#AUGtober Prompts
remember-panchaea · 5 years
So It Begins...
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I’m happy to announce that “AUGtober” has officially begun!
🎃 What’s AUGtober? AUGtober is a Deus Ex art and writing prompt event, which involves dark, angsty, sad and terrifying themes. October and everything spooky it brings is perfect for those types of Deus Ex artworks and fics. Additionally, classically Halloween themes - such as costumes, parties, ghosthunts and more - are welcomed with open arms!
AUGtober coincides with Inktober, and we hope that our prompts will give you inspiration for this month if you need a creative nudge, and with NaNiWriMo just around the corner, maybe it will even sustain you long enough to get something written during November!
Even though these were made with DXHR and DXMD in mind, you are allowed to write these for any Deus Ex Game!
AUGtober has no obligations or rules, except that you be courteous to not include content of subject matter widely considered uncomfortable - we’re sure you know what we mean - and that you take care to treat other’s creations with respect.
Additional prompts provided by @cyberxbun​ and are located here: https://cyberxbun.tumblr.com/post/187841177002/gonna-take-part-in-remember-panchaea-s-augtober
🎃 How do I take part? Step 1: Pick one or more prompts for your piece. You can pick as many as you want, and you can pick the same prompts as others. It’s a free-for-all!
Step 2: Create your piece! You can take as long as you like, and you can do multiple if you want to.
Step 3: Post your writing and art, and make sure your tags include “AUGtober”. Because this event is also meant to help get the spotlight on creators within the Deus Ex Fandom, feel free to include links to where we can find your stuff, and even a bit about you if you like!
If you are open for others to write something about your art piece, or draw something for your writing, feel free to let us know. Inspiration strikes when you least expect it!
🎃 Happy Halloween Everyone! 🎃 
We hope you all have a fantastic AUGtober this year!
Just in case these images don’t show up for you, or are too small due to the layout on a page, here’s the direct image links.
https://imgur.com/OHD5jx9 https://imgur.com/IdR4P35
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cardiaccadillac · 5 years
AUGtober Prompts #1
Short circuit.
Radiation poisoning.
Sentinel malfunction.
Hostile nanites.
Strapped to an operating table.
Maximum overclock.
Warning: low power.
System failure.
Aug eyes pop right out.
Tech-assisted sensory deprivation.
Magnets hurt when you’re metal.
The Aug Suicide Machine.
Surgery gone wrong.
Guinea Pig.
Digital Dungeon.
Aug-related paralysis.
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inkravensketchbook · 5 years
AUGtober Prompts! (1/?)
-Dance with the Reaper
-Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde
-Augmented Zombies
-Witches & Warlocks AU
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soothsayerc · 5 years
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AUGtober prompt 'Hand-Picked as an Illuminati Member'. haha yes it's the Seele interrogated Akagi scene.
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nofriendlyneighbour · 5 years
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AUGtober prompt ‘Augmented Zombies’.
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remember-panchaea · 5 years
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I’m proud to present "AUGtober”: a Deus Ex Community Project I am welcoming you all to take part in!
🎃 What’s AUGtober? AUGtober is a Deus Ex art and writing prompt event, which involves dark, angsty, sad and terrifying themes. October and everything spooky it brings is perfect for those types of Deus Ex artworks and fics.
It is intended to be inspiration to get your creativity flowing, and with NaNiWriMo in the month following, maybe it will even sustain you long enough to get something written during November!
I’ll run down a quick FAQ of questions I’ve gotten while pitching the idea to help answer some questions about the event as well as some general knowledge ones. They are below the cut!
There is a TL;DR Section at the end of this post.
🎃 So how does this work?
From now all through September, you can submit prompts to the tag
#AUGtober Prompt
... and I will go through and compile them into an extended infograph with all of the prompts! Make sure you use this exact tag, and NOT “AUGtober”! You are also welcome to submit prompts to me by responding to this post, or via my Asks but be sure you tell me it’s for the AUGtober submissions!
My hope is that by compiling the list bit by bit as we go where people can see it, it can give people time to think about what they want to do and start planning for it.
Once October 1st rolls around, I will publish the full list and creation begins! You can submit your finished pieces to the tag #AUGtober and I will reblog them!
🎃 *suspicious voice* Is there some greater motive behind all this? You betcha! This is also a community spotlight! I’d like to showcase the brilliant artists, writers, gif’ers and screenshotters, meshers and music creators who make the DX Fandom what it is. When you submit your pieces to the AUGtober tag, you’re welcome to include a little blurb about yourself, and what matters to you in the DX world.
What attracted you to Deus Ex and lead to your interest? What’s your favorite thing about the series? Do you have a favorite game or book? Who's your OTP if you have one? What kind of content do you like the most? Do you have an art or writing page you'd like to show off for more content if people like your stuff?
This fandom is as much about the fans in it as the series itself, and I’d love to get more attention onto your work.
🎃 What sort of prompts are allowed? Almost any theme typically seen in horror is allowed, and angst/whump is well at home in this event. I ask that you please stray from commonly uncomfortable topics, and if I see these prompts, they will be discarded. Because this event is for Deus Ex, prompts should be things possible within the extended Deus Ex Universe. Prompts should be 5 words or less.
🎃 Can I pick the same prompt as someone else? You sure can! You even can pick multiple prompts!
🎃 Are we allowed to start work on it early? Realistically, I can’t stop you from doing that! The goal is to create during the month of October, but I understand people might have plans or be too busy to do it all in one month, though, so really, start early if you have to. Just please don’t submit before October!
🎃 I’m worried about Tumblr’s filter. Can I link to an offsite post? Your worries are valid and have been noted. Please feel free to do this if it sets your mind at ease!
🎃 Are you taking part in this? Maybe, maybe not. I may do a piece here and there but I’m largely going to be focusing on catching up on prizes. However, I was given a prompt that will go nicely with AUGtober and you will likely see that from me if nothing else.
TL;DR Section:
- Submit prompts to the tag #AUGtober prompts now until October 1st. - This is for Halloween, so spooky stuff, angst and such are the good shit. - Avoid commonly uncomfortable themes. - You can pick multiple prompts or the same prompt as someone else. - You can start work early if you need to. - You can link to off-site submissions if you’re worried about Tumblr’s filter. - Submit finished pieces only after October 1st. - Submit finished pieces under the tag #AUGtober. - Feel free to include a bit about yourself and what you like about DX or what got you into the series. You can also include links to your art or writing offsite.
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inkravensketchbook · 5 years
Another set of prompts for Augtober (2/?)
-Haunted aug factory
-Hacking augmented people's vision
-Pumpkin Spice
-Pumpkin Carving
-Trick or Treat
-Ghost in the Machine
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remember-panchaea · 3 years
#AUGtober2021 Prompts: Now LIVE
It's time.
#AUGtober prompts are finally done. This year, we invite you to take part in a Choose Your Own Adventure game. Pick elements from a list, combine them together, and see what beautiful and terrible things you can create. Text may be small, so open images in new tab.
This year's AUGtober was inspired by other prompt lists I have seen floating around this year, which utilized the combination of elements. Since it may be hard for writers to incorporate palettes, I've also included quotes and symbolism!
I look forward to whatever you create.
Happy AUGtober, everyone!  
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remember-panchaea · 4 years
Augtober Discussion Thread!
Hey Cyberpunks.
So October is still a bit off, but with the year going the way it is, I was considering shifting the topic of Augtober - because I’d like to host it again - from dark and gritty to more fun and spoopy. Dark themed content would still be reblogged, but I have interest in promoting a more light-hearted Augtober this time.
I’m open to ideas for what people think would be fun activities for our creators in the fandom. I’ve only actually got one so far besides the usual pool of prompts. Reblog responses in this, and lemme know what your ideas are, and what you think? ♥
//. Multi-Artist Comic Idea!
This could be super hit or miss, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. The idea is to try and tell a story with one panel per artist - sort of like the “one word at a time story” forum games. It could turn out cool. It might fail spectacularly and be a hilarious mess. Who knows, really. But it might be a fun way to get artists involved and creative. I’ll be submitting the first panel to make sure nobody feels “first volunteer” pressure.
How would it work? The week before October, everyone claims a space on the template. You have up to three days to finish the panel and post it up then you @ tag the next person after you. If anyone can’t reply to claim their spot, I can make a goofy filler.
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remember-panchaea · 4 years
AUGtober Update
AUGtober will not be hosted formally this year as it was last. While I polled for opinions to get an idea of interest, I can’t do it, and I apologize. Unfortunately the year has taken a major toll on my mental health and I don’t have the energy.
However, I still will check the AUGtober tags, and you are all welcome to use last year’s prompt list that our community here on Deus Ex Tumblr helped organize. ANY submission you submit under AUGtober’s tag will be reblogged, provided it doesn’t cross into the “too real; didn’t laugh” scope of widely considered non-kosher stuff.
Here’s last year’s prompt list.
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remember-panchaea · 3 years
DX002 // unbroken
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I’m real rusty but here’s a quick practice submission just to make sure i get at least one into the AUGtober pool. Themed after Talos - the automaton which circled the island, not the Deus Ex character of the same name - it features the prompts “Anguish” and “Monolith” and utilizes the quote: “Rage, rage against the dying of the light”. It’s probably about Adam, let’s be real. But it’s a little personal too. Been going through a lot.
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to give it all (just for you) did the sky fracture when-
At Last!
your back gave too?
shorn the shirt from it, you even gave up your skin. O’, the thorns beneath that buried in knots slid ‘round- concealed every tremulous thought
and fear within burned something akin to burrowing, wretched and hot.
in the pit of your stomach, dogs bayed and you bid them no mind, but sunk them deep at sea. Now the colossus - you, unbidden, rose golden over foggy shores. You carried yourself, not the weight of them, and you refused sleep.
though battered, not broken, this, a trophy too. and finally you’ve spoken, triumph which follows no rule.
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cardiaccadillac · 5 years
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Not actually an Augtober prompt, because for some reason I forgot to ever submit it...
Adam + orchid
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remember-panchaea · 5 years
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A little note here: Tumbly’s algorhythm really hates my logo suddenly, but I’m proud of how it came out so I refuse to change it. As a result, it’s not winding up in the tags. Any and all reblogs to get this out there will be appreciated way, way more than you can imagine.
Part two of the prompt list has been compiled! As promised, this one features all of my own prompts going into the pool for people to pick from. These ones are a little more specific, but still leave a lot of things open to interpretation. I tried to pick a blend of traditionally Halloween topics, properly scary stuff stuff and angst fuel.
Additionally, with Alex Vega being from Panama, it seemed only appropriate to throw a Día de los Muertos prompt in, as it is commemorated only a couple days after Halloween. Prague also offers many opportunities to explore the local Slavic folklore in an eerie light, as well as strange folklore around the world. ‘ v’/
You can submit prompts to the tag #AUGtober Prompts to have it added, or send them to me in private Asks!
The full post for details on AUGtober can be found here: https://remember-panchaea.tumblr.com/post/187370830434/remember-panchaea-im-proud-to-present
Remember to not post your finished work until October! ; v;7
Edit: I think the reblogs and likes forced this into the search index or something, because it’s totally there now. Thanks, you guys! ♥
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cardiaccadillac · 5 years
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(in Czech, Morena)
Slavic goddess of winter and death
for the AUGtober prompt “local folklore”
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remember-panchaea · 5 years
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Part one of the prompt list has been compiled! The next section - including my own prompts - will be compiled and posted sometime in early-mid September. Maybe this will give you your own ideas of prompts to add to the pool!
Remember that you can submit prompts to the tag #AUGtober Prompts to have it added, or send them to me in private Asks!
The full post for details on AUGtober can be found here: https://remember-panchaea.tumblr.com/post/187370830434/remember-panchaea-im-proud-to-present
Remember to not post your finished work until October! ; v;/
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cardiaccadillac · 5 years
Augtober #2
For the prompts: harvest + vivisection. Let that be the warning for graphic content in itself.
It’s strange when your tear ducts are still working, yet there’s no eyeballs left for them to lubricate. You feel it—that soft, wet trickle into hollow sockets, where muscles spasm, twitch to control implants that are no longer there.
You’d reach up to wipe the tears away, but you have no hands. No arms to fight. No legs to run. Nothing left but the augs inside your torso.
They’ll be back to harvest those, next.
At first you’d screamed, struggled, but the carbon fibre straps around your limbs had held fast. Electromagnetic pulses turned your every movement to spasms until the drills and blades and shears descended, and now all that’s left is empty docks where augs should go.
The Harvesters worked on you with the efficiency of surgeons and the voracity of butchers. Under the sickly blue lights you cried out, surrounded by masked faces and gloved hands and plastic sheets, while vicious tools plunged into the faults between aug and flesh. Muscle anchors tore loose and blood sprayed to turn black and gold to crimson, dripping to the tiled floor as those parts of you were carried away. Then metal scoops found your eyeballs and everything went dark.
The darkness didn’t even last. HUD unavailable now taunts you in red, the basic error message programmed into your array of neural chips. Insert retinal prosthesis.
You can’t. You no longer want to.
No longer want to fight. No longer want to scream.
You just want it to end.
Footsteps on ceramic tiles. Your pulse picks up, carbon and plastic around your heart constricting in fear. Rubber soles squelch on a blood slicked floor. Harsh voices in a language you don’t understand.
You smell something harsh like ethanol and the chill of sharp, cruel metal touches your chest.
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