#African Super Heros
fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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"Floral Beautiful Black Anime Girl With Afro hair " by Anass Benktitou
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when you've been alone as long as i have, you tend to anthropomorphize your friends. (karnak)
-If you believe both armrests are yours exclusively, you are part of the problem. (karnak)
-even in competition against yourself, you can still walk away a loser (ocean)
-he was inspired by traditional african folk music, specifically the lion king (constance)
-raise a middle finger to that most ruthless adjudicator called time (karnak)
-i hope i wiped my browser history clean (constance)
-democracy rocks! (ocean)
-i trade mostly in prophecies that dont make any sense until they actually do (karnak)
-even in death i can't escape her- she's followed me to the afterlife! (noel)
-well played satan, well played (noel)
being the only gay man in a small rural highschool is like having a laptop in the stone ages. sure you can have one but theres nowhere to plug it in (noel)
When a lioness has children, she sops making love to the lion. the lion gets jealous, sometimes so jealous he eats the children. You think this would upset the lioness. far from it. they make love again like the children never existed. (jane/penny)
-noooo i cant get any wifi up in this bitch (mischa)
-my gansta persona is only armour to conceal the fact that i am naked child wandering through the wilderness holding in my hands my wounded fragile heart (mischa)
-that was wack (mischa)
-i dont know how it is in your culture but in ours, playing games with peoples lives? super illegal (ocean)
-if its yellow, let it mellow. if its brown scoop it out with your hand and put it in the compost (karnak)
-some people are right wing, some people are left wing but last time i checked it takes 2 wings to fly. we are community we are family, we are the world (ocean)
-what you need is a fother-mucking hero (ocean)
-your cousin was in grade 4 he had to get his stomach pumped (ocean)
-you challenged my preconcieved notion that all gay dudes are fun to be around (ocean)
-OHHHH sweet jesus christ. on a bike. (noel)
-its like a slurpee woodstock (noel)
-a s.xual provacetour and a novelist. who never wrote a novel. or had sex (noel)
-that was DOOOOOPEE YOOOOO (mischa)
-mad wicked awesome! (mischa)
-fornication under consent of the king (jane/penny)
-in my country it is natural for 2 men to show affection by kissing… not always in heels (mischa)
-theres a difference between affection and smut (ocean)
-not in my bible baby, bonsoir (noel)
mine will only have profanity in chorus (mischa)
-little orphan a hole (mischa)
-teen sex? kills (ocean)
-porno is magical (ricky)
whattt just because im all gangsta dont automatically make me homophobic. its not cool to be homophobe in rap game anymore since macklemore dropped same love. that sh.t was emotionally devastativing yo. (mischa)
he turned to the last fashion of pure stregnth and masculinity in society, self agrandizing commercialized hiphop (karnak)
grab yo dicks if you in the 306 bruh (mischa)
-autotune will never die (mischa)
-my rage has subsided, i am vulnerable now (mischa)
and that is why not everybody should have a library card! and you should vote for me (ocean)
and this is why you both SUCKED at math (ocean)
-on the other hand, given the context of german history, being a party spoiler might be a good thing. (karnak)
-i guess you could say im pretty sexy on another planet (ricky)
i told you moneky lovedrop (ricky)
-life is hard enough without making up reasons to be dicks to each other (ricky)
-incredible~ (ricky)
-theres only one commandment in the bachelor man bible: dont be a dick (ricky)
-we listen to you now space jesus (mischa)
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fredwkong · 11 months
Hi I have a idea for a story if possible if it can be a race tf a chubby African American becomes a Greek God or Superhero basically
Thank you kindly
“I wish I was super.”
Well, we can’t possibly make you stronger than the genies, can we? So, instead of a genie coming to you while you’re awake, a masked man appears at the foot of your bed while you sleep. He leans over you and draws a magical sigil just below your belly button.
When you wake up the next morning, you feel lighter. You can’t quite put your finger on it while you wash your face, but you look… better. A little slimmer, perhaps? When did you get that tattoo on your belly? It looks… really good.
Your eyes empty and your face slackens as you stare in the mirror at the sigil on your belly. It begins to swirl, and as your body continues to slim down, the pattern spreads like ink across your body. Wherever it touches, your muscles bulk up, until you’ve become a tight bodybuilder.
You blink back to consciousness, and look at yourself in the mirror. It’s like your brain is filling with a totally new personality. You’re the hero Inked, now. Just by flexing your hot tattooed muscles, you can make any villain fall under your sexy spell and do whatever you say. Be careful, though. The power comes from the genie. If he decides that you aren’t seducing enough men using your power, he’ll be back, and he might transform you into a less virtuous kind of metahuman.
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Another wish fulfilled.
Got a wish you need twisted? Send an ask! Remember to say “I wish” so the genie hears exactly what you’re wishing for.
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
telekinetic!spidey!fem! reader
note: my spidersona + my own headcanons of her <3
first of she’s from earth 1213 where superhero’s and supervillans don’t exist & if they somehow ‘miraculously’ do exist they are shunned by the world—that’s why there isn’t superheroes anywhere to be seen because they are most likely hiding their true selves.
she had already had telekinetic powers every since she was very young!! she was raised and born to a mexican mother and an african american father!! her first language was spanish then later on as she gotten older she’d learned english
currently a college student in her 20s!! the timeline takes present day 2023–she studies computer science at a prestigious university & works as a barista at her university’s coffee shop <3
she was bitten by a radioactive spider when she got out the shower 😭 & she didn’t know she was bitten after she saw a red lump on her knee but she brushed it off until her spider abilities on top of telekinetic ones manifested
her hero name is starlight spider & her suit consists of golden outlines and pink stars ✨ that glitter her suit—she got it tailored and had her artist friend design it for her (they’re the only ones who know her true identity)
her parents are long gone so she only has herself and she’s trying her best to juggle her college and hero life—it’s hard at times but with the help of her roommate she’s able to persevere 😣
now her telepathic abilities are a strong one—she’s able to levitate (float but can’t fly for long distances) short distance teleportation, can manipulate and control objects with just her mind, very good with creating strong energy fields & a telepathic <3 but for her spider abilities she uses webshooters, has increased speed and agility, increased strength, spider senses (don’t rly need em when you’re a telekinetic) can do pretty much what a spider can do <3
extremely flexible…she does gymnastics 🤸🏽‍♀️ and does yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ to help center herself and it’s kind of an escape from her reality
miguel had an eye on her because he was curious and surprise to stumble upon a spider person with telekinesis—he eventually comes to her earth and scouts her…she’s very stubborn and snarky at first but agrees to join
i’d like to think that she would challenge him and be reluctant to follow him and in a way it’s a game of push and pull between them; she keeps him on his toes while he simply puts up with her because it’s something he looks forward to everyday
at first they wouldn’t get along pretty well just because they both think differently and are polar opposites 😭
when they do start to get along they form a rare bond it’s just an unspoken thing between them and many of the spider people don’t get how 2 diff people have a thing for each other but they make it work
miguel would be cautious of her but NEVER underestimates her just because she’s a rare gem and has such cool powers & a lot of the spider people admire her for that—she’d be close to spider people who have unique abilities like her tbh !!
she’s super close to the spidey gang and probably has a soft spot for miles, margo, & gwen LOL + hobie & pav would treat her as a sibiling more so :p
a/n: please let me know if you want a pt. 2 & elaborate more with the relationship between her and miguel <3 also these are mine headcanons so if you seen a similar one out there i didn’t take inspo from that!!
tags 🏷️: @kairiscorner
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prodigal-explorer · 5 months
i have an idea for an omori au
an au where all of them are dancers and each of them represent a different dance style
and it would be called omoriography like choreography
maybe it’s a mari lives au where all of them are dancers at a studio
but each of them have like a favorite style
and they do duets and group dances and stuff omgggg
sunny would obviously be ballet, precise and clean, beautiful in a quiet way, super technical.
i could see basil as acro because he can contort into different positions like he contorts into different personas and pretends to be something he’s not. (sorry i can’t not roast basil at every turn)
i love aubrey as contemporary. enigmatic, unique, something nobody’s ever seen before but so captivating. a strange amalgamation of every style and yet none of them at the same time. and it’s so versatile! it can be happy or sad or angry.
i ADORE kel being the styles of dance that make noise, specifically tap and african dance. you cannot tell me that kel wouldn’t be obsessed with making as much noise as possible, and considering how active he is, he’s got the stamina required for these very demanding styles! i also just love the idea of kel stomping a complicated gumboot combination with a grin on his face. also, those styles don’t require ballet technique as much as they require strength and dexterity. which kel has plenty of!
omg it would be so cute if hero and mari were ballroom and they danced together as partners!! they’re both so service-oriented, i could see them both not loving the idea of dancing solo but adoring the idea of dancing with a partner to support and to support them. they’re stronger when they’re together! also hero doing complicated lifts with mari omg it would be so beautiful and special!
i wonder if anyone else has come up with an idea like this-
if so i’m really sorry i deadass pulled this out of my ass while trying to sleep last night and i’m obsessed with it i will be writing fanfic asap
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dangara2610 · 7 months
Hard to do Crossover
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Time to time, watching the lots of crossovers fans do about Varian with anything, I thought about one of the fandom I liked and spend lots of years in it
Does any of you knew about the Hetalia fandom ?
Humanized countries anime, before the creation of Countryballs and Country humans but after the old newspaper cartoons about each one nation spirit like "Uncle Sam" for the USA and "John Bull"for the UK?
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(My mind playing easy and silly after a whole day playing difficult xD)
Varian and Hugo cosplaying France and England because I can't decide which one fits better 🫠😎🤓
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Super silly draw ~ hahahhahahahah
(My mind playing difficult before that fanart)
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I tried to find who in the Hetalia cast would be fitting for a role swap with the Vat7k characters, but they are so different from each other , even the similar things between them have to be pushed xD
Long time ago, my favorite fanfics and fancomics were "Historical accurrate" focused, but most the content was about romance , so I endup becoming a big fan of:
FrUK : France x United Kingdom
USUK : United States x United Kingdom
Usually along with "FACE family" Dynamic, France and England as parents , Canada and America as adoptive sons
Then , I got a more deep liking for England , so I would get any England x (any other country) material
As well for USA x (any other country)
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Varian: From a germanic country, so we have some to pick between the very Germany, or Prussia, Austria, Switzerland, Lietchestein, Bravaria or Kugel Mugel, but most of them have a serious stoic attitude
Except Prussia, who likes to play funny, is clean and disciplinated , writing a lot for his journal so everyone can know about his amazing adventures and goals, high self esteem, able to play teacher/mother/father/older brother role to any who wants to take lessons from him or who needs him, during the manga pages (and anime chapters) about Industrial revolution, he and his lil bro showed great engineering skills and enthusiasm.
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Hey, when we think about Rapunzel, we were taught about her Germanic origins, then on the Tangled making, there was a mention about how the team wanted Germany as main influence and a few of Spain influence , and maybe not lots of you saw it, but there was a fanart about Prussia and Hungary cosplaying Eugene and Rapunzel that got re-posted on most old Facebook accounts about Hetalia
So feels like Prussia role was already taken at the Tangled cast, as well, Hungary on her cannon scenes, used a frying pan as weapon too.
Next pick for a fitting role for Varian, it may be , America? I don't know xD , joyful, friendly, strong, innovative, but doesn't knows how to measure his skills or social contact so he endups pushing everyone boundaries or ignoring safety codes, loves heroic tales and wants to be the hero of the situation at sigh, too bad he makes exaggerated bad takes due to his inexperience.
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England, either for Hugo or Varian
A tsundere who suffered social exclusion during his early existence, who fought all the way to stop being poor, forgotten and put aside to reach riches, glory and power, not losing contact with his magical paranormal friends, yet, having difficult times to accept friendship or love from others, facing betrayings as well, a little bit of low self esteem, trying to compensate with other things (as with aggression and search for more power), for innovation, he tried engineering but his ideas were too eccentric so he would end up laughed at for his impractical machines, yet, searching ways to improve.
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I need to make this shorter so I'll skip talking about France
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As well about China or any other asian country for Yong
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Sadly for Nuru , there are very few African or Oceanic based characters, most of them on a sole official videogame of the series with not enough screen time on the show, yet, nice to search around the fanbase
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Any way, find something for an "accurrate " role swap is difficult, maybe cosplaying would be the only thing I would fantasy about xDdDDDDdD
The only "legit" version for a Crossover of Hetalia and Tangled would be creating brand new OCs of each one of the locations in the map of this world, specially about the 7 kingdoms
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Bayangor looks kin to any country from Southeast Asia , so I would pick Indonesia (the series got a femenine character sketch, but then, changed it for a male one, either way, just for the manga and not the anime)
Galcrest and Nesdernia would certainly be about native american communities, sadly, most of them are drawn as OCs for the fandom, no actual cannon characters
Pittsford and Corona looks germanic enough, hehe, we could pick similarities with other European countries
The Dark Kingdom gave hints about Scotland , so it's easier
Ingvarr, according to some post, was supposed to be Persian/ Arabic influence, as well for Koto, African influence, but is vague, and both of them, reversing the role of colonization, looking like ... O dear, I have to go.
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And that's all, I have to go 🥭⛅🥭🌟🌳🌟🫧⛅🫧⛅🌳🌟🌀🌀🌻 thanks for reading 🪷🌠🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️🌹🏵️
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angevinyaoiz · 3 months
saw Dune 2 (2une?), and since I don't have my dune blog anymore I'll post here, since blah blah this is my place for posting about Dynastic Weirdos. This is long but NO MAJOR SPOILERS, except about like, small detail things that aren't plot things but whatever
Tbh it was disappointing. It had all the correct elements to be liked but one thing grated on me the whole time...the Bad Dialogue and lack of Elevated Speech! Why the hell were all these characters saying stuff like "these guys" "we're ok" and "literally" it took me out of the fantastical world sOOO bad. Super bummer because what I loved about Dune 1 (D-uno?) As someone who went into it before reading or knowing anything was how much it didn't explain, how it let the visuals and the world unfold before you, and how serious and somber it was in a way that gave it a sense of scale and time.
I can only wonder if WB saw all the complaints and tweets about people being like "we didn't understand the first movie!!! It wasn't funny and quippy!!!" And decided to simplify it down so characters just SAY things really obviously and inelegantly. The writing has some competence in moving the story forward but there's no poetry or rhythm to the way characters say things, it's serving "Rings of Power" scriptwriting to me lmao. And it's not like any of the actors are bad? I've seen them do well in the previous movie and in other things, so wtf was going on with the direction. I know people complained Abt Villeneuve saying that whole thing about being more into visuals than dialogue but maybe he was right...there needed to be LESS WORDS. bc much of the words we had were NOT GOOD.
Positivity: the middle and latter part was where the movie picked up for me. The Harkonnen Freak Villain behavior was everything I could have wanted! Finally instead of EXPLAINING everything obviously we got to see a LOT of character building, for Feyd specifically in a very short amount of time. I know a lot of us complained about Bald Feyd-Rautha but Mr Elvis did a very good job. And we got Madame Fenring and weird scifi femdomming finally, which is Essential for the Duniverse! Wonderful fantastic no notes.
Of course, getting back to our heroes, I anticipated this 2 years ago sadly and it was true...the Fremen were badass but SWAGLESS. More Learned ppl have already written about the frustration with the erasure of the Arabic/North African cultural presence so I won't reiterate that here since I'm not super knowledgeable about the specifics of that but even as a casual watcher there was a weird emptiness to the way I feel the society was portrayed. There were individual good character moments, such as fun bantering among the Fedaykin etc, but for Pacing or Whatever they cut out the community aspects that served to make them feel more like well, a People rather than just either Grizzled Soldiers/ Religious Fundamentalists aka Marks/Panicked refugees. I have to guess this was ppl were like "we can't show a culture too cool and colorful and the part with Harrah (Jamis' widow) would feel too ORIENTALIST!!! But the result is something sadly very dry. At least in more older orientalist works, the interest comes from when the ~exotic~ stereotypes figures are able to have charming personalities and personalities and be known as people despite the cliches sometimes but this sadly wasn't even like that....
Jamis' funeral is a good example of this; in the Book, it's a moment where you first get a good look of what rituals are like in this world, and how people relate to each other and to the dead. In the movie, the funeral is looks more foreign and even a little creepy as the water is extracted from the body. There's not really a Personal or community connection aspect to it at all.
The ending was pretty good as it satisfied all the Cool Dune Moments I think we all wanted to see, and also did literally the end of The Godfather Part 1 Framing which was hee hee heh. Anyways, Messiah is MY favorite book of the series personally so curious how they get to that.
Maybe I've been too spoiled by Cool Historical Fiction lately? I've been watching too much of The Devil's Crown where action happens mostly off screen but the dynastic drama is written and acted so compellingly, the historical mindset and setting so alien and yet so human and relatable, it's frustrating to see when works try to do the opposite? Idk??? Dune books themselves is fun in how action is mostly an "offscreen, offstage"' thing.
*if ANYONE in the Universe is a quippy Bastard, it should be Leto II esp in God Emperor where he literally has nothing to do all day but quip all day to terrified acolytes
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iloveschiaparelli · 9 days
This might come out a little bit late because my wrist is KILLING me but it's time for new garden update!!
I am, in fact, looking for advice for Spider Plant, African Violet, and random thing attached to my plants. This is a long post but if you are knowledgeable in any of those and would be willing to skip down to the section about those problems I would super appreciate it <3
First of all the spider plant is STILL flowering and making many new babies. I'm thinking about starting a plant section of my art business (which is usually inactive but I've been thinking of booting up again) so this is great news.
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The two babies I propogated recently are doing well, for the most part. I didn't propogate them at the same time, so they are at different stages of progress. The first one went into a head-shaped pot with pebbles at the bottom for extra drainage and has found its home at the foot of my bed so that I can feel like I have some form of life in here besides Rookie sneaking in to take naps on my pillow or in my clean laundry when I'm not looking. The bedroom baby seems to have taken root, actually, judging by the fact that just now I pulled gently at it from the base and it didn't budge an inch from the soil, whereas when I first potted it it was looser than a 1900s social pariah (feminine). The leaves are also seeming to stand up straighter.
The second one however is just in a plastic container with no special drainage. The only reason I propogated it at all is because I was sitting watching My Hero Academia with my roommate and one of our friends when I looked Slightly to the right and had The Urge to Repot. I tried so hard to resist, I really did. I fought The Urge for at least 30 mins before finally, in the middle of an episode, i just stood up, went out on the balcony at 10.30 at night and propogated it without warning.
I'm pretty sure the only words I offered as explanation in the moment were "The plant was calling." I looked like a madman shoveling dirt into a cup in the middle of the night when previously I had shown zero indication that I would be leaving the couch until bedtime.
It's doing alright, the soil seems overly wet but that is probably because the plant is new enough that it hasn't yet developed the roots to drink up. I just need to give it time while I find a proper pot for it. I think I have one in my bedroom actually, I just need to paint it.
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On the OTHER hand, the main spider plant is also turning brown at the ends which is kind of concerning. I don't know if it's the stem from the baby I just took off, drawing nutrients away (see blurry photo of long stem turning brown and dying) or if it's some kind of consequence of me accidentally overwatering her last week because I thought a water stake was a good idea (I'm never using water stakes again). If anyone has any insight on that, i would be thrilled to hear it. It's indoors so unless some nasty bug has gotten in, it's unlikely to be bug eating it.
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One thing that I DO know bugs are eating is my BASIL!!!!!! I don't know if you guys are familiar with spotted lanternflies, but they're super invasive here in the US and in my state are actually considered "Under Quarantine" which means that affected counties/cities are kept track of and, if you live in one, you need a permit & training course on finding and eliminating spotted lanternflies before you can sell any kind of organic matter outside of the quarantine area. They eat grapevines like mad which is threatening to VA's economy (they're all big wine people)
Their main source of food is Tree of Heaven, which coincidentally is ALSO an invasive species from Asia. Including kudzu, bamboo and asian pear trees this is 4 plants and 1 HORRIBLE little bug that are wreaking havoc on Virginia's ecosystem because of being DELIBERATELY!!! introduced as an ornamental (Decorative!) plant. (bug hitched a ride) Unbelievable.
Anyway they also like to eat basil and I have my basil outside so that it can get a sufficient amount of sun to keep from wilting all the time, so guess what I find every time I go outside! This little PECKERHEAD (or his brothers) just hanging out on my basil sitting perfectly still just like I'm his dad and I just walked into the room and he's trying to pretend he wasn't just on his phone. Anyway today I went to get some leaves for cooking and like half of them were just absolutely emacerated with brown/black spots and holes because the lanternfly nymphs have been nibbling on them. Varmints.
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Spotted lanternflies are vulnerable to neem oil (So are brown marmorated stinkbugs btw), tea tree oil, and peppermint oil. I mean to purchase whichever one is harmless to my other plants to spray the lanternflies with to kill them. They're also wildly attracted to milkweed, but it's actually toxic to them, so management strategies for spotted lanternflies often suggest planting milkweed on your property so that they will drink the sap and then die.
I intend to, once I am not struggling to pay bills, purchase a native milkweed plant and stick it allll the way on the end of the balcony AWAY from my other plants in order to draw the lanternflies away and hopefully kill them.
I'm not looking forward to cleaning up the bodies. In fact, a couple minutes before taking the above photo I actually leaned over to take a pic of another one and got a dead one in my hair. I was mortified when I sat up and realized. I'm really, really, really going to hate it when they start reaching maturity, because mature spotted lanternflies are HUGE. They're like 2 inches long, 1 inch wide, and fat-looking. I saw one smeared on the pavement last fall and wanted to throw up. I don't know if I have the strength to kill them myself, which is why I'm hoping neem oil spray and milkweed will kill them for me without having to deal with smashed moth remains,
Here are the life stages of spotted lanternfly, map of their invaded areas, and pictures of the Tree of Heaven for your information to kill/manage them <3
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PEsTS aside, I have really good news! My wildflowers have all sprouted!!!!!!
Looking back, I wish I'd verified whether they were native or not. I hope I don't poison the landscape when they go to seed. Once they start flowering, I'll try to identify any invasive or harmful species and weed them out, I suppose.
They first started showing green on a day when i was feeling especially depressed about my recent breakup, so it was HUGE mood boost. It honestly felt like God was like "Yeah ya'll it's time to go green. Right now go go go go go!!"
Don't mind the plant water stakes, they're empty I just don't have a great place to put them right now. I intend to keep them only so I can use them when I go out of town for a few days at a time, so that I don't need to ask my roommates to water my basil daily, or whatever. The first two pictures I took when I first noticed the seedlings, and the third one is from today, along with most of the other photos.
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One thing that I am concerned about is that I'm noticing these little banana-shaped things (pods? eggs? seeds?) that look like they've been clamped/clipped onto the leaves of many of the wildflower seedlings, especially the ones on the left end of the planter. They almost look like hairclips that have been shut onto the leaves? I'm really confused. They're pretty dry looking, and my friend James broke one apart and it just kinda disintegrated. (I was too wigged out to touch it) They can't have been there very long, a couple days before I noticed at least.
If anyone has ANY idea what these are, I'd really appreciate it. I'm worried that they're bug eggs. I really hate interacting with/looking at bugs, especially bug eggs, so I tried looking it up myself and had to stop because uhh... pictures of bug eggs. But they definitely don't look like part of the plant, especially since this planter is a mixture of different species and they're showing up on multiple types.
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The beeblossom, which I've learned is also called a Whirling Butterflies or a Wand Flower much more commonly than it's called a beeblossom, is doing quite well! The leaves and stems have shifted completely from red to green, and it's showing signs that it might possibly flower for a second time. I really hope it does, the flowers last time only lasted a couple days and I don't remember if I got any good pictures but they were really pretty. I've repotted it into a neat woven-basket pot that I got at the local garden center (This garden center has a cat mascot! That lives at the store! I love him. He let me pet him.)
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The lavender also went into a similar pot, to get it out of the rice pot that it was in before. Also at this garden center I found a catnip plant!!!! Rookie has been loving it whenever I give him a leaf, but surprisingly I don't think he's figured out the source plant because he doesn't go up to it and sniff it at all. I think he's more interested by the finches, cardinals, and robins that have (finally) found our birdfeeder. To give you an idea of how much the birds have been vibing, this feeder was full to the top only a week ago.
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The Echinopsis babies are doing OK. Echinopsis generally do a terrible job of communicating how they are doing. They don't seem to be especially active in growing? Neither the babies nor the parent. I suspect know I repotted the parent into too-small of a pot, so I hope to remedy that at the next opportunity. Just.... large pots take up so much space!!! And they're much more expensive than small pots, especially since I'm so averse to plastic containers due to issues with overwatering plants in plastic containers.
The Echinopsis babies haven't been drinking as much as I'd like, but they HAVE been drinking, which is a sign that the roots are functioning just fine. They were each able to take a root or two from the parent when I propogated them about a month ago, so it's good to know that they're doing alright down under the soil. I'm thinking about selling each of them for $35, with the hand-painted pot, but I hate to part with them. I get so emotionally attached.
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The Thyme, on the other hand, has shown ZERO signs of growth and it's been 12 days. I know they have a long germination time but between their complete silence and the fact that I planted them in the wrong soil (I should have used sandy loam but it's just Miracle Gro) and the soil has been wetter than a jellyfish since I planted, AND they're just from a dollar tree Herb Rocket, I'm starting to become suspicious that they're duds. I'll keep watering and watching them until after I hit the 28 days, but I'm definitely not feeling great about the thyme.
The herb rocket was supposed to be planted as just one roll, also, but because I was using a long container I took some scissors and just cut the rolled up seed tape in half lengthwise before rerolling and planting. The directions were also ambiguous as to whether I was supposed to leave the top of the rolls visible, level with the soil, or to cover them up with the 1/4 inch soil that I've begun to notice is typical of planting instructions.
The left roll you can see is a little bit messed up, because the other day in a fit of disappointment I pulled it out of the dirt and unrolled it to check for anything, ANYTHING, ANY!!! SIGNS OF GROWTH! I found nothing. But that, not before, is the point when I googled the germination time of thyme, then I felt like an idiot and did my best to stuff it back into the soaking wet soil.
God help me with this plant.
My roommate pulled out a little mushroom decoration (she loves mushrooms) for the garden, initially intended to go in the wildflower planter. It was there for about an hour before I took it out, because I didn't want it to kill any of the wildflower growth. Instead I put it between the two thyme rockets. Hopefully, when (if?) the thyme actually starts growing, it will look like there's a little mushroom home nestled between the two shrubs.
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Another plant whose performance I am currently dissatisfied with is the African Violet. It's wilting again. At this point it's like, "What am I doing wrong now?" What makes it even worse is that this is the only plant that was given to me as like a, "nurture this plant as a metaphor for nurturing your spirit!" so it's even more depressing that I'm having difficulty keeping it alive. I feel like this plant's survival is tied to my success as a human being (Not really, but that's the vibe).
The leaves are just totally limp. Not really mushy, but I could see them getting that way if it weren't for the fact that they usually just dry up and wither away first. The soil is very wet, which I don't understand because I've been doing my best not to overwater it and it's been a week since it's last douse. The leaves have lost their yellow tinge from overwatering, but only on the topside. The bottomside of the leaves still look brownish, as if they're dried up (except that they arent) If there are any African Violet experts in the crowd, I would LOVE for you to lend me any advice you can give me from the picture <3 I love you.
I've been pruning off dead sections and kept it indoors with a stable temperature in a spot where it gets plenty of indirect light, so I don't understand what the issue is. I'm beginning to blame plastic containers for all of my problems due to all of my Problem Plants being in plastic. (Spider Plant momma, new baby Spider Plant, African Violet, Thyme, Basil in the early months, Beeblossom, probably the catnip soon too).
I desperately want to move all my plastic planted plants to ceramic/terracotta or woven containers, but the issue is just that plastic is the cheapest material for planters, and since I've been upsizing, I genuinely do not have the budget for terracotta right now. Maybe in 2 months, but by then the Basil & Echinopsis will already have had their growth stifled, the Thyme will be drowned, and the African Violet will be well and truly dead.
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I wasn't able to get any good pictures of the snake plants in this lighting, but they are doing alright also. Their roots haven't quite put down in the new soil, but I think they're kind of growing anyways??? I dunno.
Finally, here is a photo of the Potted Plant Empire as it is today, excepting the indoor plants and the wildflower planter being cut off:
That little pot at the end is my roommate's rosemary, and the orange glass pot is her lavender. Mine is in the woven basket next to it.
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I feel like that guy in the recent Drive Time app advertisement. "I FEEL STRONGG!!!"
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theliterarywolf · 11 months
I watched Kizazi Moto and I really liked it a lot! One of the things I found especially interesting was the difference in…I want to say emoting? expression? with how some of the characters responded to things. Like with tongue clicking and some hand motions. I thought that was very interesting. Did you have a fave episode?
YES! Finally, someone watched/sent in an ask about this anthology!
And what you said here, noticing the differences in emoting. I am so glad you mentioned that because, yes: African storytelling, particularly when it comes to bringing stories to the big (or in this case, streaming) screen, does have its own style of emoting, staging, and composition.
And, yes, every culture does (for all people meme on Indian soap operas having the 'twenty dramatic zooms with matching music', you can tell that's a modernized carryover from traditional storytelling), but I have been yearning for African stories to be able to be seen by a wider audience so they can be a part of the conversation.
Because, yeah, we have companies like Netflix picking up a few Nigerian and Ghananian movies/shows for streaming, unless you're searching for them or your algorithm is trained, you'll never find them.
Also, shout-out to Supa Team 4
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An upcoming CGI animated series from Zambia that is looking like a fusion of Miraculous and DC Super Hero Girls.
But, my rambling aside, for me there were three stand-outs from the anthology.
My favorite cultural-reflection, My favorite spectacle, and My Overall Favorite (kind of like a Best in Show).
My Favorite Cultural-Reflection
And by this, I mean which of the shorts reflected the culture it's creators are from the best (even though it may not have been my Overall Favorite):
Moremi (Nigeria)
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(Hate that I couldn't find a gif for this one...)
Before this series aired proper, If you showed me 15 seconds of each short and told me to identify which country they came from, with this one it would have been a no-brainer. The staging and composition are such a strong mirror to Nigerian storytelling, a facet that is made even more obvious when we're introduced to the scientist character.
My Favorite Spectacle
Mkhuzi: The Spirit Racer (South Africa)
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The sheer definition of 'Hype'. When I was liveblogging my first time watching some of the anthology, I made the comment 'Who at Triggerfish Studios marathoned Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill before coming into work that day?!' But, yes, this short was extremely anime, extremely colorful, and extremely action-packed. All while still having a message about maintaining the connection with your ancestors.
My Overall Favorite (Best in Show)
Enkai (Kenya)
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Everything about this short, the composition, the color-scheme, the acting, the setting, and the messages are beautiful. While the initial scenes give us the impression of a simple, more intimate story of a mother and daughter, as the story progresses, the audience is presented with themes of family, spirituality, environmentalism, and even a bit of generational trauma sprinkled in (if you know where to look).
In fact, I'm going to discuss the moment that solidified this short as Best in Show for me. Spoilers under the Read More
When Enkai and her mother finally escape the destroyed Earth and Enkai is showing the new world she's made, free of mankind's greed and destruction, her mother has a moment of hesitation and looks back towards the Earth.
Even though the Earth and it's people, the ones who she was trying so hard to protect, have hurt her so much, she still says, "...I can still fix this!"
And Enkai has to be the one to tell her mother, "If we didn't leave, we would never be free from them. They have to save themselves now."
As much as the environmentalist message is there, it also reflects a story of a woman being abused by her family, hurt by her family, and internalizing the fact that she has to stay; she has to take care of her loved ones, only finally being told by the next generation 'No, you have done enough! You have been hurt enough!'
I just... God, the beauty of African storytelling being presented in the medium of modern animation got to me, okay?
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◜ 🛰️𓂃 Question OTD! ‧ 🌎 ◞
⁺  ◍   .   ⁺  ☆  ⁺   .   ◍  ⁺
Who is your favorite superhero and why?
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18+ Blogs|| AB!DL|| DD!LG|| Do not interact
The Flash! ive always thought the idea of going fast was AWESOME, plus he has multiple other powers like the ability to create tornados just with his hands, he can phase through things by vibrating particles, AND THROW LIGHTNING BOLTS - Big Dipper My favorites Storm! She is a staple of African American, female super heros! While her backstory is incredibly interesting yet incredibly sad, her ability to control the weather is absolutely amazing, and she is worshipped as a god in many tribes because of it! But shes not to be messed with. Her ability to control weather means being able to manipulate it in space, manipulate molecules to be able to breathe under water, bend energy molecules at will, and so much more !! (fun fact, she married T’Challa, The black panther!) - Little Dipper
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Oh Bushman and his super racist backstory (not that he wasn't a stereotype before). Again it could be done well, but it very much wasn't
also why is bushman and some domi are colored grey when African-American characters like Gena are colored a more brown color often in the same comic? Do you think there was a choice there or it's just the colorists fucked up?
(compared Shang-Chi being orange and his father Fu Manchu being bright yellow but all the other Asians and Asian americans were beige)
Hi there! Yeah... Any time a comic heads into Africa for a villain story I have to take pause and wonder just HOW racist this story is going to get. Or at least the art and the depictions of the locals.
I think in the case of the coloration of Bushman, if you look at the other characters that are coming from his homeland, they all have the same ashen black/brown color. Or… At least the bad guys are.
There's a lot that can be said about that.
I'm going to tred as carefully as I can but it's going to get dicey.
You might have noticed that people come in different colors. Even those colors come in different colors.
Not all black people are 'brown'. Some are lighter and some are much darker. The same goes for Asians and white people and all sorts of ethnicities.
BUT. How do you show that in comics? Comics are printed. And sometimes that printing isn't done well. And not all shades of ink print well.
If you use a darker color, you aren't going to see any shading, details, or ink. You can't use black or you lose everything and you have to start outlining in red, white, or green. Which can be jarring if you are using black outlines everywhere else.
So you get the gray color to show darker black toned skin.
Remember a moment ago when I said 'the bad guys are'?
There was a very popular notion for hundreds and hundreds of years that the darker you are, the uglier and more inhuman you are. (Thank you colonialism). In fact, there is still a notion in beauty standards that many people are trying to change. The notion that dark is ugly. ANd good luck finding cosmetics for the darker colors. Again, companies are trying to change that and be more inclusive, but this is a VERY recent event.
So it's not uncommon in Hollywood to use the darker colored skin to signify the bad guys.
The same goes for comics.
You have "Beautiful and warm brown" for our heros like Luke Cage and T'Challa and Storm! Then you get ashen gray for Bushman.
And Asians? Well… The more yellow…
So next time you are reading a comic that actually includes POC, take note of the shades that are being used. Then take note of where those people stand on the good vs. evil scale.
If you are reading something more modern and they are still using that scale of shading to denote evil, you might want to stop and think about who wrote this and WHY they might be using that color scale. If you are reading an older comic, this is going to be hard to avoid. But pay attention to it. Realize that even the best comics were not immune to racism.
Good job on noticing this, my friend!
Comics can often show us a pretty good idea on the politics of what was going on during the time it was written as well the mental ideas/pictures of people.
I'm sure there's SOME paper or dissertation or thesis out there that talks more about this. If not, someone should absolutely do one! I'd love to read it!
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renyen808 · 4 months
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The TV Show We (and Disney) Needed
Back when I was a child, I had a difficult time reading. In fact, I loathed it. I never understood why we had to read in the first place, it seemed extremely tedious to me. It had gotten so bad to the point where it became obvious that I just did not want to read. It wasn’t until my parents signed me up for this reading thing at my elementary school, where after hours, like dinner time, they would give us a book to read. I wasn’t a fan of this because why the hell would I want to be reading at 7 pm on a Wednesday night? Yes, you read that correctly, a Wednesday! The first session, they made us read a book from an author in Hawai’i. They wrote a children’s book and they made us read it, which I didn’t because it never interested me. So, the next Wednesday comes around and I just expect it to be the same. Just give me my copy of the book that I am never going to read again and I’ll call it a day. But that didn’t happen. For the first time, I actually found a book I was interested in: The Lightning Thief. 
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(Credit: Goodreads)
Everything about Percy entrapped me in this mystical world of Greek Gods, monsters, and half-bloods. I was never like this before, reading page after page just to know what happens next. Along with that, since I started reading them when I was twelve, it was a great way to see myself in these different characters, feeling the triumph and betrayal throughout every twist and turn of their adventure.
I read all of Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus throughout my time in school, and also watched the movies, but, while watching the movies, I was disappointed to find that it wasn’t like how I imagined it. They changed aspects of the story that didn’t need changing and in doing so, kinda destroyed the magic that made it so great. Grover was a kind hearted boy and while I like Brandon T. Jackson, I didn’t buy him as Grover. Sure he was a great friend to Percy, but he wasn’t Grover to me. Logan Lerman was the perfect Percy, just the wrong time for him. And do not get me started on Alexandra Daddario as Annabeth, she was the worst offender of the three in my opinion. Them changing every aspect of the story just made me super upset, and do not get me started on that second movie (Love you Blackjack). The point is, as a Percy Jackson fan, we needed better, we deserved it!
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(Credit: Wikipedia)
During 2020, I finally got my wish when they announced that the show was greenlit. Everyone around the world rejoiced as we finally got our chance. Once that happened, everyone started to wonder about who would be casted as the titular character. Then, April 2022, Walker Scobell was announced. At this point, I haven’t watched the Adam Project or anything that he has done, but after watching it, I was stunned, I was like, ‘That’s Percy…’ Then, Leah Sava Jeffries and Aryan Simhadri were casted as Annabeth and Grover and the world lit on fire in the community.
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(Credit: Polygon)
As a woman of color myself, not African American, but Asian, I was ecstatic to see Jeffries take on Annabeth. I’m the type of person that cares more about if they embody the soul of the character than the appearance. Daddario may have looked like Annabeth, but Jeffries IS Annabeth. There are still portions of the community that cannot wrap their head around that the beloved daughter of Athena is a different race, but I don’t care. It is especially prominent in this Facebook group (yes, I still use Facebook) I am a part of to share my love for Percy Jackson. I try to surround myself with like minded people, and sometimes, a few of the racist ones just come through.
As you can see, I loved the series. From the moment I heard Scobell’s voice, I knew the series was built with so much love. I always felt drawn to Percy, being from Hawai’i, the ocean is special to me. I always found his snark and humor relatable, since I am similar with my friends and family. I also was drawn to Annabeth with her no nonsense attitude, along with being a strong female character. Also, cannot forget Grover, the literal glue of the group. The quest would have gone completely wrong if not for him. Scobell, Jeffries, and Simhadri all played their roles to perfection. They are truly the Golden Trio come to life. 
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(Credit: Town and Country Magazine)
I need to also call attention to all the different actors and actresses who played supporting roles throughout the series. Virginia Kull’s masterful performance as Sally, showing just how difficult it can be on the mortal parents of a demigod child. Glynn Turman as the perfect Chiron, showing a sense of care and concern as Percy’s mentor. Jason Mantzoukas’ performance as Mr. D is a standout, with him completely capturing what it means to be the punished director of Camp Half-Blood. Megan Mullally was an amazing Alecto, bringing a sense of fear immediately into Percy’s life. Timm Sharp played an amazing Gabe Ugliano, showcasing a different way that Gabe could be portrayed for an audience today. Adam Copeland, also known as Edge in the WWE, plays Ares, a terrifying force in the book that Copeland captures perfectly. Also want to shout out Nick Boraine, the voice of Kronos, who brings a sinister feel to the series, showing he is the big bad of this story.
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(Credit: PopBuzz)
I wanted to make a separate paragraph for the last supporting character: Luke Castellan. Luke is played by Charlie Bushnell, who really sold me as a demigod feeling betrayed by the gods. Just from his acting in Episodes 2 and 8 solidified to me that this is how Luke is. Granted, the confrontation scene is not as sinister as it is in the book, I believe that the TV series did it better, where Annabeth is there in person to see the betrayal happen. I mean, that is literally her brother betraying her, I cannot imagine what she is going through. Bushnell really sold it as Luke honestly, showing he’s an upset demigod who believes the gods have turned their backs on them. He made use of his time on screen, and I cannot wait to see him in future installments as our big bad.
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(Credit: IGN)
Overall, this series is what we all deserved! I understand that people are upset that it was not completely faithful to the books, and that is a valid argument, but I will say this: if you want a faithful adaptation, read the books and recreate it in your head. Nothing will ever be a perfect copy of another, not with humans around. I think instead of nitpicking the differences and inconsistencies between the two, we should embrace the changes. Embrace the fact that this was even created in the first place and be grateful for it. Embrace the fact that we have a great TV show, but god forbid they forget about the scorpion that Luke poisons Percy with. The books, movies, the TV show, they’re all interpretations of the same idea, and we all have different thoughts about the idea, that at the end of the day, at least one person will be a hater. Anyway, with millions of views each episode, I’m sure season two is coming, and with that my boy Blackjack!
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fizzigigsimmer · 5 months
I'm a little scared but could you tell us about the slave hurt/comfort caligator fic?
Haha, don’t be too scared. I am still working on the outline for this one. It takes place in an dystopian reality where there was a second civil war in America and the Coalition of Patriot States succeeded from the union. Technically the war is ongoing and the country is divided into two territories separated by a wall. But for the most part, the two halves are in a stalemate.
In the states governed by the Coalition (CS) slavery is constitutional but following the collapse of the African slave trade they reverted to a feudal/classist system. The idea being that everyone should do their part to build up society and no one can be a drain. People who the government stamp “deviant” in any fashion lose all of their rights and enter the slave class. The only way out of this class is to have the government remove the ‘D’ from your citizenship papers (which rarely happens) or of course to escape to the free states. It’s a tragic fact that even in countries where slavery isn’t legal wealthy people like to purchase slaves from the CS and bring them back as domestic “staff”. The CS basically has a whole trafficking system set up to make money to fund their military etc. But there are lots of hoops that foreigners have to jump through before they are allowed to be buyers which means there is a certain amount of time they have to reside in the CS rubbing elbows with the first class. So it’s super dangerous, because if they are found out they’ll be killed.
Max is part of an organization that works to extract slaves from the CS and reunite them with family members in the free states. Her client is Dot who escaped her husband Roy and the CS after Roy discarded Gator due to an injury that ended his football career. Due to the high cost of his medical bills he had Gator stamped in order to pay back his debt - an extraordinarily cruel thing to do to ones own child when they have the money to care for them. Gator has spent the last ten years as a slave in his own father’s household with the possibility of re-earning his citizenship dangled over his head like a carrot.
Billy’s no hero and he’s not trying to risk his life to be one, but Max ambushes him with Dot and he can’t hear her story without thinking of his mom and how things might have been even worse for him if he’d been born south of the wall.
So Billy’s under cover in the CS playing a dangerous game with Roy and the big whig officials, and he really can’t afford to make any mistakes like fall in love with Gator - but of course he does. 😆 Lots of danger, intrigue and of course hurty bits but lots of comfort too as Billy becomes Gator’s anchor and and slowly helps him find his pieces and remember that he is in fact a person, worthy of dignity and love.
@martyreasemymind @adelacreations
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thelivebookproject · 5 months
Reading Wrap Up | October - December 2023 + 2023 Recap
One more year has gone by, I almost can't believe it and yet it's already time to review how the year was.
[Jan-March] [April-June] [July-Sept]
Code: books read in English are in black, books read in Spanish in red, books read in French in blue & books read in Portuguese in purple.
West With the Night - Beryl Markham -> 4/5
Desencajada - Margaryta Yakovenko -> 3/5
Death and the Penguin - Andrey Kurkov, trad. George Bird -> 2.5/5
My favourite was definitely Markham's: as a British woman in colonised Kenya, I was wary of starting her memoir, but it actually was a really pleasant surprise. Her love for the country where she grew up in was palpable with each description of the land and the sky, and her life as a rancher, horse trainer, and chartered pilot was fascinating and full of adventures. Desencajada was a good insight into the life of a second-generation immigrant, but it was too similar to Supersaurio (by Maryam El Mehdati), which I read earlier in the year, to offer anything different. Kurkov's book was curious, but not enough for me to really recommend it.
O Alquimista - Paulo Coelho -> 2/5
The Intimacy Experiment (The Shameless Series #2) - Rosie Danan -> 4/5
Greek Mythology: The Gods, Goddesses, and Heroes Handbook: From Aphrodite to Zeus, a Profile of Who's Who in Greek Mythology - Liv Albert (ilustrado por Sara Richard) -> 3/5
The Housekeeper and the Professor - Yoko Ogawa, trad. Stephen Synder -> 3/5
Coelho's was for a book club and it was as simple and as bland as I expected, but it was my first ever book read in Portuguese so yay for a landmark! Rosie Danan's was great, and I actually added her new book to my TBR because in just two books she's become a trusted author for romance.
A Viagem do Elefante - José Saramago -> 3.5/5
Infocracy: Digitalisation and the Crisis of Democracy - Byung-Chul Han, trad. Daniel Steuer -> 4/5
My Roommate is a Vampire - Jenna Levine -> 2.5/5
Demigods & Magicians (Percy Jackson + The Kane Chronicles) - Rick Riordan -> 3/5
In Bed with the Stablemaster (The Rogue Files #6.5) - Sophie Jordan -> 2.5/5
¿Para qué sirve realmente la ética? - Adela Cortina -> 2/5
Le Testament Français - Andreï Makine -> 2/5
December was very good in terms of numbers but not in terms of quality. Infocracy was super interesting and I do really recommend it as a good intro treatise on contemporary debates about democracy and information. Saramago's was also fun if a little overlong, and as usual Riordan is a good comfort read. But the rest of them? I've already forgot what they were about, definitely meh.
As usual, if you want to have a chat about anything I read just send me a message!
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Yearly Recap
[Hello 2023 post]
Reading (at least) 55 books [59/55]
12 books in French [4/12]
12 books in Spanish [12/12] [Plus several books translated into Spanish!]
12 non-fiction books [11/12] [So close and yet so far...]
12 LGBTQ+ books [3/12]
12 books by European writers (excluding British ones) [10/12]
12 books by African/Afro-Caribbean writers [1/12]
12 books by Asian writers [3/12]
4 books by writers from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.) [1/4]
4 books by Latin American writers [4/4]
Okay, so I didn't do THAT great in my goals, actually. A couple of them were reeeeeally close, but some others were so far away it's actually a little embarrassing. But oh well, we live and we learn, and we try again...
I'm actually fairly happy with how my reading year went, even if I didn't manage to read one single 5-star book in the whole year (something to improve for next year for sure!). I think that after a couple of years of stallment and block, I'm really getting my groove back and I'm really excited for what the new year will bring! I have also been curating my TBR this past month to make sure everything on it brings me joy, and now all of my picks excite me. I can't wait to get to them in 2024; you can follow my reading adventures over in GoodReads if you want to take a look at my shelves :)
I hope you all close out 2023 in style and have a wonderful start to 2024. May it bring happy adventures and many good books!
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what is this pattern where fgo overstates how ~special~ and ~overpowered~ japanese servants are? genuine question bc none of the grand servants or candidates are japanese. there are no japanese lostbelt kings. none of the japanese servants listed on ooku's event bonus even stand out to me as especially strong in lore
It’s one of those weird things that you at first don’t think is a thing and then you start actually reading and it’s like. O_O.
Like Japanese buddhist religious interpretations are given a stronger influence than other religions that run parallel to Buddhism (see kama/mara: mara is only really linked to kama in Buddhism and it’s basically maras presence alone making them an assassin despite both kama AND Sakura being notable archers, also the fact Indian god kama decided to make a Japanese themed hell depravity pit and that no Indian servants besides kama and parvati have bonuses despite ooku being a lb4 prelude and kama also being an Indian god as an example; also how the Buddhist priestess kiara is essentially always one step ahead of kama even if she does get destroyed at one point) this is also linked to how fate tends to sort of be anti god in the sense they don’t really believe in humans ‘relying’ on gods-whether through worship or actual divine intervention
There’s also the fact that they’ve just straight up released far, far more Japanese servants than other nations. Obvs some of this is just a familiarity bias, but when you also look at how there’s basically no African or South America heroic spirits it’s a bad look that they keep putting them out
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This is an older map and it’s just Asia, but you can get a decent idea of just how heavily weighted it is
That being said, even if there are no grand servants who are Japanese they’ve still been either hyped up plenty in story. Fgo went out of its way to establish that more modern heroic spirits are always going to be weaker than ones with greater mystery, yet the shinsengumi and artists like hokusai or bakin are both ssrs and treated as powerful characters by the narrative. In Babylon king gilgamesh specifically tries for summoning Japanese heroes bc, in his words ‘they’re better at slaying demonic creatures’ (says this in the anime at least)(like…there are lots of cultures that have legends of heroes killing monsters????) and out of the eight servant he summons, only two, leonidas and Merlin, aren’t Japanese.
There’s also the fact that writers are implied to be weak heroic spirits, and as a result shakespeare and hans are both low rarity units-but then both sei AND murasaki, semi-obscure-outside-of-Japan authors, are 5stars? They also noticeably buffed murasaki’s combat ability by giving her the ability to use onmyouji, something which she herself says she never really used in life. Of course unit rarity doesn’t necessarily mean anything, but why is Sei so much more powerful than Shakespeare? Shakespeare is literally one of the most famous authors in the world, and his noble phantasm is described as being able to completely mentally cripple someone, yet this isn’t reflected in his gameplay at all
There’s also the fact tametomo is a grand archer candidate, can easily and effortlessly pierce through things such as Constantine’s np with his own, and was able to apparently create a large struggle for a group consisting or servants like super orion (an actual grand archer) Chiron, arjuna, and Ishtar simply to stop one of his arrows. For a guy who’s legend was sinking a boat with his shot. It’s true he had grails powering him both times, but it does read very ‘our guy is the most specialist and coolest of them all’
Musashi also runs into this issue tbh-she’s a much more modern swordswoman, but she had mystic probability deducing eyes, can cut the void, leap through reality, everyone loves her, while non-Japanese people from the similar time period are usually given far less to work with. Or how they insist you need to have a strong, well known legend to manifest as a servant, but then choose relatively obscure tales like the cut tongue sparrow and make her a limited 5 star.
Like idk there’s more to proving a certain group gets favored than JUST having grand servants. I’m not sure how much sense this makes bc it’s late and my typing is NOT working but I hope the gist comes across? I think the thing is we expect there to be SOME favoritism and prioritizing of Japanese myths and history, it is made in japan after all and may hold biases, but it’s annoying when that’s all they ever do
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Avian Man (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Avery Winger-Mackie
Affiliations: PEACE; White Hat Organization (later)
Residence: Fowl Ridge
Age: 30's
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: African-American
Occupation: Bird trainer and keeper; Superhero
Relatives: Callum Wringer-Mackie (husband); Merle Wringer-Mackie (adopted daughter); Gavin Wringer-Mackie (adopted son)
Headcannon Voice Actor: Bumper Robinson (English); Eduardo Ramírez Pablo (Spanish)
Abilities: Flight; Manipulation and communication with birds; Skilled martial artist, aerialist, and acrobat; Super agility and reflexes; Skilled hand to hand combatant; Experienced bird trainer and keeper
Personality: A true hero at heart he does what he can to protect his city, civilians, family, and all bird life. He's always had a great love for justice and cares deeply about birds. He's a goodhearted man who strives to be a great moral figure to everyone including his children and his student. He also is very protective of the stuff he loves and cherishes. He also grows to hold a grudge against Miss Heed for brainwashing him and causing him to lose a lot of his money some of which was supposed to be for his children. He has also grown to distrust PEACE for their role in Heed's behavior. He can be very serious at times, but isn't above cracking a good joke once and a while. Background: He was originally a bird keeper and trainer who trained birds for PEACE until he got interested in becoming a hero and signed up. He then went through the procedure and gained his powers. He was assigned as the hero of his hometown. He would become one of Green Rod's mentors and was very close to her during this time. However, after she left to work with Ms. Sensation, he ran into Miss Heed who came to his town to visit and she brainwashed him into being her follower. He would then become obsessed with her, neglect his family, and even move to Cosmopolis to defend the city. He was luckily unbrainwashed when shown the clip of Heed kissing Flug and returned back but with issues of money due to the fact that he donated to Heed when he was under her control.
* He and his husband met through PEACE as fellow bird keepers and trainers. His husband still works with PEACE but isn't a hero.
* Some of the money donated was originally apart of his kid's college fund. His husband saved some of their money to prevent all of it going away.
* He is based on Falcon from Marvel Comics.
* He loves birdwatching.
* He has a pet hawk named Red Tail.
* He is friends with Wave Breaker.
* He and his husband combined their names when they married.
* He also is a big sponsor of bird conservationism.
* He also is a fan of Codigo Guajaloto.
* Green Rod stayed with him when she wasn't mentoring with him and even babysat his kids who she became close with.
Created through https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/657097
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