#About Keaira
cadrenebula · 11 months
🖊 + Keaira!
Okay one more before bed and I'll do any more gushing tomorrow.
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Most people like to think that Keaira is this soft pretty thing. And this is what she wants them to expect. It makes them underestimate her. What she lacks in physical strength she makes up for in agility and brains. There was one fight in an RP event where she took the chance to leap frog this tall Au Ra and then proceed to quite literally kick him in the ass after she landed behind him. She used his size against him to out maneuver him since she didn't have the physical strength to straight up lay him out.
An despite being a close range fighter, she is a bit vain. She does her best to avoid getting any noticeable scarring. At least any that would be easily visible while dressed. Any that would be hidden beneath clothes are a little less concerning but not by much.
Thanks @silentletterwords
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chikeah · 2 years
Once again, i commissioned another xiaobedo art based on MissWeaver's fic. What can I say, im pretty obsessed with Keaira. She is my inspiration for writing <33
This is based on Granulated Sugar, im sure if your are a xiaobedo shipper you would know about this fic. If you haven't read it, please take a look (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) i promise its worth it (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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Its from the scene where they went for a date <33
Commissioned it from amiiko_ko on facebook.
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dailyashleighraichu · 3 years
Well now I gotta know about these other intrusive thought beings
Okie dokie, here we go!
Under the Read More 'cause it's a loooooot (also slight horror for the first one)
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This is Ashleigh's intrusive thoughts, Keaira, whose name means "Little Dark One". She is mute, hence having no mouth at first, but can "rip apart" a mouth if she's agitated. She represents Ash's feelings of being unable to speak up for herself, as well as her feeling "small" and "weak". Keaira is a Pikachu to reflect the "small" message as well.
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Dew's is named "150", in reference to his old name. He's VERY SMALL for a Samurott, being like... 2'3". He's a Samurott to represent Dew's refusal to evolve. 150's meant to be Dew's feelings of being "weak" as well, basically being a statement of "You could be better if you just evolved". He also has two sets of eyes, one being pupil-less (which just makes them look like eyebrows but i drew these forever ago, give me a break lmao)
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Coro's is named Ezekiel, named after the God of Strength. He's got Coro's scar over both eyes and doesn't have pupils, and is "blind" in a way (it's weird to explain??? I dunno.) He represents Coro's "blind rage", and would very often give Coro nightmares where he's killed the Pokemon he loves (mostly his sisters 'cause that always hits him the hardest.) Ezekiel is pretty much Coro's impulsive, highly destructive side, but compacted into one horrible little bastard.
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And last is Taima's, who is named Mirka. Her name means "free of emotional disturbances." She is the ONLY intrusive thought that isn't just "black with an outline color", having a mask that changes appearance depending on who's around, which is from her autism and feeling the need to "be like everyone else" to fit in. Underneath the mask, Mirka constantly cries, and the tears even drip from under the mask (she speaks normally though, not with the constant "I'm crying" tone of voice). Like Ashleigh, Taima's intrusive thoughts is the pre-evo of herself, which represents Taima feeling like her emotions and problems are "childish" and "unimportant".
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voiddullahan · 2 years
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Friends and I talked about other animal based races FFXIV could/should have and I will die on the hill of letting me play Keaira as a Satyr!
Also, I guess this is all a big ruse to save and post more of my WIPs and doodles
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quinnthebard · 3 years
This is from the next chapter of Eclipse, my Elidibus / named f!WoL fic, and I liked how it was coming so I thought it would be fun to share! Keaira is gone far longer than she intends. It’s difficult to track the passage of time beneath the ocean’s surface, the sun barely reaching the sandy floor plunging Amaurot into ceaseless night. Which, considering recent events, is humorous in a way.
The time spent in the recreation was quiet, a respite almost, the two companions simply enjoyed the presence of another that remembered, however vaguely, the past now lost. Elidibus was quiet for most of the time, contemplating her words it would seem. She wonders what meaning he is searching for. Her dreams show her memories from deep within but she truly doesn’t understand most of them. It is clear to her that she was part of the same group as he and the other unsundered were. Whatever, whoever she was then though is mostly lost to the catastrophic fracturing of the world.
But there are some things she remembers. 
She remembers the original Creation of the lavender foliage that she admired so much in Lakeland upon her arrival. Never before had she seen such color in plant life outside of florals.
She remembers the assumption of Atlas to the position of Elidibus—the many celebrations that followed, it had been many years since the last ascension and the people were pleased. Rarely does one step down from a chair on the Convocation but the previous Emissary had grown weary and Atlas in all his eagerness and aptitude was a perfect, if youthful choice.
Keaira remembers the sounds of the piano drifting through the capital building immediately after, his newfound access to the exquisite instrument immediately being taken advantage of. A wonderful change, she thought, it would feel far too quiet at night and the interruption of the hum of idle chatter was welcome. In her opinion, far too often did the residents of the city argue uselessly about philosophical topics when they could instead be enjoying their surroundings, the Star that had so thoroughly blessed them.
Most of all though, she remembers the companionship that came with being a member of the Convocation. Each had their role, but in the end they were a team. It reminds her of the Scions in some ways. The Scions operate with much less pageantry but each has their strengths that the group relies on much like the Convocation had. Through their experiences the group became close friends and it felt at one point that there was nothing they couldn’t solve.
Until there was.
He makes no comment on that last memory. What is there to say? He has observed the Scions work but his own recollection of the Convocation as it was back then is limited, fleeting. Much like the wind or the waves that lap at a sandy shore, they ebb and flow. They are unreliable, impossible to grasp. She can tell it bothers him so instead of spouting things he may or may not recall, she prompts him to share.
“What do you remember?”
His mouth opens slightly before he snaps it shut, almost as if he had something to say but thought better of it. Silence settles in for a bit until he runs a hand through his hair no longer held down by the hood of his robes and he speaks.
“I remember the feeling of home.” He starts, voice cracking slightly as it struggles to push out the words through the emotion. 
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mysterygrl20 · 4 years
June 22, 2020, Alabama.
Early Friday morning (6/19), a young black woman was found murdered in the parking lot of the hospital in our town.
The police are being really shitty about it. They found the murderer and couldn’t book them on a technically: jurisdiction.
They built the case over night, finding all evidence to who did it. Found the people involved and noticed, hey the real scene of the shooting was in Montgomery and then someone moved her to another city. So they call up MPD, literally a closed case on a silver platter, and it’s refused.
The reason? Montgomery didn’t want to add another shooting/murder to the city’s statistics. And the murderer in custody had to be released.
Justice for KeAira Battle
Here’s the news article. No names released for the suspects yet.
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a-memory-of · 5 years
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Inheritance: In a Pinch
In one of the many attempts at earning favor with the Goblins of Athra, Arshtat Ejinn led a small company of Keaira Stark, Khatar’sae Banchamek, and T’iolo Tia to investigate a beach where a few gobbies claim to have seen an old treasure chest. Accompanied by one of the Athra guards, Mumblix Softtalks, the group was led to the area. 
At first, there was no signs of the gigantic crabs they had been warned about. But they did manage to find the lockbox half-buried in sand. Unfortunately, upon their approach, a very giant crustacean emerged, lockbox firmly snug on its back. The group had no choice but to fight.
Once the giant creature fell, and the lockbox was retrieved, Mumblix dealt with the body the only way a Goblin could: by exploding it. The four headed back with the chest, covered in crab insides, but with enough crab meat to feed Athra for some time. The Goblins at least seemed grateful.
And Arshtat suggested they use some for themselves, and planned a celebratory dinner for the crew.
With @cadrenebula @ffxivaltstars and @cardscombatandcomplications
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ofxavalon-archive · 4 years
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@messianique​ wants to know about the child of Tristan & Yseult
Name: Keaira (meaning little dark one)
Gender: Female
Appearance: Her mother’s delicate features, but her father’s darker coloring 
Personality: Willful and stubborn, she can hold onto a grudge for years, but can be sweet as honey to those she likes. 
What do they like? Though considered improper, she coerced Sir Tristan into teaching her archery and bats her eyelashes until he takes her hunting
What do they dislike? She HATES her music lessons
Who are the godparents? Her godfather is Sir Lancelot
Anything special about them? She is the princess of both Ireland and Cornwall
What are their talents? Like her mother, she is skilled with diplomacy, knowing how to say everything and nothing in the same breath. 
Who do they resemble of their parents ( appearance)? Yseult often styles her hair in the Irish fashion, and so many people say that Keaira favors her mother. 
Who do they resemble of their parents ( personality )? Keaira is much more like her father than she realizes, taking risks that aren’t always strictly necessary.
A headcanon: Keaira grew up believing her father was King Mark. However, she was out on a hunting trip one day with Sir Tristan when she realized that he was her true father, reflecting on the looks she had seen shared between the knight and her mother, her own dark coloring, and his attitude toward her. While Tristan was alive, it was only spoken of in the forest, but Keaira did learn the truth. 
Their future: When Tristan and Yseult are gone, Keaira first visits her godfather, asking him if he knew who her true father was. After a brief time with Lancelot, she left for Ireland. 
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meteor-xiv · 5 years
Looking for Connections: Lief Ashvale
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The Basics ––– –
• Age: 18
• Birthday: 23rd Sun of the Fourth Astral Moon
• Race: Midlander - Hyur
• Gender: Male
• Sexuality: Straight
• Marital Status: Single
Physical Appearance ––– –
• Hair: Dark brown, messy hair that hangs down to his cheeks.
• Eyes: Light blue
• Height: 173.5 cm / 5 fulms, 8 ilms
• Build: Lief has a rather lean frame, with a toned and defined musculature.
• Distinguishing Marks: A scar crosses vertically over Lief’s left eye, received during a training session with live-edge weapons. Beyond that, there’s little out of the ordinary.
• Common Accessories: Lief still carries his badge of soldiery, though he keeps it hidden at all times. A thin band worn by a fallen comrade also remains tied around his right wrist, hidden under his glove.
Personal ––– –
• Profession: Formerly a conscripted soldier, Leif now offers his services as a wandering sellsword, doing what he can for coin.
• Hobbies: Training. Lief does his best to set aside time each day for practice. Exploration and discovery of new areas also excites him, and he often makes short sojourns from his campsite to look around. Lief has a small interest in Magitek and engineering, and enjoys hearing about and testing the designs of others, though he has no engineering skill of his own, save for the upkeep of his gunblade.
• Languages: Common
• Residence: No current residence
• Birthplace: Ul’dah
• Religion: None
• Patron Deity: None (Formerly Nald’Thal)
• Fears: Being persecuted for his status as an Imperial Soldier. That his dual loyalties will cause the loss of life. That his skills won’t be enough to accomplish his task.
Relationships ––– -
• Spouse: None
• Children: None
• Parents: Aislinn Ashvale (Mother), Hiram Ashvale (Father, Deceased)
• Siblings: Keaira Ashvale (Younger Sister), Bastien Ashvale (Older Brother)
• Other Relatives: None
• Pets: None
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
• Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
• Disorganized / In Between / Organized
• Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
• Calm / In Between / Anxious
• Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
• Cautious / In Between / Reckless
• Patient / In Between / Impatient
• Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
• Leader / In Between / Follower
• Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
• Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
• Traditional / In Between / Modern
• Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
• Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
• Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
• Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Never
Drugs: Never
Alcohol: Rarely
RP Hooks ––– –
• Sellsword: With no gil to his name, Lief is taking most any and all jobs that he can. What coin he earns goes towards food and supplies. If you have a job that needs doing, or a partner for a quest that’s too difficult to handle alone, Lief will be more than ready to fight at your side.
• Garlean Soldier: Despite his secrecy, nothing will erase Lief’s past, and like it or not, the boy was trained as a soldier, and fought against his fellow Eorzeans in several skirmishes during the Ala Mhigan Liberation. Are you a Resistance or Alliance Soldier who recalls seeing his face? Maybe you’re an Imperial Commander who can befriend – or punish – the deserter. The possibilities are many, and I’m open to them all. Feel free to message me with ideas!
• Gunblade: Lief has taken to using a simple curved sword now that he’s found himself stranded in Eorzea, but he keeps his Garlean-issued Gunblade close by. After all, it’s the weapon with which he’s most familiar. Maybe you’ve seen him practising with it and were curious, or maybe you’ve connected the dots and are wandering what an Imperial Soldier is doing wandering Eorzea! Engineers, Magitek Technicians, and other weapon aficionados might also be interested to take a closer look. I’m also very much open to meeting a GUNBREAKER character, who can teach Lief the use of Hrothgari gunblades. He’d jump at the chance, and so would I! ^^ If you’re a GNB looking for a pupil, Lief is a great candidate!
• Explorer: If none of the above strike your fancy, then there’s always the possibility that you could run into Lief during his forays into the wild. The boy hasn’t been home since before the Calamity, and Eorzea as it is now is still very new to him, and he has a tendency to leap first and ask questions later when it comes to discovering points of interest. Warn him of a dangerous or exciting locale, and you might just get dragged into his sightseeing sojourn...
What I’m Looking For ––– –
Lief is a brand new character, so at the moment I’m just trying to get him out into the world and the community, but I’m hoping he can forge some long-term friendships, rivalries, or even animosity with other characters. I’m especially looking for a potential Gunbreaker mentor for Lief! I’m no stranger to running small events, and I’d be more than happy to drag people into short quests and other adventure-y RP. Lief can fit quite easily into any number of plots, and I’m happy to involve him in grand adventures, dark and dramatic plotlines, and anything in between!
I tend to write 1-3 paragraphs when I RP, more if I have a lot to work with, and at the moment, I only RP in-game, as my attempts at Discord RP tend to fizzle out due to my slow response rate. New characters are more than welcome, too! I have a lot of growth and development planned for Lief, and would love to share it with anyone who would like to meet him, as well as provide opportunities for you to develop your own characters! As far as lore goes, I don’t mind a bit of lore-bending, but I try to adhere to the lore and world setting as much as I can. Which is easy, considering all we have to work with!
I tend to jump online in the late US evenings. I live in Australia, and work the night shift 4-5 nights a week, so night owls will find it easy to RP with me! I’ll do my best to be available, within reason! ^^
Contact Information ––– –
If Lief sounds like someone you’d like to meet, then you can give me a poke on this blog here on Tumblr, or at Lief#8435 on Discord. Depending on when you poke me, I might be asleep or at work, but I’ll get back to you as soon as I’m free!
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cadrenebula · 2 years
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Happy Starlight 2022
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quirkycoterie · 5 years
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
Kai…. you has done me wrong. I have been lost for hours in old RP. Every time I think of one I want to share with y’all, I end up reading more and more only to find that the pieces are longer than I remember and then think maybe I shouldn’t chunk those massive bits into an answer. So… I think I’m going to go with some summary tidbits from the things.
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In a past life, Aliiza was much closer to death from her shipwreck, and while wearing a bigger scar on the outside, she had decided maybe she needed friends. Mind you, she was still great at pushing people away and screwing things up…. but she also learned to be chatty and playful and sometimes vulnerable, especially with the man who somehow became her husband. She got gussied up in fancy dresses and high heels, was often a team player, let people help her with a phobia of water, and lived in a beautiful room, surrounded by keepsakes she gathered. She had a lot of really great interactions and while I sometimes miss how far she’d gone, I also love getting to play her now and seeing how she’s developing without those same influences.
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I am a sucker for her and Alex. Totally. Completely. Every time I go back to the start of their relationship, I giggle. Sometimes I get a bit teary. He avoided saying “I love you” in that order but still had to use the word love itself in like 3 different ways for her to get what he was saying because if he didn’t say it the way he was scared to… he obviously couldn’t mean it that way. Both so certain they were unlovable. Him, disappointed because she didn’t seem to want to say it back. Her, confused because she didn’t think he was saying it. They are idiots and I love laughing with @cadrenebula behind the scenes over our precious, awkward, stupid, accidental OTP.  I also love watching her call him on his bullshit when it’s clear to her. I enjoy when she makes him share and grow by refusing to be afraid of the things he thinks are so terrible about himself.
OMG this got long… other character bits below the cut.
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These two… Aqua was a “better” person in her past life. Qatun was a one shot I was bored and wanted to wear my pretty lingerie in front of people and her name was Ocelot. lol It’s fun getting to really break them out of their former roles and explore their potential. I love getting into telling fortunes (both fake and real) on Aqua and will be forever grateful to @eviloblivion for helping me find inspiration for her. I don’t manage to play Qatun often, but I very much enjoy seeing how she treats each character she meets, from being friendly out of boredom and playful sadism, to downright manipulative or mean.
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Cashmere has always been one of my favorite characters to play. She’s fun and sometimes unpredictable and I can work her into almost any situation so she’s flexible in more ways than one. ^_~ In her past life, I absolutely loved her dynamic with the other 3 characters she regularly interacted with. They were mages who awakened to their powers via pretty much… dying. In fact, suspecting she was a mage who hadn’t awakened yet, they tried several things to “help”… including attempting to hit her over the head with a baseball bat. They however, hated vampires for being undead and thereby outside the life cycle. So she spent half her time teasing them about how they weren’t any different than the vampires. When she did finally come into her powers during a fight with a minotaur (that existence surprised her more than vampires), she was more powerful than any one of them. That got super fun. She’s got snark that… I don’t even know where it comes from. It’s not mine.
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Like Sana, these characters are originals, no past lives. (Chrysalis is a recycled name but she’s not a reincarnation.)  My favorite RPies from all of them have come in building them with my RP partners. 
Tsume would be only half the character he is without his brother @wkiba-ffxiv, even if Kai does let me write more of their history. I love the brainstorming and the bits and pieces we throw at each other as we RP. It feels wonderfully natural.
Chrys, well, she’d be lost without @zollo-ffxiv and @cadrenebula. She’s only got it together due to the support of her bestie (again, Kai spoils me with our creations) and her cousin, Keaira (my girl Dest also gives me so much of her time and energy, across more than just these characters even). We’ll see how much shine we can dim on all of them together I’m sure…. LOL
I was ready to toss Kuri away. She was boring and plain and while I loved her look, I wasn’t sure what to do with the original concept I had when I made her trying to be nice to someone else that it turned out I didn’t want around. Then @of-the-growing-horde took my ranting and crying about it, and catapulted one of their new creations us…. and suddenly, I had a starting line for real depth and interest. Now… I get to challenge myself by writing someone who constantly tries to see the best in everyone, including her very, very messed up bestie. She turns the other cheek. Gives the benefit of the doubt. Slaps an understanding smile on… and tells herself and you that it’s going to be just fine… and damn some days that is hard to play, but I looooooove every piece of RP I write with her.
Really… if I didn’t mention you here and we RP, I love that shit too! I don’t write outside of RP creations. I may write solo pieces at times, but I don’t sit and do novels or stories otherwise. My RP partners really make this worthwhile for me and you all rock. You’re my favorite part of RP and I want to read yours, too!
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ze-dominant-demon · 5 years
✓ state one thing they find attractive about Keaira
The Xaela eyed the pink-haired lass from head to toe, walking a full circle around her, making occasional hmpf’s and hmmm’s before stopping in front of her.
“Definitely those legs. Not that there’s anything wrong with the rest of you, but your legs are exceptional m’dear. I’d love to have them wrapped around my head right about now.”
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zollo-ffxiv · 5 years
Adventures in Void Slaying  [Zollo vs Doors]
[ Who: @cadrenebula​‘s Keaira (DM), @quirkycoterie​‘s Chrys, @of-the-stalwart-shield​ & @zollo-ffxiv​ | Location: Gridania South of the Grand Company | When: Tues April 2nd Time: 9pm Eastern]
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Zollo Khan glances behind them hoping the doors wouldn't slowly shut like in the stories passed around the fires.
The doors definitely slowly creaked shut. Just to add to the creep factor.
Keaira Stark took a deep breath before heading in, off to the left. "Let's look on the ground floor here first."
Zollo Khan blinked a few times hearing the others move, he slowly walked backwards keeping close to them as he watched from behind.
The moment Keaira tried the key she found in the first room, it triggered a trap! Poor Zollo. The doors he was standing guard at snapped shut right towards his fast in a very fast motion.
Zollo Khan was forced backwards pretty quickly. His lance getting stuck part way before he tugged it up into his face forcing him to take a knee as he reached up to touch where it had hit him.
Chrysalis Derringer: "Zollo-kun!"
Chrysalis Derringer is torn between rushing to Zollo and saving his fragile ego....
Fhlwyn Ackerman whips around at the noise, hurrying over to see what had happened - and if there was voidsent to be fought. "Ah...oh...you ok?"
Keaira Stark: "Zollo! Are you okay?"
Zollo Khan slowly nodded letting his hand brush any pain he had, he took a deep breath before standing back up right fixing his hair to hide the part that got hit.. "I am fine, do not like these doors.." ~~
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Zollo Khan continues to remain stuck to the floor, frozen.
Keaira Stark looked towards Zollo since she hadn't seen him helping fight. "You okay? You look a little chilled. Is it how creepy this place is?"
Fhlwyn Ackerman also looks concerned! 
Zollo Khan grunts but doesn't seem to move otherwise. 
Fhlwyn Ackerman: "Need...uh, help?"
Keaira Stark pokes you.
Chrysalis Derringer looks at Keaira....
The warmth from them near by seemed to help, or Zollo thought. Perhaps the spell was just wearing off. He slowly worked his body into moving once more. His tail swatting against Keaira's leg a few times before he started to pull himself to a standing position.
Chrysalis Derringer sighs softly in relief.
Keaira Stark might have had thoughts she was keeping to herself in this case. Though she was tempted to pull his tail. Gently of course. "Spell wearing off finally? You okay?"
Zollo Khan nods not looking at any of them, was his cheeks flushed? Maybe it was just the blood rushing back into them from when he was frozen. He glanced above their heads "What is next?"
Keaira Stark: "Well I found a strange piece of parchment with what looks like spellwork on it when we finished rattling the bones. I didn't see anything down here that it might be for. Perhaps we should check upstairs? It's the only place we haven't looked yet."
Chrysalis Derringer nods. "I'm sure your job includes clearing that space too, yes?"
Zollo Khan didn't return it, he just nodded again before heading back up the stairs. Sooner they were out the better. Stupid doors. ~~
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Fhlwyn Ackerman grips their sword tighter, looking about at the atmospheric shift - and the now opened Spooky Door (Zollo beware) ~~
Keaira Stark took steps over towards the room out of curiosity and wanting to creep closer to check for safety reasons. Though she suddenly froze up in the doorway, looking very tense without actually looking back at the other three.
Chrysalis Derringer started to follow her cousin and then paused at the tensing up. Quietly, "What do you see?"
Fhlwyn Ackerman: "? Miss Keaira? What...do you see..?"
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Keaira Stark didn't respond to their questions. Instead she turned and launched herself right at her cousin without any warning. Her eyes were unfocused but her fist clearly wasn't as she slugged her cousin right in the cheek.
Zollo Khan blinked he might have been distracted by the doors at first, he tries to step between them but gets his spear in the way and avoids smacking into Fhlwyn with it instead of moving forward.
Fhlwyn Ackerman takes a moment to be Shocked before rushing forward, unable to block the blow, but they'll try for a shield bash once more, hoping to stun once more.
Zollo Khan: "<Talk to her Chrys"
Keaira Stark staggered and shook her head from the shield bash but it clearly didn't snap her out of whatever was happening. But it did buy them a moment.
Fhlwyn Ackerman is HERE for YOU Chrys!
Chrysalis Derringer keeps her lance to the side, willing to smack her cousin with the pole part but not the sharp bits. "Keaira! Cousin... don't give in! You're the strong one...."
Keaira Stark wasn't phased by her cousin's attempt to reach her. Whatever this was, it was stronger then the succubus that was downstairs. Keaira kicked out at Fhlwynn since they were in range now.
Fhlwyn Ackerman stumbles back!
Chrysalis Derringer: "<I don't know what to do.....>"
Zollo Khan rushes around to corner the girl from the opposite side, thankfully the doors didn't swing -this- way. He tries to wrap his lance around her to pin one of her arms up.
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Keaira Stark was momentarily trapped. For at least a minute. It wasn't going to last very long. Someone better think of something fast cause Zollo clearly didn't have a good hold on Keaira.
Fhlwyn Ackerman moves a little closer, hoping to offer some protection to Chrys in case Keaira broke free. If you got anything to say, Chrys, now is the time!
Chrysalis Derringer casts around desperately for a new idea... "<Zollo-kun.... it's a charm spell right? Kiss her!>" Mind you, in the meantime, while she's talking she tries releasing her lance from one hand to deliver a matching, but certainly less powerful, punch to her cousin's face. (She only hopes she's been studying it properly and doesn't break her hand...)
Zollo Khan blinks holding the girl as her cousin boops the girl in the face, taking her weight if she doesn't handle it well.. He might have snugged in close just to maybe try the kiss idea if she gets fighty still...
Keaira Stark just about slumped against Zollo after getting punched. Clearly stunned about getting hit in the face a bit harder then the earlier shield bash. A soft groan as she blinked an then realized she was pinned? When did she get pinned? Last thing she remembered was walking up to the door... Tilting her head back to see why she was pinned. "Zollo? Didn't know you wanted a hug that badly."
Chrysalis Derringer laughs with nervous relief. "Oh good..."
Zollo Khan sighs leaning his face down towards her shoulder, he wasn't willing to let go of her quite yet.. "Mmhm.." his tone rumbled softly beside her.
Fhlwyn Ackerman squints... "...Is....she ok....?"
Keaira Stark laughs softly. "Last thing I remember was standing at the doorway looking into the room... I got charmed didn't I?" Looking a little sheepish.
Chrysalis Derringer nods. "Everyone but Fhlwyn now... looks like they're the tough one."
Zollo Khan leaned his chin on her shoulder for a moment before letting his lance slide out of one of his hands freeing her, he took a step back rubbing one of his horns.
Fhlwyn Ackerman tilts their head..she seems awfully calm about this. She does also seem back to normal however....they relax, a little hesitantly
Fhlwyn Ackerman: "..hah. Maybe."
Keaira Stark rubs her cheek. Cause that smarted even if he cousin wasn't as strong with a fist as she was. "We should be careful when we go into the room. There has to be a succubus in there."
Chrysalis Derringer: "Yeah..."
Fhlwyn Ackerman nods - the sting and burn on their arms has grown, but they hold fast as they step towards the room, shield raised in anticipation.
Zollo Khan nods taking a deep breath "Is it based on eyes? Or being near.." 
Keaira Stark: "I think it's their eyes and void magic. I wasn't quite prepared when I peeked into the room. So let's try not meeting it's eyes."
Chrysalis Derringer: "Sounds like a good idea.."
Fhlwyn Ackerman nods
Zollo Khan: "Look down. Got it." he stepped back looking towards the doors once more.
Keaira Stark: "Okay then. Round two! Let's kick this witch's butt for charming me." Heads into the room. It was Boss time.~~
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Fhlwyn Ackerman looks pretty pale, the void magic taking it's toll. They nod to Keaira anyway.
Chrysalis Derringer frowns. "I think we should get Fhlwyn to a healer...."
Fhlwyn Ackerman shakes their head. Chrys is probably right however- they don’t look super stable. Not really an emergency level, but enough to warrant a visit
Keaira Stark: "Yeah let's head back to Gridania. We can take Fhlwynn to the guild."
Zollo Khan nodded looking over to Fhlwyn. "If you need a hand.. just let us know.. hope the doors will open.."
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divine-ruin · 5 years
↕ - a memory that may or may not have happened
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Ian Nicholaides:
"There's this gorgeous girl I've been seeing around and I coulda swore to both Halone and Llymlaen that she winked at me the other day. I had a dream about her that I thought might've been real where she invited me to her place and I couldn't stop worshipping the sheer beauty of her. She's fuckin' gorgeous man, a walking goddess. I woke up thinkin' it happened and I can't stop thinkin' 'bout her. I think her name is Keaira?!"
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@quirkycoterie / @cadrenebula (Pink Punch Kid for mentions!)
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theolddarkmachine · 7 years
Way Back Week: Gajevy #3
If you haven’t noticed, things are comin’ up in order of being written, which leads us to my other WIP. Ya’ll know it as Kingdom.
I know it as the original idea that I stayed up till like 2am planning out one random April night after waking up from a dream about a princess and a knight. Problem is, I’ve never been too good with my own original characters so it ended up on a back burner.
Until I decided I could do something with it by throwing Gajeel and Levy into the places of my MCs, and the rest is kind of history. (Fun fact: The MCs were named Slone and Luciana. The queen’s name, Keaira stuck around, albeit misspelled cuz I suck. Makarov was Declan and Lily was Aiden.) 
Writing what I consider to be a bit of a modern fairy tale-- haha-- has been awesome and I really love creating the mythology and history for everything. 
I’ve also really loved figuring out what happens lol Not that everything wasn’t already planned out, but having it planned and actually writing it almost always ends with something being changed. I can’t tell you how many of the revelations and cliffhangers weren’t actually planned. 
To name a few: Ileana’s story wasn’t planned; the latest cliffhanger wasn’t planned; Levy’s dream with past!Levy wasn’t planned; and the bit about the queen’s painting hadn’t been planned. (In fact, as far as plans go, y’all should have still been in the dark a bit about that whole purple eyed person thing)
I could keep going, but I guess what I’m tryna say is, writing Kingdom is almost as much of a rollercoaster for me as it is for y’all because while I know the grand scheme of things and where this is all going, there are plenty of moments that even took me by surprise XD
also want a bit of a sneak peek? the next chapter is called interlude- once upon a night
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quirkycoterie · 5 years
Getting to Know: Chrysalis Derringer
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► Name ➔ “Chrysalis but Chrys is good, too..”
►  Are you single?➔ “I mean.... I date...”
►  Are you angry?➔ “Nope! Well, not usually.”
► Are your parents still married? ➔ “Yes.”
► Birth Place ➔ “The edge of the Steppe.”
► Hair Color ➔ “Black and teal, but I’ve thought about changing it.”
► Eye color ➔ “Amber.”
► Birthday ➔ “The 25th sun of the First Astral Moon.” (January 25th)
► Mood ➔ “Happy.”
► Gender ➔ “Female.”
► Summer or Winter ➔ “Summer usually.”
► Morning or Afternoon ➔ “Afternoon is nice.”
► Are you in love? ➔ “No.”
► Do you believe in love at first sight? ➔ “Oh.. umm.. no.”
► Who ended your last relationship? ➔ “How do you define relationship?”
► Have you ever broken someone’s heart? ➔ “I don’t think so.”
► Are you afraid of commitments?  ➔ “No, but I’m not really in a place to make any yet outside of the ones I already have... unless something special comes along I guess.”
► Have you hugged someone within the past week? ➔ “Absolutely.”
► Have you ever had a secret admirer? ➔ “Not that I know of.”
► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “How do you do that?”
► Love or Lust ➔ “Why choose?”
► Lemonade or iced tea  ➔ “Lemonade.”
► Cats or Dogs? ➔ “I don’t really know either well enough to choose.”
► A few best friends or many regular friends? ➔ “My best friend is all I really need but I like the other friends I’m making too!”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Depends on with who?”
► Day or Night ➔ “Yes.”
► Been caught sneaking out  ➔ “Yes....”
► Fallen down/up stairs ➔ “Nope.”
► Wanting something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Maybe...”
► Wanted to disappear  ➔ “Only a little...”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes that smile.”
► Shorter or taller ➔ *coughs and goes silent*
► Intelligence or attraction ➔ “A bit of both please...”
► Hook-up or relationship ➔ “Depends...”
► Do you and your family get along? ➔ “Yes! Well, most of the time.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life”? ➔ “Nah.”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends? ➔ “I only have a few really so far so sure....”
► Who is your best friend? ➔ “Zollo-kun, since forever for us.”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “I tell Zollo everything that matters, and usually Keaira, my cousin, as well. They’re the best.”
tagged by: @kailani-ffxiv
tagging: You’re it! (If you wanna, hasn’t, are as behind as me... w/e)
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