and gladly sail the waves of life if you will marry me!” Eijiro had gotten a little carried away, swinging Takara up in his arms, but she didn’t mind; she braced against his shoulders and kept singing as she was swung around a few times before being gently put back on the ground, elated that this was finally happening and she’d truly get to marry this boy, this love of hers. Eijiro then drew her in for a kiss, keeping a hold on her left hand as he did. When they broke apart, he slipped the ring onto her finger as Takara gasps.
“Oh, Eijiro! This- -how did you- -I…”
“Turns out, we saved the jeweler when we stopped the bandits, so...he made this for me as a thank you. I couldn’t talk him out of it.” Takara laughs. Eijiro, despite being half-dragon, hardly ever accepted monetary rewards for his good deeds, preferring to let the satisfaction be his reward. She kisses him again.
“It’s perfect.” She murmurs, cupping his face and kissing his forehead as the audience began to clap and cheer, a few whistles thrown in as well. Takara and Eijiro blush, joining hands and facing the crowd.
Shota and Hizashi came forward and hugged the two, Eijiro and Hizashi shaking hands and Hizashi clapped Eijiro on the back heartily to welcome him into the family and assure him that his blessing still stood. Eijiro’s arm didn’t leave Takara’s wasit after that as the patrons came to congratulate the pair. By the time it was all done, Takara reluctantly eyed her tray. Eijiro groans, but then gets an idea. He notices Hizashi and walks over.
“Can I help Takara?” He asks. Hizashi nods, smiling. Normally, he figured boys would ask to borrow Takara for a few quiet moments outside, but this young man was offering to ensure that Takara’s duties and responsibilities were completed before they departed. He nods.
“Of course. There should be an extra apron in the back. Grab it and get to work, lad!” He replies. Eijiro grins and nods, offering a salute before returning. He follows Takara when she returns to the back and ties the apron on, grinning at her.
“I love you, Takara Yamada.” He murmurs, hugging her. She hugs him back.
“I love you, too, Eijiro.” She replies. She gives him a quick kiss then draws away. “Now, let’s get these guests taken care of, okay?” He grins, letting her tug him toward the barrels of ale, wine, and mead.
“Lead the way, milady!”
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
aaaaa i hope the coming days treat you better >:[ you deserve them!! glad to hear you're stilll holding up tho. you're so strong <3 and ive been good!! so story time:
my first binder arrived yesterday and it's the most magical thing in the world. i can look in the mirror and actually like what i see!! bought it with my bday money since i did turn 18 about 12 days ago :D
but anyway yeah!! im better now!! and you will be too soon hehe. actually i hope you dont mind me just chatting here from time to time. im still too shy to dm you aha
- 🔶 anon
oh my!! first off; happy belated birthday love!! i hope that you celebrated it well n your birthday wish comes true!! 18 is a big number n i hope you have a good year :D
n second off; congrats on getting the binder!!!! the feelings of getting your first binder is an indescribable one and i'm happy you get to experience that! i hope you take precautions when wearing it n make sure not to overdo it, kay??
also i absolutely don't mind! i enjoy chattin like this so take your time AHAH <3
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dangerouspersonae · 6 years
Normal Day
- As stated in the title, today is just a normal day. Another day to go through.
- You get home from work early.
- Nothing significant happened at work to cause you to leave work early.
- You didn’t think there’s a special reason for an early leave.
- and for you to be the only one to leave early.
- Your boss, Zhou Rui, patted your shoulder and told you to go home early today.
- An early leave from work shouldn’t be questioned unless you actually like your job.
- But let’s say you do like your job and you ask why you are leaving early.
- Rui said that you have worked hard and that you should be rewarded by going home early.
- with that beautiful smile of his auh
- You looked around at your co-workers, looking for any sign of jealousy or something
- cuz if there wasn’t a special reason, they’d definitely have annoyed faces Not like there’s anything special going on I mean what
- They all looked down with a smile or gave you a mischievous side-glance
- So you’re like “ohhh kay..? Bye?”
- You go home and it takes you like 30 minutes to get home (yes the time given is important)
- You live with Xingjie.
- Ya’ll have been dating for 6 years ever since the start of your senior year.
- (How he became your boyfriend will be another post if you want, I don’t mind making these, it’s been a while so I miss it)
- He usually isn’t home at this time so you thought you could just chill, eat, watch dramas, or whatever you like to do
- But when you open the door, you are greeted with a balled up cloth
- like it is just hanging there so you’re like wtf??
- You reach for it to take it down, but it moves away from you
- You pout and have an ‘Aha!’ moment
- maybe it was one of Xingjie’s magic tricks
- “Xingjie where are you? Why aren’t you at work?”
- you get no answer
- when it comes to his tricks, your stuck with it, once you have made a move in his tricks, he’s already got you wrapped around his fingers
- so you decide to follow the ball of cloth
- it leads you to a plate of thin mints
- there’s a note that says “Eat me” - you smile at the Alice in Wonderland reference
- You eat the thin mints cuz jfc it’s FOOD
- Then the cloth leads you outside to the backyard
- you squint cuz of the sunlight, but notice a familiar figure
- “thank god none of the strings caught on your head”
- your eyes adjusted to the brightness and you can see Xingjie giving you that beautiful, soft smile
- he was also pointing at the string set he put up that hung the cloth which lead you to him
- you walk towards him and you see that in his hands is the ball of cloth
- you’re now in front of him, lookin’ confused af
- he just chuckles at how cute you are
- then with the balled cloth on one palm, he slowly moves his other hand in front of it so you can’t see it anymore
- and then when he removes his hands, the balled cloth turned into a small box
- realization hits you and your knees become weak
- “omg Xingjie-”
- he kneels on one knee
- and opens the box, revealing a ring
- it wasn’t a diamond ring
- instead, it was a ring with an emerald on it
- “diamonds are common for proposing. But you aren’t a common person. You are unique, which is why I chose a different jewel.”
- the corners of your mouth unconsciously curve up
- your vision is getting blurry from tears
- “(y/f/n), will you marry me?”
- in a heart beat, you throw your arms around him and said
- “YES”
- Xingjie embraces you, letting out a joyful laugh before slipping the ring on your ring finger
- he takes your hand and kisses your ring finger
- he kisses your forehead, your nose
- then pulls you toward him and gives you a passionate kiss
- he pulls away and says
- “mmm… tastes like thin mints~”
- You playfully smack his shoulder and kiss him again
- once you initiated the kiss, you heard cheers around you
- you’re like “WTF”
- amongst the people is your boss and your co-workers as well as your and Xingjie’s friends and family
- you nudge Xingjie
- “Thanks for proposing to me without me knowing there was a mob watching us”
- god there’s more pressure to say ‘yes’ when you know others are watching
- anyway, you asked them how and when they planned this
- Rui explained “Xingjie took the day off from work. I let you work for a bit to give Xingjie more time to prep up and your 30 minute drive gave him more than enough time to call everyone to come over”
- you raised an eyebrow
- “Did you guys speed to come here from work??”
- “Nah your boss and co-workers parked 3 blocks away from our house so you wouldn’t see them and they ran walked here while you were following the cloth”
- you just gape at them lel
- omg what even are they
- “Okay but what if I could have said ‘no’?”
- your mom scoffs and laughs
- “honey, we knew there was no way you can say no to a man like that”
- omg mOM
- … OK yeah mom is right
- how dafuq and why dafuq would you say no to Xingjie
- afterall,,
- he turned your normal day into a not-so-normal one
- you are his unique emerald, he is the one who turns your normal days not-so-normal
- how could you not want a man like that omg
NOTE: Happy belated birthday @yanjuniverse I hope this was okay- I haven’t written anything is a long time cuz I have the longest and worst writers block ever… so yeah it’s prob cheesy and rusty bUT I HOPE YOU LOVE IT THIS IS MY PRESENT TO YOU 💕❤💕
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myuntoldstory · 7 years
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So... an hour ago I realised that it was Sirius’ birthday... two days ago. Merlin, forgive me, I actually forgot about it. I was so focused on the Halloween pieces that it flew right over my head. So I scrambled because I wanted to do something. Then, for some reason, Sirius giving Mary a daring/naughty birthday to do list for them to complete together struck me. And then I saw this image (yes, not mine, I did do some edits on it). And that was it for me. I was gone. I went ahead and wrote this little thing. Super rough, but... enjoy anyway?
And Everyone Lives!AU because screw it, these idiots deserve some naughty happiness in their lives.
I hope you all had a good Halloween/Samhain/All Souls’ Day/All Saints Day.
Harry Potter | Moment 82: Twenty-Five (Belated Happy Birthday, Sirius!)
“What’s this?”
“My birthday wish list!”
Mary raised her brow at Sirius’ boyish grin and looked down at the parchment he unceremoniously dropped on her lap. There were ten items written on it—nope. She was wrong. There were more than that. Oh, dear. She picked it up. Sirius was practically bouncing beside her as her eyes travelled down, brows rising in incredulity. The sheer number of them—a  whopping twenty-five items—was one thing; some of the request themselves, though, were beyond the realms of possibility and safety. And decency. Morality too. “Erm… you’re not… dying soon or anything, right?”
He wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck, chuckling. “Nope.”
“You just want to do all of these… today?”
“Flying around Big Ben does sound nice.” Automatically, Mary inclined her head to give Sirius more access. “I heard it’s beautiful up close.”
“But flying through fireworks?” she sighed. “Sirius, that’s not even safe.”
“I’ll make us safe.”
“And I don’t think I can eat twenty-five cupcakes.”
“I’ll eat whatever’s left over.”
She giggled, both at his answer and the ticklish feeling of his breath on her skin. “Come on.”
“Not even joking.”
No, he wouldn’t be. Not about food at least. “And number fifteen…”
“Yes?” his voice took on a lower note that sent shivers down her spine.
She flushed. “I… don’t think James would let his cloak be used… in that manner.”
He looked at her. Her cheeks reddened more when he grinned. Damn the man. He looked handsome with his perfect teeth, looking all... predatory and alluring at the same time. At that, she had lost; she’d happily take part in whatever devil act he wanted to enjoy. “When we ask for it we won’t specify what we’re doing with it.”
“Oh-kay.” He returned to nuzzling her neck. A small gasp escaped her lips as he began to nibble, making a mark. She was aware of what he was doing now. Keeping her wits was a challenge, but she desperately held on… for if she did not she’d once again be lost in everything that was him. And that was dangerous. Thrilling. Perfect. “This… is a lot. Can we even do them in… one day?”
“Don’t know.” He peppered kisses up her jaw, along her earlobe. She bit her lip, trembling, as he whispered directly in her ear. “I think, to be safe, we ought to get started.”
She leaned back and peered into his eyes. She loved the colour—grey, but silver in the face of the rising sun. In them she saw desire. Curiosity. Mischievousness. Love. Her heart had the answer and wanted to scream it to the world. It was cliché, but she truly did not believe she could love anyone so much. But here he was, proving her wrong and showing her so much more. 
Closing the distance, she kissed him. She rose on her knees, manoeuvring until she straddled his thighs. The need for air separated them. Panting, they looked at each other, small beams of light piercing through Mary’s hair, which had created a curtain between them and everything else.
She glanced at the list and grinned at him. “Let’d do the first three in one go.”
He wiggled his brows. “Love it when you’re aggressive.”
She pushed on his chest. “On your back.”
He obeyed, splaying his arms across the hood in a mockery of a provocative pose. Mary laughed and set about making the only man she’d ever love in her life happy on his special day. And it was easy—for his happiness was also her very own.
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chinguwritings · 8 years
The Best Birthday Present (M)
A/N: Omg I was supposed to finish and post this on the 27th T^T well… Happy Belated Birthday to Kino! 
Man sub Kino makes me so weak I was dying writing this let me live anon. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it >.>
-Admin Kay
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Requested: Sub!Kino
Pairing: Kino x Reader
Genre: Fluffy Smut - SEXUAL CONTENT
Word Count: 1,849
“Morning, baby,” you whispered to Hyunggu, pecking his forehead. He was still fast asleep, comfortably spread on his small bed. He didn’t move even the slightest bit when you greeted him; he was as still as a statue.
“Hyunggu, wake up,” you whined, gently shaking him. You hated to disturb his peaceful slumber, but you had made an agreement with Hoetaek a few days ago to take Hyunggu out in the morning of his birthday. The boys were planning to throw him a surprise party so they needed to get him out of the dorms in order to prepare.
“Hyunggu, baby, you really need to get up! I made breakfast reservations,” you continued whining, shaking him harder.
“Mgh,” he groaned, pulling the sheets over his head.
“Hyunggu! If you don’t get up now I’ll… um… the tickle monster will have to wake you up!”
“Being stubborn are you? Okay, well, you’re definitely gonna get it!”
Climbing on top of him, you straddled him, your hands attacking his sides.
You could feel him tense up beneath you, as he tried to contain his laughter, but it only took a few moments before he broke.
“Babe! Babe! Stop!” he giggled, squirming around, trying to push your hands off of him.
“Wake up!” you laughed, continuing to tickle him despite his pleas for you to stop.
“I’m up! I’m up!”
“I don’t know, you don’t seem up to me.”
“Stop! Stop! Please!”
“Because of this?”
You finally stopped tickling him, your hands resting on his chest as you gently rolled your hips against the stiffness in his boxers.
“Babe…” he said shyly, breaking eye contact with you as he turned his head away, a tinge of pink in his cheeks.
“What? Nobody’s here,” you replied in a soothing tone, leaning forward to peck his flushed skin.
“But still…”
“Alright, alright. Hurry and get ready so we’re not late for our breakfast!”
“So did you like it?” you asked as you drove back to the dorms.
“Yes, it was so good! You know me so well.”
“I’d hope I know you well! You’re my boyfriend! Took me forever to find that restaurant though, it’s so small… not one of the bigger, known, names.”
“Thanks, babe. Why couldn’t we get dessert though? I wanted to try the strawberry pancake stack…”
“Because, I said so. I have my reasons. Anyways, we’re here.”
As the two of you climbed out of the car, Hyunggu pulled out his keys to the dorm. It was pitch black when he swung the door open, you literally couldn’t see a thing. He quickly turned the lights on, just to be startled a few moments later.
Nine boys wearing birthday hats popped out from various hiding spots in the living area, hands in the air, big, cheerful smiles on their faces. The room was colorfully decorated with bouquets of balloons and streamers hanging from every corner.
Soon, all of the boys ran toward the front door, smothering Hyunggu with hugs, and forcing a birthday hat on his head. They sat him down on the couch, letting you sit on one side of him, Hongseok sitting on the other; everyone else spread out and sat on the floor around the small coffee table.
Once everyone finally settled down and dispersed amongst the room, Hoetaek entered from the kitchen, a small cake in his hands. After he placed it on the table, he stuck the candles into the middle of the cake, lighting the wicks with a match.
“Hana, dul, set!” he counted off, cuing everyone to sing the ‘Happy Birthday Song’ for Hyunggu.
“Saengil chukha hamnida
saengil chukha hamnida
sarangha neun Hyunggu-shi
saengil chukha hamnida!”
The boys cheered and clapped as Hyunggu blew out the candles on the cake, closing his eyes as he made a wish. In the meanwhile, Hongseok grabbed a hand-full of icing from the cake and smeared it onto Hyunggu’s face as soon as he opened his eyes.
The boys laughed as he wiped of some of the icing with his index finger, slipping it between his lips to taste it.
“It’s good,” he replied, choked up as he struggled not to laugh.
“Could I try some?” you teased, leaning toward him and taking a big lick at his cheek. You could see the shocked expression on his face, his eyes wide, his body stiff like a statue.
“Ooo, Hyunggu!” the boys roared at your sexual actions toward your boyfriend. Even with icing covering his cheeks, you could tell he was embarrassed just by his body language.
He looked at you with worried eyes as he fidgeted in his seat, pulling one of the sofa pillows over his lap. You could tell he wanted to escape from the crowded room to a more private place, but he didn’t want to say anything or make a scene.
“Come, baby. Let’s get your face cleaned up,” you smiled, motioning him to follow you.
He immediately shook his head, looking down at the pillow that was hiding his excitement before looking back up at you.
“Don’t worry, they won’t see,” you reassured, gently grabbing his hand.
“Go,” Hongseok whispered, nudging him off the couch, “she probably has something special for you.”
“Shut up!” he whispered back, throwing the pillow at him as he finally stood up, and followed you to the kitchen.
As soon as you got there, you pinned him against the counter, your palms firmly pressed against his hips.
“Baby, could I have another lick?” you smirked, leaning toward his face again.
You could see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed nervously, quickly nodding.
“Good boy,” you praised, taking a tongue-full of icing from his cheek. When you pulled away, he was extremely tense; his eyes were squeezed shut, lips taken in between his teeth, and his hands clenched in fists.
“You okay, babe?” you asked, tilting your head at him, your arms wrapping around his neck.
He remained quiet, staring at you nervously as you awaited an answer.
“You’re so quiet today… hopefully you won’t be so quiet in a few minutes,” you said playfully winking.
Quickly, you grabbed a few napkins to wipe the rest of the icing off his face. As soon as he was all cleaned up, you didn’t hesitate to continue teasing the already needy, Hyunggu.
“So, where were we?” you asked playfully, your arms wrapping around his neck, one of your legs between his. As you connected your lips, you moved your leg up and down, rubbing the inner side of his legs, and your thigh rubbing against his erection. He wrapped his arms around you, his hands resting on the small of your back as he gently pulled you closer, not allowing any space between your bodies. You moved your lips down to his neck, kissing as much as possible from his ear to his collar bone. He moaned as you cupped your hand over his bulge, stroking his throbbing member.
“You want it, babe? I can relieve you right here,” you spoke in a seductive voice, your hands fiddling with with his pants button.
Quickly, he grabbed your wrist and shook his head, “I want to go back to my room.”
“Alright, I guess we gotta sneak back to your room.”
Once you got back to his room, you closed the door and locked it. Immediately, you pushed Hyunggu onto the bed and climbed on top of him, crashing your lips onto his as your hands reaching beneath you to undo his pants. As soon as you could, you pulled his pants down his legs and dropped them them onto the floor.
He watched as your hands moved back up to the tent in his boxers and started stroking him. When you looked back up at him, his lower lip was between his teeth, eyebrows knitted as he anxiously anticipating your every move.
Pulling your hand away, you sat on his lap as you slowly and teasingly took off your shirt and bra. He gazed at you lustfully, his mouth agape as he slid his hands up and down your bare sides.
“Hey, not yet,” you scolded, grabbing his hands and pinning him down to the bed. “You have to wait until I say so.”
He nodded nervously before you proceeded to take off his shirt. He moaned as you lightly outlined his abs with your finger, gradually making your way down to the waistband of his boxers. You could see his chest dramatically rising and falling as you continued to tease him, touching his hips and lower abdomen area. Finally, you slid his boxers down his legs, and tossed them to side.
You wrapped your fingers around his shaft and started pumping him at a slow steady pace, earning low, breathy moans from Hyunggu. His eyes watched gazed at you intently as you pleasured him, his teeth clenched and body tense.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any better, you went down on him, taking in as much as you could.
“(Y/n),” he gasped at the contact with your wet cavern, your soft tongue meeting the underside of his shaft. His moans got louder as you worked your mouth all over his member. You could see his body start to shake, his hands in fists as he grasped his sheets.
“Babe, I’m-”
“No you’re not,” you interrupted, connecting your lips with his, your tongue slipping into his mouth.
You could feel the tip of his length brushing against your stomach as you hovered over him, finally unclothing your lower half, taking a condom out of your shorts pocket before tossing them to the floor.
“D-did you have this planned? The whole time?” he stuttered, watching as you ripped the package open and rolled to thin latex over him.
“Of course I did. I knew you’d like the idea of birthday sex,” you winked, positioning his member to your wet core.
“I love you,” he groaned as you slowly sank onto him. You guided his hands onto your hips, yours falling onto his chest as you slowly rolled your hips against him, adjusting to his size. He filled you perfectly, his shallow thrusts following your steady rhythm. His hands moved from your hips to your lower back, holding onto you as you rode him. As you increased your pace, he became a moaning mess beneath you, his breaths becoming labored. You could tell he was close, his body shaking and tense as your hips continuously collided with his. As your pace increased further, you could feel the familiar sensation of your approaching climax building up inside of you. 
“Fuck,” Hyunggu cried out, orgasming only a few seconds before you. You could feel his member pulsating inside of you, the same pleasure exploding inside of you as you reached your peak. 
“Happy Birthday,” you sighed, plopping down next to him, trying to catch your breath.
“Thanks,” he smiled, pecking you on the cheek. “Definitely my favorite birthday present.”
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antoniettafernandez · 7 years
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Hi, dai. Sorry ngayon lang ako nakapost po, hahaha. Belated happy birthday, mine! Thank you for always being there (bisag dili gud kay different scheds) lol weird man mag charot message for u dai oy hahaha anyways, i miss our tuna with onions and egg na dinner with juice sa royals!!! Hehe chika tayo soon dai, kanang di na tayo busy sa life hahaha love u mwah 💙😘😊👑 (insert clapping seal emoji)
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