#Abdominal Cysts
gynaecologist01 · 2 months
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pastelpasse · 26 days
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lostlegendaerie · 9 months
time for my biweekly "I lay on the couch intermittently shaking and sweating from how badly I'm in pain because every time I go to the ER they just send me back home with more pain meds" session!!!!
fwiw we've narrowed it down to either 'your recurring ovarian cyst is small enough it should go away on its own we'll just wait a few more months' or 'you have gas trapped somewhere and it just hurts you way more than it hurts normal people' and neither of them have any treatment other than pain meds and OTC stuff!!!!
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bizabert · 9 months
god it's just one thing after the other i just want to not be in pain anymore
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I'm about to massively TMI in the tags but I just need to rant about today so. Fair warning-
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dreamlogic · 2 years
#shit chat#medical cw#meatsuit renno#finally worked up the guts to message the surgeon who did my hysterectomy like#hey i know it's normal to experience pain and stiffness for a while after this surgery like at least a couple months#but uuh. it's been 8 months and i still wake up feeling like shit most days?#pretty sure regular shooting pains where my right ovary used to be aren't normal almost a year after surgery?#like i could be wrong but i feel like i probably shouldn't need 1200mg of painkillers a day to manage constant throbbing abdominal aches#after i've hit the 'maximum recovery window' for this surgery uuh [checks calendar] ...nearly three times?#at least the fatigue has finally started to go away. i feel my vitality returning slowly but steadily#but i'm still not back to my pre-op activity or mobility levels cause OOF OUCH MY ABSOLUTE PELVIS#and i've been noticing an abnormal amount of abdominal bloating that doesn't seem to correlate with indigestion or other factors#and isn't fat from weight gain like i initially thought it was#idk maybe i'm paranoid but i read an article a while ago abt someone who had a 15lb cyst in that nobody noticed for over a year#bc they were AFAB & our pain is chronically underreported and not taken seriously when it is#like did y'all leave some forceps in my gut and now i'm growing a mass around it?? wtf????#idk if i hope it's nothing so i don't have to deal with more medical bullshit or if i hope it's something to legitimize my experience#godddd it would be so satisfying if i got to tell my boss's boss who's been hounding me relentlessly about proformance and Managing Burnout#HEY JACKASS TURNS OUT I'M A VICTIM OF BOTCHED SURGERY AND YOU'RE A DICK FOR NOT GIVING ME ACCOMMODATIONS
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Have you watched Dead Boy Detectives?
unfortunately no... I have netflix so maybe one day (I saved it to my 'to watch' list)
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drprashantjain1 · 6 months
Pediatric Surgery: Choosing Your Pediatric Surgeon
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For parents, children are the most valuable assets. They leave no stones unturned to provide them with necessities and facilities. They make no compromise to their child’s health and provide with them the best healthcare facilities. They search for the best pediatric doctor and pediatric surgeon in India to restore their child’s health.
When You Require A Pediatric Surgeon?
Various diseases in children require surgery. The pediatric surgeon performs surgery in children. The pediatric surgeon generally treats infants, neonatal and adolescent patients. General surgeons can perform surgery on both the child and the adults. However, pediatric surgeons are believed to have more skills while handling, listening, diagnosis, and treating a child patient. They are more experienced in handling the child both psychologically, physically, and emotionally.
What Is The Function Of Pediatric Surgeon?
Many children have congenital disorders. They are not able to live a healthy life until those disorders are effectively treated. Some of the diseases are even life-threatening. A pediatric surgeon is an expert in handling diseases, either congenital or acquired, in children. Following are the functions performed by the pediatric surgeon:
Diagnosis: Diagnosis of the disease is the first step towards treatment. With a proper diagnosis, the pediatrician would be able to start appropriate treatment.
Non-surgical treatment: After the diagnosis is done, the pediatric surgeon may prescribe certain medications that may either help reduce the symptoms or treat the disease or may reduce the symptoms and treat the condition.
Surgical Interventions: If the non-surgical interventions are not able to provide adequate relief, a pediatric surgeon may advise surgical interventions and also perform the surgery.
Post-operative care: After the surgery is completed, post-operative care and monitoring are also done by a pediatric surgeon.
What Are The Diseases In Which Surgery May Be Required In Children?
Diseases that require surgery in children are:
Abdominal Cyst: Abdominal cyst is a condition characterized by presence of abnormal mass inside the abdomen. In some cases, the cyst does not cause any problem. However, in other cases it may lead to complications. Although largely asymptomatic, obstruction in the abdomen, internal bleeding and pain may occur in some patients.
Hirschsprung disease: Hirschsprung disease is present in the child by birth. In this disease, the nerve cells in the large intestine are absent. The condition leads to functional obstruction in bowel movement.
Gallstones: Gallstones are formed due to supersaturation of bile. The most common form of gallstones present in children are pigment gallstones. The are found in children with hemolytic disorders. Also cholesterol stones are found quiet often.  Pigment gallstones, formed due to high concentration of bilirubin in bile, is a common type of gallstone in children.
Imperforate anus: In this condition, there is a defect in the opening of anus. The anal opening is either not formed or is blocked.
Biliary atresia: In this condition, the one or more bile ducts of the child are either absent, narrow or blocked. The condition may be present with birth or is acquired later in life. Liver failure may occur if biliary atresia is not adequately treated.
Choledochal cyst: Choledochal cyst is the dilation of one or more bile ducts. The condition is congenital i.e. present at the time of birth. The surgery done to remove the cyst is considered as definite treatment for this condition.
Merkel’s diverticulum: Merkel’s diverticulum is the condition in which there is growth of pouch in intestine. This condition is congenital. It is considered as one of the most common congenital abnormality.
Appendicitis: Inflammation of appendix is known as appendicitis. Patient experiences pain in the lower right abdomen, loss of appetite, and nausea and vomiting.
What Are The Various Specializations Of Pediatric Surgeon?
Following are the various specializations of the pediatric surgeon:
Pediatric oncology
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oimoi-op · 1 year
I don't feel guilty calling in sick and somehow attributing it to my diabeetus because yes everything is caused by my diabeetus. Hands feel like ice? Yep. Headache? Yep. Dying of thirst? Yep. Face tingling? Well that only happened after I tried and failed at rolling my R's for 45 minutes but sure why not
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gynaecologist01 · 5 months
Understanding Abdominal Cysts and Treatment Options
Abdominal cysts are sacs filled with fluid or other material that form in the abdominal cavity. While some cysts are harmless, others may require treatment or removal at facilities like Narayana Hospital Langford Town. This article explores the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of abdominal cysts.
For More - https://trandingdailynews.com/understanding-abdominal-cysts-and-treatment-options
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soloh · 2 years
When I'm having new pain that's in a weirdly specific spot or radiating in a strange way/odd direction that I'm not used to, late at night, I'll normally just Google it to look for ways to ease that pain so I can sleep. Occasionally though, I'll google things and almost every result will conclude I should seek immediate medical attention. Like tonight. Only it's 1:10am, I'm pretty sure it's just another ovarian cyst being a dick, and I would like to sleep, not spend 6+ hours at the hospital being treated like a hypochondriac or drug seeker only for them to go "yeah female reproductive organs suck sometimes" and send me home.
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vaspider · 22 days
Hi hi hi!
I saw your 'yeeterus soon' tag and my one braincell devoted to self-control on my day off was crushed to death by a stampede of 'hey! I had one of those and I have opinions!' braincells.
I got mine out last year (?? I think? Time is a lie) and I deeply regret not being specific enough with my surgeon about wanting pictures.
What I wanted: crime scene/evidence style photos of the miserable organ once it had been evicted. So that I could look up on my defeated foe and experience the satisfaction of victory.
(what I REALLY wanted: pickled baby maker in a jar that I could make a mold of and then cast in bronze and mount on my wall. As a conversation piece.)
What I got: two pictures of the inside of my abdominal cavity with the surprise (!!) ovarian cysts that nobody had thought to look for.
What I got after a LOT of bitching: gross room photos of my uterus sliced up into stir fry sized strips and each of the cysts opened up to reveal a truly disgusting amount of hair.
Anyways, this is all to say that I think a lot of OBGYN-focused medical professionals are just kinda systematically unprepared for dealing with neurodivergent/gender queer folks and our baseline level of weirdness.
P.S.: I strongly encourage you to quote any and all parts of this story if you think you can leverage it into being taken seriously. 👍 Wishing you a Happy Hysterectomy.
This is delightful to me. Fortunately, my surgery team was pretty great & my anaesthesiologist had the same first name as my daughter's Hebrew name. They came in and asked if she'd been in to see me and despite talking to like a dozen people in different masks and surgical hats, i was able to say pretty firmly NOPE, I NEVER TALKED TO ANYONE NAMED MIRIAM, I WOULD HAVE REMEMBERED THAT.
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
your blog convinced me to get some really severe, scary abdominal pain checked out! i thought it was something like ovarian cysts, and had been putting off getting it checked out for like... 8 years since i was scared of it being something serious, or that treatment would be invasive, or a million other anxieties.
i brought it up with a doctor (shout out to planned parenthood!) and got everything checked out. all of the doctors i saw were really helpful and it was a lot easier than i was worried it would be.
turns out it was intestinal spasms, not anything gynecological, but i wouldn't have taken those first steps without information and reassurance from your blog. and now i have medicine that stops the pain in like... 10 minutes! literally life changing <3
hey! I'm really glad you did that!
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shithowdy · 5 days
just here to suggest the possibility that your gas pain was actually [unpleasant description of a medical event follows] a ruptured ovarian cyst (if you have those, if not disregard). i thought /my/ ovarian cyst was gas since i felt incredibly bloated and it felt identical to bad gas but actually it was just my abdominal lining swelling so much from the bleeding. i'd be even more sus if the pain was mostly in your lower tummy, you were vomiting, had an extremely dry mouth, or felt extremely hot. or if it came on after vigorous activity. i got a ct with contrast at the ER and that dxed it - if stuff like this happens to you regularly you might consider asking a gyno for some imaging, since they can prevent it with hormonal birth control.
At the risk of embarrassing myself a little here, it was definitely gas-- after about 8 hours of suffering and right before finally getting into the CT scanner, the pain was instantly relieved with a colossal fart.
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OMFG I KNOW my dad went way the fuck up north to some buttfuck frozen nowhere military outpost for a while. And I am realizing now that this means that his appendix removal might really actually have been precautionary. I could have sworn he maybe said it was when we asked about it as kids, but I have also been told multiple times we "don't do that" because unnecessary surgery is unnecessary risk, so I must be lying or mistaken...
Somehow thinking my dad got to skip the appendicitis part of having his appendix removed pisses me off a little. Mostly because I asked my doctors about removing mine for precautionary reasons, due to what I thought was "family history" a few years before it actually acted up. I was concerned that -given the way the medical system treats me- I wouldn't be taken seriously and they'd just let me die telling me it was a menstrual cramp or something. Which they DID!
Btw, they tried to send me home multiple times, treated me terribly during the actual scan and test [kept pushing on it really hard, seemingly fucking vindictively], rushed me into prep for surgery in a big panic, yelled at me for saying "ouch" too loudly when they shoved a needle in my arm without warning me [just held me down and shoved it in], and then got distracted for over 10 hours or something with a heart patient or three, while the nurses periodically came across me just being left in a desolate hallway [abandoned, lights not even on, randomly int he hall with no one around] and rushed off in a panic each time because my appendix had looked ready to burst, or something happened during one of their tests, and I was supposed to have surgery hours ago, but had just been left in some hall. Wherever I was it absolutely wasn't protocol, and I was barely conscious and unable to do anything to seek help, the drip they shoved in my arm without asking had some drugsTM in it.
I woke up being told it was lead bird-shot that had blocked off my appendix, but it had to have been ingested more recently than I was claiming or "you would have lead poisoning by now :("... They did not check for lead poisoning, even though one of my main complaints was that I had been having nasty abdominal cramping all month [a common symptom of lead poisoning], and I had only eaten a bird that was shot on a farm once in the past 10 or more years. I also had scars that were in the wrong place and looked like they originally tried to go in to treat an ectopic pregnancy, but had to pivot once they were inside to actually remove my appendix... Almost like I only got in because they had me confused with another patient. They claimed it was because my appendix was too swollen to be taken out the normal way??? I think they just fucked up.
And all of that could have been avoided when I was like "hey my immune system is known to cause issues with swelling pathologically over very small tissue irritations, and I have a family history of appendicitis, and I get ovarian cysts all the time, could we maybe remove my appendix now so that later something that gets brushed off as a cyst doesn't just suddenly fucking kill me??"... They could have been like "yeah that makes sense as preventative medicine in this case" instead of being like "no we have to just wait and see and if we let you die then that's what happens :)" And they tried so so so so hard to let me die so I couldn't complain about them trying to send me home or otherwise mistreating me I fucking swear,
And the thing that pisses me off the most is that I think the reason they tried so hard not to even bother checking me or running any tests is EXPLICITLY because I went in saying "Yeah I think this is my appendix and it's been acting up all week and now I am experiencing tunneled visions and symptoms of shock" and then later went on to "too perfectly" describe the symptoms of lead poisoning... Doctors hate that. They despise when you walk into their office and already know the diagnosis, and these doctors were willing to let me die for it, until they called in an extra surgeon [the new surgeon was nicey's and cleaned up their fucking mess. He saved me despite whatever disorganized bullshit was going on in that hospital that night].
It has been over 10 years since then and I STILL haven't gotten a doctor to agree to check my lead levels. They have really done their best to make sure I can't possibly sue anyone over what happened.
My dad also got a cool grey streak in his hair from having his out, which is, apparently, common, but I never did... But then, who knows, maybe he got sent because he already had his appendix out and whatever he told us as kids is unreliable even if I remember it right.
Anyway if someone with ovaries wants to get their appendix removed for precautionary reasons, I think they should be allowed. And I think it should be covered. If men going to the arctic can have it removed "just in case" of the supremely remote fucking chance of it acting up while they are there specifically... Young afabs+ should be able to get it out for the incredibly higher likelihood that they will be told appendicitis is "just cramps".
Give me the stats, give me the stats on men or women who have had appendicitis and died of it on one of these trips, or had to operate on themselves, before this ruling, vs the young women+ who were left to die of appendicitis being told they had cramps and should shut up... Go ahead and get me the stats I'll wait here while you explain why one is justified and why one isn't.
There is always this assumption that someone like me can "deal with a problem when it comes up :)" or "cross that bridge when we get to it :)" because someone will for sure see the symptoms, accurately diagnose it and treat them properly, once they are too sick or unconscious to advocate for themselves.... When that is simply not the fucking reality.
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skippyv20 · 7 months
Hi Skippy. How are you and yours doing? With a very heavy heart,I am sharing with you this sad news, about my dearest sister in law who had recently undergone surgery for abdominal cyst and then for brain tumour. Unfortunately,she couldn't make it inspite of showing signs of healing. Thank you for all your prayers.
Hi! I am so very sorry to hear this. She stayed as long as she could. Every moment a gift for you all. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. This is very sad. May your SIL fly high!😢🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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