#Ace is a sleaze in this sorry
mamamittens · 2 years
The Only Choice +18
Spooktober Day 2!
Fandom: One Piece (Highschool AU)
Ship: Yandere!Ace X Petite!F!Reader (Ace is 19 and Reader is 18)
Warnings: Yandere behavior, possessive behavior, murder, Law does not survive, incredibly dubious consent/borderline noncon, coercion, manipulation, groping, kitchen sex, foreplay, nipple/breast play, oral sex (female receiving), aggressive sex, sex as a tool for manipulation, and creampie.
All the red flags here, I stg keep this in mind before reading.
Word Count: 5,231
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To say Ace’s childhood growing up was rough would be… an understatement. While not exactly a feral child, the way he was openly encouraged to explore the mountain range to his heart’s content from a young age did jack shit to his social skills. Instead of learning how to share his blocks and manage his temper, he learned more… useful things. How to move silently at night among predators. How to stalk and hunt prey animals—and later the predators he emulated so well. Ace learned all sorts of important lessons in the heart of the forest.
Then Sabo came along and taught him the things he missed out on. How to hold a proper conversation—that eye contact wasn’t a sign of aggression. Basic social etiquette and behavior—he should not bludgeon competitors to death with a club in broad daylight. What personal space even was—snapping his teeth may be an effective way to clear up space but was undeniably rude. Still, he was incredibly rough around the edges. Really, it was Luffy that taught him how to behave like a more balanced young man, ironically enough.
Wrangling the embodiment of chaos sure does some things to an ingrained pattern of aggressive behavior. And Luffy was quite durable and forgiving for his screw ups, unlike Sabo who gave as good as he got. A perfect little pipeline for a terror of a mountain child to eventually be given to a chaotic family that taught him to embrace but control his wild urges. Whitebeard was indulgent of his behavior—but only to a point. And he was absolutely capable of bringing him back in line when needed.
So, eventually, Ace was ready to enter the school system without being a flight, fight, or tiny terrorist risk. Sure, he was held back a year, but to be fair… no one remembered to teach him how to read in all that socialization. But he worked hard and got back on track. And he would have probably half assed everything right up till graduation if it hadn’t of been for one thing.
His precious little sweetheart. You.
Having transferred in a bit late during their shared first year of high school, Ace had always been aware of her. How could he not? A sweet little thing in a sea of sweaty, hormonal teens. It took a lot of work, but over the course of three years, Ace steadily made his way into the highly prized position of being her best friend. Anyone that wanted to get near her went through him first. Overhyped football players, weak little twig boys, and unredeemable perverts alike.
And he did an excellent job of keeping the filth of the school far away from his sweetheart right up until he had to leave for a few weeks on vacation. Gramps lost several boxes of rice crackers to the ocean under mysterious circumstances for that, even if he did enjoy spending time with his brothers in peace. But look what happens when he leaves her alone! Gone for a month and some fancy fucking prick moves in on her!
What. The. Fuck.
He never wanted to hear a crack about his cowboy hat after seeing the spotted monstrosity Trafalgar D. Water Law wore. And he had the fucking audacity to put his hands on you? To think he was good enough to even hold hands in the hall—mother fucker didn’t even bother to look happy about it! Law just kept wearing that same smug look the whole time like Ace couldn’t see jack shit!
It wasn’t like he’d never seen Law before now. They had crossed paths in the hallways. Shared projects in English class on occasion. And Ace knew Law had a few science projects with you as well over the years. But Law had always kept his nose in his books unless he was required to or walking that massive white dog. Bepo, he thought. Although, is that really all Law had done?
Ace was your best friend. You wouldn’t suddenly date someone without telling him first! Not… not unless you were coerced. He could see it now. You, sweet precious thing that you were, taken advantage of. Lead astray to keep secrets like Ace wasn’t working tirelessly to keep you safe. With a sneer, Ace supposed that in such a scenario, it wasn’t entirely impossible Law nursed a crush in your delicate heart. Encouraging you to think of him romantically. Law wasn’t the most hideous man at their school.
And with Ace gone for a whole month well… a lot of things can happen over a month. He’d need to correct this situation as soon as possible. But first, he needed to know exactly what happened while he was gone. And if this had been brewing for longer than he expected. The punishment had to fit the crime, naturally.
He wasn’t a feral mountain child anymore, after all. Mostly.
Giving you his best smile, he slid over to your other side and beamed.
“Well, well, well. When did this happen? You didn’t tell me you were all grown up now!” Ace teased, ruffling your hair and ignoring your protests. You were smiling and laughing, which was all the go-ahead Ace needed. Law however, was still a smug bastard as he held your other hand, chaining you to his side. Like he had any right!
“Ace! Stop that!” You scoffed, smacking his arm lightly, “And uhm… we… we thought it would be nice to try it out, you know? Just to see where it goes.”
Ace felt his muscles tense with rage but maintained his pleasant expression. This fucker just wanted to string you along! And for what?! How long?! Until he’s taken everything you have that belongs to him—
“Ooo~, what little love birds you two are. Try not to make me gag too much, ‘kay sweetheart?” Ace winked, ruffling your hair again strutting to his class. Unfortunately, he didn’t share any class periods with you this semester. Something he was unable to rectify in time without looking suspicious. Still, it did provide him the space he would sorely need to plan how to get rid of this new pest.
He'd hate to let down Oyaji by allowing a little problem like this to bite him in the ass later. In the meantime,… he’d play nice.
Tigers never found success without stalking their kills first after all.
Still, it was hard for Ace. Watching you fall for Law’s tricks hook, line, and sinker. You both sat together at lunch every day, held hands whenever possible, went on dates when time allowed. And Ace grew to resent Law more with every passing hour. That damn smug look a permanent expression regardless of how cute you acted, hanging off Law’s arm. Ace should have given you the talk long ago and avoided this whole mess to start with. But really… deep down, Ace was a romantic at heart.
And what was more romantic than planning the perfect way to get rid of your soon-to-be-ex so he could sweep you off your feet properly?
As it turns out, it was actually not that hard to plan Law’s death. See, he was actually quite sickly as a child. Some sort of poisoned water situation in his hometown. Eventually he got better, but his internal organs were severely damaged in the process. Not enough to replace them entirely, but enough to require a careful diet for several years. Like, for example, his kidneys.
Honestly, Ace could almost feel bad about the whole thing. Law waxed on about his dream to become a doctor in the hopes of preventing his childhood disaster on several occasions. He was probably smart enough to do a lot of good for the world. If he had kept his fucking hands to himself first that is.
Who knew a few milligrams of mushroom concentrate could cause a total renal failure within hours? And who would have guessed the stoic Trafalgar Law would choose to keep quiet about his little ‘stomach bug’ as his guardians left town for the weekend?
Ace chuckled to himself as he crept away from the house, leaving no trail to follow. The fact that Ace had wrapped Law in a blanket with a gag in place to make sure of it was simply a happy accident. He wanted to tie Law to a chair but the bruises would look suspicious. And arranging a camping trip ‘just for the boys’ was too obvious, even if he fed Law to the mountain lions.
No, Ace was actually running errands for Oyaji all night! Several people can attest to that fact if questioned.
Which no one did.
Because poor Law, honor student and future doctor, passed quietly in his sleep after taking more pain medication for his sudden illness. An illness that proved fatal and swift. What was there to question with those facts in mind?
The toll this took on you, of course, was incredible. You were inconsolable for days, your tender heart shattered from the sudden death of your boyfriend. As much as Ace hated to see you cry—especially over that bastard—it was necessary. Like… removing an invasive species for the betterment of all. But Ace was there every minute he could be. Oyaji was very understanding as well, allowing Ace to stay at your house for as long as needed.
He was also quite proud of how Ace handled the situation on his own, but that little detail was simply icing on the top!
For the most part, consoling you involved watching old movies with your head tucked under his chin. Encouraged by Ace conveniently turning the air down slightly past your normal tolerance. Thinning frame cuddled in a blanket fort at his side as he encouraged you to cry it all out and eat something. Anything. The outside world didn’t exist as far as you were concerned. And while Ace definitely appreciated catching up on personal time with you… your health was something else entirely. This whole ‘mourning’ thing was taking too long. Especially for someone that didn’t deserve to be with you to begin with.
Thankfully, Ace had better tact than to say that… maybe he should have staged an elopement to make this easier for you? Too late now, really. A thought for the future perhaps. Not that there would ever be a chance he lets this happen twice. But how to ensure it? How does he help you move on from Law faster?
The answer came with a crockpot that Thatch provided—wonderful big brother that he was, honestly where would he be without his family or you? The crockpot held a hearty soup, perfect for broken hearts. The trick was getting you to eat. The little bites of crackers or ice cream you held down never lasted before a crying fit tossed them back up. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think Law had also poisoned you literally. But he couldn’t hurt you anymore. Not with Ace here to keep a careful eye on your fragile, loving heart.
Ace pondered the dilemma as he waited for the crockpot to heat up. The house empty as your parents were at work and the two of you excused on ‘bereavement’. Well, you were excused. Ace simply had Oyaji excuse him for the time being to support you with the promise that as soon as you were more stable the both of you would have study sessions with Marco to catch up. There wasn’t any sense in letting tragedy derail your education, now was there? Law had done enough damage as it was.
A sniffle in the doorway alerted Ace to your presence as you shuffled into the kitchen. A duvet draped over your shoulders as you gave a weepy smile.
“Smells good… I’m sorry you have to see me like this, Ace.” You sniffled again, “I-I promise I won’t be a crybaby forever.” Ace rushed over, throwing his arms around your covered shoulders and rubbing your back.
“No, no, sweetheart! It’s okay! I’m not going anywhere. That’s my promise.” Ace consoled despite the sneer he hid in your hair, “Law meant a lot to you. It’s perfectly normal to be upset.” Slowly, he walked backwards until he was next to the counter and picked you up. Gently, he set you down on the counter and braced himself to lean over you, kissing your forehead softly.
“Thank you, Ace.” You whispered, moving to rub your eyes but he beat you to it. Gently wiping away your tears with a soft smile as you shivered. Ace frowned in concern and you shook your head. “Just cold. I… haven’t eaten a lot lately. I-I’m so tired, Ace. But I can’t sleep. I keep seeing Law… I wish I could forget. Just… just for a little while.”
Suddenly, Ace had an idea. A wonderful, brilliant idea.
“I hate seeing you like this too… Could… Could I try something?” Ace asked in his softest voice, “I’ll stop if you want me to but nothing else has worked so I thought…” You frowned, cute face scrunched up in confusion.
“Try what, Ace?” Slowly, deliberately, Ace cradled your face in his hands. Warm palms pressing against your cold cheeks. Not wanting to fuck up this soon, he kissed your forehead. Then your nose. Slow, lingering touches against your skin as you made a confused sound at the back of your throat. “W-What are you doing, Ace?”
“Warming you up… giving you something else to think about.” Ace brushed his hands back, threading his fingers through your hair with a deceptively light pressure to keep you still. “Just focus on me, baby. Nothing else matters. Let me help you forget… just for a little while.” Ace tested the waters by pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. You didn’t move away from him, seemingly frozen in surprise.
He could feel you physically wavering, wanting to pull away out of a misplaced sense of loyalty to a dead man and lean into the creature comfort Ace readily offered. Ace held perfectly still for a long moment before pulling away. Just a little.
And you followed the motion, sliding your lips to press firmly against his own. Ace felt like screaming in victory—but the fight wasn’t over yet. He needed to wipe Law from your mind completely.
Ace sighed, just a little dramatically like he was relieved you didn’t slap him. Pulling open his lips to encourage you to do the same, tongue running across the narrow gap as you gasped. Chasing the sharp inhale eagerly. He slipped his tongue over yours and you pulled away suddenly with a sharp hiccup and tears.
“I-I can’t!” You shook your head, pressing your hands over your mouth as you sobbed. Desperately, Ace soothed his hands over your shoulders.
“Hey—hey, it’s alright. Everything is alright! You haven’t done anything wrong, baby.” Ace pulled you closer to him, ignoring how you tried to jerk away, “I’m sorry… I just hate to see you cry. I want to make you happy again—but I failed—I-I should… I should just leave.” Ace pulled away suddenly and started to turn around.
A cold, desperate hand grabbed his wrist and Ace smirked. You were too sweet for your own good.
“No! A-Ace, please don’t leave me too. I-I just feel so… so alone and cold. I-I don’t know how to make it stop!” You cried out.
Ace slowly turned around with a soft and understanding expression.
“I know, baby. I know.” Ace carefully stepped closer to you, like he was ready to pull away at any moment. “Trust your best friend to make it all better?” Ace leaned in close and whispered into your ear.
With a light sniffle, you nodded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders with a shiver. Thankfully Ace was here to make everything better again.
“J-Just don’t leave me.” You asked of him.
Like he ever intended to, to begin with.
“Never.” Ace swore, pressing slow kisses across your jaw, “Just… trust the process, baby. Trust me to make it better.” Ace reassured you.
“…Okay. I trust you.” You whispered, the words vibrating on his lips delightfully. Giddy, Ace started back where he left off. Your soft lips were just begging to be tasted properly. Gently, Ace titled your chin up and slipped his tongue back in again. Flicking playfully across your own. Slowly overwhelming you with his presence as your head lifted up for more with every pass. Soft pants slipping between your lips at his sufferance.
Ace kissed you deep, refusing to part from your lips until you were dizzy and gasping for air. Your eyes a slim ring of color around the pupils, lips puffy from his abuse. You were as responsive as he thought you’d be to his advances. Even with that… unfortunate distraction, it was clear you were meant to be his. Completely. And if he wanted to prove it, he’d need to get to work.
Softly, Ace caressed your skin, pushing back the blanket still curled around your body. Stroking up your arms and shoulders as he kept kissing you breathless. Slowly, like he had imagined hundreds of times before, Ace slipped his hands under your shirt. Grip firm as he made his wild fantasies a reality, one inch of your skin at a time. You jolted in surprise, a small noise of protest forming.
The sound muffled under his tongue as he moaned loudly, his vocal appreciation flustering you as he slipped even further under your clothes. Palming your breasts blindly, fingertips brushing over your nipples as a shy groan squeaked out. Ace pulled back, toying with the stiff peaks as a sly grin overtook his features.
“You’ve been so cold baby… are you feeling warmer yet?” Ace asked softly against your lips. Flustered, you nodded. A quick pinch forcing you to use your words.
“Y-Yes!” Pecking your cheek, Ace slowly pulled up your shirt and bra.
“See? We’re just getting started and I’m already making you feel better.” Ace cooed, encouraging you to lift up your arms so he could toss away the clothes. “Go ahead. Kiss me. Don’t be afraid.” Ace gently pulled your arms to his shoulders and returned to teasing your breasts.
Face noticeably warm, you were breathless as you leaned forward clumsily and pressed a damp kiss to his neck. Ace groaned in surprise, squeezing your breasts slightly as he struggled to control himself. His cock was straining in his pants and Ace was surprised he didn’t cum from that shy kiss alone. Fuck, he’d been wanting this for years now. And now?
He was so close he could taste it.
But he had to let you indulge first. Allow you to explore his body like he desperately wanted to explore yours. Carefully, Ace let one hand slide down over your stomach, teasing the waistband of your sweatpants as he pinched and pulled on one of your breasts. You moaned, mouth open as you kissed the underside of his chin. Humming eagerly, Ace slipped his hand in, enjoying the sharp gasp in surprise as your nails dug into his shoulders.
“A-Ace! W-W-Waa—hah-o-oh~!” Ace cut you off, his middle finger hooking in low to drag up your clit. The slight dampness wasn’t much, but it would do for now. Dipping his fingers deeper, Ace scooped up the growing liquid that pooled against your underwear and ruthlessly used it against you. Slipping between your folds in unpredictable patterns of fast and slow. Hard and gentle. Until you moaned, hips grinding down on his hand.
You were leaning on him almost entirely now, mouth agape as you panted, occasionally gathering enough of your wits to kiss his neck and chest. Leaning down to your ear, Ace whispered praises.
“You’re so beautiful for me.”
“That’s it. Make that pretty sound again, sweetheart.”
“Mmm… so wet.”
“Am I making you feel good?”
“I always keep my promises.”
“Focus on me. Who’s making you feel like this?”
“Go on. Cream for me. I want to feel you.”
You were crying. Good tears this time as Ace crooked three fingers into your wet pussy. Rocking you against his hand with his body, a mockery of how hard he wanted to fuck you. And you responded beautifully. Bashfully hiding your face even as your pitiful noises echoed in the kitchen. You were so small like this, curled up against him.
Ace wondered if he could convince you to a quickie in one of the school closets, the tight space would do wonders for seeing how creative he could get… but the prospect of anyone else hearing your moans killed the idea instantly. Only he would get to see you like this. Flushed and crying out for his hand. Unknowing how hard he was for you. Your heart beating against his palm as he continued groping your breasts with one hand.
Suddenly, you keened, body freezing as your cunt squeezed his fingers hard. Trying to push him out. He chuckled softly, forcing them deeper into the soft, wet space. Fucking your cunt a little harder to pull out every last moan he could as you started to shake. As you came down from your high, Ace kissed you, stealing those precious sounds from your lips.
He wasn’t done quite yet.
“So beautiful. You did so well… but you could be even better.” Ace pulled his hand free and licked it clean. You tasted somewhat sweet and heady. The taste going straight to his cock as he moaned, much to your embarrassment. “Look at this mess, baby. How can I leave you so wet?” Ace reached down and tugged at your waistband meaningfully.
Your eyes widened as you started to realize what he was implying. You shook your head.
“I-Isn’t that… I-I think this is good enough.” Ace smiled down at you indulgently, hands dipping under your waistband but sliding to your ass instead.
“But I want to make you feel even better. Let me take care of you.” Ace licked his tongue up your neck to your ear, nipping the tip. “I want to put my face between your thighs… lick that cute little clit. Press my tongue between your lips. It must be so wet and messy down there. I want to drink it all up. Let me in, baby. Don’t you trust me?” Ace enticed you, voice a low moan as his hands dipped lower.
You lifted your hips with a moan of your own, allowing Ace to pull your sweatpants down. Leaving you bare on the counter.
Ace, no fool, wasted no time shoving his tongue into your mouth in gratitude. Hands now free to spread your thighs. After moaning, low and deep into the kiss, Ace pulled his head back. Immediately placing one of your breasts into his mouth. Mimicking the motions he was going to make shortly. Flicking your nipple with his tongue and pressing the muscle up and down the supply underside. The sounds you made in shock were divine. You gripped his hair desperately, crying out and panting. Reluctantly, he allowed your soft tit to fall free of his lips.
Slowly losing control, Ace made good on his promise immediately.
Sealing his lips over your exposed cunt and shoving his tongue into your body. Sliding against your walls, eager to taste every inch. Anything you said went right over his head in favor of the twitching heat that surrounded his tongue. Ace was more turned on than ever before at the flood of sweet cream as he fucked you. Occasionally, he nudged his nose up to press against your clit, never failing to inspire a sharp moan from you.
“A-Ah! Ah! H-Hah—ohohoh—A-Ace—ngh! Please! I-I nnnn-ne-HaHn~!” You stuttered and moaned brokenly. Ace’s cock leaking precum as he forced your knees further apart against the force of your twitching thighs.
You yanked his hair suddenly with a scream hard enough to remove him. Ace only had time to glimpse your swollen cunt dripping fresh cum before he snarled and dove back in. Hands moving to grip your ass, knees over his shoulder, as he lifted you up to pin you to his face a few inches above the counter.
You screamed, cunt throbbing hard as you gripped his head, curling over him. He almost choked on the amount of liquid flooding his face, but he noisily sucked it up. Punishing you for pulling away by nipping your clit and triggering a weak splash against his chin. Unable to pull free, you moaned and twitched as he ate to his hearts content. Cock now almost burning against his pants, aching to be deep in your pussy instead of his tongue.
Reluctantly, he set you back down, pulling away just enough to shove his pants down. Cock bobbing free. You jerked back and Ace tutted, gripping your chin to look at him.
“Am I not good enough for you, baby? Can you feel how hard I am? I’m fucking aching for relief, I’ve wanted you for so long…” Ace kissed you, rubbing his tongue still thick with the taste of your own cum around your mouth. Forcing you to taste what had driven him over the edge. “I worked so hard to make your cute little cunt cream for me. To warm you up again. I-I want to feel you around me, baby. Let me have this. Please.” Ace begged softly, grinding his heavy cock into the slick mess between your thighs.
Your eyes were teary as you looked away, still rattled by your orgasm.
Slowly, Ace pressed his hips forward, letting you feel how his cock spread your pussy open. You inhaled sharply and shook your head.
“T-Too much! T-This is too mu—Ah~!” Ace thrust in, hips slapping into your thighs. Ace moaned into your lips loudly.
“O-Oh, I-I’m so sorry baby. Here—oh fuck you’re so soft and tight around me I w-w-want to just ngh!—L-Let me pull out—” Ace slowly dragged his thick cock from the vice grip your cunt had around him. The sudden empty sensation made you dig your nails into his skin and he purposefully slammed back into place. A shrill moan slipped from your lips as he moaned into your open mouth. Ace didn’t need to play up how incredibly turned on he was, gently resting his head on your shoulder and pressing soft kisses onto your skin. “Fuck! Sorry—I-I’m sorry baby—you startled me! T-This time I-I’ll leave you.”
Ace pulled back as reluctantly as he could but his cock didn’t even make it half way before you panicked.
“No! A-Ace—Oh Ace I-I ca-can’t—Y-You pr-prom-promised--!” Ace snapped his hips into your body again.
“Y-You mean it, baby? I-I can fuck you?” Ace whispered in that sad, pathetic voice that always made you tear up.
“Y-Yes! Yes! Ye—AH—OH F-FUCK AHN—Ace I-I-I ooohhhh~hng—ah!” You agreed and Ace wasted no time drilling into you. Slamming his cock into your body fast. Driving all thoughts from the both of you besides how thick his dick was in your cunt and how fast you were already squeezing him.
Just like before, your body was too weak to force him out even as you came. His hips overpowering you to keep fucking you harder and harder. Ace eagerly let every filthy moan and perverse thought spill from him as he worked towards his goal.
“Yes! Y-Your finally mine!”
“I’m going to fuck you so much.”
“Squeeze my cock, baby. I’m so close.”
“I almost came on your tits, you were so fucking beautiful screaming for me.”
“Do it again. Scream for me.”
“Is my thick cock driving you mad? Good.”
“I’m going to cum right here.”
“Remember how good I make you feel.”
“Only for me, baby. That’s right. For me.” Ace felt the electricity shoot up his spine like a live wire as his balls tingled. Every thrust accompanied by a lewd, wet sound from how hard he was slamming into your wet cunt. Nail marks burned along his back as you screamed for him, pussy pulsing around him.
Finally, with a hard thrust, he came as deep into your cunt as he could. The world faded out as his thick cum shot out in hot spurts. He could only faintly hear you crying against his shoulder as his hips made aborted thrusts to fuck his cock deeper. Shakily, Ace rubbed your back, panting into your skin.
It was only after he felt his cock soften that he registered you were crying. Leaning back but not removing himself from the warmth of your dripping cunt, Ace looked at your face.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Ace cradled your face gently, pressing kisses to your cheeks. “Let me make it better.”
“I-I-I… How could I?” You whimpered, shaking your head, “I-I betrayed him!”
Ace frowned, pussy-drunk mind slow to process. When it did, he nearly snarled. Almost threw you to the ground to fuck those stupid thoughts from your sweet, impressionable head.
“No! Baby, no you didn’t!” Ace whispered, kissing your lips softly as he made gentle thrusts to hopefully distract you. “He’d want you to be happy. He cared about you so much… and you’ve been so upset. You’ve lost so much weight. You can barely sleep. You haven’t done anything wrong. Put those nasty thoughts out of your head.” Ace slowly started fucking you again.
You moaned, conflicted but still not thinking straight.
“I-I shouldn’t be… It’s so wrong. O-Oh~A-Ace!” You moaned as you felt his cock begin to harden inside you, “I-I’m taking advantage of you—you’re my best friend!”
Ace chuckled, kissing you into silence.
“If this is taking advantage of me, you’re welcome to keep doing it.” Ace groaned, “I’ve always loved you, baby… I just want to see you happy again. Please…”
Ace’s thrusts sped up, disrupting your sobs with moans as the mix of cum dripped down both your thighs. Ace leaned forward, forcing you back and reaching a new angle that had you weak instantly, head slamming into the cabinet. Forcefully fucking you harder against the counter, Ace smiled. Ace grabbed your thighs and lifted you up, walking over to the kitchen table.
Ace shoved you flat onto the table, lifting your hips up to directly fuck into your body. Your tears of misplaced guilt were quickly replaced by pleasure as Ace drilled into you.
He had wanted to play nice and gentle. Let you slowly forget about Law.
But it seems like he needed to take a more firm approach.
“…Trust me.”
Starting with your inability to sleep.
Fucking you hard until you passed out on his cock seemed like a wonderful start on the road to recovering from your useless ex. One day you’d forget his name entirely. Ace was going to make sure of it.
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wobster109 · 3 years
Clouded Kokoro thoughts (spoilers)-
This whole case was just so persistently sweet and human. I mean, it was definitely uncomfortably filled with racism (by intentional, purposeful design), but still. I just want every character to be better off and have a good life. There’s newlyweds constable Roly Beate and Pat Beate, all scraggly and covered in patches. He works long hours and just wanted to take her out for their anniversary, and she loves the single rose pitifully wrapped in old newspaper that he presents her, and doesn’t complain about their sparse life.
Then there’s old married couple John and Joan Garrideb, and they’re just full of secrets… secrets that are gradually revealed throughout the case. But the last secret came when John took the stand. Despite having a fight where Joan slapped him and threw stuff and him and literally caught the apartment on fire, he voluntarily got on the stand with her… no small feat as he has a bad knee and is chair-bound! His apartment is two flights of stairs up, and he wasn’t even summoned, but he took the stand anyway so his wife wouldn’t have to be alone.
And standing there, for the first time, I could see him from the back, revealing the back of his robe stained and worn through at the seat, and it broke my heart! And that’s what he does through and through, doing his best to keep up appearances when his life is going to pieces. He wears a ruffled jabot and military medal over his tattered and stained bathrobe. He pretends to have a maid whom he can’t afford. The house is falling down around his ears. And his undergarments showing through his robe is just tragic. I- I just want him to be happy in his old age.
I’m falling a little in love with goofy old Herr Lock??? There’s some weird chemistry in their Great Deduction dance. And he called me partner. And he invited Susato and me to live with him! And oddly, every time I try to write him off as a ridiculous fool, he turns around and proves me wrong. Like when he revealed he hadn’t actually accused Natsume-san, and had only deduced his location. Or when he wrecked Natsume-san after the trial.
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Will I end up shipping Herlock Sholmes x Ryuu? Maybe?? Idk??? Not fully over Kazuma yet but I’m feeling something for Sholmes here!
Ok, Ryuunosuke is pretty cute when he’s confident and making deductions. Way cuter than when he’s sweating and twitching in court lol!
One complaint though… why are the cases so easy? They are long but each step is fairly obvious. Especially “pursue” is super obvious… too obvious in my opinion. The visual thought bubble, the audio exclamation, and the ! sign on the circular slider.
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But beyond that, what evidence to present also feels too obvious. Too often, we get evidence and then it’s used in the very next step. I remember in the original trilogy, I had to think (and honestly, guess) a lot of the time, and somehow that made it more satisfying.
Bruce really came through for me. I thought he was a sleaze ball last time, but I’ve misjudged. I’m sorry I tried to pin Milverton on him.
Prosecutor van Zieks came through for me too. I loled when he told Joan he “couldn’t recall”, hah! I’m not surprised - this is case 4 out of 5, and prosecutors tend to turn into my allies around then. Will I end up shipping Ryuu x Reaper? Shipping with the prosecutor tends to be a thing that happens in Ace Attorney games, so maybe?
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I was all set to love Kazuma forever, but I have to say, Barok van Zieks is incredibly beautiful. I mean, lots of characters are cute or cool or even attractive, but not many are beautiful. Miles Edgeworth is beautiful. Barok van Zieks can give Miles Edgeworth a run for the title.
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Fool’s Rush In
Chapter 20
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Book: TRR
Pairing: Liam x Riley
Warnings: Language and mentions of weird sexual stuff
**Thanks @burnsoslow​. for pre-reading and “The Army” girls for snippet reads.
“An email from the Countess?” Ana questioned curiously, just before hitting the video attachment that came with it. Her plush lips soon curved into an enchanted grin when it became apparent who the subjects in the video were and precisely what they were doing together. “Looks like you’re about to get your hard-hitting royal news after all.”
Having finally retrieved his phone, Donnie situated himself upright in the bed and began playing the same email attachment as his lover. By the sounds of the grunts and groans coming from Ana’s phone, it was apparent to the ace-reporter what he was about to watch -- even if the occasional horse neighs were a little confusing. 
Within seconds of hitting play, the man’s jaw dropped wide open as he took in the content. 
“Holy shit, dude, Is that …?”
Ana's intrigued gaze tore from her phone screen and raised a brow at Donnie. “The King’s head guard dressed like a cowboy spanking Lucretia Nevrakis and licking another woman wearing a horse mask in a barn?” She shook her head. “Yes … and did you just call me ‘dude’?”
Ignoring her question, the couple resumed watching for a few more seconds, their facial expressions morphing from one of intrigue to utter disgust when finally Lucretia went full-frontal, nudity before the camera, then spreading wide for Bastien. “Oh, God! The hell?” Donnie grimaced as Ana slapped a hand over her mouth next to him and turned her head away. “I can’t watch this shit.” He lamented, quickly shutting his phone off.
After Ana followed suit and powered her cell off too, the pair sat in uncomfortable silence, simultaneously staring blankly at the same wall across from them, neither knowing what to say or think about what they had just watched together. Eventually, Ana lifted the satin sheet covering her waist up a little higher over her breast, a sense of sleaze and uncleanliness rooting itself and sprouting throughout her body. “I … I don’t know what part was worse: Mystery horsewoman with the guinea pig in Bastien or Lucretia’s wrinkled tramp-stamp with ‘Connie’ written inside what I can only assume is a dick.”
Donnie pinched the bridge of his nose. “Let’s be clear: there was no worse part. It was all worse! What the hell was that, anyway?”
The Trend editor just shook her head slowly with a glazed-over expression in her eyes; she finally spoke, “I … I think I’m going to go now.” 
“Ana! Don’t let this ruin our night.”
Her expression turned remorseful at his pleading; it had been a great night. “I’m sorry, Mr. Brine. I need to be alone.”
Neither one could look at the other. Ana slowly raised from the bed, gathering up her scattered clothes from the floor, tearing her bra from the doorknob, and then slipped on her heels. Why the Countess sent that video to them, she’d never know, but as she and Donnie exchanged a timid wave of goodbye, Ana left knowing she would never forgive Madeleine Amaranth for ruining the best night of sex she ever had.
This had to be some kind of bizarre and insane mistake.
And usually, Donnie Brine would call this “hard-hitting” new’s story into the station and scramble for the nearest camera to report on it. 
This was not something he would ever share with Cordonia, nor would the duo realize what they just watched was not the video the Countess intended to send them.
A baby. My baby. I’m going to be a father. Those words were all Liam could think about as he rode through the glittery neon boulevards of Las Vegas toward the hospital. At that moment, the clear blue heavens above him could open wide and strike him down with a bolt of thunder, and he’d swear he wouldn’t have felt a thing. The King was riding a wave of euphoria unlike anything he’d ever experienced; Riley loved him and was carrying his baby. Nothing in all the world mattered anymore.
Before taking off, it was clear that Bastien likely escaped during the brother’s brawl in the front yard of Riley’s home and apparently took the keys to the Escalade they arrived in with him. The neighborly Burt, who moments prior had a shotgun aimed at the royal duo, reluctantly agreed to drive into the city to drop them off at the hospital on his way to pick up his daughter on the east side of town. He gruffly mentioned, "my girl never learned not to kick her customers in the frank 'n' beans and steal their shit," but neither of the brothers paid much attention.
Riding in the back of a truck while sitting on a spare tire through sunny downtown Vegas wasn’t the way Liam intended to get there, but he was dead set on finding his Pussycat by any means necessary. And, of course, Leo called shotgun but was nice enough to offer his little brother the opportunity to “ride bitch”.
Liam unequivocally declined.
During the bumpy 25-minute ride to Valley Hospital, Liam wondered how it was possible to get everything he ever wanted in such a brief span of time. Literally, his entire heart's desires were being gifted to him one by one; it was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. All he ever wanted was to find happiness, a chance to love, and have a genuine family of his own -- Not an arrangement that would guarantee him a life of misery at worst or of mediocrity at best. When he stepped foot in Sin City several weeks ago, depressed and hopeless at the prospects of his impending marriage to Madeleine, never did he expect life and fate would throw him a twist in the tale. All it took was a weekend bachelor party, an awkwardly shy woman mistaking him for her Tinder date, and a ton of hard booze shared between them to change the entire trajectory of his life. 
Once the rusted-out truck came to a stop at the emergency entrance, Liam wasted no time climbing over the truck’s wooden rail sides and rushing through the revolving doors. Leo’s heavy footsteps could be heard racing behind him. 
Liam’s heart pounded as the seconds -- which seemed liked hours -- ticked by. Not since he was a young boy waiting on his mother to return from her trip in Auvernal had he been more excited to reunite with someone.
Escorted through the long, winding hallways by hospital security to the radiology department, Liam was led inside a room, where his breath instantly hitched at catching his first glimpse of Riley in two-and-a-half days.
Sitting at the foot of an exam table, dressed in a hospital gown, slender legs bare and swinging freely over the side, Riley’s head snapped up at the sound of the door opening. “Liam,” she whispered, relief dripping from her eyes before sliding off the table.
“Pussycat,” he breathed, unable to contain his emotions as she nearly sprinted the short distance between them and into his waiting arms. “I have missed you terribly, Love.”
Riley held onto him tightly, afraid to let go. “I’m so sorry, Liam. I’m so very sorry,” her strangled voice choked out. “I never should have listened to Madeleine.”
“Shhhh. You have nothing to be sorry about,” Liam assured, his hand threading and kneading through her bountiful hair comfortingly. “I watched the security footage, and I saw the way Madeleine confronted you. The way she grabbed you, the way she -- hurt you.” Liam’s face tightened before he kissed her head. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Riley answered meekly, “Because she threatened to release an old video of me being intimate during my first marriage. She told me if I didn’t leave, that video would get out and that it would look bad on you, and the council would likely strip you of your crown.” She squeezed him tighter. “I had to protect you.”
Liam looked down at his wife affectionately, placing both hands on the sides of her face, his thumbs wiping away the tears desperately clinging like morning dew to her eyes. “Sweetheart, look at me. The only thing you ever have to protect when it comes to me is my heart. I have guards -- although not the best -- to protect me physically. I have tradition and a birthright to protect my name and crown and a military to safeguard my country. But you, Riley ... you, have the power to destroy me. You’re the keeper of my heart. The one who makes it beat. Without your love to keep it going … well, let’s just say I  don’t ever want to know what that kind of pain would feel like.” They kissed once more as if it were their first and last one ever. 
Plucking out a blade of grass from his hair, Riley smiled brightly for the first time in days. “I’ll guard it with everything in me, Liam. I swear it.”
“You bet your sweet ass you will,” Liam smirked mischievously, grabbing a handful of her backside, causing her to belt out a laugh. “Besides, you took a drunken vow at the Graceland Wedding Chapel before Leo, Mongo, and Pinquee Kittee to love me tender, love me true; that’s about as sacred and binding of an oath as it gets.”
Riley chuckled. “I did. And we all know how those three are the greatest examples of loving and committed relationships.  Even if Mongo did try to steal you away from me.”
“Which worries me considering he’s apparently our ‘son.’” Liam said it tongue-in-cheek, but it instantly reminded him of the other reason he was in such a rush to get to his queen. The playfulness in his mannerisms tapered off, and he became more serious. Liam leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead before working his way lower to the tip of her nose, her lips, and further to Riley’s chin. Slowly sinking to his knees, sliding his hands down her body until he had a firm grip on her slender hips, Liam rested his own forehead on Riley’s lower tummy.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
“What’s that?” Riley asked softly.
Liam placed a lingering kiss onto the thin covering over her flat tummy and glanced up into her gleaming eyes, both filled with ceaseless wonder and rapture. “How you can love someone so much that you’ve never met.”
Riley blinked away a tear, her tiny fingers tracing feather-like trails through his hair. “I know, and yet somehow I’ve been asking myself that question since I met you.”
Liam’s eyes crinkled with a tender smile. “Me too.”
Pacing languidly up and down the hallway outside the room where Liam and Riley were reuniting, Leo let out an exasperated huff before halting his steps to take a quick gander through the long glass window of the door. Leo smiled at watching his brother and sister-in-law embrace and seemed thrilled to be with one another again. And the prospects of -- in his mind -- becoming an uncle “again” was cool and all, but he was bored as hell. Liam was adamant about the former prince staying put and giving him this time needed to speak with Riley in private. Usually, Leo would pay no attention to what Liam asked of him, but maybe, just maybe, it was time for him to get serious and act like the adult he was. Read the room. Respect boundaries. Know when to quit.
Or maybe not.
Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he headed back in the direction that he and Liam had been led from moments ago, looking for something to kill time.  Strolling leisurely past a set of double doors that displayed “Emergency” in big red letters next to them, a thought suddenly struck, and he took two gliding steps backward. Leo lifted a speculative brow; there was something in the inner machination of his chaotic brain that told him to follow his gut, head inside, and he wouldn’t be sorry. Never one to ignore an instinct or impulse, Leo punched the large metallic button on the wall, causing one of the automatic doors to swing open. 
After stepping inside, he meandered around for a minute, not exactly sure what he was looking for but hoping he might catch a glimpse of a hot nurse walking around without a top on who would want to do naughty things to him. Or perhaps, a naked lady doctor with a nice ass who would manhandle him out of the emergency department, but who he’d eventually win over with his impeccable good looks and god-like sex appeal. He could pretend to be her patient, and if he were lucky, she’d have a bad bedside manner.
Passing a row of draped exam rooms, Leo noticed one curtain pulled open and a young brunette, with part of her thong showing, crouched on the floor, peeking stealthily through the blue drapery that divided the area from the patient on the opposite side.
Curious now to what this woman was so interested in from the next exam room, Leo crossed his arm and stared downward at the floor, lightly whistling a tune, as two doctors walked past him. When they rounded a corner, Leo edged closer to the curtain to listen in.
“Mr. Walker, do you feel any pain when I do this?”
“Ow! What the fuck do you think?” 
At hearing Drake’s irascible voice, Leo’s ears instantly shot up. “No way,” Leo mumbled in astonishment to himself. “Walker is here?” The last he knew, Drake was supposed to have headed back to Cordonia the day before. He leaned in closer.
“You pinched my dick with a pair of damn tweezers. Yeah, you could say there’s a little pain there. Shit!”
Leo clamped a fist over his mouth to keep from busting out. Of all the places his naughty gut had ever led him to, knowing Drake was here and having transplanted dick problems may have been in his top 100 --Nothing would ever beat running with the bulls in Barcelona with Kanye and a very stoned Prince Charles. Leo smiled fondly at the memory before shaking his head and getting back to business.
“We’re just making sure you have feeling in your penis, Mr. Walker.”
“Then touch it with a fucking finger. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you people? You wanna take a jackhammer to my knees next and see if they feel pain too?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Leo overheard the doctor tell Drake. “I expect you’re going to be fine, Mr. Walker. I didn’t see any major discoloration aside from a deep bluish hue to your testicles --” Leo snorted out loudly, causing the doctor to turn his head briefly to the disruption outside the curtain, before clearing his throat and continuing, “A hearty ejaculation or two should clear that right up. When was the last time you --”
“I’ll take care of it,” Drake hastily interrupted in a peevish tone, not wanting the physician to finish the question.
“Very well then. You should be fine. I’ll have the nurse get your discharge papers together, and you can be on your way … And, sir ... try to avoid getting ninja smacked by hookers in the future.”
“I’ll see what I can do …. asshole.” Drake snarled under his breath.
Feeling spunky, an impish grin crossed Leo’s lips as he strolled away undetected from Drake’s doctor leaving his room. “The Drakesters not going anywhere just yet,” he snickered, heading toward a cart with blue scrubs that he passed earlier. “Paging Dr.Wolfshitz to trauma room one. Stat.”
Still peeking inconspicuously into the next exam room, Alyssa’s gaze followed Drake’s doctor and a nurse as they exited to work on his discharge. She remained motionless and quiet, barely breathing, fearful she’d get caught. Why she hadn’t looked away yet was beyond her. What was only supposed to be a little looksie at the man, to quench her gnawing intrigue over what was below his belt, had now left her drawn to him.
And while Alyssa saw for herself that everything was normal down there, -- humungous, actually -- it was the sadness and hurt in his deep chocolate eyes that kept the perky, petite woman in spy mode. 
“You can stop hiding behind that curtain, Riley’s friend,” Drake grumbled.
“Eep!” Alyssa yelped at being caught and took a quick step back, nearly toppling clumsily over her feet. He couldn’t have been talking about her. He wasn’t even looking in her direction when he said it. She had been so careful to remain hidden. But who the hell else could he be talking to? Alyssa held her breath, hoping another one of Riley’s friends was hidden on the other side.
“I saw your little beady eyes watching me. Might as well come out from behind that curtain and laugh in my face … you wouldn’t be the first one.”
There were no doubts he was talking about her now. Frozen in panic and unable to move, Alyssa’s cheeks burned, and her heart raced at getting called out. She wondered why she couldn’t have just left well enough alone. If curiosity killed the cat, Alyssa just spent all nine of her lives.
“That’s how it's gonna be, huh?” Drake called out to her again in a snarky tone, yet Alyssa didn’t dare move. “That’s fine. I know I’m just a big joke to everyone now.” He lowered his voice just slightly in self-pity. “Maybe in some ways, I always have been.”
That stung. Alyssa couldn’t discern whether he was actually upset with her about snooping on him -- he probably was -- or as the nagging feeling in her gut was telling her: he just needed a friend. Taking in a deep breath, she skittishly slipped the curtain aside, avoiding eye contact and forcing only a diffident smile. “I’m … I’m sorry.”
He smiled back. “I’m not. I’m Drake.”
With Riley discovering she was pregnant, the E.R. attending opted to forego continuing with the ordered x-rays, believing she had nothing more than a bruised tailbone from her fall, anyway. With the pain she experienced since the encounter with Madeleine, the doctor wanted her to have an ultrasound to ensure everything was fine with the baby and date the pregnancy.
Riley laid back on the exam table, feet planted and legs separated. A technician gingerly moved around an ultrasound probe under the sheet draped from her waist to her bent up knees. Riley and Liam vigilantly watched the screen, anxiously waiting for the black-and-white image to produce the first glimpse of their baby.
Flashing a timid smile, Riley glanced up at Liam, who was hovering over her with his eyes transfixed on the screen. Noticing her unsure look, he leaned down and whispered, “Everything okay, love?”
She shook her head almost imperceptibly and answered meagerly with all seriousness, “What if … what if our baby has a beard, Liam?”
The bewildered king puckered his forehead, unsure what to say. “Wh--why would the baby have a beard, pussycat?” He squeezed her hand reassuringly before she yanked it away and covered her eyes in embarrassment.
She sucked in an unsteady breath, impervious to the prodding continuing below. “Because my Aunt Clem’s firstborn came out with a tiny goatee like that munchkin from the Lollipop Guild,” she began to whimper in increasing frustration, plucking at the tip of her chin.
Liam’s eyes widened as he blew out a huff of air. “Then … I suppose … we’ll stick him in a carnival or something.” He chuckled despite himself. “Or get him one of those top hats and a cane.”
“It was a girrrrrrl,” Riley cried out, covering her face again. “My dad’s family is from Kentucky … there’s gotta be inbreeding somewhere in the past. Our baby will come out looking like a mini Chewbacca, and it’s all my fault. Oh god! What have I done to our child?” She sniffled through her rant, “If you want a divorce, I’ll understand.”
Normally able to keep a stoic demeanor in any kind of situation, Liam just couldn’t do it in this instance. He turned his face away to prevent his wife from seeing the giant smirk on his face and to take a moment to regain his composure from wanting to bust out at her theatrics. He didn’t know what the hell he married into or why this woman he loved so much all of a sudden had forgotten she was adopted. 
It would be an interesting nine months.
Riley frowned with a simper, “You can’t even look at me. I’ll have to raise this little hairball all by myself. They’ll have us in the ‘weird things’ section of the National Enquirer next to Drake.”
She was correct: he couldn’t look at her -- she was being completely ridiculous. Liam’s shoulders bounced against his stifled laughter. “Dear God, Riley. You’ve got to stop.”
“You’re laughing at me.”
Unaware of the pair of eyes at the foot of the exam table, glaring between the couple in absolute confusion, the technician performing the scan cleared her throat to break the tension. “I hate to interrupt … this.” She nodded between the two.”But, here’s your baby.” She tapped her fingertip on the screen to a small oblong shape on the monitor with a tiny white form in the center. Riley lowered her hands from her teary face and whipped her head around at the same time Liam did, both wholly captivated. “It’s too early to tell if there is a … goatee. But this little flicker right here --” She pointed out. “-- Is where the heart is beating.”
Feeling his wife’s hand grip his tighter, Liam stood motionless for a moment as he watched the tech pause the screen to get measurements before sucking in his lips and dropping his head onto Riley’s shoulder. “Did you see the heart beating, my love? That’s our baby. Our perfect baby.”
Blinking back a tear of joy, Riley turned her head toward her shoulder to meet Liam’s adoring eyes. “Thank you for not covering your lizard.”
Blushing from head to toe in guilt and embarrassment, Alyssa took a step inside of Drake’s room, letting the curtain fall back behind her. Twirling a section of hair around her finger, she continued to apologize, feeling it was the right thing to do. “Again, I’m really sorry, Mr. Walker --”
“I told you my name is Drake. Mr. Walker was my father’s name. Please, just call me Drake,” he insisted in a softer tone that took the awkward-feeling Alyssa by surprise.
“Drake,” she repeated as she picked at the cuticle of her thumbnail, “I shouldn’t have been watching you, and I know I invaded your privacy. I swear, in spite of what this looks like, I’m not some creeper. I just thought … “ Alyssa looked away bashfully, twisting on her feet. “you’re really handsome.” It was true, even if she knew damn well that’s not why she peeked in at him.
Drake cocked a brow, calling her bluff. “Really?” he replied skeptically. ”That’s the only thing you were looking at?”
Dabbing at her increasingly perspiring forehead and feeling the blood drain into her feet, Alyssa declared, “I think I’m going to pass out now.”
Sensing she was serious, Drake quickly tapped the rolling chair next to his bed and insisted she sit down. Walking on wobbly legs, Alyssa finally plopped down on the chair and fanned her ashen face with one hand. Drake quickly twisted the cap off an unopened bottle of cold water one of the nurses had given him and offered it to Alyssa. She gratefully took it and guzzled a giant swig from the plastic container. Soon her breathing normalized, and the color in her face started to pinken again.
Drake stared at her in concern. “Do you want me to yell for the doctor?”
Alyssa shook her head insistently. “No. I’m better now. I just got a little anxious, is all, but I deserved it. I shouldn’t have looked at you.” She paused for a moment before offering a genuine smile. “By the way: I don’t think you’re a joke, and I would never laugh at you. I really do think you’re handsome.”
He could tell what she was saying to him was true, and for the first time in weeks, it felt nice to have someone to talk to who didn’t want to discuss a certain medical procedure he’d recently undergone. “I appreciate that … Alyssa, right?” She nodded her head. “You have beautiful eyes --”
“I hate to interrupt this party, -- ay,” A doctor in blue scrubs, a surgical cap, mask, and a horrible Canadian accent came strolling in gleefully, almost out of nowhere. “It’s time for your surgery, Mr. Walkersan -- ay.”
Drake shot straight up in his bed, glaring at the man. “What?” he screeched. “I’m getting discharged. That other doctor said I was fine.”
“Oh no, no, no -- ay. Doctor … Pepper … Stein, sent me down here to wheel you at once into surgery. Your test results showed a lot of icky stuff that needs to be taken care of at once lest you lose your manhood again. Ay.”
Narrowing his eyes, Drake shot back. “What bad stuff?”
“Uh, let me see here -- ay,” Leo began flipping through a makeshift chart he was holding in his hands and pretending to scan over a particular page. “Oy me. There seems to be … algae overgrowth in the upper ... sphincter of the … Dua Lipa -- ay. And thees muy crabs have set up a colony on the Los ballsackos.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” Drake asked incredulously while Alyssa patted his arm comfortingly. “What the hell is a Los ballsackos?”
“Es los ballsackos is los ballsackos.” Leo hastily scolded as he eyed Drake sternly. “We shan't have no time to waste. Das ist Viener schloggin … we remove the viewer and then the scloggin or there be little la cucarachas crawling everywhere -- la vie en rose, amigo.”
“No one’s removing my viener, or my scloggin!” Drake protested.
“Excuse me,” Alyssa rose to her feet, knowing there was something off with this sketchy acting doctor. “I speak fluent Spanish and French, and I can tell you, almost none of that made sense. Not to mention the fact that I believe part of that was German and ancient English. ¿De dónde sacaste tu título, doctor?”
Leo’s bright blue eyes dulled with uncertainty as Alyssa crossed her arms, awaiting a response. Scrambling for an answer and wishing he’d paid more attention during his language lessons, he ultimately replied with a shirk, “Eh … Despacito?”
“Despacito?” Alyssa challenged before glancing over at Drake, who was still glaring a hole into the perceived physician, then returning her gaze back to a cow-eyed Leo. “Who are you, really?”
"Who am I really?" Leo replied with a smug grin as he lowered the surgical mask that was hiding his face. "I'm Dr. Wolfschitz, baby."
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tbhwhocaresanymore · 4 years
Nancy Drew S2 Premieres Today
Please find under the cut my various hopes and dreams for the characters
I have so many hopes for Bess going forward. My main two are ones you will have heard before.
One, I want Victoria to take Bess under her wing. I loved their interactions in ep 5 while George was possessed. George accepts spn stuff these days, and as such is more understanding of her mom’s struggles with alcoholism. But I think she will always have a certain degree of resentment towards Victoria for failing to be the mother George and her sisters needed. Bess on the other hand has none of that baggage, and so if Victoria is going to be passing down her teachings to anyone I think it would be Bess. I want to see them spending more time together, sort of like an internship, and maybe Bess can advocate to George about her mom, and help them become closer.
Two, I have a very specific storyline I want to unfold with Lisbeth. We know the Marvin family in addition to being super rich is super shady, and Granny Marvin wants Bess to spy on Lisbeth to help the family out. I know Bess is torn between her family and her girlfriend because she has wanted to be a part of the Marvin family for so long, but I don’t think she would actually betray Lisbeth like that. So I want to see a storyline where we as the audience think Bess is betraying Lisbeth, and spying on her and stuff like that, (similar to Ow*n and Nancy’s fake fight in ep 11) and then right as we expect consequences WHAM. It turns out Bess was really spying on her family the whole time for some super illegal murder-y thing that happened, and Granny Marvin or someone else gets arrested. She texts Lisbeth along the lines of “everything went great, see you in an hour!” Only when she gets there Lisbeth is DEAD. And then Amaya helps her through the grief and they bond and fall in love aaaaaaaaah
Three, I’m interested in her London family. They want nothing to do with her anymore, I’m assuming because she insisted on getting to know her mom’s side of the family, but is there more to the story? I would like to find out.
Four, I want her together with Amaya their chemistry is on FIRE sorry not sorry
George and Nick
Since they are dating I’m doing them at the same time, but I have hopes for them separately and together. Starting with George:
One, I want George to start manifesting psychic powers like her mom. I have said it before and I’ll say it again. We got a glimpse of the sorts of things Victoria deals with everyday in the seance episode (ep 7) but George will never truly understand what her mother goes through until she experiences it for herself. Yes she now deals with ghosts and hauntings on a regular basis, but George can turn it off. She can step away and make out with Nick, and manage the Claw, and parent her sisters. Victoria can’t turn it off, and yes that has led to some character/parental failings on Victoria’s part but I still want her and George to have a loving relationship. Imagine George starts seeing visions and spirits and things she can’t turn off or walk away from, and finally understands how and why her mom is overwhelmed. And then imagine Victoria becoming incensed and heartbroken, because her abilities have made a mess of her life and she in no way shape or form wants it for her daughter. She immediately teaches George all the control she can, how to shut it off or block them out, and together she and George find new (sober) ways of dealing.
Two, I want to meet the Fan dads. George has two sisters, Ted and Jessie, and the three of them all have different dads. I would be fine with meeting any of them. And it would make an interesting storyline if it turns out one of the dads had no idea he had a daughter? I’m not married to any particular storyline, but there’s a lot of potential there and I want to see what the writers do with it. Onto Nick:
One, as is the case with everyone else, I want to know more about his family. They are all just chilling in Florida, and to our knowledge have never tried to meet up with their son who is now out of prison for a while now which is odd. I know from the episode description in 2x2 that his mom is going to come up for a visit, and I cannot wait to see how it plays out. He mentioned being the black sheep of the family (ep 11 I think) and the writers can’t just drop a line like that and not delve into it, come on.
Two. I know this is super random but I want him to get some sort of stable living situation. He has like 5 million bucks worth of bearer bonds he can’t just sleep on George’s couch for the rest of the show. Plus Harbor Day is over which means the hotels and stuff have opened up. I want him to have a home, is that so wrong of me? A space he can make his own and fill with classical novels and have sex with Nancy?
It’s not as specific as my Bess wish but I know how I want George and Nick’s relationship to go.
I want them to fall apart slowly against their wishes. I mentioned this in one of my earlier reviews. There is so much potential for angst here you guys. I want them to try and stay together because they do like each other, and are attracted to each other, and care about each other, but it’s just not enough. I want Nick to have situations where he consistently goes to Nancy over George for her help and neither of them really understand why. I want George to be desperate to hold onto him because she’s never really been with a guy like Nick before where she doesn’t have to hide and she likes that feeling. But despite their best efforts, it’s just not enough and they both realize it’s just not meant to be, and sadly let each other go.
Also I want Bess and George to be cousins no I will never shut up about it
Honestly Ace as a character is perfection. The writers could do anything with him and I would support it. Go crazy guys.
Although if he ended up with George I wouldn’t be opposed...
Ryan Hudson
Just two wants, and I probably won’t get either of them, but here it is.
One, we never saw how Ryan and George got together, and I’m hoping they can find a way to make it slightly less blegh. Like maybe their first run in was as a waitress/customer at the Claw, and she knew he was married but made out with him anyway, and then he pursued her after finding out she was in high school because he was already attracted to her. I despise Aria x Ezra and didn’t watch past season 2 of PLL but maybe they could do it like that, where he didn’t actually know she was 17 at first.
Two, now that they have officially established the George/Ryan thing was fucked up and in no way George’s fault and that it messed her up big time, I want Ryan to make amends. I want him to apologize to George, and have him understand that yes he wronged her, and took advantage of her, and he shouldn’t have done it. They’ll never be on great terms, but considering he is Nancy’s father hopefully they can at least get to a place where they are civil with each other, and he is always willing to help her out when she needs it.
Nancy Drew
NANCY. My girl. My babe. My daughter. Lucy’s daughter. Whatever shall we do with you.
One, no surprise here, I want Nancy to get back on good terms with Carson. I heard in an interview, I don’t remember where nor do I have the link, that Carson is going to be practicing law again this season and Nancy is going to be doing some sleuthing for him in regards to some cases. Nancy is a rational human being, and I am confident given enough time she will understand that her father was really doing what he thought was best, and trying to do right by Lucy and fulfill her dying wishes, and she’ll be able to forgive him.
Two, I want her and Ryan to get to an amicable relationship. Nancy has so many (justified) negative feelings towards Ryan, what with his whole being a rich sleaze who had an affair with a 17yo, but really as the first season went on Ryan became more and more of a sympathetic character. Now I’m not delusional, I know he’s not going to morph into an ideal father figure overnight. But I want him to work to be a part of Nancy’s life, and I want Nancy to let him. I want her to understand that yes Ryan has fucked up a lot of times, but he is capable of growth and redemption. And slowly but surely, despite her best efforts, he weasels his slightly smarmy little way into her heart. If we’re getting specific maybe Nancy can be abducted (again) and Carson and Ryan have to team up to rescue her.
Three, Nancy forgive Kate. She’s dead and she loved you and she was your mother whether or not she gave birth to you. Come on, you can do it.
Four. *deep inhale* Listen. I understand I am firmly in the minority here in a fandom filled with Nancy/Ace shippers, but I want Nick and Nancy to happen. As George and Nick slowly fall apart, I want Nancy to resist being there for Nick, to tell him he should really be going to George with these problems, and maybe they have a moment where Nancy falls off a step and Nick catches her and they’re super close for a second before JUMPING apart and immediately avoid each other for a while. I want Nancy to have feelings and fight them because she and George are on good terms and she knows Nick is good for George, and doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that friendship or their relationship.
Five, apparently Nancy is getting a new love interest 2 days after Ow*n’s death and I may have hated him but she was fairly into him and as such I am not here for it. Go away new love interest. We don’t want you here.
Dead Lucy
I don’t care in what capacity she is present but listen I NEED my dead traumatized daughter in this show okay? Dead Lucy is my hands down favorite character and I love and support her and if she moves on or finds peace or whatever after sticking around for 20 years just because I will RIOT. But specific wants, just a couple.
One, I have a scene in my head. It is a very specific scene. Nancy is on the bluffs and she turns around, and Lucy is there. Not screaming, not haunting, just there. Nancy is afraid to move, afraid to blink, afraid to breathe. But slowly, she walks up to Lucy. Lucy is standing there, bedraggled and dead, staring at her daughter who grew up to be so beautiful. Nancy is right in front of her. Lucy slowly lifts a hand to touch her cheek and Nancy gasps a little because she can’t quite feel it, not really, but almost. She whispers ‘hi mom’ and closes her eyes, there’s a wind, and Lucy is gone.
Two, I want a Lucy vs Aglaeca showdown. I have no idea what they have planned for the Aglaeca origin story, and it’s fairly likely she will have been victimized by the Marvin family somehow, but right now she is going after Nancy and Lucy is not going to stand for it. Aglaeca shows up to try and take their souls and then Lucy goes all Molly Weasley on her ass and does that deathly scream thing and TACKLES the Aglaeca, and then screams her off just like “NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH.” and buys the Drew Crew time to do whatever Aglaeca banishing ritual they need to do. That would be nifty.
That’s it
Wow this post turned out to be a lot longer than I expected but there you have it. Hit me up in the notes or in my asks, lmk what you guys want to see for season 2. Oh but please bare in mind, I do live in CA and so see this show three hours after anyone living on the East Coast, and will be actively avoiding spoilers.
Can’t wait until tonight when 2x1, The Search for the Midnight Wraith airs. Stay tuned for my review xo
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ghoul-lover9000 · 4 years
Dating Ace Merrill Would Include
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You’re the nicest person in Castle Rock. Everyone loves you. You’ve never done anything wrong ever! At least, most of the residents of your small town believe this. Your reputation is pristine, your look is clean-cut, but your actions when no one is looking are less than pure. 
I fully believe that Ace would be over the moon about a slightly manipulative, secretly bad person. Like you steal things from the General Store, but who would suspect you! You’re so respectful and upstanding; it was probably the neighborhood hooligans at it again. 
Ace catches you taking some cash from a store’s register while the clerk was in the backroom and he cannot believe his eyes. The same person who helps old ladies cross the street or what-the-fuck-ever is stealing from the local grocer. 
He comes up to you at school and slyly mentions it. “So, babe, you make a habit out of stealing?” You’re taken aback, you were so careful and, after years, you’ve finally been caught by one of the infamous guys in school. “What are you talking about, sleaze ball?” 
Let’s cut to the chase, you both come to a mutual understanding. You go on with your stealing and he takes a 20% cut. (You both negotiate for an hour or so. You’re both so fucking stubborn.) This business proposition is the start of a beautiful… sexual relationship. 
Yeah, you both are attracted to each other and you both are horny high school kids. Things happen. (Could go into detail, but that’s for another imagine, for another day)
However, he gets possessive of you. If one of his boys sees you at a Drive-In movie with Tommy Richardson, you best believe Tommy’s tires are gonna be slashed and Ace is coming to have a chat with you. Ace: What do you think you’re doing running around with a meathead like Richardson. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realize I was your ward. What are you, the holy unfeeling Ace, so jealous about anyway?” Ace: I’m not jealous, just making sure you’re not going straight for good. I gotta make sure I get my cut. “Well, cool down, hot head, it’s an act. Sweetest girl in school like me and I haven’t got a fella. I can’t just sneak around. My reputation would take a hit and that threatens your precious money more than me going out to a shitty movie with the only guy in town that’s a bigger asshole than you.” Ace: Oh, my reputation, my reputation, my reputation. Can you be concerned  with anything other than what local busybodies say about you? Then, we wouldn’t have to sneak aro-… “Finish that sentence.” Ace: No. “No, finish. You don’t want to sneak around? What more do you want?” Ace: You’re putting words in my mouth. Just stop being so uptight all of the time. “No, it’s all so clear. You really are jealous of Tommy! You like-” Ace: Shut up! “No, Merrill. You like me, you want me to be your girl. You wanna go steady!” Ace: Fine, you fucking menace. What if I do? “Well, then I guess you’ll have to take me out, dream boat.”
Your first date is very representative of the both of you. You work your magic and, instead of money, you get a bunch of snacks (Box of Atomic Fire Balls, Box of Sugar Babies, two Cokes, two big bags of Bar-B-Q chips, and a pint of vanilla ice cream). After the heist, Ace drives you guys up to a point that overlooks Castle Rock. You both sit on the hood of the car, snack, smoke, and ask each other some of the stupidest questions ever. A few quotes from the night- “What are three things that you would buy to weird out a clerk?” “You would not survive the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Aliens would inhabit your body in the first few days.” “The zombie apocalypse is nigh. You have a baseball bat and station wagon. What’s your next move?” 
You both stop sneaking around and the whole town is shocked. You with Castle Rock’s violent leader of the Cobras? Anytime someone asked you what you’re doing, you just smile secretively and say, “Oh, I don’t know. He’s not that bad.” 
You would never say out loud that Ace had a soft spot for you because, to quote Ace himself, “I’m not soft, sweetheart”, but he’s so soft for you. 
He likes to see you wearing his Hawaiian shirts, especially around town because, like stated before, he is possessive as fuck and wants the whole town to know whose girl you are. 
The Cobras know not to make fun of how whipped he is for you because he will make them eat dirt if they do. Also, they know about your undesirable habits, so you kind of become apart of the gang a little bit because they’ll ask for favors from you like “Hey, Y/N, I scored another date with Nancy Baughman and I was wondering if you could steal some *whispers* rubbers from the Johnson’s General Store. I don’t got any money and, plus, my mom is real close with Mrs. Johnson and you know how people talk.” “Say no more.”
You both are very sarcastic in the way you call each other pet names. It’s so confusing to other people. Ace: Y/N, darling, love of my life, what the fuck are you doing? “Acey-baby, stud muffin, what does it look like, dumb fuck?” He does call you “baby” on a regular basis, the only pet name that isn’t completely sarcastic. 
You only call him John, his real name, in really intimate situations where you both are alone like late at night when he’s snuck into your house when he can’t be at home anymore. 
He ruffles your hair a lot. I have no real explanation for this except that he just wants to piss you off by messing up your hair, the little shit. 
Any guy who flirts with you or harasses you is dead. He’ll fight the whole school for you. Really, who’s dumb enough to fight him? He’s made it known to the whole town that he’s a force to be reckoned with. 
You both go out for rides together and he’s just the smallest bit less reckless with you in the car. Don’t bring it up because he will start swerving back and forth on the road like an asshole if you do. 
When you walk around town together, he gets more glares than usual because everyone thinks that he’s corrupting you and trying to turn you into a bad egg. You think it’s hilarious and you bring it up as much as you can. *Ace offers you a beer* “Oh, Ace Merrill, you bad boy, you! Introducing me to alcohol, the sinner’s water.” Ace: Do you want the fucking drink or not. 
He gets you back for the previous bullet point when Teddy Duchamp gets a very obvious crush on you for a month or so and unashamedly starts talking to you when he sees you around town. *Teddy starts walking up to you with the unwavering confidence of a peacock*        Ace: Oh, look, Y/N, it’s your preteen knight here to sweep you off your feet. (Also Ace: Beat it, Duchamp. She’s mine.)
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
fahc Jack teaching Ryan how to gamble (or being undercover at the casino and Geoff's chosen outfit is ridic)
Oh my God, I love it?
Even better if Ryan is clearly Jack’s ~trophy husband for their cover, right?
Because look, no one knows the Vagabond’s face and it’s a nice one, and also these jackasses owe Jack one just this once. (And conveniently no one recognizes Jack, because he’s usually piloting a chopper/plane/wearing some ridiculous mask someone chose as the theme for the heist.
Jack is, just like you, Ryan, are the eye candy and I am this filthy rich businessman/whatever. Something lucrative or what have you and he swoops into town with Ryan on his arm.
Gavin and Matt have arranged things so the people at the casino thinks he’s a high roller, real VIP. (He is, but that’s not the point and also Geoff, maybe go pick out something for your cover, and for God’s sake pick something tasteful this time!!1!)
And then!
High roller!Jack and his boy toy - “I thought I was the eye candy?” - stroll into the casino and make for the high limit tables.
Ryan snags a flute of champagne on the way because he’s oh so pretty and kind of dumb and all the cards confuse him?
Then there’s Jack who’s an old pro at this, clearly an experienced gambler or what have you and he’s patiently teaching Ryan the finer points of poker.
Spends an hour explaining the different hands and whatnot at a table with other high rollers, one of which is their target, and it’s obvious all the info is going in one ear and right out the other.
Which works out to their advantage because Ryan loses every hand, and Jack breaks even. Lulls their target into a false sense of security and they take to shadowing Jack and Ryan because easy pickings? (Or maybe they’re a sleaze and Ryan’s their type, whatever.)
Jack takes Ryan over to a Blackjack table because maybe that’ll be easier for him to understand? (It is and isn’t, because Ryan does okay but he can never remember the value of the face cards and what is up with teh aces??? Pick a number value for God’s sake.)
From there they go to the roulette tables and oh, God, that’s kind of a nightmare because that’s when they run into some idiot who thinks he’s a cowboy? Keeps betting everything on black and insisting Ryan do the same, and then there’s the weirdo in the…the Ensemble.
Horrific fashion sense the likes of which neither Jack nor Ryan have ever seen. (It even throws the cowboy off for a moment.)
Everyone’s fascinated/mesmerized by the guy they don’t notice when the cowboy slips something to Ryan who slips it to Jack who accidentally bumps into their target.
“Oh, God, sorry, I didn’t meant to, are you alright?” and so on.
Meanwhile, their target has a tracker/listening device/whatever attached to their person that Gavin and Matt are totally hooked into because movie magic RE technological gadgets and the like?
And as Jack persists in teaching Ryan how roulette works their target goes off to change - Jack spilled his drink on them you see, created an unsightly stain on their expensive clothing they can’t bear to be seen with.
Goes up to their room, and there’s a briefcase locked away in a safe - PLOT REASONS - they check on while they’re there. (A bit obsessively, it’s true, they’re a bit nervous by nature and having this briefcase and its contents is ramping that up exponentially. Thank goodness they’re meeting with a buyer later in the week, someone who may or may not be affiliated with a rival crew to this Fake AH Crew they’ve heard such unflattering things about. Incouth ruffians, that bunch.)
And, conveniently, thanks to the sleight of hand and teamwork down on the casino floor, Gavin and Matt get their grubby little mitts on the safe combination/code and its location and all kinds of previously unknown information.
After a bit the target goes back downstairs, but to their disappointment Jack and Ryan are nowhere to be seen, and the same goes for the two fashion challenged gentlemen. (Pity, they were remarkably entertaining.)
The target goes off to see if the betting’s any good on the dog/horse races - always a bit thrilling, those, added bit of risk and the like with the unpredictable nature of animals and the what.
After that it’s some fine dining at the casino restaurant, and dessert and drinks and, well. It’s a good long while until they return to their room, which.
Unfortunate for them, seeing as how someone’s broken into their room.
They don’t know that, yet, however. Won’t know until they do another check on the briefcase only to learn about the break in then because the briefcase is empty.
No, wait.
There’s a playing card left in its place, a joker with a bent edge the likes of which the man in the Ensemble was using when he was caught cheating and escorted from the premsis. (Shortly before the string of events where JAck spilled their drink on the target and the timing can’t be a coincidence, ca it?)
The target runs back to the casino floor, out of the casino itself as though they thin they can catch the bastards behind all of this to no avail.
Meanwhile, meanwhile, meanwhile, the Fakes have the briefcase’s contents - hard drive with Vtial Information they can use to take down their rival crew or net them a nice rich reward or something along those lines - all smug and victorious.
Jack and Ryan have started another game of poker with the others, lights down save for the ones over the table, because Atmosphere.
Geoff’s Geoff laughing and a little too smug about how smoothly things went, still wearing bits of his horrendous fashion choices and Jeremy eyeing his own hand of cards dubiously.
Trevor’s got this little smirk going on and Alfredo’s looking a touch concerned. Fiona’s losing patience and Lindsay is playing her own game, card close to her chest and terrifying everyone there without really trying.
Michael’s over by Gavin on the couch watching these idiots trying to outbluff one antoher, sipping at his drink and heckling the fuck out of them. Matt playing with his new puzzle or whatever and absently heckling them and really, it was a good day for them all told.
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squirrelnotsam · 6 years
Ghost Rider
Ship: Reader X OMC; Reader X Dean?
Characters: Reader, William (OMC), Dean, Baby
Warnings: I don’t know TV show violence, cheating, let me know if I forget something
Summary: Your boyfriend, trying to get into your pants, buys you a ‘67 Chevy Impala. Little did he know the past owner; Dean Winchester’s soul is attached to it.
Word Count: Approximately 3,290
Created for @sdavid09 #Tale Teller’s Plot Bunny Challenge 2019
A/N: I have this recurring dream of Dean’s ghost leaning against Baby just waiting for me. When I read the plot bunny, I just had to use it. As I was writing this piece, I realized all the different possibilities the story could have gone in. I am not happy with the ending it’s not the one I envisioned for this piece. I am making do due to time constraints. I would appreciate any kind of feedback both positive and negative.
Image lifted from Super-Wiki
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Chuck Shurley once said, “This 1967 Chevrolet Impala would turn out to be the most important car…no, the most important object in pretty much the whole universe.” That is why it is such a shame to find it on a used car lot in Phoenix, Arizona.  William crawled around under the Impala, checking hoses and clamps. He opened the hood and checked the fluids. The engine compartment appeared clean. “How many owners did it have?”
“Two has far as we can tell,” the salesman replied, “originally from Kansas.” He shoved his hands into his plaid trousers and rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet.
“It looks clean, but the mileage is high. How much were you asking for this again?”
“Fifteen thousand. It’s a classic. Don’t find to many like this anymore.”
William ran his hand over his buzz cut hair. “I don’t know man. It’s more than what I wanted to spend on the little lady. Would you take ten for it?”
“Let me run it by my manager and see what he thinks,” the salesman ran into the trailer that was being used as an office leaving William out by the car.
He hoped she would put out after all the money he was spending on her. So far, she was nothing but a wet blanket. He wined and dined her. Bought her clothes and jewelry but still she kept blocking his advances.
Buzz, Buzz the sound pulled him from his thoughts. Buzz, buzz he pulled his phone from his pocket and glanced at it. Abitch displayed on the screen. If it wasn’t the little lady. The salesman came out of the office waving him over just as he was going to accept the call. Instead he swiped decline sending her to voicemail. William slipped the phone back into his pocket and ran up to the salesman.
“I can go as low as thirteen. Just need you to fill out some paperwork and we will get you on your way and to show there’s no hard feelings I’m throwing in a few coupons for a free steak dinner.” William shook his hand and followed him into the trailer.
They sat down at a small table with a laptop on it. “Just need a copy of your driver’s license.” William pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. Opened it and slid his driver’s license over to the salesman. The lights started flickering, “that’s been happening a lot lately,” the salesman smirked, “hope the power doesn’t go out before we finish the paperwork.”
Y/N heard a rumble coming down the road. When it stopped in front of her house, she looked out the window and saw a gorgeous black car. She let out a groan when William stepped out of the vehicle. He was starting to get on her nerves. She had tried calling him earlier to cancel their date tonight, but he never returned her call. After the crappy day she had she didn’t want to put up with his unwanted advances. She was seriously considering breaking up with him, but her parents had their entire retirement riding on the business deal with his parents. If she broke up with him now the deal falls through and their retirement is gone.
The doorbell chimed as she was trudging down the stairs. She plastered on a fake smile before opening the door. “William, so nice to see you.”
He looked her up and down, then frowned. “You’re not ready.”
“You didn’t return my call earlier today. I’m really not feeling that well.”
“I got stuck in a meeting. We can always stay in tonight. Cuddle up with some movies.” He wiggled his eyebrows at the suggestion.
She looked around him to the driveway. “Did you get a new car?” Her eyes going wide.
“You want to go for a ride?”
“Give me a minute,” she said aloud. What are you doing Y/N thought to herself? You were just trying to cancel a date with the sleaze ball and now you’re going for a ride with him. Remember your parents. “It’s all about the parents.”
“What was that?”
Oops that wasn’t supposed to be said aloud. She was having problems keeping thoughts in her head tonight. “How are your parents?” She quickly covered as she finished slipping her shoes on and grabbed her wallet and keys.
“They’re doing good. There is some charity event coming up. They would like us to attend,” he replied.
She rolled her eyes as she locked the door. Y/N turned around and walked over to the car. She ran her finger across the hood and along the side following the contour of the automobile. “Hello, baby.”
William looked at her from across the top of the car. “Did you just call her baby?”
“Yeah, that’s her name.” She shrugged
“You name your cars?” He gave an incredulous expression. Y/N open the passenger side door and sat down on the bench seat. She rubbed her hand across the worn leather and caressed the dash.
“Doesn’t everyone? Who wouldn’t name their trusty steed?”
“You know it’s a car not living thing?” He scoffed. Starting the car up the engine roared to life. The vibration of the engine sending waves of pleasure through Y/N’s bones.
Y/N reached over and turned on the radio AC/DC’s Back In Black playing through the speakers. She starts headbanging to the beat of the song fingers tapping out the rhythm as she sings along. “You like this crap?” He questions as he changes the station.
“Let me guess you like Jazz music?” She looks over at him. His eyes stay on the road.
“Actually, I prefer Hip Hop.” The radio starts changing again and stops on Highway to Hell.
“Y/N would you please stop that,” he said irritated.
“That wasn’t me.”
“My hands are on the steering wheel and the only person in the car is you.” Y/N shivered. She turned on the heater. “What did you do that for?”
“It’s cold in here,” She said rubbing her arms.
The lights started flickering on and off in the car. “What the hell? I can’t believe that sleaze ball would sell me this piece of crap.” The car stalled in the middle of the road. William started banging on the steering wheel. Y/N opened the door. “Where are you going?” He growled.
She got out of the car and opened the hood. She started wiggling the wires around on the battery terminal. It all looked good. “You know I checked all of that before I bought the dumb thing,” he said. “There was a store a couple of miles back. I’m going to see if I can get some help.”
“Yeah you do that,” Y/N mumbled. Something was off and she was bound and determined to figure it out. “I haven’t spent most of my life learning about cars just to be stuck on the side of the road.” She opened the trunk up to see if there were any tools she could use.
She wasn’t expecting to find anything useful and was shocked to find a false bottom. When she lifted it up it was full of weapons. She began to wonder about William and if he was really a mass murderer. She was so lost in thought she never heard the footsteps coming up behind her.
“Where’s Winchester?” A voice snarled. Y/N turned around at the voice. A willowy man approached her.
“Who?” She questioned. Everything within her was telling her to run away.
“Dean Winchester, that’s his car.” He kept approaching her.
She looked confused. “Who is Dean Winchester?” She gulped as he stopped inches from her.
“Oh, this is sweet.” He ran his finger down her cheek. “You’re driving his car and you don’t know who he is?” He sneered at her. His gaze vacant and dead. Her eyes darted around looking for a way out of the situation. The air around her cooled. “Don’t even think about running, hun.” There’s nowhere to go and there are more creatures like me out in the woods.”
“Cr-crea-creatures like you?”
“I was just going to end this quickly, but perhaps I’ll keep you around. You’re fun to play with.” This time when he smiled, she could see his fangs. The vampire went flying against a nearby tree as Y/N’s body shuddered.
She doesn’t know how it happened, she couldn’t control her body. It was moving on its own. She grabbed a machete out of the trunk then stomped over to the vampire slicing his head off. She poured gasoline on his body and lit a match. “Adios bitch,” her voice was deep and gravely.
She put everything back in the trunk of the Impala got in the driver's seat and drove off into the night. She drove for sixteen hours straight and didn’t stop until she got to Lebanon, KS. She pulled up to a large building, its entrance was rather small and nondescript. It was located near the road but was almost below ground level. She opened the door and entered the room standing on a balcony.
Y/N was blown away by what she saw. There was a room filled with old electronic equipment. A table with the map of the world on it that glowed. The room adjacent to all the computer equipment contained a library and was decorated in lavish style. The walls were covered with bookcases and filing cabinets. At the end was a very large telescope. The central area featured a long wooden table and much of the furniture and decor were from decades past. She sat down in a comfortable looking chair and fell asleep.
“What happened?” Y/N groaned as she woke up. “And where the hell am I?” She looked around at her surroundings. The lights flickered and the air in the room chilled.
“Sorry about that,” a gravelly voice said. She looked to the source of the sound and saw a tall bow-legged man materialize out of thin air.
“What the…,” she said as her eyes grew wide. “Please don’t hurt me!” She yelled.
“I’m not gonna hurt you,” he said raising his hands up in a placating gesture.
“You’re...you’re...you’re a gho...ghost,” she stuttered.
“Yeah, I wish you didn’t have to find out like this.” His face looked sad. “But all the things that go bump in the night. Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, they’re all real.”
“Werewolves? Is that what...”
“No that was a vampire. My name’s Dean by the way.” He placed his hands in his pockets.
“Hi, Dean, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” She stuck her hand out to shake his hand. He grinned and shook his head to indicate no.
“I’ve used too much energy as it is now. If I tried to shake your hand I would just phase through.”
“Oh,” she replied. “No offense but where am I?” She glanced around the room.
Dean got a gleam in his eye. “I like to call it the Batcave, but really it’s a Men of Letters bunker. The safest place in the world.”
“The men of who?”
“Men of letters. It’s Illuminati for the supernatural. I want to show you something.” Dean flickered.
Y/N stood up and followed him down a hallway he stopped in front of a door with an Aquarian star with the number 11 in the middle of it. “It should be in here,” he said. Dean phased through the door. She turned the doorknob and entered the room.
There was a bed along with a desk and reading light, against it was a photograph of a blonde-haired woman. The room was decorated with guns and weapons. On the back wall hung an axe like weapon with a bone handle fastened to a long obsidian blade with a piece of leather. “Wow,” she said.
“In the desk drawer is my journal.” She could now see through Dean. He was fading fast. “It should answer…” He was gone.
“What have I gotten myself into?” she mumbled aloud. She went over to the desk and opened the drawer. Inside she found a leather-bound journal. Sitting on the bed she flipped through the pages she realized it was all about different types of monsters and how to kill them. Before Y/N realized it, she was fast asleep on the memory foam mattress.
The sound of the Imperial March from Star Wars woke her up. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes with the palm of her hands and pulled her cell phone from her pocket and glanced at the screen. She missed a call from William and just like always he didn’t bother to leave her a message. Y/N rummaged around in the dresser and found a pair of sweats and an AC/DC tee-shirt that she changed into.
Feeling a little more presentable she found her way to the kitchen and surprisingly it was stalked with canned and dry goods. She placed some coffee grounds into the coffee maker added some water and flipped the switch to on. Coldness wrapped around her.
“You look good in my clothes.” The whisper in her ear sent a shiver down her spine. She closed her eyes wishing she could see the handsome ghost with the pretty green eyes again. “Did you read the journal?” She heard.
Y/N turned around and slowly opened her eyes. Dean stood in front of her she noticed the freckles on his face. “I did,” she replied.
“So, you sacrifice yourself to save the world, thank you by the way. What happened to your brother?”
“Sam? I’m not sure. Thought he would be here.” The Imperial March started playing again. Y/N rolled her eyes and declined the call. “Shouldn’t you answer that?”
“He can’t bother to answer my calls I’m not going to answer his.”
“Won’t he worry about you?” Dean asked concerned.
“I figure it’s been roughly three days since the night with the vampire.”
“About that yeah,” Dean agreed.
“And he is just now calling me after leaving me stranded on the side of the road. What the hell kind of douche is that?”
“You can do so much better than him.” Dean smirked.
“Tell that to my parents. They’re the reason I’m with him to begin with. Some sort of business arrangement with his parents.”
“We should get you back to Phoenix, sweetheart. To your family and friends.” He pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear. She sighed at the gesture. We can stop at a diner in town for some food.” He tossed her the keys to the car. “You can drive. Don’t scratch my baby.”
“So, I was right, about her name.”
It was late as Y/N passed the welcome to Phoenix sign. The windows were rolled down and the radio turned up loud. Dean kept her company on the trip sharing stories and singing aloud to classic music on the radio. She turned down the radio as she turned down the residential street and pulled up to William’s house. She turned off the car and faced Dean. “It was a pleasure meeting you Dean. Will we see each other again?”
“I’m attached to the car. I have to go where the car goes?”
“And the car belongs to William,” she sighed. Dean leaned over and pressed his lips to hers. She could feel the coldness of him along with something tingly.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I shouldn’t have.”
“It’s okay Dean. I wanted it also. I really should go and return the keys to him.”
Y/N walked up to the door. Her mouth went dry, so she licked her lips and swallowed down a gulp of air. She knocked on the door.
“Y/N/N, sweetheart,” she could hear Dean’s voice in her ear, “you should really just take the car and leave.”
“What’s going on Dean?”
“Trust me, the guy's a douche.” She rang the doorbell then knocked on the door as loud as she could.
“William!” She frantically kept pounding on the door. “Answer the door!” She rang the doorbell a few more times for good measure.
“Who’s trying to break down the door?” She heard a female voice say.
“William are you in there?” Y/N said. She heard a click as a lock was undone and a tall, thin woman with blonde hair appeared as the door cracked open.
“What do you want?” She was wearing a button-down shirt that barely covered her ass. Her legs were bare and no underwear on. Y/N took in her appearance and the disheveled look of her hair.
“I want to talk to my boyfriend,” Y/N said pushing the door open and walking into the house. “Where is the bastard?” She walked past the woman to the master bedroom. “What the hell she yelled?”
“Y/N what are you doing here?” William looked at you, confusion on his face. “Thank goodness you’re okay. I’ve been worried about you.”
“I can see that,” Y/N said. “How long have you been fucking her?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking.”
“The blonde slut that answered the door.”
“Oh, that,” William replied.
“I’m not a slut,” the other woman said.
“Can it!” Y/N glared at her. “You might as well go home nothing here for you anymore.”
“This is my home,” she mumbled.
“What did you say? Oh, that is just...Ugh! I just can’t right now.” The lights flickered. A small smile spread across Y/N face as she thought about Dean. “You know what you can keep the no-good low life son of a bitch. Slick Willie just answer this one question, did you even bother to go back for me, or did you leave me for dead?”
“I had to get it from somewhere. You weren’t putting out frozen queen that you are.” Willie snarled.
“I only came by to return your car, but I think I’ve changed my mind.” She twirled the keys around her finger listening to them jingle.
“You go ahead and keep that piece of shit.” The lights flickered again. This time she could smell leather, gunpowder, and mint in the room.
“I know Dean. You know you really shouldn’t talk about Baby like that,” Y/N said.
“Who the hell is Dean? There is no one else here except for us three.” Y/N glanced at the blonde and shrugged.
“He’s the former owner of the car that’s going to haunt your ass if you don’t behave.”
Willie rolled his eyes and scoffed. “You know there is no such things as ghosts, right? You have definitely lost your damn mind.”
“Boo!” Dean said as he flickered next to Willie. Willie jumped and the blonde’s eyes got wide with fright and she ran out of the room crying.
“I don’t even want to know how you pulled that trick but keep the car. You’ll be crawling back before too long.” Y/N turned and left the room.
She saw the blonde in the living room sitting on the couch. “Sorry I scared you. Won’t happen again,” Y/N said as she walked out the door slamming it shut behind her. She got into the Impala and drove away into the night blaring AC/DC’s Shoot To Thrill.
 Pond Tags:  @chelsea-winchester @bennyyh @fandommaniacx  @supernatural-jackles @winchester-writes  @deanwinchesterxreader @evilskank-inthemegacoven   @emoryhemsworth  @manawhaat @quiddy-writes  @memariana91 @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @plaidstiel-wormstache @there-must-be-a-lock  @frenchybell  @notnaturalanahi @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @roxy-davenport  @impala-dreamer @waywardjoy @maraisabellegrey @wevegotworktodo  @nichelle-my-belle @wi-deangirl77 @samsgoddess @mrswhozeewhatsis  @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @kayteonline   
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tenminalltoowell · 2 years
Hey there
Favourite swift songs lyrics??
oh how do i choose- In no particular order: “You understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars, and why I spent my whole life trying to put it into words” - you are in love (fun fact if I ever get taylor lyrics tattooed it’ll be this one)
“I’ve come too far to watch some namedropping sleaze tell me what are my words worth” - the lakes
“You are an expert at sorrys and keeping lines blurry, never impressed by me acing your tests, all the girls that you’ve run dry have tired lifeless eyes cause you burned them out, but I took your matches before fire could catch me so don’t look now” - dear john
“You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray, and I stood there loving you and wished them all away” - cold as you (debut taylor was so talented!)
“You had to kill me but it killed you just the same, cursing my name, wishing I stayed, you turned into your worst fears, and you’re tossing out blame, drunk on this pain, crossing out the good years” - my tears ricochet
“I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, invisible smoke, and all of my heros died all alone” - the archer
“You knew the password so I let you in the door. You knew you won so what’s the point of keeping score. You knew it still hurts underneath my scars from when they pulled me apart, but what you did was just as dark” - hoax
“I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden” - daylight
And of course... “And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest” - all too well
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manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: rich boy!Hanma Shuji
Warnings: f!reader, mature language, explicit sex, non-con kissing, baby trapping, hanma is sometimes an asshole, unprotected sex, edging, creampie, cum play, cum facial, breeding kink, reader spanked twice, exhibitionism, mentions of public sex, slight manhandling, mentions of marathon sex, degradation, pet names and manipulation. Minors do not interact.
Notes: commissioned by bby @marism (◕દ◕)💕 hope u like it love and sorry for the delay.
Synopsis: Hanma Shuji always gets his way, even if it doesn’t sit right with you—he will.
WC: 5k
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Hanma Shuji, resident scoundrel of the university and the menace responsible for blowing up the lab weeks ago that made a huge buzz around campus suddenly claimed he had a crush on you. At least that’s what he said upon confronting you in the library weeks ago while you were searching for a copy of that textbook your professor was reading.
You think the dirty bastard is hoping to become a player with your heart as his new toy.
Normally, anyone would steer clear of him in hopes of not getting unwanted attention from the infamous student, but in a university belonging to a small world, it was hard not to cross paths with Hanma once or twice. It was a bit confusing how he was accepted by such a prestigious institution. Imaging him studying or even just coming to class like any average student will seem more like a myth than the existence of warlocks. But contrary to his reputation, Hanma Shuji was passing with flying colors—much to your surprise because you’d think he was paying to get those aces. Yet, he did not strike you as the type of person to possess such wealth to be able to bribe the university. Considering how he appeared like he wasn’t rich like the other men in your class and lived like he was sleeping on the streets. Still, you did not want to associate with him because of his tendency of being a troublemaker. Him, on the other hand…
“Babe, do you think I should go to the library later?”
“Why on earth would you ask me what you should do? Shouldn't that be your problem?” Brows pinched in annoyance, maneuvering around to dodge his tattooed sin hand reaching out to touch you, to be able to wrap his fingers around any part just so he could pull you close. The corners of his lips curled at your hostile reaction but welcomed it nonetheless. “And don’t call me 'babe'. We’re not dating—”
“Yet,” he chuckled to tease you, which he succeeded based on the irritated glare that you shot the man before walking away. Hoping he wouldn't follow you to the library. “Come on, we could have a little study date. What do ‘ya say?”
But this is the Hanma Shuji that poked around where his nose didn't belong. The same Hanma Shuji who trashed the nearby cafe by bringing a couple of his rowdy friends yet still manages to befriend one of the smartest students here. Yes, Hanma Shuji who wouldn't leave you alone despite being blown off countless times because you weren't interested in dating a man who seemed like he hasn’t showered in days but was still sought after by the girls in your department. Your mother may have said never to judge a book by its cover, but you weren't even sure if Hanma is genuine. It came to the point he was rumored to be a sleaze, leeching off from the women he slept with from copying homework to receiving no resistance in intimacy.
Was it because he seemed vulnerable? Approachable? Someone whom they can baby? That facade of helplessness is really beneficial for him, huh?
It’s quite hard to see the gentleman's appeal through the confident smirks, the tattered jeans, baggy shirts, and hoodies—the tattoo on his hands and gold chain earring screaming he wasn’t one you could take home to meet your mother without her questioning your taste. And yet, even with that sort of ensemble, Hanma Shuji just seemed… handsome? As much as it pains you to admit this, he is indeed a good-looking guy especially if you look past the foul mouth and nefarious reputation he was known for. What's more, you found the ever-present smug grin on his face quite frustratingly attractive.
But then again, the reminder of him being an asshole and a total player was like a hanging guillotine over your neck—there was no way he’d take you seriously. It would be a damn miracle if he does. Not that you wanted him to!
And what do I have to be so worried about? There’s no way I’ll fall for a jackass like him. If anything, I’d rather kiss a fish than him. There’s just no way… right?
Yeah, there was no way you’d fall for a guy like Hanma Shuji, who didn’t even ask if he could corner you in the library and kiss you squarely on the lips. Body frozen out of surprise, you stared at him with wide eyes, pupils taking in the heated desire in those golden ones that never broke contact. Gauging your reaction silently as his tongue slowly slid out of his lips to swipe at your lower lips, hoping you’d let him in so he could taste and see if you were divine as he thought you’d be. And really, with his huge palms reaching up and touching your hips, waist, and lower back—goosebumps rose across your flesh akin to daisies popping out in spring, your lower region coated with slick in betrayal at your conviction of not falling for Hanma. What cemented it, however, was when you found yourself kissing him back. Intent on tasting him, too.
Sweet—intoxicatingly sweet, is what Hanma tasted like.
A thin string of saliva connected both of your tongues upon pulling away, so obscene yet mesmerizing to look at. His haunting gold hues smoldered while yours were dazed, mouth parted as you caught your breath. The library is silent as it can be, but you fear anyone who may pass by the bound volume section could hear your heart hammering inside your ivory ribcage. If anyone could see you two together, the scoundrel of the campus locking lips with the darling student of your department—heads would definitely start flying and mouths chattering around the hallway on why you agreed to become another notch on his belt would echo for days. Good thing the only witnesses were the books and the wind entering the open window. Orange leaves falling in the background ever so beautifully never fails to cast a calm over your chest.
But, fuck, no matter how much you stared at it, or perhaps even drink an endless amount of tea could have your pounding heart shut up and return to its normal pace. All due to Hanma Shuji kissing you in the library out of nowhere because he can.
Punch him—you wanted to punch the living daylights out of that ridiculously handsome man along with his smug smirk. To wipe that shit-eating grin off his face and give him the middle finger for extra good measure.
“Did ‘ya like it so much to still be speechless, babe?” he chuckled, finding enjoyment in your indignant state, even if he was the one who caused it. “If we date, that can be an everyday thing. Perhaps even more—”
“No thank you,” you hissed, careful not to scream at him for his rash behavior, cheeks aggravating warm. “There won’t be any of that kissing! If you wanna mess around, find someone else or go to your usual whores, alright? Leave me out of this—I’m never dating you.”
Really hilarious of you to say that to his face, only to wind up sitting next to him on your couch, in your apartment and him kissing and marking up your neck five days later. The dingy wallpaper mockingly laughing at you, same with the floors and every corner that screamed about his presence from the discarded scarf, the combat boots by the door to the glasses he wore sitting on the coffee table. All of them screamed the same thing at you.
What a hypocrite she is.
“So pretty… Don’t be shy, moan more for me, babe,” Hanma whispered, golden irises rivaling the sun’s searing hue peering up to drink in your blissful expression etched across your features. Hand with sin crawling up your back, making it past the hem of your shirt to fully rid you of your bra. The other, punishment, pinching one of the taut nipples that had you whining into the air. “That’s it—more, more, more. Let me hear you, babe.”
Hanma Shuji was definitely good with his hands and tongue. Expertly eliciting a lewd moan rivaling that of a seasoned pornstar that had the golden-eyed man smirking against the supple flesh of your inner thighs. The taste of your delectable slick on the rough surface of his tongue continued to tease and lick your throbbing clit, eager for more after pulling two orgasms out of you already. The pajamas you wore left to gaze up at the ceiling next to his hoodie on the floor. Who were you in the face of such deliriously pleasant ecstasy that would never be achieved by your own fingers or the many toys you have discarded because they were never enough to make you reach that plane of bliss?
“Hanma… more, gonna cum. Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Sobbing into your hand, your gaze never left the intoxicating sight of Hanma’s head in between your legs. You couldn’t even begin to grasp the reality that he was here, in your apartment after giving a shitty excuse to see you and is now eating you out on the old couch from your parents’ house. You shouldn’t have believed him—saying that he wanted to copy your notes from literary class. But then again, you were rejoicing inside that you did. Because you didn’t know anyone who could eat pussy this good than him.
“My baby is gonna cum again?” he hummed, eyes twinkling in glee at you keening. Both of his hands kept your legs from closing in, wanting to focus on having you squirt just by his tongue alone. “Come ‘n, cum in my mouth. Wanna see this pretty pussy squirt for me.”
Juices coating his chin, lips, and his nose, Hanma Shuji blinked up and knew he has found the one—enchanted by your pretty face all fucked out and nipples all perked up. His initial attraction to you may have been fueled by some of his peers. Because no one has ever tried to date the pretty girl of the department and officially became her boyfriend. When Hanma knew you had been single for a long time, he began to think you were some stuck-up bitch who’d spread her legs immediately after a few hints of his background. But surprisingly, you weren’t. You were sometimes a bitch though, he was not gonna lie. With the way you would continuously give him the cold shoulder, Hanma almost thought he was daydreaming whenever you acted out of kindness.
It irritates him to know that you were indeed the total sweetheart everyone knew to anyone who isn’t him, Hanma Shuji.
He had fun chasing after you through corridors and in the library. Hoping to catch you off guard and talk to you. To see how what was all the buzz about you and why those poor fuckers couldn’t get in your pants. He never saw it coming that he’d be like those fools he made fun of. It wasn’t soon. Wasn’t too long before that hunger for the taste of victory morphed into something stronger that fueled the enigma named Hanma Shuji.
He wanted to possess you.
“Are you really gonna sit through this class?” Eyes narrowed at your lover sitting next to you in a lecture he had no business in, you were close to pinching his ear and pulling him out the door. Who wouldn’t feel the same way when everyone here was all so serious in listening while Hanma was munching on a bag of chips in tattered jeans and a hoodie that looked like it hasn’t been washed for a month? You just wished he’d make an effort to appear more…
More what, exactly?
“Why not?” He grinned, waving a half-eaten chip in your frowning face that was equally flaming due to the stares you both received. “I wanna be next to you at all times as much as I can. I’m afraid you’d run off with another boy while I’m not lookin’.” Sticking out his tongue, Hanma then sent a wink your way. The corners of your lips were hard to keep from curling whereas you tried to avoid his fingers finding their way to yours. Ignorant to those golden eyes locking with another male student who was staring too long to receive a glare from your boyfriend.
Yes, Hanma Shuji wants to possess you.
Down to the roots of your hair to the soles of your feet, Hanma Shuji desires to have you forever no matter what it takes. So, when you decided to agree to become his girlfriend after two months of going back and forth, Hanma felt like he was on cloud nine. And he wasn’t the type to beat around the bush, quick to claim what is his without any qualms. It was the least he could have after enduring days of you completely snubbing him or having him wait around. Not that he could blame you though. Of course, you’d be wary to let someone like him into your life.
Especially when it’s a man who strayed from commitment for so long. Breaking his own law for you—the sudden sweet rainfall in the middle of a hot summer day that was always constant in his world.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Anyone who’d merely hear your boyfriend cooing would think he was doing it out of concern. Perhaps a book fell on top of you or a splinter made its way into your finger from the old wooden bookshelves. But no, the bastard was a sadist—mirth in his eyes while pinning your flustered self against the wall, inner thighs wet with your juices. The panty you wore was damp with slick too, almost sliding further down onto the floor. The book you were searching for haphazardly kicked to the side, the sight of it would have made any bookworm cringe or perhaps even scold you two. Much more to see a couple using the library as a spot to frolic. Still, Hanma didn’t care.
He never does, loving the thrill of having sex or just touching you indecently where anyone can see if they try through his towering frame. Why? The answer was quite simple and you wished you knew before you let him pull down your skirt to finger you here in the somehow private part of the library.
“Wanna cum?” Pumping two of his digits into your wet pussy, lips in a smirk at your attempts to muffle your moans that could’ve slipped past if you didn’t try hard enough. The hand sin definitely driving you insane. His hard cock pressing against your thigh, grinding slightly while cooing. If his other hand, punishment, was wrapped around your neck, you were quite sure you would’ve squirted all over the floor and screamed. The idea of abandoning shame and being fucked by Hanma like an animal was tantalizing. “Go on, babe. Cum for me, yeah? Wanna cum so bad? I know you do.” Chuckling at the small mewl you let out, your cocky boyfriend was quick to slow down his pumping that earned an impatient groan from you. He clicked his tongue. “Don’t want you to cum on my fingers—want you to cream around my cock like the cockslut you are. Should train this slutty cunt of yours, mhm? Taking my dick almost every day it’s a surprise you still whining how it doesn’t fit.”
That’s because you’re so fucking huge, asshole!
“S-Shuji… wanna cum ‘s bad! P-please.” Tears pooled around your eyes, threatening to roll down your hot cheeks as he resumed the rapid thrusting of his long digits that you swore you felt them brush against your cervix. How long is he going to keep you on the edge? For sure you would start sobbing aloud if he prevented you from cumming again, having been commanded not to unless he told you so. But for how long? “Please, Shuji—can’t t-take it any longer. F-fuck, please let me cum! Shit.”
Should’ve known Hanma Shuji was a fucking sadist who had a penchant for hardcore thrills. However, it was his daring character that had you continuously on your toes, especially in the throes of lust. Never had you ever experienced boredom with your boyfriend and he, too, felt the same way. His thirst for an enjoyable time was equal to his appetite for sex. Fucking your cunt like he was going to put a baby in you every time.
He never thought the good girl was such a whore for his cock and only his. There was no need to corrupt you or bend you to his ways when you would readily do so at the sight of his dick sticking out. Drunk on his touches and love that he wasn’t shy to show to the universe. Not even to your parents, who invited him for dinner after months of scrutinizing him. Blissfully sitting on the living room couch, unaware he had you on your knees by the garden, the moonlight guiding his illicit actions.
“Open that mouth fuckin’ wide, my slut.” Punishment pulling your hair, keeping your head up while sin pumped his long veiny cock, the tip furiously red as it spurted out another load onto your face. Some landing on your lips and tongue. Seeing his milky substance coating your face and some sticking to your lashes was his favorite sight other than seeing your pussy leaking with his semen. “You like this, huh? Love kneeling for me and having your mouth used like a fleshlight… Do your parents know they have a slut for a daughter?”
Or even when he had you keening on one of the park’s benches, in the middle of the night. Legs shaking and littered with goosebumps as you bit your lower lip to keep from moaning like a wild animal in heat. His cum running down your thighs and staining the seat. Puffs of air coming from your parted lips materialize in the cold atmosphere. The soft ah's egging him on to piston his hips at a rapid pace that had you close to sobbing out for him to slow down. But there is no way he would. The skirt you wore lying on the ground next to Hanma’s right foot. Plump pussy folds parting for his cock like a hot knife through butter, damn wet for him to easily slide in and out. Never had you complained whenever he wanted to fuck your cunt any time, anywhere, or have your mouth wrapped around his cock.
His perfect sweet little girlfriend.
“Shu—fuck, someone might see!”
“Good.” Slapping your left butt cheek, Hanma chuckled at the broken whine you elicited. “Have them see my whore. All mine to fuck, to keep—my fucking pet. Isn’t that what you want? Your sick fantasy to be seen like this?” Dealing another slap to your ass, your boyfriend groaned at your gummy walls tightening around his throbbing cock. Ready to give you another load of his thick fertile cum.
“N-no, I don’t want anyone—ah! Holy shit, r-right fucking there!”
Hanma Shuji aimed to please, surprisingly. Though he wasn’t one who would bend nor bow to anyone, especially against his will, he was shockingly kind behind closed doors. Taking off the tough mask he wore like a second skin to guard himself from anyone who wished to lay their filthy hands on him. But with you, Hanma was almost like a tamed lion.
Almost, that is.
Those escapades to the most secretive spot or barely just private might have stayed to the minimum number in a month if Hanma didn’t take you to see his parents—rather, his whole family one evening during a party. What’s even more shocking than to see him appearing all pristine and dashing while pulling up to your apartment in a silver Bentley Mulliner Bacalar was when you figured out he was more well-off than he portrayed himself to be at the university. The rough Hanma Shuji you knew was nowhere to be found, replaced with a well-mannered man who wore expensive glasses and his hair neatly styled.
Carnal images of taking that suit off of him and messing up his hair plagued your mind while staying by his side the entire time, shooting smiles at the strangers who were kind enough to greet you. Either that or they just wanted to please your boyfriend.
But that failed to distract you from the millions of inquiries that raced across your mind while entering the ballroom where the majority of the guests were. Easily feeling quite small and underdressed in such a crowd of glitter and gold.
Pulling your hand to clasp around his, Hanma whispered into your ear. Never did the plastered smile falter in the face of his family’s guests. “I know, I know. I have a lot to explain about all this—just enjoy the party for now, ‘kay? I’ll answer all your questions and whatever after. Could you do that for me, pretty?”
A nod was all you gave, not wishing to be a burden on such a glamorous event.
Yeah, waiting will be fine… He did say he’ll answer any question afterward.
“This is [Y/N], my girlfriend.” Hand steady on your back, Hanma proudly grinned at his parents as if he was presenting a rare jewel he found. The same feeling began to spread across your chest, beaming at the pair. “I’d like you to meet my parents, babe.”
They immediately shook your hand, welcoming you. However, you didn’t miss the lingering stares or the way his mother’s eyes widened at the introduction. As if they weren't expecting this to happen at all. For a moment, you thought it was because Hanma was never the type to stick to one girl or they were used to seeing their son with a different girl every other day. Until you came along. Still, the staring never ceased and the hushed whispers may not be audible, but they were alarmingly inducing anxiety into your system. Enough to turn back at those whom you spoke to see if they were jumping onto the person beside them to gossip.
Then, just before you could bid farewell to Hanma’s parents for inviting you, quite ready to leave and just sleep back at your apartment, the women giggling past you were hard to ignore. Especially when their topic was Hanma, you, and some other girl.
“I thought he was supposed to marry that rich heiress his parents liked?”
“I thought so, too! They were engaged, after all.”
“Maybe she isn’t really his girlfriend. ‘Ya know, just another girl to have fun with—”
“Shh! Someone might hear you.”
It was to no one’s surprise that you refused to open the front door for your impatient boyfriend the next day. Keeping the door shut while standing beside it, listening to Hanma’s pleas to let him in and just explain. Demanding what was keeping you from opening it to what he did wrong. Mind now in a battle whether to have Hanma enter or to say outside. Paying no heed to your eyes glossy with unshed tears while holding on to the television remote like it was an object that could anchor you through this sudden twist of events.
He was engaged the whole time?
“Babe? I know you’re inside. Please, talk to me.”
Am I… the other woman? Hanma made me the fucking other woman? Have I been naive enough to let him do this to me?
“Baby, listen to me… Whatever you heard at the party, I’ll tell you the fuckin’ truth. Anything, fuck—just please… Please give me a chance to explain.” Voice beginning to sound hoarse from trying to reach you, to appeal to you muddled mind, Hanma rested his head against the wooden surface and sighed. “If you heard about that stupid engagement, that was years ago—it was already broken off. Baby, I’d never lie to you. Just please know this.”
To give him the benefit of the doubt was what you did, opening the door and stepping aside to let him in. The relief in his body radiating strongly as he immediately embraced you, whispering words of gratitude and that he’ll explain.
And he did, leaving out no tiny detail from his rich family, the arranged engagement and fighting off his parents’ wishes for him to settle down with the heiress they meticulously picked out for their beloved son. The way he dressed and acted on campus was a way to protest. Because no elite family would want their daughter to marry a guy acting like he lived on the streets all his life. And that he was an independent man and if he wanted to get married, he’ll be the one to chose who he’ll spend the rest of his life with. Not his family or anyone for that matter. Hanma benefited greatly from this rebellion—being able to do whatever he wanted which led him to meeting you.
His pretty angel.
He’d be damned in eternal suffering if he doesn’t clip your wings soon enough.
Lips parting almost the entire time while listening to Hanma out of astonishment, you swallowed hard and hoped your ears were deceiving you when Hanma brought up the topic of marriage. Particularly, between you two. You, who barely saw what the world had to offer and haven’t even finished your degree, becoming his pretty wife. The mother to his future children that may inherit his family fortune. And him, as your loving husband.
“Wouldn’t that be a great sight?” Hanma laughed lightly, reaching a hand out to rub against your shoulder that was stiff under his warm palm. “Just imagine it, babe. If we get married, my parents will finally shut up about me marrying that heiress. What do ‘ya say?”
To say you were fucking spooked was an understatement.
“W-what are you sayin’? You wanna get married—Shuji, we haven’t even graduated yet. Plus, we’ve been only dating for months!” Hugging yourself, you shot him with an uncertained expression. Unsure where this conversation was head. “Aren’t we… moving too fast? I mean, we can get married but what if we suddenly start disliking one another afterward? I think it’s best if we just take it slow, yeah?”
Golden irises dripping with hidden malice under the guise of good intentions, Hanma stayed silent, a barely there smile on his features, while listening to you ranting. His tattooed hands inching closer to massage your back, to have you stop and just relax. There was no way you’d listen to his reason in such a panicked state. Why weren’t you as ecstatic like he figured you would be? Weren’t you just distraught at the mention of him engaged to another woman minutes ago?
Wouldn’t the chance of marrying Hanma Shuji be such a great thing to achieve? Better than any shitty diploma or recognition?
“Yeah, we can do that. Slow…”
If he somehow told you his parents didn’t approve of you marrying him, would you have answered his question differently? Hanma wished he knew. Yet, either way, he wouldn’t stop there just because you weren’t ready or his parents were complete idiots to see how much you mean to their precious son. Oh no, Hanma Shuji always—fucking always—gets what he wants. And that is to have you on all fours on his king sized bed, no fucks given whether his family could hear or the household helpers would have to clean the mess up after he was done breeding you. The expensive sheets and mattress soaked with your fluids that Hanma could taste forever without getting tired of. Creaking of the bed and your choked sobs filling his three thousand square feet bedroom the epitome of splendid music that rivaled Beethoven’s masterpieces.
Every piece of furniture graced with your touch, scent, and slick. But only Hanma Shuji gets to mark your skin, from hickeys to his milky cum painting your pussy folds, ass, face and lower back. Your whole being spread out for him, leaving no flesh unkissed by his lips, put any famous artwork to shame. The golden necklace he recently got you is the mere item he let you wore since arriving in the estate. No clothes accessible for you to be able to leave. And even as you protest for him to slow down, that you had to go back home after two days without leaving this room—seeing Hanma and him alone since then, your boyfriend would merely sigh. Good thing he could easily forgive you for complaining.
“Why leave?” A hard thrust had you keening, fingers digging into the silk sheets damp with both of your body substances. “Don’t ‘ya like it here, babe?” Pulling out to deliver another mind-numbing thrust, Hanma laughed at your fucked out expression. Eyes dazed with your tongue lolled out. Perked nipples slightly swollen after being sucked or pinched. His hand, sin, rubbing your stomach ever so lovingly to keep you grounded. “Don’t ‘ya like—ah—staying here while I fuck this pussy of mine silly?”
“Shwujii… ‘s too mwuch!”
“Nah, I know ‘ya, baby.” Grabbing your arms, he pulled you up to have your back against his chest. His hips resuming their pounding thrusts, having you moaning like a bitch in heat. Your ass cheeks jiggled each time they met his pelvis. The previous load his shot into your twitching cunt oozing out and forming a white ring around the base of his cock. Hanma’s dick so sensitive, he’d be shooting blanks soon. But he gave no fucks about that. For as long as he could ensure he’ll knock you up with his child, going as far to tamper your pills and mess with your period tracker, Hanma knew he was on the path to victory once more. No way his parents are gonna turn their backs on you once you are pregnant with their grandchild. “You can take one more, right? Gonna let me cum again inside this good pussy? Know you would.”
Shaking under his hold, you sobbed out his name when you felt him still. Hanma’s throbbing cock spurting out fertile semen directly into your womb while your whole body fell apart at the shattering ascend to your high for the nth time that day.
“Fuck. That’s my good girl ♡.”
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A while ago, I was tagged by @hammett1980 (thanks, love! So sorry I took so long to get to it!) to do a thing where you spell out your URL with song names so here we go! For the numbers, I’ll go with hammett1980s’s tactic haha! S = Say Something (A Great Big World feat. Christina Aguilera) T = Toy Soldiers (Martika) U = Used To Love Her (Guns ‘N Roses) C = Coma (Guns ‘N Roses) K = King Nothing (Metallica) I = In The End (Linkin Park) N = Nothing Else Matters (Metallica) T = The God That Failed (Metallica) H = Highway To Hell (AC/DC) E = Enter Sandman (Metallica) 8 (E) = Earth Song (Michael Jackson) 0 (Z) = Zoom Into Me (Tokio Hotel) S = Seek & Destroy (Metallica) 9 (N) = No Remorse (Metallica) 0 (Z) = Zombie (The Cranberries) S = Sleaze Factory (Duff McKagan’s Loaded) My (very open!) tags go to: @masterofpuglets @imcreepingdeath99 @eclecticgrooves @flyinghetfield @my-friend-of-misery @wherever-i-may-roam13 @manunkinda @jessyulrich @hetfieldhammett @metallicadaily Please don’t sweat it if you choose not to do it!
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northwestofinsanity · 8 years
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Ratt, (or as I sometimes call them, the band of insane hooligans -because they don't exactly deny their insanity (and I don't deny mine either!)) Probably on the second level of my favorite 80s bands.  They're not on the top, nor are they close to the best band out of the 80s, but nevertheless -I find myself jamming out to them all the time and I can't help but love them for that.  It took me a while to appreciate these guys fully. They're kind of a mess (okay, they're a big mess), and the history is sad.  There are definitely lessons to learn from it, and quite a bit to say.  This is just scratching the surface here.
The guitar is fantastic -that's what drew me in to check them out.  In some ways, Warren DeMartini and Robbin Crosby, in the early days before Robbin started getting lost to the drugs -and then sick -had a lot of the same chemistry that went on with Phil and Steve from Def Leppard.  As a co-leading guitarist, Robbin had a very straight-forward playing style and delivered solos that weren't as technical and flashy as the typical 80s guitar solos, but could really pack a punch in how they stood out from the others simply by feel.  Warren, on the other hand, was, and still is the technical genius and shredder type who can pull off the fast runs and finger vibrato tricks, but can also write solos that are composed and phrased enough to have recognizable patterns and possible to repeat live.  He definitely gave Ratt a competitive edge with the other wild guitar heroes of the time.  Because of the nature of the time, Warren tended to do more solos than Robbin, but the two traded off leads during the main parts, and in a few songs, the trade-off is audible.  (Note: It's actually eerie, and sad, drawing parallels between Ratt and Def Leppard in the guitar department, realizing that the more classic-style, feel-based player was the one to die in both cases -Steve and Robbin being similar in that playing style.  The only big difference in the parallels is that Warren is actually the shy one in Ratt rather than Robbin.)
Robbin was also known for being just a great person.  Really kind to everyone, didn't have a bad thing to say out loud about anyone.  Definitely ranked on the list of nicest people in Rock and Roll.  But, Robbin, like many others of the time did have vices, and unfortunately, he got HIV from heroin needles and became very ill.  His drug addiction was already so severe that it was affecting his performance before he started getting too sick, and its a sad, sad thing.  The conflict within the band wasn't exactly helping him fight addiction -it definitely tormented him.  RIP King.  
Of all the members in the band, it can be said that Warren really didn't have a roll in pushing Robbin away or getting in the conflict.  When it comes to conflict, Warren tends to speak very little of it, and it's clear he's very uncomfortable being in or around it.  His biggest role in the falling apart of Ratt was being too shy to assert himself and try and do something to fight for Robbin.  It's sad to hear how Robbin regarded Warren as a little brother, and Warren didn't fight for him in fear of conflict.  Warren has asserted himself more in the decisions of Ratt since Robbin's death, so it's safe to say he probably wishes he'd done something and probably is trying to not make the same mistake again.
This is another band where one can definitely say the vocals are an acquired taste.  Raspy reed-chainsaw is the best description I've seen (albeit, in some ways, less grating on the ears than raspy vocals at an impossibly high pitched range *cough*AC/DC*cough*).  But, then again, that sound is part of what defined Ratt.  To say something nice, I guess one could say that Stephen Pearcy definitely is a character.  He can be a serious douche and an obnoxious sleaze to the point at which he'll drive everyone crazy, but at least he's honest about what he thinks and tells it like it is.  Taking what he says with a snide viewpoint and a grain of salt, he can actually be quite funny.  For somebody with the childhood he had and never having his shit together, he did pretty well managing to get the band together and started.  What is most difficult to accept with him for a lot is how he completely abandoned Robbin when he got sick.  That's sad in a lot of ways, especially to think of how it tormented Robbin that Stephen was completely consumed by the same addiction that had gotten him sick and could have very well ended up in the same boat.  He was drugged up to the point at which he didn't have a care in the world at that time, not even for Robbin.  Since he's finally gotten off the drugs, he has come back down to earth some in the obnoxious department and has shown a lot of remorse for how he disregarded Robbin in the end.  That is arguably forgivable to a point.  Sadly it doesn't change what happened to Robbin and how he felt at death.  And nothing's going to undo that his voice is destroyed by the drugs at this point -it's not good!
Juan Croucier.  He can be a bit pretentious, and sometimes that's annoying, but he definitely deserves a lot of credit in keeping Ratt together as long as it was.  Without a doubt, he brings a lot of energy into Ratt -and for a short period before he was in Ratt, he unleashed that same energy in Dokken.  Juan is a spazz to the first degree, swinging his bass and dancing around everywhere, and he does have a definitive sound to his bass, and his backup vocals are definitely an integral part of Ratt's sound.  It is painfully obvious on Infestation just how important Juan is, hearing the lack of his sound (and last year, Stephen praised Juan on social media and said that "Juan covers [his] ass live all the time" -so even he admits it!)  Juan had a very hard time with a lot of the conflict in Ratt, being the mediator figure that bassists end up playing all the time.  He's not really good at actually settling the conflicts, but he tried his hardest.  Juan was also the only member of Ratt who regularly called Robbin and kept contact with him when he was dying from AIDS, so even if he can be a bit full of himself and doesn't always make the best choices in managing conflict, Juan's a good person at heart.
Sorry, but there's not much good to say about Bobby Blotzer, other than that it was a good idea on his part to recommend Juan Croucier to Stephen when they were searching for a bass player.  Bobby knew Juan from when they were together in the early, *early* stages of Dokken.  But while it's arguable of Bobby was the real instability in the band during the 80s, there's no question he's been the biggest instability in Ratt in the last decade.  This included fighting against Warren and Stephen when they decided to try and get Juan back in the band around 2010.  He's been non-stop about how he didn't want Juan back, and Juan's bass and backup vocals really are a major part of Ratt's sound.  He has had nothing but trash talk to spew about everyone -but what he's said about Juan is really low -and there's kind of been some drama as of late that he's been dragging out.  A lot, actually (it's time for it to stop... it would break Robbin's heart if he were alive to witness it.)
As they've been mentioned a lot through this, Dokken is heavily related to Ratt.  Juan, Bobby, and Warren all at one point played with Dokken, which is interesting to consider what might have happened if things had unfolded differently.  They are definitely "cousin" bands.  More on Dokken soon.  This is it for Ratt as of now.
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placetobenation · 5 years
If you have ever been to Ludwig The Mad’s opulent Linderhof or romantic Neuschwanstein, you may find yourself feeling like an intruder. The nineteenth-century King of Bavaria would retire to these estates specifically to be a recluse. He would go so far as to have the servants transfer his food and laundry by dolly between floors so that he could go whole weeks without interacting with another human. Yet now, they are very popular destinations in the Bavarian countryside hosting thousands of tourists every year, which all seems to fly in the face of their original intention of being solitary hideaways. When I re-listened to Guns ‘N’ Roses’ Chinese Democracy, those similar feelings of intruding on someone’s safe place returned. 
Chinese Democracy was created for an audience of one with that audience being its creator, Axl Rose. It is a 71-minute, 14 track album dedicated to the relentless pursuit of perfection of pomp rock. Its goal is not originality, but optimization of the genre.  King Ludwig II greatly admired the absolutist kings of a century and half before him specifically the greatest of them all, King Louis XIV. Linderhof is Ludwig II’s attempt to replicate the incomparable Chateau of Versailles. Just as Ludwig II worshipped at the altar of Louis XIV, Axl Rose’s greatest influences were the Sun Kings of 1970s rock, including but not limited to Queen, Led Zeppelin and Elton John. Axl was not seeking to rewrite the rules of rock, but rather refine and revise the majesty of rock[1].
Chinese Democracy is the very definition of self-indulgent, but it is not self-centered. The big secret of Chinese Democracy is that is a guitar album. The blistering guitar solos are only one part of the delicious guitar orgy on this album. Each song contains an innumerable amount of guitar tracks that build a furious wall of sound that completely engulf the listener. “There Was A Time”, a perfected version of the epic ballads on Use Your Illusion, is breath-taking and expansive as it swirls to a stunning crescendo of explosive guitar tracks, orchestra and Axl’s signature screech. This is just one of many examples where Axl Rose was not shy of sharing center stage with the lead guitar. Often in rock music, there is a give and take. The singer and guitarist take turns within a song. On Chinese Democracy, Axl Rose arranges track after track, such as “Catcher In The Rye” his ode to gargantuan mid-1970s glam rock, where he sings through shredding leads and it gives the album the desired immense scale through the tension between singer and guitarist. 
Chinese Democracy is a minimalist’s nightmare. On the scorching title track, the best hard rocking number, Axl double tracks his vocals in the most Axl way possible. He has himself sing the verses in both his low and high register at the same time. It does beg the question, “Could he not decide and then realize he did not have to OR was he like too much Axl is never a bad thing?”. The title track is just a great example of sheer production scale the listener can anticipate throughout the rest of the album. From 1:33-1:35, Axl tells Bumblefoot, give me a guitar lead lick for three seconds. You are like where did that come from? By the second verse, I counted three different guitar tracks, but might have missed a couple. There is a guitar lead that begins in the second chorus that effortlessly bridges into the main solo. Through all the chaos is a song that just roars as well as it swings. There in lies the how this enormous album is not crushed by its own weight. 
Axl never forgets to write a hook during each song. In “Catcher In The Rye”, it is the Elton John-esque “La la la” refrain over a piano with the Brian May-esque guitar work[2]. In “Shackler’s Revenge” an industrial-flavored cacophony, it is the excellent bridge to the chorus that catches your ear. In “Sorry”, Axl’s thunderous re-imagination of Led Zeppelin, it is the powerful chorus where his vocal mastery is on full display behind an impressive wall of sound. My favorite Axl lyric comes on one of the rare hard rocking numbers “Riad ‘N The Bedouins”, 
“Riad and the Bedouins had a plan and thought they would win, but I don’t give a fuck about them. I. AM. CRAZY.”[3]
For the most part, the swing and groove of classic Guns ‘N’ Roses is abandoned in favor of bombastic, lush compositions that focus on vocal hooks, shredding, screeching and raging climaxes. Where the album does fail is in its lack of diversity. 
Axl does have a diverse taste in rock music. I attended one of the Chinese Democracy support tours in late 2011 or early 2012 at the Palace of Auburn Hills. I remember was incredibly sick and came armed with a bag of cough drops and tissues. I was so pissed when Axl did his “show up late” gimmick when I had a 9am presentation the next day for a graduate school class. My memory is that it was a crazy mash up of diverse genres. There were classic GNR sleaze rockers, epic piano ballads, 2-minute punk songs, and Elton John and AC/DC covers. The audience was on the hook for it all. Chinese Democracy absconds from his love of punk and sleaze instead favoring being great. The album is exhausting for the listener because about half of the album is devoted to creating the perfect rock magnus opus. 
It is very clear in Axl’s mind that there is really only one way to achieve this goal. Such that even though, “Catcher In The Rye” and “Sorry” sound like very different songs they are trying to achieve the same goal and that is greatness. Music can inspire a lot of reactions from a listener, dancing, singing, emotion, headbanging, and thought. There is a specific type of rock music that exists just to be “great”. Besides the occasional hard rocker, Chinese Democracy is mostly devoted to this abstract concept of “greatness”. Axl interprets greatness to be a complex arrangement of his voice and guitar that begin separate but then amalgamate over the course of the song into a raging climax of sound that overwhelms the listener into awe. So, while “Catcher In The Rye” and “Sorry” are very distinct songs they both crescendo in a similar manner with the intention of creating the greatest rock song. 
The relatively underproduced “This I Love” was the track that stood out to me in 2008 when I first listened to this album and it remains the track that I believe is the crown jewel of the collection. The soulful, tender Axl vocal performance over the piano then eventually a string orchestra expressing his anguish over lost love is sublime. The way the lead guitar is introduced is exquisite. The first note of the guitar solo is so pure. The solo ultimately winds its way into the most impressive solo of not just album, but one of the most impressive solos in rock history. Then the return to Axl over the piano to end the song is just perfect.   
Chinese Democracy is both exhausting and tireless simultaneously because of the heavy production and song arrangement. The combined force of production and arrangement pummels the listener into submission over the course of an hour. However, the guitar sounds throughout the album are sublime and so many are concealed that it takes repeated listened to truly appreciate all the tracks within a song. Axl’s voice remains one of the most expressive and addictive in rock music. Chinese Democracy stands as a triumphant anachronism of pomp rock. So, if Linderhof is Ludwig II’s recreation of Versailles, Chinese Democracy is the reimagining of Night at the Opera and Physical Graffiti. Just as Linderhof deserves a visit for its extravagance, so too does Chinese Democracy for all its pomp & circumstance.  
[1]Yes, that was an intentional Spinal Tap reference. Surprisingly for all its pursuit of grandeur, I never found Chinese Democracy to succumb to the pitfalls of self-parody. 
[2]Brian May originally recorded a guitar track for this specific song. It is not surprising as the song feels like the baby of Elton John and Queen. 
[3]Lyrically, this album is the ravings of a lunatic. It does not detract from the fact that Axl sounds amazing as ever on this album. 
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