azspot · 8 months
Why do companies relocate their manufacturing facilities to other countries? We all know the answer to that: To minimize labor costs. To lower the portion of the company’s revenue that goes to the people who do the work and to increase the portion of the company’s revenue that is reserved for investors and management. This is accomplished by the arbitrage of human desperation. A less desperate and impoverished group of workers is traded for a more desperate and impoverished group who will accept less money and a lower standard of living. In addition to this physical relocation of facilities, big companies routinely pursue the legal relocation of their operations to various tax havens, for the purpose of minimizing their tax payments. Physical relocation takes from workers, and legal relocation takes from the public of the nations that should, under a more common sense definition, be taking in tax revenue from these businesses. Working people get poorer, and the public gets poorer, and the gains are funneled into the pockets of the companies themselves, which is to say the investor and management classes. This is all done quite openly. It is not a secret at all. Apple manufactures its iPhones in gargantuan worker villages in poor countries like India and China and Apple evades tens of billions of dollars in taxes by stashing its money in offshore tax havens and Apple is, not coincidentally, worth close to $3 trillion.
The Real Immigration Problem Is Capital, Not Labor
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binarystargames · 1 year
Machinations of Court and Frame pre-production notes: Noble Houses and their Agents
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I don't have an actual cover for this one yet so for now you get a screencap from the SRD title. This one's still at pretty high level. But I did some of that high level work and I wanna talk about it!
Speaking of the SRD, this is the third Total//Effect game I initially proposed/outlined/etc on the Total//Effect SRD. My general (self)-pitch was:
Mecha, But Politics
This Time, This One's About The People, Not The Mechs TM
(But it's also about feudalism and how internecine struggles between people in power completely do not care about the average person)
Political maneuvering and such. Heavy Faction emphasis in the form of noble Houses. Think Battletech or Game of Thrones or Dune.
Heavy emphasis on Relationships/Bonds/etc. They're big in Valiant Horizon but they're supposed to be even bigger here.
No "traditional" group tactical TTRPG combat. But there are mecha duels, because that's very important to me.
So first off, I think to give this the proper "space" (haha) to breathe, this one also needs to be a space game. This lets me be pretty vague on certain points without it being weird, especially I'm purposely relaxing "hard"-ness because the specifics aren't the point - everyone has FTL shit and can travel easy, planets are just habitable or terraformable and have atmospheres, it's fine. Get those good Dune/Battletech vibes going more so than like, Front Mission.
Given that, I think the proper order of operations is: Factions/Allegiances contain Houses which contain Planets. Factions/Allegiances are something that I think mostly gets hashed out in play but I'll focus on Houses/Planets.
The main resource I'm tracking is the number of planets they control, which is the only "resource" I'm tracking as such. More planets, more power in general: certain things can add "virtual" planets to this tally, like prominent (extra-population/resource/etc, counts as two) or independent (counts as half at most, is split X ways between any House with a trade agreement with them) planets. What do more planets get you? Each House gets X actions per Faction Turn: reinforce X planet, infiltrate Y planet, do some digging on Z, etc. I'm thinking the big benefit is that they get 2/3/4/5 actions if they have 1/3/6/10 planets: meaning a handful of lower Houses can overwhelm a higher one if they're isolated.
So off the bat, my first inclination was to do some kind of complicated 4X resource thing with Houses. But I realized very quickly that I didn't want that. The thing is that the interplay between Houses is not so much a game in and of itself as it is a backdrop to the personal action between agents of said Houses. Your points of view aren't the machine, they're also cogs in it, even if they are very important cogs. So what do we do for Houses?
To define a House, we start by defining the House's Distinction. This is kind of like a character class or playbook for the House. The ones I have down are Legacy (they're very old and storied), Money (they have a lot of it), Connections (they're got to where they are through intel and favor arbitrage), and Industry (they have control of some major supply of something, like food or ore). This is basically why they matter.
When you define this, the player making the House (this is a full-group effort, ideally, with each player making probably 2) is asked 3 Distinction-based questions to define something in particular about how the House got to where they are, who they're allied with, and who they're unfriendly with. Distinction also defines holdings, i.e. how many planets they start with, but it's based on a roll and each kind has various downsides: Money-Houses have High Die (average 5ish) but many are independent, while Connections-Houses have Low Die (average 2ish) but their capital is always Prominent. Because this isn't really a game about winning or losing, I'm perfectly fine with Houses starting on the front or back foot. For example, I rolled up 1 House of each kind to test this, and the Legacy and Money houses started with 4 each while the other two rolled very poorly ended up with 1 each. That instantly creates an asymmetric dynamic: maybe those first two are the major two powers, with the other two splitting one way or another (or combining forces to act as one...for now, anyway). That's workable!
The chosen Distinction also defines the Frames the House picks as its "core three" types (light, medium, heavy). I've defined 3 "lines" of mechs by name/manufacturer: the first is intended for old-money, focuses on melee capabilities, and labels theirs like TYPE-WEAPON; the second has more of a PMC vibe and labels theirs like 0X-ABC where ABC is a "character class" like KGT = Knight, RGR = Ranger, etc; and the third is full manufacturing and labels them XMYAZ (for instance MM10A4, like how the US military labels things as M16A4/etc). Legacy Houses have to pick 2/3 from the first (they're the oldest one, prior contracts, etc), Money houses have to pick 2/3 from the second (they have a expensive-but-practical vibe), Industry has to pick 2/3 from the last (more of an emphasis on no-frills craftsmanship), and Connections have to pick 1 of each.
Distinction does another thing with Relationships too but I'll get to it when writing about...
So the focus of the game is characters who are Agents. This is a very broad term that more or less comes down to "representative of a House, sponsored by them to get The Overwhelmingly Good Shit from their Frame manufacturer, sent to problem areas to fix or create problems or as liasons/representatives". Each player makes two and play shifts around various sides of a conflict on a per-session basis - when Agents clash, it could be with an NPC, or depending on what House moves have been taken, it could be another PC Agent! (And since direct conflicts are 1v1, you can just have this play out as PvP, unless both duelists were made by the same player.)
I'm taking a similar approach re: playbook/broad "class"-like distinctions to Agents. Specifically, I'm envisioning 6 kinds of Agents on a sliding scale of privilege/status/position from Heir/Scion at the high end (literally in line to be House leadership, or could be if enough people die) to Officer/Mercenary at the low end (not even nobles, just professionals who are good at mech fighting). The more important you are, the more Status you have: Status means that other characters with more/less relate to you differently. (One big one, for example, is that is no big deal for someone of higher Status to actually kill someone of lower in a battlefield duel, but someone of lower status is expected to find a way to disable rather than kill whatever inbred heir in their sight who has a death wish.) It does mean you've got more of a target on your back, however, and less ability to pivot around: I'm thinking a meta-currency equal to X - Status (probably 4 - Status, with Status being 1-3).
Playbooks/whatever I end up calling them also define a few things. I'm envisioning a passive ability relating to Relationships (like counting them as doubled for the purposes of Influence or unlocks), as well as starting packages: starting Relationships with the House and with people, and starting Moves picked from a big list split between Court Intrigues and Frame Maneuvers (like the Mercenary is Maneuvers-only at first, but it gets 4 instead of 3 Moves and can gain more of an appreciation for intrigue over time - think someone like Bronn from Game of Thrones).
Finally, back to Distinctions to talk about Relationships. When characters gain Relationships, they can take those out with other people (which gives advantages to influence them in particular) or with Houses. In addition to making it easier to influence them and various set benefits like extra Frame access or Tells on all that House's Frames or that person's Maneuvers, When they take a Bond (which is 1 of 6 points you can put into a Relationship, crystallized by a specific thing), they gain a token, which they can spend anytime to answer questions about a House: the questions in particular are defined by that Distinction/Playbook, and there's one good-connotated/one bad-connotated. For example, Legacy has a) What hidden secret in their past could propel this House to greatness? b) What dark event in their history or lineage is this House trying to hide? (Keep in mind these aren't just for good bonds, these can be for enemies too - a character can create a Relationship with a House they've sworn to bring to ruin, for example, and cash them in to create some horrid rift they can exploit, or a friendly Relationship can turn sour after a betrayal and lead to awful things being revealed on both sides.)
Hell Yeah
This game's gonna be cool as shit whenever I make it for real, folks. I mean I say this about literally every significant-sized game I make but this one's definitely also my baby.
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occknow · 10 months
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An essay on labor market frictions, international trade, and uncertainty Economics and Finance.
The labor market is a central institution in any modern economy. If the market does not function satisfactorily, willing workers will remain unemployed for too long, and many workers will occupy positions that are unsuited for them. Moreover, firms will not appear, grow, or close at the optimal rate. At the same time, the labor market is characterized by pervasive regulation. Across nations, the labor market is subject to minimum wages, hiring and bring restrictions, compulsory collective bargaining and arbitrage, limitations on the number of hours, anti discrimination clauses, curtailments on work by age and by gender, etc. Moreover, substantial differences in labor market flexibility persist even within groups of countries with similar income levels.
The purpose of this paper is to studying the role of labor market frictions and its interaction with international trade and uncertainty, the relationship between uncertainty and the business cycle.
When uncertainty increases, the value of a job match declines as the option value of waiting increases. Unemployment goes up, making it harder for unemployed workers to find jobs. The decline in employment drives the marginal product of capital downward, which triggers fall in capital investment. Uncertainty also makes economic agents cautious about decisions like employment, which adjustment costs can make expensive to reverse. Thus, it gives rise to a contractionary real option-value effect. In this, real options apply to key decisions: hirings, firing and firrm entry.
How Can Taxes Help Ensure a Fair Globalization?
As productivity can quickly revert, firms become more reluctant to separate from their workforce, all the more so as they pay firing costs. The decline in total employment drives the marginal product of capital downwards, which triggers a fall in capital investment. Firm dynamics have an impact on job creation and separation decisions, and vice versa. We find that increased uncertainty generates real exchange rate depreciation, current account surplus and reduces the stock offirms in the economy.
Over the past decades, trade liberalization has led to a significant trade expansion. In developing countries, job creation resulting from trade liberalization has mainly taken place in the informal economy. The novelty of this paper is to focus on the interactions between the choices to participate at the international trade and the induced labor reallocations between formal and informal activities.
However, trade expansion and higher levels of economic activity do not necessarily imply higher employment quality and better working conditions. The essay show that trade liberalization boosts economic activity and employment in both the formal and informal sector. In the emerging economy, in the medium run, trade liberalization ultimately induces more firms to export, thereby increasing labor demand and real wages. As in the developed economy, this leads to high share of exporters and informality in emerging economy.
In the long run, when the developed country has reached its long-run level of iceberg costs, in the emerging country trade expansion is still ongoing. In the emerging country, revenue growth is now driven by iceberg cost reduction which takes place only in the emerging country and still generates growth gains.
An easy way to promote formal employment is to reduce the payroll tax paid by firms. An alternative solution might be implementing a "budget-neutral" tax reform, consisting in increasing the consumption tax to fund the cut in payroll taxes. An advantage of this strategy is that the consumption tax has a larger base, it is easier to collect and more difficult to evade. The tax reform is country-specifc. The most important point is certainly the fact that the tax reform allows the welfare of the unemployed workers to increase, despite the large initial loses induced by the jump in the consumption tax.
This essay show that trade liberalization boosts economic activity in both developed and emerging countries. However, the paper find that trade liberalization is associated to higher informality, which ultimately implies less job security and lower employment quality. Policy makers should consider placing a high priority on promoting job quality and income equality. Policy interventions should follow a comprehensive approach that rests on three pillars: increasing the benefitts of formality, decreasing the costs of formalization and improving enforcement methods.
Tax policy interventions should go hand in hand with more effective social protection systems and labor laws. Extending unemployment benefits to all workers in the formal sector including those working part-time and/or on temporary contracts, could prevent unemployed from looking for an informal job. Another step to enhance the quality of existing jobs is intensifying labor inspections in those sector where the incidence of informal work is higher.
The effects of uncertainty shocks can vary across countries, depending on their structuralcharacteristics, policy reactions, etc. This paper tries to focus on the role of LMIs in the transmission of uncertainty shocks. Under irreversibility and uncertainty, rms become more reluctant to lay workers off. The role of other country characteristics is ambiguous.
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brostateexam · 2 years
GBTC stands for Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, originally known as the Bitcoin Investment Trust (BIT — no G!), was launched way back in 2013, and it began trading over-the-counter that same year. Grayscale would go on to become a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG) in 2015.
It’s important to remember that it was a lot harder for the average person to buy Bitcoin (BTC) in 2013. Grayscale observed that there was a market there: investors—both institutional and individual—wanted exposure to Bitcoin, but didn’t want to or weren’t able to mine it themselves, buy it peer-to-peer, or use one of the various (and somewhat shaky) crypto exchanges. So, Grayscale launched GBTC.
GBTC is, as the name would suggest, a trust. Grayscale owns a big pile of Bitcoins, and they issue the $GBTC security. The idea is that Grayscale does all the work of obtaining and custodying the Bitcoins, individual investors can buy GBTC via their usual brokerage accounts (and even put it in tax-advantaged accounts like retirement plans), and investment firms and funds can get exposure to BTC in a compliant way.
Because the number of GBTC shares is proportional to the number of Bitcoins held in the trust, the idea is that the price of GBTC will generally track the price of Bitcoin.
For the more crypto-familiar readers, this is not entirely unlike the mechanism of asset-backed stablecoins. If I take in US$100 and issue 100 MollyUSD, the value of MollyUSD should track the value of the US dollar, assuming people trust me to actually hold on to those dollars responsibly, and trust that they could likely obtain $1 in exchange for their 1 MollyUSD (either by redeeming it with me directly or trading it on the secondary market). We’ll come back to this in a moment.
High demand for GBTC, coupled with its limited supply, actually caused GBTC to trade at a significant premium to its net asset value (NAV—that is, the total value of the Bitcoins held in the trust) up until early 2021. From 2019 until the beginning of 2021, GBTC enjoyed a premium that hovered somewhere between 10% and a whopping 50%, meaning that people were willing to pay considerably more for GBTC than the equivalent quantity of BTC.
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What is Forex Trading? A Beginner’s Guide
The foreign exchange market is what Forex stands for. Forex trading is also called FX trading, currency trading, and foreign exchange trading. All of these terms can be used interchangeably in the financial world. The global Forex market is not like a stock exchange like the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Instead, it is a decentralized market. Most foreign exchange deals happen over the counter or off-exchange. Stocks are traded on physical public exchanges, but Forex currencies don’t have a place where they are kept. Online Forex Trading is mostly conducted on the internet through a broker.
In the foreign exchange market, the biggest players are big banks, governments, large corporations, and hedge funds. These organizations have the power to make big changes in the forex market. These are also called institutional players in the market. But there are also quite a few people who trade on the market on their own. People like these are called the retail crowd.
A retail crowd is a varied group. This could be a consumer who wants to buy something from another country, a traveler who wants to go abroad, a company doing business in another country, or an investor or trader who wants to take advantage of price changes on the Forex market. Now that we know who the buyers and sellers are, let’s move on to how Forex trading works.
How Does Trading Work in Forex Industry?
Foreign Exchange Trading is the exchange of one currency for another. Typically, money is exchanged for a good or service. In stock trading, money is exchanged for firm shares. When we trade on the Forex market, we swap one currency unit for another currency unit. The United States Dollar (USD), the Euro (EUR), and the British Pound (GBP) are three of the most frequently traded currencies. The Japanese Yen (JPY), the Canadian Dollar (CAD), and the Australian Dollar are also prominent currencies (AUD).
Forex traders interact through a structured group of dealers and computer networks that serve as market makers for their own consumers. Orders are placed for currency pairs (or pairs of currency that you plan to swap). Different exchange rates are connected with certain currency pairs, which is where arbitrage comes in.
For instance, if the EUR/USD exchange rate is 1.1150, it indicates that 1 Euro can be obtained for every 1.1150 US dollars.
How to Profit from Forex Currency Trading?
Like in any business, you make money when you buy something for less and sell it for more. The same rules apply to trading FX. The difference is that you aren’t buying and selling physical goods, but rather currencies.
If one of these two things happens, you can make money trading currencies on the Forex market: If you bought or sold a currency pair and its value went up, you would have made money. If you sold or borrowed a currency pair and its value went down, you lost money.
The exchange rate is affected by a number of important factors. The monetary policy of the central bank, economic data, political events, and geopolitical risk events are all important, but in the end, it all comes down to price action.
How to Trade Forex for Beginners?
Understanding how currencies are quoted and what exchange rates signify is the fundamental building block of trading on the foreign exchange market. All currencies on the Forex market are quoted in pairs. Therefore, Forex trading requires the simultaneous purchase of one currency against the exchange of another currency.
Characteristics of the Foreign Exchange Market
The most important thing about the Foreign Exchange Market is that it’s open 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday, except for weekends. When you trade around the clock, you can trade from anywhere and not have to worry about time. This means that you can trade even after you get home from work.
Start-up capital for online forex trading can be as low as $100. In addition, the costs are far lower than other asset classes, such as stock trading. Liquidity is one of the most important characteristics of the foreign exchange market. This will provide stable exchange rates because its volume exceeds $6,6 trillion. Second, you can rapidly open and close transactions with no slippage.
Leverage is the most alluring aspect of foreign currency trading. Leverage allows you to trade with larger sums of money than your initial deposit. For instance, if your preferred forex broker offers a 1:50 leverage, you can control $50 on the FX market for every $1 in your account.
Basic Forex Market Terms
The first step in learning a new foreign language is mastering the alphabet. The Forex market, which has its own alphabet and vocabulary, is comparable. It is essential to master this new language in order to comprehend the industry.
1. Currency Pair
Forex prices are given in currency pairs, which match one currency unit against another. Each currency is also shortened to three letters.
For example, the currency pair EUR/USD is made up of the euro and the US dollar. The euro, which is the first currency in the system, is called the “base currency.” The second currency in the quotation system is the US Dollar, which is called the quote currency or counter currency.
2. The Rate of Exchange – The Quote
The exchange rate is the price at which one currency can be bought or sold for another. The price quote tells you how much of the quote currency you need to buy one unit of the base currency.
Since currencies are always quoted in pairs, the value of one currency is always given in relation to another. The supply and demand law tells us what the exchange rate is.
3. Pip
The smallest price change that a currency exchange rate can make is called a pip, which stands for Price Interest Point (or Percentage in Point). The last decimal of a Forex quote represents a pip.
For instance, if the EUR/USD exchange rate is 1.1500 today and 1.1580 tomorrow, we can say that the EUR/USD exchange rate has increased 80 pips.
4. Ask price
A two-price quotation system is used for understanding currency pairs. Due to this, there are two prices when you open the order window. The Ask price, or the price at which you buy a currency pair, is displayed on the right side.
For instance, if the EUR/USD quote shows the following rates: 1.1520/1.1521, you have the option to purchase the currency at the price of 1.1521.
5. Bid
The “Bid price,” also known as the “price you need to pay if you want to sell a currency pair,” is listed on the left-hand side of the two-price quote system.
For instance, if the EUR/USD quote shows the following rates: 1.1520/1.1521, you are able to sell at the price of 1.1520.
6. Spread
The spread is the amount by which the price at which you buy (Ask) differs from the price at which you sell (Bid). The magnitude of the Forex spread is typically determined by the liquidity and volatility of the market.
7. Margin
Online Forex trading does not require the whole amount to trade. Margin is the amount deposited in a small fraction (percentage ) of your trading size which covers possible losses. The broker you choose to trade with provides you with a certain multiple of that margin, which works in conjunction with leverage.
For instance, if you want to buy $10,000 worth of EUR/USD and your broker offers you the leverage of 1:50, it means that you will only need to set aside $500 in order to complete the transaction. So, if you put down $500, you can trade as if you had put down $10,000.
Type of Currency Trading Pairs
Depending on how much trading a currency does, we can put it into one of three main groups:
Major Currency Pairs: These are all the currencies that are traded against the US Dollar, which is the world’s reserve currency. For instance, EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/PY. The major pairs have the most liquidity, and EUR/USD is the pair with the most liquidity.
Minor Currency Pairs: Also referred to as cross pairs, these currency pairs do not trade against the US Dollar and are considered to be of lower importance. Examples include the euro versus the pound sterling and the euro versus the Swiss franc. They provide a lower level of trading liquidity.
Exotic Currency Pairs: Also known as minor currency pairs are currency combinations that are linked to developing economies located all over the world. Examples of such currencies include the South African Rand, the Brazilian Real, and the Turkish Lira.
Understanding and Reading Forex Quotes
The standard quotation system uses a three-letter abbreviation system and always involves two currencies: the base currency on the left and the quote currency on the right. The quoted price shows how much Quote currency is needed to buy/sell one Base currency.
How to Place Orders When Trading Forex
A Forex Order is, in general, a command that is given to your broker and demonstrates the following information:
What pair of currencies to buy or sell.
How you’re going to trade (Long or Short).
Price to buy or sell.
Where to take a Profit.
How to get out of a place.
how many units (lots) to buy or sell.
Type of order
A Forex Order can be used to do two things in terms of direction:
Buy (Long): We use a buy order that is executed at the Ask price and closed at the Bid price if we think the currency pair will go up.
Sell (Short): We use a sell order executed at the Bid price and closed at the Ask price if we think the currency pair will go down.
There are five common types of orders that anyone can use to enter or exit the Forex market:
Market orders
Limit order
Stop order
A Stop-loss order
Take profit order
How to Make Your First Trade in Forex
The first thing you need to do is open a demo account with the Forex broker you like best. This will let you trade on the Forex market from a trading platform.
Once you gain the idea of entering and exiting the market through practicing on a demo account, you can open a real forex trading account. There are different types of accounts that a broker offers, you can choose the account that is best suited for you.
Best Forex Trading Platform for Beginners
MetaTrader4, which was made by MetaQuotes Software, is the best forex trading platform for beginners. Millions of retail Forex traders around the world use the MT4 platform, which is one of the most popular Forex trading platforms. Its features can be used by both seasoned forex traders and those who have never done it before.
MetaTrader 4 is free, and it has a lot of built-in features. There are a lot of different technical indicators that can help you figure out how to read a Forex price chart. You can also use MT4 to build your own automated trading strategy and test any trading ideas you might have.
Trading on the foreign exchange market follows the same fundamental processes as trading on any other market. Attempting to generate a profit by buying at a low price and selling at a high price. The foreign exchange market is distinguished from other markets in that it offers a variety of trading opportunities that are not available in other markets. Because of this, the foreign exchange market is an excellent choice for beginning traders who are interested in either supplementing their income or starting a trading career full-time.
Originally Published on shortkro
Source: https://shortkro.com/what-is-forex-trading-a-beginners-guide/
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bitcofun · 2 years
This is a transcribed excerpt of the "Bitcoin Magazine Podcast," hosted by P and Q. In this episode, they are signed up with by Marshall Long to discuss making it through the bearish market as a bitcoin miner and how the present political scene will not have the ability to beat bitcoin miners into submission. Watch This Episode On YouTube Or Rumble Listen To The Episode Here: Apple Spotify Google Libsyn Q: I wan na remain on mining, however I wan na bring the World Economic Forum into the formula for a great deal of various factors that might hold true and might not hold true. The concept and idea of bitcoin mining appears to be among the most activating things for environment activists, for shitcoiners, for anybody who is simply versus bitcoin. Both the energy use and proof-of-work mining in specific have actually been placed on the stand. I 'd like your ideas from discussions around proof-of-work from the early days prior to Mt. Gox. What were the rationales/justifications for proof-of-work. And if somebody was going over proof-of-stake (PoS), just how much did you bully them into ultimately developing into the very bad guy, referred to as Vitalik Buterin. Marshall Long: So early days, anyone that states they understood Bitcoin was gon na be a substantial, significant hit is a fucking phony. When I initially began mining bitcoin, I resembled, "Oh, I might settle my CPUs and my GPUs by mining the geek cash. That's remarkable." I didn't understand anything about economics or monetary addition or any of the excellent things that we now understand and like about Bitcoin. So early, early days it was that. As far as PoS, individuals just utilized it as a method to trade shitcoins. Early days on Gox or BTC-e or any of these other exchanges-- there resembled NXT resembled among the very first PoS coins-- were much like a thing to attempt to arbitrage bitcoin versus. It wasn't anything beyond that. And after that documents began coming out where individuals resembled, "It's less protected, blah, blah, blah." And after that Vitalik didn't get his method and get his code pressed through Bitcoin, which is an entire nother can of worms, and here we are today. Now that the golden young boy has actually given up the proof-of-work dragon, we discover ourselves where they attempt to get us on ESG. That came a cropper since the majority of miners really utilize a big quantity of green power. BlackRock attempted to put all these ESG mandates out, so all the other woke capitalists resembled, "Oh, We got ta follow this ESG rating shit." That didn't work. You got the war so BlackRock backpedaled on their ESG, so everyone else back pedaled on their ESG and now it's all bitcoin mining is the devil due to the fact that "Look at Ethereum, look what they did, why can't you do it?" And the basic response is "Cuz we're not fucking dumb." There's very little else to state about it. P: Yeah. It's quite shocking, for me a minimum of. I keep anticipating to end up being desensitized to the lies and the outright misstatement of truth and the truths in order to press the bags of an extremely particular group of individuals-- which is to state individuals pressing ESG and anti-Bitcoin stories-- however it simply incenses me every fucking time. Long: Almost every Bitcoiner I understand, they do not have an issue with ESG or green. We like to go outside. We like to breathe fresh air. There's absolutely nothing incorrect with that. There's absolutely nothing incorrect with dealing with individuals good [ly] And the governance part of running a business and not being a crap employer, all that things's excellent. When you attempt to take advantage of it to push individuals to invest in things that you desire them to invest into, that's the fucking issue. No one's gon na state, "Oh yeah, I would choose to melt the ice caps and mine bitcoin." Everyone would most likely choose to be warm in the winter season. There's no factor we can't do whatever and not be total pieces of shit about it.
The rewards of the fiat, woke country are entirely twisting their messaging and it's simply careless at this moment. The White House report was a fucking joke. They didn't even attempt, they didn't even attempt. They even talked to Nic Carter and didn't utilize any of his things. He simply did a fantastic podcast with Peter [McCormack] and was quite interested to hear how they spoke with numerous other Bitcoin individuals and didn't utilize any person's information. They're not even attempting to cover it up now. It's a clear, targeted attack. It truly does not have any clinical structure, and the very best part is as it begins getting cold in Europe, this is the part of the story where it's a fuck-around-and-find-out type scenario. P: It's infuriating. As you state, it does not have any basis in real truth. The particular talking points are so separated from what's in fact going on and they're so crazy. I seem like there is a trap that is really challenging for me to not fall under, which is when individuals resemble, "Oh, Bitcoin utilizes 0.5% (or whatever the fuck it is) of the world's energy." It's actually tough for me to not dispute on that claim. Do you run Christmas lights? Do you dry your own clothing in a clothes dryer? Do you leave your lights on? Do you drive a vehicle? All these things utilize method more fucking energy than Bitcoin does, simply in the United States. That's in fact the incorrect frame. If you come down in the mud, you've currently lost. The genuine frame is: If someone is spending for electrical power, if they're spending for power or if they're producing it themselves from an item that is thought about waste from some other market, you ought to have the ability to do whatever the fuck you desire with that electrical energy. We consider that right to everyone in America when they purchase power from the meter, however for some fucking factor with Bitcoin, we attempt to moralize it. It's since of moralization of things, individuals like to get so bent outta shape about problems that have an ethical bent even when it's completely incorrect. Long: If you zoom out and take a look at the remainder of the world, it's a lot much easier to see how none of this in fact [matters] I've heard Pornhub utilizes 8 times the energy of bitcoin miners. I 'd purchase it; I 'd absolutely purchase that. The remainder of the world does not have problems like this. I just recently went to Africa and began taking a look at manner ins which mining can assist regional neighborhoods and things like that. The truth is, the Western world's issues are not Africa's issues. If the entire international monetary sector melts down and Russia bombs the U.S. or whatever, Africa's simply gon na keep doing its thing and will hardly avoid a beat. When individuals begin speaking about this, I'll raise the story about individuals in Africa [who] do not utilize that much power due to the fact that it's too costly, not since they do not always have access to it. It's even if it's a Catch-22 cycle where the generators are just offering power for 4 to 5 hours a day cuz individuals just turn their lights on and charge their cellular phone. Because of that, they've got ta charge $.050, $0.60 per kWh. Due to the fact that it's so high, the neighborhood does not utilize enough, therefore it's like this circle of awful rewards. Mining can enter and actually modify those rewards back since there's no main grid in Africa, so you can't offer your power at any time as a generator, however if you connect a mining thing to it, now individuals are beginning to get less expensive, more trusted power, and rather of cooking food with paraffin or cooking food with kerosene, which resembles an actually harmful fucking thing to do-- the quantity of individuals who like get captured on fire for cooking with kerosene are kids who have lung issues from being around kerosene lights and paraffin fires, it's truly high-- now these individuals who are connected to
mini grids that are mining are seeing their power expenses decreased considerably, and now are beginning to prepare with warmers, electrical warmers and things like this. Mining is straight affecting individuals's lifestyle without any filter. It's simply straight reward. Everyone earns money. The neighborhood conserves cash. Few individuals are gon na state, "Oh, that's bad," since the majority of the power is fucking hydro anyhow, so there you go. When you inform that story, individuals stopped talking quite quick. Read More
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mdsajibhossain0 · 27 days
Achieve Financial Freedom With Crypto: Effective Strategies from Plus Traders Reviews
During the ever-evolving environment of cryptocurrency, maximizing returns demands not only a eager idea of the industry but will also the ideal instruments and direction. One particular platform that has garnered sizeable notice for its detailed approach to crypto trading is Moreover Traders. Noted for its insightful Examination and robust investing approaches, Additionally Traders Critiques have highlighted how the System equips consumers to navigate the volatile crypto landscape correctly.
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Being familiar with Crypto Buying and selling
Cryptocurrency trading consists of getting and selling electronic assets Along with the aim of generating financial gain. As opposed to common stock marketplaces, the crypto industry operates 24/seven, supplying various chances but also important risks. For traders, In particular These new to your Area, getting access to trustworthy information and facts and successful procedures is vital for earning informed selections and optimizing their expense returns.
Why In addition Traders Reviews Get noticed
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Strategies for Maximizing Returns
1. In-Depth Marketplace Examination
One of several cornerstones of As well as Traders' solution, as highlighted in numerous evaluations, is its target in-depth market Assessment. The System provides real-time data and comprehensive charts, permitting traders to produce effectively-informed decisions according to present marketplace conditions. By examining historic knowledge and tracking industry trends, users can identify potential financial investment alternatives and stay clear of prevalent pitfalls.
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As well as Traders offers a suite of Sophisticated investing instruments intended to cater to the two novice and professional traders. These instruments contain automatic buying and selling bots, specialized indicators, and customizable alerts. The System’s thorough toolkit enables buyers to put into practice sophisticated trading tactics, including trend pursuing and arbitrage, which might significantly Raise their likelihood of achieving increased returns.
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3. Academic Means
Schooling is usually a essential component of productive trading, and As well as Traders excels With this place. The platform gives An array of educational elements, which includes webinars, tutorials, and article content. Plus Traders Reviews regularly emphasize how these resources support users build a further understanding of crypto buying and selling tactics and marketplace dynamics. This expertise empowers traders to help make strategic decisions and adapt to market place variations successfully.
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A supportive investing Group can offer precious insights and drive. As well as Traders fosters a lively Neighborhood in which traders can share encounters, talk about strategies, and seek advice. Assessments routinely commend the System’s responsive buyer help group, which is available to aid with any difficulties or inquiries. This sense of community and aid provides an extra layer of benefit to your In addition Traders encounter, helping shoppers keep informed and confident of their buying and selling decisions.
Maximizing returns in cryptocurrency trading necessitates additional than just a essential comprehension of the market; it calls for entry to helpful approaches, resources, and aid.Plus Traders Reviews spotlight how the System’s in-depth market place analysis, assorted trading applications, educational means, and threat administration strategies can significantly increase a trader’s ability to realize success. For all those aiming to optimize their crypto buying and selling endeavors, Plus Traders delivers an extensive Resolution that empowers clients to realize their economical targets. Take a look at more about the System and skim insightful Additionally Traders Opinions to determine the way it can help you within your investing journey.
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cryptoplatforms · 3 months
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🌟 Discover Zynqore's New Investment Opportunities! 🚀
📅 Launched July 1, 2024
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You have to choose tariff before depositing so as soon as the funds land in dashboard its already activated
T.I 1 Token Investment Tariffs
Priority: Low
Rate: 1.20%
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Minimum Staking Amount: $30.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $74.00
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ROI up to: 13.20%
Deposit: Returned at the end
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Deposit: Returned at the end
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DeF 2 DeFi Investments Tariffs
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Duration: 40 calendar days
ROI up to: 55.10%
Deposit: Returned at the end
DeF 3 DeFi Investments Tariffs
Priority: Medium
Rate: 2.00%
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Maximum Staking Amount: $5000.00
Duration: 40 calendar days
ROI up to: 58.00%
Deposit: Returned at the end
D.F 1 Derivatives & Futures Tariffs
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Rate: 2.10%
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ROI up to: 98.70%
Deposit: Returned at the end
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Deposit: Returned at the end
D.F 3 Derivatives & Futures Tariffs
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Accruals: Business days
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Deposit: Returned at the end
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ponzichampion · 3 months
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🌟 Discover Zynqore's New Investment Opportunities! 🚀
📅 Launched July 1, 2024
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Explore our comprehensive investment tariffs tailored to meet your financial goals:
You have to choose tariff before depositing so as soon as the funds land in dashboard its already activated
T.I 1 Token Investment Tariffs
Priority: Low
Rate: 1.20%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $30.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $74.00
Duration: 15 calendar days
ROI up to: 13.20%
Deposit: Returned at the end
T.I 2 Token Investment Tariffs
Priority: Low
Rate: 1.30%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $75.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $149.00
Duration: 15 calendar days
ROI up to: 14.30%
Deposit: Returned at the end
T.I 3 Token Investment Tariffs
Priority: Low
Rate: 1.40%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $150.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $250.00
Duration: 15 calendar days
ROI up to: 15.40%
Deposit: Returned at the end
T.A 1 Trading & Arbitrage Tariffs
Priority: Low
Rate: 1.50%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $50.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $249.00
Duration: 25 calendar days
ROI up to: 28.50%
Deposit: Returned at the end
T.A 2 Trading & Arbitrage Tariffs
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Rate: 1.60%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $250.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $499.00
Duration: 25 calendar days
ROI up to: 30.40%
Deposit: Returned at the end
T.A 3 Trading & Arbitrage Tariffs
Priority: Medium
Rate: 1.70%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $500.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $1000.00
Duration: 25 calendar days
ROI up to: 32.30%
Deposit: Returned at the end
DeF 1 DeFi Investments Tariffs
Priority: Medium
Rate: ≈ 1.80%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $100.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $999.00
Duration: 40 calendar days
ROI up to: 52.20%
Deposit: Returned at the end
DeF 2 DeFi Investments Tariffs
Priority: Medium
Rate: 1.90%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $1000.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $2499.00
Duration: 40 calendar days
ROI up to: 55.10%
Deposit: Returned at the end
DeF 3 DeFi Investments Tariffs
Priority: Medium
Rate: 2.00%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $2500.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $5000.00
Duration: 40 calendar days
ROI up to: 58.00%
Deposit: Returned at the end
D.F 1 Derivatives & Futures Tariffs
Priority: High
Rate: 2.10%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $1000.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $4999.00
Duration: 65 calendar days
ROI up to: 98.70%
Deposit: Returned at the end
D.F 2 Derivatives & Futures Tariffs
Priority: High
Rate: 2.30%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $5000.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $14999.00
Duration: 65 calendar days
ROI up to: 108.10%
Deposit: Returned at the end
D.F 3 Derivatives & Futures Tariffs
Priority: High
Rate: 2.50%
Accruals: Business days
Minimum Staking Amount: $15000.00
Maximum Staking Amount: $30000.00
Duration: 65 calendar days
ROI up to: 117.50%
Deposit: Returned at the end
Invest with confidence using our secure multi-currency wallet, facilitating Instant withdrawals with 0% fee, and enjoy seamless transactions with Bitcoin, Tether TRC-20, Tether BEP-20, BNB, TRX, and Litecoin.
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ennovance · 3 months
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Hedge Funds Return to Bond Trade With Checkered Past
Man Group is increasing its exposure to convertible arbitrage
Market has matured since 34% slump in 2008, proponents say
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propw · 3 months
The Emergence and Evolution of Crypto Prop Trading Firms: Navigating the Digital Frontier
The cryptocurrency landscape has rapidly transformed from a speculative endeavor to a substantial sector within the global financial system. Amid this transformation, a significant player has emerged: the crypto prop trading firm. These firms, which engage in proprietary trading of digital assets, are redefining the way trading is conducted in the volatile and dynamic crypto markets. This article explores the emergence, operation, and future of crypto prop trading firms, shedding light on their profound impact on the financial industry.
What is a Crypto Prop Trading Firm?
A crypto prop trading firm operates on the principle of proprietary trading, where it uses its own capital to trade cryptocurrencies, aiming to generate profits directly from market movements. Unlike traditional trading firms that manage client funds, prop trading firms focus on maximizing their own returns through strategic market plays. These firms often employ cutting-edge technology, data-driven strategies, and highly skilled traders to navigate the complexities of the crypto markets.
The Evolution of Crypto Prop Trading Firms
The inception of crypto prop trading firm can be traced back to the early days of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, where individual traders and small groups began experimenting with digital asset trading. As the market grew, so did the sophistication of trading strategies and the need for more structured operations. This evolution led to the establishment of professional firms dedicated to prop trading in the crypto space.
Several factors have contributed to the rise of crypto prop trading firms:
Market Maturity: As the cryptocurrency market matured, with increased liquidity and the introduction of various financial instruments, the potential for profitable trading strategies expanded.
Technological Advancements: The development of advanced trading algorithms, high-frequency trading (HFT) systems, and machine learning models has enabled firms to execute trades with high precision and speed.
Regulatory Developments: As regulatory frameworks around cryptocurrencies began to take shape, it provided a more predictable environment for professional trading firms to operate.
Institutional Interest: The entry of institutional investors into the crypto space brought significant capital and credibility, encouraging the formation and growth of prop trading firms.
Operational Strategies of Crypto Prop Trading Firms
Crypto prop trading firms utilize a variety of strategies to generate profits. These include:
Arbitrage: Taking advantage of price discrepancies between different exchanges or markets. For instance, a firm might buy a cryptocurrency at a lower price on one exchange and sell it at a higher price on another.
Market Making: Providing liquidity to the market by continuously buying and selling assets, profiting from the bid-ask spread.
Algorithmic Trading: Using pre-programmed algorithms to execute trades based on predetermined criteria, such as price movements, market trends, or technical indicators. This can include high-frequency trading where thousands of trades are executed in milliseconds.
Swing Trading: Holding assets for days or weeks to capitalize on expected upward or downward market movements. This strategy requires a deep understanding of market trends and sentiment analysis.
Scalping: Making numerous small trades over very short time frames to exploit small price changes. This requires advanced trading systems and real-time market data.
Advantages of Crypto Prop Trading Firms
Profit Potential: The volatility and liquidity of the crypto markets present significant profit opportunities for prop trading firms that can effectively manage risk.
Independence: Unlike traditional asset management firms, crypto prop trading firms operate independently, allowing for greater flexibility and faster decision-making.
Technological Edge: The use of advanced trading technologies and algorithms provides a competitive advantage in executing trades with speed and precision.
Talent Pool: These firms attract highly skilled traders, analysts, and technologists, fostering an environment of innovation and expertise.
Challenges Faced by Crypto Prop Trading Firms
Despite their advantages, crypto prop trading firms encounter several challenges:
Regulatory Uncertainty: The regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies is still evolving, with significant variation across jurisdictions. Navigating this complexity requires constant vigilance and adaptability.
Market Volatility: While volatility can drive profits, it also increases the risk of significant losses. Effective risk management strategies are crucial to mitigate this risk.
Technological Risks: Reliance on technology introduces risks such as system failures, cyberattacks, and algorithmic errors. Robust cybersecurity measures and thorough testing of trading systems are essential.
Capital Requirements: Significant capital investment is required for infrastructure, technology, and talent acquisition. Smaller firms may find it challenging to compete with established players.
The Future of Crypto Prop Trading Firms
The future of crypto prop trading firms is promising, driven by continued advancements in technology, increasing institutional participation, and the ongoing development of the cryptocurrency market. Several trends are likely to shape the future landscape:
Integration with Traditional Finance: As traditional financial institutions become more involved in the crypto space, there will be greater integration between traditional and digital asset trading.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The rise of DeFi platforms offers new trading opportunities and strategies, potentially reshaping how prop trading firms operate.
Regulatory Clarity: As regulatory frameworks solidify, firms will have a clearer understanding of compliance requirements, reducing uncertainty and fostering growth.
Innovation and Adaptation: Continuous innovation in trading strategies, risk management, and technology will be essential for firms to maintain a competitive edge.
In conclusion, crypto prop trading firms are at the forefront of the digital financial revolution, leveraging advanced technology and innovative strategies to navigate the complexities of the crypto markets. While they face significant challenges, the potential rewards make this an exciting and dynamic sector within the broader financial ecosystem. As the market continues to evolve, these firms will play a crucial role in shaping the future of cryptocurrency trading.
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marketgroup · 4 months
Forex Trading Mastery: Leveraging Currency Pair Correlations for Success
 Welcome to the Next Level with Market Expert Group!
As you continue your journey into Forex trading, it’s essential to deepen your understanding of currency pair correlations. Mastering these correlations can significantly enhance your trading strategy and increase your profitability. Let’s dive into some advanced concepts and practical applications to help you become a more skilled trader.
Advanced Insights into Currency Pair Correlations
Dynamic Correlations
Correlations between currency pairs can be dynamic, changing over time due to various influences such as:
- Market Sentiment: Changes in investor confidence can alter correlations.
- Economic Cycles: Different phases of economic cycles can impact correlations between pairs.
- Political Events: Elections, geopolitical tensions, and policy changes can shift correlations.
 Case Study: The Impact of Federal Reserve Policies
The policies of the Federal Reserve (Fed) can significantly influence currency pair correlations. For instance, if the Fed raises interest rates, the USD often strengthens against other currencies. This can change the correlation dynamics between pairs like EUR/USD and USD/JPY, as traders adjust their positions based on interest rate expectations.
Seasonal Trends
Some correlations exhibit seasonal patterns. For example, the AUD/USD pair may show stronger movements during certain periods due to Australia's economic cycles tied to commodity exports.
Practical Applications in Trading
Correlation Strategies
1. Pair Trading: This strategy involves going long on one currency pair and short on a correlated pair. For example, if you believe the EUR/USD will rise and GBP/USD is positively correlated, you might go long on both pairs.
2. Arbitrage: Exploit minor price differences between correlated pairs to make low-risk profits. This requires quick execution and access to advanced trading platforms.
3. Risk Management: Use negatively correlated pairs to hedge your trades and minimize risk. For example, if you are long on EUR/USD, taking a short position on USD/CHF can help offset potential losses.
Tools for Analyzing Correlations
- MetaTrader 4/5: These platforms offer various tools to analyze currency correlations, including custom indicators and scripts.
- Correlation Calculators: Online calculators can help you quickly determine the correlation coefficient between pairs.
- TradingView: Offers advanced charting tools to visualize and analyze correlations over different time frames.
 Example: Trading the EUR/USD and USD/CHF Pair
Given the negative correlation between EUR/USD and USD/CHF, a trader might:
- Go long on EUR/USD if they anticipate a rise in the Euro based on favorable economic data from the Eurozone.
- Simultaneously, go short on USD/CHF to hedge against potential risks.
By using both positions, the trader can benefit from the anticipated movement while protecting against adverse market shifts.
 Joining Market Expert Group
Market Expert Group is dedicated to helping traders at all levels succeed. Here’s what you can expect as a member:
- Exclusive Content: Access to in-depth articles, video tutorials, and case studies.
- Community Support: Engage with experienced traders and get your questions answered in real-time.
- Market Alerts: Receive timely updates and alerts on significant market movements and correlations.
 Visit [Market Expert Group](http://marketexpertgroup.com) to become a part of our expert trading community today!
Mastering currency pair correlations can significantly enhance your Forex trading strategy. By understanding and leveraging these correlations, you can improve your risk management, capitalize on trading opportunities, and ultimately increase your profitability.
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4xpip · 5 months
What are bots in Forex EA?
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A Forex EA is a software program that can automatically trade on your behalf in the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. They are written in the MQL5 programming language and can be used to automate a variety of trading strategies, including trend following, scalping, and arbitrage.
There are many different types of Forex EA (EAs) available for the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform. Some of the most common types of EAs include:
Trend following EAs: These EAs trade in the direction of the trend. They typically use moving averages or other technical indicators to identify trends.
Scalping EAs: These EAs open and close trades very quickly, often within minutes or even seconds. They typically use small stop losses and take profits in order to profit from small price movements.
Hedging EAs: These EAs open trades in both the buy and sell direction in order to reduce risk. They typically use stop losses and take profits to protect profits and limit losses.
** Arbitrage EAs:** These EAs take advantage of price differences between different markets. They typically use automated trading to buy an asset in one market and sell it in another market at a profit.
Bots: These EAs are designed to automate a variety of trading tasks, such as placing orders, managing risk, and analyzing market data. They can be used to trade a variety of financial instruments, including forex, stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.
How do EAs work?
EAs work by following a set of instructions that are written in the MQL5 programming language. These instructions are called a trading algorithm. The trading algorithm tells the EA how to trade, such as when to open a trade, when to close a trade, and how much to risk.
There are many benefits to using Forex EA, including:
They can help you to save time and effort. EAs can automatically execute trades according to your trading strategy, freeing up your time to focus on other aspects of your trading.
They can help you to improve your trading performance. EAs can help you to avoid emotional trading and to stick to your trading plan.
They can help you to reduce your risk. EAs can be programmed to take profits and to cut losses automatically, helping you to protect your capital.
There are also some risks associated with using Forex EA, including:
They can be expensive. EAs can range in price from a few dollars to hundreds of dollars.
They can be complex to set up and configure. It is important to have a good understanding of the MQL5 programming language in order to set up and configure an EA.
They can be buggy or unreliable. EAs are not perfect and can sometimes make mistakes. It is important to test an EA on a demo account before you use it with real money.
They can be hacked or manipulated. EAs can be hacked or manipulated by malicious actors. It is important to take steps to protect your EA, such as using a secure password and keeping your computer up to date with the latest security patches.
How to choose:
When choosing a Forex EA, there are a few things you should keep in mind:
The trading strategy: Make sure that the EA is based on a trading strategy that you understand and that you are comfortable with.
The performance: Backtest the EA on historical data to see how it has performed in the past.
The price: Don't pay too much for an EA. There are many high-quality EAs available for a reasonable price.
The reviews: Read reviews from other traders who have used the EA.
Where can I find:
There are many places where you can find Forex EA, including:
The MetaTrader 5 marketplace
The MQL5 community
Private trading groups
Individual developers
4xPip is a website that provides traders with a variety of tools and resources to help them succeed in the forex market. One of the most popular tools offered by 4xPip is its Forex EA marketplace.
The 4xPip EA marketplace is home to a wide variety of EAs, all of which have been thoroughly reviewed by the 4xPip team. This ensures that traders can be confident that the EAs they choose are of high quality and will help them to achieve their trading goals.
In addition to providing a wide selection of EAs, 4xPip also offers a number of other features that make it a valuable resource for traders. These features include:
Forex EA reviews: 4xPip reviews all of the EAs in its marketplace, providing traders with detailed information about each EA's performance, features, and risks.
Forex EA backtesting: 4xPip allows traders to backtest EAs on historical data, giving them a better idea of how the EAs will perform in the future.
Forex EA support: 4xPip offers support to traders who are having problems with their EAs.
If you are looking for a reliable and trustworthy source for Forex EA, then 4xPip is the perfect place for you. With its wide selection of EAs, expert reviews, and backtesting tools, 4xPip can help you to find the best EA for your needs and achieve your trading goals.
Here are some additional benefits of using 4xPip to find Forex EA:
You can be sure that the EAs you find are of high quality and have been thoroughly reviewed.
You can backtest EAs on historical data to see how they would have performed in the past.
You can get support from 4xPip if you have any problems with your EAs.
Forex EA can be a valuable tool for traders who want to automate their trading and improve their performance. However, it is important to do your research and to choose an EA that is right for you.
I hope this blog post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.
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gunbotstoresite · 7 months
Gunbot: Empowering Cryptocurrency Traders with Automated Precision
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Cryptocurrency trading is a fast-paced, volatile arena where every second counts. To thrive in this environment, traders need cutting-edge tools that can analyze market data and execute trades with precision. Gunbot emerges as a powerful solution, offering automated trading capabilities that empower users to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market. In this article, we'll explore Gunbot's features, benefits, and its impact on the trading landscape.
Understanding Gunbot: A Comprehensive Overview
At its core, Gunbot is an advanced trading bot designed specifically for the cryptocurrency market. Developed by a team of experienced traders and software developers, Gunbot utilizes sophisticated algorithms to identify trading opportunities and execute trades on behalf of users.
Tailored Strategies: Exploring Gunbot's Versatility
One of Gunbot's standout features is its versatility. Whether you're a novice trader or an experienced investor, Gunbot offers a range of customizable strategies to suit your trading style and objectives. From market making and arbitrage to trend following and scalping, Gunbot provides the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions Gunbot.
Seamless Integration: Accessing Global Exchanges
Gunbot seamlessly integrates with a wide array of cryptocurrency exchanges, giving users access to a diverse range of trading pairs. This ensures that traders can capitalize on opportunities across multiple platforms, maximizing their potential for profit.
Enhanced Efficiency and Profitability: Empowering Traders
By automating the trading process, Gunbot enables users to execute trades around the clock without the need for constant supervision. This not only increases trading efficiency but also helps to eliminate emotional biases that can often cloud judgment in manual trading, leading to more consistent and profitable results.
Backtesting for Optimization: Leveraging Historical Data
Gunbot's robust backtesting capabilities allow users to evaluate the performance of their trading strategies using historical data. By analyzing past trends and patterns, traders can refine their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their approach for greater success in live trading.
Fostering Community: Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
Beyond its technical capabilities, Gunbot fosters a vibrant community of traders and developers. Through online forums, social media groups, and collaborative projects, users share insights, exchange ideas, and collectively contribute to the advancement of automated trading strategies.
Mitigating Risks: Navigating Challenges in the Cryptocurrency
Market While Gunbot offers numerous benefits, it's essential for users to be aware of potential risks and challenges. The volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, coupled with regulatory uncertainties, underscores the importance of risk management and diligent oversight when deploying automated trading strategies.
Looking Ahead: The Future of Gunbot
As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, Gunbot remains at the forefront of innovation. With its powerful features, user-friendly interface, and dedicated community support, Gunbot is poised to continue revolutionizing the way traders engage with digital assets.
In conclusion, Gunbot represents a significant advancement in the world of cryptocurrency trading. With its advanced features, seamless integration, and vibrant community, Gunbot empowers traders to navigate the complexities of the market with confidence and precision. As automation continues to play a central role in trading strategies, Gunbot's influence is set to grow, shaping the future of cryptocurrency trading for years to come.
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finance5paisa · 7 months
The Essential Guide to Derivatives and Stock Index Futures in Finance
The world of finance is replete with complex instruments, among which derivatives and stock index futures stand out for their utility and complexity. This article aims to demystify these financial instruments, explaining their nature, functioning, and significance in the financial markets.
Understanding Derivatives
Derivatives are financial contracts whose value is derived from an underlying asset, group of assets, or benchmark. These instruments allow traders and investors to hedge risk, speculate on future price movements, or gain market exposure without owning the underlying asset. Derivatives can be traded on exchanges or over-the-counter and include various types such as futures, options, swaps, and forwards.
Role of Stock Index Futures in Derivatives
Stock index futures are a type of derivative contract where the underlying asset is a stock market index. These futures contracts allow investors to speculate on the future direction of an index's price. They are standardized, exchange-traded contracts that obligate the buyer to purchase, and the seller to sell, a specific stock index at a predetermined price on a specified future date.
How Derivatives Work
Derivatives are leveraged instruments, meaning they allow traders to gain significant exposure to an asset with a relatively small capital investment. This leverage amplifies both potential gains and losses. The value of a derivative is directly linked to the price fluctuations of its underlying asset, be it stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates, or market indexes.
Benefits and Risks of Trading Derivatives
Trading derivatives presents a blend of advantages and challenges. On the benefits side, derivatives are excellent tools for risk management. Hedging with derivatives allows investors to offset potential losses in their investment portfolios, providing a safety net against market volatility.
Additionally, derivatives grant access to a variety of markets and assets, often at a lower cost compared to direct investment, due to their leveraged nature. This leverage enables traders to control large positions with a relatively small amount of capital, potentially amplifying returns.
Stock Index Futures: A Tool for Speculation and Hedging
Stock index futures are particularly popular for hedging and speculative purposes. Investors use these futures to protect against market downturns or to bet on market upswings. For example, an investor expecting a market rise may buy stock index futures, profiting from any upward movement in the index.
Trading Strategies with Stock Index Futures
When it comes to stock index futures, traders implement diverse strategies to navigate market trends and capitalize on fluctuations. A common approach is 'going long' on these futures, where traders buy contracts anticipating an increase in the index value. This strategy is often employed when market indicators and economic forecasts suggest upward momentum, offering the potential for profit as the index rises.
On the other hand, 'going short' involves selling stock index futures when a market downturn is anticipated. This strategy is effective in bearish market conditions, allowing traders to profit from declining index values. Short selling stock index futures can also serve as a hedge, protecting against potential losses in a stock portfolio during market downturns.
Additionally, traders might use stock index futures for arbitrage opportunities, exploiting price differences between the futures contract and the underlying index. This involves simultaneously buying and selling futures in different markets or time frames to capitalize on these discrepancies.
Final Words
Derivatives, including stock index futures, are integral components of the modern financial landscape. They offer investors and traders a range of strategies for risk management, speculation, and leveraging positions. However, the complexity and risks associated with derivatives demand a thorough understanding and careful risk management. As financial markets continue to evolve, derivatives and stock index futures will remain vital tools for market participants.
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bitcoincables · 8 months
Bitcoin Futures Trading Soars Following Spot ETF Launch & Arbitrage Opportunities
Bitcoin futures trading has seen a sharp increase since the launch of spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the United States. The trading of bitcoin futures contracts at the CME Group has reached a new high, with an average of 66,000 contracts being exchanged daily this month. This represents a 50% rise compared to the previous month. The surge in trading volume indicates a growing interest in cryptocurrencies among mainstream investors. However, the heavy trading activity in futures is primarily driven by arbitrage opportunities, allowing traders to profit from bitcoin's volatile price swings.
Futures traders are employing a strategy called "cash and carry" to take advantage of these opportunities. They sell a bitcoin futures contract at a premium while holding the actual cryptocurrency. As the contract's expiration date approaches, the prices of the contract and the underlying asset converge, resulting in significant returns with low risk. The recent approval of ETFs has further fueled this trading strategy, as holding shares of the fund provides a cheaper way to maintain exposure to bitcoin.
The increased futures trading activity has propelled the CME Group to become the largest bitcoin derivatives trading exchange globally, surpassing Binance. However, the launch of ETFs has not yet sparked significant bullishness in other areas of Wall Street. In fact, there have been large outflows from Grayscale's ETF, and bitcoin itself has experienced fluctuations in its price since the ETFs received regulatory approval. Despite this, analysts from JPMorgan expect the introduction of spot ETFs to deepen the crypto market and potentially stimulate further developments in derivatives trading.
Read the original article here. #bitcoinfutures #spotetfs #volatility #cryptotrading
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