lightning volcanic wind!!!
⚡️Lightning - Have you ever spontaneously added something to your story that you wouldn't have added normally? If so, what made you do it? YES! There was a whole flashback in my Rapunzel AU Romano, Romano, Let Your Hair Down that wasn't supposed to be there. The story was finished, and I was just editing a chapter a week. But then, I suddenly got the idea for a oneshot set earlier, to explain some of the backstory. So I wrote it out, thinking it would be a nice extra story. Then I realised half the characters' motives and behaviours were only explained in that scene, and literally who was going to stop me from adding another flashback? There was one in an earlier chapter, so I debated myself and concluded it was weirder to only have one flashback, and that's how a scene about spamano as young teenagers who got major trauma happened. So by degrees, it slowly got added. Arguably, we could also say everything in my current WIP after chapter one–
🌋 Volcanic Eruption - What's your biggest flaw as a writer? Probably my hatred of describing things. I mostly clean it up in editing, but the amount of characters with no features described standing in a blank void is embarrassing. Probably why I like writing fanfiction and don't have OCs, I don't have to describe the characters, you already know what they look like.
🌬 Wind - What was the easiest part of your WIP to write? Okay, it's not really a particular part or anything, but Antonio being a conniving, scheming asshole is my lifeblood. Everytime he goes off on a weird obsessive tangent in his head or says something extremely snide, I am in my element.
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foccaccia · 9 months
who are your ttrpg blorbos i LOVE hearing abt ttrpg blorbos...
omg ok im gonna try to keep this short or else ill write a whole novel but
In Monster of the Week:
Sunny (Sunsheighne Lydeighah Suarez) is a Monster of the Week character. She's 22 and bubbly and petty and and so, so, so, so, so, so stupid. Barbie Girl without the Barbie Accomplishments. Sunny started out as the Spooky playbook but has since migrated to the Chosen playbook - she's got the Green Dragon Crescent Blade and is maybe sort of the antichrist a little bit. She takes Every Drug. She's Mexican-Chinese and grew up in a trailer in Texas. She's so good at magic and hitting things, and so bad at thinking. She has phoenix ancestry and also was cursed. Normal girl things.
One of her moms is a failed country rock star and the other is a dragon. One of her dads is a cranky old monster hunter who turned into a god, and her sort-of other dad is a lich. Her brother has anxiety and is also a dragon, but is actually just a stressed college student with a band.
Sunny is engaged to a fae who is also Bees. She also has a girlfriend who is a crack shot and who enjoys accounting, and who we just unbrainwashed from a vampire tree. Sunny also has So many phone numbers.
Right now she's road tripping with her family (blood and adopted) across America as they break into the library of congress, try and fail to rob banks, and blow up a water tower to flood a town.
Sunny's ex-girlfriend was Audi Mercedes Windsor. Audi died, but Audi's fetch - her death omen, basically, like a changeling/copy only meant to survive til the original's death - survived, and got named Mercy Benjamin. I'm also playing Mercy - she's the Monstrous playbook.
Audi was the adopted daughter of an extremely rich film director, and most of Audi's life was filmed as she was trained very carefully to be picture perfect onscreen, and was exploited as basically a show dog. She was actually a mean selfish bitch, so Mercy is too - but Mercy is currently learning how to be a person and not an asshole. Audi was also in Sunny's brother's band, and Mercy in some canons is tentatively as well. She's roadtripping with the others, trying to avoid being noticed that she looks just like the dead rich girl splashed across billboards and magazines.
Jaime de Villiers is also one of my MotW characters in another campaign. They… are sort of three people fused into one. One of their component parts is a demon general named Kokabiel, who was the only true death in the war between heaven and hell. They wanted to be a perfect soldier and stand up for what they thought was right, as well as avenge their dead human spouse and child, but jumped in front of an attack meant for their commander and died, and became a ghost until summoned by their second component part by accident VERY long after, and the two fused.
Second component part is [redacted].
Their third part is a fae Spanish / French pirate from 1700's Spain, named Jaime de Villiers. The original Jaime served as first mate under the Kokabiel Fusion, they fell in love, and terrorized the coasts, but eventually Kokabiel Fusion and Jaime both nearly died and fused in order to save their lives. Now they are One Person with some very weird life experiences.
They've spent most of the last few thousand years at sea, trying desperately to be alone and Not Exist. Now they've been dragged kicking and screaming into a weird small Michigan town full of cults and secret police and monsters and witches and more, to be with their family (original Jaime's grandmother is a vampire and has a whole line of descendants who are wonderful and insane) and Be Helpful. Jaime is bearing the company and forced morality as best they can, and to their immense horror is actually starting to have a good time and learn to be happy again bc of their family. They accidentally stabbed their beloved cousin in the chest when they tried to kill The Actual Devil, but it's okay bc their cousin just became a goddess. Also they're now dating their old commander they died for, which is cool.
Another MotW character is Hector Carnage, who is a butch drummer in the up and coming band Bubblegum ☆ Carnage. She used to be a hockey player until a permanent hip injury screwed her out of her contract and now she's living her best life with her three insane bandmates. They’re about to play the weirdest craziest concert ever.
My last MotW character is Crescendo ‘Cres’ Flair, a.k.a Woebegone Lightfoot, a.k.a Harmony Caravaggio, a.k.a Beowulf Sublime, a.k.a Ophelia Divine, a.k.a - you get it. They go through new names every few months to Avoid the Government. They're a genderqueer Flake who uses they/he/she. He's also a sixty year old full out victorian goth with garrote wire and some wild conspiracy theories. Right now a hunter-for-hire, basically. She grew up on a dairy farm in Iowa.
Other than the MotW characters I'm playing now, I do have a scattered few others but I never did use them a whole lot. Here's a few,I can't remember all of them right now.
Daisy Smith is a fallen Aasimar who is sworn to defend all retail workers, is overly emotional and naive and genuinely kind/sweet, and also is a scary as hell warlock. Her patron is an eldritch horror of luck who looks like a bowling alley carpet.
Umami is a half-orc ranger with a panther familiar who I wanted to develop more but got shafted in the short campaign I got to play her and I'm still bitter about that.
At one point I had a rock dwarf who was a rockstar but I don't even remember her name. But I did love the concept.
And finally. Deco is my Baldurs's Gate character. Because I started playing Baldurs's Gate a week ago (no spoilers, please). That's basically a ttrpg. They're a Seldarine Drow, a druid from the circle of the spores. They became a druid because of the beauty they found in the Underdark nature, and because of their views on the beauty of death as a part of the circle of life and nature. Deco also is a decent leader, very forward, a little violent, and striving for true neutral if they can't hit neutral good. And they are absolutely going to smooch the shit out of Karlach.
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Sunny (the second piece is a parody of Mucha's 'The Moon and the Stars')
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Mercy (another Mucha parody piece)
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Jaime (the second piece is a parody of Klimt's 'Water Serpents I')
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and finally, Deco!
…that was kind of a novel. Sorry 😭
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rosethreeart · 3 years
How I feel about this character:  HUSBAND!! MY BELOVED!!! I WANT TO SMOOCH 💖💖💖💖
All the people I ship romantically with this character: (Nyo)America, Germany, Cuba
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Sonmano/ dadmano
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I’ve made a LOT of posts about this man and I’m sure most of my opinions are Hot Takes™️😂
He’s not an asshole (which is actually canon so that’s pretty ironic), He doesn’t swear at people every five seconds especially at people he cares about(I made a whole ass post about it💀), this was something I would commonly see in old fanfics but I don’t see him as infantilized and honestly made me super uncomfortable. Saw it happen with a few other characters like England especially in ship fics. Very manly, looks a lot like his grandfather much to his disdain, his whole appearance in general(I mean look at my art 😂), has a father-son relationship with Spain, and is seborga dad, doesn’t hate Germany and is in fact jealous of his close bond with vene, actually respects Germany as a person, very overprotective and as loyal as a dog
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: oooh hard one! I would have loved to see more 1920s arc or see some more modern interactions between america and Romano but that’s just my shipper heart. We do get a good amount of strips between Spain and Romano’s platonic relationship but I would have loved to see some with Romano and Belgium! Also please something good happen to this poor man I just want him to be happy
My OTP: romerica
My OT3: amelietmano/gerromame
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cto10121 · 3 years
The bad Shakespeare takes keep coming, I see. This one had the cleverness to couch itself as a personal narrative (makes it much more interesting, tbh). But as bad Shakespeare takes are my bread and butter, my boon and bane, mamma mia here we go again, with Merchant of Venice.
“But those who thought the play was irredeemably antisemitic were, the consensus went, vulgar and whiny—​and, completely coincidentally, they were also Jewish, which somehow magically invalidated their opinions on this subject.”
I’m glad (is that even the right word?) this author found scholars that don’t think this play is anti-Semitic, but my experience with scholarship has been way more mixed than that. Suffice to say, this is literally all the play is known for these days, and views of the play as anti-Semitic are everywhere (Rosenbaum even had a hot take that since the Nazis liked it, it must be anti-Semitic). Didn’t know Harold Bloom thinks this play is anti-Semitic, though. That in itself is a bit of a red flag, as Bloom is a notoriously poor reader of Shakespeare.
“[I]n Merchant, Portia unhappily fulfills her father’s requirements of her suitors, while in Il Pecorone, the lady enjoys drugging her suitors and robbing them blind. By removing this detail, Shakespeare removed the suggestion that malicious schemers come from all walks of life.”
Or, by removing this detail, Shakespeare removed the clear and abhorrent sexism of his original source that turned a woman robbed of her autonomy by her father’s will into a criminal. It’s almost as if you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
“Dr. Lopez, one of the most respected physicians of the 16th century, had indiscreetly revealed that he once treated the Earl of Essex for venereal disease. The earl took revenge by framing Dr. Lopez for treason and arranging for his torture; while on the rack, Dr. Lopez “confessed”—​though “like a Jew,” as the court record states, he denied all charges at trial, while the attorney for the Crown referred to him matter-​of-​factly as “a perjuring murdering traitor and Jewish doctor.”
This is a very twisted account of the Lopez affair and Essex’s motives in going against him, at least to my understanding. For context, Lopez was accused of receiving loads of money from the King of Spain to poison Queen Elizabeth.
According to Stephen Greenblatt, in Will of the World: “Essex had tried some years before to recruit Lopez as a secret agent. Lopez’s refusal—he chose instead directly to inform the queen—may have been prudent, but it created in the powerful earl a very dangerous enemy. After his arrest, he was initially imprisoned at Essex House and interrogated by the earl himself. But Lopez had powerful allies in the rival faction of the queen’s senior adviser William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and his son, Robert Cecil, who also participated in the interrogation and reported to the queen that the charges against her physician were baseless.” Lopez apparently had been taken bribes from various sources, and confessed (freely? under torture?) “that he had indeed entered into a treasonous-sounding negotiation with the king of Spain, but he insisted that he had done so only in order to cozen the king out of his money.” Weird.
Greenblatt isn’t a historian, though, and Essex was indeed an asshole to Lopez, (and for what is worth, I feel Lopez was innocent; I just get those vibes) but so far I can find no other source that Essex actively framed Lopez. Most likely he did some sleuthing, dug up some questionable, compromising stuff, and tried to blow a hearth flame into a firestorm.
“After all, the historical record gives Queen Elizabeth a cookie for dawdling on signing Dr. Lopez’s death warrant; her doubts about his guilt even led her to mercifully allow his family to keep his property, not unlike the equally merciful Duke of Venice in Shakespeare’s play.”
Again, Lopez had powerful allies (doesn’t get much higher than Burghley), and again, re: Greenblatt: “According to court observers, Elizabeth gave Essex a tongue-lashing, ‘calling him rash and temerarious youth, to enter into a matter against the poor man, which he could not prove, and whose innocence she knew well enough.’” A cupcake, then?
“And it is of course entirely unclear whether this trial and public humiliation of an allegedly greed-​driven Jew attempting to murder an upstanding Christian, rapturously reported in the press with myriad antisemitic embellishments, had anything at all to do with Shakespeare’s play about the trial and public humiliation of a greed-​driven Jew attempting to murder an upstanding Christian—​which Shakespeare composed shortly after Dr. Lopez decomposed. Most likely these things were completely unrelated.”
Nearly all the major Shakespeare biographies and articles I’ve read literally and explicitly talks about the possible influence of Lopez’s execution on Merchant of Venice and names it as an inspiration: Greenblatt, (he even headcanons that Shakespeare watched the execution!) Bate, Ackroyd. That’s how Horn managed to ping my BS radar something awful—because I had read about it, many times, even if it was mentioned in passing. It’s solid, legit Shakespearean academic fanon. The sarcasm is really unwarranted, and childish besides.
“It was damned hard to hear the nuance while parsing lines like “Certainly the Jew is the very devil incarnal,” or “My master’s a very Jew; give him a present, give him a halter,” or explaining what Shylock meant when he planned to “go in hate, to feed upon / The prodigal Christian.”
The first two are the fool’s, Lancelot’s, lines, I think. As for Shylock’s hatred toward Christians, while ugly, it’s entirely understandable given the Christian characters’ treatment of him pre-play and during it (Antonio spitting on Shylock’s gaberdine and then asking him to borrow money from him is called out by Shylock himself for its sheer hypocrisy). It also fits Shylock’s character as an unassimilated Jew, resenting Christian hypocrisy and racism.
“The actor began the brief soliloquy that every English-​speaking Jew is apparently meant to take as a compliment: ‘I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? . . . ​If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?’
“Wait, that’s the part where he’s more human?”
[…]“Sure,” I told my son, game-​facing him back in the rearview. “He’s reminding us how he’s like everyone else. He’s a normal person with normal feelings.”
My son laughed. “You seriously fell for that?”
[…] “What do you mean?”
“Shylock’s just saying he wants revenge! Like, ‘Oh, yeah? If I’m a regular human, then I get to be eee-​vil like a regular human!’ This is the evil monologue thing that every supervillain does! ‘I’ve had a rough life, and if you were me you would do the same thing, so that’s why I’m going to KILL BATMAN, mu-​hahaha!’ He’s just manipulating the other guy even more!”
And then the crowd applauded, Harold Bloom cried, and the mayor gave the author’s six-year-old son a gold medal for his Brave Hot Take. Honestly, this was the most unbelievable part of the essay I’ve read. Unless this kid has been reading academic essays on MoV that posit this exact same interpretation (“Shylock was just using humanistic rhetoric to justify his ~bloodthirsty revenge!”), this one’s for a fake Internet stories anthology. Shylock may be a dour, miserable pain in the ass, but he is no Barabas, an actual anti-Semitic caricature—he has a character, and a recognizably human one, and the play bears it out that he is right in his anger.
“I reviewed the other moments scholars cite to prove Shylock’s “humanity.” There were two lines of Shylock treasuring his dead wife’s ring, unlike the play’s Christian men who give their wives’ rings away. But unlike the other men, Shylock never gets his ring back—​because his daughter steals it, and becomes a Christian, and inherits what remains of his estate at the play’s triumphant end.”
Er, this is a non sequitur—that last has nothing to do with the first. The point is, Shylock doesn’t give away his ring; the fact that his daughter stole it means nothing to his treasuring it. It may be proof of the play’s marginalization of Shylock (which accurately if sadly reflects real-life systematic marginalization), but not his humanity. Shakespeare just doesn’t do backstories, even for major characters, so it is significant that he gave Shylock a wife/beloved in the first place.
“Finally, scholars point to the many times Shylock explains why he is so revolting: Christians treat him poorly, so he returns the favor. But for this to satisfy, one must accept that Jews are revolting to begin with, and that their repulsiveness simply needs to be explained.”
This makes absolutely no sense at all. If one accepts Jews are inherently revolting, then no explanation need be given for when a Jewish character acts revolting! The racist accepts the revolting Jewish characterization without qualm. The fact that the play insists on his grievance is significant.
“We listened together as Shylock went to court to extract his pound of flesh; as the heroine, chirping about the quality of mercy, forbade him to spill the Christian’s blood as he so desperately desired; as the court confiscated his property, along with his soul through forced conversion; as the play’s most cherished characters used his own words to taunt and demean him, relishing their vanquishing of the bloodthirsty Jew.”
YMMV, but to me there are no cherished characters in this play. That’s the whole point! Everyone is so mired in this dreary capitalist materialism that denigrates genuine human connection into mere transaction. Everything to these characters is money, money, money (and class), or at least tainted by it. Shylock is simply the most overt (and honest) of the lot. Love relationships, religion are impoverished; Portia and Bassanio are scarcely more suited than Portia and her other suitors. Shylock and Antonio are Jews and Christians in-name-only: They are capitalists first and foremost. Portia is a smarter, more likable Karen. Lancelot isn’t funny. Jessica is okay, but her leaving her father is framed as a asshole moment at least in one instance. Portia is probably the most lovable, but she has her asshole moments too. There are no truly awful characters, but you don’t need to demonize and dehumanize your whole cast into two-dimensional racists just to make a point.
Merchant of Venice is not the best of plays. It is one of Shakespeare’s experiments, a proto-problem play before his Jacobean era, using dark comedy and a slight bent of farce to explore and elucidate social issues, racism and discrimination, chiefly. At least it tries, anyway. Taming of the Shrew is the first proto-problem play done completely farcical, which at least makes it compelling in a slapstick-satire way; Merchant is much more sociologically astute, but also more dull and coolly distant even from its own concerns. I don’t blame anyone, much less Jewish people, for not liking the play or thinking it a masterpiece. I myself don’t, though for reasons that have nothing to do with the usual ones. I like what Shakespeare was trying to do and I think he did some things very well. It has ambition and thought. But I feel like for most of it Shakespeare was on writing autopilot while mentally looking around for something a bit meatier to adapt and develop. It’s a jogging-in-one-place play; he has a couple of those.
In sum: Author argues for complicated play’s anti-Semitism, ends up just saying the racist slurs by the flawed/asshole Christian characters made her and her son uncomfortable (feat. A distorted and even misleading account of the Lopez affair). Plus some internalized anti-Semitism to sort through, methinks.
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
A Queen’s Love
Summary: Y/N has been Queen for five years when she is suddenly faced with the prospect of having to marry soon. Yet she can’t forget the love of her life, which she had to leave for the stability of the Crown and her Family.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Queen!Reader (Royal AU)
Warnings: some swearing, mentions of death, idk does someone jokingly suggesting poisoning counts?
A/N: yeah so…this is my first Bucky Barnes fic and I haven’t written a new fic in probably four or five years now? To be fair, it doesn’t even feel like a Bucky fic though, I just wanted to get my juices flowing again and since I’ve read a shitton of Bucky fics lately, he was the one I was imagining while writing this so ya know…enjoy?
ALSO heavily inspired by The Crown obviously, so it might be a little overdramatic in certain parts as I was listening to the OST and got carried away
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The silence is split open by the grandfather clock that seems to be mocking Y/N with its ticking. She idly wonders if the situation would be the same were her father in her seat, as he should have been. Alas, these are questions which will never find their answer, and she found in the long years that have already passed since that fateful day, that it is better not to dwell on the possibilities.
She turns her gaze towards her brother, sat on her right, noticing the slight curl at the nape of his neck. She remembers how their mother used to smooth it whenever he would pass her, short respites from running around long and hollow corridors. The eyes of their ancestors following their every move, but Y/N has always lived with a tremulous sense of being judged, being watched, being controlled, as opposed to Arthur, who could experience at least a slight sense of normalcy. However normal being a royal prince and second in line to the throne could feel.
Her head snaps back to the rest of the table when her Grandmother lets out a call for attention, her signature clearing of throat which would sound suspiciously like a wet cat’s whimper for the untrained ears. Arthur winces visibly and shifts uncomfortably in his seat, waiting for the usual reprimand, yet it is Y/N who is shocked into obedient silence as she is reminded why exactly her Grandmother is still the Queen Mother.
“Y/N, dear, I do believe it is time to have a serious conversation regarding your future.”
“Whatever for exactly, Grandmamma?”
“Well, your marriage, of course!“
There is a distinct pause in every person’s movements in the room, and it seems as if the clock itself stopped ticking. Her Uncle flinches, seemingly caught unprepared, while her Aunt casts her eyes to her now completely captivating soup. Even the household staff stop in their tracks and Y/N is suddenly grateful for her lessons in diplomacy during her upbringing. She buys herself some time, wiping the corners of her mouth and finally takes a deep breath.
“Might I remind you, Grandmamma, that I am not yet married?”
“Why, of course, dear. I am not completely senile!” Her Grandmother’s disdain could also do with a scoff and a shake of her hand, if it weren’t for her strict etiquette. “What I meant to say is that I do think it is time for you to find a good man to help you rule. You can’t be by yourself forever, and by all means, especially not run the country. We all know you are not getting younger, and I highly doubt you will find a man as easily later, although you are the Queen.”
“She is only 25, Grandmother. She won’t dry up as a prune tomorrow, don’t worry.” Arthur almost hisses. He reminds Y/N so much of their mother in these types of interactions, even though she was much too kind to bare her utter displeasure as openly as him. Y/N places a hand on her brother’s forearm in warning, not in the mood to shift this to a familiar war. She knows she needs to deal with this situation with delicacy.
“Uncle, what do you think?”
Her lips twitch in a slight smile as she watches him do the same trick with the napkin to his mouth. He clears his throat, making her tense. This is not a good sign. He’s buying too much time.
“As much as I agree with the point your brother is trying to make, I can also understand your Grandmother’s…concerns.”
It is then that Y/N realises this has been a discussion held in her absence for some time now. What a fool I’ve been for not having seen this coming, she thinks. Her Uncle looks at her morosely, so she can still have some hope in him, but it does not sway her annoyance in the slightest.
“Do you believe I cannot rule the country without a man by my side?”
“Y/N.” Freddie tries again. “I do not mean to say you are unable to rule. You are one of the most intelligent and brave women I know, and you are more than capable to do it by yourself for the rest of your life. But you are also the Queen and it is customary for the Queen to have a king by her side.”
“That’s horseshit.” Archie snaps.
“Would you let me finish?” Freddie retorts and waits a second in mock permission until Arthur grumbles in agreement. “However… the duties of the Crown are heavy and I do believe that having someone next to you to lessen its burdens would only benefit you. If only for the small personal relief it would bring you, I know how much it would mean.”
Y/N turns towards her Grandmother, who smiles graciously, although the twitch in her eyebrow is evident. She did not get the complete and total agreement she hoped for, but they are all aware that without Y/N’s beloved Frederick, her words would only be fleeting in the Queen’s mind, as they have been for the last year.
"Very well. I shall think about it and we can discuss this later.”
“Your Majesty?”
Y/N looks up from her diary at Anthony who seems visibly distraught in front of her desk. She narrows her eyes, expecting to be irritated yet again in the span of two days.
“Her Highness the Queen Mother, has requested to attend the events for the week in your place.” Anthony finally lets out, after she hums her assent. “And she also asked to inform you that she would want you to take a…holiday in the meantime.”
“I beg your pardon?” Y/N doesn’t know what to do with this information, but she definitely knows that she’s now more than irritated.
“She would like you to go…somewhere warm and sunny, I believe she said, ma'am.”
“What?!” To hell with etiquette.
“I think she wants you to get nice and toasty for a fellow who’s waiting for you on the beach, dear sister.” Arthur’s snickers can be heard from the heap laying on the couch. Y/N flings the pen she was holding at him, which only makes him squeal.
Turning back to Anthony, who is now more than mortified with discomfort, she pushes her glasses up her nose. “And where exactly would the Queen Mother have me go?”
“Spain, ma'am.” There’s a pause. “I believe the youngest Prince of Spain became recently available.”
Anthony is chased out of the office with swears that are more fit for a sailor than for a Queen and incessant howls of laughter that reverberate through the walls.
“I cannot believe she is making me do this. What is the bloody point of being Queen if I can’t even go on holiday wherever I bloody well please?” Y/N’s grumbles come out more as hisses through the phone.
“You’re too nice to her, that’s your fucking problem, Y/NN. If you would just tell her to fuck off, I bet she wouldn’t dare…no, wait. Scratch that. She would make your head in. You’re right. Until the bloody crone gets in the ground, you’ll have to either deal with her and give her at least something, or you know…have you poisoned in your sleep.”
“But then again, she wouldn’t kill you because then she would have to deal with me as king, and then the whole country would go to shit or, you know…worse, it would become, God forbid, a republic.” Arthur shudders in mock horror, which earns him a snort from his sister. “Anyway, how’s the prince then? Is he a tall dark and mysterious asshole?”
“Felipe is perfectly acceptable.” Y/N sighs.
“But not for a husband.”
“But not for a husband.” She agrees. Although he would very much enjoy the Spanish beaches this late in August, he couldn’t bear going through Y/N’s ordeal at the moment. He can’t stand the idea of his sister being paraded around like a prized pony, just for the sake of “stability for the country” or whatever that bloody hag keeps mumbling about.
“I have to go now, Archie. Felipe is throwing a party so I can meet some of his friends and ‘feel like a normal young adult for once.’ You know, if I’m being completely honest, I’m not sure if he himself wants to go through this whole nightmare. You two would have made great friends if you were to meet.”
“Why don’t you have your fun with him as well and be done with this? What’s that expression they use? Hit it and quit it, sis. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. Might as well take something out of this charade.”
“Bye, Archie.”
Y/N idly wonders if the slit in her dress is too high. She is also thinking that her boobs are kind of starting to hurt from being pushed so high up, not used to such tight dresses. But when she remembers Felipe’s conspiratorial wink when he said she should try to be herself tonight as ‘it will only be friends who are young, open-minded, and close-lipped,’ she smooths the glittering fabric and shakes her shoulders to release some tension.
Felipe offers her a flute of champagne as he retakes his place next to her, and lays his hand on her bare back. A shiver runs through her spine, her body suddenly awake to the male attention she’s getting after such a long time. The moment the champagne passes her lips, she realises how much she missed these kinds of parties, where no one expects more from her than to have fun with people her own age. The Spanish Prince smiles at her over his own glass, while his thumb continues to make small circles in her flesh.
“Right, I should stop being so greedy and show you around, shouldn’t I?”
They make their way through the vast room, filled with crowds who seem happy to meet her, and yet lack that admiration that borders on fixation that is so common in her people. Y/N feels relieved, as if she can show at least a tiny morsel of herself, even though just for the night. And in a moment of clarity, when she is already on her third or maybe fourth glass of champagne, she is shocked into the realisation that she fully understands her Uncle’s reasons for wanting her to marry. In that second she knows she will never be able to completely and absolutely let go in front of anyone and still be loved and accepted, except for her husband.
Suddenly, Felipe’s attentions seem insignificant and the room is too warm, too stifling for her liking. She makes her excuses to her host, and finds her way to the garden that is illuminated by fairy lights. Enchanting. Y/N unceremoniously drops on a chair, sighing heavily. She looks up and smiles at all the stars in the sky, trying to tune out the chatter behind her.
“Is that the approved way in which a Queen should sit down?”
Y/N closes her eyes, suddenly wishing to be as far away and as close to him as possible at the same time. “I should have known you’ll find me even here, Bucky.”
She watches him taking a seat in the chair next to her, and can’t help but notice the way his hair is now loosely tied into a knot at the back of his head, not falling into his eyes anymore. He takes a sip of his whiskey and hands her his glass, as it’s his turn to observe her.
“Your hair is longer.” He comments, taking a strand of her hair and twirling it around his finger until it falls gently back on her shoulder.
“So is yours.” They look at each other for a second, each waiting for the other to say something, but then turn towards the night sky. It has always been easy for Y/N to have him next to her, silently in agreement with her every move. “I’ve missed you at my birthday party.”
“You mean that monstrosity of a ball your Grandmother threw for you at the palace? You know she wouldn’t have invited me, even if I begged.” He snorts. “Archie told me you were pissed off the entire night.” He raises his eyebrow at her in inquiry and she debates whether telling him the truth would be a good idea. Shifting uncomfortably in the iron chair, she motions for his glass to take another sip. He hands it to her, waiting patiently for the answer that he is almost certain he won’t get. Y/N’s tendency to only share what is strictly necessary has only gotten worse ever since she was ten and could understand that her destiny would be ruthless and unforgiving of every mistaken step.
“When I was getting ready, Anthony told me you wouldn’t be there.” She murmurs as she stares straight ahead. Maybe it’s the alcohol in her system, or maybe it’s just late and it’s easier to spill out secrets in the dark. Whatever the reason, she feels as if there’s a crack in all the walls she has carefully built around herself for the last five years since she has ascended to the throne. Freddie was right, she thinks, having someone next to me is the only way to survive this nightmare.
After her parents’ death, her sense of duty was the only force that could drive her forward. It was her sense of duty to the Crown, to the Country, to the People, to her Family that has allowed her not to crumble into the void that she would’ve wanted to fall prey to. It was her sense of duty that helped the country overcome the tragedy her parents’ death brought about. It was her sense of duty that transformed her into an icon for her people at only 20 years old. It was also her sense of duty however that forced her to leave the love of her life behind, without second thought when she was asked to. In the name of the Crown and in the name of the Family.
But now she wonders if James’ transgressions were indeed so atrocious so as to attract the Queen Mother’s rage and her subsequent disapproval. As she looks into his blue eyes, she wonders whether she could fix this mistake that changed her life in more ways than the Crown ever did. Y/N’s heart is still his, even after all these years, and she feels deep within her bones that it forever will be, however many suitors will be lined up for her.
“I want you to come back to Court.” She whispers, full of hope, but feeling as if she’s just thrown herself into the abyss.
Bucky just watches her for a few moments, and it seems as time stretches itself into eternity. There’s a hold of breath that escapes from her parted lips as he finds her hand and holds it up to kiss the inside of her wrist. His smile is sad, the smile of a man who knows that only death awaits him.
“We both know that is impossible, Your Majesty.” Y/N bristles at the formal title; he is aware how much she hates it when he addresses her in that manner. Aware that when he does it, he only sees her as the Queen, and not as his once beloved Y/NN. She snaps her hand back, only to grab his with a ferociousness that shocks them both.
“James. Please.”
The reverberations of that simple word bounces between them with more force than a cannon going off next to them. He remembers the time she admitted in a fit of rage that she will never beg anything of him. Words that stung more than swords or bullets, words that cut through his entire body with proclamations of titles and reminders of hierarchy. He closes his eyes, trying to chase those memories away and her pleas with them. He is afraid. Afraid that if he lets himself get dragged again back in that circus of a family he’ll either regret it or get out of it feet first. Afraid that her begging would never sway her grandmother, and only a full battle would, a battle that he is afraid she would never hold for him, not when the Family’s contentment is at stake. But most of all, he is afraid that she is just drunk and lonely and desperate and he is just and easy option for her at the moment.
He brushes her cheek with his free hand, and his heart breaks yet again when a tear falls down. He lets go of her and stands up, utterly intent on finally trying to start a new life without her, a resolution that he feels is long overdue after all these years. Y/N stands up as well and whimpers. He doesn’t have to turn to face her to know she’s watching him, he can hear the tears in her voice as she speaks.
“Bucky, I’m begging. I’m begging you. Please. Please, I was wrong and stupid and young and thought Grandmamma knew better. I thought we would both just get over it and I thought the Crown would take precedence over everything and it wouldn’t matter. It wasn’t supposed to matter that I wasn’t happy, that my heart was broken in a million pieces because I let you go, on top of my parents being dead. I was supposed to get over it. But I can’t. I can’t and I kept loving you this whole time and I’ve loved you ever since I bloody met you 20 years ago. I love you, James, and I can’t do this without you. Please, Bucky.”
“I had a dream once that I got everything I wanted.” He says after a few moments when only her sobs would cut the laughter from inside the house. “It felt more like a nightmare when I woke up though.” He turns, a tentative step towards her. “I dreamt that you were there next to me and you said 'as long as I’m here, no one can hurt you.’ But then I woke up and realise you were the only one who could hurt me and you did, Y/NN. You goddamn did for fuck’s sake.” She whimpers again, but doesn’t have the strength to look at him. He raises her head with a finger under her chin, that beautiful face completely wrecked by tears and regret.
“I’ll come back to Court.” Her smile is unsure, not believing what her ears are telling her, Y/N is unable to form a coherent response before James continues. “But we’ll start this again. We will have a proper courtship, and your precious Grandmamma better go fuck herself or I swear to Christ, I will leave the second you start listening to her again even if it means wearing a pair of earrings she suggested.”
Y/N smiles and laughs and nods, as tears keep streaming down her face. She is not sure whether from happiness or the sheer relief of what his words mean. Then he kisses her, and it feels as if all the missing pieces are falling back into place, as if she’s finally home after years lost at sea, as if colour drains back into her life and all the questions and doubts are answered and resolved.
“Y/N!” It’s not hard to hear the shriek through the mahogany doors, which Y/N takes as her cue to slowly close her pen and interlace her fingers in front of her on the desk. Arthur stands up from his usual place on the couch, suddenly interested in the drama that will ensue. There’s a grin on his face and he lets out what sounds faintly as “oh yeah, here we go, the hag is finally gonna get it.” Y/N shushes him with a smile, just before the doors burst open and their raging Grandmother comes stomping in the office.
“May I help you, Grandmamma?” Y/N asks coolly.
“What is this nonsense about the Barnes boy being at Court again? I thought I had him thrown out! I thought I made myself clear five years ago when I told you never to see that American boy again! Have you lost your senses, girl? Have you forgotten that you are forbidden to even speak his name?”
Y/N stands up from her chair, slowly and deliberately making her way around the desk in order to tower above the diminutive Queen Mother.
“Your Highness, if I may speak. First of all, I am not a girl, but the Queen of the kingdom, and you should address me as Your Majesty. Or Y/N, and this only for the love I bear my father and would not want to disrespect his mother. Second of all, James is currently courting me in the hopes of asking for my hand in marriage in the hopefully not so distant future, which I fully intend to accept. Third, you are speaking about your future King, therefore if I were you I would be more careful with the words you choose to employ. Lastly, you cannot forbid me anything. You wanted me to get married, and I will. In time. And by my own accord, and with a person of my choosing, which so happens to be the 'American’ in question. Now, I would very much appreciate it if you would stop meddling in my personal affairs for the time being and for the foreseeable future. That is all.”
Her Grandmother’s expression is priceless in her stupor. Unable to form coherent words, she leaves the room spluttering grumbles and mumbles, that the local drunk would be proud of. Y/N knows however that this is only the beginning of a life-long struggle that will seep in every corner of their lives. Archie looks at her with a gleeful expression on his face, enraptured by the exchange. She could bet good money he will tell this story to her children from the day they will be born until his dying breath. He fiddles with his phone for a second, having probably filmed the whole thing “for posterity,” but she doesn’t have time to bask in her glory as Freddie appears in the doorway.
“I came to warn you your Grandmother caught wind of James being back, but from Arthur’s foolish smile, I shall presume you must have already met with her.”
“She didn’t only meet her, Uncle! She completely obliterated her!” As both of them start dissecting the discussion, with points exemplified by Archie with his video proof, Y/N’s phone signals a message just received.
Atta girl. I’m proud of you.
She smiles at the screen, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Unbelievable that at her age and station, a man can still get that reaction out of her. Her fingers start typing a reply, before another one makes its way into her inbox.
Who says I’m going to marry you though, Y/NN? A bit bold of you, don’t you think?
Don’t start with me, Barnes.
Wouldn’t dream of it, babe. I can’t wait to be called the Queen’s husband.
You better, punk.
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paperuniverse · 2 years
romano for the character opinion bingo?
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South Italy my beloved 💙. There’s some fans who’ve written them in ways I don’t like, writing him as extremely violent or mean to Spain and/or his brother and I hate it, he’s not an asshole, he’s just a little prickly!
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kiir-bee · 6 years
Tag game
Tagged by: @tonhalszendvics
1. Age?
The same as Disney’s Hercules
2. Birthplace?
That country that once ruled the world and now fails even at Eurovision (i.e. Spain)
3. Drink You Last Had?
4. Easiest Person to talk to?
That one Canadian friend I made through FF. We’re each other’s Substitute Diary™
5. Favourite Song?
Hey Jude by The Beatles
6. Grossest Memory?
I’ve done some very disgusting things at summer camps...
7. Hogwarts House?
8. In love?
I once had a massive crush on my Math teacher from high-school, and that’s the extent of my love life (excluding fictional characters)
9. Jealous of people?
Nah, I’ve already noticed most people out there are assholes
10. Killed someone?
Fictional characters, and my readers hate me for that n_n
11. Love at first sight or walk by again?
Please re-read question 8
12. Middle name?
I don’t have one! They’re not very common in Spain. Though I was very close to having one. It would have been Saskia.
13. Number of siblings?
Two, and they can go to Hell (:
14. One wish?
To have the hability to fluently speak every language
15. Person you last called?
A friend who was staying over at my place for a couple of days
16. Question you are asked the most?
“Why are you so evil?”, generally in a review after I’ve killed a beloved character :)
17. Song you last sung?
The entire CD “1″ by The Beatles, probably
18. Time you woke up?
Idk... 9:30 am?
19. Underwear color?
20. Vacation Destination?
Galicia, northern Spain (too much rain and clouds for my taste...)
21. Worst habit?
Procrastination (I didn’t changed this answer, Catnipkitten was nice and typed this in, thanks mate)
(that was Tonhal’s answer, and it still stands true for me)
22. X-Rays?
What the fuck are you asking me
23. Favourite food?
Eeh I’d say pasta, I guess
Tagging (I don’t know how many people I’m supposed to tag help): @msaliciasantos @lord-cockblock-gilbert @harrypotterisback @irimaru @salytierra @sallykryze @fadingzombienacho @crispyliza
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stilljumpingback · 7 years
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(via Black Sails Episode 407 - XXXV)
For an episode all about grief, it is a refreshingly light episode after six hours of dark material.
The scene between Silver and the Queen is so lovely.  They are both grieving Madi, and her mother knows she can trust this boy who claimed to love her because he describes her as, “curious and strong, not made to be hidden away from the world.”
Flint is so tender with Silver!  “How is she?”  “Breathing.”  “How are you?”  It is continually astounding to realize that the rage that drove Flint through the first two seasons and especially the third has vanished.  He has a purpose now, has allies, and this has freed him to care for and trust the people around him.
When Julian balks at the idea of their Caribbean revolution expanding to include all of the New World, Silver is the one to go Bad Cop.  This is the exact opposite of the Quartermaster we used to know who could make Flint’s crazy plans palatable to the crew by selling it with a smile.
Part of me is annoyed that the only female pirate is the one who can’t seem to recover from her wounds, but it also gives us Jack the Nursemaid, so I can’t be mad for long.
Anne is pissed that Max wouldn’t apologize, but also admires her for not pretending.
“You have plenty of time to murder her another day, but right now you need to rest.”
Woodes Rogers is interrupted in blaming Mrs. Hudson for Eleanor’s decision by realizing that Eleanor was pregnant.  I would be sad for him, but he remains an asshole.
Jack mimicking Max’s French accent is A+ delightful.
Featherstone claims that Max hasn’t crossed anyone who didn’t cross her first.  Is this true?  Did Jack and Anne cross her?  Can someone rewatch the whole series real quick and validate this statement?
The Queen:  I once thought like you.  That because I had reason to mistrust the pirates, that it necessarily followed that I must mistrust them.  But it is not so.  For there is also reason to see common interest with them.  I have fought alongside these men. Julian:  I have fought alongside these men, but I did it so that I might find security.  What they are now arguing for does not sound like security to me.  There is no lasting security to be had here. Q:  We’ll fight to change that. J:  Nothing is lasting.  But months, years, that is meaningful, and it can be had here.  … Q:  No one has ever been this close, this near a chance to change the world. J:  No one changes the world.  Not like this.  Not all at once.
I love this conversation between the Queen and Julian!  They both make good points, but I have always been, and still remain, Team Long Term Planning.  And the Queen is sounding quite a bit like Flint at the end there, huh?
Silver is emotionally where Flint was last season, and it’s beautiful to see their roles reversed.  Flint is such a good partner to Silver, laying out their past and their present, warning him that his emotions will cloud his judgment (is he remembering a certain storm?) but that Flint will be there beside him, guiding him.  And when Silver regrets his harsh words to Julian, Flint calmly reassures him that it’s alright.  There’s obviously going to be a significant turn in their relationship by episode’s end, but this moment is really beautiful.
Flint says multiple times, “Trust me.”  Is it crazy that I do?  He’s ambitious, determined, and unafraid to change allies at the drop of a hat.  And yet, if you believe in the same thing that he does, he is hard to resist trusting.
Jack enjoys the notoriety of being identified as a pirate in Philadelphia by a wide-eyed teenager, especially when his name is listed right after Edward Teach.  But his mood quickly sours when he realizes the world wants to sensationalize their stories rather than seeing them as human beings.
“Charles Vane was my closest friend in the world.  He was the bravest man I ever knew.  Not without fear, just unwilling to let it diminish him.  And loyal to a fault.  And in a world where honesty is so regularly and casually disregarded–” “I heard he cut off a man’s head and left it as a marker in the sand to anyone who would cross him.” “It was a little more complicated than that.” “I heard he sometimes butchered his enemies for amusement, made stew of their flesh.  He was truly an animal.” “Stew?  For what possible–I beg your pardon, but do you believe this?” “I read it in a newspaper.” “Charles Vane was a good man.  What I told you was the truth.  Put down the newspapers and read a book.”
This is the whole points of Black Sails, adding layers of depth to the hype of a Pirate Show.
Grandpa Guthrie is dismissive of Jack’s plan, BUT GRANDMA GUTHRIE.  She and Jack immediately bond because they both know what it’s like to be underestimated and to use that to their advantages.
Eleanor fought to create space for her family, but Woodes Rogers destroyed it because he didn’t trust her.  Even if it feels a little out of place for this show, I’m glad Eleanor’s corpse is supernaturally judging him and crying because of him.  It is Very Effective, and he deserves it.
Billy is alive and a defector.  It made me think of Baby Billy who was tortured by the British and swore to fight against them as a result.  I suppose it must be very painful that his own allies wound up doing the very same thing to him.
Jack bought a fancy new coat while in Philadelphia.
Although Jack shows a lot of respect for Max by bringing her to meet Grandma Guthrie, GG demands more when interrupting his introduction with, “Does she speak?”  I cannot believe that this television show about pirates thought, “You know what we should do now that we only have four episodes left?  Let’s introduce another awesome female character!”
I have thoughts about the Cat Cycle at the end on my website under spoiler warnings.
Max:  In Nassau, slaves have seen too many of their own find freedom amongst the crews.  It costs less to pay wages than to replace defectors, or worse yet, to pay guards to watch my door as I sleep. Grandma Guthrie:  That isn’t the only reason, though, is it? Max:  No, it is not.  In my life, I have been bought and sold.  And as I would be no slave again, nor would I be a master.
Max shows both logic and emotion in her decision to pay former slaves wages.  She’s also learning that there is value in vulnerability, and I like her more than ever before.  (Relearning?  It’s possible that she stomped down her vulnerability after asking Eleanor to flee with her in the series beginning and being refused.)
We learned earlier in the episode that the cache no longer matters to Spain, yet Rogers demands its return in order for Madi’s release.  Why?  Out of spite?  Oh wait, he super needs the money.  It’s personal now.
Silver is blinded by his emotion, but the Queen can see through hers. Both she, Flint, and Madi agree that one life, however beloved, is not worth forfeiting the cache and their revolution, but Silver…he just wants her back.  Hmm.
Woodes Rogers goes to Madi for comfort, which is gross.  He tries to convince her to sign the agreement by being monstrous, which is ineffective.  Dude is flailing.
“Eleanor died fighting.  As will I.”
Jack and Anne’s separation is so sweet.  In exchange for her alliance, Grandma Guthrie has demanded that Jack kill Flint.  When Anne asks how he’ll do it, he lays out a litany of physical obstacles.  But she presses him, asking, “How could you be someone who would do that?”  Anne has been the secret heart of this show!  And this is so sweet, but Jack answers her concerns with the equally sweet, “I do it for us.  That’s how it started.  That’s how it’s going to end.”  I LOVE THEM.
Silver says, “He’s confident in his plan, as am I.”  He’s got a backup, because of course he does, and what’s going to happen next???
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kyriakewritesshit · 7 years
2p hetalia Scenarios: meeting 1p
2p!Italy (Luciano) -Hey, Luci! You're here?- you asked -Of course he's here. It's his house after all-you thought to yourself You walked further but something was weird... You smelled pasta but not the special one Luciano used to prepare. No, this one was different. Normal? You walked into the kitchen and saw someone extremely similar to your boyfriend. -Er... Hello? - He jumped at the sound of your voice and turned around to face you. -Ve ~ Hello bella, are-a you my 2p!' s ragazza? - He asked -Y-yeah and you are...?- you didn't have time to finish your sentence when you felt someone hugging you from behind. -My 1p! - Said Luciano from behind you -Ve ~ your ragazza is really pretty - You blushed at his comment and felt Luciano's arms tightening around you as he glared at him. -And mine so you better go-a away from her From now Luciano became really jealous of Feliciano and had at least one arm around you. 2p!America (Allen) You were sleeping in Allen bed, not because you two had "fun" last night, but because you were too lazy to go home yesterday. -What the hell is this food?! If it's even a food!- someone yelled from downstairs -This IS food you dumbass! You should ask yourself about the fucking thing you're eating, instead! -Yep, that was definitely Allen You heard a lot of arguing and yelling so you dressed up in some shorts and Allen's T-shirt and went downstairs to look who's that. The flying hamburger missed you by few inches. -Well that's interesting way to start a new day- you said and both heads turned in your direction. -Woah, dude your girl is hot!- said similar to your boyfriend blond. -Asshole, who do you think you are looking at her like that?!- Allen came closer to you and put his arm around your shoulers. -Chill dude. By the way I'm- He tried to introduse himself but Allen interput him -Allfred fucking Jones, my 1p! -Hey I was just going to- -Go away and take your disgusting food with you- He showed him outside and locked the door. -Asshole, to think meat is better than vegetarian burgers... -"and calling my girlfriend hot" he tought to himself and turned on the tv. Well that WAS interesting way to start a new day. 2p!Canada (Matt) You two were walking through the forest. It was calm evening and you decided to enjoy it with Matt. You were walking behind Kuma and soon realized he was far ahead of you so you two were following by looking at the snow. After ten minutes you found Kuma with other bear a little smaller than him. And...Wait! Is it a boy Kuma was sitting at?! -God, he did it again - Matt murmured to himself but loud enough for you to hear -What? Again? you know this poor boy?- you asked and runned to look if he had serious injuries. I mean, a polar bear used him as a chair! -Please say you're okay and Kuma didn't bite off your hand or something!-He stand up and smiled -N-no I'm perfectly fine. He just didn't noticed me that's all. -He was so quiet -'sup Matty. How's going? - Your boyfriend asked like nothing happended before -Good thanks... You looked at them both. -You know each other? -Yeah, he's my 1p!- you almost face palmed. Of course he was. That's because they are so similar! And he had a bear too. -Well nice to meet you...Matty? I'm (Y/n)! -you smiled -You too!- Well meeting Matt's 1p! wasn't so bad as you tought. 2p!England (Oliver) You were walking to your boyfriend house when you saw smoke comming out of his windows. -Oh God. The time has come! He used some weird recipe to make cupcakes and create cupcake-monster!-you panicked and rushed into his house -Ollie, I'm here to save you and get rid of that cupcake-monster! -You yelled and made superhero pose only to realize it's not your boyfriend who were cooking -Well, I believe i'm not some cupcake-monster as you called me but simply an English man.-He said and it was obvious he tried not to sound rudely. -Y-yeah, I'm sorry. My name is [JOHN CENA!!! Sorry, I had to xDI love wwe ] (Y/n). -Arthur Kirkland -He kissed your hand and you blushed -Um, if I may ask, what are you doing in my boyfriend kitchen? -So that bloody cupcake lover is your boyfriend? I'm truly sorry. But back to the question, I'm here because my kitchen got burned, not my falut really, and since Oliver is my 2p! he let me used his kitchen -Oh, I understand. Well since it's only smoke here and no fire then I"ll leave you and wait for Ollie to come back -it was pleasure to meet you, love -Um, you too... 2p! Romano (Flavio) Flavio was talking with someone on the phone for second hour right now and it sounded like he was trying to convince someone and it was finally working out. -Okay, you fashion bastard. I'll come just-a one time and then you'll leave-a me alone -the person said so loudly that you were able to heard that. You would swear it was Luciano if it wasn't the part with fashion bastard 'cause you were sure he would never called Flavio like that. -Who's comming? - You asked when Flavio put away his phone -Oh, it's -a just my 1p! I wanted him-a to try on something I found. -He said cheerfuly, he was always like that after he convinced someone to do something comparing to fashion. You were excited to meet his 1p! You heard that they are complete opposite of 2p! and only look similar. When you heard a car arriving you knew it's him- Lovino Vargas Flavio told you about his swearing habbit but you got used to that after spending so much time with 2p!s -Oi, you bastard where are you?! I want-a to get this done!- He indeed looked like Flavio but that was the only thing that connect them. -He's upstairs. I'm (Y/n) -his mood changed after he saw you. He blushed? You didn't tought he would do that after all you heard about him he was rather annoyed by everyone. Maybe he was just sick? -I-I 'm Lovino, bella. I-I'll just-a go...-He runned upstairs to Flavio and you realized he called you 'beautiful'. Okay Maybe there was one more thing that connected him with Flavio... 2p! Spain (Andres) You heard from Flavio about 1p! And how Andres gets annoyed by his one. So, being awesome girlfriend you are, you decided to invite his 2p! with Flavio 's help. Antonio arrived before Andres so you let him in and noticed how he's like walking-sunshine comparing to Andres. It was definitely a right person to annoy him. When you heard Andres' car arriving you smiled to yourself. -(Y/n) is someone here? You know, 'cause there another pair of shoes- He saw Antonio and glared at you as he wanted to said "how dare you invite him here? You know I hate him. I'll never let you hang out with Flavio again" and it's all in just one glare! The rest of the day was spend on annoying your beloved boyfriend and him trying to not kill you both. When Antonio had to go you told him goodbye and locked the door. Not a second later you were pinned to the wall by noone else than Andres and this time it was him who smiled devilish and whispered to your ear -Oh, you're so gonna be punished for this, mi amor...
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onlyonewoman · 8 years
Hopes I cling on to after this episode:
We never saw Madi actually draw her last breath. That fierce woman could have crawled out of that house in one insane way or another. I refuse to say goodbye to her until I hear a confirmation she's dead. (I mean, remember Anne? Billy?) These are hard motherfuckers and no dead body = not confirmed dead.
Joji and DeGroot are alive and people are gonna fucking pay for that ear - and Dr. Howell and the dairy goat! You're first, Rogers!
Woodes Rogers face when he realised that he had to pay a price he clearly didn't count on. His suffering will make me smile. I hope my Grodgers ship will sink to the bottom of the ocean!
My sweet darling cinnamon roll Ben Gunn cutting Billy loose. At least one man that's not completely abandoned my beloved Billy.
Anne Bonny telling Max to leave. That woman will eventually rise from that sickbed and put at least one more asshole in the grave before she's done. I hope...
All the marooners! OMG, all the fucking marooners!!! I mean, we know it doesn't end well for the pirates in the end, but I will cheer and joy if/when these forces at least can do Spain and England real harm before the end. Julius is the number one badass here!
Otherwise I'm quite fucking heartbroken, because as much as Eleanor was a crook like everyone else on that island, I still wanted her to survive. Now I hope Billy's saved Madi somehow and managed to escape and, since Billy knows the island, found a safe place to hide before they return to Silver. In that case, we have Ben Gunn to thank for Madi's and Billy's lives, which is a scenario my gunnbone shipper heart would love.
But seriously, Grodgers. Fuck you!
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@romano-kinnie and I were talking on the discord server about the biggest fight spamano ever had, and here's a drabble about it.
Neither could really remember how they had gotten into this fight, but maybe it did not actually matter. Romano just wanted to defuse the situation, that was all that mattered right now. “Stop pretending like you’re not human, Antonio! You’re as human as the rest of us nations. We may be nations, but we feel and act and die like mortals, even if it takes a longer time. We’re human, just like them.” 
“… No.” Spain’s calmness took Romano aback. They had both been yelling at each other for at least an hour, and when they got into real arguments like this, Spain was rarely the one to concede first.
“The hell do you mean, no?” 
“You may be, everyone else may be, but I’m not. Not really. I’ve told you time and time again, you make me human. If it weren’t for you–” 
That just pissed Romano off again, and he was back to yelling, “That’s exactly what I’m fucking talking about! It’s not true, you’re being stupid like always, and you need to let go of this silly fear from ages ago–” 
Spain just raised his brows, seemingly perfectly at ease, “Oh, yeah? Like you’ve let go of all your fears from your childhood, Romanito?” 
Romanito. Spain never called him that, not in the last half-millennium of their ever-changing relationship. Not since they had gotten to know each other’s fears, dreams, hopes, and what made them tick. Little Roman. A most hated nickname, one that reminded Romano of all his flaws and imperfections. A reminder of an inferiority complex he had gotten so good at ignoring that most people thought him arrogant. A reminder that he had been abandoned and never could meet anyone’s expectations, least of all his own. His breath hitched, and he felt tears form in the corner of his eyes, “… that was just low.” 
“Well, that’s what I am.” 
After what Spain had just said, Romano had no wish to defend him. Not from himself at least. 
“I’m cruel, and messy, and wicked, and I need you. At least if you want me to be anything else.” Spain smiled the fakest smile Romano has ever seen, and held out his arms as if expecting Romano to embrace him – or hit him. “Don’t you see? Without you, I’m nothing.” 
“… That’s…” Romano had no desire to even touch Spain, not when he was acting like this, “if you really think so, you don’t fucking deserve me, you asshole.” 
“No, I don’t. I never have.” He shrugged ever so nonchalantly, as if he was shrugging off all the weight of the Southern half of Italy. 
“Fine.” Romano’s tone was ice cold, and Spain knew it was anything but. If he was less furious, he would give Romano a smile, a real smile, and tell him he was sorry, grovel at his beloved’s feet and tell him that he did not mean it. But Spain meant what he said, and he was not going to take it back. After what felt like a year, Romano said, “I’m fucking leaving then. Since my presence is so fucking humanising to you. Must be humiliating to feel like that, Ánto. I’m sure a big colonising ex-empire like you don’t need someone like me around to be human with.”
Romano knew exactly what he was doing, because Spain was not the only one with access to the matches and gasoline in their relationship. Spain’s eyes clouded over for a moment, “you’re right, that’s what you want to hear, isn’t it? Well, you are. I don’t need you as a nation. I never needed you to be a nation. But how long until you start feeling lonely, Romano? There’s not a lot of men around who can stand your tongue.”
“I can have anyone I damn well want! I’m leaving, and you’ll have to come crawling back if you ever want to even look at me again.”
“You know I won’t. You’ll be the one to crawl back to me first.”
“No, I won’t.”
They glared at each other, and Romano wanted to lean forward and apologise for everything, yet at the same time, he felt his own stubbornness rise within him. Before he could make up his mind, Spain huffed, and said, “Fine.” he turned on his feet, storming off as if he could not get away fast enough. Romano knew exactly where he was headed, but he was not so weak as to follow him.
“Fine!” Romano yelled after him. He left and he did not look back.
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