#Agra news live
jantanow · 4 months
Agra News | दलाल दे रहे थे जन्म - मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र बनाने का झांसा, प्रवर्तन दाल ने सात कि जगह पांच दबोचे 
आगरा: नगर आयुक्त के आदेश पर नगर निगम (Agra Municipal Corporation) के प्रवर्तनदल ने कार्यवाही करते हुए सात दलालो को दबोच लिया, जिस में दो दलालो को नगर निगम के कर्मचारियों का रिस्तेदार होने कि वजह से नगर निगम के अधिकारियो के इसारे पर दो को भगाया पांच दलाल को पकड़ा जन्म – मृत्यु प्रमाण पत्र (Birth death certificate) बनाने का झांसा दे रहे थे । आगरा नगर मे दलाल सक्रिय है!वह लोगो को जन्म – मृत्यु…
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lok-shakti · 2 years
Mainpuri By-Election Result: मैनपुरी उपचुनाव में भाजपा क्यों हारी ? जानिए ये तीन प्रमुख कारण
Mainpuri By-Election Result: मैनपुरी उपचुनाव में भाजपा क्यों हारी ? जानिए ये तीन प्रमुख कारण
सीएम योगी के पास खड़े भाजपा प्रत्याशी रघुराज सिंह शाक्य – फोटो : अमर उजाला ख़बर सुनें ख़बर सुनें मुलायम सिंह यादव के निधन के बाद मैनपुरी लोकसभा सीट पर हुए उपचुनाव में भाजपा की बड़ी हार के पीछे कई कारण हैं। इसमें सबसे बड़ा कारण जिले की राजनीति में जाति विशेष के नेताओं का दखल ही रहा। इसके चलते न केवल भाजपा का कोर वोट मानी जानी वाली अन्य जातियों ने भाजपा को नकार दिया, तो वहीं कार्यकर्ताओं ने भी…
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 5 months
Angel Dust: "How dare anyone say I'm playin' favorites! I love all of my friends just the same- there's Cherri Bomb, Niffty, Husk, Charlie, Pentious, my baby Fat Nuggets, and..."
Vaggie: "How many teeth did you just break using their actual names."
Angel Dust: (squinting at smudged note on his hand)
Angel Dust: ".... Vaaaagina.... Vi...agra??"
Vaggie: "Aww how sweet, you actually tried writing it down and everything."
Angel Dust: "Anything for you. Vaggsoline."
Vaggie: "Thanks for that, uh..."
Vaggie: "Sorry. What was your name again?"
Angel Dust: "Oh har har toots very funny."
Angel Dust: "Not THAT funny though. Guys. Stop laughin'."
Angel Dust: "Sugar Tits? Tiny a Nif c'mon- Whiskers! For real she WASN'T that funny- Oi what kinda fearless leader laughs at her own friends like this!? Daddy Sad Snake save me- I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! Even the new guy?? She exiled ya boiz!"
Sir Pentious: "Yesss, well.... that wass a while ago, and sshe let them come back! And ssshe iss alssso rather amusssing!"
Vaggie: "To be fair it's probably also the stress from our impending fight for our lives or whatever."
Angel Dust: "That's not excuse for anyone actin' like you're in any way funnier than me, Vaggitales!"
Vaggie: "Do they even need an excuse."
Angel Dust: "Oh that's it, anyone of ya that laughs harder at HER lame joke that cashed in on MY amazing set up is coming OFF the door collage!"
Vaggie: "Great, so since I was never on there, I can laugh as hard as want huh?"
Angel Dust: "...."
Angel Dust: (spitefully draws a comical doodle of vaggie on his door)
Angel Dust: (glares and lifts an eraser)
Angel Dust: "I won't hesitate, bitch."
Charlie: "Um. Angel...?"
Husk: "Oh for fuck's sake."
Vaggie: "You doodled me in marker, fuck head."
Angel Dust: "Wh- FUCK!!!"
Vaggie: (smirking) "Hey, it's the thought that counts."
Angel Dust: "Someone get me a door unfucker thing! Niffty how do I get this shit lesbian off my door!?"
Niffty: "Blood sacrifice~"
Angel Dust: "Eww okay fine! Who's blood??"
Niffty: (holds up the pig fat nuggets) "Your first born child-"
Angel Dust: (snatches and hugs) "NO!!!!!"
Vaggie: (rolls eye) "I'll scrap it off with my spear, calm down."
Angel Dust: (shrieking and wrapping himself around pig) "MY BABY!"
Vaggie: "...the door. I'll scrap the marker off of the DOOR for you."
Angel Dust: "Ohhhh... Yeah. Yeah, you'd better!"
Charlie: "We can just paint over it, Angel Dust, don't worry" (whispering at vaggie) "He has your picture tacked up on the inside, labeled 'scary but safe question mark question mark', where you won't see. Like you have that one of him hidden under the group photo in the hotel photo album you're mak-"
Vaggie: "No Charlie don't-!"
Angel Dust: "Wait a sec- your scary sapphic is makin' a WHAT now?"
Charlie: "Oh it's so cuuuute!!! She's been working so hard on it- It's a...."
Vaggie: "It's a what. Sweetie."
Charlie: "......"
Charlie: "It's nothing worth sleeping on the couch over."
Angel Dust: "Uh huh."
Vaggie: (smooches gf's cheek) "Glad to hear it."
Charlie: (muttering) "It is worth it actually. It is very cute and worth it but I want my snuggles..."
Angel Dust: "She's sappy as well is sapphic, is what I'm hearin'. A photo album? Really toots? Well as the most photogenic fuck up in this place- obviously- I should be on the front cover."
Vaggie: "You're on enough covers already."
Angel Dust: "NOBODY LAUGH! I set that one up for ya too!"
Vaggie: "Sure you did."
Vaggie: "Riiiight."
Alastor: "......"
Alastor: "Oh my! I am positively CERTAIN that no one could have POSSIBLY ever FORGOTTEN about me, ha ha ha!"
Alastor: (grins so hard his teeth crack)
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Lord of the Lost - The electric plug of the iron maiden
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So yesterday I stumbled across this interview with Chris in the new Sonic Seducer magazine. It was pretty short and didn't exactly give us the most specactular news, but as always, Chris had some nice things to say (such as about the bass track on 'The Curtain Falls', speaking up politically or participating at ESC again (ARD, I'm staring at you very intensely, you know what to do!)). And since I was on a short train ride anyway, I used the time to type down some translation for you all. Enjoy!
Lord of the Lost
The electric plug of the iron maiden*
(* the article purposefully doesn't use the band name 'Iron Maiden' here, but the literal German translation 'Eiserne Jungfrau', probably because the journalist thinks they're funny)
Christoph Kutzer
The very moment that the ESC-hype has cooled down, Lord of the Lost are back to continuous operation on various stages. Whether it's at the Agra hall of the WGT or in the Nokia Arena of Finnish Tampere: Energetic live shows are guaranteed. Then there are also the new songs on the extended edition of 'Blood and Glitter'. Chris Harms talked to us about the most recent events, the bass of Iron Maiden's subwoofer Steve Harris and about how Michael Jackson's guitarist found her way to a LOTL record.
Question: Right now, you are constantly alternating between playing club shows, festivals and support shows for Iron Maiden. Isn't that quite a challenge?
Chris: For us as a band it doesn't really matter where we're playing. It's very common to play at different festivals for a varying amount of stage time, on smaller and bigger stages. So we're used to that for a while now. Actually, all the logistics have become easier for us, since we now have an own crew member for every position and every thing that needs to be done. We [as a band] do not have to set up the stage nor do we need to take it down. Sometimes, the moment that the concert begins is the first time that I enter the stage, which I haven't even seen all day long. This way, we as a band get the chance to fully concentrate on doing what we're actually there for: making music. Plus, it offers many well-payed jobs for all the lovely people of our crew. For them of course, this modular setup is a challenge, with all the planning that needs to be done and the stage itself as a construction site, when you play a Maiden show one day, a club show the other, and then on the third day some open air concert.
Question: You are now touring with Iron Maiden for the second time. Have you noticed any differences in the audience?
Chris: That's hard to tell at this point, because as of now we only had one proper Maiden show this year, which took place in Tampere, Finland. We did know the Finnish audience since 2010, but only from festivals or performing as headliners, so it was definitely a different experience. But we'll continue our journey with Maiden in the next days. Just today, we have arrived in England, right now I'm enjoying the evening sun on some English highway rest stop, roughly hundred kilometres north of London.
Question: Did something change for you concerning the requirements? Did your show get bigger? The venues do have impressive sizes …
Chris: Well, the internal setup of Maiden's stage is the same as last year, it might just look different to the outside. This is why we could keep the foundation of our 2022 setup, while implementing some reasonable expansions. To make this tour, we had to ramp up quite a bit, because we practically have to offer a complete production where every single plug is our own. Maiden just gives us one big power plug, and they attach us to their light and sound system, but the rest is ours. Iron Maiden have a great, kind and helpful crew, we made some beautiful friendships there, and it's always an amazing teamwork.
Question: For the shows, you have brought a new opener, 'The Curtain Falls'. I was impressed by everything Klaas is playing there. Is that some hidden reference to Steve Harris?
Chris: Well, it actually is to some degree. After the Maiden tour of last year, I bought myself Steve Harris's signature model of the Fender P-Bass, kind of as a memory to this alleged once-in-a-lifetime experience. So this led to me writing one song on this exact bass, imagining the kind of song that I would like to open the summer shows with. I wanted to write something that, in my eyes, would be the perfect opener. That's how 'The Curtain Falls' came to be. And since all these bass lines from the demo in which I played every instrument on my own have shaped the song so much, we actually kept my original bass track for the final version of the song. Klaas said: 'Let's keep your track, it has so much spontaneity and soul, you cannot reproduce that for the album version. But I'm looking forward to playing that live.'
Question: Were 'The Curtain Falls' and 'noituLOVEr' only produced after the original record was completed? Since both songs are just on the newest edition.
Chris: Exactly, both songs were written when 'Blood & Glitter' had already been in press. All the other new songs were actually recorded together with the rest of the album in Finland, March 2022, but we wanted to keep them for the extended version. It would have been too many duets for the main record.
Question: One of those features has the guitarist Jennifer Batten, who has become quite a legend with her collaboration with Michael Jackson.
Chris: A friend of mine is playing the bass in Jennifer's solo band. He told me that she really enjoyed LOTL when he showed her some tracks that one time. So I gathered all my courage and asked him to ask her for a guest solo. She said 'yes' immediately. The little boy in me who had watched this legendary 'Live in Bukarest' concert of Michael Jackson on tv back then in the 90s, and who totally lost it seeing Jennifer Batten play, was very very happy once we found out that Jennifer would actually be part of a LOTL track.
Question: Since we're already at special moments: How did you experience your performance this year at WGT? Was that a little bit like coming home?
Chris: In a way, WGT is always like coming home. But this year I could finally put this really big checkmark behind another dream: For one time, being the headliner at WGT at the Agra hall.
Question: But apart from scene borders, you actually have one of the most colourful audiences you could imagine in front of a stage. Is the typical Lord of the Lost fan willing to face all these new surprises? Like the glitter currently, which might not have been that expected?
Chris: Hm. I think the glitter was actually not that surprising at all. It has always been a part of us. Maybe not to this extent or this concentrated. Also, luckily there is no typical Lord of the Lost fan. All of them are so unbelievably diverse, and I think that's fantastic!
Question: In November, you will play at Gothic Meets Klassik again. Then there is the LORDFEST in December. I would imagine both events to be very preparation-heavy. Where do you get all that time from?
Chris: Well, the Gothic Meets Klassik event has been prepared for years. We were supposed to play there in 2020 or 2021, I cannot properly recall, but then it had to be postponed. So all the notes have already been written. For everything else, we do have three rehearsal days in Leipzig, right before the show. That's it. Which means that the hardest part of the preparation for me right now is to actually buy a nice suit. For the LORDFEST, most of the preparation is done by our crew and the local production, so it's all in the hands of other people who'll get the instruction from us to arrange everything as we want it to be, and within a certain given budget. The only thing we need to do is come up with a setlist, get in touch with some surprise guests, then rehearse for two or three days, and then we can already get on stage.
Question: I feel like over the years you have taken a more and more political stance. Was that just not this visible before when you hadn't yet been this much in the spotlight or was there a growing need not to leave certain things uncommented?
Chris: I have always been someone who wouldn't keep quiet about these things, but back then I was quicker to get intimidated by those people who tell you to 'make music and not politics', which is utter bullshit of course. Apart from that, I gotta say that I still don't see it as political to think that Nazis are shit. But yeah, when I have to stand up and fight for a freer, more tolerant and sympathetic world, then I will always do that. Online and in real life.
Question: Will you be watching the upcoming ESC together as a band event and revel in your memories?
Chris: If we do find the time, we will do that. But even more importantly, we will apply again every single year. Even when it's practically a given that we won't be allowed to participate again after having come last once. But the experience was so awesome, we need to have that again!
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santmat · 8 months
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Baba Ji [Baba Somanath] Discovers the Sant Mat Lineage Including the Poet-Saints
"Through the Satsangs of Hazur [Hazur Baba Sawan Singh], Baba Ji was now exposed to an expanded range of bhakti poets of the Sant Mat tradition. The lyrical poetry of several of them was already known to him -- Kabir, Mira Bai and Namdev -- but many were new, such as Guru Nanak and his Successors, Dadu Dayal, Swami Ji Maharaj of Agra, Paltu Sahib, Sehjo Bai, Ravidas and others. Having the poetic temperament himself, he was enchanted with the manner in which they presented the Teachings of the Saints in the form of their banis [hymns]." (new book: The Life of Baba Somanath, Saint and Sage of South India)
My Comments: Right up to the living present, the Masters of traditional Sant Mat have always recommended everyone read the bhakti mystic poetry of the Sants, and even sing their bhajans (hymns). It makes for nice devotional readings for one's daily satsang at home to read a poem or two from one of the Masters, and also helps with meditation practice. On the positive influence of satsang upon our meditations, Shahi Swami once said: "It requires air in the form of satsang to ignite the fire of meditation."
Baba Somanath also has composed many beautiful mystic poems and hymns:
"Ferrying me across the physical, astral and causal realms, Lead me into the region of Parbrahm. In the spiritual pool of Mansarovar, in the region of the Void, Let me bathe in those purifying waters, so that I may become immaculate and whole.
"Giving me the support of the Dhun, the True Shabd, Transport my soul into the Great Void. Drawing me upwards on the stream of Sohang Shabd; reveal the vision of the True Realm, Sat Lok, Where divine strains of the veena fill the air."
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paulinawoodpecker · 15 days
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The Agra family!
Featuring: Ronald Agra, Roger agra, and Charolette Agra
Age: 16
Likes: inventory, Ronald, Charolette, skateboarding
Dislikes: falling, getting hurt, letting flora be hurt
Personality: energetic, heroic, intelligent
Love interest: flora peace
Age: 43
Likes: being a high school teacher, Roger, Ronald, the peace family especially Katie and flora
Dislikes: losing Roger, letting students be distracted, stinkbugs
Personality: intelligent, honest, loyal
Best friend: Katie peace
Age: 46
Likes: being a engineer, Roger, Charolette, the peace family, especially Josh rackham peace
Dislikes: failed attempts, getting fired, losing Roger
Personality: helpful, intelligent, and knowledgeable
Best friend: Josh rackham peace
(How it all started)
How Charolette Met Ronald:
Charolette and Ronald first met at a community volunteering event where they were both helping to build a playground for a local school. Charolette was coordinating the volunteers, and Ronald was in charge of the construction. They quickly noticed each other’s dedication and teamwork, which led to friendly conversations throughout the day.
After the event, Ronald found himself intrigued by Charolette’s passion and positivity, so he decided to ask her out for coffee. Charolette was equally impressed by Ronald’s commitment and down-to-earth nature, and she happily agreed.
First Date:
Their first date was a simple yet delightful coffee outing at a cozy café near the park where they had volunteered. They spent hours talking about their interests, dreams, and the importance of community service, discovering that they shared many of the same values. The connection between them was immediate, with a comfortable ease that made them feel as though they had known each other for much longer. Their conversation flowed naturally, filled with laughter and genuine interest in each other’s lives. By the end of the date, both Charolette and Ronald knew that they had found something special.
Engagement and Wedding:
Ronald proposed to Charolette on the anniversary of their first date, taking her back to the same café where they had spent their first evening together. He presented her with a simple, elegant ring and asked her to continue building a life together, much like they had helped build that playground. Charolette, touched by the thoughtfulness of Ronald’s proposal, happily said yes.
Their wedding was a beautiful celebration of love and partnership, held in a charming garden surrounded by family and close friends. The ceremony was intimate and heartfelt, with personalized vows that reflected their journey and the shared values that brought them together. It was a day filled with joy, laughter, and the promise of a future built on love, respect, and mutual support.
Parenthood and Raising Roger:
Charolette and Ronald welcomed their son, Roger, with open arms and hearts full of joy. They were determined to provide him with a nurturing and stimulating environment where he could explore his interests and develop his unique talents. From an early age, Roger showed a fascination with technology and a knack for coming up with creative solutions to everyday problems.
Charolette and Ronald encouraged Roger’s curiosity by enrolling him in various workshops and programs, and they were always there to cheer him on at science fairs and other competitions. They taught him the importance of perseverance, kindness, and staying true to his values, lessons that Roger carries with him to this day.
As parents, Charolette and Ronald emphasized the importance of education, hard work, and giving back to the community, values that have greatly influenced Roger’s path. They created a home filled with love, laughter, and learning, and they always made time to support Roger in his endeavors, no matter how big or small.
Present Day:
Today, Roger is actively pursuing his passion for technology and innovation, often working on new projects that have the potential to make a difference in the world. He credits much of his success to the unwavering support and guidance of his parents, who continue to be his biggest cheerleaders.
Charolette remains dedicated to her teaching career, inspiring her students every day and making a positive impact in her community. She enjoys watching Roger grow into a thoughtful and driven young man, and she takes pride in knowing that her values have played a role in shaping his character.
Ronald continues to work as an engineer, always staying curious and engaged with new developments in his field. He enjoys sharing his knowledge with Roger, and they often collaborate on projects or discuss new ideas over the weekends.
As a family, the Agras remain close-knit and supportive of one another, cherishing the journey they’ve shared and looking forward to the future with optimism and excitement. They are proud of the life they have built together, filled with love, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to making a positive impact on the world around them.
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annachum · 3 months
Edwina Sharma back in India
So since it's confirmed that Edwina and her mom did go back to India in Bridgerton S3, here are several of my HCs of what happened after that
. After returning to Bombay , Lady Sharma pulled some strings for Edwina to become a new lady in waiting of Empress Lai Bal, the 3rd chief Consort of Emperor Akbar II of the Mughals
. Edwina was thus sent to Agra to live with her relatives there, all the while getting herself accustomed to the luxurious Mughal Imperial Court
. She also came to meet Akbar II's numerous wives and many children. One of them was Khorshed V, one of the Princes of the Mughals
. Throughout her time in Agra, she takes cues on how to navigate the unpredictable waters of the Mughal Imperial Court, made powerful allies in Agra, and also connecting with her relatives.
. She became gradually closer with Khorshed V, who is a foil and parallel to Anthony Bridgerton. He is a handsome Prince with caramel skin, big caramel brown eyes, thick eyebrows closely knitted together, curly dark reddish brown hair, and a buff physique. He is brave and valiant, yet somewhat arrogant and somewhat spoiled ( especially at first )
. Edwina gave the Prince a window to what a simpler life is like
. The two came to bond over a shared love of poetry and diplomacy, and began courting.
. The House Sharma is one of the Hindu clans in the Mughal Empire, so the eventual marriage of Edwina and Khorshed V is one of the several Hindu - Islamic marriages in the Mughal Empire
. They got engaged in a lavish engagement dinner in that spring ( aka the same year Colin and Penelope got married ), with their relatives in tow at witness.
. The Mughal Royals didn't know much about the heartbreak drama in London then. Edwina's inner circle in India knew, they kept it hush hush about it in the wider public, because in Ancient India, a failed engagement/wedding/marriage can literally risk civil wars between clans.
. Sometime after they got engaged, Khorshed V one evening visited Edwina in her engagement boudoir and asks her about the gossips he heard of Edwina in London. He never blamed her for what happened in London- He just wanted to know the truth
. And Edwina just broke down in sobs and told Khorshed V EVERYTHING. And they tried their damn best to comfort each other and reassure their love for each other
. Next day after thar, Khorshed V's Mughal relatives in tow have a literal argument of that London disaster, and Khorshed V stands up to his relatives that he will marry her and that what happened to her in Londo isn't her fault in the first place.
. Both decided on a monogamous marriage btw
. A few weeks after Colin and Penelope's wedding, the Bridgertons in tow are all invited to attend the Royal wedding of Edwina Sharma and Khorshed V.
. The trip to India is such an eye opening experience to the Bridgertons. They came to find out more of the cultural differences between India and England, got themselves accustomed to sitting on cushioned floors, and also visited Kate's lovely childhood mansion in Bombay before going to Agra.
. Well, Khorshed V and his Mughal relatives didn't trust Anthony at first ( cuz of the whole drama in Bridgerton Season 2 ). But with some help from the Sharma sisters, Khorshed V and Anthony came to vibe with each other as friends/allies, and the Mughal Royals in tow came to trust Anthony more
. At that point, Edwina also has access to the Mughal Imperial harem, and she moved into Khorshed V's lavish private apartment
. The wedding day is a grand occasion. Thousands flocked to get a glimpse at the new Princess of the Mughals, and the happy Royal couple got married in lavish wedding Mughal attires of red and gold. And everyone had a blast at the wedding day
. Going from debutante to Princess has got Edwina to grow so much as a person. She went from a more naive debutante to a wiser regal Princess who is respected by many
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What's your take on this line-
"You were my whole world. Being Mary Watson was the only life worth living. Thank you."
I've always thought that it's a classic example of inconsistent characterization.
(I love your stories btw. Specially the HLV fix-its.)
So, I just wrote you a whole long comment in response to the comment you just left on my fic Stand-in, haha! It got me on a Mary rant and therefore perfectly poised to come and answer this.
Without putting too fine a point on it, my take is that this line is utter bullshit. Nothing about that scene is consistent with Mary's previous characterization, as you so rightly said. What we saw was:
-a character who made a career in killing for personal gain. Not principle, not national loyalty, just money. She at no point in the canon expressed any remorse for that.
-a character whose cover story ("doctor's wife", mother of a newborn, etc) was getting boring for her, bait that she rises to in showing off her shooting skills to Sherlock in HLV.
-a character who "loved" this life so much that she ran away the instant shit hit the fan, refusing Sherlock's help and instead attacking him a second time, leaving behind an infant child as well as John, just as she abandoned her AGRA teammates to torture and death without even having the decency to confirm that they were beyond rescue.
-a character who knew that her time with John was up. There was that unvarnished moment of truth after he and Sherlock went to get her, finding her due to John having already known that she would attack Sherlock and planting a tracking device in the USB key, where she says "I liked Mary" and he says "I do, too. Or I used to." (Paraphrasing very loosely there!)
That does not add up to Mary ("Mary") finding this life with John the "only life worth living", or even a sustainable life. She was bored. She had endless loose ends left behind, just like her own teammate. She had consequences waiting for her, and ran away from them - maybe to spare John and Rosie from having to face them, but she was never willing to try honesty in the first place, try telling John her real name, even (you can BET it wasn't her criminal alias of Rosamunde... no one could be that stupid!). She wasn't willing to, say, turn herself in, face the consequences of any of her actions, express any regret for anything she'd ever done to anyone, no holds barred.
My theory is that she chose her own out. She knew that John didn't love her anymore (I mean, he was already thinking of cheating and you can also bet that Mary checked his phone...) and she decided to fake a moment of "redemption" to throw division between him and Sherlock, by trying to somehow make the deliberate choices of two other people Sherlock's fault. It's bizarre logic, and I'm not even going to touch on the writing aspect here. Mary knew her time was up, so she pulled her signature move and ran away from it all, one last time. She was a coward who never thought she needed to answer for her own actions or apologize for them - and let's be clear: she did. Mary was an absolutely horrendous human being. Her entire relationship with John was lies and more lies. No one in the CANON liked her - there was a double-sided list of people who hate her among her OWN WEDDING GUESTS, which is quite something. She killed people for a living and she felt just fine about abandoning these teammates that were like "family" to her in favour of blithely starting a whole new life without a second thought for anything she'd ever done.
So yeah: it was a bullshit line. One last piece of the final cover story of who knows how many.
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jabbage · 4 months
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myflighttrip1 · 9 months
6 Best Places to Celebrate New Year 2024 in India
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Bid this year a happy farewell and get ready to welcome the New year with a bang, let`s turn the celebration vibe up a notch and welcome the arrival of New Year 2024 with friends and loved ones. New Year isn`t just a regular day-it`s like a big carnival of celebrations.
Do you know where the biggest celebration of New Year takes place in India? India is a land of many different celebrations. There are many amazing places to visit in India for experiencing the best New Year celebrations.
From the lively beaches of Goa to the bustling streets of Mumbai and the cultural richness of Kolkata, the country offers amazing places where people go crazy with joy during this happy time!
Most Popular New Year Celebration Destinations to Visit in India
In this article, you will get to know about India`s ultimate New Year celebration destinations where the fun never ends-
Goa - India`s Best Party Destination
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Goa is India`s unofficial party destination. It is the most happening place throughout the year but during the time of Christmas and New Year, Goa is something special. On New Year`s Eve, the beaches become like big dance floors. There`s music, fireworks, and lots of fun. Goa`s Nightlife & Casinos are the major attractions on New Year`s Eve.
Mumbai - The Big City Fun
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Mumbai, the city of glamor in India is an exciting place to celebrate New Year. On New Year`s Eve, Mumbai is packed with fancy parties. Some take place in tall buildings with amazing sea views. Others happen in luxurious hotels. People here love to celebrate! If you too want to be a part of luxurious New Year celebrations then book your Mumbai tour package with MFT now!
Udaipur - Where Romance is in the Air!
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If you are looking for a romantic destination to celebrate New Year with your loved one then Udaipur in Rajasthan is the picture perfect dreamy destination for that. Celebrate New Year`s Eve in Udaipur by exploring the city`s beauty, from the grand City Palace to the beautiful lakes. At night, go to special parties or events at hotels. There will be music, dancing, and lots of fun!
Manali - The Hills Are Alive Here!
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Manali in Himachal Pradesh is one of the most popular hill stations to visit in India. New Year is the time of snowfall in Manali that makes it one of the must-visit destinations. Do join the special events happening around the town. Go for a Manali sightseeing tour. Hotels, clubs, and resorts throw lively parties on New Year`s Eve.
Nainital - The City of Lakes
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Nainital is one of the best places to celebrate New Year in India especially for couples. There are many parties or events happening in famous hotels, lake resorts, and clubs of Nainital. In the evening, go to Mall Road and join the celebrations with the crowd. Dance, listen to music, and count down to the New Year with everyone. To experience the best of Nainital on New Year`s Eve book a Nainital tour package for couples.
Agra - The City of Taj
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Agra, the most visited tourist city in India is home to the world-famous historical landmark - The Taj Mahal. You can celebrate New Year in Agra with the sightseeing tour of the Taj Mahal. After that you can also visit the historic Agra Fort. Try Agra`s local food like sweets and special Mughlai dishes. Later, go to the Yamuna Riverfront for a calm evening. Join the parties at hotels or clubs for the fun celebrations. Watch the fireworks at night as everyone welcomes the New Year.
The above-mentioned are the best and most popular places to visit in India for celebrating New Year 2024. Each destination has its own charm and beauty, promising a memorable start to the upcoming year.
Original Source : https://www.myflighttrip.com/blogs/6-best-places-to-celebrate-new-year-2024-in-india
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slashcrz · 11 months
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( aishwarya rai bachchan , 59 , she/her , cis woman , sharma #1 ) - have you seen RESHIKA SHARMA?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re REFLECTIVE but also MEDDLESOME. when you think of them , you think of GIRLHOOD FORFEITED IN LIEU OF GREATNESS, THE SWISHING OF SKIRTS AGAINST MUSIC && BODY IN HARMONY, BOWING AT THE GANESH TMEPLE WITH AN OFFERING HANDMADE, WATCHING THE DUSK OF A NEW ERA DAWN OVER THE HILLS .
name; reshika sharma {nee shivaji}
nicknames; none.
birth date; june 19th, a gemini
orientation; bisexual, probably closeted.
relationship; widowed, single.
politics; tba.
religion; hinduism
languages; tba.
headcanons && backstory.
she was born into nobility due to her father's rank in the maratha confederacy, and has always held her home close to her heart. spirituality was always important to her, being a hindu in a muslim court, as well as because she was raised by her mother, a kathak performer. reshika loved dance, all forms, studying under great artists, and spending hours she should be studying moving to music instead. it was this skill that got her noticed at all by the emperor, who loved to watch her dance, loved her hindu stories she told with her hands && her feet. it was a shock to her when he invited her back again, and again, to dance at agra fort. she was both a guest of nobility, and on some nights, the star of the show. those early days will always be regarded as the fondest of her time, reshika believes. when the dowager empress chose her, just as she would come to do herself in later years, reshika wept both tears of joy && of pain. to become empress was the most divine opportunity a woman could ever hope for, and she had only just turned 18... but it came with it such a high cost. to stop dancing, to end her free traveling, to say goodbye to her family, and to acclimate to a different religious culture than her own surrounding her. and, of course, a husband - they had fun, but they were still largely strangers to one another. life at court was not unhappy, but reshika missed her life before, and would regularly sneak out in full disguise to dance in delhi. it was a whole life she lived, unknown to anyone home in the palace, even her husband with whom she shared a complicated love for. her alter-ego would love, would experience loss, would make && break friendships, until slowly, it came to a stop after the birth of her second child. reshika finally had began to acclimate to court, after half a decade of it. she was a good empress, always smart, a little restless, and wished to have found herself a way to be happier, taking on the blame for this herself. she has high suspicion of the new empress... she knows a liar when she sees one. reshika is a liar herself. and oh, she still loves to dance. during her time as empress, she was a solid support, and never gave up her hindu roots while also opening schools of dance, and other artistic endeavors, and always trying to push for better for everyone. she cares deeply both about the sharma family, and about india, "her" empire. it will make it tragic when she learns the current empress wants to tear down what was built, and she will do whatever it takes to defend it.
resources -> x, x, x.
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gkfarming · 11 months
Haryana was part of the Kuru Kingdom during the Vedic era during 1200 BCE.
Haryana has been inhabited since the pre-historic period. Haryana was part of the Indus Valley civilization during the Bronze Age period. The ancient sites of Rakhigarhi and Bhirrana are some of the oldest Indus Valley civilization sites.(5) Haryana was part of the Kuru Kingdom during the Vedic era during 1200 BCE.(6)(7)(8) The area now Haryana has been ruled by some of the major empires of India. The Pushyabhuti dynasty ruled the region in the 7th century, with its capital at Thanesar. Harsha was a prominent king of the dynasty.(9) The Tomara dynasty ruled the region from 8th to 12th century. The Chahamanas of Shakambhari defeated them in the 12th century.(10)
Harsha Ka Tila mound, ruins from the reign of 7th century ruler Harsha.
Lal kot built by Anangpal Tomar in 1052
Portrait of Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, who fought and won across North India from the Punjab to Bengal, winning 22 straight battles.(11)
In 1192, Chahamanas were defeated by Ghurids in Second Battle of Tarain.(10) In 1398, Timur attacked and sacked the cities of Sirsa, Fatehabad, Sunam, Kaithal and Panipat.(12)(13) In the First Battle of Panipat (1526), Babur defeated the Lodis. Hem Chandra Vikramaditya claimed royal status after defeating Akbar's Mughal forces on 7 October 1556 in the Battle of Delhi. In the Second Battle of Panipat (1556), Akbar defeated the local Haryanvi Hindu Emperor of Delhi, who belonged to Rewari. Hem Chandra Vikramaditya had won 22 battles across India from Punjab to Bengal, defeating the Mughals and Afghans. Hemu had defeated Akbar's forces twice at Agra and the Battle of Delhi in 1556 to become the last Hindu Emperor of India with a formal coronation at Purana Quila in Delhi on 7 October 1556. In the Third Battle of Panipat (1761), the Afghan king Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.(14)
In 1966, the Punjab Reorganisation Act (1966) came into effect, resulting in the creation of the state of Haryana on 1 November 1966.(15)
Haryanvis within Haryana
See also: Demography of Haryana
The main communities in Haryana are Gujjar, Jat, Brahmin, Agarwal, Ahir, Chamar, Nai, Ror,Rajput, Saini, Kumhar, Bishnoi etc.(16) Punjabi khatri and Sindhi refugees who migrated from Pakistan had settled in large numbers in Haryana and delhi.
Haryanvi diaspora overseas
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (July 2021)
See also: Indian disaspora overseas
There is increasingly large diaspora of Haryanvis in Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, USA, etc.
In Australia, the community lives mainly in Sydney and Melbourne, has set up Association of Haryanvis in Australia (AHA) which organise events.(17)
In Singapore, the community has set up the Singapore Haryanvi Kunba organisation in 2012 which also has a Facebook group of same name. Singapore has Arya Samaj and several Hindu temples.
Main article: Haryanvi culture
Main article: Haryanvi language
Haryanvi, like Khariboli and Braj is a branch of the Western Hindi dialect, and it is written in Devanagari script.(18)
Folk music and dance
Main article: Music of Haryana
Folk music is integral part of Haryanvi culture. Folk song are sung during occasion of child birth, wedding, festival, and Satsang (singing religious songs).(2) Some haryanvi folk songs which are sung by young woman and girls are Phagan, katak, Samman, Jatki, Jachcha, Bande-Bandee, Santhene. Some songs which are sung by older women are Mangal geet, Bhajan, Sagai, bhat, Kuan pujan, Sanjhi and Holi. Folk songs are sung in Tar or Mandra stan.(19) Some dances are Khoriya, Chaupaiya, Loor, Been, Ghoomar, Dhamal, Phaag, Sawan and Gugga.(19)
Haryana is agricultural state known for producing foodgrains such as wheat, barley, pearl millet, maize, rice and high-quality dairy. Daily village meal in Haryana consist of a simple thali of roti, paired with a leafy stir-fry (saag in dishes such as gajar methi or aloo palak), condiments such as chaas, chutney, pickles. Some known Haryanvi dishes are green choliya (green chickpeas), bathua yogurt, bajre ki roti, sangri ki sabzi (beans), kachri ki chutney (wild cucumber) and bajre ki khichdi. Some sweets are panjiri and pinni prepared by unrefined sugar like bura and shakkar and diary. Malpua are popular during festivals.(20)
See also: History of clothing in the Indian subcontinent and History of Textile industry in India
Traditional attire for men is turban, shirt, dhoti, jutti and cotton or woollen shawl. Traditional attire for female is typically an orhna (veil), shirt or angia (short blouse), ghagri (heavy long skirt) and Jitti. Saris are also worn. Traditionally the Khaddar (coarse cotton weave cloth) is a frequently used as the fabric.(21)(22)
See also: Haryanvi cinema and List of Haryanvi-language films
The First movie of Haryanvi cinema is Dharti which was released in 1968. The first financially successful Haryanvi movie was Chandrawal (1984) which spurted the continuing production of Haryanvi films, although none have been as successful.(23) Other films such as Phool Badan and Chora Haryane Ka followed with only about one out of twelve films being profitable at the box office.(23) In 2000, Aswini Chowdhary won the Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director at the National Film Awards for the Haryanvi film Laddo.(24) In 2010 the government of Haryana announced they were considering establishing a film board to promote Haryanvi-language films.(25)
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unohuu · 1 year
The change was gradual. People started to believe the artificial news generated by the bots and minions contracted by the corporofascists. They put the mind dulling messages on repeat, captured on social media, and other types of media. Anything that might impact the bottom line and outrageous profits was assigned the task of cutting and pasting for credits which could be traded for influence and food, drugs, and liquor.
COVID is a government hoax. Stop the grooming of our kids at school. Why would people teach white children to hate themselves. Enslaved people benefitted from community living and often learned valuable skills. America is a Christian nation. These are just a few of the messages on repeat. Social media turf wars ensued, as the tribes diced it up.
Public schools became battlegrounds for Second Amendment, and gender bashing, and racial superiority questions. Moms of Liberty defended against the 1619 Project and pushed through book and curriculum bans because their feelings were hurt.
Companies disbanded their diversity commissions and departments. Women witnessed an increase in sexual aggression. Men whined about how out of control our society had become. State legislatures began to undermine democratic voting practices. The oath to corporate takeover and the abolition of regulation brought on toxic food and drugs, and a "caveat emptor" policy. People got sick and died, while corporate profits skyrocketed.
Big Pharma joined forces with Big Agra to produce gene-altering food supplements, given liberally to the destitute and desperate legions of human widgets. This is how the process began.
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swastiknursinghome · 1 year
From Chaos To Calm: How I Overcame OCD With This Revolutionary Treatment Method
Living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can feel like being trapped in a perpetual state of chaos. The intrusive thoughts and compulsions consume your life, leaving you exhausted and overwhelmed. As someone who battled OCD for years, I understand the struggle all too well. However, my journey took a remarkable turn when I discovered a revolutionary treatment method for OCD in Agra that brought me from chaos to calm, and I'd like to share my story with you.
OCD Treatment in Agra - A New Beginning
My quest for an effective OCD treatment led me to Agra, where I stumbled upon a treatment center that specialized in anxiety disorders. I was sceptical, having tried various therapies and medications with little success. Nevertheless, the persistence of my symptoms pushed me to give it a shot. The moment I stepped into the center, I knew this was different. The atmosphere was serene, and the staff exuded empathy, providing an instant sense of comfort.
The Journey of Self-Discovery
Through individual counselling sessions, I began to unravel the roots of my OCD. The therapist helped me understand that OCD was not an inherent part of my personality but rather a condition I could overcome. With their guidance, I learned coping mechanisms and stress-reducing techniques that slowly empowered me to take control of my thoughts and actions.
Group therapy proved to be another vital aspect of my recovery. Meeting others who faced similar challenges made me realize that I was not alone in this battle. We shared our experiences, provided support, and celebrated each other's progress. The sense of community was uplifting, motivating us to push forward together.
The Revolutionary Treatment Method
The turning point in my journey came when the center introduced me to a revolutionary treatment method known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Unlike anything I had tried before, CBT targeted the core of my OCD. It helped me identify thought patterns and behaviors that fueled my anxiety, teaching me how to reframe these thoughts and break free from the vicious cycle of obsessions and compulsions.
The process wasn't easy, but with consistent practice and guidance from my therapists, I started seeing significant changes in my behavior. Over time, the intrusive thoughts lost their grip on me, and the compulsions gradually diminished. I was experiencing a sense of calm and liberation that I hadn't felt in years.
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Embracing a New Chapter
Today, I stand tall as someone who conquered OCD. The journey from chaos to calm was undoubtedly challenging, but with the right treatment method, a supportive community, and the determination to change, it became possible. My life has transformed, and I now cherish every moment with newfound clarity and happiness.
If you, too, are battling OCD and seeking effective treatment, consider exploring OCD treatment in Agra. With the right support and the revolutionary treatment method that worked wonders for me, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Remember, you are not alone in this fight, and there is hope for a brighter, calmer future.
In conclusion, overcoming OCD is possible. Seek help, embrace the right treatment method, and take the first step toward reclaiming your life. From chaos to calm, your journey awaits.
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talbottoabbott · 2 years
Taj Mahal, 1977
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“My search for black photographers was an attempt to respond to the proliferation of negative, derogatory images of black people. White perceptions of black inferiority were often reinforced by the same images of black men that I had seen, and my intention was to challenge those images and the history books by identifying the breadth and depth of experiences of black people recorded in the photographs.” (Willis 13).
In this quote from the Introduction of Picturing Us, Willis foregrounds how essential a photographer’s identity and relationship to their subject are in any image. As she mentions in the chapter, a photographer is not neutral, and what they choose to make images of reflects their identity, background, culture, and the conditions that they inhabit. Raghu Rai's photograph is a great illustration of this idea. This picture is part of a collection my uncle shared with me a few weeks ago, and it has been stamped in my head since. Pictures of the Taj Mahal are usually framed from the front and occasionally there are aerial views, and photographers construct these images to entice tourists to visit the landmark. What I found so interesting about this image is that the Taj Mahal occupies about the same or less space than the children in the foreground. Therefore, Rai bestows the children with as much importance as he does the Taj Mahal. Unlike most other pictures of the Taj Mahal I have seen, Rai does not depict Agra, the city to which the Taj Mahal belongs, as a place to be visited and left behind. Just like New York City, Agra is a place where people live, work, and play, and travel brochure pictures intentionally obscure the life and activity of locals. 
In addition, much of Western visual media about the Indian subcontinent almost exclusively depicts people suffering or being solemn. If we consider movies as thousands of images packaged together, Willis' quote also applies to poverty porn movies like Slumdog Millionaire, a film made by a British man for Western audiences. These films display serious issues stemming from colonialism and imperialism and surveys them through white saviorism, despite white saviors being a reason for widespread hunger and poverty in the Global South. This white saviorism turns people of the Indian subcontinent into objects that Westerners can project their feelings and emotions onto rather than people with agency and the capacity to solve their own problems. Instead of opting for a scene of suffering that implies a Western duty to rescue, Rai chooses a whimsical scene that is dramatic yet typical, one that many British or Western observers would not consider worthy of capturing or sharing.
Photo Credits: Taj Mahal, 1977
References: Willis, Deborah. “Introduction: Picturing Us.” In Picturing Us: African American Identity in Photography. New York: The New Press, 1994.
-- Bhargav Tata
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avneesh10-blog · 11 hours
Unveiling Indias Majestic Monuments: A Historic Journey Across Time
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# Unveiling India's Majestic Monuments: A Historic Journey Across Time
Have you ever wondered about the stories etched in stone across the vast lands of India? From grand fortresses to intricate temples, Majestic Monuments of India stand as testaments to the country's rich history and cultural heritage. Exploring these architectural wonders is a journey through time, offering glimpses into bygone eras and civilizations. Join us on a virtual tour as we unravel the mysteries and marvels of India's majestic monuments.
The Magnificent Taj Mahal: Jewel of India
The Taj Mahal in Agra is perhaps the most iconic symbol of love and architecture in India. Let's delve into the enchanting story behind this masterpiece:- History: Built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal - Architecture: Fusion of Persian, Islamic, and Indian styles - Significance: UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New Seven Wonders of the World - Design: Intricate carvings depicting mythological tales - Cultural Heritage: Hub of religious and artistic activities - Preservation Efforts: Challenges in maintaining the historical site - Layout: Mughal-style architecture with intricate detailing - Historical Significance: Witness to key events in Indian history - Visitor Tips: Best time to visit and must-see attractions within the fort - Erotic Sculptures: Debunking myths around the temple carvings - Architectural Styles: Blend of Nagara and Dravida styles - Cultural Significance: UNESCO World Heritage Site and symbolic representation of love and spirituality - Rock-Cut Architecture: Engineering marvel of ancient India - Religious Diversity: Caves dedicated to different faiths - Visitor Experience: Tips for exploring the vast cave complex
In our expedition through Majestic Monuments of India, we've uncovered a tapestry of history, art, and cultural significance woven into the fabric of time. Each monument tells a unique story, inviting us to connect with the past and appreciate the legacy bequeathed to us. As you embark on your own exploration of India's majestic monuments, remember that these architectural wonders are not just relics of the past but living testaments to the enduring spirit of a nation.Share your favorite Indian monument in the comments and inspire others to embark on their own historical voyages.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the oldest monument in India? A: The Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh is one of the oldest stone structures in India, dating back to the 3rd century BCE.Q: Are Indian monuments well-maintained? A: While efforts are made to preserve and protect Majestic Monuments of India, challenges like pollution and urban encroachment pose threats to their longevity.Q: Can I visit Indian monuments at night? A: Some monuments like the Taj Mahal offer night tours on specific days, allowing visitors to admire the structures in a different light.
Majestic Monuments of India, Taj Mahal, Hampi Ruins, Red Fort, Khajuraho Temples, Ellora Caves, Indian Architecture, Historical Sites in India, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Cultural Heritage Read the full article
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