itsyangsterart · 8 months
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Another set of some favorites/suggestions of/from me & my friends. Thank you for fueling my doodles c:<
First time drawing all of these, Atomix was the hardest lmao
Tap for better quality c:
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scarlettaagni · 9 months
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(Redesign) Atomix
Species: Mendol (pl. Mendolee)
One of the most powerful aliens in Ben's arsenal, Atomix is an alien with the ability to see, hear, and manipulate the shape, location, and elements of all atomic structures around him. Even living material and the air around him is not exempt.
Because he only perceives things made of atoms, Atomix cannot be fooled by energy optical illusions such as light-refracting cloaks and ID mask disguises. However, this puts him at risk from energy weapons and projectiles, which he can't see or hear (but very much feel when they hit).
Atomix's body is sturdy, and can withstand the vacuum of space. His skin is tough but with some bounceback to it. Though a Mendol's body is entirely organic, with the more obviously fleshy bits and ichor being internal, exposed only by clear membranes like his eye, arm nodes, and torso, many species have mistaken them for an automatonous species, such as Synthroids or Sylonnoids.
His eye is lidded, and the slits on the sides of his head are gills through which he breathes.
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Atomix can hold his breath for lengthy stretches of time, by choice or by retracting his head into his collar. He can also do this to protect his head, eye, or the Omnitrix badge on the back of it.
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His base strength is great, capable of picking up cars, busting through solid brick and concrete, and tearing up stop signs and lampposts from blacktop. Being crushed under rubble, buildings, boulders or vehicles is easy to shake off and escape from. His weight and density also make it hard to knock him around, as easy as tripping him would be.
Atomix is capable of running with great force and endurance, though with a slow start. Though his thick fingers lack manual dexterity, his eye for detail and pinpoint accuracy make up for it, if not negating it entirely.
Ben could use Atomix to hold his own in a fight, completely without his unique abilities, just due to Mendol durability and strength.
Moving the general atom positioning of matter allows Atomix to bend it into useful shapes.
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By changing atomic densities, Atomix can shift the phases of matter around him, in any direction, even rarer occurrences like sublimation.
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Atomix can even cause matter to change elements. By adding and subtracting particles, he also alters their weight and mass.
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Atomix is capable of replicating more complex weapons, such as grenades or guns, but only with a provided example for visual reference. His atomic sight means he has 24/7 X-ray vision in a sense, so he can replicate the smallest internal seams, bolts, and wires. However, while he can create the base of a tech-heavy weapon, if it requires an energy source, Atomix cannot provide it (exception being if it's powered by radioactive material).
With such great power is an intense drawback: the sensory overload that comes from being able to see and hear even the smallest electron in every single atom, including the air. The background noise of every piece of matter in the immediate vicinity drowns out most other noises, including the voices of friends and enemies alike. The visual static of seeing every moving part of every atom also drowns out his ability to distinguish friend and foe, much less people from the environment.
Transforming into a Mendol overwhelms Ben and puts him in a spacey mindset, where he might become more occupied with examining walls or an object on the floor than the fight he was transforming for.
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With concentration and practice, Ben can strain his hearing to pay attention to others, and with the human part of him to ground Atomix (by referring to others by titles to remind him that a particular pile of atoms is Friend, and the other is Cousin, one is a Foe, etc.), he can become more and more like Ben and use his powers responsibly and effectively. Study of chemistry in and out of Mendol form assists his alchemizing ability (and bump up his grade in high school chem).
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Even organic material is manipulatable, so Atomix is technically capable of healing powers, but it is infinitely easier to break and morph something than it is to restore its original form or make fine-tuned details.
So, to not the cross the line of accidentally mangling civilians or using this to melt or kneecap his villains, all organic matter-shifting is off-limits by Ben's choice. He's willing to use his powers on himself like morph a hand into a blade, because he understands the risks, it won't hurt anyone but himself if it goes awry, and it will be fixed by the Omnitrix via detransformation.
If he wants to bend the universe, he must first bend himself.
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Mendolee are most comfortable in space or in environments with a minimal atmosphere, where there is the least atomic sound, only the faint roar of distant planets and stars, or the rock beneath their feet. They are extremely asocial, because they see every single atom and its particles, as well as hear every sound every atom makes. So, Mendolee don't really hear much over the collective atomic sound of the universe. They do not prioritize one kinda noisy, extra-moving pile of atoms over the other inanimate, slightly-more-still equally noisy piles of atoms. So they generally don't respond to anyone trying to talk to them. They are significantly better at recognizing other Mendolee, but only through pattern recognition of their own atomic structures. Idling through space, they often crash onto planets by drifting into its gravitational pull, where they wander aimlessly only to examine their surroundings' make-up. Then, they terraform a little corner to live in. Millennia ago, Mendolee fell to the original Galvan Prime, and terraformed the landscape, to the aid and awe of the residing Galvans. The Omnitrix icon, a Galvan symbol and universal peace sign, was based off the natural membrane on a Mendol's torso. Different Mendolee have different preferences. Some insist on flattening everything so all is perfectly level. Others like making tall towers like anthills, others make these as a consequence of making valleys to wedge themselves into for rest.
I'm not the first person to, though I want to say I independently came to this conclusion without seeing the other people who had done it first, think that Atomix should've been based on or be the species of beings Azmuth's biosuit was based on, the "ancient machine gods primitive Galvans used to worship"
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Because radiation is N.R.G.'s thing, I changed his powers to alchemy/matter manipulation.
I wasn't sure what colors to make Atomix, because I knew he shouldn't be the same colors as Azmuth's suit, so I went with his concept art by Tom Perkins. It was meant to be temporary but I really liked and ended up keeping it.
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This is more of an afterthought but looking at canon Atomix's page pissed me off cause he's got the big Omni shape (with kirby dots) on him which is a Galvan symbol with the explicit note in the trivia "yeah it is a Galvan symbol but just cause it's Galvan doesn't mean Atomix has anything to do with them"
Like shut up. What if, in an opposite but also reverse way, it's a Galvan symbol BECAUSE it is a naturally occurring shape on Mendolee. Same way we see doves and make them a symbol of peace. We see a heart and make it a symbol of love. Do you see my vision.
Mendol/Mendolee is a reference to Dmitri Mendeleev, the Father of the Periodic Table of Elements. The "dol" part is a play on doll because of their artificial and articulated appearance.
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ohyeahben10 · 4 months
In honor of Pride Month, do you have any LGBTQ+ worldbuilding headcanons for any alien species in the Ben 10 Cinematic Universe, whether biological or societal/cultural?
Biologically, I consider Pyronites agender at default (inevitably by process of space travel and meeting cultures in which gender is prevalent there will be Pyros who think social gender sounds awesome actually and promptly trans their gender), we’ve only seen Pryonite transformations and hybrids as full characters, leaving them up for interpretation in my opinion. Any two of the species can mate, in which they will mutually erupt in flame until a rocky body is formed from their combined material and a fire inhabits it.
(Which results in a very interesting kink scene for other species with a thing for burning)
Vulpimancers lack a social concept of romance. Which in a way means they have an aromantic society but also not because they have no reference of what romance is to consider themselves devoid of it.
Necrofriggians are an agender and sexless species we all know this.
Anur Transyl has a very prominent queer scene, it effectively goes hand in hand with accepting so many different cultures as a multi species planet.
On that note, Ectonurites are a sexless species that reproduces via apomixis. Though they do have a cultural understanding of gender that translates to our understanding of m/f, but it has nothing to do with anything thing related to reproduction.
Tetramand culture has a very prominent f/f culture in its history. Many of female Tetramand that were unable to be defeated by any man were instead eventually bested by a woman and were promptly betrothed. These pairs were typically renowned as images of strength. M/m couples took longer to be accepted, unfortunately, initially being regarded as both partners being too weak to court a female.
Polymorphs are biologically sexless and socially genderless. Single cell organisms don’t have much to work with.
Lepidopterrians are a tri-sex species. Sexualities are thought us which of those the individual is attracted to. Three for exclusive attraction to each one, three for any combination of two of them, and one for attraction to all and any. Which of the three the individual happens to be is not considered.
Piscciss Volanns have the natural ability to change their sex when their current environment necessitates. Now however, it is used also as a way to transition for bodily dysmorphic transgender Volanns. Due to the larger size and different physicality of the females compared to the males, it’s a long and rather strenuous process, but is met with much celebration when completed.
Planchaküle treat genderfluidity as the default. They love their adaptations after all. Can’t leave one thing as it is for too long.
Methanosians have four sexes. Two which produce pollen, pollination functions with only one of them providing the pollen, but the two of them joining together in the act results in more diverse offspring and is the social norm. The other two are the pollinated. The first of them will always bare offspring of the two pollinator sexes, while the other will always bare offspring of the pollenated sexes. Perhaps not the most streamlined reproduction cycle but it seems to be working for them.
Cerebroian Currmary all default to male as a result of their biological programming. This was unintentional of the Cerebrocrustians, but they would claim otherwise. Many decide they prefer to be female, neither, or both however.
Galvanic Mechamorphs don’t have sex, but they do base their gender off of the Galvan’s because they think it’s neat.
That’s all off the top of my head. Happy pride to you anon!
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brose1229 · 1 year
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Omniglitch au sketches.
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gamewarsstudios · 9 months
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Ben 10: 18 Years of Hero Time
Ending off the year with one of my favourite: Ben 10. This series has been with me for so long and has been such a huge inspiration to me, along with being a big comfort show to me! It always feels great getting to share it with people! I hope you enjoy and stay safe. Bye!
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omniglitch-au · 17 days
To the bird watching trio, (Atomix, Wildvine, Snare-oh), what’s your favorite bird(s)? Which ones do you see most often and would you ever consider keeping a bird (something like a parrot or parakeet) for a pet?
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"My favorite is without a doubt the delightful bird known as the Cardinal! Such an intense red color! And to answer your other question, citizen: No, I would not keep a bird for a pet! Birds are not meant for cages! They should be free to soar through the sky!"
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"I like the Quail. I think it's sense of community is charming. I wouldn't want one for a pet, though. I already have my plants to take care of."
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"Though this might be a disappointing answer, I prefer the Sparrow. They're very delightful. But since they certainly aren't meant for capitivity, I've never considered taking one as a pet, no."
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ben10nerd · 9 months
Don't you just love it when you accidentally give the 12 foot tall robot alien booty shorts and a crop top
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hunterwolf19 · 3 months
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Atomix is cool but drawing robot kinda of alien is not my strong suit tell me what you think
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rizegreymon22arts · 3 days
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Name: Eatomix Fusion between: Eatle and Atomix Species: ½ Oryctini ½ Unknown (Unknown species hybrid) Home planet: Coleop Terra/Unknown Abilities:
Can eat almost anything and convert matter into energy to shoot a powerful readioactive laser beam from his horn.
Has very strong jaws to chew various tough materials, such as metal.
Has great strength.
His armor gives him great durability.
Can use his horn to ram.
Can climb walls.
Can create and manipulate atomic or nuclear energy with his hands, causing great damage to his environment.
Can activate the cylinders on his arms and chest to melt nearby objects.
Can fly at high speed.
Can generate a massive nuclear explosion, capable of knocking out anyone as well as devastate the surrounding area.
Has tough armor that makes it resistant to physical attacks.
Can generate an orb of energy capable of generating a very intense blinding light, which it can generate to make larger.
Can glow in the dark.
Can produce gamma radiation.
He will be paralyzed if they grab his horn.
He may try to eat something that goes against his interests.
If his confidence is exceeded could suffer a complete collapse.
Can get tired after using up most of his energy.
Commission for TheNuclearPowerBrain.
If you want a commission, send me DM or go to my Ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/rzgmon200
Also support me on patreon, www.patreon.com/RZGMON200
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benjimarii · 2 years
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I forgot never posted this one here! A request from twitter a while back, that asked me to draw Way Big or Atomix, and I couldn’t choose, so I just did both in one, lol.
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dearweirdme · 5 months
i wanna know how did ppl even come to the conclusion that tk had a private atomix date. i mean jk only posted a pic so how were ppl so sure that they booked the whole restaurant for just the two of them? did someone from the restaurant start this whole thing? i vaguely remember a staff saying that tk were at the restaurant and she talked to tae or something. cuz it definitely started somewhere and it wasn't from the fandom for sure.
Hi anon!
I think it’s the combination of a pic of the two of them, the restaurant tagging Taekook, and Hobi asking where that pic was taken that made people think it was just the two of them. Tae and Jk do go places together, and when you think of them as a couple (or as just friends even) it is not out of the realm of possibilities that it could have been the two of them. So it wasn’t that odd of a thing to think, but at the same time.. there was no definite proof so keeping a bit of an open mind about things like this is probably wise 😊.
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hey, it's been a while sense my ben 10 redesign poll, so here's the redesigns you asked for, plus way big
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dead-dog-dont-eat · 2 years
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senatornivison · 1 year
I had an idea once of: hey i should put minos prime voicelines over atomix so I did this video edit is the second attempt, that i think turned out really well i know that the crush shouldve probably been replaced with judgement, but i put that at the end
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omniglitch-au · 1 year
For the Omniverse aliens, what are your hobbies?
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"Stunt flying! It's a great way to improve my agility and coordination."
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"My 'hobby' is to defend justice and peace, citizen!"
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"Keeping the base clean. Though that's more of a full-time job, if I'm being honest..."
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"Hoverbike cruisin' and diving for me!"
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"I really like parkour! That sport was pretty much made for me."
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"Does sparring count as a hobby? Eh, I'm choosing it anyway."
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"I just like to sit and watch everyone go about their day."
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"This might sound surprising, but I kinda enjoy cooking. It's actually a lot like chemistry."
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"Working out to be keep this rocking bod rocking!"
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"Well, I certainly never say no to a good cup of tea and some crumpets if the time is right for it!"
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"I enjoy picking people's brains in-between missions. Literally! Some people have to be killjoys and whine about it being 'unethical' and 'intrusive' but I say that's what makes half the fun!"
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"Being the most epic gamer this side of Bellwood and destroying the casuals!"
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"I e-enjoy a g-good bokk now and then. My f-favotire genre's romance. B-but that d-doesn't mean any t-thing!"
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"Watching nature documentaries always relaxes me."
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"I suppose I enjoy knitting. It's soothing."
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jacscorner · 2 years
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Okay, so, in terms of resigns, I think Atomix is one of my favorite aliens. XD
He's just a super cool robot-looking alien with nuclear power! I love his radio-like, over-the-top manner of speaking. And he's probably Ben's strongest alien outside of Alien X, but unlike X, I feel Atomix is more fun to watch. 
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