#and the guy driving is an old blind mind who should have lost his license his ass is NOT road safe!
suffercerebral · 4 months
me having gone to bed at 6 am every day for the past week and generally spiraling mentally while rotting in bed waking up this morning: a 4 mile hike in the heat is a really good idea right now, and while we're at it let's start like 3 art projects
#maybe my mom was onto something all these years telling me i'm bipolar#no i don't think i am but i do technically have a bpd diagnosis so like. mood swings up the fucking wazoo are not new#but i am not one to be like 'exercise will fix me'#i've also just come to terms recently with the fact that i didn't kill myself already so might as well start thinking of the long term#so not being in constant pain when im older is something im actually thinking of now#so like. gotta move more which i was doing during this semester! walking like 3 miles a day which didn't help brain but#it's gotta be good for you anyway even if i don't get the endorphins everyone says you get when working out#that's neverrrr been me bc also chronic illness w exercise intolerance#so it's like. wah i have a desire to move my body more and know it's beneficial#but chronic illness + mental illness + trying not to think about exercise in terms of weight loss bc i'm trying not to make that the goal#although certainly wouldn't be mad if that was the result but if i prioritize it over just overall health it's gonna make me obsessive#i'm saying a lot of words. i have no one to really talk to so i once again come to tumblr as a public diary#ANYWAY. trying to find balance with wanting to exercise for overall well-being but dealing with other factors like chronic illness#which has actually been under the most control it's been in years i barely even consider myself (physicslly) disabled these days#and also balancing the fact that while my disordered eating has never recovered and i still have extremely bad relationship with myself#im in a relatively better place with that. i'm not starving myself and im not going through binge/purge cycles#but my relationship with food and eating is still very much unhealthy#and i don't think that will ever really change bc it's so ingrained in the everything about me#i don't really know what i'm talking ahout anymore or what prompted this#i can't simply just say 'i'm gonna go for a hike today' and be normal about. always gotta psycho analyze myself#im in a very weird stage in my life where i feel like i have control over nothing and i barely even exist in my own body#im just like a cacophony of voices trapped inside a meat suit but im not in the drivers seat im stuffed in the trunk and tied up#and the guy driving is an old blind mind who should have lost his license his ass is NOT road safe!#so it's like i have all these ideas and desires and feelings and ahh!! but hey i'm locked up here let me out please#and also the state of the world. so bleak and hopeless and paralyzing that i've just kind of shut my feelings off so i'm rapidly switching#between numbness and overwhelming agony#what the fuck am i talking about
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feynavaley · 4 years
Cultural Dissonance
His body was weightless, comfortably curled upon the leather seat. The hum of the engine was like a secure blanket, lulling him to sleep. For the first time in weeks, the tension had left Matthew’s muscles and his body melted into a rejuvenating sleep. He felt like he could have spent the eternity just like that.
If it weren’t for the obnoxious tap against his right shoulder, of course.
“Mattie Mattie~ Time to wake up~”
Matthew grunted and curled deeper into himself, hiding his face between the seat and the crook of his shoulder in a clear indication that he wasn’t intentioned to abandon his rest.
Unsurprisingly, his tormentor didn’t get the hint.
“Come on, Mattie! You’ve been sleeping for three whole hours, it’s time to wake up! I’m bored!”
Alfred punctuated his words by turning on the radio full volume.
Matthew whimpered against the sound blasting in his ears, but an attempt to cover them with the collar of his coat proved futile. He was finally forced to uncurl his reluctant body in order to access the controls of the radio.
“Happy now?” he grumbled as he switched off the infernal sound.
Alfred gave a content hum of assent. His blue eyes looked bright and alert behind the glasses, his skin glowing and rested. There could be nothing further from the picture of a person who had just endured a transatlantic flight and then three hours of driving across English highways. Alfred was so lucky.
Matthew, instead, was still so sluggish he could barely put two words together, his brain a muddled mess.
“I wasn’t disturbing you by sleeping…”
“But you’ve had enough sleep already! All the time on the plane, plus those three hours! And I’ve been driving in silence for-e-ver. Time to spice things up!”
Said that, Alfred once again turned on the radio – at a reasonable volume, this time.
Matthew would have wanted to retort that Alfred was the one who had slept on the plane, that three hours weren’t enough to recover from how overworked he was… but there was no point, since Alfred had already made up his mind. Besides, he had decided on his own to be the one driving after noticing how exhausted his brother looked. Matthew owed him a bit of company.
With a sigh, he straightened up against the seat and rubbed his bleary eyes. Out of the windows, the English countryside ran along the highway. Small cottages and farmhouses sprinkled here and there in the distance testified the presence of civilization, but Alfred and Matthew were the only ones on the road. Well, them and an approaching vehicle, still only a small point in the distance but steadily getting bigger… and right towards them.
Matthew had a moment to take everything in. The car coming. The swapped, unfamiliar position of the driver’s seat. The English road. And the car running towards them at maximum speed.
“What the fuck is that?!”
“Alfred, you idiot!”
Out of instinct, Matthew jumped toward his brother and grabbed the steering wheel. Together, they jerked the car into the left lane just as the other car passed by them, honking.
Matthew’s ears were ringing.
“You can let go, Mattie. We’re fine.”
Matthew heard the words but he couldn’t move, his muscles locked by the adrenaline rush. It wasn’t until Alfred slowed down to a stop at the side of the road that his heartbeat slowed down. He still needed his brother gently prying his fingers away from the steering wheel before he could come back to himself.
He had to stop, unable to put into words the mixture of fear and rage threatening to overwhelm him.
Alfred shrugged and offered him a thin, apologetic half-smile.
“Well, nobody got hurt so it’s all fine and well?”
Matthew could have lost it right there and then. The fading adrenaline threatened to turn into blind rage, his muscle tensed in preparation… but they still had hours of driving left. It wasn’t the right moment to bring Alfred to a breakdown.
“Get off. I’m driving from now on,” he snapped, glowering at his brother.
He could still lecture Alfred and drive at the same time, after all.
Something good had come out the scare, after all. Now, Matthew was wide awake, the previous sluggishness just a distant memory. He was alert enough to drive carefully, enjoy the road, and chat with Alfred, whom he had fully forgiven one hour earlier. There was something soothing in the sharpness and repetitive motions that driving gave him, he wasn’t in the right mood to stay mad. He was almost glad he had ended up being the one driving… Not that he would ever admit it to Alfred, of course. (Even if from the cheeky smile his brother addressed to him from time to time, Matthew was forced to deduce he knew.) Everything was going quite swimmingly.
Up until the flashing lights at the entrance of a service area signalled the presence of a police patrol.
Matthew dutifully slowed down a notch, a knot growing in his throat as he gave a quick check – he was driving just right under the speed limit, the lights and mirrors were correctly adjusted… everything seemed to be in order. But the anxiety only rose as a policeman signed at him to stop.
“It’s just a routine control,” Alfred reassured him in a soothing tone, offering his arm a squeeze.
Matthew wished he had even a tiny bit of his brother’s confidence. However, he was aware he couldn’t show any hesitation. Ignoring his thundering heart, he stopped in front of the policemen and offered them a smile as he rolled down the window. His driving license and passport were smoothly transitioned from his sweaty hands to the strong ones of a middle-aged, portly officer.
Matthew had checked numerous times before leaving, he didn’t like creating disturbances by appealing to his status of personification when something went wrong with his ‘human’ documents. Everything should have been in order.
…Then, why was the friendly face of the policeman slowly contorting into a frown?
Matthew’s throat was dry. He tried to smile as the officer raised his eyes from the documents to Matthew’s face, but could only stare at the stern expression.
Alfred leaned over him to get a closer look.
“Something wrong?”
The policeman sighed and passed the documents to a colleague that had just reached him.
“Son, I don’t know how things work where you come from, but you’re in England now. And in England, we don’t allow seventeen-year-olds to drive a car. I’m afraid you’ll have to come with me.”
That had to be among the most embarrassing moments of Matthew’s life. He kept his eyes stubbornly trained on the floor, analysing the dirt caked around the tiles. Another curious glance from a policeman or somebody working inside the police station, and he would have died of shame. He couldn’t believe he had overlooked such an important detail.
He buried his head in his hands when a pair of familiar footsteps approached him.
“Still pouting, Mattie?” asked Alfred, just back from his short trip to the vending machine.
He could have left at any time. Since he was of age, nothing was detaining him. But of course, he had decided to wait with Matthew and witness his humiliation, often adding to it with his cheeky remarks. Matthew wanted him gone.
And the worst part was still approaching – with another pair of familiar footsteps as an equally familiar voice talked with the same policeman who had stopped them. The words were clipped with irritation.
“Man, this is hilarious,” Alfred declared.
Matthew wished the earth could swallow him.
His prayer wasn’t granted. Arthur’s steps finally halted and Matthew had to lift his head.
He immediately wished he hadn’t. Arthur was staring at him with such a mixture of rage and disappointment that it physically hurt.
“I can’t believe you, Matthew. I was so sure I could trust you to be sensitive… How could you be so careless?”
Matthew had no words to justify himself. He could only stare at Arthur and let the embarrassment consume him.
He had been so focused on Arthur that he had almost forgotten about the policeman accompanying him, who startled Matthew when he cleared his throat.
“Now there, Mr. Kirkland. The boy is far from blameless, but somebody must have allowed him to get his driving license. As his legal guardian and an Englishman who knows the laws of England, this was quite an oversight on your part.”
For a moment, Matthew thought he must have heard wrong. He blinked, but the policemen was still standing in front of Arthur, with his arms folded across his chest as he stared at the apparently younger man with a stern expression.
Arthur’s face bleached; his fists tightened in fury.
“Excuse me, are you trying to insinuate—”
“Priceless,” Alfred whispered, offering a conspiratorial wink to Matthew.
Matthew dropped his face to his knees, his cheeks burning with humiliation. He would have wanted to retort that, by forcing him to drive, Alfred had been the cause of everything… pity that Alfred was clearly having the time of his life.
Why did everything always have to turn against Matthew?
(word count: 1536)
Note: There are reasons (100% based on canon) I write Canada as younger than America, I’ve already detailed them other times [x] [x] [x]. As for why I write him underage, it’s mainly because I think getting into situations like this one would be very fitting with the way he’s portrayed in canon, haha. This guy’s so unlucky...
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars and Freedom: Breathin (2/?)
A/N: This is my take on ROD. It takes place 6 years in the future and also jumps back to events of the past. If you would like added to the tag list, let me know!! You can also catch up HERE
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature on all counts, young eyes look away.
Word count: 1938
Chapter inspiration:
Summary: Ellie is adjusting to life back on the West Coast. But will a simple a night out be just that?
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It had been 2 days since ellie had been back in L.A, she borrowed her dad's car and headed to the local elementary school to enroll Luca. Since it was summer still Luca would start Kindergarten in the fall. They walked into the office of the school, Luca beamed as she looked around. “Mommy, is this where I am going to school?”
“Yes Luca. this is where mommy went to school when I was your age.”
They were greeted by a tall slender woman. “Hello, how may I help you.”
“I am here to enroll my daughter for Kindergarten.” Ellie looked up, her eyes widening as the woman smiled back at her.
“Of course.” she looked down at the papers “Miss Martin… Ellie Martin? Is that you?”
“Ah, Hi Ingrid. Nice to see you again.” Ingrid smiled, Ellie couldn't tell if she was enjoying the fact she clearly got pregnant right out of high school or if she was actually happy to see her. “So good to see you too, and this your daughter Luca?” She looked down at Luca who smiled brightly at her, she looked back at Ellie and she could tell the gears were turning. Ingrid knew she was dating Logan then, she tried hitting on him at brent's party and he shot her down. She also knew that she was seeing colt, that was much clear by the way they couldn't keep their lips or hands off each other at prom.
“Yes, this is Luca. Luca can you say Hello.”
“Hello miss? Um, what is your name?” Luca spoke. “I am Mrs Vandermeer, it is a pleasure to meet you Luca.”
Ingrid went over her registration, noting Lucas test scores well advanced for a 5 year old. “Well, she is definitely bright like her mother.” Ingrid smiled “Everything looks to be in order, It just seems to be missing fathers information.”
Ellie dropped her head “He's not in the picture.” she never felt more embarrassed then she did in that moment. Here she was, high school valedictorian and didn't know who her child's father was.
“I see. That's ok, we have your father as an emergency contact, and Riya Washington. That's nice you guys are still friends.” She couldn't tell if Ingrid was trying to be nice or secretly talking crap to herself,  but she appreciated the bail out. “Yes, Riya and I are still close.” Ellie looked over at the photos on her desk, a small child with blonde hair in every frame and one of her and her husband. “Oh. You married Brent?” Ingrid smiled and held out her hand displaying a ridiculously large rock. “Going on 3 years. We have a son and another little one on the way.” Ellie felt the smallest twinge of jealousy, but she was also really happy for Ingrid.
“Congratulations Ingrid. I am really happy for you.” Ingrid nodded,  a silent agreement they forged at prom 6 years ago looming between them.  She turned to Luca “Well, you miss Luca are officially a kindergarten student.” Luca jumped up “Alright! Yay! Mommy, I'm gonna need to go shopping, I have to look my best for my first day of school.” she turned to Ellie, hands on hips. “But Lulu sweetie, you have a month before school starts.”
“Well I have to have time to plan mommy.”
Ellie wasn't a fashionista, this trait her daughter had reminded her of Logan.  He loved to get dirty working on cars, but he was a pretty boy, and cleaned up nicely.
They made their way back to her dads,  Ellie dropping Luca off so she could run a few more errands and stop in her new office to sign a few papers before heading home. She drove along in her father's older Honda, passing a few places that sparked some memories. She came up to a red light, her attention drawn to the large empty parking lot next to her. Her heart raced as she noticed the chunks of pavement missing from where she flipped her car Setting up the brotherhood .  All the money that school had, and they couldn't fix the parking lot. She made her way through the city one thing she did not miss was all the traffic lights. She awaited the light to turn Green when she felt a sharp jolt come from behind pushing her forward.
“son of a fucking bitch.” she climbed out of her car “Did you just hit me?” her anger took over her. “I am so, sorry.” a young girl got out of the car. “I just got my license a week ago. Man my dads gonna be so mad. Maybe he was right, Driving is Dangerous.”
The girls words hitting her like a ton of bricks, quickly softening her mood.
“Hey. Its ok, accidents happen. Don't let it discourage you from driving.  It is your right to drive, but you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times.” she reassured the girl. “I'll take care of this, you call your dad. I am sure he will just be happy you are ok.”
Ellie called in to inform them of the accident, the police came and took a report. They had to tow the car since it suffered some rear end damage. She pulled out her car calling Riya to pick her up. Once they got back to her dads Riya and Ellie sat around catching up. “Can I just tell you how stupidly excited I am that you are finally home?” Riya squealed. “I know, it kind of feels good to be home to be honest.” Ellie gave her a half chuckle.
“We should go out and celebrate.” She squeezed her hand. “No Riya. I couldn't, what about Luca?” Ellie shook her head. “Ellie, you never take time for yourself. Your dad can keep Luca, come out, let loose.”
“Riya is right sweetheart, go have fun. I got Luca.” Her dad cut in. “ are you sure? I don't want to take advantage of you.” Ellie hesitated.
“Nonsense,  I finally get my girls home, Im making up for lost time.” He turned to Elie who was coloring “What'dya say munchkin, popcorn and movie night with Grampy?”  Luca jumped down from the table. “I say Heck yes!” She winked.
“Luca Rose!” Ellie shrieked.  And that reminded her of colt. “Sorry mommy.”
Riya and Ellie headed out, she found an outfit for the evening and they went back to Riyas to get ready. Riya and Darius bought her parents house after they retired and moved to Florida. She walked in and immediately colts face flashed through her mind. The way he looked at her when she descended the stairs in her pink prom dress. She wondered momentarily what he was up to, before she was pulled from her thoughts.
“The trio is back in action.” Darius shot finger guns at her as he pulled her into a hug. “Good to see you smartie pants.” he grinned. “Good to see you too Dare. Wheres Marcus?”
“Put him to bed. Toddlers are a lot of work.” he grunted. Ellie shook her head in agreement.
“Sorry to break up the reunion, but we need to get her ready to meet a man tonight.” Riya giggled as she pulled her up to the bedroom so they could get ready. “Riya NO, that was not the plan. I don't need a man.” Ellie refused.
“Just… go, in there and get ready.” Riya nudged her into the bathroom.
Ellie curled her hair making loose beach waves. She applied minimal makeup, she was never one to doll herself up. Truth be told she was envious of every girl with flawless makeup, she could never quite master the art of the contour.
She stepped out in a knee length little black dress, that accented all the right parts. Riya let out a low whistle. “whoa mamma, somebody's gonna get lucky tonight.”
“oh god no! I'm not going anywhere near a man. I'm just happy to hang out with my bestie.” she kissed Riya on the cheek, leaving a red lip print. “Ellie, you asshole.” Ellie playfully shoved Riya. “Come on, our uber is here.”
They entered the club, the lights blinding them as they made their way to the bar grabbing some drinks. The couldnt find a table so they stood by the bar, they talked and laughed for a while,  having drink after drink before deciding to head out to the dancefloor. They twirled and moved to the beat, getting lost in the rhythm. For the first time in what felt like forever she felt her worries melt away, she hadn't felt so free, so Alive in a long time. “I gotta pee.” She tapped Riya on the shoulder. She made her way to the bathroom,  passing the VIP area. She could hear girls laughing loudly and flirting, people cheering. She rolled her eyes. Probably some bimbos looking for a hot shot to take one of them home. She made it to the bathroom, or the extremely long line to it.
Her eyes took her to the dance floor, locking on a couple dancing close together, she thought back to they went to Hyrieus.
She danced like nobody was watching spinning around until she was dizzy. Stumbling into Logan. “Whoa. I got you. You dizzy?” She held onto logans strong shoulder “Yeah maybe a little.” she steadied herself noticing a guy checking Toby out. “Hey Toby, that guy over there is totally checking you out.” Toby sauntered over to dance with the stranger. Logan was talking to Ximena now,  Ellie's eyes locked on colts. She walked over grabbing his hand “Dance with me.” She pulled him to the dance floor. “I don't really dance.”
“Neither do I.” she pulled him father into the dance floor, away from the crew.
“I've been waiting to get you alone all day.” He pulled her closer, tilting her face up with one finger. “Is that so? I'm starting to think you like me.”
“I don't like anybody.” He smirked looking in her eyes as his fingertips lightly gripped her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him in closer.  Their lips inches from each others. “Is Logan watching?”
“Why, do you not want him to see us together?”
“Would it be wrong if I kind of wish he could?” Ellie eyed him “I'm not some shiny object for you two to fight over. I'm just a person.” He stared deep into her brown eyes. “Oh Ellie, you're so much more than that.”
She grinded against him keeping with the beat of the music. “I thought you couldn't dance.”
“i'm just doing what feels good.” she batted her lashes. “Well keep doing what feels good.”
She gripped his hair, pulling his face down to hers. Lips crashing against each other with need. Everything else slipped away, it was as if nobody else was there, just the two of them. They pulled apart breathlessly his lips grazing her ear. “You're my driver forever, you know that right?”
She was pulled from her thoughts by the woman behind her, tapping her on the shoulder letting her know it was her turn. She left the bathroom, making her way past the vip section again.  She was almost at the bar when she swore she heard someone calling her name, she could barely hear of the loud thumping of the base. Until she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Ellie?” She turned quickly, her heart pounding at the sight in front of her. She swallowed hard “Logan?”
He smiled back at her “Hi troublemaker.”
Tag: @kennaxval @hopefulmoonobject @crookedslimecreatorpasta @be-still-my-aching-heart @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @cordoniaqueensworld @indiacater
@daniv2278 @brightpinkpeppercorn @lovehugsandcandy @going-down-downtown @mercyparkcrew @emichelle @annekebbphotography @powdesiree0816 @walkerismychoice @yesivefallenpreytothechoicestrap @zaira-oh-zaira @sweetest-marbear @simsvetements @zaffrenotes @choicelogansbitch
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eviesmyspiritanimal · 5 years
Girl’s Trip Part 7
Summary:  Evie, Mal, Uma, Audrey, and Jane go on a road trip to the beach for a three-day weekend. Evie's driving and has road rage, Uma constantly pesters Audrey, Mal thinks it's all kind of funny, and Jane's wide-eyed and lovably clueless as usual. Friendship and family feels.
  Mal let out an enormous yawn as she went downstairs with the other four girls. They had all gathered their things and were ready to leave early. Honestly, no one could stand staying in that bed for any longer.
  Mal immediately realized that the old man and woman were sitting at the desk once again, and she glanced at Evie to gauge her expression. The bluenette had most assuredly saw them and she kept her gaze on the floor as she started on her way out.
  “Bye, kids! I hope you had a nice stay,” the elderly lady grinned, looking at all of them.
  “See you, Evie Catarina with a size thirty-six-B bra!” the old man shouted with a cackle just as Evie was nearly out the door. She squeaked and slammed the door behind her, running as fast as she could to Charlene.
  Mal resisted the urge to laugh as she waved at the twins. She knew that they had to have heard her yelling from the previous night.
  “So long, Mal Bertha!” the two of them synchronously spoke and Mal’s eyeballs nearly fell out of her head. She looked back at them and they just smiled with a knowing look. Mal quickly scurried out the door behind everyone.
  Uma, Jane, and Audrey all started to pile in the backseat of the vehicle and Mal got in quickly, passing her suitcase to the others so they could put it behind them.
  “Does everyone have their suitcases?” Evie checked last-minute with a falsely cheery grin as she was about to crank Charlene.
  Everyone nodded and expressed varying affirmations in response to Evie’s inquiry.
  Evie suppressed the urge to yawn as she started the Jeep up, quickly backing out of the parking lot and starting her way onto the road. She needed away from this nutty motel.
  Mal looked out the window, internally sighing in relief at the sight of the sign for The Cozy Cottage growing farther away from them.
  The growing silence didn’t disturb anyone else, but it was starting to really bother Audrey. She was so used to Uma constantly pestering her and bothering her that when Uma wasn’t performing her normal antics, it was almost disturbing.
  Plus, Uma’s aggravation meant that Audrey was part of the group. Even after her initial hatred of VKs, they were accepting of her and allowed her to try to make up for all that she had done as well as how she had acted.
  So, Uma not talking to and making fun of her simply would not do.
  There were a few more moments of silence, and Audrey cleared her throat, dispelling the quiet surrounding them.
  “Well, Uma, don’t you have anything to say?” the pink princess questioned, almost desperately. Uma shrugged, glancing in the other girl’s direction.
  “Forgive me, your highness, but I seem to have run out of go-juice. Something about having absolutely no sleep tends to leave one a little quiet,” Uma replied sarcastically with only a hint of her usual joking, rowdy bite.
  “Well, Mal, are you going to talk?”
  “I can. What do you want to talk about?” Mal absent-mindedly asked, her brain not truly focused on Audrey’s inquiry in the midst of her exhausted stupor.
  Audrey barely held back the huff of frustration as she looked at everyone in the car, but mostly Uma.
  “Gosh, I wish things would get a little bit more exciting. You’ve been torturing me nonstop since we started this trip. I expect better from you,” Audrey disapprovingly reprimanded Uma as she lightly slapped her knee. Uma rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at Audrey, and the pink princess was pleased to see at least a little bit of her personality shining through.
  However, something exciting did happen. Much more exciting than Audrey could have ever possibly began to fathom.
  A vehicle suddenly approached the back of Charlene and the person inside made the truly terrible decision of honking loudly at her and illegally passing her on the road. Mal could immediately see Evie’s tired eyes grow startlingly alert as she set her jaw in complete irritation.
  The purple-haired girl reached over and touched Evie’s shoulder just barely, trying to calm her from her rapidly-building road rage.
  “Evie, it’s okay. That guy’s an idiot. He shouldn’t have went around-”
  Before Mal could finish that statement, Evie hit the gas, shooting forward in hot pursuit of the person who had dared pass her. Mal grabbed onto the armrest and the door, knowing Evie wouldn’t be satisfied until she rode the man’s bumper and honked at him for at least fifteen minutes.
  Uma was immediately on edge, her wide-eyed stare focused in front of them upon the vehicle that they were quickly approaching. Audrey looked like she was about to wet her pants and Jane gasped.
  “What are you doing?!” Uma shouted as Evie continued to press the gas. They zipped past a bridge and before they knew it, there were bright blue lights flashing behind them. Audrey looked back and nearly came unglued as she reached up and shook Mal’s shoulder.
  “There’s a policeman behind us!” Audrey screeched and Mal grabbed Evie’s arm.
  “E, pull over, there’s a cop,” Mal told her. Evie was shaken from her rage-induced insensibility and she quickly rolled to the side of the road, slowing down significantly.
  She stopped and turned the car off, looking into her rearview mirror as she watched the man exit the vehicle.
  Audrey was flipping out and Uma was currently trying to sink down further into her seat so she wouldn’t be so easily noticed. Jane looked like she might faint.
  “I’m too pretty to go to jail!” Audrey whisper-yelled, completely panicked and Mal shook her head in exasperation.
  “Thorn, nobody’s going to jail. Evie’s getting a ticket, but nobody’s going to jail,” Mal reassured her. Evie shot Mal a dirty look before putting a faux confused look on her face as she rolled down the window.
  “Hello, Officer. What happens to be the problem?” Evie questioned sweetly and cluelessly and Mal resisted the urge to facepalm. Lying and trickery was really not the way to approach this.
  “Ma’am, do you know how many miles over the speed limit that you were going?” the policeman asked her, completely unimpressed with her innocent act. Evie flashed him one of those big grins that showcased all of her shining, beautifully white teeth.
  “I wasn’t aware there was one of those on this road,” Evie attempted to charm with her soulful brown eyes practically oozing with that honeyed gaze that she had so much experience with.
  “Besides, it couldn’t have been that much. Maybe five at most,” Evie giggled, and the officer lowered his sunglasses, raising an eyebrow as he studied her.
  “Try twenty-five,” the man told her, his gaze stern. Evie’s practically blinding grin lost a few watts as she considered this statement.
  “Well, there was no one on the road, so I don’t really think it was hurting anything,” Evie forced a laugh and Mal rolled her eyes, looking out her window as she listened to Evie digging herself even deeper into a ticket.
  “Let me see your driver’s license,” the cop exasperatedly instructed. Evie sighed under her breath as she reached over for her purse in Mal’s floorboard, withdrawing her license and handing it to the officer.
  “I’ll be right back,” he drawled, turning to get back in his car for a moment. As soon as he was gone, Mal grinned sarcastically at Evie as she batted her eyelashes in a poor imitation of her sister.
  “‘Oh, I didn’t know there were speed limits on this road! Tee-hee-hee! Never mind the fact that there’s a sign showing the speed limit right next to the car!’” Mal mimicked in a high-pitched, sugary voice and Evie crossed her arms over her chest defensively.
  “What was I supposed to say?! Yes, sir, I know that I was way over the speed limit and therefore breaking the law?!” Evie questioned desperately, and Mal groaned.
  “E, how many tickets have you gotten in the past month for this exact same reason?” Mal asked, looking at the other girl as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
  “Three,” Evie mumbled reluctantly, and Mal huffed.
  “Maybe next time, I should drive,” Mal told her, and it came out a bit more harshly than she intended. She immediately winced, looking at Evie to gauge the damage done.
  The bluenette looked down at the steering wheel and Mal could easily see that she was hurt by Mal’s comment. Just as she was about to begin to apologize, Uma spoke up.
  “He’s coming back, y’all, and he’s got cuffs!” Uma exclaimed, and it was perhaps the most nervous that Mal had ever heard her outside of near-death situations and dire circumstances.
  Mal looked back to see what Uma was talking about and sure enough, the cop was carrying five sets of handcuffs in his grasp. Mal let her head fall back against her seat as she sighed in complete frustration.
  “Well, Audrey, looks like we are going to jail today.”
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takerfoxx · 7 years
Work on Subconscious is going well, so how’s about one last preview?
It rained on the day I got the call again.
Despite being on the shore, Carlton's Well is a pretty dry city, where the temperatures never dip past sweater weather and having access to a pool is less of a luxury and more of a government-sanctioned necessity. The sun was our constant companion, and clouds were suspicious outsiders that could not be trusted. So of course, when the wispy troublemakers did decide to get together and organize, they had a lot of frustration that they needed to burn off, and they did it by doing their damnedest to drown the whole city.
Normally when that happened I preferred to stay at home and wait it out, as did most everyone else. Unfortunately, trouble always brings a friend, so I wasn't too surprised when I got a call from the police, saying that some kind of crime scene had just been discovered and they needed my help. I naturally assumed that a murder had taken place, some back alley stabbing or a drunk loser getting suspicious of their spouse again and finally taking things too far.
Unfortunately it was none of those run-of-the-mill atrocities. They told me, and my blood ran cold. A third lair for the Scarab Killer had been uncovered, and they needed me to come down and help sort out the carnage.
Sometimes I wondered what had possessed me to become a forensics investigator, I really did.
Anyway, thanks to the rain, getting there took more than three times as long as it would have under our usual sunshine and dry roads. Despite the number of closed businesses meaning that there should be fewer cars on the streets than normal, the whole way was packed with vehicles inching along as slow as they could possibly go. Meanwhile, my windshield wipers weren't so much clearing water off my windshield as they were just sloshing it around and my headlights could barely make out the license plate of whatever car so happened to be in front of me.
It's weird, being prevented from going somewhere that you didn't want to go. Theo knows that this wasn't a job that I wanted anything to do with. I had been part of the team that had uncovered lair number two, and that was more than enough of having anything to do with that psycho for one lifetime. But as irony would have it, that also made me one of the most qualified to help deal with that grisly mess. So as much as I did not want to ever reach my destination, I really had no choice and was willing to settle for getting there quickly and getting it over with, but even that was denied me. I'll spare you the detail and the profanity, but needless to say, in the time that it took me to get from my home to the site, I almost completely lost my mind.
My destination was the Lawton's Slaughterhouse over on Crypt Dr. and 4th St., or rather the L-to Lau-ous, if the remaining letters from the damp-rotted sign were to be believed. The slaughterhouse had been closed down decades ago, something to do with how unsanitary their storage methods were, coupled with inhumane working conditions. Of course it had been open for over thirty years without anyone complaining. Well, anyone who mattered that is. It wasn't until some congressman's kid took a bite from the wrong hotdog that the hammer finally came down. Of course, the ensuing investigation had turned up all sorts of disreputable activities going on after closing, and that was that.
Despite being prime real estate so close to the docks, no one had ever bothered to buy the place out, so it was left to rot. That didn't surprise me one bit, considering how much bad juju that sort of thing would build up. You really had to expect that sort of thing in a Nightmare city. For some reason, our stains just set deeper than anywhere else.
Anyway, it didn't really surprise me to hear that a new lair for our cannibalistic friend had turned up in such a place. That was the way it was with the bad Nightmares. They were attracted to those sorts of places, where the aging concrete was still brown with bloodstains and not a single glass window remained. And given his usual MO, I suppose he had felt right at home in that abandoned house of death.
Sure enough, as my car pulled into the cracked and weed-riddled parking lot, my headlights illuminated a corpse standing by an open door, waiting for me. His face was bloodless, his hair pale yellow and brittle, his eyes bulged out like a pair of soggy egg yolks, and he was nervously smoking a cigarette that he couldn't taste. Wrapped around his neck was a thick bandage, from which trailed two plastic tubes filled with blood to a tank on his back.
Detective Harry Richardson had really drawn the short straw of Nightmares. You think a screaming corpse with an ever-bleeding slashed throat is scary? Well, you'd be right. Now, just try living as that corpse after the dream has ended, to go about your day with a big old gash in your warbler and blood that never ran out spilling all over the thrice-awakened place. Trust me, it get pretty damned problematic after a while.
Fortunately Harry had taken the whole thing in stride, though it wasn't like he had any choice. The tubes helped drain the blood before it even reached the tightly wound gash, and so long as he remembered to keep emptying out the tank twice a day, he was dandy, if a bit inconvenienced. He was a good guy all around, family man and the like. Shame I never got to meet his family, or even just go out for a beer with a guy. It seemed we only ever met over scenes of unspeakable horror.
And this was a bad one. Cigarettes didn't do much for Harry, so he only ever smoked them whenever something had really shaken him and he needed some sort of repetitive action to keep his thoughts focused. Seeing him puff away told me all that I needed to know about what awaited us inside.
The usual gang were already there as well, with police cars already flashing their lights all over the place like a rave concert while paramedics stood ready. They weren't going to be much help though. Anyone inside was long beyond their help.
I parked the car and got out, umbrella first. The rain pounded the tapestry like an angry teenager with a drum set. I made my way over to the commotion and flashed my badge at the officers standing around the police tape. They waved me through.
Harry nodded as I approached. He took the cigarette out and tossed it to the ground to grind it under his shoe.
"Way it's pissing out here, you probably didn't even need to do that," I said.
"Yeah, well, better safe than sorry, am I right?" Harry said in in his strong Scottish brogue. "How you doin', Nate?"
"Wet. Nervous. And really, really don't want to go in there." I was already slipping on my gloves and mask. It was fitting. Forensics was a kind of surgery, after all.
"You and me both, brother," Harry said with a grim smile, though to be fair, he didn't have any other kind. He had suited up as well. "Well then. Once more into the breach, eh?"
The door led to the slaughterhouse's basement, because of course it did. Once upon a time, dozens of slain pigs had hung on hooks down there, waiting for the big truck to show up and take them away. "So, it's the same guy?" I said as I carefully made my way down the rusting steel steps, each of my ten legs taking it a little at a time.
Harry was following close behind, the beams of both our flashlights swinging down through the decay. "Unless there's two cannibalistic freaks with no table manners hiding under abandoned buildings out there. Be just our luck if there was, am I right?"
"How'd anyone even find out about this?"
"Couple of naught dealers," he said. "Thought that this would make a good den, seein' how no one ever comes around here."
"Huh. How'd that turn out for them?"
"They called the police, and were sobbing when they did. How do you think it turned out for them?"
Which was a good point. Naught was a very illegal narcotic, and anyone caught dealing it was considered to be very naughty (see what I did there?) in the sight of the law. Generally speaking, those who peddled it tried to stay as far away from the eye of Justice as they could, and it took something very nasty to drive one of those dealers to actually turn themselves in.
It didn't take long for our flashlights to pick up on what that something was. I stopped at the last step and stared over the macabre scene.
Bones. Piles and piles of bones, all of them picked clean of flesh, all of them lying all over the floor.
"It's him," I said.
One week ago…
The city was dull, grey, and dark, devoid of color, devoid of expression, devoid of life. The people that walked the streets were uninteresting blobs, barely distinguishable from one another. The lights of the city were weak and muted, almost helpless against the darkness they resisted. And not a single bit of beauty was to be found. Oh, it certainly appeared otherwise to other eyes, but to one such as myself, it was a drab, dreary wasteland.
I suppose that part of the problem was that I didn't have eyes. Or a nose, for that matter (that detail is unrelated, I admit, but I felt it worth mentioning). That did not mean that I could not see, mind you. It's just that my sight works a bit…differently from that of most people. At its height, I am beholden to a paradise of beauty, with all the world revealing colors and details that everyone else remains blind to. I cannot explain with mere words the ecstasy of seeing the world in such glory, but rest assured that it is an intoxicating experience.
Alas, I am permitted such vision only after I have unloaded my artistic burden and blessed the world with one of my masterpieces, and then only for a short time after. In time, the colors made and the shapes dull, leaving me in a boring world of black and white. And as it had been some time since I had the opportunity to make someone realize their inner beauty, my sight was especially dim that night.
Nevertheless, I swaggered down the street like the dapper gentleman that I was, dressed to the nines and not a thread out of place. Even the flesh mask that I wore (a necessity, after one evening in which I allowed myself to become sloppy and the raw materials escaped after seeing my face) was the best money could buy. Because though the world may seem dreary to my soul, I knew in my heart that it was only a matter of time before the canvas was awash in color and vibrancy. I could feel it in my blood, I could feel it burning in my loins.
There was no mistaking that sweet, sweet siren's call. It was time. Tonight was the night. I was going to create a masterpiece.
"It's the same as last time," I said as I crouched down over the skeletal remains. In this having so many thin legs came in handy, as they allowed me to move among the bones without disturbing them while still providing all the balance I needed. "All of them humanoid."
It may sound redundant, but when you live in a place like Nightmare, it was important to make the distinction. I mean, my regular barista's a crocodile, for Theo's sake.
"So the bastard does have a type," Harry said, lingering behind on the steps.
"Looks like." I gingerly reached down to touch one of the skulls. The jaw was AWOL, which was also not a surprise. The guy wasn't just messy, he went out of the way to make sure his victims' remains were as scattered as possible. I lifted it up, giving it a cursory examination.
"Young female," I said at last, but that I already knew. In both of the other lairs that had been uncovered, the victims had almost exclusively been young humanoid women. Like Harry had said, the guy has a type.
"I'd say about early twenties," I continued. "Decent dental work, has a couple of fillings." It was funny, but the whole way here I had been in a state of perpetual dread, anticipating the horrors that awaited me. But now that I was at the scene with said horrors scattered all about me, it was somehow easier to deal with. Sometimes the training just took over.
"Right, of course," Harry muttered. He seemed a bit more uneasy than me. Not surprising, seeing how he had a daughter. "The…" He coughed a bit. "Their affects should be around here somewhere."
"Right." I gently set the skull back where it was. "Let's go then."
We carefully made our way through the mess, Harry having a harder time than I was. I could hear him muttering and cursing as he did his best not to crush anything underfoot.
From the look of things, our absent friend had been here a while. There were more bones than at the previous two lairs, which meant he was definitely stepping his game up. The guy was long gone though, and I really doubted we would find anything to point us to where he had gone. That was one of the many, many problems with that guy. Most killers really weren't all that smart, and those that were still didn't know the first thing about covering their tracks. This guy was different. All together his kill count probably numbered near the triple digits, and we didn't so much as have a clue as to what he looked like. Hell, we weren't even sure that it even was a he. The bones were the only organic thing he left behind, with everything else having been carefully cleaned away somehow.
Then I paused. "Hey, wait a minute," I said, peering into a crack in the concrete.
"What is it?" Harry said.
"I think I got something here." My fingers were very long and very thin, but not quite thin enough to squeeze into the crack, so I extracted a set of tweezers from the tool kit on my belt and set to work.
I found my materials in a small back alley. Apparently garbage day was looming, as the dumpsters and trash cans were overflowing with filth. That didn't bother me one bit. You'd be surprised at the treasures you can find in the trash.
In this case, the treasure in question was a child if its size and shape were any indication, probably some grubby street urchin. I found them digging through an open dumpster in search of treasures of their own. Little did they know that the greatest treasure was about to find them.
Now, one might think me crass for targeting a child. Indeed, there were many in the business that held to a strict "No Children" policy, as if adopting one set of scruples was enough to save their souls. Not me though. After all, children had the same potential for beauty as adults, even moreso perhaps. To deny them would just be selfish.
My failing senses took in my soon-to-be materials from which I was going to create my newest masterpiece. It was a…boy. A bit of a disappointment. Girls tended to bleed more prettily, I've found, and the colors they create are somehow more alive. Still, needs must when the Devil drives and all that.
His body shape was a little unorthodox, but that also was no surprise. We were in a Nightmare city, and one had to expect a little peculiarity. Like myself for instance. If one were to see me without my mask, they might take note of my lack of eyes or a nose, or by bone-white skin, or my oversized ears, or my exceptionally large mouth with its sharp teeth and black tongue. I do not apologize for how I look though. We are all beautiful in our own little ways.
The child didn't react to my approach, the sounds of his scrounging masking my footsteps. In fact, I was nearly all the way up to the dumpster before he finally sensed that he was not alone. Pausing, he looked up, head tilted in curiosity toward me.
I smiled and said my customary greeting. "Hello. Would you like to become beautiful?"
It took some wiggling, but I finally managed to pull the rectangular plastic card from the crevice. "Yeah, that's what I thought," I said, shining my light down on it. Harry leaned in close, peering over my shoulder. "Driver's license."
The license was for one Tanya Lexington. Her face smirked up at me, a pretty Nightmare girl with short, dark hair and dimpled cheeks. "You recognize her?" I said to Harry, handing him the card.
"Can't say that I do," he said, squinting down at it. "Bet you anything she's been reported missing though."
"Yeah, I'm not taking that bet." That was another one of our guy's MO's. He liked to hide the personal identification of his victims around his lairs; no doubt we'd be finding many more driver's licenses, school ID's, employee ID's, credit cards, passports, green cards, and the like. It was also probably why he mixed up the bones so thoroughly, just to taunt their families. "Yeah, your daughter/sister/wife/girlfriend is definitely here, but you'll never find all of her. Have fun with the funeral."
I hated this guy, I really did.
"Let's keep moving," I said.
It didn't take long to find another one. A moldy black purse with its strap half torn off rested against a ribcage. Inside I found a broken cell phone, loose change, a few candy bars, tangled headphones, a scattering of ticket stubs, spare tampons, and, of course, the wallet. The money and cards were all undisturbed. The college ID said that it was a Desio girl named Patricia Nottingham.
"This one's pretty far from home," I noted.
"Studying abroad, I guess."
It wasn't unusual. We Nightmares may not have the best reputation in the wider world, but thanks to Lord Eric of Thorns and his reformative policies, our education system was second to none, something even the notoriously stuffy Desios admitted to. So it really wasn't unheard of for ambitious students to get a green card and come our way in hopes of a more prestigious degree.
There was an especially grim look on Harry's face though, and I had a feeling that I knew why. Alice, his daughter, was about Patricia and Tanya's age, and was also away from home attending college. No doubt the poor guy was seeing her face on those dirty ID cards.
I could hear poor Patricia arguing with her parents in my head. "Mom, it's really the best choice," she might have said. "The Nightmares aren't like that anymore! I'll be fine, there's no reason to worry!"
I wondered how long it had been since they had spoken to her last. I wondered if they even suspected what had happened. I wondered which of these bones were hers.
The boy did not react how I had expected. I had expected fear. I had expected confusion. I had expected him to immediately retreat, to put as much distance between himself and I. It was a common reaction, unfortunately enough. Paint never really comprehends its destiny until you dipped the brush.
I got none of that. In fact, the boy did not react much at all. Instead, he remained exactly where he was, crouched on the side of the dumpster, hands on his knees, face towards me.
Thanks to my soon-to-be-corrected limited sight, I couldn't make out much in the way of his features, but it did seem like he was studying me.
"Beautiful?" he said. "I'm literally digging through the garbage here. You think I care about beauty?"
My ears twitched. His voice sounded…wrong. It was very soft, yes, but there was a certain sinister quality to it, like a velvet sheathe over a poisoned dagger. And his inflections were rather odd, with a notable singsong quality to them.
I had been wrong. Despite his small size, this was no child. A disappointment, but not a deal-breaker. My masterpiece would be completed regardless.
"Is beauty not what we all strive for?" I said. "Beauty. Perfection. Realization of what we are meant to be."
"You have a grandiose way of speaking," he said. "But you have my attention. What exactly are you proposing?"
Another surprise. It was so rare that the materials actually listened while I imparted wisdom upon them. "Is it not obvious? Are we all not born with unlimited potential? The chance and ability to transcend beyond our fleshy burdens and become fully realized? How many among us actually see that potential fulfilled? How many downtrodden souls walk these streets every day, trapped in their ugly existences due to circumstance, misfortune, and a lack of ambition?"
"Well, you might have a point there," the material murmured. "I have to admit, that is something that's been keeping me up at night. I mean, think about it: we Nightmares are pretty much the most emasculated people in all of Nod. We have everything that makes us us ripped out of us on birth. They take out our souls and call it rehabilitation. And don't get me started on all the ass-kissing we have to do just to get the tiniest bit of respect."
I knew well what he was complaining about, and to be honest it sort of disappointed me. It was a common complaint among the younger generation, to rail against rehabilitation and our admittedly degrading relationship with the rest of Nod, especially when it came to the grip that the Marauders had around our necks. I understood their discontent, but had always felt it to be a little short-sided.
"There is an argument to be made there," I allowed. "But I was speaking of personal realization, not that of society. To rise above such unfortunate circumstances and achieve true perfection, true beauty."
"Oh, really now? Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you're probably not talking about getting a makeover and a haircut."
I tsked. "Ever so focused on the superficial. No, my young friend. True beauty cannot be found in chemicals and cutting. True beauty is found within."
"I'm sorry, but did is suddenly become a children's cartoon?" he said dryly.
I scowled. "I'll forgive you your misunderstanding. No, no, no, you are still getting it wrong. I speak not of such…childish concepts."
"Then by all means. Enlighten me."
In that, I would gladly comply. "Consider our skin," I said, holding up my arm and pulling down the sleeve to expose the flesh of my wrist beneath my glove. "Our flesh. Our hair and fingernails. It is the only piece we see, and so we mistakenly consider this out covering to be our true selves. So we play with it. We dress it up, make it lovely to look upon. But is our visible flesh really our true selves? No, it most definitely is not. Rather, it is our armor, designed to protect that which really matters."
"Our guts then," he said. "The blood and viscera. Brain, lungs, and liver."
"Exactly! That which is truly necessary for life, that allows us to breathe, speak, think, and feel. Our internal workings are a miracle of creation, and yet, what do we do whenever it is exposed?" I shook my head in sad regret. "We draw back in revulsion. We are disgusted. But why? I ask you, why do we do this? Should we not be transfixed by their loveliness, these wonderful works of art? Why are we not fascinated by them, why do not embrace them, why do we not strive to bless our eyes with their majesty at every available opportunity?"
"Well, there is the small problem of us expiring once those beautiful babies leave their armor," he said. "That's something of a deterrent."
"Fear of death? Of pain?" I sniffed. "Small price to pay for beauty."
"Interesting, interesting," he murmured. "And as it so happens, I do believe that this conversation has helped me to see the light. To be specific, I now know who you are."
I froze. "Oh, do you?"
"I do. You're the Masterpiece Killer, aren't you?"
The beam of my flashlight fell upon something interesting. "Hey, come and take a look at this," I said.
It was a door, a steel mesh door set into the wall. The handle had been removed, but a chain was looped through the empty hole to wrap around a bar set in the wall, held together with a padlock.
"What's in there?" Harry said, shining his beam through. On the other side, the ground was free from bones, but I would bet good money that our friend had left something in there for us.
"Only one way to find out," I said, wrapping my fingers around the chain.
"Huh, wait," he said, pressing himself closer to the door. "I think…I think there's something on the wall."
"I don't doubt it," I grunted, giving the chain a hard shake. "See if you can call for some bolt cutters to be sent down here so-"
The padlock slipped open, and the chain fell loose in my hand.
"-or not. This works too."
"You'd think he'd know better not to leave his door unlocked," Harry said, pushing the door open.
I slowly moved into the room beyond, grateful that, for the moment at least, I didn't need to wade through the dead to do so. "Yeah, well, if I move out of a place, the last thing I care about is-"
My flashlight beam then fell upon something on the wall.
"-holy fuck!"
And just like that, our pleasant conversation had gone sour. "Do not call me that," I growled.
"Why not? It's your name, isn't it?"
"The newspapers gave me that name," I corrected. "I never, ever once called myself that! 'Masterpiece Killer,' phah! It implies that I kill masterpieces! Nothing is further from the truth! I don't kill masterpieces, I create them!"
"My apologies. May I call you Masterpiece then?"
"NO!" I roared. I reached up with one hand and tore the damned mask off. "I am not a masterpiece, not yet! That gift is not for me! I am the artist, not the artwork!"
"Ah. I understand. Now, you weren't planning on turning me into one of your masterpieces, were you? Because if so, then thanks, but no thanks. I'm not interested in dying."
I ground my teeth. Screaming, begging, and weeping I could bear. But for someone of intelligence to fully comprehend what I was offering and still reject my gift? It couldn't be born! "It is not for the paint to question the painter," I said. "Nor for the clay to criticize the sculptor."
"I am neither. With all respect to your artistic vision, you think too small. Now, do you know what my vision is, my bohemian friend? Shall I tell you what I dream?"
"Tell me," I said. "I will make sure to carve it onto your entrails."
For several moments, he didn’t speak, and I almost decided to just get on with it. But then he broke the silence, and when he did, his voice was low, rhythmic, almost a chant.
"I dream of a world where Nightmares exist without shackles, without limitations, and without shame. I dream of a world where we no longer are forced to apologize for who we are, for what we are, where the fears that molded us are realized in all that behold us. I dream of a world where the strong are no longer compelled to kneel before the weak, where the only sins of our fathers is their denial of our birthrights. I dream of a world where are no longer made to hide from our true selves, but all the world must hide from us. I dream of a world where enlightened visionaries such as you and I are not considered aberrations, are not considered freaks, but are instead the norm, and the weak, neutered cattle that walk the streets that our forefathers built are devoured like the prey that they are. I dream of a world in which the Screaming Throne is once again filled by a worthy Monarch, one that will surpass Thelonious the Silent with his majesty, one that will cast down the Marauders' chains from our necks and restore us to our former greatness. That is my dream, my artistic friend. That is my vision."
I paused then. His speech just echoed the sentiments he had said earlier, and it was certainly nothing I had never heard before. However, his conviction was striking, and the way he expressed comradery was telling.
I had made a mistake. This…thing was not raw materials.
"You are…in the business, aren't you?" I said cautiously.
"You speak of the serial killing business?" He inclined his head. "I do have that honor."
"Then you are…" I mentally ran the names of my colleagues. I had never met or corresponded with a single one of them, but I still made a point to keep track of my kin.
"The newspapers have seen fit to dub me the Scarab Killer." He chuckled. "It's a little silly, but inoffensive."
"I see," I murmured. I knew that name, of course. I knew how he operated, the sort of things he did. Oh me oh my, oh me oh my, this was not a situation I wanted to be in.
Slowly bowing at the waist, I said, "Well then, mine Scarab Killer. It seems that I have made a grave error. I apologize for the misunderstanding, and leave you to your work."
"Ah. Well. See, about that." A strange rustling filled my ears, like dry leaves blowing across hard stone. "I make it a personal rule not to let anyone live who's seen my face and heard my name. It's just simple practicality, you understand."
I let out a nervous laugh. "But s-surely you can't believe that I would turn you in! We are kin, in a way! Even if we weren't, it simply wouldn't be prudent for me to go anywhere near the authorities! Why I-"
I stopped. I was talking to a dumpster. Even with my limited sight, I could see that the Scarab Killer was gone.
But the rustling was growing louder.
Well, then. It was time to go. I hastily yanked my mask back over my head and turned to flee.
Then my legs erupted into agony.
I screamed and fell, my hands stopping me before I collapsed onto the foul ground.
The ground was alive.
Dozens…no, hundreds of beetles were crawling all over the alley floor. Cockroaches, goliath beetles, stink bugs, and, yes, scarab beetles. They were everywhere, swarming over the concrete, over the garbage, over me. I felt my bowels freeze while warmth flooded my trousers. It had been their mandibles that had felled me, and now they were going to eat me alive.
No such luck, alas.
Something seized me by the back of my jacket and yanked me up, hauling me up the side of one of the buildings like one of the many bags of trash that now lay below. The ground retreated from me, and I could see that the entire alley was swarming with beetles.
The Scarab Killer was clinging to the wall like one of his tiny brethren. Holding me aloft by the lapels, he held me out over the drop. With his other hand he yanked my mask off.
And then, to my eternal shame, I found myself devolving into the behavior exhibited by all of the raw materials I had used to create my masterpieces. I cried. I had no eyes with which to weep, but nevertheless I cried.
And I begged.
"Please," I said, my hands clutching at his wrist. "Please don't."
He let out a soft chuckle. "I am sorry about this. In a fairer world we would have been friends. But in accordance with your vision, I will ensure that you will be made beautiful." He dropped my mask and held up his hand, the tips of his fingers ending in ripping talons. "Please understand, I hold you in the highest respect."
"But I don't want to be beautiful!" I wailed. "I don't-"
Then, as his talon slid through the fabric of my shirt and into my stomach, a miracle happened. In that single, final moment, everything was awash with color. My drab, black-and-white suddenly became alive. I could see everything in full and living color, every detail becoming clear, the beauty of the world revealed to me. I cried, though not in fear, but in gratitude.
And in that moment of clarity, I saw the face of God. And it was beautiful.
"Holy shit," Harry breathed. "Are you…are you seeing this?"
"I'm seeing it," I said. "Oh man, am I seeing it."
The sight that had transfixed us so was what was upon the wall. Painted in long-dried blood was the form of a scarab beetle the size of a man, facing upward. It sat within four circles, each one broken at a different point: top left in the outmost circle, top right in the one within that, bottom left in the one within that, and bottom right in the innermost circle. Five of the beetle's legs were intact, while the bottom left leg was broken off at the first joint.
It was known as the sign of the Crippled Beetle, the Scarab Killer's calling card. It had been found at both of the other two lairs as well, the surest sign that we had that all of these grisly hideouts all belonged to the same person.
But this one had a little something extra. A grey-skinned man was crucified upon the beetle's form. He was tall, slim, and wore the filthy and tattered remains of a black dress suit. His perfectly bald head was the shape of a cantaloupe, with exceptionally large ears and a gaping mouth that slashed its way across the middle, a swollen black tongue hanging out. He had no eyes or nose. His hands had been nailed into each of the beetle's front legs, while his feet had been nailed into the rear legs.
That was nasty enough, but from the look of things, the poor guy's stomach had been split open, with his intestines yanked out in two directions and likewise nailed into the wall over each of the beetle's middle legs. Beneath him was scrawled the phrase, "HE IS BEAUTIFUL."
"Theo preserve us," Harry murmured. "You're tellin' me that the Scarab Killer and the Masterpiece Killer are the same guy?"
"No, I don't think that's it at all," I said, recalling the rough descriptions given to us from one of the Masterpiece Killer's intended victims. "Harry, I think that guy there…I think that is the Masterpiece Killer!"
Harry was silent for a time as he digested this. Then he slowly said, "So…they're goin’ after each other now?"
"I guess?" I shrugged. "Maybe they knew each other. Maybe he wanted this to happen. Maybe there was some kind of grudge. Or hell, maybe he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Right then," Harry said, licking his thick lips. He managed a ghastly parody of a smile. "Well, hey. I'm no one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially a mouth as ugly as that, am I right?"
I nodded slowly, though I was too deep in thought to say much more.
Who was the Scarab Killer? What did he want? At least with the Masterpiece Killer we knew his motivations and his vision, as twisted as they might be. But with this guy, we knew jack shit.
Was there some purpose to the carnage he kept causing, or was it just simple cruelty? Was he after revenge? And if so, against what? Society, women, I don't know, getting bad grades in college? What was up with this creep?
I didn't have a clue. I had picked through the Scarab Killer's leavings twice already, and I didn't even know where to begin. And in the meantime, he ran free, killing at will. Hell, he was probably torturing some girl at that very moment, and we couldn't do a damned thing to stop him.
Later that night…
The rain wasn't showing any sign of letting up, and Alice was getting worried.
She was pacing back and forth beneath the relative safety of a bus stop, phone held to her ear, as she traded between nervously checking the time and the bus schedule that was printed onto one of the stop's plastic walls.
"No, it's still late," she said into the phone. "And the rain's getting worse."
"Well, maybe I should come and get you," said her mother on the other end. "You know, just to be safe."
Alice sighed. "Mom, you're in another city. Even without the traffic, it's a forty minute drive. Even if the bus is held up, there's no way you'd get here first."
"I know, I know, it's just…I'm worried, all right? I'm your mother, I'm entitled. Besides, your father's been on edge so much recently, I think it's rubbing off."
"God, don't tell me he's out working in this," Alice said, peering out into the veil of water.
"No rest for the wicked. Though I'd think that criminals would have the good sense to look out the window and decide to take the night off."
Alice laughed at that "Wait, so you're saying I'm dumber than the average criminal for being out in this mess? Gee, thanks, Mom. That really makes me-"
Something seized her from behind. The phone clattered to the ground of the now-empty bus stop.
"Alice?" it continued to squawk. "Is everything okay?"
Then a clawed hand reached in, coming out from the rain.
The claw came down, slicing though the phone and silencing it forever.
4 notes · View notes
briirens · 8 years
Secret Valentine here! xoxo @hiyoris-scarf
I was honestly gonna write you angst, cos I’m bitchy like that, but I decided against it at the last minute. Instead, I decided to write a little thing from a middle of a fic that could happen. So, dear friend, you are left in the dark about the beginning and end. 
Love you babe! <3
Happy Valentine’s Day, Scarf!
The stupid air conditioning still continued to blow some cool air, not too cold as they would like. Dust kicked up behind them as the afternoon began its descent to the western horizon, creating a watery display of warm hues. And the air didn’t seem too hot anymore, as it slowly began to shift towards a muggy, chilled blanket. Everything was quiet. Okay.
“How did someone like ya learn how to steal a car?”
His voice broke the silence, causing the girl to shift slightly. People were always surprised to hear about her secret life, not believing that someone of her tier could ever do something so… vigilante like. The wrapped of the sticky bun crinkled loudly, and her pale pink lips pressed against the glazed coating softly. A dull hum emitted from her, as she took a small bite and chewed slowly. Maybe he would get annoyed from how slow the pace was and give up. Who would ever want to learn about her dull, boring life?
“I’m being serious! Y-You come from this fuck rich family, tag along with a badass, and then you stay silent.” Yato pressed, stealing a few cautious glances of her. “Someone like you doesn’t do something like this.”
Hiyori pressed back against the car seat, rolling her eyes. He never knew how to give up, how to grab the hint that she was not interested in answering questions about her life. Tilting her head towards the window, her hand hurriedly found the window button and soon the glass was half way down. Fresh, dry air slapped her face and it caused her to wince slightly.
“If you must know… You find a lot of things out while watching television, and reading books.”
A smirk tugged at his lips as his haunting blue eyes stared at the road, not peeling away from the endless strip of dust and dirt. From the bright glow of the headlights, a sign was quick to be pointed out as a marker and indication. There was a town in a few miles, nothing too bad. As long as there was a gas station and a hotel parking lot, they were good to go.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed of telling me shit, ya know? Find it amusing a girl like you could break into a car. Shocking, even.”
Hiyori’s head turned to his direction as soon as he said that, scowling lightly at the male. She could have fun too! It just sucked that her parents forced her into some type of mold, something that she did not want to be. Yato’s stories were far more interesting than hers. He based his philosophies off of experience, while she could only build character off of morals shoved down her throat. Life had lost its luster, and maybe that’s why she decided to become self-destructive.
“People always think that I am so spoiled girl who doesn’t know much about life. That I don’t know how to live it. While my parents forced me to study hard, I could only eye the kids who got to walk around and about with friends.”
“If it makes you feel better, at least you have parents who care about your character. My old man could careless if I knock someone up or die out here. Long as I stay outta sight, rules don’t apply.”
Those words really sunk into her brain. They were two people from two different worlds. While her parents handed everything to her, he had to fight for survival. For him and his foster brother. She never had to worry about something like that. This was his reality. Driving through the middle of nowhere just to get his only familial link back.
And the rest of the car ride was in silence, both not wanting to touch base on what was really going on. No matter how fun Yato wanted to make the trip, nothing could beat the atmosphere that hung over them.
While he pumped gas into the car, and switched out the license plate, the brunette made her way inside the little shop. The bell rang out to alert the clerk, leaving Hiyori to inhale the musty air of the run down establishment. Pacing through the different aisles, she dumped a few food options into the rusty metal basket before pulling out a couple of bills from her back pocket. The cashier let his eyes linger on her for longer than he should have, something she had noticed. That uncomfortable feeling set in. She didn’t even wait for the change, as her hand instinctively slapped the money on the counter before she rushed out of the store.
Yato didn’t say anything when she hurried to the car, even going as far as raising an eyebrow as she settled onto the passenger seat. And as much as he wanted to beat whomever made her uncomfortable inside, he knew that starting shit was the last thing he needed. She was an escaped mental hospital patient, he was being sought after by child services, and they both stole a car. Putting their faces on the map would get them caught in an instant.
Luckily the hotel wasn’t too far from where the gas station stood, giving them easy access to the parking lot. Hiyori simply didn’t know what was on the male’s mind, but she had to trust him. She did so far.
“Come on.”
His voice was stern, somewhat, with the notion for her to follow him. Yato wasted no time getting out of the car and sneaking around the building they had parked next to, leaving the female to stumble over obstacles in the dark behind him. It was annoying, really, and she opened her mouth to say that until she rounded the corner.
The soft glow of the pool captured her attention, and her roadmate was already shirtless in the water. An eyebrow shot up but she nevertheless moved to sit next to the edge, kicking off her shoes and dipping her feet in the lukewarm water. Her eyes followed the mass that swam to her, his hand gripping the edge while he breathed heavily. The brunette did think much of it, going to tilt her head back to look at the stars until a hand wrapped around her ankle. Soon enough her whole entire body was wet, and her clothes were hovering over her skin. Hiyori let out a breath of shock, her hands immediately clinging onto Yato.
“Shush, it’ll warm up if you swim around for a bit.”
Taking note of that fact, Hiyori quickly pulled her hands away from his skin and began to coast backwards. A small smile curved as she moved the water around her, before instantly coming up with an idea.
Yato stood there dumbfounded, blinking before smirking evilly. A splashing war broke out between the two, in which they were too blinded by water to see that their bodies magnetically pulled together. And it was when their hands collided that they realized the small space between them, ignoring the fact that their heads were tilting towards each other.
“You know, you’re not the average girl.”
“And you’re definitely not the average guy.”
“I never asked to be.”
He cupped her cheeks gently, before swooping down and pressing his lips against hers. As first, she was too shocked to even do anything. But once her boldness and adrenaline kicked in, their arms wrapped around each other and the kiss became more passionate.
It didn’t matter that she was with a guy who did many illegal things to survive. It didn’t matter that she was a girl who tried to end her life by walking in front of a bus. Their pain slowly washed away, just like the makeup that was running down her cheeks. Together they created a spark that could never be dulled, put out, or unseen. They created a passionate fire.
“Sorry for that..” Yato said awkwardly, once they pulled away for air. “Didn’t mean to-”
“It was nice. I enjoyed it.” She cut in, smiling softly before ruffling his hair. “Now race you to the other side. Whoever loses has to take care of the clothes.”
“Challenge accepted.”
11 notes · View notes
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
"Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health insurance options for low income adults?
I am currently putting my husband through school. Our household runs on my pay check alone. My children qualify for free insurance with healthwave,which we are very grateful for. but I was shocked to find that my husband and I don't qualify. There is no way in hell we can afford to buy our own health insurance so I was wondering if there are any other options for us.""
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
AA insurance terrible?
AA insurance sent me a renewal letter for car insurance. The bill was just over 900 pounds. Bearing in mind for years i just paid and didnt shop around . This time i had more time on my hands and i shopped around, the only thing i changed was no claims protection. Apart from this it was identicle. I went on compare the market.com and found esure who quoted me 425 pounds has anybody else found the AA to be expensive. The AA said they had shopped around for me and they had given me the cheapest quote. But i got my quote in around 8mins and 500pounds cheaper.""
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense?
Auto Liability Insurance help?
SO how old do you have to be to have only liability insurance? My son got his license and I might only get him liability insurance cause its cheaper. But, some people told me you have to be 18 to have only liability""
How much do you pay for car insurance per year?
i pay $3000 a year on car insurance, im 22, female, 3 points on my license and drive a v8 mustang, red. progressive. NJ HOW MUCH DO YOU PAY? please put everything i put above, but for you, survey for college class. thanks for helping!""
How does my 2nd speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I recently got my 2nd speeding ticket. My first speeding ticket was about a yr ago, so I cant redo traffic school. If I am correct, this means I will get a point on my record. Is that point on my drivers record only? or does that point show up on my insurance too? So will it raise my insurance? and by how much? I have AAA and I live in California. Thanks""
How cheap can you get car insurance for if you teach drivers ed?
I'm going to school for Health and Physical Education, definitely thinking about minoring in Drivers Ed. to add a little something extra to my resume. The course seems easy enough and I'll be able to make money during the summer while my other teacher friends are painting houses. I'm curious how much of a deduction on car insurance these guys get. Anyone know?""
Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc scooter in florida?
Car insurance......?
if you have full coverage car insurance and you get into an accident but its the other persons fault and you get your car fixed by your insurance do your rates go up? what if the other persons insurance pays for the damage to your car do your rates go up?
Does anyone have the Mid-West Live insurance company of Tennessee?
An insurance agent sold this to my parents and I wish they put everything into layman's term. They bought this through a group called the Alliance for Affordable Services. They have a $5000 deductible but the policy reads like this: Hospital room/board has CoInsurance of 100% with Maximum up to $1000 per day. What is Coinsurance? Do they still have to pay something after their $5000 deductible? Thanks in advance.
Car insurance under a company policy?
I've never owned a car in the UK and may be joining a company where I will need one. This company offers a car allowance and I'll probably use the car for business. Would I be covered under the company car insurance policy or would I still need to get a policy myself? I'm trying to avoid the massive bill given that I have no UK driving history :-)
""What kind of car insurance do I need for a rental, when I DON'T have any current auto insurance?""
We are looking to rent a car for a month, and since we are both ex-pats, we don't have any USA car insurance. We've looked up and discovered we should get Collision, Liability and Comprehensive insurance. Where can we get these for cheap? My travel insurance includes a Collision option, but no Liability or Comprehensive (I'm American, my husband is English).""
Where can i get car insurance for under 2000 for my 17 year old son?
just passed his test
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
Where can I find super cheap auto insurance?
I just want something to cover me legally. I don't need any advice on why I should not get crap insurance, I literally would just like to know where to get great rates. I found ...show more""
Will my inusrance go up with a speeding ticket?
The other day i was driving and got pulled over for going 80 on a 65. i live California. I am 19, a student, and this is my first ticket ever. I was wondering if my insurance would go up. i wanted to hide it from my parents, if insurance goes up then i wouldnt be able to hide it. Also, anyone know what it would cost me? If i do driving school to erase it, would it still make insurance go up?""
On average how much does it cost to insure an apartment building?
I am looking into purchasing 2 triplex apartment buildings. They are both brick buildings built in 1990. Both have been maintained fairly well and have a really good price on them. Now I am trying to find out on average what the cost of insurance would be. Just wanna be sure that it will be well worth my investment and not a sink Hole I have already checked taxes, utilities, and of course viewed the apartments. Now I just need some figures on Insurance. Thanks for any and all help.""
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Insurance type help A-Z?
Hello, If there is no accident will occur or occured, but lost your eyesight naturaly, what type of insurance policy you should buy to cover your permanent disablement because of that, which will give you payout like personal accident insurance does?""
Can my friend's parents put me under their car insurance?
i'm 16 years old. i bought a car from a friend. but there's no way in hell my parents will get me car insurance for it. i have spent most of my time at friends house and have gotten really close with their parents. i was wondering if it would be possible for me to ask them and maybe they could put me in their insurance policy or add me as a co-driver or something? or does it NEED to be MY parents? any advice?? i really want to get insured somehow without my parents. i also had an idea of having my friends parents insure the car themselves. and then pay them back and just drive it under their permission all the time so basically its mine but under their insurance. smart idea?? help me out please!!
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
Why Is my car insurance so expensive?
I'm just trying to find a good quote for the renewal of my car insurance, due in November 10. The cheapest I can get for a THIRD PARTY FIRE & THEFT only is 800!!!! for the following circumstances: Driver: male 32 yo, EU national living in the UK since 2003.Home owner. No convictions or anything like that. Full UK licence that I got converted in 2005, though I had held a full EU licence for 9 years before that. In full employment. The car: 1998 R reg For Fiesta LX 1.8 Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. Kept in a secure (bollards) street at home during the night and in the company's hyper secure car park during the day. Miles per year: up to 9000. With factory fitted immobiliser plus a anti theft wheel lock. The postcode is not the best, but it can't be the reason for it being so expensive, because my neighbours pay something ridiculous, like 30 or 40 per month for a fully comp policy, and also, because it's not a fully comp policy that I'm after and the car is so cheap (600) that it wouldn't make sense. I'm even ready to go for a third party only, but it turns out even more expensive in the searches... I've even tried with other cars with smaller engines thinking that maybe replacing the car would help... I'm really confused, and that famous website is not helping at all. Hopefully somebody can shed some light on where the problem is. It'd be so very much appreciated...""
Does my liability insurance cover my new car ?
I'll buy an used car from San Francisco, CA. I'd like to drive it to Los Angeles CA (in same day) and then wanna do all the paper works in LA..Does my current AAA liability insurance cover this trip?""
""If im a 21 year old female wuth a dui, how much is car insurance?
I'm 21 with a dui on my record. Approximately how much would car insurance cost on a 2000 Ford escort?
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
How much will my car insurance premium change when i turn 25?
I'm 24 and a car in insurance group 6 is costing me 600-700. I've heard this goes down significantly when I turn 25, is this true and how much should it go down by?""
When you car is totaled and you have full insurance coverage...?
What does your insurance company do with the wrecked car? do they take it and put it in a junkyard or do they let you keep whats left of it, or what?""
Teenager car insurance help?
Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated!
Where can i find cheap moped insurance?
i have just applied for my license and i am going to get a 50cc moped (WK Wasp 50). i was looking around for the price of full comprehensive insurance and the cheapest is around 650... is this cheap? please advise me on any cheap firms thanks!
Trying to get cheaper auto insurance?
I live in NYC where auto insurance is extremely high. I wanted to know if mom and pop auto insurance companies are cheaper than top named auto insurance companies like Allstate, state farm, etc. The top auto insurance companies are giving me really high quotes. I see a lot of small business insurance companies in the neighborhood. I wonder if they will give me a lower quote and are they just as good as allstate or state farm, etc.? Thanks.""
What is the cheapest car insurance price in Texas?
I know it'll depend on the quote on for me and stuff but as far as a GENERAL average price or hell maybe even exact price what is the cheapest ABSOLUTE minimum price in Texas?
Can I get renter's insurance without a deductible?
Yesterday I got a quote from Geico on renters insurance. They said that I would have $6,000 personal belongings protection, $100,000 personal liability, with a $500 deductible. This would cost me $142 a year. I'm okay with the coverage amounts and the cost of the policy but I would like to get a smaller or zero deductible. Is this possible with renters insurance? Also Geico doesn't write the policy they use someone else but didn't want to what company it is. Can I get a zero deductible? What insurance company should I go with?""
Online auto insurance?
Other than the general, Is there any good online auto insurance providers??""
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
What would my car insurance be?
I am a 20 year old male in Upstate NY and ive been driving since last september and i just bought a car (2000 Chevy Impala) and im trying to look for a good car insurer and my parents have state farm. what insurer would be the best and how much would it cost in my situation?
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
Can car insurance companies discover speed camera tickets?
Long story short: Do I need to tell the car insurance companies about speed camera tickets I received? I read that lying to car insurance companies is a good way to get your insurance canceled, or claim denied. I know that they check what you say on the application. If these were regular speeding tickets, I would have no question that they need to be reported, because it's on my record. But these are from a speed camera. The citation says it cannot be used to increase my car insurance rates, and that it will not add points to my record. All my friends say they don't report it. Despite that, Travelers said these do count, and denied providing a quote because I have had three speed camera tickets in the past three years. Is this information even present on my driver's record? Is this something they can verify? More importantly, could they deny a claim I make for failing to tell them about these tickets?""
If I have secondary driver Insurance on my Dads car. Am I still covered on our other car aswell?
My Dad put secondary insurance on his car (that I pay) so that I can use it. But he never lets me use it because he takes it to work everyday. But my Step Mom has her car here, and my dad tells me I can't use it because my insurance only covers his car. Is he just being a douche?""
What is the approximate insurance cost on a vw polo X registration for a 17 year old?
hi just want to know how much roughley the insurance would be for a VW Polo on a X registration plate please
Can i sue my car insurance?
Can I sue my car insurance if they refuse to pay for my car damages
Health insurance question?
Can someone tell me what in network and out of network means? I applied for my health benefits today and the lady had me soooo confused. I understand that an in network doctor will save me money. Does an in network doctor mean they accept my insurance and out of network they don't accept it? LOL this is my first time having private insurance so i'm not quite sure what all of this means!
Low Repair Estimate How to Go After Insurance Company?
I hit a car at its back and caused cracks on its rear bumper. It is my fault and my insurance company supposed to pay for the repair since I have liability insurance with them. But the estimate from my insurance company for the other car came out much lower than the estimates the other party got from other body shops. And now the other party comes after me and they said they gonna sue me. I would like to know how can I push my insurance company to come up more. Thanks!
Does taking DUI class help reduce insurance rate?
I'm working on getting a driver license and wondering whether my prospective insurance rate will be lowered (even just a tad) if I take some DUI classes. I'm 19 and abiding in Georgia.
General car insurance question(s)?
Which will cost more in car insurance, generally: a passenger sedan (maybe a 1999 Honda Civic) or a pickup truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, if I have two trucks, both exactly the same, only, one has 2-wheel drive and one has 4-wheel drive, which will cost more in insurance? If one will infact cost more, will the difference be significant enough to matter? I live in Colorado. 4-wheel drive is desirable with the snow and ice, but if it will cost significantly more in insurance, I can't justify it.""
How much would insurance cost for this motorcycle?
Hey guys I know you can't give me a direct quote or anything like that, but if you had to guess or anybody who you knew had one it would be pretty cool. Im 17 now turning 18, I have my own insurance and I've been driving for a year without an incident so my rates are about to go down. Its a 2013 r1, what would the price range be per month?""
I need to have all my teeth removed and have dentures in California?
The dentist gave me an approximate estimate of about 11 thousand dollars, I have no insurance, and bad credit, is this estimate fair?""
Roughly how much is car insurance for a peugeot??
please help, i only want roughly""
""When you purchase a new car, is it better to buy the GAP insurance from the dealer ?
Should you buy the GAP insurance from the dealer or from your own private insurance company. Usually your own insurance company is cheaper. Any suggestions?
How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance in California?
Is it 5, 7 or10 years and will my rate go down 5 years after my DUI anniversary?""
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone just turning 17.?
I am turning 17 in a few days and want to know what is the cheapest amount i can get car insurance for myself. I have a Peugeot 206 LX 2002 1.1 and want to insure it for a full uk license, where is the best place to do this? Thanks""
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
What small cars are available as a convertible?
Now that a second child in our family has started to drive we think we need two smaller low insurance cars and I want to trade my large car in for one that my 20 year old can share with me. I have loved having a convertible and would still like that so was wondering if there is a car on the market that is: small low insurance convertible (preferably hard top) about 2-3 years old (pre-empting any ranters - I have no intention of letting my wildish 17 year old drive around in a convertible and my 20 year old girl is a good, tee-total driver who has now been driving 3 years.)""
""My car is fully paid for, and I wonder what auto insurance coverage would be the less expensive and good?""
My car is fully paid for, and I wonder what auto insurance coverage would be the less expensive and good enough to get in state of California? 1- Liability only? 2- Liability plus collision? 3- Full coverage? 4- Any other type? Regards, Mo.""
Do I need SR22 insurance after a DWI 1st offense if my license is not suspended in the state of Louisiana?
About a year ago, I received my first DWI. I plead guilty under Article 894, and then about 3-4 months later, I contacted the DMV here in Louisiana, and they stated my license has not been suspended, and never was. Now, I am trying to get insurance on my truck I just bought, and the insurance company is telling me i have to get SR22 insurance. I thought SR22 insurance was needed when either your license was suspended previously, or you were forced to get a hardship license? I have never had to do either, and I don't understand why they are requesting me to get the SR22 insurance. The rates are already high enough with the DWI on my record, and the SR22 will be adding a good bit more. Just curious if someone can explain this to me about Louisiana and insurance which is required of me. I do still have a valid Class A CDL, not suspended, and never had to get a hardship license.""
Whats the rough cost of insurance for a 17 yr old new driver?
im looking to buy a car like a corsa or 306. summin like that but just wanted to know what the cost of insurance will roughly be. and no dont tell me to 'get a quote' caus you need like all the details and full licence etc, that i dont have yet""
""Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Where do i get cheap car insurance after passing my test at 17yrs old, thanks?""
Do you need car insurance for a primary car in the state of NJ even if you plan on using someone else's?
Hi, I am a probationary licensed driver in the state of NJ, and since I live with my mom, I was told by an insurance company that I need to have insurance on my mom's (primary) ...show more""
Camaro Insurance cost?
I know insurance is a hard to estimate on since there are so many things that determine the price but can anyone tell me about the insurance for a 2012 camaro would cost for me? or how much extra it would cost for my situation. I have a 1998 toyota 4 runner and I am a 19 year old female. No tickets or car wrecks ever. My dad is getting me a new car and I am trying to talk him into letting me get a camaro. About how much extra would it cost yearly to go from an SUV to a sports car like a camaro?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much do you think insurance will cost my dad for me When i turn 16 in a couple months i am either getting an Audi a4 convertible Honda pilot Ford explorer How much will insurance be for them which car would you pick
""What is the best insurance company that will give me a good rate, and good coverage for a 16 yr old teen?
Good driving record with no incidents and and good grades with excellent attendance. Doesn't matter if it's an online insurance company.
When is an insurance company going to come along who cares about careful drivers?
my car insurance quote has just arrived, the price has gone up by 80 from last year the year before it went up 20. I suppose it was the all the snow we had which caused extra claims. but I have never made a claim in the last 15 years and that was when someone ran into me. why should we keep having to pay for these mindless idiots who cause these increases, why cannot insurance companies talk to each other and triple or quadruple persistent offenders untill they have gone without a claim for 3 years instead of keep hiking up the insurance of careful drivers. well this is the last straw for me.I am selling my car, a stripey punto 2 years old with 4,000 miles on the clock. what should I get for it.""
How much would insurace cost monthly?
Im 16 and im gettin a 2003 cadillac CTS when i get my licences and i have a few questions. The car is $10,932 how much would the down payment be also how much monthly plus insurance?""
Is a 1994 Eagle Talon Esi good for a teen Insurance and Saftey wise?
Hi I am look at an 1994 Eagle Talon and I thinking about buying it. But is it a good car for a teen just for a daily driver? How about the insurance rates will it be high?
If you sell your car / do you need to keep any insurance for your DL ?
if you move to NYC and sell your car / parking too expensive. do you need to keep some type of car insurance for your driving license ? you might occaisionally need to drive someone else or might rent a rental car when you travel ?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
Moped insurance in texas?
I am looking into getting a 49cc moped and am trying to figure out how much it would cost to insure it. I am a 25 yr old female with a clean driving record if that helps.
How can I get affordable health insurance?
I'm 19, in good health, not pregnant nor do I already have a child. I was told by the state that I have to either be under 18 or have a child to get Medicare. My job does not offer insurance. What can I do? I'm on a very low income, and can't afford very much, but I am willing to pay something.""
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
Estimate on car insurance for this car?
Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html""
What is the cheapest teenage auto insurance in texas??
in austin, texas just got a permit ....drive a honda,-accord ... am going to be 16 in like 4 months""
Why car insurance cards come in pair?
Just wondering why insurance identification cards come in pair? Anyway? ^_^ T.Y.
Is AARP's Homeowners/Auto Insurance A Good Deal?
Mom's insurance company made a whopping raise in her premium claiming they have been under charging her for 58 years! She wants to switch to AARP for homeowners and auto insurance. Are they a good company to deal with?
Anyone know any cheap car insurance?
Im just trying to save a little money.
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
How much does the average person pay for health and dental insurance monthly?
Car Insurance for a 2004 Mustang?
Im about to be 15 and im starting drivers ed next week and I was looking at cars and I really want a 2004 mustang. I live in a small town, im a girl, and my parents have Allstate. About how much would it cost me?""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a inexperienced 18yr old driver?
I'm looking ti out insurance on my soon to be new used car? I'm just now getting a license and I don't know where to begin looking for insurance.
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
What is proof of insurance?
I am still on my parents insurance and was planning on renting a car(yes, I' am old enough). They require proof of insurance when renting and I was wondering how that works. Do I just show them my parents proof? And is it just the paper work in the glove box of one of our cars?""
Insurance auctions/Salvage yards websites???
can anyone tell me good websites that sale salvage/insurance auction cars ......i live in south texas........
Will this decrease/increase my insurance rate?
How much will insurance cost for a kawasaki ninja 250r monthly for a 20 year old beginner?
i think i might go with state farm.
Affordable Health Insurance?
I am a 19 year old college student. I have always been on soonercare but I stopped being covered when I turned 18. I take over 20 hours in college and live with my fiance so I am unemployed. I need health inaurance so I can go to the dentist and eye doctor but everything is way expensive. My fiance is covered by his work but they dont offer family coverage so even when we get married a year from now I will still need my own health insurance. Ive tried getting some quotes but I cant pay $200-$300 a month. Is there somewhere to get afordable coverage that I am over looking?
How much would insurance cost for a jeep wrangler?
I want a jeep wrangler (either yj or tj) and I was wanting to know how much insurance would cost for a new driver (between 16 and 18 years old). I would like a number answer if possible. Just trying to get actual prices. Thanks.
""Trying to buy Car insurance on my own, but i don't know how much to buy?""
I'm getting an online quote and i'm buying a car for 2500. the page displays a bunch of coverage that would be paid in the even that it was my fault, but i don't know anything about deductables. Would anyone be able to tell me how much money for each coverage is good. and if i should get a deductable. thanks so much""
What is the best health insurance in CA right now?
I need help. I don't have health insurance right now and I want to find an affordable one. I live in San Francisco, and I work part-time. I look at Athem insurance and it was around 60 bucks a month. I can't really afford that right now. Is there any other health insurance that is affordable and good?""
What amount is considered low deductible for health insurance? what is a high amount?
what amount is considered a low amount for health insurance? what is considered a high amount?
Do you need motorcycle insurance in the state of Tennessee?
As a Tennesseean, I was wondering if motorcycle insurance is necessary in order to ride in the state.""
Why don't people just buy themselves health insurance?
I am 26 years old and have had a major back surgery. Still I pay just $98/month for my Blue Cross of California PPO health insurance. Why doesn't everyone without insurance just go buy it for themselves instead of buying an Ipod or new cell phone? This would keep the government from rationing health care and having more power over us citizens as well as not forcing some people to pay for others.
I have 21st century car insurance . They list some of the people that live with me as not rated?
I want to know what this means . They claim the drivers on this list can still drive my car , if they have their own car insurance on theirs cars . Is this correct""
Insurance for a 17 yr old girl?
How much would insurance be for a 17 yr old girl in a mustang in NY? I took drivers ed, btw. Or insurance for any car, doesn't have to be a mustang.""
How much longer will americans put up with health insurance companies?
when will Americans demand an end to insurance companies involved with healthcare? how much longer will Americans put up with insurance companies having more control then doctors on medical choices?
Car insurance is cheaper with a smaller engine right?
I've been thinking about getting a Corsa, which I think could save alot on Car Insurance due to it having a smaller engine. Anyone with a Corsa know how much it roughly costs, I'm 18 and hoping to pass my test later this month.""
How much does car insurance cost.?
I am 18 and ready to get my drivers license but how much does car insurance cost per month on average.?
California people! who knows about teenage insurance prices?
I am moving from nc to california. i pay $150 every month for my insurance and i am 18. soon to be 19, iv been insured sense Nov 2010 any ideas on how much it would be for me in Cali? thanks :)""
""In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
In your opinion, who has the cheapest automobile insurance?""
Health Insurance - Early Retirees?
Does anyone buy their own health insurance? What is the rate usually for a 62 yr old individual plan? I have gotten 227/mo to as high as 969/mo. How to know if its a scam, too good to be true or a rip off? Thanks for helping. Is Aetna real? I rec'd calls from a broker underwriting with Aetna and worry that those prices of 227/mo were so affordable it must be a scam right? I would love to know what a normal price per month for health insurance is, with no employer involved, however earns too much to qualify for affordable coverage. This is NYS if that matters.""
Where can I find an affordable party hall in brooklyn for less than $2500?
I want to plan a surprise 21st birthday party. So far, I haven't been able to find anything for less than $2500 for less than 100 people. Can anybody please help!!!!!""
Which health insurance company in Florida is best at filling prescriptions using there mail order pharmacy?
I'm in the process of buying health insurance n making sure I'm able to mail my presriptions every month to there pharmacy and getting them filled and sent back to me within a reasonable time is something I will need so I am wondering which company is best at this when it comes to how soon u will get them and how hard it is to set up your scripts especially certain ones u take every day but can only get a 30day supply like for my adderall which ive been on since i was a kid but i have 5 kids of my own now n lately I'm having trouble filling locally n hope I won't have the same problem when mailing them
Which car is the most reliable? and insurance wise.?
03 Infiniti g35 coupe. 05 mazda rx8. 05 Audi a4. 05 Acura tl. Nissan 350z. 05 cadillac sts. 03 bmw 3 series. 05 nissan maxima. 06 subaru wrx impreza and legacy. 05 ford mustang. Also add which one is insurance wise cheaper if you can.
Switching to liability only car insurance?
Hi. I just moved to a new state with ridiculously high car insurance rates. My new rates are nearly double what I paid in my old residency. If I switch my coverage from full coverage, to liability only, how much would I save (approximately?) I currently pay nearly $230 a month on car insurance for full coverage. About how much would liability only be?""
Are online insurance quotes secure?
they want us to submit a lot of info inclusing social sercurity number, i am afraid they can misuse the information , are my fears legitimate""
Are there any insurance companies that offer discounts for drivers of hybrid cars?
I know Traveler's does but their rates are really high to start with, so 10% off that is actually a ton more expensive than my regular insurance. I'm looking to insure a 2005 civic hybrid. (which for fair note I love!) Thanks in advance!""
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
Humeston Iowa Cheap car insurance quotes zip 50123
0 notes
How much will my auto insurance cost?
"How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What's the cheapest car insurance company you have found??
I just bought a new car--now comes full coverage & plates. It's a 2003 Mazda w/ 18,000 miles. Does the year or the mileage make insurance or plates higher? Do they request tickets for the last 3 or 5 years? You have to have full coverage when making payments right? I'm thinking Geico is the cheapest I've found so far?""
Car Insurance Cost Estimate (UK)?
Iam 21 and 22 this year, i want to know an estimate car insurance cost for any car for a new driver, note i have passed my driving test a few years ago should be around 18, but i didnt really need a car back then. if Sum1 knows roughly how much i should be paying for car insurance please post here. i dont mind having the lowest benefits etc... just want a cheapest price estimate.""
Does anybody have a clue if car insurance in florida in cheaper?
I'm 19 looking to get a camaro in Florida
How much would it cost me to get motor bike insurance?
I am thinking of getting a motor bike since the cost of insuring a car is just too high. I'm 18 and male and was wondering roughly how much I could expect to pay for insurance on a 125cc if I do my CBT. Oh and I live in the Uk... which will hike the price up a bit
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?
How much does a broken wrist cost after insurance?
I have a paper from school and in it I must in include all details of a situation. My story line includes a child breaking their wrist. I was wonder what someone would have to pay after insurance? If you could help me be detailed as much as possible like how much would it be for like x rays, doctor visits, medicine, etc. I've never broken anything so Im a bit lost. Even just a average estimate would be appreciated.""
""How much tax does the American person, family pay per week with income and sales tax?""
Feel Free to add in Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car and Health tax""
Insurance totalling my car looks suspicious?
At this point I regret making a claim and wish i could turn back the clock. I am being forced into a box and it looks shady. Three weeks ago my 2005 Cadillac STS was involved in a parking lot flood where the water rose and filled the floors of my car by about 4 inches. All us neighbors had cleaning parties using a wet vac and baking and toweling are cars in the sun over the next few days letting our vehicles dry out. On my car everything works like a dream as it did before with the exception of a 'check stability control' notice that comes on when I start the car. I have been driving the car fine since the flood and decided maybe I should make a claim to fix this error that pops up on the dash when i start the car. From the time I dropped it off at the dealer it has been all negative. Right away the dealer was negative and telling me it's the end of the world with my car, everything is ruined and it will probably be a total loss. He got the adjuster for my insurance company out there and it looks like it will be put in to the total loss category. No i am just asking the insurance company to forget everything and drop the claim because the damage is not that extreme and i dont want to lose my car. I am told at this point it is too late. Is that true? My neighbors are floored by this, i have been driving it around for a few weeks just fine and the car still looks new With only 62000 miles on it. I can't help from thinking that something suspicious is going on here. Do they stand to make a nice profit by totalling my vehicle and then replacing one module for a 1000 or so and having a perfect car with all systems working? Also the lady from the claims office said the car had to be 80% damaged for it to be a total loss. I asked her if this was based on speculative problems that they think may occur in the future because of the water, or based on actual damage now? She said it had to be actual damage now but couldn't give me any details from the adjuster yet. Can I demand that the adjuster list everything that he thinks has been damaged to my car (which I am convinced he will have to be creative to do so)? The car as i said drives wonderful, I checked the fluids on my own (fine), and the car looks new. Do I have any recourse here? I just want the car fixed for the one problem, i dont want to lose the car, and at this point I don't even care about having insurance fix the one problem, but again I am told it is too late to go backwards and drop this entire issue. I almost have an inclination to report this because it looks so shady. No reasonable person would look at, and drive this car and consider it a total loss. What is the agenda of the insurance company and cadillac dealer here? Something smells foul with this situation.""
Do I need car insurance to register an overdue car?
I missed my registration date for my car and it doesn't have any insurance. Do I need to get insurance before they will let me register the car? I live in Fresno, California. I want to get it registered to sell it through craigslist, if that matters.""
Are there deals in car insurance if someone parents are divorced?
and he/she technically only lives with one parent?
COBRA Health Insurance Florida?
Where can I find a cheaper health insurance plan to replace my COBRA health insurance offered by my former employer?
Insurance for 18yr old ?
Well.. im just wondering how much it would cost/estimate for me to get fully insured on a 1.8 Astra Sri Xp (3dr) 57 plate.. i know its going to be quite alot but i want to know a round about price and make sure its not ridiculously high before i buy it off of my mum. thanks in advance:)
Add a person without valid Drivers License to my car insurance?
In the state of Kentucky, is it possible to add somebody to my car insurance policy if that person doesn't have a valid drivers license? The reason I'm asking is because my mother in law financed a car for me but doesn't have a drivers license. But according to state law, she needs to have insurance. Thanks""
Cheap car insurance?
Cheap car insurance?
Teen car insurance cost?
Hi! I was wondering what some of you think a 6-month insurance policy for a newly licensed 16 yo driver would cost. Area- Rural N. CT. Full coverage on 2007 VW Rabbit and 2000 Ranger. Minimum coverage on 1999 Cadillac STS. Good student discount + drivers ed discount. I'm hoping for the $400 range on a 6 month policy, or $800-900 on a 12 month. Thoughts? Rate testimonials?""
How does motorcycle insurance work?
Okay, I want to finance a motorcycle. I understand that by financing you have to have full coverage until it's paid off. But my question is, do you need to buy the insurance and have it already before going to buy the bike? Or can you go buy the bike, and ride it home, THEN get the insurance for it? Or do you have to haul it home if you don't have the insurance working yet? How does this work? Thanks a bunch!""
How much would insurance be for a young person with a luxury car?
I was wondering if there's anyone (preferably a lady) between 22-25 who has a luxury car like a Jaguar, BMW or an Audi, and how much you pay for insurance. I'm 23 & looking to buy an Audi A4 or a BMW 3 series (second hand). So just wanted to know if theres anyone else out there with those cars :) thanks in advance x""
Will my insurance go lower if i buy a older car?
I currently drive a 2003 honda civic coupe and i was wondering if the insurance will be cheaper if i traded it in for a 1998 maxima sedan?
Car insurance for new driver?
i'm looking to get my G2 tomorrow. i'm unsure what to do about insurance. i'm 17 and currently living with my mom, and often driving her vehicle. i'm planing on getting my own car soon though. do i have to go under her insurance? or do i have to go on my own?""
Whats the cheapest car insurance arround at the mo?
have had loads of different quotes...
Should i go through insurance?
Some guy jumped on and dented my hood. Its gonna cost $900.00. He is t paying. I filed a police report and will file charges. Two witnesses no video tape etc. Should i file with my insurance and pay the $500 deductible or just pay it all? Im scared that my insurance will skyrocker and it wont be worth it.
About how much per month would insurance for a sub shop/pizza place cost an owner?
Doing research in attempt to know how much it will take to get a small sub shop off the ground. A big question is insurance. In this day in age, I would hate to be sued by someone who slips outside and falls. I will be renting the property from a local land owner. The building is 1,000 square feet, small joint. What is a general range of which I might in liability insurance for my business? Located in ohio small town.""
I am purchasing a house this month and trying to get an IDEA on how much my home owners insurance will run me, however I have a rottweiler ( obedience trained, no attack training) and several insurance companies have out right told me they do not write policies for owners with rottweilers... any one know of a company that will cover me? and Not charge me an arm and a leg??""
Next to oil and gas prices are car insurance prices too high anyone agree?
Whats the deal the government wants everyone to participate in paying for auto insurance yet the prices are rediculous what happened to buying a car and registering it thats it? Does the government think about Americans servival aside from gas, food, children, mortgage blah blah blah............. or do people vote for laws blind folded????""
Car Insurance?
Okay so I'm sixteen and I got my license about two months ago. But I haven't been allowed to drive yet because I don't have car insurance. Is it really illegal to drive without car insurance?
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
Why are drivers often required to carry car insurance even if their cars aren't worth much?
I want to know why a driver has to have car insurance if the car isn't worth much. You know like a old car from way back in the day?
Insurance on a Motorcycle.?
I am 16 and I am wanting to purchase an '08 250 Ninja. What would I expect to pay every year in insurance? I live in MS if that would make a difference in insurance.
""Just moved into small block of flats,and changing car insurance.?""
Just moved into small block of flats,and changing car insurance. Car is in a brick build car port under the building but shared with another car and among other shared car ports, is this then quoted as being in a car park, unlocked compound or car port?""
Pregnancy and insurance?
I am five weeks pregnant and do not have any insurance. I cannot afford too expensive insurance. Is there any other option for low-cost coverage during pregnancy? Does anybody know what kind benefits California state offer? I live a few years in the United States, so I am not familiar with types insurance. Thank you for any suggestions and help.""
Will I get a cheaper car insurance after this?
I never bought car insurance before and the cheapest I could find was 1566 for 6 months which is a lot compared to a lot of people I know. When I'm done with this policy, will I probably get a better priced policy when I apply? Im 19 and single, but Ive been driving for 2 years and never been in a crash. I was hoping military discount would be a lot more... $260 a month is not going to cut it.""
Should my wife and I have to pay for your health insurance?
With my royalty checks, my wife's salary and bonus package (she is a Pharm D and a senior Vp at a large nationwide pharmacy retailer) we earn more than 250K a year and are considered Rich by Obama standards .We just paid off our student loans a couple of years ago. We live in a house well within our means, we have three children who we would like to put through University without them incurring debt like we had to. We save, have to drive older models cars and we have a very good but expensive health care plan. Basically we just made it we are in our mid forties. I mean I just got the breaks in my career that I have worked hard through lean years for. My wife was promoted two years ago. Why should we have to pay higher premiums in a national health system for the same coverage of someone else? Why would we be taxed more for earning more? We lived within our means, we don't carry credit card debt, w live in a 2700 sq ft house ( not huge by any standards). If we have to pay even higher taxes and even higher insurance premiums, then we will have to wait to retire three extra years ( or more) Why do we get punished for being industrious?""
""Excluding insurance prices, which car would be the cheapest to run: impreza wrx (2006-2088), Civic Type R EP3?""
I'm about to purchase a little sports car to treat myself. I was wondering if you could tell me which of these 2 cars would be the cheapest to run (fuel costs, tyres, parts etc) If anyone has an any other car suggestions with a similar amount of power and specs please feel free to suggest. Cheers""
Individual health insurance?
Can you buy two individual health insurance plans? Can you have more than one Health Insurance Plan for your self? I have to buy my own insurance, but even the best individual insurance is crappy and I wanted to now if people ever buy two insurance plans? The insurance i have now only lets me see the doctor twice a year. If I got another insurance plan would it pick up where the other left off?""
Will alloy wheels effect my insurance and in what ways?
I'm 18 and just bought my first car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It came with wheel trims, and ideally I want alloy wheels: but if it's going to put a lot on my insurance then it might not be worth it. They would be after-market alloys, and the same size as the current wheels. I'm currently paying 2,000 for my car insurance: how much would somebody estimate the new wheels increasing my insurance. Many thanks!""
How much does car insurance cost for a 19 year old girl?
Living in South Jersey. 2 years with a license. No accidents/ tickets. GPA 3.0+. Good credit score. For a used car newer than 2003. I just need a rough estimate. I don't want some insurance agent to call me for an quote or get random e-mails from insurance companies, right now before I buy a car.""
Pulled over with expired car insurance.?
I was pulled over and asked for my car insurance.It turns out it was expired.I didn't notice since I have been up to date with my payments every month and the insurance company never contacted me to remind me. My insurance expired in September. I got a ticket for it. is there something I can do? even if it expired, does it still matter that I kept paying it?""
Disadvantages of insurance?
Can any one kindly list the disadvantages of Insurance? or give the link of website?
Car insurance for a 16 year old?
I am getting my g2 (I'm in Ontario) soon, and would like to purchase my own car. I can go through my parents insurance, but I couldn't be a secondary driver as there would be 3 cars in the house. Could I put it under my grandfathers name and be a secondary driver? Or just get insurance by myself? How much should I expect to pay? I have done drivers ed if that helps. Thanks !""
What is Private Health Insurance?
My work provides me with insurance that covers medical and some RX. Is this considered Private insurance? Or is Private insurance when you go and purchase the insurance on your own?
Question about car insurance? (Progressive)?
So I am 19 and currently on my parents car insurance plan still. When I moved out the first time they put a hold on my car insurance because I didn't feel the need to have a car while living downtown. I moved back in with my parents for a few months to look for a new place and I got back on the insurance and now I am about to move out again permanently back to the city but this time I want to take my car with me. I will be changing my primary address and getting a new drivers license for that state (My family is in Indiana and I am moving back to Chicago). I will be going to school full time in that state as well as living there so my question is... does anyone know if I can stay on my parents car insurance if I am no longer living in their home/state?
Car Accident - Auto insurance Question?
Today I was involved in a horrible collision. Car made a complete stop put hazard lights on, I made a complete stop at a reasonable distance however 15 seconds after I stopped I look at the mirror and a taxi van cab slams right into me my car goes flying forward hits the truck infront of me and bounces back, air bag goes off . Long story short I'm in horrible pain and have evident bruises . Police arrived filled out reports. The man that hit me was found at fault for both collisions. So my major concern is : I called my insurance company , made the claim they took down all the info but at the end of the conversation she told me that if I don't have full coverage I'm out of luck then she asked me if I do which I don't remember . So I'm taking a look at my policy contract and I don't see anywhere where it says full coverage ... I think it is full coverage since my car was being financed. All it basically says on the contract is liability limit $ 1 000, 000 So if they write off my car what happens next?""
Motorcycle insurance question?
Hey, I dropped my motorcycle on the right side yesterday during a turn. It's a 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Two pieces of fairing were damaged pretty badly (right side and front piece). I just got insurance the day of the drop (before dropping it). Will insurance cover the damage? Also is it even worth getting them involved? I already have very very high insurance ($400 a month for a Honda Odyssey) due to previous car accident. I don't want to get any more things on my record. Will my insurance go up if I call them? The replacement fairings will cost me $560 out my pocket. I have a $250 deductible on the bike. So I would save about $300. Is it worth it?""
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much would the average price for a male at the age of 20 to have full coverage car insurance?
How much will my insurance go up after a DUI??
I got a D.U.I. and i am going to get my license back soon and i am wondering how much my insurance will be compared to before.
Visitors in USA - no medical insurance?
I have my parents visiting me from abroad and my father needs to go see a Doctor immediately for Heart Condition. He does not have any insurance in US. What can we do? Are the hospitals OBLIGED to see any patient, regardless of coverage? Will I get roped into the whole process? Please guide.""
Car Insurance - Do I have to pay it all at once?
It's that time...I'm looking at cars. But as a student, I'm trying to keep costs low because currently I don't have tons of money. What I'm wondering is, for the car insurance, do I have to pay it all at one time or could I pay it in monthly installments?""
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
Do you think abortions should be payed by Medicaid or insurance?
How much will insurance rates go up for hitting a parked car?
I accidentally hit a parked car and there is a lot of damage to my car (paint, door won't open) and minimal damage to the other owner's car (slight tear on rubber bumper) how much will my rates rise?""
Insurance on a Mitsubishi Eclipse?
Hey. Im looking at a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and i was curious as to how much the insurance could possibly be? Im also looking at a 1998 one. Im a 16 year old , female w/ progressive.""
What's the best option for changing cars and insurance?
Ok so I got my Service/MOT, Insurance and Road tax at the end of the month, I've been driving for 1 year now and touch wood I wont crash by the end of the month to get my 1st year no claims. I currently have a Renault clio 1.2 However in about 6 months I would like to change to a Audi A3 1.6 as my insurance will be cheaper with the 1 year no claims. (Had to get a 1.2 for the 1st year as Insurance would be crazy) I am currently getting quotes from Admiral and Diamond insurance for a annual fee of about 670 or Monthly installments that come to 1000, so Ideally I will just pay the full year off. But as I said in 6 months ill change cars and by the time Ill sell and buy a new car there could be 2 months where I'm not even driving, and don't want to pay for insurance for not even driving about. I can't find on these dam insurance sites about if i can put my insurance on hold (Admiral). Not sure if I will get charged if I put it on hold or not, as all these insurance company's are very sligh. and Should I pay the Road tax for the whole year or just the 6 months? Also what's the best place to buy/sell cars? ebay / auto trader? (I bought mine from the Motorline Renault garage)""
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
How much does it cost to repair a small dent?And also insurance question/?
well i have two questions... how much does it cost to fix a small dent maybe 8 inches in diameter no paint scratches. Im really mad this happened to me this guy who is a complete jerk said i hit his car which i did but he claims it was in the back of his car where the dent is located but i barely tapped it on the front door not the back while i was trying to get out of some dudes parking spot. Also my other question is will insurance cover it if insurance is under my dads name but the car is under my name? we live in evansville indiana. and i think it is farmers insurance.
Is having health insurance and Homeowner's insurance a sin in Islam?
In the US, Obama just passed his new healthcare bill that requires all Americans to get health insurance, and fines them a penalty if they refuse - but Muslims are exempt from this because they said that having health insurance is not allowed in Islam. Is that true? If so, what do you do when you get sick....how do you pay for the medical treatment? Also, the news mentioned that having homeowner's insurance isn't allowed either...but here in the US, you can't get a mortgage unless you get homeowner's insurance. I mean, if you didn't have it, and say, your house burned down, you would loose everything. Do most Muslims who live in the US have insurance anyway, even if it isn't allowed?""
Liability insurance rates?
I am trying to figure out what it will cost me to have liability insurance on my company. I am the only employee. I only need it to setup a stand on occasion at different locations. I don't know what a general rate would be, so if anyone could give me an idea, that would be great.""
""Which car would you prefer? 2006 Volkswagen rabbit, 2006 toyota corolla, or a 2006 honda civic?
which do u think would be a suitable car for a university student and cheap on insurance and gas.
Need help with insurance?
ok im getting my first car and im 17...i live with my mom and step dad. my mom cant get a licence because she has seizures and my step dad cant get his back until next year. since im under eighteen can i get my own insurance or do i have to be put on someone elses and if not will it cost a lot since im a new driver and a teenager? please help!
""What are my options for car insurance, being a US resident who is taking classes in British Columbia?""
I am a student at Trinity Western University in BC, Canada. My current car insurance company will only cover me through March since I am in Canada and I am finding it hard to find an insurance company that will cover me. I am trying to avoid at all cost having to get the government-issued BC car insurance because I probably wouldn't be able to afford school (it is ridiculously expensive). Anyone have any ideas?""
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old?
Hi, I have just passed my driving test and need to insure my car. When I had a provisional licence, my insurance was 550 a year, but now the cheapest I can find is 1850 a year now I have passed! The insurance company I was with only covers learners. Anyone know where I can get cheap insurance? I have tried all the comparison sites. Should my dad insure it and put me on as a driver? Thank you.""
How can I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2010 Chevy cobalt LT. I pay $420 a month for insurance! I understand I'm 21, and it's a sports car. But I've been driving for 5 years, I've never got in a crash nor gotten any tickets. Why could this be? I know lots of younger people with much more expensive cars but they don't pay nearly as much.""
MG ZR 1.4 Car Insurance for 18 years old boy?
Hello Im 18 years old just passed my Test. My dad have MG ZR 1.4, his insurance ends in september and he would liekl to add me to his insurance, can he add me only for that couple of months? Does any one know any good insurance companie that is cheap and how much it cost to insure me for that 5-6 months ?. Thanks!""
How can our teen get health insurance in California?
He's 19 and a part-time student. so he no longer qualifies for our Kaiser Permanente coverage. We seemed to have missed the deadline to cover him by COBRA. In a few months he'll be taking full-time classes again, so he can go back into Kaiser, but knowing him he'll catch the flu or Dutch Elm Disease or something just to bug me. Is there any affordable way to get him covered for the next few months? Would he qualify for Medi-Cal (Medicaid)?""
Do you need car insurance to visit on a army base?
Well I am going to visit my friend on the Fort Lewis, Washington army base. and he is saying I need car insurance? Well my coworker said no but if you do get pulled over on base without car insurance the ticket is double. So do I need it to go on base? I will only be there for three days. Thanks.""
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
Where i can i find affordable eye insurance? is it worth paying monthly in comparison to the $$ at checkout?
Rough estimate of my car insurance cost?
24 year old male, no accidents/tickets, 2010 bmw 3-series or 2010 audi A4 With that in mind, what's a rough estimate of what the car insurance would cost?""
Health insurance question?
I would like to go to the doctor but i don't want my parents to know about it. i have an insurance from my father's work. Will they know about me going to the doctor, since i will use the family's insurance?""
Do I need to add my unborn baby to my health insurance before I deliver?
I'm not due until May 19 but I read in a book that if you choose to add your unborn child to your health insurance, you can. But no one can tell me for sure if I need too. Open enrollment for my insurance isn't until September of next year, after my baby is born. What do I need to do?""
""Before Obamacare, my health insurance premiums were stable...?""
...this year they went up 17%. How can this be, if Obamacare was supposed to make everything more affordable?""
Good Student Discount Auto Insurance?
I have a 3.6 GPA. My grade is A average, but one of my quarter grade was a C, but the final semester came out as a B. Well, anyways, do we just send them the report card that we got or do we have to get the sealed one from school? Thanks! Thanks again!""
How much would insurance be on a honda cbr 125?
I'm 17, had one year on a bike with no claims and want to get a 125 cc. Heard that the Honda cbr is a good bike to get but I've been told they're expensive to insure. would go on the comparison sites but they take ages then send you a load of spam! so anyone know how much it would cost for third party only? the bike I'm looking at is a 2006.""
Best Insurance Price I Could Get?
I'm looking at buying my first own car in the next few months/year. I'm currently 17 but will be 18 soon, straight-A student, looking at a 1999 Toyota 4Runner Limited 4WD. Progressive quoted me $147, which seems ludicrous to me (they'll have the value of my car in less than four years!), but I know I'm young - and young drivers get in a lot of wrecks. I'd just like to know what you all think is the best affordable insurance company that still offers pretty good coverage, and if there's anything I can do to further lower my price besides good student and safe driver discounts.""
How much would a $500K life insurance policy cost?
I am a healthy 32 year old female.
Thinking of getting a car on finance?
im thinking of selling my car and getting a car on finance its 1,000 deposit and 125 a month gor 2 years and i will get a 10reg peugeot 107 but my only question is, is car insurance included? cheers""
Which insurance company is the cheapest for a young female?
This is for a car, and i was thinking about sharing with my mum on her vehicle ( a rav 4, 1400cc, 4x4 ) Don't know if that will help/make a difference, but any help from you would be greatly appreciated, Thanks [=""
Pay Monthly Cars and Car Insurance Package?
Hi does anyone know of any UK Company that offer a new car and car insurance combined into 1 monthly payment? I know of Young Marmalade but I would like to see if there are any other good and cheap companies out there. Thanks
Does anyone offer classic insurance coverage for young drivers?
My son is 17 and soon to be 18. He has a modified restored vehicle and I have not found anyone that will provide insurance due to his age.
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
Car Insurance Question?
Hi, im 16 and 17 in August living in Ireland, and i'm thinking of buying either a Honda Civic 1999-2001 or a Honda integra 1998-2001 aswell, i'm a guy and i'm wondering how much it'll cost to insure either one of them, and also what car is better""
I want a baby but don't have insurance?
My husband and I just got a new apartment and then got married courthouse style. We have both decided that we want a baby soon but right now we don't have insurance. Is there any cheap option that would cover the entire pregnancy?
About car insurance and the laws on it?
i just want to know if a car is insured but the driver of that car is not in the policy .. do i still get ticketed for not having the car insured? I don't know if i'm making sense.but let me explain .my car is insured fully covered but my daughter was driving it and got stopped by the police.and he claimed that my car was not insured. i called my insurance carrier and was told that it was because my daughter was not on the policy. I always assumed that as long as the car was insured it did nt matter who drove it. provided an accident was not involved. please help me on this. as soon as possible
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Who has the lowest price on car insurance? Please tell me how much you pay and your coverage limits?
Im 17 and getting my liscense soon how much will car insurance be 4 me with a used car that will b in my name?
I will be getting my drives liscense soon and my parents are putting limits to where i can drive and when and i wont be able to drive it when ever i would like, how much is car insurence gonna be with me for a used car that will be in my name ?""
What are the upsides/downsides to a LPG/Autogas conversion.?
With auto gas being roughly 60% of the cost of petrol, investigating a conversation is attractive but not if it is just simply an exchange of costs and the whole deal just is a contra entry. Much lower mpg , increased service costs, insurance, more wear and tear are just some of my thoughts. Also how does auto gas effect performance ? Hence what are your experiences (in the UK please), costs, regrets and pleasures concerning the topic.""
""Best and reliable home ,auto ,life insurance?
bset and reliable home auto insurance
How can I see a cheap doctor w/ no insurance?
I am 23 years old and I don't have insurance. My husband got a huge pay cut and we had to cancel it. We just can't afford it at the moment. However, I am having some serious issues and I really want to see a doctor badly. I am having horrible pains in my hands and the rest of my body and pitting edema in my legs. I don't want to rack up a huge emergency bill, but I can't afford $200 for a doctors visit. Is there ANYWHERE I can go to see a doctor for really cheap??? It's to the point where I can hardly use my hands to even type this and I am scared. Thanks..""
What's the average for insurance for a teenager?
I know that it depends on the make and model of the car, but I just want to know the average price.""
Price of insurance?
I am deciding between a 2001 nissan altima with 58,000 miles and a 2000 nissan maxima with 82,000 miles for my first car. The altima costs $6800 and the maxima costs $7500(it has alloy wheels, leather, sunroof...). I am a 16 year old guy. I got a quote for $1700 a year for insurance on the altima already. How much more would insurance cost on the maxima since it is a v6 and the altima is a 4 cylinder? Thanks for the answers!!""
How much will my insurance cost?
Hi! I'm a new driver and thinking of getting a new honda accord 2013. I'm 20 years old and I'm wondering whats my quota gonna be? thanks!
""How much, on average, would it cost to get a Thyroid Function Test? (No insurance) Info on Hypothyroidism?""
I was told that I might have Hypothyroidism because of my constant low blood pressure & low body temp. I was reading the symptoms and seem to have the following. Poor muscle tone (muscle hypotonia) Fatigue Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold Depression Constipation Muscle cramps and joint pain Arthritis Thin, brittle fingernails Brittle hair Paleness Dry, itchy skin Weight gain Thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows Low basal body temperature Impaired memory Impaired cognitive function (brain fog) and inattentiveness <-all the time now Migraine headache Sluggish reflexes Anxiety/panic attacks <All the time now Increased need for sleep <All the time now Irritability and mood instability <All the time now Decreased sense of taste and smell Depression (Had <that for years and years now) Could it be the depression & Borderline Personality Disorder causing this or thyroid problems causing the Mental issues? Thanks for any info!""
Driving without insurance can I go to jail?
I was caught driving without insurance and expired plates last month. I went to court and I was fined $250. I have not been able to earn that much money and I was wondering if I could be thrown in prison for this. I have court in a week.
What's the best auto insurance?
What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap?
What is the absolute cheapest auto insurance out there?
Where can i get it the cheapest!? online or not. i dont care of all these extra benefits just basic full coverage insurance. I havent picked a car out yet but want to find cheapest first. im 19, male with a few traffic violations. also i am in the military if there are any good sites that have a discount. i have been researching and researching and no luck, please help!""
Where can i get cheap and full coverage auto insurance?any good suggestions?
need full coverage for my car . I am looking around $150.00 a month MAX. Thanks!
Additional insurance?
hi, i have been covered with cigna insurance 80:20 and i ve undergone miscarriage which costed me 2500$ after insurance. now i want to be careful as i am planning to conceive again. i ve listened that there will be additional insurance will helps to cut the cost of delivery. is it true?if it is can anyone of u sugest me the plans?""
What is the cheapest car insurance agency???
What is the cheapest car insurance agency???
Iiability Car Insurance for Adult Children?
Our 26 year old daughter lives in another town. She drives a car that we own. We have her name in our car liability insurance. If she has an accident and it's her fault will it still cover the liability part or could us or she be sued? We live in Texas.
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Where can I find information about female car insurance? Is it really cheaper than for men?
Accept $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep insurance policy?
Hi, I'm wondering whether anyone can help me decide whether it is a better idea to accept a $140K insurance buyout from Ford or keep health insurance. Assume the person in question is 50 years old and in good health. This is a timely question for many auto workers. Any links to more in-depth analysis would be great.""
Car inspection for insurance?
So I hit my friends car and he told me to tell the insurance company someone hit me in a parking lot. If I do that and the insurance company inspects it, will they be able to tell that I hit someone instead of someone hitting me?""
Insurance for a camero?
When I turn 16 or 17 I want to get a car and It will either be a 2012 camero or a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. Since I am young how much will the insurance be for either of the cars?
Cheap Insurance? For Young Driver?
I am looking for a cheap insurance company. I'm 17 and the cheapest quote iv had is around 2100. Anyone no of any cheaper? Thanks.
Car insurance question?
My mom finaced a car for me in Montana its in her name but i pay the car payment. I live in Colorado. even though she has car insurance already on the car in her name... can i get full coverage in Colorado in my name? so say fro example if i crash it The car will still be covered. is that against the law? please help. thanks
How much will my auto insurance cost?
Just bought a new car. im 20 years old and am a student in pennsylvania. iv had two tickets in the past 3 years for going 15 over. my credit score is 700. any guesses?
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