#Adrien AUGreste 2023
theredeyeswolf · 9 months
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For @adrienaugust
Day 1: Feather
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pearl484-blog · 9 months
Delightful Destruction
Adrien asks to see Plagg’s true form My entry for Adrien AUGreste 2023: Plagg
Ao3 link, Series
“Hey, Plagg,” Adrien called, looking at a video on his computer. “This ghost thing kinda looks like you.”
Plagg peered over Adrien’s shoulder as he relished the taste of a particularly delicious wheel of camembert. Huh, that was a cat spirit, a decently strong one too, from the looks of it. It wasn’t quite as well formed as him. Its tiny black body was mostly a head with tiny little bat wings, and its eyes were purple instead of his ravishing green, but he could see the resemblance. 
Then, having fed off enough fear from the civilians nearby, it transformed. Its wings grew to massive lengths and grew to four. Its face morphed from a simple fear to a pig nosed muzzle, and its main body became long and sleek like a panther’s.
“Oh,” Adrien said, frowning. “It doesn’t anymore.”
“Puh-lease,” Plagg remarked, lifting his nose up away from that pathetic transformation, “my true form is much cooler than that. 
Immediately, Adrien sat up straight, looking at Plagg in undisguised awe. “You have a true form?” Adrien asked.
“Of course I do,” Plagg said, grinning smugly as he revealed in the attention his chosen was giving him. He nonchalantly swallowed a roll of camembert whole as he smugly asked, “What, did you think those ghosts could be cooler than me? Trust me,” Plagg swept his paw through the air in a dismissive gesture, “compared to me, those ghosts are just the very beginnings of curdled milk. It would take them millenia to even be a fraction as smart or as powerful as I am.”
“Wait,” Adrien cocked his head, looking at Plagg in an adorable level of confusion, “why don’t you ever use it then?”
“Because it’s huge,” Plagg said, rolling his eyes. “And if you think my powers are tricky in this size, it’s nothing compared to my true self. Honestly, I could probably destroy the entire Milky Way on accident like that.” 
“Oh,” Adrien said softly. “I guess that makes sense.” 
Plagg hummed, eyeing Adrien carefully. It didn’t take a genius to see Adrien’s disappointment. His wielder wasn’t subtle about his emotions. How anyone could miss them was beyond Plagg, but showing someone his true form was a big deal. Most people only ever wanted to see it before they demanded that he fuse with Tikki to make reality bend to whatever stupid wish they wanted. Adrien though…
Plagg genuinely believed that Adrien might just want to see it. He was curious like that, always grabbing and reaching for whatever scraps of knowledge Plagg handed out to him, and his wielder was clever too. 
At first, Plagg had given Adrien the tiniest scraps of information to tease him, offering only a small taste of information to see his tiny little human mind get blown, but after a month or so, Adrien would surprise him by casually mentioning things to Plagg that he’d never even said out loud before, had never even needed to. 
For instance, after a few weeks of listening to Adrien drone on and on about his sickeningly sweet crush on Ladybug, Plagg had once again given his excellent cheese advice only for Adrien to counter that Plagg had never been in love. Or after Plagg had introduced the idea that he’d had many wielders before, it had only taken Adrien about 3 weeks to complain about how he couldn’t transform into a cat like Bast had.
From then on, it had become a game of sorts. Plagg would drop some little seed of information every so often, and Adrien would counter it by bringing up some surprisingly insightful tangential guesses about it with the surety of someone who’d known it for years. Sometimes he was wrong, hilariously wrong, like the time he’d thought Loki was a fox, but most of the time, his wielder was right on the money. 
Plagg had let a lot of secrets go this way. He knew he’d dropped far too many hints for his own good, but it was so satisfying to watch his little human grow and figure out things so quickly and easily. In fact, for the first time in a long time, Plagg felt like he trusted his wielder. So maybe, he could try something. 
“Do you want to see it?” Plagg asked cautiously. Immediately, Adrien lit up like a Christmas tree, but he hesitated. 
Biting his lip, Adrien hesitantly asked, “But didn’t you say it was dangerous?”
Plagg gave him an easy grin and waved his paw dismissively. “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “We’ll just have to find someplace big enough to hold me without anyone seeing us, and I’ll just need to avoid using my powers. No big deal.” Then he paused before quickly adding, “But, just in case, I can’t stay in that form for too long.” As Adrien nodded, he quickly added, “and it’s just the one time.”
Adrien hummed, before he grinned. “I think I know a place. Plagg! Claws Out!” ~*~ As it turned out, Adrien’s place was one of the cisterns in the sewer. It was hardly conspicuous. Both Ladybug and Chat Noir had hidden near a number of these several times,but Plagg was a little worried he wouldn’t be able to fit. 
Apparently, Adrien had the same idea, because he looked at it nervously as he asked, “Is it big enough?”
As Plagg listened to Adrien’s voice, he cursed his soft heart. As soon as he heard that tone in Adrien’s voice, Plagg knew, as clearly as he knew that pasteurized cheese was a crime against humanity, that if it wasn’t big enough, his wielder would blame himself. He was weirdly self-conscious like that: eager to blame himself at the slightest opportunity. Plagg blamed his stupid father for that, and Ladybug’s stupid obsession with secrets hadn’t been helping. 
“Yeah, it’s big enough,” Plagg said, quickly to assuage Adrien’s doubt. For Adrien, Plagg would find a way for it to be big enough. 
Quickly, he coached Adrien through the spell. “In order to do this,” Plagg told him, “you’re going to have to say, ‘Plagg, reveal yourself’. It’ll be a bit like transforming, but the magic’s not going towards you, it’s going away, so you’re going to have to be forceful, but not too forceful or we’ll bring this place down.”
Adrien nodded before following Plagg’s instructions to a tee. Feeling the bindings on his smaller form loosen, Plagg stretched his form out very carefully, making sure not to touch the ceiling or the water. He’d only be a fraction of his normal size like this, but he figured that Adrien would still be able to see all of his features.
As soon as he was finished, Plagg looked back at Adrien with all three of his eyes to find Adrien with eyes the size of dinner plates and beaming like the cat who caught the canary. 
“You look so cool,” Adrien gushed. “And look at those wings! They look just like Astrocat’s. And that eye! Can I have an eye like that? Can you see out of it? What does it look like? Does it look like it does with only two eyes or can you see in other dimensions?” 
Smiling, Plagg stretched and flexed, a strange feeling coming from his chest as Adrien oohed and awed at every new thing he noticed about Plagg, asking dozens and dozens of questions in barely contained glee. Adrien delighted in everything:  from the realization that his body was covered in eyes, “can you see from all of them?” to Plagg’s disembodied joints “how far can they move?” to the giant hole in his chest, “can I touch it?” 
Plagg had to admit, he let time slip away from them as Adrien admired Plagg. At first from the ground, but after Adrien asked to be picked up, from up close. There was something so simple, so joyful in being marveled at instead of being used as just half of a battery. 
Together, he and Adrien spent a few hours down there until Adrien had started getting tired and -very reluctantly- suggested they go back. The next morning though, they paid for it. Adrien had come down with a cold, one of the nastiest that Nathalie had ever seen apparently, and Plagg had felt terrible. 
As soon as Plagg apologized though, in his own way, Adrien shook his head. 
“It was worth it,” Adrien insisted through a faceful of snot and mucus, and Plagg nuzzled him happily. He knew he must’ve been the luckiest kwami in the world.  
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 9+10
It took a while for this one to get written and I was a bit back and forth on letting Ameile get the ring just based on the reason for why Gabreil wanted to keep it. I never actually watched s4 and 5, just know from friends hatewatching, and I had assumed the rings had a bigger part in the story but so far, they just seem to be family heirlooms. But again, because it’s not cannon past s3, Felix actually has a relationship with his dad. Anyway, enjoy!
“Remind me never to do Student UN again.” Adrien said, dropping onto the deck of the Liberty.
It was the Saturday after their schools Model UN and while Adrien lucked out with Lila not participating, she was back in school and made it her mission to make his life difficult by being a nascence. it took the whole class playing shield to keep him from actually hurting her. Chloe surprisingly had been a huge help, giving her a dress down that honestly, was too good to describe. Obviously, the Mayor’s daughter hadn’t done a whole 180 but with most people remembering how her mother treated her and starting to give her the benefit of the doubt, she was coming out from her spoiled shell. She was still spoiled and self-centred, that was Chloe, but Adrien compared her to Cleo from Monster High. She cared and wanted people to know that, it just took a while for her to find the ways of showing it.
“No need to applaud, I’ve arrived!” Chloe announced, stepping onto the ship, stumbling when Sabrina tripped off the gangplank and crashed into her. Her best friend stuttered apologizes when she turned to glare but the blonde took a breath and asked if she was ok.
Baby steps, that’s what it was about.
“Look on the bright side, two days and a full party where we don’t have to deal with her.” Nino said. He was leaning against Alya’s legs as she sat on the stage with Marinette and Alix, still going over the story about the Miraculous and their secret society. She’d been even more into it when the news riel about the sudden return of the Temple, with a very familiar looking mark, ran.
“And even better,” Luka said, kneeling down next to Adrien, “You now have more free time and I’ve gotten ahead in assignments.”
Adrien smiled to himself. “I guess that is something worth celebrating. Other than actually pulling off the school’s first Student UN.”
“Oh my god. Chloe!” Alya called.
“I didn’t do anything!”
“No.” Alya got up, practically shoving her phone into Chloe’s face. “Did you know about this? that this was today?”
Chloe’s eyes widened. “Crap. I can’t believe I forgot. I didn’t think I’d forget.”
“Lila’s mom disappeared a year ago.”
“Died.” Chloe corrected. “She died, I’m sure of it. she was really sick, dizzy spells, fainting, confined to her bed for days. I never liked Lila, but I liked her mom. I can’t believe I forgot.”
“It’s been a busy year, what with Hawkmoth and everything.” Sabrina said.
“Not to mention Lila suddenly showing up at school.” Marinette reminded. “I’m sure her mother knows you care.”
“She showed up at school?” Adrien asked.
“Lila was homeschooled. With her dad’s popularity, Emile didn’t want her being stared at. Not like she cared; she was always doing something to make a mess of things. She would be a clothing model for her dad for clothes for her age group and clearly, she loved the attention.” Chloe said. “it started small then, but she started lying to get her way. Emile would catch her a few times but she started to get better and then Emile got sick, so she hid better. All of a sudden, she walks into the classroom with this lie that her father hated that she was being locked away and wanted her to be normal and interact with the people who bought his clothes.”
“Which also brought in the lies she told us basically about how she was involved in all our favourite things.” Alya reminded.
“Which Alya here actually helped expose a little. Did you know she said Jagged Stone wrote a love song about her?” Alix said, putting a hand on the reporter’s shoulder.
“Jagged Stone, is in his 30s.”
“Her lies went crashing down pretty soon after he made a statement about it not being true. Didn’t stop her, but we knew to fact check and before you know it, newest big model on the scene is the biggest scandal no one wants to deal with.”
“But she lost her mom.”
Adrien thought about how she reacted the first day he met her. She had no standing, clearly grasping at anything to be seen. He understood it, keeping up a façade because it was easier, but she seemed to take singular focus on attacking him, insulting his mother and her love. He could blame it on Lila’s own mother and her disappearance, but he didn’t know. The popular kids he me at his schools, a lot were mad at their parents, but unless they were involved in some way with yours, your own parents never made conversation. Any cheap shot about them was about their looks or their jobs, not their ability to love you. he felt bad for her, but it didn’t justify her behaviour. He did feel bad for Chloe though. He wondered if Emile Agreste had been more of a mom than her actual mother.
“Chloe, did you want to go give your condolences?” Adrien asked. “To Gabriel and maybe Lila? I mean, I don’t like her, but if my mama disappeared?”
“We should at least let her know we’re thinking of her.” Mylene said. “But if we all went.”
“She’d lose her head. Or lap it up. Or, I don’t know, maybe be normal.” Ivan pointed out, all valid points.
“her dad wouldn’t want his daughter’s whole class coming by. He doesn’t even leave his house.” Chloe reminded.
“So only a few of us. Chloe, you and Sabrina. Maybe Juleka, since you model for him? And Marinette, since you’re working his internship.” Rose suggested.
“I will be working his internship. And honestly, if Lila hates Adrien the most, she hates me second. She constantly goes after me trying to get me in trouble.” Marinette reminded.
“I’ll go.” Adrien said, shrugging when everyone looked at him. “I don’t like her, but I mentioned to her dad that I liked Solitude. Feels like I should at least let him know how sorry I am.”
“So, Chloe, Sabrina, Adrien and Juleka?”
“Except, Juleka is practically becoming the new face of the brand,” Luka reminded. “I don’t know her well, but I know her enough. If we’re worried what all of us being there will do, do we really think sending her replacement is a good idea?”
“Chloe, Sabrina, Adrien and Luka? if only to stop Adrien when Lila undoubtly pisses him off.” Rose said, Adrien looking insulted.
“Oh, you know she’ll do it. get filming, I’ll call the limo.” Chloe said.
Chloe tossed her hair, standing at full hight. Adrien would admit, it was impressive how easily she fell into being her snooty self when she wanted something. There was Chloe who held onto her self-importance and could still be ok to be around and then there was this side, who after a few minutes, you’d be tempted to throw her off the Eiffel Tower.
That was probably why any akuma she caused would take her there.
“We’ve come to pay our respects to M. Agreste.” Sabrina nudged her, leaving her to sigh and roll her eyes. “And Lila I guess.”
“We have guests Chloe.”
“Oh, let her in. I haven’t seen her in years!” that was a different voice, but one that perked Chloe up. She turned to Adrien, who was messing with the plastic covering the bouquet. She smirked in a way that worried Sabrina, who started tugging on her jacket to get her to spill.
The gate swung open and Chloe led them to the door. It was pulled open and Adrien had to remind himself that Emile Agreste had been missing for a year. The woman who stood in front of them was near identical though.
“Amelie! It’s so nice to see you again. How is it in London? Great, I’d like you to meet someone. This is Adrien.” Chloe dragged Adrien over, ignoring his questions of what she was doing.
“Um, hi?”
“Oh, my goodness. Felix, Felix! Come over here. Look at this.” grabbing Adrien, the woman dragged him in the house, Chloe still ignoring the questions over what was going on, smiling at the scene before them.
Amelie brought Adrien to stand in front of someone. Someone with the same shade of hair and eyes, near the same height and had the same expression Adrien tended to have when truly annoyed or angry.
“It’s this amazing? Felix, you two look exactly alike. Lila, you must have been so surprised when he came to your class. I hear you’re new?”
“Um, yeah. I’m Adrien Rossi…and this is a little strange.”
Amelie giggled, clapping her hands. “Oh, this is amazing! Emile and I always hoped our kids would look like this, near twins. I always wanted to play a trick on you Gabriel, and switch the kids for a day. Oh, the things the two of you could have gotten away with.”
Feeling a little awkward, Adrien gave the teen in front of him a smile. “Hi, and you are?”
“I’m Felix.” His accented French made Adrien tempted to switch to English, but he didn’t want to assume.
“Oh, and I’m Amelie. Emilie was my big sister. Chloe, why don’t you introduce me to your other friends?”
Adrien glanced over Felix’s shoulder to see Lila glaring at him. She seemed madder than usual, like she actually wanted to hurt him. Eager to get out, Adrien handed the flowers to him.
“Sorry for your loss.”
Felix looked at the flowers before looking back at him. It was strange, seeing such a proper picture staring back at him. Mylene, while waiting for others to finish their video, had braided his bangs into his hair and the fishnet poking out from under his oversized shirt was a definite contrast to his slacks and waistcoat.
“I know you don’t mean my father but thank you regardless.” Felix said.
“Oh, I didn’t know. I won’t say ‘I’m sorry’ because I know every kid who lost a parent never wants to hear that. So instead, I’ll say…I hope the important memories never fade and if they do, you never lose the feelings you had during them.”
Felix looked surprised and Adrien realised he was hoping for a reaction. Just not the one he gave. He took the flowers and handed them to Nathalie, who looked pained as Chloe held court with Lila’s aunt.
“If you don’t mind, Mlle. Bourgeois, this is a family occasion.” Gabriel finally interrupted.
“That’s fine, we just wanted you to know we were thinking of you. oh, and Sabrina.” The red-haired girl took out the SD card that they downloaded their video onto and handed it to Lila. “Just so you know we care.”
Lila dropped the SD card and stomped on it a few times. Whether or not it broke it, Adrien wasn’t sure, but they all got the message. She stormed up the stairs, ignoring her aunt’s yelling to come back and apologize, which turned into a near fight between her and Gabriel about Lila’s behaviour. Adrien took one look at Felix, who’s face still held the same expression, but with a bit of sadness and spoke without thinking much.
“Hey, Felix. Is it your first time in Paris? We’re having a party at Luka’s houseboat; you should come with us.”
A small bit of relief appeared in the green eyes as he turned to his mother. “Can I?”
“I suppose. How about you meet me back here at 4 so we can say goodbye and go to the station together?”
And with that, they had a new addition.
“Whoa. It’s like a funhouse mirror.” Kim said, looking Felix up and down, who looked annoyed at being gawked at.
“Except I’m sure his temper is the same. Sure, you remember that part, huh Kim?” Adrien said, smiling when the athlete got red and turned back to the party. “Sorry about him.”
“You didn’t have to do this because you feel sorry for me.”
“I only feel sorry you would have had to spend the afternoon with Lila.” Adrien said, taking in the same surprised look Felix had before. “If I felt sorry for you because of your father, then I’d feel the same about a lot of my friends. Lot of single household kids here. Fair amount due to a parent passing away but they have their ways of remembering them and it’s a reminder to us to always remember the important feelings. now, you hungry? Kagami is getting off training soon and she’s bringing freshly made mochi. It’s really good.”
Felix stared at him, like he was trying to figure him out before he turned away. “Not particularly hungry, though I am thirsty.”
It took some time, but Felix started to open up. He was sarcastic and a bit rude but they were all used to it with Chloe. When Kim’s teasing went to far, Felix shut him down with a rather well-timed insult that had the whole group laughing as Kim went red and pouted. His social skills lacked some, which made him bond with Kagami when she finally arrived.
“If they say something pop culture related you don’t get, just nod. They usually figure out we have no clue what they mean and explain to not look stupid.” She advised.
“Thanks Kagami.” Adrien said sarcastically.
Somehow the topic turned to the thing majority of their class shared in common, single parent households. It was a healthy debate of what they felt they missed compared to their friends and classmates with two parents.
“Twice as much worrying? That baby akuma accidently smashed through my room and my dad freaked out. I was in the bathroom, which is the furthest from the skylight so I was fine. but Papa lost it, trying to break in and check on me. Which is fine, I get it. but after Scarlet Bug fixed everything, he came by to check if I was ok while Catseye went to go drop the baby off and my dad’s first reaction is that I’m dating Scarlet Bug! Do you have any idea how mortifying that is? The poor guy didn’t get a chance to explain before my dad tried inviting him to dinner with us.” Marinette went.
“Please, you think that’s bad? Reminder that my dad became akumatized to keep me from leaving.” Chloe threw in. “Your dad got akumatized because he thought you were dumped.”
“Seeing how my dad won’t even talk to me since I came out,” Marc said, “I wouldn’t be too mad about him getting akumatized because he didn’t want to see me hurt.”
“At least your mother wasn’t akumatized because she wants to control you.” Kagami said, taking a sip of tea.
“Or akumatized because she doesn’t enjoy being control.” Luka said.
Felix looked confused. “Is this what we do? Talk about being akumatized? Wait, have all of you been akumatized?”
“Pretty much. I think Marinette is the only person who hasn’t been akumatized. Just all her friends and family.” Nino said.
“Besides, we’ve realised that talking about what happened and remembering the emotions we felt is a reminder that it’s ok to feel that way. If Hawkmoth didn’t exist, we could feel that without consequences. Our reactions would be different. We have to remind ourselves that while we try to keep a check on our emotions to keep Hawkmoth from taking us over again, feeling what we felt is normal. And one day we can feel those emotions without worrying about the really bad consequences again.” Rose explained.
“I think there are some consequences you should still feel worried about.” Felix pointed out.
“So, what would be your trigger?” Markov asked, hovering over the mochi to keep Kim and Ivan from having too many.
“My trigger?”
“A lot of ours was Chloe. Chloe’s was Scarlet Bug believe it or not.” Alya said.
“Mine was a grown man who thought it was ok to threaten kids and act like a child. But got us a contract out of it.” Adrien said. “It doesn’t have to be anything big.”
Felix’s gaze went to his cup, clanging his ring against the ceramic. “My dad. But not his passing. It could have been, he died in an accident but that would have been my mom’s. she lost her sister and the love of her life within a month of each other. My trigger would have been my uncle not showing his face at the funeral, but expecting us to come to his house to mourn his wife. I loved my aunt, but why should my father’s passing be brushed off? I can’t talk about it with my mother and I don’t make friends easy. Most just want something because our family is rich, but I wanted to mourn and because of my uncle I can’t. he doesn’t even seem to understand why my mother wants the rings back.”
“Rings?” Adrien asked.
Felix messed with the ring on his finger. “because my aunt was older, she got the family rings. Used to be told stories about how they had special powers and for a kid who grew up with his father telling him about fae and calling his wife Titania the fairy queen, I liked those stories. After my aunt disappeared, my mom wanted a piece of her back and that piece was the ring. They used them as their wedding rings and he doesn’t seem to get why my mom wants them back. He’s mourned her by hiding away. My mother’s hid her mourning to take care of the company and me. She deserves that much.”
Adrien looked at the ring, as Felix continued to mess with it. it was slightly big, a bit faded but Felix handled it like it was the most important thing in the world. Probably because it belonged it to his father. The ring could have gone to Amelie but instead Felix had it, to remember his father because she had him. and all she wanted was a way to remember her sister. He got why Gabriel wanted to keep the ring if it was his only link to his wife, but he wasn’t the only one who lost her.
“I think you should steal it.” Kagami said. “he lives inside his home, rarely coming out. I’m sure he has other ways of remembering her. The rings don’t belong to him, they did to her and now to your mother. But if you want to avoid getting in trouble, maybe convince your mom to have him sit down and explain her side. Guilt could probably work too if she adds how she can’t grieve her family with nothing to hold onto.” The whole group stared at her. “What?”
“You, are a terrifying person. Look, the point is, you have every right to feel the way you do. Tell that to your mom so she can take care of it. and if that doesn’t work, maybe steal the ring, but only if you feel like he’s saying no to be an ass.” Adrien explained.
“So, steal as last resort?”
“The guy is friends with the mayor of Paris. Try not to get banned before we can hang out again?”
“Well yeah. We’re friends now, you’re stuck with us.”
Felix took in the mix of faces, all – including Chloe – giving him looks that all said they were telling the truth. His usual personality turned people away, but these people were fine with it. he looked at Adrien, a wilder copy of himself and realised his original plan to be an ass wasn’t going to work. They were too stubborn and honestly, it was just easier to give in.
Later on, the train, he watched his mother smile softly down at the ring in hand.
“I have to say, I’m surprised Gabriel was moved enough to give me the ring. I’m sorry I had to use your father as an in.”
“It’s fine. I’m just glad you have it now. Besides, it wasn’t mainly my idea. Got it from a friend.”
“A friend?” she asked with a smile on her face.
Looking at his reflection, he spun his father’s ring on his finger. “Yeah. My first actually.”
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yueasuka · 9 months
The Two of (me) Us
Two times.
That was the amount of regress he had done before he came to this timeline, the timeline that he thought would be the perfect timeline. Not because, this time, the world is at peace or no one gets sick cliche of perfect, but in a simple way, where he got both his parents and they can be a complete family, which with his mother finally cured from her illness. After all, there's the saying 'three times's a charm', right?
Sadly, it's not work either.
( Written for event Adrien AUGreste 2023 @adrienaugust )
An AU where there's two Adrien.
Day 1. Feather
Two times.  
That was the amount of regress he had done before he came to this timeline, the timeline that he thought would be the perfect timeline. Not because, this time, the world is at peace or no one gets sick cliche of perfect, but in a simple way, where he got both his parents and they can be a complete family, which with his mother finally cured from her illness. After all, there's the saying 'three times's a charm', right?
But no, the world won't let him get his wish.
He wondered where he got it wrong this time?  
Is it because he used his knowledge from a previous timeline to cure his mother? Probably, because that was where everything went downhill, it was while in his previous timeline when he was unable to cure her, everything seemed to be normal until his death. No magical terrorists, no miraculous, just a normal world.  
Perhaps he shouldn't try to change it. Maybe that's why the world decided to fix the thing that he changed. Because, in the end, his mother still died and his father? He's gone so much worse than the version of him that he encountered him in his previous timelines. It wasn't a depression anymore, it was madness.  
The worst part is that he didn't even know who to blame. Him for trying to change his mother's fate, his father for letting his grief and depression eat him whole, that stupid feather who stole his name or Miraculous for exist. But there's also part of him who doesn't want to blame anything, he just… Tired. Way too tired, it seems that whatever Ladybug said came as gibberish to him.  
"Do you even--" he heard her indignant voice, perhaps she finally realise that he hadn't paid attention to what she said. "Minou?" Weird how she sounded so worried when he called him that and the next thing he knew, she already stood in front of him. 
They had just finally figured out his father was the Monarch. They fight him together and while they manage to claim the stolen miraculous, they also manage to get to know that 'Adrien' is a sentimonster that his mother created, which end up killed her because the peacock was broken and his father in his way to get revenge on him and Ladybug… Died because of the cataclysm.  
He killed his own father.
The realisation finally dawned on him and he fell on his knees. He wasn't even aware whatever it was that Ladybug said to him, as her voice was drowning while the same sentences were repeated over and over again in his mind. He put his hands on his ears in the hope of drowning that voice to no avail. The more he tried to block it, the louder it became.  
You killed your own father.
You're a murderer!
As the voice became even more unbearable, he did the only thing that came to his mind.
He screamed. 
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 8 months
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 5+6
No one had asked, but I thought explaining why Lila hasn't been akumatized might be helpful. As well as Lukadrien being cute. I tried doing a 'umbrella scene' kinda thing and got this. Enjoy Rain
Gabriel watched the rain fall, staring at the statue of Emilie. Lila never seemed to visit it, never seemed bothered by her mother not being there. He wondered if his love would be disappointed at how their daughter was turning out. Since she became a model, she lied and manipulated, but she was an amateur, seemingly unaware that her popularity would have people focus on her. That’s why he never left. He knew the moment he did, all eyes would be on him and he wouldn’t be able to do his job, to get the Miraculous. She’d become worse since a new student arrived in her class, seemingly focused on attacking him. Other than cursing her out, Adrien Rossi hadn’t made any trouble. Well liked by his classmates and teachers, child of two Italian diplomates, one of whom was working on ways to help Scarlet Bug and Catseye and make his life harder. It was tempting to do what he could to stop it, but with each passing attempt, more people wanted Hawkmoth defeated and to support him was a one-way ticket to social suicide. He still had a company to run, something for Emilie to look forward to when he got what he needed.
He felt the rise of emotions coming from Lila’s room again. Self-hate, anger, all emotions that hadn’t cropped up until recently. She would make the perfect akuma, but he couldn’t. Emilie would never forgive him. There had been times his butterflies had been drawn to her negative emotions and he had to pull them away, directing them to the actual target, or making big enough gesture to where Scarlet Bug would see and capture before she could touch it. not to mention Nooroo saying no.
“Not her? Why?”
“She, you can’t control her. You can lock her in her room or demand things, but she’d got a mind of her own. I just know she’ll break from your control and make things worse. She only cares about herself; not what winning could mean. Please Master, you know I’m right.”
He didn’t usually listen to the kwami, but something told him to listen. Nooroo understood emotion better than anyone so he kept her away.
“Sir.” Nathalie appeared behind him silent as always. “She’s refusing to come out again.”
“I can tell. If she was any other person, I’d of created an akuma by now. I can’t be bothered to deal with her, call Vincet and cancel the shoot.”
“Sir, we’ve cancelled 3 times now. Anymore and investors will start keeping to their threats and actually pull out. It’s hard enough to keep the name up with Lila creating a mess every time. Lady Tomoe has offered Kagami.”
He shook his head. The young fencer had come to one shoot and was offered to stand in front of the camera. She was stiff and unbending, unless she had a sword in hand. But then she was too stern and unwilling to smile.
“No. call the Couffaine girl. We’ll push the shoot back if she needs time. And get in contact with the Dupain-Chang girl. I’ve been meaning to talk to her about an internship and I think working with her friend would be perfect.”
“Of course.” Nathalie nodded, turning to her iPad before looking at Gabriel again. “Sir?”
“Get me an umbrella, would you? I know Emilie can’t feel it but it seems wrong she should sit out there in the rain.”
“Absolutely sir, right away. Would her personal one be alright?”
“If you please. And an ibuprofen. This child is determined to take me to an early grave with all her negative emotion.” He ordered, as another round of emotions washed onto him. He felt like he couldn’t remember if Emilie was good at calming Lila as a child. It seemed the spoiled girl had always been the way she was. She must be breaking her poor mother’s heart.
“Are you sure?” Marinette asked, even as Adrien pressed the umbrella into her hands.
“Yes. I’ll be ok. I’m sure once I’m done talking with Mml. Bustier the rain will have let up. Besides, it won’t do any good if you have to order your yarn and your dad figures out what you’re doing for his birthday because you didn’t want to get wet.” Adrien said, pulling the strap of his messenger bag over his head, the faint jingling of bells ever-present.
“Alright, if, you’re sure. thanks Adrien, I’ll see you tomorrow!” Marinette said, heading down the stairs and towards the front door.
Adrien looked up at the skylight, the sight distorted because of the rain. It had been raining all day and it was clearly getting to everyone, Juleka the worst who seemed like she was constantly fidgeting and looking uncomfortable. She seemed to bounce up slightly from a call from Nathalie, assistant to Gaberiel Agreste. He guessed another modelling job in the future. He was glad that getting turned into a glitter stone didn’t turn her away from modelling. Juleka was really good and she was so much more confident about her looks.
“Adrien.” Mml. Bustier and the art teacher waved him over from one of the other classrooms. “Thank you so much hearing us out.”
“I hear that you’ve done Student UN at your previous school.”
“Yeah, only as a participant.”
“Well, we had been asked by a student if we’d be willing to run a model UN. They’ve tried for at least 2 years and just when the headmaster agreed, that student had been accepted into an exchange student program.”
Adrien raised an eyebrow. “Did he not see the two very similar names on the paperwork?”
Both teachers sighed. “No.” they answered together.
“Point is, we don’t have anyone experienced in doing this. we’re not asking you to take control, just give us a bit of advice on how to properly run this.”
“Well, I can actually do you better. If you need someone, I can help run this. if anything, it’ll keep me distracted from doing cosplays and running the risk of affecting my allergies. Long story.” He said, noticing the confused looks.
“Are you sure?”
“As long as you guys are willing to help and you have other students signed up to help run it, yeah. Mama’s never done UN debates but I’m sure she could offer extra support if needed.”
“That’s amazing to hear! Ok, let’s go over the paperwork and if you’re still up for it, we can announce it by the end of the week.”
Going over paperwork and discussing his duties took time but at the end, Adrien still wanted to do it. he was excited to tell his mom that he’d forgotten about the rain until he pushed the door open and saw it still pouring. He could make it to the metro, that was fine, it was just the fact that he’d be soak by the time he got there. He looked down at his bag, looking over some of the pins and rosettes. A fair number of them were new and he didn’t want to deal with the risk of them getting wet.
“Great, now what?”
He looked over and saw Luka climbing the stairs, under an odd-looking umbrella. It had two tops, merged together and a handle that joined at the bottom.
“What,” he giggled, Luka’s satisfied smile getting to him, “is that?”
“My mom bought it.” like that was enough of an answer. Well, with Anarka it probably was.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, but what are you doing here?” Adrien asked, stepping back further to let Luka stand under the canopy with him.
“I came to get you.”
“I can see that.”
“You texted and said Mml. Bustier wanted to talk to you and Juleka mentioned when she came home, you were giving Marinette your umbrella, so here I am.”
Adrien smiled up at Luka. “You didn’t have to.”
“I know, I’m amazing.” Luka joked, making the two of them laugh. He pulled Adrien closer so he could pull the umbrella over them without getting sprinkled on. “Ready?”
Adrien nodded, full of happiness and love as he slipped a hand through Luka’s arm, standing close under the protection of the umbrella. It still surprised him how lucky he was right then. He had an amazing guy he was dating, friends he felt would be forever even when he moved and his life felt pretty perfect. There was still Lila to contend with and the note Scarlet Bug and Catseye left him but with nothing cropping up recently, he was going to take the win.
“did you want to do the metro or cut through the park?” Luka asked.
“Deal with crowded public transport or spend time with you? decisions, decisions.”
Luka laughed at him as he led them across the street. as they walked, Adrien told him about the Student UN and Luka mentioned how his online classes had attempted something like it before.
“It could have gone well, had anyone actually been interested. But I guess you could get help from your parents.”
“Yeah, it’s the plan. Kinda wish dad could have stayed longer. I already know he wanted more time to pick your brain. Or embarrass me. I can’t believe you wanted to see more pictures!” Adrien said, remembering what happened when he left his parents alone with Luka for 2 minutes to go refill drinks. Every photo album had been brought out and stories were being passed around quicker than he could stop them.
“You were a very adorable kid, including the one of you sitting in your nonna’s garden eating her vegetables.” Luka teased, laughing at Adrien’s pout.
“I am going to bug your mom so much for your pictures. I bet, you even had a scene kid phase.”
“Do you really want to see me with that much eyeliner?”
“It’ll make me feel better so yes. But the good thing is my dad loved you, so it wasn’t so horrible.”
“I’m glad about that. Did…you tell your parents about what Lila said that day?”
Adrien felt his smile drop remembering Lila screaming that she was a Rossi. He hadn’t told his parents and he hadn’t mentioned to Luka that his dad found a phone in his suit pocket, one that with a bit of waiting, turned out to belong to Lila’s bodyguard, when a text from Nathalie had come through. He had no clue or reasoning for why she was acting like this and as stupid as the idea sounded, it was just easy to ignore.
“No. she hasn’t been to school and it was just easy to ignore. I’ll keep an eye out, but I feel like I’d just be giving her more attention.”
“Fair enough.” Luka tilted the umbrella back to glance at the sky. “You know, I actually love the rain. It does rock Liberty a bit too often but when everything is still and you can just hear the rain dropping on the deck, it’s really calming.”
“My dad’s favourite movie is Singing in the Rain. He once tried to make my mom recreate the song sequence.”
“Oh? Did he ever try with you?”
“Italy is always covered in water since it’s sinking and it always seemed that whenever it rained, timing was bad. Besides, I always enjoyed watching Solitude, with Lila’s mom. Just the opening with her under her umbrella always, hit me for some odd reason.”
“Hmm.” Luka tugged Adrien over to the carousel, walking up the stairs where it was dry. He took Adrien’s bag and put it on the ground near the pole, using the umbrella to block any rain and dragged Adrien back outside.
“What are you doing?”
“We did Solitude, so let’s recreate Singing in the Rain. Come on, dance with me!”
Adrien let out a yelp as Luka tugged him around, spinning him in a circle. He did get soaked like he’d been worried about earlier but as the two span around, Adrien couldn’t help but laugh as they danced in the rain.
Staying under the umbrella after felt silly but Luka reminded him of his rant, he had about not finding a waterproof itabag that would work for school.
“You always remember. I’m starting to feel like I talk too much.”
“Don’t. I love hearing you talk.” Luka said, walking Adrien up to the door of his building. “get warm when you get upstairs.”
“You too. I’d hate to hear from your sister that you got sick because you wanted to take me dancing.”
“Worth it.” Luka started to step closer when Adrien spotted something over his shoulder.
“My mama.”
Adrien felt awkward being affectionate in front of his parents with Luka, mainly because they were so involved. Luka was ok with it, usually making it up when it was just them, but Adrien felt bad. He watched Luka noticed the car and then tilted the umbrella to block them from sight before kissing his check, close to his lips.
If it wasn’t for him hearing his mother approach, he’d take advantage of Luka’s idea and kiss him on the lips for the first time.
He’d remember that for next time.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
A wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 1+2
@adrienaugust  Day 1! I decided to continue from last year's story 'A wish for a different life' but with a new twist, Adrien doesn't have the cat Miraculous just yet. You can go back and check out the 3 new chapters I posted on the previous story so it connects to this one. Since Lukadrien June didn't happen this year, I just wanted the excuse to have those two be adorable. Now, this isn't gonna be compliant past S3, so no Lila with a way to confusing life, or Jagged Dad or Sentimonster of main charaecters.
“Adrien? Sole, why is there a massive package from the craft store at our door?” Viola Rossi, Italian diplomat assigned to France to help with the Hawkmoth situation, struggled to close the door to the apartment she lived in with her son. “Caro, are you here?” it wouldn’t surprise her if he wasn’t. unlike usual times where Adrien was in a new location, he had a massive amount of people he hung out with, so normally he was home later. She herself was usually in the office, but she’d been allowed home early today. “Adrien?”
She walked into his room and found him asleep on the floor with 3 of his classmates. Marinette, Alya and Nino if she remembered correctly. Homework was strewn around the floor, looking mostly done. They’d formed an odd square, each using another person as a pillow; Adrien on Nino’s stomach, Alya resting on Nino’s outstretched arm, Marinette on Alya’s legs and Adrien’s own legs thrown over Marinette’s lap. She meant to leave them when Nino started to move, pulling his arm from under Alya. Like a domino effect, the four woke up, stretching and whining like a pile of kittens.
“Mama?” Adrien asked, noticing her by the door. “When did you get here? What time is it?”
“Only 5. I was able to leave early. If you kids aren’t needed at home right away, how about I make dinner for everyone?”
It took a second for everyone to actually focus but they all agreed. Adrien left his friends to continue waking up and cleaning up their mess and joined his mother in the kitchen.
“I think we have enough pasta for Carbonara. I’ve still got all the garlic one of my coworkers gave me, it’s a shame I don’t have the time to make focaccia. I guess I’ll just do garlic bread. Oh, Adrien, what was this package the front desk had me pick up?”
“Hmm?” Adrien asked, pulling down the bagged pasta, trying to remember where the pot disappeared to. “Oh, I had an order. Since Gabriel Agreste sent money to buy a whole new jacket his daughter ruined before it even got sent to the cleaners, I decided to use the money for my biggest cosplay yet.”
“And what is that?”
“It’s one I got Max to help me out with.”
Viola turned and looked at her son who seemed oh so focused on anything but her. He was hiding something. Not any normal teenager stuff, oh no. this had to do with his health. Adrien had a habit of hiding how he felt when he thought his parents were too busy. They’d gotten good at catching him early, but this wasn’t him hiding being sick.
“What’s in the box Adrien?”
The Italian boy flinched at the tone and turned to his mother. “About, 1000 feathers?”
It was definitely one of the odder allergies his parents had heard of. Pigeons were in abundance in Italian streets, not to mention other birds. The smallest feather or one too close to him and Adrien would descend into a sneezing storm. Usually, an allergy pill would take care of the worst of it but all his doctors recommended he avoided feathers. As he got into cosplay, he learned that also meant most fake feathers. He tried to avoid using them in cosplays, sometimes not having a choice like for his Cardcaptor Sakura shoots, but with meds, a lot of eyedrops to hide the red eyes and copious amounts of tissues, he could get through them. dealing with nearly 1000 of them to create opening and closing wings for a Queen Serenity cosplay? Adrien was going to count his luck if he didn’t die.
“Achoo!” Adrien blew his nose, turning the fan in his room to face him, as Max set up the backpack for him. Only the first row of both wings had been finished and today was to check if they could open without them getting tangled.
“Alright. Here’s the backpack.” Max said, handing him the metal box with straps. It was missing the wing pieces, which Adrien was fine with. Anything to keep from dying quicker. Once he had it on his shoulders and secured around his waist, he held his breath as Max fit the poles into the back, listening to them click in place. Once he found his centre again with the new weight, Max clicked something on his laptop and after a moment and some mechanical wiring, the wings started to move, unfurling. The movement of it wasn’t as opulent yet with only a row of feathers each, but still. Adrien could just imagine how it would look with his white gown and wig.
“Achoo! Oh, fuck!” his sneeze tilted him forward and with the wings, there was no stopping it. he landed on a squishy surface instead of his bedroom floor. It took a bit of finagling to get the wings out of his way, but he saw he landed on one of his beanbags.
“Sorry. There was no way I was going to be able to catch you so I did something else.” Max said, patting the end of the beanbag.
“No, you’re – achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Oh god, get these off of me!”
Adrien wasn’t waving the white flag just yet, he just needed to breath air for a second. He could do this. he would do this.
He could tell his friends were going to judge him so hard at the end of this.
Luka smiled as the door to Adrien’s apartment opened and there he stood. His boyfriend flashed him a smile and moved back to let him in. He stepped inside, ready to press a kiss on Adrien’s cheek, if only to see him turn red like he did the first time when Adrien sneezed, turning his head so he didn’t sneeze on him. 
“You ok?” Luka asked, slightly concerned.
“Yep.” he said, nodding before sneezing again at least 3 times in a row. Luka raised an eyebrow with a look on his face that said he didn’t believe him. “Maybe. I might have a minor allergy to feathers.”
Luka looked down at the bag he was asked to pick up on his way over of white feathers.
“Adrien,” he started.
“You sound like my mama.” he said before he sneezed again. “The wings are almost done and Marinette agreed to keep them at her place. Achoo!” Adrien sniffed, taking in the raised brow of Luka. “I swear it’s not nearly as bad as you think.” he sneezed once more, sniffing and groaning.
“You make a compelling case.” Luka said sarcastically. 
Adrien stuck his tongue out, before sneezing again, covering his mouth and yelping when he bit his tongue. “Not a word.” he spoke from behind his hands, watching Luka’s brow raise again.
“You’re cute.” Luka couldn’t help but laugh. “Come on, I'll put this in your room and we can take a walk so you can breathe.”
“Fine.” but Adrien wasn’t going to complain. He was getting to the point of needing to scratch his eyes out. But it was fine. He could do this.
He could not do this. He was half hanging out of his window, as far as he could get from the wings. Why did he think he could do this? He should have just commissioned Max and Marinette to make them and deal with fittings and then the final photoshoot.
“Hello?” Marinette answered from the other end of the phone.
“Mari.” he whined.
“Oh boy. Waving the flag huh?”
“Can you please help me finish them? I will pay you; I just can’t do this anymore.”
Marinette sighed, “If anything, you actually won me money. I bet Alya you last until this week. She thought you would have given up before.”
He’d be insulted but after sneezing again and struggling to not drop his phone, he didn’t care.
“You poor thing. I’ll be over soon and I'll have some of my dad’s cookies.”
“Thank you.” he whimpered, near tears.
“But what the heck are you going to do come shoot day?”
“I…don’t know. Suffer?”
“Adrien.” she groaned. 
That was starting to get insulting. Everyone kept saying his name like he was supposed to know better. Ok, yeah, he did but they also knew how he got when making cosplays. Marinette acted the same with her designs.
“Don’t lecture me, just, please come quick.”
“Alright, alright. I’m on my way.” 
she hung up and Adrien dropped his phone on the floor of his room before hiding his face in his arms. He hadn’t mentioned to others he had planned a cosplay of the Wind Card, who was covered in feathers. He was really going to need to come up with an alternative. Which involved research that he’d totally do after his head stopped spinning.
The final product had better be perfect.
“Remind me to thank Chloe.” Adrien said, tugging at his wig, trying to fix it.
Chloe, in an attempt to be nicer, had heard Adrien trying to finalize a location for his shoot and offered to get him half an hour in front of Notre Dame before construction continued for the day. He was confused as to why she was going out of her way to be nicer on her own, as she hadn’t really been even after the Naruto shoot, but he decided to not question it.
His friends had given up part of their morning, early morning to be more accurate, to help him in exchange for food. Max just wanted him to be a beta player for his new video game. 
“Ok, we’re at 20 minutes and those construction workers keep giving us looks so let’s work quick.”
“Hold your breath,” Max ordered, pushing the blonde locks away from the backpack Adrien had worn under his gown. With Marinette’s help, he managed to disguise it with extra fabric from the bow. Max slid them into place and adjusted them, not noticing them brushing Adrien’s face. “Ok, we’re good!”
“And dress is good!” Marinette called from the back
“Nino, keep pressing the shutter button!” Alya ordered.
“Repeat purple elephant! It’ll stop you from sneezing.” Max called.
Adrien was willing to try anything. With Nino moving around him like he was attached to a camera jib, he muttered the words under his breath, knowing his eyes had to be getting red. His eyes started to sting as the natural wind moved the feathers closer to him, even worse as Max opened them.
“Purple - achoo! Achoo!”
“Last ones!”
“Hey kids, hurry up. We’ve got work to do!”
“You know,” Nino said, leaning against Adrien, who once again had his head in his arms, “some of these are pretty good for only 20 minutes and construction workers yelling at us.”
Pulling his head out enough to look at Nino’s camera, he had to admit he was right. Nino had gotten a side profile just as Adrien had sneezed. With his eyes closed, mouth covered and tears starting to pool, he looked like he was in anguish. All they had to do was erase the redness from his eyes and no one would know it was allergy induced anguish he was in.
“Alright, four flat whites, one tea infusion, two French toasts and two pancakes all with fruit. Sweetie, are you sure I can’t get you anything to eat?” their waitress asked Adrien as she dropped off the orders for the others.
“Not unless you have a sharp object, I can use to rip my eyes out with.”
“He’s got allergies.” Nino said in reply to the scared waitress.
“So, I'm guessing no Cardcaptor characters?” Alya teased, cutting into her French toast. When Adrien didn’t answer, she poked him, watching his shoulders pull in. “Oh my god! Adrien!”
“I already spent the money on the outfit, leave me alone!” Let it not be said that Adrien wasn’t a glutton for punishment.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 20, 21 & 22
Another major thank you to @etherealxgenie, who betaed while sick mind you. Please go get some rest. To be honest, this chapter was basically making the characters do some of the things I did while in London for 2 weeks. Also, I didn't actually know it took basically 2 hours to get to London from France. I just gave Felix a random number to say and the realized I should probably check that. Anyway, enjoy! London
“Here you go.” Juleka handed a box with the Fox Miraculous to Master Fu. She and Luka had been switching dropping the boxes off.
“Paris will rest easy knowing they’re safe. Was your brother busy?”
“I’m sure you’d like to know.” Juleka replied. Fu was better but still preferred speaking any Miraculous business to Luka. He shut him down, insisting she’d be involved. “I’m sure he’ll come by. He’s going to have to unify with a Miraculous if anything happens tomorrow.”
“We have a school trip to London to go see Big Ben. It’s reopened for visits. Luka was supposed to go with us, his school works with in person schools to allow their students to join in person classes or even field trips so they can still get a semi-true experience. It was also going to fulfill a history paper for him but with Hawkmoth using every excuse to attack us, not to mention all of our rehearsals for Jagged Stone’s concert. He's not going anywhere.”
“That doesn’t seem fair.”
Unable to help herself she asked, “would you think the same if we were switched? If I was homeschooled?”
Fu stared at her, before looking away. Sure she had her answer, Juleka turned to leave when he spoke. “You both know I never wanted to be a Guardian. I’ve been trying to write many wrongs since then and I’ve had to give up even more things in the process.”
“Like Marianne.”
“You know, I am not even sure if I was really sick or if I let my fears control me to the point of punishing myself. I was free from their teachings but I still let them rule me. I still do. The Ladybug without their Cat never lasted long. Regardless of what Plagg has done in the past, he has always kept his holders alive or left when they have gone to the point of corruption. Some situations would be worse without him. The times your brother has had to fight without you have been the hardest battles. I should remember that, but it would seem the bais I was taught holds tighter than it should. It would be wrong to limit you, both of you without allowing you a chance to step back like I wanted. Here. This is the Horse Miraculous, which has the ability of teleportation. Alya has already let people know she will be out of town and the people of Paris are very good at filling in the gap. Not to mention the new measures that have been active. If anything happens here, you’ll know. But don’t unify. Both of you pushed it during the Kwamibuster akuma. You are lucky exhaustion was the only thing you had to deal with.”
Juleka took the collapsed glasses and looked at Master Fu. It was a slow progress, but he was trying his best.. And honestly, she should appreciate the attempts.
“Thank you.”
“Enjoy London. It’s been years since I have been there, but it’s a beautiful city.”
“Has he texted you?” Rose asked, also focused on her phone.
“Luka, no. Felix, yes. He’s got things booked for us to eat when we’re there.” Adrien said.
Rose pouted. “How am I supposed to enjoy London without my girlfriend?”
“I think that question also applies to me. Look, we both know if Luka’s school says no, Juleka will try and stay with him and he’ll try insisting she go. We’re basically just waiting to see who will win.”
Groaning, Rose turned to their teacher, whining for answers.
“I’m sorry Rose. The headmaster hasn’t sent me an email with any notice. I’m just as clueless as you are.”
Perking up like a dog hearing its master, Rose located her girlfriend, who was walking over with her brother. “Julie!”
Adrien himself noticed something about his boyfriend. “You have a bag with you.”
“I do.” Luka said, swinging his sling bag to the front. It was the type that looked like a standard backpack in size and looks but it was thinner and only had one strap. “Think Felix will be ok adding one more?”
“If he isn’t, I’ll just have to take you on your own tour.”
“Ah, Luka. I just got the confirmation email from the headmaster.” Mml. Bustier said, tucking her iPad into her purse and pulling out a pen. “He mentioned paperwork?”
After assuring Luka would have time for his assignment, Mml. Bustier signed off on the paperwork before calling “Alright. I know we’re missing 4 but we’re allowed to start boarding in 2 minutes. Max, Alya and Marinette are already on board. Max’s mother is a train conductor for those who remember and she’s actually going to be driving our train to London. Chloe, any word from Sabrina?”
“She texted when she left. I keep sending her notices.”
“Is it that stupid text alert where you demand she hurry up? It’s a little degrading Chloe.” Alix pointed out.
“I haven’t gotten it off her phone yet, relax! Besides, I bet you her dad is making her late giving everyone tickets. If she misses this train, this time I will fire him.”
“Guess we shouldn’t remind her what happened last time.” Nath whispered to those near him.
They went ahead and started to board the train while Chloe waited on the platform for Sabrina.
“I’m here! I’m here!” Sabrina called, pushing the full-sized suitcase ahead of her.
“Sabrina, hurry up! What took you so long? I swear to god if it was your dad!”
Luka came off the train and helped Sabrina lift the suitcase over the gap, surprised at its weight. Adrien, who’d come with him at Sabrina’s cries, tilted his head at the sight.
“Ok first, Chloe you do realize it’s actually pretty warm in London right now, right? Also, why did you have Sabrina bring a massive suitcase? Barring any issues, we’re going to be back in the evening.” Adrien asked.
“It’s full of everything she might need. She’s the daughter of an elected official. Who knows what’ll happen?”
“I’d like to think the minute we step foot in England, we won’t be pelted with rotten fruit.” Adrien said.
“This might be one of those ones you need to let go.” Luka whispered as he passed by.
Sabrina didn’t seem bothered and Chloe seemed more upset at the idea of Sabrina missing the train more than the suitcase, so he decided to leave the two to Mml. Bustier. His only objective was to enjoy the trip to London with his friends and boyfriend, all excited to see Big Ben without the cover and meet up with Felix again.
Marinette ended up asking for a seat to herself so she could spread out her designing things which made Adrien’s heart hurt a little. He’d be banned from working and buying cosplay supplies as punishment. He might have gotten his dad involved to get the sentence lifted, but it was basically in exchange for his presence on the trip and at the opening concert – which was in two days! – it meant no cosplay. Which sucked because he was hoping to do another couples cosplay with Luka.
Said rocker was yawning as the train departed, something he’d been doing since he arrived. Juleka didn’t seem any better, already tucking her head into Rose’s neck.
“You ok?”
“Tired. I didn’t think I’d be able to go, so I stayed up trying to look up other historical monuments that weren’t as talked about in France. Juls helped. We didn’t get confirmation until this morning and Maman had to rush to get the email forwarded to your headmaster so I could be allowed to come.” Luka explained, his whole body relaxed as his eyes started to droop.
“Here, switch with me. Come on, move.” Luka got up, letting Adrien push him to the window seat. He watched him pull something down from his bag sitting in the overhead and caught what he threw at him.
“What is it?” The item in hand was plush, a bit long and twisted in on itself, similar to an infinity symbol.
“It’s a neck pillow. Trust me, I’ve used this on every plane and train ride since I got it. You can either use it to protect your back against the wall or wrap the rings around your neck to keep your head supported.” Adrien explained, pulling Luka’s legs onto his lap, looking at him expectedly. “Sleep. When you wake up, we’ll be in London. You’ll get everything you need for your paper and then we have the rest of the day to ourselves.”
“Can we go on the London Eye? I don’t think I ever got to ride the Ferris Wheel with you, like I wanted to back then before Alya’s sister got akumatized.” Luka asked, pulling his jacket off to be his blanket.
“Yeah, I think we can do that.”
The train ride had been going smoothly, when the announcement of heading under sea level was made. Adrien had pushed his headphones to one ear and glanced at Luka, who managed to hide the bottom half of his face in the pillow, but was still asleep.
“Marinette? What’s wrong?” Mml. Bustier asked.
“It’s just my back. I hadn’t realized how much I’d been hunching over.”
“Oh! I have just the thing! I’ve got hot and cold packs in my suitcase. If you put one on and rest, I’m sure you’ll feel better in no time.” Sabrina offered, heading out to the First Class cabin. A few minutes later, a few screams echoed as people came rushing into their cabin, Chloe and Sabrina following the pack.
“What is going on? Sabrina, Chloe?”
“There was an akuma in my suitcase! It must have appeared when my dad was getting angry. My suitcase popped open when we got to the station, it must have gotten in then.”
“Everyone got out and I locked the door behind us. I’ve never seen an akuma go through solid doors so we’re fine. We just need to let the train driver know so they can contact those in Paris so Scarlet Bug and Catseye can know and meet us in London. Or back in Paris if we end up reversing the whole way.” Chloe explained.
Just then the hauntingly familiar sight of bubbling purple and black substance ran over the train, turning the sleek silver into dark red and purple.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am Startrain! I’m afraid our final destination has switched from London to the stars! Fasten your seatbelts! We have lift off!”
Everyone screamed as the train started to tilt and vibrate, scrambling to grab onto anything or anyone. Before they knew it, they’d broken through the atmosphere and started to float without the weight of gravity.
“Guys, I don’t think we’re going to be able to get in contact with France, let alone Scarlet Bug and Catseye.” Nino pointed out.
“Forget that. The only thing that’s keeping us alive is the fact that the whole train is akumatized.” Max said. “Unless they have a way of getting the train back to earth before capturing the akuma, the pressure will destroy the train at best and at worst, we’ll all die a slow death of freezing with no oxygen.”
“Hey Luka.” Adrien said, rubbing his boyfriend’s back. “Ragazzo, we’re here.”
Luka whined, rubbing his face into Adrien’s legs. Moving didn’t sound like a good option.
“Come on. Felix got us a bus so you can sleep there on the way.”
“Isn’t it like a 10-minute drive?” Luka asked sleepily, eyes still closed.
“Then you can use it to wake up. I know our first trip was a lot, but I didn’t think you’d crash that hard the second trip. Come on, we have a much shorter time now thanks to the akuma.”
Luka whined more but eventually pushed himself up, letting his jacket fall back onto the seat as he wiped his face, exhausted. He stretched his back, cracking loudly.
“Are you ok?” Adrien asked, concerned.
“My back just hurts. I guess when the train landed on Big Ben, I landed kinda oddly.”
“Guess that’s what happens when you end up locked in a bathroom while in space. Come on.”
Felix stood outside Kings Cross Station, standing in front of a double decker bus.
“You were supposed to be on the train for 2 hours. How is it you got here nearly 4 hours later? Can you even get to your tour reservation?” he asked, directing them onto the rented double decker. Mml. Bustier called for everyone to not just sit on the top level. “Better question, are they going to want you there? That was technically your train.”
“Mml. Bustier said she tried getting in contact, but the lines were busy. We’ve been checking the headlines and so far, nothing about them closing for the day.”
Adrien watched the Couffaine siblings collapse into a set together and used each other as pillows as they passed out. Clearly this essay was a definite need to pass.
“Are they ok?”
“Yeah, they just didn’t get much sleep. So should we go over places to visit and stop by?” Adrien asked.
Casting another concerned look, Felix pulled out his phone, one with an attached stylus which he immediately pulled out as he brought up a list. “I was going to suggest a museum or two, but there’s no way we could do that and get back in time.”
“What about historical monuments? If he’s this exhausted trying to work on the essay, I’d like Luka to at least see one monument he can go to.”
“Assuming Big Ben and surrounding areas are closed, there are a few. The Tower of London could be fine, if we join a tour quickly enough to go see the crown jewels. But it can get pretty crowded. So maybe Westminster Abbey? See Saint Paul’s? Maybe visit the Globe Theatre if we have time? There’s also St Bride’s Church. They have a whole exhibit downstairs.”
“What about the market? Borough Market? The glass covering they have, I heard it used to belong to the Royal Opera House.”
“To be fair, with how old the Opera House as a company is, I’d consider that a monument itself.” Felix said as they got closer to the famed clock tower. The traffic they were running into however didn’t spell good news. “Anything else you want to visit?”
“London Eye. That’s for Luka and I.”
In the end, the trip to Big Ben was canceled thanks to a train crashing into it. But Mml agreed to the visits to the other monuments instead. After going over the options, with Luka having final say for his essay, they decided to go to Saint Paul’s. While half the class took the track up to the top, the other half went downstairs to the gift shop and even walked over to the Abby. They watched Felix of all people, follow around a pigeon in circles, giggling as it flew off to get away from him.
“It’s actually a thing that the pigeons here are rather tame. If we had time to go to the Museum of London, you could actually get some like them at the gift shop.”
“Yeah, too bad someone can’t enjoy it like you do.” Alya said, looking over her shoulder to where Adrien stood close to the door of the Abbey gift shop, darting back inside when a pigeon waddled too close.
Once they all met back – and got away from the pigeons – Felix clapped his hands together once mention of food came up. “So, while Harrods is on the menu because a certain someone wouldn’t stop demanding it,” he said glancing at Chloe, who had her feet propped up on Sabrina’s suitcase, “If you want something else, we have the choice of heading to Borough Market, which has a lot more options and more of a chance for you guys to explore or, my mother and I have a permanent reservation at Sanderson Hotel for their Mad Hatter afternoon tea. There is also ‘afternoon tea’ at the crypt in Trafalgar Square, but it’s more of a food court you can happen to get an afternoon tea tower at.”
Mylene raised her hand. “What about ‘granny cafés’?”
“Those are mainly at garden centers and you won’t find many in London proper compared to a bit further out in the city. A reminder, your teacher did book a reservation at a local pub for your last meal before you get onto the train.”
“How about the afternoon tea? Then we can split up for a while?” Max suggested. “According to Maps, there are a fair few things to do around the hotel when we’re done.”
“Hello? What about Harrods?”
“If it’s ok with you guys, Luka and I are going to go to the London Eye after. It’s in the opposite direction, so maybe we can agree to meet at the pub at a certain time?” Adrien asked.
After agreeing, they split into groups ahead of time as they were dropped off at the Sanderson Hotel. Each round table held 4 people with 2 towers each. Adrien’s table felt Luka’s plight from when they’d gone to St Vincent beach as Adrien made them hold until he was done getting pictures of everything and with the book menu, the music box sugar holder and everything else, his friends were getting close to rioting. There was nothing to tide them over.
“Adrien, I am begging you! Please.” Felix said, close to banging on the table.
“Alright, alright. I’m done, go ahead.”
Even though Adrien was done taking pictures of the food, pictures were still taken of everyone, mid bite or mid sip, laughing at whatever anyone had said and questions to both Felix and Adrien about other things they wished they had a chance to visit.
“If your families are ok with it, you’ll have to come back during winter. They have this huge winter festival, not to mention the winter markets, down at Hyde Park. I never went, but always heard my classmates say it was fun.” Felix said, eating the last of his scone.
“Oh yes please! I want to bring Marc here. He’d really enjoy this.” Nath said. His tablet was full of sketches of everything they’d seen. A half-done sketch of the tower, including more whimsical elements fitting Alice in Wonderland was on the screen for anyone to see.
“Mother would love more people over. Let me know.”
Chloe already had a game plan for Harrods that she explained to her group and Felix left her to it. Meanwhile, Adrien got his group to the Ferry that would get them to the London Eye. The line for the famed Ferris wheel wasn’t too long, nothing compared to the line for the local Ferris wheel for the World Cup. The pods were bigger so the group and a few other tourists shared one pod.
“Isn’t there something called the needle?” Nath asked, sketching the scene, glancing over his shoulder. Luka had taken a seat on the bench and had his arms wrapped around Adrien’s waist, leaning against his stomach as a food coma started taking over. Adrien was trying not to disturb him too much while taking a selfie of them.
“I know there’s something like that in Brighton. It’s called the Brighton i360. It’s like the Ferris wheel but all around. I’ve heard people say it’s not worth it though.” Adrien said, giving up and tucking his phone away as he ran his fingers through Luka’s hair. “More to explore with Marc?”
“You’re going to get sick of me asking for reconditions after a while.”
Meeting back with everyone at the pub wasn’t hard and Felix, once again, worked his magic to get them a semi private table in the back. While a few were upset when Felix explained that Sunday roast was only really just for Sundays, his suggestions were taken to heart.
“If you can convince your mom to let you come to France in 2 days, you can stay with me. We’re opening for Jagged Stone. You mentioned you thought his music was ok.” Adrien said to Felix. Both ate their fish and chips in the same way, dunking their chips into their peas. Alya had pointed it out, joking that they had to be separated at birth with the many things they shared in common.
“The weak spined overweight Pomeranian actually kept his word?” Felix asked, uncaring when the Kitty Section members nearly spit their food out at the comment made about Bob Roth.
“We sent our mom over for all the parents.” Luka said. “He didn’t last two minutes with her.”
“Now I have to go, if only to meet this woman.”
Desserts were taken to go and they had just enough time to visit Platform 9 ¾ before they needed to head to their platform. Felix promised he’d try and get his mother to agree and after a few unexpected hugs given to him by members of the class – well Rose and Adrien’s were expected because that’s who they were – he sent them on their way, meeting up with Max’s mother again as their conductor for their return trip.
Insisting Adrien take the window seat this time, Luka pulled out his laptop as Adrein set their desserts onto his table to feed Luka while he worked. “So, how are you going to start this essay? ‘Since Big Ben was out thanks to an international Akuma, I turned my attention to Saint Paul’s Cathedral’?”
Laughing, Luka said, “Maybe not like that, but it couldn’t hurt to mention I witnessed Big Ben up close and personal in ways tourists could only dream of. That and it being the sight of London’s first akuma attack. If that doesn’t get me an A, I don’t know what will.”
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wishe come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 11 + 12 + 13
This isn't where I pictured this chapter going. I was expecting a full on physical fight between Adrien and Lila, maybe Marinette finally getting Akumatized (though I do have an idea or two for that) but instead, this happened. I don't know if it was too sudden but it felt a bit right and a bit natural. Enjoy! Protection
“Come on, I’m gonna hurl.” Juleka mocked, pulling Adrien away from her brother who’d walked with her to school for the one purpose of seeing Adrien. The two had been giggling over each other, sharing kisses and being a rather in-love couple.
“I’ll remember that next time you and Rose can’t seem to be bothered to make it to your bed!” he called after her, sticking his tongue out when she turned to glare at him.
“Wow Juleka.”
“Shut up!”
“You know what they say, it’s always to quite ones.”
“Adrien, I swear, I will find a way to embarrass you and Luka when your mother eventually comes for dinner.” Juleka swore as their friends laughed at them.
They didn’t notice, or if they had ignored, Lila staring after them. Since Felix’s visit, her mood had been even worse. That whole day she was forced to mourn a mother that wasn’t her, forced to hear stories that she didn’t know, unable to escape it all. Meanwhile Adrien had a party, with Felix who wouldn’t even bother speaking to her. She barely remembered hearing about Felix, other than him pretending to be Adrien and then stealing some ring that belonged to Gabriel. She knew the designer hated his nephew and his sister-in-law and the only thing that had been giving her hope to get through the day was making the relationship worse, lie about Felix doing something, getting him in trouble and keeping the families farther from each other. Except she didn’t even get a chance. Chloe – Chloe of all people – had appeared and offered her condolence and before she could stop it, Felix left with them to some party. They didn’t have a party when Adrien was grieving his mother. Why was her ‘suffering’ different?
“Your dad is back already?” she heard walking into the classroom.
“He has a layover in Paris. He’ll only be landed for about 4 hours and he needs to check back in 2 hours before, so mama said she’s gonna check me out early so we can have one last dinner before he heads out.” Adrien said, sitting sideways at his seat to speak with his friends.
“Aww. Where at?”
“He wants to do it at the Eiffel Tower and we had to convince him for us to just do The Buffets just so we’re not rushing ourselves.”
“Why not Le Grande Paris? It has a shuttle that goes to the airport.”
“He and mama went there before he left.”
“I think it’s nice that your parents are still close enough to have dinner together without you there.” Marinette said. “Manon’s parents can get pretty nasty with each other when they’re alone.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m pretty lucky.”
Lila moved before she could think, grabbing the back of Adrien’s shirt and pulled him off the seat, making him drop to the floor.
“Lucky? You’re lucky? Why is no matter what, you get everything? It isn’t fair!”
It wasn’t. she had his life, the power, but nothing of what he had. The kind smiles and friends who’d do anything for him. The adoring fans and the father who was so overprotective. Lila Rossi had to lie and manipulate to get what she wanted, was willing to do whatever it took to get noticed and to keep the attention. Adrien lorded over everyone and had the nerve to act like he didn’t want it. so, she took it, she took what she deserved, left him to lie his ass off to try and make something of himself and she was ready to make him feel like she had. Instead, no one believed what she said, no one wanted her around, eager to get away from her like Felix did. Adrien was exactly the same as before, surrounded by people who did what they could for him and people eager to be around him. He wasn’t rich, didn’t flaunt luxuries but somehow people wanted to be around him. He was changing people, Chloe being nicer, Felix asking for the ring instead of stealing it, Mateo Rossi. His life, no matter what life he lived, was perfect. It wasn’t fair!
And why wasn’t Hawkmoth akumatizing her? He did it so often before but nothing. Every butterfly was so far from her grasp. Even in this life Hawkmoth didn’t want her. So, she’d make him want her. Who could resist her if she made Adrien hurt? She lifted her bag, ready to slam it on Adrien, who was groaning on the floor, when she was shoved. She went falling off the step, dropping her bag, feeling her body ache. She stared up in surprised at Marinette. She never hurt anyone, didn’t matter how much they deserved it, but she never put her hands on anyone.
“Leave him alone you bitch.”
And she never cursed at anyone.
“What is the matter with you? Adrien has never done a thing to you and you insist on picking on him for no reason. Your life is no reason to treat people the way you do, I don’t care if your mother is missing and your father never leaves the house. You’re a bully and the sooner you just stay home, the happier everyone will be. Maybe if you actually grew a conscious and tried to care about anyone but yourself, maybe people would put up with you. Chloe had been the worst this class ever saw but congrats. You’re so much worse, she realised she needed to change.”
She turned away from her, going over to Adrien who in a matter of moments had been blocked from sight with the rest of the class surrounding him.
“What’s going on?” Mme. Bustier came in, looking confused and stunned at the sight before her.
Lila scrambled up. Mme. Bustier never believed her in this life, but she had a chance. Everyone saw Marinette push her.
“Marinette pushed-”
“Adrien hit his head! Lila pulled him off his seat when he wasn’t paying attention. Mme. Bustier, its bleeding!” Mylene called.
“Marinette pushed me!” she defended.
“Because you hurt Adrien!”
“Don’t for one second think anyone is going to come to your defence. You got what you deserved.”
“Mme. Bustier, Lila is a danger to everyone in this classroom. She attacked Adrien unprovoked.”
Hearing everyone come to Adrien’s defence, protecting him like she was some sort of monster who was out to hurt him, she felt any chance she had of getting her way slip from her grasp.
“Max, go get the headmaster and school nurse, nurse first. Kim, Mme. Mendeleiev to keep an eye on Lila. I need everyone to clear and listen alright?”
“Should I call the ambulance?” Chloe asked. “My dad can get one down here in two seconds flat.”
“Just a second. Adrien, can you here me? How badly does it hurt?”
Lila watched in silence as everyone ignored her, entirely focused on Adrien as their teacher asked for Nathaniel’s jacket to apply pressure, Chloe to get the ambulance she offered and the minute the headmaster arrived with the nurse, orders for Adrien’s parents to be called. She waited in tense silence in Mme. Mendeleiev’s classroom, only visited by the nurse when the door slammed open and her father, Mateo Rossi, stood there, that damned glare on his face. This look she knew well.
“Mateo, stop! Deal with her father.”
“This little girl hurt our son Viola. Why? Because you think you can get away with it? you listen to me very well, when we are done with you, you will never step foot in this school again, approach our son again or ever be taken serious again. You think your little lies involving princes, rock stars and superheroes were bad when they were exposed? I won’t rest until everyone knows the kind of spoiled monster Gabriel has as their spokesperson.”
“That won’t be necessary.” The actual Gabriel stood, in the flesh, with Nathalie next to him.
“I am suing. Do you hear me? Suing you for the costs of his hospital bills and the emotional damage your daughter has inflicted on our son. My ex-wife told me what your daughter said to her during parents’ day. Neither of them have done anything to earn her behaviour towards them. I don’t want her around him, do you hear me? If you think I’m joking, please I beg you to continuing showing your clothes in Italy. I have friends who have their finger on the pulse of fashion and I will make it my mission to destroy you.”
“Please, allow me to apologize for my daughter. She will be giving an actual apology herself before she’s removed from the school. I know she had issues, but I didn’t expect them to be this bad. Please, allow me a few minutes with my daughter and we can talk. I will make sure you get what you want, there’s no need to involve courts.”
Mateo continued to breath heavily, showcasing his trapped anger. he turned to Viola and spoke. “the ambulance won’t leave without one of us. You’re here with him, do you want to do this or should I?”
“Any time alone with her and you might be arrested on murder charges. Go with Adrien, I’ll deal with this. you’ll meet me in the headmaster’s office. I’m not afraid to use diplomatic privileges to get you there if I have to.”
No matter how much she lied or begged after, her parents never used their job to get what she wanted.
When they left along with Mme. Mendeleiev, the designer turned to her. “You stupid girl.”
“You can’t speak to me that way!” she gasped.
“Do you not think? Are you really this stupid? Is this what happens when you escape the house? You make mess after mess without any consideration of what your doing affects me? I am constantly at risk of losing the company because you can’t be bothered to think for two minutes about someone other than yourself! I have worked too hard to let you make a mess of this, do you hear me? I’m pulling you from modelling immediately.”
“And I’m pulling you out of this school. You wanted to get the chance to experience school? Fine, but not on your terms anymore, with your failing grades and you attacking students. Do you know your teacher has a log of every time you went after the Rossi boy? Most of it was you attacking first. Lady Tomoe had Kagami attending a private school dedicated to discipline and that is where you’ll be going.”
“You’re sending me to Japan? I’m your daughter! I’m the face of this company!”
“Not anymore, you’re not. I don’t need you attacking this boy again because you have nothing better to do with your time.”
He was protecting him, even when he wasn’t his son anymore, Gabriel was protecting Adrien. The look on his face reminded her of Adrien’s when he threatened her after she got Marinette expelled. Unexpectedly cold. This was it, unless Hawkmoth appeared or she could change his mind, she lost. She wouldn’t dream of trying to trick Kagami’s mother. She’d already tried the one time they were invited to a shoot. She might be blind but Tomoe Tsurugi was not stupid. She figured her out in seconds.
She lost, she won the wish but still, she somehow lost. How? How was this possible? How was this fair?
“She’s expelled?” Adrien asked, sitting in a hospital bed. His concussion was mild and the cut on his head had stopped bleeding before they reached the hospital and only needed minor stiches but his parents insisted, he stay the night and the doctor agreed. He did stop the mass flood of friends who came to visit, instead allowing his best friends to fill him in.
“Yeah. Gone. He’s moving her to Japan, to Kagami’s old school.” Nino said.
“Girl had stories about that school. I doubt she’ll survive long but as long as she’s no longer our problem, who cares?” Alya stated. “Though Marinette being suspended was so unfair. She wasn’t even hurt. She saved you from worse damage.”
“It’s only for a week. Nathalie told me it won’t affect my internship, but he couldn’t allow me to hurt her, even if it was deserved. My parents already told me they won’t punish me other than making me work at the bakery the whole time, so I think it’s completely worth it.” Marinette said.
“M. Rossi, you have another visitor, one your classmates said you’d want to see?” a nurse asked, poking her head in, waving a very familiar and welcomed face.
“Are you ok? I got really worried when Juleka told me.” He asked, walking in with flowers in hand. He handed them over, looking Adrien over.
“I’m fine.” Luka looked at the others. “Why are you asking them?”
“Because you have a habit of lying about your health. Feathers ring a bell? But honestly, he’s ok. His parents were just worried and the doctors thought it best to be safe. He’ll most likely be out of here by tomorrow. Which, assuming your parents are ok with it, we’re coming over to toast to Lila’s exclusion. And to think, I used to wish Chloe would be the one to be expelled.”
“Who would have guessed her supposed ‘childhood friend’ would actually make us realise she could be so much worse? Thank god we got what we have no.”
“You know, if coming to class ever interested you, we have the space now.” Adrien said.
“I wouldn’t get anything done with you in the room.” Luka flirted, ignoring their friends’ ribbing as they fake gagged at their romance.
Lila’s wish was only a perfect wish for one person and that person, even while in a hospital bed, had everything he could want.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 7+8
So I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant with this chapter. It mainly came about because I wanted there to be a chance for them to take the Peacock, if to make things harder for Hawkmoth, as well as cover some events - because I totally forgot the Hero Day episodes happen at the end of s2. Side note, my time line is going to be all over the place. A lot of people during the Volpine episode pointed out that Plagg should of recognized the Peacock and the Grimoire but I believe Plagg is smart, he just does it in different ways. But when you mess with his kitten, that's when his smarts come out. Not to mention, Fu never gave Adrien the same respect he did Marinette because of some assumption that Plagg was bad. And that had to of pissed Plagg off, especially seeing how he was ready to just give up because he wasn't being respected. It's always my favourite thing in rewrite fics where the Ladybug - be it Marinette or a new holder - won't stand for their cat being pushed to the side. I was also worried about how easy things worked and how the kwami's worked to get what they wanted, so let me know what you think. 
“It’s so stupid!” Adrien complained, dropping himself onto Luka’s bed. “How on earth could she think this is a good idea, put all that information about Miraculous and its connections to some secret society, not to mention how it could be connected to that missing Tibetan temple? It’s like she didn’t even think about Hawkmoth being able to see this stuff. Thank god we stopped her from posting about it. Alya is at risk of getting banned from a phone if she can’t control her urge to post everything she hears about Scarlet Bug and Catseye. How did she think she’d be helping to unmask Hawmoth if she’s handing him information?”
He looked over to Luka, who was plucking strings on his guitar, with large headphones over his ear. Noticing he was being stared at, he looked up, surprised to see Adrien.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, pushing his headphones off, the faint music of Jagged Stone spilling from it.
“I’ve been here for 5 minutes.”
“Oh. Sorry.” Luka apologised with a guilty look.
“It’s fine. I needed to vent. I kinda didn’t realise you had headphones on anyway.”
“Still, I should make it up to you. you sound upset.”
“Just Alya jumping into doing something without thinking again. I got it solved, so it’s fine. though,” Adrien shuffled closer, leaning in, “if you really want to make it up, I could think of something.”
Catching onto what Adrien meant, Luka put his guitar down and took his headphones off. “Oh? What did you have in mind?”
“I could go for a kiss.” Since the two finally had the chance to have their first kiss – and Adrien realised that kissing a person with snake bites was just as fun as a person with a tongue piercing – Adrien usually looked for any excuse to kiss Luka, who was more than happy to allow it.
“Well, I think that’s a fair trade for what I did.” He pressed a quick peck onto Adrien’s lips, smiling when Adrien pouted at him.
“I think I deserve more than that.”
“I suppose I could be convinced.”
Adrien took no time, dragging him in by the lapels of his jacket. He tilted his head, threading a hand into the blonde hair, sure he was messing up the pins he had in them. he felt Adrien’s lips tick up into a smile when his other hand found a place on his waist
“Whoops!” Rose said loudly, causing the two to pull apart. They watched her push Luka’s sister back out and towards the door. “That room is occupied.”
“Hey,” Adrien said, using a finger to pull Luka’s face down to stare at him, “I wasn’t done getting my apology.”
“How dare I. let me make it up to you.”
While both siblings were busy with the significant other, they didn’t notice their kwami’s whispering in the corner.
“You heard him, right? It’s Feast!” Plagg said. “We need to do something.”
“Well, it’s different than last time. Alya’s video wasn’t posted.”
“Yeah, but he was still at the unveiling with Nathalie. I realise now she must have figured it out as the peacock holder but she still had to of seen the marking on its forehead.”
“Yes, but she might not be able to do anything about it. the last Hero Day pushed her into putting it on, because even with Lila’s help, he was losing. He didn’t have Lila this time and he ran off when Luka and Juleka were able to stop all the Scarlet Akumas from even affecting people.”
Tikki was right. Last Hero Day went the way it did because of Lila. For some reason, this time, Lila hadn’t ever been akumatized. There was no incident to allow the Scarlet Akumas to take the control they did. Seeing Scarlet Bug and Catseye going around, capturing them and saving others from being caught by the reminded the city that they had to believe in their heroes. He still came out, attempting to use his power he gained to get the upper hand but with the help of Rena Rouge, Caprise and Queen Bee, they had him on the ropes before he disappeared. No Sentimonster appeared to help him get away, no Sentimonster had appeared at all with any other Akumatization. The Peacock was never used.
“But it might be this time. If it is, Fu is gonna run again and before you know it, it’ll be forcing a child to take the role of Guardian. Our kids were brave then, still jumping in without their Miraculous and I have no doubt these kids will do the same, but they’re smart this time. They’re not giving in as easy to following Fu’s rule. Are you really going to tell me you wish they didn’t do the same back then?” Plagg asked.
He knew she did, that Marinette opened up and asked Chat Noir for support instead of shouldering everything by herself. That she didn’t push him away so much. Plagg had told her what Adrien was going to do during Syren. He could have done it, he should of. Maybe it would have kept the ring away from Lila if someone else had it.
“You know, more than anything, that I selfishly want something to go wrong to where Ladybird and Blacky have to switch the holders, so I can get Adrien back. But I don’t want it at the risk of him losing his happiness. Right now, he’s kissing the daylights out of Ladybird and he couldn’t be happier. He has parents who love him, a life that he has control over. I want him back, but I also want him this happy.” Plagg confessed.
“I know. Trust me, I know.” Tikki said. “I want Marinette back too but her life is so less stressful without me there. She’s happier. Even if it’s without Adrien’s love.”
Plagg let out a scoffing laugh. “Honestly, I think at that time, those two wouldn’t have worked. They still put each other on pedestals. I wondered if Adrien would ever be in a really happy relationship, since Kagami wasn’t going anywhere much. I mean, they didn’t get farther than kisses on the cheek. It’s different with Luka.”
Tikki giggled. “Marinette almost got there with him, but her feelings were too strong for Adrien. Your right, maybe after time and growing, trying to see the other like how Chat Noir and Marinette saw each other, it could have worked, but maybe not. I guess we’ll never know.”
“As happy as we were with them as our holders then, they’re happier now without us. Even if eventually, we land back with them, that’s not going to happen for a while. But to keep it from happening sooner, we can’t let Gabriel figure out Fu now and he will if Feast is released.”
“So, what do we do? If the same thing happened as last time, they’d go after it tonight and Fu would take us back then.”
Plagg thought. He hadn’t heard much since he was with Juleka but he had her taking a call from Alix. She told her about what Alya had discovered about the different heroes throughout time and the mark of the Guardians they all wore. She’d been going on about how Adrien read Alya the riot act about posting sensitive information where Hawkmoth could see it, stopping her from actually posting her video explaining her findings.
“We might have the advantage. Trixx’s kit never posted the video this time, Adrien stopped her.”
“That’s right! So, Gabriel wouldn’t see it. and if Nathalie didn’t use the Peacock, if she still hasn’t, she wouldn’t sense the amok. But they have the Grimoire, the mark of the Guardians is on it, what if they realise it’s the same?”
Plagg thought harder. There was still so much he didn’t know about Gabriel and how he came to be in possession of the items. If their final battle had involved him and not Lila, maybe he’d know more, but for right now, he was going off what he learned about Adrien’s father.
“He could, but he’s smart. Without knowing about Feast as a Sentimonster, he’s not going to risk going after it. he’ll want to do research, maybe he’ll find out about the missing temple and that’ll get him curious but we don’t know. What I do know is this, we gotta tell the kids about this. and…we got to get the Peacock.”
“How? We can’t fix it without the Grimoire and we can’t read it. plus, how do we know Lila will let Juleka inside?”
“We get Fu to read it, once the kids threaten him. Oh, come on sugar cube,” Plagg said, seeing the scandalized look she got, “they already don’t trust him. If anything, this will get him to ease up. He’s still stalling in keeping Blacky in the loop. I won’t allow him to make another Adrien out of her.”
“You seem to have a plan already. so, what do we do? Tell them to keep an eye at the Louvre and wait for Juleka to go in for a meeting?”
Plagg shook his head, “No, modelling is dealt with through Nathalie. He might give the orders, but Gabriel leaves all that to her. She’s just direct Juleka to location. No, we need something else to get inside. And honestly, Lila might be the thing to do just that.”
“Lila? How?”
“Well, I know you said she wouldn’t let anyone near the house, but let’s be honest, he has to be wanting something to better her standing with her classes and everyone. Maybe such as a Student UN?”
The scandalized look got even bigger. “You want to send Adrien?”
“Please tell me you’re joking.” Adrien begged, staring at Mme. Bustier and M. Monlataing, who gave him both pitying looks. “Lila Agreste is participating in Model UN? She hasn’t been to school in two weeks.”
Mme, Bustier handed him a printed email. “Headmaster Damocles sent this to me. Apparently, Mlle. Sancoeur called and asked for her to be included. He agreed and is asking she be brought up to speed.”
“Who am I supposed to pair her with?” Adrien asked, still trying to wrap his head around Lila of all people, being involved in this. Lila? The same girl who yelled and snapped at him for no reason? Same one who seemed to have a mental breakdown the last time he really saw her? He knew her dad was something and no doubt wanted her to better her image, but there was no way this wouldn’t end badly.
“leave that part to us,” M. Monlataing said. “We just need you to go drop off the paperwork for her.”
He gave the art teacher Marc had become close with a look that asked if he was well. “I can’t stand her. You want me to go over to her house and give this to her?”
“Adrien, all you need to do is just pass the paperwork to Mlle. Sancoeur. She’ll get it to Lila and the only other time you’ll have to deal with her is during the Student UN. Besides, even then it’ll be minimal with all the other students and visiting students.”
Adrien threw his head back and groaned. He didn’t want to do this! he didn’t want to deal with her. There was the spoiled rich girls he’d dealt with his whole life and then there was her.
He took the papers and left, the teachers thankfully letting him leave. If they had anything else to say, they were smart enough to let him cool off first. Nino was waiting outside the classroom, blowing bubbles as he leaned on the railing as Adrien stormed past him.
“Can’t believe this. they couldn’t send someone else or just email them to her? What did I do to be punished like this?”
“Do you want me to come with you?” the DJ called as Adrien stomped down the stairs.
“Yes! If anything, to make sure you call my mom if I’m in there too long and the police start to show up.”
Nino thankfully was quite, letting Adrien vent as they made their way to the Agreste mansion, unaware Adrien had a hitchhiker. Plagg hid inside Adrien’s bag, being sent back to when he hide inside during school hours, before he started sneaking out and getting himself and Tikki into trouble. He’d learnt his lesson and hadn’t caused a Kwamibuster, though he was sure it would still come with the science teacher’s still present theory she kept with. He listened to Adrien curse, slipping into Italian as he did and thought about the few times Adrien would get angry enough to slip into other languages. Chinese, Japanese, English. He knew more languages now that he wasn’t forced to learn them, but Italian was the one that cropped up the most. It made him happy to see Adrien exhibit more anger, to really let lose. He knew it was a risk, making Adrien go to the Mansion that had once been his prison with Lila there, but he needed an in. it felt slightly like he was using him, but he also felt confident Adrien would be ok. He wasn’t like before, willing to back down for someone else’s happiness unless threatened. He was much stronger now. He wondered if Adrien had been like this back then, if he could have escaped earlier, set out on his own, away from his father and everyone who wanted something from him and really live. It probably would have been harder, but it’d be so worth it. more than anything, he wished he could have made Adrien that happy. He just had to hope that back then, even when he messed up, that he made Adrien happy. Thinking of the thankful smile Adrien had given him back then when they played the piano, he thought it was possible.
“Mio dio, I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Adrien complained as they arrived in front of the opposing gates.
“Dude, just ring the doorbell, explain you’re here to drop off paperwork and I’m sure this shoot will open and we can be on our way. Marinette’s helping Alya with more hero research and I want to go check out this new DJ set up at the music store. I’ll buy you so many cannolis after you do this.” Nino bribed, throwing an arm over his shoulder.
“It’s cannolo, and fine. let’s get this over with.”
Inside, Gabriel sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, his fingers pressed together. Nathalie had taken a picture of the statue that had been unveiled the day before and just as she’d pointed out, it matched the mark on the book. The book held so much about the Miraculous, but it was all coded and throughout the years he hadn’t gotten close to figuring it out. All he knew was that the mark was the mark of the Guardians, the one who protected the Miraculous. But any trace of them vanished 200 years ago so any research was sketchy and unclear. Nooroo was no help, unknowing of the language it was written in. the statue had to be important though. If only he could figure out why.
“Sir,” Nathalie started, standing in her usual spot on the other side of his desk, “we could investigate it closer. Either through a private tour or even late at night.”
“Hawkmoth seen sneaking around the Louvre? Nathalie, I’d be arrested in seconds, or at least attacked by those two do-gooders.”
“Not Hawkmoth.”
“No!” this was a conversation that had been had multiple times since Hero Day, when he’d nearly been beaten by that superhero team. He had Nathalie, but her power boost could only do so much. He’d managed to disappear before they really defeated them only to find that Nathalie had taken the Peacock Miraculous ready to use it. “The Miraculous is broken, has been since Emile got it. I watched my wife get weaker and weaker with each use, getting dizzy until she was placed in the chamber below. You really think I’d let you put yourself at risk like that?”
“But sir!”
“Lady Nathalie?” Nooroo poked out from behind Gabriel’s chair. “I know you want to help but you have to listen. You could die if you use it too much. Duusu couldn’t stop it from hurting Lady Emile. Master can’t bring you both back if something were to happen. You’re a better help fully functioning and able to be akumatized. What would happen if you got a spell during then and Master had to pull back, even if he was right there?”
“He wouldn’t-”
Gabriel stood up, sending the chair back slightly. “Do you really think I wouldn’t? that I’d choose your health over anything else? Emile is the way she is because of the Miraculous. I won’t have it do that to someone else I care for. And if Nooroo is right, it will be worse and faster acting. You’re a better help to me healthy and in control.”
Nooroo took in Nathalie’s faintly red face as she looked down. he felt bad playing them like this, but with what he knew, he knew he could change things. His friends couldn’t save him and it led to Lila winning. This time, he had to try and save himself. He understood his master’s wish, but he also remembered what his Lady wanted and if he wanted to keep his promise from all those years ago, he needed to fix the game in his favour. Hawkmoth needed to be stopped from gaining more power.
“Of course, sir. I apologise for thinking such a thing.”
Gabriel cleared his throat, his neck turning slightly red himself as he pulled his chair in and sat down. “Yes, well. you have a point though. I can’t leave the house however, to many people will gawk. It would be better to akumatize you and send you in. perhaps I can do like I did with Vanisher to keep you invisible, but we’ll need a way to have your phone with you without it becoming national news of a floating phone.”
Before anything else could be discussed, the doorbell rang. Both pulled up the video feed from the front gate, sharing surprised looks at the person standing in front of the camera. What was Adrien Rossi doing there?
Opening the camera, Nathalie opened the mic on her iPad. “Yes? What is it?”
“Hi. I’m Adrien Rossi. I’m in class with Lila?”
“We know who you are Mr. Rossi. Why are you here now?”
“Right. Um, Mme. Bustier got your email about Lila joining the Model UN, so I’m just here to drop off the paperwork.” He explained, lifting a small stack of paper.
They shared looks again. Lila joining Model UN? An email sent to state that?
“Sir?” she asked, muting the mic.
“I leave all school things to you. this is the first I’m hearing about this.”
Unmuting the mic, Nathalie asked, “We have no record of this.”
“Uh? Are you sure? I have a copy of the email the headmaster sent her.”
They watched the feed as the young teen dug around his bag and pulled out another sheet of paper, holding it up to the camera. Nathalie examined it, zooming into the parts that listed the emails.
“That is the headmaster’s email. Could it be possible it was hacked?”
“To send my daughter to Model UN?” Gabriel asked sarcastically. They both knew it sounded like a long shot. “Have him come in. she needs to go back to school and better her standing. Perhaps this will help.”
Nodding, she unmuted the mic again. “Please come in so we can discuss this. just you.” she said, seeing the other person behind him. Nino Lahiffe, he DJed the show Style Queen had attacked.
“Oh, no. I was just dropping this off.” He seemed distressed at the idea of coming inside.
“I’m afraid I must insist.”
They watched his head tip back, the mic just picking up his groaning. Clearly, he didn’t want to come inside. They couldn’t hear what Nino had said to him as he stood back far enough but eventually, the blonde turned to the camera again and agreed. She had Gorilla lead him into the atelier. The two took him in, his muscle shirt almost exposing him had it not been for the crop top he wore underneath it, the flannel wrapped around his waist. His wrists were covered in many bracelets, many handmade and his scuffed sneakers squeaked slightly as he shifted his weight. His bag rattled with bells, most hanging from the many pins on display.
“Mr. Rossi, a pleasure to meet you in person.” Gabriel said, walking out from his desk to stand in front of him.
Looking at the two and glancing at the picture that hung up, Nathalie could almost believe they were father and son. While the boy shared similarities in looks with Emile, there was something about the way the two stood that screamed something. But she knew that wasn’t possible. Lila was their only child, gaining the red-haired gene through her father’s side and her green eyes from her mother, though her tanned skin didn’t fit fully. it had confused the couple not long after she was born that they even did a paternity test just to be sure they didn’t receive the wrong child, but she was 100% biologically theirs.
“So, what’s this about a Model UN my daughter is in?”
Adrien handed the email over. “I was just told after class that the headmaster was told by your assistant that you wanted Lila to join. I’ll be frank and tell you it’s a horrible idea because no one wants to work with her.”
“I seem to remember you not getting along with my daughter.” He said, taking the email.
A blonde eyebrow lifted, “She insulted my mother and I on my first day with no explanation. Trust me, we aren’t becoming friends anytime soon.”
He had guts, Nathalie will give him that.
“So, how is it you came to be the one to deliver this news if you don’t get along?”
“I’m heading the Student UN, so I was given the task. I was just told to give it to your secretary.”
“Except this is the first we’re hearing of this. Nathalie hasn’t heard anything about this, especially since she hasn’t been to school recently.”
Adrien also handed him the stack he’d been holding before, crossing his arms and rocking on his feet. He didn’t say much, but Gabriel got the point. Such rudeness would usually gain a reaction from him and it would be so easy to akumatize the teen in front of him but he knew his current mood stemmed from his daughter, still locked in her room upstairs. Since she’d started modelling, he’d been having to give passes on people’s reaction to her behaviour.
Plagg slowly peeked out of Adrien’s bag, watching the designer pace slightly as he read the papers. He glanced at Nathalie, who stood next to Adrien. She was sharp, rarely missed a thing so he was going to have to be careful. The plan was risky for getting them out of the room, out of the house really. It had barely worked the first time he went against Style Queen. It tended to get out of control and this was one of those times he needed it to be in control. But he needed to wait until they were distracted for him to get out. It was weird though, seeing Adrien in this same room that was so full of hurt and dismissal and acting like a regular teen. It was fulfilling.
Adrien took in the mosaic picture that hung up. “Is that your wife? Emile Graham de Vanily?” at the designer’s look, Adrien shrugged. “I saw Solitude. She was really amazing.”
“It’s quite hard to get that movie. There’s only one DVD copy.”
“When my mama was restationed in Italy for a few months, there was a film festival in Sicily she took me to as a gift for missing the chance to see Jagged Stone. They were featuring private production studios and Graham Films was one of them. it was my favourite movie of the night. the opening scene always resonated with me for some reason.”
As everyone focused on the painting, Plagg darted out and into a nearby plant. Nathalie did turn her head at the sound but seeing nothing, she brushed it off.
“Yes. She was quite amazing in it. now, this seems like it would be a good fit for my daughter. If I can guarantee she’ll be on her best behaviour, will you accept her? I’d also be willing to make a donation towards anything needed for the event.”
Adrien frowned but sighed. “The donation might not be necessary. The Italian Embassy as well as a few others are sending supplies. There’s also a possibility of the actual UN sending something as well, that’s still up in the air. But yes, if she can keep her comments to herself, she should be fine.”
Just then, the whole house shook, leaving them scrambling for balance.
“What’s going on?” Adrien asked.
“An earthquake?” Nathalie questioned, looking as everything shook around them, spotting a few cracks appearing in the walls. “We need to evacuate, quickly!”
“But-” Gabriel started, looking at the painting, knowing about the things behind it. the people behind it.
“Sir now!” Nathalie ordered, grabbing Adrien and leading him to the door, Gabriel following after. Gorilla met them halfway, gesturing to the door before heading up the stairs to Lila. The shaking slowly came to a stop once outside in the driveway, standing in the centre away from anything. A few trees outside the residence were tilted, phone lines and wires drooping as well. it was silent of creatures though nearby car alarms blared. “Are you alright?” she asked Adrien, who was looking past the gate for Nino. One of the gate sides had tilted off its post, leaving room that Nino was squeezing through. “Be careful!” she called to him.
Gorilla came out, looking behind him, stopping when no one followed. Gaberiel started back towards the house when Lila finally came out. Her hair was out and she was dressed in a hastily thrown on dress and her eyes narrowed at the sight of Adrien and Nino, who came running over.
“What is he doing here?” she demanded.
“Lila, where were you?”
She ignored her father, instead glaring at Adrien who rolled his eyes and turned his back on her.
Back inside the office, Plagg waited from the table he’d knocked the vase from to get Lila to come by the office. It was a risk; on the chance she could take advantage and take something but she seemed to think better of it. getting into the safe was risky without the code, seeing how it was still hanging. But if things went how he planned and Gabriel realised it was missing, he’d have to suspect people who weren’t with him and Lila took the longest to leave.
He turned, letting out an elated cry at the sight of Nooroo. He slammed into the purple kwami, holding on as tight as possible. He was sure he’d be with Gabriel; he wasn’t expecting to see him.
“You’re ok! I mean, you’re still with him, but you’re ok!”
“I didn’t think I’d see you this time.”
“I’m sorry! I should have known! I was right here and I didn’t even notice.” He started to apologize, pulling away. “Only when Adrien found the crypt and his mom did, I realise. But he needed to get out before his dad found him and he was my kitten and I had to.”
“I know! I was down there. I had to tell Master what Adrien had found. Maybe if I didn’t, he wouldn’t have gotten Lila akumatized again to get the Miraculous. He was so sure she’d answer his call to the letter, he couldn’t waste time when Adrien knew. He had to make the wish to make things better.”
“Seeing him hurt like that…it killed me. Killed me more watching her knock him around after she knocked him out but I got her in the end. She hasn’t shown up as an akuma. How?”
Nooroo gave a slight smirk. “Me. If I was going to be controlled by him again, I was going to have him play by my rules. I convinced him that she wouldn’t listen if he did. She practically did the work for me with how she acts. She still hasn’t learned no one will play to her rules.”
Plagg gave his own smirk. “Well, she does think she has Adrien’s life. She thinks it automatically means respect and people believing in you. that wasn’t his name, that was all him.”
“You don’t belong to him, do you? wait, don’t answer that. I almost forgot you can’t tell me anyway. It doesn’t matter. He’s happy now, right?” Plagg nodded. “Then that’s all that matters. Now why are you here? I know you, you’re impulsive but you wouldn’t risk this with Lila so close by. Is this about Feast?”
“Its release gave him information about Fu, helped him focus on tracking him down. the kids don’t have the Grimoire, it never left the mansion so Fu never got it. only met the kids because Tikki got sick again. I’m not gonna let him run again and make him force guardianship onto a kid again.”
“You need them both? The Peacock and the book?”
“I’ll return the Grimoire, but we’ll need to keep the Peacock. The extra boost it gave him, he can’t have it.”
Nooroo looked worried. “But, if you remove the feather, it’ll reverse everything, the Temple will return, along with the Guardians. What if they reappear sooner to take you back?”
“Those old farts listen to us. They’ll listen even more once they realise a wish has been made. It’s a risk, might make him want to find out more but if it can keep him from Fu a bit longer, it’ll be worth it. come on, if they can stop him faster, isn’t that what you want?” Plagg asked.
“I want to stop hurting people.” Nooroo admitted. “I can tell you how to fix it if you want to do it before dealing with Feast, but it’s expensive without Gaberiel’s connections.”
“Fu will deal with that later. Can you help me get what I need?”
Nooroo looked to where the main camera was. It wouldn’t catch them, but it would catch a floating book and broach. Plagg was right though. Finding Fu had made Gabreil stronger and if they could stop it this time, it would be a godsend. He took Plagg in, looking at the more serious and focused than he ever had before.
“You’ve changed. I know we both have, but I wasn’t expecting this.”
Plagg looked wistful. “If I had it my way, I’d have my kitten no matter what. But even though this wish changed everything, he’s happier than he’s ever been and I’m not going to let him lose that.”
“Not without you. I saw how he needed you then. He might be a different happy, but I don’t think he’d ever be happier than when he was with you. I felt his emotions go from sad to happy in moments, even feeling happiness mixed with frustration that always seemed familiar amongst your holders. You made him happier than you could ever know. Come on, I’ll get the picture off and the safe open, you mess with the camera up there.”
“Late last night at the Louvre, the Tibetan Statue that was said to be connected to a missing temple came to life. Security cameras caught the statue crumble to pieces before a blue creature came crawling out. It seemed to struggle with something, even attempting to run away when it burst into bubbles, leaving only a staff. The familiar figure of Scarlet Bug was then seen breaking the staff, capturing an item that escaped. People are now questioning if Hawkmoth had managed to Akumatize that statue or if the statue itself had always been an akumatized item. In other news, in the same area the statue was said to of been found, a temple has reappeared in perfect condition after it disappeared nearly 200 years ago. We’ve been unable to approach the temple as the Chinese Government who has control over the country refuse to allow entry to the mountain it is on. it begs the question of its reappearance being connected to the same possible akuma Scarlet Bug was seen dealing with the night before.”
Fu watched the news cast on his phone, biting his lip. When he’d seen the news of the unveiling, his heart stopped. His biggest mistake, there for the world to see. He looked up at Luka, who stood leaning against the wall glaring at him.
“I know I caused a mess.”
“I get why it happened. really, I do. You were put into the worst situation and you reacted with what you could. But you messed up and then you ran from it. be honest, would you have run again?”
Plagg was with Luka instead of Tikki, looking at him like he knew all the answers. He looked at him in a way that reminded him that Plagg was a god.
“You do not entrust two school age kids with a powerful object, turn your back on one of them for the stupidest reason and then try to run when it gets hard. Do you want to make it up to the Guardians for what you did? Make up for losing the Butterfly and Peacock, which my sister – the same girl you refuse to allow to learn about the things she can do – used last night to fix your mistake by the way.”
“Where did you find it?”
“I didn’t find it, Plagg did.”
“And I’m not gonna say where. You have a habit of keeping secrets when you shouldn’t from us cats so we get to keep secrets now.”
“Hawkmoth must have had it! you must tell me.”
He stopped at the sight of Plagg’s eyes glowing. “I don’t have to tell you anything. You answer to the Kwami, not the other way around. I let you underestimate me because I couldn’t be bothered, but you’ve hurt my kittens before and I’m not going to let you do it again. So, things are going to work differently now. Luka?”
“We have all the pages from the Grimoire. The Kwami only know certain things, like Wyazz knowing the powerup spells and Plagg knowing how to fix the Peacock. You are going to teach us, both of us, how to read it. you aren’t going to keep secrets. If we need you, you have to answer. We’re the ones you sent to go fight a mess you made, so you don’t make final decisions, not anymore. And if the Guardians come, you will explain what you did and convince them to help us. Remind them that their ways made the mess and if they want it fixed, it’s gotta to change. Including how you treat my sister. If it wasn’t for Plagg, there’s a chance Hawkmoth could have gotten to Feast. So, stop looking down at him.”
“Don’t worry.” Plagg reassured, a smirk on his face worthy of a God of Chaos. “he knows better now.”
“You really didn’t have to scare him.” Tikki said, looking down at Juleka, who was still laying in bed but with her female friends and girlfriend around, including Kagami. The whole class came to visit and were taking turns.
“Yes, I did. Thanks to him, two of my kittens have gone through things that could have been avoided. I know, I know, if he didn’t mess up, I wouldn’t have met Adrien. And yeah, Fu didn’t make Adrien’s dad the way he was but his obsession with the Miraculous didn’t help.” He looked over to the side of the room where Luka was leaning against the wall on his side, Adrien leaning against him. He was talking softly to Luka who still had the same worried look he had when Juleka dropped her Peacock transformation, coughing and complaining of a dizzy head. And he thought seeing Adrien collapse after using Cataclysm and Black Hole was scary. Adrien had seen Nathalie and his mother do it and his concern was brushed off. Watching him with Luka now, he knew Adrien wouldn’t brush the worry off.
“It’ll be ok. You said Nooroo was playing him?” Tikki reassured.
“Yeah, but he’s smart and Lila…”
“Until we’re certain, all we can do is protect them, just like we always do. And if things go wrong, we’ll be ready.”
They would be, they had to be.
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pearl484-blog · 9 months
The Strangest Thing about You
A cute little fluff piece about two Adriens bonding over a weird quirk in their Peacock transformation. A Replay Spin-off My entry for Adrien AUGreste 2023 Feathers Link to Ao3, Link to full Replay series, Link to Adrien AUGreste 2023 series
For those of you who are not familiar with my Replay series, it is about two Adriens, one post Season 3 and one post-Origins coming together to fight Hawk Moth to prevent Future!Adrien's Bad Ending. Future!Adrien has the Peacock and has taken the name Argos -which post Season 5, may be a bit confusing- and Past!Adrien is going by Chat Noir in this fic, as he still has the Black Cat Ring and is transformed.
If you asked most people what the weirdest part of Argos’s outfit was, they probably would’ve told you that it was his eyes. Granted, Argos’s eyes were certainly memorable. Black with red irises would do that to most people. Some people might even call them hellish. 
Yet in the Adriens’ eyes, they were cool, but mostly cosmetic. They didn’t even grant any boons like Chat Noir’s eyes did, a fact that Chat Noir was not ashamed to brag about to Argos on any given day. 
No, to the Adriens, the strangest part of Argos’s outfit were the feathers in his hair. At first glance, they seemed rather ordinary, like tiny white down feathers stuck in a very messy bed head. The uninitiated may have taken it as a reluctance to brush their hair or maybe a reflection of Argos’s bird-like nature, but nothing more. The Adriens though had soon discovered that the more that they messed with the feathers, the stranger they really were.
For instance, although the feathers themselves came out at the Adriens’ slightest touch, no matter how hard the wind blew, no matter how turbulent a current Argos swam through, no matter how roughly Argos himself was treated, the feathers stayed stubbornly in his hair. In fact, they seemed unmoved by any forces. Even stranger to the Adriens though was that they soon realized that no matter how many feathers were pulled from his hair, Argos’s hairstyle was always unchanged when they were done, with the same amount of feathers as they started.
Of course, once you had several fistfuls of feathers, you had to do something with them. So, naturally, the two decided to experiment with them. 
The first thing they noticed was that, while the feathers would behave like normal feathers in clumps, as soon as they held only one feather, it somehow always managed to get to the center of their palm, always in the exact same spot, always facing the exact same way. Naturally, they had immediately started rotating to see if it was a compass, but no. The feather seemed to want to stay in one position relative to their hand.  
Even stranger was that the feather didn’t seem to want to leave their hand, only doing so whenever the Adriens either deliberately plucked it and dropped it away from their hand or if they blew it off. Admittedly, it was a little funny testing it by flapping their arms up and down to try to catch the air or swimming around with it stuck to their hands in a contest of increasingly silly ways to swim, but science demanded a lot of repetition and a lot of variety, and who were they to deny science. 
Their experiments with swimming though had shown them something strange as well. No matter what happened, the feather itself never seemed to get wet. A few rudimentary tests pulled up from their weapons proved that the feather wasn’t waterproof or at least, or if it was, it sucked at diverting water away from things, yet, it never lost its characteristic fluffiness or its shape. 
Perhaps, the Adriens had figured, if they gathered enough feathers, they could weave the feathers together to make something waterproof. Except that is when they finally noticed the strangest and most infuriating thing about the feathers. If they were forgotten about, or even if they were out of sight for long enough, they disappeared. 
The Adriens tried everything they could to try to see if they could make the feathers work for them, but nothing really panned out. The feathers were always too light, too flexible, or too little to really do anything of use, and their frequent disappearances made them impossible to prepare beforehand anyways.
After several failed attempts, they ultimately decided to give up on any of their plans to use them and just tell Ladybug about it later. They both agreed that if there was a use for them, Ladybug would figure it out eventually, and it would probably be very cool and impressive, but only really happen in the middle of a fight. It probably wasn’t worth the hassle of trying to contact her over nothing. 
As the Adriens sat together, nursing their damaged pride, Chat Noir ran his fingers through Argos’s hair, absently pulling out more of the feathers again. Then, they came to a realization. 
Yes, the feathers themselves may have been useless, but Chat Noir pulling them out of Argos’s hair had felt pretty nice to both of them. It reminded them of a simpler time, of more nostalgic and peaceful memories when a sleepover at Chloe’s and a makeover had been enough to drive away the constant fears and doubts for the night. When a bad hairdo was the worst thing that could happen and all it took to fix it was a little time, patience, and care. 
So, the two of them made it a routine. Every so often, when either Chat Noir or Argos was stressed, they’d come up to the rooftops of Paris and just talk. What they talked about didn’t really matter. They were always up to date and everything their counterpart was doing every day, but what did matter was the closeness, the feeling of someone being absolutely there and just content to sit there and do nothing but enjoy their company. That, the Adriens decided, was important enough to them.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGrest Day 23, 24 & 25
I know this is technically a day late but I thought it wouldn't be right to build up the idea of Kitty Section's biggest gig and not write it for you. Which turned out to be harder than I thought when you've only actually gone to one concert that has an opening act and you can't for the life of you remember how it went. So EtherealGenie, who once again betaed this chapter, had to give me advice on how it should work.
Also coming up with the set list for this was hard. So when describing Kitty Section's sound, my first thought when I watched the Hardrock episode was metal but I guess it also fits into rock. Kawaii metal was how it was described in a story by Mikauzoran (who is an amazing lukadrien writer and you should totally read their work) and after listening to Babymetal, whose song Gimme Chocolate is featured as the group's opening number, I thought it fit. But since I didn't want a technically French group singing a bunch of Japanese covers, I had to go looking through the metal and rock songs I have saved on my Spotify. I didn't realize how many of them start with death and destruction in the first few lyrics, so it made it pretty hard to decide, but below is their set list.
In terms of the actual prompt of the story, that part sort of worked since I needed an excuse for Luka to take off the ring he always has on. My original idea was so basic: luka gives Adrien one of his rings when he was messing with it and is able to find a near match and asks luka if he’d be ok wearing them as a sign of their relationship As in, Adrien is messing with one of Luka's rings when hanging out and Luka just gives it to him. I think I like this version better. Hopefully you do as well. And seriously, a massive thank you to EtherealGenie for betaing.
Gimme Chocolate - Babymetal From Persephone (the mentioned song that Rose wrote) - Kiki Rockwell Middle of the Night (J-Rock Cover) - Elley Duhé (J-Rock Cover by Shayne Orok & @Curserino) The Resistance - Skillet Invincible - Escape the Fate ft Lindsey Stirling
“Adrien, you need to eat something. You went through all the effort to bring us here.” Mylene said, though she knew she wasn’t getting through to the Italian keyboard player.
It was D-Day. Jagged Stone’s concert was that night and they were given instructions to be at the venue at 4 for sound check and then to get ready. They were grabbing an early dinner, since Penny hadn’t been sure if the venue would provide an extra meal. While they were all nervous, Adrien seemed to take it especially hard. Not only did he have the pressure of needing to impress Jagged a second time, there was also the fact that he was private with his personal life online and now he was putting himself in a position where everyone would want to find him.
“Give him some space. I mean, he didn’t make us chew at the charcuterie board while he took pictures.” Ivan recalled, laughing when Adrien glared at him instead of staring at the table like it had all the answers.
“We’ll be fine. but seriously, eat something, please? We have 30 minutes to make an impression and I think you’d be very upset if it got cut short because you fainted.” Luka said, pulling the plate of arancini closer to Adrien’s mostly empty plate. A few of the cheeses and meats from the board were on there but it was all spread out from him playing with it.
Adrien still didn’t move, his hands on his neck holding his head up while his fingers tugging at the strands of hair at the nape of his neck. It was a soothing technique he’d done since he was a kid, usually when he got very stressed. At first, he didn’t pay attention when he did it to the point he started to pull hair out. Now Adrien knew to fiddle or twirl it instead of yanking it in nerves. With his fingers occupied, food was the last thing on his mind.
“Here.” Luka put his knife and fork down, taking one of Adrien’s hands from his hair. He pulled off the ring he wore and slipped it on Adrien’s finger. Since Luka’s were bigger, the ring was loose. “Spin that with one hand and eat with the other.”
New fidget toy in hand, Adrien couldn’t really say no. he still didn’t eat nearly as much as they’d like but Mylene showed the others a text from Marinette, who was heading to the venue to get the costumes set and had been sent with quite a load of stuff from her parents. If anything, they could stuff his face at the venue.
Adrien continued to spin the ring when a car came get them from the restaurant, when being talked to by Penny and the sound technician about what they had to do for their sound check and more so when Marinette showed them their outfits. To keep them from overheating in their masks and shoulder pads, Marinette made them themed outfits that still had similar elements, still bringing their actual costumes for their last song.
“Feeling a bit better?” Mylene asked as Adrien and Juleka started setting up to do everyone’s make up.
“I guess. I mean the sound check went fine. Everyone in the class chat keeps sending encouraging messages. It’s just… scary.”
“My dad gets nervous performing too. He says to just take a deep breath, tell yourself what you want the best part to be and focus on getting to that part. If you stay focused on nailing that part then the rest doesn’t seem so scary.”
“Here’s hoping my nerves will actually listen to that.”
“Well,” taking the hand that still had Luka’s ring on it, Mylene smiled at him, rather mischievously, “I suppose a good luck charm doesn’t hurt.” She touched the pin Ivan had given her all that time ago.
Adrien hadn’t seen Luka without his accessories very much, so the fact that he’d given him his ring to keep him from tugging on his hair was silly, but it felt nice. He was always doing that, going out of his way to do things for him. Part of Adrien wondered if he was doing enough to show how much he appreciated it. Luka was looking to be his longest relationship, with past ones barely lasting long enough to feel real or stolen kisses rarely reaching the point of make out sessions. Luka was different and Adrien wanted him to know how much he saw that.
“Adrien,” Juleka said, distracting him from his thoughts, “I’ll do Ivan and you do Rose? I’ll do yours after so you can work on me.”
“Luka is getting his done too?” Mylene asked.
“Who do you think I practice on?” Juleka pointed out. “He already knows how to do his.”
Marinette had outdone herself. Jackets were the main replacement for their shoulder pads, but each of them still held the same style. Juleka’s was designed after an 80s David Bowie jacket, with the curved pointed shoulder pads that were studded. With her sleek low-rise leggings and her jacket zipped near to the top, she looked like a sophisticated rock star. Ivan’s design was as simple as his actual costume. Marinette still put his bracers on but replaced his harness with a sleeveless vest. Ivan’s costume didn’t have the same emphasis on shoulders like the others did, replaced with the bracers and armbands, but the jacket had the look of sleeves rolled all the way to the top, making them look slightly puffy, but not as severe as Juleka’s jacket.
“You look so good.” Mylene gushed, as Marinette tugged Ivan’s white shirt into place.
“I know you prefer shorts, but you make jeans look good.” Adrien said, from his place tying tiny pigtails into Rose’s hair.
“Do you really like it?” Ivan asked shyly. Mylene looked like a bobble head nodding her head.
Rose still held onto her favourite colorcolour with her pink plaid skirt, even if most of everything else she wore was black. Not her jacket though, Marinette made sure of that. To go with the roundness of her shoulder pads, she gave Rose an oversized puff sleeve on her jacket. Adrien’s was the most still like his costume, a shoulder cape attached to his form fitting tunic, while Luka’s was the most different. Luka’s outwear looked like a normal vintage cape coat with a collar similar to the one he wore with his costume. but Marinette added an attached shoulder pad, much like the one Mad Max had.
“You all look amazing! Marinette, nice work.” Penny complimented just as Marinette was done taking pictures. “I hope you guys are ready. Once we get your in-ears on, you guys are ready to head on stage.”
Nerves built back up as wires were tugged down their shirts and jackets and they reached the end of the wing. Rose gathered them in a huddle, Marinette and Mylene included.
“We can do this. Jagged Stone has technically heard us play remember. He stuck around after Desperada and Adrien knocked the socks off of him again just with a piano medley. We’re going to show him and everyone else that those are not one-time things.”
While the nerves were still building, it was a reminder they weren’t on their own on that stage.
“Unicorns and kitties, Kitty Section on three?” Ivan asked, dropping a hand into the middle.
They all dropped their hands on top of the next, bouncing as they counted down. “Unicorns and kitties, Kitty Section!”
The stage lights dimmed and the Kitty Section logo appeared on all the screens as entrance music started. There was general cheering, but none nearly as loud as the Kitty Section fans. But people were curious. Their on-air performance on TVi helped them get their foot through the door and Luka’s job as a delivery guy helped in finding coffee houses or places with open mics for them to perform at. Eventually, about two under age clubs let them perform small sets every few weeks and they started to have regulars come watch them. With Marinette busy with just about everything else, Mylene helped run their social media accounts. And since Jagged never missed a chance to talk about how amazing his graphic designer was, through Marinette, the band started to gain more popularity. The idea of a cutesy rock group with a sunshine lead singer who could metal scream was different. So when Jagged Stone posted that they’d be opening, Kitty Section fans could throw their money fast enough. 
The entrance music faded out as Adrien started the lead in for Babymetal’s Gimme Chocolate!! The lights came back dramatically as the rest of the band followed. Rose had written one new song but in the interest of not overloading herself, the group agreed to mostly do covers. Adrien spent what felt like every spare moment teaching Rose how to sing the song in Japanese instead of translating it. The two might split the song with Rose doing most of the singing but she wanted it to be perfect.
Atatata tata tatatata zukkyun!
Watatata tata tatatata dokkyun!
Zukkyun! Dokkyun! Zukkyun! Dokkyun!
Yada! Yada! Yada! Yada! NEVER! NEVER! NEVER!
Chekera Chokoreeto Chokoreeto Cho! Cho! Cho! Iikana?
Demo ne chotto Weight Chotto saikin shinpai nan desu
Dakedo Chokoreeto Chokoreeto Cho! Cho! Cho! Iikana?
Demo ne chotto Wait Chotto matter Cho! Cho! Cho!
Give me!
Those who recognised the song, they started singing along with Rose, cheering as she did the choreography. Luka’s fingers slid across the fret of his guitar, Juleka following to the end of the song. The cheering and screaming was much louder now.
Adrien started the slow lead in, as Juleka let her guitar rest on her back to sing with Rose, switching with each verse.
You're all mistaken, mother, can't you see?
I was not taken, mother I chose to leave
'Cause I love my baby, tall, dark Hades, lord of death is down on her knees for me
No, I wasn't threatened, mother I was not bound
No, I wasn't carried, off on her three-headed hound
'Cause I packed my own bag, found my own way, down into the underground
As the song ended, Luka started to strum the familiar start to Middle of the Night with Ivan supporting, giving it a rock mood. Rose pulled her mic off the stand as she leaned against Juleka, who’d switched her guitar for her bass and joined in.
I summoned you, please come to me
Don't bury thoughts that you really want
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want
Come, lay me down
'Cause you know this
'Cause you know this sound
The well known song seemed to be a hit as the crowd joined in singing, not missing a beat, even as it was played as a rock version. They had to wait for the crowd to quiet a little to hear Luka counting the band off so they could start at the same time.
I am a nation, I am a million faces
Formed together, made for elevation
I am a soldier, I won't surrender
Faith is like a fire that never burns to embers
(Who's gonna stand up, who's gonna fight?)
The voice of the unheard
(Who's gonna break these chains and lies?)
Love is the answer
Juleka leaned into her mic.
I gotta speak it, believe it, that's how I feel inside
(I) I (I), can't, can't sit here quiet
You can take my heart, you can take my breath
When you pry it from my cold, dead chest
Adrien joined the girls for the chorus.
This is how we rise up
Heavy as a hurricane, louder than a freight train
This is how we rise up
Heart is beating faster, feels like thunder
Magic, static, call me a fanatic
It's our world, they can never have it
This is how we rise up
It's our resistance, you can't resist us
At the false end, Juleka quickly pulled her bass off and switched to her guitar, going into the solo. Meanwhile, Luka put his guitar on its stand and picked up a violin and its bow from the stand next to his guitar. Resting the shoulder rest on his shoulder and resting his chin into the correct place, he nodded to Juleka and Adrien, who immediately moved into the opening of the next song.
I know you're reaching for the throne
Like it's always been your own
You're gonna take it all the way
You're gonna take the crown today
Said I know you're gonna take it all, take it all
Watch the others as they fall, as they fall
I know you're gonna take it all, take it all
Let the others fall
You're invincible
As Luka brought the song to a close with the small violin solo, Rose caught Penny’s eye as the assistant gave her a thumbs up.
“Give it up for Luka on lead guitar and violin!” as the crowd cheered, Marinette and Mylene came on stage, carrying familiar costumes. Rose put her mic back on its stand to free her hands. “Juleka on rhythm guitar, bass and vocals, Ivan on drums and Adrien on keys and vocals! I’m Rose on lead.” Rose announced as Marinette handed over the pink shoulder pads, the matching masks dangling from her finger.
“A round of applause for Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Mylene Haprèle!” Adrien said, fitting his mask on the side of his head. It felt strange that they were dressing like XY had when he stole their song, but playing a set made them sweat and it’d been agreed during dress rehearsal that no one wanted to wear the mask properly, even if for only one song.
Once the girls were off stage, Rose lifted a hand into the air, “Good evening and good night, everyone! We are Kitty Section! One, two, three!”
You know I love unicorns
Yeah, nothing makes me feel better!
I see their faces everywhere I go
Dreaming about them at the nights!
You know I love unicorns
And that they make me feel better!
“Crap, crap, crap. Porca miseria! Where is it?”
The concert came to an end, Jagged Stone performed for the masses and sung their praises at least three times, even pointing out a wayward sign from a fan. Knowing they had a following should have sent Adrien flying. And it did. I mean, they actually did it. They impressed Jagged Stone. He promised he’d help keep Bob Roth on a leash and actually listen to them – though they all knew if he failed, Captain Anarka would be more than happy to string him around again. Felix managed to make it and so far, the Captain gave as good as Felix could give. Adrien was sure Felix would profess his love with how easily they clashed together. He should be with them, teasing Felix to keep going, listening to Luka sigh about how he was setting the Londoner for his own death, gushing about how their life would change, even if the band only lasted a year because who really knew? Instead, he was doing what he tried to slyly do when Jagged Stone invited the band back on stage to perform Amaranthine with him. With Jagged behind his grand piano, it left Adrien free to move across the stage as he sang, like he was doing now, even as he dodged questioning staff.
The ring Luka had given him to mess with was missing. 
Adrien had put it back on after they were done getting ready to help keep him occupied but he’d slipped it into his pocket when he got behind his keyboard. He didn’t think he’d moved around much, other than jumping a little but with no hole in his pocket to justify it, it had to have fallen out. He hadn’t noticed until he went looking for it as nerves picked up again when he remembered they’d have to go back out for their joint performance. Luka took off an accessory he constantly wore and gave it to him so he could eat and here Adrien was, repaying him by losing it.
“There you are.” Felix, still perfectly dressed as ever, stepped around staff members, Marc of all people following behind. “Everyone’s looking for you. what are you doing?”
“I lost Luka’s ring. He never takes it off but he gave it to me and I lost it!”
“Woah, easy. It wouldn’t be a good look for you to be singing songs that could be taken about resisting against Hawkmoth then getting akumatized later. Start explaining. SLOWER this time.” Felix ordered.
Adrien took a deep breath before speaking again. “Luka, he wears this black and silver ring. I was too nervous to eat and when I got nervous, I couldn't take my hands off my hair so Luka gave me his ring to mess with instead so my hands would be free. I kept it with me the whole time in my pocket and now it’s gone. It went missing before we went on stage a second time.”
“Is it important?” Marc asked.
Adrien shrugged, turning back to look at the ground. “I don’t know. I just know I’ve never seen him without it. Ugh, like it’s not bad enough I feel like a bad boyfriend sometimes.”
“Ok seriously? You’re not a bad boyfriend. Luka doesn’t strike me as the type to just date someone who didn’t have the same feelings for him.”
“He’s right.” Marc said. “Luka’s empathic nature wouldn’t be able to handle a relationship where the person wasn’t as in the relationship as he was. He’ll understand if you tell him.”
“If it turns out it’s important, we’ll help you look. Bug the staff or whatever. I don’t think it would have gone into the crowd since you weren’t close to the edge of the stage.”
Adrien knew they were right and after one more search around the stage, he went to the greenroom where their class was. The rest of Kitty Section were gushing about their hopes for their new adventure. Spotting Adrien, Luka left the others, coming over.
“I was wondering where you were. You didn’t even change out of your stage clothes. What’s wrong?”
“Um,” Adrien scuffed his shoe against the floor before looking up. “The ring you leant me. I lost it, I’m sorry. I don’t know how. I had it and now it’s gone.”
“Hey,” Luka soothed, putting his hands on Adrien’s shoulders, “It’s ok. I mean it. Adrien, I got that ring at a shop 2 years ago. I was just looking for accessories while Juleka was getting new earrings and I just kept wearing it.”
“But you always have it on.”
Luka laughed a little. “It’s because I have a .5 ring size. Most rings sold in chain stores are a standard whole number size. I just wore it because I couldn’t really find others that fit. I promise, it’s fine.” Adrien looked down at his feet again, mumbling. “Huh?”
“I said you always do that. Reassure me and look out for me. I feel like I don’t do that nearly enough.”
“You’re joking right? Adrien, you do that too. You look out for people, you defend with everything you have, you love with your whole heart. Every one of us, especially me, knows how much you care.”
“Yeah, but am I doing it well enough as a boyfriend? I’m not exactly good at this and I want to make sure I’m doing ok.”
“Adrien, trust me. The fact that you’re worried about this means you are doing ok. Besides, I didn’t really date much either. I’m just as new to this as you are.”
“But you’re so suave and sophisticated.” Adrien couldn’t help but tease.
“And easily affected by strong emotions. But it’s fine. Meant I got you in the end.”
Turning red when he heard Felix laughing at him, Adrien hid his face in Luka’s neck, letting the guitar player run his fingers up and down his back. Luka might not care about the missing ring but still, Adrien wanted to prove a point.
Adrien scrolled through the webpage on his laptop. It was probably stupid, even after Luka said he didn’t care about the missing ring but still. Since Felix spent the night with him – he wasn’t risking being tempted to trick his uncle – he’d encouraged his idea. He’d also pointed out that it seemed Luka had the love languages of giving words of affirmation and acts of service. When Adrien mentioned how much time they spent together hanging out, Felix said his language was giving quality time.
“You both have a different way of showing how much you guys like each other. You just seem to have trouble noticing your more silent affections.” Felix said. “He was right, you feeling bad about the ring and showing how you feel is a sign you care. If you want to get him a new one, I think he’d like it even more. You know how he likes to show love, why not figure out what he likes receiving?”
So here he was, shopping for a replacement ring. He knew it didn’t have to be anything big but he wanted it to be special. And he was a sucker for shared rings. He knew in Korea, much like matching clothes, having couple rings was a way to show you were in a relationship. No one doubted they were dating, but with Luka homeschooled, there were times where Adrien wanted something of his nearby to remind him who he could see after school or on the weekends. He’d never gotten the chance to steal clothing from a significant other or share anything like that and the fact he could possibly do it with Luka? That a lot of his firsts of being in a relationship were with Luka? It made him giddy.
He heard the door open and he leaned over to see his mother on the phone. She’d already shed her blazer and her hair was out of its normal ponytail. She kicked off her heels and dumped her things on the floor as she leaned on the closed door.
“But it just feels so soon to move again.” What? “A lot of the new programs got integrated and a few were my own projects. I know we don’t know when the fight will end, but I’d at least like to see them all come to fruition. A few still need more time to be set up. I guess I can’t argue, I’m just surprised that they’d offer reassignments so soon. Poor Adrien if we do move. His concert went so well and he got signed. He’s so young, I don’t feel comfortable letting him stay by himself. And goodness, his boyfriend. His father loves him and he’s so polite. Adrien’s liked him for a while, it’s going to hurt him so badly if they have to end it.”
“Mama?” he asked, standing up.
His mother jumped at his voice, eyes widening when she saw him.
“I’m going to call you back. Adrien, caro, when did you get here?”
“I was here the whole time. Mama… are we moving?”
“...I don’t know.”
Adrien was trying not to get upset. “It sounded like you were pretty sure.”
“I know. I know, I shouldn’t have said it like that. Adrien, I promise you, I don’t know. But whenever reassignment comes up, we always move. I’m just expecting to be told we would move.”
He couldn’t fault his mother for that. She was right. The minute she was done with whatever project she was helping with, they were off to the next one. But this was different. Paris was the place they’d been in the longest, not counting New York the first time. But he was more established here. He had friends, friends who actually felt like they could last forever. He was dating someone who felt way more stable than his other relationships. And to be honest, he didn’t want to leave.
“Can I really not stay here?” Adrien begged.
“Adrien, you’re barely in lycée, I don’t feel comfortable with you here on your own.”
“Ok,” Adrien said slowly, trying to think when an idea came to mind. “What about if I stayed with a classmate’s family?”
She looked surprised at the idea. He hadn’t even asked to do that with the few friends in Italy he still had whenever they’d leave from there. “Well, I suppose if their parents are ok with it. I’d have to think about it though. How about I talk with your father? If we agree and I’m reassigned, we’ll talk with someone. I’ll let you finish the year here and during break, we can decide what to do after. How does that sound?”
He wanted to disagree but he knew this was as good as he was getting. “Deal.”
“Alright. I’ll get changed and we can order in?” she asked, moving once he nodded.
Adrien sat back down, barely noticing the thing flying by the window as he took a breath. He knew this would come eventually. He just didn’t expect it to hurt so much at the thought of it. he took in the webpage of couple rings and straightened up. If this was going to end his relationship with Luka, because long distance felt impossible at their age, he was going to leave Luka with a gift to let him know just how much he meant to him.
“Knock knock?”
Luka looked up from his last sheets from the Grimoire. Even though Juleka was busier actually going to school, somehow, she finished her pages first. He was sure she got the page that explained how to fix broken Miraculous, because he had yet to see it. he’d give it to the Guardians, they loved their riddles and double meanings.
Adrien was a very welcome sight from him scratching his head trying to decipher what they were saying. Putting his iPad down and his stylus he outstretched his arms for a hug. He even gave grabby hands.
“To quote a very famous guitar player, you’re cute.” Adrien said, coming over and sitting between Luka’s legs, falling into the hug Luka pulled him into. He yelped as Luka leaned back so he was resting on his chest. “Hi.” He said, staring up at his boyfriend.
“Hello. I thought you were hanging out with Marc.”
“I was. We had to go pick something up. I sorta convinced him to do something with me, so we have plans to actually go eat dinner instead. Assuming I can pry him away from Nath.”
“Now I’m curious.”
“So, you know how I lost your ring?”
“You know how I told you it was ok and I didn’t care?” he didn’t. It was odd not having it there but it didn’t bother him much. Getting Adrien to focus on something else so he could eat had felt more important and it worked.
“Well, I did, so I wanted to make it up to you. Felix mentioned that you have the love language of giving acts of service, and I should probably figure out which language you like to receive so we’re starting with this.” Getting up, Adrien pulled a small drawstring bag out from the inside pocket of his jean jacket. “So, I know you told me that I’m doing ok in this relationship. I felt bad about losing the ring, even if it doesn’t matter and I wanted you to know how much you meant to me. I also wanted us to have a small thing for us to have and think of each other since you have homeschooling and we don’t get to see each other during the weekday. Here.”
Luka took the bag, using a finger to pull it open and turned it over. two silver rings dropped out, both with gold designs. One was a half shining sun and the other a crescent moon. Both had stars on them in the same gold.
“Couple rings are pretty popular. It’s not like a promise ring or anything, just a way for people to know we’re together.” Adrien explained, feeling calm as Luka smiled down at them.
“So,” Luka started, picking up the ring with the sun on it, “when I see this sun, I’ll think of my, what did Alya call you? Sunshine gremlin?”
Adrien laughed. “Yeah. And I’ll look at this and think of my moonlight knight.”
“That’s a Sailor Moon reference.” Luka said, pointing at Adrien when he recognised it.
“The man can be taught. But no, stars are important to sailors and you’re important to me. Do you like it?”
“I do. Thank you.” Luka said, pressing a kiss onto Adrien’s lips. “and quality time. My love language, I like spending time with people I love.”
Adrien’s heart skipped at the wording Luka used and the question was on his tongue. He could tell Luka didn’t misspeak, not with that look on his face.
“I like spending time with you.” Luka said, meaning what he said before, but he wasn’t going to rush a response out of Adrien.
“I really like being with you too.” Adrien said. “Um, before I forget. It’s probably nothing and it’s still up in the air at this point, but…Mama told me she might be getting reassigned. We don’t actually know; it’s just it usually happens so we think it might happen. But she agreed that if her and dad agree, I could ask a classmate to stay with their family. Nino already said he’d talk to his parents and so did Marc. Chloe overheard and even offered, so it’s fine. It’s not even official, I just…needed you to know.”
“But you don’t know?”
“No. But I don’t want to leave.” Adrien said, hoping Luka could hear the unspoken things. He didn’t want to leave him. “As far as we know, I’m here to stay.”
“Then let’s stick with that until we’re told differently then.” Luka said. He took the moon ring from Adrien and helped him put it on, smiling when Adrien gushed that it was adjustable.
“That way you don’t have to worry about your .5 size.”
After slipping his own ring on, he pulled Adrien close, dropping back again.
“I’m just going to hold on, just until you have to go, ok?”
“Ok,” Adrien said, fitting his head into Luka’s neck. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Whether Adrien was or wasn’t, right then, it didn’t matter. This was all he needed right now. 
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 18+19
I imagined this one going slightly different but it ended the same, Adrien's Italian anger coming out in defense of the people he loves. Another thank you to @etherealxgenie for betaing. Masks
Adrien was still reeling from what happened earlier. He’d immediately gone to the Liberty after they left and they had to video chat Ivan and Rose – who surprisingly was home – to tell them the news. If he thought they were excited, Anarka was even more so. She might not like Jagged Stone but she was more than willing to cause trouble for Bob Roth. Adrien just hoped Juleka and Luka recorded when the two finally met.
He was typing out an email to his dad, bursting with excitement when he heard the front door open. He dropped his laptop to the side and climbed down his bed, running to the front door.
“Mama, Mama, you’re never going to believe what just happened! I got to meet – oh. I didn’t know we had a guest coming over.” behind his mother was an older gentleman. Compared to his father’s own style of suits, this man looked like a stereotypical high-profile lawyer, with his pressed suit and squirmy looking face.
“Adrien, I don’t know if you remember Signor St Claire? You went to school with his daughter Elizabeth in New York?”
Elizabeth? Then Adrien remembered. “Betty St Claire. Class president and president of the cultural society.”
“That’s my girl!”
And also, the most spoiled brat in the whole school. She was like Lila in terms of annoyance and Chloe, pre-change, in terms of behavior. She constantly insulted those she thought was beneath her, acting like her behavior was completely acceptable. Most of the students hated her, but because her father was a diplomat who was well known to be connected with politicians and the current president – who happened to also be a superhero – they would bend to her will. Adrien never had to, except when her mother was invited to parties by Betty’s father. Then, he had to pretend he was a follower of her, like he was this spoiled diplomat kid who had power and abused it whenever he wanted.
He hated that persona diplomate kids took, acting like just because their parents moved and they had a high pay check to pay for things it meant they could treat people who didn’t have that like crap. It took Adrien a long time to accept what his parents did as they’d been doing it since he was a child. It was rare they’d let him stay with his nonna in Italy while they moved. He learned to work with what he lived with, even more so when the fighting was getting worse. He had every right to be like those other kids but he wasn’t going to let them turn him into something he wasn’t. So, he didn’t spend much time with Betty, not playing her mind games, unless he had no choice. Betty had her father wrapped around her finger and she knew it. in a school full of people whose parents needed him for something, if they pissed her off or went against her, all she had to do was go crying to daddy and all that support would be ripped away. With her dad standing right there, it didn’t take much for Adrien to guess why he was here.
“I hear you’ve been pretty close to these new heroes and villains. Must have been quite scary getting akumatized.”
“Something like that. Thankfully people like mama are trying to do things that will help.”
“And we’re hoping Signor St Claire will offer his support as well.” his mother said.
“You’re really gonna have to convince me, Rossi. So, what are you going to make me for dinner?”
Oh god, he was one of those guys.
“Take out. You’ll be staying at the Italian Embassy while we host you, I’m sure you’ll get sick of Italian food very quickly. Adrien, caro, why don’t you suggest something?”
“Ever had bahn mi?”
“N-no. can’t say I have. I’ll have to ask for your suggestion.”
“While Adrien does that, how about a glass of wine?”
That brightened him up. “If you’d be so kind.”
Because the kitchen was open into the living area, Adrin slipped into Italian, but still spoke softly. Betty might not have passed her foreign language classes but he wasn’t sure about her father.
“What’s going on?”
“After Hero Day, all those who came to France to offer help and suggestions finally agreed on things that should be implemented. But after going over the budget, we don’t have as much funds. Most money is put towards counseling for those who’ve been akumatized and we don’t feel right taking money from that for these suggestions. So, we’ve asked our countries to donate and even gone to the UN. We’re getting a grant from them but we’re still missing a substantial amount, an amount that most countries wouldn’t think to have set aside for instances like this. Except, of course…”
“For the US, New York specifically.”
With all the heroes and villains that lived and centered themselves in the city, it wouldn’t be surprising if a lot of funding was directed there. And because Signor St Claire was so close with those who controlled the direction of the money…
“Will he say yes?”
“That’s what this visit is about. I wish your father was here, he’s much better at this interacting with people part.” His mama was more of ‘Let’s solve this problem together’ compared to his father’s ‘Hi, it’s so nice to meet you. Let's be friends so if either of us need something, we can come to each other.’ “We’re even having a ball to celebrate connections between Italy and America that he’ll be representing America at. Betty will also be there.”
“Adrien, please. You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”
And it was, god damnit, it was. If Paris wasn’t prepared for events where Miraculous Reset didn’t happen after a fight or if the heroes were unaware of the akuma due to its powers, they’d need help.
“You wanted to tell me something when we came in?”
Tell his mother about the best thing while they both had to deal with this? He was getting better at not hiding things from his parents, minus the thing with Lila, but he was sure Luka couldn’t begrudge him this.
“Not important. I’ll play nice.”
Luka looked around the reception area of the Italian Embassy. He’d seen pictures of a lot of museums and well-known buildings and castles in Italy and it seemed to fit. He mostly heard Italian being spoken, able to pick up a few words from what Adrien taught him, a bit of English and very accented French. The receptionist finally came around the corner, a man following her.
“Signor? This is Signor St Claire. He’ll be accepting the delivery.”
“I hear you have the name cards? And the ones for table settings?”
“Yes sir.” Luka handed him the box in question. He flinched a little when he pulled out a pocket knife to cut the tape and judging from the receptionist's face, she didn’t like it either. Opening the box and pulling out one of the cards, M. St Claire looked them over before nodding.
“Perfect. Here you go son.” He pulled out a $100 US bill and handed it to Luka, collapsing his knife and taking the box and leaving.
He looked at the sort of useless bill. His mom had a collection of $1 from every country she visited but he wasn’t planning on visiting America anytime soon. He was still trying to see if his school’s request to College Dupont would be accepted to allow him to join their class trip to London. He turned to the receptionist who’s exasperated face matched his.
“You can 100% say no, but do you mind…?”
“Of course. In fact, the Ambassador is heading to America with Signor St Claire when he leaves, I’m sure he’ll have change. I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you.” Unclipping his helmet, he pulled it off, ruffling his hair, wondering if he should text Adrien. The band’s parents were going to need to speak with Bob Roth and Jagged Stone to work out the details of the contract and their debut. He still couldn’t believe it when Adrien and Marinette told them. Adrien’s piano skills caught the rocker’s attention so much, he was giving them this chance to impress him just as much and Luka was dying to prove him right in giving them this chance.
“It’s so pretty!” Tikki climbed out of his hood, hiding under his hair as she looked around. “Is Adrien here?”
“I don’t know. I guess I could at least say hi to his mom.”
“It’s so small!” A new voice, accented French, worse than M. St Claire’s, echoed loudly in the hall as a girl Juleka’s age, with long curly red hair and a sneer on her lips came down the stairs. Following her, this odd look on his face was Adrien. “The school’s foyer is bigger than this. Daddy expects the party to be here?”
“The ballroom is big enough for the guest list.” Adrien said with a small smile. It didn’t seem real though.
“Please, it’s daddy. If they were at all smart, they’d have the ball at the hotel that idiot Mayor owns. I mean, can he even do that? Own a hotel, a movie company and run Paris? Though I guess the rest of the city knows where the actual power lies, with that brat of a daughter. I met her and she acted like she was so much better, with her little dog following her every word.”
Luka noticed Adrien’s hands clench, though the smile never left his face.
“Betty, this way, all the attention can be on you and your dad. A bigger ballroom would take away from that.”
The sneer morphed into a deformed smirk. “It would be a shame if that weren’t able to happen. My dress is from one of the best designers in New York. I hope you picked up some sense of fashion living here. I swear, you used to just wear whatever during free dress day at school.”
Luka then noticed it, Adrien’s heart song. It was normally a very pleasant piano melody. It’s tune changes depending on his mood. His favourite was the giddy yet soft tone it took when he kissed him. This… this was like you not knowing how to play the piano in terms of its chaos but oddly at the same time, you did know and you were going for a soundtrack that expressed all the anger in the world. But he still had that smile on his face.
“Well, no one can beat your fashion.”
“Obviously.” She scoffed, reaching the bottom of the stairs and heading to the front door when she spotted him. “And who are you? Thieves won’t get very far.”
“I don’t think he’s a thief.” Adrien jumped in. “Helmet and the fact that he’s still standing here probably means delivery guy?”
“Whatever. Still sure he’s stealing. I’m getting security.” The girl walked off before Luka could defend himself.
“I’m so sorry. Are you ok?”
“Are you? I can hear your heart song, it’s in chaos and you’re mad, like really mad. What’s going on?”
Before Adrien could answer, the receptionist returned, change in hand. “Here you are. Signor Rossi, anything I can help you with? Where’s Signoria St Claire?”
St Claire? As in the man who was carrying around a knife?
“Attempting to get security. I’ll go stop her. Sorry.” Adrien apologized, before running off after Betty. As much as he wanted to go after him, something told him it was better to leave. But he needed one more bit of information.
“Sorry, but is Boulangerie Patisserie doing pastries here tomorrow? I work as a delivery person for them and I was curious if I needed to plan to arrive early for this ball.”
“As far as I know, they might? We also have a local Italian bakery doing food as well.”
“Why did you want to know if Marinette’s family were working the event?” Tikki asked as he got to his bike.
“I haven’t heard from Adrien all day, so I want to know if this discord is something only, I've seen or if it’s something everyone knows about.”
Marinette was working at the register, her mother talking to someone on the phone and her father working away if the noise from the kitchen was any indication. She perked up at the sight of him, waving him over.
“Have you talked to Adrien?”
“I just saw him at the Embassy. Do you know what’s going on?”
“I don’t know the whole story, but he was dropped off by an embassy car this morning.” An odd start. Once Adrien knew his way to school, he either took the walk through the park or took the metro. “There was a girl with him. Chloe recognised her and Alya found her online. Elizabeth St Claire. She might have followers who are jealous of her lifestyle but most comments are about her behaviour and even Chloe couldn’t stand her. She met her the day before; her dad is an American diplomat with some pretty rich friends.”
Rich friends? “Wait, did Chloe mention anything about the decision for implementing things to help with akumas?”
“I think she said they agreed on things. She might have also mentioned something about money?”
When the talks started, his mom had mentioned she hoped they could afford it. Having to create a new budget to deal with akumatization was difficult and since Miraculous Reset fixed everything, the budget was kinda small. If Adrien was willingly hanging out with a person who’s manners clearly made him mad but had him biting his tongue, then there was a chance he had to pretend to be ok with this.
“Is your family doing an order for an event at the Italian Embassy?”
“Yeah, that’s why my mom’s on the phone. She’s doing a final check of their order. Did you want to come? The event’s in two days. I could use a hand as a waiter.”
“Can you believe that Boudoir girl? She looks like a little girl in that dress.”
“Bourgeois. Like the fashion critic. That’s her mother.” Adrien said, keeping the stupid peace though all he wanted was to shave Betty’s hair off. She was dressed in a backless short dress and had the nerve to say something bad about Chloe’s dress, the asymmetric hem and lace looking dainty on her, especially with her hair down.
“God, she must be so embarrassed that’s her daughter. I think I’d just kill myself.”
And he wanted to take the serving dish Luka and Marinette were carrying around and slam it on her head. Three days, he’d put up with her insults for three days while his mother tried getting the head of the St Claire family to agree to fund the ScarCat Assistance Program, as his mother finally announced it. He’d even heard Alya going insane over being asked to use the name for it. He'd distanced himself from his friends to keep his cool, which made things worse when Betty, who was always in the embassy car when he was dropped off, would loudly insult anyone she saw, giving fake smiles when they turned to her. He wanted to actually be violent with her, but he couldn’t. Not yet, not until his mom was covered. There’d been no approach by Scarlet Bug or Catseye about the note they left and while Scarlet Bug had disappeared the time he and Luka were going to St Vincent for the pictures, there was no telling what would happen if neither of the heroes were there to reset everything. They needed to program.
“Oh my god, look at those wait staff. What is this, such a sad excuse for Molin Rouge adaptation?”
“Moulin Rouge.”
“Don’t you have anything better to do than correct me all day?” she asked, turning to him.
She scoffed at him, walking away and he let his mask break a little to glare at her. Clearly Lila had spoiled him, he forgot how annoying she was.
“Deep breaths.” A very welcomed voice said, lifting a tray to him full of macaroons. “Yellow is your favourite.”
“Passion fruit.” He plucked one off and looked at his boyfriend. “I haven’t spoken to you in a while.”
“Marinette filled me in. Your ‘friend’ knows how to make an impression. If I didn’t know you, I would assume you were fine with her abuse.”
“We’re this close to getting the program, I just need to keep her happy.”
“Adrien!” Betty reappeared, looking annoyed. “You left me talking to myself like an idiot.”
Pasting that smile on again, he looked apologetic, “I didn’t know you wanted me to follow you. Macaroon?”
“Does it have eggs?”
“It’s a meringue cookie, so yes.” Luka answered. When he got a confused look he explained further, “Meringues are made with egg whites.”
“Gross. Get lost. Come on.” she dragged Adrien away, who gave Luka an apologetic look over his shoulder.
This continued and the mask of not being bothered was getting harder and harder to keep when his mother stepped on the steps and taped a fork to her glass. Once the room fell quiet, she smiled brightly.
“As many of you know, myself and other diplomates came to Paris to assist the mayor in efforts to help combat Hawkmoth and his attacks. During Hero Day it became very apparent we could not let this slip by us any longer. Measures and suggestions have been agreed upon and the Mayor is ready to implement the ScarCat Assistance Program, named after the famed blog that documents the heroes’ rescues. Our only issue had been money, even with donations made by each country. Tonight however, at this ball to celebrate the bond Italy and America have, their diplomat Signor St Claire has signed a check of 4 million and has already secured from the President of America, a hero in her own right, another 4 billion to put towards the program. With this, we can help Scarlet Bug and Catseye and for those moments where their magic fails, we have a way of helping the city when they can’t. a round of applause for Signor St Claire.”
“What kind of name is ScarBug? It sounds like a disease.” Betty said.
“The only disease is you and the words you constantly spew. It’s like you love hearing the sound of your own voice, even when it’s only capable of saying hate and insults. Take a look in the mirror you porca Eva and actually think for a second if by the time you leave school if anyone is going to want to be around you. I have put up with you insulting my friends these past few days when all I wanted to do was shove you down the stairs. Grow the fuck up and vaffanculo!” Adrien finally spouted. He was loud enough that they certainly got attention, but his mother had the band start playing again if only to distract a little.
“You can’t talk to me that way!”
“Why? You gonna go crying to daddy and tell him to pull the funding? Please, do that, in front of this whole ballroom, including the mayor of Paris and the cameras he has focused on him. I guarantee you that you’ll have gotten your dad fired faster than you can backstab someone.”
Betty let out a frustrated scream and stomped off and a few people who’d dealt with her applauded. He couldn’t help but truly smile as she tried complaining to her father, who was in the middle of guests.
“Caro, a word?” his mother whispered. “What were you thinking? I know you don’t like her but insulting her that loudly? And what about that language? I’m ashamed of you.”
“Mama, normally I’d care, even when it was Lila, but I don’t. It was bad enough playing nice with her at school when I couldn’t ignore her. I had to do it now while she insulted my friends, my boyfriend, staff at the embassy, I’m pretty sure you at one time.”
“Mama, I have wanted to do that for ages. Please, punish me later, but let me revel in this, just a little. Oh wait, don’t punish me.”
“And why not? Mio dio Adrien, your behaviour was worse than when you yelled at the Agreste girl in the middle of class.”
“I wanted to tell you before, Jagged Stone.”
“Did you find out I got you tickets? I have half a mind to ban you now.”
“You got me tickets? Wait, I’ll go back to that later. No, Marinette was commissioned to make a jacket for him and I went with her to ask him to save a ticket for me until I could get dad to send me the money, but turns out Marinette gets free tickets for the class. I was messing around on his piano during his fitting and he thought I was so good, he’s gonna get Bob Roth to honour his promise of a contract and he wants us to open for him at his first concert. Mama, Kitty Section is going to open for Jagged Stone.”
“You are? Oh caro, that’s amazing news! I’m so proud of you. It’s not getting you out of punishment, but I’m so happy for you.”
Ok, well he tried. But the good thing was, it sounded like he could do it and bonus, he was finally able to pull Betty down a few pegs.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 14+15
A bit late, but I was smart in asking EtherealGenie for help betaing, so there shouldn't be any spelling errors, at least not before the social media part, that I just added, so that was up to my spellcheck so fingers crossed. Also, it would actually take 6 hours for them to get to Saint Vincent Beach from Paris but for the sake of the story, we’re gonna say it takes less time. Anyway, enjoy! Passion
“No! Let me go, you can’t do this! I’m your daughter! I’m Lila Agreste!”
“Honestly Gabriel, you should have nipped this in the bud earlier. It’ll be difficult, but she’ll be disciplined and a different child by the time she comes home for break.” Tomoe said as they watched Gorilla carry the squirming girl to the red car. “My family will keep you updated. It’s laughable, how she doesn’t seem to realize how a name can’t get you far. You have to work for the respect you want.”
The designer could feel the judgment from the famed fencer. He still couldn’t understand how his daughter turned out like this. He thought back and realized times where she was caught, usually by her mother. Eventually she just got better at not getting caught and because he was so preoccupied with work or Emile’s health, he didn’t notice. Then she wanted to go to school and try her luck out there. She was quickly found out but it didn’t stop her. She kept trying to gain some attention, like something was supposed to change and nothing. And now it left her as this, a known bully who attacked a student with no motive. It took all his skills to keep the Rossi’s from suing, from having Lila removed to paying the hospital bills, and sending a check that was near 1 million euro. If he wanted any chance at saving his business, getting a new face for the company was critical. There were only so much his apologies could do. Honestly, after he got the Miraculous and got Emilie back, the business wouldn’t matter but until then, he had to focus on this, even if it meant turning his back on his daughter.
“I’ll fly with her to Japan and make sure she’s dropped off. Our security is going to meet us at the airport so your guard can stay here.” Good, Gorilla was not made for flying. “I should hope when I return that our business dealings won’t be putting my family at risk anymore.”
“Of course. Thank you again for doing this.”
Tomoe hummed before heading to the car, climbing into the passenger seat. Lila was still protesting as the car drove off.
“Master?” Nooroo asked once Gorilla had gone back inside leaving him and Nathalie on the front steps.
“Would I really not have been able to control her as an akuma? She would have been perfect.”
“But she wouldn’t want to give the wish over, even if she did know. She would be selfish. Even if she would have been your most useful or most powerful, she would have been the one you could never control.”
“Not to mention she still wouldn’t admit she stole the Peacock Miraculous.” Nathalie said.
“She didn’t have it. I couldn’t find it in any of her stuff. She might have given it away to keep it from you.” Nooroo said.
“To who? No one liked her.”
“Maybe she slipped it into a classmate’s bag. Unless Duusu came out, they wouldn’t know what it is.”
Gabriel thought of where Lila could have slipped it. one seemed the most obvious. “She must have slipped it into Rossi’s bag.”
“A-Adrien? M-Master, you can’t actually think…?”
“It makes the most sense.” Nathalie said. “She hated him and was constantly trying to get him into trouble. She left the book in the garden, no doubt because it was too big to hide away, the Peacock wasn’t. And it’s the one you want back the most. To hide it with someone who would be in bigger trouble than she’d been in would be the perfect place.”
“Um, uh, Master, I don’t think…you can’t go near him now.” Nooroo stuttered out. “Lila hurt him and his parents, they don’t want you around him. Even if he does have it, I’m sure he would have mentioned it.”
“He’s popular on Instagram, isn’t he?”
“His personal account is private, but he has a cosplay and food blog one.”
“Keep an eye on them. It might turn up.”
“But he might not even have it.” Nooroo said.
“Where else could it be? Do you know?” he ordered.
Nooroo stiffened as his ability to follow orders was triggered. “I don’t know.”
“Then we keep an eye on him. Now, what about Juleka’s contract?” he asked, heading back inside.
“Her mother has been going over it. Sir, she’s been checking everything from pay, to breaks, making sure it doesn’t interfere with her schooling and also making sure she isn’t working over a certain number of hours. You have to admit, the original contract violated a few child labour laws and she’s been spotting them like it’s nothing. In fact, she’s figured out how to get her daughter paid more.”
“Her mother? I suppose getting in trouble with the police makes it their job to drop by.”
“Actually sir…she graduated from law school.” At Gabriel’s stunned look, she continued, “Top of her class, was given the most offers after graduating but she didn’t accept any of them. Students in her class knew she had a deal with her parents to go to law school and she was allowed to do whatever she wanted after. Became a guitar player for Jagged Stone early in his career, got certified to be a ship captain, worked as a captain on a yacht for a while before becoming a freelance captain and had two kids. She knows how to get away with things because she knows the law. She’s making sure Juleka gets whatever she wants and that we legally have to give her.”
Gabriel sighed, looking to the ceiling. “The messes never end. Take care of it. If I want to fix this company, I need her.”
Adrien watched his boyfriend and Rose go over lyrics. The two were focused, Luka coming up with a melody that fit the words Rose came up with. He felt like he was watching Marc and Nath work on the newest issue. The couple had a rough start as comic partners, even after the effort of stopping Marinette from going with her idea and acting as a middle man until Marc felt confident enough, but now they were a well-oiled machine, with Nath talking Marc through his drawings and then listening intently to the script Marc came up with from that. He looked over at Marinette who was using Juleka as a model for new outfits for Kitty Section. She worked tirelessly with ease, attaching the pieces until they became a cohesive look. She was the same when sketching designs, rarely able to be disturbed. Even Ivan has his private passion with poetry. He wasn’t attempting to sing it anymore, but Mylene swore that his words had a deep meaning. He seemed calmer working on it, even when Mylene wasn’t there to read his work after. Watching everyone work on something they were passionate about made Adrien realise something. He hadn’t been doing that. Food blogging was easy but getting lost and exploring and even cosplaying had taken a back seat. He hadn’t actually worked on anything since his Queen Serenity cosplay and the feather disaster. He had a few that he wanted to work on but another thing he realized was he was bored of doing it on his own. Sometimes he was able to get his mom involved and his dad loved doing it but he had to rush off after staying in Paris while he recovered from his concussion. Very few times had he gotten friends involved. For the most part now, Nino took his photos and Marinette helped him with the more difficult outfit builds, and of course Max helped with any tech stuff like the wings. He even brightened at the challenge of making a bow and arrow for his BOTW Link, lights and all.
He wanted to do a simple cosplay and just get lost to find a place for pictures. But with his mom busy with her own job, it wasn’t like they could take a train and be back before her next meeting. He could do it by himself, but it was so much more fun getting lost with someone.
“You ok?” noticing Luka was standing in front of him, he looked and realized the others were setting up to start practicing, though Marinette was taking the time to fit everyone into their costumes in case of issues.
“Yeah, just…seeing everyone so focused on working on their favourite thing I realized I haven't been able to cosplay in a while. I just want to get lost and take pictures and fall in love with it all over again.”
“Who would you be?”
“I don’t know. I have a few thoughts but I kinda want to do a pair cosplay. Getting lost with someone is so much more fun than going by yourself.”
“Let me know a few of your choices after practise, ok?” Luka asked, leaving Adrien slightly confused. Why did he want to know that?
Practice ended with them going to Marinette’s to get the last pick of the day – and get extras – before Luka walked him home. They did stop by Andre’s ice cream cart to people watch.
“So, couples cosplays. What were your choices?”
“Couple?” Adrien looked at Luka. “Where did this come from?”
“I don’t actually think I’ve seen you in cosplay, I always see the pictures after. With everything you dealt with, with Lila, you kinda deserve to get lost. Maman has so many offers to borrow a vacation house out near the Rivera. So why not take a train and get lost?”
“I don’t think our mothers will be ok with us staying the night by ourselves.” Adrien felt like pointing out, if only to distract himself. He wasn’t upset with the suggestion, not at all. He just wasn’t expecting it.
“So, we go there to change into costume and back before we head home. Look, I’ve had those times where I feel like life is pulling me away from the thing, I’m passionate the most and having the time to do those things make your life so much better and less stressful. You’ve been through a lot recently and I want to do something to help you feel better. So, what couples cosplay do you want to do?”
“You’d really do that for me?” Adrien asked. He couldn’t remember any relationship where his partner wanted to participate.
“Yes, so come on.”
“Well, it’s a tossup between Ikuto and Amu and any of the main Mermaid Melody girls and their boyfriends. You know, with your hair, you’d do a pretty good Hanon, even though your personality is a bit more like Lina’s boyfriend.”
“Think we could do two outfits?”
How did he end up with this guy? Seriously, how was he real.
“If it’s closet cosplay, sure. I really wanna dress you up as an idol though. How do you feel about ruffles? And hair pins? Can I please put hair pins in your hair? Oh wait, I need to get you to listen to all the songs, even the openings and closings, I think you might like them. Is this, ok?”
Luka couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you this excited in a while. You’re cute. I’m up for whatever, promise.”
Adrien couldn’t help but bounce a little. “You’re going to be the best mermaid prince idol ever. We need to stop at the cosmetic store. Hanon’s boyfriend has blue hair. I need to get temporary spray.”
“I think you’d rock blue hair.”
“In case I forget to in my excitement, thank you. really, you could have just come with me, but I’m glad you're interested in trying. I promise, I’ll make the experience awesome.”
“I can’t wait.”
A story with a selfie of Adrien and Luka, sitting in train seats. A typewriter font in the corner with ‘Heading out for shoot day!’
Another story, a video focused on Adrien sewing the last of the light blue ruffles to the cuff of a sky-blue tailcoat. ‘Look at him go’ is cantered at the bottom of the video in the same font.
A post with a picture of Luka, headphones on, focused on his phone propped up by a pop socket on the table. ‘@rosieheart, I think I got @lukarockstar hooked! He’s halfway through and calling Kaito stupid for not realizing.’
Another post with several pictures and a video. The video is from Adrien’s point of view as he follows Luka off the train, panning to take in the people exiting with them and heading for the station's exit. The next is a picture of the ocean and the one after that is a selfie of Adrien and Luka, Luka’s arms wrapped around Adrien who’s holding the phone. ‘@lukarockstar and I have arrived for our Hanon and Nagisa shoot!’
A reel with Luka filming himself. With his other hand he’s holding a piece of bread. “Just a piece of advice if you ever go to a new restaurant with Adrien. If they offer to bring chips or anything like that to the table, tell them to bring it with your orders, or else you have to watch this and starve.” Luka flips the camera to focus on Adrien, who’s standing and taking overhead shots of their food. Seeing his boyfriend filming, he refocuses with a smile on his face. “Leave me alone.” the camera flips back to Luka. “You’ll be happier, trust me.”
A post with pictures of Adrien opening the door to their temporary accommodation, a small Disney princess trunk themed carry on standing next to him, the cosplays hanging up on the door and a mirror selfie of Luka as Adrien does his makeup.
A story of a reposted TikTok with Luka and Adrien, Adrien leaning on Luka with his hands on his shoulder while Luka films. He shakes his phone and when the picture settles, they’re in costume, still in the same pose. Luka has star hairpins clipped into his bangs and the sky-blue tailcoat with ruffled cuffs match the pale blue shirt and white cravat which has a Shell Locket pinned to it. Adrien’s hair is now a pale blue, not true to Nagisa’s near black hair, but in a long sleeved white striped shirt and black short sleeved shirt over it and grey eyes.
A blurry picture of the Parisan skyline with a spot of red and black in the distance. ‘Spotted today was a new spotted hero with Catseye. Caught name was Ladybird, blonde hair and spandex suit. Witnesses claim this isn’t her first time out on the streets but second, but where has Scarlet Bug gone?’
A post with pictures, first with Luka on a dock. You could see his whole outfit now, including the dark blue bow attached to the tailcoat and the white slacks tucked into pale blue Doc Martens. An E-Pitch microphone is in hand as well. The first 3 photos are of Luka on the dock, either looking at the camera or of a profile of him. The next two are of him and Adrien by a rock wall. First is Luka sitting on it, looking down at Adrien who stood staring up at him between his legs. The next is Adrien dipping Luka as the two stare at each other. The one after that is on the sand, both holding ice creams, which are pressed against each other as the two share a kiss. The last two are close ups, one with Luka pressing a kiss to Adrien’s cheek and the last of them sharing the microphone, as if singing together. There’s a video at the end of Adrien and Luka by the rock wall. Adrien is trying to dip Luka, but Luka leans back too far and both go falling to the sandy ground, laughing when their attempts to stop fail. ‘Our Mermaid Melody shoot was a success! This was @lukarockstar ‘s first time cosplaying and I think we can agree he did amazing. Close up shots of the finished cosplay and more pictures and BTS coming soon!’
Pictures of their food from La Treille Tapas and a perfect shot of the ice cream used in the shoot, and a selfie of Luka and Adrien eating their ice cream. ‘A trip to Saint Vincent Beach means food fit for the seaside. Shared a traditional plate with jamon, cheeses and pain con tomate and 2 drinks. Altogether, no more than 25 euro. The ice cream was from a nearby passing cart, 3 euro each. I got passion fruit and @lukarockstar got mint chocolate chip. Very good, but melts very quickly. Already want to come back for a deeper dive.’
Story with a picture of Adrien, back on the train, asleep on Luka’s lap. The added gif of a cat sleeping tells all it needs. The next picture of the story is of Adrien as Nagisa sitting on the stairs, looking off camera. ‘He’s amazing’ is written in the corner in the same typewriter font.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 9 months
Wish come true - Adrien AUGreste Day 3+4
I’m working on day 5 and I swear, this is really giving a look into Lila’s life and how she feels about things because she keeps coming up. I had this idea for a while and decided to play on a thing Viola had brought up to Adrien in the Fairy Tale chapter. It was also kinda based on the theory that Lila was the way she was because her father wasn’t in the picture, which if that happens with the mess they made Lila’s life, I’ll be very surprised. Anyway, enjoy @adrienaugust
She recognised him instantly. His short auburn hair the same shade as hers. Those bright blue eyes she used to wish to have. He was just as smartly dressed as he was the last time, she’d seen him.
“Dad!” sprinted down the stairs, launching himself at the man.
“Ah! Buongiorno caro.” he said, catching Adrien and spinning him.
Mateo Rossi. The man that had been her father. A man she hadn’t seen after her parents divorced, a man who blamed her as the reason.
“Ready to go to lunch?” he asked Adrien, ruffling his hair. “Goodness caro, I think you shot up the last time I saw you. Your nonna is barely gonna recognise you from the pictures I get.”
“That’s because you send her all my cosplay photos.”
“She taught you to sew, of course you need to show that part off. Come, I think you’ll like this restaurant. Claims to be great at Italian. We’ll see, yes?”
Watching them walk away, she couldn’t help herself. Heading over to the large oaf who watched her every move, she demanded his phone.
“Mine died and I was talking to Nathalie. I’m not in the mood to get yelled at by her for missing something.” he looked confused and like he didn’t believe so she snapped, “Now!” he finally handed her his phone and she turned, calling her phone and approaching Adrien and her father. She bumped into him, dropping the phone into his suit pocket, shooting out apologies. “I’m Lila Agreste. How do you do?”
He looked her up and down, that ever-present frown on his face. No matter what she did, she always got that look.
“Agreste? As in the little brat who’s been bothering my Adrien?” the cold look he had on his face the last time she’d seen him made her feel cold.
“Dad, don’t bother. She’s not important. Let’s go.” Adrien tugged her father away, leaving her boiling yet rattled. When he was hers, he never paid attention to her, barely acknowledging her. Now, Adrien could pull his attention like it was nothing. Why did he get the better parents while she was stuck with cold and uncaring fathers?
She pulled her phone out and climbed into the car, ignoring the bulk’s looks about his own phone. She watched the unlikely father and son catch a cab, pulling off into traffic. She couldn’t follow them but whatever he had to say to Adrien, she was allowed to hear. He’d been hers first. She deserved it.
“Interesting little girl.” Mateo said in Italian. “Your mother said she said something odd?”
Adrien debated telling his dad the weird thing Lila had screamed the day of his date with Luka. he didn’t want to even tell his mother but she could tell he was bothered and needed to know if Luka needed a warning.
“I’m Lila Rossi, this shouldn’t be happening to me!”
Lila made no secret that being an Agreste was what she was, that her name had power, even if it’s reach was lacking thanks to her down spiraling social presence. Why would she call herself a Rossi?
“It’s not important. Don’t listen to a thing she says, ok? She’s a pathological liar, who’s constantly caught but never seems to care. She just constantly digs a hole for herself. We’ve got two girls with way too much power in our class and honestly, I’d take Chloe any day. She kinda flip flops her behavior but it’s been landing on being nicer recently so I’m not mad.”
“Like many of the kids at the schools huh?” his dad said, talking about all the rich kids who hid behind their money that were in abundance at all the private schools he’d gone to.
“Pretty much. Honestly, her mom ignores her and doesn’t even pay any attention to her and all she wants is to be like her. Her mom is a fashion critique and she offered to take Marinette to New York instead of her own daughter.”
“Marinette is the designer, yes? She’s quite good. You said her design was in a show.”
“Yeah, Marinette is good. Doesn’t give Chloe’s mom the right to act like that though. I think if either you or mama acted like that, I’d just cut that person off.”
“Well luckily we have a very stubborn son of ours who stopped us from getting there.” His dad said, ruffling his hair again.
Thinking about how his dad phased it, he started to wonder. He knew why his parents split but exactly how did it get there? They were great partners, was it really the moves and work that ended things? Not to mention their former wedding anniversary was coming up. His dad would still send his mom flowers and they could converse without any tension or anger with no issue. But he remembered the fighting, the arguments, the wonder if his family would ever be normal again.
“Ah, here we are. Il Sorrentino. I’ve booked us a tasting menu and best yet, all the staff speak Italian.”
They were seated and once their drink orders were taking, his dad leaned forward, teasing smile on his face. “So, when do I meet this Luka? your mother wasn’t very forthcoming with details.”
“Because I didn’t give her any for this exact reason. I swear, the two of you are the worst.”
“Don’t make me beg caro, you know I will.”
He 100% believed his father, he absolutely would. On the ground with all the other diners around, absolutely no shame. It was probably why he was so good at forming bonds with people. 
“At least tell me about him.”
“Ok, ok. Luka is…he’s pretty awesome. He was my delivery guy our first night.”
“Oh yes, your pizza-cannolo tradition! How did that go?”
Adrien bit his lip. Telling his mom about his feelings that night had been hard, he couldn’t imagine telling his dad, who wasn’t around much due to the separation.
“It…didn’t go well, at first. Mom was working the first day until pretty late, so she didn’t come home. It was the first time she missed it. It made me realize that I kinda brush off you guys focusing on work in place of coming to other things. I don’t mind!” he said, seeing his father’s face drop, “I get why you work. I have the life I do because you two work so hard but Luka and the other single parent kids in my class told me if I don’t say something, eventually, you guys might think it’s ok and continue doing it. So, I told her and she felt bad.”
“Of course, she did! Caro, how often did you want us to come to your things?” Adrien wasn’t sure how to answer because there were many things, he wanted them to be at. “Adrien. I’m so sorry. I should have known. How much of this happened during the divorce?”
It was a mix honestly, though it gave him an in to the questions he had.
“Can I ask you something? I don't regret telling you and mama to split up. it’s just, when I was nervous about asking Luka out, worried it wouldn’t go well, mama told me about when you two dated. How you went long distance when you first started dating? I’m just curious how it went from what sounded like an amazing relationship to…well. Was it really the moving and work?”
His dad took a breath, leaning back. He was stalled from answering as their appetizers came out. He waited for Adrien to take his pictures and pick up his fork before he started. “It wasn’t really the moving. We knew what we were signing up for when we became diplomates. For the most part, we thought of how well exposed you’d be with all the cultural expose you’d have. The work…there were definitely times.”
“You didn’t cheat, did you?” he didn’t mean to interrupt but it was starting to sound like the reasons he thought ended his parents’ relationship were nothing like he thought.
“No! Mio Dio, no. Your mother and I might have had our issues, but I never cheated and I refuse to believe your mother did. I’ll admit, if you hadn’t spoken up, I think we could have ended up down that road. It was mainly realizing that we weren’t a perfect couple we thought we were. You’ve seen us work together; we’ve always been that way. The start of the relationship was great, but I think the distance we had in the beginning made us assume we worked as we got to know each other better. It was easier to keep things from each other, not realizing that the distance was a reason to be more open. As time went on, things we’d kept secret would creep up and poke at us. We thought it’d be ok, even after you were born. Adrien, I know we weren’t the best parents - no matter what you think, because we did mess up,” Mateo said, stopping Adrien who moved to protest, “We really wanted to be the absolute parents and all that pressure we put on ourself, along with other stressors made it easy to snap at each other. What should have been venting sessions turned into fights and we clearly dragged you into it without meaning.”
He didn’t know that, that their relationship wasn’t picture perfect in terms of how they were when they first started. His parents always told him to be upfront with his dates. He didn’t realize they were speaking from experience.
“I was more open on media during then.” he’d only told his parents that he had been worried for how he’d grow up if their fighting continued. He never told them that his near addition into gaining online admiration had been his trigger. “You know how mama doesn’t want me taking ad deals or things or to keep my more personal accounts private? I had sort of mentioned something about how I could have turned out. It was after we decided I’d stay with her and when you had to do a short trip to England. It was mostly something I saw online, but I couldn’t help but think out loud how I could have become addicted to what people thought of me online, since during the fights, I didn’t feel like I had anyone to talk to. I didn’t have many friends and I don’t like burdening others with issues, so I went online. I thought about how I could have lied, made my life seem so much better, act like I had better connections, be so popular and loved. I could have done that throughout all my schools if I didn’t say anything. When mama heard me mentioning it, I hadn’t related it to me, but I guess she figured it out. So, when I told her about you guys’ missing things, she worked extra hard to keep it from happening. I’m not blaming you guys, just…I wanted you to know.”
“Oh Adrien. Come here.” getting up, Adrien hugged his dad, squeezing tight. “Even if you don’t blame us, we should have realized sooner. No matter what we felt about our relationship, you are the best thing in our life Adrien. Don’t ever forget that. And I want to thank you. Telling us must have been hard but you were so brave and did it anyway. Thank you for giving me permission to divorce your mother and save our relationship.”
Adrien couldn’t help but laugh at the wording. It had been scary but to hear from his dad that he saved the relationship as a whole, made that small bit of fear that would tell him he made a mistake fade away.
“You’re welcome.”
“And hey, no matter how far I am, remember you can talk to me whenever. Got it?” his dad asked, letting him pull away, but making sure he was looking at him as he cupped his face.
“I do.”
“Perfect. Come, let’s eat. Perhaps we can ask the chef if they have cannolo for dessert or if they can suggest a good place. I want to beat your mother’s best place.”
“Good luck, mama had help at work.”
“How about this? I do better than the one you both found and I get to meet your boyfriend separately.”
“Oh god, Dad!”
Glass shattered as Lila threw her phone at the vanity mirror. She breathed heavily as she sat in the bathtub, she’d hidden in the moment she got back to the mansion. She heard every word. 
Thank you? Thank you?
When her parents split up, the yelling lasted until her father left. She wasn’t thanked for her lie of someone cheating, hoping they’d figure it out, get mad at her instead of each other and work things out. She was blamed for making a mess of things, told she was a brat and to not contact him.
Why, why was this happening? She’d won, she’d gotten the wish. She got what she wanted, so why was she losing? Why did Adrien’s life stay the same, regardless of where he stood?
Why did she still hate her life?
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sasuhinasno1fan · 8 months
Wish come True - Adrien AUGreste Day 29, 30 + 31
We’re here, at the end! I can’t believe we’re actually here. First, a massive thank you to @etherealxgenie who took time out of her day to edit my mess of chapters. Seriously, I would of ended up with a lot of comments pointing out my mistakes without you. You guys should definitly go check out her blog, as she’s an amazing artists and if you love Monster High, Yugioh, Bettlejuice and the like, you’ll get along great. Also thanks to all of you who have followed the story along. I do have the urge to do a side story following Luka and Juleka around during their first years as Scarlet Bug and Catseye, so if you’re interested, be on the lookout. New Beginning 
Staring up at the stars, Adrien’s tail curled up tall behind him. After apologizing for another round when Scarlet Bug got up, the older hero invited him to take a moment and relax.
“That way, you don’t get distracted again and go crashing into something else.” He teased.
“So, night patrols are normal?” Adrien asked to fill the calm silence.
“Yeah. Not every night though. My life would be fine with a late start but not Cats’. huh, guess I’m going to need to figure out another nickname for her.” Scarlet mused. “Until you and the other holders are used to this, we’ll do it in groups and then later we’ll split up into pairs. Right now, it’s just 6 of us as the main group and others will be back up. I’ll give you all the whole breakdown next patrol. Plagg will let you know the date. You’ll meet the others then.”
Adrien nodded, sighing a little. That freedom feeling wasn’t getting smaller which was good, but hearing the responsibilities along with saving Paris made him a little nervous. “This won’t…strain relationships, right? I mean, other than keeping the large secret which would hurt them if they knew. I mean, like missed dates or vague excuses, things like that.”
“I mean, I guess. But I think as long as your as open as you can be. If you mention getting a new job, no one’s going to question that much. It is to protect them so, it’s not so bad if you think of it that way.” Scarlet reassured.
“I guess I’m just worried. My boyfriend told me he loved me today and I couldn’t say it back. It’s not that I don’t want to. I absolutely do. I do feel the same, it’s just, hard to say the words. I wouldn’t want my constant disappearances to be taken that him telling me that scared me off.” As Scarlet’s gesture, Adrien continued. “To not overload you, my parents aren’t together and their fights were pretty bad. It started a lot when I was pretty young and I used to tell them before they’d go storming off to work angry at each other, that they had to say ‘I love you’. when I later realised what I was doing to my parents, all I could think about was how I poisoned those words on a deeper level. I mean the intention behind them but saying the words make feel slightly sick, even though I want to say it.”
“My family…” Scarlet hesitated for a moment before continuing, “my mom will always blame herself for believing my father. He didn’t stick around past 2 years old but he made my mom think he would because he’d constantly tell her he loved her. After, she found different ways to tell us she loved us. So don’t rush to tell him because you think that’s what he wants to hear. If he’s like me, maybe he said it because it felt like you were the first person, he could say it to that wasn’t family.”
Adrien felt his face getting flush, his ears folding back and his tail starting to wrap around him. He didn’t know if Luka’s family was like that, but it felt right. You could tell they loved each other without them saying it just based on their actions.
“You’re cu – I-I mean, y-you must really love him then.” Scarlet stuttered out.
“I do. The way I feel about him, I’ve never felt about anyone before.”
Scarlet’s smile grew soft, as if hearing the words about love made him happy in a way those in love could describe. “I wouldn’t worry. You aren’t your parents and even if it seems to be starting the same, you could have a whole new story. A whole new beginning.”
Adrien zipped the clear side of his itabag, showing off the Mermaid Melody pins and charms he had. He was tempted to text a picture to Luka to see if he could name the princesses or if it would send him on another rant about how much Luchia went through for one guy. The rant would be hilarious to watch in person, so he put it off for now.
“Caro, if you want a ride to school, we need to leave now!” his mother called from the kitchen.
“Coming!” he looked to where Plagg had made himself at him amongst his plushes that sat in their hammock. “You’d better not spill cheese over there.”
“Relax, I can be clean.” Plagg said, stuffing his face with a small brick of Parmesan cheese. He’d begged for camembert the night before after getting back but Adrien told him he was more likely to get Italian chesses in the house. He was nervous about what he’d do when he and his mom would make mozzarella. If those disappeared overnight, that was going to be hard to explain.
Pulling on his shoes, Adrien looked at himself in the mirror. He didn’t look any different, minus the new silver ring with an emerald inland band sitting under his couple ring. His oversized letterman jacket and joggers didn’t look at all out of place. But he was different.
He was staying in France. For the first time ever, his mother was given an assignment that lasted more than a few months. He had friends, actual real friends, he was dating someone who loved him – just thinking it still made him red - and he was beyond happy. And he was a hero? This was a new beginning, a new chapter in his life and he was excited to see where it took him.
“Be right there!” Adrien called again, picking up his bag and holding the flap open so Plagg could fly in. With one last look at his reflection, he ran out of the room and followed his mom out the door.
They stopped for croissants on the way over, at the same patisserie they’d gone to on Adrien’s first day of school. It felt oddly fitting, even if he now preferred Tom’s croissants.
“How are you feeling? You must be excited to tell your friends.”
Nodding, Adrien smiled around his food. “I am. Paris is different from other places we’ve stayed at. It feels like how Italy feels when we go back. It feels like home. I don’t think I can say that about the other places.”
Viola smiled at her son, ruffling his hair. She giggled when he yelped and complained about messing it up. She wasn’t blind to how open Adrien was to living in Paris. He’d gotten into his routines in the other places, making quick acquaintances, very few friends and distracting himself with exploring places and foods. She was happy that he preferred spending time with her when she could but something about seeing Adrien run out the door to go meet friends, either to dress up and take pictures, play music with or just hang out made her feel at peace. He was right, Paris was starting to feel like home.
They pulled up in front of the school where Adrien’s friends were waiting. With a quick kiss on his mother’s cheek, Adrien burst out from the car, unable to help himself.
“I’m staying!” he cried. Once his words registered, they were cheering. Nino led the group hug, nearly knocking Adrien over when he ran into him.
“This is amazing! I can’t believe you get to stay! Is your mom as well?” Marinette asked.
“Both of us, one year for now, longer depending on the Hawkmoth situation.”
“Dude, that means you get to graduate college with us and head to lycée together! we already know everyone’s attending the lycée down the street, maybe we’ll be in the same class too.” Nino gushed.
“Easy babe. Let’s just get through the rest of this year first.” Alya reminded. “Besides, someone else wants to congratulate him.” She teased, pulling Adrien from Nino’s grip and pointing him to Luka.
The guitar player stood at the edge of the group, smiling at him. He didn’t look very surprised with Adrien’s announcement but still looked very happy.
“Hi.” Adrien greeted. He couldn’t keep his own smile off his face, which threatened to get bigger when he remembered what Luka had told him. With what he and Scarlet discussed the night before, he wasn’t pressuring himself nearly as much to say it back. Luka said he was fine waiting, so he hoped he’d also be fine once he explained his reasonings.
“Hi.” Luka wrapped his hands around his waist, tugging him closer to kiss him.
Hearing the cat calls from his friends, Adrien flipped him off with one hand, using his other to tug Luka closer. He was never going to get tired of this.
“How rude!” Alya cried, sounding like Stephanie Tanner.
“I spend the whole school day with you guys! Go away!” Adrien ordered over his shoulder, having to pull away. Luka laughed at him as Adrien and the others exchanged more teasing remarks before Marinette pushed them inside.
“Before he releases his Italian anger on us. Kim, you remember how that feels right?”
“Oh, shut up!”
Adrien turned back to Luka, both sharing looks. “Hi.”
“Hi. I hear I get to keep you for longer.”
“You do.” Adrien nodded, playing with the edges of Luka’s jacket. “You’re stuck with me for a year.”
“I’m perfectly fine with that. Just a warning, I did think I could have lost you, so I’m going to be kinda clingy for a while.”
Uncaring if Luka was joking or not, Adrien laughed. “Um, before you think I forgot about what you said yesterday. I didn’t and I don’t want you to think I don’t feel the same. You’re right, its really quick and my dad’s already planning a speech and questions to make sure we’re serious about this, but I also know I’ve never really felt this way about anyone. I want to tell you those words, but I sort of realised saying those words in a relationship is scary to me, regardless of how I feel thanks to me messing up when my parents were fighting before the divorce. What the words mean, all the emotions that go with it, I do feel those for you. it’s just gonna take a while to say it out loud.”
“Hey,” Luka reassured, squeezing Adrien’s waist, “like I said, I’m not gonna rush you for an answer, or I guess in this case a reply. Mamman, Juls and I don’t say the words to each other very much, we say different things. So, I get it. My feelings aren’t changing anytime soon, I promise.”
Adrien felt like he could breathe. “Good. That’s good.” He stuttered out, face flushing as Luka laughed at him.
“You’re cute. Your heart song is singing so loud. I think this melody it’s playing might be my new favourite.”
Flustered, Adrien hid himself in Luka’s neck, making the taller boy laugh at him as he squeezed him tight. They didn’t seem to notice Tikki and Plagg laughing at them from their hiding spots.
Much later into the night, Adrien stood on the same level he and Scarlet Bug fought Glitter Queen. With Scarlet Bug and Tigresse Poupre standing in front of them, they looked like true leaders. Even though it seemed that the Cat and Ladybug where always together – thanks to Alya’s hero project she still wouldn’t drop – he was perfectly fine letting to former Catseye led them. he glanced at the others, taking them in. Rena Rouge, Queen Bee and Caprise were replaced with new holders, unless they look a page out of Scarlet’s book and had their transformation mess with their hair as well.
“Why don’t you guys introduce yourselves?”  Tigresse suggested.
The fox straightened her back, letting her blonde ginger hair strands fall around her face as her hair was pulled into twin buns just in front of her fox ears. Her costume was reminiscent of Zatanna’s, except with shorts instead of a straight leotard. The tails on her coat seemed to have a mind of its own as they twitched. Holding her flute tightly as she lifted her chin, she spoke, “I’m Vixen, holder of the Fox.”
“Venom, holder of the Bee.” While a much darker red, Venom’s long bangs were clipped back with a honeycomb pin, which had five of them in a cluster. His costume was similar to Tigresse’s in terms of a body suit and covered in honeycombs of black and yellow. Oddly enough, whenever he moved, the pattern seemed to change.
The Turtle holder seemed shy, ducking into the collar of his suit. It was tall and wide, allowing him to comfortably hide his face, much like an actual turtle. The shield was attached the way Captain America would wear his and it had sharp ridges much like a snapping turtle’s shell. Strangely, his gloves were half palm gloves, exposing his wrists before it followed his dark green sleeve. “Tarasq. The holder of the Turtle.”
Adrien tried giving him a kind smile when he glanced in his direction. It sort of worked, since he hadn’t ducked lower into his collar.
“I’m Bast Luck. I’m the new holder of the Cat.” Adrien introduced. Out of all, he was the most exposed with his crop top inspired by Black Lynx from Shugo Chara. Unlike Ikuto, he didn’t have the high collar or arm warmers, instead a choker with a bell and fingerless gloves. He also had an underlayer of black in his hair.
“And you all know the former Catseye, Tigresse Poupre and me, Scarlet Bug. So, thanks to the last fight we had with Hawkmoth and his akuma Catalyst, we were at risk. We decided a long time ago if that were to happen, we’d pass along the Miraculous to new holders. You guys won’t have to return your Miraculous as you’re permeant holders now and we’ll need you whenever there’s an akuma. The previous holders will get new Miraculous and come when needed. The hope is that there aren’t times we need more than 5, but it would be wrong to trick you into thinking everything is ok. Hawkmoth knows we have the Miraculous and he won’t stop until he gets his hands on them. our job is much harder so I need to know, are you guys really ready for this?” Scarlet Bug asked seriously.
The four looked at each other. They didn’t know each other and had yet to work together but they knew this. they were going to need each other to help win the fight. They all nodded, voicing their agreement. Like pure timing, there was an explosion in the direction of the Louvre.
“Right then. Team Miraculous, let’s go!”
“Scarlet Bug came onto the scene today with both a new look and a few new friends. During an akuma attack today, Scarlet Bug arrived without Catseye but a few new others. There have been times where the two heroes have new friends join them but these were completely new heroes. Based off of witness testimonies, they’re names are Vixen, Venom, Tarasq and Bast Luck, who seems to of taken the place of Catseye. There was also the reappearance of Tigresse Poupre. There’s already debate online that she’s actually Catseye but with a different persona. They mentioned the way she acts and interacts with Scarlet Bug was much too similar but only time will tell. With the appearance of Hawkmoth just days ago, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we hope these heroes can help end the battle.” Alya explained in her video posted to her renamed blog, Miracublog – Home for all things of the heroes of Paris!
Lila screeching, throwing her iPad to the floor. The video of the fight still played, sounds of fighting and magic spilling from the speakers. She ignored it as she paced, stomping her feet to the ground. That fight Hawkmoth was spotted at, Chloe had been responsible for that. She turned on the heroes. But there was nothing! And now everyone was different and her idea of who could be who was further from reach. Her father was no help, refusing to answer any questions she had about it or just never picking up. Nathalie was also unhelpful, reminding her she was at this school to learn.
Screw learning, she wanted power! She could have gotten it; she know she could of but somehow everyone knew. This school was full of the uber rich, richer than Adrien had once been and she knew how to work these people. She would practise her skills on the unsuspecting rich at the schools she was sent to when she had the Rossi name. whenever she was found out, she’d make a fuss and her mother would ask to be reassigned. She’d report anyone who spoke against her online. She could hide her tracks.
But if word got out before she even arrived?
She was sure it was Tomoe getting her family to spill secrets. Even if she’d heard words of students visiting France, where she couldn’t hide her lies. Not only was she struggling to keep up just with the speed of English everyone spoke, but no one wanted to be around her. They were actively bullying her. Scribbles on her desk to get out of their school, her clothes and uniform missing, getting in trouble with teachers for fake altercations. And she couldn’t do anything! The first time she did, Gabriel called and told her if she made an embarrassment of him out of France, he’d send her to be homeschooled in Japan, not allowing her to see anyone except her teachers and her caretakers from the Tsurugi family. And damn it she believed him. This couldn’t be how Adrien was treated, there was no way.
(But she couldn’t stop thinking about little instances that made it so obvious to anyone watching. But she hadn’t cared, not when all she saw was what he had in spite of it.)
She won. She made the Wish. She got what she wanted. She still hated her life. She was utterly alone with no one on her side. She…she didn’t know how to get out of this situation.
She didn’t know Adrien regained the Cat Miraculous. She didn’t realise that her life, lived the way he was gave him the best possible life. She didn’t know her Wish was Adrien’s wish come true.
Because all he wished for, was to be happy.
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