sweet-as-kiwis · 1 year
You would think disability services would make it Easy to get your accommodations but noooo of Course not
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Caught
As promised! The next drabble in the series :D (or the next one made in between the series? You guys get it. also thanks @spotaus for the original post which gave me the idea/inspiration to start this whole thing)
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Okay the links should all work now and go to the right places.
Usual warning, unedited and unbeta'ed. We are just here to enjoy our time :D
Cross groans as he leans against a wall and resists the urge to bonk his own skull against it "How can we not have foudn him!?" It has been three weeks of them searching at this point! Which means that Nightmare had been out and about for a month now!
Killer leans against the wall next to him "Chin up Cross. We don't want to make a scene and make people realise something is up."
Cross sighs but pulls away from the wall and pulls himself together. Killer is right, a sentence Cross does not use often, and they need to keep a low profile if they want to find Nightmare wihtout anyone realising it.
Dust joins their side and shakes his skull. Okay. Good news and bad news in one go. Good news, no one seems to have heard or seen anything about Nightmare. Bad news, no one has heard or seen anything about him!
Cross sighs and looks at Dust "Horror?"
Dust shrugs. he must see the unimpressed look on Cross face as Dust seems to think a moment longer "Horror is making a second round. No traces of him foudn just yet. but he wants to be sure."
Cross nods. Horror is by far the best tracker out of the four of them and if Horror can't find anything none of them will.
Killer nods as he pulls out his phone "Okay. this universe was also a burst. We don't need anything right?"
Cross shakes his skull "We got our supplies." which is nice about staying on the move, you can travel very light.
Killer nods as he considers the list he made "Okay. We are still searching for that universe. but we are near a split again. We can either go for the sciency universes or the more magical ones. I think the magical ones will lead to our end goal quicker..."
Cross thinks it over. It would be nice if they get to Dreamtale quickly to make sure Nightmare isn't there. It had been a goal until now and the only reason they had been making small jumps and going from universe to universe is because they wanted to be sure Nightmare wasn't in one of those or anyone heard of what happened.
It had been Horror who had offered that they should check everything. After his own accident and his own magic being difficult he had lost some of his more natural abilities. If Nightmare lost his own magical powers he may also lose his ability to travel through the mulitverse. meaning he could get stranded somewhere.
So they were making tiny jumps to neighbouring universes for now. and checking each one that they stopped it. The job they had with Nightmare is actually very helpful for this and trained them as at this point they are able to search about three universes a day.
They know how each universe is suposed to feel and are able to spot key differences or elements that don't belong thanks to all the exposure they have had. Meaning they should in theory be able to spot Nightmare as soon as they see him. or the traces of him.
Cross is still worried. They all already agreed Nightmare would most likely go back to the way he was before. the tiny skeleton from the storybook. But the image of the babybones with his skull smashed open keeps haunting cross. What if that wound returns as well? Would that mean that Ngihtmare is just somewhere heavily injuried with no help? could that have meant that nightmare just... died?
When Cross first asked Killer about it he had just huffed. said that boss is tougher than they can even imagine. and that if he had already died that Killer doubts the castle or the universe it had been in would have still been as stable as it had been when they visited.
Which, Cross knows Killer is right. Cross had seen what happens to a universe that grows too instable and gets destroyed. He had lived in it.
Still. the worry remains and-
"Nothing." Horror joins them again "where too next?"
Killer looks over at Horror "We are at another branch. Science or magic."
Horror frowns as Dust finally speaks again "Both can be promising or worrying. Both have ways of knowing about the multiverse and them..."
Horror nods "Meaning, which way do we think Nightmare would pick if he had to make small jumps. and which could he get stuck in if a large jump misfired?"
Killer frowns as he looks back at his phone and the copy of the general multiverse map he made. Cross looks over his shoulder and frowns with him. Cross can see what makes Killer hesitant to pick either. both paths look promising.
Dust tilts his skull "Which universes are in both paths? And which is saver for a babybones."
Cross turns to Dust and knows so are Killer and Horror.
Dust rolls his eye lights "We know who he is. He knows that. The multiverse at large? Does not. their story isnt known. either way. If nightmare remembers everything and he is going where we think he is going. He will pick the path off least resistence as he knows he is..." a glance around before softer "fragile. if he does not remember. He will take the path of least resistence because trauma and past injuries. So. Which is safer for a babybones?"
Killer blinks before looking back at his list and removing universes. Most Fell universes go straight out. so fo the Mafia stuff. Blaster AUs are next to go. any Genocide endings are out as well and Killer reconsiders the map.
Killer frowns "There is no clear path anymore. a lot of zigzagging. But! I think i see a path which could be seen as safe." he snorts and wiggles his eyebrows, how he does it Cross never figured out, "We can go by a Lustverse."
Dust looks wholly unimpressed and Horror looks disapproving "Focus. Adn are you sure?"
Killer snorts but nods "Yeah. Lustverse is originally build on having a children wish and that not working correctly or something. I don't remember they details but if they see a child they will 100% protect him." he nods and looks at Cross "Knife ready?"
Cross nods as he pulls out his knife "Where to?"
Killer joins his side "We are going to a pacifist upper tale thing. just aim east and slice and it should connect." Cross does as told and the portal fuzzes for a bit before a clear rift opens. On the other side green grass and sunshine.
Cross waits until the other three entered before looking around them quickly. No one near. good. and he goes in.
Nightmare is not a fan of this.
The market is too open and there are too many people.
Good side about it is though... a lot of them will give you free samples and food if you are a kid.
Nightmare walks around another stand and stops by one with all kinds of fruit. it is a lot harder to look over the edge and see all of it but he makes it work. He still hasn't eaten today and really should.
He can't quite remember how much food he needs and when. For now he just gets food whenever he gets really hungry. Just a tiny snack to keep him going. He had been having meals every day or other day. that is good right?
Sure he feels hungry a lot but that is probably normal. If he ate each time he got hungry he would be eating throughout the day and that just seems like a lot.
Nightmare considers the food and how much gold he still has. He had been lucky so far and hadn't been moving to a new universe yet. He had eben here for three days now instead of his normal two.
"Oh hello again friend!"
Nightmare flinches and has to stop himself from ducking away. He looks up and sees the man behind the stall smiling. "... hello..."
The man grins "Good to see you back again little friend. we had been worried when no one spotted you. Would you like to help me test some of the fruits? I can only sell the best stuff of course!"
Nightmare... knows he is just trying to ease him into accepting it. even though he knows it... it works. his soul swells a bit at the idea of helping and being seen as helpful. Nightmare isn't sure why. Ever since he finished shrinking it has become hard to understand himself.
He looks to the side but nods "okay..."
the man nods and considers the fruit "well. I personally think the grapes may be a bit off." he grabs a cluster of grapes and holds it out.
Nightmare holds his own hands under it and the man releases the grapes, never touching him. which is probably because Nightmare can't stop flinching and backing away when people raise their hands or voices.
Nightmare picks one off and eats it. it tastes so good! Sweet and refreshing. nightmare takes his time to eat the tiny treat before looking back at him "It is good." he holds the grapes back out to give back.
The man nods as he taps his chin "that is good to hear. you mind finishing those all and come back if any of them tasted off? We need a good sample size of the tastetesting." he says it as he calmly places a box full of grape clusters ready for sale.
Ngihtmare immediantly pulls the grape close again and nods "Sure..." he doesn't promise it. He isn't an idiot to make promises to strangers. but this man has never been difficult about him having to pay much more than a taste test. Nightmare figures it is something else pity he just pities him but Nightmare just.. can't focus as easily on those things anymore. it is harder too focus on certain stuff and if he tries to force himself to focus or think certain ways it just causes his skull to ache.
So he tries to stay in the now and reacts and thinks only to what happens or are direct threats.
He walks through the market as he eats his grapes. one by one. enjoying each one.
Nightmare is very disappointed when the cluster is all gone and takes a moment to find a trashcan to throw it away. some woman coo and mutter about such a good mannered child and Nightmare feels himself blush and feels the need to hide. it isn't that big of a deal! H just threw soemthing away! be good for nature and stuff and don't throw it just on the ground!
Nightmare quickly leaves the area and starts to make his way back to where he left his stuff. He needs to relax. maybe he can read his book for a moment and nap.
He walks between people and makes sure to not touch anyone. letting his eye lights look around the crowd.
Then he freezes.
Was that white?
probably not right?
Nightmare still strains his eye lights to search the area he saw it. Then he spots him.
And Nightmare cna see that Cross spotted him at exactly the same time.
Neither of them look away from each other for a moment. Nightmare feels his soul pick up the pace as the need to run rises by the second. It is fine. It is fine! Cross... cross probably doesn't even realise he was here! It is just a coincidence.
Cross turns his skull a tiny bit but his eye lights don't break eye contact. Cross is saying something to someone and Nightmare breaks the eye contact to glace.
That is Killer.
Ngihtmare doesn't think as he turns and runs right into the crowd.
Yup! That is Cross! Nightmar keeps running.
He goes between people and dives under stalls as he uses the crowd for cover. he makes a turn and glances back only to see Cross a lot closer.
He makes another sharp turn and spots an possible escape. He rushes into an alleyway and dives behind a dumpster and stays very quiet.
it only takes a few seconds before he hears running steps. he sees a flash of white between the opening of the dumpster and the wall.
the footsteps don't pause and Cross keeps running.
It takes a while but eventually it goes quiet again.
Nightmare waits for a while longer before wiggling his way out of the enclosed space. he checks the area as he jumps out and goes back into the market. He pulls the hood of the hoody back on and puts his hands into his pockets.
He can't hide the skeleton feet as he isn't wearing socks or shoes but this will have to do for now.
He is such an idiot! He should have kept moving instead of staying in the same universe for so long! Nightmare nods to himself. He will go to his little hidey place. grab his things. and make a jump.
He cuts through the market and finds the building with the empty storage he had taken over. he climbs in through the window and huffs as he lands hard in his little hidey place.
Nightmare leans against the wall and lets out a breath in relieve. okay. he is fine. he is fine. he is-
"Ah!" he gets picked up and is suddenly held back against a much larger form.
"Finally. we have been looking everywhere."
Nightmare freezes because that is Dust. Then he starts to struggle and fight more to be let go.
Dust runs over the roof tops as he easily keeps up with the small form in the market. Cross on the ground not far behind.
To say they are relieved would be an understatement. They had actually found boss.
How is he so tiny? Are all six year olds that tiny? Or is he just that tiny because of... well everything?
Dust isn't sure.
When Cross had frozen they had all turned to him to see what had been wrong. He had motioned that he had found Nightmare. Only for Nightmare to start running.
Which, rude. What the hell Nightmare?
Killer had been quick to step up to the job or right hand and gave them orders. Cross would follow on foot. Dust would go over the rooftops to make sure we didn't lose him. Killer nad Horror would go around the market and go to the other end to corner him if necessary.
Dust watches Nightmare dive into an alleyway and hide. Cross follows the path but once he can't spot Nightmare he keeps running right back out. only a moment later Nightmare comes out of hiding and goes back the way he came.
Dust follows him from the rooftops. making sure to stay quiet as he does so. He does take a moment to take his phone out and text the others that he still has eyes on Nightmare and is following him.
This does imply that Nightmare doesn't remember him. Why else would he freak out at the sight of Cross? Cross of all skeletons?
But if Nightmare doesn't have his memories and only remembers Dream as fellow skeleton... maybe that could explain why he freaked out?
Or it is because all of you betrayed him and he knows you can't be trusted the voice of papyrus is not welcome at the moment.
Dust glares as he keeps following Nightmare "shut up. you don't know shit."
he laughs oh? Cursing already? You will infect your terrible manners unto the tiny babybones. unless of course you just do what you should and kill him.
Dust slowly moves to the next roof "I already told you. I am not killing him."
A huff Then what will you do?! He is useless like this! Offers nothing!
Dust hisses his own answer back "He is a child. He doesn't have to offer anything."
a laugh so now he is a child? While before he was just your weakened boss? Which is is sans?
Dust ignores the ghost as he watches Nightmare disappear into a building. Dust is quick to silently follow him. Nightmare pants as he leans against the wall under the window that Dust is perched on. Dust scans the room before anything else. It is empty and looks old. in the corner he spots a backpack that looks a lot like one of Cross's anime backpacks. it lays on a thin blanket of some kind. otherwise the room is filled with boxes and other junk.
Nightmare looks calm and Dust acts quickly as he scoops Nightmare up as he lands inside the room.
Dust lets out a breath as tension leaves his body "Finally. we have been looking everywhere." They found him. they did it.
Nightmare is frozen for a moment before he starts to wiggle and struggle "let me go!"
Oh fuck that voice is so much higher than before. also shit Ngihtmare is slippery!
Dust groans as he tries to tighten his hold on the small skeleton but he is unsure how to do this without hurting the other. he is so much tinier than he thought he would be. Not to forget most likely much much more fragile. How does he hold Nightmare like this?!
Dust tries to change his handhold but alost drops Ngihtmare "Calm down Nightmare. it is just me." maybe he just didn't recognise him? please remember him.
more laughter What now you are scared he forgot you? Like he ever mattered to you! Hah!
Dust wants to snap at the voice but stops himself. If nightmare really doesn't know who they are than talking out loud to something no one else hears is not the right way to introduce himself.
Nightmare does not stop struggling and Dust keeps having to change his hold on the other.
In the end Dust decides to just sit down under the window and roll up around the tiny babybones- Nightmare. around nightmare. He ahs to remind himself it is Nightmare.
But... nightmare is a babybones now. or was always a babybones.
... mental and moral problem for later with how he will deal with that.
At least Nightmare stopped struggling. instead jjust panting harshly in his hold. No doubt tired from first trying to escape them and then struggling to be freed.
Dust just hugs the other tighter. do not relax his hold and give the other a chance to escape.
He is so tiny! so much lighter than Dust expected him to be. Also thinner as most of his form seems to be just the hoody. Wait that is his old hoody.
Dust isn't sure how to react to this. How to react to the feeling of having this tiny babybones against and with him.
Well good job. you have captured a babybones. are you going to kill him like you killed me? remembering how i was as babyboned never stopped you from killing me after all.
Dust feels his hold tighten on Nightmare. No. he is not going to hurt nightmare. Dust can be a good... a good.. henchman. and henchman help their boss. even if their boss is now tiny and easy to hold and so so thin and feels warm against them and Dust can feel the tiny fragile soul slowly calm down as they are close enough that Dust can feel it pulse and beat in the other.
Dust sighs as he struggles to find words "That is better." he makes sure one of his arms has a tight hold on Ngihtmare before he grabs his phone. He opens the group chat and types a message 'I got him. Just have to get back to you guys. See you outside of town, south side.' and he sends it. only a moment before he gets celebratory emojis back for the news.
Dust puts the phone away and stands "Time to go." he turns to the window.
Nightmare immediantly starts to struggle "no! My stuff!"
Dust frowns down before looking back. It shouldn't matter. They can just grab stuff he wants from other universes and they did that before... then again. If anyone understands how you can unreasonably attached to objects it is Dust, he still has Papyrus' scarf after all.
Dust nods and walks over to the corner of things. He holds one arm around Nightmare, holding him against his shoulder and partly over it. as he packes the stuff laying around with his other hand.
Thin blanket, backpack just holds a book, a lighter, a pocketknife and some gold. Not a lot but if this is all NIghtmare had to make his way through the multiverse for the last month it is all the more impressive.
Dust can't help but ask "Why not take more things?" he finishes packing and puts the backpack on Ngihtmare's back before taking a tight hold on him again as he easily lifts him.
Nightmare grumbles but mutters and answer "Too heavy... travel light and find what you need."
Dust freezes. He hadn't expected an answer. but if... if Ngihtmare answered then... "Ready... to meet up with the others?"
Ngihtmare freezes and wiggles for a moment before going lax with a sigh "you four met back up?"
Dust feels his soul relax. He remembers them. He rememebrs them! Oh this makes everything so much better!
Dust grins as he checks outside the window "Of course." of course they would emet back up to find him. obviously. Now. To get to the tohers and get the hell out of here.
They are going to have to figure out how to manage this child after all.
They had aqcuired the child! now they just need to figure out how to be parents lmao. I am sure they will be fine :) They only lightly traumatized Nightmare here by stalking him, hunting him, intruding on his safe space, and forcefully moving him :D
They are fine you all :D
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
This one was fun to write! so mcuh fun! i love getting them all to interact and do things :D
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thenewdeadseascrolls · 6 months
Judges 6: 28-32. "Baal's Socks."
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Gideon, the Son of Joash, "The Hewer who has grasped the meaning of existence" exceeds his stage as a Jael, "the mountain goat who can do just about anything" and sacrifices it on the altar of Baal, the god on the ground. He destroys the Asherah pole, which is a bundle of all the paradigms we invent to keep us happy, none of which are named in the Torah. "No white after labor Day" is a silly example, as are all the rules of fashion, but we observe them anyway.
Other examples include those that persecute people for how they walk, dress, talk, fuck, marry, work or play, all the "social norms" that prevent knowledge of the Jewish Self are Asherahs and must be discarded. Asherah sticks create the power bases for Baals like the Republicans. So long as society agrees to use non-Jewish rules against the human race, Baals will have power and that is not good.
As the next passage says, the end of an altar to Baal is the beginning of a new kind of altar and there will be others after that.
Altars are used for sacrifices, which are aspects of the Self we know is not good for us, is not working, does not make us happy or is preventing us from moving on. So long as there is delusion about the Self, an altar is present. Once one attains to Ha Shem, no longer needs to make sacrifices to know onself, altars are no longer necessary.
As it says below, challening the might of the Asherah and its masters, the Baals is a necessary feat all Jews must perform. We covered beating the meat, has anything bad every happened as a result? What about accepting Jesus? Or eating pork or shellfish? Which aspects of life are enforced by others but have no ability to liberate the self from undue suffering?
Being Jewish is not a slog through a desert with a bitchy prophet and a menopausal mother in law kind of God. It is not suposed to be a struggle it is supposed to be an effort. Judaism is not a bravery test, it is not an endurance test. There are no mysteries about it that cannot be solved that cannot also be used to solve for the Self.
The moment a person is a hereditary or even an adopted Jew realizes the true purposes of the Torah and the Religion is called the Morning. Waking up in the morning is the same thing as dying the night before during the end of one's struggle to belong to anyone but oneself. More than any other kind of person, a Jew must be successful at this contest:
28 In the morning when the people of the town got up, there was Baal’s altar, demolished, with the Asherah pole beside it cut down and the second bull sacrificed on the newly built altar!
29 They asked each other, “Who did this?”
When they carefully investigated, they were told, “Gideon son of Joash did it.”
30 The people of the town demanded of Joash, “Bring out your son. He must die, because he has broken down Baal’s altar and cut down the Asherah pole beside it.”
31 But Joash replied to the hostile crowd around him, “Are you going to plead Baal’s cause? Are you trying to save him? Whoever fights for him shall be put to death by morning! If Baal really is a god, he can defend himself when someone breaks down his altar.” 
32 So because Gideon broke down Baal’s altar, they gave him the name Jerub-Baal[f] "living inside Baal's sock" that day, saying, “Let Baal contend with him.”
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 28: In the morning when the people of the town got up, there was Baal’s altar, demolished. The Value in Gematria is 10972, י‎טזז‎ ‎, yahtzaz, "Yah will move to the Seventh."
The Second Bull is not enough, we need all Seven.
v. 29: Who did this? The Value in Gematria is 8239, חבגט‎ ‎, habagat, "the baguette."
=go out and learn.
Ha= counsel from God
Gat=the vat
It is very likely we observe the Sacrament with wine and bread because the Gematria for "go out and learn" are the very same terms as "bread and wine." In fact, of this there is no doubt.
30. The people of the town demanded of Joash, "to see God." The Value in Gematria is 8241, חבדא "be sure to use Chabad."
31. He can defend himself. The Value in Gematria is 11422, יאדבב‎ , "kindly yadbab", "Kindly put your hand in your father's."
32. Living inside Baal's sock. During the Passover, one prepares to make an immediate departure from all the causes of delusion and oppression which always come from self-conscription to an Asherah Pole of Baal. There is no cause for freedom so long as a Jew remains conscribed to Baal, "one's husband."
Jewish men are supposed to be brothers during the Passover Seder not husbands. If one is packing one's husband's suitcase full of his socks, like a wife instead of following the Seder with one's brothers, the Seder is not achieved.
The Value in Gematria is 7007, זאֶפֶס‎אֶפֶס, zepesepes, "one tessellation". A tessellation or "surfacing" like tilework in a mosaic is the goal of Passover. The Law says there shall be no oppression on this planet. If some are free and others are oppressed, the Passover remains stuck in the gears of Midnight and we want to make it to the next day. This means the rules or socks that are keeping our feet from being free need to come off.
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lgwifey · 2 years
toxic part three
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90s!liam gallagher x fem!reader
Summary : Airports, waiting and contemplation
Warning : none ?
Bit short but i'm really busy atm, sorry x
part one part two
The press are going to want loads of you and Liam.
Because they didn't already. Because her idea of fun is standing at a freezing cold London airport in a tight top, push up bra, stiff hair and plastered on makeup. Not to mention the pain of smiling.
To say she regretted her only night of fun was the understatement of the century. It was suposed to loosen her up, relax her from what her friends had been calling 'the pressures of life', but it only did the exact opposite. Her concealer was struggling to hide the dark bags which where multipling at an alarming pace underneath her once sparkling y/e/c eyes. Everyone thought it was the job. Even her family had been on the phone to remind her that she didn't need to take as many interviews as she was. No is a full sentence, something she was always told. It's usually to remind people that they don't need to feel pressured into things like agreeing to sex or alcohol but her nana had been telling her that she didn't need to feel pressured into agreeing to press.
Everyone thought it was her job which was drowing her features in depression. It wasn't, but it was.
It was the Liam job.
She would hold back laughter when people would say ' i'm sure your management wouldn't mind you declining one interview. ' because in reality, it wasn't just declining. No, declining an interview was so much more. Declining an interview was a advert for people to critise your every move. If she declined an interview she would be on the bad side of both her and Oasis' management, open to be screamed at.
I bet Liam doesn't let anyone talk down to you.
That had been something else she had to hold in a snicker at.
Liam couldn't give two fucks if she was upset. If anything, he was the one causing the mood.
Her time away from him had only made her more paranoid to be around him. He was going to be angry when he arrived off that plane. He was going to be fuming. And when that flat door closes, anything could happen.
She liked to think that Liam wouldn't go that far.
He'd never actually hit her, punched her or physically caused injury to her. It was more mental. When she came to think of it, he liked the feeling of power. He liked that she was scared of him. He loved that she was scared of him. He could give her a side eye and she'd fulfill his every request, because no matter what tough act she put up to others, Liam always knew she would be to petrified to step a foot out of line with him.
She was like a puppet.
Her eyes focused back on the wall infront of her.
Right, airport. Public. Press.
Her lips jumped back up into their heaty grin and she readjusted her stance.
His plane was to arrive in a minute, he would only take ten minutes maximum. Ten minutes and then she could stop smiling.
She probably stopped smiling whilst she was thinking, she hoped not or she'd be paying for it later. If there was a single ream with a dwindled smile then it would be all over the news, managements would find out and then so would Liam. And then her life would be even more of a hell.
Sometimes she wondered if it would've been a better life if she didn't sign up for junior eurovision. Would she be this miserable if she was back in Ireland, probably on a minimum wage job with a kid or two. Twenty years old, yeah two kids sounded about right. She was surprised she hadn't ended up up the duff as a teenager, then again she was never one to overly sleep around. Most important in this imaginary life, would she be in a happy relationship ? A relationship with someone who didn't make her feel like she was completely and utterly useless. A kind and loving man who wouldn't make her feel like a waste of space. Someone who wouldn't scream 'i have given you everything anyone could ask for' at her is she gave a slight complaint.
Once again, she was pulled into reality, miserable reality. This time by the cameras becoming beserk, when she looked to where they where all now facing, away from her, she found Noel Gallagher dragging a suitcase behind him. Big black sunglasses resting over his, probably nackered or high, eyes. He sent an attempt of a smile to her, which she returned.
Then Liam appeared behind him.
Show time.
She tried to hold back a scowl as two air hostess' disembarked from either arm.
She couldn't be helped by a guy but he was allowed to publically drag two dolled up women about an airport where cameras are purpously placed. Talk about equality.
He walked faster than Noel in general, so it made perfect sence that he arrived infront of her first.
An arm wrapped delicatly around her waist, holding onto the center of her back as he disregarded his suitcase and bag to the side of them and pulled himself down to place a kiss onto her lipglossed lips. If she didn't already know him, she could almost mistake him for being loving.
That was one of the things which confused her with Liam. One second he hated her, she was the worst person in the world because she was such a burden to him and the next he was cuddley and soft and watched her to know he didn't like guys disrespecting her.
He was a walking, talking contradicterary prick.
masterlist / part four
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slasherstuff · 3 years
Tex and Tinker with a S/O that enjoys their quirks
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@callmegkiddo :Hi there! I'm new to your blog, and if you don't mind can I ask the TMC 3 brothers (Bubba can or not be encluded your choice) with an S/o who loves their antics or quirks (like Alfredo being..... Alfredo, Tinker with his fascination towards tech, and Tex's love for texas) you can ignore this if you want. And don't rush! Take your time! 😁
A/n:Yall know I cant leave any of you dissapointed even if it takes time
Tex Sawyer:
🎫 Country boy from an old age,and people assune he dont love texas?His home country? Ridiculous. Says every chance he gets that hes from Texas and has flags in his truck or whatever his room is suposed to be. Like to the point that its a bit unhealthy
🎫 And now he has someone to share his hobby(lets call it that) with? Hes gonna,not to say, fangirl over you can call you his southern babe or some shit because hes like that and we like flirty texas boy headcanon over here.
🎫 Im not gonna say that thats whats gonna save you,because its not,but it kinda rises your chances by like good 30%.Bring a texas flag pin and pin it on him and its gonna drasticly jump tho.
🎫 Long eveninf talks whike he shows you old newspaper of sone bigger events that happened or some smaller ones that he just took a liking tho.Hes gonna find a significant person with the same name as you or that looks like you.
🎫 If theres some kinda festival or carneval(?) that has traditional food,he is definelty gonna take you there.Kill some people,steal some money and but you some corn(idk a thing about texas yall)
Someone please request a fic where tex drives you to some festival.Im really in a mood to write a "Long drive,just you and me an the radio" kind of fic
Tinker Sawyer:
🧨 Tinker being Tinker,likes to think and invent shit that's probably useless but super interesting none the less! And having someone to hold two pieces of metal while he melts them together? Absolutely great!
🧨 The most technology the family uses is using, well you guessed it, a chainsaw and optionally a car. So, having a possible new addition to the family that first of all likes his job and is willing to help and second of all could be useful when it comes to hunting with said new/upgraded inventions? Sign him up
🧨 Just imagine the scenario. His "arm" getting broken and you fixing it with his instructions while he guides your hands with his working one. Meanwhile all you can stare at is those thick arm veins popping up whenever his hand bends a certain way.
🧨 Just the two of you working and laughing late at night, you helping him the most precisely you can while having to stop your entire body from shaking because of how much he's making you laugh..
(i should've become a fan fic and not a headcanon writer lemme tell you)
As for alfredo,what does he even like? Guns? Boobs? (tho I also like boobs, that's not much of an interest)
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
From anon's request: "How would the boys react to see the reader appeared out of no where in the lair. Like there is a portal that open in the middle of the lair and the reader get out of it. They don’t know the reader before. How would they react? You can do separately or all together I don’t mind."
A/N: It got too long, but hope you like it! If you find any mistakes in the paragraphs or do not understand something, feel free to tell me.
They/them pronouns used!
The Guest
It's just another random day in the underground. Eletronic sounds from improvised machines coming from Donnie's computer station, splashing of the waterfall in the enormous main space and a Hip Hop song echoing around, filling the light dump air of the air.
Leo sat on the edge of the platform where he is used to train, a heavy breathe leaving his mouth, exausted by an intensive training session he just had; several drops of sweat slide over his muscled and hot body, clothing showing dark stains here and there as outcome of his effort. But he was satisfied by his well-conclued work. The leader takes a look around to see what is currently happening in his home, as always. Donnie isn't at his computer station or neither his lab. Well, the genius must be doing who knows what somewhere. Leonardo ran his eyes around carefully to find his purple-clad brother and Bingo! Donnie is lying down, using his tablet, on his improvised bed in the giant pipe hole with purple neon wire making a circle around the edge. Rising the corner of his mouth by the view, Leo watched around again to look for his two troublemakers brothers, but couldn't find any of them. Meybe they are distrubing each other somewhere.
Sighing, Leonardo stands and jumped off the platform, walking towards the kitchen area to take a glass of water.
''Eat Me'' red neon sign above the kitchen makes him think of inappropiate things; of course, he tried to change Mikey's mind when the young brother choose it as decoration, but there was nothing the leader could do. Leo is not gonna lie, that sign suits a lot with the kitchen...
Shaking his head to wash the naughty thoughts away and opening the high cabinet door, he picks his favourite blue glass and headed to the fridge. Opening the door he ran his eyes through the small cold space and found the jar water. After pouring the cold liquid into the blue glass, he let's out a relief sigh as brings it to his mouth, finally swallowing the fresh liquid down his throat. His muscles are exausted to continue the intense training, so the blue-clad turtle decided to take a break.
Suddenly a light beam emerged from behind him.
''What the-''
The whole lair vibrated.
He was threw against the cabinets by the shock wave. Groaning, Leo rubs behind his neck; a pair of blue ocean eyes scanned towards to where the defeaning sound came from and saw that there's a thick and dark gray fume hovering in the middle of the big space, spreading around.
"Donnie! You must be careful with your stuff!'' Leo yelled, thinking that this explosion was caused by one of Donnie's inventions.
''It wasn't me, Leo!'' Donnie protested, running beside his brother, who is already in the local of the explosion, trying so hard to see what was demaged.
''What happened?!'' Raphael shouted from a distance with Mikey walking right behind him.
Master Splinter came out of the dojo and gasped while watches the unexpected situation ''Leonardo!'' the old rat called ''Explain what just happaned here. Is everyone okay?''.
''Yes, we are, master. But I don't understand the cause of the explosion. It was so fast.''
''Do not worry, my son. The importand is that no one got hurted.''
Leo sighed relived, placing his hands on each side of his hips and just kept stand there a few seconds, watching everybody disappearing into the dense fume. The brothers walk carefully through it to find a reason of the explosin. But all they can see is the concrete ground was covered with a dark dust, for now.
Raph gasped when see a silhouette a few steps away from him, the arduous smoke difficulting his view.
The silhouette was crouched, its head lowered between its knees, and arms crossed around its body. Raph grabs his both sais and positioned them beside him, ready for the action. He slowly takes steps towards the stranger, being careful to not scare the unexpected guest.
He knew it is not Splinter because that shape is human.
As he aproaches to the mysterious form, Raph noticed that it is a person. ''What ta hell...'' he whispered. ''Hey!'' He called, but you didn't response, keeping your head down between your knees. "Hey!'' Raph called again, but has received no response yet. The brute's yell called the others attention who went quicly beside him, and got surpried by your presence.
''Who is this person?'' Mikey asked, in shock.
''I don't know.'' Leo said as take a few steps closer to you, his eyes watching you form carefully.
Donnie took a few steps foward as well, and pulled his googles down to scan you and adjusted some annulus to have a better view of your vital signals, and kneeled in front of you. ''Hey'' he called, but you kept your head lowered.
The boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
You're so afraid to lift your eyes to see what is happening or where you got. You knew that you're being watched by someone, but a discomfort high-pitched sound disturbs your ears, preventing you to hear them.
Donnie lift his hand and with all careful of the world he touches your shoulder.
You quickly rise your head, and shut your eyes open wide.
Gasping, your breathe got faster as you watch a big humanoid green creature a few inches away right in front of you. Without thinking twice you dragged yourself away from the weird creature who stands quickly and lift his hands in front of him as a peace sign. You could see that it is like a human, but with a green skin and so fucking tall; military green cargo pants, a pair of big boots, suspenders around his... plated chest, and that scary thing he's using above his eyes, or are those literally his eyes?!
"WFT?!" You thought.
"Hey, hey, It's okay!" The purple-clad terrapin said, but all you could see is his mouth moving.
You quickly moved your weak body away from him, but something hits your back, preventing you from escape. Slowly your eyes looked back and chills ran down your spine. A pair of sandals in a feet with two big fingers? Your eyes followed up slowly and saw that it is another creature, but this time it is using black pants over his thighs, something you couldn't describe over his lower legs and nothing on upper body. And... Is it wearing a blue cloth around his eyes?
But, out of all of it, you got surprised of how massive these things are. Where have you arrived? And what kind of aliens are they? Wait, they are aliens, right?
"Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you" Leo said with a comfort voice but you can't hear a single word from him.
You tried to get up and run away but your legs failed, bringing you to the ground. And an excruciating pain started to roll through your legs, making you groan violently.
"Wow, easy!" Donnie shouted "Leo, they're legs are injured! Keep them on the ground or they will hurt themselves even more!".
"Raph, with me!" Leo ordered but his brother didn't even moved; Raph just crossed his arms and shift his wheight from a leg to another. Leo studied your body language, he knew that if he holds you by your legs he would cause more pain on you, so he made a decision to hold you by your arms.
''Hey, hey. Easy'' he tried to grabs your arms but you fought with all your strength to shove his three-fingered hands away. Donnie noticed that Raph doesn't want to collaborate and groaned, walking towards you and kneeling.
Mikey joined his brothers and could finally grabs your arms and laying you down on your back on the ground. Even with a hell of pain you're feeling you moved your legs to kick your immobilizer but the pain hits you so hard, making you're scream.
''We need to calm them down!" Donnie warned.
''And how we're supose to do it? They're freaking out!'' Mikey said, holding you against the ground while Leo keeps his hands on your hips to keep you immobilized.
Donnie has no choice but talk to you.
''Hey'' he carefully lands his hand agaisnt your forehead to call your attention ''I know that you're scared and that you're not understanding what is happening, but you need to calm down''.
You eyes locked with his amber ones.
''Calm down...'' he repeated ''What's your name?''
You didn't get his words and made a question expression, shaking your head from a side to another as a negative response.
''Um... Do you have a name?'' Donnie asked, and quirked a brow ridge.
''I think they're not hearing ya'' Raph opined from behind ''They didn't answer my call when I called them twice in front of them'' Raph continued, shrugging.
''Really?'' Donnie looked back at his red-banded brother.
That's make sense...
Donnie payied back his attention on you. How will he comunicate with you now?
''Can. You. Hear. Me?'' he asked slowly, making sure that his lips are moving for you understand perfectly. Of course, none of them knows language signal, so moving his lips slowly is the only way to make a communication with you. He could see your eyes locked on his lips while he talks, reading carefully each words formed.
You look back at his eyes and nod negatively.
''Oh no...'' Leo murmured.
''Are they deaf?'' Mikey asked.
''I fear...'' Donnie answered, then sighed ''But I'm relieved that they can understand lip reading. Raph" He called, looking back at his brother who was just stand behind him watching you with caution "Can you bring a pen and a paper, or whatever the thing I can write down?"
''Okay." Raph nodded, making a scary and intimidating face without breaking eye contact with you. You knew that the red-clad creature has something negative about you. His deadly stare says everything.
''Hey...'' Donnie called your attention back, and repeated the same exercise as he did to communicate with you ''Keep. Calm. We. Will. Release. You."
You nodded positively.
The boys slowly take their hands off you, waiting if in case you do another resistance or an escape attempt, but you kept layied there, calm.
''I'll need you guys to help me to take them to a confortable place'' Donnie said ''Mikey, I need you to pick them on bridal style. It's the only way to carry them''.
''But how about their legs?'' the young brother questioned, worried about hurting you by accident.
''I guess it will hurt them a bit but... It's the only way. If you lift them just by their arms, they will try to stand instinctively, and it would make them suffer even more''.
"What kind of injury they have on their legs, my son?" Splinter questioned, emerging and walking beside his taller son.
Your eyes went wide.
"I scanned their legs and I found out that they have some brusies and their muscles are demaged. I'm surprised the bones weren't broken." Donnie continued "I'm gonna care their injuries and soon they will walk again. But... I'm not sure when they will be healed a hundred per cent.''
The boys stood around you a minute watching you lay on the ground, thinking and speaking between them about what they must do to help you. And you took it as opportunity to study more carefully their forms. Green skin with scales here and there, tonic muscles on their arms and legs. "Holly fuck shit" you tryied to whisper but your voice cracked, indicating that your vocal chords are very weak as much as your body. For sure that traveling through the portal was pretty bad for you.
Your eyes studied them again and you rise an eyebrow. They're wearing backpacks. Wait, those are not backpacks... are... Shells... Shells?! And why are they're wearing colourful clothes around their eyes? Are they criminals or something?!
Your eyes caught the purple clad creature kneeling beside you again. You are sure that he said something like "alright". He lift his three-fingered hand, approaching it closer to your face and you couldn't help but refuse his touch shifting your head away making Mikey and Leo kneel to hold you still, but this time not too hard as before.
Donnie touches your cheek and sotfly turn your face towards his. "Easy... We. Want. To. Help. You". Then he shares a soft smile.
You have no idea what or who they are, but you knew that whatever they're planning, is for help you. Is for your own healthy and safety. At least, if these massive creatures wanted to harm you, they would have already done it, but all they have done is being careful with you; taking care of you.
You smiled back.
Donnie lets out a heavy breathe, then glanced at Mikey and nodded. Leo stood aside to give his younger brother space enough to adjust himself beside you and pick you up. You quickly turned your eyes back at the purple-clad creature like asking him to tell you what his friend will do.
He just nodded positively, smiling.
Leo positioned himself on your another side to help Mikey, taking care to lift your upper body first. Mikey reached to support your body, placing his arm behind you. And now, the most difficult part: your injured legs. ''I'm sorry if you feel pain. You have to be strong as possible.'' Mikey murmured. But before they could work on your legs, Donnie raised his hand to call their attention and soft landed it on your knee. A soft groan left your mouth but you thanked that your knees were just a bit ached ''Wait! Let's do it one step at time. After I count three, lift them fast. Ready?'' Leo and Mikey give a firm nod. ''Alright. One.'' You read his lips, and asked to yourself why he was counting. ''Two''. Your eyes lower to take a look on your legs, and saw that they're with their hands positioned like would pick you up on bridal style. Wait... Your heart beats faster. Donnie noticed that you are staring at him with wide eyes and shaking your head from a side to another desperately, but there's nothing he could do. ''Three!''
You screamed; a heavy wave of pain ran through your weak legs like a hundred knives were penetrating your meat violently. You threw your head back, your mouth open while agonizing sounds go out; it is hard even to breathe.
''Take them to the sofa. Now!'' Donnie ordered.
Mikey quickly headed towards the .... He has to admit that hearing your protesting painfully in his arms breaks his heart. Never in his life he heard someone scream like you're doing right now.
"Here..." Leo directed, adjusting the soft sheet to lay you down and a sofa pillow to support your head. Mikey bent over to place you carefully on the sofa with Donnie holding your head. "Be careful." Leo commented. It hurt a bit when your legs were landed on two pillows, but as fast as the pain started, it ended.
Finally you can inhale oxygen after a whole minute of suffocate.
"I'll grab a medicine to lower their pain. It will get them tiredness but will worth" Donnie said, turning and heading towards his lab.
Leo and Mikey positioned themselves beside you, his eyes watching over every single movement you do. You kinda felt uncomfortable with them looking at you all the time; feeling totally vulnerable under their care, but you knew that what are they're doing is for you own good.
Your eyes caught another massive form coming closer and your bones started to shiver again. The red-cladded humanoid creature is back but this time he was holding pen and a notebook.
"Hey, guys. This is all I could find at the moment" Raph said while look at the stuff he just took, then his scary stare locked on you.
Your blood freeze.
"Thanks, Raph." The leader grabs the stuff and sat on the ground right beside you. He positioned the pen between his big fingers and the notebook on his lap, and his eyes landed on yours. You couldn't help but appreciate to utmost of how beautiful his eyes are. A deep and vividly color of blue. They're like a painting... You shook your head and looked to opposite side, hiding your blush.
"They shook their head. Why? We didn't make any questions." Mikey said.
"I don't know, but let's find out" Leo continued, writing down "Are you okay?". Finishing, he reaches out his hand and gently touches your shoulder making you snap your eyes back at his. Then Leo lifts the notebook to show you the question.
You read it and shake your hand as "So so" then pointed at your legs.
Leo nodded back, understanding your message, then placed the notebook on his lap again and wrote "My brother will take care of your injuries and certificate that you'll be okay and we will help. Don't be afraid". You read it and show a positive thumb. Leo replaced the notebook back and wrote "I'll introduce us to you". You show a positive thumb again. Then Leo wrote all their names down and lifted it to you."Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, and our father, Master Splinter".
Leo got up and started to introduce them. He pointed at his name and then at him. Then he pointed at Donnie's name and then pointed towards the lab where Donnie is preparing his medical kit. Then Leo pointed at Mickey's name and then at his brother beside him. The young turtle waved, grinning. "So cute" you thought, waving back. Then Leo pointed at Raph's name and at him, an the brute just crossed his arms. "He's kinda... Rude..." You thought again. Then Leo pointed at Splinter's name and then at him who is a few steps away from you. "Wait. Father? Father? Is he they're father?!" You practically yelled mentally. Your mind was filled with many questions about this impossibility of this giant rat be father, or he must be their adoptive father. You prayed to the second option be the true.
You were brought back to reality with another soft hudge on your shoulder, making you look back at his deep blue eyes. The blue-cladded turtle took a deep breathe and made a worry face; and lift the notebook with the next phrase: "We are mutant turtles."
Your eyes went wide. Mutants? How? Since when it is possible? The boys looked at each other already expecting your shock. What kind of place you just arrived where there're mutants?! The mutants made a fear expression, waiting for your scream. But no sound has come out from your mouth.
You just got froze.
''Won't they scream?'' Raph asked, quirking a brow ridge.
''They got shocked'' Mikey simply commented.
Leo sighed and wrote down another sentence. 'Just keep calm. I'll explain everything when you get well soon". You made an effort to nod.
After a few minutes, Donnie went back holding a first aid kit under one of his his slim but muscular arms, a medicine pack between his thick fingers and a bottle of water. Leo and Mikey took a step back to give their brother some space to work on you. First of all, Donatello shows you the medicine pack, holding it in front of you; he looked at Leo and asked for the notebook and the pen, picking it. Your eyes watched every single move he does and you got the conclusion that this mutant has quick skills and much attention in his work, murmuring who knows what while work on you. "Interesting", you thought.
After finish writing, Donnie lift the notebook. "I'll give you a medicine for your pain, but it will make you tired because it has some substances which cause tiredness. If you feel some uncomfortable symptoms, warn me". You immediately rised a positive thumb. You had taken some medicines with that description many times in your life, so you're kind of used with it. But the bad news is that it makes you fall asleep quickly, a scary idea in your opinion. You have no clue what these mutants would do when you're sleeping; if they would do dirty things or something or whatever the shit you refuse to think. You pray, at least, for these mutants do not do disrespectful things.
Donnie picks a pill from the pack and gave it to you, then the bottle of water. All the five mutants are literally watching you doing it, and it made you uncomfortable. You're not used to many people staring at you like that.
After taking the medicine, Donnie mentioned to you lay down again. The nerd placed the first aid kit on the ground and open it, his hands moving some stuff away again and again, his eyes scanning the stuff in the box. What is he looking for, exactly?
Suddenly your eyes caught his facial expression turning from serious to happy. Well, what did he just find to make him smile? The other mutants—except the red one—grinned. "Why the fuck are they grinning?" You thought. Donnie returned his attention to you with his grin. Okay, you don't know if his smile is a good sign or a naughty sign.
Then you started to feel your eyes heavy.
"Fuck... Now now..." You murmued, feeling a weariness filling your body. You hate when this medicine effect affect you rapdly, and you can't fight back.
"Hey, did they say something? I swear I heard that" Mikey commented.
"Well, they can speak by the way" Raph mocks.
Slowly your vision got blur, and the last thing you remember is they debating with each other, then the darkness pulls you for a long rest.
——————Time Skip——————
The light fills the darkness of your sleepy world like a white spot growing and consuming every single space of the dark. You are not sure how much time you slept, but at least all of it was merely dream and those creatures were just an invention of your mind.
Opening up your eyes slowly, you expected to wake up in your bedroom, but, even with your vision blurring and get used by the ambient light, the place seems totally different of your comfortable bedroom. Damp walls, two thick pipes in a corner a thin one on another, and neon lights a few steps away from where you are layied down. As you can feel, it is a comfortable bed. Groaning softly you turned your head to the space illuminated by the neon flashing lights, seeing a shell with a big backpack facing you. Immediately you recognized him.
It was not a dream.
You hear quick types on a keyboard, noticing that this mutant turtle is using his... computers? He was typing who knows what about something you have no idea, and you got surprised how fast this turtle can do it. He might be a guy of technology, you presume.
Wait. Wait...
If you can hear him working, that's mean your hearing came back to normal! You let out a happy sigh, making the genius turn his head towards you. "Oh, you're awake!" He said grinning, but palmed his face remembering that you can't listen to him. The tall purple clad terrapin takes his skateboard and rolled it beside you and sat down. ''How. Are. You. Feeling?'' he asked; you couldn't help but share a soft smile and say with a weak voice ''I'm good... And I can hear you now.''
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide.
''Hey... Are you... okay?'' you asked quietly with the corner of your mouth rised.
''Oh! I'm- Yeah. I'm-'' he rubs his hand behind his neck ''I'm glad you're okay'' he murmured, sharing a shy smile. What is going on here? You started to think that the air got ''tensed'' sunddely between you. Is it good?
''So...'' Donnie started ''About your physical condition, you're getting better. The muscles of your legs are healing and your wounds are cicatrizing. The rest you've just taken helped you a lot.'' he continued ''Uh... I almost forgot: what's your name?''
''Amazing.'' he lower his head, trying to not show a light blush over his cheeks which you already noticed. ''So, uh... Who are you, where did you come from and how did you get here?'' he asked quicly without concerns, locking his amber eyes on yours again. Okay, that was expected but too fast as he did. You looked away from his gaze, fearing your answers would not convice or be plausibles for the situation. Well, there's no way out.
''You... will not believe me if I answer honestly'' you said with weak tone.
Donatello cocked his head to the side, quirking his brow ridges.
''I am from another... I don't know...'' you answered, sighing ''Also I don't remember exactly how I got into that portal-''
''Portal?'' He questioned.
''Yes. I do not remember how or who exactly put me in that portal, but all I can remember is of the explosion when that thing closed and then... an uncomfortable sound filled my ears and a sudden ache consumed my legs''.
''Oh, yeah. I noticed it too''.
You started to feel a little shame by your overreact you had when the boys tryied to help you; and you regret ''Sorry for my bad behaving. I was very scared...''
''Hey, there's no need to apologize. You were just shocked and didn't have time to think. It's totally okay.'' Donnie knew that going through a portal and end up in another place is odd and unconfortable, so he and his brothers will do everything to make you feel safe before find out a way to take you home. The nerdy shares a smile and comes closer to you, pulling his googles above his eyes to scan your vital signs. Your eyes went wide. That thing scared you when you saw it for the first time!
''Did you make these?'' you pointed at his goggles.
''Oh yeah! I did it all my own'' he said proundly.
You gliggled ''Amazing! But it scared the hell out of me when I saw it for the first time. I thought it were your eyes or something.''
Donnie chuckeld of your observation, which you're not wrong. ''Sorry, was not my intention. You're not the only one who got scared of my briliant creation.'' he grinned, adjusting some of his goggles annulus here and there, then actived his hologram from his watch and typed on it. You got surprised with his advanced technology, never in your life you have seen something like that. Which year are you?! A distant future?
Are these mutants evolued humans or hybrids?!
''Are you still hearing that unconfortable noise?''
You woke up from your thoughts ''What?''
''That noise you said about. Can you describe how it sounded?'' he asked without leave his attention from his screen.
''Um... it was like... uh... high-pitched sound.''
Donnie noded, still typing on his screen. You're just sit there watching him working on his whatever the thing it is, his three-fingered hand moving and shifting above the screen. ''I guess you got a temporary deaf by the reason of explosion, and I am surprised that it just gave you temporary damages. I thought your eardrums would suffer a rupture and your bones break... Well... I'm glad that you're okay now.''
You beamed timidly ''All thanks to you and your brothers''. It's just you or his cheeks are being filled with a dark colour? "So... before answer your questions, can I ask where am I? Is this place another dimension or something?''
Donnie's locked his eyes on you, not expecting this question ''What? Uh, no... Why? Are you from another dimension?''
You shrugged ''I donno. Where I came from is Earth. It's all can describe to you.
''Oh! Well, you can still keep calm because you're still on Earth''. He smiled playfulness.
You sigh relieved; thankfully you weren't thrown out of your planet. ''And... where exactly am I?...''
''New York City, USA. Technically under it; you're in mine and my family's home in the sewers''.
You froze. New York? Underground? Sewers? ''You got be kidden me...",
''No, I'm not. And... how about you?''
''Originally I'm from (your hometown). But... I just remember being kidnap and then... Everything went dark. The last thing I remember is flashbacks of some men putting me in that portal. Why did they do it? I don't know.'' you shrugged.
Donnie noded again, his head filled with several hypothesis about your weird past event. "And these men... what kind of clothing they were wearing?" he asked, rubbing his chin.
"Uh..." You made a question expression, not getting what does he want to know about something so random. But who are you to refuse to answer? This turtle must know something you don't. "There were some people wearing different kind of clothing. I remember some wearing white coats—like doctors—and... Others in black. All black. Even their masks...''
Donnie's eyes went wide. He knows exactly who wear dark clothing as in your description. Foot Clan. He stood and walked towards the exit over quick steps.
''Where're you going?''
''I'll be right back. Stay where you are, okay? Don't you dare escape.'' he pointed at you and then left, leaving you totally alone in his lab. What is he planning, by the way? Perhaps he has some knowledge about those people you have seen? Well, by his sudden shock react, he surely know.
After a few minutes, Donatello has arrived in his lab and going to where you both had a conversation. And he was not alone.
''So... what's the news?'' Mikey shares a cocky smile, picking a chair and sitting on the oposite of ot, keeping the back of this object in front of his plastron and landing his arms above the top rail. Leonardo stood right beside you and Raph a few steps away from your bed, arms crossed and looking at you with no interest, and the giant rat stood beside Mikey, who glanced at his father still with the cocky smile on his face then back at you.
"So, Y/N. Can you explain everything you know for us? We just want to help you, nothing otherwise." Leo assured, but quick steps has approached him and a sudden punch on his arm made him groan. "Help them?" Raph protested "We don't even know who they are or if they work for someone that is not by our side!". Splinter quickly acted, beating his tail behind Raphael's legs to stop "Enough! Let them speak. We will just know if they tell their story.", "But Master, if they lie?!" The brute threw his arms up in protest, but Splinter just shares an intimidating look, making his red-clad son shut up and take a step back. "I apologize, my young one. You can go ahead with your version of your story."
You took a deep breath, feeling a bit uncomfortable for being watched and sorrawnded by five mutants, but actually you don't care. They seem to be good guys—except for the hot head one. For a while, you told every single detail you remember; since your kidnapping till your arriving in this place, the people who put you in that portal, your hometown. It's so weird that all of it happened so fast which you couldn't believe that it took a while—maybe because you were put to sleep as that people did everything they want to you.
The mutants looked at each other, expressions like surprise, shock, suspicious, doubt traveled through each one. You're afraid of they all think that you're lying, well, the red one is already thinking, of course. But how about the others?
"I might think that people in black are members of Foot Clan..." Leo commented after a moment "And the people in white might be scientists. Helpers of-".
"Baxter Stockman." Donnie finished.
''You gotta be kidding me...'' you murmured, surprise that this dangerous clan are in the same universe with them. You thought you got in another dimension or wherever but you literally were transported to another place, just it. And you lived your entire life without know the existence of these mutants. You want to freak out.
''And why would those people put Y/N in that portal?'' Mikey asked ''Like, just them! Were... were you alone when you were transported, right?'' the youngest looked at you with concerns.
''Yes! As I remember, yes...''
"Well..." Leo started "From now on we have a hard work to do. Y/N, you are under our care, and you have to stay down here with us. It's for your protection".
"What?! But-"
Master Splinter takes a step forward and place one of his hands on your shoulder, looking deep into your eyes "You have no choice, my dear. But there's no need to be worry" he smiled "While you're with us, no dangerous will happen to you" then the old rat glanced at Raphael, who groaned and sighed, getting Splinter's message.
You have to be prepared for all obstacles that are coming, and you're thankful that these mutants are by your side. As Leo said before, there's hard work to execute, dangerous or not.
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blackberry-gingham · 4 years
Alright y'all, in honor of Valentine's I'm doing a quick break from requests and making a holiday post! Enjoy, and happy Valentine's to all from me AND the boys!
Relationship or not, remember that you are more then enough and I love each and every one of you mwah!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💝💖💗
Imagine: what each of the boys would do as your Valentine
George would treat you to an at home spa day!
First things first of course, and that being a nice hot breakfast
But after that, it’s all you baby!!
You guys would take a nice warm (and scented ofc) bath together and just relax and unwind
Then when you’re all nice and clean, you go get changed into what’s most comfortable for you, ie fresh PJs, a robe, ect.
And then back to bed, where George has a whole set up that he’s been planning for you
A fragrent, but not overwhelming candle burns in the corner, offering a low, amber light
Nearby, a slow record plays quietly, adding the perfect amount of white noise to the background
And finally, a few rose petals are scattered on the freshly made bed
George invites you to come lay down, while he works some lavender scented oil into his hands
You can’t hide your excitement as you trot over to the bed and get comfortable
“Stop squirming now, you’ll tense up again!”, George laughs, as he respectfully exposes your back to the cool air
Somehow you manage to settle yourself, and George goes to work, rubbing slowly outward from the base of your spine to the curves of your hips
He repeats this gesture aaaall the way up your spine, placing kisses here and there to your bare skin and using his expert thumbs to gently loosen any knots his palms can’t stretch out
But before moving on, he makes sure to pay extra attention to the stress knots in your shoulder blades until they’re as loose as he can get them
He slides up to your arms, getting all the pressure out of the joints as he rubs from your wrists up, then down to your legs to help relieve the soreness from your day to day hustle and bustle
and when all’s said and done, you feel weightless from the relief and steady massage, ready to go back to sleep
George grabs a nearby blanket and drapes it over you, the warmth helping to lock the oil into your skin and muscles
He lays down beside you and presses a kiss to the apple of your cheek, and with but a soft whisper he says, “Happy Valentine’s, love”
For Valentine’s day, John wants to do something extra special!
But what?
He’s pretty good about being sweet and sentimental when he wants to be, but how can he turn that into a gift...
Under normal circumstances, he’d tell you that a day of good behavior on his behalf is a gift in itself
And while that could certainly be true, you deserve better then that
So, he does some thinking and goes for the one gift he can give that few to none have ever received
John works tirelessly and in secret so as to keep it a surprise
Judging on obsession and perfectionist work ethic alone, you would almost mistake him for Paul
But finally, finally it’s all ready to go
You wake up that day like any other, and you almost forget what day it is
John appears to already be awake somewhere in the house considering he’s not beside you
Then, it comes to you
Excited to see if he’s been planning something, you hop out of bed and go off to find him
If he doesn’t have any plans today, you certainly can come up with a few!
John hears you coming and catches you around a corner
You give a yelp of surprise as john picks you up in his strong arms and gives you a spin
He wishes you a good morning and happy valentine’s day followed immediately after by a smattering of kisses before he sets you down
“Now come on, I have a surprise for you!”
John leads you into the living room amd sets you on the couch
Looking a bit antsy, he tells you to close your eyes
You comply, and by now the suspense is killing you
At last John’s footsetps return, “Now promise you won’t laugh, alright?”
You gasp in mock hurt, “I would never!”
John sighs and rolls his eyes, but he suposes that’ll sufice
Fianlly you get to open and you’re... well, you’re lost for words
In John’s arms is a large framed canvas, and painted there upon it is a loving, beautiful rendering of a photogrpah he keeps on his desk
It’s of the first dance you and he ever shared
He carefully guides it into your lap so you can get a better look
“Well? Do you like it?”
You trace your finger ever so lightly along the curve of John’s painted back as he holds you close in the picture still slow dance, a soft smile drawn onto his lips
Tears well up in your eyes as you slowly put the treasured piece down
“John...”, you turn to face him, unable to get the words out
But you don’t have to
John’s expresion softeneds and he leans in for a kiss, “...Happy Valentine’s”
Paul also has a bit of thinking to do for his gift
His knee jerk response is to dedicate a song to you!
And while he does start working on one (for later, of course), he decides perhaps he should think a bit deeper for today
But what can he do that’s more personal then music?
He doesn’t really have much else in the way of outstanding talent
(Or so he thinks)
Well... He definitely knows he wants to produce a labor of love for you
After all, he would go to great extents to make you happy, so whatever he can do to make that happen, he’d gladly do it!
So, he thinks and thinks, and at last it comes to him
He breaks out some paper and some colorful things to write with and sets to work
When the day comes, he preps a little tray of breakfast and nestles his gift to you along with the plate and utensils
“Room service!”, he knocks sharply on the bedroom door and lets himself in without waiting for a response
Slowly, you begin to stir at the disturbance, but you awaken for sure after Paul snaps the shades open
A stream of soft light floods the bedroom, forcing you to get up
“Paul, wha...?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”, he happily declares
He swings around to fetch the tray from where he left it, then crosses back over to your bed side
“Here we are!”, Paul lays the tray in your lap, then comes around to sit beside you
“Oh, thank you Paul, this is lovely”, still a bit sleepy, you give him a kiss then pick up your fork and knife
“Wait wait! Look at this first!”, he retrieves a small stack of what appears to be printer paper neatly tied together by the corner
You take it and examine it
The front has a big, poorly drawn heart done in red crayon with you and Paul’s initials written in the middle
Already a smile blooms across your face, which grows into a full laugh as you flip through each page
It’s a little coupon book of romantic favors, all written in assorted, Valentine’s themed colors and messy handwriting
Breakfast in bed, dinner at a restaurant of your choice, a massage, movie night, 5 kisses, and more are among your choices
“Paul, I love it! Thank you...”, you land on a coupon that says 1 makeout session, then shoot him a look
“...Can I redeem this one now?”
Paul glances at it and chuckles, giving you a sly smile, “Hm, I think I can give you that one for free. Just this once...”
Breakfast will have to wait ;)
Now, Ringo is a simple man
He loves you very much of course, and would do anything to give you the best day ever!
But considering the gift is supposed to be something of a surprise... 
That does complicate things a bit on what he should do for you, given that he can’t, you know, ask
He does a bit of thinking and even asks the other lads for ideas, despite the fact they aren’t much help
“How should we know?”, they say... Can you believe that?
‘How should they know’, how should he know?
So, he invests lots of thought into it...
All the spare brainpower he can muster...
And then... He’s got it!
He has to move quick to get everything together, given that Valentine’s is just around the corner, but he just might manage!
With everything set, he takes some time to get everything together for the big day, all neat and pretty
He even throws in some overtime while you sleep to spruce the place up a bit
The next day you climb out of bed in the morning and make your way downstairs
How strange that Ringo didn’t come to bed last night...
Not that you’re exactly complaining, that is
That man can snore something fierce
Hardly a few steps from the hall to the living room and you can already hear the good old sound of your boyfriend's rhythmic snoring
You yawn, closing your eyes and stretching as you round the corner, “...Dear, are yo-?”
But when you open your eyes, all you see is wall to wall of what appear to be handmade Valentine’s decorations
Sparkly, cut out heart banners, paper steamers, and a few clusters of balloons blown at various sizes are hung randomly around the room
Then, there on the coffee table, a massive bouquet of roses, over a hundred at least, provide a fragrant backdrop to a small teddy bear and a handmade card
You pick up the bear and give it a cuddle, then go for the card
On the front, two stick figures, one of which has been illustrated with quite a comically large nose, stand on a green hill with some hearts floating between them over their connected stick hands
The inside is addressed to you with a simple message of “Happy Valentine’s Day! Peace and love, Ringo”
You gasp and coo at the overwhelmingly sweet gesture, “Oh, Ritchie! Did you do all this yourself?”
Ringo snorts abruptly at the sound of his name and mutters, “Surprise!”, as he falls off the couch with a thump
Groggily, he comes to his senses, “Oh, uh... Happy Valentine’s! Uhm, D-do you like it?”, he asks nervously
You laugh and kneel down, your head hovering just above his as you give his forehead a kiss
“I love it”, you smile, and when you kiss him again, and again, and again, Ringo thinks...
Perhaps he did alright after all
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cloudwaeve · 4 years
Todobakudeku headcanon: first drink party.
Its a party that the class 1A made after their graduation, a party to celebrate the graduation and all their hard work through those 3 difficult years of studies and development. Somehow all of them could make it to the party at the same date and same time, even if their start of career was at its very begining. Some of them were even surprised it worked so well from the start.
Then, already at the place planned, they started drinking. Almost all of them didn't drink before and were experiencing their first time at it. Some of them didn't really liked the taste and ordered something else, others really liked it and ordered some more. It was the case of Bakugo Katsuki.
Katsuki actually liked the taste of that beer and didn't really hold back. He knew the next day he wouldn't do anything. He already predicted that he would be home late: or he'd have to take some drunkards home or he'd have some fucking headache the next day and it'd make him be in a really bad mood.
So he drank, drank a lot. No-one really noticed it because they were all too deep at their conversation to notice the blonde in the corner already at his 9th cup. Some only really remembered he was there when he stood up from his sit. Kirishima was one of those and he called the blonde out.
"Bro, you don't look too good. You are a bit pale, too. Are you okay?" He asked, now a bit worried. Kaminari, Mina, Shoji, Mineta and Hagakure, the ones who were talking with Kirishima, looked at him.
He was strangely quiet and didn't really answer anything, just nodded his head and continued walking straight foward. He stopped behind Midoriya and grabbed something that was there, turned aroud and walked to his sit direction again. By now only Kirishima was watching Bakugo, half in the conversation half watching Katsuki. The others turned back talking.
At first the redhead thought his friend was going to sit back where he was. But then Bakugo passed straight from his sit, still holding whatever he picked from behind Midoriya. Eijirou watched silentely untill the blonde stoped walking behind Todoroki. The half-and-half was siting in front of Izuku, who was the one who noticed Bakugo and said to Todoroki turn around.
"What is it, Bakugo?" He asked a bit confused.
Bakugo didn't answer. He looked at Uraraka who was siting at Todoroki's left side insted. "Move aside, don't have to be much." He said in a soft tune, his eyes were almost closed like he was fighting to make them stay open. Uraraka was so surprised that she moved without asking.
Then, Katsuki quietly set beside Todoroki, grabbed what he was holding – which Kirishima finally recognized as Deku's jacket –, placed it on him like a blanket and layed his head and shoulders in Todoroki's left side. His expression was almost like he was close to sleep... Wait, what?!
"K-Kacchan?!" Deku screamed confused, looking at his back and noticing his missing jacket. "Why is it my jacket?!" He turned to Bakugo again.
"What am I suposed to do?" Todoroki asked thrully lost. Both him and Deku were too surprised to gay panic over Bakugo's actions.
"Bakubro, are you sure you are okay?!" Kirishima screamed from across the table, making the others ex-students look at Bakugos direction.
Bakugo pressed his eyes and vaguely opened his right one, not actually seeing anything by doing it. "Ugh... I'm just slee...py and cold, Shitty Hair... Why the fuck is your name so... long...?"
"What did he say?!" The redhair screamed again. Bakugo's voice was almost impossible to hear even to Midoriya.
"He said he is sleepy and cold. And asked why your name is so long...?" Yaoyorozu answered a bit uncertain about the last part. She was siting at Todoroki's right side.
"Oh!" Eijiro said, uncertain what to say.
"If you get it... don't talk to me now..." And then he closed his eyes. Deku is almost sure that Bakugo is basically asleep now.
"He said not to talk to him." Yaoyorozu translated again for the others. Everyone was at least a bit confused now.
"Do anyone know how much Kacchan drank?" Izuku asked, braking the silence after a few seconds.
"He was quiet at the corner, I think he was there since the start." Jiro pointed. She was siting near Bakugos sit, but still far from it. "But I saw quite a few times someone bringing drinks in his direction..."
"But to think that he would be the sleepy-type drunk..." Kaminari said this time.
"Actually, I think it's not really the case." Midoriya caught the atention.
"What do you mean?" Uraraka asked. She was making sure none of her bady parts touched even a bit of Bakugos body out of fear.
"Kacchan sweats nitroglycerin, a substance that make the blood pressure fall. The drink probably made him relax or something like this and made him sweat too. Adding this two things made his blood pressure fall, what made him sleepy and cold." When he finished, he looked at Todoroki with even more worried eyes. "Todoroki-kun, check his temperature, please!"
And the half-and-half did what was told, placing his right hand at Bakugo's head. "He's a bit cold..." He looked at Midoriyas eyes. "What if I elevate my body temperature at my left side?"
"Can you make it without burning your clothes?" The smaller asked.
"Sure." He said.
So then Todoroki started trying to warm Bakugo up. At the beginning they were pretty worried about the blonde – even if he was still a jerk they knew he cared about them, and they didn't dislike him anymore like how some used to.
The party only really turned back to happen one minute after, when Katsuki sighed in his sleep and rolled his head a bit to one side, ending up faling at Todoroki's chest – where his heart almost skipped a beat. The confused look in Shoto's face was so cute and funny that Mina couldn't handle her laughter, what made Sero, Kaminari and Jiro laught too.
"...Do I make him lay down on my lap...?" Shoto asked uncertain. This made the laughter expand to Hagakure and Ojiro.
"I can meke him float to help you." Uraraka said, ready to help even if she was still a bit concerned.
"Ng..." Katsuki groaned silentely, getting Todoroki's and Uraraka's atention. "Deku... Gimme more jackets..."
The half-and-half was probably the only one who heard that. He looked at Midoriya making direct eye contact. "He called you and asked for more jackets."
Ochako's face was showing total surprise and Deku had his eyes wide open. Sure, he was thrully surprised too, but at the same time his pupils were shining of joy.
"He knew I would have at least more tree jackets for the worst case scenery I saw ahead, probably." Daku said, getting the said 3 more clothes out of his bag, which was behind him. "Uraraka-san, mind changing sits with me by now?"
"No problem, Deku-kun." She answered and so they changed places.
As soon as Deku set he layed the other three jackets on Bakugo, covering his body parts that only one jacket couldn't afford. Then he helped laying Katsuki at Shotos lap and asked the blonde if he was still cold. The answer didn't come, Katsuki was asleep again.
"Kacchan... Its almost like you wake up only when you want..." Deku said, not actually complaining, while he set more comfortably.
"His temperature is a bit highter now, but just a bit." Todoroki said, now less surprised and more gay paniced.
"Should we really just let him sleep like this? Like, isn't it better go to some hospital or drive him home?" From across the table Mina said.
"I think it would be better, but I am sure Kacchan wouldn't like it..." Midoriya answered with a sorry look in his face. Mina agreeded.
Slowly the party atmosphere turned back as Bakugo became warmer. And after this some other similar situations happened: like Denki unconciously starting to use his quirk – Kirishima and Jiro helped making him stop. Koda accidentaly making friends with the aunts and lots of them starting to appear out of nowhere, Uraraka floating across the room without noticing – Deku had to float and bring her back down.
Basically, Sleepy Bakugo was just the "start" of the chaos.
And when his temperature was close from his normal one he woke up, looking pretty lost on everything that was happening when he set up.
"Kacchan! Are you okay!?" As soon as he saw Bakugo he rushed closer to him.
Katsuki wasn't really awake yet and was still pretty cold. The noise didn't help him on thinking about anything either.
So he just moved a bit closer to the shorter and huged Izuku.
Deku had frozen.
"Warm..." Bakugo whispered before turned back to sleep. This time the only ones who saw were the ones near them, like Yaomomo, Uraraka, Todoroki and Tsuyu.
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captain-aralias · 3 years
Life stuff
this feels kind of weird, because i’ve never used my tumblr like this, but i would have written something on my livejournal, and i want people to know - i just dont want to have to tell people about it, or really talk about it at all. 
but i also wanted to write this, idk. 
(TW: impending death of a parent)
my mum has cancer. 
it’s a rare form of cancer, called peritoneal cancer, which is similar to but different from ovarian cancer - i think it mostly gets diagnosed (like my mum’s) when it’s too late to do anything about it. all the treatment has been palliative only i.e. letting her live as long and as comfortably as possible.
she was diagnosed in september last year - about a year ago, a few months after running the ‘virtual’ london marathon on the isle of wight, where she lives, and obviously deep in lockdown. 
as someone undergoing chemo, she was deemed extremely vulnerable to covid, and so she spent most of the early pandemic isolating. she also said she didn’t see any point in my brother and i visitng her, particularly given the risks, because we could talk via facetime - which is fair enough - all of which meant my brother and i didn’t go to visit her until May this year, after she’d done the first lot of chemo and was already doing much better again. 
a few months after that, we found out that while she’d responded really well to the chemo, her cancer wasn’t responding at all to the maintenance drugs that were suposed to stop it coming back, so she came off the drugs completely. medical advice was basically chemo is as effective whenever you do it, so you might as well enjoy your life for a while, we’ll monitor it every month, and when things start to get too bad, we’ll put you back in chemo. 
it’s friday tomorrow - so two fridays ago, i saw my mum in london after she’d just seen hamilton with her partner, graham. both of them loved hamilton. her hair had grown back, she seemed pretty normal. about a week later, she was in A&E - and she’s been in the hospital all week. she’s got a total bowel obstruction, which means she can’t eat and hasn’t eaten since last week.
now in a weird situation where there are a few tricky, difficult options (including being moved off the island back onto the mainland to a bigger hospital) that will mean that she stays alive long enough to get the chemo, which will probably get her back to hamilton-watching strength, or ... she could die really soon. like, in a few days. 
we can’t visit. her partner can’t visit because covid - there’s this really sad-making photo of him looking happy on the phone through a window to my mum, also on the phone, inside the hospital. 
i feel...
???? :( :( :( ....
i guess this is the main point of the post. i’m not writing this crying, i’m writing it pretty neutrally - because my brain isn’t really processing it right now, and mostly doesn’t process it. 
i did cry earlier today while on the phone to various people, and then i went back to work. i hate crying, i hate being sad, and i dont like people comforting me, because it makes me realise that i have something to be sad about. 
i’ve known she had cancer for a year. i haven’t been able to hang out with her most of that time. i would say, we are fairly close, although not nearly as close as some families. we don’t talk every week, but we talk regularly, and have seen each other regularly. 
i’m so incredibly privileged that nothing that bad has ever happened to me, even though i’m 35. i’ve never been to a funeral, which seemed like a major life win and now i think was a mistake, i should have gone to funerals for people i card about less to help get used to it. 
the literal only comparison i have to how i feel is when my cat Anton died suddenly  about 3 years ago - i handled it with a mix of not thinking about it, being intensely sad for as brief a period as i could, and probably by thinking about how sad my girlfriend was about it, and sort of sidestepping my own feelings in comparison. 
i remember when my last remaining grandparent died - and i was about 14 or something - i wasn’t sad for myself, i was only sad for her my dad being sad. for ages, i worried that i was not going to be sad enough about this - and i still sort of am. 
but i also passionately hate the idea of being sad and i know i’ll look to avoid it as much as possible, and try and get on with my life. 
i know my mum dying isn’t about me - when people write after death it’s about the person who died, obviously. that makes sense. but this post isn’t about my mum, who is a very cool person, much cooler than me - it’s about me. because i am self-obsessed and this is going to wreck my life for a while.
it’s weird, because i can see it on the horizon but it’s not happening yet. and i dont know whether that’s good or bad - i feel like it’s good, in a way. someone ages ago told me that the grieving period starts when you get the news. that seems very true to me - but also, i know that it’s going to ramp up, and so i’m like in the expectation of true grief right now. 
it’s sort of like she died, but also is still going to die, but also i can magically still talk to her. which is really nice, in a way, it’s like a second chance, because i know i didn’t reach out enough before she had cancer. and i’m aware enough of my own actions that i know this is what’s been going on in my head the past year - i should reach out more, because she has cancer, but i dont want to make it seem like i’m reaching out because she has cancer, even though she knows i know she has cancer....... and also, i’m busy writing this fic. /o\
the fact that she seemed to recover (even though my mum insisted on saying ‘i am not recovered, i’m going to die soon’ like several time as a day as a disclaimer) also totally messed with my head, because i knew logically - ok, it’s happening. but also, things seemed so normal when we speak. even when i called her today, and she hasn’t eaten for a week, it seemed normal. 
btw - i realised this week i had no idea how cancer killed people. my mum is a scientist and has looked up all kinds of things about what’s killing her; i’m clearly a simon snow and didn’t want to think about things i can’t help. if you’d asked me, i’d have said like... it poisons you or something, or blocks bloodflow to your brain. not what i think will actually do it which is.... starvation. or being too weak to survive being pumped full of the poison that is intended to kill the cancer. (that one i guess i could have predicted.) man - cancer sucks. i mean, we all knew it. 
(i failed to get into cambridge university at interview stage, many years ago. the man who interviewed me gave me some extremely memorable feedback, which is that i needed to dial back the ‘defensive irony’ - which i thnk in that context meant i put myself down and tried to make a joke of everything. i remember when i got the phonecall to say Anton, my cat, was dead, i literally did not know what to do with my voice - because my instinct was to try and make the vet feel better, and also to present myself as bright and capable, and yet this unexpected and devasting news had just come through. rainbow wrote something sort of similar because she’s a good writer, for shepard as he tells penny about his curse. i feel like that.) 
what else did i want to say? 
i thought i had more time. ‘hamilton’ will probably always be tied to this moment in my mind, because of how much i’ve spoken to my mum about it in the past few weeks (i sent her the remix - she liked it, she listened to it in hospital while trying to drink more than 100ml of fluids) but yeah - this is basically a line from hamilton here. whatever. don’t make me feel my own feelings, let me just quote things. i dont like my own feelings. (no, i dont want to go to therapy - they’d make me talk about my feelings all the time, i’m british for god’s sake.) 
i’m 35 - my mum is 68. i didn’t think she’d die this early or that i’d have to deal with this yet. but then i also don’t think bad things are ever going to happen to me - because mostly they haven’t, see above. i wear a mask and am double vaccinated because i’m not an asshole, but i dont really believe i’ll get covid because bad things don’t happen to me. i didn’t think my mum would die - maybe ever, but definitely not yet. she’s been retired a decade after teaching (science) and has enjoyed it. 
i thought i had time to not have kids yet - which is the other thing (like hamilton) that this moment is really tied up with for me. i feel like 35 is getting quite old, but also not that old to still not have kids, but intend to maybe have them. my feelings about kids were basically like - up until like 25, i thought, yes, definitely. i mean, before i had a realtiosnhip (22-ish), i just assumed i would probably have a het marriage and have kids etc, like people do, but after that we were still talking, yes, children at some point. 
didn’t prioritise it for a few reasons - none of my close friends had children until quite recently, so it just didn’t seem like an urgent thing in the way that it probably does for people with different friendship groups. waiting to be settled enough in a job to be able to take maternity leave without it feeling like a rip off for my employer. waiting for a good time in erin’s PhD writing cycle. and then pandemic. and then a few years ago, maybe as i turned 30, i thought - maybe we won’ have kids, because we still haven’t - and i vocalised that to erin. 
also, i know a lot of people are gay and have children, so it’s not like it’s a thing that is impossible at all, but it’s much much harder if you have to leave your home and your relationship in order to get a child. it has to be a very very conscious decisions. i have friend who are men who have good genes, but we’re not so close i want to ask them for their sperm/to be involved however remotely in making a child - and (i was surprised to discover) (what a lot of things i dont know anything about) you an’t really just buy sperm, it’s not truly legal except through a clinic. and it’s extremely expensive to get inseminated in a clinic, and the NHS don’t really do that, so you do have to pay it. i thought kids would be expensive after they were born, but not before. and i REALLY wanted a house, much much more than - i think even today - i’ve ever wanted a child. i REALLY wanted a house - and now we have a house, and it’s pretty good. but - that’s where the money went, until the pandemic - thanks pandemic - so now we do have some disposable cash at last, because i didn’t commute. 
but now erin is worried about climate change - and wheher it’s right to bring more children into the world, and other things. and.... i think i do want to be pregnant, it’s what i’m planning for - don’t leave this job (which admittedly i also really like, and pays me well - i dont thin i need to leave) because next stop maternity leave, but..... 
i don’t know whether i am thinking, time ot have kids because my best friend just had a baby (the baby’s name is horatio - for real, i actually love this name) (i also haven’t seen her or the baby except over skype, because anna - my friend - is, like my mother, also scared of pandemic) and my brain is like - ok, well, if anna is doing it, i guess the time is here 
AND - i know there’s a large part of me that was like, gotta be pregnant and ideally have the baby before my mum dies so she gets to see that she had a grandchild. my brother and i are both queer, btw, in case you were wondering - he’s considering whether he wants to transition right now (but is still happy with he/him pronouns) and - you may find this astonishing, but i genuinely don’t know whether he’d consider himself ace, or has been in relationships. he’s very private, he has OCD and is in therapy - but anyway, he’s probably not having kids anytime soon (i think!) and graham - my mum’s boyfriend/partner of 10+ years. -has grandchildren, but my extremely middleclass white (but definitely not conservative voters, always 100% not-tory) parents ended up with me and my brother.... and i don’t know, as i say, i don’t know whether my brain is saying ‘have kids before it’s too late’ - although i know by now that it will be too late. even if my mum recovers from this, this time, i don’t think i can produce a child before she dies - and she isn’t asking me too, she’s not like that, but i would have liked her to be there. i thought she would be. 
so - i’m thinking about that. also, about getting a dog. i really want a dog - although i don’t want to upset the three cats (one we’ve had for eight years or so, the other two we got after Anton died). it’s ALSO really hard and expensive to get a dog. you’d think with all these ‘a dog isn’t just for the pandemic, a dog is for life’ type adverts around, that it would be easy to adcidentally get a dog - i’ve looked! you ccan’t get a dog unless you have no cats and you’re super experienced and can take a dog with lots of trauma or medical problems, or you’re willing to pay thousands of pounds. like - even for a regular not even pedigree dog - at least a thousand. pedigree dog - several thousand. i dont want a puppy either - i want a dog. 
and - this is embarrassing to admit, but i’ve alrady told erin - i genuinely had a phase of being super annoyed when i’d read fics where someone just ‘got a dog’. it’s not that simple!!! it’s fiction, it doesn’t matter - chill out. the baby thing too - although weirdly not fics where magic meant it was possible to get a baby, weirdly it was smut. i had a brief week or so of crazy (and i don’t think i am that crazy) where i’d read about fictional semen and just be like - wtf, it’s so hard to get hold of that shit. (it’s not real, this isn’t real semen being wasted, calm down - and i dont even really know if i want kids, i might just think i do.) 
the other thing about the bad thing being soon but not yet (but also being all the time, but not if you dnt think about it) is that i’m thinking - should i prioritise writing my remix now, in case my mum dies and i’m too sad to do it, and then i didn’t do my remix? i was definitely thinking this while writing classroom politics (i hope my mum doesn’t die becaue i dont want to be too sad to miss the deadline) and in the run up to AWTWB .....
today i wrote a list of things for work that would need to be picked up if i have to unexpectedly stop working, either because i’m too sad, or because i have to do funeral stuff, or .... i guess legal stuff about settling the estate. (i guess this happens to a lot of people, too, but it’s also a bit of a mindfuck that my brother and i will inherit her house and a bunch of cash when she dies - i’m pretty well off, my brotehr does virtual reality theatre stuff so really isn’t - we’ve talked about how much easier both of our lives will be with a huge injection of cash, and how we dont know what to feel about that) (great news, dogs and kids are really expensive! time to find out whether i really wanted to spend my money on those.) told people i like at work that it’s coming, and that i dont want to talk about it. and mostly just... carrying on with life, really. until it happens. 
it’s so weird how easy it is to carry on most of the time.i know my mum’s partner is not doing nearly so well - he has to cope with an empty house and he’s retired. i’ve had periods - including right now - where i wake up every morning and check my phone to see whehter someone called me or texted me to tell me it’s over. but most of the day i’m actually really fine. i even had an ok day today. and i don’t know whether i want that to be the case, or whether i shouldn’t let myself do that. i dont know what i should prepare for in terms of where i’ll be - will i want lots of stuff to distract me (this is my guess) and work is very good for that, or i will want to clear time and space because i can’t operate and dont want people to offer me comfort. (FYI - this post isn’t written to make people say anything to me, i definitely dont want to talk about it, so please don’t feel you either have to comment or check in on me - i don’t really want you to. it’s enough to have written it, in my own time, in my own space.)
i think i wanted to write this post in a way because i thought i probably wouldnt want to write it after my mum died - because i probably wouldn’t want to say anything about it at all, for a few years. 
my mum keeps telling me about the show ‘jane the virgin’ - which she’s half way through. shhe asked me to give it a try, so i did (she often tells me about shows on radio 4, which i rarely listen to. i thouht i had more time.) i’ve watched an episode (because she has cancer, i should listen to her recommendations)(but i dont want her to know that’s why i did it) and i do quite like - it’s light and frothy and well cut together (although about kids and artificial insemination, of course). i guess in a worse case scenario where i’m too sad to work or write, i will probably watch a lot of this show - which is incredibly not sad - and feel sad about how my mum never finished it. 
BUT ALSO SHE MIGHT BE OK. for a while. 
i dont know how i feel, blargh. anyway. this was a long post. i think i wrote it mostly for me. feelings are weird. covid really sucks and so does cancer. 
going to order some chicken and watch inuyasha.
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cherrytdatt · 4 years
last night
Pairing: Fratboy!Tom Holland x Reader
Word count: ~2.4k
Summary: you and tom are in a complicated relationship and you wanna find a way out of it.
A/N: this was suposed to be inspired on the song ‘last night’ by lucy spraggan, but end up being more angst than i planned 🙄 sorry. SEND ME REQUESTS i’m running out of ideas!!
Songs I listened: Last Night by Lucy Spraggan and Hardest to Love by The Weeknd
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It wasn't the first time that this happened, and surely wouldn't be the last. Once again, you woke up with your head pounding, that weird taste in your mouth, and the feeling that something bad happened. The feeling that you did something bad.
You blinked a few times, trying to recognize the place you were. It wasn't your room, but you did know this room. You looked at the white wall with pieces of art and pictures, squeezing your eyes, trying to identify someone. By the way, where were your lenses? You moved in the bed, suddenly noticing you were naked. Fuck! You lifted the white sheet, confirming you were, indeed, very naked. Shutting your eyes, you tried to think about what happened, but the last image you had was you dawning your third (?) shot of tequila.
"Good morning, darling," a voice called your attention, and you flinched.
"Oh, fuck!" you rolled your eyes, focusing on the person next to you. "Not you again," you looked at his smile, feeling your stomach turn inside you.
"That's not what you said last night," he laughed, turning on his side to look at you.
"Don't be gross, Tom," you covered your eyes with your hands, trying to remember how you end up in his bed again.
Tom and you had a complicated relationship. He liked you a lot, and you liked him a lot. You two even dated for a few months. But he cheated on you and you cheated back. After that, you flirted and made out in some parties, but every time you felt bad about it and took you days to recover.
"Do you wanna see the videos?" he asked, still laughing.
"WHAT? Did you record this?" you asked, offended, propping yourself in your elbows, and looking at him.
"Of course not! Do you think I'm a pervert?" he protested, and you shrugged. "I recorded you saying that you loved me and that you wanted to marry me," he said with a cocky grin on his face.
"I doubt that," you laughed, laying on the bed again.
"You know I'm telling the truth," he reached for his phone in his nightstand, hovering over your body longer than he needed. The smile that never left his face started getting on your nerves. "See for yourself," he said, showing you his phone and playing the video. A very drunk you, seated on his bed, holding a beer.
"Can you say that again?" Tom asked you on the video.
"What? That I...I love you, a-and wan-wanted to marrya, but you broke m-my...my heart?" you said pointing at the camera.
"I'm s-" he started to say on the video but Tom closed before you heard anything else.
Well, it's official. You really humiliated yourself this time.
"Yeah, this was fun," you said sarcastically, getting out of the bed, holding the sheets close to your body.
"Don't be pissed. It was fun," he smiled. You got your panties and your jeans off the floor, putting them on cautiously. "What are you doing? I saw you naked a million times," he laughed, pointing at you. You rolled your eyes, reaching for your top on the other side of the room, close to the door. "Y/n, talk to me," he said, a little more serious but you just kept gathering your things. "Are you really gonna give me the 'silent treatment' now?" he asked, and you just sigh. He rolled his eyes, getting out of the bed, and holding your arm, so you would look at him. "I'm sorry, okay? I tried to stay out of your way last night, but...well, this is us. We always do this," he said, sincerely. You looked in his eyes, and for a second, you completely forgot all the bad things that happened between you two. "Please, just talk to me," he urged.
You took a deep breath, still looking into his eyes. "I...I'm just tired, Tom," you said, not knowing if you were talking about last night or the whole situation. He let go of your arm, taking a step back. "I just wanna go home," you finished putting your top.
"Can we talk later?" he asked, and you tried to avoid his eyes, cause you knew you couldn't say 'no' to him. "Please," he said and, apparently, you couldn't say 'no' to his voice too.
"Yeah, sure. You can...call me," you said, frustrated.
"Thanks," he said, sitting back on his bed.
"I'm going now," you pointed to the door, and he gave you a small smile. "Delete that video. It was the vodka talking," you looked at him one last time before leaving, and he chuckled.
You did the 'walk of shame' from Tom's frathouse to your dorm for the millionth time since you broke up. It wasn't anything new anymore. The cold air made you shiver, and you realized that sober you, unlike drunk you, was affected by temperature.
You walked into your room, relaxing your body, feeling the heat warming you. You sat on your bed, hiding your face in your hands. You fucked up. Again! "I'm never drinking again," you mumbled, thinking about all the drinks you mixed up the night before. You let your body fall on the bed, groaning.
As you already knew Tom didn't call you that day or the six days after. It was no surprise, but yet, you couldn't avoid that bitter feeling in the pit of your stomach. The next weekend you decided to stay at home, reading a book for your literature class. The noise from outside disturbed your reading, so you decided to go to the grocery store to buy all the cookies and chocolates you could find.
Thank God you left all your fucks to give in your room, so you didn't felt intimidated by all the girls wearing nice clothes while you walked around the campus in a hoodie and sweatpants. You entered the grocery store, and the only clients there, beside you, were the depressed middle-aged moms looking for wine and the elderly that decided to buy food for the whole week on a friday night.
"I think we need more beer!" you heard the familiar voice when you got next to the cashier.
"Mate, I think we have enough," another familiar voice said, a little lower.
You put your hood on, trying to hide your face. The last thing you wanted now was to bump into Tom and his 'mates' on a friday night when they were getting ready for a party while you were buying all the candy in a store.
"Oh! Look at that!" you heard Tom's voice getting closer to you, and then you felt his arms over your shoulder.
"Hey, Tom," you said, already annoyed. "Hey, Harrison," you waved weakly to the other boy.
"Aren't you going to the party tonight, love?" he asked, turning you so he could look at your face.
"It looks like I'm going to a party?" you quipped.
"I was hoping to see you there," he pouted.
"Yeah, well, too bad," you shrugged.
"Tom, we need to go," Harrison said, seeing how annoyed you were, and you gave him a toothless smile.
"Calm down, mate. I'm talking to her," Tom waved him off. Harrison shook his head.
"I'm going to the teller," he announced, leaving you and Tom alone.
"Why aren't you going tonight?" he asked. "It's just a few people, nothing big," he tried to convince you.
"Thanks for the offer, but I have other things to do," you told him.
"Why are you being like this?"
"You have to be kidding me," you groaned.
"What?" Tom asked.
"Nevermind. Go to your party, have fun, and let me go home in peace," you said, paying for your groceries.
"Are you sure you don't wanna go?" he asked one more time before leaving.
"Hundred percent," you got your bags. You gave him a forced smile. "Bye, Tom," you said leaving him.
"Bye," he answered.
You walked back to your dorm, shocked by how Tom could change your mood with a five-minute interaction. You were happyish, relaxed, and satisfied with the fact that you would spend the night at home doing things you liked. Now you were grumpy, tired, and questioning all your life choices.
At least it was over now, and you could get comfy in your bed, reading your book, then watching a few episodes of your favorite show, all that while eating a lot of cookies. You settled into your bed again, surrounded by everything you needed to not have to get up for the next five or six hours. As soon as you got back to your book, a knock on your door interrupted you. "This must be a joke," you murmured, getting out of bed.
"The party is not here..." you started, opening the door, just to meet the last person you wanted to see.
"Hey, darling," Tom said with a smile, leaning on your doorway.
"Jesus, what I did do deserve this?" you sigh.
"I just wanna talk, okay?" he said, raising his hands in defense.
"Talk about what, Tom?" you leaned on the door, not interest in letting him in.
"Us?" he said more like a question.
"There is no 'us', Tom. There was a 'us' before you fucked everything up," you said, already running out of patience.
"C'mon. What about last weekend?" he argued.
"Oh! You wanna talk about last weekend? Which part? The part where I got so drunk that I end up in a bed with you again? Or the part where you said you were gonna call me, and never did? Or maybe, the part where I came home feeling like an idiot for making the same mistake again?" you said sarcastically.
"Okay! I'm sorry I didn't call you. I planned to...but things got weird, and I didn't have the time," he explained.
"It's okay. I'm okay. When I told you to call me I already knew you wouldn't. I really didn't get upset. But I can't let this happen again. If we keep doing this, none of us will be able to move on, and I really really need to move on," you said sincerely.
"Don't, please! Let me tell you why I didn't call you, and why I'm here now," he asked.
"Please...ten minutes, it's all I'm asking."
"Fine..." you said, opening the door and letting him in.
"Thanks," he said. Relieve running through his body. Tom walked into your room, already knowing every inch of it. He looked at your bed and all the things you had set up for your night. "Quite a night you were planning," he said, sitting on your bed. You leaned into your desk, crossing your arms, waiting for him to talk. He let out a nervous chuckled when you ignored his comment. "Look...I'm going straight to the point, okay? Last weekend, when you left, I freaked out. I watched your video and...well...you were not the only one saying...things on that video," he rubbed his hands on his jeans, trying to calm himself. He could feel his heart beating on his chest. "Then, during the week, I kept thinking about why things never worked between us and...I know it's my fault, but not because I cheated on you. It's because...I... I love you so much...and I'm so afraid you won't love me back the same way or, at some point, you'll just stop loving me, that I...I just...messed up everything," he confessed, his voice cracking. You felt your stomach do flips inside you hearing his words. Tom said a lot of things to you since this on-again/off-again relationship started, but he never told you he loved you or confessed his fear of not being loved back. You didn't want to admit, but you felt the sincerity in every word he said.
"Tom..." you started, but he cut you off.
"Just...look...when we were together I felt so happy. I never felt like that with anyone. And tonight, when I saw you at the grocery store, all I wanted was to come home with you and be with you. I couldn't stand being at the party. I just wanted to be with you. Not to have sex or anything like that, but just, I don't know, see a movie, watch you reading, or whatever..." he blurted out. "Don't kick me out, please..." he asked, and you felt your heart heavy. You really wanted to believe in him, but you didn't wanna broke your heart again.
"You are asking too much from me, Tom. After all that happened," you said, uncrossing your arms and holding the edge of your desk, till your knuckles turn white.
"I know. But just...let me stay tonight and let me prove to you that I'm serious about everything I said," he said, rubbing his hands together, anxiously.
"I think you..." you started, looking at him. Your heart beating fast and loud in your chest. "You can stay tonight," you said, with a weak nod, and he smiled at you. "But..." you pointed at him. "No sex!" you bit your lip, trying to hold a smile.
"Whatever you want," he said.
"I think I still have one of your sweatpants somewhere," you looked at his jeans, and then opened your closet, messing all your drawers searching for his clothes. "Here," you handed him a black sweatpants.
"So what are our planes?" he asked, unzipping his jeans and taking them off.
"I was gonna read this book," you picked up the book from your bed. "But we can just watch a movie, instead," you shrugged, opening your notebook.
"It works for me," he smiled, putting the sweatpants on. You laid down, pulling the blankets over you, and searching for the movie you wanted to watch on your notebook. Tom settled by your side, hugging your shoulders. "I'm really sorry for everything," he hugged a little tighter, bringing you closer.
"Me too," you gave him a sympathetic smile.
You still felt like you were going straight into a trap, but you loved Tom more than you could admit so, for tonight, you were gonna let him hold you, and enjoy these few moments of peace before he broke you again.
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karumashadowchicken · 4 years
Yasuhiro x Aoi    *Spoiler Warning*
Yasuhiro x Aoi 'Writing request by, Princeasimdiya12'
Big Spoiler Warning! Spoilers ahead. like, SPOILERS. hope that got the message across, but just incase, SPOILERS. BIG SPOILERS FOR TRAIL 4!
First, slight re-cap to the trail if you haven't read. Not to mention, SPOILERS UP AHEAD.
The Fourth Trail had just ended, and Yasuhiro was feeling nervous. Well, more guilty. Not because he had comited a crime, but because of the way he treated Sakura. All through out the trial he had called him an ogre, even though she had just died. He had been the one to kill her, but it's not like it was on purpose! When he went to the Rec Room right before lunch, and Sakura was there. Sakura had given him a piece of candy to help him relax, but it was too quiet. Hiro was starting to get a bit nervous. Sakura had started whispering to herself, making Hiro really nervous. he was starting to feel like he was in danger. Sakura had said something that concered Hiro. It was threatning, though not suposed to be. He was sure she was going to kill him. Hiro had started to flip out, and ended up killing Sakura. He had clocked her with one of the bottles in the Rec Room. The bottles with the little  monokuma figures inside. He diden't mean to, he thought she was going to kill him! He had continued to frame Fukawa, though it diden't go so well. He ended up confessing the whole ordeal in the trial. Aoi suggested execution, that Hiro should be killed for murdering Sakura. But, he wasen't done testifying yet. Not everything has been explained yet, they coulden't stop asking queastions just yet. When he had placed the fake last message blaming Fukawa, he had actually left it on the table. Though somehow it had ended up hidden. That meant that he was not the only one in the Rec Room at the time of the murder, and someone else had to have been there at some point too. Fukawa had hidden the message, so the others woulden't find it. The case diden't end when Sakura was socked with the bottle, Hiro wasen't the murderer. but, as it turned out, Hiro wasen't actaully the killer. Hiro had only hit Sakura once, but she had two wounds on her head. Both srikes had been Monokuma bottles, but only one stike was by Hiro. The second strike was by none other then Fukawa herself! Hiro had even seem Fukawa go into the Rec Room after the first stike. Fukawa had hide in the Rec Room too. Fukawa had be the one to finish off Sakura! But, There was still more th the story, it wasen't over yet. Not even close! Well actually, kinda close... Someone had sitched the protien and the poison bottles, Sakura had ingested the poison thinking it was protien. Thats what caused her to puke up blood! Their had been foot-prints at the scene of the crime! Those foot-prints were none other than Aoi's, but why? Aoi was the one who had actually killed Sakura? At this point things were just getting confusing. Hiro was for sure not the one who had killed Sakura. So it was either Aoi or Fukawa. Aoi wante to quickly get over with the trial, thats why she had been suggesting that people were clearly quilty! But, Sakura and Aoi had been great friends, why would she do such a thing? Aoi was asked if she could get Sakura some protien, and thats when she had a thought. She could just kill her now. Leading her to doing just that. But, Aoi coulden't have done it! The pattern of the foot prints diden't match up! Then, who really was the killer? After the glass shard was found in the 'poison bottle' (actually protien') , how did it get there? In the end, the truth was that Sakura had ended herself. There was no murderer, Sakura had killed herself. Aoi had tried to hide the fact by taking the blame, but everyone left realized it. She had done it to herself.
After the whole ordeal, Hiro coulden't shake the feeling of quilt. Was he on of the reasons that Sakura had ended herself? Could he have been nicer to her? Maybe he shoulden't have called her ogre all those times before. Even during the trail, after her death he was still calling her ogre. He felt bad, like awful man! He trated her so poorly, and she had ended up killing herself! He coulden't apoligize to her, but he had to apolize to someone. Hiro sighed, pacing back and forth in his room. He remembered Aoi, not that he had ever forgoten. He sighed, trying to calm himself down. He was still shook from what just happened, who woulden't be. He coulden't apoligize to Sakura, but he could Aoi. Hiro anxiously walked towards his door, leaving his room. When he reached Aoi's door, his hand hovoured over the door. Should he really do this? He decided that it was only right, so he knocked. Waitig a few seconds, the door opened. Hiro noticed Aoi looked sad, he had problry been crying. Just like she did at the end of the trial. "Hey, man" He said softly, pausing before he continues, "can we talk? I gotta apoligize." Aoi nodded and let him in. Aoi was looking at the ground, clearly still sad, they had been friends after all. " hey, uh... I-" He cut himself off, he probley shoulden't mention Sakura. " I, wanted to apoligize, for the way I treated her." Aoi was holding in a sob. "I could have been nicer, like man... I.. I could have been so much nicer" Aoi let out  alight sob. Hiro continued," and I shoulden't have called her ogre, or been so rude!" Hiro lightly places a hand on Aoi's shoulder. " I diden't mean for this to happen, I.. I am so, so sorry" Aoi choaked on a sob, Aoi wrapped her arms around Hiros abdomen. She barried her face in his shirt. Sobs soaking his shirt. He lightly rubbed her back, while telling her it was going to be alright. "Hey man, uhh.... Aoi. It's gonna be alright, and-" Hiro stumbled n his words, unsur eof what to say,"and if ya need me, I'm here.. for you." Aoi smiles lifting her face from his chest. Her voice was soft, but faultering from crying. " T-thank you" Hiro continued to run circles into her back in an attempt to calm her down. After a few minutes she stopped sobbing, and stated talking to him. They ended up getting lost in conversation. They would have stayed at eachothers rooms for the night, but that was against the rules, And clearly the rules were note to be messed with. Hiro got up to leave her room. " Hey Aoi?" he said in a calm tone. He smiled softly, "do ya think we could be friends?" He asked, with a whole hearted tone. Aoi looked up, suddently smiling, "Yeah, thank you." Aoi smiled and waved lightly. Hiro waved his hand while leaving and closing the door behind himself. He sighed, smiling to himself. After everything that happened today, he still feels a sparke of happiness. Like even though everything is crazy right now, things will get better. Hiro smiled, feeling at peace some how. Just for tonight, he found peace amoung the chaos.
The End.
Hey, I hope anyone who read this liked it. Sorry for any spelling errors.
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arreole-lavendelle · 5 years
Okay, Saw TRoS the 18th. After I exited the cinema, I sat down and wrote this messy review to keep myself from crying my eyes out (Which I did for a whole day afterwards. Still am.)
I've defended the new trilogy. I've defended the whole Skywalker saga, so how...HOW could they do this to me? TO ALL OF US?! JJ and LF, how could you? How could you kill Ben like that? Make him smile so wholeheartedly and then just let him fade away like that. At least he got to save his girl Rey, but where is the FUN and HOPE we were promised for him? WHERE IS IT??!!! How is this a satisfiyng ending??!! TO THE WHOLE SKYWALKER SAGA???!!! I hope Tatooine was just a stop on her way back to Finn/Poe and to finding a way to get Ben back, let her please just be there to hide the lightsabers. Why would Poe let BB-8 behind with her? It's his droid. But if she stays on Tatooine, then she also gets screwed over royally. All she wanted was to belong to a family, who could understand her. A place to belong. Those persons got taken away from her and her SOULMATE died in her arms. NOPE. THAT'S DISGUSTING. And let's talk about other stuff. Like what the fuck happened to Hux. WTF. So much wasted potential. It was not a secret that he hates Kylo, but to become a freaking spy for the resistance, something he hates even more than his supreme leader, NOTE; This guy was happily blowing up Republic planets for the sake of his First Order. And here he says that 'It doesn't matter who wins the war, as long as Kylo Ren loses?' What bullshit is this? His ambition would never let him stoop this low. How did they even got this idea? And even if he had the right reasons to be a rebel spy... HE GOT KILLED LIKE ONLY A MINUTE AFTER THE REVEAL! Like really? And what kind of stupid name is the FINAL ORDER. Come on, that's just lazy writing. The whole character of Palpatine felt off. It looked like they were jotting down ideas and just decided to run all of them at once. Kill Rey, keep her alive to she can rule with him, kill her yourself and take all her energy... *Sigh*... He felt like a stupid comic book villain. And then Rey. Rey Palpatine. That came so out of left field and totally ruined her backstory. The thought of her being nobody and the message that everyone can be special, was powerful. Now they changed the message to 'See, you need a powerful bloodline to be succesful.' Sorry, but they kind of made her a Mary Sue in this movie. All the voices of the Jedi were a nice touch, but WHY HER? Ben is suposed to be the Chosen one, he is the SKYWALKER, the DECENDANT OF VADER. Now all the fallen jedi rally behind Rey and she just... Blocks Palpatine and kills him. Just like that. And what even were the things on the stands? Maybe I overlooked something, but they couldn't be sith ghosts because they could be physically harmed (fallen rocks) It was also such a waste to not show a couple of force ghosts. That was a really save choice they picked, which made the moment feel kind of bland and anti climactic. COWARDS. Also, the Knights of Ren were wasted. You never saw them in action, just standing in the distance, looking cool. Or stalking people but not really do anything. UNTIL they have to kill Ben because of reasons. So they belonged to Palpatine all along? The reveal of Leia's Lightsaber also came out of left field. So she was force trained by Luke and now she force trained Rey? GOOD TO KNOW... This movie is an illogical mash of events and downright lazy and insulting to call itself the final in the Skywalker saga. There were good parts in the movie. But they slipped my mind right now. The death of Ben is still haunting me.I will need a lot of time to mourn him and get myself back together again. HE DESERVED BETTER. JJ and some of the cast are all LIARS. And when Ben died... they don't show how Rey is coping with it, the pacing is so off that the next shot is her just flying away as if nothing really happened and she just made an arrant to the supermarket.It was stated that they could not life without the other, that's how strong their bond was and now they tell me that he just dropped dead after saving her? FUCK YOU. And suddenly, she got a yellow lightsaber... WHERE? WHAT? HOW? Ben.. Poor Ben. They gave an abused man hope and a glimpse of love from his SOULMATE and he just gets thrown down an abyss, to survive that, finds his loved one dead on the floor, cradle her into his arms, uses his force energy to resurrect her, hug her, kiss her, SMILE AT HER and then JUST DIES A MINUTE LATER??!! FUCK YOU. The Resistance... Is just the Resistance. The only thing that made that interessting were Finn and Poe. Not their uncountable love interests. But just the amount of bickering like an eldery married couple, made me enjoy through those parts.But there were also characters with zero to none background info but who seem important enough for lots of screentime. Some even nameless, like how should I get attached to any of them? And they just pushed Lando in like, here is a face you know! CARE FOR IT. AND WHY DID MAZE SMILE? WHAT DOES SHE KNOW THAT WE DON'T? Why is this movie so fucked up? If I could trade the whole resistance, maybe even with Finn and Poe on the line, to get Ben back. I would. BEN DESERVED BETTER. Maybe I will write another train of thoughts when I have scraped myself together and discuss the good parts. Like, the moment Rey is confronting Palpatine and Ben is facing the KoR. They force bond and she hands him the lightsaber. THAT WAS HOT. For now, I try to focus on the posive notes, but it's so damn hard to do. Well, thank you for reading this mess. May the force be with you.
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androgynousblackbox · 4 years
I used to be a fan of creepshow but since she got a bigger following and became buddies with other youtubers she's changed. Idk I feel like back when she was smaller you could critique her and she would listen if it was done in a polite way but as I've seen in the last few days those days are clearly gone. It's always the same shit with youtubers as soon as they get bigger they all see criticism as just some haters and people chasing for clout. She seem spiteful these days.
I used to be a suscriber too until it came out a video of her saying “you must accept criticism as a content creator, no matter how insulting it is, because how else are you as an artist suposed to improve??” and unsuscribed because I hate that mentality. I would still have some of her videos recommended to me and I would watch as white note while doing something else, and for that I can tell there was certainly a shift on the way she handled topics or what topics she used. For one, she stopped talking about general artist stuff or youtubers on the artists community to be more broadly drama. I have no doubt this happened specifically because she must have noticed that general drama is a lot more profitable than art drama. So she started talking about Shane Dawson, James Charles and Trisha Paytas and other trendy topics like that, because that was on everyone’s mind and of course would bring a lot of traffic. All she said was information readibly available for everyone and it wasn’t nothing specially controversial. Until then everything was fine. It was silly drama, after all.But then she started talking more about Onision, Vanity and Yaniv, real known predators/abusers whose crimes are extremely serious and should be handled by authorities, and that is where I think she started to get this idea that she was the chosen one to talk about Real Issues(tm). She is someone with no media traning, no training in law, no training in how to handle these serious topics, just a “normal” person with opinions and, fuck, that seemed to be enough. People were telling her “thank god you are speaking about this”, “this person is so awful, we need people like you dennouncing them”, “you are so right, you speaking the truth, queen, yes, just tell them” and other things that convinced her then that she was doing the right thing. That she was making a difference. That this was good. That no one else was going to do what she was doing, so it should be done.So she started to get sloppier. After all, she just had to report things easy to find online and she would get praise for it. Why would you ever need anything else? I first really noticed this with that video about some lady supposedly faking so many illnesses, injuries and food alergies. This lady is the face of body positivity for a lot of people and also for disabled visibility, so she was big and she faking having all those issues was also big. What a fraud! So Crapshow reunited all the “evidence” and put it out. Hey, guys, it’s Sharon, and today we are going to speak about this lady possibly lying for attention, don’t forget to like and suscribe! She didn’t consult with any disabled person about how common the experiences of that lady actually were. She didn’t stopped to think how common is to doubt disabled people’s struggles and how damaging it can be for them spread the narrative that you can “prove” someone’s disability, that in fact you should, because fakers are bad and we can’t allow them to exist, no matter how disproportianaly affects disabled people and their hability to get the assistance they need. People told her this. There was no way no one in the internet wasn’t going to let her know maybe that was unnecesary and irresponsible thing to do. But the response of people telling her “yeeaaaah, you tell them, queen, you bring down those fakers!”, “my queen Sharon is speaking nothing but the truth!”, “I am so glad you are covering this!” was greater and they were more people, so why shouldn’t listen to them instead? They were the majority, and it couldn’t be that ableism is a thing so normalized that people fell into it without realizing, so case close.Then she talked about MAPs in twitter (don’t drag me to map discourse o I will block you) and once again she was getting praised for her bravery and resolution to save the kiddies, for talking about dangerous people, for talking about Real Issues that were Important. The look from that high horse must have been amazing for her, I bet. From there, it was only a matter of time before she spoke about “cartoon cp”. It could have been loli or shota in general, about how it’s wrong and it’s disgusting and how she cannot believe there are people who seek that content out, when those are lItErAlLy cHiLdReN and bla bla bla. Let’s forget about how she defended just-a-fish from detractors who used him following a loli account as a reason to hate on him and call him a pedophile. Let’s forget about how she defended an artist from backlash after making a grown up version of a teen character. Let’s forget about how she has claimed to be the saviour of big titty drawn ladies because art and it’s fine and you are all too damn sensitive. Let’s forget how none of her videos are age restricted and when she still posted her own speedrawings, a lot of times those drawings were about naked ladies.Let’s forget about all of that. There is kiddies to save, money to make and, hey, this should be easy, right? I am sure someone was “hey, Sharon, now that you are speaking about predators on twitter, how about you speak about this artist that does this disgusting shit. Just look at this lewd images and don’t even paid attention to the context of abuse. These literal kiddies are naked! And they do lewd stuff! You have to talk about this, Crapshow, we need you” and that is all she needed. As I said, she was getting sloppier and sloppier already so easy target (small account), easy subject (kiddies in danger!), easy to talk about (it’s disgusting, therefore this is illegal!), so of course she was going to get into it with her personal disgust as the only reason for anything.As long she keeps being praised for the shit she does, she is never have a reason to change her mentality. I am sure she thinks she only spoked the truth, that this was something that should have happened, that this was important and if no one else is talking about it, then, why else does she have a platform. But the way she reacted to people telling her how wrong she was, that only made it clear she gives a solid fuck about honesty or compassion. It’s all performative, just like antis have always been performative. Can you even imagine Crapshow going against her audience’s opinion on anything, ever? I can’t. 
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hpdabbles · 5 years
Domestic Bliss
“Sirius Orion Black!” Remus barks as soon as he’s home. The Auror hasn’t even taken off his coat before his lover is stomping towards him, a letter clutch in one of his hands.
Mentally Sirius goes through an alphabetical list of what he could possibly done to make Remus upset with him while he was out, crossing things off by whether he’s done them recently or not.  It’s when he gets to the Hs that he realizes what it is. 
Right on cue, Remus screeches in his face.  “Harry fought a troll. A troll Sirius! Because you told him to punch first ask questions later! What are you teaching our ward!? ”
The black hair man raises his hands  “I meant if someone tried to bully him not- wait did you say a troll!? What’s a troll doing in Hogwarts!?”
The werewolf’s nose flares with irritation. None of it is directed at Sirius, he knows this after all their years together, and the man turns pacing in place. Sirius leans against the wall watching him, amused by the angry muttering.
Something about raising the boy better and idiots that passed along stupidity to the younger generations.
 He doesn’t worry too much about Harry, if anything his godson has done crazier things before, and the fact Remus waited for him instead of storming the castle itself tells him the boy is okay. Marlin knows he loves the boy like his own, but he almost dies every other month. Trouble just seems to follow him everywhere he went and when it didn’t, Harry went after it with Beater’s bat.
One on fire. While Harry rode a dragon’s back. 
Snorting at the mental image, Sirius stands from his slouch putting his arms around a lovely firm waist and bringing his lover into a hug. “Calm down, Moony. He’s alright. Harry’s a tough kid.”
“That’s just it!” The taller man grumbles  “He’s just a kid. People forget that!” 
Sirius frowns, unhappy of that reminder. 
The Wizarding world had ideas of what his ward should be like. Often times he had reporters, fans and more attempt to break into their home over the years just to get a glimpse of famous Boy-Who-Lived. They put so much on his young shoulders.
“Maybe that’s true.” He yields  “But he’s not alone. He’s got the Weasleys to look out for him you know. And Ron is with him.”
Remus snorts  “Harry can talk Ron into anything.”
Which yes, the little Potter could. Ever since the two boys met as kids, they form a strange bond that was a lot like James’ and he’s have been. They were brothers in arms, more than willing to run into hell screaming at the top of their lungs for each other. 
Sirius couldn’t be any prouder.  Judging by the way Remus’ shoulders shake he couldn’t be either.
“But did they die?” He asks remembering James favorite question after the Marauders did something reckless.  
He could almost hear his mate’s cheeky voice. Okay, but did we die?. Marlin how misses the brain dead moron.
“Are they hurt?”
“Then it’s fine. Remember what we were up to the first year? Why I seem to recall a certain werewolf leading me on a wild goose chase.” Sirius snuggles his nose into the warm smell of ink, trees, and wolf. It’s something he’s been picking up since Padfoot came about but he never grows tired of it. 
“We must have different first years. I remember an idiot staring at me for hours on end.” Remus’ tone is teasing hands going over Sirius’. “One would say he was in love with me.”
 “One would be right. So madly in love even.” 
That earns him a laugh, the tension slipping out of Remus’ body and the letter fluttering to the ground. Smiling into his husband’s shoulder blades, he thinks over how different the house been since Harry boarded the Hogwarts train.
Quitter most certainly. But also much lonelier. The kid was a handful but he was the pride and joy of his life. He knew it would be hard to see him go but not this hard.  
He wonders what Remus must feel. He had enough money to provide for the family easily, and his husband had been a stay at home dad for Harry for nearly nine years. (Seeing as people still sucked and werewolves were being discriminated against he didn’t really have much of a choice even if the man adore it)
Now that Harry was gone however Remus was getting restless. Sirius offers to buy him a store, a business he could run, but his husband liked being a house husband, loved being a father even more. Maybe it was the wolf in him but Remus was a man who just wanted a bunch of kids to care for.
Which is what Sirius wanted too.  And a bookstore. He could see that as his next five-year plan. 
“Love, can we talk?” He pulls away making the taller turn to him. Sirius smiles the warmest one he has. Instantly Remus is on guard  “I was thinking our nest is far too empty as of late.”
“I supose,” The brown hair man says warily.  
“Right so I was thinking we get more little birdies to make it full again.” His heart is beating a mile away. He’s been with Remus for years, and it seems silly to be nervous but this was a big step. 
Yes, Harry was his kid but they didn’t really have a choice with him. James and Lily died, of course, he had to step up. But this, going out and selecting their own child was something else entirely. 
Remus’ beautiful eyes widen. Even after all these years, his lover was still the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen. well beside his own reflection of course “You mean...”
“Blood adoption” He confirms. Sirius moves his hair out of his face, hand slightly shaking from giggly excitement.  “Our own tiny tots with our blood-”
“Sirius. You know I can’t. A werewolf has one in a fourth chance of passing on the wolf. If our child has my blood they could be a werewolf.” Remus cuts in. His eyes have turn shameful. 
Reaching out he takes scar hands, smoothes a thumb over the ring he placed there seven years ago when he worked up the courage to ask the man he’s love nearly half his life to be with him for the rest.  “Oh but love, werewolf or not, that would be our child. I will love them so much because they would take after you. And Remus you are the best thing to ever happen to me. Surely a child like you could be even better.”
Remus leans his forehead on him breathing him in. It’s something he does when he gets emotional and Sirius loves it. Loves he can recognize it, loves he can experience it and loves he can see him doing it to a child that is the perfect blend of them both.
“If I say yes, what then?”
“We send Harry a letter to let the boy know he’s going to be a big brother. Brat, been asking for years for a little sister.”
“He’s getting a little brother.”
Sirius opens his eyes, staring into warm brown ones. “Is he?”
The werewolf smiles, a curl of the lips he remembers on their wedding day and Sirius may have fallen all over again. 
He could work with maybe. Leaning upwards- having to stand on his tippy toes because Remus shot up like a weed in the sixth year which wouldn’t be fair had Sirius not love being held so much- he presses a tender kiss on his husband’s lips.  
They linger there, lips pressing against each other gently until they need air and pull apart. Moments like these make Sirius feel like a teenager again, and judging by Remus’ flush face so does he. 
“Did that convince you?” He asks huskily. 
“Well, I have always loved the name Teddy for a son.”
They share a smile and spent the rest of the day in each other's arms talking about Teddy. It’s only a few months later that they manage to get everything in motion. Paperwork has to be done, children have to be located and the blood adoption prepared. 
Harry is beside himself in excitement happily helping prepare the nursery over summer holidays - “Pink. Because I want a sister. With Dueling powers”-  and by his second year, they have a toddler with Remus’ hair and Sirius' eyes.
He’s named Teddy and he’s the sweetest boy the two proud fathers have ever seen. He’s quite an easily excited child, curious about everything and anything. He goes after Harry a lot, thinking his older brother to be the coolest person to ever walk the earth and Harry lives on that kind of energy. 
Naturally, Harry takes him flying the second they turn their backs. Of course, he falls off, with the younger potter panicking and Remus is storming the yard with a sharp  “Harry James Potter!”
Sirius watches from the kitchen smiling at his family. (They were barely hovering so Teddy isn’t hurt just scared. His husband can handle the scolding). He wonders if his teenage self knew of the wonderful warm family that waited for him. Maybe he did.
After all, he tended to fall asleep in teenage Remus’ bed.
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roombagreyjoy · 4 years
Prompt - "What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt." And someone from Ragnarok? (Preferably Laurits lmao) there's not enough content for this show tbh
Here you go! This took me way too long to edit (I wrote it in two or three hours, during a manic, sleepless spree at 4AM and it needed a lot of work to be decent enough to be posted)
I am still taking prompts. However, I lost the Prompt List this was taken from because according to Tumblr, it doesn’t exist in my blog anymore! Say hooray for a functioning website! But if you want to, you can still request stuff, freestyle this time! (probably for as long as quarantine lasts; I use these to warm up for my actual writing job, so they’re greatly appreciated)
Prompt #1: (You can also read it on my AO3 page)
Concerned & upset: “What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
Alternative Title: Magne does a Big Mad and it has Consequences. Laurits is just here to have a good time, to be honest.
Fandom: Ragnarök (Netflix 2020)
Pairings: None
Characters: Laurits Seier & Magne Seier, Ran Jutul (mentioned), Turid Seier (mentioned), Gry Isungset (mentioned), Fjor Jutul (mentioned), Vidar Jutul (mentioned)
Content Warnings: Some swearing, non-explicit violence, poorly executed pop culture references.
Length: 1550 words (even though AO3 says the contrary I swear it’s 1550 I deleted an entire sentence for it to fit perfectly don’t @ me I will stomp you to death with my hooves)
“What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
The answer came just a second too late. His brother, as always, was lost deep in his own thoughts, oblivious to the outside world except for those occasions he deemed worthy of his attention. Laurits really, really could not understand this. Magne was opening his mouth to reply already, at a wearing speed if Laurits may say so himself, so he beat his brother to it, robbing him of a chance to explain himself.
“You really have changed since we came to Edda,” he said.
“I told you!” Magne protested. “I-”
“You’ve got stupider.”
Magne was silent again, but this time he replied in time to avoid one of his younger brother’s viper-like comments.
“… That’s not fair.”
“Isn’t it?” Laurits was being vicious with him today, for some reason. Unfairly so, thought Magne. “Isn’t it, truly, my brother dear?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“You’re being kind of a dick, you know.”
He didn’t even hesitate to reply. Not once. Then again, he never did. Magne didn’t know what had got into him, but he knew that the blame was probably on his shoulders. At least from his brother’s perspective.
“Look… I tried explaining it to you, but if you’re going to keep on being an asshole about it and tell me that you don’t believe me… again…”
Laurits stared at him intently, waiting for him to finish the sentence for the first time since they sat down in their beautiful, precious, lavender blue living room. Kitchen? Lounge? The house was way too small to try and categorise every room in it. Not that there were many, anyway.
And it was godawfully horrible. The house, he meant. The floors creaked, the water pressure was practically non-existent, the wind came through the ancient wooden planks in the walls and the floor, through the carpet and the wallpaper, taking hold of him even when he curled up under the blankets, deep in his bones… the neighbourhood was pretty much a ghetto. And Magne still could not get along with his goddamn sentence. Laurits really needed a Valium at that point. Or a couple shots of vodka. And a cigarette.
“So?” He basically beseeched Magne to continue.
“So what?!”
“Well. Carry on.”
Wayward son.
This really wasn’t the time for that. Pay attention. Your brother’s talking. Or. Well. He’s trying to talk.
“You didn’t believe me the first time. And you don’t believe me now either.”
“You said I couldn’t throw a hammer that far.”
“You wouldn’t survive being run over by a snowplough either. And yet. Here we are.”
“So, you believed that?”
“I never believe anything, Magne. Trust is for fools.”
“So?” This time was his older brother’s turn. Laurits found it funny for some reason. It probably wasn’t funny, but at that point he was on the brink of an anxiety attack, or a fit of laughing hysteria. Which may actually let loose some of the tension he’d been building up for the past few days, anyway, so that might be productive.
“See, this is why we’re different. You. You don’t look. You don’t pay attention. You don’t corroborate anything.” He said.
“And you do.”
“You bet your ass I do.”
“So what? That makes me an idiot?”
“Maybe? I don’t know. I’m not your uh… headmistress.” He smirked at the thought. The memory, more like. Oh, what a glorious day. And everyone was looking. He was nervous, but confident. The anxiety made him feel alive. He couldn’t perform without it. And performing, that he did. He was born for it. The theatrics, the drama of it all… a mischief well made, a perfect execution.
Oh. He was going to be grounded forever.
Oh. It was so worth it.
Although, on second thought, not being on the Jutul’s good graces might present a problem or two in the future. Perhaps he was the idiot.
That was a problem for future him, however.
And, besides, if what Magne had told him was even remotely true, the stunt he pulled in front of the ever-so-charming people from the town of Edda (more like village, ugh) and their lovely headmistress was the least of his concerns.
He didn’t know how much Magne knew. He didn’t know how much he knew himself. He knew some stuff, of course, but it didn’t seem to be enough. All he knew is that the Jutuls knew more than them. Probably more than them combined and multiplied twice. And that was a problem.
Vidar laying unconscious, or probably dead (because Magne was too much of a wuss to check… either that or he really was way more fucked up by the fight than he claimed he was) was also, if he may say so himself, the very definition of a problem.
He could fix it though. He was always fixing his brother’s fuck-ups. His mother’s. He always fixed everyone’s fuck-ups. Fair enough, he caused more problems than the solved. But that didn’t matter.
He was a kid, for crying out loud. Or was he? Had he always been a kid? Was he still? Can you be a kid if you’re stripped of your childhood, with a dead father, a constantly moving, constantly changing housing situation, a detached mother and a brother as thick as a brick? He understood why Magne was the way he was. Sometimes he wondered why he hadn’t ended up that way as well.
“Hm.” He hummed, seeing Magne was not likely to continue the conversation. “So. Thor.”
“Yes. Thor.”
“Yes Thor.”
“That’s… that’s what I said.”
“And Gry also knows.”
“And Gry also knows.”
“How much does she know?”
“As much as you. Maybe less… maybe more. Whatever Fjor has told her.”
A pinch in his stomach. That was going to be a problem.
All he seemed to be getting were problems.
“Because they left together.” Laurits said, recounting what Magne had told him.
A thought crossed Laurits’ mind like a lightning bolt. If you’ll excuse the pun. Something to take his mind off the fact that Gry was leaving with Fjor. He really should not be feeling this jealous. He coughed slightly. The thought was gone. Crisis averted. For now.
“And Saxa?” He asked.
“What about her?” Magne stared at him in confusion.
“She was there, singing. And then I gave my speech.”
“So, she couldn’t have seen anything.”
“Neither could Ran. But I’m more worried about Saxa. She’s vicious.”
“You don’t think Ran could be mad about me killing her husband?” Magne. Please. For the love of anything you hold sacred. Don’t yell things like that. These walls are paper thin, for crying out loud.
“What I think doesn’t matter because we don’t know anything. But, as you’ve asked, I think Ran is more rational than her. I don’t think she would do anything to compromise her position with the people in town.”
“She’s already compromised.”
“She’s a-ah.” Laurits let out a small, incredulous chuckle. “Of course she’s already compromised. What did you do, you sick son of a bitch?”
“I may or may not have left a couple of those toxic kegs in front of the police station.”
“I may or may not be surprised that you were actually right about that.”
“You’re not.”
“You’re right: I’m not. This town sucks. But I stand by what I said: you really need to quit the Isoldecologist act.”
Magne did not reply.
“Look. The kegs are irrelevant. Ran is not tied to Jutul industries the way Vidar is. Was. May still be.” Continued Laurits.
“But the rumour…”
“Fair point. But still, she may not be legally tied to them.”
“People talk…”
“Shit. Most people talk shit. But yes, as I said, you’ve got a point. She has to keep her reputation, after all…” That was an interesting turn of events.
“So, what do we do?”
“We? Why are you including me?”
“Well, I just told you all this. You’re not just going to sit there and do nothing, are you?” Magne frowned.
But he was right. Laurits was tired of doing nothing. He had done nothing long enough. That situation had changed a few hours ago, actually. And he suposed he could not stand idle for any longer.
“Fine. We will think of something once you get rid of those clothes, shower, and mum comes home and we pretend nothing has happened. You smell like a poorly cooked barbeque.”
Magne let out a big, deep sigh. “Okay.”
“… I’m still mad at you, you know.”
“What for?”
“Um. Electrocuting yourself, for starters.”
“That wasn’t me, that was-”
“Thor. Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What if you weren’t, though. What if you were wrong? You could’ve got hurt.”
“You already said that.”
“And you’ll hear it again!” He said, triumphantly raising his fist in the air. Magne, as usual, just stared at him. Laurits let out his breath, defeatedly. He really couldn’t do anything fun in this house, no one understood pop culture references.
“Look,” he said. “Just go shower. Mum will yell at you for a bit. We’ll have dinner. She’ll take her usual spot in front of the TV, sulk for a while, pass out, and then we can talk. I got to make a few calls.”
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dunmeri-bitch · 5 years
thank you @forevervobla for tagging me! I've never written something in this format before, so i hope i can get it right XD I'm tagging @iamthekingofsass ***
Name -> "I'm Volmasie Matdel, nice to meet you!"
Are you single? ->  Volmasie smiled and chewed on her lip, twiddling her fingers together. "Sort of? I have feelings for someone, and i suppose i have a bed-partner, but it's not official yet." she smiles and blush "Also, don't tell him I have feelings, please" Are you happy? -> “yeah I suppose so. a little stressed with the dragons and the war, still not over what happened in Helgen," she looks down for a moment and shakes herself out of the bad memories, "But I've had worse, so i suppose I'm okay"
Are you angry? ->  “no, not right now. I can get angry pretty quickly. Valtir says I make my feelings too obvious" she smiles a little and rubbed the back of her head
Are your parents still married? -> Volmasie shook her head, "No, my biological dad was never in my life, I don't know who he is, I've never met him. My mother and stepfather are happy together, despite the lack of a wedding ring"
NINE FACTS Birth Place? ->  "I was born off the coast of Tear. My mother moved from Morrowind to Bravil when she was pregnant, and i was born a little earlier than expected. she used to say that's why I've always been short for my age, and for a dunmer" she grins widely
Hair Colour? ->  "Ginger, or well when it's grown out. right now it's shaven so it practically looks dark brown" she runs her hand across her head and shrugged a little.
Eye Colour? ->  “snow-berry red, well maybe a little pinker than that"
Birthday? -> “5th of Sun's Dawn“
Mood?-> “little nervous, not sure what you'll ask me, but It's fine"
Gender? ->  “Female, I don't see why this is important though, unless you want something specific from me? know that I don't work for free, the fact that I'm letting you be so nosy is already more than I'm comfortable with"
Summer or winter? -> Volmasie shook her head, "neither of those, I like Spring and Autumn, I love the colors" she smiles and thought for a second, putting her index finger to her lip "although i do love swimming during the summer, so i guess every season besides winter. way too cold for my comfort"
Morning or afternoon?-> “afternoon, I love watching the sun set and seeing the inns fill up with life. that usually means septims for me"
EIGHT THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE Are you in love? -> “I don't know to be sure. I've been in love a few times, one in particular was during the war with the Thalmors, this Altmer, Runiel, saved me from- from some imperial solliders, and we slowly fell in love with eachother. sadly his family didn't approve of him being with a dunmer, much less a prostitute, so they forced him to come back to summerset.” she shrugged, looking down a bit, "I've had flings since then, but nothing like that" Volmasie looks up and peeked out the window where her companion was stood "Although... maybe something new is growing... if he'll return the feelings"
Do you believe in love at first sight? ->“not first sight, maybe second or third? i believe in quick love, but never firsts”
Who ended your last relationship?-> Volmasie thought for a moment and pursed her bottom lip "none of us did actually, we just drifted appart, and I haven't heard from them in ages, I honestly don't know if they're even alive still"
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? -> “not intentionally no, but sometimes costumers have taken too much liberty in how they view me. just because they becvome a regular doesn't mean I'll want to marry them and have their children” she shudders and frowns, crossing her arms.
Are you afraid of commitments? -> “gods, yes!" Volmasie groans and leans forward, holding her forhead "it scares the living daylight out of me"
Have you hugged someone within the last week? -> “Does hugging for warmth count?” she smiles a little "because if it does then i pretty much hug someone, at least once a day" she laughs and smiled widely, showing off her little tooth gap.
Have you ever had a secret admirer? ->  "Not sure which one you mean? I've had stalkers, yes" she grimaced and took a little sip of ale "but the romantic kind? not that i know of"
Have you ever broken your own heart? -> "would it upset you if I said that's what I'm doing right now?" she looked out the window and sighs
SIX CHOICES Love or lust? -> “why can't I both?"
Lemonade or iced tea? -> “Flin”
Cats or Dogs? -> “cats, definetly cats” she smiles "I think dogs are cute, but I don't want one of my own"
A few best friends or many regular friends? -> "again why do people always assume you can't have both at the same time?!"
Wild night out or romantic night in? -> "depends on who's asking?" she smirks a little "I'm very open for both options"
Day or night? -> “Nights, you'd be suprised at how much life there is during the dark hours, It's so beautiful in it's own way"
FIVE HAVE YOU EVERS Been caught sneaking out? ->  "Oh deffinetly, so many times, which got me grounded and led to me sneaking out again” she snorts and shook her head "I was a restless kid, there was no chance of keeping me in one place"
Fallen down/up the stairs? -> “Weeeel i did slipp quite far down the steps up to the Greybeards.... don't tell anyone though”
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ->  “ugh, yes, so many times.” she groans and pouts, crossing her arms "It's unfair, honestly"    
Wanted to disappear? -> “next question please”
FOUR PREFERENCES Smile or eyes? -> “Smile, not only is dental hygiene very important in my line of work, but a smile tells so much about a person.”
Shorter or Taller? -> “well I'm pretty short myself, but it has it's perks. Have you ever been lifted up by an orc sailor? experience for life” she grins "also makes me the perfect size for cuddling"
Intelligence or Attraction? -> “not sure actually, both are very nice”
Hook-up or Relationship? ->  "both have their ups and downs, it honestly depends on my mood"
FAMILY Do you and your family get along? ->  Volmasie nodded a little and smiles. "I do," she leans back in her chair "I was never an easy kid, so I may not always have given off that impression, but I love my mother and stepdad dearly, they've helped me so much during my early years. i miss them" Would you say you have a “messed up life”? -> “Depends on how you choose to view it. I'm an exotic dancer, sex-worker, and I don't have much wealth, and I can't read. but on the other hand, I'm traveling with friends, I get to see corners of the province people have long since forgotten, I've held ancient artifacts in my hands, and I get to see the immense beauty this place has to offer. I have enough money to go to bed with a full tummy most nights, and I'm traveling with someone with an appetite you barely can describe. I may have made stupid choices, but I'm quite happy"
Have you ever run away from home? -> "I've run away a few times as a kid, ended up kidnapped by gobblins once and got into bad groups other times, but it never took long before I found my way home again, one way or the other"
Have you ever gotten kicked out? -> “you mean from taverns, right?” she snorts and nodded "Let's just say me and Valtir aren't welcome at the bannered mare before we replace that bed we broke"
FRIENDS Do you secretly hate one of your friends -> “I have a few friends i wanna punch sometimes, but I don't hate them” she laughs "But then again i reckon they want to punch me too sometimes"
Do you consider all of your friends good friends ->  “yes!” she nodded and smiled widely
Who is your best friend -> “hmmm Dahika is a dear friend of mine, things are never boring when she's around, and Valtir is a dear friend too."
Who knows everything about you -> “well you are very close, but i supose Runiel or Dahi would be the ones with the most blackmail material on me" she smiles and giggles
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