#ANYWAY. nico di angelo my beloved <3
ghosttotheparty · 2 years
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mediumgayitalian · 6 months
fic rec friday 10
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
something borrowed by @rosyredlipstick
In the Solace Wedding Planning agenda, on the fifth page into their summer schedule, there are carefully scrawled out notes reading this: Bride and Groom - Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang Best Man & Maid of Honor - Percy Jackson & Piper McLean Wedding Court - Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace Mellie & Gleeson Hedge Reyna Ramírez-Arellano & Leo Valdez Ring-bearer - Chuck Hedge Flower-boy - Nico di Angelo - Will plans wedding and now, apparently, Nico stars in one. Except...sometimes there's a bit more confusion on that last part. AKA the AU where Will plans weddings and thinks Hazel and Frank are going to have to cutest, gap-toothed ten year throwing flowers down the aisle, all while wondering why this 'Neeks' guy is always hanging around, and what business he has looking that good.
yes i am back on my rosyredlipstick (dude she's GOOD okay). however this one is my favourite i think. this is the kinda story you could use to explain to people what dramatic irony is bc LORD i wanted to SHAKE THEM 😭😭 will falling like deeply in love with nico and being intensely stressed about everything the whole time is so real and on brand. i love him and i love the fond exasperation that just bleeds from this fic its GREAT
2. Rental Love by @rosyredlipstick
*Read Terms & Conditions - Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one.
THE LEVEL OF STUPID THAT THEY ARE...😭😭 kills me fr. like this whole fic is just a manifestation of truly one of the best tropes of all time…..like what if we took a hallmark movie and made it gay as all hell. iconique indeed
3. A Match in the Making by @coconutcranberries-blog
“You’re a morning person,” Nico muttered, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. He ran a hand through his black hair, which stuck up in disarray, the same way it did every morning. He was a mess, and Will Solace looked annoyingly put together, and Nico didn’t even care, really, he didn’t.
friendship is the core of romance!! it is!! every time!!! and it's such a core in this fic....which is fucking??? ten years old??? im just realising?? jesus christ??? anyways. "Nico had the sudden, warm feeling that Will Solace had never bought his act." i YELLED
4. Perception by scorchedtrees
In which everyone thinks Nico and Will are together.
i love this trope i love it SO BAD. both ways. when your love is so obvious that no one misses it.....love to see it truly. and will can have one second of beingn smooth and not a dweeby loser. as a treat
5. the world is brighter than the sun now that you're here by @finalizer
It was hard, Nico eventually concluded, to maintain one’s air of spooky otherworldly detachment with a blinding ray of sunshine trailing one step behind him every minute of every day.
grouchy nico my beloved truly. honestly hes such a bitch i love him like "Seriously, give the guy a perm and a few cats and he’d be that weird aunt that everybody avoided around the holiday season." why does he ALWAYS have something vile to say 😭😭 hes a mood fr
thank you for joining me this saturday friday!! happy reading!!
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maxcreatesthings · 3 months
AU: Instead of kidnapping and stealing Percy's and Jason's memories, Hera decided to make a sort of school swap with the Big Three children.
Summary: Greek and Roman demigods mix like oil and water.
Greek demigods are far more sporadic, easier to trust, more powerful, and chaotic. But they lack the numbers and the quick but good work the Roman demigods have.
Roman demigods are far more organized, they have more strength in numbers, and they know how to work quickly and get the best results. But they lack the power that comes with being a direct descendant of a god/dess, and the trust that comes with having constant life-or-death situations.
Not to mention the Big Three kids.
Camp Jupiter has two of them, Jason Grace and Hazel Levesque, a son of Jupiter and a daughter of Pluto respectively.
Jason could control the winds, and Hazel could pull the riches from the ground.
Camp Halfblood had the whole set with Thalia Grace, Percy Jackson, and Nico di Angelo.
Thalia could control lightning, and Nico could control the undead.
The best way to describe Percy's power? He could control anything that has water in it.
So what would happen if these two forces were to mix?
Ships: Jason/Percy (future), Thalia & Reyna (they're in a qpr), Will/Nico (future), Percy/Annabeth (present + polyamory!!!!), Annabeth/Piper (future), Frank/Hazel (future)
What I changed from canon:
Hazel's age. Her and Frank's canon relationship sorta gives me the ick since she's 13 and he's 16. She's 14 here, and won't be dating Frank until she's around 15-16 years old.
The Lost Hero + The Son of Neptune never happened here, obviously. Piper and Leo were latecomers, so to speak, but both of them got claimed by the first week like how it happened canonically.
Leo and Percy are balls of ultimate dumbassery and chaos together!!!! We were robbed of their friendship in canon for real. And also, Leo's aroace. Thalia helped him find the terms of his sexuality. He won't stop flirting and being himself, of course, he's just aroace now.
Speaking of sexualities, polyamorous percabeth <3
in this au, Annabeth and Percy are more chill with their relationship. sometimes they go on dates with other people if they want to, their partner knowing full well what happens and who they're dating.
genderfuck + asexual Percy the Beloved
no but seriously, i think he would not give a damn about his gender or sex. he could do either if someone else wants him to, but he generally doesn't care about it
Nico and Thalia getting adopted into the Jackson-Blofis household
the addition of Max Jackson and Ezra Jackson, two of my OCs that Sally fosters for Percy so that he could adopt them both when the time is right.
Nico still revived Hazel and became an Ambassador of Pluto for a bit, but Hera screwed with his plans to keep things hushed up about the Greek/Roman division. He helps (somewhat) with easing both Hazel & Jason into Camp HalfBlood and Percy & Thalia into Camp Jupiter.
did I mention that most of the big three kids are gonna have a sibling dynamic? because they're going to have a sibling dynamic (except for jercy, of course)
pipabeth is… well, it's happening, as much as lesbians who are so dumb about each other can be anyways (they are in a situationship is what I'm trying to say here)
the big three children can be dark sometimes, and that's okay!! we <3 the dark! little big three here
Annabeth isn't as controlling as she is canonically (someone had to say it)
Piper is less "I'm not like other girls"
Leo is a bit more mature, and doesn't make fun of people he doesn't know well like he did with Frank in Mark of Athena
Edit: forgot to mention that percy is a hopeless romantic here! He's the one who remembers any anniversary, gifts, etc form his loved ones
If you have any questions about this au, feel free to ask! it's still in development here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about this au <3
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a-tiny-sloth · 1 year
NOAHHHH hi hi hi loml!!!! anyway anyway ask game!! 1, 3, 21, 43, and 49 for the thingy BAHAHA ik it’s a lot so pick and choose whichever u wanna do anyway take care <33
hiii cat <333333 thank you for the asks hehe :)
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
idk if these count as comfort characters but as for characters i obsessively rotate in my head semi-regularly i think peril, noah czerny and nico di angelo are the top contestants atm
3. do you leave the window open at night?
when it's hot i leave it cracked (turn-and-tilt windows my beloveds) but rarely ever wide open. i get cold very easily, so i'll usually wake up sometime in the night and close it
21. something you've kept since childhood?
my favourite childhood plush. she's an anteater, her name is frieda and she looks a little worn out these days because i used to take her literally everywhere. she lives in a drawer now but she's still there <3
43. what's your take on spicy foods?
i wish i could eat them more but i'm a white central european and my spice tolerance is accordingly... there is a very low threshold were i like spicy but above that it's more pain than enjoyment
49. can you skip rocks?
i used to be able to do 3 or 4 skips but that was when i was like 10 and i haven't really practised it since then so i doubt i can still do it
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hylianengineer · 5 months
Fic rec friday
This is a weekly event, 5 fanfic recommendations per week. It was supposed to be stuff I've read recently but I fell down the rabbithole that is my bookmarks page so that's been delayed for a bit. If anyone wants recs for a specific fandom, let me know, my AO3 bookmarks are formidably extensive.
Hazel's Hair by Vikingfangirl23
Hazel is spending her 16th summer at the Chase Space in Boston. A regular visit with Blitz at his shop turns into a hairstyling extravaganza which turns into deeper exploration of her past and how she wants to move past it. With a little help from T.J., Frank, and Nico, she begins to see herself as more than the girl who cheated death. (Featuring happy, peaceful days at the Chase Space and cameos by Samirah, Alex, Magnus, Hearth.)
Hazel is my underappreciated Beloved and this fic is so insanely awesome. Slice of life, warm and happy and life-affirming.
2. That's What Friends Do by PuzzledPegasus
Leo is a touch/affection starved lil baby and also Jason kind of platonically seduces him a lot idk how else to describe it lmaoo Anyway this is just Jason finding out Leo is a lil bit touch starved and he snuggles him and its so nice :3
If you know me, you know I adore fics about gratuitous cuddling, especially platonically. This is that. Enjoy.
3. feeding the hearth by grainjew
Percy, Chiron, the joy of teaching, and happily ever afters. Percy took a deep breath. "I really, really like teaching, I think. Well, obviously I don't mind it, or I wouldn't have taken over all the swordfighting classes let alone be in the process of fixing how we teach canoeing and setting up swim classes for the new campers, but... making sure these kids can survive, giving them something to come back home to... it's so much more rewarding than finishing a quest."
Future fic about Percy becoming a teacher at Camp Half-Blood. It's so so fluffy and hopeful and awesome and it makes me want to CRY.
4. Being Us by HonorH
Starting with the three days in the infirmary, Nico di Angelo learns to heal as he and Will Solace negotiate their relationship, discovering how two people so unlike each other can become "Us."
This is a very, very long series and it might be my favorite Percy Jackson fic Of All Time. It's got worldbuilding like crazy, explores Nico's child of Hades powers in-depth, and features an ensemble cast of demigods focusing on the Apollo Cabin. It will make you laugh and cry and everything in between. I am deeply, deeply invested in some of the original demigod characters in this fic even years after reading it. It haunts me.
5. Staccato by decayaslife
The first time Nico hears Italian in the camp infirmary he nearly impales himself on the scalpel in his hand. Once the shock wears off he discovers that not only are the Apollo kids proficient in the language of music, they’re also all horrible gossips. In which Will shamelessly pines behind a perceived language barrier and Nico just lets him.
I am such a sucker for language barriers (real or perceived) and this fic delivers. Pining, humor, and a happy ending.
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incorrectinfinity · 1 year
Ok I am gonna talk about the things I like in this post because it's fresh in my mind and most of these things will be spoilers! Also this could be long.
First of all hi pjo mutuals!!! Idk if any of you are reading this but I really am thankful so many of you decided to stick around despite the Cookie Run hell of it all.
It's been like two years now and even if we haven't talked much in that time, you guys mean a lot to me <3
This book has been on my mind since it was hinted at at the end of TOA, so it's been a sec. The idea of this book actually helped me quite a bit when I wasn't doing very well mentally, which is very sad!
Ok, first thing's first.
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Ok my soul can be put to rest now.
Second of all, my statement still stands:
For the most part the queer representation is pretty damn good this time around!
Epiales and Menoetes immediately getting defensive was a bit jarring and a little bit worrying to me but thankfully their bursts of anger about it last like five seconds each.
I'm really glad they say the words gay and queer naturally and not like they're some forbidden line to be crossed in a novel for young teens/late tweens. It genuinely made me smile.
Persephone even bringing up the notion of aromantic people almost made me lose my shit!! I am aromantic!!! That's me!!!! Just like me fr!!!!! But seriously I kinda feel forgotten a lot in queer media and literally any mention of aromanticism makes me smile, it was a very nice thing to see.
That's barely even mentioning the queer characters!
Nico bluntly saying he's gay is so fucking satisfying to see now, it's so nice to see him so comfortable with who he is.
Will canonically being bisexual is really nice to see, I could feel the writers' sigh of relief as they put the discourse to rest.
SPEAKING OF DISCOURSE... Piper MyQueen! It's nice to see a questioning character because I haven't really seen one represented before! She's still figuring herself out after the months following the end of toa and it's nice to see the message that it takes time to figure yourself out being shown because it's a surprisingly rare one to see. I appreciate how she also gravitates towards the queer label :)
Now minor characters:
Epiales: I appreciate them because of how ridiculous their existence is
Hiss-majesty: iconic and also that name makes me confused
Menoetes: my beloved
Geryon: Ok that's just hilarious I cannot deny that
Besides uh....
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That. I have LOVED seeing how Bianca and Maria have affected Nico over the years! It's so tragic and amazing and YES.
Seeing Bianca one last time and Maria for the first time ever was so so so satisfying even if they didn't say much. I almost teared up a bit. A lot. I got emotional.
Nyx using them against Nico was SO fucked up and I love it
Speaking of... Nyx.
Very cool, moving on.
Hades and Persephone's growth was so unexpected I am just gonna be real.
Hades was going to happen naturally because of what we say in HoO but him caring enough to send Nico a prophecy? And bring back Maria and Bianca? That's so sweet! I love that! I love that SO much! And also he isn't completely not an asshole which is appreciated.
Persephone is my favorite one of Riordan's interpretations of the gods.
I never thought I would say that sentence ever in my life. She's so caring and sweet for the 10 minutes we see her and I really appreciate her growth and seeing how she's finally getting over her grudge. It was unexpected and completely welcome.
Also I appreciate clarifying that Hades and Persephone's relationship is a good one from Persephone herself.
Also Nemesis is a badass and I did not realize how much I missed her! She has no reason so be so cool and yet she still is.
Gorgyra's chapters were all wonderful, I love her SO much and I hope Bob visits her sometime.
Speaking of which: Bob and Small Bob are amazing as always.
I appreciate the theme of change around Bob's character, he's different from how I remember him being is HoH but that's probably more natural than Nico's change in character (which I don't mind as much as most people I've seen but is still jarring) because of him and Iapetus switching every two seconds for over a year so yeah.
Small Bob is Small Bob. Cat. Gato. Wonderful.
Will actually having more of a character was nice to see too! Also his ultimate magic hidden deep within being hayfever is very funny to me.
Actually talking about the trauma these characters have been through and addressing it is also very satisfying.
Overall I think it was a good send off to these kids who have been through too damn much. I will have a post airing my criticisms probably but I really did like this lovable train wreck of a book, me from two years ago would be very pleased.
Can't wait for the road trip book where both Percy and Annabeth come out as bisexual simultaneously and for this series to be OVER!!!
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isanyonetoknow · 3 years
just found out one of my childhood favorite characters is nonbinary now
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Top 5 riordanverse side characters if you want?
the real question is who still counts as a side character lmao so im gonna give this two separate rankings
part one: the i started as a side character and then became main/ i started as a main character and got sidelined
1: ofc Nico di Angelo takes top place
2: Reyna my beloved i would die for her
3: Grover Underwood the greatest of all time
4: Percy Jackson, prove me wrong, he was made a side character in hoo
5: Frank Zhang..... was also made into a side character in his own series that was fucked up man
anyways part two!!! the side characters who stayed side characters
1: Sally Jackson
2: Clarisse La Rue, ill always love her for bullying percy i hate that guy
3: octavian, he was so compelling as a slimy little politician
4: blackjack i fucking love blackjack trans icon
5: Thalia Grace, punk queen, queen of saying no thanks no prophecy for me, queen of saying fuck you percy thats ur problem
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peroxideprinces · 2 years
AJFOSFJSODJDKW I HAVE SOOOO MANY THOUGHTS. so i finished the like. center series tonight and AAAAA so i actually read these in liek. first grade. and forgot EVERYTHING about them. so it was like a few old friends but i basically got to experience them for the first time all over again ! percy what a guy. he is so stupid but so endearing <3 ANNABETH I LOVE ANNABETH i have always loved her she wants to do everytging all at once. queen absolute icon also those two are on my list of Acceptable Straifgt Couples (affectionate) grover is just a guy really he’s just such a good supporting character ! clarisse i love her she tries to be so tough but. heart of gold. LUKE is so so complex i liked him in the first book and then i was like oh shoot he sucks now . but he died a hero in the end .. intriguing characters anyone? SPEAKING OF INTRIGUING. NICO DI ANGELO. aka the whole reason i blew through four books in like four days because i care him . I WANT TO GIVE HIM A HUG he is so little he’s like between my younger siblings ages in the pjo books specifically .. coolest freakin character and he had such a cool arc that could barely even be covered in the books that i’ve read like i would read a whole series just about nico im so srs. AND I THINK THERES SUPPOSED TO BE A BOOK ABOUT HIM IN FHE FUTURE?!?!(!? anyways moving on THALIA i want to be her tbh she is actually just so cool that’s all i can think about her right now.. i’m forgetting a character that i really love i’m sure but i just realized how much i have typed. yippee ^—^
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
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