doctortwhohiddles · 27 days
Looks like Aeltri found out about Sophie's interview. And as always, she's easy to spot in the comments.
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That's a screenshot found on Mstoxictea's blog. Who is also pissed to be reminded that Sophie is indeed married to Ben and mother to his kids.
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legionnaireslover · 4 months
I will say that the way the relationship came about had me skeptical. Not sure I bought into the escort story, but it seemed rushed and awkward at first. But the theories got so outlandish they were comical and a bit sad.
At the end of the day, this is an actor none of us really know. And to fake 3 children…..well no one could agree to that nor sustain it. And why does anyone really care?
The Haters apparently think it is perfectly acceptable to "care" so much about BC's personal business that they have spent over 10 years demanding that he dumps his wife and disowns their 3 children.
They've woven a HUGE conspiracy theory as their narrative and now that's the ONLY thing that matters - maintain the NARRATIVE!
What it really comes down to is (and studies have indicated a strong correlation) that people who fall into these "rabbit holes" are lacking control of their own lives.
So they create a world where THEY are the controlling factor (at least THEY think they are!).
Thus, they suddenly have access to SECRET "SOURCES" who reveal the truth (only to them, mind you), they become social justice warriors with a "NOBLE" CAUSE (they are doing this to end BC's suffering and others like him!) and they KEEP EXPANDING the conspiracy NARRATIVE as each new "ultimatum" or "deadline" passes without BC conceding to their demands.
The narrative just kept on growing until it morphed into a multi-generational world wide vendetta perpetrated by, among others, BC's own mother (!) and involving THOUSANDS of people.
It actually is much more than "a bit sad". Aeltri, Gator and Mstoxictea have tried their darnedest to harass and intimidate ANYONE briefly connected in even the remotest fashion with BC. If anyone even mentions on social media that they saw BC and Sophie together, those three jump all over them and call into question their character and then proceed to weave them into the conspiracy!
Their behaviour is outrageous.
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prettywitchiusaka · 11 months
So, I finished the audiobook for MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios this past weekend. I enjoyed it, but didn't get as much spilt tea as I was hoping for regarding Doctor Strange.
In fact, they seem to skip over anything regarding the good doctor save for a few mentions here and there. They don't even devote a chapter to him in their Phase 3 section of the book FFS!!! I don't know, maybe it's just my copy of the book, but I feel like there were certain things they couldn't include because of Disney and/or Marvel trying to block them. Who can say?
There were two things of note regarding MoM I found interesting, though;
Apparently, Dan Harmon did an uncredited re-write for Multiverse. I don't know how much of his draft is in the final film, but that might explain some of the cynicism present in that movie. Don't get me wrong, I love Community (a show about how people are made better by being/growing with other people), and I think Dan's a great writer...it's just I feel that the further his career has gone on, the more nihilistic he's become and it reflects in his writing. Or maybe it's the writers he works with on Rick & Morty who reflect that, I don't know.
2. Apparently Michael Waldron and Jac Schaffer became friends during production of their respective shows and actually talked about how best to hand off Wanda from her show to his movie, breaking Marvel's Top Secret rule for each production…which is so strange to me.
Waldron actually talks about how he has great respect for Schaffer and didn't want to let her down. Now, he might just be talking out of his ass, I don't know. But if he's telling the truth, it sort of confirms my belief that Waldron is a decent guy in person (albeit an idiot), and his arrogance comes out in his writing. Or maybe @aeltri's right and Waldron knows how to play the politics game and played Feige and Schaffer for suckers.
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thecreativesilo · 8 months
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NotAPRPlant is an Aeltri sockpuppet. Not only is she a N@z1 but a climate change denier to boot. Classy 🙄
Feel free to report for hate speech if you're unfortunate enough to see her poison!
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tinfoil-hat-brigade · 2 years
Holy schnitzel, I was absolutely sure I had Aeltri blocked but I obviously didn’t, I just logged on for the first time today to find I had multiple chat messages from her, apparetly with “proof” of her close relationship with Benedict. Needless to say I didn’t read any of her bullshit and she’s blocked now. 
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msclaritea · 4 months
History lesson: from elsewhere on the internet.
"Aeltri is so deep in delusional behaviour it would take a TEAM of experts to figure her problems!
Of course no one would behave the way the Haters say Sophie and BC behave. Only in the “Septic bubble” does any of their nonsense make any “sense”.
In the real world, he got married, has 3 sons, talks proudly of his love and admiration for his wife and is a highly respected and successful actor and producer.
After the Cumberbatches had their third child (or was it after the second baby came along?) and were many years married, the Haters decided that they couldn’t sustain the “Sophie went rogue” story.
So Aeltri dreamed up the “DID diagnosis” and Gator went wholeheartedly along with her! The Birkin family was supposed to be the controlling agents in all of this. It involved “alters”, and mind control, and MKULTRA “triggers” that would conveniently come into play if ever BC said or acted lovingly with Sophie in public. That wasn’t REALLY him - that was his ALTER on the red carpet!
Of course, when some pointed out that the supposed “trauma” that is believed to be the source of DID, had to have occurred BEFORE BC even met any of the Birkins in school, Aeltri had to start spinning even more malicious and ridiculous yarns about Wanda abusing and “pimping” her beloved child and Freemasons involved with multi-generational vendettas, and Sophie being the linchpin in a satanic murdering cult, etc.
Usually the Haters try and keep things vague to give themselves SOME deniability, but they do tend to fuck up (especially nowadays).
One recent BIG mistake was saying Sophie had contracted TERTIARY SYPHILIS and was receiving palliative care. That morphed into CANCER, but really, that was YEARS ago and everybody can see she is healthy, busy working on her operas, being a mother and advocating for causes that she and BC care about. So… not deathly ill ! Nowadays Gator would rather not talk about THAT and acts like she NEVER said Sophie was dying!
There are lots of other examples of when the Hater narrative collapsed under its own weak foundations, but it would take too long to list them all.
I think the important thing to realise is, all these LIES, all these ACCUSATIONS, all these SLANDERS don’t bear close examination. If you do try to “fit” them together you quickly see THEY DON’T MAKE ANY SENSE!"
@gatorfisch or @aeltri either of you in the mood to wake through this piece of trash's butthurt tirade? Looks like someone is pissed that we keep outing their attempts at the 'Happy Family's scenario.
Aren't you just a whole bowl of stupid, eh, STALKER?
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aeltri · 2 months
Might be time to rewatch the Last Enemy
Predictive Programming 101
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elennemigo · 1 year
its so sad seeing people fall for gator and aeltri's bs about sophie. we need to have this hate be stopped, its ridiculous how this has gone on for 9 years. i've reported a few times and nothing.. have any ideas? ):
look, more than reporting them in the ways we can there´s no much else we can do.
The haters has been reported many times, by many of us, during all these years but nothing happened. At the end of the day the only ones who would had the power to shut them down are Benedict and Sophie themselves. But they wont do it bc they dont care about her and her little circle of minions. They are living their loving and thriving lives while these ppl are in their holes plotting ridiculous lies. 🤷‍♀️
At the end of the day, they are just a pain in the ass to us.
We spread the love and positive thoughts about them and their work. That´s what fans do.☺
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Thanks for stopping by!
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richaldis · 1 year
You get a lot of time on the train from Sussex to Wiltshie. Time enough for me to read mstoxiteas already claptrap and follow up some of aeltris most hotshot conspiracy links. You know what, the common element, as with Gator, is commenting on cultural issues they don't understand or have experience of. MsT clearly doesn't understand politics, especially European politics, gator doesn't get social and cultural differences (see her assertion that the IoW church was a condemned ruin and aeltri and friends think anything they don't understand such as European history is an evil conspiracy.
They really don't get the reality of living in Europe, how we have a continuous line of history which ties us from the Neolithic to the present. How we can walk in bronze age field systems, visit thousand of Roman sites, read documents that are 2000 years old, live in houses 500 years old and trace our modern politics back hundreds of years. We're taught the development of political parties and the difference between socialism and communism in secondary history, we live and work in places where churches pre date the formation of the church of England and where we know a call for support doesn't mean a church is derelict and disused. We know the Magna Carta isn't all its cracked up to be, we know about empire and the waining power of the monarchy, We can touch, and read, and discuss the original documents they misquote and misunderstand on conspiracy sites. We have it all first hand, primary sources.
Anyway, I'm train tired, Bath and back in the day, and probably just ranting. But, hey I got to walk the same streets as the Romans, the Georgians and the modern Elizabethans all in 200m today.
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murphysmom67 · 10 months
We do know what's the status of Aeltri's relationship with Benedict is. It's literally imaginary. You claim to be a mental health professional, yet you believe a woman who says she's friend with a stranger because she talks to him in her dreams. Which means 2 things: either you're lying about your credentials or you suck at your job.
Why r u anonymous?
I never post anonymously. Reasons?
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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-Real name:-
-Publisher: Marvel
-Type: Elf
-Occupation: Maiden/Warrior
-Afilliations: Elves
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 months
I'm used to Aeltri's batshit crazy conspiracy theories by now. Just when I thought she couldn't surprise me anymore, she found another one. Are you ready for it?
Apparently, the Beatles never existed. Yup, you've read that right. I didn't click on the link because I don't want to encourage the idiot who wrote the article, but it's in the byline. Of all the stupid shit she's come up with over the years, this one definitely makes the top 5.
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legionnaireslover · 4 months
Aww! Sounds like somebody in the Swamp is having a TANTRUM today!!!
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And then we have Mstoxictea in a full on rant showing what a great fan she is ...
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"Asshole", "scum", "sleazebag" - accusing him of LYING and telling him to FUCK RIGHT OFF!
I won't put up Aeltri's tirade, but suffice it to say, she makes wild accusations with not one iota of evidence to back up her slanders.
All THIS because this was posted today -
An audio clip of BC himself saying his "three small boys at home" who make leaving work behind easy. Words out of his own mouth!
BC speaks the TRUTH and the Haters flip their lids!
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Reblogging to add:
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Gator threatens to "Cumbercleanse".
No, folks she isn't deleting anything, she's just going to "ignore" him.
LoL! Well, the clock is ticking Gator! We'll see how long you last without you "Cumber-oxygen" because we ALL know you don't get enough attention without your anti-Sophie sycophants!
But really, I hope she IS telling the truth and she's ready to pretend the Cumberbatches don't exist. The fandom will that you.
BTW: the ONLY "cowardly dumbass" around here is YOU Gator! Because you don't have the GUTS to admit you and your pals have been totally WRONG for over a decade!
Hope this includes your Twitter account too.
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
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I was asked by @aeltri to upload this. It’s a spread from a few days ago but it explains what’s going on right now.
Feel free to reblog this @gatorfisch
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thecreativesilo · 7 months
On this blessed Valentine's Day, I dedicate this to the dear sceptics who would rather dunk on the man they claim to be a fan of, and his lovely family, than accept reality. This song describes you to a tee. 👌
Stay fucking mad ✌️
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So I just saw the news about Benedict and Sophie’s home being broken into by a disturbed man with a knife....
First thought was oh thank god they’re all safe and no one was hurt.
Second thought was are Gator and Aeltri claiming it was a false flag in order to gain sympathy and are they also having a shit fit because the article mentioned that Benedict and Sophie have 3 children?
And fuck the haters for causing me to have that second thought.
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