#Agua Dulce
nearlydark · 4 months
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Out hiking. Maybe you recognize this rock 👽
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soulmusicsongs · 7 months
Agua Dulce - Cal Tjader (Agua Dulce, 1971)
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ulisesbarreiro · 3 months
El 22 de marzo se hace la jornada mundial para concientización del cuidado del Agua
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Sumate a esta cruzada crucial para la existencia de la vida en el planeta tierra.
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magicaguajiro · 29 days
I have a question? Let’s say if a Cuban spiritualist was from Pinar del Rio and they have indigenous ancestry however sources say the Ciboney Taino inhabited Pinar del Rio and other sources say the Guanahatabey inhabited Pinar del Rio and other sources say both inhabited land, then which source should that person trust? And do we have information on the Guanahatabey spirituality?
Hey! This will be a long answer about Indigenous Caribbean Identity so check below the cut for more!🌺🌴🐠🦜🌀🦩🥭🍋‍🟩🥥
This is a complex question. I would say the biggest thing to remember is that the term “Taíno” is an umbrella term to reference many different ethnicities of Arawak-Speaking Indigenous Caribbeans. There were many types of Taíno people, including Timucua and Tequesta in Florida, Lucayo in the Bahamas, Ciguayo in Kiskeya and Igneri in Boriken.
As for the term Ciboney, some say it was a separate tribe but the general consensus is that they were a Taíno ethnicity with a separate but mutually intelligible language. They were connected culturally to groups from Jamaica, Florida, Bahamas and modern day Haiti, where as Taínos of the eastern Caribbean were closer in culture. They also had language connections to the Macorix and Guanahatabeys being Waroid languages, aka where we get the term Guajiro. So the Ciboney are a Taino-Arawak group that had ancestrally mixed with the Waroid Guanahatabeys but still maintained moslty Taíno culture.
There were also many other groups who weren’t Taíno. The most well known is the Kalinago, but the Guanahatabey is one from Cuba that is also known to actually have been in Cuba BEFORE the Taínos got there. They had a culture very similar to the Calusa of Southwest Florida. And this is all pre-Colonization, so these groups were already interacting and moving around for thousands of years.
Then with colonization, many Native groups were transported to other places, and in Cuba specifically we have Taíno migrations from the East to the West very early on. We also have Natives from Florida and Mayans from Mexico, and more natives being brought in to cuba and intermarrying with other ethnic groups. These migrations all affected indigenous communities and led to alot of cultural exchange and mixture, as well as loss.
As for Indigenous Cuban Identity, I claim Taíno or Ciboney Taíno because after colonization any remaining Guanahatabeys were assimilated to Taíno Cimarron (maroon/runaway) groups. I consider Guanahatabeys part of my ancestors but I choose to identify as Taíno or simply Indigenous Caribbean. My family all identify as Guajiros, as do I, which is more a lifestyle but definitely has ties to the Classic Taino, Ciboney and Guanahatabey traditions passed down.
As for trusting sources, I would say read EVERYTHING with a grain of salt. Academics often lack cultural nuance and understanding, which can mean alot of their inferences are flat out wrong so try to stick with confirmed info. It is confirmed the Tainos and Guanahatabeys and Ciboneys all moved around and lived in the same parts of the Island at the same time and separately. As for non-academic sources, just be aware that much of what is passed off as Taino or Indigenous Caribbean culture is actually just Pan-Indigenous or straight up a different culture.
Trust yourself, use your intuition and discernment and always be committed to improving and striving for a culturally authentic, fulfilling and respectful practice that is well rounded in both Spirituality and Community! Whether that is with a yukayeke, with the Indigenous tribes you live near locally or with your own indigenous family and friends! So many Yukayekes in the Modern Taíno community try to claim superiority or that they have all the secrets knowledge and the only correct beliefs. You should be weary of anyone trying to restrict you when their own elders often are reconnecting or were just scholars before becoming pop-up Caciques.
If you go to the Cuban version of Wikipedia, when it is active, you can find better information on the Guanahatabey and Ciboney than on American wiki. Try researching the terms ‘Guayabo Blanco’ and ‘Cayo Redondo’ for information on Ciboney culture and beliefs, and how even within this sub-group there were MORE sub-groups. As the Guanahatabeys were not a ceramic culture, we have very little info on them academically. Try researching Calusa beliefs as they had similar environments and were connected through trade routes.
If you have any more questions I would love to answer them but you should ask them on insta or in chat so I can link easier and answer in more depth!!
My asks are always open still tho :)
Luz y progreso
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emvisual · 1 year
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Si esto no os da miedo entonces  no hay nada que os lo dé. Es la representación de todo el agua que existe en el planeta (la esfera grande) y las otras dos son el agua dulce y el agua de los ríos y lagos.
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katir123 · 2 years
Free Abortion Rx is a public health meets creative campaign, started in 2015 by a small but mighty team of veteran public health advocates, researchers, social justice activists and digital strategists.
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crazynewsnmemes · 3 months
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Texas high school teacher, 24, accused of having sex with up to TWELVE boys after buying them vapes and booze, is arrested after her own mother turns her in to police
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conandaily2022 · 3 months
Bond of Agua Dulce, Texas teacher Jaden Charles set at $200k
Jaden Renee Charles, 24, of Alice, Texas, United States is 5’4″ tall. She weighs 220 pounds. In 2021, Charles graduated from Texas A&M University-Kingsville in Kingsville, Texas. That year, she allegedly bought 12 underage boys vaping accessories, got them intoxicated and then had sex with them.  In September 2023, Charles started teaching science at a high school in Agua Dulce, Texas. On…
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pcttrailsidereader · 8 months
Going to Heaven
I am one of the fortunate ones. I have been to heaven...Hiker Heaven. In 2018 I arrived there as I was walking in my attempt to connect the dots to complete the Pacific Crest Trail. I was accompanied by my co-editor and long time hiking partner Rees Hughes. Rees had been to Hiker Heaven before so in a way he was my 'spiritual guide' once we arrived. I have to say that visiting Hiker Heaven was and remains a highlight of my many years hiking the PCT.
Hiker Heaven was hosted by Donna and Jeff Saufley. Together they established a place where a hiker could do their laundry, find a computer, take a shower, pick up a resupply box, and even catch a ride into Agua Dulce for a meal or a re-supply at the small grocery. You could even get a ride back to 'heaven'. Hiker camaraderie was infectious. People were connecting and reconnecting with people they had encountered prior to arriving at Hiker Heaven. In the evening lively conversations could be heard emanating from circles all over Hiker Heaven.
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Hiker Heaven was a place created by angels. Jeff and Donna set the standard for what a Trail Angel could be and became to be known for on the PCT. The Saufley's were widely acclaimed by the PCT community for their hospitality and organization. Walking in you were greeted warmly by one of the 'angels' who helped staff the place. Clean clothes were available to change into while your clothes were being laundered. Further directions and expectations were shared and you were in. When I was there I pinched myself and wondered if I was dreaming. Happily it was very real.
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Entering Hiker Heaven
Hiker Heaven closed a few years ago. It was sad to hear that news as Hiker Heaven held a very positive place in the hearts and minds of the PCT community. The passing of Donna Saufley on October 6 after a long and difficult battle with cancer came with much sadness. Donna had been a long distance hiker, was a former PCTA board member, and  a notable volunteer. Over the years, Donna and Jeff hosted countless PCT hikers. When Hiker Heaven closed a distinct practical and emotional void opened up on the PCT. A significant chapter in PCT history came to a close. Donna, whose trail name was L-Rod (short for Lightning Rod) will be missed by all who met her or simply stayed at Hiker Heaven. There are a lot of us.
I did not meet Donna or Jeff when I was there. They were away but their spirit permeated the place. The staff emulated the Saufley's vision and upheld the standards Donna and Jeff had established over the years at Hiker Heaven. I regret not meeting the Saufley's but I will never regret spending a short time there. For now, there is no replacement.
Donna has moved on to a new Hiker Heaven. I hope it is up to her standards.
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encontrasteveracruz · 9 months
Zenyazen afirmó: seguirá trabajando por Veracruz y la educación hasta el último minuto que esté frente a la SEV
#EnContrasteVeracruz #SEV #ZenyazenEscobar Resaltó los avances significativos en el gobierno de la 4T. Agua Dulce, Ver.- El secretario de Educación en Veracruz, Zenyazen Escobar García, dijo que, desde hace casi cinco años que llegó para hacerse cargo de la Secretaría, acostumbra a recorrer el territorio para atender las necesidades, y continuará trabajando porque está para servir a Veracruz y…
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soulmusicsongs · 10 months
Gimme Shelter - Cal Tjader (Agua Dulce, 1971)
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angelsaxis · 2 years
jupe's been chasing the fame he got from the Gordy Show despite the absolute tragedy it ended in. he's made it his life's goal to profit off spectacle even if he can't speak directly about the trauma that's foundational to both that event and his current behavior (notice he talks about the SNL sketch about the gordy show rather than the gordy show incident itself). he's tried to recreate what he could from the gordy show--he was an asian kid (in the show) with a white (im assuming) adoptive family and he's gone on to marry a white woman. the one member of the cast that was untouched and possibly even spared violence. he thought he'd be safe from the alien the same way he was "safe" from gordy.
and look at how he drags other people into it, too. he has the memorbilia room and charges people to look at it. he has the shoe. he's brought his former co star and first crush along with countless other people to witness This Great Spectacle. He even involved horses. Spectacle is at the center of Nope the same way its at the center of modern life, and in both real life and this movie, people forget that chasing that fame and chasing/trying to profit from that spectacle causes real harm to people who may not be directly involved.
contrast him with OJ--even for his initial attempts with Em and Angel to get that "Oprah" moment, one of the first scenes he's in is him trying to shy away from everyone. he won't make eye contact, he's not forward or bold and he's physically turned away from everyone. he has nothing to show off (he's not praising the horse or talking up the ranch, he's just there to do his job and leave) but he's mindful of how the current center of attention (the horse) can turn into a real danger when too many people flock to it (don't look it in the eye, keep that thing out of its eye, they're territorial, stay away from the back of the horse). obviously em comes in and tries to draw attention anyways, but that contrast between Jupe and OJ is still there.
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gwaha · 7 months
no te asustes todavia que milei esta agarrado de las bolas de macri y su gente, no puede haecr lo que quiere. lo de la portacion de armas lo veo muy dificil
hay muchas razones para tener miedo al gobierno de milei 🥹 ojalá ojalá ojalá no pueda cumplir con ninguna de sus propuestas y ojalá que se encuentre con todas las trabas y paredes del mundo, pero no creo que al fin y al cabo macri difiera mucho de sus ideas + igual como todos los de derecha los dos le chupan la pija a los presidentes de eeuu y les entregan el país con moño
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
Me encanta ser pobre porque me criaron como pobre cuando era bastante rico (nunca rico pero dale wacho vivía en Palermo y mi vieja lloraba que no teníamos para comer déjate de joder) pero tengo ciertas cositas de cheto que me quedaron como mi gusto por vino puro. Me estoy chupando un vino en caja ahora y me puse a describir el sabor como catador a mi viejo. Parcialmente culpo al autismo también pero eso es secundario déjenme flashearla de cheto que alguna vez tomó Malbec en su casa con balcón y terraza.
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sweetsweethate · 7 days
Mmm tostadas con manteca
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trabandovidas · 8 months
Dulce o truco
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Si digo dulce me das vos el chocolate?? 🥹🥹🥹
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