#Adora x Perfuma
marylily-my-beloved · 2 months
"ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?? CAN WE BE FRIENDS???" but it's Entrapta to the other princesses after they figure out she made robots for the horde... but its Adora to Glimmer after Angella stays in the time loop instead of Adora.... but its Adora to Catra after she leaves the horde (and the thing reversed).... but it's Hordak to Entrapta (yes thats it.).... but its scorpia to perfuma after when she finally get unchipped.... but its spinnerella to nettosa (her wife guys, they're married) after she gets unchipped.....
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romancemedia · 6 months
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character pride icons pt. 12: she-ra (pt. 1)
canon queer characters
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adora + catra - lesbian | glimmer - bisexual
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bow + entrapta - bisexual | perfuma - sapphic + transgender
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scorpia - lesbian | mermista - bisexual
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sea hawk - bisexual | double trouble - non binary
bonus! pride flags color-picked from the characters:
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feel free to use these for any non-commercial purpose, as long as proper credit is given!
if you'd like to see a different combination of character + flag, my ask box is always open for requests
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cindysparkle96 · 7 months
Happy 5th Anniversary to She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
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lordhavemurthy · 2 years
i think what people tend to not understand about She-Ra (reboot) is that none of the characters (minus Horde Prime) are meant to be seen as pure good or evil. People get really pressed over how the princesses treat Entrapta (which i don't agree is right) or how Entrapta did betray them, thus making her a "morally grey character" because she has obsessions and shows signs of autism. But this isnt just something that happens with Entrapta, it happens with all of the characters. Catra and Glimmer are the next obvious, so i wont go into depth there, but for instance Adora can be very prideful. She lets the fame get to her head and isolates herself from everyone else in attempts to save the world. now, the latter isn't all her fault, Light Hope and Shadow Weaver made sure of that, but its still there. Mermista wants to be the center of attention, she wants to be the most powerful of the group and have something unique like She-Ra. Perfuma struggles to get along with people who are pessimistic or even more objective because it interferes with her "vibes." Scorpia isn't the greatest with boundaries, Frosta's a fucking child, Sea Hawk is a fucking arsonist (seriously why do we skip over that one? love him but my guy needs therapy), Angella is a coward who (despite her attempts to keep her away) sends her own daughter into battle before going out on the front lines herself, and yes, Entrapta betrayed her friends. Which, despite it being manipulated into something else here, wasn't good. She may not have understood how badly she hurt her friends (until S 5), but she actively knew that what Hordak was doing was wrong because she agreed to help the rebellion. She shows later on that while she doesnt pick up on emotional cues, she does understand what is going on, she just focuses on tech, but she gets the danger and the stakes, she knows. Let me say, however, that none of these traits, from any of these characters, make them "morally grey" (i hate that fucking term btw) it makes them human. none of us are perfect. we all have flaws, we will all hurt someone in our lives, we all make mistakes. it is how you try to rectify those mistakes, that determines whether or not your character is "good." Hordak, despite every terrible thing he did, realized he was wrong in the end, and rebelled. Entrapta apologized and sacrificed her life multiple times to save not only her friends, but the entire planet, even Shadow Weaver, who I could make a whole other separate post on, sacraficed herself so that not only Catra and Adora could live on together and save the world, but so that she wouldn't be tempted with the power that was about to be unleased. The only character i can possibly think of that doesn't have an obvious flaw (that i can see) is Bow, but he's not perfect either. To suggest so would to put in on a playing field in which no human (or complex character) could survive. So for the love of god, stop looking at it like Nate made only Entrapta "morally grey" because every character in that show made mistakes.
edit: thank you for those who made me aware of the proper name/pronouns the creator (Nate) uses now, i appreciate you!
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cantstoptheimagines · 3 months
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Dating Them Would Include… 
Summary — Headcanons for Adora, Catra, and Perfuma from She-Ra & the Princesses of Power! 
Requests ➳ Anonymous — Hello. Can I request Adora (She-Ra) with sarcastic S/O? ➳ Anonymous — G’day. I recently found this blog and decided to make a request: Catra with S/O, who use razor boomerangs (S/O can both throw them and use as daggers) as a weapons. Could you, please, write it? P.S. Have a good day. ➳ Anonymous — Hi there. Mind if I request some headcanons of Perfuma dating pyromancer!S/O?
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Fluff for Adora and Perfuma; a little toxicity for Catra because our baby needs therapy; I’m currently rewatching this show and realizing that I remember nothing from it.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 560. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ Multiple requests were combined for this work.
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule
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adora is literally feral sometimes
(all the time)
since she grew up in the horde, she has little to no social skills when you first meet her
so don’t even try making any sarcastic jokes or references to the rest of etheria because she will not understand lol
she eventually grows used to things outside of the horde and the two of you became fast friends
but then, one day, she watches you give a horde soldier a black eye
and there’s a little flutter in her stomach
she subtly brings it up to bow, who says she just had a case of butterflies, which was probably a mistake because she always takes things way too literally
so for a solid month, she’s convinced she has actual butterflies in her stomach that just won’t leave
eventually, though, they overwhelm her and she kisses you in the heat of battle
from then on, you’re a package deal
where you go, she goes
trails behind you like a lost puppy sometimes
soft adora fans rise!
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catra is hard to understand most of the time
one second, she’s solely focused on you
and the next, she’s on a rampage
sorry to say but a relationship with her would not be easy to maintain. it would take a lot of work on both sides
she’d need to control her impulsive temper and you’d need to have a very empathetic heart
once things settle down and she becomes friends with adora again, all that stress is lifted from her shoulders
she becomes kinder, more considerate, and softness envelopes her heart
even though you’ve told her a million times that her past mistakes are not a reflection of her current self, she continues trying to make up for them
but of course, this is catra we’re talking about
she often gives you new weapons, always opposed to more traditional items
your personal favorite being a twin set of razor-sharp daggers, which made your eyes glimmer with excitement upon opening them
she was proud of herself for that one
what she offers the most, however, is loyalty
she has betrayed and has been betrayed so many times that she swears to never do so again
she hopes you’ll do the same. because if you stick by her through thick and thin, she’ll eventually open up
all she needs is time
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super kind and very affectionate, even when you’re still “just friends” (side eye bc that doesn’t last long lol)
be prepared because you’ll constantly be smothered in affection by perfuma
if you have any elemental powers, like pyromancy, she’ll only love you more since that’s one more thing you both have in common
her love language is touch, no doubt, 100%
she’s constantly giving you warm hugs and squeezing your hand so tight that it goes numb
you can’t resist kissing her whenever she smiles at you with sparkling eyes and pink cheeks
always giving one another sweet compliments you greet each other
you can trust her no matter what. she’d never cause you pain and would be haunted by regret if she did
seriously, i don’t think she’d ever forgive herself
she’s just so loyal to the people she loves, especially you
you better like flowers because you’ll be getting fresh bouquets every day for the rest of your life
god i love her so much
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frickingnerd · 9 months
She-Ra Masterlist
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sparing with adora - headcanons
being catra's rival - headcanons
late night strategies - oneshot
bow teaching his s/o how to use a bow - headcanons
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strong for you - oneshot
mermista being jealous - headcanons
entrapta crushing on a popular reader - headcanons
bad friends and good enemies - oneshot
Sea Hawk
yandere sea hawk - headcanons
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 1 year
Happy Pride Month Day 25 today features the lovely She-Ra and their canon couples of Adora x Catra, Netossa x Spinnerella, and my favorite Perfuma x Scorpia
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via-rant · 2 years
Man I love my cannon lesbians:
General Yunan (Amphibia):
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Lady Olivia (Amphibia):
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Amity Blight (The Owl House):
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Adora (She-ra [The newer one]):
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Catra (She-ra [The newer one]):
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Scorpia (She-ra [The newer one]):
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Perfuma (She-ra [The newer one]):
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Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo):
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ivywhowrites · 2 years
Hi hello !! Please can you write a poly relationship between Scorfuma and the reader where the reader had recently gotten braces and has been in some pain for a few days because of it so Scorpia and Perfuma comfort her? Thank you so much. :))
Its okay~
Scorfuma x reader~ (also sorry if i mess up,i dont know stuff about braces😭)
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you stared at the floor annoyed by the pain of your braces,youve been in pain for a few days now.they say the pain stops but it feels like forever,you heard 2 footsteps behind you and you looked to see who they were "lovebloom,i know youve been in pain for a few days so me and scorpia are asking you if youd like to get your mind off the pain by meditation,itll take your mind away for a bit." Scorpia nodded "we can cuddle later to if youd like!" scorpia and perfuma smiled,you thought for a second and nodded "sure,if itll get my mind off the pain.." perfuma nodded and hummed happily "alright lets go" scorpia and perfuma walked with you and when you got to the stop you'll meditate she sat and motioned you and scorpia to sit down,you two did so. "now take a deep breath.." you followed all the instructions and even fell asleep due to how relaxed you were
Scorpias pov: when we finished meditating i saw [your name] asleep and me and perfuma got up,i lifted [your name] up and took them to our bedroom and layed them down.then me and perfuma layed beside them and fell asleep
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princemannikin · 2 years
Join Me, And Together We Can Rule The Galaxy!
Catra: I don't know, I'm just kind of in a good place right now, you know?
Adora: I know you just got promoted, and being Force Captain is great, and Hordak trusts you, and you've got the whole Horde under your thumb, but you really need to consider joining us. Joining me.
Catra: No, I mean physically I'm in a good place. I'm being held in Bright Moon's prison; what is this, an old guest room or something? It's really nice.
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marylily-my-beloved · 3 months
she ra has my heart and soul just because it’s this rlly good enemies to lovers sapphic cartoon. Like I love all the ships, and especially the fact that nettossa and spinerella were gay from the beginning. The princess prom episode omg. She-ra and its reboot creator are just like amazing. I love catradora, I love scorfuma (knew this thanks to @thestargayzingetherian), I love catra x Scorpia. I love Bow (the token guy), I love the angst I love everything about it. It’s just like so amazing, anyone who hasn’t watched it needs to. I love the angst with glimmer and her mom, and Angellas angst in general
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lefemmerougewriter · 2 years
In this 18th part of "An Unlikely Alliance Against Evildoers", the Diamonds have a bigger role, trying to bring in Steven, but there's also the romantic relationship between Utena and Anthy, Mimi and Rin returning as private detectives, Lapis and Peridot, Adora and Pearl, Jules and Carmen, and many others!
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baggebythesea · 8 months
What if character X became She-Ra?
Adora - the show
Glimmer - All the powers she ever dreamt on PLUS the political power as defacto leader of the princess alliance PLUS the one everyone looks up to for moral judgement calls and the one everyone expects to save them from all the ills of the world. I'm sure that responsibility and call to her overwhemling hubris won't target her crippling insecurities or anythying.
Bow - Wait, who's that masked stranger? It's BOW-RA! HERE TO SAVE YOU, CITIZEN. Plays really well at defence but not the offensive force for the Princess Alliance that Adora was. Also, you know how stressed he is to be the Friend Guy that tries to keep everything together? Now he's the friend-guy with the entire WORLD.
Catra - The Horde is fucking WRECKED in a week. Hordak is dead. Catra sits on the throne. Shadow Weaver… bows for Cat-Ra in deepest respect. She tells her that she was wrong to treat Catra the way she did. She always, secretly, respected Catra. She… YOINK! SWORD STOLEN! HAH, CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT.
Shadow Weaver - Run. Just run.
Angella - Finally she can keep everyone safe. The sound of cannons outside the wall? If she tries REALLY hard sometimes she can block that sound out.
Micha - Would turn out pretty much like Adora, I think.
Lonnie - the war is over in a day. I hope your opinion of "peace" is "magically enforced military dictatorship", because that's what you are getting - regardless of which side she is on.
Entrapta - SCIENCE! Forget heroics, someone just handed ENTRAPTA the master admin password for the entire PLANET! She can run Doom on this thing. Just look out for when she starts overclocking.
Mermista - SEA-RA! (Being a hero is too much like work, once the heroics grow stale. But everything considered the war wouldn't be TOO different from the main show. Also - Sea Hawk would be even more insufferable, singing her praise).
Perfuma - Good vibes for EVERYONE. She would try SO HARD to find peaceful solutions, but once in awhile give in to the temptation of hitting people with flowers.
Scorpia - Oh, gosh... um, sorry about breaking stuff?
Hordak - On no, magic is heretic. Not even Horde Prime… can… stand… against it… punches a hole in reality, stomps up to the Velvet Glove "HI FATHER-BROTHER, ARE YOU FINALLY PROUD OF ME?"
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antispopausandstuff · 6 months
no one asked, but here we go:
every spop-centered AU i have so far ( most of them are not public and just live in my brain or in some discord chat )
Virtues Universe - A universe that centers around Adora and Catra's ( positive ) sisterly relationship, Catra joining the Rebellion alongside her sister. Includes Adonnie and Catfuma ( Adora x Lonnie, Catra x Perfuma ) and Adora becoming a Rebellion Leader before becoming She-Ra ( in s2 ). I think this is the one AU I have where Catra isn't a bad person, lol.
Her Heart Universe - A universe where Adora is an alien on Earth, and is in the care of Mara and Razz. Includes learning values, social struggles, and episodic stories turning into a serialized "we gotta get our shit together or die" story.
Two Suns Universe - A universe where the key sibling relationship is Adora and Kyle, rather than Adora and Catra. Includes loving siblings, redemption arcs, Crimson Waste Kyle, and Kyle x Rogelio x Bow. Lots of Kyle love.
The Wilted Flower Universe - A universe where Adora's 'dead' ( bc Catra ), but her spirit resides, and She-Ra has taken over her form, desperate to keep her wielder alive. Includes a lot of violence, arguing, and blood, as She-Ra is unhinged in this universe and I love it. Not self-cest or a She-Ra x Adora AU, don't be weird.
Pearl Of The Sea Universe - A universe where Adora is a mermaid and Entrapta finds her in her boss' lab. Includes lovers to enemies to ??? ( entrapdak ), found family, and typical corrupted workforce.
Until It Ends Universe - A universe where Adora suffers from amnesia, She-Ra is an unknown entity, and the only thing she remembers is the Sword of Protection and is meant to serve it and its legacy. Includes folklore, forming friendships, ??? to enemies ( catra ), and discovering lost memories. Inspired by BOTW.
Ready To Go Universe - A modern universe where Adora and co use social media to boost their cafe's reputation. Includes Angella being Adora's mother figure, long distance relationships, found family ( again ), and cutting ties.
The Ghost Of Her Universe - A universe where Adora is a ghost, and a friend of hers tries to figure out how she died. And Glimmer and Bow are there too. Includes abusive background, manipulation of the higher-ups ( SW and Catra don't talk about why she died ), and friendly, but sad ghost.
To Be Loved Universe - A universe in the process of being reworked, but is essentially a s5 rewrite ( with some rewritten details of previous seasons ), and Adora is allowed to swear. Incluces Catra being a cunt and getting told to fuck off, rebuilding friendships, and an unexpected pairing.
Can't Sleep Universe - A universe focused around my c*tradora kid, Elizabeth Randor ( Izzy ), who is very bitter and angry with her parents ( mostly Catra ). Includes abuse, divorce arc ( that's a thing, apparently ), and healing.
The Whispering Woods Universe - A universe where Adora is raised by Madame Razz and Light Hope and is a fierce protector of the Whispering Woods, setting up traps and making spells. She-Ra most likely doesn't exist in this AU. Includes learning about the past, Grandma // Grandkid dynamic, and Adora being a nerd.
Desert's Flowers Universe - A universe where Entrapta raises Adora instead after the little one runs away from the Horde. Includes loving mother, family to complicated, strangers to allies to friends to ??? to enemies ( entrapdak again ), and Horde Prime being a douche.
The Lightning's Song Universe - A universe where Adora was locked away in the Prison Dimension for 100 years, and is considered a 'corrupted heroine'. However, Glimmer and Bow decide to unleash her, hoping she'd be their best bet against the Horde. Includes discovering the truth, unhinged rageful Adora ( we stan ), and earning trust.
The Soulmates Universe - A more historian universe where Adora and Bow have to fake-marry for social reasons, and struggle with internalized queerphobia as they fall in love with people that aren't each other. Includes best friends, what love really means, and identity metaphors.
Cross-Over Universes
Danganronpa - Adora is the Ultimate Warrior, who may be considered the 'second Mukuro', depending on who you ask. Is best friends with Sakura and Hina ( including others ).
Teen Titans - Adora gets involved in a freak accident and is sent to the TT universe and joins the group. Adora x Starfire is a thing.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Light-hearted fun, mainly just Adora thinking Sonic is really cool and vice-versa.
Mario - Again, simply light-hearted fun, Adora thinks Peach is amazing and has her as an idol.
Voltron - I know. I know. But she'd be best friends with Lance, and that's all the reason I need.
almost all AUs feature Catra getting her ass whooped.
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She-Ra: The Grayskull Gala
So here's an idea I had for a new She-Ra fandom event. Basically, the last few years the X-men comics did a thing called the hellfire gala. Baiscally it was like the Met Gala but for superheroes, so you had various X-men (and other marvel heroes) attending this thing in these really over-the-top fancy outfits and it was something that people loved seeing every year.
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Hell, Captain Marvel's design for the gala was so good, it's become her current default look in the comics.
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Anyway, today I saw a bunch of people in the Power Rangers fandom doing the same thing for a fandom event, like each artist picking a character and drawing them in whatever fancy stupid outfit fit the theme. My idea is this… what if you did something like this with She-Ra? Maybe make a crazy plant costume for Perfuma? Or perhaps Mermista shows up wearing a dress made of water? Or Adora wears a dress transformed from her sword and has giant sword blades coming out of her back? The possibilities are endless!
But yeah, just putting this idea out there in case anyone's interested
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