#Affiliate Earnings Engine
raulmolinaposts · 10 months
How Affiliate Marketing Works?
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Introduction In today's expansive e-commerce landscape, affiliate marketing has become a potent mechanism for brands to amplify their reach. As digital footprints burgeon, this marketing stratagem plays an instrumental role in weaving a web of online consumer connections, leveraging partnerships to enhance sales.
Historical Context: The Evolution of Affiliate Marketing 
The inception of affiliate marketing can be traced back to the early days of the digital renaissance. As businesses began recognizing the Internet's vast potential, pioneering endeavors were made to monetize web traffic. Over the decades, this nascent concept has evolved, undergoing various metamorphoses to become the refined and strategic marketing tool it is today.
The Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem
 Central to understanding affiliate marketing is grasping the triad of its main constituents: merchants, affiliates, and consumers.
Merchants are businesses or individuals offering products or services. Affiliates, often colloquially termed as publishers, are entities that promote these offerings on their platforms. Lastly, consumers are the end-users whose purchasing decisions are influenced by these promotions. This triad operates in a symbiotic relationship, with each entity benefiting from the actions of the others.
Mechanics of Affiliate Marketing 
Fundamental to affiliate marketing is the affiliate link. This unique URL, embedded within content, serves a dual purpose: directing potential consumers to the merchant's product or service and tracking the origins of this traffic.
Cookies digital markers play a paramount role in this tracking mechanism. A cookie is placed on their device when a consumer clicks on an affiliate link. This facilitates recognizing sales instigated by a particular affiliate, ensuring due compensation.
Types of Affiliate Marketing Channels 
Affiliate marketing is no monolith. Its channels are as diverse as the digital realm itself.
Bloggers and content creators, with their niche audiences, offer targeted promotion opportunities. Influencers, wielding vast follower bases, can drive substantial traffic to merchants, capitalizing on their credibility. Another facet includes paid search-focused microsites, which utilize targeted keywords to drive traffic to affiliate products.
Compensation Structures in Affiliate Marketing Monetary
compensations in affiliate marketing are as varied as its channels.
Pay-per-sale is straightforward—affiliates earn a commission when their referral culminates in a sale. In the pay-per-click model, affiliates garner revenue based on the traffic they drive to the merchant's site, regardless of sales. Conversely, pay-per-lead compensates based on specific actions, like sign-ups or form submissions, instigated by referrals.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations 
While affiliate marketing brims with potential, it's full of challenges.
Striking a balance between authentic promotion and overt salesmanship is crucial. Overzealous promotions risk alienating consumers. Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of ad-blockers and cookie blockers can impede tracking, complicating revenue attribution. Central to all these challenges is the need to uphold transparency and trustworthiness, ensuring consumer trust isn't eroded in the quest for revenue.
Affiliate marketing, with its intricate web of relationships and mechanisms, stands as a testament to the innovative spirit of the digital age. When wielded judiciously, it offers businesses a formidable tool to extend their reach, driving growth in an ever-evolving digital marketplace.
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Module 1 - 10 Super Affiliate Strategies
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Module 2 - 25 Traffic Generation Techniques
Traffic Method #1 - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Traffic Method #2 - Facebook Traffic Method #3 - Pinterest Traffic Method #4 - Twitter Traffic Method #5 - PPC Ads
Traffic Method #6 - Paid Banner Ads Traffic Method #7 - Amazon Traffic Method #8 - Blogging Traffic Method #9 - RSS Submissions Traffic Method #10 - Forum Marketing
Traffic Method #11 - Question and Answer Sites Traffic Method #12 - Press Releases Traffic Method #13 - Online Classifieds Traffic Method #14 - Web Directories Traffic Method #15 - Offline Marketing
Traffic Method #16 - Social Bookmarking Traffic Method #17 - Article Submissions Traffic Method #18 - Guest Blogging Traffic Method #19 - Content Network Sites Traffic Method #20 - Solo Ads
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technologytoday365 · 6 months
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Rapid Profit Machine (RPM) stands as an innovative, self-operated affiliate marketing solution integrated into the Builderall digital marketing platform.
DETAILS: https://sites.google.com/view/rapid-profit-machine-view/home
It streamlines the affiliate marketing journey through its revolutionary "auto tag" technology, providing a comprehensive website and three finely tuned landing pages designed for various traffic sources. RPM enables affiliates to effortlessly establish multiple income streams, allowing for continuous productivity, even during periods of rest.
Rapid Profit Machine Review
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How Can You Rank Your Brand-New Website on Google in a Few Days Quick Wins
To rank a brand-new website on Google quickly, focus on high-quality content and effective SEO strategies. Use targeted keywords and build backlinks.
Launching a new website is an exciting venture, but ranking it on Google can be challenging. Success hinges on implementing effective SEO strategies right from the start. High-quality, relevant content is crucial. Incorporate targeted keywords naturally throughout your site. Optimize meta tags, headers, and images to enhance visibility.
Building backlinks from reputable sources can significantly boost your site’s credibility. Engage in social media promotion to drive traffic. Regularly update your website with fresh content to keep users engaged. Lastly, ensure your site is mobile-friendly and loads quickly to improve user experience. With these steps, you can enhance your chances of achieving a high Google ranking.
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Credit: www.linkedin.com
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Introduction To Swift Seo Strategies
Launching a new website is exciting. But how do you get it to rank on Google quickly? Using swift SEO strategies is key. These methods can help your site appear on Google’s first page in just a few days.
The Race To Google’s First Page
Ranking on Google’s first page is like a race. Everyone wants to be there, but not everyone succeeds. By using effective SEO techniques, you can get ahead of your competitors.
Start by optimizing your website’s content. Use keywords that your target audience is searching for. Ensure your content is valuable and relevant. This will help Google recognize your site as an authority.
Another crucial factor is page speed. A fast-loading website improves user experience and ranks higher on Google. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to test and improve your site’s speed.
Realistic Timelines For Seo Results
SEO is not magic. It takes time to see results. For a brand-new website, you can expect to see improvements in 4 to 6 weeks. But with swift SEO strategies, you can speed up this process.
Follow a consistent SEO plan. Update your content regularly. Engage with your audience on social media. These actions signal to Google that your site is active and relevant.
SEO TaskExpected Time to See ResultsKeyword Optimization1–2 weeksContent Updates2–3 weeksLink Building3–4 weeksPage Speed ImprovementsImmediate to 1 week
Use relevant keywords in your content.
Improve your page speed for better user experience.
Engage with your audience on social media.
Update your content regularly to stay relevant.
By following these steps, you can rank your brand-new website on Google in a short time. Remember, consistency and quality are key.
Keyword Research For Immediate Impact
Launching a new website and ranking it on Google fast can seem daunting. But with the right keyword research, you can see results in just a few days. Keyword research is the cornerstone of SEO success. It identifies the terms your target audience is searching for. This section will show you how to do keyword research for immediate impact.
Identifying Low Competition Keywords
To quickly rank your website, you need to find keywords with low competition. These keywords are not heavily targeted by other websites. Here is a simple process to find them:
Use tools like Ubersuggest or Ahrefs.
Look for keywords with low difficulty scores.
Ensure the keywords have a decent search volume.
By targeting low competition keywords, you increase your chances of ranking faster. Focus on these keywords to gain quick visibility.
Leveraging Long-tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases. They usually have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates. Here’s how you can leverage them:
Think about specific queries your audience might have.
Use keyword research tools to find related long-tail keywords.
Incorporate these keywords naturally into your content.
Long-tail keywords are less competitive. They help you attract highly targeted traffic. This traffic is more likely to convert.
In summary, keyword research is vital for ranking a new website quickly. By identifying low competition keywords and leveraging long-tail keywords, you can achieve immediate impact. Use the right tools and strategies to find these keywords. Incorporate them into your content to see fast results.
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Content Creation With Seo In Mind
Creating content with SEO in mind is crucial for ranking your brand-new website on Google quickly. It involves crafting articles that are not only high-quality but also optimized for search engines. Let’s dive into some key strategies for achieving this.
Crafting High-quality, Relevant Articles
High-quality content is king. Write articles that provide value to your readers. Ensure the content is relevant to your target audience. Use simple words and short sentences for better readability.
Here’s a checklist for crafting high-quality articles:
Research your topic: Understand what your audience needs.
Use clear and concise language: Avoid jargon and complex words.
Include images and videos: Visuals make your content engaging.
Format your content: Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points.
Check for errors: Proofread to avoid grammar and spelling mistakes.
Optimizing Content For Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are the short answers Google shows at the top of search results. Optimizing for these can skyrocket your visibility. Focus on answering common questions related to your topic.
Here are some tips for optimizing content for featured snippets:
Identify common questions: Use tools like Answer the Public.
Provide concise answers: Keep answers short and to the point.
Use lists and tables: Google prefers content that’s easy to read.
Use proper HTML tags: Format your content correctly.
Example of a featured snippet format:
QuestionAnswerWhat is SEO?SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It involves optimizing a website to rank higher on search engines.
By following these strategies, you can create content that not only engages your audience but also ranks high on Google.
On-page Seo Essentials
On-page SEO is crucial for ranking your brand-new website on Google quickly. It involves optimizing various elements on your web pages. This helps search engines understand your content. Let’s dive into some key aspects of on-page SEO.
Title Tags And Meta Descriptions
Title tags are the first thing search engines and users see. Make sure they are descriptive and include your main keyword. Keep them under 60 characters.
Meta descriptions provide a brief summary of your page content. Aim for 150–160 characters. Use action words and include your main keyword. This can boost your click-through rate.
ElementBest PracticesTitle TagInclude main keyword, under 60 charactersMeta Description150–160 characters, include main keyword, use action words
Header Tags And Image Alt Attributes
Header tags (H1, H2, H3) structure your content. Use H1 for the main title, H2 for subheadings, and H3 for smaller sections. Include keywords in these headers.
Image alt attributes describe your images. Use them to include relevant keywords. This helps with image search ranking and accessibility.
H1 Tag: Main title, include main keyword
H2 Tag: Subheadings, include secondary keywords
H3 Tag: Smaller sections, include relevant keywords
Image Alt: Describe image, include keywords
By optimizing these elements, you improve your chances of ranking higher on Google. Implement these on-page SEO essentials to see quick results.
Technical Seo For Quick Wins
To rank your brand-new website quickly on Google, focus on Technical SEO. Proper technical setup ensures your site is easy for search engines to crawl and index. Here are key areas to focus on for quick wins.
Improving Site Speed
Site speed affects both user experience and search rankings. A fast website keeps visitors engaged and improves SEO. Here are some ways to boost your site speed:
Optimize Images: Compress images without losing quality.
Minify CSS and JavaScript: Remove unnecessary code.
Enable Browser Caching: Store static files locally to reduce load times.
Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): Distribute content globally to speed up delivery.
Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to check your site speed. Make necessary adjustments based on the recommendations.
Ensuring Mobile-friendliness
Most users access websites on mobile devices. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly to rank higher on Google. Follow these steps:
Responsive Design: Use a layout that adapts to any screen size.
Readable Text: Ensure fonts are legible without zooming.
Easy Navigation: Make buttons and links easy to click.
Avoid Flash: Use HTML5 for multimedia content.
Test your site’s mobile-friendliness using the Google Mobile-Friendly Test. Make improvements based on the results.
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Building Authority With Backlinks
Building authority with backlinks is crucial for ranking a brand-new website on Google. Backlinks act as votes of confidence from other websites. They signal to Google that your site provides valuable content. High-quality backlinks can boost your site’s visibility and credibility. Let’s explore some effective strategies to build backlinks.
Guest Posting On Relevant Blogs
Guest posting is a powerful way to earn backlinks. Write high-quality articles for reputable blogs in your niche. Ensure the content is valuable and relevant to their audience. Add a link back to your website within the content or author bio.
Follow these steps for successful guest posting:
Identify blogs that accept guest posts.
Analyze their content to understand their audience.
Pitch unique and engaging topics to the blog owner.
Write and submit the post according to their guidelines.
Guest posting not only provides backlinks but also exposes your brand to a wider audience.
Leveraging Social Media For Link Building
Social media platforms can be a goldmine for backlinks. Share your content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Encourage your followers to share your posts. This increases the chances of getting backlinks from other websites.
Here are some tips for effective social media link building:
Create engaging and shareable content.
Use relevant hashtags to reach a broader audience.
Engage with influencers and ask them to share your content.
Join and participate in niche-specific groups and communities.
Social media can amplify your reach and bring in organic backlinks. Consistent engagement on these platforms builds a loyal audience and enhances your site’s authority.
StrategyAction StepsGuest PostingIdentify blogs, pitch topics, write articles, get backlinks.Social MediaShare content, use hashtags, engage with influencers, join groups.
Monitoring Progress And Adjusting Strategy
Monitoring your website’s progress and adjusting your strategy is crucial for achieving a high rank on Google quickly. This ensures you are on the right path and can make necessary changes to keep improving. Below, we delve into the essential aspects of monitoring and adapting your strategy for optimal performance.
Using Analytics To Track Performance
Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website’s performance. These tools offer insights into your site’s traffic, user behavior, and other vital metrics. Here are some key metrics to monitor:
Page Views: Check which pages get the most visits.
Bounce Rate: Monitor the percentage of visitors who leave your site quickly.
Average Session Duration: Track how long visitors stay on your site.
Conversion Rate: Measure how many visitors take the desired action.
Regularly reviewing these metrics helps identify what works and what needs improvement. This enables you to make informed decisions to enhance your site’s performance.
Adapting To Algorithm Updates
Google frequently updates its search algorithm, affecting website rankings. Staying updated with these changes is vital. Here’s how to adapt:
Follow SEO News: Keep an eye on SEO news websites and forums.
Update Content: Refresh your content to align with new guidelines.
Check Website Health: Use tools to ensure your site meets current SEO standards.
Optimize Mobile Experience: Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as mobile-first indexing is crucial.
Being proactive and adapting to changes swiftly helps maintain or improve your ranking. This ensures your website remains competitive in search results.
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Credit: www.customlegalmarketing.com
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take For A New Website To Rank In Google?
It typically takes 3 to 6 months for a new website to rank on Google. Results may vary based on competition and SEO efforts. Consistent optimization and quality content are essential.
How To Rank A New Website Fast?
Optimize your website for SEO. Use relevant keywords, create quality content, and build backlinks. Improve site speed and mobile-friendliness. Engage on social media and monitor performance regularly.
How To Rank In Google With A New Website?
Optimize your website with relevant keywords. Create high-quality, engaging content. Build backlinks from reputable sites. Ensure fast loading speeds. Use mobile-friendly design.
Why Does It Take So Long To Rank On Google?
Ranking on Google takes time due to competition, quality content requirements, and algorithm updates. Patience and consistent SEO efforts are crucial.
How To Rank A New Website Fast?
Optimize on-page SEO, create quality content, and build backlinks. Use social media and submit your site to search engines.
Achieving a high Google ranking for your new website is possible with the right strategies. Focus on quality content, effective SEO techniques, and consistent updates. Patience and persistence are key. Implement these tips, and your site can quickly gain visibility and attract more visitors. Success is within your reach.
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Thanks for reading my article on “How Can You Rank Your Brand-New Website on Google in a Few Days Quick Wins”, hope it will help!
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : How Can You Rank Your Brand-New Website on Google in a Few Days Quick Wins
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giftcardgaveway · 10 months
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hitechword · 2 years
Grow Organic Traffic
It doesn’t have any recommended time. It depends on your content and your Marketing Rules and Strategies. If you are Consistent with your content and at the same time you gave real knowledge and value then definitely your viewers will give attention.
When they will attention than most of the chance is that they will enter your Domain on a regular basis. It means you created a relationship with your audiences. the relationship is mandatory For any content creator. It will create a safe image in your audience's minds.
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And I also tell you if are a content creator then, please be honest with your audiences. Then Automatically your audiences will give you good Feedback.
And also need some Digital Marketing strategy. And then you will create your blog on this strategy basis. It's important because hard work is important but firstly create your smart plan then start your hard work for executing this.
It is not possible to tell all processes in one answer. But I told the main strategy. So apply this technique, I think it will give you a great result because this is the only main rule. 
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marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
Unlocking the Power of Google Traffic a Guide for Website Owners
Unlocking the power of Google traffic boosts website visibility. Mastering SEO is the key to attracting more visitors.
Every website owner dreams of topping Google search results, understanding the behemoth that is Google’s algorithm can seem daunting. Yet, the secret to harnessing this digital giant’s power lies in SEO optimization — a blend of art and science tailored to meet Google’s ever-evolving standards.
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Harnessing The Potential Of Google’s User Base
Unlocking the power of Google traffic can transform a website into a bustling hub of activity. For website owners, tapping into the vast number of users Google boasts daily offers an unparalleled opportunity. With careful planning and strategic action, harnessing this potential means capturing a slice of Google’s immense traffic for your site.
Tapping Into A Global Audience
Google’s reach spans across continents, touching every corner of the globe. This immense reach puts a global audience at your fingertips. However, understanding this user base requires more than recognizing its size; it demands a strategic approach to connect with these potential visitors.
Key strategies to consider include:
Localized content: Adapt your content to resonate with different regions.
Mobile optimization: Ensure your site is user-friendly on mobile devices.
SEO best practices: Implement effective keywords and meta tags.
Understanding User Intent For Targeted Traffic
A crucial step in turning Google users into your website’s visitors is deciphering their search intent. Keywords play a pivotal role here. They provide insight into what users seek.
The table below outlines different types of search intents:
Type of IntentDescriptionExample KeywordsInformationalUsers looking for information“how to bake a cake”NavigationalUsers searching for a specific site“YouTube login”TransactionalUsers ready to buy“buy running shoes online”CommercialUsers comparing products before buying“best smartphones 2023”
By aligning your content with user intent, you increase the chances of driving more relevant, targeted traffic to your site. Use this knowledge to optimize your site’s pages and content, creating a more effective bridge between Google’s users and your online presence.
The Google Search Algorithm: What You Need To Know
Understanding the Google Search Algorithm is vital for website success. It decides who finds your site. It changes often. Stay updated to rank high. Mastering this complex beast can boost your traffic.
How The Search Algorithm Works
Google’s search algorithm is a secret recipe. It uses over 200 factors to rank pages. Key ingredients include keywords, backlinks, and site speed. It’s like a librarian picking the best book for your question. It scans the web, sorts information, and presents the most useful pages.
Keywords: Words that match your search.
Backlinks: Links from other sites.
Site Speed: Fast sites rank better.
Algorithm Updates And Seo Implications
Staying ahead in SEO means watching Google’s changes. Each update can shift rankings. Some bring major changes, others are minor tweaks. These updates aim to improve user experience. They fight spam and reward good content. Adapting quickly is key to keeping your traffic flowing.
Update TypeSEO FocusCore UpdatesOverall quality improvementsSpam-Fighting UpdatesRemoving deceptive sitesSpeed UpdatesFaster loading sites
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Crafting Content That Ranks
Welcome to the savvy world of website optimization, where the phrase “content is king” holds the ultimate power. For site owners eager to tap into the bustling street of Google traffic, understanding how to craft content primed for ranking is akin to finding a treasure map. This step-by-step guide dissects the process and helps you unveil secrets to capture the coveted top spots in search results.
Keyword Research For Maximum Visibility
Keyword research is your map to hidden treasures. The right keywords act as beacons, guiding Google’s searchers straight to your doorstep. Let’s set the stage for maximum visibility:
Identify core terms related to your niche.
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush.
Analyze search volume to gauge popularity.
Consider keyword difficulty for a competitive edge.
Spot long-tail opportunities for specific, targeted traffic.
Infuse these keywords organically into your content, titles, and meta descriptions for a strong search presence.
Quality Content: The Cornerstone Of Ranking
It’s not just any content that secures the top spot; it’s quality content. This content delivers value, resonates with readers, and establishes your authority:
Write with clarity and purpose.
Answer questions your audience is asking.
Create in-depth guides to educate and inform.
Engage with multimedia to enrich the user experience.
Update regularly to keep information fresh and relevant.
Originality sets you apart. Consider what unique angle you can offer on familiar topics. Craft content that beckons readers, asking Google to take notice.
Technical Seo: Ensuring Your Site Meets Google’s Standards
Technical SEO is the foundation for any successful website. It’s the nuts and bolts that help your site run smoothly and rank well. Get this right, and Google will reward you with ample traffic. Miss the mark, and your site might remain invisible. Dive in to ensure your site excels in technical aspects and stands out in the digital jungle.
Optimizing Site Structure For Crawling
Google’s bots are like explorers navigating your website’s terrain. A well-organized site structure ensures they can easily discover and index your content. Picture a clear map with signposts — that’s what your site needs to be for search engines.
Use a logical URL hierarchy that reflects your content’s structure.
Employ internal linking to guide bots through related content.
Create an XML sitemap and submit it to Google Search Console.
Speed Optimization: A Critical Factor For Success
Site speed is not just about user patience; it’s a key ranking factor. A swift-loading site earns favor with Google and visitors alike. Let’s speed things up!
ActionImpactCompress ImagesReduces load timeMinify CSS/JS FilesShrinks file sizeUse CachingImproves response time
Run your site through speed test tools. Take action on insights provided. A faster site equals a better rank.
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The Role Of Backlinks In Search Ranking
The Role of Backlinks in Search Ranking plays a critical part in solidifying your website’s authority and credibility. Like a vote of confidence, each backlink indicates to search engines that your content holds value, thus improving your site’s visibility. Let’s dive into how you can effectively harness the power of backlinks to enhance your search rankings.
Building A Strong Backlink Profile
Start with content of high quality that offers unique value.
Reach out to industry influencers for shares and backlinks.
Use guest blogging on reputable sites to gain more exposure.
Monitor your backlinks regularly with SEO tools.
Building a robust backlink profile doesn’t happen overnight. Your focus should be on fostering relationships within your niche to encourage organic link creation. By consistently producing top-notch content and engaging within your industry, your site will naturally attract quality backlinks.
Avoiding Penalties With Ethical Link Building
It’s essential to stay away from shady link-building practices that can harm your website’s reputation. Adhere to Google’s guidelines to maintain your site’s integrity and boost your rankings.
Avoid buying links or participating in link exchange schemes.
Do not use automated services to create backlinks.
Ensure every backlink comes from a site that is relevant to your industry.
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Credit: pureseo.com
Leveraging Google Analytics For Traffic Insights
Top website owners know a hidden secret: Google Analytics holds the key to skyrocketing traffic. Google Analytics is a treasure trove of insights waiting to boost any site’s performance. Ready to find out how?
Interpreting key metrics from Google Analytics can transform confusion into clarity. These numbers tell stories about visitors, their behavior, and how they interact with a site.
Interpreting Key Metrics For Improved Strategies
Start by zooming in on these vital metrics:
Sessions show visits to your site.
Users tell you about individual visitors.
Bounce Rate reveals if people stay or leave quickly.
Average Session Duration measures time spent on your site.
Traffic Sources pinpoint where visitors come from.
MetricWhat It MeansActionable InsightBounce RateVisitor engagement levelImprove content or UXTraffic SourcesMost effective channelsFocus efforts on high-performing channels
Converting Data Into Actionable Steps
Dive into this data to craft a smart strategy:
Spot trends in traffic peaks and valleys.
Analyze which content resonates with audiences.
Enhance pages that keep visitors engaged longer.
Identify weak spots where visitors drop off.
Use these findings to make smart updates:
Refine keywords for SEO.
Optimize landing pages for better conversion.
Adjust campaign targets based on user demographics.
Turning Google Analytics data into actionable steps can significantly increase website traffic.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Google Traffic Benefit Websites?
Google traffic is pivotal for websites as it represents a substantial source of targeted visitors who are more likely to convert into customers, subscribers, or engaged users.
What Strategies Attract Google Traffic?
Effective strategies to attract Google traffic include: optimizing for relevant keywords, producing high-quality content, ensuring a mobile-friendly website design, and building authoritative backlinks.
Can Social Media Boost Google Rankings?
Social media can indirectly boost Google rankings by increasing brand visibility and traffic, which can lead to more backlinks and higher domain authority.
How Important Is Mobile Optimization For Seo?
Mobile optimization is crucial for SEO as Google predominantly uses mobile-first indexing, meaning websites must perform well on mobile devices to maintain or improve their search rankings.
What Role Do Backlinks Play In Seo?
Backlinks are vital for SEO as they act as ‘votes of confidence’ from other sites, indicating to Google that your content is valuable and authoritative, potentially improving your search rankings.
Harnessing Google traffic can elevate your site’s visibility and success. By implementing the strategies outlined, you’re on track to boost your online presence. Remember, SEO is an ongoing journey, not a one-time task. Keep refining your tactics, stay updated with Google’s changes, and your website will thrive.
Let the power of Google’s traffic unlock new opportunities for growth and engagement. Start optimizing today, and watch your site soar.
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Thanks for reading my article on Unlocking the Power of Google Traffic a Guide for Website Owners, hope it will help!
Affiliate Disclaimer :
This article Contain may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
Source : Unlocking the Power of Google Traffic a Guide for Website Owners
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mollyjimbly · 1 year
It will be functionally illegal to discuss sexual and GRSM issues
Opens the door to law enforcement monitoring Internet traffic, which means that more moderation will be legally enforced in the future, including censoring of other religions, ethnic groups, or speech against the EARN IT committee and its affiliated parties
US based companies such as Google may be forced to remove GRSM and other non-harmful sexual content from their search engine thus decreasing visibility by a significant amount
YouTube, owned by Alphabet Inc., parent company of Google, will also be forced to remove or terminate existing channels resulting in many well-known content creators being forced to cancel uploading entirely
A brief example would be Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss by Vivienne Medrano and Spindlehorse.
Simply mentioning or referencing any form of "sexual" content, no matter how tame, will be risking termination à la Disney
Many subreddits, from r/lgbt to r/femboy, and r/thelastofus to r/undertale, will be censored or removed completely under grounds of featuring GRSM characters
WhatsApp, owned by Meta, an American company, will now be forced to disable end-to-end encryption or backdoor communications for law enforcement.
Discord will be forced to remove NSFW channel functionality and messages will be scanned for illegal material.
Other non-social-media websites, such as CNN will be prevented from reporting on sexual abuse cases
And to top it all off, perhaps the most significant change will be the complete whitewashing of Wikipedia, which will be forced to remove many wiki pages of content documenting genuine SA case studies, information on safe sex, the biology of contraception and possibly even the anatomy of the human reproductive system.
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sailorsplatoon · 3 months
Wait i got another question for you
How are elite Octarians born ?
Elite Octarians are those Enemies who have a harder Ai than regular Octarians and have seaweed in their hair in the story mode
Like is it a some sort of mutation? cuz if I remember says that the seaweed is like implanted into their skulls i don't know I didn't look into splatoon lore back in the days
I get to bring out the artbooks on this one! I had a lot of fun flipping through them to find as much about the elite octolings as I can. From what I gathered it looks like the seaweed isn't implanted into their skulls, and is instead attatched to their goggles.
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It likely functions as a symbol of rank to show that they are stronger than a typical octoling. However I don't think that this is solely strength in fighting as we can see in Marina's chat room that Marina herself was an elite octoling, hence the seaweed.
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Marina's specialty wasn't in fighting, it was in tech. So chances are elite octos are simply defined as higher rakning octarians than most others.
However, I don't think that mutation theory is far off, I really like the idea and I think I can find some evidence to back it up.
Throughout all of the games elite octolings have black tentacles instead of red, like most octoling soldiers do. Even when fuzzy they're tentacles are significantly darker than others. However, when we look at a sanitized elite octoling we can see that the tips of their tentacles are a green color.
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The fact that there are even elite sanitized octolings is strange. If sanitization is meant to make them perfect soldiers, then how are some better than others? Unless they have some sort of phycical difference like a mutation.
Back to the tentacle thing, we can see Marina's tentacles are similar, being a very dark brown color with only the tips being teal. Even in her side order outfit where her tips have a galaxy color, the main color of her tentacles doesn't change.
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Of course this could just be cosmetic because idols like the Squid Sisters and Pearl have tentacle tips that change color while the rest of their tentacles don't. I think for those three that is the case, but for Marina it's different.
Why would a sanitized octoling need cosmetics? Why would they care about how they look if they can't care about anything? Maybe it's because they can't change them back.
Here's my theory: In order for an octoling to earn a high rank in the Octarian Army, they have to undergo a mutation process that makes them stronger in the aspect that they are working in. For a soldier it would be physical ability, for an engineer it would be mental ability, etc. This mutation process has side effects, one being staining the octoling's tentacles, which prevents them from changing their color anywhere but the tips. This staining is permantent, which is why it can still be seen in sanitized octolings. Luckily, in inkling society this is a common trend among idols, so it is widely accepted.
Boom, case closed.
But wait. What about Acht?
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It is made very clear in Acht's portion of Marina's Dev Diaries that they did not care at all about advancing in the army. Even if they were offered a high ranking position, they would likely turn it down. So why are their tentacles discolored? And why are they more of a brown color than a black or dark brown?
Well I could just say that they wanted to look cool and leave it at that, but that's boring and kind of makes less sense. If discolored tentacles are associated with high ranking military leaders in the octarian army, why would Acht want to affiliate themself with them if they weren't one of them? And would they even be allowed to change the color of their tentacles?
We can clearly see that this color change is still present after their sanitization, but not fully. Their tentacles don't stay brown and instead shift to the purple at was on their tips. Now the tips of their tentacles are more of a red too.
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So what gives? Why can Acht's tentacles change but the elite octolings' can't? Because Acht wasn't an elite octoling.
Their sanitization was only partial, which is why they didn't have to wear a uniform and didn't have to fight as a soldier with the other sanitized octolings. So what if that wasn't the only thing that was partial?
Acht wrote in Marina's Dev Diaries that they were "always slacking off and cutting class. I got to know the inside of the instructor's office pretty well." My theory is that, in an attempt to get Acht to pay more attention and care more about being in the Octarian Army, their instructor had them undergo part of an elite octoling mutation, resulting in similar discoloration, just not as extreme. Their insctructor hoped that they would see how much stronger they had become and would want to earn a full mutation. Their plan backfired horribly. Instead of making Acht stronger in something like strength or intellegence, it just made their ability to make muic stronger. This only led them to cutting more classes so that they could focus on making music. This, of course, didn't end too well for them since their devotion to music was what caused them to be sanitized.
Acht's tentacles keep their slight discoloration through the sanitization, but the color itself changes slightly. Sanitization made their skin green, so why wouldn't it change their tentacles too? The consistent pattern of the discoloration is that the main parts of their tentacles are darker than the tips.
Keep in mind that most of this isn't canon and is just my theories. I had a lot of fun with this one, I hadn't really considered the potential lore of elite octolings before. I really like the mutation idea!
Thank you so much for the ask! I've also concluded that I am incapaple of making a post without bringing up Acht in some way lol.
Now I would like to leave you all with this abomination that I found in the Splatoon 1 artbook.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
So I came across your recent publishing on Tumblr's "popular reblogs" Tab, and maybe you won't have an answer to this at all or maybe you've already mentioned this, but I've wondered about this for years.
If an author (or Amazon) puts an ebook on sale for free on Amazon, does purchasing the ebook help the author at all or any more or less than purchasing it at a higher price point at a different time? Is it more done as a promotional tool to drive people to read it and rate/review?
And--if you feel like it--if someone is using Amazon as a reader, what 'best practices' should they consider to benefit the authors they love?
Hello! Thanks for the thoughtful ask.
You are correct in assuming that sometimes authors put works up for free on Amazon as a promotional tool. They do not earn anything from these "sales" but instead hope to gain traction and interest in any future or already existing works in their catalog.
This also helps them as, despite the lack of monetary gain from the individual book, it does boost their sales rankings, which can majorly influence how the Amazon algorithm interacts with their work.
If the book is later re-released for actual sale (sometimes with a different cover/minor edits) and you enjoyed the book, buying it again "for real" can be a really nice gesture, even though a lot of authors likely won't expect it.
As for how to be a good Amazon reader: review, review, review!
Entire author careers can live and die on reviews. Even if you don't write anything, just leaving a star rating can really help how likely we are to get future sales and how the algorithm views us. This is especially true when you are an author writing for a marginalized audience, where the algorithm unofficially suppresses promoting certain things over others. Things I write as a queer romance author are often subjected to a higher level of scrutiny by the censors at Amazon than het-romance authors. So not only do we often get knocked back more often for review during the publishing process, but we can also really struggle to gain traction afterward. Reviews help with this. GoodReads is also owned by Amazon, so posting to GoodReads can be a really good way of boosting our traction.
Also, post about us on social media and tell all your friends! So many of my organic sales come from fans telling friends or posting about my work on Twitter/Tumblr (and I'm sure probably Facebook, but I don't log in there to check, lol.) so please never underestimate the power of word of mouth when it comes to supporting the authors you love.
Most authors also use affiliate links in an attempt to earn back what we lose in fees to Amazon. If the author has direct Amazon links on their website, consider using those instead of just searching them out on the search engine, as they are likely using an affiliate link, and every penny we can claw back from Amazon really helps.
You can also "follow" our profiles on Amazon to keep up to date with any new work as soon as it launches, so if, for whatever reason, you don't see our social media posts, you'll always know when we post new works because you'll get an email notification. Pre-orders can also help us get onto New Release/Bestseller lists, which also massively boosts our traction with the algorithm and also promotes us to a wider range of readers who might otherwise never see us, so if you're able, pre-ordering can really help too!
You'd be right if that sounds like a lot of algorithm talk. But unfortunately, that's the capitalist hellscape we live in.
Anyway, thanks again for asking. I hope it is helpful!
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sandwormrp · 2 months
Opening Day: May 10th
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We're an Atreides stan in this house. Maybe you'd be more interested in bringing the strong-willed Carrinos or the brutalist Harkonnens! You can even create your own Minor house to add to the play and build them up to a Major house! Canons and original characters alike will be welcomed and loved! This is an upcoming 18+ JCINK roleplay board designed for writers that want to share a love for writing and Dune. Whether it be through the movies or by the books.
Our taglist for opening day is already over 20 people! How crazy is that? I'm so touched so many are interested in checking us out!
If you want to be tagged on opening day, leave a like/comment/emoji
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Here's a list of playable characters you may see or hear about around our Dune Universe. Characters will come in all shapes and sizes!
Remember! No character accounts are needed, everything will be done from one account. You can play any number of these as canon or as OC as you like.
Bene Gesserit - A secretive sisterhood with extraordinary mental and physical abilities, the Bene Gesserit manipulate bloodlines and political events to fulfill their long-term goals of shaping humanity's future.
Bene Tleilax - A mysterious and enigmatic society specializing in genetic engineering and the creation of biological constructs known as "gholas." The Bene Tleilax are skilled manipulators and often play key roles in political intrigue.
Civilians - Ordinary inhabitants of the Imperium who are not affiliated with noble houses or specialized factions. Civilians comprise a diverse population living on various planets and moons, engaging in a wide range of occupations and lifestyles.
Fremen - Native inhabitants of the desert planet Arrakis, the Fremen are hardened warriors adapted to harsh desert conditions. They possess deep knowledge of the planet's ecology and play a significant role in the unfolding political landscape.
Houses Major - Major noble families that hold considerable power and influence within the Imperium. They often control entire planets or systems and play crucial roles in interstellar politics and governance. Also known as the Great Houses of the Landsraad.To earn a spot as an OC Great House, candidate houses must demonstrate:
• a minimum level of reputation (1 year member on the board) • an understanding of political processes and power and a desire to participate in the governance of the empire (begin as an OC house minor and gain some members/alliances) • historical growth of their houses as evidenced by grants of land or titles (purchased a custom forum for their planet/territory once previous requirements are met) • candidate houses required sponsorship by at least three other Great Houses (staff approval)
Known Titles: Baron/ess, Viscount/ess, Count/ess, Duke/Duchess, Archduke/Archduchess, Regent, Crown Prince/Princess, Prince/Princess Royal, God-Emperor, Goddess-Empress, Padishah Emperor/Empress
Houses Minor - Lesser noble families that lack the resources and territories of Great Houses but still hold status and influence within the feudal hierarchy of the Imperium. They may serve larger Houses or operate independently. They pay fealty to be protected by one of the Great Houses (as long as it doesn't conflict with the empire's interests or other alliances).
Known Titles: Knight, Professor, Patron, Lord/Lady, Noble-Cousine, Governor, Baron/ess, Viscount/ess, Count/ess
Imperial Sardaukar - Elite soldiers serving the Padishah Emperor, trained in ruthless combat techniques and renowned for their loyalty and discipline. They are often deployed to enforce the Emperor's will and suppress rebellions.
Ixian Navigators - Specially trained Guild Navigators from the planet Ix who possess the ability to see safer paths through the spacefold, allowing starships to travel vast distances instantaneously using a limited highly-dosed prescience. Ixian creations often push the boundaries of what is morally acceptable in the universe.
Mentats - Human computers trained to perform complex calculations and strategic analysis. They serve as advisors and strategists to powerful individuals and factions. Highly prized and sought after among royalty.
Renegades - Individuals or groups that have rebelled against or broken away from established authority, often operating outside the law and pursuing their own agendas. Renegades can range from outlaws to freedom fighters.
Smugglers - Individuals or organizations engaged in illegal trade and transportation of goods, often circumventing legal restrictions and authorities to profit from the black market. Smugglers play a significant role in the distribution of contraband, including spice.
Suk Doctors - Highly trained medical practitioners descended from a forbidden genetic lineage known as the Suk School. They possess exceptional healing abilities and are in high demand among the nobility for their medical expertise.
Swordmasters of Ginaz - Highly skilled warriors trained in the art of swordsmanship, particularly adept at wielding the crysknife and other bladed weapons. They are renowned across the galaxy for their mastery of combat techniques.
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computerknowledge27 · 3 months
what is digital marketing ?
Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, platforms, and technologies to promote products, services, or brands to a target audience. Unlike traditional marketing methods that rely on offline channels such as print, television, or radio, digital marketing leverages online channels to reach and engage with consumers. The goal of digital marketing is to connect with the target audience in the right place and at the right time, driving brand awareness, customer acquisition, and retention.
Key components of digital marketing include:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing a website or content to rank higher in search engine results, improving visibility and organic (non-paid) traffic.
Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.
Social Media Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) to promote products or services, interact with the audience, and build brand awareness.
Email Marketing: Sending targeted messages and promotional content to a group of people via email to nurture leads, build customer relationships, and encourage conversions.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Running paid advertisements on search engines or social media platforms, with advertisers paying a fee each time their ad is clicked.
Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with other businesses or individuals to promote products or services, with commissions earned for every sale or lead generated through the affiliate's efforts.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers or individuals with a significant following to promote products or services to their audience.
Online Public Relations (PR): Managing a brand's online reputation and relationships with the public through various digital channels.
Analytics and Data Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing data from digital marketing efforts to measure performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions for future campaigns.
Digital marketing provides businesses with the flexibility to target specific demographics, track and measure campaign performance, and adjust strategies in real-time. It has become an integral part of the overall marketing strategy for many organizations in today's digital age.
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alastors-oc-sthuff · 3 months
Pietra - Overwatch Wiki
Italy’s former hero, Pietra will stop at nothing to make sure Omnics burn in their own oil. Even if it takes away his life. But dare not touch his home, his loved one, less you want him as your enemy. - Official Description
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“I’d let myself burn if it meant saving them…”
Real Name: Massimo Caputo
Age: 30
Birthday: October 21st
Nationality: 🇮🇹 Italian
Massimo: Singer, Performer
Piera: National Protector, Military Aid
Former: (Rome, Italy) Base Di Difesa Italiana, (Bengaluru, India) Vishkar Corporation
Current: Watchpoint: Gibraltar, Atlantic Archology
Former: Vishkar Corporation, Militare Italiano
Current: Overwatch Agent, Solo Protector
Relations: Marisa Mezzasalma (mother, unknown but believed to be deceased), Silvio Caputo (father, deceased), Niran Pruksamanee (boyfriend), Satya Vaswani (friend), Jean-Baptiste Augustine (close friend, doctor), Sofia Segreto (manager, boss)
A masked and cold protector, Pietra’s determination and golden heart for his people and nation were the main factors that pushed the man to let go his life of luxury and take on a life full of pain, death, disappointments, broken hearts and suffering.
The once happy and cheerful singer turns into a cold-hearted and brutal protector when the horned mask is placed on his face, trying his hardest to leave that facade with his mask but finding it extremely complicated to separate the two, especially when it comes to his night terrors and difficult consequences attached to Pietra, but he’s lucky enough to have found people who care for him, willing to get close and remind the man that he’s not alone, that he has support and that it’s more than okay to detach to take care of one’s self.
The son of one of the most intelligent engineers and inventors in Italy, his father’s cold-heart toward his ‘stupid son’ only increased as Massimo took a major dislike to any sort of mathematical subject and love for any sort of artistic and creative subject when he was a young kid; his father’s hope was that he’d grow out of it when he became older, but it never came true. Because of this, Massimo’s father began to disregard him, emotionally abusing him to the point of making the young boy feel stupid, even though he really wasn’t; having given up on his son, Massimo’s father refused to communicate in any sort of manner with his son, forcing him to come to Vishkar with him, never telling him what happened to his mother as well as not accepting his sexuality and using it against Massimo as another means of isolation from him.
For Massimo’s entire childhood, the man remembers one thing about his mother; her screams of pain and his father’s incomprehensible insults to her, a bruise to her eye and a single letter the following morning with the simple words ‘I’m sorry, amore. Love, mamma.’ Massimo’s mother is rarely talked of as the Italian man doesn’t like to bring her up, his only memory of her being that day.
Vishkar Corporation
In his early teens at the time (early13M), Massimo was forced to follow his father to Vishkar once Silvio was offered a high-earning position, caring less to ask for his son’s opinion, as for everything else.
Quickly, Massimo hated the place… He hated the teachers, the students, how bland the building looked, how distant and uncaring everyone was, especially how much he was undermined and casted out; because of his fame and reputation, students and teachers alike rendered him an outcast rather quickly as they deemed him a snob and arrogant alongside ‘not as smart as them’, which only added to Massimo’s dislike to mathematical subjects. Safe for one student, a year older than him but in a couple of the same classes; Niran Pruksamanee (early14M - late14N).
The Thai student always had been a fan of Massimo’s music and image, taking the opportunity to meet with him when the singer organised a music club, hoping to gain some interest from his peers, but to avail, safe for Niran who was the only student who attended said club before it was permanently shut down by school staff.
Within their mid-teens (late15M - early16N), Massimo and Niran understood that they both held romantic feelings for one another, beginning to date in secret when confessing to each other; the only one who knew about their relationship was Niran’s roommate Satya Vaswani, who was quick to realise Niran’s attention was caught somewhere else when he seemed more concerned about his messages than his work, among many other things that Niran was rather careless to hide and forget them about his desk and bed. The two lover’s feelings for one another grew intensely rather quickly (mid16M - late17N), so much so that both of them agreed that Massimo could announce to his fans that he is taken, but still keep Niran identity a secret.
Meanwhile, while Massimo opened up a new chapter in his life and finished his studies before than all his peers independently and separately from Vishkar (late16M), Silvio had created a bionic arm that could transform into a huge mech, the first of its kind, creating this machine to pass down to a man which would use said machine to protect Italy as Omnic attacks were on the rise again, but Massimo managed to see that the older man, who was in his early 20’s, cared nothing about the responsibility it took and only flaunted the possession of the machine, ignoring the trainings and preparations and lying to Silvio as well as Vishkar’s higher ups; Massimo understood that the man would do nothing to change and that Italy would fall into ruins at the hands of this man.
Deciding to amputate his own left arm (early17M - late17N), much to Niran’s major distress, Massimo managed to secure the machine and began to train with Vishkar, deciding to flee Vishkar in his late teens (late17M - early18N), despite the heartbreak that it caused the couple; saying their final goodbyes and giving their last kiss, Massimo finally departed with a heavy heart and tear filled eyes, having done what he could to keep his love with him, but to no avail.
It wounded both men deeply, but it wounded Satya as well, who Massimo gave no proper goodbye to as he didn’t want to cause anymore distress to his good friend who already had her plate full with other, more important worries; he wished he’d never done that, wishing that he gave his good friend a proper, heartfelt goodbye.
Italy’s Omnic War & Overwatch (New Blood)
With the new-found identity of Pietra, Massimo fought long and hard to save Italy and its people from the omnics, losing the mechanical arm just two years into the war which led to a self-amputation as the wound was too big to let heal; as quickly as he could have, Massimo returned to Vishkar Corporations, much to the Italian Military’s warnings and denies, searching for his father in hopes of stealing another arm and fleeing again, managing in his mission rather quickly and easier than he thought, finding the perfect fit to replace his fully lost left arm alongside half of his shoulder, dismantling the arm’s tracker and alarm and fleeing back to Italy.
This theft didn’t go unnoticed by Vishkar, who were quick to send out their best forces to hunt down Pietra; quickly enough, Italy’s borders were closed to any sort of Vishkar activity or employee in order to protect Pietra to allow him to keep doing his duty without any further worries, to which they succeeded in as Vishkar quickly gave up on the search, ordering Silvio to create another one, only for the man to suffer a stroke in his sleep and pass away.
With the war over after seven years, Massimo kept up his Pietra facade to still protect Italy from any sort of other threats, specifically to recurring omnics and Talon activity, to which Italy’s people were more than grateful for, keeping up his double life for other six years, until finally letting his mask sit for longer then he wore it as he was sure Italy was rid of all omnic and Talon activity.
Just after three moths, Pietra was visited by Cassidy on his day off, who was in search of new recruits for Overwatch’s recall; after a rather intense battle and concussion, Cassidy transported Pietra with himself along his way back to Watchpoint: Gibraltar, where Pietra met one of the medics by the name of Baptiste. Much to Massimo’s displeasure, Baptiste met him without his mask and knowing his true identity, attempting to keep this happening a secret by threatening the medic, unsuccessfully. Instead of successfully pushing the medic away and keeping him at a safe distance, Baptiste managed to get the man to open up, especially once Massimo began to wear his mask less and less in their shared quarters as well as dropping his facade, being more himself, to which Baptiste majorly appreciated.
Surely enough, once Massimo had opened up and began to share his struggles with his roommate, the two men grew close rather quickly, trusting one another with their past and present worries and problems, yet always reminding themselves that their primary relationship is doctor-patient in hopes to not let themselves get too attached to one another.
To this day, their relationship is still close, with the medic throwing in the occasional flirting, both of them knowing that it’s mere teasing between close friends.
Atlantic Archology
Coming when the chapter is out! Stay tuned!
Heroes Ascendant
Coming when the chapter is out! Stay tuned!
- Massimo’s name ‘Pietra’ was chosen by himself as he believed it would represent what kind of protector he wanted to be for Italy; firm, cold, strong and always there as someone to lean on when needed
- In his opening quote ‘I’d let myself burn if it meant saving them’, its unclear who he is specifically referring to
- Massimo writes his own songs and creates concepts for the music composition, passing it onto Sofia for approval; the music composition is executed by one of the top bands in Italy, which were extremely excited to work with someone as famous and talented as Massimo
- Massimo wrote music dedicated to Niran, but he never published it nor showed it to Niran, as he was too embarrassed to do so, even though he knew his boyfriend would appreciate it
- Massimo has called Niran ‘Niran’ when they first met, then began to call him ‘Bua’ once they got close, finally calling him ‘amore’ or ‘tesoro mio’ in private when dating, still sticking to ‘Bua’ when they were in public; Niran always called Massimo ‘Max’, then began to call him ‘khon dii’ or ‘tii rak’ in private when dating, sticking to ‘Max’ when they were in public
- Massimo was extremely fearful when meeting Satya as he was scared she would see him the same way the rest Vishkar scholars do; he was proven wrong and the two hit it off rather quickly
- Massimo kept Niran’s first biolight lotus he ever created, as Niran had given it to him as a gift for their first year anniversary, then integrating it into his new arm by pacing it into his shoulder and connecting wires to it, giving him a soothing and helpful healing pulse; Niran kept one of Massimo’s shirts, which the man had forgotten in Niran’s room when he left, sowing it to a medium-sized pink teddy bear Massimo had given him on their first year anniversary, then consistently sleeping with it at night or keeping it on his desk while he worked
- Neither Massimo nor Niran knew of each other’s whereabouts when they two separated, having no method of keeping contact as well as having very little time
- Their first kiss was with one another, during Massimo’s music club; neither of them mentioned it again before they began dating
- Massimo is gay, being openly so especially in his music
- Massimo is 1.83m/6ft, being said to be shorter than Cassidy, Baptiste and Niran but taller than Satya
- Massimo’s songs are very different genres; romantic, angst, rock, hard rock, pop, EDM
- Massimo’s music has its own app; the songs became so vast and numerous that Sofia chose to move the man’s music to a free app for all to install, as well as having accommodations for those who require them
- Sofia’s age is never specifically mentioned, but she is referred as ‘the older woman’, implying that she is, at minimum, 5-7 years older than Massimo
- The only ones who know of Massimo’s double life are Niran, Satya, Baptiste; Sofia knows as well, but she has never spoken on it to anybody, even to Massimo who suspects nothing
- Massimo has always worked solo, residing in the Base Di Difesa Italiana as a place to live as Pietra, never having sent out any other soldiers during the omnic war; Overwatch is the first time the man has worked in a team
- Massimo is always kind and friendly to his fans, even to paparazzi, to which Sofia disagrees with, but she knows the man is too kind to tell them off; whenever Massimo needs to tell the paparazzi off, he can’t help but feel guilty
- Massimo has always refused to have a bodyguard around him, even if he was strongly recommended it
- Sofia has always been Massimo’s manager and boss ever since the man began to get famous at a young age, wanting to work with Massimo instead of having Massimo work for him; she is the closest to a mother figure Massimo has in his life ever since his mother departed, having unintentionally called her ‘mà’, the shortened version of ‘mamma’, some times when he was younger
- Silvio has never been to one of Massimo’s concerts and refuses to listen to his music, preferring on having no radio or phone rather than listening to his son’s ’screechy and annoying voice’
- Sofia has never liked Silvio ever since they met, always doing everything she could to keep him away from Massimo, especially when he would come to her crying and sobbing about him
- Massimo would go with Niran during his travels, not caring those who saw them together and always being careful with PDA
- Massimo would use his wealth to buy things for Niran and Satya whenever they needed, passing them off as gifts as to not make the two feel guilty about ‘spending his money’
- Massimo was never really aware of the true extent of his wealth ever since he became 16, when Sofia agreed to show and explain the sum of his wealth to the boy as he became mature enough to understand the true and proper concept of money; even after this occurred, Massimo’s attitude toward his fortunes never changed, always using and asking for his money when he needed to buy something for himself or for others, but Sofia would sometimes give him her own money without him knowing
- It’s never really explained how much Massimo’s wealth truly runs, but it is known that his fortunes are ‘three thousand times more than the Pruksamanee family’, which can imply that Massimo could be a billionaire, or even more than that; it is shown that the man does buy extremely expensive things for the purpose of it serving those close to him and not only himself as the man is only selfish with his money when spending it for the basic expenses someone needs to live
- Even though Niran and Massimo dated when they were young, the two truly loved and cared for each other, finally understanding it one year in their relationship; the two never stopped loving one another, despite the fact that they were separated
- In game, Pietra and Lifeweaver have some matching skins; this is seen with their matching skin ‘Anubis & Anput’
- It is a known fact that Massimo knows a vast array of languages; it is known that he knows Italian, English, Thai, Spanish, French, Japanese, Chinese, Korean fluently, as well as working on leaning Russian, Haitian Creole, Dutch, German when he has his free time
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Wow, it has been a while since I posted anything on here!
Just remembered that character Wiki pages are a thing and decided to make one of Pietra!
This is not fully finished; it will be updated as chapters get added and as we all get to know the character together!
Hopefully you enjoyed this, even if it was long!
Excited to see more about him? Stay tuned from more!
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hitechword · 2 years
Copywriting vs. Content Writing
what’s Content Writing?
The second type of writing we’ll talk about is copywriting. In its simplest terms, copywriting is any type of writing that’s designed to sell something. It’s a hard-sell.
For More
what’s Content Writing?
Content writing is all about providing value. It’s the soft-sell. The goal of content writing is not to get people to take some immediate form of action, but rather to build a relationship with them.
This type of writing is all about creating informative, interesting, and even entertaining pieces that will make people want to come back for more. It’s about providing value first and selling second.
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marketingprofitmedia · 5 months
Mastering SEO — A Step by Step Guide to Increasing Google Rankings and Get More Website Visitors
Master SEO with a step-by-step guide to boost your Google rankings and attract more visitors. Learn the tactics to improve your website’s visibility and traffic.
Welcome to the ultimate guide on mastering SEO! Mastering Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing your Google rankings and driving more traffic to your website. It’s a multifaceted process that involves understanding how search engines work, what people are searching for, and how to optimize your content to meet those needs.
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Grasping The Essentials Of Seo
Understanding the basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can seem intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be. Once you learn how SEO can drive traffic to your website, it can become your best friend. In this section, we’ll break down SEO into digestible pieces, simplifying each component. This will help your website climb Google rankings. Each step is crucial to attract more visitors.
Breaking Down Seo Components
SEO has two main parts: On-page and Off-page optimization. On-page involves elements you control on your website, like keywords, content, and page speed. Off-page is about building your site’s reputation through backlinks and social signals. Both parts work together to boost your rankings.
On-Page SEOOff-Page SEOKeywords researchBuilding backlinksQuality content productionSocial media marketingOptimizing meta tagsInfluencer outreachImproving site speedGuest blogging
Evolution Of Search Engine Algorithms
Google updates its algorithm regularly. It’s a way to provide the best results to users. Older tactics may no longer work. Google now favors high-quality content and sites that offer a good user experience. To stay on top, stay updated with the latest trends and changes.
User-focused content: Write for people, not just search engines.
Mobile-first indexing: Make your site mobile-friendly.
Page experience: Speed and ease of use matter more than ever.
Keyword Research: The Foundation
At the very heart of SEO lies a simple yet profound puzzle: keywords. Understand the words and phrases your audience uses to search for your content, products, or services, and you’ve unlocked the first secret to boosting your Google rankings. Keyword research is the critical first step in any SEO strategy. It aligns your content with user intent and sets the stage for increased website traffic. Let’s dive into how you can uncover the right keywords for your campaign.
Tools For Effective Keyword Discovery
The toolbox for keyword discovery is diverse, providing options for every level of expertise and budget. Keyword tools streamline the process of finding the terms your audience is searching for.
Google Keyword Planner: A classic, free tool with detailed search data directly from Google.
SEMrush: Offers a comprehensive suite of keyword research and SEO tools.
Ahrefs: Renowned for its in-depth keyword analysis and competitor insights.
Ubersuggest: A budget-friendly option with a simple, user-friendly interface.
Moz Keyword Explorer: Combines keyword research with SEO metrics and SERP analysis.
Employing these tools, you can gather a robust list of keyword opportunities tailored to your target audience.
Analyzing Keyword Relevance And Competition
Not all keywords are created equal. Some draw crowds; others are too competitive. It’s essential to measure both the relevance of a keyword to your content and its competitive landscape.
Relevance ensures your content meets the needs and interests of searchers, while competition assessment gauges your chances to rank for those terms. Key metrics to consider include:
MetricsDescriptionSearch VolumeThe number of searches for the keyword over a specific period.Keyword DifficultyA score that estimates how hard it will be to rank for a keyword.CPCCost Per Click, indicating the keyword’s value for PPC campaigns.Click Through Rate (CTR)Percentage of clicks to impressions — high CTR can mean high relevance.
By analyzing these factors, you can prioritize keywords with the right balance of traffic potential and achievable competition, setting a strong foundation for your SEO efforts.
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On-page Optimization Strategies
Boosting a website’s visibility on Google demands skillful on-page optimization. Effective strategies elevate rankings and attract more visitors. Let’s delve into making the most of on-page tactics for SEO success.
Crafting High-quality Content
Engaging, informative content wins on Google. It’s the cornerstone of SEO. Here’s how to create content that both Google and your readers will love:
Understand your audience: Tailor topics to their interests.
Focus on readability: Short paragraphs, subheadings, and bullet points make content digestible.
Use keywords smartly: Insert them naturally within the text.
Update regularly: Fresh content keeps your site relevant.
Meta Tags And Structured Data Best Practices
Meta tags and structured data are essential for search engines to understand your pages:
ElementBest PracticeTitle TagKeep it under 60 characters. Include main keyword.Meta DescriptionLimit to 155 characters. Summarize the page content.Structured DataUse schema.org markup to highlight important info for search engines.
Remember to apply these tips on every page of your site:
Optimize each title tag for the page’s target keyword.
Create unique meta descriptions that provoke curiosity.
Enhance visibility with structured data for rich snippets.
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Technical Seo: Under The Hood
Technical SEO: Under the Hood is crucial for any website’s success in Google rankings. Let’s tweak your site’s engine. We will ensure it’s fast and flexible. Get ready to zoom past your competition!
Improving Website Speed
Website speed influences rankings and user experience. A slow site loses visitors. Speed it up with the following tips:
Compress images to reduce their file size without losing quality.
Use caching to serve your pages faster.
Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML.
Choose a reliable hosting provider.
Tools like GTmetrix and Google’s PageSpeed Insights measure your site speed. Aim for a score that tops the charts!
Mobile-friendly And Responsive Design
Most people browse on phones. Your website must look great and work well on any device. Here’s how:
Adopt a responsive design. Your site adjusts to any screen size.
Use large fonts and buttons. They help users tap the right spot.
Test your site on various devices. Use Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
With a responsive design, you capture more visitors from every type of device. That’s more traffic, and that means more success for your site!
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Off-page Seo: Building Authority
Mastering the art of Off-Page SEO is critical for your website’s success. Unlike On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO involves activities done outside of your site to improve its authority and ranking.
Link Building Tactics And Techniques
Link building serves as a cornerstone of strong Off-Page SEO. It’s the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. A higher number of quality backlinks signals to search engines that your content is valuable, which can boost your rankings.
Guest Blogging: Write valuable content for other websites and include a backlink to your site.
Broken Link Building: Find and report broken links on other sites, suggesting your content as a replacement.
Skyscraper Technique: Enhance existing popular content and reach out to websites that link to that content to link to your improved version instead.
Remember, focus on building relevant and high-quality links to avoid penalties from search engines.
Social Signals And Content Marketing
Social signals refer to the likes, shares, and overall visibility of your website content on social media platforms. They act as trust votes for search engines, indirectly influencing rankings.
Create share-worthy content that resonates with your audience.
Engage with your followers consistently.
Use social media ads to boost the visibility of your top content.
Pairing social media efforts with content marketing is a dynamic duo. This means frequently publishing high-quality, valuable content that users want to read and share. Utilize a mix of blogs, infographics, and videos to keep your audience engaged and informed.
Local Seo: Capturing The Local Market
Local SEO is crucial for businesses aiming to reach neighborhood customers. An effective local SEO strategy puts a company on the map. It brings foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores. It boosts online visibility for local services. Master these steps to climb local search rankings and attract nearby clients with ease.
Optimizing For Local Search
Make your business easy to find. Start with Google My Business. This free listing boosts local search presence. Accuracy matters. Ensure your name, address, and phone number are correct across all platforms. Keywords must include local terms. Optimize your website for mobile users. Over half of local searches happen on phones.
Claim your Google My Business page
Include local keywords in titles and meta descriptions
Ensure NAP consistency across web directories
Optimize for mobile-friendly experiences
Leveraging Reviews And Listings
Reviews shape your local reputation. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive feedback. Respond to all reviews, good or bad. This shows you value customer input. Use online directories. Sites like Yelp and Yellow Pages increase your digital footprint. They help locals find your business.
Action PointsDescriptionGather ReviewsAsk for customer reviews on Google and social media.Respond to FeedbackEngage with reviewers promptly and professionally.List in DirectoriesEnsure presence on major online business directories.
Tracking Progress And Maintaining Rankings
Mastering SEO requires more than improving site visibility. It involves tracking and maintaining your Google rankings. Understanding this process is key to online success.
Essential Seo Metrics And Tools
Essential metrics and tools help gauge SEO performance. They offer insights into what’s working and what’s not. These metrics guide adjustments to improve rankings and attract more visitors.
Key Metrics:
Organic Traffic: Number of visitors from search engines.
Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors leaving after viewing one page.
Keyword Rankings: Positions for specific search terms.
Backlinks: Total links from other websites.
Page Load Speed: Time taken for a page to load.
Recommended Tools:
Google Analytics: For traffic and user behavior.
Google Search Console: For search performance.
Ahrefs or SEMrush: For comprehensive SEO analysis.
Adjusting Strategies Based On Data
Data drives SEO success. Regular reviews of metrics identify what needs change. Let’s look at how to adjust strategies effectively.
MetricIssueActionHigh Bounce RateContent not matching user intent.Update content to meet user needs.Low Keyword RankingsPoor optimization or high competition.Enhance on-page SEO and build quality backlinks.Few BacklinksLow domain authority.Implement link-building strategies.
Adapt to metric changes with swift action. For example, optimize keywords if rankings drop. Improve content quality if engagement falls.
Frequently Asked Questions For Mastering Seo
Q. How Do I Improve My Seo On Google?
To improve your SEO on Google, focus on producing high-quality, relevant content and incorporate targeted keywords. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and has fast loading times. Acquire reputable backlinks and optimize your site’s meta tags and images. Regularly update your content to keep it fresh.
Q. What Are The 11 Steps To Improve Seo Rankings?
To improve SEO rankings, perform keyword research, optimize titles and meta descriptions, create quality content, improve site speed, ensure mobile-friendliness, use internal linking, encourage backlinks, utilize social media, optimize images, monitor performance with analytics, and regularly update content.
Q. How Do I Optimize Seo For Google Sites?
Use relevant keywords throughout your content and headings. Include descriptive titles and descriptions for every page. Employ alt text for images. Link to high-quality external and internal resources. Ensure the site loads quickly and is mobile-friendly.
Q. How To Increase Website Traffic Using Seo?
To increase website traffic with SEO, research relevant keywords and integrate them into quality content. Optimize meta tags and descriptions, ensure mobile-friendliness, and build authoritative backlinks. Regularly update your site with fresh, engaging material.
Q. How Does Seo Improve Website Visibility?
Proper SEO practices enhance a website’s visibility by ensuring it ranks higher in search engine results, making it more accessible to users searching for related content.
Q. What Are Google’s Ranking Factors?
Google uses over 200 ranking factors, including site speed, backlinks, mobile-friendliness, and content quality, to determine a website’s position in search results.
Starting an SEO journey can transform your online presence. The steps highlighted offer a clear path to enhanced Google rankings and website traffic. By following the guide diligently, you unlock the potential for greater visibility. Remember, SEO is an ongoing challenge; stay updated and never stop optimizing.
Accept the journey for continual digital success!
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Thanks for reading my article on “Mastering SEO — A Step by Step Guide to Increasing Google Rankings and Get More Website Visitors“, hope it will help!
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Source : Unlock the Secrets to Getting More Website Traffic and Higher Rankings on Google
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
Small Thomas/Lennart coffee AU.
He is in uni right now trying to earn a living so he chooses to work at a coffee shop with Laura, the only person who can speak German (and other lenguages on the side).
He develops a small friendship with her which is nice, especially since he is just an international student with not a lot friends in his first year.
But he doesn't mind having only one friend after school, it's chill, he is chill.
Then one day as they are about to close, Lennart can hear some... he doesn't know how many, but there are a lot of motorcycles at the doorway.
It's strange. They are about to close and it's not like they are willing to ask for something right as they are about to do that, right? Yeah, it's probably just another store they are going to.
And then they don't
A huge, muscular man wearing a Hawaiian T shirt and cargo shorts in the middle of the freaking night comes knocking on the door. The glass tainted windows probably hidding him while Lennart can see the man, and his golden hair feet long (God he could possibly fit inside of him).
He doesn't know I he should answer it. Laura is cleaning the backrooms and he is getting the tables done so obviously he should but at the same time his gut tells him NO. DO NOT.
It's a mixed reaction all together.
Once the bell almost breaks due to the rough handling of the door, Lennart appears and just swings the door open, stelling his nerves for everything that is about to come!
Most likely it's death.
Still, before they catch on that Laura is in the establishment, he will open the door first
And oh dear God is he tall. Handsome too. Lennart always had more of a fascination with men than he did with women. And when this entire man was just the epitome of that...
NO FOCUS! He isn't even gay and he is definetly out to kill somebody here.
"Can... Can I help you with something?" He tries to say it in the most soothing version that he can't, but the German accent he has makes it sound too serious.
The motorist laughs at his comment, those sound entering his soul heart like the beats of a drum.
"Does Laura Sokolova work here by any chance?" He pulls out the smoke in his hand as he says so.
Ah, they know her. They KNOW her. Wh-what h-how could they know her?? Is she affiliated with them?
Wait no! Laura who studies even in the after noon! Laura Sokolova who wants a masters degree in aerospace engineering. How could SHE of all people be related to this, probably gand leader, motorists.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" He knows he isn't the best person to defend her but dammit, he has to at least do something for her, especially when she was so quick to help him get used to living in the US.
The motorist send down a chilly glare through the sunglasses, again, in the middle of the freaking Night, but the smile still lingers.
"I don't need to tell you that to you."
He is playing with fire over here. "I think you should." Some whistles go out in mid air. He doesn't know what the heck those mean.
The smile leaves him. Lennart, for the first time, understands what the New York winter feels like.
"And for what reason should I?" He leans even closer, letting the other man have better sight at his teeth, God he would rip him open, he would only need one bite probably to attack his neck. The smell around his is, surprisingly sweet, shampoo like, he doesn't know what kind of feeling he is supposed to get out of this but
He is still scared.
"Answer, pretty boy."
By command he does. "I—"
The two look back at her who has already finished cleaning the rest of the backrooms and is now... there, standing right behind him with a genuine curious look in her eyes.
Lennart doesn't know what to say next before Thomas just abruply passes through him and begins to hug her with a sudden smile on his face.
Much to Lennart's surprise Laura isn't even half as nervous or scared as him. She even looks mildly annoyed.
Laura Sokolova everyone...
"What the heck are you doing here?"
"It's the grandma's birthday tomorrow! How could I not be here! I'm sure you still have some desserts left right? A cake or two made out of coffee or strawberry, just as she likes it!"
"Um..." The two turned back to him, Laura suddenly looses all of her annoyed traits and goes back to the serious pokerface from before.
"Right, you don't know him." She apologizes, not that Lennart feels any reason for her to do that, but she is also too resilient about it and "this big dude can scare anyone away, it's why he doesn't have much friends apart from the ones he beats up."
"Aw come on!"
Laura smiles a bit. "But don't worry, he won't try to hurt you unless he planned on fighting you since the beginning."
"Say, who is that guy Laura?"
Laura looks back at Thomas as if trying to say 'you didn't present yourself?' And the other shrugs while avoiding eye contact.
She sighs, " Lennart, this is Thomas Andre, he is someone close to me."
"... Your boyfriend?" It leaves his mouth so suddenly that immediately after that he tries to cover his mouth and stop the heavy sweat coming down to him.
Oh shit.
"No." She cringes while Thomas is left there, frozen, before echoing a laugh throughout the whole room. Those kinds of laughs that really do come from the belly. "Oh god no. Lennart, he likes men."
"Oh." His cheeks start to flush. "Oh."
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macmanx · 11 months
To some extent, the significance of humans’ AI ratings is evident in the money pouring into them. One company that hires people to do RLHF and data annotation was valued at more than $7 billion in 2021, and its CEO recently predicted that AI companies will soon spend billions of dollars on RLHF, similar to their investment in computing power. The global market for labeling data used to train these models (such as tagging an image of a cat with the label “cat”), another part of the “ghost work” powering AI, could reach nearly $14 billion by 2030, according to an estimate from April 2022, months before the ChatGPT gold rush began.
All of that money, however, rarely seems to be reaching the actual people doing the ghostly labor. The contours of the work are starting to materialize, and the few public investigations into it are alarming: Workers in Africa are paid as little as $1.50 an hour to check outputs for disturbing content that has reportedly left some of them with PTSD. Some contractors in the U.S. can earn only a couple of dollars above the minimum wage for repetitive, exhausting, and rudderless work. The pattern is similar to that of social-media content moderators, who can be paid a tenth as much as software engineers to scan traumatic content for hours every day. “The poor working conditions directly impact data quality,” Krystal Kauffman, a fellow at the Distributed AI Research Institute and an organizer of raters and data labelers on Amazon Mechanical Turk, a crowdsourcing platform, told me.
Stress, low pay, minimal instructions, inconsistent tasks, and tight deadlines—the sheer volume of data needed to train AI models almost necessitates a rush job—are a recipe for human error, according to Appen raters affiliated with the Alphabet Workers Union-Communications Workers of America and multiple independent experts. Documents obtained by Bloomberg, for instance, show that AI raters at Google have as little as three minutes to complete some tasks, and that they evaluate high-stakes responses, such as how to safely dose medication. Even OpenAI has written, in the technical report accompanying GPT-4, that “undesired behaviors [in AI systems] can arise when instructions to labelers were underspecified” during RLHF.
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