#Adam Markiewicz
alphacomicsvol2 · 5 months
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The Batman by Adam Markiewicz
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twinsfawn · 10 months
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deepartnature · 6 months
Drone music isn’t just one note
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LEYA’s Marilu Donovan and Adam Markiewicz, claire rousay.
"Last week, Pioneer Works — a hulking warehouse in industrial Red Hook turned concert venue, gallery, and co-working artist space — held an experimental music exhibition, hosting five sets from nine titans of the form. Headlined by Kali Malone and William Basinski, respectively, the two nights of sound presented radically different conceptions of the drone: the sustained tone that is one of music’s most ancient forms (along with the drum beat) but has been a consistent feature of its avant garde for the better part of a century. ..."
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lawfulevilcomics · 1 year
Every once in a while I think I'm flying- Dark Spider
🎨 Adam Markiewicz
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One year of The Batman
By Adam Markiewicz
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lmsarchive · 1 year
ENG 311 HSWA 2 #1
Lanyer’s Accidental Luciferianism
Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum is at its core a feminist retelling of the bible that frames the Passion of Christ through the lens of the women in the vicinity of Jesus. More specifically, Lanyer recounts Genesis and the fact that Eve was the scapegoat of all those around her. While researching more into the poem and learning about the context behind it, I came to a funny conclusion. For a little background on my discoveries, Luciferianism is a school of thought which claims that Lucifer was a Prometheus-like character in the bible whose goal in tricking Eve was to actually enlighten her. By writing about Eve in the context of an underdog, describing a place in which women can exchange knowledge freely, and characterizing a divine femininity in the Duchess of Cumberland, Lanyer places herself into Luciferian thought and actually aligns her beliefs with the system.
Eve The Adversary
While doing research to properly contextualize the story of Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum, I decided it was about time that I actually read the story of Genesis. To do so I found what I believe to be the official website of The Vatican (apparently the .va means that the website is from there) and read the story for myself. To say the least, I left with a few bones to pick, and my personal long-time faith in Luciferianism was cemented further. First of all, the fact that God created animals before getting to Eve was a complete move of disrespect. Although it is admirable that he started their lives on a body positive note, the fact they were essentially too dumb to know they needed to cover up shows that he thought of them as little more than the cattle he sprung forth. Not to mention that Eve was not even around yet when he gave Adam the whole talk about why eating from the Tree of Knowledge was a bad thing. For all Eve knew when she was assembled from a rib, that rule could have only been trickery from the snake. When Eve saw the fruit, as Agnieszka Markiewicz also points out in her thesis covering the story, she ate it with the pure intention of gaining knowledge from the tree. Markiewicz writes “The fact that Adam is the one in control of Eve should suggest that he would share his knowledge with her. But as Lanyer points out, he does not.” (2). This is a wise observation because in the story of Genesis itself, Adam doesn’t feel the need at all to tell Eve about the consequences of eating the fruit. He does however eat the fruit with Eve knowing what God will do. This suggests that although Eve is the scapegoat and receives the worst of the punishments, Adam was the selfish one who deserved the worst of the punishments that God had in store. After all, if Eve is only supposed to be Adam’s property, why should he not take full responsibility for her actions? It seems that Eve was better off away from the “grace” of God under the full ownership of Adam. This is also the perspective that Lanyer characterizes her story of Genesis with; the Luciferian perspective that humans are better off standing alone than dumb and nude in the Garden of Eden.
Feminarum Paradiso
In a section of Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum that we weren’t actually assigned to read, but I found necessary to talk about anyway, Lanyer writes about a mythical place called Cookeham. In Cookeham, Lanyer and her female friends are free to exchange knowledge without interruption from men. The Countess of Cumberland is a sort of leader of the land which is easily comparable to a new Garden of Eden for women. In Cookeham there is a tree which provides shade to the learning ladies and absorbs the knowledge that is read to it. Phew, there sure is a lot to break down here. Cookeham itself serves as a hub of knowledge to be shared among the most elite and scholarly women in England, as the women are likely those that Lanyer dedicates the poem to. The place itself also almost serves as a sort of punishment to men, as the women present know the truth about Eve and the fact Adam was the one who truly brought on the exile of humankind from the Garden of Eden. Although men are allowed within Cookeham under permittance of the ladies, they cannot stay long and are not allowed to be at the front of the academic conversations. The Duchess of Cumberland herself also serves as a Christ Like figure who Lanyer arguably devotes herself to. When analyzing the women’s sanctuary, Markiewicz writes  “Cooke-ham is thus transformed into a place where favor, nobility, and Godliness are all present in one person: the Countess of Cumberland.” (7). Lanyer, as Markiewicz points out, most definitely finds godliness in Cookeham and the Countess herself. This worship of knowledge and the romanticization of a woman that some would refer to as a false prophet further serves to show how completely yet accidentally Lanyer makes herself sound Luciferian. Although Lanyer also writes that in Cookeham the women are free to read the bible, this sounds like a strategic pandering to the men so that her work can reach renown. After all, when Lanyer grows jealous of Cookeham’s tree after it is kissed by The Countess and steals some of its knowledge, just as Eve did, she willingly goes against the bible and its teachings. 
While the idea of Cookeham initially sounds amazing- I myself read about it and at first found myself wishing to converse amongst the ladies- further inspection leads to little but disappointment. When analyzing the passages, I realized something was very much missing from the supposed haven for educated women. Where are the poor women? Where are the perhaps renaissance equivalents of middle-class women? Where are the educated women from other countries? Maybe even some educated nonwhite women? Although Lanyer’s feminism in Salve Rex Judaeorum was revolutionary at the time and was a start for women everywhere, it is completely and utterly outdated as a fossil in comparison to today’s standards. Cookeham itself is really just a meeting place for what would today be referred to as white, suburban, rich, college educated ladies. Although I respect the doors that Lanyer opened, the idea of Cookeham itself should not be looked at through rose-colored glasses as an escape for womankind.
Lanyer’s Beginnings
To fully understand Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum, I felt the need to research Lanyer’s life and how she may have been inspired to write the poem. Although it is not an easy topic to dig into, I found an article on her by the Poetry Foundation which gave more than enough to educate myself on the topic. According to the foundation, Lanyer was the first woman writing her works in English to print enough of her poetry to attract a patron. Although her work was contemporary and progressive for the time, it attracted little from what historians know in the way of praise when it was published. For starters, it was published in 1611, the same year that the King James Bible was released. This means that it was completely swept under the rug while everyone read their new bibles. If that wasn’t bad enough, she had to publish it under her husband’s name. So basically, the author was originally “wife to Captaine Alfonso Lanyer”. She couldn’t even get a capitalization on wife. While the patronage system for poetry made it much more possible for Lanyer to get the recognition she deserved by rewriting centuries of sacred text, her material was at the end of the day too controversial to gain true notoriety at the time.
In Conclusion
Researching the historical and religious context of Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum taught me a lot about the poem and gave me a lot of respect for Lanyer. The poetic patronage system in particular was very interesting to learn about, despite the fact it was not enough to keep Lanyer from losing out on the recognition she deserved for her work. Finally getting to read Genesis and analyzing the passages about The Garden of Eden also taught me that I did in fact make the correct decision on what spiritual path to follow, and that God is a misogynist. Thank you, God, I’m glad I made the right choice. I think Lanyer would have also agreed with Luciferian ideals, not that she would have admitted it though. Most of all I am glad to learn about the beginnings of feminist women making big contributions to English literature. Lanyer’s masterful balance of progress and tradition was what allowed her successors in literature to take off and work towards the centuries long fight to recognize women as academic equals to men. 
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sonia-nicole-levi · 2 years
Mother Earth, Spanish Goddess Tiamat lives Bi-racial White Mother and Haitian Father in the Western Hemisphere with a 2 Syllable name Brandi
👉The Goddess Tiamat already replaced Jesus. I’m her only daughter. IMPORTANT: Jesus is replaced with another Jewish Rabbi, I need them! He must be celibate or ask for permission to have a female friend. They must not have kids.
The first wedding miracle at Cana is Tiamat and (He is from Sierra Leone) Apsu’s wedding in John chapter 2:1-12. The temple split at Jesus‘s death and that mirrors Tiamat's battle with her great great grandson the god Marduk where Jesus and Tiamat were split from top to bottom you can find this in Matthew 27:51, Isaiah 27:1, 51:9. Acts 17:24 (ESV): The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man.
👉Tiamat’s tears were used to create the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, because she was crying in the battle when prior to the battle her husband was killed Apsu, her advisor MuuMu was killed, and her bodyguard Kingu was killed. She was the last one left alive until that bow and arrow struck her it was a major tragedy that moment only the power of Jesus and knowing that her only daughter had made it safely as a human could resurrect this ancient deity. She has been resurrected and replaced Jesus swiftly. They were all dragons, and Kingu’s body was used to create human beings while Tiamat’s body was used to create Pangea and then dinosaurs were put in the earth as a reflection of dragons.
For 40 years, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, eating quail and manna. They were led into the Promised Land by Joshua. According to the Old Testament, the Hebrews wandered in the desert of the Sinai Peninsula (which is between Egypt and Canaan) for 40 years. Moses received the Ten Commandments during this time, which outlined some basic laws governing behavior the book of Exodus outlines the wilderness itinerary journey over 40 years. Tiamat fought in the battle of the Enuma Elish Creation Story for the first 40 years of my life. She was reciting incantations that you are not taking the first 40 years of my daughter's life as a human away from her! Marduk ignored her and when she lost, the goddess Sophia was ignored for 40 years in her human life path. I have 80 years of life the year that WHITE Kristin Markiewicz was born in Sydney, Australia.
👉1 Kings 3:16–28 recounts that two mothers living in the same house, each the mother of an infant son, came to Solomon. One of the babies had been smothered, and each claimed the remaining boy as her own. Calling for a sword, Solomon declared his judgment: the baby would be cut in two, each woman to receive half ---->that was Yahweh the no wife having 4th offspring of Allah, since he's gay as those Bishops. The woman with an issue of blood suffered for 12 years and she came up behind Jesus and touched the hem of his garment and that’s when he said that he felt virtue leave out of him because when I was stolen out of the Spanish goddess Tiamat she felt righteousness power and love leave her! We know that the assault that Asherah ordered on me should have lasted no more than 12 years. You can read about this in Luke chapter 8:43 through 48 and Mark chapter 5: verses 25 through 34. Matthew 9:20-22 👉The assault on the goddess Tiamat was ordered by  Asherah Allah’s ex-wife 300 million years ago because she was pregnant  with the goddess Sophia which they had already determined was Allah’s new wife 300 million years ago. Asheara is currently attacking ME as the Goddess Tiamat all day long every day in front of everyone using a slow white girl and I don’t see anyone doing anything about that slow white girl. They tell me they turned everyone into Seventh-day Adventist which is a Muslim church. Lilith (/ˈlɪlɪθ/; Hebrew: לִילִית‎, romanized: Līlīṯ) is a demonic figure in Judaic mythology, supposedly the primordial she-demon and alternatively first wife of Adam (that you know is Allah). 👉Genesis 2:22, where Adam’s rib is fashioned into the more obedient Eve. That unnamed, disappeared woman becomes Lilith. Although divorced from Adam, Lilith achieves parity with him through semantics so Asherah puts on a show and shows completely off after she is divorced from Allah.  It may be Lilith’s status as Adam’s divorcée that explains why the Lilith stories proliferated in the post-Expulsion period. Once “divorced” from Iberian soil, it became possible to empathize with other "divorcées,” even ones as questionable as Lilith who has to go and had to go 300 million years ago. Bye Bye. And please be nice!
👉Everyone sees how corny the blacks are and now you know that I was only born into that culture I’m not a black, My culture is Hawaiian, that culture is Japanese and Black. That is who I am. That is how I live my life. Sarah Jakes is not welcome here nor there for Asherah who only creates cults and assaults minds in the Bible with her Seventh Day Adventist nonsense.
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admancomics · 2 years
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It seems maybe I should post this here. Back in September, Frankee White and I launched a new webcomic on Patreon called WHO KILLED SARAH SHAW?. It's our third full length collaboration after BROKEN BEAR and last year's EAT MY FLESH, DRINK MY BLOOD. A page a week for only a buck. It's a sweet deal!
Here's the press release Frankee wrote up:
We're thrilled to launch our newest comic, the "true" crime mystery, WHO KILLED SARAH? directly to our readers via Adam's Patreon page.
This project is a labor of love. It's planned to be our longest story yet, hopping between past and present with a varied cast of characters in the fictional, but fully realized, town of Hardground.
Our hope for this story is that as you spend more and more time with the citizens of Hardground, you'll become invested in the tangled web of their lives and become compelled to join Jes and Dave in their search for the truth.
The title of the story isn't just a snappy eye-catcher; it's a question, a plea, to you, the reader: WHO KILLED SARAH SHAW?
Cover colors by Nicky Rodriguez 
Logo by Tim Daniel 
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yamamiya · 2 years
サッドコア LEYA
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset LEYA – バイオリニストの Marilu Donovan と ハープ奏者の Adam Markiewicz のふたりで構成されたブルックリン発の哀しすぎるミニマル・アンダーグラウンド。作品は、吐き気がするくらい狂気かつドリーミー。ロマンチック・メランコリックな実験的なエクスペリメンタル・アンビエントに痺れるくらいの献立があってもよいでしょう。 Eartheater & LEYA – Angel Path キョーレツに壊れすぎててよくわかんないのがしょうじきなところだけど。地元ブルックリンで、Eartheater や GABI らといっしょにライブやってたときもある。 Kathryn Joseph – the burning of us…
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aloneness-is-love · 2 years
Hope has a leak for doubt to seep in Cross my heart with no doubt That I rode it to the grave Through the pressure Through the pressure Through the pressure and its phases Up from the bedrock to the necklace Faith has no doubt ____________________________________
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thevalkyriesonline · 3 years
Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood: Comic Book Review
Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood: Comic Book Review Creative Team: @frankee_white, @AdManComics, @AHGColor published by @DauntlesStories
Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood: Comic Book Review Created by: Frankee White, Adam Markiewicz, and A.H.G Alt Cover by: Skylar Patridge Published by: Dauntless Stories Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood is launching as part of the Greenlight Initiative, a new in-house crowdfunding platform that is designed to give the creators more control over their projects, direct connection to the audience through…
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Listed: LEYA
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Photo by Larry Bovik
LEYA, a duo comprised of Adam Markiewicz and Marilu Donovan make uneasily gorgeous music, turning traditionally classical instruments—violin and harp—into vehicles for alternatively-tuned experiment. Reviewing the new Flood Dream, Jennifer Kelly wrote, “The harp, tuned in eccentric ways, cuts through like a diamond knife, scattering staccato shards of brilliance. Donovan sings, mostly, aligning sometimes with the flickering, mildly conflictive drones of violin, sometimes cutting free and executing acrobatic flights and swoops above it all.” Mariewicz and Donovan share their pandemic inspired playlist below.
This was originally supposed to be a list of tunes we listen to over and over again in the tour van. We compiled it while we were still on the road in early March with over 10 consecutive weeks of touring still in front of us. And then everything shut down everywhere, for everyone. So this has become a list of tunes we listen to in quarantine as we weather the storm in Houston, Texas, Marilu's birthplace. Some of the selections stayed the same, and some have changed. They are songs that make us feel stronger, lighter, or take us deeper.
Susan Allen—“Perchance to Dream: III. An die Tueren Will Ich Schleichen (I Shall Quietly Steal From Door to Door)” by Gloria Coates
Marilu: One of my favorite pieces of music written for the harp and performed by my beloved harp mentor the year that she passed away. “I shall steal from door to door,” feels an especially fitting phrase in this time of desperation. I could write an essay about microtonal harp exploration, but I believe it’s just best to enjoy this gorgeous work.
DJ Screw, UGK—“One Day”
Marilu: Life is short y’all… A favorite song of mine for many years. I was particularly charmed to learn that composer Michael Pisaro pays homage to the DJ Screw version of this song in Tombstones.
Pharmakon—“Crawling on Bruised Knees”
Adam: I've always loved this banger so much and have a really fond memory of seeing her perform it on a really hot night at Red Light District - I go back to it over and over again.
Guillaume de Machaut—“Agnus Dei from Messe de Notre Dame”
Adam: Guillaume de Machaut has influenced my approach to singing and harmony more than anyone else, this excerpt from his Mass being the first piece of his I ever heard and my favorite forever. He lived almost 80 years in 14th century France and survived The Plague and a thousand other scourges that swept across Europe, spending many a season in isolation. This is the first complete version of the Mass in the Ordinary setting for more than one voice.
Frank Hurricane—“Quartz Blues”
Heavenly Wheel by Frank Hurricane
Adam: This is my all-time favorite song by the legend and deep homie Frank. I remember the first time I heard him play it in the basement of The Hose and I've requested it every time I've seen him play since. Frank emanates a deep calm that seems as old as the Earth - this is grounding, beautiful stuff.
Lana Del Rey—“Summertime Sadness”
Marilu: CLASSIC LANA. A true inspiration for both of us.
Ize—“This Is Not A Drill”
Adam: Ize is someone with whom we are ::scheming:: behind the scenes (keep an eye out!). This track is absolutely stunning and so timely - I've been bumping it every day when I go out to run alone in the deep Houston heat.
Selena>—“Dreaming of You”
Marilu: We are currently in Texas for the foreseeable future, so we gotta honor our Tejano Queen, Selena. RIP Angel.
Velvet Underground—“Heroin”
Adam: I have a vivid memory of one of the first times I got really stoned as a 16-year old and listened to this song. It was as if I hadn't understood music before that moment - that deep. Totally not a unique experience, but it definitely helped shape me and we both still bump this late nights.
Julie Byrne—“I Live Now As a Singer”
Marilu: Julie is a dear friend and inspiration. This song gets me every time, even when I’m on stage performing it with her.
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otomenai · 3 years
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thecomicon · 3 years
Preview: Dauntless Stories Launches 'Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood' August 14
Preview: Dauntless Stories Launches ‘Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood’ August 14
Dauntless Stories has announced Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood for August 14, 2021. Created by Frankee White, Adam Markiewicz, and A.H.G., Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood is part of Dauntless Stories’ new Greenlight initiative. Greenlight is a new in-house crowdfunding platform that is designed to give creators more control over their projects, direct connection to the audience through newsletters and…
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lawfulevilcomics · 1 year
Every once in a while I think I'm flying- Dark Spider
🎨 Adam Markiewicz
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tomdork · 4 years
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Flood Dream by LEYA
NNA Tapes
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