#Advance fees scam
fandom-hoarder · 4 months
Scam Alert!!
Mavis won the lottery in 2017. She's NOT giving it away now to random tumblr users in 2024. Be for real.
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cowboyjimkirk · 2 years
Doc anon. I can’t believe in 2023 I received a I guess copycat Nigerian Prince email scam???!!
Prince Dimka needs our help again???
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spamreports · 6 months
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Advance Fee Fraud - Pig Butchering - Investment Fraud
… Our company begins its history from June 2018, when it was developed. Recognizing the importance of Bitcoin from the onset, and understanding that the …
Isn't it weird that all those companies started in 2018, yet their domains are all from 2024 🤷‍♂️
Surely must be a coincidence, same as the copy paste ToS.
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Same scam, different name
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If you want to never see your money again, feel free to "invest" with those criminal "investment" websites.
They do not have any liquidity, all of them are fake and designed to steal assets from unsuspecting users.
There are plenty of DEX (1inch.io, uniswap.org) and CEX exchanges (Kraken.com, Binance.com, Coinbase.com) which are trustworthy, unlike those turds above.
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firefly-fez · 2 years
you know the sheer existence but a ‘script fee’ to get your prescription is annoying enough, but i’m really miffed by the fact that there was a surcharge on the transaction. it was an online transaction. they have my card details. why do you need a processing fee. the script fee is already a processing fee. we are going to charge you a $2 processing fee to process your $120 processing fee.
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hypergamiss · 6 months
Discovering the craftsmanship of vintage pieces is a slap in the face. It reveals how modern life is one big profit-driven scam. Everything's engineered to break, replaced by an even cheaper version. Cars, gadgets, even the food we eat – it's all designed for planned obsolescence, not to last.
They tell us it's "innovation," but it's really just maximizing profit. They hold advancements hostage, keep us on that treadmill of constantly needing the new, the slightly shinier, the ultimately pointless.
This greed…it's suffocating. Every purchase feels like feeding the beast, every bill a reminder of this rigged system, every questionable fee added on never makes sense. I try to be an ethical consumer, but there’s barely anything ethically made available to purchase. I have to hunt for things or give in because they are not easily available. And I would say that I have pretty good access and people to help me source things. It’s insane.
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pianokantzart · 5 months
Okay okay! !!! What if!!! .... What if Wario's background in the Movie-Verse is a reverse-isekai.
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Wario's a prolific swindler who's been banned from more kingdoms than he can count. After his hundreth failed scam his long-time partner (soon-to-be Waluigi) ditches him, and Wario is left at the end of his rope and a little exhausted with the whole rigamarole.
Then he takes a wrong turn in a busted warp pipe and ends up in Brooklyn. He looks around at the abrasive behavior, streets littered with garbage, advance-fee loans, phishing scams... rental escalation... minimum wage rates... health insurance... and is like "oh, these are my people!!!"
He quickly makes himself at home and becomes fast acquainted with the ins and outs of underhanded business. At first he attempts to hide his physical differences, but soon decides to make his odd appearance part of his branding as he builds his own companies upon the fine line between "legal" and "illegal." Every so often he'll visit his old world to try out some of the "tricks" he's learned until one day, inevitably, he and Mario end up crossing paths.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
i don't really see the point in the double swap aegon is already such a late game twist pulling a second twist and revealing he's a black fire in the second to last book feels pointless and a twist for the sake of a twist
I think it serves a number of purposes. First, it pays off Varys' backstory of working together with Illyrio to pull off a Jonathan Wild-esque scam of selling people back their stolen property for a fee. Here, Varys is executing that on the grandest scale possible by stealing the heir to the Iron Throne and then "selling" him back to the people of Westeros.
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Second, it provides a dramatic payoff to the Varys and Illyrio relationship. Here we have the best of friends (and former lovers) who came up in a world of intrigue and deception, but who trusted one another implicitly to the point where together they were able to carry off incredibly complex conspiracies separated by hundreds if not thousands of miles. Illyrio is the one person in the world that Varys would never believe would betray him, and so he's the one person who could do it. It advances the theme of the human heart at war with itself, as Illyrio has to choose between his love for Varys and his love for Serra - and ultimately chooses the latter.
Third, it maintains a critical aspect of ambiguity about Aegon the mummer's dragon. Is he truly the rightful heir emerging from hiding like something out of folktale, or is he a pretender? Certainly, Dany is going to think the latter because of the HOTU prophecy and her new conviction to pursue her Targaryen identity at all costs - which is why she's ultimately going to put Aegon to the same test that Quentyn failed. The problem is that Aegon is going to succeed because he's got the dragonrider blood either way, and then when Dany and he duel over the skies of King's Landing, no one is going to ever know the truth for certain.
Fourth, I think it does the best job of explaining the seemingly conflicting positions of Varys, Illyrio, and the Golden Company.
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kyra45 · 6 months
Hi, I'm quite certain to have found another scammer - god-sent-mavis-l-wanczyk. They claim to give out/have given out money to people they won in Lottery and claim to give money to new followers but want to do that via IM or DM. It smells very very much like classical advance fee fraud.
Thank you for your work!
It’s just the common scammer pretending to be a lottery winner. Super old scam type that I guess is trying to move onto tumblr now. I hope no one’s fell for it.
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ohyespotatous · 30 days
Hi. I've been struggling to come up with the needed downpayment for my school this semester. I've tried selling things online but theyre not enough. I am already in my 4th yr hoping to enroll this semester so I can proceed to internship next sem.
Any amount will do. Thank you for your kindness in advance 🙏🩷
Hi Asana!
I completely feel you! I'm in a similar situation, working hard to cover my living expenses and tuition fees. While I may not be able to offer much help myself, I hope many people see your post and are able to lend a hand.
Have you considered selling digital products related to your niche, like studyblr, langblr, or productivity content? You could put them on platforms like Gumroad, Ko-fi, Etsy, or even directly share them here on Tumblr. It might catch the interest of users who are already following your content.
Given the prevalence of donation scams on Tumblr, some people might feel more comfortable supporting you by purchasing your products rather than donating directly. To be clear, this isn’t a comment on your integrity at all—just a possible explanation for why some people might be hesitant to donate.
Stay strong, Asana! I really hope you’re able to gather enough funds for this semester’s enrollment. You've got this!
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graycats-arcane-blog · 2 months
Lightcannon Week, Day 4 fic!
Prompt: popstar au
Title: All this trouble for a Music Video
Rating: T
Length: 7.4k words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57035287
Luxanna could smile all she wanted, but Jinx had a feeling that the popstar's mental breakdown era was long overdue.
. . .
"I don't like this," Ekko said warily, his shoulders curled inward as he stepped into the warehouse. His footsteps echoed in the cavernous space, whispering against the pale stone walls and wavering in the empty air. Pausing a few meters from the door, he scanned their desolate surroundings and added, "We shouldn't be the only ones here."
With far less circumspection, Jinx tossed her duffel bag, letting it hit the concrete floor with a resounding clank. Surveying the same broad floor and dusty walls, she broke into a broad grin, defiant of her companion’s worries. "Are you kidding? This is perfect!" Kneeling next to her bag, she dug noisily through the pockets. "No nosy producers to yak about how we're doing shit wrong. Complete artistic freedom!" Once she found her tape measure, Jinx leaped to her feet and darted to one of the side-walls. The smack of her boots rang out like falling shale. 
Ekko followed her, shaking his head. "If the producers don't get their word in from the start, they'll just ask us to redo our work later," he warned. "But, honestly... I'm more worried about why they're not here. Don't you think it's weird that they've been so hands-off?" 
"What..." Jinx arrived at the wall, brushing an appraising hand over the exposed stonework. "...do you think they all died or something?"
"No! I just think this feels like some sort of scam. Professionals are never like this."
With a snort of laughter, Jinx gave the stonework a fond pat before pulling at her measuring tape. "They'd have to be a pretty dumb scammer, wiring us all our fees in advance. I've got next year's rent in the bag, and I haven't even had to sweat for it yet!" She poked the end of the her tape to Ekko's chest. "You worry too much, Little Man. Now, hold this!"
Ekko accepted the tape. He pressed the metal tab at the end flush to the wall. "If we get mugged here, I'm blaming you."
"If some Demacian tries to mug us, we'll show 'em how sump-rats kick ass!"
Jinx darted with the other end of the measuring-tape to the opposite wall. At her back, she heard Ekko offer one last grumble of suspicion. 
"If the client we spoke with over the phone had at least told us who we're building this set for, I'd feel a lot better about this."
. . .
By the time Jinx and Ekko had finished measuring their workspace, the street in front of the warehouse had woken. The burble of chatter and clatter of foot-traffic fluttered through the walls, creating a bustling ambiance that made their surroundings feel more alive. These signs of life seemed to put Ekko at ease. Jinx was pleased that he no longer complained about sketchy directors as they settled onto the floor to review their design notes. 
"Since the client wants to start with concept shots before gettin’ decisive on scenes, let's give her variety," Jinx proposed. "I'm thinking we should set up a different style in each corner of the room."
Ekko nodded. "And let’s put a stage in the room's center, something that'll combine elements from the four corners. That way, the client can see how they compare side-by-side."
"Now, about the styles to showcase. She said she wants a grungy, street-art vibe. She liked the authentic feel of the intro to Seraphine's Downriver music video..."
At the mention of the Downriver video, Jinx felt a spark of pride. It was the biggest project she'd worked on, the gig that had put both hers and Ekko's set design skills on the map. She always felt good when she thought about it.
Downriver was also the first time she and Ekko had collaborated on a set, unless you counted a childishly-rendered music video they'd cobbled together in middle school. Only Jinx's sister and Vander had been nice enough to watch that old trainwreck. Nevertheless, it was a good memory… 
… One of few good memories they'd made before life had gotten complicated.
In high school, Jinx’s mental health had taken a steep nose-dive. After some fits of violence, injuries to Ekko's friends, and a stint in juvie, she’d become isolated and angry. If Vi hadn't practically dragged her to a psychologist and made her commit to therapy and meds, Jinx might not have escaped the dark pit she’d been spiraling into. 
After she'd regained a decent measure of stability, blind luck had guided her and Ekko down the same career path, reuniting them on the set of Downriver. Their reunion was rough. Ekko had seemed ready to quit when Jinx showed up, but after some awkward-as-hell apologies that Jinx's therapist had helped her script, plus a less-scripted confession that "life had been a bitch since she'd got fucked sideways by her own dumb brain and she wished she hadn't kicked all her goddamn friendships into hell," Ekko had hesitantly agreed to try and work with her.
Their artistic chemistry had been incredible, and after Downriver came out, they'd been hit with offers from several studios to collaborate on more work. As much as Jinx enjoyed creative freedom, it felt good to have a friend to work beside.
“… Obviously, we can’t put a whole river in this warehouse, but I’m thinking we should imitate the dockside in Downriver,” Ekko continued, starting to scrawl some notes onto a blank sheet. “Weathered wood walls, rusty railing, some boxes and barrels. We can spice it up by carving pictures into the wood, maybe nailing up some old ripped posters…”
“And we’ll need fog machines!” Jinx chimed in eagerly, bouncing in her seat. “Gotta have fog to get the river’s vibe!”
“Yeah, that’d be a good touch.” Ekko titled his scrap paper SET #1 - DOCKS.
Glancing at each of the room’s corners in turn, Jinx suggested, “If they want street art, we’ve gotta have a graffiti corner. Brickwork and neon paint.” After a moment’s thought, she added, “We might even wanna have two graffiti corners. One Zaun-style, one Demacia-style.”
Ekko raised an eyebrow. “Does Demacia have graffiti? Every street I've seen has been spotless, even the alleys.”
“Then we’ll show ‘em what Demacia-style grafitti ought to look like!” Jinx gestured to the stone walls. “Instead of puttin’ up false brick walls, we’ll leave the stone exposed, since they use the same gray rock in all the buildings around here. We can focus on murals instead of words, paint stuff like their native trees and mountains and shit. Maybe the sun and moon? Didn’t the director say one of the video’s big themes would be light and darkness?”
“She did. Speaking of which, I think we’ll want sheer lighting for all four corners, bright spotlights, tall props to cast interesting shadows…” Trailing off, Ekko frowned, glancing at one of the walls.
Jinx followed Ekko’s gaze to the featureless wall, wondering if he’d spotted something she wasn't seeing. Then, she picked up a sound that she’d missed from being so tuned-in to set design.
Some people outside the warehouse were having a loud argument.
“… need you to stop being…”
“… not immature, I’ve been trying to tell you…”
“… can’t fathom what you think you’re accomplishing by…”
“… living my own life, Garen! I can’t…”
“… your family, your country, your own image, and if you can’t see how…”
“… how everything our family wants is right, and everything I want is foolish?”
Jinx and Ekko exchanged a glance. “Yikes,” Jinx said.
Ekko sighed. “One of those voices sounds a lot like the client.”
“Then make that a double yikes,” Jinx amended, staring after the unseen voices as they stomped closer to the warehouse’s back door.
Rather than approaching from the babbling street, the quarrelers were coming from a private alley behind the building. The back door swung open with an agonized squeal and banged against the wall. A man and woman entered the room, alike enough in the set of their angry faces that Jinx guessed they were related - siblings, her gut insisted, recalling her turbulent relationship with her own sister.
The man was broad-shouldered and imposing, sporting a heavy scowl like a soldier confronted with an enemy. The woman was taller than Jinx, but still not up to her brother's looming height. Nevertheless, she wasn't cowed by her brother’s displeasure, keeping her own brow furrowed and her hands closed tightly at her sides.
“All my life,” the woman seethed, not seeming to notice that Jinx and Ekko were present, “I’ve been the perfect doll of a good Demacian that you and the others have wanted me to be. I’ve put up the act, put on the show! I feel like I’ve been wearing a mask ever since I was ten!”
The woman might not have noticed her company, but the man did, his eyes going wide as he spotted them. “Luxanna…”
“Don’t cut me off!” The woman’s red-hot glare remained trained on the man. “I never had a choice in what the family made of me! No one asked me if I wanted to be on a stage...”
“… but if I have to keep doing this, then for once in my life, I’m going to do it my way!”
“Luxanna, we are no longer in private!” the man hissed.
This statement halted the woman’s rant. She stood still for a moment, her eyes still fixed on the man and her breathing heavy, before slowly turning to face Jinx and Lux.
Well, fuck, Jinx thought to herself. I guess we’re working with an angry, shout-y client for this gig.
However, to Jinx's pleasant surprise, the woman's glower disappeared. In the blink of an eye, she'd fronted a placid smile which made her look as if she’d never been mad a day in her life. Hell, she looked like the happiest person in Runeterra! She spoke with a pleasant, sunshine-y voice which seemed at odds with the temper she’d sported seconds before. “You’re here – good! Garen, these are the set designers I hired to work on my new music video. Jinx, Ekko, welcome to Demacia!”
“Um…” Jinx was caught off guard by the woman's sudden warmth, but she recovered quickly. “Thanks! I'm lookin' forward to painting a splash of Zaun on your shiny city!”
Beside her, Ekko was having some trouble reacting. His eyes were wide and his mouth slightly agape as he stared at the new arrivals.
At the door, the man let out a heavy sigh. “I apologize,” he said slowly, wielding a more demanding edge to his tone than his sister. “I’m afraid the music video you’ve been hired for has been canceled.”
“It has not been canceled,” The woman corrected immediately, still chipper-toned and smiling.
The man closed his eyes, lips twitching as if he were counting out a long breath. “I’ll make sure you’re compensated for your travel, as well as any time you’ve spent planning…”
“I’ve already paid them in full up-front,” the woman told him cheerfully.
“… and I hope you can remain professional and not spread word of this canceled operation,” the man stated through gritted teeth.
“I look forward to seeing your work!” the woman’s smile stretched ever wider.
Jinx felt tempted to laugh. While it sucked to find out that her latest project was in jeopardy, she couldn’t help but find the blithe way this blonde chick contradicted her brother amusing. Jinx respected a gal who could one-up her sibling with a smile.
Since Ekko still looked too shell-shocked to provide input, Jinx cleared her throat. "Well, seein' as how I've already been paid, I think I'd better keep doing the thing I was paid for." She aimed a playful salute at the woman. "You've got the reins, boss!"
The man shot Jinx a look that was cold and... surprised? It made complete sense that Jinx would side with the woman who'd paid her, didn’t it?
Then again, behind her fronted smile, Jinx thought she saw a flicker of surprise on her client's face, too. Maybe the woman was used to her big brother winning their arguments.
Raising a hand, the man pinched the bridge of his nose. He looked every bit like he was about to wage war against a headache. “I would appreciate,” he ground out, “if the pair of you would leave so that I can speak to my sister in private.”
“We can speak in the alley,” The woman told her brother. “This is their workspace.”
“You can’t possibly think I’ll let you continue this project now that I’ve found out about it.”
Jinx didn't miss the spark which passed through the woman’s placid eyes. It was subtle. Jinx had a feeling that the woman was well-practiced at hiding negative emotions, but Jinx had a keen sense for hidden rage, and she felt the woman's ire like an itch under her skin.
“You can’t possibly think I’ll let you stop me,” the woman said smoothly, maintaining her bright tone even as her words betrayed her defiance. Flipping her hair back over her shoulder, she turned and walked back to the gaping door. As she passed through, her gaze flicked back - Jinx swore it landed on her for a fraction of a second. Something about the woman's parting grin made the phantom itchiness in Jinx's skin multiply, a feeling that lingered even after the woman slipped into the street and out of sight.
The man stayed put for a few seconds. Jinx thought she saw a vein pop out in his jaw as he ground his teeth. Then, with hardly a parting glance at Jinx and Ekko, he stormed out after his sister.
“We don’t do refunds!” Jinx belted as the door slammed shut.
All was quiet for several seconds, save for the unperturbed chatter from the street in front of the warehouse. Jinx rubbed a calloused palm over her arm, soothing the last dregs of her strange itch away. “Well,” She stated once enough hushed, thoughtful moments had passed, “That was weird.”
Ekko blinked. “Damn,” he said. “I’d heard a rumor about tensions in the Crownguard family, but… Wow.”
“The who?” Jinx stared at him quizzically. “Are those two from some famous family I’ve never heard of?”
Incredulous, Ekko raised both eyebrows at her. “The Crownguards,” he emphasized. “One of the most influential families in Demacia? You haven’t heard of them?”
Jinx shrugged. “This is my first time traveling further than Piltover. Never needed to know shit about Demacia.”
“Still,” he pressed, “You’ve at least heard of Luxanna, right?”
“Nope.” Tipping her head aside, Jinx asked, “Is she a big deal or something?”
. . .
Over the next several days, Jinx read up on her client and learned several things about Luxanna, including the fact that she was, in fact, a big deal.
Luxanna was Demacia’s Seraphine – maybe even bigger than Seraphine, considering the near-royal status her family held. The Crownguards mainly concerned themselves with politics, but had dabbled in other venues of bolstering their family image, like sculpting their bright-eyed, ever-smiling daughter into a popstar. Luxanna’s parents had first put her on a stage when she was ten, and she’d been Demacia’s radiant idol ever since.
Jinx learned that, although she wasn’t a politician, Luxanna presented her family’s ideals at the core of her brand. She was a symbol of Demacian pride and tradition. Many of her songs focused on themes of Demacia’s beauty, valor on the battlefield, and living with honor.
The music videos for Luxanna’s songs were recorded at national landmarks and sets strewn with symbolism of Demacia’s righteousness. They were always well-lit, complimenting the popstar’s sunny smile and bright, cheerful voice.
Oddly enough, her typical style of was the exact opposite of the grungy, shadow-strewn vision she’d expressed in her instructions to Jinx and Ekko. Considering how edgy Luxanna wanted this set to be, Jinx wondered if the lifelong star was preparing to enter her inevitable rebellious phase.
There were signs: The fight with her brother, the tense looks on the faces of her staff, and the tabloid rumors of family drama that Ekko kept telling Jinx about. Luxanna might be good at pasting on a smile, but Jinx could feel in her bones that Little-Miss-Sunshine was bottling up some serious frustration.
Jinx kinda pitied her. She’d heard enough stories about former-child-stars to know that fame never ended well for them. All that pressure to perform, so much exposure when their brains were still young and spongy… That had to mess a mind up! It was a miracle that Luxanna had held herself together into her twenties instead of spinning out of control back when she was a teen.
Luxanna could smile all she wanted, but Jinx had a feeling that the star's mental breakdown era was long overdue.
. . .
As days of concept design rolled on, Jinx learned something about the pitiable popstar that wasn’t mentioned in any of the tabloids.
Luxanna was a starer.
“Hey, Ekko… Have you noticed Little-Miss-Sunshine looking at us for… I dunno… A weirdly long time?”
Ekko adjusted the position of a wall of faux, foam brick without looking up. “We've talked about your habit of nicknaming our clients," he said.
Jinx rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Not professional. I'll only call her Little-Miss-Sunshine when she and her lackeys are on the other side of the room. But..."
"Remember how Seraphine's agent tried to punch you when you called her client Pinkie Pie?"
"I know, I know!"Jinx huffed an exasperated breath. "Anyway, back to my question. Weirdly attentive staring from the boss lady."
Ekko shrugged. "We’re building a set for her," he justified, unconcerned. "Of course she’s gonna watch. If her entourage would leave her alone for two seconds, she might even come over and tell us what she thinks of our work.”
Jinx shifted her weight, tapping a paint canister against her hip. “Yeah, but... I mean… I feel like she’s not looking at the set.”
Flicking her sights to the far corner of the room, Jinx saw the popstar seated in a folding chair next to the in-progress dock setup, propping an arm on one knee as she scrolled through something on her phone. A handful of agents and body guards were clustered around her, many of them chattering, trying to get her attention. Luxanna acknowledged them with eager nods and bright smiles, but her eyes...
... Jinx could swear she saw Luxanna's eyes slide sideways right when Jinx glanced over, as if she’d been watching Jinx and had only just looked away. A prickle ran over Jinx’s skin, and she scratched her arm with her free hand. “Do you ever feel like… y’know… her eyes are on you?” Jinx suggested. “Like she’s watching you, specifically?”
At this statement, Ekko gave Jinx a long, hard look. There was something cautious in the set of his eyes that made Jinx instantly feel uncomfortable. “Jinx,” he said in a carefully even tone, “don’t take this the wrong way, but… You’re still taking your meds, right? You didn’t leave them behind in Zaun?”
A flash of hurt rushed through Jinx. “Of course I’m taking them!” she snipped. “C’mon, you remember what I was like before I started ‘em! I’m not like that now! Do I look like I’m like that now?”
“Okay, okay!” Ekko held up a hand in a gesture for peace. “I just remember you saying that you used to feel like things were watching you before you started the pills. Do you think your body might be adjusting to the dosage? That you might need something stronger?”
“This isn’t about my stupid meds, or my brain,” Jinx groused. Then, after a moment’s though, she begrudgingly amended, “I mean, I don’t think it is.” She frowned, glancing at Luxanna again. Seriously, she’d just been looking at Jinx! “Just… Just tell me if you notice her staring in a weird way, okay? And I’ll tell you if I feel like my brain’s going rotten.”
“Sure,” Ekko acquiesced. After a moment, he added, “Hey… I hope it didn’t sound like I was doubting you or anything. I’ll take it seriously if you feel like something weird is going on, okay? I promise. You can talk to me about this shit.”
“Yeah.” Jinx shook her can of spray paint in one hand, then stuck her sights resolutely to the faux-brick wall, resolving not to spend the whole afternoon glancing back at the popstar. “Thanks. I appreciate you having my back.”
There was an itch on her back, beneath her skin where she couldn't reach. 
Get over yourself. A popstar’s got more important shit to do than stare at you.
. . .
That evening, Jinx stayed late at the warehouse. She was really getting into their Demacia-style street art concept and hadn’t wanted to stop painting when night fell. After splitting a dinner of takeout with her, Ekko had called it quits, telling Jinx to give him a call if anything odd happened while he was gone.
Jinx wasn’t worried about weird shit happening. At this late hour, Luxanna and her swarm of staff had long since cleared out, leaving Jinx with the space all to herself.
Jinx hummed a tune as she sprayed a few lines of black paint onto the warehouse’s stonework. The murals were starting to look good! Since Demacian streets weren’t as neon as Zaun, Jinx had decided to keep the murals monochromatic. She was even thinking she should suggest recording the music video in black-and-white to draw more attention to the light-and-shadow theme of the set.
Of course, it would be easier to plan ahead if their client would tell them what her damn song was about... But, hey, Luxanna Crownguard could stay as secretive as she liked as long as Jinx got to keep her paycheck.
As she finished painting the lower trunks of silhouetted trees, Jinx frowned, peering further up the wall. She was eager to get started on the trees' higher reaches, but Ekko had asked her not to break out the ladder unless someone was around to spot her. That was a sensible request – it would be a pity if Jinx fell off and bludgeoned her brains out against the floor without anyone around to call an ambulance – but, damn, she was dying to paint those upper walls!
A few unsupervised minutes on a ladder wouldn’t hurt, right?
Sorry, Little Man. I swear I’ll try not to fall and crack my skull!
Jinx retrieved a rust-splotched metal ladder from where it rested on the floor, quickly setting it up next to her painted trees. Climbing swiftly, she licked her lips and grinned at her stone canvas. Shaking her black canister in one hand, Jinx aimed for the top of one of her in-progress tree-trunks and…
Jinx jumped. When the ladder trembled at her movement, Jinx dropped her paint, clutching the sides of the ladder with blanched knuckles. The canister clanked several times as it bounced against the ground beneath her.
“Oh," a surprised voice said from the warehouse’s squeaky back door. “I didn’t think anyone would still be here! Sorry for startling you.”
Jinx’s breaths were heavy and her shoulders were stiff. The hairs rose on the back of her neck as she turned to find Luxanna Crownguard, looking as full of sunshine-and-rainbows as ever, watching her from the door.
… Why was the popstar alone?
Lux stepped further into the room, her head tilting curiously. “You really shouldn’t be on a ladder without someone spotting you,” she scolded gently, smile still unabated. “Do you want me to hold the base of your ladder steady?”
For someone who hadn't spoken to Jinx since her words of welcome on day one, Lux's behavior struck Jinx as over-familiar. Maybe that was her drilled-in popstar persona shining through, forcing her to be amicable even in the company of near-strangers. 
Friendly or not, Jinx barely knew the chick. 
"Nah," Jinx drawled, forcing the stiffness out of her tense muscles as she began climbing down the ladder. "I was about to wrap it up for the night. My co-designer's gonna call any minute to check if I made it back to the hotel." As she reached the floor, Jinx quirked an eyebrow at the popstar. "Speaking of nosy coworkers, what are you doing out and about without your entourage? I thought famous types couldn't hit the town without a minder or two."
There it was again, a spark of ire behind Luxanna's eyes, there and gone in an instant. "I think more clearly without them around," she explained in a slow, careful tone, as if she were choosing her words very mindfully. "Of course, I care about everyone on my crew, but... I've barely been able to think about this set while they've been with me. There are other matters they'd prefer me to give attention to than this."
Something clicked in Jinx's brain. Smirking, she leaned casually against her ladder, folding her arms smugly over her chest. "Ah, I see. Big brother's set the staff on a mission to distract you from your passion project, hasn't he?"
Luxanna's eyes betrayed her frustration once more. Maybe she knew she had a tell; she flicked her gaze away, staring at the spray painted tree trunks rather than holding Jinx's gaze. A telling touch of pink stained her cheeks, although her smile remained plastered on.
"My brother... He likes to choose which projects I should prioritize. He truly means well, even if he can be... stifling, at times."
It felt easier to be around the star now that her eerie staring had been replaced with flushed cheeks and averted eyes. Feeling more grounded, Jinx could afford to let pity bloom for the born-and-raised popstar. Considering what Jinx had seen so far of her stuffy company, it was no wonder that Luxanna had wanted to slip away. "Hey," Jinx said, trying to make her voice more kind than its usual brashness. "I get it. You're not the first star I've worked with, so I've seen how crowded the pop-life can get. Just let me pack up my gear and I'll be outta your hair; you can have some space to think about your video."
Before Jinx could stoop to collect her paint canister from the ground, Luxanna's hand darted forward, snagging her wrist tightly. 
Some of the tension returned to Jinx's shoulders. She blinked at Luxanna, waiting for an explanation. 
"I..." Luxanna bit her lip. "I was actually hoping, since you're still here, that we could talk about the set. It'll be easier without my family's staff around to distract me." Awkwardly, she peeled her fingers off Jinx’s wrist and drew her hand back, leaving a slight tackiness from her warm palms on Jinx’s skin. "I mean... Only if this is a good time for you. I know it's getting late."
Well, Ekko would be happy if at least one of them had the chance to collect feedback from their client. "Sure. Yeah!" Stepping to her duffel, Jinx added, "Hold on a sec. Ekko put a notepad in here somewhere with some questions he'd been hoping to ask about the theme..."
. . .
Over the next half-hour, Jinx became increasingly comfortable around Luxanna - or, just Lux, please, as the star insisted. Jinx was happy to find that, despite her family's status and money, Lux wasn't vain or condescending. Maybe it was just her popstar persona, but Lux was cheerful and attentive as Jinx led her around the room and explained what she and Ekko were going for with each collection of props. Although Lux’s stare had felt unnerving earlier that day, its unwavering focus now made Jinx feel as if she were being genuinely listened to, like she’d become Lux’s top priority now that the two of them could finally get to talking.
Judging by her appreciative touches to the props, interested questions, and unwavering smile, it seemed that Lux was excited to hear Jinx's ideas for the set. Jinx could feel her confidence growing as she explained her creative choices to her rapt audience. Jinx loved talking about her craft, and she was thrilled that her client wasn't the type to nitpick and complain. 
However, as much as Jinx loved touting her own ideas, she did need some input. 
“So.” Pausing by the dock setup, Jinx leaned back against a low stretch of railing she and Ekko had attached to the wall on one side. It creaked slightly under her weight, but ultimately held her steady. Tipping her head, Jinx continued, “What do you think? Do any of the setups fit the look you want for your video?”
Lux cast another appraising glance over the room. Jinx watched her shining eyes travel, quirking a smile at the way Lux’s hair fluttered while she spun to take the whole warehouse in.
No wonder she’s got so many fans, Jinx thought to herself. This chick’s cute as hell – just starin’ at stuff makes her look good!
Lux’s gaze returned to the faux-dock setup where they currently stood. Her eyes trailed up and down an aged wood wall with a sun, moon, and stars carved into the planks, and her lip slipped between her teeth.
Ever so slightly, Lux’s smile shrunk.
An unexpected pang of anxiety swooped through Jinx’s chest. Why had Lux’s smile gotten smaller? She’d looked happy while Jinx was taking her through the sets, but now… Was it not quite right? Was Lux disappointed? “If you’re not feeling any of this, we can spitball some more ideas,” Jinx said quickly. “I’m full of ideas, loaded with ‘em! Just tell me what’s sorta-working and what’s not-fucking-working-at-all, and I’ll build from there!”
Jinx must’ve let some desperation slip into her tone. Eyes widening, Lux was swift to reassure her. “Oh! Jinx, the sets are wonderful, really, I love them! Especially the corner we started at, the one with the Demacian street art concept. I can tell that you and Ekko put so much thought into these ideas!”
The tension in Jinx’s chest warred with tentative hope from Lux’s praise. Okay, but… “You were starting to look kinda bummed out a moment ago,” Jinx pointed out. “I’m glad you like the sets, but if something doesn’t feel right, if there’s anything you wanna mess with, I’m all ears. I can take critique. You don’t have to be little-miss-sunshine with me.”
A flush reddened Lux’s ears as she stared at Jinx, wordless.
… oh, FUCK. I’m not supposed to call the client little-miss-sunshine to her face!
Jinx had been getting too comfortable. Scratching sheepishly at the back of her neck, she hastily pressed on, “so, uh, let’s talk about the song this music video’s gonna be for! What’s it about, anyway? I mean, I know the theme is darkness and light, but details on the lyrics have been pretty… uh… nonexistent. Care to spill?”
Jinx’s hopes of restoring their conversation to its previous happy state were dashed when Lux’s smile drooped further.
After all the smiling Lux had done that day, it felt wrong to see cracks forming in her happy facade. It was like Jinx had peered behind a shower curtain and caught sight of something private and forbidden.
"I mean... You don't have to share the lyrics of the song," Jinx attempted to amend, "just... A bit more about the feel of it would be good to know."
When Lux’s smile dropped entirely, tired shadows congealing around her eyes, it felt less like Jinx had peeked around a shower curtain and more like she'd tripped into it, knocking the curtains down entirely and falling into someone’s vulnerable lap.
Lux’s eyes fell, fixing on the base of the wooden prop-wall. “Jinx… Would you mind if I told you something that you might find disappointing?”
“Uh…” Disappointing? Why would Jinx be disappointed? Lux was the one who’d shelled out a massive pre-payment. Lux was the one who should be disappointed if Jinx under-performed. “… Sure. Lay it on me.”
Turning, Lux leaned against the rail beside Jinx. It creaked a little more under her weight than it had under just Jinx’s, but remained standing and reasonably steady. “There…” Lux took a breath. “There’s no song yet. There might never be one. This music video probably won’t happen.”
Huh? “There’s no song?” Honestly, Jinx was more confused than disappointed. “You started prepping for a music video and put down a big-ass payment for set design before you even knew what the video was gonna be for?”
“I know what it’s for,” Lux responded, frustration straining her tone. Her emotions were more tangible now that her smile had dropped, itching under Jinx's skin and squirming in her gut. “I just… Don’t have the words yet. I’d hoped that, if someone could visualize what I was going for, it’d be easier to make the words come.” A small, bitter laugh slipped from her. “I did write songs – about ten of them. But none of them felt right. They felt like… Like…”
Jinx scooted a bit closer. Aware that she was starting to behave over-familiar herself - Lux's openness must've been getting to her head - she knocked her elbow against Lux’s, feeling a tingle where their warms skin brushed. “Like?”
Lux’s nose scrunched in a way that made her look bitter. “Like they were written by someone who doesn’t know what she’s doing.”
“… Okay.” Jinx pondered this for a second. "I think that opens the door to a pretty obvious question. What are you doing?”
Lux raised a hand, toying with a lock of hair draped over her shoulder. “I’m trying to see what I could create if I didn’t let my family pick all my projects for me. Something they might not approve of, a bit dark, a bit ominous. But… I’m not very good at being anything but the smiling star they've made me to be.”
Jinx recalled Ekko telling her about how closely Lux’s songs aligned with her family’s politics. “You’ve never gotten to make many creative choices for yourself, have you?” she deduced. 
Lux scoffed. “Never. The few times I’ve tried reaching for a bit of independence, someone's put a hard stop to it.” The corner of her lip curled, sneer-like, as she added darkly, “You saw me arguing with my brother over this project. Later that night, he spoke to my parents. The next morning, I didn’t have access to my own bank account. I guess they don’t want me pre-paying a video crew like I pre-paid you and Ekko.”
Both of Jinx’s eyebrows shot up. “What the hell? They did shit to your money? Isn’t that fucking illegal!?”
Lux snorted. “Very little is illegal for my family,” she said drily, “especially when they’re committing crime for the good of Demacia. Don’t worry; they can’t cancel the payment I made for your work. Even my parents can’t make money disappear from an account in another nation’s bank.”
“Well, holy fuck.” Jinx let out a low whistle. “I mean, good for me. Thanks for the money and all. But this massively sucks for you.”
“It really does.”
The warehouse lights flickered overhead as Jinx mulled over her thoughts in a minute of uncomfortable silence. She’d known that shit couldn’t be going well for someone who’s family had been calling the shots ever since they’d been ten, but… Wow.
Jinx pulled herself from her thoughts, meeting Lux’s gaze. “Yeah?”
“If I went through with this video however I could, without access to funding... If I shot it off a cell-phone camera while singing about not being little-miss-sunshine, as you put it… Do you think the world would be happy for me getting to try something new? Or would people just say I'm going through a phase?”
Jinx winced. “… The world can be pretty judgy," she admitted. "And it seems like a lot of your fanbase are your parent’s kinda people.”
Lux sighed. Her head slumped heavily down, bringing her lower than Jinx despite her greater height. “So I’m doomed to either be my parent’s shining star, or do what I want for once while everyone who knows my name shakes their heads.” She pressed a hand against her temple. “I don't even know what I want to do with this video, or with my career, or with my whole life. How can I do what I want when I don’t even know what I want?”
Incidentally, Jinx had spoken enough with her therapist about lacking direction and watching her life go up in flames that she actually had some tips to give. “Your brain will spin out if you treat what you want like some big, existential question," she said. "Don’t worry about figuring out the big picture all at once. Just pick a few little things you want and start small.”
“Little things, huh?”
“Yeah. Make a list!" Pushing herself off the railing, Jinx splayed her hands with a shrug. "What do you want, Sunshine?" 
Jinx’s tease brought a small quirk of a smile back to Lux’s mouth. “I want my bank account back, for starters," she huffed. "It's been humiliating to have to ask my brother to buy lunch for me.”
Jinx nodded in approval. “Solid start! What else do you want?”
“Hmm..." Lux tipped her head, thinking a bit longer this time. "I want my next music video to not be about national pride."
"You've made more than enough of those for sure." Jinx found herself walking to a wooden barrel, hopping to a seat atop it. "Now do a fun one! What's something fun you want?"
Lux's eyes glimmered. “I want... to travel." She brushed a hand appreciatively over several set pieces as she stepped closer to Jinx's seat. "To know what places outside of Demacia are like. To know how people outside of Demacia think.” Her gaze trailed from the set pieces to Jinx. "Is Zaun a very tourist-friendly place?"
Jinx snorted. "Nope. If you went to my hometown lookin' all wealthy and trusting, the pickpockets would line up for miles."
"Well, if I had a choice between losing some pocket change on the street or having my bank account frozen by my own family, I'd take the former."
"Fair point."
A shadow crossed Lux's face. "At least, if I were anywhere but here, I'd have some agency in what became of me. As long as I'm in Demacia, I'm my family's pawn, nothing more." She shook her head. "I love them, but... I resent them sometimes, too..." Her voice dropped off. Shooting Jinx a sideways look, she said slowly, "I don't know why I'm telling you all of this. You'd get paid well for selling a transcript of this rant to the tabloids."
Jinx shrugged. "You're telling me this 'cause you want to. Don't overthink it."
Lux's gaze stayed steady on Jinx. 
A slight itch tingled in Jinx's spine. 
"... I want to feel the way you look like you feel when you're building a set," Lux said softly. "You look good. Free and happy, I mean. Like you know what you want to create, and you have the power to make it happen."
"Heh." Jinx scratched the back of her neck. "I thought I felt you watching me."
"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable."
Well, she had kinda set Jinx's nerves tingling, but Jinx wasn't about to bitch about it. "Don't worry about it. It takes more than a funny stare to send me out of whack."
"Good." Lux leaned against a barrel next to the one Jinx sat on. "I wish I could create my own life the way that you create your sets. I feel so powerless sometimes." Her hands curled into fists. "And I'm really sick of feeling powerless."
Jinx shivered at the bite in Lux's tone. 
She knew a thing or two about feeling powerless. Jinx remembered being overwhelmed by the voices in her head that told her that her insides were going rotten, that all she'd ever do was break and hurt. She remembered how it had driven her mad, making her want to lash out. 
Had Lux ever wanted to lash out?
"Y'know," Jinx murmured, "My shrink once told me that, when people feel like life's going out control, people find ways to claw that sense of control back to them. Sometimes we do bad shit to make us feel in control." She quirked a brown at Lux. "You seem like you're a lot better at keepin' your issues bottled up than me. But the bottle never stays closed. Either ya choose when to open it, or it breaks and cuts you up." At Lux's odd look, she clarified, "I'm sayin' that you gotta find things in your life you can control in a healthy-ish way. Like this music-video!" She gestured to the set. "It's yours! So what if it turns out terrible and nobody likes it? If it lets you feel like you're in the driver's seat of your own life, stick with it."
"Yeah..." Lux stepped a little closer. "By the way, I've been meaning to tell you that I'm grateful to you for sticking with me. With this project, I mean. When my brother said that the video was canceled, and you said you'd keep working on the set anyway... It felt good to have someone in my side for once."
"You're the one who paid me," Jinx said with a shrug. "You brought me here to make some fuckin' art, so that's what I'm gonna do! You're the client, not your brother. You're the one in control."
"... It feels good to hear someone say that."
"I bet it does." Jinx sighed. "Seriously... To think of how much you're family's starved you of control your whole life, you must really be itchin' for it. I'm in your corner, Sunshine." She smirked. "Now, all you gotta do is figure out what you want with this set and take control of it for real. Don't be shy about telling me what you want. You're the boss!"
Lux beamed at her. This new smile felt somehow more real than the ones she'd worn before. At the thought that she'd genuinely made Lux feel good, a giddy feeling swooped through Jinx’s gut. 
Funny. Jinx didn't usually care this much about how her clients felt, beyond making sure that they still wanted to pay her, but Jinx wanted to please Lux. Something about Lux just made her feel so...
Lux leaned forward, shared her arms around Jinx’s shoulders, and hugged her tightly. 
Jinx was startled. She went limp as her chest was pulled against Lux's, strong arms coiling around her back - fuck, did this chick work out? A chin nestled cozily over her shoulder, and a warm voice murmured in her ear.
"Thank you. For encouraging me to take control. I'll make an effort to tell you what I want... I think we'll work very well together."
"Uh..." Jinx's heart thudded. Her brain suddenly wasn't working with its usual finesse. "Yeah. Uh. No problem."
Lux gave her a bracing squeeze, then let go. As she stepped back to smile at Jinx, Jinx could still feel lingering tingles from her touch. "It's late. I'm sorry for keeping you out so long, but I'm glad you stuck around. You've been working so hard for me... I feel like I can trust you to give me your all."
Why did Lux's praise leave Jinx's gut feeling weirdly warm? 
"Anyway, I'll leave you to pack up your things." Lux stepped away, making for the back door. Unconsciously, Jinx let her eyes trail after Lux's back, noting how her hair fluttered with each step. When she reached the door, Lux flung one last parting grin at Jinx. "Make sure you rest well tonight. You'll need your energy for tomorrow."
"... Right. Yeah."
And with that, Lux was gone. 
Jinx sat still on her barrel for a full minute before raising a hand to touch her shoulder, where Lux had rested her chin during their hug. Jinx thought her skin felt weirdly warm. 
"You've been working so hard for me..."
Jinx shook her head, trying to clear it. 
"Thank you. For encouraging me to take control..."
Heat rose in Jinx's cheeks. 
"I feel like I can trust you to give me your all."
Lux's arms had been strong when they'd wrapped around her. Her voice has been smooth. Her stare made Jinx shiver...
... And Jinx really, really, wanted to do a good job for her. 
"Aw, fuck," Jinx whispered under her breath. 
She couldn't get Lux's smile out of her head.
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spamreports · 11 months
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SCAM dasjdjhsaheq.one dajdjasodasd.one
Didn't you know that "Crypto starts with Dajdjasodasd" 🤡
SCAM crypt-validator.firebaseapp.com ⚠ SCAM crypt-validator.web.app ⚠ SCAM dajdjasodasd.one ⚠ SCAM dasjdjhsaheq.one ⚠ SCAM ijustwannabeyour.top ⚠ SCAM mybeast.io ⚠
Same scam, different name
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0 notes
shibe-myths · 3 months
Within the Discord IF Servers there have been several Phishing scams popping up in the past few months. Several have also messaged me. And while I do know how to protect myself (plus- I love annoying scammers), I also know that their are users within the IF community who might not. Or have never been in a scenario involving a phishing scam. So might fall victim to it. Which, no its not your fault. Phishers play on victims FEAR and PANIC.
It IS NOT YOUR FAULT if you fall for it.
But try not to, because fuck scammers and you really don't want them touching your private information.
Now what is Phishing?
Phishing, is the practice by assholes to send fraudulent communications to a user in an attempt to steal their information. They use Social engineering to motivate you to give them your information. Be that a link, going to a fake website, or even sending them your money directly.
What is the scam running through the Discord IF Community?
Currently I have Three different scams. One is the 'Advance Fee' or colloquially known as the 'Nigerian Prince' (God I hate that name) scam, the 'I'm in a crisis go-fund-me' scam, and the 'I reported your Discord/Steam Account' scam.
What is the Advanced Fee scam?
The advanced Fee scam is a scam that starts off with the scammer offering to give you, the victim a large quantity of money. They'll usually start by either asking what you'll do with the money, or saying that they are in need of transferring a great deal of money quickly. Their goal is to prey upon people's desperation, kindness, and (in some cases) greed. Their goal is to swindle you out of your own money to fuel their own means.
If you see any messages that start like this:
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Or this:
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What is the I'm-in-Crisis scam?
Probably the most disgusting scam I've seen. Especially given the situations in Ukraine and Palastine. These scammers use peoples good will and empathy to swindle money from them through lies about being involved in these horrific events. Most of the time they will beg for money that does not actually go to those effected by these Crisis.
When you see/receive this scam. I know in our hearts we want to help our fellow man, but report and block them. Especially if you go to their profile and see 'FREE ONLY FANS' added to their list of 'SUPPORTS'. Then, if you still want to donate, go to one of the official donation pages found here on tumblr or discord.
Currently I haven't seen any issues with @northern-passage raffle.
What is the 'I reported your account' scam?
The I reported you scam, usually it happens when one of your discord mutuals/someone in a server with you has been hacked. They'll usually message you, out of the blue with a 'Hey... so I got hacked but I thought it was you, so I reported you on accident 'discord support said to contact this random user' owo'. It's a scam. The second they say that they reported them- Uno reverse those fuckers. Because that isn't how Discord does account bans.
They are going to take over your account and If they're lucky, steal yours and your friend's banking info.
If you see anyone post this message:
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or this screenshot:
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Stay safe out there,
Below are a few videos and articles I compiled to help users better understand scams found here on the internet.
What is a Phishing scam:
Other videos and articles on Internet Scams:
I'm going to @ some creators. If you want me to remove you please let me know. I just want to get this info as far as possible.
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esmeislewd · 7 months
oh yay...the scammers are back posting links in my replies 🙃
please remember that if someone asks you to send money so that they can send you money back IT IS A SCAM! its called an advance fee scam, and they will not send you the money they promised. they'll come up with various stupid excuses: verification, processing fees, and the dumbest one I came across was "payroll registration fees" for why they need your money first. its exciting when someone promises to send you money but unfortunately there is someone, or a group of people out there in this community trying to exploit us.
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holdoncallfailed · 4 months
As I reentered the conference floor, I was still thinking about the tension between declared outcomes and actual implementations. All around me, the booths posed a collective thesis on the future. This was a future without busywork or buttons, a future of bespoke experiences, a future where the internet was an ambient thing we’d call upon with our voices — not a service we would use but a place where we would live. Beneath this promised future, however, was a shadow future, one that suggested itself at every turn. This was a future of screens in every establishment and no way to get help, a future in which extractive algorithms yielded relentless advertising, a future of a crapified internet, too diluted with sponcon and hallucinated facts to be of any use. In this future, if you wanted to use a product you would have to download an app and pay a monthly fee. It was a future of ultra-sophisticated scams and government surveillance, a future where anyone’s face could be spliced into porn. Our arrival in this future would be a gradual surrender, achieved through a slow creep of terms and conditions, and the capitulations had already begun.
I was an extraterrestrial taking notes on the problems of Earth. Finding pizza in your area was a problem. People being mean to you because you were wearing your AirPods at dinner was a problem. Going on vacation was a problem because the hotels would force you to find the light switches. Elders were a problem. (They never took their medicine.) Loneliness was a problem, but loneliness had a solution, and the solution was conversation. But don’t talk with your elders, and not with the front desk, and certainly not with the man on the corner, though he might know where the pizza is. (“Noise-canceling is great, especially if you live urban,” said the earbuds guy. “There’s a lot of world out there.”) Idle chitchat was a snag in daily living. We’d rather slip through the world as silent as a burglar, seen by no one except our devices.
But to tell a group of people that their invention could destroy the global order was another way of telling them their invention was godlike, supreme, and was exactly what the tech billionaires themselves were saying to bolster their market influence. In any case, I wasn’t convinced these technologies were sophisticated enough to hasten societal collapse just yet. Some of them couldn’t connect to the internet. What really frightened me was the future of mediocrity they suggested: the inescapable screens, the app-facilitated antisocial behavior, the assumptions advanced as knowledge, and above all the collective delusion formulated in high offices and peddled to common people that all this made for an easier life.
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lailali01 · 1 month
B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts: Your Key to Secure Transactions
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts is risky and often illegal. It's better to create and verify your own account.
If you want to more information just knock us – Contact US
24 Hours Reply/Contact
Telegram: @Seo2Smm
Skype: Seo2Smm
WhatsApp: +1 (413) 685-6010
Verified Cash App accounts offer increased transaction limits and added security. Many users seek verified accounts for easier financial management. However, B-u-ying a verified account poses significant risks. These include potential scams, account closures, and legal repercussions. Always prioritize safety and legality by verifying your own Cash App account.
The verification process is straightforward and ensures your account remains secure. By doing so, you avoid the pitfalls associated with purchased accounts. Remember, maintaining control over your financial tools is crucial for security. Protect your financial information by adhering to legal methods. Creating and verifying your own account is the safest and most reliable option.
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The Rise Of Cash App In Digital Transactions
In recent years, Cash App has revolutionized digital transactions. This platform has made sending and receiving money easier than ever. People now prefer Cash App for its simplicity and speed. But what led to its meteoric rise in the world of digital payments?
Popularity Of Peer-to-peer Payment Systems
Peer-to-peer (P2P) payment systems have gained immense popularity. These systems allow people to transfer money directly to one another. There are no intermediaries involved. This makes transactions faster and more convenient.
Cash App stands out among these P2P systems. It offers more than just basic money transfers. Users can also B-u-y and sell Bitcoin, invest in stocks, and even get a virtual debit card. This versatility has contributed to its widespread adoption.
Below is a table illustrating the features that make Cash App unique:
Money Transfers
Send and receive money instantly
Bitcoin Transactions
B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin
Stock Investments
Invest in stocks with no commission fees
Virtual Debit Card
Use a virtual card for online purchases
Cash App's Impact On Financial Exchange
Cash App has significantly impacted the way people handle money. Traditional banking methods are often slow and cumbersome. Cash App offers a faster alternative. This has led to a shift in how people manage their finances.
Many users find Cash App more reliable for daily transactions. The app's security measures also ensure peace of mind. Encryption technology protects user data, making transactions secure.
Here's a list of ways Cash App has changed financial exchange:
Speed: Instant transfers save time.
Convenience: Easy to use interface.
Security: Advanced encryption protects data.
Versatility: Multiple financial services in one app.
These features make Cash App a preferred choice for many. As its popularity grows, so does its impact on digital transactions.
Why Verified Accounts Matter
In today's digital age, financial transactions happen online. Verified Cash App accounts ensure that these transactions are secure and reliable. A verified account means trust and authenticity, reducing risks for users.
Security In Digital Payments
Security is critical in digital payments. With a verified Cash App account, you get higher protection against fraud. Verified accounts go through identity checks, making it safer for transactions.
Below is a table showing the security features for verified and unverified accounts:
Verified Account
Unverified Account
Identity Checks
Transaction Limits
Fraud Protection
Benefits Of Having A Verified Status
Verified status on Cash App brings many benefits. Here are some key advantages:
Higher Transaction Limits: Send and receive more money.
Enhanced Security: Protect your funds with better security measures.
Credibility: Gain trust from others when making transactions.
With these benefits, using a verified Cash App account becomes a seamless experience. For those who often deal with money transfers, having a verified account is a must.
The Verification Process Explained
Understanding the verification process for Cash App accounts can help you ensure your transactions are secure. Verified accounts offer several benefits, including increased transaction limits and added security features. Let's dive into the steps to verify your Cash App account and address common hurdles you might face.
Steps To Verify Your Cash App Account
Open the Cash App: Launch the Cash App on your mobile device.
Tap on the Profile Icon: This is located in the top right corner of your screen.
Select 'Personal': Navigate to the 'Personal' tab in your profile settings.
Enter Personal Information: Provide your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your social security number.
Submit the Information: Tap 'Submit' to send your information for verification.
Wait for Confirmation: Cash App will review your details and confirm your verification status via email or notification.
Common Verification Hurdles
While verifying your Cash App account is usually straightforward, you may encounter some common issues. Addressing these hurdles can expedite the process.
Incorrect Information: Ensure your name and date of birth match your official documents.
Incomplete Details: Double-check that all required fields are filled out correctly.
Age Restriction: You must be at least 18 years old to verify a Cash App account.
Document Verification: Sometimes, additional documents like a driver's license may be required.
Network Issues: Ensure you have a stable internet connection while submitting your details.
By following these steps and being aware of potential hurdles, you can successfully verify your Cash App account. This enhances your security and increases your transaction limits.
B-u-ying Verified Cash App Accounts
Purchasing verified Cash App accounts can streamline your transactions. This offers a hassle-free way to access additional features and benefits. It's crucial to know where to B-u-y these accounts. Ensure you avoid scams and fraudulent sellers.
Legitimate Sources For Purchasing
Look for trusted websites that sell verified Cash App accounts. These platforms usually have positive reviews and customer feedback. They often provide secure payment options to protect your transactions. Use reputable forums and online marketplaces known for their reliable sellers. Always check the seller's history and ratings before making a purchase.
Trusted Websites
Positive reviews, customer feedback, secure payment options
Reputable Forums
Reliable sellers, seller history, ratings
Avoiding Scams And Fraudulent Sellers
To avoid scams, never share your personal information with unknown sellers. Use escrow services to hold your payment until you receive the account. Verify the account before finalizing the purchase. Research the seller thoroughly by checking reviews and ratings. Avoid deals that seem too good to be true. They are often scams.
Never share personal information
Use escrow services
Verify the account
Research the seller
Avoid deals too good to be true
The Legal Perspective
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts may seem like a quick solution. But it's important to understand the legal implications. This section will explore the lawfulness and consequences of using illegitimate accounts.
Understanding The Lawfulness
When you B-u-y a verified Cash App account, you must consider the legal aspects. Cash App accounts must comply with the platform's terms of service. Violating these terms can lead to serious legal issues.
The act of purchasing or selling verified accounts might be considered fraudulent. Fraud involves deceiving others for financial gain. Many jurisdictions have strict laws against such practices.
It's important to understand that the use of false identities or forged documents is illegal. Using someone else's identity without permission is identity theft. This is a serious crime and can result in severe penalties.
Consequences Of Illegitimate Account Use
Using an illegitimate Cash App account can have significant repercussions. Your account might get permanently banned. This means you lose access to funds and services.
There are also legal consequences to consider. You could face criminal charges for fraud or identity theft. This can lead to fines or even imprisonment.
Moreover, your personal information might be compromised. Hackers and scammers often target illegitimate accounts. This can result in financial loss and damage to your reputation.
It's also worth noting that financial institutions monitor suspicious activity. They report such activities to authorities. This can lead to an investigation and legal action.
Legal Aspect
Violation of Terms
Account Ban
Fines and Imprisonment
Identity Theft
Severe Legal Penalties
Data Compromise
Financial Loss
Essential Features Of Verified Accounts
Verified Cash App accounts offer numerous benefits. These accounts provide enhanced functionalities. Let's explore the essential features that make verified accounts a must-have.
Increased Limits And Capabilities
Verified accounts have higher transaction limits. Users can send and receive more money daily. This is perfect for business owners. They can handle larger transactions effortlessly.
Unverified accounts have strict limits. Users can only send up to $250 weekly. Verified accounts remove these restrictions. They allow users to send up to $7,500 weekly.
Unverified Account
Verified Account
Weekly Sending Limit
Weekly Receiving Limit
No Limit
Receiving limits are also higher with verified accounts. Users can receive unlimited amounts. This ensures seamless transactions. It provides a smoother experience.
Access To Advanced Functions
Verified accounts unlock advanced features. Users gain access to a Cash App card. This card works like a debit card. It can be used for purchases and withdrawals.
Direct deposit is another key feature. Users can receive their salary directly in their Cash App account. This makes managing finances easier. It's a secure and efficient method.
Cash App Card: Use it like a debit card.
Direct Deposit: Receive salary directly.
Bitcoin Transactions: B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin.
Bitcoin transactions are also available. Users can B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin. This opens up new investment opportunities. It makes Cash App a versatile tool.
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can greatly benefit users. They provide higher limits and advanced functions. These features make financial management easier and more efficient.
How Verification Enhances Security
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can significantly enhance your security. Verification ensures that the account is genuine and trustworthy. This process involves multiple checks and balances to confirm the identity of the account holder. Verified accounts are less likely to be involved in fraudulent activities.
Protection Against Fraud
Verified accounts offer strong protection against fraud. Fraudsters often use unverified accounts for illegal activities. Verification adds a layer of credibility. It helps to identify and block suspicious activities. This reduces the risk of scams and fraudulent transactions.
Verified accounts are also more likely to be monitored. Cash App keeps a close watch on verified accounts to ensure they follow all rules and regulations. This continuous monitoring helps in early detection of any unusual activity.
Layered Security Measures
Verification introduces multiple layers of security. Each layer adds an extra level of protection. This makes it more difficult for unauthorized users to access the account. Here are some of the security measures involved:
Identity Verification: Confirms the identity of the account holder through official documents.
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adds an extra step to log in, making unauthorized access harder.
Transaction Monitoring: Keeps track of all transactions to detect any irregularities.
Encryption: Ensures that all data transferred is secure and cannot be easily accessed by hackers.
These security measures work together to provide a robust defense. They make sure that only authorized users can access the account. This comprehensive security setup gives users peace of mind.
Security Measure
Identity Verification
Confirms account legitimacy
Two-Factor Authentication
Prevents unauthorized access
Transaction Monitoring
Detects suspicious activities
Secures data transfer
In summary, B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts enhances security by introducing multiple layers of protection. These measures work together to safeguard your money and data.
The Role Of Customer Support
When B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts, customer support plays a crucial role. They ensure smooth verification and maintain account security. Let's explore how they help in these areas.
Assistance With Verification Issues
Verification issues can cause delays and frustrations. Customer support teams are trained to handle these problems swiftly. They guide you through each step of the verification process.
Here are some common verification issues they assist with:
Incorrect personal details
Document submission errors
Account linking problems
Quick resolution of these issues ensures a seamless experience. Timely assistance helps in making the process stress-free.
Maintaining Account Security Post-purchase
After purchasing a verified Cash App account, maintaining security is essential. Customer support provides valuable tips and guidelines.
Here are some security measures they recommend:
Security Measure
Two-Factor Authentication
Adding an extra layer of security
Regular Password Updates
Changing passwords frequently
Monitoring Account Activity
Checking for any unusual transactions
Implementing these measures helps keep your account safe. Customer support ensures you are well-informed about these practices.
User Experiences With Verified Accounts
Verified Cash App accounts provide many benefits. Users share their experiences with these accounts. Their stories help others make informed decisions.
Testimonials And Reviews
Many users have shared positive testimonials about verified Cash App accounts. Here are a few:
John D.: "I feel more secure using a verified account. My transactions are quick and safe."
Sarah W.: "Verification made my account trustworthy. More people are willing to send me money."
Mike T.: "Customer service improved once my account was verified. Issues get resolved faster."
Real-world Benefits And Drawbacks
Verified accounts offer real-world benefits and some drawbacks. Let's explore them:
Increased transaction limits
Enhanced security
Better customer support
Verification process can be time-consuming
Privacy concerns
Occasional technical issues
Users generally find the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Verified Cash App accounts provide a secure and efficient way to manage money.
Integrating Verified Accounts Into Daily Life
B-u-y Verified Cash App Accounts can simplify your daily life. They offer secure transactions, easy money management, and a seamless online shopping experience. Let’s explore how these accounts can be integrated into your everyday activities.
Personal Finance Management
Using a verified Cash App account for personal finance management is smart. It allows you to track your spending and save money effectively. You can set up automatic deposits and withdrawals, ensuring your bills are always paid on time.
Budgeting becomes easier with categorized transactions. Here’s a simple table to show how you can categorize your expenses:
Monthly Budget ($)
Spent ($)
Streamlining Online Purchases
Streamlining online purchases with a verified Cash App account is convenient. It speeds up checkout processes and ensures secure transactions. Many online stores accept Cash App, making shopping easier.
Here are some benefits of using a verified account for online shopping:
Quick payments with saved card details
Enhanced security with two-factor authentication
Instant notifications for every transaction
Enjoy shopping without worrying about payment issues. Verified accounts provide peace of mind and efficiency.
Verified Vs. Unverified Accounts
Cash App offers two types of accounts: verified and unverified. Each type has its unique features and restrictions. Understanding these differences is crucial for making the best choice for your needs.
Comparing Features And Restrictions
Verified Account
Unverified Account
Transaction Limits
Higher limits
Lower limits
Enhanced security features
Basic security
Account Features
Access to all features
Limited features
Priority support
Standard support
Making The Upgrade Decision
Upgrading to a verified Cash App account offers several benefits. These include higher transaction limits and enhanced security features.
Verified accounts provide access to all Cash App features. This means you can use every feature without restrictions.
Priority support is another advantage. Verified account holders get faster responses from customer support.
If you handle large transactions or need extra security, a verified account is the best choice.
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The Cost Of Verification
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can be a smart move. It saves time and effort. But understanding the costs is essential. This section dives into the pricing and benefits.
Pricing Structure For Verified Accounts
The cost of verified Cash App accounts varies. Different factors affect the price. Here is a simple breakdown:
Account Type
Price Range
Basic Verified Account
$50 - $100
Premium Verified Account
$100 - $200
Business Verified Account
$200 - $500
Basic Verified Accounts are the cheapest. They have basic features like sending and receiving money. Premium Verified Accounts offer more features. They include higher transaction limits. Business Verified Accounts cost the most. They offer the highest limits and extra features for businesses.
Cost-benefit Analysis
Let's look at the benefits versus the costs. A Basic Verified Account is ideal for simple transactions. It's affordable and meets basic needs.
Low Cost: $50 - $100
Basic Features: Send and receive money
Suitable for personal use
Premium Verified Accounts offer more value. They cost more but provide higher transaction limits.
Mid-range Cost: $100 - $200
Higher Limits: More than basic accounts
Extra Features: Suitable for heavy users
Business Verified Accounts are the most expensive. They are worth the cost for businesses.
High Cost: $200 - $500
Highest Limits: Ideal for business transactions
Additional Features: Extra tools for business needs
Choosing the right account depends on your needs. Weigh the costs and benefits carefully.
Security Best Practices For Account Holders
Owning a verified Cash App account is convenient. It is essential to follow security best practices. This ensures your financial information stays safe. Below are key practices you should adopt.
Protecting Your Financial Information
Always keep your Cash App password strong and unique. Avoid using easily guessable passwords. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols.
Enable two-factor authentication on your account. This adds an extra layer of security. You will need a code sent to your phone to log in.
Never share your login details with anyone. Be cautious of phishing attempts. Fraudsters may try to trick you into giving away your details.
Regular Monitoring And Account Maintenance
Check your account activity regularly. Look for any suspicious transactions. Report anything unusual to Cash App support immediately.
Keep your app updated to the latest version. Updates often include important security patches. This helps protect against new threats.
Use secure networks when accessing your Cash App account. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for financial transactions. Public networks are less secure.
Consider setting up alerts for transactions. This way, you will be notified of any activity. You can catch unauthorized transactions quickly.
Review your linked accounts and cards periodically. Remove any that you no longer use. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access.
Security Measure
Strong Password
Use a mix of characters
Two-Factor Authentication
Enable it for extra security
Regular Monitoring
Check your account activity
App Updates
Keep your app updated
Secure Networks
Avoid public Wi-Fi
Transaction Alerts
Set up notifications
By following these best practices, you can keep your Cash App account secure. Always stay vigilant and proactive.
The Future Of Cash App And Verification
The future of Cash App hinges on secure and verified accounts. Digital payment platforms are evolving, and Cash App is at the forefront. Understanding trends and changes in verification processes is key to staying ahead.
Trends In Digital Payment Security
Digital payment security is advancing rapidly. Biometric authentication like fingerprint and facial recognition is becoming standard. These methods offer higher security compared to traditional passwords.
End-to-end encryption ensures data privacy.
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security.
AI and machine learning are used to detect fraudulent activities.
These trends make digital transactions safer and more reliable. As a result, users can trust platforms like Cash App with their financial data.
Anticipated Changes To Verification Processes
Verification processes will continue to evolve. Real-time verification is expected to become the norm. This means users can get verified instantly, enhancing user experience.
Here are some anticipated changes:
Automated KYC (Know Your Customer) procedures.
Blockchain technology for secure and transparent verification.
Enhanced AI algorithms to streamline verification.
These changes aim to make the verification process faster and more secure. Users will enjoy seamless access to their accounts while ensuring their data is protected.
Comparing Cash App To Other Payment Platforms
Choosing the right payment platform can be challenging. Cash App stands out with unique features. Let's explore how Cash App compares to other platforms.
Features Unique To Cash App
Cash App offers instant transfers. You can send and receive money within seconds. This makes it convenient for quick payments.
Another unique feature is the Cash Card. It's a customizable debit card linked to your Cash App balance. You can use it for everyday purchases.
Bitcoin trading is also integrated. Users can B-u-y, sell, and hold Bitcoin directly in the app. This is not common in many other payment platforms.
The app also supports direct deposits. Users can receive their paychecks directly into their Cash App account. This adds a layer of convenience.
What Sets Verified Cash App Accounts Apart
Verified Cash App accounts come with extra security. They require users to verify their identity. This adds an extra layer of protection against fraud.
Verified accounts have higher transaction limits. You can send and receive larger amounts of money. This is useful for businesses and individuals with higher transaction needs.
Another benefit is customer support. Verified users get priority support. This ensures any issues are resolved quickly.
Verified accounts also allow for more features. You can access advanced settings and options. This includes additional security settings and more.
Cash App
Other Platforms
Instant Transfers
Customizable Debit Card
Bitcoin Trading
Direct Deposits
Higher Transaction Limits
Yes (Verified)
The Impact Of Verified Accounts On Peer-to-peer Transactions
Peer-to-peer transactions have become a staple in modern finance. Platforms like Cash App have revolutionized how we transfer money. With the rise of digital transactions, the need for verified accounts has grown. Verified accounts bring several advantages to users, enhancing trust and efficiency in transactions.
Building Trust In The Community
Trust is crucial in peer-to-peer transactions. Verified accounts on Cash App offer a layer of security. Users feel safer when dealing with verified profiles. This reduces the risk of fraud and scams.
Verified accounts have undergone a thorough verification process. This ensures the identity of the account holder. Trustworthy transactions create a positive environment for all users. This helps build a strong community.
Enhanced Security
Reduces Fraud
Increased Trust
Encourages More Transactions
Verified Identity
Safer Community
Facilitating Smoother Transactions
Smoother transactions are another benefit of verified accounts. Verification streamlines the process of sending and receiving money. Transactions happen quicker and with fewer errors.
Verified users often enjoy higher transaction limits. This allows for larger transfers with ease. Faster processing times ensure that money reaches the recipient without delay.
Quick transfers
Higher limits
Fewer errors
These advantages make using verified Cash App accounts a smart choice. Users can enjoy a seamless experience with every transaction.
Case Studies: Successful Use Of Verified Accounts
Verified Cash App accounts have transformed how individuals and businesses handle transactions. Below are real-life examples of successful uses of verified accounts.
Businesses Leveraging Verified Cash App Accounts
Many businesses use verified Cash App accounts to streamline payments and enhance customer trust. Below are a few examples:
Use Case
Local Cafes
Accepting quick payments
Increased customer satisfaction
Receiving client payments
Reduced payment delays
Online Stores
Processing orders
Faster transaction times
Local cafes use verified accounts to accept quick payments. This leads to increased customer satisfaction. Freelancers receive client payments with less hassle. This results in reduced payment delays. Online stores process orders faster. This ensures quicker transaction times.
Individual Success Stories
Many individuals also benefit from using verified Cash App accounts. Here are some success stories:
John, a college student, pays his rent easily with a verified account.
Maria, a mom, sends allowances to her kids instantly.
Tom, an artist, receives payments for his artwork promptly.
John, a college student, uses his verified account to pay his rent. This process is quick and hassle-free. Maria, a mom, sends allowances to her kids instantly. This allows her to manage family finances efficiently. Tom, an artist, receives payments for his artwork promptly. This enables him to focus more on his creative work.
Troubleshooting Common Issues With Verified Accounts
Managing a verified Cash App account can sometimes present challenges. Users may encounter transaction problems or account recovery issues. This section addresses common issues and provides solutions to ensure a seamless experience.
Resolving Transaction Problems
Transaction issues can frustrate users. Follow these steps to resolve common problems:
Ensure your account has sufficient funds.
Verify the recipient's details before sending money.
Check your internet connection for stability.
Update your Cash App to the latest version.
Restart your device to clear any temporary glitches.
If transactions still fail, contact Cash App support. Provide them with transaction details for quick resolution.
Account Recovery And Support
Recovering a Cash App account is crucial if you lose access. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Open the Cash App and click on the profile icon.
Select the "Support" option.
Choose "Something Else" and then "Account Recovery."
Follow the on-screen instructions to verify your identity.
If you face further issues, contact Cash App support directly via email or their support hotline. They will guide you through the recovery process.
Failed Transactions
Check funds, verify recipient, and update the app.
Account Locked
Contact support and verify identity.
Always keep your app updated and secure to avoid common issues. Follow these tips to ensure a smooth experience with your verified Cash App account.
The Ethical Considerations Of Account Verification
B-u-ying verified Cash App accounts can seem convenient. But, it raises significant ethical questions. Understanding these concerns helps in making informed decisions. Let's explore the fairness and accessibility issues and the debate over B-u-ying and selling accounts.
Fairness And Accessibility
Fairness is a major concern. Verified accounts give advantages. These include higher transaction limits and added security. But B-u-ying these accounts can create an uneven playing field. Some users may never get the chance to verify their accounts.
Accessibility is another key issue. Some users face difficulties in verifying their accounts. These obstacles can include lack of proper documentation or limited access to verification resources. B-u-ying a verified account may seem like a quick fix. Yet, it undermines the efforts of those who follow the proper procedures.
Creates an uneven playing field
Excludes users facing verification difficulties
The Debate Over B-u-ying And Selling Accounts
The practice of B-u-ying and selling verified Cash App accounts sparks a heated debate. Supporters argue it provides a solution for those who can't verify their accounts. They believe it helps users access the benefits of verified accounts quickly.
Critics, on the other hand, see it as a shortcut. They argue it undermines the integrity of the verification process. This practice can expose users to potential scams and frauds. It also encourages dishonest behavior.
Supporters' View: Quick access to benefits
Critics' View: Undermines verification integrity
Potential Risks: Scams and frauds
Understanding both sides of this debate is crucial. Making informed decisions helps maintain fairness and security in digital transactions.
Maximizing The Benefits Of Your Verified Account
Owning a verified Cash App account can significantly enhance your financial transactions. With a verified account, you unlock many features. These features make managing money simpler and more efficient. Below, we explore tips and strategies to maximize the benefits of your verified Cash App account.
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Tips For Efficient Financial Management
Managing your finances effectively is key to financial stability. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your verified Cash App account:
Track Your Spending: Use the app's transaction history to monitor your expenses. This helps in identifying spending patterns.
Set Up Notifications: Enable notifications for transactions. This keeps you updated on your account activity in real-time.
Create a Budget: Use the app to categorize your spending. This helps in setting and sticking to a budget.
Utilize Direct Deposit: Direct deposits can save time and ensure timely access to your funds.
Make Use of Boosts: Cash App offers "Boosts" that provide discounts when using the Cash Card. Take advantage of these offers to save money.
Leveraging Verified Status For Business
A verified Cash App account can be a powerful tool for business owners. Here's how you can leverage your verified status:
Streamlined Payments: Receive payments from clients quickly and securely. This reduces the hassle of delayed payments.
Professional Appearance: A verified account adds a level of trust and professionalism to your business transactions.
Cash App for Business: Switch to a business account to unlock additional features like detailed transaction reports and tax documentation.
QR Code Payments: Use QR codes for easy, contactless payments. This is especially useful for in-person transactions.
Instant Transfers: Use the instant transfer feature to move funds to your bank account immediately. This ensures you always have access to your money.
Maximize your verified Cash App account by implementing these strategies. Efficient financial management and leveraging your verified status can enhance both personal and business transactions.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do I Get A Verified Cash App Account?
To get a verified Cash App account, provide your full name, date of birth, and the last four digits of your SSN. Follow the prompts in the app to complete the verification process.
How Much Can A Verified Cash App Receive?
A verified Cash App account can receive an unlimited amount of money. This makes it ideal for larger transactions.
What Id Can I Use To Verify Cash App Bitcoin?
You can use a driver's license, state ID, or passport to verify Bitcoin on Cash App. Ensure your ID is valid and clear.
How Can I Verify My Cash App Without Ssn?
You can't fully verify Cash App without an SSN. You can still send and receive limited amounts.
Verified Cash App accounts provide security and convenience. They ensure smooth transactions and enhanced trust. Make sure to B-u-y from reputable sources to avoid scams. Verified accounts can significantly improve your financial experience. Take the step today and enjoy the benefits of a verified Cash App account.
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By: Jewish Institute for Liberal Values
Published: Jun 10, 2024
We need to talk about American universities🧵
This is Johannah King-Slutzky, the Columbia grad student who demanded "humanitarian aid" for students protesting Israel on campus.
Have you wondered how a supposedly educated person could make such an absurd and tone-deaf request?
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While many people go to college and receive a rigorous education, it entirely depends on the field of study.
This is Johannah’s focus in school:
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This kind of academic jargon may sound impressive to a layperson, but it is actually intellectually bankrupt.
Jargon is often a hallmark of pseudoscience.
Charlatans frequently use jargon to deceive people into buying their snake oil - a term used to describe a scam.
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Johannah’s academic focus belongs to a family of identity and culture-focused studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. We call it activist scholarship.
It is a form of snake oil.
Influenced by Marxist Critical Theory and postmodern thought, activist scholarship focuses on power dynamics, and seeks to drive social change. 
Other fields of study advance knowledge objectively, but activist scholarship uses knowledge selectively to advance specific social and political goals.
This approach is unscientific because it starts with a conclusion and looks for evidence to support it, leading to flawed research in areas like race, gender, sexuality, society, and culture. 
It’s commonly assumed that college campuses are bastions of practical, fact-based learning, but it depends entirely on the discipline. Some courses are more focused on promoting specific ideologies than imparting knowledge about the world.
Few understand just how intellectually bankrupt and steeped in pseudoscience that many fields in the Humanities are. 
Some disciplines are designed specifically to breed leftist activists, which are not concerned in objective truth, but in their truth, and how it can be applied to better the lives of the identity groups they deem to be “marginalized.”
This sounds like a noble goal, but it often flies in the face of Enlightenment principles, science, reason, and the pursuit of objective truth.
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When I've been saying for years that these "disciplines" are fake, I worry you might think this to be hyperbole or exaggeration. It's not.
However fake you think they are, they're more fake than that. They're as fake as "Jesus' Carpentry Studies," "Homeopathy Studies" or "Realigning Chakras in Pigeons Studies."
They are fully, completely, fake. Fraudulent. Bogus. And these "students" want society to fund it by reimbursing their college fees.
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