#Adventurer Boone
the-zapped-part-timer · 6 months
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strawberry-tofu · 2 years
This is so awful but I had so much fun making it
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atomic-chronoscaph · 9 months
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Fess Parker as Daniel Boone (1964)
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essektheylyss · 1 month
re: the fiction/nonfiction kinsey scale poll. just know that I am barely restraining myself from giving nonfiction book recs at all times. there is SO MUCH FUN NONFICTION THAT IS SUPER READABLE AND INTERESTING take my hand we can go pick out some books together
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Yeehawgust Day 25: Heatwave
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 22!!
And we're back to Team Ineffable!
Since the winning vote from the Fanfiction question was to include smut, Younglings beware. I don't mention anything specific, other than a vague line about some trolls. I will link the fic for those who want it. That's as bad as it gets. You're still good to read this on the bus if you're the kind of person who worries about the old ladies sitting behind you (pro tip, if they're reading smut off your phone over your shoulder, they're enjoying it).
Next installment we're meeting Jeremy!!
Okay, let's do this.
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The five of you have been on the road for a few hours now, and honestly it’s been very uneventful (disappointing, I know). In the last five hours, the peak of Interesting Happenings was Aziraphale wondering if the Shuffle was working properly on the playlist, because he was certain they hadn’t put nearly so much Taylor Swift on it. But the song quickly switched to Moonlight Sonata, so Aziraphale stopped complaining. That’s it. You sort of vaguely notice that that music has drifted back to Taylor Swift, but it’s all basically white noise at this point.
It is for this reason that you pull out your Miracle Enabler, and decide that you may as well get started since you have the time. With a quick glance around the car, you pull off a number and make a wish.
No one questions the book for another hour. It’s about the size of a graphic novel, slightly bigger than you would have liked, but aside from that it’s exactly what you wanted. The cover is a nondescript light brown moleskin (because moleskin feels SO nice), the only clue of its contents on the front, written in red script: AO3 Favourites: Good Omens Edition. Making the book was step one, and step two is reading the entire thing (vital, you see, got to make sure it’s nice, complete, and accurate). So far, it’s perfect. A tip-top piece of Miracle Making, if you do say so yourself.
“Oh!” Aziraphale says from the front seat, “I didn’t realize you brought a book!” Of course he’s the first one to notice. You wonder if you’re blushing at all because you’re pretty sure you know the next question he’s going to ask. “What is it that you’re reading?”
Yup. Nailed it.
For a moment you hesitate. Should you? Well, there was nothing to be ashamed of really. He’d probably read Lady Chatterly’s Lover and had it signed by the author.
“Oh come now,” the angel presses, “There’s no reason to worry, you’ve seen my bookshop after all.” There’s a twinkle in his eye that makes the decision for you. Well. He asked. Whatever happens next, it’s his fault.
“Well,” You say, “I was starting to miss some of my favourite stories from back home, so I made them into a book.” You hold up the volume, showing the cover.
“How lovely!” Aziraphale says, “What kind of stories do you have in there?”
“Smutty fanfiction.”
Crowley and Sardis both start laughing (Crowley’s going to regret that in a minute, you think), Anathema has put down her phone and is smiling as she tries to contain laughter herself. Aziraphale isn’t laughing.
“I...beg your pardon?” He asks in his I’d-be-clutching-pearls-if-I-had-them voice.
“Well,” You say, “Good Omens is my favourite thing--”
“-- The story about me and Crowley,” Aziraphale interrupts.
“Yeah,” You say, “That one. It’s my favourite thing, and a lot of other people’s too, so a lot of them write fanfiction about it. Like...stories about you and Crowley in...alternative situations and realities.”
Neither Aziraphale or Crowley have figured out where you’re going with this yet, but Anathema has, and she can’t seem to contain herself any longer.
“Oh my god,” she looks at you across Sardis, glee and amusement lighting up her face, “You made a book of your favourite Aziraphale-Crowley porn!?”
You notice that Crowley has stopped laughing. He and Aziraphale are staring straight ahead now, and the tips of their ears are going red.
“Pretty much, yeah,” You say in answer to Anathema. She cackles in response.
“Wow,” she manages between fits of laughter, “I wonder what that looks like!”
Okay, well with that kind of encouragement how can you not elaborate?
“Oh,” You say, “I can tell you exactly what that looks like. In every version you can think of. I have them as is, I have them as fairies, trolls, merfolk, aliens, mixed species, humans, some experimentation of celestial forms, and reversed. I have them as men, women, mixed, fluid, doppelgangers, current time, through history, future, on beds and ceilings and in public bathrooms. Every kink and position you can imagine. In canon, canon divergent and – ”
“FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE,” Thunders Aziraphale from the front seat, “WOULD YOU STOP PLEASE.”
You go quiet. Which bothers you because you hadn’t quite finished. You bounce your knee for a second before adding quietly:
“And crossovers.” There. Now you’re done. Aziraphale groans in frustration from the front seat. For a moment you sit there, book closed, hands in your lap. At some point during the conversation the music had stopped altogether, and now the car is just full of a horrible smothering silence. You’re starting to regret bringing this up, until you notice Anathema’s hand, reaching across Sardis, making gimme motions. With a glance up at the front seat, you hand the book across to Anathema, who immediately opens it and starts flipping through it, Sardis leaning over her shoulder.
“Oi!” Crowley calls. He’s staring at you through the rearview mirror. Huh, you didn’t think he actually used the rearview mirror. You learn something new every day apparently.
“Look,” You say, “It’s important.”
Aziraphale scoffs.
“No really,” You pull out the Miracle Enabler and wave it around, “I’ve been thinking about this thing. And I’m thinking hey, there might be a very real chance that we end up in a boss fight kind of situation. And I was thinking that I should probably know exactly what I can do with this thing before I’m standing on a battle field.” You take out a folded piece of paper, and hand it to Aziraphale. He takes it and unfolds the list written on motel stationary.
“Hm,” He says, putting his glasses on his nose.
Movement in your peripheral vision distracts you. Anathema is waving at you. She’s found that some of the stories are illustrated, and she’s landed on “Boon of the Blue Moon,” specifically the illustration that shows Troll!Aziraphale and Troll!Crowley in a very interesting position that’s only achievable for trolls with long tails, or acrobats who occasionally work from home. Her eyes and mouth are wide as she mouths “OH MY GOD.” Sardis mirrors mock-horror.
It takes all of your self control to hold in your laughter and try to wave them away. If Aziraphale sees this right now, he might actually smite you. And Crowley would probably help him. (And yeah, okay, you still have four lives left, but let’s not use up one of them on friendly fire if we can help it.)
“Make something that doesn’t exist,” Aziraphale reads aloud, “Make a common object, what’s this Matrix- Kung Fu mean?”
“It’s like...shorthand for giving myself a talent or skill that I never actually learned.”
“Ah,” He replies, folding the list again and handing it back, “I just don’t understand why you needed to start with...erm...”
“Smut,” You finish. The blush is creeping across his face, and you figure that saving him from saying the word out loud is the decent thing to do. Aziraphale nods as he removes his glasses and places them back in his pocket.
“Um yes, that.”
“Well some of them are really beautiful. I mean the sheer talent of these people. There are some stories in there that are so lovely they actually made me cry. And let me tell you, there are an awful lot of critically-acclaimed ‘proper’ works that haven’t evoked emotion for me the way that these have. It’s not just about the sex.” You decide to leave the Plot-What-Plot stories out of this for now. When you’re making progress in an argument, it’s important to quit when you’re ahead.
Aziraphale considers this for a moment, before the car’s audio turns back on, blaring Taylor Swift’s Love Story.
Under the cover of music, you lean over and say quietly to Anathema (and Sardis) “Wait till I show you the comics.”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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kaidraws-shit · 4 months
Okay, so I might have dived too deep into Fallout, and now I have New Vegas Brainrot (TM).
Anyways, here's my Courier and Boobe Boone's massive tiddies.
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Would you Fuck your Clone?
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'Rarin-To-Fuck' Buck: I don't want to fuck my clone because that would be gay sex, and I'm not gay.
Blackie: I'm not gay either, but I would actually totally fuck my clone.
Raymond Beaumont: I am gay- but I still don't want to fuck my clone, that's gross and weird.
Erik Destler: I don't want to fuck my clone because my self loathing is THAT strong.
Eli Giles: I'd totally fuck my clone because I want to know if I'm good in bed
Jim Bickerman: I'd fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?
Stuart Lloyd: I'd totally do all sorts of weird things to my clone that I'd be embarrassed to ask someone else to do.
Smiley: To be honest, fucking my clown has always been my fantasy~~~~~
Inkubus: Its basically the same as masturbating, right? So no big deal.
Dr Andover: Its not the same as masturbating; It'd be like having sex with your twin. Wrong and bad.
Ranger+Doc Halloran: I would not have sex with my clone because what if my clone is evil??
Freddy Krueger: Not only would I have sex with my clone- I'd probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once because that's how pro clone-fucking I am.
Mayor Buckman: ...
Mayor Buckman: You men are nasty and I'm, frankly, a little concerned.
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the-lost-get-loud · 2 years
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opportunity-strikes · 2 years
Adventure Poll!
Previous Poll
You're definitely tired. You're even a little afraid. But even through that swirl of exhaustion, fear, and uncertainty, you feel purposeful. You're determined to see this thing through, no matter how it unfolds! You've dealt with all kinds of weird nonsense and small misadventures in your life; this one might be bigger and weirder, but who's to say you can't handle it?
That small presence in your mind feels emboldened by your determination. It echoes your thoughts and encourages your confidence. It feels hopeful and justified.
You re-nest the egg into the earthy-burlap cloak, and deposit it carefully on a small table near your bedside. Though you still have a million more questions you're too tired to ask them. There will be time for more mind show-and-tell tomorrow. You pull your blanket up to your chin and drift off to sleep.
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thethickestcharles · 2 years
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atomic-chronoscaph · 2 years
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Fess Parker as Daniel Boone (1964)
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Yeehawgust Day 24: Uranium Fever
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baraboypussy-moved · 11 months
yoooo so on cohost all of your pages/blogs on one account are pretty much independent of each other: you can follow people from each page you have, and even your own blogs. this is so stinkin cool
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
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Nash-posting again! (Ft. Wally Darling thanks to @neonsix67)
Lore under cut :3
Doodles on the top are of Nash after all the Important Lore bits of his story is over and he's immortal. He likes to grow out his hair, and usually he lets Maldric braid it when they're not busy or it gets unruly. (Once he let it grow out almost to the floor, but he kept tripping over it and almost broke a leg over it, so Maldric made him trim it.)
The one below is Nash's Teen years. He was a sweet lil bean pole back then, and he let his hair poof out. The lil hair strands in front were simply because he wanted something to fidget with when he was nervous, and he was nervous a *lot*. (He also used to adhere fools-gold to his cheeks. By technicality it was tradition of healers to do so that the other herds wouldn't attack them during rivalry conflicts, but Nash is also just hella fruity and liked the cheek glitter.)
And just in general, Nash keeps his hair short tbh. Habits from working in his father's forge as a child that die pretty hard. It's just natural to have his hair up/short. It's the main reason most of his family has short hair, actually, but ever since he started w/ Fire-based spellcasting he usually kept his standards pretty strict.
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