#Agent Whiskey x  ofc
sheerfreesia007 · 6 months
Fluffmas #9
Title: Fluffmas #9
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Prompt: Snowed In
Words: 744
Warnings: Fluff
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @romanosgirl1978
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The room was blanketed in bright light and quietness that made you slow your movements as you blinked away the sleep from your eyes. You and Jack had managed to get to the nearest safe house while on mission up in the Rocky Mountains, thankfully it had been well stocked and was able to run on generators to keep the two of you warm while you were there. The snow storm has given you great coverage as the mission to capture any intel on the Ervani Group that was making its way through the black market, but it totally cut you off from HQ. The snow had gotten so bad in the few hours of the storm yesterday that the two of you had barely made it out of the Ervani warehouse as it was being evacuated and to the safe house.
Stretching slowly you snuggled further under the large heavy comforter and smiled to yourself, it was a successful mission and you had managed to get some great sleep in after trekking through the snow. Moaning low in your throat in pleasure as you felt your muscles pop and stretch as your body shifted on the bed. Just as you turned to bury your face into your pillow you smelt cooking bacon and heard your stomach growl loudly. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed you looked around the room wondering if you could find some sweats to wear so that you didn’t grow cold.
It took you a few minutes but once you were bundled up you shuffled out of the bedroom and into the open main area of the safe house. Across the room you could see Jack standing at the stove in a flannel shirt and black sweatpants as the sounds of food cooking filled your ears and the smells of breakfast filled your nose. You move over to the cupboards and begin pulling down plates and cups to set the table before moving to the fridge and pulling out the milk for the bubbling coffee pot in the corner of the counter top. As you pass the small window above the sink you gasp softly at the sight of at least three feet of snow on the ground outside.
“Yeah snow came in fast and hard last night.” Jack said gruffly and the way his tone slithered down your spine made you shiver. You nodded your head at his words as your eyes danced along the brightly lit snow. “Looks like we’re going to be here for a while until the snow starts to melt. I’ve already gotten in contact with Ginger and Champ, they know where we are.” he informs you and you turn to look at him with a happy smile.
“No one I’d rather be snowed in with than you Jack.” you tell him brightly and then move around him to head over to the coffee pot. You didn’t see Jack’s sharp gaze as he stared at you while you made the two cups of coffee, he had felt warmth bloom in his chest at your words and he felt happiness rise inside of himself. You didn’t seem to notice the effect you had on him and he wondered if you’d ever notice it as you set his coffee cup down at his side before turning your back to the counter and resting back against it. Taking a sip of his coffee he hummed pleasantly as he realized you had made his coffee the exact way he liked it.
“You know my coffee order?” he asked curiously as he turned his head to face you. You smiled at him warmly as you rested your arm over your stomach and took another sip of your coffee.
“Course I do. Ever since we started working together as partners I learned your coffee order.” you told him fondly. Jack stood there for a moment before realization hit him.
“8 years?” he asked incredulously and you chuckled softly before nodding your head at him. “Really?” he asked, still baffled. You turned with a happy smile on your face before you leaned up on tiptoe and placed a chaste kiss to his cheek before moving over to the table.
“Really.” you said over your shoulder with a smile before you sat down at the table. Jack scoffed softly as a permanent smile formed on his face before he brought over the plates of food for the two of you.
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 2 years
A Promise of Gold
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x OFC
Rating: NSFW 18+
Warnings: this is an old western story so many of these come with the world. Mentions of prostitution, mentions of injury, normal saloon activities (gambling, alcohol consumption and handsy men) smutty times, fluff, oral (female receiving), p in v sex, fluff, angst, a shootout, a badass couple moment, very tiny mention of death, did I mention fluff?
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Notes: I read a western series a few months back and this fic was born from it. I made an oc and left it with the possibility to return to it if the inspiration ever struck. I ADORE this fic so much. It’s probably in the top five things I have ever written and that's saying a lot. I hope you all enjoy this story as much as I did writing it! Thanks to @clint-aww-no-barton​ as always!
ao3 link
  The dark of night had fallen like a slow sheet of snow on the small western town. The local saloon had already been at full swing for several hours, the noise growing as more patrons filled through the swinging doors. Henley had been making her rounds, finding laps to sit in and hair to lace her fingers through. Every suggestion of taking her upstairs had been shut down.
She was waiting on a particular someone to make his entrance. The blue dress she had worn tonight was a little more toned down than her usual and she had chosen it just for him. She stationed herself at the back, keeping away from the noise and grabbing hands, staring at her perfect view of the door.
  Then there he was, Jack Daniels. The definition of tall, dark and handsome, with a swagger that always seemed to draw attention. He was a true cowboy. Mostly kind in nature, but he protected what was his and those who couldn’t protect themselves. He would gun a man down in the street but he would rather not. He had become a special customer of Henley’s and she always looked forward to when he came around.
  He had traveled through one night, limping in after a ruthless battle to town. He had been injured and Henley had tended to him, which resulted in drunk mumbles of sweet flirting words until the man fell asleep. He charmed his way right into her bed the second he was able, and she let him. He wrote to her on the regular now, promising as soon as he got his hands on some gold, he would free her from this life and give her anything she wanted.
  Their eyes met from across the saloon, as the rest of the patrons turned to see who had entered. Eyes seemed to follow him as he skipped over the alcohol, the gambling and everything else, as he took quick strides to Henley. A smirk was planted on those lips and Henley felt that all too familiar heat. Butterflies fluttering around her stomach and heat pooling between her legs. His eyes looked her up and down and his tongue darted out to wet his lips, eyeing his next meal.
  “Howdy cowboy,” she smirked up at him as he closed the distance between them, and pulling her into him.
  “Howdy there darlin’. Now don’t tell me you picked out this little number for me?”
  “Of course I did. You like?”
  Henley smiled wide as he twirled her around and let out a whistle.
  “Well of course I do. But I know where I’m going to like it so much better,” he pulled her right into him and dipped his head letting his lips brush hers in a quick kiss.
  “Then let’s go get it there,” she pulled away, backing up as she held his hand, before pulling him along like he didn’t know the way.
  Henley had mostly stopped any other man from entering her room since she met Jack. He always left her with plenty of coin to get her by until his next visit. The saloon owner wasn’t entirely happy, so she would take a random customer here or there, but her eyes and her heart were set on Jack. They slipped inside and Henley shut and locked the door. By the time she turned around Jack was already getting rid of the top layer of his clothes.
  “Eager tonight are we?” She smirked but didn’t dare touch her clothes to remove them, he would take care of it.
  “I’m a little pint up darlin’ but I promise our usual talk and just lying together as soon as I release some of this energy.”
  Henley studied him for a moment realizing how true his words were. Something was bothering him, but she knew he would tell her after he took her. He stepped to her once he stood in nothing but a button up shirt and his trousers. He crashed his lips to hers without another word, backing her up till the back of her knees hit the bed. He spun her around leaving her dizzy and panting from the kiss, his skilled fingers desperately working her out of her dress. Layer after layer hit the floor until she was naked for him. She turned around, her hand coming to the back of his neck and pulling him back down for another, slightly softer kiss.
  “I’ve missed you darlin’,” Jack panted as he parted from her, resting his forehead against hers.
  His words made the butterflies in her stomach go wild and a smile to pull at her lips.
  “I’ve missed you too Jack.”
  Then he was back on her. His hands started to wander everywhere, touching in all the right spots that he knew oh so well. She worked at removing the last of his clothing, until he know stood naked before her. Then he was lying her back on the bed. His lips fell from hers, taking their journey downward. She laced her fingers in his brown locks letting her eyes flutter closed, as she let herself get lost in the way he made her feel. Jack was going so slow and she was started to lose her sanity.
  “I thought you were eager?”
  Henley whined, pulling a chuckle from Jack that she felt rumble on her stomach where he had stopped.
  “Now darlin’ that may be true but I’m a gentleman and I’ll always take my time to worship every inch of you.”
  She couldn’t stop the smile as she looked down at him, meeting his eyes.
  “Keep those pretty eyes on me darlin’.”
  He smirked and she did as she was told, watching as he kept going until he finally stationed himself where she had wanted him. He hooked her legs around his arms, keeping her spread for him. He flattened his tongue and took one single swipe from her, already dripping, entrance to her clit. He flicked his tongue over the bundle of nerves a few times causing her to let out a loud moan.
  “You still taste so delicious darlin’ and those noises that you make, like music to my ears.”
  Henley could only answer with a moan as she bucked her hips slightly. Jack let out a chuckle and then dug in. He took her clit between his lips and sucked, making her throw her head back, letting out a slight scream she knew anyone else up here could hear. She gripped at his hair.
  “Jack…” she panted trying to earn his attention all while he was continuing his assault on her with that damn mouth.
  He looked up at her with only his eyes, his eyebrows raising.
  “I…want you…inside me,” a loud moan as he made a certain movement with his tongue. “Now please.”
  She pleaded so pathetically and desperately but she didn’t care, she needed him buried inside and wanted to tumble over the edge with him.
  “Now who is the eager one,” he gave her a devilish smirk before starting his journey back up her body.
  His lips met hers and she let out a moan at the taste of herself there. He pulled away just slightly, their eyes locking as he lined himself up and pushed inside her. Henley let out a moan at the feeling. Jack set his usual quick, but gentle, pace. The bed under them squeaked and the headboard hit the wall. Henley knew the noises that were falling from her mouth could most likely be heard on the whole floor but she didn’t care. She wanted everyone to know that Jack was making her feel like no other man could.
  “Jack…I’m close,” she panted as she looked from between them to his eyes.
  “Let go for me darlin’, I’m right behind you,” he grunted and it was all Henley needed.
  She felt herself snap and she gripped at Jack causing him to let out a groan, letting go himself. She lost herself completely in him, the entire world fading away and leaving just them until she was floating back down. They both stilled, panting and spent. Jack moved carefully, both of them hissing at the loss of each other, before rolling over on the bed.
  “I think we getting better at that every time,” Jack looked at her and she turned her head to look at him.
  “I do have to agree,” she smirked, before she moved to lay on his chest, his arm snaking around her.
  “You know, you are always beautiful but this right here, is my favorite look. All flush and spent,” his thumb came up to brush over her cheek and then her nose which she scrunched in return.
  “You’re not so bad yourself cowboy.”
  Henley kissed his chest both of them laughing softly. His fingers started to idly rub at her back and shoulder as they sat in silence for a moment.
  “Have you gotten any closer?” Henley sat up slightly, watching Jack’s face, trying to memorize it as she always did.
  “I think so. I actually think I’m getting close. It’s why I wanted to come visit. I…may not be able to again for a bit until I find it.”
  Henley felt her stomach sink but she knew in the back of her mind this day was going to come, she just didn’t think so soon. Jack must have noticed the expression on her face.
  “But as soon as I get my hands on it I’m coming back for you. Then I’m taking you wherever you want to go. You can have a better life than this and I’ll take care of you. We can make love in our own house, have our own farm. I promise.”
  Jack fingers brushed under her chin softly, making her eyes meet his.
  “I just need you to be careful. You won’t do me no good if you get yourself killed,” she gave him a smirk, but they both knew she was trying to put on a brave face.
  Her words were a real fear. She always waited with her stomach in a twist, anxious that he wouldn’t walk back through the saloon doors. The fact now, that she would have to go longer without knowing he was okay, sent her to that place permanently.
  “I wish…I wish I could go with you.”
  “I know darlin’ but it’s dangerous and I would turn into a mad man if something ever happened to you. I promise I’m going to be as quick as possible and I’ll write as much as I can. Soon my darlin’ it will just be us and the wide open world.”
  Henley gave him a small smile as he kissed her brow before she curled into him. She slipped into sleep quicker than she wanted, even with her heart and mind wanting to spend more time with him.
    The sun danced behind Henley’s eyelids and she forced her eyes open, squinting in response. Jack was still here but he was dressing.
  “You weren’t going to leave without telling me goodbye were you?” She wanted it to come off jokingly, but it held a slight bit of pain.
  “I wouldn’t dream of it darlin’ you know that.”
  She sat up, covering herself with the sheet and Jack kissed her deeply before continuing to dress. She finally moved herself from the bed doing the same but keeping her eyes on him. When they both were finished and his eyes finally met hers, his lips twitched slightly.
  “Nothing I…I just,” her words faltered breaking tears springing in her eyes. “I’m just memorizing you. Making sure I never forget a thing.”
  The last few words came out a whisper and she mentally kicked herself for crying.
  “Hey shhh it’s alright my darlin’ I’m coming back for you, in one piece okay?” He grabbed her face in his hands, thumbs brushing away the tears. “I promise I’m coming back.”
  Then he kissed her and it was different than any other time. It held a different kind of passion, fire, love. It hit Henley that it was love. It made her pull closer, kiss deeper. She loved him and he loved her and soon things would be better. When they pulled away they were panting, foreheads pressed together.
  “I know,” she whispered and her eyes met his.
  They stood there for a moment before he kissed her again.
  “I’ll see you soon.”
  Henley gave him a nod and then he was gone. She watched the open doorway like it had swallowed him. She listened for his footsteps until they faded, and then she went to her window and watched him mount his horse. He turned it, looking up at her window and taking his hat off to her. She blew him a kiss in return and watched as the man she loved rode off into the open desert.
*3 months later*
  The music was so loud and, she wasn’t sure if it was just her, but the men were extra handsy. Henley found herself sneaking upstairs to her room closing the door and locking it. Maybe someone would think she had a guest. Her forehead rested against the wooden door and she closed her eyes, before letting out a sigh. She turned to her empty room. The unchanging scenery.
  It had been three months, if she had been counting the days correctly. Three months since she watched Jack leave. She was starting to fear the worst and it lead her mind down a path she had tumbled down several times. She was tired of being here, sitting still, waiting for word. But she also had no idea where he had even been heading. He had told her it was best that way, which he was right she supposed.
  She sat down on her bed and letting out another sigh, watching the candle light flicker across her walls. Then gunshots rang out and she jumped. She was up on her feet in seconds. Reaching under the bed and grabbing the shotgun she had stored there, she stood and raced to the window. She looked down to see most of the men in the saloon had stepped outside looking off out of town. Her eyebrows knitted together and she was up and racing down the stairs and outside in seconds. She pushed through the crowd until she came to the front of it and she couldn’t believe her eyes.
  “Jack…” she smiled to herself.
  Jack was coming this way on horseback, but behind him were some angry looking men. Jack seemed to have several of his own posse riding next to him who would turn and shoot behind them every few moments. The crowd scattered as Jack got closer until he turned his horse and started to fire.
  She planted her feet right next to his horse, taking aim with her shotgun at any that got within range, and pulling the trigger. She moved through the moments of firing the gun over and over until she was out.
  Jack called from next to her and with a smirk and a wink he dropped a rifle in her hands. She gave him a smirk back and started to fire it. Most of the men from the saloon had chosen to take their side, shooting at the strangers who trespassed on their town. Finally they tucked tail and ran, those that were left and everyone scattered leaving Henley and Jack standing in the middle of the street. A few bodies of locals were scattered about, but they were lucky overall. Jack dismounted his horse.
  “I took it you found the gold?” Henley smirked.
  “Now what gave that away?” Jack looked down at her as he pulled her to him.
  “Oh I don’t know, the angry mob that was after you,” she let out a giggle.
  “Oh those guys? Old friends,” she laughed again before Jack’s lips connected to hers in a deep kiss that made her dizzy.
  “I can’t believe you found it. Where is it?” Henley looked around Jack and at his horse.
  “I have somewhere safe no need to worry. I do have a little bit on me but it’s for us to get passage out of town. We will need to make a few stops along the way.”
  “So one last night here?” Henley looked back at the saloon.
  “Just one more night darlin’.”
  It had been a night of love making and celebrating. Jack and Henley slipped out before the sun was even above the horizon.
  “You ready to see the rest of the world with me darlin’?”
  “Oh you bet Jack.”
  He smirked as he kicked and his horse took off, the wind flowing through Henley’s hair.
  “I love you cowboy.”
  “Oh I love you too darlin’.” Jack turned to kiss her softly and quickly.
  She had always heard the sappy saying about riding off into the sunset. Now here she was riding on the back of a horse, holding on tight to the man she loved and they rode into the sunrise instead. Right into their new future and what she hoped was several grand adventures.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedro​ @scribbledghost​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @audreyshepbvrn​ @mswarriorbabe80​ @kaqua​ @novemberrain221​
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pennyserenade · 2 years
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his girl friday
pairing: agent whiskey x female oc , agent whiskey x original female character summary: despite the fact that jack daniels has what he wants, he still finds himself dissatisfied as he, tequila, and alicia make their way to the first location of the mission: las vegas.   warnings: language, alcohol mention, jack being jack  word count: 4.3k+ rating: m ( mature ) author’s note: so many things to say. firstly, sorry this took three months. don’t know what happened there. secondly is that i did not intend for tequila to be such a big part of this story, but i guess he is now. he’s grown on me while i wrote this. lastly, but certainly not least, thank you for the continual support with this fic. i have such a good time writing it and an even better time sharing it with you all. 
“Undergarments, slips, stockings. Now just for the actual clothes…” 
Alicia places her belongings neatly in the open suitcase she’s sat on the bed. Archie stands closely behind her, fiddling with the zipper on her dress, helping her to undo it. The warm feel of his finger against her skin makes her ache in a way she’s not missed since she’s begun staying with him regularly. These are the drawn out touches of a man who is about to miss her terribly, and as much as she wants to relish them, she knows it is doing neither of them any good.
“What do you think is airport appropriate at this time of night? Should I go with a skirt or would a pair of pants be better?” She continues on casually. Moving to the closet, she steps away from his touch completely. “I think I’ll wear those brown pair of pants and a white blouse with the buttons and the sleeves. Maybe a scarf to make it more professional. What do you think?”
Sitting himself on their bed, Archie smiles at her. “You’d look wonderful in a burlap sack.”
“You flatter me. I’ll have to try not to miss that too much.” Her hands rummage through the shirts, filtering through the different hues in the same design and fabric, until she finds the white one. Reaching behind her to undo what Archie had been too distracted to, she takes off the party dress so she can put it on. This action inspires Archie to rise once more to his feet and carry himself over to her. 
“It’ll be over before we know it. Then you’ll be all mine again, and we’ll be married in no time,” he assures. He reaches forward and takes the shirt from her hands. This allows her to take the white slip she still has on. 
Instead of handing the shirt back to her when she’s done, Archie takes one of her hands and slips it in one of the sleeves. She lets him, watching longingly as he takes her other hand and does the same until the fabric is on her, with the front open. He pulls her closer to him with the open sides of the shirt and presses his lips tenderly to the middle of her chest. 
His nose scraps against her jaw as he brings himself up to meet her eyes. “I will have to try too hard to not miss that,” he responds playfully. 
She begins to do up the buttons of the shirt, trying not to be distracted by his presence, but he pushes her fingers aside and takes up the task himself. She can’t help but smile at the simple gesture; at how intimate it is. In all her years, she’s never had a man dress her before, just to touch her a little longer. 
“Don’t do up the top button, please. It makes me feel suffocated.” 
“I won’t,” he replies. “You might want to take more than one suitcase if you’re going to be gone for a month. This shirt is awfully puffy and if I recall correctly, some of your skirts and dresses are that way too. I don’t know if it’ll all fit.”
She laughs. “I’ve perfected packing them by now. Besides, those suitcases of yours are larger than normal. They could fit a small child and a little doggy.”
“That’s what we say when we get them made. ‘Make them big enough to fit a small American child and its small doggy, please, or they won’t be any use to us.’ We’ve been asking that for generations now and the man who makes them knows the rule. But, with you around we might ought to have to start saying, ‘And enough room for many puffy sleeves’ too. We’ll see.” 
She shakes her head. “Don’t inconvenience the man just for me. I’ll be happy to adjust to the Leach way. Our children’s children will be asking for the very same.”
His fingers finish with the last button of her shirt and he reaches up behind her, taking down the brown pair of pants she’d had in mind. “Is that what you want? Children?” He takes the pants off the hanger and passes them to her. “If it is, I’m sorry about what I said to my father tonight about us not having. I wouldn’t mind, I just didn’t want him thinking it was set in stone or anything just because he wanted it.”
Stepping into the pants, she shrugs. “I’m not sure about that just yet. I didn’t really think I’d ever have to make my mind up about any of this, really, you see, so it’s all come as a surprise.”
Before she can think about doing it herself, Archie reaches down between them and buttons the pants. He holds the fabric between his fingers for a bit, hovering. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought to ask that now. I really don’t care whether you wish to or not.” He offers her a pitiful smile. “I seem to be saying all the wrong things tonight.”
Alicia rests her arms around his neck and kisses the side of his mouth. “It has been a day, I don’t fault you.”
Archie shifts his head to allow him to kiss her on the lips. For a moment, she indulges him, letting him deepen it and press his body closer to hers. She even takes hold of his tux lapels, half encouraging his affections. 
“You’ve got to pack,” he remembers, resting his forehead against her own. “That damn cowboy is going to be here any minute, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” she whispers softly. “Remember, just one month.”
“One month,” he repeats. “Then there will be no more cowboys.”
“No more cowboys.”
“Or my parents,” he adds. “I promise that, too. I mean, they will be here, but not like now. I know they haven’t been making it easy—“
A knock falls upon the door. “Archie? Archie, Ms. Alicia’s guests are here. Would you like me to take them to the sitting room?”
“Yes, that'd be fine, Nora. I’ll be out in just a moment,” he calls over his shoulder. Glancing down at his watch, he grins. “He’s incredibly punctual. My father would love this man.”
“Go entertain while I pack up the rest?” she asks. “I’ll be out in just a moment. I’ve got a vague idea about what I should take already, so it shouldn't take long.” 
Archie kisses her cheek. “If you need someone to sit on the suitcase, I’ll be in the sitting room.”
“Thank you,” she smiles. “Oh and Archie, if he wants a drink, please don’t offer him any Jack Daniels unless he asks. He won’t find that very funny, I don’t think.”
Archie grins. “That’s a shame. Maybe he’ll be more enticed by a Shirley Temple? I heard she liked them.” 
“Be kind.”
“Oh, always to the men who want to take my wife from me.” Archie winks. 
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“You’ve never been to a baseball game here? That can’t be! And you’re supposed to be the real Americans, you cowboys.”
Archie stands leaned against the fireplace, his forearm resting against the mantelpiece with a tumbler in his hand. He looks slightly disheveled, but in the way women in the movies do when they wake with a full face of makeup and only slightly ruffled hair. He still wears his tuxedo from the engagement party, only without the coat this time, and his tie is loosened. Jack and Tequila sit on the couch, tumblers in their own hands, watching him. They’ve changed out of their party suits and into their regular clothes. 
Alicia has always wondered what about men commands so much respect from other men. She’s been half sure Archie has been working on turning his playful grudge against Jack into something real, but now he stands, playing entertainer, and Jack sits, sipping his alcohol, pleased. Jack Daniels, who is stubborn as can be, more set in his ways than any one person she’s ever known, is sitting in the living room of the man he doesn’t want her to marry, talking about American baseball like they’re old friends. 
Alicia enters the room, sitting her bag down beside her. “I let you into my home for less than fifteen minutes and you have him speaking about sports? I’ve never heard any of you speak about sports before.”
They all look at each other, as if they’re in on a secret. 
“We’re just trying to make an awkward go at conversation,” Archie lets her in. “I do like baseball, though. I go to those games occasionally.”
“I didn’t know you were so fond of the game.”
“I was born in New York; it’s more local pride than anything else.”
“I don’t think I was born with any of that pride,” she jokes.
“Sure you were. After the wedding, I’ll take you to one of them and you’ll find it.”  He looks back to Jack and Tequila. “I’ll take all of you if you can find the time. I know a few of the players and I’m sure I can get us some good seats.”
Jack rises from the couch and sits the glass of alcohol on the table. “We’ll have to check our schedules. It's been a busy year for Statesmen as you know, so I’m not quite sure we’ll be able to get away by then. We expect a busy summer.” He looks at Alicia, eyes full of something she can’t quite pin. “Are you ready, Pinkie?”
“Pinkie?” Archie arches his brow, eyes falling onto her. 
“Sorry, that’s a habit I’ve yet to break,” Jack apologizes. 
“What’s the story behind it?”
“She likes pink champagne. We all have nicknames like that,” Tequila interjects, grinning. “I’m Tequila, she’s Pinkie, our boss is Champ. It makes it easier to communicate.”
“Ah, so you’re not really Jack Daniels?” Archie asks Jack.
“‘Fraid so. Guess you could say I was born for the job.”
Archie grins, tilting his drink in Jack’s direction. “I know the feeling.” 
Deciding now is the best time to break up this boy’s club before anything else is revealed, Alicia nods at Jack. “I’m ready now,” she tells him. 
There’s a change in Archie’s demeanor, subtle to most but noticeable to her. He stands straighter against the fireplace, with that agreeable smile of his molding into something less set on making others believe he’s the epitome of hospitality. It's still warm, the way he turns his lips up, but his eyes let her in on his secret: he’s begun to realize she’s really leaving now. She likes it no more than he does, and she knows she’s got to leave before it settles in the pit of her stomach and sours. 
Jack goes to take the suitcase from her hands but Archie steps forward, putting his hand out. With knitted brows, Jack looks up at the man. 
“You don’t mind if I take these down for her do you? I want to give her a proper goodbye,” he explains. 
Alicia passes the bag to Jack. “You take them down to the car, and I’ll follow you both down in a bit. We’ll have that proper goodbye up here.”
Jack nods obediently and takes the suitcase. “Thank you for the drink,” he tells Archie. “I hope we’ll be able to make it to one of those ball games you speak about.”
“Me too,” Archie says. “Keep her safe for me, won’t you?”
“I don’t think you know who you’re marrying, Mr. Leach. She’ll be the one keeping us safe,” Tequila laughs. “Thanks again for letting us steal her away for a bit longer. She’s a real asset to our company.”
“You’re welcome. Thanks for coming to the party – both of you. I’ll be happy to see you again at the wedding.”
When he and Tequila find themselves out of the apartment completely, and it is just she and Archie once more, she offers Archie an apologetic grin. “One month,” she reminds him again. She rises up on her toes to kiss him softly on the lips and he kisses her back, placing his hand on the small of her back.
“Yes, one, long month. It’ll give the lifetime I waited before a run for its money, I’m afraid.”
She kisses both sides of his mouth, his cheek, and then his lips once more. “Don’t be swept away by any millionaires while I’m gone.”  
“I promise I won’t if you promise you won’t find yourself infatuated by any alcohol experts. Or men who knew how to tie knots before they were sworn into boy scouts.”
She holds up three fingers, giving him her scouts honor. He kisses her finger tips, stifling his laughter. “Goodbye Pinkie,” he tells her, drawing out the word ‘Pinkie.’ It sounds so odd coming from him. She thinks it's probably got something to do with the fact that she’s hardly ever heard it outside of Jack's teasing tone.  
“Goodbye Archibald.” 
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“Please stop looking at me like that. I can’t focus when you do.”
Leaning back in his seat, Jack props his feet up on the chair opposite of him. He obeys Alicia’s request, turning his eyes out to the darkened skies that lay above her beloved New York. “We’ve got it figured out for the most part,” he tells her, “I just couldn’t tell you off the top of my head where we were going first,” he says, rubbing the growing stumble alongside his jaw. 
“Las Vegas,” she groans. Despite himself, Jack can’t help but look back at her. The way her face crunches up in dissatisfaction makes him smile.
“S’not so bad. I kinda like it out there.”
“It's a desert. Of course you wouldn’t mind it.”
He takes a cigarette out of the pack sitting on the little table in front him. Before he closes it, he offers her one, but she shakes her head no. He doesn’t blame her. These are the cigarettes that come complementary with all Statesman flights, but they’re Woodbines. He bets Ginger gets them because she doesn’t smoke. 
“What’s the matter, didn’t pack any good outfits in that heavy fuckin’ suitcase of yours?” 
“I packed just fine. I was just hoping that we’d go somewhere a bit cooler before Nevada.” She lays the map she’s been staring out flat onto the table, abandoning it. Jack moves his ashtray to the one next to them in order not to burn it. “I didn’t miss any of that heat.” 
Tequila, who sits on the couch to the left of them, has been flipping idly through the television stations for minutes now. “It’ll be fun,” he tells Alicia, looking in their direction. “You just gotta be willing to gamble.”
Jack laughs, blowing out the smoke from the corner of his mouth. “Gamble? She already won the jackpot. Don’t you remember the apartments we were in tonight?”
Alicia rolls her eyes. “I just knew you’d find a way to say something about that. Can’t you just be happy for me?”
“Oh, honey, I’m thrilled for you. Tickled fuckin’ pink. You’ll be spending the rest of your days in an apartment that costs more than a home and meeting New York’s finest baseball players. I envy you. I wish I had found him first.”
Tequila abandons the tv and takes a seat next to Jack at the table. “You can still have fun,” he tells Alicia, ignoring Jack’s nonsense. “Bet in something other than money if you want.” He pauses, thinking for a moment. Then he grins. “Ask Jack to shave his mustache if you make more than him on the floor.”
Alicia watches as the end of Jack’s cigarette burns a bright, angry red. “I don’t think he’ll part with that stupid thing. I’ve tried since I met him.”
Jack flicks the end above the ashtray. “I will,” he nods, “I will if you bet to let us stay an extra week in Vegas.”
“That’ll throw the entire thing behind and I swore I’d only stay a month. I meant that.” She glances back down at the map. “Jack, those crests had dates on the back of them. We've got to be in Newport in a week's time, so that won’t work regardless.”
“Well, I’ll do it if you bet to be my secretary for two weeks. You can do it after you get hitched, if you please, because I know that’s important to you.”
She clicks your tongue. “Isn’t it enough that I’ve been your girl Friday since I started working with you?”
“C’mon Alicia, it’s all a part of gambling. The thrill of winning and the risk of losing.” Jack encourages. “Isn’t that right, Tequila?”
Tequila shrugs. “It might be fun. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to see him without it, you know?”
“And I've always wondered if she was capable of being a secretary.”
She shakes her head. “I’ve always been too overqualified.”
“Outspoken, more like.”
Alicia narrows her eyes. “You know what? Why not? Except I want to be the one to shave it if you lose. I want to see the light go out in your eyes when I take away your prized possession.”
Jack shakes his head, laughing. “I’m a good gambler, Pinkie. You’re playing a precarious game.”
“Me too. I won the jackpot, didn’t I?”
“And she found him in a deli, too. That’s one in a million,” Tequila adds, nudging Jack. When they both give him curious stares, he clarifies: “I heard someone mention it at the engagement party.”
Rolling his eyes, Jack stamps out his cigarette. 
“Oh, speaking of being hitched,” Jack suddenly remembers, hand digging into his coat pocket. He retrieves the small familiar gold band and places it on the table before Alicia. “For you, Mrs. Chapman.”
Alicia takes the jewelry in her hand. “We’re still playing at that?”
“Before you came back into the works again, we figured Jack would keep at the Mr. Chapman bit.”
“Don’t you think they’d figure we stole all of those crests, as we didn’t ask for one and we left early.”
“Yeah I did figure that,” Jack says. “But I was just gonna feign ignorance and tell them you were sickly at that party. Say that’s why we didn’t accept anything and left early. Was gonna say you got something like cancer and I was here to put you to rest, too.”
“You didn’t need me,” she says, glaring. “Now what?”
Jack shrugs noncommittally. “Guess we’ll just have to wear disguises and be different this time around.”
“That might be better anyways, since your engagement party just happened and more folks are likely to recognize you now.” Tequila reaches beside him and takes a notebook from the side of the chair. He lays it out in front of him and waits for words to write. 
“We should be Texan this time,” Jack suggests. 
Alicia shakes her head. “No,” she says firmly. “We’ll be from Washington and we’ll be on vacation for the first time in our lives.”
Tequila jots down Alicia’s suggestions. “Newly married?” he asks, still scribbling. 
“Being newly wed puts too much attention on you. Say we’ve been married for two years and we’re getting away before we settle down,” Jack says.
Tequila looks at Alicia for permission. She nods and Jack scoffs. 
“I’m sorry, Jack, but this was her job before she started getting field stuff with you. She’s always been good at it.”
“Her job was to teach you to sell the fuckin’ bit, not make you characters!”
Alicia beams. “But I was good at that, wasn’t I? I always liked making up stories.”
“Burke.” Jack ignores her. “That’ll be the last name we use. She’ll be…Jolene, and I’ll be George.”
“I’ll be Betty. Jolene’s too Texan.”
“Alright, Betty. Betty and George Burke, two years married and located in…Seattle, Washington?” Jack casts his eyes in her direction, looking for approval, just as Tequila had. What a hypocrite, she thinks, smiling.
“Seattle’s fine,” she nods. “When we land, I’ll call Ginger and ask for a wig for me. I think you can pass with a pair of sunglasses and a hat, if you stay low. They don’t know Tequila, so he can dress as he pleases – vacation appropriate, that is. Look like a tourist.” 
Writing the last bits of information down, Tequila lets out a sigh of relief. “I’m sure glad you’re back, honey, because Jack's demands go down a helluva lot harder than yours do. Sure missed being around someone who treats me like a human.”
“How’d you manage to sneak your way into this organization?” Jack says in disbelief. “Does your dad work here or something?”
Alicia rolls her eyes and Tequila doesn’t answer him. His eyes sit instead with the information they gave him to write, processing it and developing a more thorough plan for himself, most likely. She takes the map in front of her and begins to fold it up. Having forgotten the ring Jack gave back to her was on it, she watches now as it slides off the paper and in the opposite direction. Before she can get it herself, Jack has his flattened palm over it, capturing it.  She looks up at him and she sees that stupid little smirk of his. He wears it much too often for someone who couldn’t manage to do a single mission without her. “What?” she spats out, annoyance lacing her words.
“You can’t help yourself,” he tells her.
“What are you talking about?”
“This.” He motions between the three of them, and then to the rest of the plane. “You like it, being a Statesman worker. I see it in your eyes. As soon as we started planning, you lit up like a little Christmas tree. I certainly didn’t see any of that at the party.”
“I’m plenty content with my life as is.”
“But excited? Are you really excited? I don’t think Archie is going to give you what you feel here, and I think deep down, you know it.”
She lifts his hand off the ring and slides it back in her direction. “Jack, you haven’t the faintest idea what Archie can or can’t give me. What’s more is that you don’t know what I want. I thought you’d know better than to start this again.”
“His cock can’t be that good,” Jack grunts, leaning back in his chair. 
Tequila rises his head from the notepad, mouth open. “Jack!” he scolds, brows furrowed. 
“It’s okay, Tequila. Jack’s still struggling with the idea that women are allowed to make their own choices. If it was up to him, we’d all be under his thumb. Isn’t that right, cowboy?”
“Cowboy,” he mimics, making a face. “I think you’re making a mistake, is all. You’re good at this–too good to throw it away for a life you won’t even like.”
“You don’t know me!” she shouts. 
“I do so!” Jack yells back. “I’ve had to know you to work with you. I know what you’re going to do before you fuckin’ do it because our lives depend on it. Don’t tell me that.”
She shakes her, adamant. “You don’t know me in the way that matters. You might know where I’ll step next or where I’ll shoot, but you don’t know how I feel. You never have. The problem with you has always been that you don’t consider the feelings of others, you prick. I got stuck with you on this job because of that.”
Looking back and forth between Alicia and Jack, Tequila scrunches up his face. He looks halfway between pained and indecisive. “I think I know why they make you a married couple so often.”  
“Oh, shut up!” Jack barks, crossing his arms over his chest. He leans towards the window, perfecting that pout of his.
Alicia, always more cool-headed than he, smiles weakly at Tequila. “I’m sorry. It seems I’ve made it a habit to fight with him in every place we go.”
“Many have,” Tequila sympathizes, feeling a bit of his own ire for the man now. 
Reaching across the table for the cigarette pack Jack’s abandoned, she sighs. Her eyes go towards the window Jack stares out of, watching nothing but the blackness that appears before them. “I’ll play house with you once more, Jack,” she addresses him softly, pressing out her anger, “But then that’s that. I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”
Jack huffs, not giving her an answer.
“Well, to your last mission,” Tequila offers, tugging gently at her sleeves. He offers her a warm smile, trying to stamp out the awkward air that’s been created.
Alicia lights the end of her cigarette. As the comfort of the nicotine fills her, she takes off her engagement ring and puts the fake wedding ring in its place. “Thank you,” she says, watching the way the light overhead catches on the metal.
Despite herself, for a reason she can’t possibly decipher, she does find herself feeling a little downcast looking at this stupid ring. If Jack was nicer, and if he really cared, he would know that she does feel sad leaving this behind. He’d know it was no easy decision, not something she did on a whim. There was no backing out involved, no cowardice. If Jack wasn’t Jack maybe she wouldn’t have to feel so bad leaving it behind. Maybe she could see them all again; send them Christmas cards and invite them to dinners annually, with the knowledge that none of them would slip up about this life she had led. He’d know that these people, even him, have been the only real family she’s had since her parents passed. And he’d know that for the first time in years, she managed to feel safe and happy here, like she really belonged for once. But Jack is Jack, and all he thinks is himself. There will never be a place in her real life for him. 
Jack Daniels is no friend, and he’s certainly not family. He is just someone she’s been made to play house with over and over, and he’s gotten confused about where that life ends and the real life begins. This has to be it for them -- for her.
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 6 months
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Pairing - Jack Daniels x ofc!SunDrop
Word Count - 580-ish?
Warnings - none that I am aware of, just lots of fluff and one small surprise
Author's Note - I had wanted to write Christmas stories for all of my characters this year, but so far these are the only two that have cooperated, lol! Unbeta'd, all mistakes are my own.
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"Hey honey, can you meet me at my parents after work please? And bring Georgia. Love you!"
Jack plays the voice message a third time, Georgia's head tilting from side to side everytime she hears her name.
But Jack is better trained than his canine companion and he's listening to the nuance in her voice. She's too perky. Which means she's up to something.
"Damnit, Sunny," he mutters as he fires up the Bronco. He just wants to go home, get out of this uniform, have a beer, and kick his feet up. "Let's go see what fresh hell this is, Georgie girl."
Sunny's sitting on her parents front steps when he pulls up, decked out in festive flannel Christmas pajamas complete with rows of snowmen and reindeer and he has a sinking feeling he knows what's going on here, is actually tempted to just let Georgia out and keep driving but he values his life so he takes a deep breath and gets out of the truck, Georgia bounding ahead of him.
"Hey, cowboy," she smiles up at him, petting Georgia with one hand and holding out a beer he gladly accepts with the other. "Fancy meeting you here."
"You know your wish is my command, sweetheart," he grins, sitting down next to her and leaning over to steal a kiss that Sunny, like always, melts right into making him reluctant to pull away. "Let me guess, there's holiday themed getups like this for me and Georgia inside too?"
"I'm so glad you're smart and pretty, Jack Daniels," Sunny laughs, scooting closer to him on the steps so she can rest her head on his shoulder and lace her arm through his. "I tried to make yours as un-festive and boring as possible, just some plaid pants and a henley. You can even keep your boots on, Mr. Grinch. Poor Georgia has to wear antlers. At least you don't have to suffer that indignity."
"And Bagel?"
"He's in the house making it everyone's problem that he's currently wearing a Christmas sweater."
"So what's the plan here, sugar?"
"Well, on the surface we're humoring Maddie and doing family Christmas photos."
"And below the surface?" Jack asks with the arch of an eyebrow.
"When it's time for Maddie and Ty's solo photos with Roxie Doxie, he's proposing. And we all get to act surprised and ohh and aah over them. And then have dinner. Pretty sure my mom made chili."
"Kid's really trying to show me up, huh?"
"By proposing?" Sunny snorts. "We're already married, you doof. Or did you forget that little adventure to Gatlinburg already?"
"No, Mrs. Daniels," Jack laughs softly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "I certainly have not, but they don't know that."
"We'll tell them. One day," Sunny shrugs. "Let Maddie have the spotlight today."
"And what's in it for me, going along with this charade?"
"Besides homemade chili and cornbread?"
"As much as I love your mom's chili, I think I need a little more incentive."
"Okay, cowboy," Sunny says, sitting up and turning slightly to face him, toying with the top button on her pajama top. "For being a good sport, I'll let you take me home and unwrap me. I'm even more festive underneath."
"Oh, really now?" Jack hooks a finger in the vee of her shirt, trying to sneak a peek and Sunny laughs and bats his hands away. "Alright, SunnyD, I think you got yourself a deal."
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ladamedusoif · 10 months
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Header - and slogan - by @agentjackdaniels
Hi there! I’m Rose (she/her/they), I’m 40 and I write fics - described with complete accuracy as “ethical porn for nerdy types” - for Pedro Pascal characters.
This is an 18+ blog so, for safety’s sake, minors should not access the content below.
I love hearing from readers! All comments, reblogs, likes, DMs, and asks are very much appreciated.
If you’d like to be notified about new fics and instalments, please follow my writing blog @ladameecrit - taglists aren’t working well at the moment so this is the easiest way to keep up.
I also cross-publish to AO3 if that's your preferred reading platform.
I do block empty/untitled/ageless blogs so, if that’s you and you’re a real person, just drop me a message - or, better still, populate your blog (you don’t need to be totally specific about your age) with a few things. If you’re not sure how, just ask! I’m happy to help and I’m sure others will be too!
Thank you so much for reading!
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Visiting (Professor!Ben College AU - in progress)
Pairing: Professor!Ben x OFC Lydia (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Seeking a change of scenery after her life falls apart, European art historian Lydia crosses the Atlantic and arrives in the small New England college town of Barrow. She’s planning to spend a year there on leave of absence from her permanent job at home, expanding her intellectual horizons as a visiting professor at Barrow College, a small liberal arts institution. Her growing friendship with Ben Morales, professor of Hispanic Literature, forces Lydia to confront the fallout from her past - and raises unexpected questions about the future.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the main Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Tempered in the Fire (Blacksmith!Din Djarin AU short series - in progress)
Pairing: Blacksmith!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: Ireland, almost a decade after the rebellion of 1798. You are an unusual woman: married, but alone; a widow, with no certainty her husband is dead. When your local blacksmith is badly injured in an accident and unable to work, you have no choice but to travel to the next forge, run by a man of few words whose uncertain origins and dark complexion make him stand out among the locals. You are immediately intrigued by this mysterious, taciturn figure - and the striking little boy he’s taken as his apprentice.
Rating: Mature (series); Explicit (18+, later chapters)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Gentleman Thief - The Heritage Crimes Universe (The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) - in progress)
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x F!Museum Professional Reader
Summary: He stole a priceless ruby after your first date. You reunited after the museum's winter ball. And now? Something keeps pulling you into the orbit of the world's greatest (ethical) gentleman thief.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and notes.
A Merry Fic-Mas - a Pedro Boys Holiday Fic Calendar
31 days. 31 stories (hopefully). 12 Pedro characters.
Inspired by this set of December/holiday themed prompts.
Rating: Teen/Mature/Explicit (see individual chapters for warnings and content notes).
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20/20 - no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x Optometrist F!Reader
Summary: After months of pestering from Sarah, Joel finally concedes that he might to get his eyesight checked and makes an appointment at your optometrist practice. He really doesn’t want glasses, though.
Rating: 18+; not explicit as such but implied; see the warnings on the original story
Café Crème - Javier Peña x f!reader
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Javier likes mornings at your place for more than just coffee.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original post)
A Cup of Kindness, Yet - Javier Peña x f!Reader
Part of the brilliant @pickled-pena writing challenge - check out the blog for the whole masterlist.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Summary: Another Auld Lang Syne in Laredo, twenty years after your first with Javi.
Rating: Teen (see notes and warnings on the original)
My Kiss, Only For You - The Thief x Museum Guide f!reader
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x Museum Guide F!Reader
Summary: You’ve noticed a regular attendee on the guided tours you offer as part of your job at the museum - and one day, he decides to ask you for more information on his favourite exhibit.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original)
For the Night - Special Agent Ortega x F!Sex Worker Reader
Pairing: Agent Ortega (The Sixth Gun) x F!Sex Worker Reader
Summary: You might not be one of the “sweet young things” in the whorehouse any more, but a seemingly reluctant special agent helps remind you of your worth.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ (see specific warnings on the post).
Silvered - Detective Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Pairing: Tim Rockford x f!reader
Word count: ~ 800 words
Rating: Explicit (18+; MDNI; see specific warnings on the story)
Summary: Tim Rockford’s talented silver tongue has a reputation, in more ways than one.
Gentleman Cowboy - Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x F!Reader
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels/Agent Whiskey x F!Reader
Word count: 3500 words
Rating: Explicit, 18+ MDNI; see specific warnings on the story
Summary: A solo getaway, a whiskey for one, and a very charming cowboy in the big city.
Able - Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Pairing: Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Summary: "I just don't think she'll be able for patrol". But then it's just you, Joel, and your trusty walking stick in the middle of nowhere...
Rating: Mature; 18+ MDNI; reader is disabled; see more specific warnings on the story.
Word Count: ~3.7k
Room Service - Dave York x F! Reader
Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader
Summary: You’re at one of those generic conference hotels to meet a man you know only as Dave.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; more specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~2.3k
Coup de Foudre - Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Pairing: Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Summary: Caught in a sudden storm on a break in Paris, you and Lucien race back to the hotel room.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~1.1k
Part of the April Showers Challenge organised by @undercoverpena
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Draft release: Dial up the Jack, Dim the Whiskey
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Agent Cognac (Bria Asare) x Agent Jack Whiskey
✨Draft release! ✨
💕Summary: Working at the Statesmen medical department, Bria started her career with aspirations of being an agent. Years after starting, it seems like that dream is never going to come true. Days after her 38th birthday, one of the senior agents gets gravely injured and she’s soon tasked with his care and recovery.
But there’s one issue, she can’t stand Agent Whiskey. As the weeks pass, and he starts to heal, the two form a bond and grow closer. As Jack’s health improves, he realizes the extent of his growing feelings for Bria as she comes to terms with her feelings for him too. 💕
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One shot for Arte’s Year of Whump for @yearofcreation2023 |I’m months behind , so making this the May one 😬| | Year of Whump + fluff /comfort masterlist
💫Below is a preview | read in full here on A03💫
An: still on a mini writing break, just occasionally releasing some drafts. My folder is way too full and taking up space on my phone. 💕this one is more fluff /comfort leaning.
Warnings: light on whump, recovery after injury, misogyny mentioned.
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Bria always had two things she imagined for herself, being able to help people and work in the medical science field and being a world-traveling spy.
Growing up she was always glued to the screen for any shows about spies, secret agents, and detectives. It was something she wanted to do before she realized her draw to the medical field in high school.
The dream of being an agent was her first, and still her biggest one. And though she was in the right place for it, she still wasn’t an agent.
She was head of her department and got to work with tech and science, both things she liked, but she still wasn’t an agent. But this was a problem for more than one person at the office, namely Ginger who was also qualified but shot down whenever her name came up.
For all the perks and benefits of working there, the place was still deeply misogynistic in several ways, both from within the system and due to some of the men involved. And though there were women agents, the percentage was far less than that of the men.
Some offices were more progressive, like the New York office. Sometimes Bria wondered if a transfer there would be worth it, and maybe then she could finally have her wish come true. There was also the fact that aside from her job and friends being here, there wasn’t much keeping Bria in Kentucky. Maybe, New York was her future.
After a few days off for her birthday, Bria returned to the office. Upon arrival, she was surprised to find a new patient in her center. Agents get hurt, but that wasn’t the surprising part, what shocked her was who it was.
Some people had a shit ton of luck, and somehow barely got a scratch on them, Agent Whiskey was one of them and he was cocky about it too. The man was damn near indispensable, it was impressive but also fed his massive ego.
This place had many big heads and egos walking around, and Jack was one of them. While many women in the office, and men, fell for his charms and ate out of his palm, Bria wasn't one of them. No matter how physically attractive the man was, and really easy on the eyes, his attitude and ego were a major turn-off for her.
Thankfully she had limited contact with him, but the few times they did circle each other just reaffirmed what she felt about him. Nice to look at but stay away. And though she turned him down a few times, he’d still hit on her now and then. But she never took it too personally, he hit on everyone he liked the look of, it was hard to tell if his interests were genuine sometimes, or if he was just doing it to do it.
Read in full on A03
More Whiskey on my Masterlist
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No taglist | Subscribe on A03, follow @artemiseamoon-updates
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Another person that needs to be mentioned when talking recs is @jazzelsaur!
She is such a wonderful person and such a wonderful writer!
I've yet to read through all the gems on her masterlist but the ones I have read have left me completely speechless!
I think the first thing I read by Jess was her Whiskey/reader/Frankie story Stars Hit the Ceiling. It was not a pairing I had expected or thought about before but after reading this story, I was completely sold. It was such an intimate and gentle and beautiful and hot story and I loved it so much!
My fave on her masterlist however is her latest story with Dieter Bravo. Stay on the Screenplay. She took a character that was barely a character in the movie and fleshed him out into such a complex, real, and believable character. She made me fall in love with him and with the reader (that's written so vividly that she feels like an OFC). Jess had me hooked with each chapter of this story. The whole thing reads almost like a poem and she manages to convey more emotion with a single sentence than I've read entire books manage to do.
Jess is truly a master of storytelling and I can't wait to read the rest of her stories! I've had Between the Raindrops saved in my drafts for the longest time, waiting for the right day to read it because I know it will completely wreck me and that I'll never be the same after I've read it.
I recommend everyone check out this wonderful person and her stories!
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Favorite Fanworks Fic & Author Rec:
Fanfic by @jazzelsaur:
Stars Hit the Ceiling [crossover: Agent Whiskey x f reader x Frankie Morales oneshot]
Stay on the Screenplay [The Bubble: Dieter x f reader, complete]
Between the Raindrops [Triple Frontier: Frankie x widow ofc reader, epic, complete]
(Last Day to send in a rec for twp’s “Show Me the Fanworks!” Celebration)
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Yaaaas! In this house we love Jess and worship her gorgeous fic!!  BtR is hands down one of the best stories I’ve ever read, and you're right to wait until you have a bit of time to read it because it will completely destroy you in the best possible way!
Thanks for sending in the rec so everyone else can be completely destroyed by her top-tier writing as well! 😌
🧡 twp
[Edited to Add: All recs now compiled on the Fav Fanworks Rec List]
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whiskeynwriting · 6 months
The Babymoon
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Female Reader
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Brief mention of reader’s hair (Jack just brushing it aside), established relationship/marriage, pregnant reader, dirty talk, aggressively passionate Jack (I’m W E T), degradation/teasing, breeding kink, daddy kink (ofc), spit kink, rough sex, choking, biting, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, and some fluffies
A/N: I apologize for the late post but ya girl has the stomach flu y’all 
Daddycember ‘23 Masterlist
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Every small grunt forces a ping of guilt through your husband’s gut, both hands working tirelessly to relieve your pain. Truly, he didn’t know the walk would be so rigorous for you, but he should’ve known, should’ve researched more before coming out. But he does his best to make the situation better; he carried all of the bags, both yours and his, set them down in their appropriate rooms and then rushed back to tend to you. Jack led you over to the couch, letting you lay out while he removed your socks and shoes.
“I’m sorry, sugar.” He mumbled, removing his hat while kneeling down. “Didn’t realize it was such a long hike.”
“It’s okay.” Came your sigh of reassurance, head tilted back. “It was worth it.”
And that made him incredibly happy, forcing that handsome smile right across his face. What you said was true, too, coming here was definitely worth it. With Jack’s busy work schedule, and you constantly prepping for the baby, the two of you needed a break, especially before your newborn gets here. And that’s exactly what this trip was intended for. Some time away to relax, reset, and enjoy each other’s presence. 
Jack’s lips find their way to your ankles and calves, fingers massaging your sore feet. He didn’t mind doing this for you, did it almost every night, in fact. It became routine for him quite quickly; he could never not care for you. But thankfully, most of the more aggressive symptoms have subsided alongside the beginning of your third trimester. No more intense nausea or bloating, no more awful heartburn. The worst of your troubles have been general muscle aches and pelvic pain, but you’d take that over vomit any day.
“I can feel him kicking.” A sudden laugh comes from your throat, both hands falling to your belly. 
Jack grins, reaching up with one of his own hands. “He’s a wild one, in there.” 
“You… you think it’ll really change?” All Jack does is look up with confused concern. “Our lives, the way we are, when he comes.” 
His casual shrug serves as minimal reassurance. Glancing back down at your feet, Jack clears his throat. “Sure it will, babycakes. But not in a bad way.”
“How do you know it won’t be in a bad way?”
“Because I won't let it be that way.” Chocolate eyes meet yours once again, full of warmth and kindness. “Don’t worry so much, honey. We’re on vacation.” And with that, he’s standing, leaning over to kiss your forehead. “Let me go make you a drink.” 
And in this brief lull, you let out a relaxed breath, feeling at ease in Jack’s care. He’d always been such an attentive man, an attentive partner, able to identify and tend to your wants and needs before you even knew what they were. Being observant was in his nature, and branched into every area of his life, even now. 
“Here you go, sugar.” Handing you the drink with a smile on his face, Jack turns toward the fireplace, taking it upon himself to light it. 
It’s easy to admire him, not only for his incredibly handsome features, but for his wonderfully doting personality. He takes care of you, in every sense of the word. You’ve never felt safe before, like you do with him. 
Although the walk up to the cabin was laborious, he’s still glad he chose it. Perfectly secluded and quiet, up in the Kentucky mountains. The entire estate is surrounded by woodland brush and gentle creatures, deers and rabbits and birds. The surrounding peace is everything the two of you have been craving, a place to relax and reconnect. Your travels happened later in the evening, though, the night sky already beginning to grow. And with the stars peeking out from behind the clouds, and Jack lighting the fireplace, the entire situation seemed all too familiar. 
“You know…” Looking over at Jack, he stands, briefly clapping the dust from his hands. “This kind of reminds me of our honeymoon.” 
“Yeah?” He asks, flashing you that dazzling grin. And then he shrugs, walking over to you. “That was kinda the point.” 
Romantic, warm, and beautiful, qualities that mirror both your relationship and post-wedding vacation. It still makes you grin, still makes butterflies erupt inside your belly that Jack is willing to do all of this for you. 
“Wanna spoil you, angel.” Jack then hums, brushing aside some hair so he can get to your neck. And then he’s placing a single, sweet kiss, smiling. “How’re you feelin’, hm? Sore? Anything I can do?” 
The mention of your honeymoon has his insides stirring, his mischievous nature growing. Alongside these playful emotions comes the presence of Jack’s hand on your thigh, warm even through the material of your pants. He rubs you firmly, giving the plush fat of your legs a slow squeeze. 
Spoiling you is genuinely Jack’s pleasure, and he does it because he loves you; and this trait grew tenfold when you decided to carry his baby. But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t use these situations for his own satisfaction, too. Watching your body grow makes his entire body run hot, your soft and squishy thighs, your round belly and perfectly plump backside. And Jesus Christ, your tits, he never thought they could get any more enticing before you got pregnant. But now? So swollen with your nipples all sensitive and red… he can’t keep himself away. He just can’t, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to on your private getaway. 
The slightest, most timid smirk forms on your face, eyes choosing to look away. “Well… you already took care of my feet.” Something in you says that Jack is looking for an excuse, for any simple reason to touch your body, massage it and just feel every inch of it that he can.
“Yeah?” He responds, chestnut orbs traveling down your figure. “What about your legs?”
“They’re fine, not too sore.” Shrugging, you do your best to suppress your laugh. Sometimes, teasing Jack was fun. 
Raising a brow, he then asks, “Your hips? Stomach?” Now, he’s running his palm over your swollen belly, chest inhaling a deep breath. Nothing about pregnancy turned him on before, not until he saw you carrying his child. Who knew Jack Daniels had a breeding kink? 
“Nope.” Finally turning to face him, you smile innocently. “I’m okay, baby.” 
The look on your face is kind and calm, but the twinkle in your eye tells him you’re only playing. And his own expression is growing stern, contemplating his next move. 
“You don’t seem to get it, do you?” 
“Get what?”
And in one quick motion, Jack’s hand rises to grab harshly at your chest, squeezing one breast in hand. It makes you gasp, makes your body jump with surprise. 
“Daddy wants to touch you, sugar.” In an instant, he’s closer, breathing heavier against you. “Daddy wants to touch your sweet body and watch you fall apart in his arms.” 
With an exasperated sigh, he’s then falling to your neck, sucking on it with wet lips. His sudden advance has your jaw dropping, lips curling up at the ends. Keeping his hand on your chest, his fingers press into your skin, massaging your tit before collecting his fingers so he can toy with your nipple.
“Jack,” Comes your simple sigh, head falling back.
“I know,” He says, mouthing at your neck. “It feels so good for you, honey.”
His mouth moves to your jawline, licking it, nipping at it, while brushing his thumb across the point of your breast. Even the slightest bit of friction made them hard, whether it be a small breeze or the soft fabric of your shirt. They’d never been more sensitive, and Jack had never been more interested. 
“You know I wanna touch you,” Jack mumbles over your skin, hand dropping to your legs. “Fuckin’ tease.” 
Cupping you between your thighs pulls a full moan from your throat, head lifting just in time to see him lean into your chest. Jack buries his face into you, right between your smooth mounds while his tongue dips into your cleavage. 
“Oh, god, I want this, sugar.” Though, you can barely hear him with his face stuffed between your tits. Lifting both hands, you encourage him, holding him there by the back of his head. 
“Daddy,” Two fingers rub firm circles over your covered center, your husband groaning quietly when you grab onto his hair. 
“Let me do this, baby doll.” 
Nodding rapidly, you gulp. “Okay, daddy. Okay…” 
Moving away from you with a swift inhale, Jack lifts himself from your body. Already, his pupils are blown, his pants tented firmly against your thigh. And for a brief second, you laugh. The two of you haven’t even been here for more than thirty minutes and he’s already trying to get into your pants. 
“Gorgeous fuckin’ thing.” The praise makes you flush and he knows it, making his way down so he can kneel between your legs. “Get these off, sugar.” And even though he says it like a command, he does it for you, undoing your jeans and yanking them down your legs. The help you offer is brief, a simple lift of your hips. But then you’re falling back down and watching him spread your legs. 
“Yeah… this is what I wanna see.” With his gaze focused on your center, Jack groans, tongue poking out to lick his lower lip. “Already leakin’ through your panties…”
In an experimental act, he reaches out, finger swiping over the very center of the delicate cloth. It’s damp, the middle darkened from your wetness. And that makes him grin, makes him fucking throb in his pants. 
“You know it, don’t you?” He asks before leaning forward and stuffing his face between your thighs. Again, it takes you by surprise, forcing your legs wider while that curved nose of his nuzzles its way into your crotch. And then, he’s inhaling, hot mouth opening to taste you through your panties.
“D-Daddy,” This time, it comes out as a whine, one hand fisting his hair while the other grabs hold of the couch. 
“Ugh,” Lifting himself just enough for you to hear, he says, “Know just how fuckin’ good you taste.” Reaching forward, Jack hooks two fingers around your panties before pulling them aside. And then his tongue is laying out, flattening it to give your cunt one firm, wet swipe. 
“Fuck,” Puffing out a harsh breath, your eyes are fluttering shut, feeling the firm shove of his tongue. 
“Get so goddamn wet like this, babycakes.” He notes, mouthing at your clit. Lifting a hand, he grabs onto your hip, urging you to sit back and lift your pelvis up a bit. It gives him better access, after all. “Been a goddamn fountain since I got you pregnant.”
And that makes you laugh, hands lowering to brush kindly through his hair. Both of those broad palms then move beneath your thighs, holding them with a secure grip while sucking on your core. It’s already on his face, on his lips and chin and cheeks. And lord, does he love that. He’d willingly drown in this if he could. Getting his face wet with your slick made him the happiest man on earth, made him harder than he ever thought he could be. 
“Pretty little whore, aren’t you?” Jack chuckles, leaning back to spit on your folds. “Sittin’ here with my baby inside you, and your body’s still beggin’ for more.” The devil truly came out when he was like this, nothing but offensive praise and aggressive passion.
Running his tongue up and down through your lips, he groans, wrapping his mouth around your sensitive bud. And when he gives the tiniest succession of sucks, pulsing his lips around that tiny pearl, you feel like you’re going to come undone. Every part of you feels light and airy, like you could float away at any second. It’s like you’re buzzing with it, with euphoria and happiness. And he just keeps going, just keeps his head between your legs and his mouth on your throbbing cunt. 
Jack knows when to hold you down, he’s done this too many times to not be aware. The grip he gives your hips is bruising, digging in with ferocity while shoving you onto his mouth. Your hips grind against him, head forcing itself back while you cry out for him. It’s a sweet whine, a gasping moan, fingers tightening on those dark brown strands while he fucks his tongue into you over and over again. He did that every time he ate you out, sucked on your clit until he made you unravel and then dove down to collect what he’d worked so hard for.
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” He’s out of breath, reaching for your jaw before smashing his mouth to your own. Instantly, the combination of his spit and your slick is running down your chin, legs shaking gently while Jack consumes you from above. 
“I’m, I - baby.”
“Get up,” Jack grunts, hauling you up by your arms. “Gonna get you in bed so I can see the mess you made for me.” 
Keeping his grip on your bicep, he pulls you alongside him, hurrying down the hall. The master bedroom isn’t far, which your shaky legs are thankful for. His demanding words and actions make everything seem so quick, like you don’t have a choice in anything that’s going on. And truthfully, you want it that way. You want Jack to make the decisions, you want to lie down and do whatever he wants you to. 
Shoving you forward, he watches you stumble onto the bed, a bright grin on your beautiful face. Taking a beat, he pauses, standing above you before beginning to remove his shirt. And while keeping that deadly gaze, you move backward on the covers, shimmying out of your panties. 
Eyes dipping down, he nods toward your chest. “Take off your bra.” 
While unbuttoning his shirt, he watches you complete his task, tossing the last bit of your clothing onto the floor beside your bed. And just in time for him to shove his pants down, too. 
“Mine,” He suddenly says, crawling over you on the bed. “Mine - all mine.”
Again, he’s obsessing over your breasts, shoving his face between them while his hands work the rest. His body rubs against you, cock wet and leaking on your thigh. It makes your insides burn bright, seeing his overt attraction for you. He gets so passionate when he’s like this, so vulnerable yet assertive, confident. 
“Let me get my fingers inside you.” That breathy voice says, licking two of them before dragging them down your chest. 
While his tongue lays out, toying with your nipples, Jack’s fingers dip inside your entrance, already loose from your orgasm. So sweet and welcoming, velvety and warm. And all you can do is writhe beneath the weight of his body, turning your head to kiss his cheek and neck. The curl of his fingers practically makes you shriek, feeling your body react on its own accord. 
“So sensitive like this, baby.” It’s lazy, the way he licks your nipples, teeth dragging over the red and puffy peaks. And then he’s sucking on them, sucking on the swollen swell of your tits and groaning like he’d just cum in his goddamn pants.
“Tell me you want more.”
“I want it,” Nodding, you gasp, swallowing dryly. “I want more.”
Your hips cant upwards in time with his fingers’ movement, hands grasping for his bicep and back. But it’s not enough, not for him.
“Tell daddy you need him, c’mon.”
“Daddy, please.”
“Nuh-uh,” Breathily, he chuckles. “Use your big girl words, sweet pea.” 
“I need you, I need you, daddy. Please, please.” In an attempt to convince him, you lower your hand, finding him laying heavy over your thigh. The firm grip you give his cock makes everything slow down for him, his eyes shutting alongside a small hiss. Even his fingers fall slack, chest dropping against your own. 
“Touch me, baby.” It’s a quiet command, one said while he nods. “Touch daddy.”
Knowing that he’s happy with this, you grin, running your fist up and down his length. Glancing down between your bodies, Jack watches, eyeing the way your thumb swipes over his tip.
“Oh, fuck.” Shaking his head, Jack sighs, hips rocking into your grip. “Always need you like this, sugar, always…” 
You can’t deny that it’s been hard these past few weeks, hell, these past few months. Being intimate hasn’t been a priority for the two of you, unfortunately; stress just took control of your lives. Jack’s career was becoming incredibly demanding, leaving you to care for the house and your unborn baby all on your own. Setting up the nursery, going to doctor’s appointments by yourself, feeling the baby kick without your husband there to experience it, somedays, it was just heartbreaking for you. But you’re here now, you’re together, without a single distraction in sight. You’re his, and he’s mine. That fact is always in your mind.
Taking himself from your hand, he settles between your legs with a relieved breath. Jack’s love for you consumes him, his entire body and mind. He just wants to wrap himself around you, looping his arms around your back while burying his face in your hair. 
“Jack,” It’s said quietly while you hold him, stroking his hair. 
Lifting one hand, it rests on your left breast, Jack’s hips moving to push into you slowly. The way you open up for him is an absolute dream, a breathless laugh spilling from his mouth as it happens. And when he pinches your nipple, you whine, forcing a jump from his cock as it rests inside. 
“You just need a lil’ extra somethin’, don’t you, sweetheart?” There’s a teasing tone to his voice, but you’re not sure what he means. 
Pressing his face into the curve of your neck, Jack smiles brightly, lips dragging over the skin as he begins to move. So he doesn’t hurt you, the hand on your chest moves to the bed, placing all of his weight onto it. 
“Puttin’ my dick inside you just ain’t enough anymore. Was it ever?”
“Daddy, what…” The steady pump of his cock between your legs is making you feel delirious, flooding your body with a sense of euphoria you’ve never felt before your pregnancy. “What do you mean?” 
“Remember what we used to do, sugar? You remember?” Heat creeps onto your cheeks as he says it, legs lifting to his waist as the arousal in your body heightens. “You remember what you did in my office?” 
“B-Baby,” He knows this gets to you, knows it hits right to your core.
“I remember,” Jack continues, licking at your neck. “Bendin’ you over my desk, fuckin’ you dumb over my paperwork. Or how ‘bout the times you sucked me off while I talked to Champ, huh? What about that?” 
Every firm shove forces the tip of his cock against your most sensitive spot, the thin tissue that just begs for his presence. And that, alongside those devilish words, is making you drip around him.
“Crawling on your knees for me in my jet,” He’s throbbing inside you, words becoming airy as he reconnects with your body. “Shit,” Hissing harshly, his eyes pinch shut. “Fuck me, honey. You remember rubbing yourself over me? Over my new goddamn boots because you were so horny?”
“Fuck, yes.” Exposing your neck even more, you toss your head back, feeling Jack’s teeth make their own special imprint. 
The memory is all too erotic, something you honestly can’t believe you did. Jack made you stupid; he was so goddamn attractive, so goddamn charming, that you’d do anything just to please him. Even if it meant humiliating yourself, you’d do it just to get off. 
“Hm…” You sigh out, placing your chin on his knee and closing your eyes in contentment.
“How’s that feel, honey?” He asks, reaching down to tilt your chin up to him.
Your eyes open, lids already heavy with adoration and lust. Jack’s smiling down at you, his expression soft and caring.
“So good,” Comes your contented hum, more than happy to finally have contact with your lover.
“Yeah?” He whispers, “Then keep goin’. Make ‘em all wet and shiny for me, honey.”  
You whimper quietly at his words, moaning lightly as you lean forward to begin moving your hips. The movement of your soft skin, your folds brushing over the smoothness of the material, only furthers the waves of heat that begin flowing through your core.  
“Go on,” He urges, “entertain me, sweet pea.”
“God, do I miss that. Havin’ my own little slut on tap.”
“Daddy, I’m, I’m still here.” It sounds pathetic, like you’re begging, trying your damnedest to prove to him that that part of you hasn’t left. 
“Oh, I know you are.” Lifting himself from your body, Jack glares down at you, one hand lifting to grab your jaw. “I know you’re there, babycakes. Comes out every time I’m inside you, every time I give you a demand. Why don’t you show me?”
At this, your brows raise innocently, unable to speak from the grip he has on your jaw and chin. And amidst your silence, he says, “Show me how well you still listen to me… and open that mouth.”
As soon as his grip allows you to, your lips are parting. That strong hand drops to your throat then, Jack’s face coming down to drip a cool trail of spit onto your tongue. But he’s not done then, not until spitting forcefully onto your mouth. And the moan you exude is nothing short of whorish and erotic, the liquid sliding over your tongue. 
“Yeah…” The word is said with a cocky sense of power, that gorgeous half-smirk crawling onto his face. “You just can’t get off to that vanilla shit anymore, can you, babycakes? You need it rough, don’t you?”
That hand is still on your throat, and only tightens as he speaks. With every thrust, his pelvis slaps against you, forcing your legs wider, and forcing himself deeper.
“Need daddy to manhandle you? Choke you? Hold you down and bruise you?”
Burying himself inside your cunt, you can’t help but feel so perfectly full, the veins along his shaft rubbing delightfully against your inner skin. It feels so natural, this connection, so natural and sensual. But nothing about it is sweet; everything about this encounter screams salacious and indecent. 
“Yes,” Comes your little plea, nodding. “Yes.”
Each shove rocks your body against the mattress, the strength of Jack’s body surrounding your entire presence. He feels so warm and strong, soft when he needs to be and mean when he wants to be. 
“I love this,” Jack admits, “Love nothing more than this; connecting with you. Look at you, just look at you.”
Lowering himself with a flurry of rapid breaths, he presses his mouth to your cheek, expressing his adoration for you. “You’re so good for me, my pretty baby. So pretty like this, sugar. Fuckin’ gorgeous when you take me.”
“I need you, can’t, can’t live without you.”
“Never, sugar.” Gasping against the side of your head, Jack’s chest stutters, a deep groan slipping from his lips. “Always here for you, with you.” 
When he gets like this, you can’t help but wrap your legs around him, tightening every muscle and pulling him in. And he lets you, falling into your embrace with a deep moan of gratification. It consumes him, the pleasure of it all, of releasing inside your wonderfully welcoming body. Jolting slightly above your beautiful and giving form, Jack moans helplessly, feeling his release wash over your walls. Every spurt is accompanied with a sharp shudder, arms moving to encircle you fully. Humid grunts pass over your ear, his mouth hanging open as he experiences the sensation of it. 
“My sweet girl.” Your husband finally says, his body tingling with every ounce of happiness that he has. His hold is full of pure, unwavering love, full of absolute worship and adoration. And beneath him, you relax, wanting nothing more than to rest with him in this peace. 
Kissing your head, Jack whispers sweetly, “Perfect little thing.” 
It’s in this moment that you feel every single worry melt away, every anxious thought about Statesman and the baby. Those negative notions serve absolutely no purpose to you, not when Jack is here, not when he cares for you so consistently and so openly. With Jack, you’re safe, you’ve never known otherwise. And nothing could ever take him away from you.
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missredherring · 10 months
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🌶️= spice
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman: The Golden Circle)
Southern Comfort
He sighed and held you tighter, running his hand up and down your back in soothing strokes.
Take His Gun and Send Him Into Battle (OFC) - Part One
An AU where Whiskey isn’t killed and turned over to Statesman instead. No longer Agent Whiskey, Jack Daniels is going to have to find out who the man beneath the Stetson really is. 
Alejandro Santos (Drive-Away Dolls)
In the Flesh 🌶️ (x Ted Garcia, m/m)
A glory hole in a dive bar at the edge of town truly is a liminal space, and this particular half hard cock straining through the side of a bathroom stall is all the proof he needs of that fact. 
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Dieter Does Dorne
"That is not a great angle for the dangle." You said as you turned your head, trying to better understand what you were seeing. Granted, your phone screen wasn’t the biggest, but you weren’t sure a bigger picture would help untangle the knot of limbs you were looking at.
Dieter's body stops as if it's come to the end of a tether and he turns his full attention to the section of press you're in. Flashing cameras go off and the yells are deafening once they realize his attention is on them, or so they think. Incubus AU.
Paint Me Like One Of Your French Girls
"Sorry, sorry." He says distractedly while glancing around. Even now that he's in the studio, he's still flitting around to find the right supplies.  "Bravo, I'm freezing my ass off." You say, and it's true: the cold is seeping into your butt from the concrete floor. 
The Roles We Play
While isolated in a manor house with his costars, he roams around in a bathrobe, desperately looking for someone to hook up with. 
Dieter Gets It 🌶️
You didn’t get the appeal of this, but Dieter does.
Someone Who Calls Me Baby (Dieter x Javi G)
He shakes his hands down at his sides, but it does nothing to expel any of the nervous energy running through him: his fingers still tingle as he taps them together and a faint ringing starts in his ears.  When he scoops up his phone to reread the text from his agent the message hasn’t changed. He hasn’t gotten the role in a while.
Touch Me Touch Me Touch Me 🌶️ (Fat Reader)
“How long do you want this?” You adjust his kerchief to indicate your meaning. “All day. We don’t have other plans.” He offers and shudders when you bury your nose in his neck, nuzzling at the skin at the edge of the fabric.  “Good. All you have to do is take it off.” You remind him, as you always do. He nods and you reward him with a bruising suck right over his carotid artery that makes him whimper.
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir AU
30 Minutes or Less
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
The Road Ahead
Starting a new journey in life with Din at your side is great. Until he hits a huge pot hole and almost loses the airstream.
Laundry Day
Laundry piles up while no one is looking so you go to the laundromat in town and meet someone new. 
"Then we'll find out together."
Eddie (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
An Act Of Kindness (Fat Reader)
Part Two
"More," he begs, his tongue eager and searching out every drop. "Please."
Ezra (Prospect)
"Are you sure you're ready for this?"
Hidden Treasure
Sometimes it pays to take a detour and give in to curiosity. You and Ezra find a hidden gem on a dusty planet.
You weren't surprised to find him at the book shop when you went to open that morning.
Frankie Morales (Triple Frontier)
Highway Honey🌶️
“What’s gotten into you today?” “You don’t have fond road trip memories?” “Not really, and I wouldn’t call the trips I do remember ‘road trips’.” He says and you don’t let what he doesn’t say, that most of them were missions or deployments, bring the mood down.
Strawberry Wine
Frankie prefers beer, but he’ll definitely take you to the local winery with live entertainment for a date night.  
When I Watch The World Burn All I Think About Is You
The world is ending and maybe it was sentimentality or fate, but you ended up at the bar where you met. Somehow you could handle the heartbreak in a place like this.  
Cold Ones and Cards
A breeze drifted in through the open windows and the humid air sent goosebumps down your arms. A warm hand, calloused and large, rubbed at the skin there and you leaned back into his chest. Your whole body shook when Frankie laughed, a deep sound that came from his belly. He had to put his head on your shoulder to catch his breath. Whatever the joke was it must’ve been a good one. 
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
What're We Doing, Joel?
"Tell me what you like."
Your fingers freeze on the mouse when you get to the last pictures of the final roll of film. You scroll through, eyes straining to understand what the thumbnail is showing you.  It looks like Joel had an adult sleepover of his own.
I'm The One To Beat 🌶️
Every one of your friend's names had been added to his list of victims, but not yours. For better or worse, you survived. 20 years pass and new victims start showing up with Joel's MO. Now's your chance. Slasher/Final Girl AU.
Let's Twist The Knife Again
When he feels the hard hit to his head, Joel hopes he doesn't wake up. But he does. Time Travel AU.
My Back Is Breaking From This Heavy Heart (Joel x Reader x Tess)
You weren’t home when the music stopped playing on the radio.
Wrong Until You Make It Right
After a long day when his kitchen sink starts leaking, there's only one person he thinks to call. You make a house call and Joel gets a wake up call.
For A Good Time Call... Joel 🌶️ (Fat Reader)
Joel nods like your silence is the answer he expected. “I had plenty of time to think about it last night. All that noise and it still sounded like someone just gettin’ off.” He shakes his head a little. “I’m sure Tommy did good by you, but there was something missing. That desperate edge to your voice, honey. I bet you’ve never not come, always making sure to get yours. But where’s the fun in that?”
Warming Up 🌶️ (Fat Reader)
The impish impulse wins out and you scoot closer to drape yourself over him as much as you can with him sprawling out on his stomach. He yelps and makes to move away, but he’s already at the edge of the mattress.
A Flower in February
When he’s finished cleaning the scrapes on your face his thumb swipes tenderly over the curve of your chin once. “I'll take care of it.”
Little Girl with a Big Mouth 🌶️
"More?" he asks your shoulder. "More." you agree.
Liam (Nikita)
Lap of Luxury🌶️
He’d told himself that you were a distraction, a liability, a weakness he’d be foolish to give in to, but he hadn’t been able to stay away. He hadn’t been able to stop wondering what it would look like to press his fingers into your skin.
Lucien Flores (The Uninvited)
Red Light Glow 🌶️
He’d called to wish you a happy birthday before anyone else.
Hungry Eyes 🌶️
Lucien thinks he probably gets to fuck you in that light. The lucky bastard.
Marcus Pike (The Mentalist)
Hall Pass (Marcus x Reader x Dieter)
"I can't believe you're this innocent."
Kate & Leopold AU
Mr. Marcus "king of consent" Pike would ask if he could kiss you after sex.
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
"Do You Want My Fingers?"🌶️
He pulled back enough to see your face. Studying your expression like he still needed confirmation that your wants matched his own.
The Bad Guy
Cleaning up after an alien invasion isn’t easy, but Marcus helps.
All That Glitters 🌶️
“Fuck. You’re perfect.” Marcus’s lips brushed your ear as he spoke, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Marcus gets back into training but the administrative work never ends.
Villainous: Part One - Part Two
Nothing good had come of the Ogima infiltration, so why would working with their leftover alien tech go any better? Sucked into an alternative universe you’re faced with a man who looked exactly like the partner you had kissed goodbye that morning. His touch is impersonal and rough as your wrists are restrained and the look in his eyes is anything but tender.
Snap (Fat Reader)
"I know you're anxious to give anything that might work a try, but I really want to urge you to read the consent form thoroughly." Marcus says. The request is the dying gasp of his conscience that's burned away in the flare of satisfaction he feels when you sign the form after only a moment of hesitation.
Maxwell Lord (WW '84)
Fool's Gold (Fat Reader)
In a world where superheroes and villains need to be taken into consideration when planning your morning commute, crystals rank low on the “things to be concerned about” scale. A genie AU. 
A simple touch of comfort in the night.
Give Me Strength
Maxine Lord attends her first Pride parade with her girlfriend.
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Hands Off (Fat Reader)
"Do not think about how you were in the past. That you no longer exists."
Given a Name (Fat Reader)
"This would be your greatest indulgence?" He asks, the edges of his beautiful mouth curling into a pleased grin. How like a man to inflate his importance. It’s a pity that he isn’t wrong. This will be my greatest selfishness.
Pedro from Across the Street (Calls, Apple TV):
Dial Tone 🌶️
It hadn’t been difficult; knowing you as well as he does. Or the other you, the one who wouldn’t break your vows.
The Thief (Casillero del Diablo)
What Strange Claws Are These🌶️
"Oh, I'm sorry, does it hurt?"
Tim Rockford (Merge Mansion AD):
I want to be between this man and the table.
My Best Friend's Wedding (ft Marcus Pike)
Choose your own Pedro Pascal Character:
Seven Minutes in Heaven (Fat Reader)
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sheerfreesia007 · 6 months
Fluffmas #28
Title: Fluffmas #28
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Prompt: Dance to Christmas songs
Words: 817
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Gif Credit: @nobie
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Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Everyone had a wonderful time at your first Christmas party in the Daniels family. You had been so worried about hosting this year’s annual Christmas party and everything went so well that you admitted you worried for nothing. But now as everyone settled down for the evening and went to their respective bedrooms in the large ranch home you shared with Jack you smiled warmly. You were still cleaning up the living room that was a war zone of ripped wrapping paper, scattered sparkly bows, and empty boxes that once held gifts.
Just then you heard the soft footsteps and smiled to yourself when you heard the record player turn on. Frank Sinatra’s Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas began to play softly on the loudspeaker and warm arms wrapped around your middle as his body became flush with your back.
“C’mon sweetheart, let’s dance. It’s Christmas.” he whispered in your ear and you chuckled softly as he began to sway you from side to side.
“I gotta get this place cleaned up.” you tried to resist him but knew it was a losing battle as you turned in his arms and faced him with a happy bright smile.
Let your heart be light
“I promise we’ll get it cleaned up but right now I want to dance with you.” he said softly as he stared down into your eyes. You nodded at his words before laying your head on his chest and stepping closer to him as the two of you swayed together to soft music. The peace that overcame you was intoxicating as you felt your body beginning to relax against his. The party had a lot of people and a lot of chaos in your normally quiet life so you weren’t surprised that you were exhausted at the end of it all. While you enjoyed having Jack’s family celebrate Christmas with you it was a lot of work to host them. You closed your eyes as you felt Jack move you from side to side as the music continued to play and you sighed softly.
“I’m glad it all went well and that your family enjoyed themselves.” you said quietly right before a large yawn made your mouth open widely. Jack chuckled softly as your movement and he ducked his head to press his lips to your forehead.
“Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked curiously and you nodded your head once more before yawning a second time.
“Oh yeah. Your family’s great Jack. They’ve been so kind and warm to me ever since we started dating and today was no different. I really loved having them here for Christmas.” you told him honestly.
“It wasn’t too much for you?” he asked softly as he swayed you once more in the middle of the living room. “I know they are a bit of a handful sometimes.” he admits and you shake your head gently on his chest.
“No, they were wonderful. It was chaos at times but I’m more than happy to endure it to have them here.” you reassured him and he smiled softly down at you.
Next year all our troubles, will be out of sight
“I’m glad that they didn’t chase you away with how crazy they can be. It’s reassuring.” he said softly and you frowned softly at his words before blinking your eyes open and looking up at him.
“What do you mean?” you asked curiously and Jack took a step back from you before slowly lowering to his knee and pulling out a small box from his back pocket.
“I have one more Christmas gift for you if you’ll accept it.” he said softly and your eyes widened dramatically as your hands raised to your mouth. Happiness bloomed within you like a firework going off and felt tears start to cloud your vision. “For three years you’ve been by my side through literally everything and I can’t thank you enough for that. You have been my best friend, my lover, and the love of my life. I never thought I would ever find someone else to love after Carmen but you barreled into my life with no restrictions and I am so ever grateful for you. I love you to the moon and stars sweetheart. And I’ll do everything I can to make you the happiest in the world. Will you marry me?” he said confidently and you felt your heart throb in your chest with each word.
“Absolutely.” you answered him easily causing him to grin widely at you before slowly getting off his knee and standing tall.
“Oh thank goodness. I think my knee was about to give out.” he groused softly causing you to laugh loudly as he slipped the engagement ring onto your finger. You jumped into his arms and he spun you around gently while holding you close.
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pedropascalsx · 10 months
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- The fanfiction edition.
Hi friends! I don’t know how it happened but I hit 3000 followers recently and I feel unbelievably lucky! I joined this site just over a year ago and I have met many wonderful people and gained multiple friendships from doing so.
And I wanted to celebrate YOU guys and show some appreciation for the fanfics that have taken up space in my heart.
I will be posting a few different celebration posts, one for fanfics, one for people I follow and one more for the GIFs and fics that i’ve created and that i’m proud of.
The list is below in no particular order! They just happen to be posted in a way that my brain let me remember them. I limited the list to ONE fic per writer as I wanted to showcase as many people as I could; so please check out their entire master lists!
1. Weeknights by @frannyzooey - Frankie Morales x F! Reader.
2. Notes on Tutoring by @honestly-shite - Dave York x F! Reader.
3. Lay It On Me by @lavendertales - Javier Peña x F! DEA Reader.
4. The Crush by @the-ginger-hedge-witch Javier Peña x OFC Isabel!
5. Consent by @fuckyeahdindjarin - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
6. Celestial Navigation by @write-and-buried - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
7. Run to You by @foli-vora - Marcus Pike x F! Reader.
8. Silent Affection by @kteague - Frankie Morales x F! Reader.
9. Psychomanteum by @whatsnewalycat - Dieter Bravo x OFC Louella!
10. Another Way by @theewokingdead - Din Djarin x F! Reader.
11. Stitches by @djarinsbeskar - Din Djarin x F! Reader.
12. Stranger At My Gate by @leslie-lyman - Pero Tovar x Modern! OFC.
13. Sunshine on a Cloudy Day by @pedrito-friskito - Frankie Morales x F! Reader.
14. Intimidation Tactics by @whataperfectwasteoftime - Marcus Pike x Dave York x F! Reader.
15. Peñas Anatomy by @guess-my-next-obsession - Javier Peña x OFC/Reader Lucky.
16. Cognitive Dissonance by @prolix-yuy - Agent Whiskey x F! Reader Sugar.
17. Fix You by @astoryisaloveaffair - Frankie Morales x F! Nanny Reader.
18. My Best Friends Dad by @whiskeynwriting - Dave York x F! Reader.
19. Sinners by @brandyllyn - Pero Tovar x F! Reader.
20. Façade by @furious-rogue-stuff - Dave York x F! Reader.
21. Lie to Me by @iamskyereads - Javier Peña x F! Reader.
22. Ego & Black Powder by @psychedelic-ink - Pero Tovar x F!Prison Guard.
23. Saturdays with Javier by @wildemaven - Javier Peña x F! Reader.
24. Black Sheeps by @charnelhouse - Dave York x F! Reader.
25. Like a River by @radiowallet - Macus Moreno x F! Reader x Frankie Morales.
I also wanted to share TEN of my all time favourite stories by @absurdthirst because it’s literally impossible to pick just one.
1. Stormy Secrets - Dave York x F! Reader.
2. Starvation - Ezra x F! Reader.
3. Xingjião - Pero Tovar x F! Reader.
4. Married to the Mafia - Dave York x F! Reader.
5. Under His Skin - Dave York x F! Reader.
6. Late for Valentines - Dave York x F! Reader.
7. The Donor - Marcus Pike x F! Reader x Dave York.
8. Protective Big Brother - Frankie Morales x F!Davis Reader.
9. Murphy's Sister - Javier Peña x F!Murphy Reader.
10. Daddy Dieter - Dieter Bravo x F! Reader.
If I follow you and you didn't make it onto this list - you will be on the next one! Also I will be doing a mini post for published and soon to be published books!
I'm sorry if anyone is missing, it's always a pain trying to remember everyone but this is a list of the fics that mean a lot to me and that i love so so so much!
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gnpwdrnwhiskey · 2 months
biscuits & blowjobs
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Pairing- Jack Daniels x ofc!SunDrop
Word Count- 750ish
Warnings- I apologize for the misleading title, there are no actual blowjobs. Only referenced and/or implied ones. But there are biscuits. And two idiots in love as per usual...
Author's Note- this is part of a longer story that I'll probably never finish (because I don't really want to) but I saw that cabin pic and it was pretty much perfection so yeah, here we are....for anyone following along, this is way way back at the beginning of things for these two.
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He's seen behind the facade now, he knows there's more to you than the pencil skirts and the sky high pumps. But he'd never seen you looking as lost as you did standing there at his front door with your suitcases in hand, telling him you officially had a week before you had to report back to headquarters and you probably shouldn't, but you wanted to spend as much of it with him as you could.
So he'd done something impulsive and swept you out of the city and taken you to his favorite place- a simple little log cabin nestled in the Great Smoky Mountains.
"You didn't bring me here to kill me and hide my body did you?"
"It would've been easier to do that in the city, honey," Jack laughs.
You still haven't moved from the entryway while you take in your surroundings. Small kitchen with eat in dining, a decent sized living area taken up by a massive leather sofa facing a stone fireplace, stairs leading to a second floor loft area that you assume is the bedroom.
"So this is just- what? Your secluded little love nest? You bring all your conquests here?"
"No, this is just my retreat from the world, SunDrop. My safe space to be away from everything and unwind. Just peace and quiet. Besides family dropping by occasionally, you're my first guest. Ever."
"Jack....then why...."
"Because,” he sighs, coming back to where you still haven't moved and pulling you into his arms. “You’ve told me damn near a million times how much you hate the city and because you said this thing between us has an expiration date, right? So if we've only got a week, I don't want any distractions."
You don't even make it upstairs that first night.
You wake the next morning to the smell of coffee and bacon and peel yourself off the leather sofa to pad over to the kitchen where you're greeted with one of your new favorite sights- Jack in warm cotton and soft flannel cooking breakfast. The man makes the fluffiest biscuits and the best sausage gravy you've ever had in your life.
"You ready to share your biscuit recipe yet?" You ask, walking up behind him at the stove and wrapping your arms around his waist, going up on tiptoes for a second to kiss the back of his neck before stealing a piece of bacon and moving off to pour yourself a cup of coffee.
"Not even close, sunshine." Jack laughs. "Eggs and bacon will be up in a few minutes."
Coffee poured, you hop up on one of the stools at the island and spin around to take in the view from the kitchen windows and munch on your bacon. Extra crispy, just the way you liked it. Can't say the man hasn't been paying attention.
"So where are we?"
"Tennessee. Not too awful far from Gatlinburg."
"And what are we doing here?" You ask, spinning back to the island and watching him plate breakfast.
"Anything you want? The place is stocked up, we can stay in all week if you want."
"Hmm....tempting as that idea is, what are my other options?"
"Well, we could do the tourist thing- go wander around Gatlinburg or over to Dollywood."
"Pass," you say, wrinkling your nose in distaste. "Something more low-key maybe."
"Okay, it's the weekend so the farmers market is open, there's a flea market near by if bootleg DVDs and knockoff designer handbags are your thing. Couple antique mall junkhole places," Jack shrugs.
He'll take you to any and all of them, just to spend time with you. Time for playing it cool is over, every second counts and he wants to make the most of them.
"My sisters like all the little boutiques and shit downtown. And the drive-in should be playing something tonight."
"I've never been to a drive-in."
"What? None of the boys you dated back in highschool ever took you to the drive-in?" Jack asks, mock-offended. "What kinda red-blooded all American boy didn't take his best girl to the drive-in hoping to get lucky?"
"There was only one boy," you shrug. "And I guess he preferred his blowjobs in the back of an air conditioned movie theater."
Jack chokes on his coffee and you wink at him as you hop off the barstool and drop your dishes in the sink before heading over to grab your suitcase.
"You alright there, cowboy? I'm assuming the shower's upstairs? You're welcome to join me...."
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lipglossanon · 4 months
hi gloss hope you’re having a good day so far <3
so hear me out… country boy/cowboy leon x spoiled city girl reader🛐🛐🛐 (i have a thing for cowboys, i blame agent whiskey for this shit😭)
leon’s only used to country girls so when him and you get together he’s like amazed at how different your lives are he’s used to getting dirty, working hard, not depending on anyone for anything and then you come along you’re spoiled, never worked a day in your life cause of ‘daddy’s money’, and you won’t even let dirt hit your shoe
one day he’s forcing you to help out on the farm, you’re bored ofc so you decide to mess with leon. you’re teasing him and stuff, when finally you take his cowboy hat and put it on, it makes him smile down at you as he laughs under his breath. “you know about the rule, right, sweetheart?” he asks, making you look at him slightly confused before laughing. “there’s no way you actually do that stupid rule, leon.”
long story short; he definitely believes in that joke rule, ‘cause now you’re on top of him, riding him like a damn cowgirl. and GOD the thought of teasing him while you ride him, saying stuff like “you like this city girl pussy, baby?” and, “bet you never even had a city girl, probably used to those stupid country girls.” and then, he starts getting a tiny bit mad at the teasing, making you just tease him more, all while mocking his accent, which he HATES when you do it ‘cause he believes you’re not doing it right.
uh.. anyways… country boy leon brainrot (i need therapy so bad..)
like always, remember to eat something if u haven’t, drink some water, and go out on a walk if you can. bye! -🩵
Hiya 🩵 anon!! 👋
And I’m having a great day so far (I hope you are too!!)
🤭 I had a friend in middle school whose dad was kind of a cowboy; he had a small ranch and horses. I went to my first rodeo with her and was like this is just okay 🤣
(Oh my god, you should watch Son In Law!!! It’s an older movie with Pauly Shore but the gist is the same 😆 except he’s the city boy and it’s a country girl 🤣 it’s so silly but I love it)
Anywho, enough of my rambling 🤭 but hot damn 🥵
The teasing!!! 😩 but to be fair no one nails the accent right lmao
God but after he’s tired of her teasing he just flips her onto her back and fucks her stupid
“Aww honey thought y’was gonna show me how good that city girl pussy was gonna grip me, c’mon show me. Oooh, tight little cunt but I think y’can do better’n that.”
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trulybetty · 10 months
Sunday | Week In Review I
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So in order to try and be consistent with this, I’ve kept a running Notes page open to keep track of my week.
As I mentioned last week, I don’t expect this every week, I am me. But I am going to keep trying to make an effort to support my fellow creators.
If there’s something you’ve enjoyed this week, please feel to reblog this and tag me so I can check it out and share 💙
Also, not that I feel it needs to be said, but this is a reflection of what I have personally read and enjoyed.
B x
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
New York Part I (Marcus Pike x f!reader)
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
Conversations with a Movie Star | Chapter 1 by @gnpwdrnwhiskey Even if you’re not a fan of Dieter Bravo, the dialogue in this alone is worth checking out this opening chapter for this new fic. Ava is an OFC down on her luck after being fired, from her families paper no less, and has stumbled across the Bravo Inn… I’ll let Lellen’s writing do the rest
Stripper Jack Trilogy | P. III by @psychedelic-ink The conclusion of maybe the definitive trilogy of trilogies? I don’t think anyone had Stripper Jack on their 2023 bingo cards, but he’s earned his space and I won’t have any arguments on it. 
Hungry Hearts | Chapter by @atinylittlepain Not many Joel AU’s I’ll jump into, but Bruce Springsteen and Joel Miller? Signed myself the fuck up for that as soon as it was announced. The unfolding of Joel and Cherry's relationship in the summer of '86 against them running back into one another 17 years later is such a great dynamic. 
Fall Apart Again | Chapter 1 + 2 by @wildemaven Heidi spoiled us this week, with not one, but TWO chapters of her new Joel fanfic. I don’t think I’ve gotten so emotional over an opening chapter to a fic before like I did with this one! Then the second chapter? Just bury me now… but actually don’t, I want to see the end of this fic first!
The Layover | Chapter 9 by @goodwithcheese How did Megan describe her fanfics? Hallmark movies with smut? She's not wrong. This whole series so far has been a rollercoaster of emotions and keeps delivering each week without fail. Not only are you rooting for Reader + Frankie, but Jules and Santiago anyone? Or maybe just Jules herself because she's just the boss.
Late Night Texts | Chapter 9 by @mvtthewmurdvck I think it's safe to say it's fanfics like Late Night Texts that have got me back in my rom-com/hopeless romantic era. I don't want to give too much away if you've not had the pleasure of reading this - but it has all the hallmarks of a good rom-com set on the backdrop of the early 2000s and with Javier Peña. If you're like me and still trying to make your way through Narcos or haven't watched it yet - please don't let it stop you, you won't be sorry!
A Little FaceTime by @stardustandskycrystals I’m still thinking about this fic days later and may have gone back to read it again. Trust me, just read this - you don’t need an explanation or reason, just read it. Even if Javi isn’t your jam (wasn’t on my list before, that’s all changed now) - it won’t disappoint!
Things I’m Looking Forward to Starting…
Decoherence by @prolix-yuy Westworld and Jack ‘Agent Whiskey’ Daniels crossover, yes, please! It is also reminding me that I never finished season one and should do something about it…
Pleased to Meet You by @intheorangebedroom This is a constant on my dash and on my TBR pile for a while with so many good comments - also getting into my Frankie era, so it’s perfect timing!
The Pilot & His Girl by @avastrasposts Been waiting to savour this one! So you’ve got the Last of Us and you’ve got Triple Frontier, two of my favourite things… what happens when you mush them together? You get a wild ride through the outbreak with Frankie & Reader - I cannot wait to get into this!
Visiting by @ladamedusoif This is another regular on my dash and on my TBR that I’m hoping to get stuck into this week. A college AU of Mr. Ben from the SNL sketch. Fully fleshed out and on the backdrop of New England, I’m ready to get swept away with this promise of a slow burn.
The House by @gemmahale A Jack Daniels x OFC (Best Friend) series coming soon focusing on a long-lost friendship, an inheritance, and Jack sounding like the scallion he is? Cannot wait.
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@rhoorl’s announcement of their Triple Frontier AU, Delta Landscaping with mood board and logo! The residents of Tumblr won’t know what’s hit the neighbourhood when they roll into town! 
Thanks to @gnpwdrnwhiskey I will never look at baby hippos without thinking of Dieter Bravo
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Everyone’s participation in the WIP poll tag game, it was so fun to see my dash just filled with so many creative people and so many amazing ideas! It was a neat peek into everyone’s draft folders!
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - FINALLY got to see it this week, and it did not disappoint. Have not stopped thinking about it since!
My rom-com era has returned, and I’m deep into embracing my forgotten love of a good rom-com. So far this week it’s been The Lake House, You’ve Got Mail & Always Be My Baby. Also it gave way to a Keanu Reeves appreciation post, come share your favourite Keanu!
This Week’s Song… Went waaaayyyy back for this one, an amazing album too - the Sterephonics are one of my favourite bands of all time 🩶
Hope everyone has a great Sunday & here's to a new week!
Please feel free to share your own favourites from the week or what you're looking forward to this week - not a tag game, so no pressure for you to share if you're not feeling it ❤️ xx
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Weekend Update 02/11/2024
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Nerdie! It's the middle of the month, how are you?
Good. Nothing to complain about. Mainly relaxed and then worked Thursday and Friday. My orientee made me laugh.
Oh? How so?
She said that now that she's had some different preceptors she enjoys my balances of being a bit hands off since I know she's experienced, but still checking in during the shift to see how things are going. (Puffs out chest and also wonders if that's a good or bad thing.)
I mean, if she said it's fine, it should be fine right? Now did you do anything writing this week?
I did a bit. Not as much as I normally do. I'm gearing up for projects I have either agreed to or planned for myself.
My two fics are quite different. One was silly and sweet and the other was filth. Nerdie in a nutshell really:
Is it for the wallet of the shoebox? (Tim Rockford x plus size female reader) Tim being silly in a bookstore leads to a serious conversation and a partial photoshoot at home. Comedy and domestic fluff with slight spice.
One Pass for the both of Us (Lucian Flores x female reader x Benny Miller) You and your boyfriend Lucian have the same hall pass. All smut with sweatpants and gold chains.
Working on two things I promised people. One requested fluff and the other action and smut.
I decided to start a new series (because clearly I don't have enough - Dieter, Frankie and Tim give Nerdie a death glare) 👀 because this Pedro character was in my WIPs way before the three of you! Might even help me brainstorm…
Two Hearts by the Ocean will feature Javier Gutierrez x Abigail (plus size OFC). The vibe is sweet summer romance. Mainly fluff every Wednesday, not sure how many parts, at least five. Let me know if you'd like to be tagged for it. I have a few people in mind but if you'd like to be added, let me know. 😆
Roc & Doc and Weddings 101 with Dieter are still ongoing, no worries. Tim and Dieter have calmed. Frankie is a bit pissed still but you have the longest masterlist Fish! You don’t care…well. Okay. 🫡
I might be trying to figure out how to write Ezra. I love reading fics with the man, but his speech patterns have so many nuances to it. I've been studying @morallyinept aka Jett's Pedro Pascal Character Database that she's been compiling and her entry on Ezra from Prospect has been invaluable. It's an excellent reference for Pedro character fic writers or if you just wanna know more. She also has one specifically on Ezra’s speech patterns that I swear I’ve read at least four times.
It's me, I'm the problem. 😭 I’m either overthinking or not focusing on the right parts. Ugh…
Fics I read this week: ( I took time off work and had plenty of time to read - still didn't get to everything. 🥸)
Movie Night by @munsonownsmyass (Zach Ellison x reader)
No game at all (but I can do this) by @for-a-longlongtime (Marcus Pike x Tim Rockford - Frankie Morales floating in thots)
Wouldn't It Be Nice - Chapter one by @lady-pug (Agent Whiskey x female reader)
02 x birds - Frankie Morales x reader by @trulybetty
Mon Amour by @saturn-rings-writes (Jake Lockley x black female reader)
The Stars by @youvebeenlivingfictional (Poe Dameron x reader)
Mutual by @morallyinept (Ezra x female reader)
Dinner Party by @lavendertales (Steven Grant x fem reader)
The Mercenary and the Whore by @absurdthirst and @storiesofthefandomlovers
Comedy of Errors (MK Spring Bingo #3) by @soft-girl-musings (Steven Grant x GN reader)
03 x snowfall - Marcus Pike x reader by @trulybetty
Ambrosial by @spacecowboyhotch (Din Djarin x fem. black reader)
Half of you - part 1 and part 2 by @foxilayde (Santiago Garcia x female reader)
God Speed by @magpiepills (Tim Rockford x female reader)
Not for nothing @magpiepills (Ezra x female reader)
Perfect Fit by @lowlights (Frankie Morales x plus size reader)
To the Flame - chapter 5 by @pedroshotwifey (Dark Javier Peña x female reader)
Come back to me by @reallyrallyauthor (Poe Dameron x female reader)
If you’re not looking at @immarocketman ‘s art, then I feel sad for you. It’s beautiful 🤗 They put out a sketch of Din/Cobb this week that’s apparently going to have a fanfic written about it by @theywhowriteandknowthings
There was also an excellent head cannon about Sarah’s younger years by @clickergossip that resonated with me on Black girlhood. ☺️
That's about it until next week! 🥰
Stay hydrated and safe!
Love Nerdie 💜
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grogusmum · 4 months
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You know what that means! Hazel's fic recs!!
Okay, I heard from some lovelies!
I haven't had time this week to read them (by Tuesday, I was already having A Week!) but am looking forward to lighting a fire, getting cozy, and digging in!
And, of course, I will be reblogging as I go! Because we want to hold up our beautiful writers, artists, and creators in our fandom!
So please check these out, and if you enjoyed them, give them more than a "like", give them some love with a reblog, and a comment or reaction pic or gif.
So here we go:
Let's start off with a self rec @burnwater13 , Thank you, mdear!! (WRITERS SHOW YOUR OWN FIC LOVE!!) Berni is a WONDERFUL fellow Grogu pov writer, and here is one found on Ao3:
The Passenger as told to Ta'lan Bet by Grogu
Next up, an offering by the delightful @tinytinymenace is
The Margay by @ohforficsakelibrary
(This is already on my TBR list! So thanks for the push!!💚)
Here's what she says about it:
It's an ongoing series with Frankie Morales and sniper OFC Audrey Goddard. I devoured the entire thing and am gradually reblogging it (because I can be slow with the comments). I've been trying to be articulate about why I love this series when all I really want to do is smash my keyboard. The characters feel right. Everyone is competent. I find this version of Frankie interesting. There are these phrases scattered throughout that are just chef's kiss. Like describing Frankie laughing: "Offers her his back teeth." So good! And the smut is smoking hot!
Our final submission from the lovely @ghostofaboy is the masterlist of @elvenmother
For throwback Thursday - I really feel like @elvenmother's fics don't get enough love. She has three that I adore and love to go back and read. But they all came out before the Last of Us boom, I think.
Context and Perspective - Marcus Moreno and Supervillian Reader which is really touching.
Art of Crossed Wires - Marcus Pike cute meet filled with misunderstandings.
Shattered - Agent Whiskey angst fest that broke my heart (in a good way).
Thank you for sending in fics!
Finally, in the interest of doing what I tell others to do, give my own fic some love!
My self rec:
A little Bewitched stylr hijinx, and much ado about nothing! Kelly's visiting Mallorca with her familiar, who runs off, and Javi finds him. Sparks fly of the amorous kind when her cat is returned to her, but she fears magic is the culprit!
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