#Abel {Catasto}
groriatrevi10xx · 2 months
"Centro Comercial/Mall"
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Isabella: ¡Brittany es una maldita perra!.../Brittany is a fucking bitch!...
Catasto: Has estado hablando de esa "Brittany" durante unas 6 horas... ¿Quién es Brittany de todos modos?/You've been talking about that "Brittany" for like 6 hours... Who is Brittany anyway?...
Isabella: {Sorprendida} ¡¿No sabes quién es Brittany?!... ¡Dios mío Catasto!... Conoces a todo Raven Brooks y a cada habitante y ellos te conocen a ti... ¡Pero tú, tú no sabes quién es Brittany!... Tienes suerte, espero que nunca la conozcas.../{Shocked} You don't know who Brittany is?!... My God Catasto!... You know all of Raven Brooks and every inhabitant and they know you... But you, you don't know who Brittany is!... You're lucky, I hope you never meet her...
Catasto: Eso sólo demuestra que no conozco a todos en Raven Brooks y no todos me conocen a mí... De todos modos, eso de "Brittany" suena... Desagradable... Aunque no me gusta juzgar o dar una opinión si no conozco a la persona.../That just goes to show that I don't know everyone in Raven Brooks and not everyone knows me... Anyway, that "Brittany" thing sounds... Unpleasant... Although I don't like to judge or give an opinion if I don't know the person...
Isabella: Mi buen amigo, es mejor que no la conozcas y no exagero... Al menos espero que nunca te conozca, no quieres ser un objetivo como yo.../My good friend, you are better off without knowing her and I am not exaggerating... At least I hope she never meets you, you don't want to be a target like me...
Catasto: Hmmm...
Isabella: De todos modos, tus ojeras se ven horribles.../Anyway, your dark circles look horrible...
Catasto: Lo sé... Dime algo que no sepa.../I know... Tell me something I don't know...
G: Suena como un meme, pero Catasto nunca conoció a Brittany en ninguna de sus vacaciones a Raven Brooks... Podía ir a todas partes con Isabella, pero nunca conoció a Brittany, al igual que Brittany nunca lo conoció a él.../It sounds like a meme, but Catasto never met Brittany on any of his vacations to Raven Brooks... He could go all over the place with Isabella, but he never met Brittany, just like Brittany never met him...
Esto se basa en una antigua conversación de chat con Kassa, donde ella me dijo que Brittany nunca lo conoció durante ningún período de vacaciones... Y para mí, Catasto obviamente tampoco.../This is based on an old chat conversation with Kassa, where she told me that Brittany never met him during any vacation time... And for me, Catasto obviously hasn't either...
Imagínense a una Isabella actual alardeando de que era amiga de Catasto y que estaba en Raven Brooks frente a Brittany, mientras la pobre Brittany hace un berrinche solo por eso y por nunca saber esto... xD/Just imagine a Present Isabella bragging that she was Catasto's friend and that she was at Raven Brooks in front of Brittany, while poor Brittany throws a tantrum just because of that and for never knowing this... xD
La persona que ella ama y que pudo conocer hace mucho tiempo... Qué suerte para Brittany.../The person she loves and who she was able to meet a long time ago... What luck for Brittany...
{M: Sé que es mucho texto, pero... Las ojeras de Catasto empeoraron cuando llegó a la "adolescencia"... Periodo horrible para él.../I know it's a lot of text, but... Catasto's dark circles got worse when he reached "adolescence"... Horrible period for him...
Isabella influenció a Catasto para usar aretes, grandes amigos... 🤣/Isabella influenced Catasto to wear earrings, great friends... 🤣}
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
Isabella es de {Isabella Is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
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askkassandragf-v-2 · 2 years
Chris 💚🏕️:Yo…What up Demon Girl!
Christina 💙🥤: Hi Kassy :D
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Chris 💚🏕️:Well… Glitch should be asking here, but she told us she's a little busy.
Christina 💙🥤: Yeah… She does QnA for me to answer questions (and I'm a little nervous)… And also fixes bugs in her project
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Chris 💚🏕️:But she allowed us to ask a question, instead of her … So … Who will be the first to ask?
Christina 💙🥤: I'll start with me… I really like Maddy <3… Well, in terms of a friend of course, but… When she's older, why does she have different eye colors?
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Chris 💚🏕️: I have a lot of questions… Why does Nicky smoke or why is there a lot of him (meaning Corrupted! Nicky & Nightmare! Nicky and also other Nickys from different AUs) or… Why is Brittany so "nasty"…. But I wanted to ask just one
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I'm wondering…. What kind of drinks does he like? I want to give him our Canadian apple cider "villainous giggles" ("whispers" Hey Nicky…invite me over sometime…I'll treat you to Canadian beer >:D)
Christina 💙🥤: "Surprised by what's going on" Hey… Don't you even dare to drink >:(
(Glitch (me) : I'm sorry Kassy…I don't know why :') )
(Sorry for taking long to answer the question. 😅)
Kassandra/Me: Hello Chris and Christina, it's really lovely to meet you two! And hehe Chris my man, Nicky likes to drink apple soda and cold water lol, but always your questions will be answer, starting with Christina's question.
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Note from Groria {Creator}: We can't really say much about this yet, as it will actually be seen in the Story... More like a little short, but it will be... For now we'll leave you with Curiosity, I'll be able to tell you. .. Or give them an obvious clue, it has to do with Glorma and Abel Catasto.... It is an Oath... Something that will not take much importance and at the same time if...
Kassandra/Me: Thank you @groriatrevi10xx
Madison: Hi Christina! :D
(Credit to @groriatrevi10xx for the first answer.)
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Kassandra/Me: Next to Chris's questions well, Nicky just likes to smoke cuz why not, but for the other Nickys I'll tell you, first with Corrupted Nicky, he dies at the end of the series but he end up getting corrupted by The demon of fear and got dragged to hell and that where the HB series begins and later on he gets cure back into a ghost, he still has his corrupted design but he is all good now. As for Nightmare and Mystery Nicky well, Nightmare Nicky is just a demon who is disguise as him and he represents Thanatophobia (fear of death) and it's Roddy's worse fear, and Mystery Nicky, well he's not canon at all because Mystery is not canon to the main story line.
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Kassandra/Me: As for Brittany, ehhh.... She is just way. 😅
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(Kassandra/Me: No, no it's alright fam (aka friend). xD)
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
"In the past/En el pasado"
Isabella: Catasto!... Come on, say yes!.../¡Catasto!... ¡Vamos, di que sí!...
Abel Catasto: No...
Isabella: Please!!!.../¡¡¡Por favor!!!...
Abel Catasto: I'm not going to lend you my motorcycle to impress someone!!!.../¡¡¡No te voy a prestar mi moto para impresionar a alguien!!!...
Isabella: I'm your best friend!... Please!.../¡Soy tu mejor amiga! ... ¡Por favor!...
Abel Catasto: No...
Isabella: Please!!!.../¡¡¡Por favor!!!...
Abel Catasto: NO...
Isabella: PLEASE!!!.../¡¡¡POR FAVOR!!!...
*An hour later/Una hora después *
Abel Catasto:....
Abel Catasto:.....
Abel Catasto:...
Isabella: : D
Abel Catasto: I shouldn't have lent you anything.../No debería haberte prestado nada...
Isabella: :)
Abel Catasto:....
Isabella: :3
Abel Catasto: I'm glad you're okay... But, HOW DO I END MY MOTORCYCLE UP A TREE?!.../Me alegro que estés bien... Pero, ¡¿CÓMO TERMINO MI MOTO EN UN ÁRBOL?!...
Isabella: Look on the bright side, I was able to impress Samantha.../Mira el lado positivo, pude impresionar a Samantha...
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
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Isabella: Although it is from the past, there was a time when many thought that Catasto and I were boyfriends.../Aunque es del pasado, hubo un tiempo en que muchos pensaban que Catasto y yo éramos novios...
Madison: Oh really?.../¿Ah, de verdad?...
Isabella: We were very clingy, our displays of affection were taken as something else... But, we were really just friends... We would even see each other almost as Brothers.../Éramos muy pegajosos, nuestras muestras de cariño se tomaban como otra cosa... Pero, en realidad éramos solo amigos... Incluso nos veíamos casi como Hermanos...
Madison: I guess people gossip or see things that don't really exist.../Supongo que la gente chismea o ve cosas que en realidad no existen...
Isabella: Yes... All of Raven Brooks continued to believe that he was my Boyfriend, until he stopped coming here, the gossip died down and everything ended up in a well of oblivion.../Sí... Todo Raven Brooks siguió creyendo que él era mi Novio, hasta que dejó de venir aquí, el chisme se apagó y todo terminó en un pozo de olvido...
Madison: Why are you telling me this?.../¿Porqué me estas diciendo esto?...
Isabella: I don't know, a lot has happened in Raven Brooks... I'm happy to see my best friend again, I missed him so much... But at the same time my mind seems a jumble of things, everything that's happening.../No sé, han pasado muchas cosas en Raven Brooks... Estoy feliz de volver a ver a mi mejor amigo, lo extrañé mucho... Pero al mismo tiempo mi mente parece un revoltijo de cosas, todo lo que está sucediendo...
Isabella: You know, they also tried to stab Catasto just because they thought he was my boyfriend, an angry girl tried to throw me from a second floor because, according to her, she was Catasto's girlfriend... People are really crazy.../Sabes, también intentaron apuñalar a Catasto solo porque pensaron que era mi novio, una chica enojada trató de tirarme desde un segundo piso porque, según ella, era la novia de Catasto... La gente está muy loca...
Madison: WHAT?!.../¡¿QUÉ?!...
Tiffany: Don't stop, keep counting... This is super interesting!.../No te detengas, sigue contando... ¡Esto es súper interesante!...
Isabella, Madison y Jackie son de {Isabella, Madison and Jackie are from}: @askkassandragf-v-2 - @hello-neighbor-three-aus
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
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G: How it is now... ↑/Como es ahora... ↑
Like it was before... ↓/Como era antes... ↓
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
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-¿Cómo estuvo tu día?.../How was your day?...-
Isabella es de {Isabella is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
Catasto: Es mío... {It's mine...}
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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-¡Hasta que la muerte nos separe!/Until death do us part!-
G: Me encanta como se ven, por cierto, Catasto solo tiene ojeras a veces, solo cuando esta cansado y no durmió bien... Aunque suele tener ojeras mas a menudo, es raro verlas sin ellas.../I love how they look, by the way, Catasto only has dark circles sometimes, only when he's tired and didn't sleep well... Although he usually has dark circles more often, it's rare to see them without them...
¡Aprovecha para verlo sin Ojeras!... ¡Porque muy seguido lo verás con esas malditas ojeras!.../Take advantage of seeing him without Dark Circles!... Because very often you will see him with those damn dark circles!...
Al final, Catasto y Glorma están casados, por lo que en Hello Killer se presentarán como Maridos... Marido y Mujer.../In the end, Catasto and Glorma are married, so in Hello Killer they will introduce themselves as Husbands... Husband and Wife...
Los personajes son míos.../The characters are mine...
El Au es/The Au is: @askkassandragf-v-2 / @hello-neighbor-three-aus
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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G: Cambié un poco el diseño de Abel Catasto en Hello Neighbor, lo hice antes de que se me olvide.../I changed the design of Abel Catasto a bit in Hello Neighbor, I did it before I forgot...
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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-Cada libro ofrece una historia que contar.../Each book offers a story to tell...-
* *
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
🧸 Catasto y abel (hello neighbor)
🧸 Tu recuerdo de infancia mas feliz
🧸 Your happiest childhood memory.
Catasto: La infancia, hmmm... Papá me leía cuentos por las noches para dormir, haciendo figuras con sombras... Contando un Cuento, hasta cantando... Es lo más bonito que recuerdo y atesoro.../Childhood, hmmm... Dad used to read me stories at night to sleep, making figures with shadows... Telling a Story, even singing... It's the most beautiful thing I remember and treasure...
Abel Catasto: No recuerdo ciertas partes de mi infancia, pero lo que sí recuerdo y atesoro es a mamá y papá tomándome de la mano en el parque... Los adoro... Ojalá pudiera volver a esa época.../I don't remember certain parts of my childhood, but what I do remember and treasure is Mom and Dad holding my hand in the park... I adore them... I wish I could go back to that time...
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
Brittany: Someday I will marry Catasto.../Algún día me casaré con Catasto...
Peyton: Brittany, Catasto is married to Glorma!.../¡Brittany, Catasto está casado con Glorma!...
Brittany: AND?.../¿Y?...
Peyton: It's an impossible case.../Es un caso imposible...
Brittany: That doesn't mean anything, I would be a better Wife... I'll prove it to him and he'll leave that bitch!.../Eso no significa nada, yo sería una mejor Esposa... ¡Se lo demostraré y dejará a esa perra!...
Olivia: I'm starting to think he's out of his head.../Estoy empezando a pensar que está loca...
Amy: And you hardly realize it?!.../¡¿Y apenas te das cuenta?!...
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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...Queen Chihiro...
...Demon Queen...
...Queen of Demons...
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...Abel {Catasto}...
...Handicraft Teacher...
G: Cuando Yandere Simulator estaba de moda, había hecho algunos personajes o versiones de algunos ya creados para formar un pequeño Au... Al final solo hice dos versiones de algunos de mis personajes antiguos y otros inacabados que nunca sacaré... O tal vez lo haré.../When Yandere Simulator was in fashion, I had made some characters or versions of some already created to form a small Au... In the end I only made two versions of some of my old characters and other unfinished ones that I will never release... Or maybe I will...
Mi cabeza está recordando los viejos tiempos, antes de que me aburriera del Juego... Me gustaba mucho.../My head is remembering the old days, before I got bored of the Game... I really liked it...
Resumiendo estas versiones que rediseñé, no mostraré sus modelos antiguos porque son horribles.../Summarizing these versions that I redesigned, I won't show their old models because they are horrible...
Chihiro es la Reina de los Demonios, una entidad poderosa y admirada, admirada tanto por los vivos como por los muertos... Incluso idolatrada por sus propios Demonios... Ella es alguien que es convocada por muchos, solo para recibir ayuda de ella, de todo tipo... Siempre hay un costo por la ayuda ofrecida, a pesar de su aura oscura... Chihiro realmente es cruel, pero amable... Es compasiva, siempre y cuando no la hagas enojar... Ella es la Esposa de Abel {Catasto}.../Chihiro is the Queen of Demons, a powerful and admired entity, admired by both the living and the dead... Even idolized by her own Demons... She is someone who is summoned by many, just to receive help from her, of all kinds... There is always a cost for the help offered, despite her Dark aura... Chihiro really is cruel, but kind... She is compassionate, as long as you don't make her angry... She is the Wife of Abel {Catasto}...
Abel {Catasto}... Es un Profesor de Artesanía, muy religioso... Viene de España, lo trasladaron a Japón, a una Escuela Secundaria, a Akademi... Exactamente es un Profesor amable, ayuda a cualquiera que necesita ayuda... Es un misterio cómo está casado con un Demonio como Chihiro.../Abel {Catasto}... He is a Handicraft Teacher, very religious... He comes from Spain, he was transferred to Japan, to a Secondary School, to Akademi... Exactly he is a kind Teacher, he helps anyone who needs help... It's a mystery how he is married to a Devil like Chihiro...
Perdí toda la trama de este Au sin nombre, pero fue hace mucho tiempo.../I lost the entire plot of this nameless Au, but it was a long time ago...
Pero sé que Ayano Aishi era buena, realmente creo que se hizo amiga de sus "Rivales"... Más bien aquí era más como una Ayano en busca de la verdadera felicidad y los verdaderos amigos... Es lo único que recuerdo de la trama.../But I know that Ayano Aishi was good, I really think she made friends with her "Rivals"... Rather here she was more like an Ayano looking for true happiness and true friends... It's the only thing I remember about the plot...
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
****Abel Catasto y Aaron****
****Abel Catasto and Aaron****
Resumiendo a estos dos/Summarizing these two:
Abel Catasto: ¡¿Por qué mierda me disparaste?!.../Why the fuck did you shoot me?!...
Aaron: ¡No puedo trabajar con sobrepresión!.../I can't work with over pressure!...
Abel Catasto: ¡Eres un policía!.../You are a policeman!...
*Aaron le vuelve a disparar al Hombre más alto.../Aaron shoots the Tallest Man again...*
Aaron: ¡¡¡Mierda, lo siento!!!.../Shit, I'm sorry!!!...
Nick {Asesino/Killer}:.... {Huye/Flees}
Aaron: {Llora/Cry}
Esos dos son un desastre.../Those two are a mess...
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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G: ¡Aprecia este dibujo! ... Un poco de dolor en el culo y varios episodios de depresión mientras lo hacían me dieron a lo largo del maldito proceso!.../Appreciate this drawing! ... some pain in the ass and several episodes of depression while doing so they gave me throughout the damn process!...
Es la Mansión de Abel Catasto, ubicada en su país natal... Soy terrible al dibujar, así que hice lo que pude.../It's Abel Catasto's Mansion, located in his native country... I'm terrible at drawing, so I did what I could...
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 years
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G: Lo hice y... ¡no me arrepiento!.../I did it and... I don't regret it!...
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groriatrevi10xx · 3 years
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-Mejores amigos por siempre/Best friends forever-
G: Pronto esto se verá en mi parte del Reblog con Kassa, aquí les dejo un avance.../Soon this will be seen in my part of the Reblog with Kassa, here's a preview...
Abel Catasto:  Es mío... {It´s mine...}
Isabella es de {Isabella is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
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