#Ad Camapign
unes23 · 2 years
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Kris Grikaite for Chanel FW19 Campaign
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The BBC is already not being impartial during the UK election 2024
I shouldn't even be surprised but here we are. So much for any kind of journalistic standard.
Those of you who were around for the last election campaign may remember at that point a far-right party member's claim, which was repeated uncritically and as if it were factual by many media outlets, that he was 'assaulted' by 'a youth on a bicycle' throwing a yogurt at him while he innocently campaigned for his party, which was an example of political violence against his beliefs.
Except it turned out that there was CCTV in the area and no 'youth on a bicycle carrying yogurt' was seen.
What was in fact seen, was the man in question had brought a packed lunch with him for his day out, which contained... a yogurt. Which he either accidentally or deliberately spilled on himself while campaigning, and then took the opportunity to report to his party leadership and the media as an assault, which was then spread around as if factual and it definitely happened, inciting sympathy for the poor innocent far-right people.
Well folks. They're at it again this year.
Here's a fun uncritical headline from the BBC that dropped today:
"Reform election candidate 'attacked' in Cornwall"
What evidence is given for this attack, I hear you ask, given that the BBC has reported it as a factual event in the title?
Well, the chairman of Reform, the party in question, has claimed that it happened, and has made a social media video stating that it happened. Three days ago.
Here's how the article describes it:
"A statement from Reform UK said Mr Rubidge, 51, was handing out election leaflets in Event Square when he was verbally abused by a man believed to be in his 20s. The party said that, as Mr Rubidge tried to leave the scene after two other men turned up, he had a bag he was carrying grabbed off him by the first man.
He was eventually able to "wrestle the bag" back off the man, but he was punched and kicked multiple times, leaving him with injuries to his ligaments, Reform added. The incident left Mr Rubidge shaken and shocked, the party's statement said.
In his social media video, Mr Tice said he was "appalled" after hearing about the alleged incident. He said: "This is no way of having a democratic debate and discussion. "We can disagree, but we don't fight each other. That's not what our democracy is about."
He added Mr Rubidge did go back on the campaign trail for a further four hours on Saturday."
Nowhere in the article (archived ver. June 18th 2024) does the BBC make clear that this is not an impartial account of what has been determined to have actually happened, but rather, a biased account from a political party representative that has likely been crafted in conjunction with a PR specialist in order to stretch the truth as far as possible in order to present the campaigner as innocent, a victim, and suffering due to his innocent political beliefs that are UNDER ASSAULT by vicious strangers who are JUST INTOLERANT for no reason.
The article, of course, comes complete with a smiling image of the campaigner in question, looking as innocent as possible. The article is careful not to mention any of the content of the leaflets that the campaigner was handing out which may have caused some backlash if, perhaps, the camapigner was also shouting about some of the content of the leaflets while handing them out in a city center at midday on a Saturday: for context, Reform UK as a political party want to ban ALL immigration to the country, to deport international students even if they have already paid for their education in the UK, to remove all unemployment benefits from citizens who are struggling, to stop investing in any kind of renewable energy sources, to get rid of all diversity and inclusion practices, and to ban 'transgender ideology' including the admittance that trans people even exist from all schools and educational institutions. They also believe that 'the majority of mothers want to stay at home' instead of working.
Going back to the article, apparently the poor campaigner in question who was definitely ASSAULTED HORRIBLY and completely UNPROVOKED ended up with 'injuries to his ligaments'. This is a serious injury and would be quite debilitating to deal with and would require immediate treatment and some bed rest and gentle exercise for days therafter to aid recovery.
Interesting then, isn't it, that the campaigner in question was then able to then keep campaigning for a further four hours with such a horrendous injury?
The BBC and other media outlets need to realise that this isn't a fun RPG or game of who can present something the most quickly to 'win', accuracy be damned, or a situation where it's fine to save time doing your own research by just repeating a political organisation's press release about an incident as factual, verbatim.
This is a real election, the only election that will happen between now and 2029. The BBC is supposed to be impartial. Reporting an alleged assault as if it were factual and exactly as described by somebody with an interest in making it out to be as bad as possible, and trusting that all readers will be able to read between the lines of what is said and understand that your write-up of the event is actually just reporting what someone else SAID about the event rather than an unbiased record is at this point in time EXTREMELY irresponsible.
Journalists, your job, especially now, is to report what's happening to inform the public. You can report what someone THINKS is happening, but only if you make very clear that you are doing so, and ideally only report that within a larger piece that discusses just the facts of the situation. It's okay if details are unknown - it's better to note that than to put anything in, no matter if it's been fact-checked or not. The BBC is publicly funded, it and its staff don't need to be the first on the scene to react or comment on any given situation, it's not like anyone's going to get more funding or any reward for doing that.
You can't claim to be impartial on the one hand and on the other, uncritically report something that a political party has a vested interest to lie about as if it were definitely and wholly factual. And the BBC keeps doing this, as if there's no way anyone could ever lie about a situation in order to advantage themselves.
Wake up, BBC.
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sevenrs · 1 year
aslo about surv being fav camapign
i totally agree actually! playing the game for the first time (especially blind oh my god its so much better blind i kinda pity people who dont go in blind) is a very unique and exciting experience. The feeling of figuring things out for yourself is indescribeable. Stumbling into new regions, discovering new creatures and mechanics, the world felt so vast and mysterious.
but i also completely understand why downpour slugcats are completely different. You can only get lost in the world and feel at the bottom of the food chain so many times, at some point you just know too much and play too well. There isn't even that same sense of exploration with new regions, be it modded or added in downpour, you don't know the regions themselves but you just generally know what to expect from the game.
imo it's near impossible to recapture that same feeling and im happy downpour did what it did. Vanilla is still an unmatched experience, but again, it's very pretty much impossible to replicate i do think going for something else was the best choice
survivor is very much not a "you can replay this over and over" campaign. especially with hunter and then the dp scugs on the table. domination can be fun as well! i played hunter for the first time the month before downpour came out and i loved it so much because of the power
but when it comes to initial impressions. survivor is the best hands down
gameplay wise i much prefer hunter and artificer because of the power aspect but in expeditions i come back to survivor and monk to feel like a silly little beast again
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moon-down · 5 months
One of the things I want to work more on is an AU where I rewrite most of Downpour's lore to result in completely different and new stories and gameplay
Three of the things I've established so far is:
Making Artificer's campaign focused on a timeline where her pups were never killed, and focusing on the idea of instead using her abilities to murder scavangers, using them to transport and protect her pups actively. I feel like this would still give challange and a good story, especially since scavangers will still be included via how good Arti's reuptation with them is
Rivulet can actually breath underwater. This is to help focus on the ecosystem that comes out during the rain, one likely more terrifying and aquatic. Rivulet has a clear poit of vision around them that is fairly large to see through the dark waters. I just think it'd be cool if we actually got to see what could survive the harshness of that enviorment
Saint no longer has ascension powers and the point of Saint now is to focus on the world ad how it has changed around us. Saint is the epilogue that focuses on trying to survive in a world that we weren't entirely made to survive in, like with Survivor and Monk. Ascension still has a pretty cool ending though
Also ACTUALLY GIVING ASCENSION ENDINGS ACTUAL ENDINGS (even if they won't be entirely canon in the AU, only two of the DP slugs get actual ascension endings which I find disappointing. I know you aren't supposed to ascend as Spearmaster, Gourmand, or Rivulet, but why just recolor Survivor's ending??)
I'm not sure what to do with Spearmaster or Gourmand. (mostly because I still like the idea of Gourmand's camapign being a retelling from pups of the slugcat tribe, which would explain some of the ungodly abilities this slugcat has lol) But one of the things I want to do with Spearmaster involves their purpose
Basically, part of what I want to do with this AU is tie loose ends and also go back to vanilla lore and tie things there too. This does involve changing up Hunter a little but still fairly minor.
IDK maybe I'll write something for it who knows, depends if anyone is interested ig
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pipittypro · 2 years
The session 0 for the skylanders DND campaign is in a couple weeks and the first session is sometime in April. Running a Skylanders inspired and themed dungeons and dragons tabletop RPG camapign has been a dream of mine for years now and i’m so excited to start my first ever tabletop RP campaign Absens Phantasma (otherwise called skylanders game) ^^
(Though im gonna be perfectly honest. This entire campaigns plot is just the plot of Superchargers but I turned it into some??? Kind of AU?? Like I added a few twists and turns and other cool stuff I've had from a personal Skylanders AU for a few years now)
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maddiecopesblog · 5 months
Final evaluation
This project has been a really inspiring experience. I have managed to fulfil all of the aims I started with and have learned so much about the industry that I’d like to go into. 
I initially started looking at the things women hold physically and metaphorically which led to my research on womens pcoekts, as often women are not able to carry what they own. Despite not pursuing half of this idea, this research fueled my work to produce an outcome that touches on those issues, but not as explicitly as first intended,
Despite the change in my learning agreement, I still managed to touch on important issues that I began with. The lack of functional pockets contributes to the labour women have to endure, so solving this one small issue would theoretically lesson the burden. Focusing soley on the introduction of functional pockets for women was one of the best decsiions I made in progresssing my work, as it allowed me to provide a simple and achivble solution to a problem I had outlined.
I have learned how to successfully conduct interviews which was one of the main driving forces for my project. I found it insightful to gain primary research from individuals like Amanda Fletcher but also my family and peers. Interviewing women brought important insight that helped guide my outcome. I was made aware of issues I hadn’t considered and was able to solve issues that were brought to light during my interactions. 
During my project, I had moments where I struggled to come up with my aim. I was always clear about the subject matter I wanted to cover, however coming up with a specific call to action, target audience and solution proved difficult as there were so many options for me to choose from.
To alleviate this, I found documenting each of my ideas through quick illustrations incredibly useful, some of which I have added to this process book. While they seem frivolous, drawing out each idea, no matter how far-fetched or silly, meant I could reflect on all my options visually, and decide on the ones that would be best to visually communicate my idea. As well as this, I valued asking my course mates for their advice as gaining an ‘outsiders’ perspective, helped to remove any bias I may have. I have found being surrounded by so many talented designers truly inspiring and their input and advice has been invaluable to this project.
Having resrrahce a variety of camapigns which gave me both visual and conceptual isnpration, I was then able to succesfully plan my time. I worked backwards from the deadline which then allowed me to crete ‘to do lists’ daily to sensure I remined on track. This also kept in mind the main outcomes I wanted to create which included my pocket tester, a few OOH examples and most importantly, my presenration video.  I ammaged to not only stay on track, but create my rpesentation video in time for the Creative Conscience dealdine which was on April 28th. 
DUring the outcome production, my adverts went trhough many differernt varatoins as i wanted to ensure the copy was legible and my message was understood clearly. 
The final version is something I’m really proud of, it has a consistent visual language, a clear narrative and succesfully appeals to my target audience with an obvious call to action. I managed to generate two solutions, a brand championing pockets and a free how-to guide on how to extend your pockets. This variation not only proved that it can be done without cost for the customer, but also it allowed me to display my skills with different software. I used Premier Pro for my video, XD for my website, InDesign for my pocekt tester and Photoshop for the adverts.  I’m glad I got to develp my skills using different softwares as I do feel more prepapred for wokr after leaving university.
I feel this project has been a well rounded experience, it has challenged my skills and ideology and I have created a series of physical and digital outcomes that I’m proud of. If I were to do this project again I think I would have trusted my insticnts more when it came to my idea, I spent a lot of time near the beginning lacking conviction and trust in my idea, despite wanting to do my project about pockets from the very start. If I had more faith in my process, I wouldve come to a lot of my realisations sooner. Despite this, I am still grattful for the resrach that came out of that period of procrastiantion, I was still able to explore all the possibilities I wanted to and crate an outcome that I love. 
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thunderjust · 2 years
Network radar detector
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#Network radar detector drivers
#Network radar detector drivers
Used to track the information of the embedded YouTube videos on a website.Professional drivers using the STi Magnum™ connected to the ESCORT Live™ network, will know about threats even sooner thanks to ESCORT Live's unique data To optimize ad relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites such as what pages have been loaded. The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the users' browser supports cookies. This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users. This is used to present users with ads that are relevant to them according to the user profile. Used by Google DoubleClick and stores information about how the user uses the website and any other advertisement before visiting the website. The cookie also tracks user behavior across the web on sites that use the Facebook pixel or Facebook social plugin. The cookie is set by Facebook to show relevant advertisements to users and measure and improve the advertisements. This cookie is set by Facebook to deliver advertisements on Facebook or the Facebook Network after visiting this website. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This cookie is set by Youtube and registers a unique ID for tracking users based on their geographical locationĪdvertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This cookie is associated with Shopify's analytics suite. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages viisted in an anonymous form. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the wbsite is doing. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Google uses this cookie to distinguish users. The cookies store information anonymously and assigns a randoly generated number to identify unique visitors. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, camapign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It does not store any personal data.Īnalytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. This cookie is used for managing consent settings, to check whether a user has given consent to usage of cookies. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This cookie is used for managing consent settings, to check whether a user has given consent to usage of cookies under the category 'Performance'. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Non-necessary". The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". This cookie is used for managing consent settings. This cookie is used for managing consent settings, to check whether a user has given consent to usage of cookies under the category 'Misc'. This cookie is used for managing consent settings, to check whether a user has given consent to usage of cookies under the category 'Analytics'. This cookie is used for managing consent settings, to check whether a user has given consent to usage of cookies under the category 'Advertisement'. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". When a user start browsing a unique session ID is created, which keeps track of all the information regarding that session.This information is stored in the web server and it is identified via a GUID.The GUID is essential for any ASP.NET site to function properly. This cookie is used in sites developed with Microsoft.Net. It doesnot correspond to any user ID in the web application and does not store any personally identifiable information. The cookie is used to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address d apply security settings on a per-client basis. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
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emma-what-son · 2 years
what i dont get is why start a camapign for prefume in summer and not in run up to christmas when most campaigns kick off so people buy the stuff as gifts? maybe im wrong but pretty sure most prefume ads i saw always seemed to come on TV in like november or december back in the day lol
Maybe they were afraid for competition?
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marcjacobs · 7 years
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Slick Woods in the Marc Jacobs Fall ’17 ad campaign featuring our Roxy Glitz Rainbow Watch.
Photographed by David Hughes
Styled by Katie Grand
Casting by Anita Bitton
Hair by Guido Palau
Makeup by Diane Kendal
Nails by Honey
Set design by Stefan Beckman
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unes23 · 2 years
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Hedvig Palm for Anna Molinari SS22
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IT solutions and services - We provide end to end it solutions to increase your business presence in this digital era
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narrie · 3 years
This is not on or about Harry himself since we literally don't know shit what that business thing is potentially going to be. The whole "gender neutral makeup" thing is so fucking stupid. Make up in itself is only associated with gender because of the publicity/advertising/selling concept created around it. Make up in and of itself is fucking paint to put on a face and or body. Who the fuck cares how that body identifies as! This need of adding labels like "gender neutral" doesn't solve anything
Again, not about Harry, but if someone's wanting to change how make up is seen start by not putting the same white woman in the camapigns to sell it, by not advertising with traditional female pronouns or names. You know what I mean? Sorry for the anons, it just pisses me off how this need to put names on things is so very superficial and achieves basically nothing. Idk if I made much sense. 🙈
yes it's just so dumb and not "woke" or "progressive" in any way lmao it's just another upgrade of adding "FOR MEN" labels to cosmetic products to...reassure men of their sexuality? lmao just get over urselves and stop using 3 in 1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash
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xenosgirlvents · 4 years
fuck everything
so i've now gotten to read the goff index xenos section of the new white dwarf. the section which is explicitly meant to be about the goff orks. the section which, when it was about space marines in the white dwarf, lavished them with victory after victory after victory.
you know what the goffs get? fucking nothing. absolutely fucking nothing. how does this happen? who literally sat down and went ‘we gotta write about the goffs, what would goff fans like to see most?’ ‘them fucking losing constantly,’
why? why the fuck do the orks have to suck so much in the lore? even when they’re literally writing a dedicated section meant to be about the orks they still decide the best use for it is to just pile defeat on to fucking defeat? what the fuck will stop them making orks suck in the lore?
we first get a section called ‘goffs at war’ which is meant to give a detailed look at some memorable ork campaigns featuring goffs, the space marine sections did the same and they win all their battles in it.
so how does it go for the goffs?
melenath: where they lose to eldar
ryza: where they lose to the imperium
aankhas: their only fucking win where they beat the necrons
armageddon: a loss then draw for fucks sake
we then get a timeline section all about the goffs, like most codices feature, meant to psych you up about your faction and get you into the mood. it includes:
a random series of undetailed notes about ghazghkull being in lots of places at once.
an inconclusive ongoing battle of grukk’s against the imperium
a fucking win finally against random unknown foes on a hive world, they won’t even fucking let us know if there were enemies or if the biggest win the orks can pull off is beating random civilians
orks killing orks
orks losing on armageddon
orks losing to crimson fists
orks losing to space wolves
imperial knight-focused story about them wanting revenge on orks
the only fuckign detailed win the orks get the whole fucking section and, of course, who are they allowed to beat? sisters of battle, because only sisters of battle can lose to fucking xenos
random note on teleportation
note on two inconclusive camapigns
note on an inconsclusivebattle against grukk
a vindicaire being captured by zagstruk
ragnar beheading gahzghkull
ragnar becoming a primaris
ghazgkull killing other orks
this is it. this is fucking all we get. i was fucking hoping so much we’d finally get some actual ork wins when i heard that there’d be an ordo xenos section on the orks in the white dwarf, ont he goffs, i figured ‘surely in a segment literally dedicated to how cool the goffs are the goffs won’t fucking suck’ but boy what an absolute fucking loser idiot i am, thinking ork players get to have nice lore, i’m so sorry space marine and imperial players that for a second i though other players actually deserved to enjoy themselves too, must be because i’m a filthy, heretic or purge the xenos or whatever fucking shitty other meme you want to repeat ad nauseam to fill the gap that this leaves.
fuck games workshop and black library, they clearly don’t awnt anyone but imperial fans to even get to enjoy themselves with the lore if their literal sections on the orks, dedicated to the goffs, paints them as fucking losers getting their shit kicked in constantly.
i can’t take this, i cannot take this, how absolutely spiteful, vindictive and fucking awful do you have to be to literlaly take a section about the orks and use it as yet another chance to jack off the marins and the imperium? i cannot take this
people say it’s getting better but it isn’t. it isn’t. this is the fucking newest piece of fluff and lore gw has done on orks and it has literally been this and saga of the beast and they have givent he orks almost no wins at fucking all, evne when the attention is literally focuse don't hem. fuckafabgagmlasgpagaog
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thelasthomelyurl · 5 years
it tastes better that way
This was written as a gift for the marvelous @shout-cast​ as a thank-you for donating to the fundraiser to help with the recovery after Storm Dennis. That fundraiser can be found here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/helpwalesafterstormdennis 
For the foreseeable future* of that gofundme camapign, you can message me with some sort of proof that you contributed and I’ll write you a little 500-1k word ficlet as a thank-you! (*Gofundmes don’t have a set duration. I probably won’t honor this 5 years from now.) Click here for full details! 
Anyway, shout-cast’s prompt was for “maybe a little cooking fluff, trying a new recipe?” and here we go: 
The best time to start cooking coq au vin, in Aziraphale’s opinion, is in the early 1800s in rural France right after your least favorite rooster turns two years old. The second best time to start cooking coq au vin is two days before your demonic best friend comes back from a work assignment to Norilsk.
(“Norilsk,” Crowley had said, slumped as low as he could without sliding off of Aziraphale’s sofa entirely, “ever been?”
“Never had the pleasure,” Aziraphale had said, and he’d sipped his brandy.
“Here’s your chance. It’s an easy job—just two little temptations.”
“Thank you, but no. This corporation doesn’t handle the cold well.”
Crowley had been so incensed he really had fallen off of the sofa. “That corporation?” he’d demanded. “I’m an actual snake!”)
You have to start cooking two days before, you see, because the secret to a good modern coq au vin—since rooster blood went out of fashion as a thickening agent—is a hearty stock with plenty of gelatin in it. So before you even get around to the actual stew itself, you break down the hens and use their backbones and feet and some vegetable scraps and let it all simmer for as long as you can stand and you think about how there’s only two days left until he’s back, and how every hour the stock simmers is an hour closer to things being as they should be, and what Norilsk might have been like, and how long he’s going to pretend to be put out with you because you didn’t go in his place.
That last part is optional.
Remember to take the bay leaf out when you’re done. If you’re thinking ahead (if you’re searching for things to do with your hands, if you need to fill time because it’s going so slowly and Norilsk is so far away), you can marinate the chicken overnight with a nice red wine (perhaps La Tâche, like the one you had after the crêpes that time he appeared to save you from an ignominious end at the hands of an overly enthusiastic executioner).
Then the day before you actually want to share your coq au vin with your friend—the day before he comes home, that is—it’s time to assemble the dish. Modern hens don’t need a long braise like old roosters would; just pull the chicken out of the marinade after you’ve browned the salt pork and pat it dry, being sure to reserve the marinade—
A knock on the shop door interrupted Aziraphale’s reverie.
“We’re closed,” he shouted, but the little bell rang anyway and that should not happen, there was only one being who would just open his locked door after knocking, which meant that the best time to start this coq au vin should actually have been the day before yesterday, because Crowley was home.
Crowley would almost certainly laugh if he heard that thought. “I was gone a week,” he’d likely say, and Aziraphale would have to laugh and say “Yes, it’s silly isn’t it, barely even had time to notice that you were gone,” and he would be lying.
The shop creaked as Crowley moved through it.
“In the kitchen,” he called, and he continued patting the chicken dry, because even though Crowley was back now and not when the coq au vin was ready, the chicken still needed browning.
(“Why d’you do it that way?” Crowley had once asked, peering dubiously at Aziraphale as the angel peeled an onion by hand.
“Which way?” Aziraphale had asked, feeling suddenly self-conscious of his peeling methods.
“Actually doing it. You could just—” he snapped his fingers demonstratively “—have the food. No need to make it.”
“It’s better when you do it the old-fashioned way,” Aziraphale said, which was both true and much easier than the other truth, which was that he enjoyed being a part of the process, enjoyed making a thing with the direct intention of Crowley enjoying it.
Crowley had snorted. “That’s not old-fashioned, angel. Old-fashioned is speaking it into existence.”)
And then Crowley was crossing the threshold of the kitchen, wrapped in an absurdly puffy jacket that made Aziraphale sweat just to look at. The demon shrugged it off; it winked out of existence just before hitting the floor.
And then there was a moment—one of the strange moments that seemed to crop up every now and again, lately with increasing frequency—when they both hesitated, like they were expecting something of themselves or each other, only they didn’t know what.
Then it passed.
“Didn’t take as long as I thought,” Crowley said.
“Lucky, that,” said Aziraphale, and he picked up the kitchen tongs and began placing chicken into the pot. It sizzled in the rendered pork fat. “You’re back too early for supper, but just in time to help.”
“What’re we making?”
Aziraphale’s mind caught on that, on “what are we making,” and on how it felt to hear that, but what he said was just: “Coq au vin. It’s...warm.”
Crowley was very still, and Aziraphale thought that perhaps this was another of those moments. Then the demon rolled up his sleeves and walked over to the sink, where he washed his hands, and they set to work.
They’d never cooked together before, Aziraphale realized as he was coaching Crowley through the browning process for the vegetables. For that matter, he wasn’t certain that Crowley had ever cooked at all. Aziraphale made food for them both plenty of times, and Crowley occasionally kept him company, but he’d never been an active participant before, never diced and stirred, never accidentally brushed against the angel while moving from one counter to the other.
When they had the chicken legs nestled into the vegetables and simmering in stock and wine and the pot in the oven to roast and braise, it seemed only appropriate to open another bottle of the Tâche and toast to Crowley’s safe return. It had been, Crowley mentioned time and again, excessively cold.
“Bitter cold,” the demon said meaningfully.
“So you mentioned,” Aziraphale said.
“Going to take me another week just to thaw.”
“Time does heal all wounds.”
“Not frostbite!” Crowley said, but the kitchen timer went off and the business of adding the chicken breasts to the pot put that conversation on hold.
The second best time to finish coq au vin is the day after you prepare the bulk of the dish: after you’ve simmered everything to perfection, you should let the temperature settle and put the whole covered pot into your fridge overnight to let the flavors deepen and mature, then bring it back up to temperature before mixing in some butter for the last bit of magic in the sauce, and serve.
But there are any number of factors which can impact a recipe—humidity, ambient temperature, ingredient quality and regionality, the list goes on. So it turns out that the best time to finish coq au vin is approximately two hours after your demonic best friend shows up in your shop after a work assignment in Norilsk. It was an exceptional dish. The way Crowley wrapped his hands around the warm bowl and preened when Aziraphale complimented his cooking was even nicer.
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whoworewhatjewels · 7 years
David Webb Jewelry FW14 Ad Campaign
David Webb Jewelry FW14 Ad Campaign #davidwebbjewels #davidwebbjewelry #adcampaign #jewelry
Models: Asia Chow, Daria Strokous, Sofia Sanchez Barrenechea and Marina Rust.
Photographer: Inez & Vinoodh
Source: http://www.davidwebb.com
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emma-what-son · 2 years
i bet 100% that prada hired a professional assistant 2nd director and unit to aid emma as i doubt they really let a first time director who is unproven in their skills front a huge ad camapign with total control over it. They could lose so much money so im sure they let it look like emma did all the work with her friends but i bet there are hidden people behind the scenes who have helped a lot.
Not sure if Prada was involved, but she was working with friends who are experienced and have done stuff like this before.
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