#Agni x sebastian
justanemailpigeon · 11 months
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Its a long history, but they work together
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eemoo1o-animoo · 11 months
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Perfect meme template for this fandom.
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caught-in-the-vortex · 5 months
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Some SebAgni fuel for myself. First Black Butler thing I've drawn in like a year. Just a quick doodle honestly. Made me realize how sickly their colour palettes were
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stealingurman · 1 month
Fun fact did you know
He likes a boy, he likes a boy, he likes a boy, he likes a boy
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And she's not a boy, she's not a boy, she's not a boy, she's not a
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. . . I'm gonna be sad and ruin something -
Listen to this song and just think of Sebastian and Agni, platonic or romantic your choice
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luchigeon · 7 days
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they have a bit of free time when their children are asleep
(link to the reference for the third image)
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everybody moved on... 🎶
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sunnydazzy · 1 year
Black Bulter DILF Hot takes:
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Look who’s getting ready for Halloween !
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Also bonus sketch of the finished jack-o lanterns
(Sebaciels dni )
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cat3ch1sm · 1 year
🪴~ hi, everyone! i hope you’ve all had a lovely day or night. today i give you some black butler headcanons because i haven’t written for it in a little while. enjoy, ily <33
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ fem!reader, street harassment, catcalling, language
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝- 𝐟𝐭. 𝐬𝐞𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧, 𝐚𝐠𝐧𝐢, 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐚, 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥
a/n~ i am in no way romanticizing sexual harassment. most of the things i write here in these types of headcanons have happened/been said to me, so i just wanted to make that clear :) thank you <33 also, sorry these are so short, i am tired but i needed to post 😭
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you two are simply walking down the street, minding your own business as usual- maybe returning from an errand or something. because you’re outside and the weather isnt looking good, you propose that you take a shortcut through a different area. it’s a rougher part of town, but neither of you are fond of the idea of getting caught in the rain, so you take the risk.
you’re probably discussing something fairly mundane when a group of two or three guys spots you from the side of the road. they look dirty and are not at all easy on the eyes. you hear jeering and whistling from the side of the road, along with a few unsolicited comments about how sexy you apparently are. you give them a dirty look but are mostly inclined to ignore them, but Sebastian has other plans.
the butler first moves you to the opposite side of him protectively before marching straight up to the men jeering at you. they stop initially, a little confused, but when they decide Sebastian isn’t too much of a threat, they resume their antics.
“hey, what’re ya doing? you’re blocking our view, bastard.”
“what, are you her boyfriend of something? are ya mad? gonna tell us to stop? not our fault your girl’s a fine piece of ass.”
sebastian literally just stands there and waits for them to finish cackling like middle school boys. then, once they stop, a bit confused as to why Sebastian is still standing there, the butler promptly decks all three of them, knocking them all to the rough ground with three very painful-sounding thuds.
“it’s terribly impolite to verbally assault an innocent woman on the street like that, you know. i would appreciate it greatly if you’d mind your manners next time, yes?”
Sebastian simply leaves the men on the ground to moan and groan at their injuries before rejoining you, who is rendered speechless, in the road.
“this wasn’t a very good shortcut, now was it, my dear? i recommend you make your decisions more wisely next time, rain or not.”
you two are probably just hanging out, on a date or something. you’re walking in the middle of the city, where there are lots of people shopping, selling, just walking, other various things. because of the crowd, you and agni get off the main street and walk behind all the shops and buildings instead for a little more privacy.
while walking behind the buildings, you accidentally stumble and drop your bag. agni politely asks if he can get that for you, but you smile and insist on getting it yourself. you bent over to get your bag and stood back up, which should have been the end of it, but unfortunately you happen to catch the eye of two guys loitering beside one of the buildings you two are in front of.
“i liked it better when you were bent over, sweetheart!”
abruptly, you whirl to face the source of the voice, shocked, your eyes wide. clenching your teeth, you clutch your bag closer and shake your head, starting to walk away in an attempt not to escalate the situation, but agni grabs your hand just before you’re out of his reach. he doesn’t want to bring you any closer to the two men, but agni wants to keep you by his side, so he grasps you around the waist and walks over to them. when he approaches them, his expression is dark, and you can tell how he’s straining to maintain his non-violent ways.
honestly, agni doesn’t really have to say anything to let the guys know that he means business. his threatening aura is overpowering- the cowards are already running for the hills.
“it is a shame that it is so acceptable for these men to treat you like that in England. however- it is clear that they are mere cowards, given that they ran as soon as i approached them. are you doing alright?”
“as long as you are with me, you will never be in harm’s way.”
“hey, baby, your boyfriend don’t look like much- why don’t you come on home with me and i’ll show you a real good time.”
the remark catches you completely off guard. you and soma were on your way back from a cute first date at a quaint coffee shop, which poor soma, trying desperately not to mess up, had planned way too far ahead for just an hour-long date. luckily for him, it had gone well, and you and soma were hitting it off on the walk back to the manor. however, the cheerful little bubble you two were in after officially becoming a couple poles rather abruptly after hearing that comment.
you opted to ignore the offender, and soma simply shot him a dirty look before continuing on your way, protectively wrapping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you closer to him. but the man doesn’t leave you alone.
“hey, babe, why don’t you wanna talk to me? i promise i can be better than that guy you’re with.”
you outright groaned this time, sick of the man hounding you, and soma instantly sensed your annoyance. although he definitely wasn’t fond of the idea of confronting the burly man- who indeed was bigger than soma- he didn’t want to look like a chicken in front of you, and he genuinely didn’t like seeing you upset and vulnerable. so, soma promptly storms up to the man and tries his best to chew him out without wavering.
“hey! you know that it is very rude to catcall a woman like that! you do not even care that she is with a gentleman? you, sir, are a very crass and immature man!”
it really looks better typed out… in reality, soma’s voice is shaky and cracks a lot, and he’s visibly very nervous. like i mentioned, this guy who catcalled you is certainly intimidating. luckily, he isn’t amused by soma and simply waves him off and goes on his way.
“why didn’t he say that to me? what’s wrong with my ass?”
carefully explain to grell that catcalling is not a compliment because she will not know that. even after you explain, she still might take offense☠️☠️
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justanemailpigeon · 10 months
I was looking for sebagni on Google and then i saw someone from amino said that sebagni was a bad ship.. then they procced to say that they wanted to see more of s3b4c3l and agn¡s0ma ships.. like???
Isn't it interesting that.. they hated an adult x adult ship but then they like adultxminor??
(like i said, i make sure who likes my post or follows me, so if one of them is a friking adultxminor creature.. bye byee! I hope you can fix yourself)
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eemoo1o-animoo · 11 months
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Captions courtesy of @effrvsnt107
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ellovett · 3 days
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very tiny doodle of sebagni ..love sebagni so much oh how i wish they were real .....☹️
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cielwritings · 27 days
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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aint no fucking way antis are complaining about soma x agni now💀💀
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todoroki-waifu · 1 year
Headcanons about how Sebastian, Agni, and Rei would react if his gender neutral crush accidentally confesses to him?
Note: Thank you for the request! Meant to put this out last night, but I fell asleep on my laptop. ^^U
Warning: Gender neutral reader.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 305
~Sebastian (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)~
He's surprised and you definitely gave him an ego boost. 
The man knew you liked him, but wasn't expecting you to confess the way you did. 
Honestly was going to do it himself, but was just waiting for an opportunity.
Sebastian tried not to laugh, but wasn't laughing at you and your feelings.
Just at the situation. 
Found it too cute for him to not smile.
Sebastian would take your hand and kiss it, apologizing if his reaction had upsetted you.
You're his first lover so he's quite excited to see what kind of adventure he'll have with you.
~Agni (Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji)~
He's so happy and overwhelmed with gratitude that he nearly cried.
You wanted to be with a guy like him? Even though his past wasn't the best?
Agni would embrace you tightly and give a little spin. 
But then he'd get all shy and compose himself.
He's still a butler and had a master to represent.
But he also didn't want to embarass you or make you feel uncomfortable.
Agni would also promise to cherish your feelings and to make you feel as happy as you've made him.
~Rei (Buddy Daddies)~
Rei first stares at you in a complete state of confusion and shock. 
Very nervous also. Did you really admit you liked him? Was this a prank? Because he likes you a lot as well.
Rei is a trained and professional hitman, but when it comes to romance, it's out of his scope.
But that doesn't mean Rei wouldn't try nor is he unhappy.
He's extremely happy.
So happy that he takes you to his bathroom and locks you in there with him. (only if you want ;) )
Rei has no experience with any type of affection so he's worried if he'll be a good boyfriend for you.
Still won't stop him from learning and trying.
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