#Marketing Mechanics
raulmolinaposts · 10 months
How Affiliate Marketing Works?
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Introduction In today's expansive e-commerce landscape, affiliate marketing has become a potent mechanism for brands to amplify their reach. As digital footprints burgeon, this marketing stratagem plays an instrumental role in weaving a web of online consumer connections, leveraging partnerships to enhance sales.
Historical Context: The Evolution of Affiliate Marketing 
The inception of affiliate marketing can be traced back to the early days of the digital renaissance. As businesses began recognizing the Internet's vast potential, pioneering endeavors were made to monetize web traffic. Over the decades, this nascent concept has evolved, undergoing various metamorphoses to become the refined and strategic marketing tool it is today.
The Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem
 Central to understanding affiliate marketing is grasping the triad of its main constituents: merchants, affiliates, and consumers.
Merchants are businesses or individuals offering products or services. Affiliates, often colloquially termed as publishers, are entities that promote these offerings on their platforms. Lastly, consumers are the end-users whose purchasing decisions are influenced by these promotions. This triad operates in a symbiotic relationship, with each entity benefiting from the actions of the others.
Mechanics of Affiliate Marketing 
Fundamental to affiliate marketing is the affiliate link. This unique URL, embedded within content, serves a dual purpose: directing potential consumers to the merchant's product or service and tracking the origins of this traffic.
Cookies digital markers play a paramount role in this tracking mechanism. A cookie is placed on their device when a consumer clicks on an affiliate link. This facilitates recognizing sales instigated by a particular affiliate, ensuring due compensation.
Types of Affiliate Marketing Channels 
Affiliate marketing is no monolith. Its channels are as diverse as the digital realm itself.
Bloggers and content creators, with their niche audiences, offer targeted promotion opportunities. Influencers, wielding vast follower bases, can drive substantial traffic to merchants, capitalizing on their credibility. Another facet includes paid search-focused microsites, which utilize targeted keywords to drive traffic to affiliate products.
Compensation Structures in Affiliate Marketing Monetary
compensations in affiliate marketing are as varied as its channels.
Pay-per-sale is straightforward—affiliates earn a commission when their referral culminates in a sale. In the pay-per-click model, affiliates garner revenue based on the traffic they drive to the merchant's site, regardless of sales. Conversely, pay-per-lead compensates based on specific actions, like sign-ups or form submissions, instigated by referrals.
Challenges and Ethical Considerations 
While affiliate marketing brims with potential, it's full of challenges.
Striking a balance between authentic promotion and overt salesmanship is crucial. Overzealous promotions risk alienating consumers. Furthermore, the increasing prevalence of ad-blockers and cookie blockers can impede tracking, complicating revenue attribution. Central to all these challenges is the need to uphold transparency and trustworthiness, ensuring consumer trust isn't eroded in the quest for revenue.
Affiliate marketing, with its intricate web of relationships and mechanisms, stands as a testament to the innovative spirit of the digital age. When wielded judiciously, it offers businesses a formidable tool to extend their reach, driving growth in an ever-evolving digital marketplace.
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headcanon-territory · 12 days
Does It ever haunt him
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
Welp. Beowulf, the beloved car I inherited from my grandmother, is not much longer for this earth, which means I'm going to have to start car shopping. On the one hand, road trip! (Because you should always buy cars from southern states, they're far less rusty) but on the other hand ugh. Cars expensive, and I refuse to have a car payment unless it's completely unavoidable.
So maybe I'll post some paintings for sale soon. And maybe some pottery? Idk about that.
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mushroompoisoning · 2 years
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im literally the most serious artist ever i have no idea what you're talking about
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
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citnamora · 14 days
Thinking about Viva. How she spent decades without knowing the status of her family. Do you think she remembered what her father and baby sister looked like? Do you think one day she woke up, and realized she could no longer make out a clear image of them in her head? Do you think she bounced back between believing the other half of their tribe survived and grieving them like they were dead? Do you think she still has nightmares of the night they escaped the Troll Tree? Do you think she even had time to let herself process everything before she was pushed into leading? Was she even pushed, or did she assume the responsibility herself? Did she consider it might take decades to see them all again? Did she ever think she would?
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kirbyddd · 4 months
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what if it was all a dream
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lilchaoswitch · 4 hours
I wish dating Sim games/otome games or whatever were gender neutral or you got the ability to choose your pronouns like in The Arcana :( I know gay guys who play dating sims is a small demographic but please please pleasepleaseplease just let me pick my pronouns so I can immerse myself in the Anime Men Romance Simulator without feeling dysphoric 🥲
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tuxedo-rabbit · 11 days
It's interesting that they're making the combat more like Mass Effect. I like Mass Effect's combat, but I don't think any DA fan actually wanted that.
Also interesting that they had to keep emphasizing that the game is focused on your companions (esp when the party size has been reduced to you + 2 others).
I don't remember them pushing that quite so hard before. Not quite sure what that says about the game, hopefully it can just be taken at face value.
Anything other than focus on Solas is nice though.
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Ally: Dhruva, The Celestial Brightsmith
However brilliant you think my work might be, remember that I learned my craft at the feet of those who wrought entire worlds from the void with nothing but their hope and intent. I adore them as all students adore their masters, as a candle must adore the dawn 
Wondrous weapons made of some radiant material have begun appearing in exotic markets and the hands of the party’s foes, allowing their bearers to transform into intangible colour while in motion or sear through the flesh of creatures made of dream. This raises the question of just where these weapons originated and how the party can get their hands on them, leading to a journey across the planes which culminates in a visitation with a most extraordinary artisan.
Where they once forged weapons for heavenly legions, the celestial Dhruva has spent several eons perfecting an art of capturing, channelling, and tempering light they refer to as “brightsmithing”, which they now hope to propagate across the multiverse. They do this in dedication to the starry goddess Urania, as the process of creating a “lightwrought” weapon requires one to seek out and bask in the vivid brilliance of the cosmos, which is in itself a form of prayer to the little known goddess.
Pilgrimages across the infinite are all well and nice, but the actions of the celestial smith are inadvertently at risk of kicking off an arms race as the various factions and free agents of the cosmic sea scramble for this new power. Will the party turn this upheaval to their advantage, or will the chaos convince them that mortalkind is not yet ready for such gifts?  Will they even care so long as they can get cool glowing weapons from the kindly space angel?
Adventure Hooks:
The Brightsmith is just the entity you want to talk to if you need a peerless weapon to take down an untouchable rival, a tyrant, or a hostile celestial body. The construction of such a weapon will of course take expenditure on the party’s part, sourcing the materials from dangerous reaches, journeying out into the cosmos to capture just the tight light, and most importantly of all, convincing Dhruva their cause is just. Given that they’re a being made of mortality, The celestial is unlikey to be swayed by selfish arguments, and the heroes might need to do some soul searching before they earn their shiny new toy.
Dhruva’s forge is a tiny world unto itself, constructed by the celestial over millennia of trial and error as they refined the process of brightsmithing from a theory into an actual craft. As such, beneath the surface there seem to be an endless gallery of disused workshops, vaults, and armouries full of failed experiments. Occasionally they’ll need someone to pop down into one of the forgotten lower levels and bring them something, necessitating the party fight through constructs, plasma elementals, and the sort of shadowy void creatures that feed upon light.
On a subsequent visit to Dhruva’s forge, the party end up encountering another traveller, begging for Dhruva to take him back as an apprentice and show him the true secrets of brightsmithing. After banishing the newcomer, Dhruva will tell the party of his fallen apprentice who had a real talent for the art but sought to rationalize the process by cutting out the spiritual elements in an attempt to mass produce light based weapons. As the campaign goes on, the party will encounter some of these “falselight” weapons in the hand of villains, a pale imitation of a true lightwrought weapon, but affordable for your average merc or pirate. 
Mechanic: Brightsmithing
Like all talented artisans, those who which to create lightwrought weapons need superior materials in order to realize their aims, the same way that a master smith wouldn’t use the same metal to construct nails as they would a sword.
To this end, brightsmiths make use of special crystalline prisms that can drink in light over a matter of time to later be extracted by the smith with the use of special lenses and mirrors. Prisms typically resemble a colorless piece of rock-quartz with a starry sparkle about their edges, and as brightsmithing propagates throughout a setting it’s not unusual to see travlers, sailors, and adventurers all carrying these stones (or atleast fragments of them).
There are two sorts of prisms: Stable and Volatile, each ranked along the same rarity access of regular magic items.
Stable Prisms need to soak in the specified light in order to abzorb its properties, requiring a total of 24 hours of exposure to a specific arrangement of light in order to gain a charge.   Once that charge has been used to create a lightwrought item, this prism is reusable, though the rarity of the item produced will always be one step in rarity below that of the stable prism itself
Volatile Prisms are fast acting, requiring only a minute of exposure in order to develop a charge. This speed comes with several downsides, in that the prism is single use and must be stored in dark conditions lest it drink in the ambient light of a room spoiling its potential. The charge of a volatile prism is always equal to that of an item of its rarity.
The other thing brightsmiths need, obviously, is light: the more potent the better, thought what exactly determines the potency of light is highly subjective, relating to any number of factors:
The light is part of a display that could be considered uniquely beautiful
The character trapping the light is feeling some level of personal poignancy, associating it with a strong memory or emotions
the source of the light is volatile or dangerous
Few have seen the source of this light in living memory
there is something primal, divine, or otherworldly about the source
For every factor a source of light matches, the charge it generates in a prism is counted as one level of rarity (starting from common) to a max of the rarity of the prism.
When given over to a capable brightsmith, a charged prism counts as the raw materials required for an item of the corresponding level, with the particular quality and source of the light determining a thematic link with the item to be crafted.
Lightwrought weapons by default also deal magical radiant damage in addition to their other types, making them a sought after alternative for expensive enchanted weapons when dealing with those beats of the astral sea that might be resistant or outright immune to mundane steel
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radicarian · 2 months
Persons familiar with my writing... are there any characters and/or relationships that you think would be in my wheelhouse and/or would be interested in my take on. Suggest me some persons or combinations of persons if you like
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bluesdesk · 2 months
Hello people! As you might have read from my last post, I'm making a video game for university with a group of other students. We don't have to just make a game, but also make a research on what people would like to get in a new game, and opinions in general.
I made a form with some questions, it's anonymous and the only personal information we ask are age group, gender and spoken languages. I don't know how many people I will reach with this post, but it's really important, so please forgive me for adding many tags.
The form is in Italian, but I tried to translate it in English and other languages with Chrome and Edge, and they work quite well. Firefox instead makes some funny mistakes, but it's still readable. Of course, as this is a university form, I must ask you to not be a troll, thank u!
For linkeduniverse people, yes this is the same form I posted int he server there's no need to answer again!
The game we have in mind is an action-adventure (like Zelda) with some platformer elements: some boss fights look like those from Kirby or Smash Bros, and some are side scrolling fast sequences, like Sonic. You'll learn more about the idea in the form!
Thanks so much to anyone who fills it!
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gourde · 5 months
Just to clarify, I don't hate Palworld just cause it's clear a fair amount of the designs are stolen assets/AI generated, it's also cause it's got racist adjacent content. That bothers me the most, really. And also people saying "It isn't confirmed that the designs are AI generated" when ummm. Just look at them. There is near no thought put into them with random little "bits" slapped onto them for detail. It's just marketable. That or they steal fan designs. Also the developers previous projects include NFTs and unfinished games, one of which being a BOTW clone. Like IDK the game may be fun but I wouldn't want to support it at all???? I don't get people ignoring all this just cause it's "fun" and 4chan levels of edgy.
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catboyrome · 2 years
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lameow-l · 7 months
so wait… furina is the name of the archon role that “furina” had to play
wouldn’t make more sense narrative wise to give her a name of her own?? like scara gets his own epic chapter about him ridding himself of his past and adopting a new name then proceed to ignore said name in favor of “hat guy” but the actress playing “furina” doesn’t get to be known for her own name?
like people of fontain (partly maybe) know the truth so why not let her free? let her enjoy the simple human life she so so longed for? even the other furina wouldn’t want this
#i think her story is a better use of the (give character name) mechanic that wasn’t really needed in scara’s arc imo#like yeah it’s cool and all but we literally saw him throw the actual physical manifestation of his past into the fucking void!!!#i personally think it was kind of wasted on him on top of me thinking that idea was entirely stupid to begin with and hyv keeps proving tha#no one actually refers to him as wanderer or by the name they choose online.. its just scara#thats both bad marketing and confusing burying the character away from new players#and like the amount of shit u have to go through as a new player just to name ur weird huge hat angry little dude is just..#but imagine how impactful such a mechanic would be for ‘furina’ who spent all her live acting a role she wasn’t#at the end of all that agony do u think she could endure hearing people call her by that name??#unlike scara she did that for the people every moment of those 500 years knowing that the fate of every person is mere a breakdown away#there was nothing in that for her or for a reward she thought deserved.. just suffering on her own#it just makes more sense for her to want a different name a different identity that has nothing to do with that role#and again i think that mechanic is stupid anyway but if it had to happen i’d loved it more with ‘furina’#or idk give her like a clueless friend she gets to meet that keeps calling her a different name for reasons and her liking the name or smth#maybe give her a different role she gets to play.. or have neuvillette give her a name#same with scara i think it would have been a lot better if he went by a name he choose when all his previous names were chosen for him#i dont see how the entirety of genshin writers and devs agreed to this mechanic being implemented honestly#like traveler is literally there waiting for a single soul to address them by their actual name (the one we choose) but every time it’s jus#traveler traveler.. even their most beloved companion calls them traveler#like that alone should've changed the writers minds bc such a name would 1. either not ever be used or replaced by a nickname#2. the hell devs had to go through to not allow certain phrases and names and 3. the hell both teams will suffer should they add a new char#tl;dr stupid dumb mechanic but they should still give furina a new name#genshin impact#furina#fontaine archon quest#scaramouche
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dreampearls · 5 months
colleis personality functionally being left to the ether because her webtoon iteration is at such fundamental odds with her game iteration that any attempts to temper between the two just range so dramatically
#each collei is a beautiful macrocosmic specimen to be analyzed in its own right#i do think the best and most canon-adherent way to reconcile between the two though is to recognize her emulation of amber#in both personality and appearance#as pretty much an explicitly canon thing if albeit exclusive to the game#& while i think it was meant to be a like. cute moeblob marketing strat and not a genuine extension of how she might develop#post black fire incident#it does tie really well into the webtoon establishing collei's fundamental lack of self identity & her pathological need to assume a Role#as per lee @haidengjie's dissertation: shes always either the unclean or the plague or the villain. shes never just collei#the last time she was seen as purely just Collei was also the last time she ever heard her mothers voice....#and ever since she has been denied the opportunity to exist even as a person w basic human rights#shes never been allowed to be simply just a child let alone herself#amber befriending collei for who she is & demonstrating she sees her more than just some street rat (who had KILLED TWO DIPLOMATIC ENVOYS#NONETHELESS) & insisting she would never abandon her#just changed. everything. for the first time there was no role to play no stage no script#the curtains fell... god i still love that scene Collei is just trying so hard to play the villain and amber obstinately refuses to let her#insisting that they are both friends and equals and wholeheartedly believing in collei's capacity for good and kindness#ITS SOOO INTERESTING BECAUSE OF COURSE AS SOON AS COLLEI LEARNS SHE DOESNT HAVE TO PLAY A ROLE#SHE'LL STILL SCRAMBLE NONETHELESS FOR A NEW ONE BECAUSE ITS ALL SHES EVER KNOWN#SO OF COURSE SHE WOULD TAKE UP THE ROLE OF AMBER!!!!!!! *WALKSINTO A LARGE PIT#god im still upset about windblume though they contextualized her amber roleplay as a coping mechanism#not for her identity issues or general ptsd but instead this like. palatable relatable version of social anxiety#which dont get me wrong i do adore and relate to that aspect of colleis character a lot but its coming from a framework that completely#disregards her personality from her source material and it really just feels like a flanderization to appear more marketable#Okay i have homeowrk to do byebye
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