amandalbohannan · 2 years
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A holiday short story from Acio's point of view:
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harepare · 19 days
disciye gidiyom yine
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sarkarijobsreuslt · 6 months
What is the syllabus for IB ACIO Tier-II exam?
The syllabus for the IB ACIO Tier-II exam typically covers the following subjects:
1. Essay Writing: Essays on predetermined topics must be written by candidates. The essay evaluates the applicant's capacity for logical reasoning, well-articulated concepts, and persuasive opinion expression. 2. English Comprehension and Precis Writing: This section assesses the candidate's comprehension abilities and grasp of the English language. It might have passages covering a range of subjects with comprehension questions afterward, along with precis writing tasks where applicants must provide a succinct summary of a passage.
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oops-all-short-kings · 8 months
The new oaskap EP was so incredibly good even if it was filler because Acios player was out like crymear rolling so many ones and Lizzy being his usual the wizard self
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astroyongie · 6 months
Why Am I This Way - Psychology Answers
Note: Another one <3 we are almost done with the How Am I section !!
“How Am I” Section
“Am I Really A Good Person?”
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
To start off, it's important that we understand that being wrong and right are social constructs and they will depend on your cultural background, on you ethnic and the way you were born and social class.
Now these feelings of being a good person, of caring from the social norms and looks come from childhood where the family plays an essential role on how we want to be cared for and loved.
In a dysfunctional family they usually have a closed system. For any interest in these topics you can always check the works that are based on little information and the resources are shared between the family members (communication isn't used often). In this cases (these families) communication tend to be rare and the rules of the family are usually strict and not just, working in the favor of the parent authority 
In contrary, in a functional family, the system us open and the information and the ressources shred is shared through communication between the family 
Basically in dysfunctional families the rules are not said. They learn in silence. In function, the parent actually verbalizes the good and the wrong.
back on the dysfunctional family, the communication is so fragile and limited that the little things that are said are usually harsh, violent and painful to the child (for example the child is make a mistake, the parent will proceed with accusatory screaming or physical abuse)
Because of this, the children who got raised in such an environment learn to mold themselves to reach security. They are always weary of their environment and they tend to read people to accommodate and adapt their behaviors. 
Basically they learn to recognize a bad action and a good acio based on their parents' punishments and because of that they tend to always please others or provoke a better reaction in their counterpart to avoid the violence.
These children (from dysfunctional families) can develop four types of communication patterns when evolving with other people. Those are: 
“Appeased” : they are people pleasers and they will put a lot of effort in for that to happen during arguments. To be a good person they use extreme generosity by neglecting themselves and their needs (because their parents have neglected them so much so why shouldn't they do the same?)
“Accuser”: A mirroying of narcissistic parenting/ defensive category. People like that will try to manipulate the situation and turn the tables to avoid being on the receiving pain end. They try to be a good person by using reverse psychology 
“Congruent”: the person is aware of their surroundings, they are aware of signals that can be potentially triggering. These types of people when arguments happen tend to use verbal and non verbal communication at the same type to smooth the situation and avoid being hit. more of a “fight” response to avoid panic and be a good person.
“Evasive”: they are usually people that often retreat in arguments. They will keep themselves shut because they have learnt that speaking will bring them more pain so they usually try to keep themselves shut and repress emotions in order to be the good person. some of them can also use humor as a mechanism 
Usually people that are always questioning their worth as a good people come mostly from a dysfunctional family weather neglect and violence were the main resource and where the people had to learn strategies to survive in that environment
if you are interested in more of these topics you can check the works of Virginia Satir and Karen Horney
So what can we do?
We cannot allow the limited perceptions of others define us
You need to understand that you have lost touch with your inner self in order to avoid conflict. the important here is to learn that arguments and conflicts are often necessary to solve the issues and they are important to communicate feelings and that one should not stop putting their fears first and take time to open up
now this is hard but with therapy and the right relationship, this gets easier and those behavioral patterns can be changed
There’s also the need to stop blaming yourself for everything and prioritize your happiness. 
Learn to say no, learn to stand for yourself and believe that you are worth more than what the dysfunctional family provided. you are worth love
and no, you're not a bad person you are just hurt
Now, you know where to work to become a better version of yourself 
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carloskaplan · 8 months
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Juan Fernández, El Labrador: Catro acios de uvas (ca. 1636)
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myveryownfanfiction · 7 months
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Sharpuary day 15: ashwinder
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing, duels
"Where the fuck did they all come from?" I gasped as I skidded to a halt next to Aesop. Fig's protege was collapsed in a heap in the middle of the meadow, surrounded by ashwinders. The group was standing around, waiting for them to make a move but it looked like they were down for the count. Or perhaps they were waiting for Rookwood to appear.
"I don't know." Aesop growled, taking a careful step forward. "But I am NOT going to let anything happen to that child. Not anymore." Stepping into the meadow, Aesop raised his wand. "Stupefy!" He yelled. I ducked into the forest again and maneuvered my way around to the other side.
"Diffindo!" I yelled as I emerged from the forest. "Depulso!" I tried to keep track of where Aesop was as I burst into the meadow. "Leviso!"
"Acio!" Aesop cried and I felt myself move to the left, just as a flash of red went careening past my ear. I looked over at him in thanks and he nodded before turning to the next ashwinder. "Reducto!"
"Expelliarmus!" I yelled, fighting my way towards the collapsed student. "Fuck." I muttered as I finally reached them, just realizing the small pool of blood that had surrounded them. "Aesop!" I yelled. "We need to get them out of here. NOW!"
"Remember Trafalgar?" he yelled back. My eyes went wide and I threw myself over Fig's protege.
"Protego!" I yelled and put all my strength into the shield. Aesop backed as close to it as he dared.
"Confringo!" Aesop yelled, watching as the ashwinders either apparated or went down. "We'll apparate as close as I can to the castle. Once we get there, run and get Blainey. We're going to need her." I nodded as Aesop crouched down to put a hand on my back and the student's. With a twist of the gut, we landed in Hogsmeade square. I immediately ran for the floo network and landed in the hospital wing.
"Blainey!" I yelled as I saw her. "We need your help!" She came running and we flooed back to the square where Aesop was trying to treat what wounds he could with wiggenweld.
"What in merlin's beard happened?" Blainey asked.
"Ashwinders." I breathed out, watching the two work on the student. "We took care of them but the student was in the forbidden forest...there must have been dozens of them...standing around...waiting..."
"I think they're running out trying to take down the smuggling rings." Aesop said quietly, standing up and giving Blainey her space.
"What makes you say that?" I asked. Aesop handed me their bag, which squeaked. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked inside. There was a whole nest of baby nifflers in it. I sighed and looked at Aesop. "Which means we aren't going to be able to stop them." He shook his head.
"No." He agreed. "But it does mean we can better prepare them."
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denizzzfm · 2 months
acio acio mna kycm
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itzymidzy · 4 months
240517 twitter: itzyofficial - 🍬 What is everyone doing today?
🍬: Then I’ll just leave to get ready 🍬🍬
👤: I'm at work!! Please support me 😭
🍬: Good luck!!
👤: Ryujin-chan ︎ 💕 ︎I'm looking forward to the live performance!!! I'm out to eat now 🍚
🍬: Eat well and come back
👤: What do you think today? What did you eat today, Ryujin?
🍬: I ate curry ☺️
👤: cheers today too!
🍬: Fighting....!
👤: Ryujin~~~please enjoy the concert today to the fullest too and I can’t wait to see you rock the stage!🤟🤟🤟많이 많이 사랑해🍬
🍬: i'll try my best.....!!
👤: See you! 🤩 The weather in Tokyo is so cold today ~~~~
🍬: Really? I'm so glad
👤: I ate Monjayaki yesterday 🥰🥰🥰
🍬: Looks delicious 🤤
👤: Tangerine cat! 🍊🐱
🍬: 😳
👤: Fighting for our Leungttaeng Japan concert! Don’t get sick and eat well~ It’s candy 🍬💙
🍬: Me too
👤: Shin Ryujin.. I miss you..
🍬: Hell ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s so funny
👤: Acio Ryujin Reply
🍬: Arrived!
👤: have a good day and time in japan bestie 🫶
🍬: okay i will have a great day☺️
👤: I'm crying like this because I miss Shin Ryujin
🍬: Don’t cry, stop
👤: hi ryujin, im listening to algorhythm currently. as expected, all of itzy’s japanese songs are great 🥹🍬 have a good day and eat well !! all the best for your performances later too !! you will do great as always. i love youuuu 🤍🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬🍬
🍬: thankyouuuuuuuuu🥹
👤: I love you vs I like you
🍬: I love you ☺️
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Gozum acio ama opersen gecer
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kinocube · 2 years
A froita prohibida
Que hai máis san que unha froita? E máis saboroso? Sabémolo ben. Para ambientar a escrita deste artigo collín un acio de uvas pretas do país, que estamos a entrar na tempada, e vou comendo un par de uviñas por parágrafo. 
Existen moitos arquetipos relacionados coa comida, pois é unha das funcións básicas para o mantemento da vida humana. O da froita, concretamente, é moi especial, porque leva moitos anos con nós, dende que eramos pouco máis que recolectores antes da invención da agricultura. Na literatura máis antiga xa atopamos o primeiro grande arquetipo froiteiro: a mazá de Eva, a árbore do coñecemento, o froito prohibida e o castigo por acceder a ela. 
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Hai varias maneiras de abordar este tema; poderiamos facer unha lista de froitas e o simbolismo habitual asociado a cada unha, por exemplo. As uvas que estou a comer préstanme como a un dirixente romano deitado no seu triclinio, desfrutando do pracer decadente. Xa temos un cliché. E se despois como un plátano, terei que ter coidado de onde boto a pela, non vaia ser que alguén lle dea por esvarar nela con efecto cómico. Neste sentido, aparte das mencionadas, poderiamos contar entre as froitas máis agradecidas para o cinema á mazá –a máis popular–, o amorodo, a granada, a laranxa ou o pexego.
Porén, penso que é máis práctico ir por partes. Que simbolizou a froita, de maneira xeral, dende case o comezo? A resposta é múltiple: vida, fertilidade, abundancia... cando no verán había froita era porque a xeada invernal non estragara a colleita. A proliferación da froita está relacionada coa prosperidade, pero tamén coa vida en si mesma: a fertilidade das prantas, o nacemento, a verde xuventude e a madurez –utilizamos as mesmas palabras para referirnos ás persoas e aos froitos da terra– e a decadencia en forma de podremia. A froita a podrecer, así como as flores a murchar, son imaxes que forman parte do noso universo simbólico á hora de representar o declive e a morte das cousas. 
En canto á abundancia e prosperidade, está claro que unha mesa ben luxosa está incompleta sen a súa fonte de froita. Polo mesmo motivo, en certos contextos narrativos unha soa mazá pode ser o mellor regalo, sobre todo se a personaxe que a recibe non adoita ter a capacidade de adquirila por si mesmo. Isto é habitual, por exemplo, no cinema infantil ou de animación. É unha maneira sinxela de expresar agradecemento ou caridade.
Agora deixo por aquí unha pequena advertencia, pois toca falar de cousas relativas á sexualidade humana. 
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Porque a froita relaciónase coa fertilidade, como xa mencionamos, pero tamén co pracer. O pracer decadente das uvas nos péplum e mailo pracer de tipo sexual. Tense falado máis ou menos erroneamente dos alimentos afrodisíacos, entre os que se conta habitualmente a froita. Se cadra é un efecto máis intelectual e psicolóxico que biolóxico, na miña opinión máis ilustrada en arquetipos e narrativas que en nutrición. Froita como o amorodo, o pexego, a granada, forman parte do imaxinario erótico debido –entre outros factores– aos estímulos sensoriais que ten en común o comer unha froita coas prácticas sexuais humanas. O son, o tacto, a textura, o xugo... Se volvemos, ademais, ao mito bíblico de Adán e Eva, temos redondeado o sistema simbólico. A froita é o reflexo da tentación, a miúdo con nefastas consecuencias das que nos preveñen as fábulas e os contos con leccións morais. Unha mostra é o conto de fadas de Brancaneves, que tamén tivo o seu paso polo cinema, e que nos mostra o fácil e o perigoso que é caer na tentación da mazá da Raíña Malvada. A tentación tamén se veu representada a miúdo na narrativa pola granada que consumíu Perséfone para ficar –voluntariamente ou non, xa sabedes que os mitos teñen moitas versións– todos os invernos canda Hades no Inframundo helénico. É a mesma granada que aparece en Kingdom of Heaven (Ridley Scott, 2005).
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Seguramente aqueles encargados de censurar a narrativa cinematográfica no Hollywood clásico, o do Código Hays, sabían ben desta relación entre froita, sensualidade e tentación, polo que non abondan as representacións da froita na narrativa cinematográfica deste período. É curioso como, nos últimos tempos, o pexego tomara o relevo á mazá como froita da sensualidade e da tentación. Terá que ver con que, a nivel popular, se relacione a miúdo o emoji do pexego á anatomía humana e ao erotismo? Quen o sabe!
Saíndo deste eido, existe un cliché bastante estendido relacionado coa froita no cinema: que os viláns sempre andan a comer mazás. Explícome! Nos últimos anos foi un recurso bastante utilizado para caracterizar unha personaxe, non necesariamente negativa, mais sí unha persoa sen filtros, despreocupada, confiada. Non coñezo exactamente o motivo tras desta caracterización, pero cando vexo unha personaxe a trabar ruidosamente unha mazá, podo imaxinar que, canto menos, non é o tipo de persoa que se preocupa polo que pensen os demais. Unha característica propia dos viláns máis estereotípicos do cinema mainstream. 
Cómpre destacar que en ocasións a froita adquire determinados simbolismos propios como as laranxas que aparecen cada vez que alguén corre perigo de morte en The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972) ou as mazás da sorte que regala a personaxe de Bette Davis en Pocketful of Miracles (Frank Capra, 1961). Unha personaxe que visualmente é comparable á meiga de Brancaneves, pero representa os valores contrarios. 
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Finalmente, a froita aporta un valor visual importante: a cor. Cando a cor comezou a ser incorporada na cinematografía, a froita destacou como elemento favorito dos directores de fotografía naquelas producións a toda cor para deslumbrar ao espectador. De feito, un dos primeiros experimentos coa cor no cinema son as curtas sobre flores e froitas da Gaumont, entre 1912 e 1913. 
Cada elemento da nosa cotiandade é susceptible de converterse nun arquetipo e de aportar significado, simbolismo ou valores visuais a unha produción cinematográfica. O simple efecto de comer unha froita convértese, nas mans do cinema, nunha escena transcendental. 
E marcho, porque acabo de rematar o acio de uvas. Até o vindeiro episodio!
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digitalverse2023 · 24 hours
How to Become a Government Intelligence Officer in India: Paths to IB, CID, CBI, ED, and RAW
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Becoming a government intelligence officer in India is an attractive career option for many due to the prestigious role, challenging responsibilities, and contribution to national security. The intelligence agencies in India such as the Intelligence Bureau (IB), Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Enforcement Directorate (ED), and Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) offer varied opportunities. However, each organization has specific recruitment criteria and demands different skill sets.
Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding the role of these agencies and how to join them:
1. Intelligence Bureau (IB)
The Intelligence Bureau is India's domestic intelligence and counter-intelligence agency. IB officers work to gather internal intelligence, monitor suspicious activities, and protect national security.
Eligibility and Recruitment:
Educational Qualification: A bachelor's degree in any discipline is generally required. Graduates in disciplines like political science, law, or international relations may have an edge.
Age Limit: Typically, candidates between 20 to 27 years are eligible, with age relaxations for certain categories.
Selection Process:
The recruitment for IB officers is usually done through Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) examinations conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The selection process involves a written test followed by an interview and background check.
Skills and Responsibilities:
Proficiency in data analysis, risk assessment, and strong decision-making abilities.
Investigating potential threats, gathering intelligence, and ensuring the internal security of India.
2. Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
The CID is a state-level investigative agency under the state police force. CID officers specialize in criminal investigations, especially complex cases like frauds, murders, and other serious offenses.
Eligibility and Recruitment:
Educational Qualification: A degree in criminology, law, or forensic science can be helpful, but a bachelor's degree in any field is generally required.
Selection Process:
CID officers are recruited through the State Public Service Commission (PSC), SSC CGL exam, or are promoted from within the police force.
For higher positions like Sub-Inspector or Inspector, candidates need to clear competitive exams followed by physical tests and interviews.
Skills and Responsibilities:
Conducting in-depth investigations, handling forensic evidence, and collaborating with other agencies to solve crimes.
Sharp observational and analytical skills with an eye for detail are essential.
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3. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the premier investigative agency in India that handles corruption, high-profile crimes, and national-level investigations.
Eligibility and Recruitment:
Educational Qualification: A bachelor’s degree in law, criminology, or any other relevant field is preferred.
Selection Process:
CBI officers are typically recruited through the SSC CGL examination, especially for Sub-Inspector positions.
Higher-level officers like Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) are recruited from the Indian Police Service (IPS).
The process involves clearing written exams, followed by physical and interview stages.
Skills and Responsibilities:
Investigating high-profile cases involving financial frauds, serious crimes, and corruption.
Requires a keen sense of justice, logical reasoning, and the ability to handle pressure.
4. Enforcement Directorate (ED)
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is a specialized financial investigative agency responsible for enforcing economic laws and fighting financial crimes like money laundering.
Eligibility and Recruitment:
Educational Qualification: A background in finance, accounting, or law can be helpful. A bachelor's degree is the minimum requirement.
Selection Process:
ED officers are recruited primarily from the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) and other civil services.
The recruitment process usually starts with clearing the Civil Services Examination (CSE) conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
Officers can also be deputed from other government organizations.
Skills and Responsibilities:
Investigating money laundering, illegal foreign exchange transactions, and financial crimes.
Excellent knowledge of economic laws, accounting, and forensic auditing is required.
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5. Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)
Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) is India’s external intelligence agency responsible for foreign intelligence gathering, counter-terrorism, and ensuring national security from external threats.
Eligibility and Recruitment:
Educational Qualification: A degree in international relations, political science, or law is often preferred, though a bachelor’s degree in any discipline is acceptable.
Selection Process:
RAW doesn't conduct open recruitment exams. Officers are typically recruited from the Indian Armed Forces, Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS), or Indian Revenue Service (IRS).
The recruitment is through direct appointment or deputation, often from officers serving in other government roles.
Candidates go through an extensive background check and intelligence training.
Skills and Responsibilities:
Collecting and analyzing foreign intelligence, conducting covert operations, and protecting India’s national security interests globally.
Requires strong analytical skills, physical fitness, and the ability to work under intense secrecy.
Each intelligence agency in India offers unique opportunities and challenges. While the IB and CID focus on internal security and criminal investigations, the CBI handles corruption and high-profile cases, the ED enforces economic laws, and RAW deals with external intelligence. Regardless of the agency, becoming a government intelligence officer demands discipline, critical thinking, and a dedication to safeguarding the nation.
Key Steps to Becoming an Intelligence Officer:
Complete Graduation: Most agencies require at least a bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
Prepare for Competitive Exams: Focus on exams like SSC CGL, Civil Services Examination, or respective state exams.
Physical Fitness and Mental Acuity: Intelligence officers need to maintain good physical fitness and possess strong analytical abilities.
Continuous Learning: Keep yourself updated with current national and international affairs, law enforcement techniques, and investigative technologies.
If you're passionate about serving the nation and have the skills to tackle intricate challenges, a career in one of India’s prestigious intelligence agencies might be your calling!
By following the appropriate paths and continuously upgrading your skills, you can build a rewarding and impactful career in intelligence services in India.
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internetkovboyu · 2 months
Elim cok acio anasini satayim bu dikis ne zaman cikicak !?!?!? 😭😭
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oyet · 3 months
Namasale council bans sand mining
The Namasale town council in Amolatar district has closed the sand mining operation at the Oribcan site. Speaking to our reporter recently, town clerk Susan Acio Eyuru stated that the closure was effective immediately, stating that the decision was made due to the threats posed by rising water levels.She added that the water level is destroying the site, road reserve, and the neighbouring…
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gadgetsforusesblog · 4 months
IB ACIO Tier 2 Admit Card 2024 Download Link Out, How To Check Call Letter
IB ACIO Tier 2 Admit Card 2024:- There is great news for all of you Intelligence Bureau (IB) to all of you by admit card to its official website It has been released and we will provide you full detailed information in this article that how all of you can check and download your admit card online, so read this article till the end. We will tell you that Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (…
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