ironunderstands · 4 months
Explaining why I think the notion that “Jade did nothing wrong and if you hate her then you are a misogynist” is incorrect 
Disclaimer: I don’t actually hate Jade, I find her compelling because she seems like the first true villain we might get in the game, and her kit looks really fun, so for that I can respect her. However, to say that she did nothing wrong, or that the people who dislike her are somehow in the wrong or are misogynists is very stupid, which is why I would like to clear up this misconception.
Let’s start with the “she did nothing wrong part” because that’s straight up not true. 
‼️This post will contain leaks of Jade’s eidolons and lc, it will also contain mentions of slavery and sexual violence so be careful‼️ 
I think the scene Jade fans go to point to when trying to argue that she does nothing wrong is the one that depicts her conversation with Aventurine. They state that she “saved him” and that the notions of her being a slave owner/having ties to slavery is incorrect.
However, at the very least the first part of this assumption is wrong, as in no way shape or form did she “save” Aventurine. 
1.Aventurine saved himself. 
He is the one who set up the scheme to get the IPC’s attention, he is the one who killed his master, and he is the one who fought for his freedom. Attributing his hard work to Jade’s “benevolence” erases that, and it pretends as if she’s the one who did all the work, when in reality Aventurine wouldn’t have even had a chance if he didn’t bet on himself.
2.What she offers Aventurine isn’t much better than what his life was before. 
In a sense, Jade just gave Aventurine golden chains, and if she was really interested in saving him, there wouldn’t be a trial, and she would just let him go. “But the scam” the IPC has an uncountable amount of money, they literally control the currency in the galaxy, and are working on taking over the whole universe, a scam ran by one person on one planet will not damage them for long. What Aventurine did really only matters because the IPC made it matter, and even if Jade doesn’t have complete control over all the goings on on the IPC, if she could make it so Aventurine could join them, there’s really no reason she couldn’t just let him free without any strings attached (which is what a normal person would do in this situation, because, well, empathy).
She knows how bad his situation was, as she remarked on how he killed his master, and the average person would struggle to find fault in his behavior at all, let alone have there even be a debate of whether she should let him live or not. 
Like, imagine yourself as Jade for a second, and you are sent to judge this kid (we don’t actually know how old Aven was in that scene, but I’d wager he was a late teenager/young adult) who just escaped slavery but also scammed the organization you are a part of, the organization that is what caused him to be enslaved in the first place (I’ll get into it*). At the very least, if you are like me, you would have a very hard time getting mad at this kid because well who wouldn’t do what he did in his circumstances. That’s why Jade still focusing on her self interests disgusts me and likely disgusts a lot of people who saw this scene, it’s not some equal transaction of sorts, she quite literally has his life on her hands and is toying with it to suit her own ends. 
Now, this situation is complicated, as Aventurine does actually want to join the IPC, but only because he believed that would be the best way he could try and save any remains of his people, the Avgin. We know this for two reasons a) the IPC took everything from him, and he has absolutely no reason why he would want to work for them if they can’t offer him anything b) the first thing Aventurine asks Jade when he becomes a Stoneheart is what happened to the rest of the Avgin, meaning that was likely his goal from the start, as even before becoming enslaved Aventurine had a ton of expectations of being the one to save the Avgin. 
However, from Jade’s perspective, likely
she doesn’t know any of this (unless she can read minds who knows), all she does know is that she holds a position of power over a very brave and intelligent person who owes a debt to the IPC for their crimes against it, and will die if she doesn’t save them. Therefore, she takes advantage of Aventurine’s inferior position, offering him a job not out of the kindness of her heart, but because she see’s his moneymaking potential and knows he can’t decline her offer, since his options are IPC or death. 
This is textbook exploitation, and it honestly disgusts me when people try and paint their relationship to be a mother/son one, when she so clearly views him as nothing more than a tool to achieve her own ends. As someone else puts it, Jade cares for Aventurine like one might care for a gun/weapon, ie she finds it useful and would like it to not get destroyed, but ultimately it’s just a tool that can be replaced. 
Aventurine’s banner name is called “Gilded Imprisonment” for a reason, and Jade offers him nothing more than shiny new chains. 
*sidenote: the IPC aren’t just the ones who broke their promise to help the Avgin, they are also likely the ones who enslaved Aventurine. This is because as Kakavasha, he referred to them as “the men in black/the men in black suits”, aka the IPC. Which is why when first enslaver says he bought him from “the men in black”, he’s also likely referring to the IPC, considering that the exact same phrase in used, in fact, he’s probably mocking the way Aventurine referred to them due to how specific it is. So yeah, I don’t know why people pretend Aventurine is over what the IPC did to him, or even like they saved him, bro probably wants to kill all of them and I fully support him in this endeavor.*
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Speaking of treating him like a tool 
3. Dehumanizing Aventurine 
Her first words to him in this scene are pointing out his biggest insecurity.
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“What pretty eyes. Tell me, do they shine in the dark?”
Out of context this might not be bad, but oh my god is it horrific in context. The Avgin’s eyes aren’t just a defining feature of theirs, but something they have been sexualized and abused for. Sparkle in her conversation with Aventurine implies that Sigonian’s use their attractive features (including their distinctive eyes) to get people to let down there guard and trick people, and in the same breath she also implies he did that to convince Sunday as well. Aventurine also hides his eyes with his tinted glasses because people automatically judge/discriminate against him for it, so Jade continuing that pattern is gross in my opinion.
Let’s also not forget that Aventurine is Romani coded, and a large proportion of both enslaved Roma in the past and free Roma have experienced sexual violence, as well as being treated as exotic and having other fetishized stereotypes attached to them. Calling his eyes pretty isn’t just some compliment, it’s also an extension of that, especially considering that it’s heavily implied that Aventurine did experience sexual violence when he was enslaved. 
This is what makes Jade IMMEDIATELY going to talking about his eyes creepy as hell to me, and something I dislike her for. 
However, I don’t think she meant it in a sexual manner, rather I think she was trying to get a reaction out of him, as well as demonstrate her position of power over him, which is just, ugh. Like I’m sorry to say this, but if Aventurine was a woman and Jade was a man, Jade would never be beating the p3do allegations for this comment. What do you mean the first words you say to someone involve taunting them for a feature they get sexualized and mistreated over, someone that is likely a minor or a very young adult,  someone that you hold a very clear position of power over. At the very nicest this is insensitive as hell for her to do, but considering she did not at all apologize to his very obviously negative reaction makes me think it was deliberate targeting. 
Also, the next part of that opening.
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Yes, Jade is somewhat impressed by Aventurine, but objectively, this phrase doesn’t really come off that way, especially considering her tone in the scene. Seriously, rewatch it, it’s less of her being impressed, and more of her being surprised at him breaking the status quo, one which she doesn’t seem to view negatively. Also, keep in mind that in the CN (aka canon) version, the word is “slave” instead of servant, however I don’t know how the lines are delivered in CN, so she might sound kinder.
Regardless, having this neutral, almost detached perspective on slavery is very uncomfortable, at least to me. Because well, slavery is really bad (shocker), and you can’t really be neutral about these kinds of things. Commenting about how resisting his master would put Aventurine in danger in a clinical and detached manner gives the impression that Jade does not care about the existence of slavery in the slightest, and is perfectly happy with knowing it’s going on and doing nothing about it. Something which gets 10x worse considering the organization she works for is the one doing the slavery, which makes me wonder if she’s seen it before and been like “eh, it’s part of life” 😭
I’m aware dismantling an entire institution is difficult, but her sheer apathy rather than inaction is what I feel is wrong in this scene, as again, a normal person wouldn’t talk about slavery like this. They would probably phrase it like, “resisting your enslaver would put your life in danger, yet you did it anyways”, with none of that neutral tone in there, which kind to implies that Aventurine resisting the person who abuses him is in any way wrong or unusual for a person to do. Honestly I can understand a little bit why people don’t have problems with this line, as understand why people see it as just her doing her job as a judge. However, there’s something so disturbingly off with it that makes me really not like Jade for it, and hopefully I conveyed that well enough, if you have a better way of phrasing it please tell me.
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Annnd this is why I say she doesn’t view him as a person. Jade literally tells Aventurine that his name, the remainder of his identity, the one part of his culture and his family and his life, quite literally the only thing he has left is destined to be buried and abandoned. She knows how much it means to him, and she wants him to cast it aside and pick a new identity, as the only thing Jade cares about is what value Aventurine can bring for the IPC. 
Also, she does refer to him as “child” there, so yeah, he likely is a minor or at the very least they have a very significant age gap! Yay! Taking advantage of people significantly younger than you! And if he is somehow close to her age, then well, she views him like a child in comparison to her, which is dehumanizing. There’s really no winning with this one huh 😭
She also refers to him in the same way his old enslaver did! 
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Hound and dog are synonyms, so yeah, ew. Narratively, this is meant to be a parallel from Aventurine’s time enslaved to his time now, which demonstrates how nothing really changed, as Jade refers to him in the same way his old master/enslaver did.
4. However, that’s not all to be concerned about for Jade, at least in terms of morality, so let’s look at her eidolons.
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Each one of her eidolons questions a good quality, let’s take E3 for an example.
“Honesty?” She questions why people, more specifically she would be sincere, and answers it with “Soon Mortgaged”. 
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Now in this context, her honesty is likely seen as being convienent in order to get a deal off, if meant as a noun. As a verb it’s used in a similar manner, with Jade only behaving honestly because it’s part of her duty as a debt collector/contract maker.
Either way, this pattern for her eidolons, of her questioning a good quality then providing a selfish reason for why she exhibits it sets up a vicious implication. It makes it seem like any an all seemingly kind, benevolent behavior from Jade is really just a means to further her goals, making her seem untrustworthy and selfish, like well, a snake, which is a motif prevalent throughout her design. 
Her lightcone description also doesn’t make her seem much better.
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Oh how lovely, giving a future to innocent children, I sure do hope this description doesn’t end badly!
“A philanthropist with a hidden agenda, a villain who mortgages souls… She was given various identities by the world, but only she understood the morality behind these actions.”
Jade what are you planning… 
This tells us two things:
1) She engages in philanthropist behavior for reasons we don’t know of yet which is concerning because philanthropy is centered around helping people, why do you have ulterior motives for helping people. What are you planning with those children, Jade?
2)”A villain who mortgages souls” oh! Sure, these two identities were apparently given to her by the world, but like, mortgaging souls??? I’ll get into her biblical (specifically satanic) references next, but like, you need one hell of a good reason to justify buying and selling PEOPLES SOULS. Whatever hidden agenda Jade might have must be like unfathomably good to justify this, because well, this means she owns (or at least helps other people own) people. PEOPLE. 
Jade fucking OWNS HUMAN BEINGS. Unless those people are like a dictator reincarnated or something there’s no good reason to justify owning the essence of someone’s being. It’s straight up evil and I’m glad the game calls her a villain for it. 
5. Satan is that you???
The snake, her contract thing as her skill and in her splash art, her job being “Jade of Credit”, her relationship to withered fruit, and the apple in her splash art, the man at her feet in her splash art, her MORTGAGING SOULS. Look, I’m not a Christian, but like, these are all pretty blatant references to satan who’s, idk, the embodiment of evil. Sure, you could say she’s more like Eve, but she’s not being tricked by the snake, no, in fact, the snake works for her.
Now I don’t literally think Jade is meant to be the devil or something, but she sure as hell seems like she’s meant to be narratively like an agent of Satan/ a demon, which is fascinating. Interestingly, this also paints her interaction with Aventurine as a deal with the devil, which just makes it seem even worse than it already is. 
Well, for now that’s all of Jade’s questionable behavior, and I feel confident enough in saying that at the very least she’s meant to be read as morally grey, so acting like she does no wrong is strange. However, it’s not a crime to like villains at all, and I feel like if Jade’s hardcore defenders just accepted that part of her character, everyone would be way happier, because people do have legitimate reasons to dislike her for the shit she has done, especially rroma people for how she treated Aventurine. 
Not everyone has to like your favorite character, and downplaying and lying about her lore and character because you can’t handle that is annoying as hell and does the character you are defending in the first place a disservice. Jade being a bad person is what makes her interesting, and honestly the idea that women can’t be bad people is misogynistic as well, which is a nice way to transition to the other part of this post:
For the love of god people don’t dislike Jade because of misogyny. Please shut up and stop throwing words around that you clearly don’t understand, as you only end up diminishing actual misogyny. 
I’ve already gone over the valid reasons why people dislike her, so let’s go over all the other stupid shit people bring up in trying to pretend like Jade hate is misogyny.
“But Boothill didn’t get complaints when he was randomly drip marketed, people complaining are only misogynistic Sunday fans!”
Jesus Christ.
Boothill has been leaked for several fucking months prior to his drip marketing, and people had been waiting diligently for when he would finally show up for a while, so obviously they were happy when he did.
He’s like, the most fanservice-y character (in a good way) ever. Boothill is a fucking long-haired cyborg space cowboy outlaw who physically cannot curse and has the cuntiest animations known to mankind, that’s like the most appealing combination of traits known to man. So appealing in fact, that people outside the fandom were making posts about him. Big shocker that the character designed to make everyone love him has everyone love him, act surprised 
Jade’s only scene so far had been her one with Aventurine in 2.1, which as I mentioned prior, has problems. This also doesn’t help that she’s just as slimy in his character stories and their interaction in 2.2, which compared to again, the character designed to be as appealing as possible, isn’t a good look. 
For the love of god Sunday fans have the right to complain. They have also been waiting MONTHS for him, so they would have been disappointed at any character that isn’t Sunday getting marketed, as that means they have to wait even more months for him. He’s highly anticipated, in comparison to Jade, whose had crumbs so far, so of course some people got upset (I didn’t see anything more than disappointment tbh)
People did complain about Boothill’s marketing! Like I know everyone clowned on them, but there were Firefly stans genuinely upset that he got marketed over her, and someone even started a “boycott Boothill’s banner” campaign 😭. It’s just the other reasons compounded why more people complained about Jade than they did about him.
I’m sure there’s some people out there who hate her because they hate women, but like, everyone? Really?
Genuinely, it is so tiring to see misogyny get thrown around like it doesn’t mean anything, and people complaining about misogyny where it doesn’t exist, and ignoring it where it does. Like I’m sorry SOME Jade stans, but yall cannot call this misogyny, then proceed to compare Jade to other female characters like Firefly, and call them flops and trash in comparison to her. THATS unnecessary hating on women for no reason, so don’t be a fucking hypocrite.
Also if a goddamn fictional character is the hill you die on for women’s rights issues, when there’s actual women being genocided right now, please reevaluate your priorities and support the women who actually need your help and assistance right now. Dogging on random Sunday fan #365 for being “misogynistic” because they said they wished he was marketed instead of Jade when there are women being murdered as we speak is dumb as hell. Like yes, these two problems can coexist, but for the love of god pixels are not as important as actual people, and if you really cared about women this would not be the one issue of misogyny you seem to talk about. 
Well, this post was kinda a mess, but I hope you enjoyed it anyways! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, and personally I’m very interested to see where they go with Jade in 2.3. Please keep making her evil and don’t try to hit us with the sad backstory Hoyo, I’m fine if it’s meant to complicate her, but please don’t try and redeem her. Hopefully they go with the Dottore route, but considering they are planning on selling her, they might throw everything interesting down the drain for her which is sad. Let women be evil! And I hope you have a good day :) 
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beefslipper · 2 months
Hello! sorry to bother you again. But this thought came to me at 2 am and I need to see your writing on it. How do you think hsr men show their affection? I know Dan Heng would be a man of service but Jing Yuan? Is he going to be like Dan Heng or more open about it? 🤔.
Anyways, I'll be there to eat up the masterpiece. Stay hydrated and Thank you! 💜
Don't apologize! :D
I'll try to do ALL the male characters, excluding MC and Duke Inferno. I thought about it but decided against it cuz AAAAAAAAAAAA. I'm going to cry like a baby if I forget any. Since there are 17 men (I think, I'm half asleep) I'm gonna number them in alphabetical order and just. Go with it.
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Argenti would do everything humanly possible for you. Whatever love language you're most comfortable with, he's doing that all for you and you only.
You like physical affection? Whenever you're okay with it, he's holding your hand, giving you kisses, doing whatever makes you feel best.
You like verbal affirmations? Bro isn't hesitating to never shut up about everything he loves about you (P.S., it's everything).
Gifts? Be prepared to get something from him every time you see each other. He's not gonna hold back at all for the person he loves most.
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Dude's 100% a cuddler. Spending hours with you is his way of showing he cares. He isn't just asking to cuddle to avoid his responsibilities, he willingly spends lots of time with you (and gets yelled at for doing that instead of doing what he needs to).
However, if you're alright with doing little tasks with him, he's bringing you with. You two often walk Peppy together or go to deal with anything that won't get you hurt. You could be like 20 times stronger than him and he'd refuse to 'let you risk getting hurt'. Lol.
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You already know this peacock's buying you everything you want. That cute dress you saw in a shop window? All your's. A new pair of earrings that you don't really even need? Dawg you're getting that and like 50 other pairs. That one perfume everybody's talking about? He's buying the whole company for you.
However! Behind closed doors, he's all about physical affection. Whenever it's just the two of you, he's always clinging to you like a sloth.
No Gif for Bladie cuz Tumblr asked if I was suicidal LOL
Bladie would seem like he hates you in public. Like you killed his pet dog when he was 6 and has hated you ever since type stuff. But when you're alone, he LOVES physical affection. Mostly receiving it, but he's definitely sure to make you feel loved, too. Whenever he's not feeling too good, he sends you little gifts to show he cares since he's not good with his words.
In short, he'd be extremely dedicated to loving you if he didn't have such a negative relationship with love.
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He loves using his words because he comes up with the craziest affectionate names for you. Some that have your eyes popping out of your skull before you even have a chance to get blushy over 'em.
Besides that, it depends on what kinda person you are. Yapper? He's more than willing to sit there and listen to your voice. He'll try to pay attention but it's a 50/50. Listener? He's always got something weird or interesting to tell you.
Dan Heng
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He likes physical stuff the most but to an extent. He refuses to do anything bigger than hand-holding and small, quick kisses while in public. He REALLY shows his love behind closed doors to make up for it.
However. If someone's bothering you in public, he's gonna unintentionally do that 'don't worry kitten, daddy's gonna protect you' thing. He'll be mean mugging the person while holding you because he hates seeing you so uncomfortable from random weirdos.
Dr. Ratio
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As much as I hate 'tsunderes' from cringey 2020 stuff, Ratio's one of them. He'll call you the most offensive names you've ever heard as he makes you the most godly, perfect-tasting meal you've ever had.
Once the two of you have gotten close enough, he'd probably allow you in that stupid bath of his, but if you dare to try any NSFW stuff while he's reading, you're getting a thick-ass book to the head.
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Words and physical affection. Yk that one image of the two blank characters swapping spit? That's you and him whenever you come up with some comeback to one of his teasing compliments.
Anyways, he'd always be holding you while in public. Anyone dares to express concern about it? Bro's throwing haymakers (reference).
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Geppieeee :D Although I wanna do Geppie, I've done some HCs on him on a different post (excuse for me to be lazy LOL)
Imbibitor Lunae
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A plankton drooling and screaming yes gif came up when I searched his name sjfjkldsjf
IL would spoil you with gifts. He'd always be off doing his weird dragon shit, so he'd send gifts from where ever he was. You could get sea shells or flowers that somehow stay fresh for ever. You could even get hairpins or clothing.
He isn't big on physical affection only because I'm sure you'd be obsessed with touching his tail and 'horns'?. Whatever, he's not letting that happen lol.
Jing Yuan
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Physical affection 100%. When he's cooped up indoors doing work, he brings you with him and has you sitting within arm's reach at all times. Or in his lap if you're especially clingy.
He'd try to be verbally affectionate, but he'd use a weird nickname once and forever be embarrassed by it so that's out the window.
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Me rn omg the brain juices are running lower as this post goes on, I'm sure you can see the effort decreasing. My apologies for that.
Luka's probably physically affectionate and really wants that treatment from you, too. I can't imagine how sore he must be, bro punches robots and big-ass monsters all day.
I'm sure he'd also give you gifts and whatnot, but physical stuff > anything else.
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I feel like he'd switch constantly. Without warning. One day he's all happy and clingy and the next he's super distant but leaving you gifts like he's about to leave. He doesn't even have a real reason behind this other than he doesn't know which is easiest for him.
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He'd be all about gifting. I only say this 'cuz of the little side stuff about him having a buncha candy and other little souvenirs. He'd definitely get you something if it reminded him of you.
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I couldn't help myself the gif was too tempting I'm sorry
He'd always be stealing random crap for you. He'd even use his beautiful persona to get you the more expensive things you want.
Besides that, I'm sure he uses lots of verbally affectionate words with you and makes sure you know how much he loves you. Even if he constantly dresses up as a beautiful woman to distract another man LMFAO.
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Literally all of the above. There's nothing he wouldn't do for you. You need to be held? You're already in his lap. Craving anything? Bro's learning how to make it for you as we speak. Need to hear someone tell you that you're worth something? He's got a big-ass 36-page love letter for you already.
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Physical 100%. He doesn't know how to use his words without turning into a blushing tomato. He'd rather hold you for hours on end than try to compliment you. He loves so much about you that he's physically incapable of coming up with a compliment.
no more gifs omfg my computer gonna explode
Gifts and verbal stuff definitely. He'd spoil you with your favorite food and would always compliment you to the point it seemed like he had endless compliments stored away for you alone.
However, you're getting thwacked with a spoon if you dare to try and touch his tail or ears. Cuddles and hugs are a-okay, but touching the sensitive parts? N O
He loves physical stuff... Ignoring his VA's crimes.
He'd probably spend a chunk of the day cuddling you and refusing to get out of bed. Whenever he's not cuddling you, he's making origami things of your favorite animals until you have an army of them, varying in size and color.
Definitely a gifter. He's always making new things to give to you. However, when he makes new inventions, he forces the MC to play with it to ensure it's absolutely safe before it gets into your hands (You're gonna find a way to break it and set everything on fire no matter what LOL)
He sends you expensive gifts, but before he really got to know you and what you want, he'd be sending some weird stuff. Like a cat killing a bird and leaving it on your porch for you or something.
Over time, he got better about his gift choices. He probably goes to Robin to beg for advice on what to get you next.
Holy breaking and entering Batman! That's a lotta yap. And gifs. Good lord the gifs. My computer's hardly alive. I'm hardly alive.
Well, despite the decrease in quality and effort over time, I hope you enjoyed the HCs!
Have a great day, evening, and/or night! :)
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