#co-op credit society software
shreecom · 4 months
New rules in co operative credit society
Further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960. WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, for the purposes hereinafter appearing; it is hereby enacted in the Seventy-fifth Year of the Republic of India, as follows :— 1. This Act may be called the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Act, 2024. 2. After section 69 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”), the following section shall be inserted, namely:––
“69A. (1) There shall be constituted a Co-operative District Cadre of Secretaries of the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Co-operative District Cadre”) consisting of persons recruited for this purpose by the District Supervision Co-operative Society. The number of persons to be recruited in the Co-operative District Cadre and their conditions of service shall be determined by the District Supervision Co-operative Society in accordance with such general or special guidelines, if any, as may be issued by the State Government, in this behalf, from time to time. (2) A District Supervision Co-operative Society may, from time to time, depute any person appointed by it to work under any society referred to in sub-section (1) as it may consider necessary. Where any such person is posted to work under any society, his services shall be taken over by the society on such post, for such period and on such other terms and conditions, as the District Supervision Co-operative Society may determine. The person so posted shall draw his salary and allowances from the Fund established under sub-section (4). (3) The immediate initial supervisory control on the person appointed in the Co-operative District Cadre and deputed or posted to work as a Secretary under each of the societies referred to in sub-section (1) shall vest with the society concerned. Such society shall follow the bye-laws of the District Supervision Co-operative Society regarding the terms and conditions of services of Secretaries. (4) A District Supervision Co-operative Society shall establish a Fund to be called “the Co-operative District Cadre Employment Fund” and it shall be utilised for meeting the expenses on the salaries, allowances and other emoluments to be paid to the persons appointed to the Co-operative District Cadre and the other expenditure relating to the Cadre. (5) Every society, which derives any benefit directly from the service of any Secretary belonging to the Co-operative District Cadre shall contribute to the said Fund at such rate and in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government. In determining the rate of contribution, the State Government shall take into consideration the expenditure referred to in sub-section (4), the services likely to be rendered, the financial condition of the societies, including the loans disbursed and outstanding and other non-credit activities undertaken by the concerned society. (6) The State Government may make rules regulating all matters connected with or ancillary to the custody and maintenance of, the payment of money into, and the expenditure and withdrawal of money from, the said Fund.
3. In section 88 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the first proviso, for the words “within a period of two years”, the words “within a period of one year” shall be substituted.
How to register new co-operative credit society in Maharashtra state:
Application for registration and registration fees 
(I) Every application for registration of a society under Section 8 shall be made in Form 'A' in Marathi, Hindi or English, and shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 8 and sub-rules (2) and (3), be signed by the applicants and shall, in addition to four copies of the proposed bye-laws of the society, be accompanied by:
(a) a list of persons who have contributed to the share capital, together with the amount contributed by each of them, and the entrance fee paid by them;
(b) A certificate from the Bank or Banks stating the credit balance therein in favour of the proposed society;
(c) be economically sound and, where the scheme envisages the holding of immovable property by the society, the description of such property proposed to be purchased, acquired or transferred to the society;
(d) such other documents as may be specified in the model bye-laws, if any, framed by the Registrar;
(2) Where any member of a society to be registered is a registered society, a member of the committee of such registered society shall be authorised by that committee by a resolution to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of such resolution shall be appended to the application.
(3) Where any member of a society to be registered is a firm, company, other corporate body, society registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860, or local authority or public trust registered under any law for the time being in force for the registration of such trusts, then such firm, company, corporate body, society, local authority or public trust, as the case may be, shall duly authorise any person to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of the resolution giving such authority shall be appended to the application.
(4) The application shall be sent to the Registrar by registered post or delivery by hand.
Rule No 5. Registration 
(1) On receipt of an application under Rule 4, the Registrar shall enter particulars of the application in the register of application to be maintained in Form 'B', give a serial number to the application and issue a receipt in acknowledgement thereof.
(2) The Registrar may give, wherever necessary, opportunity to the promoters to modify the proposed bye-laws before finally registering the society or rejecting the application for registration of the society.
(3) On registering a society and its bye-laws under sub-section (1) of Section 9, the Registrar shall as soon as may be, notify the registration of the society in the Official Gazette and grant to the society, a certificate of registration signed by him and bearing his official seal and containing the registration number of the society, and the date of its registration. The Registrar shall also furnish the society with a certified copy of the bye-laws approved and registered by him.
Rule No 6. Form of report under Section 9(2) 
The report to be made by the Registrar to the State Government under sub-section (2) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'C'
Rule No 7. Refusal of Registration 
Where any society does not furnish the information in regard to the society as required by the Registrar or fulfil any of the conditions laid down in the Act or these rules, the Registrar may refuse to register that society.
Rule No 8. Matters in respect of which Registrar may direct society to make bye-laws or society may make by-laws 
(1) The Registrar may require a society to make bye-laws in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say—
(a) the name of the society and address of the society and its branches; (b) the area of operation; (c) the objects of the society; (d) the manner in which and the limit up to which the funds of the society may be raised, the maximum share capital which any one member may hold and the purpose to which the funds would be made applicable; (e) the terms and qualifications for admission to membership; (f) the privileges, rights, duties and liabilities of members including nominal, associate and sympathiser members; (g) the consequences of default in payment of any sum due by a member; (h) conditions regarding sale or disposal of produce of members, wherever applicable;
. First bye-laws of a society 
When a society has been registered the bye-laws of the society as approved and registered by the Registrar shall be the bye-laws of the society.
Rule No 10. Classification and sub-classification of societies 
(1) After registration of a society, the Registrar shall classify the society into one or other of the following classes and sub-classes of societies prescribed below according to the principal object provided in its bye-laws:
Maintenance of register 
(1) The register to be maintained by the Registrar under sub-section (4) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'D'
(2) The Registrar shall divide the register into parts, one for each district in the State. A society shall be registered in that part, for a district in which its head office is situate.
(3) The Registrar shall assign for each district and each class or sub-class of societies, a code symbol, for giving registration numbers to the societies and the societies shall be registered from the dates specified by him.
Audit of Co-operative society:
Qualifications of Auditors - Apart from a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, some of the State Co-operative Acts have permitted persons holding a government diploma in co-operative accounts or in co-operation and accountancy as also a person who has served as an auditor in the co-operative department of a government to act as an auditor.
Appointment of the Auditor - An auditor of a co-operative society is appointed by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the auditor so appointed conducts the audit on behalf of the Registrar and submits his report to him as also to the society. The audit fees are paid by the society on the basis of statutory scale of fees prescribed by the Registrar, according to the category of the society audited. For example, the audit fees of co-operative credit society and Urban Co-operative Banks are to be calculated with reference to working capital at the prescribed rates. ‘Working Capital’ here means funds at the disposal of the society inclusive of paid up share capital, funds built up out of profits and monies raised by borrowing and by other means.
Books, Accounts and other records of Co-operative Societies - Under section 43(h) of the Co-operative Societies Act, a state government can frame rules prescribing the books and accounts to be kept by a co-operative society.
For example In Maharashtra the co-operative societies are required to maintain cash book, general ledger, personal ledger, stock register, property register, etc. It is very much clear that requirement under State Acts resembles the provisions made under Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956. The books of account required to be maintained in terms of the instructions of the Registrar are in respect of the following:
All sums of money received and expended by the society and the matters in respect of which receipts and expenditure take place.
All sales and purchases of goods by the society also an account of stock-in-hand.
Assets and liabilities of the society. It may be understood that such of the books as are relevant to the nature of the society would be required to be maintained, for example, a credit society cannot be expected to maintain books of account for sale and purchase of goods.
In order to maintain proper financial accounting records so as to disclose full financial results of working of the society, the statutory or mandatory provisions provide a directive, but they are not conclusive. The society is at liberty to maintain such additional records according to its.
Restrictions on shareholdings - According to Section 5 of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, in the case of a society where the liability of a member of the society is limited, no member of a society other than a registered society can hold such portion of the share capital of the society as would exceed a maximum of twenty percent of the total number of shares or of the value of shareholding to Rs. 1,000/-. The auditor of a co-operative society will be concerned with this provision so as to watch any breach relating to holding of shares. One should also watch whether any provision in the bye-laws of the society is not contrary to this statutory position. The State Acts may provide limits as to the shareholding, other than that provided in the Central Act.
Restrictions on loans - A registered society shall not make a loan to any person other than a member. With the special sanction of the Registrar, a registered society may make a loan to another registered society (Section 29).The State Government may further put such restrictions as it thinks fit on the loaning powers of the society to its members or to other societies in the interest of the society concerned and its members.
Restrictions on borrowings - A registered society may accept loans and deposits from its members and others subject to the restrictions and limits of the bye-laws of the society. The auditor will have to examine the bye-laws in this respect (Section 30).
Investment of funds - According to Section 32 of the Central Act the modes of investment of funds of a society may be stated as follows. A society may invest its funds in any one or more of the following:
In the Central or State Co-operative Bank.
In any of the securities specified in Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
In the shares, securities, bonds or debentures of any other society with limited liability.
In any co-operative bank, other than a Central or State co-operative bank, as approved by the Registrar on specified terms and conditions.
In any other moneys permitted by the Central or State Government.
The principal provision relating to the investments of funds of a co-operative society, the Central as well as State Acts does not mention anything about the investment of reserve fund outside the business specifically.
Appropriation of profits - Section 33 of the Central Act states that 25% of the profits should be transferred to Reserve Fund, before distribution as dividends or bonus to members. However, having regard to the financial position of the society, the Registrar may reduce the percentage of transfer, but in any case not less than 10%. Generally in case of newly started salary earners’ credit societies this liberal view is taken.
Contributions to Charitable Purposes - According to Section 34, a registered society may, with the sanction of the Registrar, contribute an amount not exceeding 10% of the net profits remaining after the compulsory transfer to the reserve fund for any charitable purpose as defined in section 2 of the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890.
Investment of Reserve Fund outside the business or utilization as working capital-
Some of the State Acts provide that a society may use the Reserve Fund:
in the business of a society, as working capital (subject to the rules made in this behalf).
may invest as per provisions of the Act.
may be used for some public purposes likely to promote the object of the society. The auditor should ensure strict compliance with the State Act and Rules in this regard.
Contribution to Education Fund - Some of the State Acts provide that every society shall contribute annually towards the Education Fund of the State Federal Society, at the appropriate rate as per the class of the society. Contribution to Education Fund is a charge on profits and not an appropriation.
Apart from statutory provisions relating to Reserve Fund, the auditor may have regard to the provisions in bye-laws and Rules and Regulations of the society regarding the appropriation of profits. Transfers to other reserves, dividends to members etc. are the other appropriations. Appropriations of profits must be approved by the General Body of the society, which is the supreme authority in the co-operative management. Further, it may be noted that necessary accounting entries for the appropriation of profits must be passed after the date of approval by the General Body. Here there is a departure from corporate accounting practice, where entries are passed for proposed appropriations, subject to approval of Annual General Meeting.
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Conservatives, even when all of the facts are in your face, you still deny the reality of systemic racism.
"I mean really? What in the hell makes a group of people with a history of enslavement , genocide and apartheid in order to achieve what they have belive they have been so sucessful that they can lecture others. Without enslavement, genocide and aparthied, whites in America would have very little, if anything." "People in this forum have the opinion that blacks should do things like whites and if we do so, we can make it in America. So then what we need to do is orchestate a bloody coup, confiscate all property owned by whites, jail all whites who oppose the coup, write a new constitution that declare citizenship and it's protection only for non whites, make whites chattel for the forseeable future, make it illegal for whites to reald, own property or access information and create laws where if whites get out of line they can be beaten and killed." "Because this is how whites have done it." "In another forum, I stated that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. One of the whites there decided to say this: “The root cause of the problems faced by most blacks today are people like you who misidentify or ignore the real problems they face to further their own personal agendas.”" "'This is another of the long, long line of idiotic comments made by right wing whites. White racism was determined to be the problem 53 years ago by the Kerner Commission."
""What white Americans have never fully understood but what the Negro can never forget--is that white society is deeply implicated in the ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and white society condones it."" ""White racism is essentially responsible for the explosive mixture which has been accumulating in our cities since the end of World War II."" "But the excuse will be made about how that was 50 years ago, and that stupid ass song will be sung titled, "That was in the Past."" "On February 26, 2018, 50 years after the Kerner Commission findings, the Economic Policy Institute published a report evaluating the progress of the black community since the Kerner Report was released. It was based on a study done by the Economic Policy Institute that compared the progress of the black community in 2018 with the condition of the black community at the time of the Kerner Commission. Titled “50 years after the Kerner Commission,” the study concluded that there had been some improvements in the situation blacks faced but there were still disadvantages blacks faced that were based on race." "Following up on this, Richard Rothstein of the Economic Policy Institute wrote an op-ed published in the February 28th edition of the New York Daily News titled, “50 years after the Kerner Commission, minimal racial progress.” It had been 50 years since the commission made their recommendations at that point, yet Rothstein makes this statement: “So little has changed since 1968 that the report remains worth reading as a near-contemporary description of racial inequality.”" "So 3 years ago the same conclusion was made. "The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism."" "On October 24, 2013, the Kellogg Foundation sent out a press release about a report they had done entitled, “The Business Case for Racial Equity”. This was a study done by the Kellogg Foundation, using information it had studied and assessed from the Center for American Progress, National Urban League Policy Institute, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the U.S. Department of Justice."
“Striving for racial equity – a world where race is no longer a factor in the distribution of opportunity – is a matter of social justice. But moving toward racial equity can generate significant economic returns as well. When people face barriers to achieving their full potential, the loss of talent, creativity, energy, and productivity is a burden not only for those disadvantaged, but for communities, businesses, governments, and the economy as a whole. Initial research on the magnitude of this burden in the United States (U.S.), as highlighted in this brief, reveals impacts in the trillions of dollars in lost earnings, avoidable public expenditures, and lost economic output.” "The Kellogg Foundation and Altarum Institute In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it along with solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions." "“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”" Harvard. "“Racial inequality in the United States today may, ultimately, be based on slavery, but it is also based on the failure of the country to take effective steps since slavery to undermine the structural racial inequality that slavery put in place. From the latter part of the nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth century, the Jim Crow system continued to keep Blacks “in their place,” and even during and after the civil rights era no policies were adopted to dismantle the racial hierarchy that already existed.”" "HOUSING DISCRIMINATION AS A BASIS FOR BLACK REPARATIONS, Jonathan Kaplan and Andrew Valls, Public Affairs Quarterly" "Volume 21, Number 3, July 2007" "McKinsey and Co. “It will end up costing the U.S. economy as much as $1 trillion between now and 2028 for the nation to maintain its longstanding black-white racial wealth gap, according to a report released this month from the global consultancy firm McKinsey & Company. That will be roughly 4 percent of the United States GDP in 2028—just the conservative view, assuming that the wealth growth rates of African Americans will outpace white wealth growth at its current clip of 3 percent to .8 percent annually, said McKinsey. If the gap widens, however, with white wealth growing at a faster rate than black wealth instead, it could end up costing the U.S. $1.5 trillion or 6 percent of GDP according to the firm.”" "Citigroup" "Cost Of Racism: U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination, Bank Says" "Nationwide protests have cast a spotlight on racism and inequality in the United States. Now a major bank has put a price tag on how much the economy has lost as a result of discrimination against African Americans: $16 trillion." "Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup." "Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African Americans and whites:" "$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result" "$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans" "$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit" "And $90 billion to $113 billion
in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education" "Why this is just a bunch of liberal jibberish to to blacks in order to keep them voting democrat. Those aren't the problems, what we conservatives tell you is the real problem. Why if you just had a father in the home none of this would happen." "Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts"
"As employers in the U.S. tackle issues around racism, fresh attention is being given to the racial wage gap and why black men and women, in particular, still earn substantially less than their white counterparts. Nearly 56 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, "we find equal pay for equal work is still not a reality," noted Jackson Gruver, a data analyst at compensation data and software firm PayScale."
"Last year, PayScale analyzed differences in earnings between white men and men of color using data from a sample of 1.8 million employees surveyed between January 2017 and February 2019." 'Among the findings, Gruver reported: "Even as black or African-American men climb the corporate ladder, they still make less than equally qualified white men. They are the only racial/ethnic group that does not achieve pay parity with white men at some level."' "The study found that black men had the largest "uncontrolled pay gap" relative to white men, when comparing the average earnings of black men and white men in the U.S."
"On average, black men earned 87 cents for every dollar a white man earned. Hispanic workers had the next largest gap, earning 91 cents for every dollar earned by white men."
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"To put that in perspective, the median salary of a white man in our sample is $72,900; the controlled median pay for black or African-American men is thus $71,500," Gruver said. "This suggests a $1,400 difference in pay that is likely attributable to race."" "So daddy lives at home and the family still makes less than whites. Because:" "NWLC calculations, based on the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey for 2016, revealed that when comparing all men and women who work full time, year-round in the U.S., women were paid just 80 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. But the wage gap was even larger when looking specifically at black women who work full time, year-round—they were paid only 63 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic men." "Stephen Miller, Black Workers Still Earn Less than Their White Counterparts, www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/compensation/pages/racial-wage-gaps-persistence-poses-challenge.aspx" "So a white working couple will make 90 cents on every dollar while a black working couple makes 75 cents. To allow you to understand this reality a white female worker makes 80 cents on every dollar a white man makes. White females are demanding equal pay and rightfully so." "And you black folk really need to start taking education seriously." "Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment" "The black unemployment rate is nearly or more than twice the white unemployment rate regardless of educational attainment. It is, and always has been, about twice the white unemployment rate; however, the depth of this racial inequality in the labor market rarely makes the headlines." "Over the last 12 months, the average unemployment rate for black college graduates has been 4.1 percent—nearly two times the average unemployment rate for white college graduates (2.4 percent) and equivalent to the unemployment rate of whites with an associate’s degree or who have not completed college (4.0 percent). The largest disparity is seen among those with less than a high school diploma: while whites with less than a high school diploma have an unemployment rate of 6.9 percent, the black unemployment rate is 16.6 percent—over two times the white average." "The broader significance of this disparity suggests a race penalty whereby blacks at each level of education have unemployment rates that are the same as or higher than less educated whites." "Valerie Wilson, Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment, www.epi.org/publication/black-unemployment-educational-attainment/" "African Americans are paid less than whites at every education level" "While the economy continues to improve and wages are finally beginning to inch up for most Americans, African Americans are still being paid less than whites at every education level. As you can see from the chart below, while a college education results in higher wages—both for whites and blacks—it does not eliminate the black-white wage gap. African Americans are still earning less than whites at every level of educational attainment. A recent EPI report, Black-white wage gaps expand with rising wage inequality, shows that this gap persists even after controlling for years of experience, region of the country, and whether one lives in an urban or rural area. In fact, since 1979, the gaps between black and white workers have grown the most among workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher—the most educated workers." "Valerie Wilson, African Americans are paid less than whites at every education level, www.epi.org/publication/african-americans-are-paid-less-than-whites-at-every-education-level/"
"But to say white racism is the cause of things no matter how much proof we show your white asses, you have some kind of idiotic ass excuse, like we are blaming whites for our failures or;" "We misdiagnose and ignore the "real" problem to fit an imaginary agenda racists in tha white community invented so they can deny how THEY are the root cause of the problem." "You right wing scrubs are always talking about responsibility." "Take some instead of running your mouths."
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skateofministry · 3 years
UK impact startups raise €2.36B to solve the world’s biggest challenge: Know more here
Image credit: Pixabay
As technology becomes all important in solving global problems such as climate change, escalating health risks, and food insecurity, UK impact tech startups – companies founded to build solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals – have raised £2B (approx €2.36B) in investment this year.
An analysis by Dealroom for the UK’s Digital Economy Council has shown that impact investment in the UK has increased by 127 per cent since 2018, up from £1.7B (approx €2B) last year.
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Technology startups tackling global solutions
According to Rana Yared, general partner at Balderton Capital, “With more money than ever being invested in UK tech companies, it’s critically important to see that an increasing amount is being dedicated to supporting this new generation of impact companies. These companies have dual missions to have a positive effect on the world while being self-sustaining businesses. As these companies grow and scale, it’s important they have the right conditions to thrive and become global leaders.”
Currently, the UK is home to 12 impact unicorns – companies worth over $1B (approx €887.65M) or more in value. These include:
Arrival (London): It is a technology company that develops a generation of two electric vehicles (EV). It develops software, materials, components, and scalable skateboard platforms and its micro-factories that allow them to make vehicles and adapt to any mobility ecosystem.
Octopus Energy (London): The company was launched with a vision to use technology to make the green energy revolution affordable while transforming customer experiences. Octopus’s domestic energy arm already serves 3.1 million customers with cheaper and greener power through Octopus Energy, M&S Energy, Affect Energy, Ebico, London Power and Co-op Energy.
Babylon (London): The startup claims to be a digital-first, value-based care company with a mission to provide accessible and affordable quality healthcare for everyone. It believes it is reengineering healthcare by shifting the focus from sick care to preventative healthcare so that patients experience better health.
ITM Power (Sheffield): The company manufactures integrated hydrogen energy solutions to enhance the utilisation of renewable energy that would otherwise be wasted.
Ceres Power Holdings (Horsham): Ceres is a fuel cell technology and engineering company whose aim is to bring cleaner and cheaper energy to businesses, homes and vehicles.
Vertical Aerospace (Bristol): The company builds technology to revolutionise how people fly. It aims to make air travel personal, on-demand, and carbon-free through its eVTOL aircraft, the VA-X4.
Compass Pathways (London): Compass is a mental health care company dedicated to accelerating patient access to evidence-based innovation in mental health. Its first programme is researching how psilocybin therapy could help people with treatment-resistant depression.
Depop (London): It is the community-powered fashion marketplace to buy and sell fashion with over 30 million registered users in more than 150 countries.
Ovo Energy (Bristol): The OVO Group’s mission is to drive progress towards net zero carbon living. It is a collection of companies with a single vision: to power human progress with clean affordable energy for everyone.
Britishvolt (Blyth): The company’s mission is to accelerate the electrification of society. Its mission is to build the UK’s first battery gigaplant at a specially selected site in Northumberland. This represents a total investment of £2.6B, one of the UK’s largest-ever industrial investments, providing 3000 jobs and up to a further 5000 more in the wider supply chain.
Tractable (London): The company develops artificial intelligence systems for accident and disaster recovery. Through the use of deep learning to automate visual damage appraisal, Tractable’s AI looks at photos of the damage and predicts repair costs.
BenevolentAI (Cambridge): The company combines advanced AI and machine learning with “cutting edge” science to decipher complex disease biology, generate novel insights, and discover more effective medicines. Its computational R&D platform spans every step of the drug discovery process, powering an in-house pipeline of 25+ drug programmes from early discovery towards clinical phases.
In addition, there are now 22 impact futurecorns (soonicorns, as we call them) – scale-ups that are on track to reach unicorn valuation in the next few years. These include the alternative protein startup AgriProtein, fusion power research energy company Tokamak Energy, and mobile-delivered health and insurance provider Bima, with 25 million active users across Asia and Africa.
Luisa Alemany, an associate professor of management practice in strategy and entrepreneurship at London Business School’s Institute of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital, says, “From biotech to nanotech, cleantech, computer science and medicine, technology is not only improving our lives but finding solutions to these pressing problems that only entrepreneurs, with the right source of financing, can dare to solve.”
UK’s impact startups/scale-ups are worth €59.16B
Impact investing has grown across the globe with investors keen to back companies that will generate positive social and environmental impacts alongside financial returns.
In the UK, there are nearly 900 impact startups and scale-ups using technologies such as artificial intelligence, deep tech, big data, and blockchain to develop next-generation solutions to take on global problems. From Dundee to Dorset, these companies have a combined worth of £50B (approx €59.16B) and have created over 35,000 jobs.
Most of the capital from impact funds are going to companies creating affordable and clean energy, and tackling the climate crisis. Collectively, climate tech companies make up 65 per cent of the deals in the impact space.
This is being driven by companies such as the green energy provider Octopus Energy, which raised the biggest impact round this year of £438M, the electric car subscription platform ONTO, which raised £130M in a Series B round, and future energy company Newcleo, which launched earlier this year to disrupt the nuclear energy industry.
Startups leading the green revolution include London-based Plastic Energy with industrial plants across Spain. It raised £123M this year to transform plastic waste that would otherwise be destined for landfills into recycled oils that can be used to create clean, recycled plastic. Last year, UK climate tech investments made up more than a quarter (28.6 per cent) of all climate tech deals in Europe and are expected to continue increasing in value this year.
Besides climate tech companies, the UK’s impact startups are also focused on solving global health problems. For instance, UK’s Benevolent AI, a health impact company, is using big data and deep learning to discover more effective medicines. It has recently discovered a treatment for Covid-19 which has been approved by the US healthcare regulator.
Other health tech companies using big data include Huma, which enables remote patient monitoring to reduce hospital readmission rates in countries including the UK and Germany, and Cera, an app that helps families to provide the right care for their loved ones.
Gerard Grech, Founding CEO of Tech Nation, says, “The UK tech ecosystem is constantly innovating to solve societal, economic and environmental challenges – on a national and global scale. The contributions of these inspiring impact tech scaleups has never been more vital – as is made evident by the increase in impact tech investment that we have seen this year. The value of UK Net Zero tech companies alone has nearly doubled over the last year (skyrocketing from $24.4B to $47.6B).”
Future Tech Forum
Looking to the future of the country, UK’s Digital Secretary Nadine Dorries is all set to host the Future Tech Forum this week in London, marking the end of the UK’s Presidency of the G7.
It will be a two-day event attended by ministers from governments across the world. They will come together with experts from industry, civil society, and academia to discuss future public policy issues relating to the development and use of digital technologies.
The governments will particularly discuss how technology can deliver positive global change and deliver some of the ambitious targets agreed by nations at COP26 – the most recent annual UN climate change conference.
MEWS’ CEO on his thriving SaaS for hotels
How partnering up with Salesforce helped him succeed!
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from Skate World. Skateboard News, skateboard shop https://ift.tt/3cWrvXg
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21 May 2018: Ocado brings robowarehouse to Kroger, Alibaba and 6m corner shops, hello GDPR
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter. It looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading and please do send ideas, questions, corrections etc to @rod on Twitter. You should recommend it to a friend!
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[Image: Gizmodo]
Ocado brings robowarehouse to Kroger
Some crunchy grocery news this week. First, Ocado announced a warehouse-and-ecommerce partnership with Kroger in the US. Ocado has two distinct businesses: one, the branded online grocery business in the UK. The other, a horizontal warehouse-logistics-ecommerce platform business that’s gradually picking up deals globally.
Kroger already has a partnership with Instacart, which somewhat overlaps with Ocado in that both get groceries delivered to your home. Instacart’s service is more human-powered, and perhaps lighter and easier to hook into existing retail grocery businesses. Ocado’s platform is a higher investment reinvention play with robot-driven warehouses and so on, and you’d guess is more efficient longer-term. Ocado tends to do territory-exclusive deals for its platform, so it may not mean head-to-head competition between Ocado and Instacart - both companies have done well recently, thanks in part to the wake-up call the Amazon/Whole Foods deal gave to the grocery sector. Ocado’s exclusive deals have also dampened potential conflicts between their vertical online grocery and horizontal platform businesses. But the other interesting question is whether Ocado becomes enough of a horizontal platform business that the retail grocery business in the UK looks optional.
Alibaba and 6m corner shops in China
Next, here’s a sense of Alibaba’s offline ambition - Alibaba to transform China’s mom-and-pop shops In massive offline expansion:
“The retail giant has now unveiled an even more ambitious plan to transform 10,000 mom-and-pop convenience stores across China into a vast network of Tmall.com brick-and-mortar outlets, where consumers can shop, pick up packages, make orders online or even apply for and receive small loans. It’s the first step in Alibaba’s broader plan to turn as many as six million convenience stores into smart service centers equipped with Alibaba’s e-commerce infrastructure and capabilities in financial technology, logistics and travel services. [...] "These Tmall shops will be a supermarket, a post office, a travel agency, or even a community bank," said Lin Xiaohai, vice president of Alibaba.”
Elsewhere in grocery, high streets, retail and payments: Mothercare will close 50 shops. Shoppers desert the high street (link might need registration). Paypal is buying point-of-sales payment solution iZettle.
Cars, cops, bailiffs and data
In the US, car repossessions are up as loan deliquency rises. Car repossession companies use cameras and software to automatically perform number plate checks on nearby cars. The camera systems are provided by companies like Digital Recognition Network which keep and aggregate all of the data (its website boasts 6.5bn vehicle sightings), also reselling it to law enforcement agencies. The creation of surveillance systems that span the private and law enforcement realms sounds a bit uncomfortable from a privacy perspective. In the UK, automatic number plate recognition is only done by police services. And the Highways Agency, Capita, car parks. And maybe Google Maps and… hmm.
In the future, if you don’t pay your car loan, your self-driving car will repossess itself. (Well, you’re more likely to be paying per ride for a car owned by A Tech Company, but let’s imagine it anyway.) It will self-police, taking itself off to Kwikfit to get its tyres replaced after dropping you off at the office. And when it fails the new sensor-driven “continuous MOT test” it will report itself to the nearest DVLA drone and hopefully let you out before it locks down and goes dark.
UnFound platform co-op accelerator
Accelerator programme UnFound announced a shortlist of eight platform co-ops. One of them, Open Food Network, provides “online tools for buying, selling & distributing local food”.
Hello GDPR
GDPR day is this week, 25 May 2018. The Information Commissioner’s Office guide.
One of the disadvantages of leaving the “re-consenting” until the last minute is that users, exhausted by all of the emails about new terms, instead use it as an excuse to unsubscribe/cancel, resulting in very clean but perhaps much smaller consent lists. Three entertaining GDPR efforts: A football club’s pitch-side messaging. A financial consultancy’s ballad of GDPR. A musician planning for the future.
Previously we’ve talked about what happens if personal data in the blockchain’s immutable record meets the GDPR’s right to erasure. The preliminary answer seems to be that regulation wins.
Unsocial media
Facebook has deleted 1.2 billion fake accounts in the last six months, automatically recognising over 80% of spam, nudity and violence but under 40% of hate speech. Twitter is hiding unhealthy and trolling content behind a “show more replies” link. Social media is increasingly about removing noise.
Other news
Amazon has a dozen or so “experience homes” in which you can try out their smart door lock/video doorbell/entertainment/thermostat/etc services - and helpfully suggests that you can say “Alexa, start party time.” Immediately followed by “Alexa, show me the front door.”
Mobile virtual network operator GiffGaff says “We revolutionised the mobile industry and now we want to do the same with personal finance”, and is starting with credit checks.
Unexpected side effects: “Do you think the people who founded GoFundMe understood they were starting a healthcare company?”
Doteveryone’s Society in the Loop newsletter looks great.
Microsoft’s Adaptive Xbox Controller will make gaming more accessible for people with limited mobility.
Two years ago: “How might food/high street retail and cornershops change in future? Perhaps we’ll see more floorspace devoted to local “warehousing” of goods you’ve already bought, and the Co-op would be strongly positioned to explore this further. Shopping that’s little and often, relevant to me, collecting my goods on the way home, closer to me.”
Co-op Digital news
It was the Co-op Annual General Meeting on Saturday - Royal Wedding and FA Cup fans who missed it can catch up on the video.
Healthcare show & tell - Tue 22 May 10am at Federation House 5th floor
Connecting communities show & tell - Tue 22 May 1.15pm at Federation House 6th floor
Funeralcare show & tell - Tue 22 May 10am at Angel Square 12th floor
Update from Heads of Practice - Wed 23 May 11.45am at Federation House 5th floor
ProductTank Manchester - evening Product Management meetup - Wed 23 May 6.30pm at Federation House
Tech for Good live - Wed 23 May 6.30pm at Federation House
Shifts show & tell - Thu 24 May 11am at Angel Square 4th floor
Direct to Cremation show & tell - Thu 24 May 2pm at Angel Square 12th floor
Open - challenging how we think about accessibility - Thu 24 May 6pm at Federation House
More events coming up at Federation House. And TechNW has a useful calendar of events happening in the North West.
Thanks for reading. If you want to find out more about Co-op Digital, follow us @CoopDigital on Twitter and read the Co-op Digital Blog.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
The Meaning of Morgan Stanley’s Move Onto Main Street
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A Wells Fargo settlement with the S.E.C. over abusive sales practices could be announced as soon as today, our colleague Emily Flitter reports. (Want this in your inbox each day? Sign up here.)
Masters of the universe pitch mom-and-pop investors
The most obvious conclusion to draw from Morgan Stanley’s $13 billion purchase of E-Trade yesterday is that it blurs the boundaries between Wall Street and Main Street, with an investment banking stalwart paying a big premium for a discount retail broker. Morgan Stanley’s traditional rival, Goldman Sachs, has made similar moves via its Marcus retail unit and credit-card partnership with Apple.The chattering class:• Eric Hagemann of Pzena Capital Management emailed our colleague Kate Kelly: “If they’re able to take out costs, then from a purely financial perspective buying E-Trade isn’t drastically worse than buying back their own stock, which is their main alternative use of capital.”• Roger Altman of Evercore told CNBC: “Morgan Stanley has been leading the transformation from the wholesale side to the retail side, and this takes them further in that regard.”• But Mike Mayo, a banking analyst at Wells Fargo, told Bloomberg, “After seeing so many of these marriages go afoul, we have more of a skeptical hat on.”Who’s next? The deal is expected to stoke the urge to merge among other asset managers. After all, when commissions fall to zero, the only obvious ways to eke out a profit are via scale or cross-selling customers with a suite of fee-charging services.• Interactive Brokers’ C.E.O., Tom Peterffy, told MarketWatch that his company held merger talks with E-Trade in November, suggesting that his brokerage could be up for sale.• Wall Street players may also consider buying younger upstarts like Robinhood, the online brokerage that made its name with zero-commission trading, or Wealthfront and Betterment.What about the regulators? Morgan Stanley’s takeover of E-Trade isn’t final until the Fed gives its blessing. The bank is betting that the Fed under the Trump administration is friendlier to post-crisis mergers than it was during the Obama years, when then-Fed governor Daniel Tarullo said in 2012 that there should be a “strong but not irrebuttable presumption of denial” for takeovers by big banks. Our colleague Jeanna Smialek caught up with Mr. Tarullo, now at Harvard, who he said his thinking remained the same. She sent us this snippet:Mr. Tarullo said regulators needed to take into account the managerial capabilities of both firms, antitrust concerns and financial stability considerations. When it comes to stability, it matters both whether the merged company is more likely to run into trouble and whether such a stumble would cause broader problems because of the bank’s increased size.“I’m sure people will make the argument that this is actually financial stability enhancing for Morgan Stanley,” he said, but it’s also a “big addition” to the banks’ balance sheet. So the challenge is combining both the arguable increase in resilience and any added systemwide costs of failure.
The rise of conservative influence within Facebook
Critics of the social network say that the company has repeatedly made decisions that appease Republicans. Craig Timberg of the WaPo attributes that in part to Facebook senior executives with ties to conservatives who have the ear of company leaders like Mark Zuckerberg.Those executives include Joel Kaplan, the head of Facebook’s Washington office; Kevin Martin, the Republican former chairman of the F.C.C. who is Mr. Kaplan’s deputy; and Katie Harbath, the company’s head of elections public policy.“The Republicans in the D.C. office see themselves as a bulwark against the liberals in California,” Alex Stamos, Facebook’s former chief security officer, told the WaPo.
How Milken became a player in the Peloton-Flywheel fight
The fitness company Peloton recently settled a lawsuit in which it accused a rival, Flywheel, of trying to copy its at-home biking technology. Vice combed through court filings — including “improperly redacted documents,” a phrase that sends reporters’ hearts racing — that reveal various alleged attempts by Flywheel to obtain Peloton’s trade secrets. Improbably, the recently pardoned former financier Michael Milken makes an appearance in the saga:Peloton began the patent lawsuit process by claiming Flywheel had specifically sent one of its major investors, twice-pardoned “junk bond king” Michael Milken, to obtain proprietary information from Foley under false pretenses. Milken met Foley at a J.P. Morgan investors summit in February 2017, three months before the FLY Anywhere was announced.“Milken held himself out to Foley as an interested, potential investor in Peloton and pushed for information on topics including Peloton’s future business plans and strategy, and how or whether Peloton could protect its intellectual property and exclude others from the at-home cycling business,” the complaint alleged. “At no time before, during or after the meeting did Milken disclose that he had any financial interest whatsoever in Flywheel.”
What are you waiting for?
A new report from PitchBook runs the numbers on the bumper year in private capital fund-raising in 2019, with a record $888 billion committed to managers in private equity, venture capital, infrastructure, real estate and funds raised solely to buy stakes in other funds.One number caught our eye. Just over $100 billion in capital remains unspent in funds that are six years or older. Typically, funds have five years to deploy the funds committed by investors, or lose the ability to spend it (and burn bridges when the time comes to raise a new fund), unless they work out alternative arrangements. That’s quite an overhang, and it only grows as investors pledge hundreds of billions to new funds each year.
Weekend reading
• “Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction” by David Enrich. Out this week, the book by our colleague makes for uncomfortable reading in Frankfurt, Washington and beyond — read an excerpt and the NYT’s review.• “Whistleblower: My Journey to Silicon Valley and Fight for Justice at Uber” by Susan Fowler. Also out this week, by another colleague, this book is a “powerful illustration of the obstacles our society continues to throw up in the paths of ambitious young women,” according to the review. And read her op-ed about the blog post that started it all.• Warren Buffett’s annual shareholder letter. It’s always worth reading the folksy wisdom on investing, politics and more from the “Oracle of Omaha,” which comes out on Saturday.
Revolving door
HSBC has reportedly identified Jean Pierre Mustier, the C.E.O. of the Italian bank UniCredit, as the lead external choice to become its next chief. He’d be up against Noel Quinn, HSBC’s current interim C.E.O.Volkswagen’s C.F.O., Frank Witter, plans to step down at the end of June 2021 for unspecified personal reasons.Alexander Klabin, a founder of the $6.9 billion hedge fund Senator Investment Group, is leaving the firm. His co-founder, Douglas Silverman, is staying on.
The speed read
Deals• T-Mobile and Sprint agreed to tweak their proposed merger, giving T-Mobile’s parent company, Deutsche Telekom, slightly more control of the combined group. (Reuters)• The Japanese owner of 7-Eleven is reportedly in talks to buy Marathon Petroleum’s Speedway gas-station chain for about $22 billion. (FT)• Two big corporate software makers, Kronos and Ultimate Software, plan to merge, creating a new business valued at $22 billion — a popular number, it seems. (WSJ)• The Deal Makers of the Week Award goes to Davis Polk & Wardwell, the law firm that advised on the E-Trade and Victoria’s Secret deals, as well as transactions involving Dell and Dean Foods. (@lizrhoffman)Politics and policy• Advisers to Mike Bloomberg said that he had prepped for Wednesday’s Democratic debate, but that they were aghast at how poorly he performed. (NYT)• Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, said Republicans were being hypocritical on the federal deficit. (WaPo)• President Trump’s annoyance with a South Korean trade agreement clouded his review of the Oscar-winning movie “Parasite.” (Time)Tech• New Mexico’s attorney general sued Google, accusing the tech giant of using its educational products to spy on children and their families. (NYT)• About 300 Oracle employees staged a virtual walkout yesterday to protest a fund-raiser that their C.E.O., Larry Ellison, held for President Trump. (Protocol)• How Amazon is trying to avoid disruptions from the coronavirus outbreak. (NYT)• The House subcommittee on economic and consumer policy requested documents from Amazon’s Ring home-security division about its security practices and work with law enforcement. (Nextgov)Best of the rest• Why the stock market has shrugged off the coronavirus outbreak. (Upshot)• Inside the Washington bureaucratic battle over whether to let Americans infected with the coronavirus fly home from Japan. (WaPo)• California is back in a drought. (WaPo)We’d love your feedback. Please email thoughts and suggestions to [email protected]. Read the full article
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foodoliplife · 5 years
What’s Truly Happening with Science Logo
Science Logo Features
Solids have rather high densities because their particles are super-close to one another. They don’t permit heat rays to get to the ice easily. They use and release various varieties of air, so they ought to continue to reside.
It all just looks like a huge type therapy. It’s possible to orchestrate this kind of testing and measurement all on your own, but you may think about taking advantage of something like LeVar. Finally, boosting your level of physical activity is nearly always likely to be for the good, whatever your initial step count.
Scientific research employs various scientific reasoning processes to get there at a viable research issue and hypothesis. For each truth, there’s infinity of hypotheses. Observation is, however, always employed as the last proof.
academic writing
The significance of a slogan for a technology provider is immense. Potentially among the oldest types of advertising, billboards truly have a distinctive effect. As soon as you develop a catchy slogan, you may use it on various promotional things like t-shirts, tote bags, posters and on marketing materials that are made to foster the event.
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
The DeanBeat: Would politics make video games better?
As I watched my Facebook feed explode about President Donald Trump’s racist comments this week, I couldn’t help but notice that game developers are political creatures, just like everybody else. But if you looked at their games for political messages, you would think that they’re apolitical, concerned only with near-political game environments that don’t take a stand.
This subject flared up ever since Donald Trump was elected as the U.S. president, but his presidential misadventures have not yet inspired a masterful intertwining of art and politics in a video game. Perhaps we should not expect to see that happen because the interests of commerce rule the day. I hope we can overcome those interests because I believe that putting some form of higher meaning into video games is one way to make games as universally recognized as an art as other media.
Ted Price, CEO of Insomniac Games, took a stand against Trump’s Muslim ban in 2016, going so far as making a video expressing his company’s opposition to it. That was admirable. But there wasn’t a ton of contemporary political commentary disguised in a popular game made by Price’s studio, Marvel’s Spider-man.
Spider-man probably wasn’t the right platform for political commentary. We have seen other games come close to dealing with the topics of white nationalism, yet they have fallen short. Ubisoft’s creative leaders say that games like Far Cry 5 (about a religious militia taking over Montana) and The Division 2 (about a secret military organization preventing the fall of Washington, D.C. after a plague) do not make political statements.
Machine Games, the creator of the Wolfenstein series, was surprised to stumble on a political opportunity in its remake of id Software’s classic Wolfenstein games, which take place in an alternate universe where the Nazis won World War II. Much like Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle TV show, the Nazis have overrun America and the Ku Klux Klan is now allied with them to make things worse.
Above: Sophia (left) and Jessica are the daughters of BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
Image Credit: Bethesda
But did this storyline — extended with this month’s pending release of the co-op game Wolfenstein: Youngblood — have anything to do with the rise of the alt. right, Ferguson, Gamergate, Trump, Charlottesville, and this week’s events? Not really, said Jerk Gustafsson, executive producer of Wolfenstein: Youngblood at Sweden’s Machine Games, in an interview with GamesBeat.
“We started work on that story in 2014. It was quite a lot of time before the game actually came out, and a lot of things happened in those years. In that game, we wanted to tell the story of B.J. growing up, his childhood,” Gustafsson said. “It was a very dark story, with his abusive father and dark themes in general. And at the same time we wanted to tell a story about what happened if the Nazis won the war and took over the U.S. Since that happened around that time, especially with Charlottesville, it came to a point where we got a lot of, especially with interviews and talking to media — it led to a lot more discussions around the political aspect of it than we anticipated when we set out to do the game. That took us a bit by surprise.”
In other words, Wolfenstein comes close to being a social commentary on Trump’s presidency and the parallels that many liberals see to the Nazi’s in his apparent comfort with white nationalists. But that’s an accident. The prescient storyline was … accidental. Those of us who really liked the parallels were just giving the writers too much credit for boldness.
The same goes for 2016’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which depicted a world divided between “natural” humans and “augs,” or people augmented with cybernetic technology. Square Enix said that the similarity of the game’s slogan, “Augs Lives Matters,” was simply an “unfortunate coincidence,”  versus the real world slogan Black Lives Matter, as The New Yorker reported.
Once in a while, we get a game that is overtly political. In 2012, Spec-Ops: The Line acknowledged the horrors of war in a way that video games rarely do. Detroit: Become Human was set in Detroit and it clearly showed how bad it would for humans to create human-like androids and enslave them, as African Americans were once enslaved.
“Am I worried about technology in general? Yes. I’m more worried about human beings than about machines, though. It’s not a coincidence that in Detroit, we made the choice that the good guys are the androids and the bad guys are human,” said David Cage, cofounder of Quantic Dream, creator of Detroit, in an interview.
Above: Spec-Ops: The Line
Image Credit: Yager/2K
Such games are often criticized as too political, and not fun. Many fans, particularly those sympathetic to Gamergate, view the critics who want these games as “social justice warriors,” a pejorative term.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will likely be controversial for the level of realistic violence it depicts, as well as the blurring of the line between soldiers and civilians in modern war. Studio director Taylor Kurosaki declared that the game was “ripped from the headlines” and was created to show “the world we are living in today,” Kurosaki said.
And some games introduce politics accidentally.
Amazon recently showed off New World, a game about the colonization of a new continent. But instead of fighting off native Americans, the colonists — who are the good guys — fight zombie-like creatures. Some critics noted that this sanitization of colonialism’s ugly reality was racist in itself, as it dehumanized the native Americans into beings that were easy to kill.
Above: Zombies in the New World!
Image Credit: Amazon
This takes me back to my days as an English major, when my professors posed questions about whether great works of literature had multiple layers of meaning, like The Wasteland (clearly, T.S. Eliot’s famous poem had those layers). But should they have political layers? Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, about the Salem witch trials, was surely inspired by McCarthyism’s Red Scare. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle was a condemnation of the capitalist overlords of the meat-packing industry.
Sometimes this added layer of meaning makes us feel like the game is worth studying, and lots of game development programs in colleges are doing just that. That’ probably why The New Yorker and The Guardian wrote about politics in games this year. But does that diminish the fun layer? Or does it hurt the commercial potential of the game?
For sure, publishers are shying away from declaring that games have political intent because they want the game to have the widest potential audience. If only anti-Trump gamers bought Wolfenstein: Youngblood, then that would be a travesty for Bethesda’s bottom line. But this fear ignores another fact: We can outgrow the tropes of video game stories, and some of us want something like HBO. I’ll take a show like Chernobyl over a lot of feel-good television.
Above: Orwell: Ignorance is Strength is the second season in the surveillance game.
Image Credit: Osmotic Studios
I acknowledge that the main object is to make games fun, and I don’t hate video games that are made just to be fun. But I put myself in the camp of social justice warriors. Let those game developers who want to do so express their political views in transparent ways, even if their bosses want to shut them up. I sincerely wish that the crazy politics of Donald Trump would inspire someone to create a beautiful metaphorical treatment that gives us all some clarity about what all of this means.
I wish we could have someone in the game industry emerge, like George Orwell with 1984, or like the antiwar songs that emerged during Vietnam, to show us the way. We have some hope, as one small indie game studio, Osmotic Studios, was inspired to create a PC game called Orwell in 2013 — in the wake of Edward Snowden’s disclosures — about a surveillance society.
But that game hasn’t made as much impact as it might have, and it doesn’t have the kind of big-budget that the largest publishers can throw at a game. I would hate to think that indies are the only ones who can afford to take a stand. But I am grateful that they are there as a counterbalance to the deafening silence from the big game companies.
I believe that I’m raising a lot of questions without many answers here. But I hope to address them in panels that I may be moderating at Devcom in Cologne, Germany, and at Game Daily Connect in Anaheim. I hope you can help me find some answers.
Credit: Source link
The post The DeanBeat: Would politics make video games better? appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/the-deanbeat-would-politics-make-video-games-better/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-deanbeat-would-politics-make-video-games-better from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186420433697
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velmaemyers88 · 5 years
The DeanBeat: Would politics make video games better?
As I watched my Facebook feed explode about President Donald Trump’s racist comments this week, I couldn’t help but notice that game developers are political creatures, just like everybody else. But if you looked at their games for political messages, you would think that they’re apolitical, concerned only with near-political game environments that don’t take a stand.
This subject flared up ever since Donald Trump was elected as the U.S. president, but his presidential misadventures have not yet inspired a masterful intertwining of art and politics in a video game. Perhaps we should not expect to see that happen because the interests of commerce rule the day. I hope we can overcome those interests because I believe that putting some form of higher meaning into video games is one way to make games as universally recognized as an art as other media.
Ted Price, CEO of Insomniac Games, took a stand against Trump’s Muslim ban in 2016, going so far as making a video expressing his company’s opposition to it. That was admirable. But there wasn’t a ton of contemporary political commentary disguised in a popular game made by Price’s studio, Marvel’s Spider-man.
Spider-man probably wasn’t the right platform for political commentary. We have seen other games come close to dealing with the topics of white nationalism, yet they have fallen short. Ubisoft’s creative leaders say that games like Far Cry 5 (about a religious militia taking over Montana) and The Division 2 (about a secret military organization preventing the fall of Washington, D.C. after a plague) do not make political statements.
Machine Games, the creator of the Wolfenstein series, was surprised to stumble on a political opportunity in its remake of id Software’s classic Wolfenstein games, which take place in an alternate universe where the Nazis won World War II. Much like Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle TV show, the Nazis have overrun America and the Ku Klux Klan is now allied with them to make things worse.
Above: Sophia (left) and Jessica are the daughters of BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
Image Credit: Bethesda
But did this storyline — extended with this month’s pending release of the co-op game Wolfenstein: Youngblood — have anything to do with the rise of the alt. right, Ferguson, Gamergate, Trump, Charlottesville, and this week’s events? Not really, said Jerk Gustafsson, executive producer of Wolfenstein: Youngblood at Sweden’s Machine Games, in an interview with GamesBeat.
“We started work on that story in 2014. It was quite a lot of time before the game actually came out, and a lot of things happened in those years. In that game, we wanted to tell the story of B.J. growing up, his childhood,” Gustafsson said. “It was a very dark story, with his abusive father and dark themes in general. And at the same time we wanted to tell a story about what happened if the Nazis won the war and took over the U.S. Since that happened around that time, especially with Charlottesville, it came to a point where we got a lot of, especially with interviews and talking to media — it led to a lot more discussions around the political aspect of it than we anticipated when we set out to do the game. That took us a bit by surprise.”
In other words, Wolfenstein comes close to being a social commentary on Trump’s presidency and the parallels that many liberals see to the Nazi’s in his apparent comfort with white nationalists. But that’s an accident. The prescient storyline was … accidental. Those of us who really liked the parallels were just giving the writers too much credit for boldness.
The same goes for 2016’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which depicted a world divided between “natural” humans and “augs,” or people augmented with cybernetic technology. Square Enix said that the similarity of the game’s slogan, “Augs Lives Matters,” was simply an “unfortunate coincidence,”  versus the real world slogan Black Lives Matter, as The New Yorker reported.
Once in a while, we get a game that is overtly political. In 2012, Spec-Ops: The Line acknowledged the horrors of war in a way that video games rarely do. Detroit: Become Human was set in Detroit and it clearly showed how bad it would for humans to create human-like androids and enslave them, as African Americans were once enslaved.
“Am I worried about technology in general? Yes. I’m more worried about human beings than about machines, though. It’s not a coincidence that in Detroit, we made the choice that the good guys are the androids and the bad guys are human,” said David Cage, cofounder of Quantic Dream, creator of Detroit, in an interview.
Above: Spec-Ops: The Line
Image Credit: Yager/2K
Such games are often criticized as too political, and not fun. Many fans, particularly those sympathetic to Gamergate, view the critics who want these games as “social justice warriors,” a pejorative term.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will likely be controversial for the level of realistic violence it depicts, as well as the blurring of the line between soldiers and civilians in modern war. Studio director Taylor Kurosaki declared that the game was “ripped from the headlines” and was created to show “the world we are living in today,” Kurosaki said.
And some games introduce politics accidentally.
Amazon recently showed off New World, a game about the colonization of a new continent. But instead of fighting off native Americans, the colonists — who are the good guys — fight zombie-like creatures. Some critics noted that this sanitization of colonialism’s ugly reality was racist in itself, as it dehumanized the native Americans into beings that were easy to kill.
Above: Zombies in the New World!
Image Credit: Amazon
This takes me back to my days as an English major, when my professors posed questions about whether great works of literature had multiple layers of meaning, like The Wasteland (clearly, T.S. Eliot’s famous poem had those layers). But should they have political layers? Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, about the Salem witch trials, was surely inspired by McCarthyism’s Red Scare. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle was a condemnation of the capitalist overlords of the meat-packing industry.
Sometimes this added layer of meaning makes us feel like the game is worth studying, and lots of game development programs in colleges are doing just that. That’ probably why The New Yorker and The Guardian wrote about politics in games this year. But does that diminish the fun layer? Or does it hurt the commercial potential of the game?
For sure, publishers are shying away from declaring that games have political intent because they want the game to have the widest potential audience. If only anti-Trump gamers bought Wolfenstein: Youngblood, then that would be a travesty for Bethesda’s bottom line. But this fear ignores another fact: We can outgrow the tropes of video game stories, and some of us want something like HBO. I’ll take a show like Chernobyl over a lot of feel-good television.
Above: Orwell: Ignorance is Strength is the second season in the surveillance game.
Image Credit: Osmotic Studios
I acknowledge that the main object is to make games fun, and I don’t hate video games that are made just to be fun. But I put myself in the camp of social justice warriors. Let those game developers who want to do so express their political views in transparent ways, even if their bosses want to shut them up. I sincerely wish that the crazy politics of Donald Trump would inspire someone to create a beautiful metaphorical treatment that gives us all some clarity about what all of this means.
I wish we could have someone in the game industry emerge, like George Orwell with 1984, or like the antiwar songs that emerged during Vietnam, to show us the way. We have some hope, as one small indie game studio, Osmotic Studios, was inspired to create a PC game called Orwell in 2013 — in the wake of Edward Snowden’s disclosures — about a surveillance society.
But that game hasn’t made as much impact as it might have, and it doesn’t have the kind of big-budget that the largest publishers can throw at a game. I would hate to think that indies are the only ones who can afford to take a stand. But I am grateful that they are there as a counterbalance to the deafening silence from the big game companies.
I believe that I’m raising a lot of questions without many answers here. But I hope to address them in panels that I may be moderating at Devcom in Cologne, Germany, and at Game Daily Connect in Anaheim. I hope you can help me find some answers.
Credit: Source link
The post The DeanBeat: Would politics make video games better? appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/the-deanbeat-would-politics-make-video-games-better/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-deanbeat-would-politics-make-video-games-better from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186420433697
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shreecom · 4 months
New rules in co-operative credit society. How to register new co-operative credit society in Maharashtra state. Rules and regulations. Latest guidelines for audit of co-operative credit society.
Further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960. WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, for the purposes hereinafter appearing; it is hereby enacted in the Seventy-fifth Year of the Republic of India, as follows :— 1. This Act may be called the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Act, 2024. 2. After section 69 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”), the following section shall be inserted, namely:––
“69A. (1) There shall be constituted a Co-operative District Cadre of Secretaries of the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Co-operative District Cadre”) consisting of persons recruited for this purpose by the District Supervision Co-operative Society. The number of persons to be recruited in the Co-operative District Cadre and their conditions of service shall be determined by the District Supervision Co-operative Society in accordance with such general or special guidelines, if any, as may be issued by the State Government, in this behalf, from time to time. (2) A District Supervision Co-operative Society may, from time to time, depute any person appointed by it to work under any society referred to in sub-section (1) as it may consider necessary. Where any such person is posted to work under any society, his services shall be taken over by the society on such post, for such period and on such other terms and conditions, as the District Supervision Co-operative Society may determine. The person so posted shall draw his salary and allowances from the Fund established under sub-section (4). (3) The immediate initial supervisory control on the person appointed in the Co-operative District Cadre and deputed or posted to work as a Secretary under each of the societies referred to in sub-section (1) shall vest with the society concerned. Such society shall follow the bye-laws of the District Supervision Co-operative Society regarding the terms and conditions of services of Secretaries. (4) A District Supervision Co-operative Society shall establish a Fund to be called “the Co-operative District Cadre Employment Fund” and it shall be utilised for meeting the expenses on the salaries, allowances and other emoluments to be paid to the persons appointed to the Co-operative District Cadre and the other expenditure relating to the Cadre. (5) Every society, which derives any benefit directly from the service of any Secretary belonging to the Co-operative District Cadre shall contribute to the said Fund at such rate and in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government. In determining the rate of contribution, the State Government shall take into consideration the expenditure referred to in sub-section (4), the services likely to be rendered, the financial condition of the societies, including the loans disbursed and outstanding and other non-credit activities undertaken by the concerned society. (6) The State Government may make rules regulating all matters connected with or ancillary to the custody and maintenance of, the payment of money into, and the expenditure and withdrawal of money from, the said Fund.
3. In section 88 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the first proviso, for the words “within a period of two years”, the words “within a period of one year” shall be substituted.
How to register new co-operative credit society in Maharashtra state:
Application for registration and registration fees 
(I) Every application for registration of a society under Section 8 shall be made in Form 'A' in Marathi, Hindi or English, and shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 8 and sub-rules (2) and (3), be signed by the applicants and shall, in addition to four copies of the proposed bye-laws of the society, be accompanied by:
(a) a list of persons who have contributed to the share capital, together with the amount contributed by each of them, and the entrance fee paid by them;
(b) A certificate from the Bank or Banks stating the credit balance therein in favour of the proposed society;
(c) be economically sound and, where the scheme envisages the holding of immovable property by the society, the description of such property proposed to be purchased, acquired or transferred to the society;
(d) such other documents as may be specified in the model bye-laws, if any, framed by the Registrar;
(2) Where any member of a society to be registered is a registered society, a member of the committee of such registered society shall be authorised by that committee by a resolution to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of such resolution shall be appended to the application.
(3) Where any member of a society to be registered is a firm, company, other corporate body, society registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860, or local authority or public trust registered under any law for the time being in force for the registration of such trusts, then such firm, company, corporate body, society, local authority or public trust, as the case may be, shall duly authorise any person to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of the resolution giving such authority shall be appended to the application.
(4) The application shall be sent to the Registrar by registered post or delivery by hand.
Rule No 5. Registration 
(1) On receipt of an application under Rule 4, the Registrar shall enter particulars of the application in the register of application to be maintained in Form 'B', give a serial number to the application and issue a receipt in acknowledgement thereof.
(2) The Registrar may give, wherever necessary, opportunity to the promoters to modify the proposed bye-laws before finally registering the society or rejecting the application for registration of the society.
(3) On registering a society and its bye-laws under sub-section (1) of Section 9, the Registrar shall as soon as may be, notify the registration of the society in the Official Gazette and grant to the society, a certificate of registration signed by him and bearing his official seal and containing the registration number of the society, and the date of its registration. The Registrar shall also furnish the society with a certified copy of the bye-laws approved and registered by him.
Rule No 6. Form of report under Section 9(2) 
The report to be made by the Registrar to the State Government under sub-section (2) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'C'
Rule No 7. Refusal of Registration 
Where any society does not furnish the information in regard to the society as required by the Registrar or fulfil any of the conditions laid down in the Act or these rules, the Registrar may refuse to register that society.
Rule No 8. Matters in respect of which Registrar may direct society to make bye-laws or society may make by-laws 
(1) The Registrar may require a society to make bye-laws in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say—
(a) the name of the society and address of the society and its branches; (b) the area of operation; (c) the objects of the society; (d) the manner in which and the limit up to which the funds of the society may be raised, the maximum share capital which any one member may hold and the purpose to which the funds would be made applicable; (e) the terms and qualifications for admission to membership; (f) the privileges, rights, duties and liabilities of members including nominal, associate and sympathiser members; (g) the consequences of default in payment of any sum due by a member; (h) conditions regarding sale or disposal of produce of members, wherever applicable;
. First bye-laws of a society 
When a society has been registered the bye-laws of the society as approved and registered by the Registrar shall be the bye-laws of the society.
Rule No 10. Classification and sub-classification of societies 
(1) After registration of a society, the Registrar shall classify the society into one or other of the following classes and sub-classes of societies prescribed below according to the principal object provided in its bye-laws:
Maintenance of register 
(1) The register to be maintained by the Registrar under sub-section (4) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'D'
(2) The Registrar shall divide the register into parts, one for each district in the State. A society shall be registered in that part, for a district in which its head office is situate.
(3) The Registrar shall assign for each district and each class or sub-class of societies, a code symbol, for giving registration numbers to the societies and the societies shall be registered from the dates specified by him.
Audit of Co-operative society:
Qualifications of Auditors - Apart from a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, some of the State Co-operative Acts have permitted persons holding a government diploma in co-operative accounts or in co-operation and accountancy as also a person who has served as an auditor in the co-operative department of a government to act as an auditor.
Appointment of the Auditor - An auditor of a co-operative society is appointed by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the auditor so appointed conducts the audit on behalf of the Registrar and submits his report to him as also to the society. The audit fees are paid by the society on the basis of statutory scale of fees prescribed by the Registrar, according to the category of the society audited. For example, the audit fees of co-operative credit society and Urban Co-operative Banks are to be calculated with reference to working capital at the prescribed rates. ‘Working Capital’ here means funds at the disposal of the society inclusive of paid up share capital, funds built up out of profits and monies raised by borrowing and by other means.
Books, Accounts and other records of Co-operative Societies - Under section 43(h) of the Co-operative Societies Act, a state government can frame rules prescribing the books and accounts to be kept by a co-operative society.
For example In Maharashtra the co-operative societies are required to maintain cash book, general ledger, personal ledger, stock register, property register, etc. It is very much clear that requirement under State Acts resembles the provisions made under Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956. The books of account required to be maintained in terms of the instructions of the Registrar are in respect of the following:
All sums of money received and expended by the society and the matters in respect of which receipts and expenditure take place.
All sales and purchases of goods by the society also an account of stock-in-hand.
Assets and liabilities of the society. It may be understood that such of the books as are relevant to the nature of the society would be required to be maintained, for example, a credit society cannot be expected to maintain books of account for sale and purchase of goods.
In order to maintain proper financial accounting records so as to disclose full financial results of working of the society, the statutory or mandatory provisions provide a directive, but they are not conclusive. The society is at liberty to maintain such additional records according to its.
Restrictions on shareholdings - According to Section 5 of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, in the case of a society where the liability of a member of the society is limited, no member of a society other than a registered society can hold such portion of the share capital of the society as would exceed a maximum of twenty percent of the total number of shares or of the value of shareholding to Rs. 1,000/-. The auditor of a co-operative society will be concerned with this provision so as to watch any breach relating to holding of shares. One should also watch whether any provision in the bye-laws of the society is not contrary to this statutory position. The State Acts may provide limits as to the shareholding, other than that provided in the Central Act.
Restrictions on loans - A registered society shall not make a loan to any person other than a member. With the special sanction of the Registrar, a registered society may make a loan to another registered society (Section 29).The State Government may further put such restrictions as it thinks fit on the loaning powers of the society to its members or to other societies in the interest of the society concerned and its members.
Restrictions on borrowings - A registered society may accept loans and deposits from its members and others subject to the restrictions and limits of the bye-laws of the society. The auditor will have to examine the bye-laws in this respect (Section 30).
Investment of funds - According to Section 32 of the Central Act the modes of investment of funds of a society may be stated as follows. A society may invest its funds in any one or more of the following:
In the Central or State Co-operative Bank.
In any of the securities specified in Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
In the shares, securities, bonds or debentures of any other society with limited liability.
In any co-operative bank, other than a Central or State co-operative bank, as approved by the Registrar on specified terms and conditions.
In any other moneys permitted by the Central or State Government.
The principal provision relating to the investments of funds of a co-operative society, the Central as well as State Acts does not mention anything about the investment of reserve fund outside the business specifically.
Appropriation of profits - Section 33 of the Central Act states that 25% of the profits should be transferred to Reserve Fund, before distribution as dividends or bonus to members. However, having regard to the financial position of the society, the Registrar may reduce the percentage of transfer, but in any case not less than 10%. Generally in case of newly started salary earners’ credit societies this liberal view is taken.
Contributions to Charitable Purposes - According to Section 34, a registered society may, with the sanction of the Registrar, contribute an amount not exceeding 10% of the net profits remaining after the compulsory transfer to the reserve fund for any charitable purpose as defined in section 2 of the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890.
Investment of Reserve Fund outside the business or utilization as working capital-
Some of the State Acts provide that a society may use the Reserve Fund:
in the business of a society, as working capital (subject to the rules made in this behalf).
may invest as per provisions of the Act.
may be used for some public purposes likely to promote the object of the society. The auditor should ensure strict compliance with the State Act and Rules in this regard.
Contribution to Education Fund - Some of the State Acts provide that every society shall contribute annually towards the Education Fund of the State Federal Society, at the appropriate rate as per the class of the society. Contribution to Education Fund is a charge on profits and not an appropriation.
Apart from statutory provisions relating to Reserve Fund, the auditor may have regard to the provisions in bye-laws and Rules and Regulations of the society regarding the appropriation of profits. Transfers to other reserves, dividends to members etc. are the other appropriations. Appropriations of profits must be approved by the General Body of the society, which is the supreme authority in the co-operative management. Further, it may be noted that necessary accounting entries for the appropriation of profits must be passed after the date of approval by the General Body. Here there is a departure from corporate accounting practice, where entries are passed for proposed appropriations, subject to approval of Annual General Meeting.
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
The DeanBeat: Would politics make video games better?
As I watched my Facebook feed explode about President Donald Trump’s racist comments this week, I couldn’t help but notice that game developers are political creatures, just like everybody else. But if you looked at their games for political messages, you would think that they’re apolitical, concerned only with near-political game environments that don’t take a stand.
This subject flared up ever since Donald Trump was elected as the U.S. president, but his presidential misadventures have not yet inspired a masterful intertwining of art and politics in a video game. Perhaps we should not expect to see that happen because the interests of commerce rule the day. I hope we can overcome those interests because I believe that putting some form of higher meaning into video games is one way to make games as universally recognized as an art as other media.
Ted Price, CEO of Insomniac Games, took a stand against Trump’s Muslim ban in 2016, going so far as making a video expressing his company’s opposition to it. That was admirable. But there wasn’t a ton of contemporary political commentary disguised in a popular game made by Price’s studio, Marvel’s Spider-man.
Spider-man probably wasn’t the right platform for political commentary. We have seen other games come close to dealing with the topics of white nationalism, yet they have fallen short. Ubisoft’s creative leaders say that games like Far Cry 5 (about a religious militia taking over Montana) and The Division 2 (about a secret military organization preventing the fall of Washington, D.C. after a plague) do not make political statements.
Machine Games, the creator of the Wolfenstein series, was surprised to stumble on a political opportunity in its remake of id Software’s classic Wolfenstein games, which take place in an alternate universe where the Nazis won World War II. Much like Amazon’s The Man in the High Castle TV show, the Nazis have overrun America and the Ku Klux Klan is now allied with them to make things worse.
Above: Sophia (left) and Jessica are the daughters of BJ Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein: Youngblood.
Image Credit: Bethesda
But did this storyline — extended with this month’s pending release of the co-op game Wolfenstein: Youngblood — have anything to do with the rise of the alt. right, Ferguson, Gamergate, Trump, Charlottesville, and this week’s events? Not really, said Jerk Gustafsson, executive producer of Wolfenstein: Youngblood at Sweden’s Machine Games, in an interview with GamesBeat.
“We started work on that story in 2014. It was quite a lot of time before the game actually came out, and a lot of things happened in those years. In that game, we wanted to tell the story of B.J. growing up, his childhood,” Gustafsson said. “It was a very dark story, with his abusive father and dark themes in general. And at the same time we wanted to tell a story about what happened if the Nazis won the war and took over the U.S. Since that happened around that time, especially with Charlottesville, it came to a point where we got a lot of, especially with interviews and talking to media — it led to a lot more discussions around the political aspect of it than we anticipated when we set out to do the game. That took us a bit by surprise.”
In other words, Wolfenstein comes close to being a social commentary on Trump’s presidency and the parallels that many liberals see to the Nazi’s in his apparent comfort with white nationalists. But that’s an accident. The prescient storyline was … accidental. Those of us who really liked the parallels were just giving the writers too much credit for boldness.
The same goes for 2016’s Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which depicted a world divided between “natural” humans and “augs,” or people augmented with cybernetic technology. Square Enix said that the similarity of the game’s slogan, “Augs Lives Matters,” was simply an “unfortunate coincidence,”  versus the real world slogan Black Lives Matter, as The New Yorker reported.
Once in a while, we get a game that is overtly political. In 2012, Spec-Ops: The Line acknowledged the horrors of war in a way that video games rarely do. Detroit: Become Human was set in Detroit and it clearly showed how bad it would for humans to create human-like androids and enslave them, as African Americans were once enslaved.
“Am I worried about technology in general? Yes. I’m more worried about human beings than about machines, though. It’s not a coincidence that in Detroit, we made the choice that the good guys are the androids and the bad guys are human,” said David Cage, cofounder of Quantic Dream, creator of Detroit, in an interview.
Above: Spec-Ops: The Line
Image Credit: Yager/2K
Such games are often criticized as too political, and not fun. Many fans, particularly those sympathetic to Gamergate, view the critics who want these games as “social justice warriors,” a pejorative term.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will likely be controversial for the level of realistic violence it depicts, as well as the blurring of the line between soldiers and civilians in modern war. Studio director Taylor Kurosaki declared that the game was “ripped from the headlines” and was created to show “the world we are living in today,” Kurosaki said.
And some games introduce politics accidentally.
Amazon recently showed off New World, a game about the colonization of a new continent. But instead of fighting off native Americans, the colonists — who are the good guys — fight zombie-like creatures. Some critics noted that this sanitization of colonialism’s ugly reality was racist in itself, as it dehumanized the native Americans into beings that were easy to kill.
Above: Zombies in the New World!
Image Credit: Amazon
This takes me back to my days as an English major, when my professors posed questions about whether great works of literature had multiple layers of meaning, like The Wasteland (clearly, T.S. Eliot’s famous poem had those layers). But should they have political layers? Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, about the Salem witch trials, was surely inspired by McCarthyism’s Red Scare. Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle was a condemnation of the capitalist overlords of the meat-packing industry.
Sometimes this added layer of meaning makes us feel like the game is worth studying, and lots of game development programs in colleges are doing just that. That’ probably why The New Yorker and The Guardian wrote about politics in games this year. But does that diminish the fun layer? Or does it hurt the commercial potential of the game?
For sure, publishers are shying away from declaring that games have political intent because they want the game to have the widest potential audience. If only anti-Trump gamers bought Wolfenstein: Youngblood, then that would be a travesty for Bethesda’s bottom line. But this fear ignores another fact: We can outgrow the tropes of video game stories, and some of us want something like HBO. I’ll take a show like Chernobyl over a lot of feel-good television.
Above: Orwell: Ignorance is Strength is the second season in the surveillance game.
Image Credit: Osmotic Studios
I acknowledge that the main object is to make games fun, and I don’t hate video games that are made just to be fun. But I put myself in the camp of social justice warriors. Let those game developers who want to do so express their political views in transparent ways, even if their bosses want to shut them up. I sincerely wish that the crazy politics of Donald Trump would inspire someone to create a beautiful metaphorical treatment that gives us all some clarity about what all of this means.
I wish we could have someone in the game industry emerge, like George Orwell with 1984, or like the antiwar songs that emerged during Vietnam, to show us the way. We have some hope, as one small indie game studio, Osmotic Studios, was inspired to create a PC game called Orwell in 2013 — in the wake of Edward Snowden’s disclosures — about a surveillance society.
But that game hasn’t made as much impact as it might have, and it doesn’t have the kind of big-budget that the largest publishers can throw at a game. I would hate to think that indies are the only ones who can afford to take a stand. But I am grateful that they are there as a counterbalance to the deafening silence from the big game companies.
I believe that I’m raising a lot of questions without many answers here. But I hope to address them in panels that I may be moderating at Devcom in Cologne, Germany, and at Game Daily Connect in Anaheim. I hope you can help me find some answers.
Credit: Source link
The post The DeanBeat: Would politics make video games better? appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/the-deanbeat-would-politics-make-video-games-better/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-deanbeat-would-politics-make-video-games-better
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awesomeblockchain · 6 years
Lawrence Lerner was working to integrate digital payments into our daily lives and build cryptocurrency before there was even such a thing as a cryptocurrency. Lerner pioneered systems to enable digital cash and has been building cashless payment and financial reward systems since the late '80s. His story and journey from software engineer to CEO offers a unique insight into how and why cryptocurrencies evolved into what they are today.
Lerner is currently the CEO of Seattle-based Pithia, part of the RChain Co-op ecosystem, a $170 million fund responsible for investing in innovative projects around the RChain platform and other blockchain-based companies. Recent deals in which Pithia has been involved include a $2.4 million investment in Bellevue, Wash.-based DigitalTown and a $3 million seed round in Seattle startup Trusted Key, led by Founders Co-op.
In an interview with CryptoSlate, a Seattle-based news and research site focused on blockchain and cryptocurrency, Lerner discussed his journey from prolific computer programmer to blockchain business architect, CEO and investor.
Lerner studied at the University of Chicago where he was one of the first to become part of the computer science program. Initially, he studied C++, C, Pascal, and LISP at a time where computer programming was still a largely ignored profession.
Lerner dove head-first into a series of projects that became the backbone of his career building cashless, digital payment systems. He engineered a payment system for Southwest Missouri University that used magnetic strips built into student ID cards, a first of its kind in the United States.
Given that this was the late '80s, Lerner explained, -Today, you wouldn't think twice about a system like this but back then it was cutting edge."
Lerner is right: this was a big deal at the time. This point-of-sale system for debit and credit cards would later be the model for cashless stores in campuses. As strange as it sounds, centralized cashless systems like the one Lerner built were the earliest incarnations of frictionless transactions. Digital payment systems guaranteed by a centralized authority where cash rarely changes hands was a truly foreign technology at the time.
At this time in his professional career, Lawrence came to a few stark realizations about the limitations of cash - it's cumbersome, costly to produce, and slow to distribute.
Finding a way to solve these constraints, especially for third-world countries with limited or no access to banking would offer tremendous benefits and change peoples' lives.
Fast forward a few years later - it's the '90s and Lerner is building Discover's loyalty and merchant programs - the first loyalty-rewards program for a credit card. Credit cards that tracked and rewarded purchases was a revolutionary idea at the time and one that would create billions of revenue for companies in the future.
Many projects in the '90s tried to digitize cash in a more decentralized manner, and all of these projects ultimately failed.
Through his work, Lerner gained a large amount of knowledge and insight working with some of the earliest incarnations of digital currency, including DigiCash, eCash, Mondex, and Veriphone while helping Motorola develop their mobile ecommerce business.
Lerner concluded from these projects that the necessary infrastructure wasn't there, and that these projects were -ahead of their time" - sort of like what the Nintendo Virtual Boy was for virtual reality in the mid-'90s or what the Rio was for MP3 players.
For a digital currency to proliferate into the mainstream, two things were needed according to Lerner:
Coming into the mid-2000s, many of these conditions were in place for a digital currency revolution to occur.
After the 2008 financial crisis, confidence was destroyed in the United States banking system. In its wake, a pseudo-anonymous programmer named Satoshi Nakamoto was spurred into action, and his creation would pave the way for a new way of conducting digital payments.
Lerner read the Bitcoin whitepaper in 2009. During those years, he was working with Cognizant and UST Global and was tasked with building loyalty-reward programs for companies like The New York Times and Safeway.
Lerner's ideas on Bitcoin percolated for two years as the infant cryptocurrency gained momentum.
As interest in the cryptocurrency space grew, so did Lerner's involvement - Lerner became actively involved when Bitcoin was worth just a few dollars. In 2014, Lerner was an adviser for Washington state-based CoinBeyond, one of the first point-of-sale systems using Bitcoin. Lerner's career in tech continued, as he working for enterprise consulting companies
In the mid-'90s, many companies were adding dot-com to their names and seeing their stock prices skyrocket. Similarly, we are now seeing public companies, such as Long Island Ice Tea or Kodak, add -blockchain" and seeing their stocks climb to new highs.
Of course, -blockchain" is not a magical one-tricky pony for all companies and industries; Lerner cautions that -Blockchain is not internet bacon."
As blockchain-based companies began to proliferate and the mainstream began to become aware of the benefits of cryptocurrencies, Lerner recognized that these systems could provide an enormous amount of value to society, stating, -It's like the early days of the internet, blockchain can change things through communication, much like the internet."
Of course, Lerner is not the only prolific figure in technology to believe in the power of decentralized technologies. Many tech thought leaders such as hedge-fund billionaire Mike Novogratz and early Skype investor, Tim Draper, believe now is currently the -Netscape-moment" for cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
Mainstream consciousness is waking up to the benefits of cryptocurrencies similar to how it did when the Netscape web browser allowed many people to access the World Wide Web for the first time. -Blockchain creates value through communication," Lerner says.
This censorship-resistant communication and frictionless transfer of digital assets are set to transform society and how business is transacted. Whether this value is paid out to miners, blockchain developers, or dApp developers, the real value is being built on the blockchain. According to Lerner, -Just mining provides $12 million in revenue a day for Bitcoin ... Permissionless blockchains like Cardano and Hyperledger also provide value ... It's not warm, fuzzy pictures of kittens on websites, Blockchain is creating real value and someone is getting paid for these transactions. It's an internet of value."
In July of 2017, Lerner acted on this mission after he connected with Greg Meredith, President of Seattle-based RChain Cooperative and a former principal architect at Microsoft.
Lerner was sold on an idea of a blockchain that was engineered -correct by construction" in its potential to be a -general-purpose blockchain" that could host a variety of dApps that would cater to different niches and industries, similar to the ultimate goal of Ethereum.
Through the path from engineer to Enterprise Architect to Business Leader to blockchain innovator and executive, Lerner's work has helped build new industries and has created hundreds of millions in revenue for companies. Lerner's role as the CEO of Pithia, a venture capital group that manages $170 million in assets, is the next step in his journey to help build the next-generation of companies seeking to fundamentally transform the technological landscape.
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cbonline-blog1 · 6 years
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Multistate Credit cooperative society software - C.B. Online PVT LTD
Especially For MULTI STATE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES AND BANK Credit Cooperative Society Software. Credit Co-operative Society Software. C. B. online Pvt Ltd  is a complete online solution for Credit Cooperative Societies and Banks which facilitates with an immense numbers of option to make banking easy and simplified.
For more details visit here: http://www.cbonlinepvtltd.com/software/multistate-credit-co-op-society-software.html
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12 Nov 2019: Apps and in-store retail tech improve sales. Renting everything in the city of boxes. What should the tech industry do about climate change?
[Here’s a newsletter that tumblr didn’t let me post last week. Internet life eh.]
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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[Image: Crown and paw]
Sainsbury’s: apps and in-store tech increase sales and margin
Sainsbury’s digital numbers look pretty good:
“Customers who shop with Sainsbury’s through its digital channels spend more than three times as much as those who buy online in-store. The retailer says it aims to bring its full digital business into a single app to make it easier for shoppers to buy across all of its brands and services. Already, it says, 10m customers can access all of its online products through a single log-in. [...] 
Smart scan technology, that customers use to scan and then pay for their shopping, is now available in more than 350 shops. The retailer also introduced Smart Store technology and says that has helped it to remove about 1,000 in-store tasks, saving a million hours of management time, redirected at helping customers and improving availability. It says 2.1m customers are now using the Nectar app, launched as Nectar went digital during the half-year in order to promise more personalised offers. Online grocery sales grew by 7% during the half-year, to account for 8% of grocery sales.”
More digital retailing news:
How a software-based fulfillment platform for online grocery orders impacts profitability - you’ll need to hand over your email address to read this but the takeaways from this US study (?) are that average basket size increases, pick and pack labour costs drop and profit increases, so it’s worth using a dedicated software fulfillment platform for each store at about 70 online orders weekly.
Uncle Ben's uses visual search to directly connect shoppers to food info & recipes - wave your camera at a packet of Uncle Ben’s ready rice and get recipes, meal suggestions and nutritional info etc.
Renting everything in the city of boxes
Last week: 1.5m packages arrive in New York every day, gradually turning the pavements into temporary distribution centres. Instead of warehouses in cities, it’s as if the city is now inside a warehouse.
The only thing you can’t subscribe to now is stability - a very interesting piece about subscription services making everything flexible and fluid (if you rent your wardrobe or furniture you can change it more often). But the costs often disappear into the background, and it reinforces a precarious renter culture. Not that recurring revenue businesses are guaranteed winners:
“Blue Apron, which has had its subscription meal kits copied by numerous competitors, had more than a million subscribers in early 2017; by 2018, that number had dropped to fewer than 800,000.”
What a tour of an Amazon Fulfillment Center reveals:
“The unnerving truth is that facelessness and placenessness are part of the value Amazon offers. Amazon culture is anonymity culture: anonymous objects ordered through an anonymous interface from anonymous sellers, funnelled, sorted, shipped, and delivered by workers who are often unseen. Even the company’s brick-and-mortar Amazon Go markets, which sell prepared foods and snacks, are designed to minimize interpersonal interaction by eliminating things like visible food production and checkout registers.” 
What would a large online retailer look like that made its staff visible, and celebrated them?
What should the tech industry do about climate change?
To fix Climate Change, stop being a techie and start being a human - when people in tech want to help with climate change, the answer is hardly ever make a website. Tech is often unaware of its own carbon footprint:
“Data Centres emit approximately 2% of global Greenhouse Gases (GHG) through electricity and energy demand. [...] Data Centres are roughly equivalent to the whole aviation industry in terms of global impact on Climate Change.”
Alarmingly for the tech industry, the answer might fewer websites or less tech. Or it might be on Drawdown’s list.
Related: Google workers call on company to adopt aggressive climate plan.
Health data and systems
Learning from building an electronic health record: a journey through data - long read from a neurologist/programmer about data and clinical practice. The bits that jump out are the importance of data/software and software capability, the value of small/fast/adaptable approaches, and “not single applications giving views of different data (like we have now) but multiple applications giving views of the same data”.
Artificial Intelligence in the NHS: 
“Artificially Intelligent Systems can carry out or augment health and care tasks that have until now been completed by humans, or have not been possible previously. AI presents significant opportunities for saving money, improving care, and saving lives.”
NHSX is currently looking for two patient advisors.
Apple and gender bias
Some people suspect Apple is showing some gender bias when evaluating men and women for credit limits on their new credit card. Apple and Goldman Sachs (their banking partner) say gender isn’t a factor, but don’t say which factors *do* contribute to the lower credit limits that they offered women. 
Some of that opacity will be customer service staff having no visibility of The System’s decisions - they have no choice but to say “computer says no”. And some of it will be that credit systems are creaky spaghetti with errors and long-existing biases. (And, if they’re using machine learning systems to make credit decisions, it’s possible that *no-one* knows. You might not know how your AI black box makes decisions because the whole point of using machine learning is when you’re not sure which data is going to be relevant.)
Related: many interesting things to read about (the long history of) algorithmic bias in this thread on Twitter.
Self-driving safety
A self-driving Uber car that killed a pedestrian in 2018 “wasn’t programmed” to look for pedestrians other than at crossings. This seems a Bad Thing doesn’t it?: a car that partially self-drives should look *everywhere* for soft, delicate humans.
Some Bloomberg research found that 28% of Tesla Model 3 owners said Autopilot had saved them from a dangerous situation, while 13% said the feature had put them in one. So we know that Autopilot makes Tesla owners feel safer, ish. But the owners probably aren’t the ones who could get hit by a Tesla! They should survey people that aren’t owners of Teslas, like other drivers, or people that take public transport, or... pedestrians.
How someone perceives safety is not the same as actual safety, so it would be better to have stats on the actual safety. Tesla says its cars are safer than human drivers, and maybe that’s correct. But another thing about perception is that society probably won’t be comfortable widely adopting self-driving vehicles until they feel (and The Safety People prove) the cars are 10 times safer: 73% of respondents to an SAE International survey “preferred to share control with their vehicle, the survey found [...] Consumers are generally enthusiastic about self-driving cars, SAE says, but expect them to be a safer experience than human-driven cars.”
Other news
Google's Paper Phone is an experiment in digital detox - “The whole premise should be absolutely insufferable. Instead, it’s a surprisingly convincing demonstration of how well the information we all feel that we need our phone to access can so easily be decoupled from the addiction-device.”
How algorithms influence British politics.
People are just now receiving delayed texts from February - happy valentines day!
“The chat app you can only use when you have less than 5% battery.”
Previous newsletters:
Most opened newsletter in the last month: Uber buys grocery delivery co. Most clicked story: Workshop Tactics kit.
News 1 year ago: Convenience stores as coffee shops, and free coffee shops (pay with your data).
News 2 years ago: All the way to your fridge.
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shreecom · 5 months
Employee’s Co-Operative Credit Societies about Working Structure
Employees' cooperative credit society is beneficial to salaried employees in any organization. Which can be created by most of the Government, public and private organizations. It is the voluntary association of permanent salary earners together for common economic needs and help without any profit motive. Mainly it is the type of non-agricultural credit co-operative society. The department of this societies which have to control the financial transactions by investigating the technicalities dictated by the cooperative department. It is registered to provide loans to employees at the local organizational level and a reasonable rate of interest. These societies have to work under highly competitive situations under the trends of globalization, liberalization, and privatization. These help to benefit of employees who get regular monthly salaries. Banks cannot sanction the loan without any mortgage.
Objective and research methodology: - The objective of this society is to understand the analytical outline of the controlling structure which have to regulate the employee cooperative credit society in Maharashtra.
Working structure: - The employee's co-operative credit society is to be organized into short-term and long-term structures. The short-term structure is to be based on a three-tier structure, expected by the state in the northeast region. The second tier is District Central Co-Operative Banks are to be organized at the district level. And the third and uppermost tier is the State Co-Operative Banks state level. The state co-operative credit society banks, in turn, advance loans to the co-operative credit bank to augment their capacity and to provide loans to the employees at the local organizational level of employee’s co-operative credit society.
Regulatory framework and employee co-operative credit society in Maharashtra: - regulatory framework is necessary for any financial institution the main aim of the regulation is to safeguard the interest of a large number of shareholders and depositors and to ensure the proper functioning of the financial institution which is part and parcel of the financial system. The Employee's Co-operative Credit Society plays an important role by providing financial help to the laborers, workers, and employees.
Registration U/S-4 to 8:- Such a Society must be registered under the MSC Act. This society is to be considered at least 10 persons who are qualified members under this Act.
Norms of membership: - The person is to be a permanent employee of the respective employer and should fulfill eligibility norms.
Restrictions on Shareholding Sec, 28: - The members can hold shares not exceeding 20% of the paid share capital.
Restrictions on Borrowings U/S- 43, Rules 35 to 38: - The Society shall receive the deposit from the members and disburse the loans to members.
Deduction from Salary to meet society claim in certain cases U/s-49:-  If the employer at any time fails to deduct the amount specified in the requisition from the salary or wages payable to the concerned or makes default in remitting the amount deducted to the society, the employer shall be personally liable for the amount, and if the employer has made the deductions but the amount so deducted is not remitted to the society then such amount together with interest thereon at 1.5% rate of interest charged by the society to the member for the period commencing on the date on which the amount has to be paid to the society.
Reserved Fund U/s-66, Rules 54: - Every society can derive a profit from its transaction; however, it has to maintain the reserve fund.
 Restrictions on declaration of dividend U/s-67:- The society shall pay a dividend at a rate exceeding 15% except to the prior sanction of the registrar of society.
The loan limit and Installments: - The loan and Installments are fixed as per the bye-laws of the employee credit society.
Investment of funds section-70: - A society shall invest or deposit its funds in one or more, In a Central District Bank or State Cooperative Bank.
For such type of co-operative credit society, you will get it at Google.
Start a google search for employee Co-Operative Credit Society Software near me you will get the ShreeCom InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. Pune.
Also, they offer Co-op credit society software, pat sanstha software, pat pedhi software, Retail banking software, Employees co-op credit society software, salary earners society software, Multi-state co-op credit society software, Banking software, and Core banking software.Cooperative credit society software in Marathi Pune.
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