#Adrian Iliopoulos
unofficialchronicle · 10 months
On Habits, Rerouting Them, and Using Them to Renew Your Life
Source: https://thequintessentialmind.com/power-of-habit-mastery/
To begin to combat automatic behaviors or processes, break your habits up into their components.
Cue. A cue is a trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. This trigger can be anything from a physical location and a person, to a smell, a taste or an emotional state.
Routine. The routine is the activity you are about to perform when you are triggered by a cue. It can be physical, mental or emotional.
Reward. Duhigg refers to the reward as something that helps our brain figure out if a particular loop is worth remembering in the future. The reward is mainly achieved mentally after a connection with something physical like a chocolate or a cigarette.
The more we encounter this loop, the more automatic the habitual process becomes. However, the real moving force behind the habit loop is what Duhigg refers to as cravings. As we associate cues with certain rewards, a subconscious craving emerges in our brains that starts the habit loop spinning. Whenever we crave something, our brain somehow urges us to feel the same feeling we will experience when we actually reach the reward stage of the loop. The stronger the craving, the stronger our desire to perform that particular habit.
"With the right conditioning, you could automatically do what you normally need willpower for."—Scott Young  
“What gets measured, gets managed.” –Peter Drucker (Take note of your "wins" and your progress).
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.”—Aristotle
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Too much knowledge can lead to analysis paralysis. When you have acquired enough knowledge, start applying it. Then and only then knowledge becomes power.
Adrian Iliopoulos
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shisasan · 4 years
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Adrian Iliopoulos, 30 days challenge
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quotaholic · 3 years
When you accrue knowledge you simultaneously develop intuition. When you do and feel things intuitively you operate on a level beyond comprehension. It is the level you know the outcome of something before you even deal with it. This is the beginning of self-transcendence.
Adrian Iliopoulos
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abhishekrungta · 6 years
RT @theQSLmind: How to kill your ego: - Be always open to new information and experiences - Stop comparing your life to everybody else's highlight reel - Understand that you will be perpetually shaping your character - Aim for the meaningful and not the expedient - Manage better wins and defeats
How to kill your ego: - Be always open to new information and experiences - Stop comparing your life to everybody else's highlight reel - Understand that you will be perpetually shaping your character - Aim for the meaningful and not the expedient - Manage better wins and defeats
— Adrian Iliopoulos (@theQSLmind) October 5, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/abhishekrungta October 07, 2018 at 10:39AM
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gdgirlgonbad · 10 years
I always used to think of happiness as result – a lifetime pursuit that drives most of our actions and behaviors. It is what we try to accomplish and probably the only reason we stay alive.
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