#ANd proceeded to be placed in a single dorm (yay!) with floor bathrooms and no ac and also a Bat infestation apparently?????
sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
You would think disability services would make it Easy to get your accommodations but noooo of Course not
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tako-yutaki · 7 years
Fascade of Lies, Ch 1
Bae Insoo, actually, Bae Insa has been using the identity of her twin brother, who passed away with her parents in an accident, for the past three years. On accident, her name was registered as the one who died. Not having the money or the support to fix it with her grandma ill, she quit her school and decided to make money doing odd jobs under her brother's identity, Insoo.
She got cast on the street for her "flowery" looks by SM. Her thin voice gave off clear notes according to her audition takers. Without an identity to prove, she decided to keep quiet about her gender. The pay was good, and she would get widespread recognition. She was dead in the eyes of people who knew her anyway. This wouldn't backfire, right? Would joining a high profile entertainment company in a facade of lies cost her? What consequences will ensue when she signs up to be part of the globally growing group, NCT? How does trust come into play when the world gets suspicious? 
Her androgynous looks worked on her side when it came to playing up this male role. Insoo's voice, although high, was deep enough to pass as a pre-pubescent boy. It also helped to be flat chested to bind her chest. Dancing required a lot of breathing, so she was thankful that she didn't need to to be too tight. Also, she could be as unruly and messy as she wanted to be as a boy without getting judged. So yay! It was her time to shine.
She told the above things to herself while looking in the mirror. To some degree. She felt scared of getting caught. To another, she felt guilty about lying. Not to one person, but to an enormous amount of individuals.
When she stared at herself in the mirror, all she was the eyes of a girl looking back. The short hair didn't speak back to her as a boy. The flat chest didn't either. These characteristics have somehow passed through the rest. I guess people do believe in what they want to believe.
Insoo hoped that this long term profession of being a liar would sink into her and make her feel that she, in fact, was her long lost brother. At least, this would keep her guilt at bay.
A knock on the door snatched her attention away from her thoughts, "Insoo, there is a long line of people out here!" she heard Taeyong voice along with Yuta's, "stop hogging the bathroom!"
In a hurry, she patted her chest, just to make sure her binder was secure before opening the door and stepping out.
"We're all late now because of you," Yuta thundered as Taeyong entered the room and locked it.
"You should have woken up earlier," Insoo spoke back with snark, heading into her room that she shared with Johnny and Jaehyun.
Upon entering, her senses caught up to a pleasant smell, signalling that Jaehyun had once again lit a candle. Sighing, she walked up to where it was, "Jaehyun, don't go to sleep with the candle lit. We're all going to be dead because of you!" she said blowing out the fire, and continuing "Just get a scent diffuser or something instead, please."
"When there are scented oils in as much variety as the candles, let me know," the younger said, lighting the candle once again.
Insoo threw her wet towel onto a chair after rolling her eyes at the younger. She walked into the closet, rummaging to find a shirt that didn't make her look like she hadn't left the dorm in weeks.
"I heard your radio show last night," she informed casually to fix the silence that was in the air.
Jaehyun was scrolling down his social media as he asked, "What did you think?"
"I believe you have become better at saying your cringe-worthy lines."
The boy chuckled before answered, "NCT Cringe is a real thing on that show."
Just then, Johnny strutted into the room, "Jaehyun, you won't get up? We have to be out in fifteen minutes."
Taking the chance of them talking, Insoo closed the door to their walk-in closet and proceeded to change. She stood right next to the door as a precaution since it didn't lock. With the binder already in place, it was only a matter of pulling up her skinny black jeans and throwing on the gray shirt.
"Is that my shirt?" Johnny asked as soon as she stepped out.
"No, it is mine," Insoo replied, possessively.
"Pretty sure it's mine," the boys spoke back, taking a step in his direction. Insoo wondered what would be less suspicious, stepping back or holding her ground.
"It looks good on you, so keep it."
"I'm keeping it because it's mine," she informed him sternly, slipping past to grab her bag.
She made sure to blow out Jaehyun's candle before exiting the room. No matter how many times she has been proven wrong, she still couldn't bring herself to trust them, especially around a fire.It was probably a reflection of herself. She wouldn't put her confidence in herself if even worse came to worst. She is where she is, all because of a fire. The flame just reminds her again that she is in fact, a fraud, a liar, a cheat and a person just waiting to get caught.
Being an idol was a long term commitment. Her aunt had warned her about it when she discussed her situation. She told her not to do it, but Insoo hadn't listened.
It was my brother's dream to be a celebrity. I am honoring him by living his dream. She told herself before stepping into the living room.
"Insoo, they are saying you use the bathroom for too long," the manager spoke just as he sat down to eat breakfast.
"If it were once or twice, it wouldn't be a big deal. Insoo, you do this every single day!"
"Are you accusing me of right now, Nakamoto Yuta?" she glared at the said boy, putting her spoon down in annoyance.
"No one is blaming anyone. With the promotions coming up, let's just have a ten-minute bathroom rule," the manager reasoned, putting a hand on Insoo's shoulder to calm her.
"Fine!" she agreed aloud.
"You two," the manager continued referring to Yuta and Insoo, "don't start the day being angry at each other. Makeup before your attitude affects team morale."
There was an extended silence which seemed to last for hours once the manager had left to get the car.
"Come on, makeup," Doyoung who was watching all of it unfold urged.
"I did nothing wrong," Insoo said.
"Me either. There is nothing to be sorry about," Yuta responded right after.
"Apology accepted."
"I didn't apologize."
"You said the sorry word."
"I accept your apology."
"That's not it."
"It is. You said it!"
Before they knew it, the were back to being "friends" again. Doyoung sat back and watched them bicker over this, proud of his work as a leader in the art of mending friendships.
"My eyes hurt," one of the youngest members complained, resting their head on Insoo's shoulder. It was probably Donghyuck, but the girl couldn't be bothered to check. Her head was resting on Doyoung who sat on the other side of her. The cascade of sleepy heads continued until only the manager and Johnny were the ones up.
It was too early for anyone's liking, but they had to practice. NCT-127's comeback was all prepared. The song, the choreography, the music video, the scheduled promotions, it was all there, yet there was no time to rest. Practice makes perfect, and their goal was perfection.
"Zero mile is so much better than cherry bomb," Insoo heard their manager speaking to Johnny, "You guys were made for cute and casual performances in my opinion."
"Really?" Johnny asked, continuing the conversation.
"Well, I guess not. Some people fit the concept better than the rest. Winwin, Taeil, Haechan, Insoo, they all fit the cute concept well."
Insoo was too deep in her sleep to hear the rest of what was exchanged in that conversation.
"We're here," the manager announced, pulling the van up to the building. Taeyong was the first to wake up, and Insoo was the last.
"I'm up," she whined when Doyoung wouldn't stop shaking her.
She grabbed her back, and jumped out, exiting the care. She smiled at the fans who were waiting in front of the building but followed her members inside.
"You guys have to master zero mile soon! Once the teasers start coming out, time will fly," the manager motivated them before leaving the practice room. Probably to find an empty room where he could catch up on some sleep.
"I want to say something," Yuta said aloud, raising his hand as if in a classroom.
"Permission granted," the teacher, Taeyong, laughed as he watched Yuta stand up.
"I think a relaxed mind learns fast, so I propose that we all take a nap before practicing."
"I for one, second that proposal," Insoo said with a glint of mischief in her eyes, laying down on the floor.
"Me too!" Doyoung also played around, stopping his stretches and closing his eyes instead.
Flustered, Taeyong tried to control the situation "No, we have to practice."
When no one responded, he took Insoo's hand and pulled her, in an attempt to make her sit up.
"Fine, you win. We'll stretch," Insoo said, but laid on her back anyway.
"You're not stretching,"
"I am preparing to do crunches," she said, bringing laughter to those that watched.
Realizing that the time to joke was long gone, Yuta offered her a hand that she took as support to stand, "Come on Insoo, let's stretch."
"Weren't you two in a fight?" Jaehyun reminded them from across the room.
Last night, Insoo told everyone about a cheesecake that she has bought and was going to eat it after practice today. Yuta, despite having been there, missed the announcement and ate her previous, triple chocolate cheesecake. When Noah opened the fridge later that night to cheat and eat it, it was gone.
"I mended their friendship," Doyoung said proudly continuing to his stretches.
Once in their little bubble, Yuta finally apologized to her, "I'm sorry about eating the cake, I'll buy you a better one after this practice."
"Don't worry about it; I'm on a diet anyway. Our manager will freak out if he finds out about it."
Insoo always struggled to find a dynamic as part of society. Maybe it was the loss of her immediate family or the loss of her identity that had brought her to do this. Even here, after signing the agreement to be part of this group, she struggled to fit in at times. She knew this was wrong, and that she had to stop. She wanted to stop, but also knew that she'd come too far to confess. If she confessed, there were too many people who she would hurt.
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