#Achieving equitable access to clean water
harmonyhealinghub · 3 days
Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day: Honouring Culture, Resilience, and Heritage
Shaina Tranquilino
June 21, 2024
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In many countries around the world, indigenous peoples have long been the custodians of unique cultures, traditions, and knowledge systems that are deeply intertwined with their lands. In Canada, National Indigenous Peoples Day stands as a testament to the resilience, contributions, and ongoing struggles of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples.
A Day of Recognition and Celebration
Established on June 21st, National Indigenous Peoples Day is a time for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the rich cultural heritage and diverse contributions of Indigenous peoples. This day not only highlights the achievements and talents of Indigenous communities but also serves as a reminder of the ongoing journey towards reconciliation and understanding.
Honouring Culture and Heritage
Central to the celebrations are the diverse cultural expressions of Indigenous peoples, ranging from traditional dances, music, and storytelling to art, cuisine, and language revitalization efforts. Each of these elements serves to showcase the depth and resilience of Indigenous cultures that have withstood centuries of adversity and continue to thrive today.
Acknowledging the Challenges
While National Indigenous Peoples Day is a day of celebration, it is also an opportunity to reflect on the historical injustices, systemic inequalities, and ongoing challenges faced by Indigenous communities. Issues such as access to healthcare, education, clean water, and housing remain significant barriers for many Indigenous peoples across Canada and beyond.
Commitment to Reconciliation
In recent years, there has been a growing commitment to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada. This includes efforts to address historical grievances, promote cultural awareness and sensitivity, and support economic and social development within Indigenous communities.
Moving Forward Together
As we commemorate National Indigenous Peoples Day, it is crucial to recognize that true reconciliation requires ongoing commitment and action from all sectors of society. This includes advocating for the rights of Indigenous peoples, supporting Indigenous-led initiatives, and fostering meaningful dialogue and understanding.
Get Involved
There are numerous ways individuals and communities can participate in National Indigenous Peoples Day:
1. Attend Local Events: Many communities host events such as powwows, cultural exhibitions, and storytelling sessions.
2. Educate Yourself: Take the time to learn about the history, traditions, and contemporary issues facing Indigenous peoples in Canada.
3. Support Indigenous Artists and Businesses: Purchase Indigenous art, crafts, and products to support local economies.
4. Advocate for Change: Raise awareness about Indigenous rights and support initiatives that promote equality and justice.
National Indigenous Peoples Day is not just a day on the calendar but a reminder of the ongoing journey towards healing, understanding, and mutual respect. By celebrating the cultures, achievements, and resilience of Indigenous peoples, we can contribute to a future where all peoples can thrive in harmony with each other and the natural world.
Let us use this day as an opportunity to listen, learn, and stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities as we strive for a more inclusive and equitable society for generations to come.
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priyanjana · 13 days
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Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
About us:- "Marpu" - a synonym for transformation - was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. At Marpu Foundation, we harness individual potential to bring about positive change in the world. Our focus lies in promoting volunteerism, ecological mindfulness, and sustainable development. With a team committed to effecting change and providing a supportive space for all, we've earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020. We empower individuals to voice their aspirations, work towards sustainability, and form alliances with organizations with a shared vision. Our projects result in tangible changes, not through traditional charity, but via empathy-led, innovative solutions. Join us in our mission to craft a future that's more equitable and compassionate.
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• In today's world, businesses are realizing that they have a big role to play in making the world a better place. This is where Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) comes in. By partnering with NGOs like Marpu Foundation, companies can ensure their CSR efforts have a real, lasting impact. Let's dive into how teaming up with Marpu Foundation can boost your CSR initiatives and help achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Why Partner with Marpu Foundation?
Marpu Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of underprivileged communities. Here's why partnering with them is a smart move:
Focus on Key SDGs: Marpu Foundation’s projects target crucial SDGs like quality education, clean water and sanitation, good health and well-being, and gender equality. This means your CSR efforts will directly contribute to global sustainability goals.
Expertise and Local Insight: With their deep understanding of local needs, Marpu Foundation ensures that projects are culturally sensitive and impactful. Their expertise means your CSR initiatives are more likely to succeed.
Transparency and Accountability: Marpu Foundation provides detailed reports on project progress and outcomes, ensuring that you can track and measure the impact of your CSR investments.
Amplifying CSR Efforts: Examples from Marpu's Projects
Here are some of Marpu Foundation's projects that show how businesses can make a significant difference through collaboration.
1. Education Initiatives
Project: Community Learning Centers
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Marpu Foundation has set up Community Learning Centers (CLCs) in rural areas to provide quality education to children who lack access to formal schooling. These centers offer a holistic learning environment, including digital literacy, vocational training, and life skills education.
CSR Impact: By supporting CLCs, companies can contribute to SDG 4 (Quality Education). For example, a tech company could provide digital devices and internet connectivity, bridging the digital divide and empowering students with modern education tools.
2. Health and Sanitation Programs
Project: Clean Water Initiative
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Access to clean water is a critical issue in many rural areas. Marpu Foundation's Clean Water Initiative aims to install water purification systems and promote hygiene practices among communities.
CSR Impact: Businesses in the manufacturing sector could collaborate with Marpu to fund the installation of these systems. This supports SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and shows the company’s commitment to improving public health.
3. Women Empowerment
Project: Women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
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Marpu Foundation runs numerous self-help groups for women, providing them with skills training, financial literacy, and entrepreneurial support. These SHGs enable women to start their own businesses and gain financial independence.
CSR Impact: By sponsoring these groups, companies can advance SDG 5 (Gender Equality). For instance, a retail company could help market and sell products made by these women, ensuring a sustainable livelihood for them.
How to Get Involved
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Here's how your business can start collaborating with Marpu Foundation:
Identify Synergies: Determine which SDGs align with your CSR strategy and explore Marpu’s projects that target those goals.
Engage and Plan: Reach out to Marpu Foundation to discuss potential partnerships and develop a detailed plan outlining the scope, objectives, and expected outcomes of the collaboration.
Execute and Support: Provide the necessary resources—whether funding, expertise, or volunteer support—to ensure the project's success.
Monitor and Report: Regularly monitor the progress and impact of the project. Marpu Foundation will provide comprehensive reports, helping you assess the effectiveness of your CSR efforts.
Partnering with Marpu Foundation offers a strategic advantage for companies looking to make a meaningful impact through their CSR initiatives. By leveraging Marpu’s expertise and established projects, your business can ensure its CSR efforts are effective and sustainable.
Join hands with Marpu Foundation today and make a lasting difference in the communities that need it the most. Together, we can drive progress towards a more equitable and sustainable world.
For more information, visit the link of Marpu foundation
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agapehand · 1 month
Success Story: The Transformation of the San Miguel Community
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At Ágape Hands, we believe that every donation has the power to transform lives and entire communities. Today, we want to share the inspiring story of the San Miguel community, a small village that has experienced a radical change thanks to the generosity of our donors and the tireless efforts of our volunteers. The Challenge San Miguel, located in a rural region, faced numerous challenges. The lack of access to clean water, food scarcity, and limited educational opportunities were everyday problems for its inhabitants. The community, composed mainly of farming families, struggled to survive with very limited resources. Ágape Hands’ Intervention In 2021, Ágape Hands launched a special campaign to raise funds aimed at improving the quality of life in San Miguel. Thanks to the incredible response from our donors, we raised $50,000, which allowed us to initiate several transformative projects:
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- Clean Water System: We installed a water purification system that now provides clean and safe water to over 500 people. - Community Gardens: We established community gardens that not only provide fresh and nutritious food but also generate additional income for families. - Educational Programs: We built a small school and provided educational materials, enabling over 100 children to access quality education. Impactful Results The effects of these projects were immediate and profound. The health of the residents improved significantly thanks to access to clean water and fresh food from the gardens. The school not only educates the children but also serves as a community center where adults can learn new skills, such as farming techniques and business management. Ana María, a mother of three, shares how her family's life has changed: "Before, my children often got sick from drinking contaminated water. Now, with clean water and fresh food, they are healthier and happier. The school has been a blessing; my children are learning, and I have been able to attend farming classes that have helped us improve our plot." A Promising Future The transformation of San Miguel is a testament to the power of solidarity and generosity. Ágape Hands' projects have not only improved current living conditions but also laid the foundations for a sustainable and prosperous future. We remain committed to supporting communities like San Miguel and need your help to continue this important work. Every donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to achieving a more just and equitable world. How You Can Help Your support can make a difference. Join our mission and contribute to more success stories like San Miguel's. Donate Now and be part of the change. Read the full article
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doxkira · 1 month
A Re-Interpretation of the Black Panther Party’s “Ten-Point Program” & Centering the Self
Boozhoo, aani, Kira Doxtator nintishinkaaz, Bkejwanong nintooncii. I came to create this re-written account of the Black Panther Party’s Ten-Point Program by starting with a personal reflection of my NEW240 course material in the context of my wants, demands, desires, needs, experiences, realities, conditions, subjectivities, imperatives, dreams, futures, identities, ways of being, ways of knowing, politics, consciousness and criticality. This program is of my own design and centres myself in its conception, however it draws on many sources of inspiration, literature, interviews, academic research, and personal stories that resonate within my own being. The goal here is to communicate my own reflections on equity and solidarity in the context of social justice that manifest in the format of a ten-point program. All sources mentioned are from the course, with the exception of one quote in point #9 that I was not able to recall the original author of. 
I demand that the treatment of all my relations be rooted in mutual respect. 
It is my belief and understanding that every aspect of life is interconnected; the tangible, intangible and such. This notion is rooted in a deep respect for Creation, a way of knowing and being that is Indigenous to the land and has been practiced by peoples for millenia. As Lee Anne Bell writes in Theoretical Foundations for Social Justice Education (1997) social justice envisions a society where individuals are self-determining, meaning they are able to develop their full capacities, and interdependent meaning they are capable of interacting democratically with others. Both of these foundational concepts cannot exist without a respect for all of Creation. An individual cannot be self-determining without respect for themselves, and a deep respect for the ability to adapt and change, for a world that shapes them, as much as they shape it. Furthermore, interdependency is a concept that fundamentally relies on mutual respect between individuals, beings, and even spirits. At the core of social justice is an awareness of the interconnectedness of beings that is rooted in respect for one another. Throughout this program, you will also see how respect is foundational to every other point.
I demand that the universal basic needs of all people are met. 
It is my belief and understanding that the most basic needs for human survival are food, water, and shelter. As Ericka Huggins says in a 2006 panel commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Black Panther Party; “all people deserve the best just because they’re born.”. To give the people the best, you must first ensure they can access the tools to survive. The people cannot be given the best when they live in poverty without steady access to food, or when communities have no access to clean, safe drinking water. In the same way, people who are houseless without access to shelter do not cannot have security within themselves, and therefore individuals cannot have holistic respect and feelings for all people, oppressed or not. This is a condition by which the rest of this program cannot be achieved. 
I demand that education be equitable and place emphasis on subjectivity. 
It is my belief and understanding that our modern education system is deeply flawed, and rooted in neocolonialism. The system must be uprooted and changed to better serve the people it intends to educate. Fred Hampton of the Black Panther Party had the right idea when he spoke on the importance of education prior to action. His reasoning for declining funding from another party was their limited addressal of capital for educational purposes. He said that the people must know why they are doing what they’re doing, which they cannot without at least a political and historical education of why. This idea is connected to capitalism as Hampton suggested you cannot give the people access to capital without them being aware, and then subsequently indoctrinated into notions that reinforce the same capitalistic notions of their oppressors. 
I demand that knowledge of ‘history’ be taught as a social science. 
On the pretense of education, it is my belief that this education must include an emphasis on the fact that one cannot be objective about historical incidence. History, and memory for that reason, is always subjective and we cannot absolve the fact of this. Science is rooted in critical understandings of theory that must be researched and then tested again and again, before they can be reinforced and accepted to be ‘true’. History should be treated with the same approach as there is always potential for miseducation, for picking-and-choosing, and therefore erasure in historical accounts. This idea of knowledge subjectivity is developed by Ramòn Grosfoguel who writes about anti-cartesian philosophy, and specifically “I think, Therefore I am”: that rejects the idea that “the “I” can produce knowledge equivalent to a God-Eye view”. The first deconstruction of this argument is that ontological dualism (the notion that the mind is of a different substance than the body) is lost if we consider that the mind is located inside a body, it is of similar substance than the body, and thus conditioned by the body. He writes: “The latter would mean that knowledge is produced from a particular space in the world and, thus, there is no insinuated knowledge production.”. The second deconstruction is that Descartes argues that the “I” can fight skepticism and achieve certitude in knowledge production through the method of solipsism (where the subject asks and answers questions in an internal monologue until it reaches certitude in knowledge). Grosfuguel, however, ponders the idea of human subjects producing knowledge dialogically - that is, in social relation with other beings, and that the “I” is therefore not producing knowledge isolated from social relations with other human beings. Therefore there is no monological, unsituated, asocial knowledge production, and thus I demand that our education of history acknowledge this.
I demand that political systems be restructured in a circular, community-based approach.
It is my belief that our political system reflects an imperialistic past that cannot be disconnected from without a complete, bottom-up restructuring of the system. As Ania Loomba writes in the book Colonialism-Postcolonialism: “If imperialism is defined as a political system in which an imperial centre governs colonised countries, then the granting of political independence signals the end of empire, the collapse of imperialism.”. She goes on to write that political changes that do not necessarily affect the economic system of penetration and control of markets may redefine the term ‘imperialism’ in a American sense, which is still related to the topic of this program as the political system I suggest transcends borders as we know them presently. She also writes that imperialism and colonialism are distinct in spatial terms, (rather than temporal) because “imperialism, or neo-imperialism is the phenomenon that originates in the metropolis, the process that leads to domination and control.” Therefore, “Its result, or what happens in the colonies as a consequence of imperial domination is colonialism or neo-colonialism.”. This is especially pertinent as it formulates our contemporary political systems in North America as imperialism can function without formal colonies, which she compares to America today. But colonialism cannot function without these colonies. Therefore a step in ending colonialism or neocolonialism would be investing in a community approach of political governance that places value on the interconnectedness of beings and that does not centre economic power or gain. 
I demand that our penal system is focused on restitution not retribution. 
It is my belief and understanding that our prisons are corrupt and serve corporations and the government elite before they serve the people. In the US, private capital is running rampant as it is enmeshed in the punishment industry. It has dangerous connotations with the government field of military industrial complex. The prison industrial complex in both Canada and the US has a two-fold purpose, as Stormy Ogeden puts it: profit, and social control. This system will never provide an adequate solution to crime deterrence and prevention and does not serve the people, it serves the corporation who profit off of it. We must regard crime as a social issue, because criminality and deviance are also racialized, and our prison systems must reflect this. As Angela Davis writes, “racism has undermined our ability to create a popular critical discourse to contest the ideological trickery that posits imprisonment as a key to public safety.”. Capitalism and racism are concepts intertwined, and in order to eradicate both of these harmful structures from the penal system, the focus must be on restitution. For example, working specifically on restoring foundational respect between offenders and victims. This would shift the system to operate with a transformative justice approach in rehabilitating offenders, and would likely have the deeper effect of preventing crime before the structural foundations that lead to it are established. Much like the political system, it must be a foundational change from the ground-up. 
I demand a freedom of desires as they are tied to experiences and identity.
It is my belief that our desires are at the core of our being, they are shaped by our experiences and formulate our identity. Most human beings desire to be loved, and to be respected. I want to live in a world, and a society that respects these desires (should they not place harm on another being). Huey P. Newton, former leader of the Black Panther Party, said in a speech on gay women’s liberation that “we have not established a revolutionary value system; we are only in the process of establishing it.” By this he seems to mean there is significant room for improvement in our valuing of others, and what makes them who they are, or perhaps, who they are in relation to us. Even a 2010 article spoke on Gandhi, largely regarded as a saint in Western knowledge, and how he was a misogynist who repressed sexual desires of his own. Much of ‘desires’ and work to control or limit them is tied to women’s oppression, which is highly rooted in identity and lived experiences of at least half of the world’s population. This is a point that is perhaps more abstract but can still be, as Newton says, in the process of being established. 
I demand art to be a free and public good.
It is my belief that an imperative of self-determination is the ability to express every emotion in a productive way. I believe that art and artistic expression is one of the most significant ways that human beings can express emotion, and subsequently relate to one another. Art is a method of therapy, and it has the power to help others. The value of art should not be determined economically, as it restricts access. In the book by Ngugi Wa Thiong’o, he quotes that language is the means of spiritual subjugation. I would like to introduce the idea of art as a universal language as it can transcend language (mentioned further in the next point). Therefore art is also a means of spiritual subjugation. He also says that “To control a people’s culture is to control their tools of self-definition in relationship to others.” With this, he compares colonialism in deliberate undervaluing of a people’s culture; it is this notion exactly which I demand is avoided. All art, which is culture, should be celebrated, and free. 
I demand music to be a free and public good.
It is my belief that music is distinct in its form as a way of being, and a way of knowing. Music has existed for as long as humans have existed. It has deep cultural roots in our societies. A personal mantra I return to when regarding music as meditation and connection is there simply is no other art form that is as emotionally direct “that cuts just cuts right through the muck right to your heart” - as music. Music transcends language, ability, and many other things. In the course material, a video presented on YouTube by user Cherno Biko depicts a group of 8 Black youth standing in a circle, presumably in a park, as they clap and sing the words “HELL YOU TALMBOUT” while also inserting the names of different Black Trans women who were murdered. The description of the video encapsulates the power it has perfectly: “In the words of Janelle Monáe "Silence is our enemy and sound is our weapon" We must speak their names because #BlackTransLivesMatter.”. In this sense, music is a weapon, but not of violence, of anti-oppression. This is why I have included it in this program. 
I demand a future that is peaceful and sustainable.
With all of these points in mind, it is my belief that a future of peace and sustainability that liberates all those who are oppressed is probable. I am reminded of the final paragraph of the Black Panther Party Ten-Point Program that resonated with me, because it was a familiar language being used in a way that was new to me. It was:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This language straight from the US Declaration of Independence has been used to further the statements made in their program, but subsequently makes a mocking of the declaration as the program itself declares this statement to not be upheld. I hope that in reading my Ten-Point Program, not only have you seen how my own subjectivity is at the root of my expressive writing, but the very notion of the interconnectedness of all beings and how this is tied to the collective liberation of oppressed people. 
Miigwetch for reading.
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hardynwa · 3 months
Lagos unveil WASH police, implemetation plan
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The Lagos State Governor Mr Babajide Sanwo-olu on Thursday unveiled the Lagos State Water, Sanitation and Hygiene policy to effectively harness, promote national and international focus on Water and Sanitation sector to ensure rapid expansion of access to water infrastructure in the State. Speaking during the unveiling ceremony which was part of activities to commemorate the 2024 World Water Day held at Marriott Hotel GRA Ikeja the Governor said Water is essential for life and is also a powerful force for fostering peace and cooperation among communities and individuals. The Governor represented by the Commissioner for the Environment and Water Resources, Mr Tokunbo Wahab said the theme for the 2024 World Water Day "Water for Peace" underscores the critical role that water plays in building bridges between people. This is achievable by fostering cooperation and dialogue on water-related issues that transcend boundaries thereby promoting understanding, trust, and mutual respect. "In our pursuit of water security and sustainability, it is imperative that we embrace the principles of inclusivity and equity; we must ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances, have access to clean water" he stated. The Governor said the launch of the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) Policy of Lagos State will serve as a guiding framework in the journey towards ensuring universal access to clean water and sanitation. He added that the policy outlines a holistic approach to water management, encompassing strategies for conservation, pollution prevention, and equitable distribution. He said the implementation of the WASH Policy, will reaffirm government's commitment to leaving no one behind in the quest for water security and peace through improving water infrastructure, enhancing sanitation services, and empowering communities to take ownership of their water resources. He added that the ongoing activities of the Lagos Urban WASH program, supported by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) exemplifies the dedication of this administration to promoting water security and sustainability in urban areas through innovative interventions and partnerships. He applauded the Lagos Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (LUWASH) for currently supporting the Water Sector MDAs in various activities like the rehabilitation of five (5) Micro/Mini Water works for Lagos Water Corporation(LWC). He listed others to include Capacity Building for Lagos State Water Regulatory Commission (LASWARCO) and supporting the development of a business case for Lagos State Wastewater Management Office (LSWMO). "As we mark the year 2024 World Water Day, Let us pledge to work together, across borders and sectors, to ensure that water remains a source of unity rather than division; "Together, we can create a world where every drop of water contributes to the greater good, forging a path towards peaceful and prosperous future for the residents" he said. Also at the event the Special Adviser on Environment Mr Olakunle Rotimi-Akodu said the equitable and sustainable management of water resources has the potential to address many of the root causes of social and economic inequalities. HE added that through investment in water infrastructure and technology, a condition for peace to flourish will be created. He urged participants at the event to give a commitment to building a future where water is not seen as a source of division but as a symbol of unity peace and shared prosperity. In his remarks, the Minister of Water Resources and Environment Prof Joseph Utsev represented by the Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Alh. Shehu Shinkafi said Water is a fundamental human right that sustains life, nourishes communities and forms foundation of our society saying that despite its abundance, access to clean water remains a luxury for many people. He said the provision of good water has been confronted with unprecedented challenges ranging from escalating impacts of climate change to the growing demands of an expanding population. He added that in all these, everyone must recognise the potential of water as a catalyst for cooperation, collaboration and peace building. Present at the 2024 World Water Day were Top Government Officials, Academia, Experts from Civil Society Organizations. Read the full article
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aprilalaxiii · 4 months
Blog 2 - February 25, 2024
In our second week of class, we also played a game called the Fishbowl game. Which basically designed to promote teamwork, the game encouraged collaboration, communication, and problem-solving among team members. The game was indeed challenging for me as my teammates and I, are all ISFPs (introverts) we initially found it challenging to engage in conversation, and we had a hard time grasping the game's instructions. However, through patience and effort, we overcame our shyness and learned to work together effectively and was able to comprehend the instructions of the game eventually.
Despite the initial challenges of the Fishbowl game, we were able to play the game successfully, We focused on the critical issue of clean water and sanitation. Our shared goal was to improve access to clean and safe water sources, with the aim of enhancing public health, preventing waterborne diseases, and promoting sustainable development. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we sought to ensure that communities worldwide had equitable access to clean water, thus contributing to a healthier. We recognized the importance of point-of-use water treatment as a key aspect of achieving this goal.
We were also given a new activity: creating a venture in Wadhani. During our brainstorming sessions, my teammates and I decided to shift our focus to energy and power, specifically on maximizing solar energy utilization. While our ideas evolved, our commitment to addressing global challenges remained steadfast. Despite the change in focus, our overarching goal remained consistent: to contribute to a better world by tackling pressing issues and leveraging innovative solutions.
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Through our experiences in playing the Fishbowl game and engaging in discussions about clean water access and energy utilization, I've come to realize the power of collaboration, perseverance, and adaptability in addressing complex global challenges. Despite our initial struggles as introverts, we learned to communicate effectively and work together towards a common goal. Our shift in focus to energy and power in the context of creating a venture in Wadhani further underscored the importance of flexibility and openness to new ideas. Ultimately, our journey has highlighted the interconnectedness of various issues and the importance of innovative solutions in creating a positive impact on society and the environment.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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aaronjonarellano · 4 months
"Cultivating Tomorrow's Tech Leaders: The Essence of Technopreneurship and the Power of Creative Collaboration"
Blog 1 - February 18, 2024
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As we settled into our seats, the anticipation was palpable. Engr. Jael, our guide in this technopreneurial adventure, kicked off the session with a Facebook video that served as our initiation into the course. The video was a captivating introduction to the world of technopreneurship, laying out the foundations, rules, and a sneak peek into the future tasks that awaited us.
Continuing our journey, we were assigned to take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test and the Innovation Index Test. The visual representations of our outcomes are presented in the images below, offering insights into both our personal traits and the extent of our capabilities in contributing to business endeavors.
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What is SDG?
SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations in September 2015. These goals are designed to address various global challenges and promote sustainable development by 2030. The SDGs cover a wide range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, clean water, sanitation, climate action, and more. The aim is to encourage countries, organizations, and individuals to work collaboratively to achieve a more equitable, sustainable, and prosperous world. Each goal has specific targets and indicators to measure progress. The SDGs build upon the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and provide a comprehensive framework for addressing social, economic, and environmental issues on a global scale.
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We have been assigned a group collaboration project called Game 1, which falls within the academic framework of our group concentrating on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our primary focus is on critically examining and intervening in Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) - Clean Water and Sanitation. Specifically, we are addressing the pressing issue of limited access to clean drinking water in Cagayan de Oro (CDO), a challenge significantly affecting students in various areas.
After brainstorming, we have identified different problems related to the SDGs, and as a result, we have decided to work on developing a portable water filtering device to address the clean water scarcity issue.
Aaron Jon L. Arellano BSME_3A
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naidu112 · 5 months
Nurturing Prosperity TDP Pledge for Water Security and State Development in Andhra Pradesh
In a bold endeavor to enhance the standard of living and ensure access to safe drinking water for all, the Andhra Pradesh state government, led by N Chandrababu Naidu and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), launched the AP Drinking Water Supply Corporation. This monumental initiative, with an initial budget of Rs. 22,000 crores, reflects the TDP's commitment to transforming the state's water supply landscape and uplifting the lives of its citizens. Under the astute leadership of N Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP government prioritized the development and welfare of Andhra Pradesh. The AP Drinking Water Supply Corporation stands out as a testament to its commitment to providing essential services to the people. With a focus on sustainable surface and groundwater sources, the government aims to achieve 70 liters per capita per day (LPCD) service levels and ensure 100% household connections for all habitations. This ambitious project, sanctioned with Rs. 15,874 crores under Phase-I, exemplifies the TDP's dedication to realizing a prosperous and progressive Andhra Pradesh.
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The TDP's development agenda, spearheaded by N Chandrababu Naidu, has consistently emphasized the importance of meeting the basic needs of the people. Access to clean drinking water has been a critical priority, reflected in the formation of the AP Drinking Water Supply Corporation. This TDP initiative aligns seamlessly with their commitment to uplifting the quality of life for the citizens of Andhra Pradesh. N Chandrababu Naidu's leadership as the Chief Minister has been instrumental in shaping the TDP's development policies and reforms. The AP Drinking Water Supply Corporation is a prime example of innovative governance, showcasing the TDP's dedication to sustainable and equitable water distribution. Under Naidu's guidance, the state has become an attractive destination for investments, fostering economic growth and development.
The successful implementation of the AP Drinking Water Supply Corporation holds far-reaching benefits for the people of Andhra Pradesh. Ensuring a supply of 70 LPCD to all households goes beyond meeting basic needs; it contributes significantly to improved health and hygiene standards. This TDP achievement is poised to reduce waterborne diseases and enhance the overall quality of life in the state. Moreover, the project plays a pivotal role in agricultural growth, providing a reliable water source for irrigation. This, in turn, boosts agricultural productivity, positively impacting the income of farmers and laborers. The AP Drinking Water Supply Corporation is a crowning achievement in the TDP's legacy of development and welfare schemes. Through a focus on sustainable water sources, the project embodies the state government's commitment to the well-being and progress of its citizens. As one of the top TDP contributions, this initiative has transformed the lives of millions in Andhra Pradesh, reflecting the TDP's vision, achievements, and unwavering dedication to the welfare of the people.
Through the latest news and TDP party updates, it is evident that the legacy of development and welfare schemes in Andhra Pradesh continues under the TDP's leadership. N Chandrababu Naidu's visionary approach and the party's commitment to progress ensure that the state remains on a trajectory of positive transformation, setting the stage for a prosperous future.
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searchngo200 · 5 months
NGOs Working on Water & Sanitation In Andhra Pradesh Provides Health and Well-Being
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Billions of people worldwide do not have access to hygienic facilities or clean, safe drinking water. Too many people lack the ability to make long-term plans, struggle daily to acquire safe water to drink, and fear that their children may contract preventable waterborne illnesses—which are a major cause of mortality for children in many places. 
Together with groups like Search NGO, and the NGOs working on water and sanitation in Andhra Pradesh are working to guarantee that everyone has equitable access to safe, affordable drinking water. The provision of drinkable water from an enhanced on-site water supply that is available when required and free of dangerous chemicals and human waste is referred to as "safely managed drinking water services".
Improving access to clean water and sanitation has been shown to have a positive impact on economic growth, poverty reduction, and overall health and well-being. 
As per the recently released UN 2023 World Water Conference report, a quarter of the world's population, or 2 billion people, consume contaminated water. Approximately half of humanity, or 3.6 billion people, do not have access to well-managed sanitation. Furthermore, one in three people, or 2.3 billion, lack access to basic hand-washing materials at home. Nearly all water-related actions require cooperation (UNESCO). According to the report, as insufficient water management elevates or multiplies the dangers in all parts of life, the "continuing water and sanitation crisis is a threat to everyone."
Population increase, the need for water in industry and agriculture, and increasingly severe floods and droughts are other contributing factors to the problem's worsening. Until there is a strong and functional water cycle that benefits everyone, everywhere, the study indicates that human health and environmental integrity will remain in peril and that a sustainable and equitable future will remain unreachable. When it comes to water, having a water supply alone is insufficient. If the water supply in a community is to be utilized for drinking, it must be free of harmful contaminants. A glass of water may be translucent or seem "clean" yet still contain harmful levels of arsenic or fluoride, nitrates, or other undetectable impurities. Nonetheless, it could be safer to sip from a full glass of cloudy water. 
The difference between just clean-looking water and safe water might be the difference between life and death, especially for a kid under five. For a young family, it may mean the difference between wonderful health and expensive medical bills. It may also indicate whether a family and a community will thrive or just survive. In order to safeguard the health of everyone who comes into contact with it, NGOs working on water and sanitation in Andhra Pradesh are committed to providing communities with sustainable, clean water. Trying to ensure that people can drink clear, cloud-free water is what we aim to achieve next. The UN World Water Day serves as a reminder of the importance of access to safe, clean water and adequate sanitation and hygiene.
A polluted water source is likely to occur in the future if, for example, a Lifewater project merely supplied clean water without educating the community about the need to implement good hygiene and sanitation practices. This is why all of our initiatives incorporate the implementation of sanitation and hygiene practices together with the provision of clean, safe water to communities. NGOs working on water and sanitation in Andhra Pradesh need full community support, including long-lasting connections with the people the water will benefit, in order to guarantee that these healthy, life-saving solutions will last for future generations. Furthermore, prior to the project commencing, we require a cash commitment for the cost of construction. 
Hiring neighborhood health advocates to interact with and educate the village's residents about the value of forming healthy habits is a crucial part of our Healthy Homes program's full execution. Teaching the villagers the value of creating and maintaining a basic pit or pour-flush latrine to keep humans and excrement separate is one way to provide education and resources. This restores people's dignity, increases safety, and significantly lowers the rate of waterborne illness. Teaching children the value of clean containers—since polluted water may spread quickly—and the reasons it's safer to wash and dry dishes in the sun, away from animals, are two more good habits.
In order to prevent the transmission of germs and disease, our team assists households in building basic hand washing stations using soap and water and emphasizes the value of keeping yards free of rubbish and animal waste. Every household that successfully adopts healthy behaviors in a community is given a "Healthy Home Certificate" to proudly display as a memento of their achievements. Many people say that before the new well, water was obtained for the entire village from a little, murky pond. Not only did it not provide enough water for everyone, but the water that was available was unhealthy for others. 
Many describe how everyone's life improved drastically, including the youngsters who were no longer afflicted with waterborne illnesses. Her family now has a toilet to use and a water source that enables them to wash their clothes once a week thanks to assistance from Search NGOs. She claims that she is hopeful for her family's future, one that holds the possibility of development and health, and that she can now finally picture her kids finishing their schooling and enjoying fulfilling lives. Contributions to Lifewater projects give hope for a better future for children to a large number of families. With your donation to Lifewater, you may educate healthy behaviors, collaborate with a village, and launch a community water project similar to the life-changing one. You may track the project and assess how it affects the well-being and quality of life of a family. We can better equip local churches to love their communities with the support of your donation. Kindly think about transforming your life right now by donating to Search NGO. Knowing that your donation to Search NGO will make a difference in someone's life allows you to donate with confidence. We are one of the highest-rated charities in the US and have the support of Charity Navigator, ECFA, Guidestar, and other independent reporting agencies. Regardless of faith, it is our responsibility to serve everyone by listening to them first and acting as neighbors by side with them. Please supply clean water now and assist us in eradicating this problem village by village.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 6 months
Celebrating National Minorities Rights Day 2023: Embracing Diversity and Ensuring Equality
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‘’Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and the test of our civilization.’’
— Mahatma Gandhi
Every year on December 18th, India observes National Minorities Rights Day. It is a significant occasion that reaffirms our commitment to the protection and promotion of minority rights across the nation. This day holds immense importance in acknowledging the cultural, religious, linguistic, and social diversity that enriches the fabric of the country.
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National Minorities Rights Day commemorates the anniversary of the United Nations’ adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. It emphasizes the rights and freedoms guaranteed to all individuals regardless of race, religion, caste, creed, or gender.
Despite significant strides towards inclusivity, disparities persist. Issues such as discrimination, marginalization, and lack of representation in decision-making processes continue to pose challenges for minority communities. National Minorities Rights Day prompts us to strive for inclusive policies that ensure equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and socio-economic development for all.
Here are some of the ways you can foster inclusiveness in the society and celebrate National Minorities Day:
Educate and Raise Awareness
Education is a powerful tool for fostering empathy and understanding. Organize seminars, workshops, or discussions on the history, struggles, and achievements of minority groups. Invite speakers from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences, fostering a deeper appreciation for different cultures and perspectives.
Cultural Exchanges and Events
One of the most delightful ways to celebrate diversity is through cultural exchanges and events. Arrange festivals, exhibitions, or performances showcasing music, dance, art, and cuisine from various minority groups. These events create a platform for sharing traditions and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
Support Minority-Owned Businesses
Celebrate National Minorities Day by supporting businesses owned by minorities. Whether it’s trying out a new restaurant, purchasing crafts or goods, or utilizing services, your support can contribute to the economic empowerment of these communities.
Volunteer and Engage
Volunteering with organizations dedicated to minority rights and empowerment can make a meaningful impact. Offer your time and skills to initiatives supporting education, healthcare, or community development within minority groups.
Promote Dialogue and Understanding
Engage in open and respectful discussions about diversity and inclusion. Create spaces where individuals can share their stories and perspectives without fear of judgment. Emphasize the importance of tolerance and acceptance in building a harmonious society.
National Minorities Day serves as a reminder that celebrating diversity should be an ongoing commitment. Encourage inclusive practices in workplaces, schools, and communities every day of the year. National Minorities Rights Day is more than just a celebration. It’s a reminder of our collective responsibility to create an equitable society, where every individual enjoys their rights and contributes to the progress of the nation.
Child Help Foundation along with its crowd-funding partner, Filaantro recognizes the challenges faced by the underprivileged. The organization has adopted SDGs 3 (Good Health and Well-Being), 4 (Quality Education), 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 5 (Gender Equality), 2 (Zero Hunger), 11, 13 &17 (Humanitarian Relief), 15 (Life on Land), 14 (Life Below Water) and 8 & 10 (Decent Work and Economic Growth & Reduce Inequality) by the United Nations and has positively impacted the lives of 44, 81,098 people.
On National Minorities Rights Day, let’s pledge to uphold the values of inclusivity, respect, and equality, ensuring that every voice is heard and every right is protected. Let’s build bridges of understanding, promote tolerance, and ensure that every individual enjoys the fundamental rights and freedoms they deserve.
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humansolidarityday · 6 months
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Poverty - End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Food - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Health - Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Education - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Women - Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Water - Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
Energy - Ensure access to aff ordable, reliable, sustainable and clean energy for all.
Economy - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Infrastructure - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Inequality - Reduce inequality within and among countries.
Habitation - Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Consumption - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Climate - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Marine-ecosystems - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Ecosystems - Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests sustainably, combat desertifi cation, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
Institutions - Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build eff ective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Sustainability - Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
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thxnews · 8 months
Leaders Declare Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity
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  Official Declaration From the White House
Word-for-word transcription. We, the leaders of Barbados, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States, and Uruguay hold a common vision for a more open, fair, inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous hemisphere. We envision a brighter future for all the people of the Americas in which vibrant economies build more equitable societies and democratic governments, through effective institutions, deliver for all. To this end, we recognize the need to accelerate inclusive and sustainable trade and investment in the region, address the climate crisis, and expand social and economic opportunities that leave no one behind. We reaffirm our collective commitment to shared values, including democracy, rule of law, diversity and inclusion, decent work and well-paying jobs, environmental and social protection, labor rights, universal human rights, and fundamental freedoms in the Americas. Having launched the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (“Americas Partnership”) with the intention to significantly strengthen our economic partnership, we have come together to establish the Americas Partnership as a leader-led forum for deepening economic collaboration and integration in our hemisphere. We intend for the Americas Partnership to serve as a lasting regional platform to pursue an ambitious, flexible, and goal-oriented economic and development agenda. At this inaugural Leaders’ Summit of the Americas Partnership, we have identified the following five initial cross-cutting priorities that will focus and drive our collective work: - Strengthening regional competitiveness and integration - Fostering shared prosperity and good governance - Building sustainable infrastructure - Protecting the climate and environment - Promoting healthy communities To advance these priorities, we will identify a set of specific actions that we intend to collectively implement to achieve concrete results through a newly created and enduring structure for the Americas Partnership. To that end, we resolve to establish three tracks and ask Ministers to meet annually to carry out these efforts. The Foreign Affairs Track will advance activities and initiatives that will help to deliver inclusive and sustainable growth and unleash the full potential of our peoples. We acknowledge the intricate links in each of our countries between good governance and increased growth as well as the importance of ensuring that the gains are broadly shared. To launch this first phase of work, we ask our Foreign and other relevant Ministers to prioritize collaborative initiatives aimed at fostering inclusive growth, such as through the establishment of a regional accelerator for entrepreneurs and programs to foster workforce development, particularly in the digital economy. We further call on Ministers to identify specific tools and initiatives to address barriers that prevent women and other historically underrepresented groups from participating fully in the workforce. Additionally, we ask Ministers to advance projects and initiatives that will help to tangibly improve access to healthcare, potable water, clean energy, food, and nutritional security, and support smart agriculture and protect against climate change through sound adaptation and mitigation practices, which are essential for prosperous societies and economies and the future of humankind. To ensure gains are broadly shared, we also call on Ministers to explore efforts to deepen existing commitments to anti-corruption and transparency efforts. The Trade Track will bolster the foundations of our regional competitiveness by building upon our existing trade links and economic cooperation. We call on the Ministers responsible for trade to develop inclusive and sustainable approaches to trade and investment that will support regional sustainable development and resilient supply chains for goods and services, enhance a predictable and transparent regulatory environment that can boost trade flows, and remove barriers to greater economic integration among our countries. We expect these efforts to reflect our values and create formal jobs that lead to decent work and promote internationally recognized labor rights, environmental sustainability, and economic inclusion. We ask Ministers to immediately focus on enhancing regional integration by advancing implementation of the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation and digitization of customs mechanisms throughout the region. We further ask Ministers to conduct a gap analysis to identify regulatory actions needed to enhance regional integration and develop mechanisms, actions, and information-sharing tools to ensure that the benefits of trade are more widely shared with micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises and historically underrepresented communities. The Finance Track will pursue high-standard finance and investment initiatives that will be central to the success of the Americas Partnership. We ask our Finance and other relevant Ministers to aim to accelerate efforts to increase the quality and quantity of financing for the Americas, including through innovative and concessional financial instruments. Ministers should work to maintain momentum on the ongoing evolution of multilateral development banks to better address national and cross-border development challenges, especially at the World Bank Group and the Inter-American Development Bank Group. We commend the consensus reached by the Governors for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Inter-American Investment Corporation (IDB Invest) to make swift progress towards reform of the IDB Group and towards assessing the potential recapitalization of IDB Invest. We look forward to the IDB Group playing a renewed role in hemispheric engagement that promotes high-standard, responsible, and sustainable investment that safeguards workers, communities, and the environment, expands access to decent jobs, and catalyzes regional growth. Further, we ask our Ministers to prioritize efforts to leverage new and existing development finance tools, such as the investment platform established by the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation and IDB Invest, to support sustainable digital and physical infrastructure and innovative nature-based solutions that provide positive financial incentives to promote environmental conservation and address climate challenges. Taken together, the work we carry out in these three tracks will build on our foundation of economic ties and strengthen our hemispheric resilience. Recognizing the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic, the risks and adverse impacts of climate change, and other potential sources of disruption to global supply chains, we intend to establish the Americas as the home of the world’s most competitive, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient regional value and supply chains. Our efforts will focus on three initial priority sectors: clean energy, medical supplies, and semiconductors. This will require coordination and cooperation among governments, and with public and private stakeholders, to invest in the health and security of our peoples now and for the future. The Americas Partnership, through regular and formal engagements, will seek the input and expertise of a variety of stakeholders and partners, particularly underrepresented groups, to inform the development of new cooperative initiatives. To initiate this work, we call on Ministers to develop regional competitiveness plans to build resilient supply chains in the Americas, taking advantage of our complementarities. In these sector-specific workstreams, we will pay particular attention to the formalization, financing, and incentives for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. Across all lines of effort in the Americas Partnership, we will promote the social, cultural, economic, and political inclusion of all. We will endeavor to facilitate greater well-being and foster consultation with and participation of underrepresented communities, such as Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants, women, youth, LGBTQI+ individuals, older persons, persons with disabilities, and members of rural populations, and ensure micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises have greater opportunities to access markets. Similarly, across all of our work, we intend to promote shared values of transparency, fairness, inclusivity, accountability, and environmental sustainability, while also upholding high standards for labor and promoting innovations in responsible business conduct, throughout our economies, in accordance with our multilateral commitments. To accomplish these goals, we call on Ministers to regularly engage in multistakeholder dialogues with these communities to ensure the work and outcomes of the Americas Partnership reflect a broad and diverse set of voices. In the spirit of openness and inclusivity, we ask Ministers to establish a process for welcoming additional Western Hemisphere countries to join the Americas Partnership. We believe that, together, we have the capacity to transform our shared hemisphere, building on the diversity, talent, and dynamism of our peoples. We intend to meet every two years to assess our progress and identify additional opportunities to galvanize action toward our vision for a closer, safer, more prosperous Americas.   Sources: THX News & The White House. Read the full article
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rynn-1 · 8 months
Denny ja why wealth gaps are increasingly endangering social stability.
Introduction Increasing wealth gap is one of the issues that is hotly discussed in the context of social stability. This phenomenon is a serious concern for many countries, including in Indonesia. In this article, we will discuss why wealth gaps are increasingly endangering social stability, by taking the view of Denny JA, a prominent economist in Indonesia. I. Why does the wealth gap endangered social stability? A. Inequality of access to resources One of the reasons why wealth gaps endanger social stability is due to the imbalance of access to economic resources. When a small portion of the population has greater access to resources such as education, work, and health, while most people do not, social inequality is increasingly detailed. This can cause dissatisfaction among disadvantaged people and potentially creating social instability. B. Decreased quality of life The wealth gap also contributes to the decline in the quality of life for people who are below the poverty line. When most wealth is concentrated on a handful of individuals or groups, people who are less able to face difficulties in meeting their basic needs such as food, clean water, housing, and health services. This dissatisfaction and decline in quality of life can cause social tension that has the potential to threaten the stability of the country. C. Limitation of Economic Opportunities Wealth gaps can create restrictions on economic opportunities for most people. When wealth is concentrated on a handful of individuals or groups, the opportunity to get a decent job and adequate income becomes limited to the wider community. This can create social injustice and cause tension between groups in society, which in turn can damage social stability. II. Denny JA's view Denny JA, a leading economist in Indonesia, also observes the negative impact of the wealth gap on social stability. According to him, increasing wealth gaps can worsen social inequality and cause dissatisfaction among disadvantaged people. In his view, social stability is very important for sustainable economic development, and high wealth gaps can hamper the process. Denny JA also shows that high wealth gaps can hamper social mobility in the community. When most resources are concentrated in a handful of individuals or groups, the opportunity to improve social and economic status is limited to the wider community. This creates obstacles for more equitable social and economic development. In addition, Denny Ja also highlighted the importance of wealth redistribution policies to reduce gaps and increase social stability. According to him, the government must be actively involved in implementing fair and fair policies to ensure more equitable access to economic resources. By involving all parties in the process of economic development, social stability can be better maintained. Conclusion Increasing wealth gap is a serious threat to social stability. Inequality of access to resources, decreased quality of life, and limiting economic opportunities are some of the negative impacts of the wealth gap that needs to be considered. Denny Ja's view underlines the importance of social stability in achieving sustainable economic development, as well as the need for a wealth redistribution policy to overcome this problem. Only by reducing wealth gaps and ensuring more equitable access to economic resources, social stability can be better maintained.
Complete check: Denny JA: Why is the gap of wealth increasingly endangering social stability?
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tovaranna · 9 months
Movements against the Pollution of the Water
Movements against water pollution have been a crucial response to the growing threat posed by the degradation of this vital resource.
In historical context, the civil rights movement in the United States of the 1960s provided a platform to highlight inequity in access to drinking water in minority communities. Influential figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. joined this fight, placing the importance of ensuring equitable access to clean water. Their actions included protests, demonstrations and speeches that mobilized society and put pressure on the authorities. As a result, the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972, a legislative milestone that transformed water quality nationwide.
The impact of this movement was not only limited to improving water quality, but also set a significant precedent by highlighting that access to clean water is a fundamental right.
The relevance of this movement endures today as it continues to inspire the fight for water preservation and equal access to clean water resources in a world where water pollution remains a global challenge.
In short, the history of these movements highlights the importance of collective action in defending water and reminds us that, even in difficult times, awareness and mobilization can achieve significant change.
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riyaseo6 · 10 months
TDP's Inclusive Policies: Advancing Social Welfare And Social Justice
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has been at the forefront of advocating inclusive policies to advance social welfare and social justice in Andhra Pradesh. Led by visionary leaders like N Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP has consistently worked towards uplifting the marginalized sections of society and ensuring equitable development for all. In this article, we will explore the Top TDP Achievements and TDP Contributions of the TDP in implementing inclusive policies that have positively impacted the lives of the people of Andhra Pradesh. Under the guidance of N Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP has nurtured a dedicated team of TDP MLAs who have played a pivotal role in implementing the party's inclusive policies. These elected representatives have been at the forefront of understanding the unique challenges faced by different communities and have actively worked towards addressing them. The TDP MLAs have been the driving force behind various welfare programs, which have significantly improved the living conditions of the underprivileged.
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One of the TDP's flagship initiatives, the Amma Vodi Scheme, aimed to provide financial assistance to mothers or guardians of school-going children. Under this scheme, financial aid was directly transferred to the beneficiaries, encouraging parents to send their children to school regularly and reducing the dropout rates significantly. This pioneering health insurance scheme provided financial coverage to underprivileged families for medical emergencies and accidents under the guidance of N Chandrababu Naidu. By making quality healthcare affordable and accessible, the TDP made substantial progress in improving the overall health of the vulnerable sections of society. The TDP government launched the NTR Housing Scheme to provide housing facilities to the economically weaker sections. The scheme aimed to ensure that every family in the state had a secure roof over their heads, thus tackling the issue of homelessness and improving the overall living standards. The TDP government significantly invested in the education sector by establishing new schools, improving infrastructure, and providing scholarships to meritorious students from marginalized backgrounds under the guidance of N Chandrababu Naidu. By focusing on education, the TDP sought to equip the youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to lead a better life and contribute to the state's development. The TDP was committed to developing the rural areas of Andhra Pradesh by implementing various infrastructural projects, providing access to basic amenities like clean drinking water and sanitation, and promoting agriculture and allied activities. This emphasis on rural development aimed to bridge the urban-rural divide and uplift the lives of those living in remote areas. To ensure transparency and accountability, the TDP utilized digital platforms to provide Live TDP Updates on its policies, projects, and welfare schemes under the guidance of N Chandrababu Naidu. Through social media and dedicated websites, the TDP disseminated real-time information to the public, allowing citizens to be well-informed about the government's efforts and progress.
The Telugu Desam Party's commitment to inclusive policies has undoubtedly brought about a positive transformation in Andhra Pradesh. With visionary leaders like N. Chandrababu Naidu at the helm, the TDP has made significant strides in advancing social welfare and social justice. The party's Top TDP Achievements, such as the Amma Vodi Scheme, Chandranna Bima Yojana, and NTR Housing Scheme, have uplifted the marginalized and improved their quality of life. By investing in education, rural development, and infrastructure, the TDP has laid a strong foundation for a more equitable and prosperous Andhra Pradesh. As the party continues its journey, transparency through digital platforms will further strengthen the bond between the government and its citizens, fostering a brighter and more inclusive future for all.
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aprilalaxiii · 4 months
Reimagine the Future, SMARTer: Achieving the SDGs through Strategic Thinking
Blog 1 - February 18, 2024
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During our first meeting for the technopreneurship course, our instructor, Engineer Marberth, showed us a recorded video that discussed the various course requirements and their significance for us as future engineers. The video states that in order to determine whether we have made progress, we must take the Myers-Briggs Personality Test and the Innovation Index Test during the first and last weeks of the semester. The purpose of the innovation test was to examine our innovative mentality. Based on my results, I scored 60.92 out of 100, which is lower than I had anticipated. My personality test results, on the other hand, indicate that I am an ISFP-T, or adventurous kind of person. Individuals with the ISFP personality type are recognized for their spontaneous nature, who enjoy experimenting and exploring with themselves and their ideas and are also service-oriented and express genuine concern for others through actions rather than words.
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Additionally, we did an activity that required cooperation and brainstorming about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the UN. The SDGs seek to change the world. They serve as a call to action to eliminate poverty and injustice, save the environment, and guarantee the well-being, fairness, and prosperity of all people. My groupmates and I decided to concentrate on the 6th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), which is Clean Water and Sanitation. As most of us noticed that, the unfiltered and contaminated water is one of the most common problem that people encounter especially in our area. A Water Filtering device can be used to solve this issue. During the decision-making process, we took into account many aspects such as if it is S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bounded) nature  how we may be able to use our future profession as a mechanical engineering student to improve the Cleanliness and Sanitation of water.
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My experience in the 1st week of our technopreneurship course has been both enlightening and eye-opening. The emphasis on self-awareness through personality tests like the Myers-Briggs and the Innovation Index has provided valuable insights into my strengths and areas for growth as a future engineer. Despite initially scoring lower than expected on the innovation test, I recognize the opportunity for personal development and am committed to fostering a more innovative mindset. Furthermore, our group's focus on the 6th Sustainable Development Goal underscores the importance of addressing pressing global issues like access to clean water and sanitation. By harnessing our adventurous spirit and commitment to service, I believe we can make meaningful contributions towards achieving a more sustainable and equitable world.
April Jean T. Tacbobo - ME 3A
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