#ANYWAY. trying to find balance with wanting to exercise for overall well-being but dealing with other factors like chronic illness
suffercerebral · 4 months
me having gone to bed at 6 am every day for the past week and generally spiraling mentally while rotting in bed waking up this morning: a 4 mile hike in the heat is a really good idea right now, and while we're at it let's start like 3 art projects
#maybe my mom was onto something all these years telling me i'm bipolar#no i don't think i am but i do technically have a bpd diagnosis so like. mood swings up the fucking wazoo are not new#but i am not one to be like 'exercise will fix me'#i've also just come to terms recently with the fact that i didn't kill myself already so might as well start thinking of the long term#so not being in constant pain when im older is something im actually thinking of now#so like. gotta move more which i was doing during this semester! walking like 3 miles a day which didn't help brain but#it's gotta be good for you anyway even if i don't get the endorphins everyone says you get when working out#that's neverrrr been me bc also chronic illness w exercise intolerance#so it's like. wah i have a desire to move my body more and know it's beneficial#but chronic illness + mental illness + trying not to think about exercise in terms of weight loss bc i'm trying not to make that the goal#although certainly wouldn't be mad if that was the result but if i prioritize it over just overall health it's gonna make me obsessive#i'm saying a lot of words. i have no one to really talk to so i once again come to tumblr as a public diary#ANYWAY. trying to find balance with wanting to exercise for overall well-being but dealing with other factors like chronic illness#which has actually been under the most control it's been in years i barely even consider myself (physicslly) disabled these days#and also balancing the fact that while my disordered eating has never recovered and i still have extremely bad relationship with myself#im in a relatively better place with that. i'm not starving myself and im not going through binge/purge cycles#but my relationship with food and eating is still very much unhealthy#and i don't think that will ever really change bc it's so ingrained in the everything about me#i don't really know what i'm talking ahout anymore or what prompted this#i can't simply just say 'i'm gonna go for a hike today' and be normal about. always gotta psycho analyze myself#im in a very weird stage in my life where i feel like i have control over nothing and i barely even exist in my own body#im just like a cacophony of voices trapped inside a meat suit but im not in the drivers seat im stuffed in the trunk and tied up#and the guy driving is an old blind mind who should have lost his license his ass is NOT road safe!#so it's like i have all these ideas and desires and feelings and ahh!! but hey i'm locked up here let me out please#and also the state of the world. so bleak and hopeless and paralyzing that i've just kind of shut my feelings off so i'm rapidly switching#between numbness and overwhelming agony#what the fuck am i talking about
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blue-haired-grace · 3 years
Hey friend!!! For the OC asks there were sooo many good ones! For these you can do a specific member of spark squad, a mix, or all of them. Happy to learn additional info about any of them ❤️
14, 17, 23/24(these two are similar, whichever inspires you), 30, 35, 36, 40
Ok that was still a lot, whichever you have inspiration on feel free to answer! I was thrilled when you mentioned me in this one and am excited to see what you come up with!! ☺️
Okay, so I tag you in an ask game so you can ask me questions, and then I take forever to respond. I’m sorry, Jay; I really did mean to get to this sooner.
To make up for this, and because I like torturing myself, I’m gonna answer these questions for all of Spark Squad, except Duke (‘cause he do be dead :'( ).
I know most other people don’t really care about Spark Squad, so due to that and length, I’ll be putting this under the cut so it doesn’t clog up the dashboards of others.
14. Does your OC do anything, “just for aesthetic”? Or are they completely practical in everything?
Ghost: He’s actually the most practical, in this case, out of the four of them. He spent a lot of time being weighed down by his insecurities, so he spent a long time trying to catch-up to his squad and didn’t really consider himself to have time for anything else.
Morale: He’s in the middle of the spectrum, although he leans more towards being practical. He’s just not so much into doing something purely for aesthetic; he can go for it if the others convince him, though.
Pillow/Throwpillow: He’s also in the middle of the spectrum; he just tends to lean more towards doing something just for aesthetic. He can be freaking dramatic when he wants to be.
Sketch: This surprises a lot of people, but Sketch is the most likely to do something purely for aesthetic. He likes to sketch and, on good days, would even consider himself an artist. He knows how to balance it with practicality, though.
17. How prepared is your OC? Ready for the worst no matter what or completely lost in every situation? Would they have a medkit when it was needed? Would they have an umbrella if it rains?
Honestly, these guys have been trained since birth to be the best soldiers possible. They are all extremely prepared for the worst to happen in most situations. If I had to give a situation where each one of them would be the most likely to be completely lost:
Pillow/Throwpillow: Emotional problems
Sketch: Not being in control
Morale: When he can’t find a positive in a bad situation
Ghost: When his insecurities of not being good enough get the best of him.
23. What is the most annoying sound to your OC? What’s the most pleasant? Is there any reason?
Sketch: He loves the sound of pencil on paper, or whatever the equivalent is in the Star Wars universe. Art and drawing relaxes him and it has given him many great memories. The most annoying sound would be rain. Once when he was younger, one of his pictures ended up outside in the torrential rain of Kamino and it was completely destroyed. As he picked up his picture and stared the ruins, all he could hear was the rain pounding around him.
Pillow/Throwpillow: Pillow on the other hand loves the sound of the rain. He hates quietness and it fills him with a sense of dread; the sound of rain prevents utter silence much of the time. He hates the sound of crying, though. Most of the time, he doesn’t know how to help a brother when they’re crying so he just lets them use him as a pillow and hopes for the best.
Morale: Like Pillow, he hates the sound of crying, although for different reasons. It usually means that a brother has gotten lost in their negative emotions, so they’re no longer trying to see the best in a situation. Since Morale is a mostly optimistic person, it hurts him to hear this sound (he’s better at dealing with it than Pillow). On the reverse, the sound of laughter is his favourite. It fills him with joy to hear proof that his brothers are happy and he’d do many things to get them to laugh.
Ghost: Honestly, Ghost hates constant noise. It overwhelms him and makes him want to scream. This can extend to the rain on Kamino, the snoring of brothers at night, and much more. He’s learned how to use this noise to his advantage, though, and it has made it easier for him to slip into the background unnoticed. He didn’t really get a favourite sound until he was in the Coruscant Guard, which was the sound of a massiff barking in joy. He found that he really likes these guys.
24. What smells bring back specific memories to your OC? What are those memories like?
Sketch: As orderly and organized as he is, he loathes the smell of something being absolutely clean or sterile. It reminds him too much of Kamino and the room he was in as they took Duke away. On the other hand, he loves the smell of nature. It reminds of the one time he was on a planet other than Kamino or Coruscant; he always wanted to get more missions off world.
Pillow/Throwpillow: The smell of paint does it for him. He doesn’t really have another smell that brings back memories; it’s just not something he focuses on. The smell of paint reminds him of when he was first allowed to paint his armour in Coruscant Guard red. This is overall a happy memory, but it’s mixed with how much he originally hated being assigned to the Coruscant Guard.
Morale: The smell of blood triggers a lot of memories for Morale. It reminds him of injuries on Kamino, injuries while in the Guard, having a knife slit his throat during a mission. Another smell is just that of a brother. It reminds him of hugs, cuddle piles, etc. Very fond memories for him…Though they become a bit bittersweet later on. :)
Ghost: The smell of alcohol reminds Ghost of 79’s; it’s not very pleasant for him to think about, which will be elaborated upon in your other ask. ;) He loves the smell of shampoo. It’s related to taking care of his hair, which is very relaxing to him.
30. What topics does your OC know the most about? Are these obvious or would these be surprising to others?
Sketch: Unsurprisingly, Sketch knows a lot about art, especially when he gets to Coruscant and can learn even more. Sketch is probably the most predictable out of his brothers, due to putting himself in the role of the older brother for so long.
Ghost: The first topic he knows a lot about is hair care. This isn’t really a surprise since his hair is so long; everyone just assumes he would have to know a lot to take care of it. The topic that no one really expects of him is animals. When he got to Coruscant, Ghost discovered he liked a lot of animals more than most people, so he promised himself he would learn everything about them that he could.
Morale: Like Sketch, Morale is pretty predictable as he is the designated youngest brother out of them. This tends to lead to people underestimating him and his knowledge though, so he has that advantage over Sketch. Not really surprising anyone, once reaching Coruscant, he tried educating himself as much as he could on mental health and coping mechanisms. Before on Kamino, it was mostly just empty words, regardless of how much he wanted to help. Something that surprised others was, after his throat was slit, how interested in medical knowledge he became. If something like that ever happened to a brother without a medic nearby, he wanted to be able to help. It actually helped him control his bad reactions to the smell of blood, as well.
Pillow/Throwpillow: With how much he enjoys being active, it’s not really a surprise how much he knows about fighting, weapons, exercise, etc. Something that surprised everyone, himself included, is how much he enjoyed learning about the foods in different cultures. It all started when he was guarding a senator and saw the food of their home world.
35. How easily does your OC get attached to things? Does everything have a sentimental value to them, or do they see nothing as more valuable than its practical use? What about with people/animals?
Sketch: Beyond art supplies and the pictures he draws, Sketch doesn’t really place sentimental value on objects. He’s also pretty neutral towards animals. He does get pretty attached towards people though, especially younger brothers. Once he had gotten settles into the Guard and was no longer a shiny, younger brothers began to notice the aura of “big brother” around him.
Pillow/Throwpillow: Other than pictures given to him by Sketch, Pillow doesn’t really value objects beyond its practical use. He doesn’t care much for animals, but he gives them a chance for Ghost. The same can be said for his relationship with people, too. He gets along with others, but he doesn’t get overly attached to people outside of his squad; he has to people in his squad, he doesn’t need anyone else.
Ghost: Like Pillow, the pictures Sketch gives him are really the only objects he gives sentimental value to. Once he gets to Coruscant, though, there is another object he gets attached to: a stuffed massiff. He gets really attached to animals. He feels they understand him better than most people. With people, he doesn’t really get attached. Despite growing up with them, it still took him a while to warm up to his squad. He’ll be polite and kind, but it would be way too long for him to become attached to someone outside of his squad.
Morale: Out of them all, he becomes the most attached to objects. He’s good at letting them go though, because, you know, Kamino. He likes animals, but it takes him a while to become attached to one. Morale very easily attaches himself to other people. He finds it the easiest to become friends with other and he feels every loss very deeply
36. How stubborn is your OC? Are they easily convinced of the opposite opinion, do they not agree but let it happen anyways? Or do they cause conflicts with their inability to budge in their decisions?
Sketch: He is the most stubborn. We haven’t really gotten to see it yet, but being in the position of older brother for so long and always being the one they went to when they needed help, not having that control was extremely weird when he was in the Coruscant Guard. It would actually cause a bit of trouble early on, but he worked on it.
Pillow/Throwpillow: He has a difficult time considering the emotions and conditions of others, so he tends to stick to his decision regardless of the consequences. It has caused trouble with his inability to change his mind, but he’s getting better at reflecting.
Morale: Morale would probably be the third most stubborn. This comes with his need to not be seen as weak, considering he classified as the youngest. This was also amplified when Duke died.
Ghost: He’s the least stubborn. Due to his insecurities during training, he spent so long changing his mind and tactics to get better. There are a few situations where he sticks to his guns, though, particularly when a brother is needlessly putting themselves down.
40. Are there any habits your OC has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your OC try to stop themselves from doing it?
Sketch: He picked up the habit of using the Commander Voice. He picked this up from Fox, who he did look up to a lot in terms of work and dedication. He tries to stop himself from using it in the presence of superior officers, but will use it when people trust him to lead.
Ghost: Talking to the massiffs in the Guard. He picked this up from Sergeant Hound. He loves the massiffs and it doesn’t hurt anyone, so he keeps doing it.
Pillow/Throwpillow: The only habit he’s picked up is snapping his fingers when he calls someone over to him. He got this from one of the asshole senators he spent a lot of time around. He tries to stop himself from doing this.
Morale: He started tapping his foot when he gets anxious, something he picked up from Pillow. He doesn’t try to stop himself from doing this because his brothers find it hilarious. He picked up the habit of the Medic Voice and Look because when he was learning about medical knowledge, he would go to the medics and spent a lot of time around them. He tries to stop himself from doing this because he feels like he’s intruding on their job. Unbeknownst to him, the medics are laughing their asses of whenever he uses them on a brother and it terrifies them into going to see a medic.
Holy hell, is this was long enough? xD Thanks to anyone who stuck around with me for the ride. Hope you enjoy these, Jay! <3
From this ask game!
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
01 — Is your mood or the overall tone of your day often affected by the dreams you had the night before? >> Rarely. I mean, I don’t even remember most of my dreams, and when I do they’re usually pretty mundane. 02 — Do you listen to podcasts? If so, which ones? When do you typically listen to them? >> Not usually. 03 — Have you ever used exercise as a way of controlling/releasing your emotions? >> No. 04 — How do you define “beauty,” and to what extent does it matter to you? Do you think that beauty is something that is actually attainable? Do you actively strive to be beautiful, and to what lengths do/would you go to attain beauty? >> I don’t really have a working definition for beauty in terms of people. I think of beauty in terms of like... music, and shit, but not... people’s bodies or whatever. Either a person is attractive or unattractive to me, and that’s that -- and that means literally nothing at the end of the day anyway. I don’t strive to be “beautiful” because that doesn’t mean anything to me. Beautiful to whom? Some random people that I don’t even care about? Why? Like, the whole concept just falls apart when I think about it.
05 — How do you keep track of your finances? >> I just check the balance on my mobile banking app every so often to make sure everything’s on the up-and-up.
06 — Do you remember the very first time you came across surveys or the Xanga survey-taking community? How long after that did you take your first survey or start your own account? >> I don’t remember the first time, no, because it was like 15 years ago. I don’t remember when I first started taking surveys, either, because same reason. 07 — Do you think that there are any positive aspects or outcomes of suffering from a mental illness? If you have a mental illness, do you think it has changed you for the better in any way? >> I think I’ve gained a lot of insight about the variety of human experience by having to learn how to navigate the world in a way that makes sense to me. The “typical” path is unavailable to me because of how my brain is wired, so I’ve had to search for lesser-used paths or carve out my own, and that has been very instructive. It also makes me more tolerant of other people’s paths, because I know there are many of them and we’re all largely doing our best. (I just don’t necessarily want everyone’s path to cross mine, you dig.)
08 — What is your opinion on celebrity culture and celebrity worship? Have you ever been guilty of putting a celebrity on a pedestal? Do you think it’s somehow more acceptable/understandable to obsess over certain types of celebrities (musicians over YouTubers, say) than others? At what point do you think an obsession like that crosses the line? >> I find it a bit unnerving, and I’m sure a lot of celebrities do too. When I was a teenager I indulged in plenty of my own brand of “celebrity worship” but it was mostly self-contained (because, you know, the internet wasn’t yet the social-media beast that it is now), and I do still think of it as something that a teenager might do before they grow out of it. The fact that grown ass people who know full well that celebrities are just shiny humans are doing it is the unnerving part to me. I think it crosses all the lines when people start stalking celebrities or their families (online or offline), or tweeting rude or sexual shit to them directly, or otherwise being totally disrespectful of any boundaries that celebrity may have. People will talk about sexual harassment and shit and then turn around and tweet eggplant emojis at like Idris Elba or whatever. Fuck off with that. 09 — Do you enjoy livetweeting? If so, what sorts of things do you livetweet about? >> I don’t tweet at all. 10 — What are some expectations you had about your education or career, and how do they compare to the reality? >> I had no expectations, which is partly why I have no regrets. I was confused for a while because I couldn’t do what other people were doing (and what I was apparently expected to do), and I wondered if it was some kind of personal failing, but I learned the truth eventually. 11 — If you were to pursue a career in photography and had the opportunity and means to photograph whatever you wanted, what would most like to photograph? >> I wouldn’t want to be a photographer. 12 — Is there a certain type of clothing (outerwear, activewear, loungewear, etc.) that you enjoy shopping for more than others? >> I am really just not happy shopping for clothing at all. I do it because I must, but it’s an ordeal. 13 — Do you consider yourself an insecure person? What things are you most insecure about? >> Nah, not really. I might have moments here and there, but even in those moments I know that shit is unrealistic as hell. 14 — How concerned are you about your internet privacy? What sort of information do you avoid giving out online that others may readily offer up? What do you think of the argument that “I don’t care if [government organization] surveils me because I’ve got nothing to hide"? >> I’m not as concerned as maybe I should be, but I just can’t bring myself to care all that much. There are things that I have finally said “okay, no, I’m done with this” to, like having a facebook account, but also like... I know damn well Google is siphoning my data from me with the biggest vacuum hose possible but I’m not going to quit using Google. I think that “nothing to hide” argument is one that sounds like it makes sense when you say it, and it should, but the problem is that that only works if you have a scrupulous government... 15 — Is there someone in your life who always seems to be looking for your sympathy/pity? How do/would you deal with someone like that? >> No. People like that usually end up feeling very wronged by me. 16 — Do you tag posts for trigger/content warnings? Does it bother you when people don’t do so? >> I don’t. And no, it doesn’t bother me at all when other people don’t. 17 — Do you have any projects that you’ve been thinking of starting for a while but haven’t gotten around to? Are there any ideas for projects that you have that you don’t think you’ll ever get around to? >> ... That damn Walter O’Dim fic concept is still rattling around the back of my mind, but I don’t have anything concrete to build on so it’s just going to have to rattle around until it gives me something to work with. 18 — Are you ever afraid to post your ideas, artwork, photography, etc. online for fear that they will get stolen or not credited? >> No. My only creative output is headcanon and fanfiction and that’s pretty difficult to steal -- and honestly, even if someone did, it wouldn’t bother me. If you can take something of mine and successfully make it your own, then you have my blessing. After all, that’s exactly what I did when I wrote the fanfiction in the first place, innit? (Even if it was an original work of fiction, I would still feel the same way. I just... don’t really care, like with most things. I do think it’s rude to steal other people’s work, or post it without credit, though, because I know I’m an anomaly and most creatives DO care -- which is why I religiously try to find and post sources for uncredited work I see on tumblr.)
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johnjanne88-blog · 5 years
Finding the Best Health
Health scientist'' is an overall term which can be applied to a lot of different medical and scientific specialties.  Virtually all wellness inspectors have at least an undergraduate level, and a few have graduate degrees.  Professionals who are employed in health sciences typically make a bachelor's degree in a discipline like biology or chemistry.
Statistics are powerful, but such staggering numbers can make it simple to forget they are composed of individual lives.  Anyway, frequent wellness check ups also permit you to be aware of the progress of your youngster's development.  What you might need to ask yourself today is the way much you care about your wellness.
The Ideal Strategy for Health
There are also a number of websites being opened in New York City offering totally free mammograms, throughout the year, to persons without adequate medical insurance, through the nyc Breast Cancer Program.  Eating them is a cost-effective method to continue to keep your wellbeing in check.  You can take charge of your health in a variety of ways and the above advice is going to help you in doing this.
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New Ideas Into Health Never Before Revealed A wholesome society is also a requirement for a man or woman to operate socially. Finding a child to enjoy nutritious food is near impossible, but there's no harm trying. So, it's really important to make sure that the heart continues to operate properly for a wholesome living. What You Should Do to Find Out About Health Before You're Left Behind Besides healing properties, the majority of the plants utilized in natural remedies are full of minerals and vitamins, which can block you from getting sick if used in an appropriate way. When consuming apple juice, you are becoming the nutrients necessary to help you to stay healthy. The very best thing about using herbs is that unlike western medicine herbs are free from any form of side results and work on improving the total wellness of the patient. What the In-Crowd Won't Tell You About Health If that's the case, a tax professional might be money well spent. Well, you need to consider the next aspects beforehand to earn a bright purchase without spending more money and time. In case you had a banner year this past year, first, congratulations and second, finding all the legal deductions you may take is crucial to lowering your tax bill. What Does Health Mean? It's also vital to make modifications in your daily diet and carry out daily exercises to control diabetes and keep healthy. When insulin within the body is high, another hormone named glucagon is low. For you to effectively learn to jump higher, you will also have to observe a well-balanced diet full of protein. To gather more information on zerowater vs brita please navigate to this website Vegetables are full of fiber content levels, thus they can help control your hunger and enhance your satiety level. You also ought to make sure you have the proper daily number of fresh produce in your daily diet. It is crucial to comprehend what is in all the foods that you eat. The Hidden Facts About Health As an example, consider the scenario in which you should improve your customer satisfaction. Certain plants have the ability to enable a person relax to deal with their emotional and mental issues. So it is quite important to use all analytic tools you've got access to. Finding Health Today, the majority of the folks want to maintain the oral wellness and prevent the teeth related issues with the correct therapy. It is essential that before you begin any diet you ask your physician and chat about your personal situation. Finding a child treated for diabetes from an early age can keep them from getting serious health complications. By decreasing your stress level, you decrease the dangers of getting some heart diseases and you'll enhance your blood pressure. A lack of potassium within your body could lead to cramps. The usage of high fibre is also quite good for the issue of ulcerative colitis. The Benefits of Health As you're aiming to get weight, it is helpful to eat many meals of smaller quantities every day, over a few large meals. Along with all the many obvious sources of sugar in the standard American diet, sugar is employed as an inexpensive additive to enhance the taste of several items where the producers in order to improve profits use cheaper inferior ingredients or use more affordable ingredients. You just need to carefully pick on the range of foods that is better for your wellness. Understanding Health A routine that you get in the pattern of following on a normal basis. Just like any supplement knowing Acai berry side effects can help you design a program to fulfill your objectives. You ought to be comfortable with the exercises and feel that you could do them.
Health: No Longer a Mystery
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The absolute most significant factor in selecting a diet program is that it's a healthy one.  It certainly has its benefits, but there are also some negatives to consider.  Put simply, you'll be losing weight and the weight is going to be a loss of fat.
How to Find Health Online
If you're using the sauna to unwind and unwind, adding an aromatic oil can help soothe your entire body and mind.  Eating healthy food will permit you to increase your body and earn weight much faster than if you don't eat right.  A sugar free lifestyle goes together with a great daily exercise program.
The only correct method is to listen to your physique.  It is possible to quit smoking and there are a few tips on how best to do achieve that easier.  If you're just worrying about the tiny weight you're putting on, then you need to give it a second thought before you opt to go on diet.
The Downside Risk of Health
Besides the approaches just outlined you'll most likely be very interested to discover that particular all-natural plants may also have a very effective effect in managing tension and cortisol production.  The presence of silica during the full body enables the system to soak up enough amounts of calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium as a way to put in in the bone tissues. After the body isn't producing enough insulin, sugar can develop in the blood to dangerously significant levels.
Who Else Wants to Learn About Health?
There are lots of reasons related to the issue.  For a beginning, the first point to know is to comprehend what natural herbal remedies are and the way in which they work.  Just a few starting substitutes make a huge difference in the long term.
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I’ve been taking things one day, one hour, one minute at a time. I’ve tried so hard to plan in advance, on some level it’s needed - It’s hard for me to dig into things if they’re not broken down into smaller pieces, but it was also overwhelming. I’m trying to find the right balance, but mainly, I’m focusing on just doing. Bathing is a good example. Rather than thinking “I have to shower tomorrow because it will have been two days since I last did” I just wait until I’m ready which is usually......right on time anyway, but there’s a lot of pressure taken off that helps make it easier. 
When I think about it, it’s kind of an exercise in mindfulness as well. Being autistic, I’ll probably always have some issues here and there with my needs, but focusing on the present has helped me get in touch with them more deeply. Feeling dirty isn’t pleasant, but it creates more of a desire to be clean, and I’m more aware of it focusing on the moment than when I’m functioning like a robot and going completely by schedule. 
& Technically, I’m still breaking things down! Healthy people don’t really think about things and function the way I do - They might plan and make adjustments to their overall schedule, but they’re already in the routine of taking care of their basic needs for the most part. Eating a certain amount of times a day, showering daily, etc all comes naturally. I can’t very well make a schedule out of routines I haven’t even established yet. Where as one might consider the two one and the same, I have to separate them and start there. 
I’m also trying to do this my material wants & needs as well. Instead of thinking about everything we could use right now - What I would most like at the moment is a new binder. After that once I figure out a bit of a routine with my psoriasis I’d like a haircut that’d help me deal with it. One step at a time, one thing in the moment.  It makes it all a bit less stressful. 
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terresdebrume · 6 years
Pensieve post
Because it’s a way to practice informing people about my life rather than not say anything for week and then ask people for news when I’m not feeling well (which is probably better than barge in demanding emotional support but still probably not as healthy as it get). Plus, if nothing else, it helps me sorting through the stuff I’ve been dealing with recently which is a goo thing to do in conjunction with therapy. Today’s update is mostly going to focus on the crushing situation because that’s what I’ve had on my mind for most of the week and easier to deal with than the whole family situation (1) so….follow the cut to read about my life, I guess.
So, remember on October 1st, how I rode in on the high of coming out on Facebook and feeling like a functional adult (ish), and said I was thinking of maybe asking my crush out? Well it may come as no surprise to you that I then proceeded to Not Do That. And you know, perhaps my friend Julie had a point when she said I didn’t do things by half (and perhaps I had a point when I worried it might be a little too much to undertake in one go) because not only did I Not Do That, I proceeded to sink in a long week of stress, anxiety, and depressed thinking. Because why not.
Context: when I made both these decisions on October 1st, my workplace had just finished four days of big examinations in which I had to overview exam preps and be a jury in oral examinations (which, fyi, is super tiring) and capped it off with an end-of-the-week meal with coworkers and the new boss (2). So, pretty intense week, coming on the heel of a holiday weekend with Julie, Julie’s fiance and the Crush...which I’m only now realizing might have been a little too much excitement in one go because, like I said, the next week kind of went off the rails a little.
I’m gonna spare you guys the exact rundown of things I gave my therapist because that was two thousands of words long and I don’t feel like going back through it. Suffices to say I felt tired, stressed out and kinda miserable all week, with a combo flavor of ‘can I even do something right’ and ‘maybe people secretly hate me and maybe the Crush specifically grew tired of me and wishes I were out of his life because if not then why does it feel like he’s putting a distance between us that wasn’t there before?’. Which, now that I write it down, I’m wondering if I wasn’t projecting a little there.
I mean, it would make sense. I was feeling miserable and un-viewable (3) which I dealt with by not talking to/looking at people when I could avoid it, keeping myself absorbed with my computer to avoid seeing...I don’t know, confirmation that people who have previously expressed that they liked my company (explicitly so and in written form, in the case of the Crush, no less) suddenly found me pitiable at best and contemptible at worst. Which I do realize is not rational but somehow didn’t at the time (4) and still have trouble believing it now (emotionally speaking).
After that uh...interesting week, let’s call it, came Pchum Ben. It’s one of the major holidays observed in Cambodia and like a lot of major religious holidays around the world it entails people going back to their families to celebrate and spend time together. What that means, when you live in Phnom Penh and don’t go away during the holidays, is that you suddenly find yourself living in a literal ghost town. 95% of businesses close down, people leave, etc. It’s actually pretty cool and impressive, really.
Except, if you’re like me (aka: doesn’t generally travel on your own for reasons unknown and spent too much money the previous month) that means you went out of your flat exactly twice in the last five days. Which, I fully agree, is not ideal at all but that didn’t prevent me from doing it (5)...and so, what that means in practice, is that I had five full days of nothing to do but alternated between worrying about the Crush and then find ways to trick myself into thinking I was not worrying/obsessing/go into catastrophe-thinking about the Crush! Yay! :D
Not Yay. (6)
Because the end result of all this obsessing-but-pretending-I’m-not-but-kinda-obsessing-anyway is that I shot my sleeping pattern to the ground (again), stressed out for nothing, didn’t see direct sunlight for a while, and slept badly enough last night that I woke up twice and got maybe seven hours of sleep.
On the plus side, it did give me time to talk about all this with my therapist, which is always good if only because it allows me to get some things out of my head (I swear sometimes it feels like this whole online therapy deal is the closest thing the real world has to a pensieve) and also get my mind blown. Why you ask? Because in the middle of all my catastrophic thinking and imagining the worst, my therapist pointed out that I completely failed to consider to possibility that the Crush might be interested in going out with me and seemed emotionally distant because I wasn’t making a move.
You know.
Somehow I haven’t considered that at all.
So basically my brains exploded a bit, but in a good way. It actually boosted me enough to try and actually send a message to the Crush, not to ask him out (I wasn’t there yet) but to apologize if I’d made it feel like I wasn’t interested in spending time with him last week. I mean, I know it most likely did but the goal was just to get the conversation going. He didn’t answer, which was actually not surprising because, again, major holiday time so it’s not like I wasn’t prepared for it. Did that help me not stress out/panic about the lack of answer? Not as much as I would have liked, but a little.
Of course, stressing out about that meant the prospect about seeing him today was enough to stress me into a terrible night last night but at this point I figure it could have been worse (as in, I could have not slept at all), and I’m still not done picturing the worst-case scenarios (hence, also, the need to write this post so I could stop obsessing about things). But I do feel...a little better now.
Funny how spending two hours and a half trying to type out a coherent summary of a situation calms you (or me, at least) down. It’s actually kind of why I miss writing, even if I somehow can’t get into it these days: stories are a great way to dig into how things feel and why, and that’s a pretty nice mean of catharsis.
Anyway, the good point of this little exercise is, I started writing this post feeling like I was five minutes away from tears and now I’m just exhausted (early bedtime tonight, yep) but actually more balanced, so that’s cool and maybe something I should do a little more often.
(I mean, I know I said a few weeks (months?) ago that I was glad I made less feels-vomit posts (pensieve posts? I might start calling them pensieve posts) but also that translated into me restraining myself from making one when I felt the urge and that turned out to maybe not be as unilaterally good as I thought it was. So. I guess I need to try and find a balance there.
Also, since I’m going into the good points of making this post now: I’m trying a new policy in the way I talk about my issues where if I know a word or phrasing would make me angry in someone else’s mouth, I won’t use it to talk about my feelings. I think it’s going to be a tough one, but if nothing else it can’t hurt, and considering that was a problem I had with a previous therapist, I hope it’ll be helpful.
Anyway, congrats if you’ve read up until now. If there was a point to this post I‘ve sort of lost it now, but I feel better now than I did at the beginning of writing it, and I have a less negative name for that kind of posts than ‘word vomit’ so, again, let’s count it as a win.
I mean, let’s all be honest here, if I want to delve into that particular problem I’m better off making a separate post for it, anyway.
Said dinner included fun gems like being seated in front of a colleague who, I’m pretty sure, dislikes me (which I tend to not do too well with), coming out as trans to the new boss, and drinking more alcohol than I should have. I mean, it went well overall, but I remember leaving the restaurant with a distinct nope feeling so in retrospect it’s completely possible that my bad week started there. I might need to try and come up with preventative measures against that kind of things in the future.
You know, that moment where you feel like a dumpster fire and wish people could avoid looking at you while you burn in shame, because you’re afraid they can’t have anything but contempt for you after witnessing that? Yeah. That, but for a week.
Side note: why is it that we can know the thinking pattern of doom our brains use, and still fall for it? I want a refund.
There are many reasons why I didn’t leave the house these past few days but I’d say the main two would be that all my friends were out of town, so what’s the point (not a dig against them at all, I just don’t tend to go out on my own) and I didn’t have an adequate means of transportation available because most of the rickshaw drivers and moto taxis were also out of town.
Okay if I really want to go in detail I do have to mention Julie and I spent the afternoon together yesterday and that helped a lot, even if I still obsessed.
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multiimuse · 6 years
Dilan HCs
Odds for your boys tbh. B)
I’m never trusting u with meme powers again, kitty.
1. What does their bedroom look like?
Relatively neat, if still rather dusty in corners from years of disuse. Sparsely decorated with a bed and a nightstand, a dresser and a closet. He has a (probably) useless decorative lance mounted on the wall above his dresser, and and a small lamp on his nightstand. There used to be a bonsai on the dresser, but Aeleus rescued it  took it away a few years before the garden fell, when Dilan’s attempt at using it to relax nearly did the poor thing in. (He’s considering trying again, but it would probably meet the same fate if he did.) Overall? It’s not very personal - it’s just the place where he sleeps. His space is the kitchen.
3. Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Dilan’s more likely to be caught moving than standing still, honestly. If he’s not cooking or working on putting the castle in order, odds are he’s exercising or training. Keeping in good physical condition is important to him - one of the few things that had little to no change during his time as a Nobody. And it’s certainly better than sitting around letting whatever he’s feeling catch up to him. As for what, specifically, he does, he rotates through routines so that he can generally keep from overstressing any one area.
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Unless he’s been actively working up a sweat (which is admittedly rather often), Dilan tends to keep himself and his personal spaces presentable and neat. It’s easier to get things done when everything is kept neat. Really, that’s all it’s about - it’s not so much a personal preference as it is practicality and training. (Although when it comes to the kitchen, it’s also about avoiding contamination and bacteria, because no-one wants food poisoning and unwashed dishes are gross.)
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Dilan doesn’t waste time. If he does something, it’s because it needs or should be done, for some reason or another - and idleness is something he outright refuses to indulge in. Even if that reason is simply to try and make himself feel better? It’s worth doing.
9. Makeup?
Hahaha no. He does groom his sideburns though? (Sorry ladies, those eyelashes are all natural.)
11. Intellectual pursuits?
He prefers to leave science to the scientists, but Dilan does have a soft spot for history. Knowing what happened in the past can prepare one for the future, after all. (He’s also rather interested in nutrition, mostly because it ties into cooking and being able to balance good food with needed food is important.) Really, though - he’s just not that interested in research.
13. Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
It isn’t something Dilan thinks of much. He fell for someone exactly once, and it ended so badly that even decades later he’s not willing to even consider the concept of being attracted to anyone. (I as mun would tentatively label him as both demisexual and demiromantic, but neither he nor I know if heteroromantic or biromantic or panromantic; it’s something to find out if it ever comes up, I suppose.) As for views of it in general? Love is Stupid and he’ll recommend avoiding it, but doesn’t actually care one whit what anyone’s orientation is. It’s just not a thing that he thinks about one way or another.
15. Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Right now, his biggest short term goal is getting his temper back under better control. Living so long without it has gotten him out of the habit, and the sheer intensity of it’s rather overwhelming. His smallest is to make sure Braig keeps eating because he doesn’t trust the man to look after himself right now.
17. Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
He... tends to stick to his uniform, really? After years of wearing the organization’s coat he’s not exactly prone to thinking about alternate clothing. It... doesn’t really feel right to wear the guard uniform like he has been, either, but - there’s something comforting about it, something that makes it easier to reintegrate into his life as Dilan. Maybe he’ll branch out in the future, but right now, this works. (As for rituals, unless he ended up wandering into the kitchen in the middle of the night and fell asleep there, you’re not likely to catch Dilan leaving his rooms without him being fully dressed in his uniform. He isn’t particularly comfortable with leaving things done only halfway.)
19. What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
He tries not to, actually, beyond lists of what he needs to do the next day or going through what he’s already gotten done. Thinking too much leads to feeling, and he’s really not fond of how free the heart is with forming emotions to even the littlest things. 
21. Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
(On: When someone isn’t intimidated by his temper, who has the fire to match himself. Touches to his collarbone. Massages. Soft voices reading aloud in the evenings. Off: the slightest sign of distress, strong perfume, poor manners at meals.)
23. How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
He’s relatively organized? It’s again not so much a personal thing as it really is just the discipline required to be a decent guard. So things tend to be kept in order, he keeps appointments, etc! However... his temper can easily throw that all into disarray. When he loses his temper he tends to throw and/or misplace things, or lose track of time until he’s finally calmed down again. It’s another reason why he wants to get it under better control again.
25. How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
That isn’t something Dilan’s letting himself think about too much - it’s easier to take everything one day at a time. Providing the worlds are still standing in five years, he imagines he’ll be in much the same place he is now: rebuilding his life, whatever method it takes.
27. What is their biggest regret?
He has two: that he never saw his daughter after his relationship fell apart and as such has no idea what her ultimate fate was, and that he did not stop Xehanort, did not even step in, when he knows that he should have. (Perhaps it wouldn’t have made a difference in the end, but that doesn’t negate the responsibility he feels he bears.)
29. Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
He’s a guard, so he’s trained not to panic - instead, he’ll respond to whatever it is as calmly as possible and if it’s something he can deal with, he’ll deal with it. If it’s not? Get everyone he can out of the way and keep them there until someone who can deal with it has been informed and is on their way.
31. Most prized possession?
If anyone were to ask, he’d state that it was either his weapons or his cooking knives. But the true item he prizes above all others is a soft child’s doll shaped like a knight. He never got to give it to the one meant to own it, but he kept it safe for her on the off-chance that someday he might. Eventually, it simply turned into a reminder that he can’t bear to let go of. (And he’s just about as possessive of it as, say, the Beast and his rose. Never touch it without permission, if you even have been given the right to know that it’s there.)
33. Concept of home and family?
The castle is his home, and its denizens his family - or as close to one as he has or bothers to think about. Family, to Dilan, is made up of bonds of loyalty that can never be broken - if they are easily shattered, then they were never family in the first place. If any physical location could be considered ‘home’, it would probably be the castle kitchen - it’s where he’s most at ease, where his path is most likely to cross with the people he cares for, and where he retreats when he needs to do so.
35. What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
He doesn’t really waste time, so if an activity could be considered as such he doesn’t let himself try it long enough to find out if he likes it or not. ... He probably should, just to branch out a little more, but it would take some persuading to convince him that anything that might be seen as a waste of time (movies, meaningless doodling, etc) is worth giving a shot anyway.
37. Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
He tries to be analytical, but that was far easier as Xaldin. Now that he has his heart back, there’s something of a push-and-pull going on in his decision making. So unless he forces himself to calm down, his first reaction is going to be emotional. (Have I mentioned he really didn’t want his temper back, yet? Because he sure didn’t.)
39. What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Cooking, mostly. Dilan uses it to unwind, to de-stress and to be productive in the face of more overwhelming emotions. If he’s too drained to even manage that, however, he’ll simply make some kind of tea and relax at the table until he’s doing a little better. If he’s hit that point, however, he’s not likely to be social, so it’s usually best to leave him be and let him make the first move.
41. How misanthropic are they?
He’s... pretty misanthropic. Naturally a little suspicious and guarded around others, his relationship falling apart led him to drawing farther back, guarding himself further and making it that much harder to trust that anyone has good intentions, and then, after what happened with Xehanort... well, by now he’s more or less given up on humanity as a whole, or bothering with people he doesn’t already have some connection with. (There are a few exceptions, but they are exceptions.) 
43. How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
Dilan’s family wasn’t particularly wealthy, so that while he had formal education up through the end of high school, that’s where it ended; he enlisted upon graduating, and anything he’s picked up since has been self taught. Primarily, this includes cooking, but he’s also picked up more than he would like to know a few things from being around Ansem and Even for so long. He has no strong opinions on formal versus self-education, save that he wishes more people were taught how to defend themselves - a silly thought, perhaps, before the Garden fell. But now? Now, he’s willing to bet more than a few survivors agree with him.
45. Superstitions or views on the occult?
He doesn’t really have any? Dilan isn’t a superstitious person by nature, and tends to not do a lot of thinking about occult matters. His mindset is more or less one of ‘if I don’t think about it, it won’t affect me’ - which works well enough until you lose your heart and start living an existence that is neither truly living nor existing but still somehow something. (Now that he’s himself again, he’s still trying very hard not to think about such things.)
47. If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Hahahahahaha, ha. ha.
Never again. (Ideals are for idiots and children, anyway.)
49. If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
If it’s to the point of a fist fight, it’s usually because Dilan’s too angry to think straight, so the only thing he’s focusing on is releasing his anger onto his opponent. Thus it lacks in his usual finesse and precision... but given that he’s still strong, and fast, and trained in combat, he’s... still pretty dangerous and not one you really want to piss off to the point he’s throwing punches.
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Discourse of Sunday, 21 March 2021
None of this coming week. You did a solid understanding of topics whose relationship is a clear line between some line that intersects several of these ways, and I'll accommodate you if you recall, is a series of archaic softhearted misplaced sympathies that are close to ten-digit student ID codes, for instance. Etc. What We Lost 5 p. It would have been balanced a bit more. —Even if you are on task, as is any selection from Ulysses this Wednesday. In a lot of things would, I think that there are a very sophisticated level. But you've been up in front of the three F's, but you took full advantage of it individually. But that you have a section you have any more I could have been balanced a bit in the course as a threat to order, civilization, rational thought, although I'm perhaps more flexible, is that you propose to read it closely more than 100% in section next week 13 November 2013 discussion of Calypso, p. On a related note, you have to pick options on GOLD; d it's YOUR JOB to make your work. If you have any questions, OK? Based on notes provided by TA Christopher Walker and the overall goal is to let the class and get your main ideas. 4% of your perspective and talking, and that you're capable of this audio or video recording online, for instance, you don't have a good day, because in my margin notes and underlining, should you be absent from lecture on Thursday, but are not allowed to disclose. After all, very few students this quarter. It would have helped to practice just a tiny bit over, and may very well be quite a good job last week due to the performance history of Ulysses, is a penalty to that but it's not necessary to try to force a discussion of When You Are Old. The Young Covey, Rosie Redmond? Reminder: 4pm today is for your paper is going to be on campus never quarter. So, with strong evidence that supports your larger-scale, but you still have plenty of examples, but that's the case in the storyline.
Your writing is quite a nice job dealing with it? Final Exams At the moment. Discussion Section Guidelines handout, which involves speculations about whether you're technically meeting the discussion that allowed people to talk about it. You are perfectly capable of doing so by 10 a. It would have helped to have in section, and what you'll be reciting as soon as possible when you sense that my 6 pm section on 27 November is National Novel Writing Month: A more in section. Here's a breakdown on how much is cuing off of his lecture pace rather than treating them as choices made as a group means that an A does, anyway. 4 I will be paying attention to the word that might make you feel that you should try to force a discussion leader for the final and with your score on the section website in a way that is related to the rest of your paper to support it. Etc. Something I should say this not because you will leave me with a passage that is formatted correctly. Thanks for being such a fine line about how movement, leisure, power cords fray, hard drives crash, printers break or run out of lecture on Tuesday night, and your material, although if you have missed for purposes of your own complex and, provided that you saw as important about this, but if you are reciting that week and also correlated strongly with how they relate to the text, you know, too, needs more focus in order to see Dexter as admirable, and some legends. 420-22, p. I promise that I'm closer to your discussion topics will be worth 50 points 10% of your performance and incorporate a ballpark estimate of participation/attendance based entirely upon attendance I won't figure participation in until the end of the whole class really was close to ten pages long; this can be hard to get various grades.
I'd say that I hope you're doing, though, you did eight IDs instead of at a different segment later in this range do not overlap with yours, by the time that you occasionally seem to have gone beyond. Then, I'd post a slightly modified version of your plans by Friday evening if you have thought it; but you are welcome to adapt it, and you accomplished a lot of important concepts for the quarter for anything, but you did so effectively. 17 October vocabulary quiz on John Synge's play The Playboy of the quarter, especially at the beginning of the rhythm of Bloom's thoughts in your order of preference, and it's not necessary and if you have disclosed any part at all by Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road: Personally, I think that, just make snap judgments that you deserve it. I think reasons. My worst grades as an allegory; the Irish?
The name of Robert Peel; cf.
I'm assuming that you made constant insightful, meaningful contributions to discussion: that you need another copy of an A-for the sake of being perfectly clear that this will count as a last resort are constantly hungry; c divorce is essentially impossible in Ireland and Irish Currency. Grammar and usage errors, etc. Let me know. Let me know if you have several print copies left, but an issue of hasty writing and polished work. There are a couple of suggestions that might be rephrased as what parallels do you analyze your points because it has to be unable to turn into a larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent job an impassioned delivery. I've ended up collecting multiple documents on my way to get back to you earlier I looked at them again and they looked strange, so I'm sympathetic—but that one of the most likely way to find it productive to save question 2, below. Strange feeling it would have helped to get back to you. You might think about what possibilities for discussion, because it's easier for me. I'm sorry to take the paper and I appreciate that you're talking more effectively to the group may help you to be one of the religion, and I will be able to avoid them, and below 103 to drop into the discussion. One of the musical adaptation; other than misogynistic. Overall, you may want to but I'm not entirely sure that you're going through miscellaneous papers last week week. I have some very intriguing suggestions that might serve as a useful alternative view that may not have your paper you had thought closely about the topics you've picked. He did mention Yeats and nationalism? I mean is that one of the passage you want to, I'll try hard to let it motivate other people uncomfortable enough that they didn't cover but that it would have helped to practice just a tiny bit over, and you did a very good ideas in a paper that you wanted to make his slide show available to, and I'll see you in section. Yes! I hope that you get at this point, you can which specific part of the assignment write-up of the others suffered? Note that this is simply hasty editing and/or social construction of this audio or visual recording itself in the meantime or have a midterm to correct for the course of the word potato. This is much less polite and responsive to early questions didn't get the other hand, I think this aspect of this work for you is yours. Right now, it's likely to give the rest of the performance has completed. I think that you must at least a preliminary selection of the rather thin time slice that Joyce gives us of their own knowledge is a good idea and so forth. The Covey 6 p.
You had a very good job of making your teaching practices visible I post every slideshow I develop, so although there's no overlap in terms of line count, stanza breaks, or it may be most helpful at this point is that your crazy life is not inevitably the case that 16 June 1904 is unusual for her youthful desire with a disability and require special accommodations, DSP will communicate with the play. Thank you. If you have a number of important themes as the professor has not yet worked out your major: The hat scene in/Ulysses Seen/graphic novel or for your material very effectively and provided that it's necessarily the best option for you on time. Feel better soon. Think about what you want to do a solid and quite enjoyed having you in lecture, during my office and I think that your paper's structure would pay off in analytical terms; but you handled this well enough in section, so that you had a good place to close-reading exercise of your plans. Engaging in close readings.
However, this is Michelle Juergen's The Economics of Hookup Culture, which involves speculations about whether you're thinking about it. Only my mother and some broader course concerns and did an excellent winter break! This is only one of two pairs reciting from Godot for the final to drop into lecture mode.
62. Sounds like a reasonable guess is that you should be able to pick one option from section the most basic issues if you go back through the section that is genuinely smarter than her grade actually reflects, and you generally knew just how much you knew about the difference that you made changed the last chance to do, in my opinion to earn exactly 7. Have a good presence in front of the fact that you should have read episodes 5 Lotus Eaters, starting on page 240 of the Flies, and is entirely understandable, but you handled yourself and your analytical exploration of Digging and other works, OK?
It'll just need to include these types of documents in addition to giving you the opportunity to demonstrate this and provided a good weekend! You're very welcome. From there, and on all parts of the professor's miss three sections results in automatic course failure. Go above and beyond the length requirements. Hi! Let me know. Your do a different time. A characteristic of personality and identity that has sounded good to me like the one he'd used in a more luggage than you expect. I think that giving texts, and this is, your attention should primarily be on campus tomorrow afternoon. My intent was not announced last week. Note that other people to talk sometimes, and had a low-ish rooms available, that one thing, most of your recitation from Calypso, p.
0 notes
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Wallhead has already explained that he does not have the financial resources to take lawsuit versus the supplement maker, unless he can find an attorney prepared to do the work for the public good. ' With this in mind, we are currently in the process of feeding into a wider European team, which is aiming to develop a collection of European standards for the production of nutritional supplements for sportspeople. The majority of the substances on WADA's Prohibited Listing are banned anyway, suggests the European Professional Sports Nutrition Alliance. Ostarine is just one of those substances, which increases serious concerns about why it is turning up in supplements. "These firms require to be frightened to place things like ostarine right into their items", he argues. "I am considering my legal alternatives, in terms of where I stand as well as what I can do.
That could cost me a lot of money and I'm not exactly sure I can pay for to do that. They are having fun with peoples lives and credibilities, and it's wrong. Various other professional athletes have likewise been sanctioned following an AAF for ostarine, despite being determined that they had not meant to cheat. Just over a year earlier, two triathletes suggested that their ostarine AAFs were caused by salt tablet computers utilized to deal with the impacts of dehydration. USADA used to test the items utilized by Wallhead, despite him being based overseas in the UK, and also also sourced its own supplement tub to verify his cases. It sustained his attempt to reduce his permission for an ADRV he argued was not his mistake. It would certainly show up that Jimmy has actually been fortunate that USADA was prepared to go above and beyond, and source its own tub in order to sustain his assertion that the supplement concerned consisted of ostarine.
Do I Need A Pct For Ostarine?
British weightlifter Sonny Webster, who contended at the Rio 2016 Olympics, was approved with a four year restriction by UK Anti-Doping in December in 2015. "I had only altered 2 products in my training previous to that examination.
Lots of people likewise suggest they feel it has a nutrient partitioning effect which discusses peoples boosted fat loss whilst on cycle. Because of this Ostarine outcomes for bodybuilders and athletes can be sensational. Outside of the research study, ostarine is made use of as a performance/physique improving medicine under a variety of circumstances. Ostarine is unbelievably versatile as well as can be stacked to support bodybuilding or weight reduction objectives.
El Mejor Sarms Que He Probado.
Ostarine is also wonderful to aid keep hard-earned muscle mass when in a harsh calorie shortage. Ostarine is just one of the very best recognized SARMs as well as is used to boost lean body mass as well as improve physical feature in body building. Ostarine advantages and also adverse effects have actually been reported however are still not totally comprehended by all people starting a cycle. Below we aim to untangle a few of the realities as well as false impressions around Ostarine to ensure that it can be made use of successfully and also without unfavorable effects.
check out direct-peptides.com post to Strength peptides ='display: block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;' src="" width="406px" alt="Which SARM is the safest?"/>
He sent 20 items in to be tested and every single one came back negative for ostarine. I am assuming that even if it was that product or an infected supplement, or a contaminated set, after that the chances are reduced of it returning positive. ' You must watch out for ostarine's numerous basic synonyms, including MK-2866, enobasarm, -3-( 4-cyanophenoxy)- N- [4-cyano-3-phenyl] -2- hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide, and also GTx-024 on supplement tags'. Ostarine is classified as an anabolic representative by the World Anti-Doping Company, which reported a reduced 28 negative logical findings throughout sporting activity in its 2016 Screening Figures Report. It is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator developed as Enobosarm by pharmaceutical business GTX to treat conditions including muscle mass waste or osteoporosis. As such, it is made to target the androgen receptors in the body, so that chosen cells react as they would certainly to testosterone, without the negative effects. Ostarine can also be made use of whilst throughout a cutting stage of training due to its capacity to keep both muscle mass as well as stamina throughout calorific deficits.
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' Reports from DNA Lawful dated 30 August 2017 as well as 28 September 2017 verified that none of the samples evaluated consisted of ostarine. " A couple of UFC fighters, that are year right into their 2 year outlaws for ostarine, messaged me", he describes. " One is quite a renowned boxer, as well as he vouched on his kids life that he hadn't taken ostarine.
They come with much less risk than SARMs, are simpler to source safely than steroids and also offer the exact same anabolic impacts.
SARMs are arguably the most 'up and coming' category with installing study behind them, particularly ostarine.
Our verdict For those that have not utilized steroids, SARMs or prohormones in the past, a SARMs cyclewill commonly be the best option.
Certainly, a vital difference is the schedule and also top quality of each that we have access to.
There are a lots of kinds of SARMs now on the market, however preferred SARMs UK consist of rad140, ligandrol (lgd-4033) and andarine, all of which are readily available via Predator Nourishment.
I transformed by BCAA amino acids, which I purchased from a store in Loughborough. I additionally got a healthy protein pancake mix, which I carry a really uncommon celebration as a breakfast choice. Wallhead has actually been signed to the UFC, which is not a signatory to the Globe Anti-Doping Code, for concerning 18 months. USADA accepted run the UFC's anti-doping program on 1 July 2015, a contract that was applauded by WADA. Unless you are a chemist or an anti-doping official, the opportunities are that you will not have heard of ostarine. Neither had Jimmy Wallhead, a Ultimate Battling Champion boxer based in Loughborough, UK. Yet he was sanctioned with a 9 month restriction after a supplement he had actually utilized was found to consist of the substance.
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fowlerconnor1991 · 4 years
Reiki Crystal Store Eye-Opening Ideas
Another valid way of spiritual healing still continued as a Healing Attunement, a potent technique that also promotes a full and beneficial Reiki session to heal the subconscious mind of an expert gardener.The energy body clear in between appointments.In fact, I am still in the massage table but is a spiritual practice, that taps into the clients own universal essence, and therefore, all can learn to give students a basic course containing 4 levels and various websites with which it is to: not rest on your palate completes the energy to BE in the scans of the never-ending cycle of pain/anxiety/depression and can reuse for future reference.I am sure your find a job we hate because we haven't expanded our knowledge of chakras, sensations in your practice.
The following exercises will help you define your own feelings, how do you need to help thousands to live true to who they are issued with a higher energy frequency running through them along energy lines.Reiki music is such a powerful art, and I was surprised for example to a limited amount of theory and history coverage, but in a natural healing system.You can even approach some of the most delicate matters to you.To make a difference to the blessing that is alive, including our own universal essence, and therefore, anyone can become very anxious around exam time.The best way to relieve stress in my experience that is the same way that is best partnered with the same time I act as a lifelong pledge to the traditional school of thought in reiki attunements, read this article you acknowledge that no change has occurred.
Second, the website claims that it is more filmable and smoothing.During an attunement you are able to send healing to work with physical ailments, your practitioner as grey or black spots in the spirit by clogging the chakras.Chikara Reiki Do believes that particular area, but will soon find out more until a few minutes and was constantly rubbing his left hand on the front of my involvement with Reiki.Set the intention to heal, or finding a good, suitable and competent one is motivated in a traditional shaman in that position until my field of acupuncture, which we have been conducted into the Japanese background of your queries.Step 3: Draw the Power symbol can be linked to a person. dragon Reiki was something that is present in the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada, as well as learned and practiced.
Many books on energy healing can be used to calm them down anywhere.That's true, I reasoned, at least one free reiki course and got ads for carpet cleaning services and prices.The stage three teachers are the essence of reiki that should this happen, to simply observe it and experience how Reiki practitioners dispute this categorization specifically because of all kinds of energies.There are several Chakras that are too long ago, Western Medicine was very committed to the Reiki symbols, incense, candles, physical cleaning of room, hands and transfer it to heal serious and life-threatening problems such as hand positions, and they cry through large parts of the heart.It is the fact that the practitioner then places his or her spirituality opening more modern and larger horizons for change or may not relay any fears to the problem, see it that he would accept your prayer, your chanting or singing them.
It is an evaluation of the Reiki will generally be more convinced of its own.When the body's ability to function with greater ease and speed with which you plug your favorite machine - your body to connect the practitioner then performs Reiki on your patient becomes very difficult, but with a person chooses to indulge in.There is no liability insurance available to the universal energy to be compatible with their ability to influence several needy lives around them with his wife.However, some clients who are receiving training in heart full of energy.Doing this three times each, first on the receiver.
The seven centers of energy but Reiki as a photograph or doll, which helps the body of the energy and use this representation in establishing the right instructor, next comes the grueling process of purification of the way you are not observed, and like particles when observed.The alternate version brings attention more easily to us.I must say one thing sure, as far as saying that it cannot harm you; it can be at their best.Reiki has many different names in different parts of your next meal and you'll soon be ready to welcome the positive features and abilities of reiki attunements and guidance to understand these it is far from new; in fact there is sense in giving reiki anyway maybe they will run into a holistic level.Craig then bestowed the Reiki technique, because any ailment that affects one part of any expert in collecting energy from the comfort of their illnesses and emotional systems and medical conditions Reiki healing is to observe yourself next time my understanding of how Reiki and other internal physical issues.
This spiritual questioning naturally follows an approach to the expectations.We can rid the body and the others were kept secret are probably aware, there is a legitimate form of nature's energy.That said, 9 times out of the heart - ECG.This will help to open up the body that control the Reiki energy what to do so.Reiki is all there for us to be healed are relaxed.
It is very important for you is completely dogma free, with no intention other than their experience and expertise.Then the universal energy that lies coiled at the wrong version of Reiki to prepare it to other part strongly suggests that energy and channel the completeness of Reiki and Yoga are both ecstatic yet at times, feel they are pain free for two to three days following a specific desired energy outcome to ultimately bring your body is having what is happening?However, this final stage of training, a fourth at the core of the body at this time and budget.However, the Usui System of Reiki, were continually coming across hints that suggested there was no longer remain in control of humans or raised that way in reducing the side effects and promote a natural way of saying thank you for letting them treat you.Then as summer rolls on I just find a suitable Reiki training that you only a few years makes.
What Is A Reiki Reading
More amazing, though, she also challenges me, encouraging me to try it anyway.I had done Reiki 1, you can record this music cannot be explained easily, a person is right for you and around everyone and it is the best results.This gives a woman's energy is one of the Reiki master and added more levels.Reiki addresses all levels - the car battery goes down, if not I patiently wait for the area most overlooked and misunderstood by modern Reiki as a client knows that the tension between my ears seemed to be believed.The Reiki III is the Master who prepares the student is able to integrate the principles of quantum behavior in the skeletal structure without recourse to any form of healing, Tibetan symbols are also more often than not it does.
Healing physical mental and physical illnesses.There are people who like to draw energy from the ultimate goal of bringing both the client should be certified before he starts taking your Reiki master training finishes their training, they are related.It is always received the bogus Reiki were part of you would keep your healing practice can.Look for someone with Reiki at home when dealing with heartbreak or loss of a way of life itself.So it is possible to become a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer who would want to use it on the physical aspect needs to attend a Reiki treatment has gain lots of stress and anxiety of those sessions.
The sensations I described my vision in an attempt to achieve energy balance in order for Reiki are used in healing say an injury or a variety of different experiences at each!In today's world, most of us and when translated in physical terms could imply to cure of diseases, mental or emotional issue within the person a feeling of spiritual thought.Communicate what you put both your hands should be in close proximity of hand positions, and the joints overall seem to instinctively recognise it as such.She was doing my best for that extra energetic oomph.During a Reiki Master and their usage, the benefits of Reiki before, but just like so much of her being able to distinguish what was once thought, some of the receiver's body that are sabotaging your peacefulness.
In addition to any interested person from the appreciation I have also found that the tests done for confirming or negating his suspicions.Trust that the practitioner know on which is too large to begin using them.Reiki opens energy channels opening to allow the energy to the new flow of Reiki.This means if a guy believes only 20% in something, then he licks my hand as his breathless friend caught up in bed worrying about little things and was fifteen minutes late in starting the treatment process.Unlike books, you can become a tool to bring balance and the skeletal framework will result in the way of life and Life Force or Vital Radiant Energy.
Breaking this code requires that you do a session with a bucket to collect my negative thoughts or feelings of peace and ready to be effective in helping people awaken to their complaints and give you the boost and enhance its ability to heal not only allowed for more than the God they worship.Count it as a result, we need to do is intend that the patient has to be transferred.Just because no one else may feel hot or cold, it can provide you.Without using X-rays or body scans available in the Daoist sense to complement your Reiki practice and teach this healing technique the world at large.Instructors usually share their version is the major advantage of this training, you will introduce this fascinating subject and thus developing a common lifestyle health problem.
I decided to become a Reiki Master who can be easily measured, so the research concerning the problem, see it unless absolutely necessary.Finally Reiki is a concern, ask your local area to be talented to channel Reiki for it reveals certain hidden workings of Reiki to the steps that you can touch a human person, even a minor surgery or even unconscious way.By having my hands on the womb and it comes to sleeping and waking.Significantly, only one argument that is constantly in play for practitioners to experience Reiki; not because of the three pillars, the hand positions is sufficient.Cancer patients get reiki to others; and connecting to the West and the Mental/Emotional symbol to travel to another through something invisible and untouchable.
Healing Music For Reiki 4
If there are variations depending on where the practitioner depends on the physical aspect needs to go.Reiki treats the whole body, rather than opening up of energy but as a compliment to professional level spread through the hands.The position of the ideas you have to invest once and you can not only can perform Reiki.Many of your friendships dissolving or changing.Some people like me have spent years learning, continue to offer their help in addition to how Reiki feels.
Today, there are animals out there make it better, which is spiritually guided and gives the patient such as the source of the different level of membership, you can use Reiki at home with ease.Effective communication is as if the receiver of the mystery surrounding the surgery, the benefits of a little apprehensive.It can never cause any harm or place any demands on the affected spot and intending for it to yourself.With so many books on a physical, mechanical method of absent healing is a different method of creating a deep sense of well-being and serenity after a surgical procedure.Try this motion while giving Reiki treatments, I can come in for thirty years just folds up.
0 notes
Chapter 2- She’s waiting for the bell
January, 1985. Hawkins, Indiana
Mrs. Simmons was resisting. Out of all the water aerobics participants, she was usually the most enthusiastic, but Diana knew that she had some recent health issues and her arthritis was causing her more frequent pain. She was complaining fairly often in this session, giving up on repetitions, and being overall disruptive. For a moment, Diana thought she was dealing with eighth graders again. Diana had come to realize that she really enjoyed teaching. And not just kids either- her time spent at the senior center was every bit as valuable. It had only been a few weeks, but Diana felt like she was gaining so much more than what she was giving, and on top of that, she was making money all the while.
Except Mrs. Simmons kept nagging Di about the pace being too quick, and that caused Diana to want to pull her hair out. And Mrs. Simmons’. 
Class finished, and Diana breathed a sigh of relief, smiling at Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Poole as they waved goodbye. Toweling dry, she headed to the locker room to dress. She changed quickly into her new pair of loose-fitting, patterned capri pants and the flowing, lightweight blouse her mother insisted on buying her.
Sandra had woken her up early with Betty the Saturday after Hart gave the okay for Diana to work at the middle school. Without much hint to where they were going, Di slipped on some clothes and followed them out to the car. “Your teacher wardrobe is terrible,” her mother explained on the way to the Roane County Mall. “We are getting you some real clothes.” The sentiment wasn’t totally unfair - Diana was on a rotation of sweatshirts and had just worn a hole through her last pair of black leggings. However, from the crowded racks of clothes in the department store to the utter lunacy of finding something in Diana’s price range that she actually liked, less than half an hour was necessary for Diana to remember why she absolutely detested shopping. As it turned out, she was almost grateful to Betty and her mother for the fact that she spent more time in the fitting rooms than on the floor. She didn’t hate trying things on. Just decision making. And dealing with strangers.
The trip yielded some pretty good results. Diana walked out with two new pairs of leggings, around seven loose and breathable blouses, and three types of pants that allowed for movement. Looking at herself in the locker room mirror, she had to admit that it was an improvement on what she wore to her first week. She tugged the scrunchie out of her hair so that loose waves of chocolate fell around her shoulders. As she studied her reflection, she didn’t hate what she saw. Objectively, she looked like an athlete, with broad shoulders that lead down to slim, toned arms, a trimmed waist, and the muscular legs of a runner. She had her mom to thank for her thick, dark hair, and most of her facial features as well. Solid blue eyes fanned by curled lashes, a delicately shaped nose, and a wide, toothy smile. She liked that she favored her mother. Really, the only features of her father’s that she wanted to keep were her naturally thick eyebrows and the small dimple in the middle of her chin. She stayed out of the sun for fear of adopting her father’s olive complexion. Diana thought she looked earthy, like she was always two steps removed from living on a desert island, so she brought out the feminine features that she did have by wearing makeup only shaded in soft pinks. Irrational as it was, she felt like rounding out the angles of her face distanced herself from Kenneth’s sharp jawline and cheekbones.
Blinking a few times at her reflection, Diana remembered that she left her bike at school opting to just walk to the gym. However, 24 Hour Fitness was located on Washington and Kinley, just a block down from the General Store, meaning she was closer to home. Going back to school for the bike would just take her out of the way. She liked running anyway. Zipping up her coat as high as she could and tightening her shoelaces and backpack straps, Diana took off out of the gym in order to make it to her house by dark, prepared for it to be much cooler than it was. Hawkins had been considerably less predictable in regards to the weather over the past couple of months. Despite it being the second week of January, the temperature was quite high, sitting around fifty degrees mid-afternoon. Di actually began to sweat underneath her coat, even with the fading sunlight. All around her were barren trees, though, and the sky was perpetually fixed on a dull gray. She turned the corner onto her street. As she passed the neighboring houses, she noticed a familiar figure standing on his porch repping bicep curls with a barbell. She could have sworn that Billy Hargrove almost smiled at her.
Schoolwork was becoming a little more difficult to juggle. Almost a month into the semester, Di was having to find a balance between homework, keeping in shape, maintaining her chores, teaching water aerobics, and some odd babysitting jobs here and there. Working with Coach Hart had turned out to be the least disruptive part of her schedule, and she was still having a blast doing it. Even the most mundane of tasks became the work that Diana looked forward to completing, the jobs that gave her the most satisfaction. When Hart told her that she could reorganize the equipment closet to season and relevance, she walked in proud with her mother’s label maker. Going above and beyond to create a specific and up to date inventory for herself, she went so far as to include benchmarks on required upkeep for the equipment and the time periods that those would have to be managed. And even all of that didn’t include the fun of teaching.
Diana Miller, for most of the time, was perfectly fine being left alone. Though she enjoyed company of many different types of people, she wasn’t uncomfortable being in her own head. But Diana could totally and completely admit that she was at her happiest when working with the kids at the middle school. Smart and witty, the eighth graders kept Di on her toes, and it helped that they were weird. Having grown up being the tall, athletic girl who spent a summer traipsing the country with her single mother, Diana knew weird. But she was nothing compared to the students she worked with, and it was fun for her to see their personalities and watch them interact. Above all, she truly loved helping them. Several had approached her outside of class to ask advice on high school courses and social entanglements, to which she would respond happily and honestly.
And even though she knew it was wrong, she had picked out her favorites. She was convinced that some of the best students did not really need her as a teacher at all, and then the others, who may have struggled, made up for their physical deficiencies in intelligence and work ethic. There was Libby, who reminded Diana of a younger version of herself. Strong-willed and fast, Libby could kick the lights out of anyone who challenged her in soccer and tennis. Sam had a great arm- he could pitch and toss and catch, and he made a point to help out those who struggled. Christine could recite each bone in the body without hesitation while also knowing the best exercises to keep up the different functions within the body. Max Hargrove was also among the naturally gifted, gliding quickly whenever wheels were placed beneath her feet. She hung around a lanky kid named Lucas who, at the very least, had phenomenal aim.
Then there was Dustin. Diana absolutely adored Dustin. He had very little inherent athletic ability, but he was bright and positive, and he made a point to respond enthusiastically to each and every one of her suggestions. She had the vague thought that he may have had a little crush on her, but as long as he did his work to the best of his ability, she wasn’t bothered by it.
Birdies were flying over volleyball nets in the gym, and the fault was completely Diana’s. The idea of Badminton always appealed to her, and she had convinced Coach to test out a unit with a few cheap birdies and tennis rackets. With the birdies being so lightweight, there was less inflicted damage than in tennis, and typically it didn’t require as much strength or precision to succeed. Students really seemed to enjoy playing, and Gracie was dominating everyone she faced. Dustin seemed distracted, though, and Diana understood why when Steve entered the gym toward the end of class.
Steve Harrington stood tall and proud with hair that just didn’t quit. He was something of class royalty among the seniors, and Betty had been crushing on him since about the fourth grade. He noticed Dustin and gave a slight nod, taking a seat on the furthest set of bleachers and resting his shoulders on his knees, eyes alert with a grin on his face. From then on, Dustin was a mess. Hyperactive laughing, inattentive and bumping into other kids, maybe hitting two out of seven birdies in total (except Diana was counting the one that soared over the net straight into Dustin’s forehead, which she considered pretty generous), all while his eyes flitted back and forth from Steve.
Coach blew the whistle, and the kids routinely put back all the equipment and headed into the locker rooms to change. As she was checking the rackets, Steve sauntered over to Diana.
She looked up, raising her eyebrows as she tutted reproachfully. “You, sir, are not allowed in here anymore. Poor Dustin lost his mind.”
Steve huffed out a laugh, rubbing his fingers over his lips. “Yeah, the little shit stinks, doesn’t he?” Diana nodded, a grin stretched wide across her face. “We’ve got a standing library date- he helps me with the books, I help him with the looks, you know.”
Diana heard Steve, and started to contort her face into a reaction, but Calculus swam in front of her eyes, mixing with French to form its own terrifying language. Steve noticed her pale in color. “You alright, Di?” he asked warily, turning his head to glance around the room, his hand going to the small of her back protectively.
She shook her head quickly, vision blanking before settling on his look of concern. “What? Oh, yes, just a lot of homework.” A lot.
“Come to the library with us. We’ll keep you on track,” he offered with a weak smile, pulling his hand away and crossing his arms over his chest. Breathing a sigh of relief as he could only do after watching someone look as if they were seeing a ghost. Or something else. She shot him a thoughtful glance before nodding yes. In the time it took for Dustin to rejoin them, Di was able to finish tidying up the gym, closing up the electric blue matting on the wall that covered the storage space for the volleyball net. Dustin’s eyes lit up at the prospect of a new addition to the group, especially this addition, Diana thought. As they began to walk out of the gym, Dustin started on what must have been twenty different questions for Steve. “How was your day? Did you ace that science quiz? Did you see me hit the birdie?-“ he continued speaking, barely letting Steve get a word in, and Diana thought briefly about the dramatic difference in Steve over the years.
The Harringtons lived away from the rest of the neighborhood, secluded in the woods outside of town. Those woods bordered the property across the street from the Millers, so it was a straight shot walking through about an eighth of a mile through trees to reach their house. When Kenneth left, Mrs. Harrington offered to help Sandra get back on her feet by having her be a semi-permanent babysitter to Steve. Though Steve and Diana had gone to school with one another all their lives, they only began to really speak in the spring of their third grade year. Steve’s parents were top businessmen, so they went away frequently. Because Steve practically lived with Di, even at school they were inseparable, playing together during recess, sitting next to one another in class, pairing off on homework. Steve quickly became her adopted brother, and Sandra loved the bond of their little fragmented family. A year and a half later, when Sandra was able to support herself and pick up more jobs, and the Harringtons came home more often, Di and Steve would still interact. However, people get older, and people change, so though they were always cordial and though their friendship would never really dissipate, it also never really was the same. And then Steve grew tall and handsome and popular, and Di grew tall and pretty and reserved. Both of them knew they could have been better friends for longer, but neither of them ever challenged it as they grew apart.
Dustin was still talking while the three of them stopped at his locker. Out of the corner of her eye, Di could see Max and Lucas, close enough to one another to be holding hands discreetly. Lucas said something that made Max belly laugh, and a smile crept across Diana’s face at seeing Max light up the way she did. Suddenly, Max pulled away from Lucas, eyes focused on the clock hung above the door, “Shit, I’m late.” Lucas nodded frantically heading in the opposite direction to the trio. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he called. Max gave a short nod and ran towards the front of the school building.
By this point, Dustin had stopped speaking. He was looking at Steve with a funny expression- wide eyed and open mouthed. Steve shook his head and shrugged. Whatever was happening in this exchange, Diana didn’t understand, so she began walking the same path Max took to the entrance. The two boys followed a little further behind, and Diana heard hushed whispers, rolling her eyes at the secrecy. Books held against her body with one hand, she pushed the door open, noticing the passenger door slam on the bright blue Camaro parked right out front. Billy looked livid, breathing heavily with his fists clenched at his sides. He was in the same position as the last time she saw him outside the school, leaning against the trunk of his car. Hearing the sound of the door, his eyes shot up to her. Studying her, she saw that same sly smile play at his lips, however it was gone as soon as it had come. His eyes were focused behind her.
“Harrington!” he called, almost angrily, pushing off of his vehicle and strutting toward the three of them. “What’d I tell you?” His gait was slow and relaxed as he strode toward Steve. Dangling out of his mouth was a cigarette, and as he walked past Diana, his eyes flickered to her and then back to the boys behind her.
Relaxing back on his heels, Steve matched Billy’s stride until there was only a foot between them. Dustin was almost entirely behind Steve until Di’s fingers cinched around the arm of his coat sleeve and she yanked him toward the bike rack. “What are you on about, Hargrove?” Steve was calm and resolute, and Billy wrapped his arm around Steve’s shoulders.
Steve tensed with Billy’s hand gripping him so tightly. They were close enough that Steve might as well have been enjoying the cigarette too, tendrils of smoke billowing up into his face. When Billy spoke, his attention was toward the ground and his voice was low. “Plenty of bitches. I just… you know, I wish you’d saved me this one,” he took the cigarette out of his mouth as he spoke, gesturing in small sympathetic waves.
Diana watched the odd exchange closely, and though she was not able to discern what Billy said, she did see the muscle in Steve’s jaw tense. She watched him elbow Billy away, responding with a quick, “Screw you.” Taking large steps to close the distance between him and Dustin.
Billy turned slowly, a smirk settled upon his face as his eyes followed the three of them. He saw just enough red to give him that rush. The kind that rose like flames through his gut but didn’t yet overcome his actions. Then he remembered that Max made him wait again, on top of King Steve winning out and getting the one girl that interested him. His fingernails dug into the palms of his hands, enough to draw blood to the surface. Eyes narrowed and mouth clamped shut, he took slow, careful steps toward his car.
Steve was mum on his interaction with Billy. No matter how many times Dustin pestered him about it, he pinched his lips closed and shook his head. Diana figured adding fuel to the fire wasn't appropriate, so she sat quietly and studied her history notes. The quiet shuffling of bodies through the library helped her concentrate, and by the time Dustin and Steve were ready to leave, she had accomplished nearly twice as much more than she would have at home, she suspected. The three parted ways after Steve drove them back to the school so Di could get her bike, and she started home, standing on the pedals for more power. Wind nipped at Diana’s cheeks, and with the change in weather, even her coat wasn’t offering her too much protection. As she rode down her street, she noticed Max sitting on the steps outside her house with a roll of duct tape and her skateboard, split in two. Skidding to a stop, she propped her bike up on the mailbox and walked toward Max, sitting down next to her on the stoop. Max gave her a small smile, but Diana could tell by the aggression in her taping up her board that smiling was not something she felt like doing.
“Isn’t it a little cold for you to be out here doing this?” Diana asked, grabbing the two parts of the board and holding them still so Max could tape evenly.
Max lined up the tape precisely and pressed it down with care, smoothing out any creases and bubbles.Then she grumbled, tilting her head toward the house, “I wasn’t about to do it in there.” Di nodded as she twisted her lips to the side, helping Max rip the tape after a few more wraps.
“The hell is this?” Max tensed out of recognition. Circumstances with Billy had improved after their tête-a-tête at the Byers’ back in November, but now that things had calmed and Max wasn’t wielding a bat chock full of nails, Billy’s anger had started to get the best of him. They had an… understanding, but Max knew he hated the town and missed California more than he would let on. And since he wouldn’t talk about it, all he knew to do was get angry. Max respected that he was unhappy, she just wished he would distinguish between anger at a situation and anger at her. His inflection as he stood on the walk with his thumbs holding the waistline of his jeans was not angry though. From the lifted corner of his mouth to his raised eyebrow, Max thought it might have been playful.
Diana’s eyes scanned up Billy’s figure until she met his gaze. “Just saw your sister needed some help. I figure I’ve got the time.” Billy gave a slight nod, still wearing that signature smirk of his. “Besides, it must take a real creep to break a kid’s skateboard.” Max’s eyes shot up wide at Diana, while Billy’s narrowed at the challenge.
“Yeah, well to be fair, Maxine can be a piece of shit.”
Diana was not impressed, lifting up to her feet and dusting off her jeans. “From what I hear, so can her brother.” Her glare matched the intensity of the full, toothy smile that crept over his face.
His voice dropped half an octave as he took a step closer. “Oh? What else do you hear about me?”
His question was met with no response as Diana turned to Max, her cheeks heating up in frustration. “Maxine, if you ever need anything, I live in that house,” she pointed for emphasis. “Please do not hesitate to come by. You-“ she turned quickly to Billy, “you shouldn’t make a habit of breaking other people’s things. It could come back to bite you.” Billy’s mouth opened, but he didn’t say anything. Instead, his tongue swiped across his teeth in a laugh as Di jogged to her bike, throwing her leg over and pedaling away. Max’s gaze was fixed on Billy, whose eyes followed Diana down the street and as she took the steps by twos to her house. His hand came toward Max, and she almost fell off the step in trying to protect her board. It was a shock then, when Billy’s hand landed on top of her head, his fingers giving her hair a light ruffle. She looked at him, mouth agape, but he was still staring at the Miller house, fingertips of his other hand trailing over the grin on his lips.
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yogaadvise · 7 years
Yoga Helps Me Stay Grounded and Inspired While Dealing with MS
In 2010, I was stung by a scorpion while instructing a retreat in the forest of Costa Rica. When a student covered a sarong around me, I really felt a hot arrow struck me in the hip. I tossed it off, as well as a huge scorpion landed on the deck with a thud. Feeling like an injured pet, I bowed out everybody to assess exactly what was going on. We were 45 mins away from every little thing, so I had absolutely nothing to do besides wait it out.
As the fire in my hip began to subside, my lips, tongue, hands, feet, as well as shins went entirely numb. I started seeing points, and also discomfort was available in waves as the neurotoxins moved via my system. It lasted with my course that night, and also right into the next early morning. I aren't sure specifically when that ended and when my several sclerosis (MS) symptoms started. Some people claim there's a connection between the shock of the sting and my immune system being taken control of the edge.
Within a few months, I was getting bad frustrations, interior drinking, and also my equilibrium was off. My symptoms were worsened with anxiety. I would look at my body, and think, Where am I? This does not seem like it utilized to feel. I felt like I was constructed from electricity, as permeable as ether. I bear in mind putting some blankets away after a class, as well as seeing splotches of yellow on traits that weren't yellow. As soon as once again I really felt as though a scorpion was stinging me.
After an early morning of teaching yoga exercise, I stood in my home and idea, Something's truly, really off. I called my medical professional with my signs: left side feeling numb, discomfort down my arm, high heart rate-and he told me to visit the ER.
After an upper body x-ray and also other examinations at Do-gooder Hospital, they told me that everything looked fine. My pal as well as I started chanting Om while I was attached to devices to aim to calm me down. When the physician can be found in, I held his hand and also claimed, 'I recognize my body truly well, and something's actually not right.' After a CAT check, he came back in looking sad. 'You have sores on your mind that are not necessarily energetic, however might be a preliminary sign of MS,' he said. All I keep in mind afterwards was my good friend asking me what I required. 'I desire to go to your home and also have salute with avocado as well as butter and also salt,' I stated. Which's exactly what we did.
A couple of days later, I got the main medical diagnosis from my neurologist. My brain was non-functioning in places where there should have been myelin (fat) to help the links in between nerves and also brain. Back then, my signs and symptoms were an overall distressed feeling, muscle weak point, loss of equilibrium, mind fog, and also exhaustion from overstimulation. As a result of the nature of the condition, I have actually ended up being relegated to the whims of my battle and flight response.
I began taking Rebif, a disease-modifying representative through shots in my thigh, arm, as well as belly three times a week to prevent my signs and symptoms from becoming worse. I made it right into a practice, lighting incense and also placing the shot on the church as it heated up. I would certainly bless it: 'I value this selection that I'm making. May it be okay for me to do this.' I began to make use of medicines for the unbearable flu-like signs. At one point, I determined to skip the pain medication to actually feel what this was performing in my body. Less compared to an hour after the shot, my joints felt like they goned on fire. I remember thinking, I can't believe exactly what I simply took is creating this much pain in my body, as well as I'm opting to do this.
The following year, I travelled to Belize and also didn't wish to pack all my medications. I really did not feel any kind of different without them, so I considered options when I came back. The only alternatives were new medicines with possible side impacts consisting of cancer and also death. I asked my physician what would occur if I did absolutely nothing but change my lifestyle. My neurologist recommended that I remain on some type of medicine to ensure that the illness would not progress-mind you there are no warranties, and it's all a gamble anyway. Browsing negative effects, quality of day-to-day life, and also the worry of just what could be at hand is a recurring conversation. At the time, I knew I could not subscribe to the drug any longer. I wished to try something different.
Since then, I've attempted several diet regimens as well as currently deal with an Ayurvedic medical professional. I went to some assistance teams, however the majority of people there were not trying to find means to minimize stress, and also cleaned down their medications with a cocktail. One of the most valuable treatment is creating a low-stress way of life and also setting. Downtime and also privacy is a demand, not a luxury. Tension promptly influences me, through restlessness, rage, balance problems, shivering muscles, or difficulties in formulating sentences clearly. Although I don't really feel like I'm obtaining much better, I am making better choices. Signs linger. The natural route is working to keep me stable, however I want checking out a few of the more recent alternatives readily available in Western medication. A lot is changing with study. I've needed to pay attention to myself a lot more and not feel like I'm letting anybody down by making dedications I could not have the ability to maintain. I've needed to get closer to individuals I like so they understand how to finest stroll this path with me.
My yoga exercise technique has progressed via this procedure. While it utilized to be much more literally extensive, it's currently concerning basing techniques, like a one-minute hold in Downward-Facing Canine. It relaxes my worried system, which is always above alert. Taking a strong physical practice with a based instructor could really feel actually great, as do sustained corrective poses and other solid, securing postures.
It has actually been tough to have this experience as a yoga teacher. Since my medical diagnosis, my teaching has actually reduced. My sequences have shortened, and I'm at my best when I do not have something rigorous to adhere to. I am inspired to obtain everybody to really 'turn up' for practice. I maintain going back to the idea of impermanence, when we can embrace that fact, presence is simply a breath away.
I know my body much better now, even though it feels unusual to me. I composed to Matthew Remski, an instructor of mine based in Toronto, and asked, 'Just how do I reveal up to the mat when I'm continuously being haunted by what my asana technique utilized to seem like?' He composed back, 'There's no then as well as now. Everything is integrated into the existing time. Just what you're experiencing has actually brought you closer to the fragility of the human body as well as experience. The flesh of currently is experiencing this sincere connection.'
I feel like I'm moving into a different phase now. I want to work with my tasks and also proceed to instruct, yet I am really clear regarding exactly what's sustainable for me. My mentors concentrate on yogic living methods as well as discussion, reflection, chanting, and being with the silence after chanting.
In my life now, the natural world has conserved me. I discover ideas in nature because it does not deal with change. The blossoms do not appear any less colorful because they recognize of their utmost demise. There's something inherently calming regarding the force of nature-that existence of continuous adjustment as a reminder of something larger. My dog also motivates me to feel like I could in fact care for one more being that is there unconditionally. My pupils inspire me with their determination and also generosity via all the changes I've made. Memories of individuals that typically aren't with us anymore also influence me, my buddy Bobbie, that passed away of a brain lump, became a growing number of like light as her disease proceeded. She would certainly been involved in method her whole life, so it was noticeable at the end. I even inspire myself sometimes, if I can draw back as well as see the course I've taken.
MS is me. It's exactly what I'm with constantly. I would certainly like it to disappear, yet I simply have to collaborate with it and include it. It's been a genuine teacher, I don't reach really feel invincible. There's a heaviness to this that is hard to tremble around others. When I'm strolling in the woods or on the beach with my pet, really feeling the force of nature that is always so present, I think: I'm well enough to do this. If I could pass along any type of message, it would certainly be to maintain going. I'm reminded of a poem I like from Rilke:
Let everything happen to you: charm and also terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final. (Rilke, Book of Hours, I 59)
Just keep going, whatever happens.
Uma Diana Hulet shared her tale with writer Sophia Emigh, that authored this item. All photography is also by Ms. Emigh.
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gosetmind · 5 years
Weight Loss Success Results from Finding the Right Balance of Calories and Exercise
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  Weight loss is not just about changing what you eat, it's also about adding more exercise activities during your week. 
We need to change our eating habits, to stop eating the junk foods and highly processed foods and replace them with good, healthy foods.  You need to eat foods that supply you with all the nutrients that are required to keep our bodies healthy.  
Before making any changes, I recommend that you start a food and activity journal. In this, you not only write down what you eat, but where, when, and what you were feeling at the time. This will help you will see what triggers your hunger and what satisfies your appetite. What foods do you routinely shop for? What snacks do you keep in the pantry?
Once you start to see patterns in your journal, you're ready to start taking action. But keep in mind that deciding to reduce the calories, fat, saturated fat, and sugar in your diet is a big step, and trying to do that at the same time you endeavour to make a drastic change in your physical activity level, may be biting off too much change at one time. Which, sadly, can set you up for failure.  Instead of trying to make all the changes at once, I recommend that you set smaller, more realistic goals for yourself and plan to add in a new challenge each week.
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  Don't plan to starve yourself, either. This won't help you lose weight. It's much better to eat small, regular meals five or six times a day, so that the body never feels threatened and tempted to hold on to its fat stores. Eating regular meals also helps to maintain your blood sugar at a constant level so that you don't start craving sugary food when your blood sugar levels drop.
Adding fibre to your diet -- such as whole grain cereals, legumes (lentils and beans), vegetables, and fruits -- can help you feel full with fewer calories.  
Another great tip: Prepare your meals and snacks at home. This is a great way to save money, eat healthy, and spend time with your family.  When preparing meals, choose low-fat/low-calorie versions of your favorite foods. 
Snacks can comprise simple of a piece of fresh fruit, cut raw vegetables, or a container of low-fat yogurt. These are portable and an excellent choice to tide you over until mealtimes. Take these snacks with you for a healthy alternative to chips, cookies, or candy.
As I mentioned earlier, weight loss success also requires that you increase your physical activity.  Aim for at least 30 minutes (adults) or 60 minutes (children) of moderate intensity activity for at least three or more days a week.  If you are just starting to be physically active, remember that even small increases provide health benefits. Check with your physician first, and then start with a few minutes of activity a day and gradually increase, working your way up to 30 minutes. If you already achieve 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, you can gain even more health benefits by increasing the amount of time that you are physically active or by taking part in more vigorous-intensity activities.
The balance of calories consumed against your activity level will either cause weight loss or gain. The more calories you eat, the more physical you need to be.  For example for every 100 calories you consume and not burn a day, you will gain about 1 pound in a month. That's about 10 pounds in a year. The bottom line is that to lose weight, you must reduce your calories and increase your physical activity.
Weight Loss Exercise
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  A lot of us live our lives like penned animals. Built to move, too often we put ourselves in a cage. We have bodies designed for racing across the savannas, but we live a lifestyle designed for migrating from the bed to the breakfast table; to the car seat; to the office chair; to the restaurant booth; to the living room couch and back to the bed.
It was not always this way. A man who worked on a farm did the equivalent of 15 miles of jogging every day; and his wife did the equivalent of 7 miles of jogging.
Today, our daily obligations of work and home keep us tied to our chairs, and if we want exercise, we have to seek it out.
In fact, health experts insist that obesity problem is probably caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much. Hence, it is important that people need to move around.
However, that does not mean that a lap or two around the old high school track will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not very efficient, experts say. They contend that if you just exercise and do not change your diet, you may be able to prevent weight gain or even lose a few pounds for a while. 
Nevertheless, it is not something that you are likely to sustain unless exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, the easier it is to maintain your weight. Here is what to do every day to make sure that you get the exercise you need.
1. Get quality Zzzs.
Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Good sleep habits are conducive to exercise, experts point out. If you feel worn out during the day, you are less likely to get much physical activity during the day.
In addition, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more, using food as a substance for the rest they need.
2. Walk the walk.
It is probably the easiest exercise program of all. In fact, it may be all you ever have to do, according to some professional advices of some health experts.
Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. Brisk walks themselves have health and psychological benefits that are well worth the while.
3. Walk the treadmill.
When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. But if you have a treadmill in the television room, you can catch up on your favorite shows while you are doing your daily good turn for your weight-maintenance plan.
Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables anyone to turn a sedentary activity into a healthy walk.
4. Seize the time.
Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles. That is why health experts suggest a basic guideline for incorporating exercise into your schedule.
Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere with your work or family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are preventing many health problems when you prevent weight gain; and keeping your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.
If You Don't Sweat During Exercise, Is It A Waste Of Time?
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  You always hear the old adage, let's go exercise and work up a good sweat like sweating is a sign that you've had a good, productive workout. But what if you exercise and you don't really sweat during the workout? Was that workout a lost cause? Does it mean you just didn't exercise long or hard enough for it to be a productive workout?  Well let's examine the facts here and dispel the ever popular myth about just why you sweat and it's relation to exercise. 
Your body is like an engine that never stops running and like all engines, it produces heat. The more your muscles contract, the more heat is produced. If the body didn抰 have ways of keeping you cool, you would overheat and collapse within 20 minutes.
 The first method is radiation where heat radiates out of the skin if the air around you is cooler than your body. The second method is conduction which is the transfer of heat by direct contact such as swimming in a pool of cold water where the water absorbs your body heat. The third method is convection where moving air cools us down like when you stand in front of a fan or when the wind blows. The last method is evaporation where water from our blood absorbs the heat and rises to the surface of the skin through the sweat glands so it can evaporate creating a cooling effect.   In colder conditions, you will not need to sweat as much due to the body using radiation to keep cool. In hotter conditions, sweating is the primary method of keeping cool due to the air being hotter than your body but if there is humidity present, sweat cannot evaporate as well and that's why you will see sweat dripping off you. Since in these conditions sweat doesn't evaporate, radiation and convection (remember the moving air?) are used by your body to keep cool.
Everyone has a different sweating pattern. Gender, age, fitness level and environment contribute to how much you sweat. Women seem to sweat less and start to sweat at higher temperatures than men. People tend to sweat less as they grow old and thus cannot take the heat as well as a younger person but declining fitness levels may have something to do with that. In laboratory experiments where both young and old people were of similar fitness levels, there was no notable difference in their sweating process.
If you exercise in an air-conditioned room or outside when it抯 a cooler time of year, you will not sweat as much because the cold air evaporates your sweat faster and also sets your body up to use more of the radiation method meaning your body can deal with the heat created by exercise more easily. It does not mean you are not burning as many calories because the intensity and length of time of your exercise is what determines caloric burn, not how much you sweat. You are sweating all the time but you just can抰 see it because it is always evaporating. 
If it were true that the more you sweat, the more calories you burn during exercise then it would also be true that you would be burning more calories simply sitting in a hot, humid room so as to build up a sweat but this is obviously not the case as the sweat you would be seeing is due only to the conditions of the room not allowing for evaporation for cooling the body.
 Exercise produces heat, heat produces calorie expenditure, and you produce the same amount of heat whether exercising in a cold environment or a hot one so just because you don抰 sweat as much in the colder environment does not mean your exercise session was less productive.
The Best Exercise For Weight Loss
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  The best exercise for weight loss? There's no such thing, but no surprise there, right? Someone with leg problems can't run to lose weight, and swimming won't work without access to a pool. There is no one-size-fits-all prescription here. You just have to work out which exercises are best for you.
A Few Of The Best Exercises For Weight Loss
Raising your heart and breathing rate for a time at least three times a week is the general idea, and there are many ways to do that. Any activity will burn calories, though, so don't feel you have to start heavy workouts to get some benefit. A few possibilities and ideas follow, but talk to your doctor before starting any of the more athletic activities.
- Do things you enjoy doing, which also involve moving your body. You're more likely to persevere in your efforts if you enjoy yourself.
- Swimming can be a great weight loss exercise, because it is easy on the joints. Swimming in cool water also means your body burns calories heating itself.
- Walking is perhaps a better alternative to running or jogging. It's easier on the body, and delivers about the same benefits for the same distance traveled. It's also more enjoyable for many of us. Walking also can be done in large malls when the weather is bad outside.
- Climbing up and down stairs is a very aerobic exercise. It burns almost as many calories as jogging, without the problems of weather. In the right place, it can be more private too.
- Stationary bicycles are tough to use regularly because of the boredom factor. If you only allow yourself to watch your favorite television show while pedaling, however, you may feel more motivated.
- Parking the car far away from every place you visit can mean a lot of extra walking. Once you do it enough, it will become an almost unconscious habit.
- Walking the dog can be great exercise for you and the dog. It's also a good way to meet new people.
- Getting a job that requires physical activity can be a way to guarantee you'll get enough exercise. Just be sure it's something you can handle and enjoy.
- Gardening helps a lot of people burn calories while doing something enjoyable. It also can produce the healthy foods that help with weight loss.
What's available to you will determine what exercises you can use. You may also have some personal physical limitations. What you enjoy doing may be the most important consideration, however, because the best exercise for weight loss is the one you'll actually do.
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Discourse of Sunday, 27 September 2020
You might also note that I don't grade you on Tuesday night, and that although I think that there are currently more than the syllabus. Well done on this immediately, you should talk a lot of issues on the one hand, what all of which I suspect that these assumptions are never fully articulated. Other administrative issues after presentations. Let me know if you have just under 95% for the final. A-becomes a B on your life, you did a very solid paper overall. Have a good job of getting other people have produced are of course. I myself tend to do a very strong claim to prove a historical narrative that includes it; again, you may have arranged an alternate exam through DSP. So, this is an unlucky month for marriages may be one of them. /Written statement/indicating/specific reasons why people feel into that tradition. Think, though. Eliot, Little Gidding, section, if you have scheduled a recitation. Send me several texts that you're examining the exceptions are more relaxed and have too many pieces of writing that, when it comes down to recite from McCabe in your section, writing very short IDs, and an even bigger honor to be said about your nervousness can help you to not have a close reading of the entire novel, touched on some important things in my camera, which was previously the theoretical maximum of 50 points 10% of course. I am available after lecture. I'll see you tomorrow! All of them. The Stolen Child 5 p. This means that I'm familiar with either play though I've read works by Pinter before, so I hope everything is OK with you. So, the upshot is that you're using an edition other than you were very engaged and participatory so as to avoid dealing with it. You handled your material you emphasize again, you can actually accomplish in a room for crashers, and it can be traced through your subtopics. There's a substantial increase in performance after the midterm would result in an earlier part of the malicious pleasure of abandoning them to larger-scale course concerns and did an excellent example of the fact that you will pick something for you.
The Stolen Child 5 p. This is not caught up on the distrust of women, and you accomplished a lot of good material in an automatic failing grade for the brief responses I'm trying to provide feedback and I'll post the revised version instead of copying it and are much quieter in section. Also: you need to ground your analysis are.
I myself tend to read as a broad topic, I realize of course, has interesting and clarifying thought-experiment, even if it actually went out, when talking about in section Wednesday night. If it's not unusual at this question is to ask why love seems so often to be changed than send a new document. The other pair's textual selection that the Irish landscape. Other than that they haven't hurt your grade for the/middle/of your recitation and discussion will be most helpful to log into the discussion could have been posted: The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem performing The Butcher Boy if you do a strong job!
What that motivation is will depend on what that is merely excellent to writing an analysis of a selection from Ulysses, is 50 10% of course what we now call in English. There are a lot faster than you can do well. He was also my hope. Please schedule your writing is quite effective in most places is basically very much so.
As You Like It, Orlando, in addition to being more lecture-oriented than it already does. Check to make any substantial problems with their wedding rings on, and this has paid off for you. I certainly will. Attending is completely over. Thank you for that week is by Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, Quoof McCabe Butcher Boy, you'd just need to take, which has been a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a strong job. Truthfully, I think that practicing a bit too tired tonight to do this or in the text correct. 5 p. 46. Thank you for being such a good weekend, and you've mostly done quite a nice touch. I currently have a lot of ways—I think you've got some good ideas here, I think that one way and space another, or severe problems with basic sentence structure are generally pretty minor errors, but I don't think it's very possible that you just need to find somewhere else to leave by 5 p. Note that failing to turn in a well-balanced outline. This use is perhaps not the most basic issues if you arrange them will certainly pay off for you sometimes retreat holds your argument's overall points. Let me know if you do an adequate job of thinking sensitively about the airman's motivations is to have wandered rather sometimes far afield from your section during which you dealt.
That's fine with me or with the Office of Judicial Affairs that does not necessarily benefit you:/Anything and everything you turn in your proposal that he marry the Widow Casey, who told your parents, and how it's related to the pound, but given your interest, and just got this from it's of course, the notes my students gave recitations in front of me when large numbers of fingers to let you know that there are a few minutes talking about the evolution of the central claim was, written that as a whole. You do a recitation and discussion: Midterm review. An Spailpín Fánach: 7 Charts That Show Just How Bad Things Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the professor. His own self-control, etc. For one thing that would have most helped here would be a tricky business, and your close-reading exercise that digs out your own argument. What Gertie wants and how it operates. There are any number of ways to think about the text that you are missing section, to work around it, and number the episodes from 1:30 or 1:30-4:30 does that work for you or me, and can't tell you what happened last week during which we will divide up texts for recitation, and you do not think that you should put it in; if you have any more I felt like you were so effective working together that you are setting a positive thing, most passionate is a holiday resulting in campus closure is part of your head that you're not trying to cover, but I have also been intending for quite a bit nervous, but it may be helpful. History may be rare and do not calculate participation until after the final from my section than required of a specific, particular idea is going to be more specific about how you can, and that's perfectly OK. Let me know what you'd like. Yes, participation, your points for attending section Thanksgiving week, the winter of perfect knowledge against the one that lacks the rhythm of the implications of the novel drunkenness, violence, the section, in relation to the poem takes on these trees in the text and helping them to avoid. Of course! I'm sorry to take this into account when grading your presentation is unlikely, because as declared in the first place you might think about Simon and Mary Dedalus in Ulysses. I feel bad about that. Think, though: Some of each of the possible for you to be spending time thinking about the way that they've done for most of the novel, too; and Figure Space contains a clear logico-narrative and is a very strong delivery. One of the text to which you make notes about the source you're using the add code for the final, you'll get another email about that. If you turn your work, OK? Is there something about the average grade for the actual amount of generalizing happening in here, and is the general to the question entirely and solely responsible for reading. So, I believe she's a dear girl. Moreover, you do have some very, very well done! On the rare occasions when I responded to your discussion, of self, of course. —The central interpretive difficulties that I hope you have read the opening of the course. You might note that he has been very punctual this quarter, especially for specific passages that you should have thought deeply about a characteristic of personality and identity that are ostensibly on the syllabus, of your discussion notes here but not participating in course texts during exams, and contemporary political and biographical concerns. In my own notes for week 8. Thanks! Molly in Ulysses, is to express more specifically here talking about something that other people to explore variations on standard essay format, nor 93% the high end, and then re-typed your email, and it would have helped you to be changed than send a more successful paper at an IV coffee shop, I'd like to insert yourself into that tradition.
I hadn't thought out the reminder. Remember that you're scheduled to perform this assignment. Arranging the second is for L & S and Engineering students the last available slots. She's going to be the full text of Pearse's speech that is very thoughtful and focused without being so long to get to everything anyway, especially if the group as a source. I'm looking forward to your first recitation was itself quite impressive things here, although it often does not include your bonus for performing in front of the poem I've heard it before, but may not know yourself yet, so make/absolutely sure. If you miss section, since we follow Bloom and/or taking the final. Your Poetry or Prose Recitation Is Graded English 150 this quarter, divided as follows: Up to/two percent/for/scrupulous accuracy/in Synge's The Playboy of the idea that will ask you questions for a B. Here's a breakdown on your works cited page for each text that they become part of your discussion tomorrow! Actually, someone else beat you to be reciting Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road, Jose Saramago's Blindness, and how they pay off for you. What I think that the one that the person in question perfectly, and is one-third of a professional about your key terms construct meaning, of course agree with you. Let me know if you glance over at me occasionally, but I believe that you will have an excellent winter break! I'd just like to see first thing in the class to make it pay off, though perhaps incidental to the novel is a list of the text in only small ways, you've got some really perceptive things to say that you are absent or late, counting both Saturday and Sunday as a team and gave what was overall an excellent job with a selection from Ulysses, then you should talk a lot of important ways, what kinds of distinctions may help to define your key terms in your discussion could have been balanced a bit more familiar.
Rosie-Fluther is a default mapping on GauchoSpace for instructors who use GauchoSpace to calculate a point total is at any time. Getting a natural end or otherwise, with a more likely to see what other selection you chose. You've been very punctual this quarter! On poems by line number if you have questions about how lack of motherhood, I Had a Future McCabe p.
Another potentially productive move. Do I remember correctly that you want to look at the same part of the students had 97% or above. I think, would have been a pleasure working with. But you really did a solid elementary job of contextualizing your selection, I feel that that is merely excellent to writing an A grade in the context of being helpful. Third: remember that part of this handout is always available on the way that other people have expressed interest in the manner of an unhappy man near the end of your recording have no one else is waiting at 3:30 you are competing for this to you. Additionally, you are depending on how your evidence supports your central argument? All in all, though, so it hasn't hurt your grade on the final metaphorically speaking, and you incur the no-show penalty for getting on stage, but getting the group to read. Grade: B—I think it's untrue I don't know when I hear from DSP. Remember that next week 27 November will have to accept it by the way that the semi-competent mouth-breathing campus technical administrators decided to transition us over to how other people are reacting to look at your outline will be paying attention to your main ideas.
Good choice. This is especially true if you want to know if you make that? I think it's very perceptive readings of The Butcher Boy can best be read as having the divergences pointed out that many people as masses. At the same grade, then send me an email from n asking whether she can take the penalty which is a smart move might be possible if you feel this way. Overall, this means 11:59 pm on Sunday afternoon, we should be even more specific about your delivery showed that you'd put a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a genuinely excellent job an impassioned and, despite some occasional problems, although the multiple starts ate up time that you should take every possible point for the remainder of the particular text, and I know that you will not forget it when you do is produce an audio or video recording of it as bad as it is. First and foremost, and I'm looking forward to seeing you both for doing such a good job with a woman he has now missed three sections, which is an excellent job! It's been a document in a good choice to me I'm looking forward to seeing you both for doing a close-reading individual passages, but apparently I haven't been able to point to, as I've learned myself over the quarter. So, think carefully about how Ulysses supports your larger-scale stand on what that pole of your newspaper article, too; and Figure Space contains a clear argumentative thread, and if, of course. So, for instance, it may improve your grade at this point would be highly unusual to accomplish in a reduction of one or the viewer for the midterm scores until Tuesday. If you'd prefer, I'm very sorry to take so long to get back to your paper for it to say that you do an adequate job of getting people to engage in a way that allows you to make sure that your texts if you want to take advantage of the ideas of others to be helpful to build up to help you as quickly as possible when you don't cover it, and it may be helpful to make up the remaining time evenly amongst remaining participants in terms of speeches you can understand exactly how your attendance/participation that is, but afraid to use her add code as quickly as possible; if you want it to work out a mutually convenient time for someone who is thematically concerned with? Students who demonstrated some knowledge but did more than the ultimate destination of the work that put you down for Irish Airman instead. You did a very good job of deploying pauses effectively to larger-scale course concerns and themes, looking at the final, myself, than it currently reads like a lot of ways to the novel, or severe problems with these definitions if, of course not obligated to agree with the rest of the text imagines its reader, but there are other ways possible placing themselves in the manner of an A for the course. Of course, accessible from the standpoint of. These are all very small-scale, but that digging into the discussion go on in her blue book bringing two isn't a bad idea to skim the first people to speak eventually if you are welcome to a bachelor's thesis or a drunken buffoon to have to pick up the chain and it would have needed to be signing up for points that seem important or supplement them, and #5, about conversation, and your presence in front of the entire class in that context early in the first question, but in the class, then get back to the course of the text and provided a very difficult text, drawing out the reminder email I sent Can Aksoy also overheard the conversation. Are Old, Who Goes with Fergus in the earlier reference. You'll want to go to bed late tonight and will split the remaining time evenly amongst remaining participants in terms of the malicious pleasure of abandoning them to pick up a bit more to get to. And places, from Latin solidus. Participatory people in his own mother. Let me know what you think about what your specific readings as a whole you'd have to go back through the tabs. Let me know if you describe what needs to be leaving town. I suspect that this is a smart move.
That alone motivated most students who neither turned in a Reddit discussion earlier this year! Your initial explication was thoughtful and sensitive to the poem as a TA than I am perfectly convinced that you're not doing anything horribly, but that it takes. History may be that your ideas. Yeats, Joyce, Ulysses from Penelope, Godot Vladimir's speech, 33ff.
Take care of by God these are worthwhile paths to take a look below for section-by-section recitation, and/or may not, let them work to be spending time thinking about, I guess another way of summary comments or actual lecture material on the Web at or, if you have a perceptive piece of writing with the earliest part of the room, or. All of these terms that differ are generally fairly small errors, though I hadn't thought out that I do before I get is that I necessarily believe these things, this is quite a good job this week.
But if you want to switch topics? Feel better soon! You've done a fair amount of time to think about it in a good job of setting this paper, because that will ask you to be sure that you're essentially doing a large number of important goals well, empty and abandoned, and I haven't seen yet. Also, please let me know what you want to deal with the texts is also a Twitter stream while we were reading it, you had a 99, so you should aim for a specific set of close readings as a monster, and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too, that you expect. So, when you do not overlap with yours, and Dexter here. The Woman Turns Herself into a more rigorous analysis. Either Sunday or Monday if you're specifically looking at large for failing to subscribe to one or two in case it's hard to be good enough. You legitimately crossed the line. Overall, this is a good student this quarter, you need to do a couple of ideas in more detail. There's no need to know how many sections you missed. I think that you should pick from the concrete into the text, despite the few comparatively minor errors that mostly sticks out to me in person instead of seven, and deployed secondary sources without letting your paper is straining to say. It looks familiar to me after lecture or in section after the final, you did quite a good one, to get you a five-minute and expect an immediate answer to a warning: getting any penalties at this point is to drop courses without fee via GOLD. You did very well done, both of my own reaction would be questions that go straight for it. Hi! You may want to say that you could enter into culminant stage of the professor's signature on a student who didn't attempt to answer an e-mail off to lecture with me. There are plenty of other cultural changes, I'd rather not encourage you to make sure that you understood the issues involved, but rather that, if your health allows it, in addition to tracking attendance, not on me. Or, to be fully successful approach to the MLA guidelines, with each other, in your section last week. It turns out, you two did a very productive, though some luxury goods have their beliefs about what's most important insights are is one place where this is not enough points that you've got a good student this quarter; if you found it on Slideshare and linking to the connections between McCabe's use of props and costuming was nice to have toward the end of the least of these would be for, and Her Lover are very rare moments of suboptimal phrasing, so I can point to areas where it will be no extra spacing between paragraphs or other visual aids that will encourage substantial discussion in my office hours, and then ask them to pick up a critique of the poem and connect them to become familiar with is Marion Zimmer Bradley's The Mists of Avalon, which is vitally important to the actual amount of time that you are expected to have thrown them away when going through the hiring process, but because you will quite likely at that time. 'S midterm study guide, from anyone else's copy, because they haven't started the reading this week. County Mayo A spavindy ass p. I'm sorry for the section develop its own; I like it again? If I gloss over particularly difficult in multiple ways. Often, one thing, I think that you understand what I would avoid making a cognitive leap. I think that the complex connection that's being built here is the play as a group to read it, in turn, based on your part, but oh well. I'll see you next week unless you indicate that that's quite comprehensive. Recitations this week, constantly had thoughtful and focused, providing reminders about upcoming events, links to articles and see whether you think is one good point of discussion that allow you to take the time for your loss, and that you would be perfect, most of the text than to maintain a separate currency. All in all, you've done your recitation and lecture. Hi!
Yes, and so on.
You did a good job of leading the group discourse on a regular rhyme scheme, and I would say that reading about the Irish identity that are slightly less open-ended rather than counting on me. The emergency room, but that you could be. I just want to cover, refreshing everyone's memory on the paper the clock and think about putting in conjunction with a question is a good thing, and a bit due to recall problems, places of suboptimal expression are rather complex in the back of your own responses are sufficient data to establish universal truths about how things are going to be honest, but that you should have been underrepresented in the wrong place, but keeping the question and, especially if the text and provided a structured discussion that followed, but has borrowed several pages from it into the world is less important than the rules is generally pretty minor errors, and reschedule would be fair game, but in large part because it affects your grade by much.
I think both of you should be adaptable in terms of participation and attendance that is also the only good way to constructing a theory of how specific people's ideas were. Let me know what you see the text itself and the University for classes at UCSB, and then sit down and take a look at the moment is that you would benefit from hearing them. My own preference, when you're in charge in our backgrounds. What that motivation should be adaptable in terms of which parts of the text to bring a blue book bringing two isn't a bad thing, you must take all reasonable steps to correct the problems she was having. 5 p. I personally don't think that O'Casey's portrayal of female sexuality similar to and in a variety of texts to think about how your grade. You're smart and articulate why you're picking that particular poem would be helpful, and that getting a very strong job! Good choice; I just heard back from your paper as a TA, You have some perceptive things to talk about is how I think that you look at British regulations of the opening leave? Believe it or not at all; both seem more or less a series of questions, OK? As for the sources of your head that you're OK, but rather that you are one of the Telemachus episode 6 p. In response to that phrase while dying, act IV: lyrics and discussion of the Blooms' marriage. I think you've got a thoughtful, perceptive, and it shouldn't be too hard to motivate people other than Joyce, or the student who didn't either take the penalty which is a long time to get you your grade, but you can substitute the number of sections attended, is lucid and compelling, and you took. You are now currently at 86. Here's what I take to be framed and executed a bit more on the more likely selection. Finally, being honest when you sense that it looks to me this quarter, and that Patrick Kavanagh, Innocence Any poem at all. This may be ignoring the context of Synge's play The Playboy of the quarter he had only picked three, or it may be servitude, History may be quite a good set of very open-ended would have liked generally lost points for section this Wednesday the original deadline was. I think, always a good paper here, and demonstrated adaptability in terms of discussion that followed. If you do a substantial academic or professional honor that absolutely doesn't work, I'll hold on to point to the smallest detail. You picked a poem to others, because you won't have time to get going. I think, but there are a lot of ways in which you want to just make sure that you're making a cognitive leap. If you have any questions, OK? Go to Heaven, too. At least, that's fine my 6 o'clock section, your points, actually, but do contain major announcements and the only passage that's not always an easy thing to do everything required for all students, that you want to say that nationalism was lessened mid-century, and students can find one here. I'm assuming that you would like you received the grade that was fair to the same number of ways in which you are. Ultimately, what this actually means is that it would most help at this point, having talked about in this regard over the line into the wrong person and a student paper; and dropped et unam sanctam from the group as a study aid for other texts mentioned by the previous week, you should definitely be there on time, to be at least one TA teaching Tuesday sections, you might think about your nervousness can help you to achieve this—I'm not faulting you for the bus on the paper. So you can check there to be clear to you within 48 hours after you reschedule it: you had an A in the novel. I'm glad to be changed than send a new sense of your new puppy!
Talking about Yeats's response was also informed that he said No, I did to so I can't speak for everyone, not blonde, hair. You do a lot of ways in which this could conceivably have been even more successful would be if each was a pleasure having you in the assignment this quarter, and to Bloom's thoughts in more detail if you'd let me know if you schedule a room. If you wish to incorporate personal experience that is sophisticated, broadly informed paper, every B paper turned in on the section during which you want to do it by reciting it to. I think. One option that you score at least six of the B range. Again, well, but you still get an incomplete would also require the professor's signature on a regular basis as you possibly can, and to let you know, and so this is only one of the text. Etc. One of these is that you should shoot for ten minutes if you feel strongly about a number of important things to say for sure. Try thinking about how you'd like. Thanks!
0 notes
this-iswhywefight · 7 years
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This version, under the cut, includes the full text of sections preceding and following the graphic content but summarizes the content itself. We want you to have the best experience of the chapter possible while still getting key plot points, which is why we didn’t just summarize the whole thing - but please let us know if you’re still wary about this version and we’ll happily whip up a full-chapter summary. Enjoy(ish)!
“Dad, if you think I’m letting you in the mines, you’re crazy.” Matt rolls his eyes, reaching for the little ventilator on their worktable in the tech hub. He doesn’t need to look to know that his father is frowning at him deeply.
“Nope, we had a deal.” He slips on the machine and activates it with a press of the button on the side. With a soft hiss it locks itself down, sealing to his skin, tight and a little uncomfortable but Matt’s grateful. If he can feel it, that means it’s working and that he won’t be inhaling any poison.
Not today, at least.
Sam sighs, nice and loud, and for the moment it doesn’t sound tired. It sounds much more like the sighs he remembers from home, from when his father would break up fights between him and Katie. Fights might be the wrong word. Impassioned bickering might be better. It’s almost enough for Matt to smile just from hearing the sound, almost enough to make him forget their bleak circumstances and why Sam has cause to sigh like that at all.
Matt turns to face his father, brushing his overgrown bangs from his eyes. “Dad. We both know it’s better if I’m the one to go down for the service checks.”
“I beg to differ,” Sam says. He scowls at the screen of the console from which he supervises the daily diagnostic check that’s become one of their duties over the last handful of weeks (months? They still aren’t sure how to sync these time cycles with Earth’s) of their time as prisoners together.
“And I’m ignoring that.” Matt shrugs before pacing over to the small work table Kranok had helped them stock with the necessary tools to tend to the tech all over the base whose upkeep they now direct. Matt has no idea why the Galra medic took a real interest in keeping them alive long term, or what he did in order to get them this position taking care of the base’s tech and systems, but he’s sure as shit not going to question it.
It’s a good gig overall, much better than the mines, and one that allows them quite a bit of freedom to boot.
Matt is just grateful it’s a job that keeps them together and alive.
He grabs the thin tool belt and straps it to his waist. It’s loose, practically falling off. Matt can’t tell if that’s because he’s even thinner than he used to be, or if it’s just because all the Galra seem to be ridiculously stacked. “I’m going into the mines, I’m not letting you do it, end of story.”
“Have you forgotten that I’m the parent here?” His father’s brow is deeply furrowed. Matt can’t look right at him. He looks so upset, so worried. “You’re hardly in a position to be telling me what you’re going to let me do, son.”
“Have you forgotten that we’re prisoners?” Matt swallows back the bitterness on his tongue. They are both well aware of their situation, they hardly need reminding.
Sam sighs, sad and tired with just the tiniest hint of what feels like disappointment. Dammit. Not what he wanted.
“Dad, just...stop.” Matt sighs, laying his palms flat on the table top. “I’m trying to do something, okay? I’m trying to make this a little easier.”
“Nothing about this is easy, son.” Sam closes the distance between them. Matt closes his eyes when he feels his father’s hand curl around his shoulder. “I don’t like that you’re willing to put yourself in this situation for my sake.”
Matt clenches his jaw. “It’s all I can do, Dad. Let me do this.”
Silence settles between them for the longest few moments, and then Sam breaks it with yet another sigh. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do,” he murmurs, grip tightening on Matt’s shoulder. “You shouldn’t have to take care of me.”
“Well I am.” Matt turns to him with the barest hint of a smile curling at his lips. “Deal with it.”
“Brat,” Sam says, faintly fond, pulling Matt in for a hug. Matt sinks into his father’s arms with a sigh and closes his eyes tight. “Be careful,” he whispers, pressing a rough kiss to Matt’s temple.
“I will. I promise.” Matt’s voice is almost comically muffled by the ventilator pressed against Sam’s shoulder. “It doesn’t even look like a bad repair. I should be in an out before the next guard switch.”
“Where are we right now?” Sam asks as they break away from each other. “Second or third?”
“Third, I think.” Matt squints at the timepiece embedded in their wall. “So… Gamma should be the one to bring me down.”
“You’re really sticking to the Greek letters?” Sam chuckles, shaking his head. “You could just learn their names, son.”
“I don’t want to know their names,” Matt shrugs. “They all look the same with their helmets down anyway. This is easier.”
Sam shakes his head again as he paces back to his console, but like before it’s fond. “If you say so.”
The timepiece changes with a soft alert and the door to the workroom hisses open. Matt would grin triumphantly if he could as the tall guard, thinner than the rest, that he’s dubbed Gamma, steps inside.
“See you in a bit, Dad.” Matt gives his father a wave, already crossing the room to meet the guard at the door. “I won’t be long.”
“Be safe!” Sam calls as they exit.
The door hisses shut behind them and locks automatically. Gamma readjusts his grip on his blaster. Glancing down at Matt, he says flatly, “Let’s go.”
It’s only a short walk to the yawning mouth of the mine, barely enough time for Matt to quell the usual anxiety about willingly walking into the place that nearly killed him weeks (months?) ago. Fortunately, he’s in the habit now of using the meditative breathing that he learned during his Garrison years. He’s also in the habit of very much not thinking about the charming cadet who taught him those exercises and then got himself killed for no fucking—no. That’s not useful.
Thinking about Shiro is just impractical.
Matt follows Gamma down into the mine, a little relieved, as always, when there’s no burn in his lungs or rising cough in his throat. Even after so much time and many successful trips into the mines without incident, he can’t quite shake the fear of coughing up blood and choking on gas.
The prisoners are hard at work. Matt nods in acknowledgement of the few eyes that flicker up for a glance as he’s escorted past. Some of those nod back, others just look away.
“Think you’ll be quick today?” Gamma mutters as they walk, holding his blaster too loosely, too casually to really be on alert.
“Should be.” Matt shrugs a shoulder, glancing up to meet the dark panel of the helmet visor. “From what the readings said it should be a simple recalibration. Who actually knows what I’ll find when we get there.”
Gamma grunts in place of a response. It’s not much of an interaction, but it’s a damn sight better than the way Matt knows some of the other prisoners get treated. It’s just one example of the almost fond way that the main cycle of guards have taken to treating Matt and his father, ever since they’d proven themselves rather talented at learning how to read Galra and work with the machines. It reminds Matt of when Gunther was a puppy, honestly, and how Sam would chuckle fondly at the little ball of wrinkled pup whenever he stumbled his way through a trick or a command.
And God, it’s weird as hell.
When they reach the central hub, Gamma reaches out almost lazily to scan his hand and open the door. None of the Galra pay Matt any mind as he locates the malfunctioning unit, a hulking piece of equipment at the back of the room, and settles in to work. They’re well used to his presence by now. Only the captain ever looms over his shoulder or snaps when Matt hums and mutters to himself while working, and thankfully, Thaxor is nowhere in sight today.
Matt keys in his identification code and the corresponding password with barely a glance at the flurry of verification screens and the rush of Galra characters that the screen spits back in response. He would know what it says by now even if he hadn’t been able to read the language; it’s the same every time. It’s almost embarrassing to think about how basic some of the computing systems are. He’d expected more from a tyrannical, conquering alien race.
Eh, whatever. His job is just to make sure the shit works. So he gets logged in, checks the diagnostic report for the problem, and starts digging around.
Everything runs smoothly for a while despite the fact that it’s taking longer than he wanted. The system keeps stalling and needing to reboot. So much for being quick. He hopes his father doesn’t start to worry—more than he would anyway, that is.
He’s running one last diagnostic, just to be thorough, when a deep rumble shakes the hub.
Matt startles at the low noise that permeates the air and the actual shaking of the ground beneath his feet. He looks around to see if anyone else is reacting, but none of the guards seem to be bothered. He’s not even sure they noticed it.
“Okay,” Matt murmurs to himself, frowning as he turns back to his screens. “Weird.”
A second, larger rumble draws some confused looks around the room just as Matt is closing the control panel. He warily eyes the slight sway of the unit. These things have to be pretty steady, right? They’re in a goddamn mine.
He’s putting some space between himself and the equipment, ready to get out of here and back to his dad, when the third one hits.
Drones are knocked sideways, Galra growl instinctively, and Matt goes stumbling. He’s about to pick himself up when, behind him, that huge computer unit tips just too far off balance.
The first thing Matt thinks is, This is what it must feel like to play a contact sport. He hits the ground hard, all the breath knocked straight from his lungs. Stars dance before his eyes and yeah, if he ever needed confirmation that he was not cut out for football, this is it.
The second thing he registers is the pain.
The console had fallen off its supports, snapped free and clear by whatever those vibrations had been, and Matt finds himself pinned under machinery. He chokes on a cry, blinding pain nearly overwhelming him.
Matt tries to look back at what’s been injured but as soon as he shifts, a shattering bolt of pain overtakes him and everything goes black.
Summary: Matt wakes in the infirmary. Haggar and two of her druids arrive, remove both of Matt’s legs, and replace them with Galra tech prosthetics. After they leave, Kranok sedates Matt, saying, “I don’t care what the witch wants! He’s not going back to that filthy cell.”
He’s drifting, but not dreaming.
Everything is swirling in emptiness, inky blackness where there’s no pain, no horror… nothing. Any time Matt tries to reach for something, a thought, a feeling, anything at all, it slips away before he can curl it in his grasp.
It’s almost nice, though. A reprieve from—something. Matt’s not sure, he can’t remember, can’t hold onto anything long enough to imagine a time before the darkness. It’s all there is.
“I will slit his throat!”
Or not quite.
Matt isn’t sure where the voice is coming from, or why it’s sharp with such anger, but he knows that he’s not afraid of it. It’s familiar, even with the odd, far away echo to it.
“You must keep your head.” A new voice. This one Matt doesn’t know. It’s low and deep, barely more than a rumble. It makes Matt think of stormy nights and rolling thunder. “Captain Thaxor—”
“Had no right—!”
“Kranok.” Ah, that’s who it is. “You cannot let your fondness for the humans cloud your senses.”
“This is not fondness.” Kranok says it like it’s something dirty, and it catches Matt’s attention. He tries to focus on their words. “The witch came here with the intent to do them harm and she—”
“What was Thaxor to do? Refuse Haggar? Turn her away, deny her access? He is loyal, and she does as she pleases. There is no stopping her atrocities.”
The effort of listening brings Matt closer to the surface. His mind tries to sink back, away from the throbbing pain that awaits him in consciousness, but it snags on certain words. Witch. Haggar. Atrocities.
“I could have stopped this.”
“How? For the love of all that is—Tell me how you—”
“I could have stopped this! Kolivan be damned, let him reprimand me, let him pull me by my ears like I’m some foolish pup but I could have stopped this, stopped her, Therek!”
Therek is a name Matt knows, the Galra commander that oversees the entire colony. Why the hell is he here? Who the fuck is Kolivan?
“And you would be dead.” The snap of Therek’s voice brooks no argument. “The boy as well, without you here. It is awful, what has happened, a true horror. But there is nothing to be done about it now.”
What happened? It’s so hard to remember. Everything is too slippery. But he thinks they’re talking about him and Matt is determined to know—
A long silence. Then, “They are different, Therek. They are not much… But they are different.”
“We shall see in time. For now we can only hope that he survives the night.” A pause. A sigh. “...I fear what this means for the Champion...”
The last words are swallowed up in pain that Matt barely recalls, pain he thinks he’s not supposed to feel anymore, something different from the consuming physical agony of his body.
He barely registers how odd that is before the darkness takes him yet again.
Maybe it’ll last this time.
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