#Accidente vehicular
avgro · 10 months
Muere en choque sobre la Aca - Zihua
#Tecpan | Motociclista impacta contra camioneta, muere con el choque; el involucrado, se dio a la fuga. | #AltaVozMontaña Un hombre de 53 años de edad identificado como Gonzalo Morales Salgado, originario de la comunidad de Villa Rotaria, perdió la vida al impactar su motocicleta contra una camioneta que se dio a la fuga. De acuerdo con la información de paramédicos de Protección Civil de…
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elestado · 1 year
Trágico amanecer, muere una persona y 11 resultan heridos en choque frontal
Trágico amanecer, muere una persona y 11 resultan heridos en choque frontal
Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas.- Una persona sin vida y once más lesionados entre ellos varios prensados, es el saldo preliminar de un fuerte accidente carretero registrado esta madrugada, en el kilómetro 29 de la carretera Zaragoza-Victoria. Equipos de rescate de la Cruz Roja en coordinación con Protección Civil Tamaulipas y Protección Civil #VillaDeCasas lograron liberar a varias personas que…
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dominiopublco · 1 year
Mueren dos en Sonora al caer en su vehículo al mar
Mueren dos en Sonora al caer en su vehículo al mar
Pescadores que salían a trabajar en una panga, presenciaron el accidente, que ocurrió minutos antes de las 4:00 de la madrugada (more…)
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izzythehutt · 2 years
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breaking bad: a summary
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widowshill · 4 months
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— I couldn't care less about your future. — Well, you'd better care, because you're part of it, and so is your wife.
r/v/b for @tortoisesshells.
#victoria devlin starring in: i gave up trying to find my father so i just got a few boyfriends old enough to be my dad. or my uncle.#tortoisesshells#➤ roger collins & victoria winters & burke devlin. ┊ to know how it ends‚ and still begin to sing it again.#➤ edits & art. ┊ the evans cottage art gallery.#gifs.#i've been accused of not exactly truth-telling when it comes to posting about r/v ... well.#this is lies. we made it up. but look at them! aren't they just darling!#thank you 60's daytime television.#this is my unethical polycule. the nonmonogamy is consensual and negotiated we're just evil in other ways.#(one of them framed another one for vehicular manslaughter and sent him to prison.#two of them have been the other one's employees at one point or another.#they have all — at some point — accused each other of murder; except for accusing vicki who is by all accounts an angel#and who would NEVER frame her boyfriend for her manslaughter on purpose. although this does happen in canon. accidentally.)#also that she stabs roger with a knife in the au but that's not *really* her fault because she's under hypnotic vampire influence.#(and – moreover that roger a. deserves it and b. enjoys it)#because they are doomed to reenact the machinations of collinsport's tripartite love story.#because a woman in possession of josette's (& laura's) locket; of an adventuring‚ prosperous husband who builds her a home in collinsport;#of a vampire-coded boyfriend also in love with her but doomed chiefly to yearning and the occasional bite;#of a foretold fate of falling from the cliffside; and on top of all that is a brunette – well‚ she must be josette.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 1 year
It’s inspiring how much you hate France 🫡
I aspire to hate him even more 😤
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woodnrust · 6 months
The word manslaughter is so funny to me. I know it was an accident but mannn you butchered him. You killed him so bad he's practically a meat slab. He looks like red play dough now. His bones are grinded to dust. By accident
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sukimas · 9 months
always interesting to see how different people interpret the emotional valence of vague ideas
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
"Say the line, Raya"
She's just like me for real 😭😭😭
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jessiesjaded · 8 months
Why my grandma telling a story about how she accidentally ran over her pet dog 50 years ago and she's never forgiven herself for it since 😭
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
rb with ur current favorite taylor swift conspiracy/rumor (doesnt have to be a recent one, just the one that ur either currently obsessing over or you think is really funny)
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Kids love to jump out in front of you in store aisles like they’re a deer on a highway and your cart is a Ford F150 that’s about to find out how good it’s brakes are
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duple-man · 2 years
Beat saber incident
I was playing beat saber the other day and just got through"What the cat"Expert+ and decided to start "Fire Starter", but with the speed at +15%, so I was zoomin. WHEN SUDDENLY LIKE JULIES CESAR AFTER BEING STABBED LIKE 25 TIMES, MY VR JUST DECIDED TO DIE WHILE I WAS NEER THE END OF THE SONG, like bitch last I lill bit longer cmon. I even charged too 70% how tf did it die.
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dominiopublco · 2 years
Identifican a conductor que embistió a motociclista y mató a niño en Ecatepec
Identifican a conductor que embistió a motociclista y mató a niño en Ecatepec
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Driver of Truck Is Found Guilty,” Kingston Whig-Standard. January 6, 1942. Page 3. ---- HAMILTON, Jan. 6 — Magistrate Burbidge yesterday found Alex Dickson, 26, guilty of charge of reckless driving, resulting from the death of Flight-Lieutenant G. J. C. Reid, Nov. 7, in a car-truck crash on the Caledonia highway. Dickson was sentenced to 30 days in jail and forbidden to drive for six months. Dickson had given evidence that the brakes on his truck were not good.
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transportemx · 12 days
Así es como la tecnología esta evitando accidentes viales
En la última década, la integración de la tecnología en el transporte público y la movilidad ha transformado no solo la manera en que nos desplazamos, sino también evitar accidentes viales. Desde sistemas de información en tiempo real hasta vehículos autónomos, la innovación tecnológica está desempeñando un papel crucial en la reducción de accidentes y la mejora de la seguridad vial. Esta…
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