#Adam ddr
im-tempted · 8 months
Yugioh uses the word creep like I use the word bitch
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ddr-virgin · 5 months
@metalgriffen69 @gunnerthedragon Dude, Fawn's ex stalker falsely flagged my account and it got it insta banned. If you remember me and we were moots, please dm or follow me again. I liked who I met. Jessica, if you see this.. You were really nice. I hope you find my account again.
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allteethnotongue · 6 days
im sorry adam stans but lanza's entire existence is so fucking insane to me. like wdym this dude played ddr for hours straight and was a dylric truther and there's clips of him saying "im a queer bottom man" AND HES ALSO A FUCKING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SHOOTER??????????? ONE OF THE MOST INFAMOUS ONES?????
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t00thpasteface · 11 months
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me, my brother, and our mutual goth bestie went to an arcade yesterday and it was such a blast! i wore myself out playing ddr, my friend destroyed me in guitar hero and puzzle bobble, and my brother apparently got his cool, laid-back look validated by some rando while my friend and i were talking about how adam west understood the bat-assignment.
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andres-doll · 13 days
yall think if i started playing ddr i might attract freaky adam lanza anon....
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maevanic · 6 months
literally don’t understand how adam played ddr regularly when he weighed like 5 pounds
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forever-eternal · 3 months
Whoops, sorry
This is arcade prompt anon
I wanted to see generally wanted to see states that aren’t talked about much and I think you know who they are? It’s basically the midwestern states
Thank you for the ask, Lovely Anon! I’ve included the following States:
North Dakota - Andrew
South Dakota - Aiden
Nebraska - Maxwell
Kansas - Evan
Minnesota - Jasper
Iowa - Caleb
Missouri - Owen
I didn’t do every Midwestern State, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!
“Alright,” Adam hums, looking the seven States— all shifting in their seats in excitement— through the rearview mirror, “Remember the rules: No theft, no destruction of property, and please don’t get into a fight with young children.” He side-eyes Robin at the last sentence, but his wife only smiles innocently from the passenger seat.
“We have a limit of five hours, alright?” Adam crosses his arms, “So make sure you’re all wrapped up by then, okay?”
Simultaneous nods, and excited chatter consumes the vehicle as Adam pulls into a parking spot. The van doors swing open, each of the seven States tumbling out.
Minnesota— Jasper— shoves his way out first, “Move it!”
Next are the twins, North and South Dakota— Andrew and Aiden— tumbling out and landing in a heap on the asphalt,
“Get off!”
“Let go of me!”
Nebraska and Kansas— Maxwell and Evan— slip out next, taking a wide step around the tussling twins as Robin climbs out of the passenger seat and comes round.
Missouri— Owen— is the next to exit the vehicle, snickering quietly as the Dakota’s are pulled apart by their mom, though the two redheads continue to snarl at each other.
Finally, Iowa— Caleb— steps out, holding the door open for Adam, their father. The older man grunts as he steps of out the drivers seat, the door closing shut behind him.
“Alright, you all have your money and you know the rules.” He says, making a small shooing motion with his hand, “Off you go.”
With that, the twins stop fighting— instead, they start bolting across the parking lot, chanting in unison.
“No fighting!” Robin yells over their own chanting, “Or the two of you will be sitting with me and your father instead!”
The twins shut up.
For now, at least.
“I struggle to believe that people seek this place out for the food.” Robin hums, nose slightly scrunched in disgust as she watches a family at another table devour their pizza, “I find it barely edible.”
Adam hums from across from her, eating his own slice of the pepperoni pizza on the table between them.
“It’s fine.” he says, but Robin just scrunches her nose at him instead.
“You’ve eaten mud before, dear, forgive me if I do not trust that coming from you.”
Adam just hums.
On the other side of the arcade area, Andrew and Aiden are kicking at each other’s feet as they play DDR, the only Chuck E Chees to have that machime.
“You suck at this, Andy!”
“Oh, shut up!”
Max has been at the pinball machine for thirty minutes, and has developed an audience of preteens.
“See, ya just gotta practice! Then you’ll get reflexes faster than the ball itself!”
Caleb has hidden in the skytubes, and is currently conversing with several young children.
“What? No no, the T-Rex is so overrated! Velociraptors are cooler!”
Evan and Owen have been play air hockey, niether willing to let the other win, and have amassed a crowd of onlookers.
“Think we should finish up soon, eh?”
“First to ten points?”
They each only have two points, scored early in the game.
Jasper had been spinning the ticket wheel, landing on jackpot at least five times, and is now at the prize counter. There are three kids following him.
“Aight, whatchu wanna get? I got enough to get a bit for all four o’ us!”
“Did you all have fun?” Adam asks as they load back into the vehicle later that evening.
A chorus of ‘yes’s, with several items from the prize counter held tightly as they buckled back into their seats.
“I am making a proper pizza when we get home.” Robin huffs, sliding into her own seat.
Several cheers sound from the back seat.
“The pizza is awful here.” one of them huff, and Robin smiles smugly at Adam.
The man rolls his eyes, starting up the engine.
“I thought it was fine.” he sighs.
A snicker from the backseat as Andrew leans forwards slightly, “Dad, Ian once gave you rock soup and you ate it. You don’t get a say.”
The man rolls his eyes, and pulls out of the lot.
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marcyissososilly · 9 months
I think abt adam play ddr alot but the part at the end is so real
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shootingarchive · 13 days
A small archive of Adam's DDR videos.
A drive link, and a YouTube link.
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seeyouspacecoyote · 6 months
Dumbass Record of Ragnarok modern A/U Whoopee: (feel free to ignore, this is just me brain dumping here)
All the fighters are stuck living together due to insane cost of living (probably in Southern California near the Bay Area but I haven't thought that part out in too much detail tbh.)
Two possible directions this can take depending on just how bad the cost of living is in whoop-de-doo fuck-ass universe #293423823423 and something: Either they all live together in one house or they're all split up into 3 different houses. The fighters from Rounds 1-4 live in one house, the fighters from Rounds 5-8 all live in another house, and the fighters from Rounds 9-13 all live in yet another house.
Absolutely none of them have a proper sense of how time works like at all.
Any house where Tesla spends any amount of time at all will randomly get a wall blown out at some random ass time when he's busy tinkering with some mechanical shit and accidentally forgets he's handling potentially explosive devices/materials.
Adam, Kojiro, Heracles, and Simo are probably the only people in the whole bunch who are actually tolerable to live with who actually spend any amount of time there.
Odin just fucking hangs himself from a tree (like he does in Norse Mythology,) and nobody ever sees him again. He's still perfectly alive, he just can't handle the bullshit of living with everyone else anymore.
Thor does almost nothing but garden, he plants tons of vegetables at a local community garden where he meets a nice woman who he befriends.
Leonidas will bitch about any inaccuracies on any History Channel show involving military history to anyone who will listen (and also those who don't care.) And don't get him started on Ancient Aliens.
Raiden will interrupt Leonidas when he's bitching about Ancient Aliens to theorize out loud about how big and fat and jiggly alien titties and ass-cheeks gotta be and goes on an unhinged hour long rant about how great it would be to get to fuck alien bitches with fat titties and fat asses.
Zeus got arrested in like 5 minutes after sexually harassing a door to door salesperson, but not before he purposely clogged all the toilets by pouring unleaded gasoline into them. Nobody's seen him since and nobody complains about it. At all.
Qin, Loki, Okita, Nostradamus, and Anubis are chronic TikTok users and use insufferable zoomer slang like constantly.
As a result, Tesla, Susanoo, Heracles, Thor, and Leonidas can barely communicate with them.
Leonidas still talks like he spent 5 day straight on Xbox Live Chat when he gets pissed off though.
Susanoo sometimes sprays Anubis with a hose like an actual dog. Nobody stops him because they either don't give a fuck or they're too scared of him to say anything.
Anubis climbs on the furniture, licks the walls, and occasionally eats dog treats like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.
Buddha takes Zero to shit like Electric Forest and Burning Man despite Zero likely not being mature enough to do that kind of shit.
Raiden steals Hajun's laptop at one point, finds out that he got "fat bitches fighting over food" on pornhub bookmarked on his computer and laughs at Hajun for it, Hajun responds by throwing a fire hydrant he stole from a random street at him.
Raiden unironically enjoys pro-wrestling.
Lu Bu, Chen Gong, the other random members of the Chinese army, Shiva, and Qin absolutely crush it in DDR.
Rasputin does nothing but post horrible edgy/racist shit on 4chan. Nobody ever sees him. Ever. He most definitely has piss bottles in his room. Heracles and Zero are terrified to even walk near there and honestly nobody blames them.
Jack bakes pies at suspicious times. Anyone who asks him what's in the pies never gets a straight answer. He always smells vaguely like cologne.
Susanoo works some horrible soul-sucking C-suite corporate job 100 hours a week and has a terrible cocaine habit so he can spend less time sleeping and work as much as possible so he can try to find someplace else to live asap. He always has bags under his eyes which he has to resort to hiding with concealer so people don't think he's some kind of deranged serial killer or something.
Susanoo may be able to hide his cocaine addiction surprisingly well, but he fails (entirely on accident,) to hide the fact that he has one of those mildly uninteresting/questionable secret NSFW daddy dom type tumblr accounts that you suspect are run by some middle aged cishet dude who has absolutely no idea what the rest of Tumblr's userbase actually uses the site for from Anubis and Okita.
Anubis and Okita roast him for it, Susanoo responds by pulling up Anubis's Sonic the Hedgehog/furry porn DeviantArt account and basically asking him "This you?" (though he talks too formally to actually say that exact phrase) and proceeds to doxx Anubis on the spot.
Anubis hisses at him and leaps out the nearest window.
Despite his best efforts to avoid reckless spending, Susanoo bought a hunting rifle and occasionally tries to shoot Anubis when he's getting on his nerves. Anubis always manages to dodge it though.
Poseidon, Hajun, and Beelzebub eat everyone's food whenever they feel like it.
Zero is usually the main target. Buddha always buys extra snacks for him though. He also takes fruit off of trees and brings it home with him for the same reason.
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abiiors · 1 year
“Whoo, good job” god even her voice is saccharine sweet, disgusting. Mattys hand on her waist, the way she looks back at him before cheering me on, the way he chooses to stay silent, i cant fuckign stand them. Focus, left right up up left left right back right right back back.
“Who do you reckon will win, babe?”
Fuckign Babe. of course, how cliche. Hes never been one for originality in the pet names department though.
“Looks like mini Hann”
I don't mean to, but i can't stand that name, especially not coming from her mouth, and immediately the people standing around us know thats she has made a mistake
“Dont fucking call me that. I have a name. Use it.” going back to the DDR,
“Oh sorry, i didn't realise!” so chirpy and upbeat, even when i snap at her shes nothing but preppy. A curt nod is all i can manage, finishing the level and taking ross’ hand
“Come on big guy. You and I have a rematch on the terminator shoot out to do”
And it was true, we did truly need a rematch there, but it wasn't the reason i was dragging ross by the hand, smiling up and him and talking emphatically. No. the reason i was doing that was the daggers being glared into my back. Jealousy is a bitch, and so am I.
When we were far enough from the group ross drops my hand with a wide grin, raising his brow and tilting his head.
“Someones jealous” dragging out the s like a hissing snake,
“Im not, i don't appreciate her presence though”
“Because your jealous”
“Am not”
Taking up the cheap plastic gun, aiming at the overly colourful screen, pixelated enemies. Ross was much better that this than me, and i find myself stopping trying to just to watch him play, taking careful aim on something so silly and firing, plastic clunking and bleeps of points gained, he smiles and laughs and tries to taunt me.
“Losing this and losing matty?”
“Oh shut it” elbowing him playfully and going back to trying (and failing) to beat him.
“You want to mess with him?” i don't expect ross to ask that, i expect him to make fun like i know george and Adam are right now, but i appreciate it greatly.
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valkyrie-night-103 · 1 year
I will butt in one more time despite me saying I need sleepy-time (Still do) But cleaners prize corner sounds like some weird cross between chuck e cheese and wrestling.
If that is the case, please promise me you will marry me someday, if it is not then also do that please Xx
Cleaner’s prize corner is a working title, but you’re not wrong. I might redo the poll as well to include this option, as I think it’ll probably work out pretty popular if I know my demographic (which is not a sure thing)
Cleaner’s Prize Corner
Kenny is a famous video game streamer. He’s not exactly a household name, but he’s damned close. He gets recognised sometimes and has a very dedicated fan base that are known for being a little… overzealous, at times. Sometimes it’s nice to be just himself, with no expectations placed upon him- and so he goes to a local arcade for a change of scenery.
Adam Page works at the local arcade. The problem is, he’s not really a massive video game person. He’s always been awful at any game he tries, despite having an interest. He was hired to perform basic fixes on arcade machines, and maybe watch the cameras to make sure no patrons were messing with anything. When the company changed hands, staff cuts were made, and now Adam spends his working life cowering behind the prize counter, praying that nobody asks him for anything other than the toys and candy that tickets are exchanged for.
Despite enjoying the classics, Kenny always plays enough ticket games to get a small prize every time he visits. Which is more often than he’d care to admit. Ticket games are a money sink, he knows that, they have to be profitable, after all- but he really likes chatting to the cute guy at the prize counter, and he’d feel weird if he wasn’t getting anything? Talking to Adam makes him feel like just some guy, for a change. He gets to be his awkward self, and he likes not having to put on a show for someone. It’s not like he can’t afford the cost of earning 50 tickets.
Every time he wants to ask him out, he overthinks his way out of it. So he keeps coming back and winning tickets, and getting the same prize every week.
Adam is deeply confused by this new regular. The guy comes in on Monday and Thursday every week during the school day, so the arcade is dead quiet. He plays Street Fighter and DDR for a couple hours, but before leaving, he earns the exact amount of tickets to exchange for a single red kazoo. It’s been 3 months. He must have at least 20 by now. Where is he putting them? Does he have a kazoo orchestra? What would a kazoo orchestra even sound like?
He’s broken from his weird thought train by the regular’s voice. He smiles at him, hands over the tickets. They were running low on kazoos, so he set the last one aside for him.
“I hope the colour is okay.” He says, handing over a hot-pink plastic noise-making device. He’s glad it’s in safe hands. He’s been working in the arcade long enough to know that given to a child of the correct age and determination, a kazoo can unleash torment the likes of which the masses have never seen, horrors only witnessed by teachers, tired single mothers, and customer service staff for family-friendly franchises.
“Neat!” Kenny says, smiling big like Adam has made his day. He has nice teeth, Adam thinks. Is that a normal thing to think about another human being?
“So, uh, I know you’re working right now and stuff- I don’t want to be rude or anything, I just- would you like to get a coffee with me this evening?” Kenny asks, stumbling over his words a little. “I mean- tomorrow morning. Drinking coffee in the evening is a bad idea. I mean, unless you work the night shift…” he rambles on for another 30 seconds until he realises that Adam has handed him something. He looks down at the fun-dip packet, and sees Adam’s number neatly written on the front, with an added smiley face.
“There’s a little bakery, around the corner from here.” Kenny says. “I’ll send you the address.”
Adam initially gave the regular his number out of curiosity. But the more he listens to the regular, Kenny, speaking, the more he genuinely likes him. He’s funny and a little awkward, and very sweet.
During the conversation, Adam admits he’s awful at video games, so Kenny invites him over, offering to teach him how to play any game he wants, provided Kenny has it already. A new game would take forever to download and he’d probably have to mess with his storage again.
Adam is awful at first, and he makes that clear to Kenny. Kenny admits he plays video games for a living, and Adam genuinely thinks that’s cool. He doesn’t quite tell him everything yet, like the extent of his following, but it’s a better start than any relationship since… well. I’m sure you can work out who.
Adam actually starts getting the hang of it, and Kenny tries to say as much, but his words get all jumbled and he calls him Hangman. It strikes them both as extremely funny for a reason they couldn’t explain if they tried. And somehow, the nickname sticks, though it’s often shortened to Hanger.
The tension finally breaks and they kiss, agreeing to start dating, but also to keep the relationship under wraps while they work things out.
Weeks later, Hangman is still pretty bad at video games. It’s actually a nice change of pace for Kenny. Hangman loves it when Kenny rambles to him about video game lore, too. Kenny opens up more about his job and confides in him about some of the stress that comes with it. Hangman is supportive and sweet about it.
Hangman falls out with his roommate, Adam Cole, and gets kicked out, having exhausted all of Cole’s goodwill that had allowed him to stay in the first place. He turns up at Kenny’s door because he doesn’t know where else to go. They’ve been together a little while now, so Kenny suggests he moves in. It’s not like he hasn’t got the space. It’ll be nice for the house not to feel empty for a change.
One day, Hangman pokes his head in to bitch about Kenny not putting his socks in the laundry basket, not realising he’s already streaming and the mic had picked up everything.
The internet, naturally, blows up about it.
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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (2010)
Smoking: Jaaayyysss
So this is another favorite. RomCom with a video game feel 😊 I’m not the biggest fan of Michael Cera, but I do like some of the movies he is in. Scott is in a relationship with a girl name Knives, played by Ellen Wong, and falls in love with another girl named Ramona Flowers played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Scott has to battle all of Ramona’s ex’s in order to date her. Collects coins, levels up, acquires skills and objects.
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I for one am a fan of the music that is played in the movie. Scott is in a band and I dig their music.
The ever amazing and beautiful Anna Kendrick is in this movie. She plays Scott’s sister, if I’m not mistaken she only shows up in phone calls with Scott. Hmmm, lets watch and find out! Lol! Then Aubrey Plaza, her ever creepy beautiful self, is playing a creepy girl, surprise lol!
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Knives and Scott go to an arcade and play this ninja game that is like dance dance revolution games. I wish it was real, or if it is, I wish I lived near it so I could play. It looks like more fun than DDR. But who am I kidding myself, I wouldn’t be able to do those things.
Geeze… Apparently Scott just dates and dates around. I never really realized that before.
He ordered something on amazon and just sits and waits at the door for it to be delivered. We’ve all don’t that lol.
Time for jay 2!
Throughout this whole movie there are different video game type references and I love it! MC was just walking to the bathroom and he had a “Pee Bar” and it was yellow and showing full. Then as he was using it, the bar reduced...
And I was wrong!! AK is at the bar where the battle of the bands is going to be. So not always over the phone.
Now for the first Ex fight. Matthew Patel, played by Satya Bhabha. It’s almost like a version of street fighter. With a story line surrounding 7 Ex-lovers.
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One of the Ex-lovers is Chris Evans!
~side note~ I just found a lighter in my jacket pocket. I have no idea why it was in there… but it was.
Back to Chris Evans, he is Ex 2, fight 2!
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How funny. I never realized he mentions getting blazed. Guess this was the perfect movie to do my Reefers and Reviews.
Brie Larson plays Scott’s Ex Envy Adams. It was a pretty rough break up. Well for Scott. She ends up coming back into town while everything is going on with Ramona’s exes.
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Ex #3 – Todd Ingram, played by Brandon Routh. Who is also dating Envy. He’s super because he is a vegan apparently lol. Says that being vegan makes you better than most people.
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Ex #4 – Roxy Richter, played by Mae Whitman. “I’m a little bi-furious!” She’s this like ball of furry and I think she looks so adorable with her pigtails and goth look!
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Ex #5 and #6 – The Katayanagi Twins, played by Keita Saitou and Shôta Saitô. Final part of the battle of the bands and Scott’s last battle before he has to face the most recent and evil Ex Gideon. The battle with the twins is my favorite. The music takes on different forms of creatures and they fight that way. Very trippy and cool looking.
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Now big Numero 7! Gideon Graves, played by Jason Schwartzman. The last battle. Mano y Mano.
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Not gonna lie, Gideon is a douche. But Scott kind of is too…
I love a movie with a katana. Kill Bill should be on my list to review. Love Uma Therman in that.
Once again, trying not to ruin the movie or certain parts. That is it for now!
Thanks for stopping by ❤
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
adam can easily defeat you in a game of ddr in no time(?)
He’ll kick anyones ass in DDR
He’s a fuckin champion with it
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Draw Adam Lanza getting freaky 🥵 I want to see his meat flopping around while he plays DDR 😈🍆
Adam Lanza shits himself mid ddr session the comic
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luke-r-gillespie · 21 days
May 27 - Arashiyama Bamboo Forest / Arashiyama Monkey Park
Today started like most others, at 8 with a quiz followed by a hurried walk (jog) to our morning class meeting. In class today (while eating my breakfast bento) we discussed historic and modern forestry management in Arashiyama as well as the Sakai chapter of The Tale of Genji. Following our class meeting, we took two trains to Arashiyama where our first stop was the bamboo forest. The bamboo forest was both massive and dense, so much so that it felt like something out of a movie. While inside of the bamboo forest, we visited Nonomiya-Jinja Shrine (a key location mentioned in todays readings.) The shrine was smaller by comparison to many of the other shrines that we have visited in Japan thus far but it was really cool nonetheless (I especially liked the thick moss carpet growing on the ground by the shrine and how hidden it was within the dense bamboo.)
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Our next stop in Arashiyama was one of my favorite places we have gone in Japan so far, the Monkey Park. It is exactly what it sounds like and it was just as awesome as it sounds. After a short but STEEP hike up a small mountain, we arrived at the area with all the monkeys. There were monkeys everywhere and they were walking right up to and past us. Some of them were adorable and some were a little unsettling but they were all unbothered by our presence. After taking a class photo and watching the monkeys for what must of been more than an hour, I went into the small building where you could feed the monkeys through a wire fence. This was a highlight for me, I paid 100 yen (like 65 cents) for a bag of apple slices that I fed to a bunch of the monkeys. The smaller ones put their hands through the bars and the larger ones would wait on the other side with an open palm. Both types of monkeys would gently take the apple slices right out of your hand before scarfing it down (it was very cute.) One monkey was very adamant that I should give him more, hollering with his little hand through the bars (almost like he was staying "gimme dat!")
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After running out of apple slices, I headed down the mountain and into town to grab some lunch. In town, I had a sashimi bowl that was really good before walking around Arashiyama a bit.
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Leaving Arashiyama, I headed to Round One to play some games with a few of the guys. After playing some maimai and DDR, I grabbed a few more gifts for people back home before going to MOS Burger for dinner (still not great, Japanese McDonalds is definitely better.) After MOS, I headed to Stay SAKURA where I turned in for the night!
Academic Reflection
Todays first reading was about the history of Arashiyama Bamboo Forest. More specifically, the history of Japan's protection of the Bamboo Forest dating back to the Heian Era. Back then, protective legislation was put into place in order to preserve Japan's resources. Today, the protection of Arashiyama Bamboo Forest is centered around protecting its scenic views and preventing erosion in the region. Since the Heian Era, Arashiyama Bamboo Forest has faced a multitude of problems stemming from poor legislation, natural disasters, rampantly expanding animal populations and even arboreal disease. Walking through the forest today, I was very pleased that the historic sight had pushed through all of these hardships. I also gained a deeper understanding for why historically, Japan has gone to such great lengths to preserve this natural wonder.
Todays second reading, the Sakai chapter of The Tale of Genji, related to todays excursion by way of Nonomiya-Jinja Shrine (which is located in Arashiyama Bamboo Forest and is a key location within this text.) Nonomiya-Jinja Shrine was constructed as a temporary shrine, intended for the future priestess of Ise. Within the reading, Lady Rokujo (also adressed in the story as The Girl of Nomomiya) who is a mistress of Genji, kills another one of his mistresses. To be honest, this reading was a little hard to follow for me, similar to the Bunraku reading from Tokyo. Due to Genji and Lady Rokujo, today, Nonomiya-Jinja Shrine is known as the shrine of lovers and has shed its temporary status, becoming a perminant fixture of the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest.
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