#Agriculture News in Hindi
vyapartalks · 4 months
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kisanofindia · 11 months
सरसों की खेती (Mustard Farming): उचित पैदावार के लिए सरसों की उन्नत किस्म और रोग नियंत्रण पर ख़ास ध्यान दें
जानिए क्या है सरसों की खेती की तकनीक और कैसे होगी ज़्यादा कमाई?
सरसों की खेती की उन्नत तकनीकें अपनायी जाएँ तो किसान अच्छी आमदनी अर्जित कर सकते हैं। कीटों और बीमारियों से रबी की तिलहनी फसलों को सालाना 15-20 प्रतिशत तक नुकसान पहुँचाता है। कभी-कभार ये कीट उग्र रूप धारण कर लेते हैं तथा फसलों को अत्याधिक हानि पहुँचाते हैं। इसीलिए सरसों या तिलहनी फसलों को कीटों और बीमारियों से बचाना बेहद ज़रूरी है।
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सरसों की खेती (Mustard Farming): सरसों रबी में उगाई जाने वाली प्रमुख तिलहन फसल है। इसकी खेती सिंचित और असिंचित यानी बारानी खेतों में संरक्षित नमी के ज़रिये की जाती है। देश के सरसों उत्पादन में राजस्थान का प्रमुख स्थान है। पश्चिमी क्षेत्र के राज्यों का देश के कुल सरसों उत्पादन में 29 प्रतिशत योगदान है। सरसों की औसत उपज काफ़ी कम यानी महज 7 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर है।
अगर सरसों की खेती की उन्नत तकनीकें अपनायी जाएँ तो औसत पैदावार 18-20 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर यानी दो से ढाई गुना ज़्यादा मिल जाती है। ये भी माना गया है कि असिंचित क्षेत्रों में सरसों की पैदावार 20 से 25 क्विंटल तक तथा सिंचित क्षेत्रों में 25 से 30 क्विंटल प्रति हेक्टेयर तक प्राप्त हो जाती है।
क्या है सरसों की खेती की उन्नत तकनीक?
एक ही खेत में लगातार सरसों की फसल नहीं उगाना चाहिए।
कीट प्रबन्धन: सरसों की खेती में कीटों का प्रकोप पूरे देश में पाया जाता है। सरसों की पैदावार को घटाने में कीटों की बड़ी भूमिका होती है। मेरठ स्थित सरदार वल्लभभाई पटेल कृषि प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय के विशेषज्ञों के अनुसार, कीटों और बीमारियों से रबी की तिलहनी फसलों को सालाना 15-20 प्रतिशत तक नुकसान पहुँचाता है। इससे किसान बहुत हतोत्साहित होते हैं। बेमौसम की बारिश से बढ़ने वाली नमी और धूप के कमी की वजह से सरसों की फसल में लगने वाले कीट तेज़ी से फैलते हैं। कभी-कभार ये कीट उग्र रूप धारण कर लेते हैं तथा फसलों को अत्याधिक हानि पहुँचाते हैं। इसीलिए सरसों या तिलहनी फसलों को कीटों और बीमारियों से बचाना बेहद ज़रूरी है।
फसल चक्र: खरपतवार के टिकाऊ उपचार में फसल चक्र अपनाने से बहुत फ़ायदा होता है। फसल चक्र का अधिक पैदावार प्राप्त करने, मिट्टी का उपजाऊपन बनाये रखने तथा बीमारियों और कीट से रोकथाम में भी महत्वपूर्ण योगदान होता है। मूँग-सरसों, ग्वार-सरसों, बाजरा-सरसों जैसे एक वर्षीय फसल चक्र तथा बाजरा-सरसों-मूँग/ग्वार-सरसों का दो वर्षीय फसल चक्र में उपयोग करना बेहद लाभकारी साबित होता है। बारानी इलाकों में जहाँ सिर्फ़ रबी में फसल ली जाती हो वहाँ सरसों के बाद चना उगाया जा सकता है।
सरसों की खेती के लिए उन्नत किस्मों का ही इस्तेमाल करना चाहिए क्योंकि इसकी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता और उत्पादकता बेहतर होती है।
सरसों की खेती के साथ यदि किसान उन सावधानियों का ध्यान रखें जिससे उनके खेत में ही अगली फसल के लिए उन्नत किस्म के बीजों की पैदावार हो सके तो ये तरीका और फ़ायदेमन्द साबित होता है।
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बीज उत्पादन
प्रगतिशील किसान कुछ सावधानियाँ रखकर सरसों का बीज अपने खेतों में ही पैदा कर सकते हैं। बीज उत्पादन के लिए ऐसी भूमि का चुनाव करना चाहिए, जिसमें पिछले साल सरसों की खेती नहीं की गयी हो। यहाँ तक कि खेत के चारों ओर 200 से 300 मीटर की दूरी तक सरसों की फसल नहीं होनी चाहिए। सरसों की खेती के लिए प्रमुख कृषि क्रियाएँ, फसल सुरक्षा, अवांछनीय पौधों को निकालना तथा उचित समय पर कटाई की जानी चाहिए।
फसल की कटाई के वक़्त खेत को चारों ओर से 10 मीटर क्षेत्र छोड़ते हुए बीज के लिए लाटा काटकर अलग से सुखाना चाहिए तथा दाना निकालकर उसे साफ़ करके ग्रेडिंग करना चाहिए। दाने में नमी 8-9 प्रतिशत से अधिक नहीं होनी चाहिए। बीज को कीट और कवकनाशी से उपचारित कर लोहे के ड्रम या अच्छी किस्म के बोरों में भरकर सुरक्षित जगह पर भंडारित करना चाहिए। ऐसे बीज को किसान अगले साल बुआई के लिए इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।
और पढ़ें.....
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hindinewsmanch · 10 months
Capsicum Farming: शिमला मिर्च की खेती से सिर्फ 2 महीने में करें 4 लाख की कमाई
Capsicum Farming:  एक जमाना था जब शिमला मिर्च सिर्फ सब्जी तक सीमित थी, ज्यादा से ज्यादा उसे भरवा शिमला मिर्च के रूप में बना लिया जाता था।, लेकिन आज शिमला मिर्च होटल संस्कृति के कॉन्टिनेंटल खाने से जुड़कर घर से लेकर रेस्टोरेंट तक और रेस्टोरेंट से लेकर 5 सितारा तक भारतीय खाने की शान बन चुकी है। शिमला मिर्च को अब हम सब्जियों में ताज कह सकते हैं क्योंकि आप कोई भी व्यंजन ले उसमें शिमला मिर्च का स्वाद किसी ना किसी रूप में जोड़ा ही जा रहा है। चाहे वह नूडल हो या आप के नाश्ते के खाने की टेबल पर अन्य कोई व्यंजन उसमें शिमला मिर्च जीरे की तरह भूमिका निभा रही है। शिमला मिर्च के बढ़ते इस्तेमाल के कारण भारत से विदेशों तक शिमला मिर्च की मांग बड़ी है।  यही नहीं उसके दाम भी हम देखकर हैरत में रह जाते हैं। उफ्फ शिमला मिर्च इतनी महंगी!
लेकिन अब आप Capsicum Farming से मोटी कमाई के बारे में इसकी खेती करके धनवान बनने की सारी जानकारी हम आपको दे रहे हैं । . शिमला मिर्च के पौधे बीज से लेकर उसकी खेती तक और सेहत के लिए लाभप्रद होने तक सब कुछ जाने बैठे-बिठाए हमारे कुछ खास टिप्स और शिमला चर्चा के साथ। कहां कहां होता है शिमला मिर्च का उत्पादन शिमला मिर्च की खेती से ��हले हम यह जान ले शिमला मिर्च का उत्पादन मुख्यत हरियाणा, पंजाब, मध्य प्रदेश, झारखंड, उत्तरप्रदेश, कर्नाटक आदि राज्यों में सफलतापूर्वक किया जा रहा है।  देश के 21 राज्यों में शिमला मिर्च की खेती और उसके हरे-भरे खेत देखे जा सकते हैं और घर आंगन बगीचे में भी इसका उत्पादन बहुत ही शौक से किया जा रहा है। शिमला मिर्च बोने का समय शिमला मिर्च की बुवाई वर्ष में तीन बार खेत में की जा सकती है।  पहले खेत में जून जुलाई दूसरी, खेत  में अगस्त सितंबर और तीसरे में अक्टूबर नवंबर में हम शिमला मिर्च की बुवाई कर सकते हैं और इस समय अगस्त का महीना शिमला मिर्च की बुवाई के लिए सर्वोत्तम है.
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factober · 11 months
सनफ्लॉवर / सूरजमुखी रोचक तथ्य| #हिंदी में #रोचक #तथ्य | Sunflower Fact
सनफ्लॉवर / सूरजमुखी रोचक तथ्य| #हिंदी  में #रोचक #तथ्य  | Sunflower Fact #Sunflowers #sunflower #SunflowerLand #agriculture #agriculturetwt #farming #farmingforlove #agro #सनफ्लॉवर #सूरजमुखी https://youtu.be/0FmaVvah2Xs via @YouTube 
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kadaknewstoday · 1 year
कमोडिटी बाजार भाव भविष्य 2023: गेहूं बाजरा मक्की तुवर चना मसूर मटर मूंग उड़द राजमा चावल तेजी मंदी की लेटेस्ट रिपोर्ट
कमोडिटी बाजार भाव भविष्य 2023: गेहूं बाजरा मक्की तुवर चना मसूर मटर मूंग उड़द राजमा चावल तेजी मंदी की लेटेस्ट रिपोर्ट
कमोडिटी बाजार भाव भविष्य 2023: देश में मौजूदा समय में चल रहे विभिन्न कृषि जिंसों जैसे गेहूं, बाजरा, मक्की, तुवर, चना, मसूर, मटर, मूंग, उड़द, राजमा और चावल इत्यादि प्रमुख फसलों का बाजार भाव और तेजी मंदी की लेटेस्ट अनुमानित रिपोर्ट यहाँ प्रकाशित की जा रही है। आइये एक नजर में डालें गेहूं की फसल पर मौसम की चौतरफा मार एमपी यूपी में फसल तैयार होने को है, लेकिन लगातार बरसात एवं ओले से कहीं-कहीं फसलों…
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lok-shakti · 2 years
खेतीबाड़ी: सरसों की बुआई का है सबसे सही समय, किसान ऐसे उठा सकते हैं इसका लाभ
खेतीबाड़ी: सरसों की बुआई का है सबसे सही समय, किसान ऐसे उठा सकते हैं इसका लाभ
सरसों का खेत। (फाइल) – फोटो : अमर उजाला। ख़बर सुनें ख़बर सुनें कृषि विज्ञान केंद्र बेलीपार के वैज्ञानिक डॉ. एसके तोमर का कहना है कि यदि सरसों की बुवाई समय से की जाए तो बेहतर उत्पादन हो सकता है। सरसों की बुआई 15 अक्तूबर से शुरू हो जाती है, जो नवंबर की शुरूआत तक की जाती है। जिन किसानों को सरसों की बुआई करनी है, उन्हें तत्काल कर देना चाहिए। डॉक्टर तोमर का कहना है कि सरसों की बुआई लाइन से लाइन में…
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हरदोई में पालक की खेती से बदल रही किसानों की किस्मत, कर रहे लाखों की कमाई
हरदोई में पालक की खेती से बदल रही किसानों की किस्मत, कर रहे लाखों की कमाई
पालक की बिजाई जनवरी, जून, सितंबर अक्टूबर में की जा सकती है. इस समय बोई गई पालक अच्छी पैदावार देती है. एक हेक्टेयर में लगभग 30 से 32 किलो तक बीज लग जाता है और पालक करीब 30 दिनों में कटाई के लिए तैयार होने लगती है. पालक की खेती से लाखों रुपये की कमाई कर रहे किसान Image Credit source: TV9 Digital हरदोई में पालक पालक की खेती से किसानों की आर्थिक उन्नति के रास्ते खुल रहे हैं. इसकी खेती के जरिए किसान…
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best24news · 2 years
किसानो की बल्ले बल्ले: धान की जगह दूसरी फसल उगाओ, 7000 रूपए प्रति एकड पाओ
किसानो की बल्ले बल्ले: धान की जगह दूसरी फसल उगाओ, 7000 रूपए प्रति एकड पाओ
​हरियाण: खरीफ फसलों की सिंचाई समस्या से किसानों को राहत देने के लिए केंद्र और राज्य सरकारें अपने-अपने स्तर पर विभिन्न योजनाएं चला रही हैं। इसी क्रम में हरियाणा सरकार ने राज्य के किसानों को लाभ पहुंचाने के लिए मेरा पानी मेरी विरासत योजना शुरू की है। इस योजना के तहत राज्य के किसानों को धान की खेती छोड़ने पर सब्सिडी दी जा रही है। हरियाणा सरकार ने ट्वीट कर जानकारी दी है कि सरकार गिरते भूजल और पानी के…
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
Careers in Agriculture: एग्रीकल्चर क्षेत्र में ऐसे बना सकते हैं करियर, मिलेंगे ये बेहतरीन ऑप्शन
Careers in Agriculture: एग्रीकल्चर क्षेत्र में ऐसे बना सकते हैं करियर, मिलेंगे ये बेहतरीन ऑप्शन
Careers in Agriculture:  केवल एक किसान होने के अलावा कृषि में करियर के लिए और भी बहुत कुछ है। जो छात्र एग्रीकल्चर क्षेत्र में रुचि रखते हैं और एग्रीकल्चर क्षेत्र में काम करना चाहते हैं, लेकिन यह नहीं जानते कि उनके लिए कौन से करियर के ऑप्शन उपलब्ध हैं। आज हम उनकी इसी परेशानी का हल लेकर आएं हैं। एग्रीकल्चर क्षेत्र में आप इन पदों पर काम करके अपना करियर बना सकते हैं। आइए विस्तार से जानते…
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vyapartalks · 4 months
Latest Kheti Kisani Subsidy News in Hindi – vyapartalks
Discover the latest Kheti Kisani Subsidy News in Hindi on Vyapartalks – your favourite platform for all agriculture related updates. Stay informed and empowered by our comprehensive coverage. Join us now!
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bigproprty · 12 days
IGRS UP 2024: UP Online Stamp Duty & Property Registration
IGRSUP is the online platform provided by the Stamp and Registration Department of the Uttar Pradesh Government. It offers various services, including property registration, protection of registered documents, providing copies of registry documents to courts and the public, among others. Online services like property registration, encumbrance detail checks, stamp duty information checks, online property searches, and online stamp refund applications are also made possible by IGRSUP.
Services Provided by IGRSUP
IGRSUP primarily offers services related to document and marriage registration, including property registration. Here are the key services provided by IGRSUP:
Document Registration: The public can register their documents at the Deputy Registrar's offices.
Indexing of Registered Papers: Names of parties and area-wise property lists are prepared and made publicly available.
Availability of Attested Copies: Courts and the public can obtain attested copies of registered documents.
Discharge Certificate: Certificates related to property transactions or mortgages can be obtained from the Deputy Registrar’s office.
Hindu Marriage Registration: Hindu marriages can be registered under the Hindu Marriage Act 1955.
Free Copies of Agricultural Land Documents: Attested copies of sale or donation letters of agricultural land are provided free to the concerned tehsil's revenue office.
Preservation of Wills: Wills submitted by the public are preserved by district registrar offices.
Home Registration Services: If an executor cannot visit the office due to illness or old age, registration services can be provided at their residence.
Online Property Registration via IGRSUP
To register a property online through IGRSUP, follow these steps:
Visit the official IGRSUP website.
Click on the Property Registration (Sampatti Panjikaran) tab.
Click on ‘Apply Now’ to open the property registration window.
Click on ‘New Application’ for new property registration.
Fill in details such as District, Tehsil, Deputy Registrar, Mobile Number, Password, and Captcha code.
Submit the details and present the duly signed documents to the Sub-registrar at a scheduled time.
Note: Document registration on IGRSUP can only be done in Hindi.
The IGRSUP Index allows users to see property details registered after December 5, 2017. To access these details:
Go to the provided link for the IGRSUP Index.
Fill in the property details, including Address, Tehsil, Colony, Village, and Captcha code.
Click on the View Details button to display the property information.
Checking the Evaluation List on IGRSUP
To check the evaluation list:
Visit the IGRSUP website.
Click on the ‘Evaluation list’ option on the homepage.
Enter the District, Sub-registrar Office, and Captcha code.
Click on the “View Evaluation List” button to display the list.
Checking Property Registration Application Status
To check the status of your property registration application:
Visit the IGRSUP website.
Click on the Property Registration (Sampatti Panjikaran) tab and then on Apply Now.
Click on ‘User Login’.
Enter the District, Application ID, Password, and Captcha code.
Click on the Log in button to view the application status.
Searching for Property Information
To search for property information online:
Login to the IGRSUP portal.
Click on the Property Details (Sampatti Vivaran) tab.
Choose between Rural Properties or Urban Properties.
Fill in the relevant details and click submit to display the property information.
Finding Your Local Stamp and Registration Office
To find the nearest office:
Visit the IGRSUP website.
Click on the ‘Know Your Office’ button on the homepage.
Enter the District, Tehsil, Village, and Colony details.
Enter the Captcha Code and click on the ‘View Office’ button to display the nearest office.
Applying for Stamp Duty Withdrawal
To apply for stamp duty withdrawal:
Log in to the IGRSUP portal.
Click on the ‘Stamp Vaapsi Hetu Aavedan’ tab.
For new users, click on ‘New Register’ and fill in the required details.
For existing users, click on ‘Pre-register’, enter the Application ID, Captcha Code, and password to view the status.
Applying for Certificate of Registered Instrument
To apply for this certificate:
Click on the ‘Application for Registered Instrument Certificate’ tab on the IGRSUP portal.
Fill in the required details and click on Sign In to apply.
Industrial Property Registration through IGRSUP
For industrial property registration:
Log in to the IGRSUP portal.
Click on the ‘Audhyogik Sampatti Panjikaran hetu Nivesh Mitra Website ke Madhyam se Aavedan Karein’ link.
You will be redirected to the Nivesh Mitra website for further information and application.
Applying for Encumbrance Certificate
To apply for an Encumbrance Certificate:
Go to the IGRSUP portal and click on ‘Bharmukta Pramanpatra/Barah Sala’.
Start a new registration, fill in the details, and submit.
Complete the payment process through the available payment methods.
Certifying E-Stamp
To certify an e-stamp:
Click on the E-stamp Satyapan tab on the IGRSUP homepage.
Fill in the required details and click on Verify to display the e-stamp details.
Stamp Duty Charges in UP
The prevailing stamp duty charges in Uttar Pradesh include:
Sale Deed: 7% (Registration charge: 1%)
Sale Deed (Female): 6% (Registration charge: 1%)
Sale Deed (Male + Female): 6.5% (Registration charge: 1%)
Sale Deed (Female + Female): 6% (Registration charge: 1%)
Sale Deed (Male + Male): 7% (Registration charge: 1%)
Gift Deed: Rs 60 to Rs 125
Lease Deed: Rs 200
Will: Rs 200
General Power of Attorney (GPA): Rs 10 to Rs 100
Special Power of Attorney (SPA): Rs 100
Conveyance Deed: Rs 60 to Rs 125
Notarial Act: Rs 10
Affidavit: Rs 10
Agreement Deed: Rs 10
Adoption Deed: Rs 100
Divorce: Rs 50
Bond: Rs 200
Rate List for Mutation of Land Records
To check the rate list for mutation of land records in urban local bodies:
Go to the IGRSUP portal.
Click on the fee details section under other services.
Select ‘Mutation and Name Change at ULB’ and follow the prompts to view the rates.
Filing a Complaint on IGRS UP
To file a complaint:
Visit the IGRSUP website.
Click on the Suggestions/Complaints (Sujhav/Samasya) tab.
Fill out the complaint form with the required details.
Enter the Captcha code and click on the Submit button.
In conclusion, IGRSUP offers a wide range of services including property registration, encumbrance certificates, marriage registration, and more, ensuring convenience and transparency for the public.
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shraddhamatre · 21 days
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) Assistant Engineer (AE) exam
For engineering graduates hoping to land a prominent government position in Uttar Pradesh, the Assistant Engineer (AE) test administered by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) is one of the most competitive and sought-after exams in the state. Technical workers can join a variety of state departments through this exam, which provides a steady career with lots of benefits and opportunities for advancement.
Overview of the Exam: The written exam and the interview are the two phases of the UPPSC AE exam. There are two papers in the written test, each with multiple-choice questions (MCQs). While Paper II concentrates on the candidate's particular engineering specialty, such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, or Agricultural Engineering, Paper I normally covers general studies and general Hindi.
In order to guarantee a comprehensive comprehension of a range of disciplines, the general studies part assesses the applicants' knowledge of current events, history, geography, and fundamental science. Language competency is assessed in the general Hindi portion, which is important for efficient communication in a work environment. The technical paper evaluates the candidate's breadth of understanding in the engineering field of their choice by putting both basic ideas and useful applications to the test.
Preparation Strategy: A thorough and methodical approach is necessary to prepare for the UPPSC AE test. The following are some crucial tactics to aid in applicants' success:
Recognize the syllabus and format of the exam: Learn the entire syllabus and the format of the exam. Prioritizing study subjects might be aided by understanding the weight of each segment.
Standard Study Materials: Make use of the reference books and standard textbooks that are appropriate for your field of engineering. NCERT textbooks are a great way to review general studies.
Solving previous year's question papers provides an understanding of the kind and degree of difficulty of the questions. It also aids in spotting significant subjects and patterns.
Mock Exams: Time management and accuracy improvement require frequent mock exams and practice papers. They lessen exam day anxiety by simulating the real exam setting.
Current Affairs: For the general studies area, keeping up with current events is essential. Use apps made for competitive tests, watch news channels, and read newspapers on a regular basis.
Revision and Notes: During your preparation, jot down brief notes that will help you revise them quickly. Frequent editing guarantees that key ideas and information are retained.
Interview Preparation: During this phase, candidates' personalities, communication abilities, and general fit for the position are evaluated in addition to their technical expertise. Candidates ought to concentrate on:
Mock Interviews: Take part in mock interviews to get experience and receive helpful criticism.
Current Events and General Knowledge: Keep up to date on current affairs, particularly as they pertain to Uttar Pradesh.
Technical Concepts: Go over the fundamentals and be ready to talk about real-world uses and scenarios involving problem-solving.
In summary Engineering grads have a demanding but worthwhile chance in the UPPSC AE test. Candidates can land a coveted job in the Uttar Pradesh state services with careful planning and a calculated approach. A successful career in public service requires overcoming this demanding exam with consistency, persistence, and a positive outlook.
Start your preparation with: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
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shreecom · 21 days
New rules in co operative credit society
Further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960. WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, for the purposes hereinafter appearing; it is hereby enacted in the Seventy-fifth Year of the Republic of India, as follows :— 1. This Act may be called the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Act, 2024. 2. After section 69 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”), the following section shall be inserted, namely:––
“69A. (1) There shall be constituted a Co-operative District Cadre of Secretaries of the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Co-operative District Cadre”) consisting of persons recruited for this purpose by the District Supervision Co-operative Society. The number of persons to be recruited in the Co-operative District Cadre and their conditions of service shall be determined by the District Supervision Co-operative Society in accordance with such general or special guidelines, if any, as may be issued by the State Government, in this behalf, from time to time. (2) A District Supervision Co-operative Society may, from time to time, depute any person appointed by it to work under any society referred to in sub-section (1) as it may consider necessary. Where any such person is posted to work under any society, his services shall be taken over by the society on such post, for such period and on such other terms and conditions, as the District Supervision Co-operative Society may determine. The person so posted shall draw his salary and allowances from the Fund established under sub-section (4). (3) The immediate initial supervisory control on the person appointed in the Co-operative District Cadre and deputed or posted to work as a Secretary under each of the societies referred to in sub-section (1) shall vest with the society concerned. Such society shall follow the bye-laws of the District Supervision Co-operative Society regarding the terms and conditions of services of Secretaries. (4) A District Supervision Co-operative Society shall establish a Fund to be called “the Co-operative District Cadre Employment Fund” and it shall be utilised for meeting the expenses on the salaries, allowances and other emoluments to be paid to the persons appointed to the Co-operative District Cadre and the other expenditure relating to the Cadre. (5) Every society, which derives any benefit directly from the service of any Secretary belonging to the Co-operative District Cadre shall contribute to the said Fund at such rate and in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government. In determining the rate of contribution, the State Government shall take into consideration the expenditure referred to in sub-section (4), the services likely to be rendered, the financial condition of the societies, including the loans disbursed and outstanding and other non-credit activities undertaken by the concerned society. (6) The State Government may make rules regulating all matters connected with or ancillary to the custody and maintenance of, the payment of money into, and the expenditure and withdrawal of money from, the said Fund.
3. In section 88 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the first proviso, for the words “within a period of two years”, the words “within a period of one year” shall be substituted.
How to register new co-operative credit society in Maharashtra state:
Application for registration and registration fees 
(I) Every application for registration of a society under Section 8 shall be made in Form 'A' in Marathi, Hindi or English, and shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 8 and sub-rules (2) and (3), be signed by the applicants and shall, in addition to four copies of the proposed bye-laws of the society, be accompanied by:
(a) a list of persons who have contributed to the share capital, together with the amount contributed by each of them, and the entrance fee paid by them;
(b) A certificate from the Bank or Banks stating the credit balance therein in favour of the proposed society;
(c) be economically sound and, where the scheme envisages the holding of immovable property by the society, the description of such property proposed to be purchased, acquired or transferred to the society;
(d) such other documents as may be specified in the model bye-laws, if any, framed by the Registrar;
(2) Where any member of a society to be registered is a registered society, a member of the committee of such registered society shall be authorised by that committee by a resolution to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of such resolution shall be appended to the application.
(3) Where any member of a society to be registered is a firm, company, other corporate body, society registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860, or local authority or public trust registered under any law for the time being in force for the registration of such trusts, then such firm, company, corporate body, society, local authority or public trust, as the case may be, shall duly authorise any person to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of the resolution giving such authority shall be appended to the application.
(4) The application shall be sent to the Registrar by registered post or delivery by hand.
Rule No 5. Registration 
(1) On receipt of an application under Rule 4, the Registrar shall enter particulars of the application in the register of application to be maintained in Form 'B', give a serial number to the application and issue a receipt in acknowledgement thereof.
(2) The Registrar may give, wherever necessary, opportunity to the promoters to modify the proposed bye-laws before finally registering the society or rejecting the application for registration of the society.
(3) On registering a society and its bye-laws under sub-section (1) of Section 9, the Registrar shall as soon as may be, notify the registration of the society in the Official Gazette and grant to the society, a certificate of registration signed by him and bearing his official seal and containing the registration number of the society, and the date of its registration. The Registrar shall also furnish the society with a certified copy of the bye-laws approved and registered by him.
Rule No 6. Form of report under Section 9(2) 
The report to be made by the Registrar to the State Government under sub-section (2) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'C'
Rule No 7. Refusal of Registration 
Where any society does not furnish the information in regard to the society as required by the Registrar or fulfil any of the conditions laid down in the Act or these rules, the Registrar may refuse to register that society.
Rule No 8. Matters in respect of which Registrar may direct society to make bye-laws or society may make by-laws 
(1) The Registrar may require a society to make bye-laws in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say—
(a) the name of the society and address of the society and its branches; (b) the area of operation; (c) the objects of the society; (d) the manner in which and the limit up to which the funds of the society may be raised, the maximum share capital which any one member may hold and the purpose to which the funds would be made applicable; (e) the terms and qualifications for admission to membership; (f) the privileges, rights, duties and liabilities of members including nominal, associate and sympathiser members; (g) the consequences of default in payment of any sum due by a member; (h) conditions regarding sale or disposal of produce of members, wherever applicable;
. First bye-laws of a society 
When a society has been registered the bye-laws of the society as approved and registered by the Registrar shall be the bye-laws of the society.
Rule No 10. Classification and sub-classification of societies 
(1) After registration of a society, the Registrar shall classify the society into one or other of the following classes and sub-classes of societies prescribed below according to the principal object provided in its bye-laws:
Maintenance of register 
(1) The register to be maintained by the Registrar under sub-section (4) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'D'
(2) The Registrar shall divide the register into parts, one for each district in the State. A society shall be registered in that part, for a district in which its head office is situate.
(3) The Registrar shall assign for each district and each class or sub-class of societies, a code symbol, for giving registration numbers to the societies and the societies shall be registered from the dates specified by him.
Audit of Co-operative society:
Qualifications of Auditors - Apart from a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, some of the State Co-operative Acts have permitted persons holding a government diploma in co-operative accounts or in co-operation and accountancy as also a person who has served as an auditor in the co-operative department of a government to act as an auditor.
Appointment of the Auditor - An auditor of a co-operative society is appointed by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the auditor so appointed conducts the audit on behalf of the Registrar and submits his report to him as also to the society. The audit fees are paid by the society on the basis of statutory scale of fees prescribed by the Registrar, according to the category of the society audited. For example, the audit fees of co-operative credit society and Urban Co-operative Banks are to be calculated with reference to working capital at the prescribed rates. ‘Working Capital’ here means funds at the disposal of the society inclusive of paid up share capital, funds built up out of profits and monies raised by borrowing and by other means.
Books, Accounts and other records of Co-operative Societies - Under section 43(h) of the Co-operative Societies Act, a state government can frame rules prescribing the books and accounts to be kept by a co-operative society.
For example In Maharashtra the co-operative societies are required to maintain cash book, general ledger, personal ledger, stock register, property register, etc. It is very much clear that requirement under State Acts resembles the provisions made under Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956. The books of account required to be maintained in terms of the instructions of the Registrar are in respect of the following:
All sums of money received and expended by the society and the matters in respect of which receipts and expenditure take place.
All sales and purchases of goods by the society also an account of stock-in-hand.
Assets and liabilities of the society. It may be understood that such of the books as are relevant to the nature of the society would be required to be maintained, for example, a credit society cannot be expected to maintain books of account for sale and purchase of goods.
In order to maintain proper financial accounting records so as to disclose full financial results of working of the society, the statutory or mandatory provisions provide a directive, but they are not conclusive. The society is at liberty to maintain such additional records according to its.
Restrictions on shareholdings - According to Section 5 of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, in the case of a society where the liability of a member of the society is limited, no member of a society other than a registered society can hold such portion of the share capital of the society as would exceed a maximum of twenty percent of the total number of shares or of the value of shareholding to Rs. 1,000/-. The auditor of a co-operative society will be concerned with this provision so as to watch any breach relating to holding of shares. One should also watch whether any provision in the bye-laws of the society is not contrary to this statutory position. The State Acts may provide limits as to the shareholding, other than that provided in the Central Act.
Restrictions on loans - A registered society shall not make a loan to any person other than a member. With the special sanction of the Registrar, a registered society may make a loan to another registered society (Section 29).The State Government may further put such restrictions as it thinks fit on the loaning powers of the society to its members or to other societies in the interest of the society concerned and its members.
Restrictions on borrowings - A registered society may accept loans and deposits from its members and others subject to the restrictions and limits of the bye-laws of the society. The auditor will have to examine the bye-laws in this respect (Section 30).
Investment of funds - According to Section 32 of the Central Act the modes of investment of funds of a society may be stated as follows. A society may invest its funds in any one or more of the following:
In the Central or State Co-operative Bank.
In any of the securities specified in Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
In the shares, securities, bonds or debentures of any other society with limited liability.
In any co-operative bank, other than a Central or State co-operative bank, as approved by the Registrar on specified terms and conditions.
In any other moneys permitted by the Central or State Government.
The principal provision relating to the investments of funds of a co-operative society, the Central as well as State Acts does not mention anything about the investment of reserve fund outside the business specifically.
Appropriation of profits - Section 33 of the Central Act states that 25% of the profits should be transferred to Reserve Fund, before distribution as dividends or bonus to members. However, having regard to the financial position of the society, the Registrar may reduce the percentage of transfer, but in any case not less than 10%. Generally in case of newly started salary earners’ credit societies this liberal view is taken.
Contributions to Charitable Purposes - According to Section 34, a registered society may, with the sanction of the Registrar, contribute an amount not exceeding 10% of the net profits remaining after the compulsory transfer to the reserve fund for any charitable purpose as defined in section 2 of the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890.
Investment of Reserve Fund outside the business or utilization as working capital-
Some of the State Acts provide that a society may use the Reserve Fund:
in the business of a society, as working capital (subject to the rules made in this behalf).
may invest as per provisions of the Act.
may be used for some public purposes likely to promote the object of the society. The auditor should ensure strict compliance with the State Act and Rules in this regard.
Contribution to Education Fund - Some of the State Acts provide that every society shall contribute annually towards the Education Fund of the State Federal Society, at the appropriate rate as per the class of the society. Contribution to Education Fund is a charge on profits and not an appropriation.
Apart from statutory provisions relating to Reserve Fund, the auditor may have regard to the provisions in bye-laws and Rules and Regulations of the society regarding the appropriation of profits. Transfers to other reserves, dividends to members etc. are the other appropriations. Appropriations of profits must be approved by the General Body of the society, which is the supreme authority in the co-operative management. Further, it may be noted that necessary accounting entries for the appropriation of profits must be passed after the date of approval by the General Body. Here there is a departure from corporate accounting practice, where entries are passed for proposed appropriations, subject to approval of Annual General Meeting.
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kadaknewstoday · 1 year
Tree Farming : कम लागत में जोरदार मुनाफा देगी इस पेड़ की खेती, दुनिया भर में है जबरदस्त डिमांड
Tree Farming : कम लागत में जोरदार मुनाफा देगी इस पेड़ की खेती, दुनिया भर में है जबरदस्त डिमांड
Poplar Tree Farming : भारत जो की एक कृषि प्रधान देश है। यहां की ज्यादातर आबादी खेती-बाड़ी पर निर्भर है। लंबे समय से यहाँ पर परम्परागत तरीके से खेती जा रही है लेकिन बीते कुछ सालों में खेती किसानी के क्षेत्र में पढ़े लिखे लोगों ने भी रूख करना शुरू कर दिया हैं। आज बहुत से किसान आधुनिक तरीक़े से खेती के जरिए लाखों- करोड़ों रुपये कमा रहे हैं। देश में कई ऐसी फसलें हैं। जिससे किसानों की आमदनी लाखों…
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deshbandhu · 28 days
Hindi News Highlights: Major Stories of the Day
In today's fast-paced world, staying updated with the latest news is crucial. For millions of Hindi-speaking individuals, catching up on the top stories is a daily ritual. This article brings you the major stories of the day, featuring the most prominent news headlines in Hindi. From political developments and economic updates to cultural events and sports achievements, these news headlines in Hindi provide a comprehensive overview of the current affairs that matter most.
Political Developments
Government Policies and Reforms
Today's news headlines in Hindi are abuzz with discussions on the latest government policies and reforms. The government has announced a series of initiatives aimed at boosting the economy and supporting small businesses. Key policy changes are expected to have a significant impact on the agricultural sector, with new subsidies and support schemes being introduced to benefit farmers. These developments are among the most talked-about news headlines in Hindi, reflecting the government's focus on economic growth and development.
Election Updates
Elections are always a hot topic, and today's news headlines in Hindi cover the latest updates from various states. With upcoming elections, political parties are ramping up their campaigns, making promises to woo voters. The news headlines in Hindi highlight key campaign strategies, candidate profiles, and public reactions. The political atmosphere is charged with rallies and speeches, making it one of the most engaging sections in the news headlines in Hindi.
Economic News
Stock Market Trends
The financial markets are a staple in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's updates include significant movements in the stock market, with major indices showing volatility. Investors are keenly watching these trends, and the news headlines in Hindi provide detailed analyses of market performance, expert opinions, and forecasts. Understanding these trends is crucial for investors and businesses alike, making this a vital part of the daily news headlines in Hindi.
Economic Growth Projections
Economic growth projections are another key focus in the news headlines in Hindi. Reports from leading financial institutions suggest that the economy is on a path to recovery, with positive indicators across various sectors. The news headlines in Hindi delve into these projections, offering insights into factors driving growth and potential challenges ahead. This information is essential for policymakers, businesses, and the general public to understand the economic landscape.
Cultural Events
Festivals and Celebrations
India is a land of festivals, and the news headlines in Hindi often feature stories about ongoing and upcoming celebrations. Today's highlights include preparations for major festivals, with communities gearing up for grand events. The news headlines in Hindi provide a glimpse into the cultural richness and diversity of the country, showcasing traditions, rituals, and festivities that bring people together.
Entertainment Industry Updates
The entertainment industry is always buzzing with activity, and today's news headlines in Hindi cover the latest from Bollywood and regional cinema. From movie releases and celebrity interviews to box office collections and award functions, the news headlines in Hindi keep fans updated with all the glitz and glamour. These stories are a major attraction for readers who follow the entertainment industry closely.
Sports Achievements
Cricket Highlights
Cricket continues to dominate the sports section of the news headlines in Hindi. Today's top stories include match results, player performances, and upcoming fixtures. The news headlines in Hindi provide in-depth coverage of domestic and international cricket, making it a must-read for cricket enthusiasts. Highlights of today's matches and expert analyses offer a comprehensive view of the sport's current scenario.
Other Sports News
While cricket is immensely popular, other sports also find a place in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's coverage includes updates from football, hockey, badminton, and more. Achievements of Indian athletes in international competitions are prominently featured, inspiring young sports enthusiasts across the country. The news headlines in Hindi celebrate these accomplishments, highlighting the dedication and hard work of athletes.
Health and Lifestyle
Health Alerts and Tips
Health-related news is an important part of the news headlines in Hindi. Today's stories include health alerts, expert advice, and tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The ongoing focus on public health measures, especially in light of recent health crises, is covered extensively in the news headlines in Hindi. These updates are crucial for keeping the public informed and promoting a healthier society.
Lifestyle Trends
Lifestyle trends, including fashion, travel, and wellness, are also featured in the news headlines in Hindi. Today's highlights include the latest fashion trends, travel destinations, and wellness tips that cater to a broad audience. The news headlines in Hindi offer readers practical advice and inspiration for improving their daily lives.
Conclusion Staying informed with the latest news headlines in Hindi is essential for understanding the world around us. Today's major stories span a wide range of topics, including political developments, economic news, cultural events, sports achievements, and health updates. By providing comprehensive coverage of these areas, the news headlines in Hindi ensure that readers are well-equipped with the knowledge they need to stay updated and make informed decisions.
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werindialive · 1 month
Severe Heatwave Grips Northern Plains, Temperatures Soar to 45°C
Large swaths of northern India are bracing for an intense heatwave over the next few days, with temperatures expected to reach a scorching 45°C (113°F) in some areas. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for the region, warning of an "extreme" heatwave condition.
The states of Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh are likely to bear the brunt of the sweltering heat. In the national capital of Delhi, maximum temperatures may climb as high as 46°C (115°F) by this weekend, according to IMD forecasts.
"This is going to be one of the worst heatwaves in recent years for this region," said Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Director General of the IMD. "We advise people to stay indoors as much as possible in the afternoon hours and ensure proper hydration."
Large cities like Delhi and Lucknow are making preparations to deal with the extreme heat. Municipal corporations have set up drinking water camps and cooling shelters for the homeless. Public health advisories have been issued, warning people about the dangers of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
The scorching temperatures are being caused by a high pressure system parked over northwestern India, combined with hot and dry northwesterly winds sweeping across the region. Climate scientists have warned that heatwaves are becoming more intense and frequent due to global warming.
"The heatwave we are witnessing is a manifestation of climate change caused by human activities," said Chandni Singh, an environmental researcher at Delhi University. "Unless urgent action is taken to reduce emissions and transition to clean energy, such extreme weather events will only intensify in the coming decades."
Beyond the immediate health impacts, the heatwave also threatens agricultural output across the northern plains which form the breadbasket of India. Standing wheat and vegetable crops are at risk of heat stress and potential yield losses if the extreme temperatures persist.
Electricity grids are also under strain as the demand for air conditioning and cooling spikes during peak hours. In Delhi, the local utility company has issued an appeal to residents to use electricity judiciously to prevent outages.
The heatwave is expected to abate slightly towards the end of next week as a western disturbance approaches the region, bringing some rainfall and cloud cover. However, the overall summer outlook indicates above-normal temperatures for most parts of north and northwestern India this year.
As the climate crisis unfolds, severe heatwaves are likely to become a regular occurrence, putting immense pressure on infrastructure, health services, and regional food security. Experts warn that long-term adaptation and mitigation strategies are urgently needed to build resilience against the intensifying heat extremes.
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