#Agustin Loser
multifandomboii · 2 years
My newest obsession:
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Them, aka the best boys (another win for them today! 🔥)
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circleforyou · 1 year
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Argentina vs Canada : 3-1
Agustin Loser 25 años ( Central / MB)
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zaytsev · 1 year
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Best captain out there 🫶
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Hi uhhhh- here are my headcanons for the full names of characters who’s names aren’t revealed (with some special cases)
Amazing Rope Guy
Name : Will Fated
Reason: It’s a play on words for the term “Ill-fated,” which is used to describe someone who’s unlucky (which I think is pretty accurate to ARG)
Big Left Hand Guy
Name: Grant Allard
Reason: I didn’t have a strong idea for him, but I focused on names meaning ‘Strong’ and ‘Large’
Captain Tangent
Name: Tatum Jabber
Reason: When making the swap AU (that I’ve not finished, woops lol), I gave Tangent the name Tatum, which kinda stuck for me. His last name comes from the word ‘Jabberer,’ which is a way to say someone is a chatterbox.
Name: Eileen Rucker
Reason: I explained in another post that Rucker is a German name that means Greedy.
Name: William Best
Reason: I’ve been sold on the whole ‘Invisi-Bill is an estranged Best’ theory, but it’s not a massive part of my AU. I also headcanon he’s a trans man, his dead name was Winifred.
Name: Leslie Lohanson
Reason: This is her last name in the fanfic on ao3 “AlgoRhythm” and I really liked it
Miss Power
Name: Nyoka Power
Reason: This name is also from the swap AU, and Nyoka means snake.
Ms Question
Name: Quincy Query
Reason: Once again, Quincy is from the Swap AU. A query is a type of question
Name: Apollo Brinley
Reason (lol): So ngl, Apollo came up as an option for names meaning wise or reasonable and I thought it lowkey fit. Since Rhyme is ice themed, I always imagines reason being Lava themed instead. Brinley relates to fire.
Name: Bellatrix Caldwell
Reason: Excuse the unintentional Harry Potter reference (fuck you J.K Rowling), but the name Bellatrix relates to someone high energy and spontaneous, but she’d probably just go by ‘Bella.’ The name Caldwell relates to the cold
The Butcher
Name: Ethan ‘Butch’ Armstrong
Reason: Once again, Ethan is from the swap au (I’ve really gotta finish that thing), and Armstrong just fits him idk-
The Coach
Name: Maverick Hendrix
Reason: Maverick is from the AU. Speaking of aus, in my personal AU (NOT THE SWAP AU), The Coach was actually a highly successful musician before he became a life coach, so his last name is a reference to Jimi Hendrix.
The Learnerer
Name : Alfred York
Reason: his first name is a reference to his voice actor, and since Weird Al is from California, The Learnerers last name is just another place in America (ok I know York is England but shush AMERICA RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅)
The Whammer
Name: Wayne Donson
Reason: his name is literally just a parody of Dwayne The Rock Johnson, because of my headcanon that The Whammer is from a wrestling family.
Ok, now onto the special cases:
Guy Rich
This isn’t actually about Guy, but his brother who wasn’t given a name. I mentioned in a different post that his name is Duke.
Yes I’m talking about this loser again. I know he technically has a full name, but I’ve always been bothered by the fact that his brothers have different last names. I know it’s a possibility that they’re all half brothers, but I’m not satisfied with that, so I’m giving them long ass legal names.
Seymour ‘Sydney’ Orlando Kempel Von Dumor ‘Smoothe’ (So two headcanons here. Seymour is gender fluid, and while he doesn’t have a consistent female name that people use, if he was born female his name would’ve been Sydney, so that’s just what his brothers call him. The other headcanon is that Smoothe isn’t part of his legal name, it’s just a stagename.)
Agustin ‘Chip’ Mateo Kempel Von Dumor Jr. (Chip is a name that can be used as ‘Junior,’ and he’s named after his dad)
Harold ‘Harry’ Jacob Kempel Von Dumor (All I’ve gotta say for this guy is that I headcanon these guys are from a fictional equivalent of New York City, and apparently Jacob is a New Yorker name so-)
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phoenixlionme · 2 years
Encanto: Madrigal Family Relationship Analysis Part 2 - Agustin and Luisa
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They didn’t get a lot on interactions with each other, but the fandom has collectively agreed that Luisa is a daddy’s girl. And I also agree. Look at that above pic! Not only are they similar in dorkiness but of all his daughters, Luisa most looks like him. And if you watch carefully at the family dinner scene, Agustin immediately becomes concerned for his daughter when he sees her cry. And after said dinner scene, he rushes to comfort her when she runs out crying and calling herself a loser. I imagine that they both have a habit of spending time together similar to the above picture. She may be the strongest woman in the world but he still sees her as one of his baby girls.
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Pepa vs Bruno
Pepa wins all rounds
Bruno walked over to the courtyard in the front of the high school to meet up with his sisters after school with several limps. Julieta noticed him limping over to her and Pepa and holding onto the side of his hip. The girls held onto their younger brother once he came by them and hugged him.
“Brunito; what happened? You look like you just got out of a wrestling match!” Julieta said as she dug through her backpack for an emergency arepa.
“I got into another fight with Pepa in the hallway and she ended up punching me right in the stomach and kicking me between my legs so now I can barely walk.”
Julieta slowly looked at her sister with a menacing glare. “Look! The fight started when Bruno attempted to convince me he was better than me at SOMETHING, but he knows that’s not true! I mean, look at him!”
“All of this started because she punched Rafael after he pushed Agustin and me against the wall and made our mouths bleed!”
“And you didn’t bother giving them the emergency arepas I packed for both of you?”
“I did; it’s just when they came out Bruno decided to come up to me and tell me that he would have taken Rafael out himself if he had the chance to.”
“And she decided to punch me in the stomach and kick me in the balls, and then said ‘talk to me when you stop acting delusional’.”
Julieta took a deep breath to keep her composure. Everything between her two younger siblings always had to end in violence, but it was never this bad before. She found one last emergency arepa in her bag and gave it to Bruno. Pepa rolled her eyes and glared at Bruno and he glared back at her.
“I’m sure there’s something I can beat you in!” Bruno said as he stuck his tongue out at Pepa.
“You’re absolutely insane! You’re lucky I didn’t cheat and electrocute you!” Pepa barked as she stuck her tongue out back.
“How about we walk back home and we can just do our homework together and not worry about that?” Julieta suggested. Pepa and Bruno rolled their eyes again and walked back home with Julieta without saying a word to each other.
The triplets got home to see their mother in the kitchen getting started on dinner. They made their way to Casita’s courtyard to get their books out to start their homework. Julieta made her way between Pepa and Bruno in hopes they would not start another fight or bring up the one they were just in earlier that day.
“I really could have taken out Rafael if I was given the chance! You’re just still in denial of the fact that I can do all the same things you can!”
“Last week he picked you up and bent you like a twig! And you saw me take him out today! I could murder you in anything if I was given the chance!”
Julieta slammed her books down and rubbed the temples of her head. “Can we just let this go already?”
“How about I challenge you to several games, and the loser has to do the dishes for the next month!” Bruno said, ignoring Julieta.
“Sounds like a deal! I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you have to get stuck with all the dishes with no help for the next month!”
“NO! It’s not a deal! It’s pretty stupid that you’re fighting over this in the first place!” Julieta yelled in hopes to break it up.
Pepa and Bruno did not listen to a word their sister said. Both siblings stood up from their homework spots to stare directly at each other. 
“There’s only one big rule we have to follow. No cheating by using our gifts to our advantage,” Bruno stated before they shook hands to make the deal official and looked straight at Julieta.
“And Julieta can be our scorekeeper!” Pepa suggested.
“No, I’m not getting involved in this in any way, shape, or form! Have fun with your little competition, but I’m not in!”
“Alrighty then; I guess we can call it off now and have you do the dishes for the next month with absolutely no help from either of us. That sounds like fun, doesn’t it, hermana?” Bruno said sarcastically.
Julieta tried her hardest not to give in. Pepa and Bruno have been fighting with each other since they learned how to walk and talk, and the last thing Julieta wanted to do was enable their behavior. At the same time, having to do the dishes by herself for an entire month was not something she wanted to risk. Doing the dishes in the Madrigal household was a three-person job nowadays, since the triplets are now at the age where they are eating absolutely everything they could possibly get their hands on. Because of that, all three triplets had to do the dishes together every night in order for the kitchen to be clean every day.
“Fine! I’ll be your scorekeeper! But both of you will owe me after this!”
“Then it’s a deal! We’ll start easy; a round of futbol.” Pepa started.
“I am pretty good at futbol, so let’s go!” Bruno replied.
The triplets made their way to Casita’s backyard and Julieta grabbed a futbol from the shed. Casita turned the backyard into a futbol field, with goals at both ends. Julieta put the ball in the middle of the field and gave Pepa and Bruno the okay to start the game. The game started and the two younger triplets gave it their all for just the first round. Julieta knew Pepa and Bruno were competitive with each other before, but it was never as bad as it was at that moment. They were willing to break each other’s legs for this.
It was not long before Pepa scored the first goal. Julieta wrote one tally mark on her white board underneath Pepa’s name. Pepa smirked at her brother and did her victory dance as he stared at her with annoyance.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready yet!”
“What do you mean you weren’t ready? Julieta gave the okay to start and you were in position!”
“Stop arguing! We need to start the next round!” Julieta interrupted as she picked up the futbol and put it back in the middle of the field.
Pepa and Bruno made their way back to their starting positions to start the next round. Julieta gave them the okay to start and Pepa and Bruno began to run to the ball. Pepa immediately kicked the ball before Bruno could set his foot on it. She pushed him out of the way to score the next goal. Julieta updated the score on the white board.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Bruno yelled as he kicked the grass and sat on the ground, already feeling defeated.
“Have you given up yet?” Pepa jeered.
“No! It’s only two nothing! We still have a whole game and many others to go!”
“Alrighty then, hermanito. Let’s go.”
The futbol game continued for a half hour. Pepa scored goal after goal after goal before Julieta called off the game. She revealed the final score to reveal Pepa won ten to nothing. She jeered again in Bruno’s face before he pushed her to the ground.
“We still have more games to play before it’s over! You only won one game!” Bruno yelled before Pepa got up.
“Good luck. This was the easiest game in the set,” Pepa replied.
“I’m still confident I’ll win something. Give me your hardest.”
The triplets made their way back inside Casita as it turned the futbol field back into the backyard. Bruno was so desperate to prove he could beat Pepa in something that he suggested as many games as he could.
Pepa and Bruno played game after game after game; Chess, Capture the Flag, a one on one Tug of War, you name it. Every single one Pepa won with ease. Bruno was beginning to feel tired and defeated; he realized there was nothing he could beat Pepa in at that point. 
“OKAY!! I give up, Pepa! You win. Truce?” Bruno cried.
Pepa rolled her eyes and laughed before reaching her hand out to her brother. “Truce, hermanito.” And the siblings shook hands. Julieta exhaled deeply in relief as she and her younger siblings made their way back to the courtyard.
“I guess I’m doing the dishes for a whole month.”
“It’s okay, Bruno; I’ll help you with the dishes on a couple nights if you ever feel too overwhelmed,” Julieta agreed.
“That wasn’t part of the bet, Juli!” Pepa interrupted.
“I was never part of the bet in the first place!”
Pepa rolled her eyes and exhaled. “Fine; you can help him, but only when he’s feeling super overwhelmed.”
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lightning-kachow · 11 months
Just Me Against the Sky | Self Para
Date: October 2023 Featuring: Lightning, Dusty Warnings: Lightning McQueen's midlife crisis, bad parenting
Lightning takes a small step. And then another
Eventually, Lightning did call Dusty back. It wasn’t as glamorous or triumphant as it would have been in a sports movie. Lightning didn’t slam the phone down and announce “I quit!” as a Bruce Springsteen song hit its crescendo in the background and the sun rose over the trees. He just told Dusty that maybe he was right— maybe it was time to take a temporary step back from the circuit, to focus on his personal life.
Dusty said he understood. He sounded, maybe, a little annoyed that it had taken Lightning so long to get back to him— but the fact that he hadn’t dogged Lightning for a callback over the past few weeks signaled to the athlete that this had never been that serious for Dusty. At least, it wasn’t anymore.
When he got off the call, Lightning once again expected everything to be very cinematic. He expected the headlines to roll in: MCQUEEN QUITS! “TEMPORARY STEP BACK” = THE KISS OF DEATH? WHAT HAPPENED TO LIGHTNING MCQUEEN’S CAREER: A RETROSPECTIVE. But instead it was just Lightning, and his blank-screened phone, and his empty apartment. 
And now that nobody had reacted, Lightning realized he didn’t have anyone to tell if he wanted to. Mack, Harv, the rest of the team— they’d have too many questions. What did it mean for their jobs, what did it mean for his career, did this mean he was really giving up? And Lightning didn’t know the answers yet. He’d answer their questions when this came up at the team meeting.
He could tell Agustin, but he felt that he’d bothered Agustin with his problems enough lately. He couldn’t tell Cass who was practically a stranger, or even Gen, who was worlds away from being a parent. He definitely couldn’t tell Cruz, who wasn’t speaking to him. Maybe he could tell Doc… Lightning really considered that one. But instead he got stuck on that sobering realization: he really didn’t have many people in his life.
For someone who’d been so scared of being all alone, he’d really done it to himself anyway, hadn’t he? What a depressing paradox. You try so hard to be everyone’s hero that you wind up a total loser.
Well, the whole point of this was supposed to be changing that. Starting with setting things right with Dusty. Lightning had thought that doing so would make everything else fall into place, but now that Lightning had done it, he still felt pretty lost.
He wandered over to his kitchen and absently started making a smoothie. Berries, greens, that collagen mix Lightning used to tell Cruz about— he thought of her again as he shook some into the blender. Everything seemed to remind him of her these days, and Lightning was starting to realize that was the pain of caring about someone. You still cared about them, even when you were far away (even if not physically so). 
That was it, wasn’t it? His next step. He had to get through to Cruz. And he couldn’t force it, just as Agustin had advised him not to. He had to listen to her. And he had to back off if she told him to. 
You can’t force her to forgive you. And hounding her, begging her, that’s guilt tripping and isn’t right. But apologize, sincerely. Let her decide what to do with it and accept her decision.
Apologize. Sincerely.
Lightning had never been sincere a day in his life. Or maybe he had, he’d just been so scared of it, he hadn’t let himself really feel it. But maybe it wasn’t too late to start. This was important. And sometimes important things were hard. 
…Maybe he could build up to it, though. Prove himself in other ways first. That way, when he asked for Cruz’s forgiveness, maybe he’d finally feel like he had earned it.
He put down his phone and pressed “blend,” and his eyes wandered to a Magick Grand Prix magazine he’d left open on the countertop. There was an article about youth programs needing more support, not just coaches and manpower, but monetary support, equipment, the kind of stuff that you just couldn’t get unless you had funding, and funding could be scarce.
He thought about how hard Cruz worked to try and get her program funding. And he had the beginning of an idea.
It wouldn’t solve everything. But maybe it could be the beginning. 
He just hoped it wasn’t too late.
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tvradiomiami · 10 months
#TVRM  Agustin Rangugni, director de TVRadioMiami y RadioMiami.,US, dialoga con  Claudio Loser (ex FMI) y Alejandro Tagliavini (Center on Global Prosperity.https://youtu.be/pfLctapYKlc https://youtu.be/pfLctapYKlc
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stateofsport211 · 1 year
US Open MS Q3: Know Your Qualifiers (1/2)
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Illustration of the US Open qualifying weeks (📸 US Open official website)
After being rain-delay-ridden in the past two days, including what was supposed to be the fourth qualifying day, the third qualifying rounds only kicked off in the last timeslot of that day (throughout the late afternoon-evening), with 7 men's singles final qualifying matches playing almost simultaneously, pulling a Roland Garros splitting the 16 matches into 2 days due to the weather forecast (which turned out to be true, with some second-round matches being delayed twice, so did the start of the day). Several matches notably started earlier but finished later due to their dynamics, which will be summarized below (as they qualified).
The first part of the final qualifying rounds had several names in the spotlight, such as but not limited to fourth seed Taro Daniel, who qualified comfortably in a dominant showing with his current form, 22nd seed and NextGen Dominic Stricker, who previously also qualified to the Wimbledon Championships and was a lucky loser in Roland Garros, which turned out to be a rematch but in a different surface against Thiago Agustin Tirante, and Aidan Mayo, who even stunned Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard while minding his past ITF successes in the past month.
The shorter Twitter/X thread of the qualifiers can be found here.
Section 4: Taro Daniel d. Francisco Comesana 6-1, 6-4
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Taro Daniel's point to break 2-0, 1st set (📸 Eurosport)
Francisco Comesana, who did not play in a hard-court event this season before an impromptu move to indoor hard courts in the Liberec Challenger due to continuous rain, where he was the eventual champion, stunned Jozef Kovalik and Federico Gaio, having to dig deep for the latter, thanks to his adjustable controlled aggression. An interesting return depth challenge awaits in fourth seed Taro Daniel, who currently has an 18-10 win-loss record in the hard courts, with some notable results of reaching the third rounds of Indian Wells and Miami M1000s as a qualifier.
T. Daniel dominantly started the first set by smashing his way right after a forehand down-the-line finishing attempt to break 2-0 before he consolidated to 3-0 right after. However, Comesana lost control and went erratic, which explained the first set breadstick (6-1). Comesana successfully averted the second set bakery once he held his service game 2-2, and T. Daniel once again passed Comesana from his forehand side to open the path, followed by a forehand return ace before he broke to 3-2 at the expense of Comesana’s double fault. Consolidating his lead to 4-2, it was too late for Comesana to match the pace since the whole flow was in T. Daniel’s racquet, and the latter successfully took the second set 6-4 to be the first person qualified for the main draw.
In the first round, T. Daniel will face former World No. 6 Gael Monfils, who entered the US Open through his protected ranking. Their only Tour-level meeting dated all the way to Roland Garros 2019 (on clay, instead), where Monfils won 6-0, 6-4, 6-1. While the dynamics could be different this time, their point construction (and anticipation combined) would be something of attention, making this match one of the most interesting encounters to watch (caution: possible highlight reels on both peaks).
Section 1: Enzo Couacaud d. Giulio Zeppieri 3-6, 6-1, 6-1
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Enzo Couacaud's point to 2-0* 0-30, 3rd set (📸 Eurosport)
Notably taking a tie-break set out of Novak Djokovic as a qualifier in the Australian Open earlier this season, the rest of the season was more or less chaotic for Enzo Couacaud. The chaos was further added with an early exit in the Winnipeg Challenger against Gabriel Diallo before he stunned first seed Jaume Munar in the first qualifying round. 30th seed Giulio Zeppieri played mostly clay Challengers along the way, becoming the runner-up in the Karlsruhe Challenger after a fall resulted in his retirement when he was up 6-2, 0-1, marking his comeback with an applicable all-around game in the hard court by defeating compatriots Riccardo Bonadio and Alessandro Giannessi in the first two rounds.
Zeppieri initially controlled the match when Couacaud started erratically, with the latter’s backhand errors securing that break, and he did not look back before taking the first set 6-3. However, in the second set, Couacaud bounced back thanks to his working backhand, going after Zeppieri’s forehand, from which its response was insufficient at times. After the second set breadstick, Couacaud kept controlling the flow during the third set, with his backhand passing shot becoming one of the keys before he doubled the break, resulting in Couacaud’s double breadstick (6-1, 6-1) service as a result in the last two sets.
Couacaud will face former World No. 35 Jiri Vesely, who tried to work his way back up, recently eliminated in the second round of Grodzisk Mazowiecki/Kozerki Challenger to Benjamin Hassan 6-4, 6-7(5), 6-7(5) with his match points being saved. Even if this will be their first Tour-level meeting, Vesely had to retire down 4-6 at the conclusion of the first set during the Bengaluru Challenger quarterfinals back in 2022. Knowing how physical (and chaotic) this match could be, J. Vesely’s usually reliable baseline game would rely on such fitness as well.
Section 15: Dominic Stricker d. Thiago Agustin Tirante 6-2, 6-3
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Dominic Stricker’s point to *0-1 40-ad, 2nd set (📸 Eurosport)
Interestingly, Thiago Agustin Tirante and 22nd seed Dominic Stricker met in the Roland Garros third qualifying round, with Tirante winning the encounter 6-3, 1-6, 6-1 while Stricker got the lucky loser spot. Since winning the Morelos Challenger a few months back, Tirante had an interesting hard-court record by defeating Gonzalo Lama in Los Cabos before Alex de Minaur demolished him 6-2, 6-1 as well as an early exit in the Stanford Challenger before defeating Luca Nardi and Brandon Holt in the first two qualifying rounds. On the other hand, Stricker also had some rough patches, notably an early exit against Christian Harrison in the Winnipeg Challenger before dealing with Pablo Llamas Ruiz in the second qualifying round in a dramatic third set tie-breaker interrupted by the rain delay at 7-6(9) before winning it two points later.
Outside of Tirante’s physical problem (likely his shoulder, where he had a medical timeout from in the second set), this match was on Stricker’s racquet from the way he paced the flow. Right in the third game, he opened the path to break thanks to a working volley before leading 3-0 but had to endure a 17-minute game three games later, where Tirante held his service game to 4-2. An erratic service game resulted in Stricker taking the first set 6-2. Stricker continued his control in the second set, surviving 2 break points to hold 1-0 before a backhand winner created his break point, eventually breaking to 2-0. He did not look back since, keeping things balanced to take the second set 6-3 (almost broke for the match as well).
Stricker will face Alexei Popyrin in the first round, whom he also faced in the first round of Wimbledon several months back. The Swiss won the encounter 3-6, 6-3, 6-2, 4-6, 7-5, which thriller would likely replicate in the Flushing Meadows if both players kept going after each other from the baseline, boiling down to several margins of errors.
Section 7: Otto Virtanen d. Juncheng Shang 7-5, 6-7(2), 6-1
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Otto Virtanen's point to *0-0 30-40, 1st set (📸 Eurosport)
Juncheng (Jerry) Shang had a rollercoaster season, starting it by qualifying for the Australian Open. Some of his hard-court defeats were rather in bigger matches, e.g. against Frances Tiafoe in Washington (500) quarterfinals or Kei Nishikori in Atlanta (250) second roun]; however, he could also find trouble fending powers from people like Mark Lajal or Alex Michelsen back in Granby and Chicago Challengers, respectively. Such a challenge would be possible when he met 28th seed Otto Virtanen, who survived being demolished when he was 1-6, 0-2 down in the first qualifying round against Emilio Gomez, and bounced back to defeat Michael Zheng in the second qualifying round.
In the match dubbed as the “match of the century” for the NextGen talent-off, Virtanen had a fiery start thanks to his volley to create his break point before an early break, only to be broken back (1-1) out of a forehand error to start the first set. They also traded breaks in the middle of the set, but the most important one came from Virtanen (at the cost of Jerry’s forehand misfire) before he served for the first set to 7-5. Fast-forward to the second set tie-breaker, Virtanen’s forehand error to 2-0 resulted in everything going downhill, which resulted in Jerry taking the second set 7-6(2) to force a decider. Realizing this, Virtanen took it personally, when Jerry’s game fell apart after the first break of that set (2-0) due to his forehand rushes to close the rallies. It did not help anything except for Virtanen’s third-set breadstick to 6-1.
Virtanen will face 30th seed Tomas Martin Etcheverry, with whom it will be their first-ever meeting. Knowing both players, while keeping solid service games looked important, a balance of power would be necessary, which could boil down to a few options: either those who moved forward successfully, being more intuitive (with the open space usage) or the minimum mistakes. Both players came a long way in the past year, should be a high-quality encounter when both players are on.
Section 14: Yu-Hsiou Hsu d. Aidan Mayo 7-5, 6-3
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Yu-Hsiou Hsu's point to *3-4 30-40, 2nd set (📸 Eurosport)
Starting to grab attention since becoming the runner-ups of the 2 Mexican ITFs last May in Xalapa and Tabasco, followed by ITF M25 Dallas runner-up last July], as well as a quarterfinal run (l. Arthur Cazaux) in the Lexington Challenger a few weeks ago, Aidan Mayo grabbed more spotlight in the first two qualifying rounds by defeating Frederico Ferreira Silva 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 in the first round, and shockingly eliminated fellow NextGen Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard 7-6(6), 7-6(8) to book an encounter against a comeback Yu-Hsiou (Timmy) Hsu, who qualified to the Australian Open but had a rough patch in most parts this season. Coming to this match, return depth and defense-to-offense execution would be some aspects of attention when constructing points.
While most of the first set consisted of service game holds, it was worth noting that Aidan had one of his holds coming thanks to his forehand down-the-line winner in the middle of that set. However, it all boiled down to the last two points (to Aidan’s disappointment), where his double fault created it and a forehand error in response to Timmy’s backhand resulted in its conversion. Timmy stayed steady with his pace until he intuitively came up with a volley in the sixth game of the second set, setting himself 2 points apart even if Aidan held that game to 3-3. The same volley played an important role in creating a break point 2 games later, which was converted to 5-3, prompting Timmy to serve for the match, and he did it without further ado.
Timmy will face wild card Thanasi Kokkinakis in the first round. This will become their first meeting at any level, and while Thanasi has his own edge in terms of singles main draw experience, Timmy could end up digging even deeper when things go south, starting from getting the second serves (which are often vulnerable for most people), something that (likely) happened when he stunned Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard in the second qualifying round.
Section 12: Timofey Skatov d. James Duckworth 6-2, 6-2
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Timofey Skatov’s points to *0-4 15-15, 2nd set (📸 Eurosport)
Despite having a stellar clay season by becoming the runner-up of the Concepcion Challenger and qualifying through Roland Garros (l. Grigor Dimitrov), 23rd seed Timofey Skatov proved his explosive game to also apply on the hard courts of US Open by convincingly defeating Kaichi Uchida 6-2, 6-2 and Raul Brancaccio 6-4, 6-3 in the first two rounds. However, it all will be tested against the more experienced 12th seed James Duckworth, runner-up of 3 different hard-court Challengers earlier this year (Burnie, Bengaluru, and Morelos), who had to dig deep to defeat both Timothy Svajda 7-6(12), 6-2 and Terence Atmane 3-6, 6-4, 7-6(8) to set this face-off.
Duckworth started by getting broken early out of his error sprees (including a forehand error to be broken 0-1), while Skatov kept dominating from his forehand side. However, Duckworth’s physical problem was not visible until he took a medical timeout twice in the match, one of them being escorted off-court (likely for his back). Skatov took the first set 6-2 while trying to overpower Duckworth, and his forehand dominance was more visible in the second set with several noticeable winners to open the path or to break altogether, hence overwhelming Duckworth until a second set breadstick was almost served, but Duckworth could still hang on for one more game before Skatov successfully served for the set.
Skatov gets Alex de Minaur in the first round, with this being their first meeting ever. A tough one, with the person who is more offensive and deep (in terms of return games), could prevail from this round, in general.
Section 3: Felipe Meligeni R. Alves d. Federico Coria 6-4, 5-7, 7-5
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Felipe Meligeni R. Alves' point to save one of Federico Coria's match point to 5-4* 40-40, 3rd set (📸 Eurosport)
Other than winning the Concepcion Challenger against Timofey Skatov, the past few months had been its own rollercoaster for third seed Federico Coria before his Santo Domingo Challenger semifinal appearance (l. Genaro Alberto Olivieri). Interestingly, Fede defied the odds by not dropping a set in the first two rounds, defeating Camilo Ugo Carabelli 6-3, 6-1, and Martin Damm, Jr. 6-2, 6-2 in the first two rounds. However, he faced an interesting challenge in Felipe Meligeni R. Alves, the Lyon Challenger champion, whose aggressive game also suited the hard courts (proven by qualifying for the Miami M1000 several months ago), defeating Dalibor Svrcina 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 and Facundo Bagnis 6-4, 6-2 in the first two qualifying rounds despite having to retire in his Santo Domingo Challenger quarterfinal match a week ago. While this match might not be easy for Fede, he should try to be more offensive before Felipe’s offensive side got him.
Exactly, Felipe attacked Fede’s baseline game more right from the start, with Fede’s forehand errors resulting in Felipe’s break of serve before he was spotted leading 4-2 in the first set. He almost doubled it thanks to a forehand winner, but Fede still held to 3-4, and Felipe ended up taking the first set 6-4. This rhythm carried on in the second set, where Felipe’s forehand winner created a break point to break early, but got broken back to 2-2 to start the second set. Fede had his moments with his break points, but Felipe still stood his ground, even broke at the expense of Fede’s forehand rush for a chance to serve for the match at 5-4. However, Felipe ended up taking a scenic route after he got broken instead (5-5), and Fede ended up breaking for the second set to 7-5 thanks to a forehand return ace. In the deciding set, both players had their moments, but it was not until Felipe had to face 2 match points at 5-4* out of his errors, that damage was averted thanks to his unreturned serve and a volley to close a rally before holding to 5-5. Finding a way out from his more attacking play, Felipe broke and served for the third set to 7-5, securing his main draw spot as a result.
Upon qualifying, Felipe gets former World No. 4 Kei Nishikori, who entered the tournament with a protected ranking. Despite the latter’s uncertainty to play in the US Open due to the injury picked up several weeks ago, he still has it on his full form, coming back with a storm by winning the Palmas del Mar Challenger as an unranked person right in his first tournament coming back to the Tour (d. Michael Zheng 6-3, 7-5). When he is fit, Felipe’s usually reliable forehand would be given a decent test, with rally tolerance becoming another aspect of attention.
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thomasarnoldsenfan · 5 years
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Via: Instagram agusloser
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circleforyou · 1 year
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ljudetinnan · 5 years
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Argentina clasificó a Tokyo 2020!!! 
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roberrtphilip · 3 years
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Got your party pants on?
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ilovekazuhaa · 2 years
mirabel x fem reader futbol fic where they play and like reader does so good and mirabel praises her and and add camila being an absolute loser at it
then reader accidentally throw the ball at mirabel and she falls and then reader takes her to the nursery and takes care of her
You only live once
Mirabel x fem reader
genre: fluff
i’m doing so many mirabel fics lately and i’m so happy abt it she needs more content💪 also camilo is trans in this fic so he’ll be a she here lol also i swear i’ll be writing more guys!!! the next fic that comes out will be for julieta so stay tuned, it’s coming i promise!
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“Y/N” Mirabel says as she points at you and you walk over to her side. You were the first person she picked and you couldn’t be more excited. She chose you to be on her team for a game of futbol that included you and the Madrigals. Mirabel was one of the team captains and Isabela was the other. Your team currently consisted of Mirabel, you, Antonio, and Bruno against Isabela, Camila, Pepa (yes she still got it), and Felix. Julieta and Luisa weren’t present because they were busy in town, Dolores was the score keeper, Agustin was the referee and Abuela was the spectator/water provider.
When Mirabel picks Bruno as her last teammate, she bumps your hip and smiles at you. She then wraps her arm around your neck and pulls you close.
“You ready?” she asks.
You nod “Hell yeah. Let’s do this.”
You two touch foreheads and you look at her, that smile totally unwavering under the shining sun. You felt the warmness of your girlfriend’s head on yours, her curly hair slightly covering her eyes.
“Alright lovebirds, you ready?” you hear Pepa say as she stood there with her arms crossed, smiling slyly.
You felt your face heat up even more as you and Mirabel pulled away from each other, cheeks tinted red from a combination of the sun and Pepa’s comment.
“Ya mami callate!!” Camila says jokingly as Pepa stretched out her arm and hit Camila in the back of the head with her hand.
“Ay ay ow mama! I’m sorry!” the girl says as she holds the back of her head in pain as she hunches over.
“Never talk to your mother like that again!” Pepa says as she crosses her arms and turns away pouting “hmph!”
Everyone tried to stifle their laugh at the sight of Pepa hitting Camila the way she did, it was so funny.
“Team huddle!” Mirabel declared as she turned around, grabbing the shoulders of her teammates as they all huddled together.
“Okay so Bruno, you play as the goalie. Antonio, you can play at the front with Y/N. And I’ll stay back here playing defense and helping Bruno out. Think of me as his right hand man.”
Everyone in the circle nodded in agreement.
“Any questions?” Mirabel asked.
“Wait… do I have to dive for the ball?” Bruno asked.
“Do I have to play the whole game?” Antonio joins in.
“Am I gonna be able to just yolo it?” you say.
Mirabel’s previously hyper and excited look turned into one of confusion as she looks at you.
“No Bruno, you don’t have to dive for the ball” she tells the man as she points at him while giving him a determined look.
She then kneels down to Antonio’s level and her expression softened.
“No Antonio, you don’t have to play the whole time. Just take a few breaks” she told the boy as she patted the top of his head softly.
Finally turning to you, that confused look that she previously had returned but she cocked her eyebrow this time. Her mouth hung open slightly and her upper lip was raised, showing her teeth a little.
“Y/N what’s a… yolo?”
You could only roll your eyes adoringly and burst out laughing. Seeing her so confused like that made you laugh because the face she made was so confused and… cute!
After you finally recovered, everyone on your team started smiling at the sight of you laughing and you began to explain.
“Well yolo is an acronym. It stands for you only live once. It basically means to just do whatever you think in the moment with no set plan” you say.
Mirabel’s expression changed from one of confusion to one of determination.
“Now you’re talking” she smiled “Let’s win this.”
As if on cue, your team separated from their circle and Agustin blew his whistle to start the game. Everyone quickly went to their positions and you looked to Antonio and he seemed ready enough, his hand balled up in fists and he stood in a fighting stance. You then looked behind you and Mirabel made eye contact with you, mouthing a ‘let’s yolo this’ as she winked at you and smiled.
“Remember everyone, we’re playing two 10 minute halves, much shorter than the average game but it’ll still be fun. I promise” the man said as he smiled.
“Ready everyone?” he asked, checking on everyone one last time before the game began.
The sun was so hot on your skin, you felt it warming up as soon as Agustin blew the whistle. It was so bright outside you had to squint and the only thing you could see clearly was the ball through the heat waves. The state of the weather must mean Pepa was extra excited to play futbol today.
Isabela started with kickoff and she immediately passed it to Camila. Camila then started running up the field, zooming past everyone and it was only her and Bruno left for a one on one. She then swiftly kicked the ball in the goal, only to be stopped by Bruno’s foot. The girl’s face of cockiness changed to one of fear and shock as the ball went from Bruno’s foot to Camila’s face.
The poor girl then took a fall and rolled over on the ground in pain. Mirabel ran over to her cousin and Pepa came over as well, so worried for Camila and hoped she was okay.
“Camila, are you okay?!” Mirabel asked worriedly as she held her hand out for her cousin to grab.
“Yes yes I’m fine… I think” the hurt girl said as she rubbed her nose and her cheeks tinted a light pink in embarrassment.
“Mi bebe!! Are you okay?!?!?!” Pepa came over running, kneeling down to her daughters level. A cloud formed above the woman’s head and she cupped her cheek gently. Camila let out a small ‘ay’ before she smiled at her mother.
“Thank you mami. I’m okay.”
She smiled and got up, dusting off her dirty knees.
“Let’s continue ref!” Camila said, waving her hand in a swirling motion. God, she was so embarrassing sometimes.
Agustin simply nodded and blew his whistle “Let’s continue everyone, to your positions!”
You went back to your position and it was your team’s ball. You stayed back, on Bruno’s right side and he gently kicked the ball towards you. You then started slowly going up the field. Camila then started running down to attack, despite Isabela’s pleads to stay in her position.
“You’re not getting past me! Don’t even try!” Camila yelled, rushing up to you as you smirked and passed it to Mirabel.
Thank god your girlfriend was paying attention to your every move, being prepared when the ball made contact with her left foot. Camila ran past you, not realizing what had happened as you ran up the field and Mirabel fumbled to keep up with you.
“Here, here! Pass!” you yelled, now at the other team’s side of the field. You raised your hand, sweat dripping down your arm as you panted for air. You were in shape but you had to act fast before Camila caught up to you. Isabela ran up to Mirabel in efforts to steal the ball from her. Thankfully, the girl listened to you and passed you the ball. After it made contact with your feet, you turned and sprinted as fast as you could. All you had left was Pepa and Felix. It should be easy enough.
Finally making it to the deep side of the opposing team, you dribbled past Pepa despite her efforts to push you with her body. The woman was lanky and skinny but god was she strong. You could’ve sworn you felt the heat of the sun on you when her skin made contact with yours, it was burning. After dribbling past her, you came close to the goal, you swiftly kicked it into the left corner and Felix literally fell into a split as he tried to block it.
The second the ball make contact with the net you felt your heart skip. You hadn’t even realized it, but Mirabel ran down the field with you the whole way. As soon as you turned around, you saw her running up to you, that big beautiful smile on her face.
“GOAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!!!!!!” the girl exclaimed before she ran up and hugged you. She wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you close, squeezing you tightly. Her warm hands held you close to her and you felt your heart beating in your ears. Smiling into the hug, you hugged her back and your soft hands made contact with her bare skin. It was so smooth and a good kind of warm. She was wearing a tank top and her skin was practically glowing in the sun.
Sadly, Mirabel pulled away much sooner that you would’ve liked. Looks like you were going to have to make a few more goals for her then. And you would stop at nothing.
“Wow Y/N! You did so good out there! I’m so proud of you” the girl told you as she took your hand and brought it to her chest.
“We wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”
You felt your heart melt and your knees almost buckle at her statement. You really didn’t deserve her and you thanked whatever god that was out there for her.
All you could do was shake your head and look down at the ground, a huge smile plastered on your face. You tried to act modest.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my golden girl either, you know” you responded.
Mirabel smiled in reaction to your statement and she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.
“Oh come on, you know that was all you” the girl said. She would’ve said more but knew better because she would become a stuttering mess if she said anything after that. You pretended not to notice that her cheeks were tinted a rosy pink and that she was still holding on to your hand.
Turning around, Mirabel took you with her, forgetting that she was still holding onto you. She covered her mouth with her other hand and looked down at the ground, her face becoming even more red. She muttered something to herself but you struggled to hear because you thought she was talking to you.
“What was that?” you asked.
“W-what?” the girl looked down, realizing she was still gripping your hand. Your fingers were intertwined with hers and she could’ve sworn that’s not how she held your hand in the first place.
“O-oh! I’m so sorry I didn’t realize I-” Mirabel tried pulling her hand out of your grip but you shook your head.
“It’s okay. Don’t be sorry. I want to hold your hand.”
If it was possible, she literally would’ve ascended into the sky in that very moment. Her flustered expression remained as you led her to the other side of the field. She trailed behind you, her eyes glued to the ground and her other hand covering her mouth in shock. She kept asking herself why she kept freaking out, you guys were dating for Christ’s sake!
The first five minutes of the game had commenced, there was only five more left until the break. This was going to be a lot of pressure. Not because you weren’t confident, but because you wanted to impress your girlfriend and her family of course.
When Agustin blew the whistle to commence kickoff, you were so determined to make another goal for your girl. Anything for her honestly. The other team started, with Camila passing the ball to Isabela. Mirabel went to guard Camila while you tried to take the ball from Isa. Isabela got the ball and sprinted, and you chased after her. And god, was she fast. She was also a really aggressive player as well and she kept using her elbows to poke your ribs whenever you got too close. She plays dirty, but you refuse to. You were gonna win your glory the right way. While you were defending Isa, Camila ran along with her, giving her cousin an option to pass the ball to. Mirabel tried to keep up, but Camila was just too fast. So while you defended Isa, Camila ran alongside you two, leaving you in the middle and Mirabel trailing behind. 
By this point, you guys were on your side of the field and Isabela passed it to Camila, the ball passing right in front of your feet. You tried reaching out for it, but ultimately failed, falling in the process. Camila then took the ball close to the goal as Bruno lunged forward and barely missed it. Camila kicked it past Bruno as he ran forward, the ball making contact with the net.
“Let’s go! Goalassoooooooooo!” Camila yelled as she punched the air and smiled brightly.
“Aye! Nice job Camila!” Isabela said as she high fived her cousin and ran up the field with her back to their side. 
You sat on the ground, sighing in defeat. Your legs burned from the heat radiating from the ground under you as well as the hot sun above. Sweat dripped down your face and the drops landed on your hand. Your body was too tired to move and it was only the first half. You just wanted to do good. To make no mistakes. So you didn’t look dumb in front of her. A person then appeared behind you. Their shadow casted over your breathless and tired figure. Turning around, you looked up and noticed that it was Mirabel.
“Hey... you okay?” the girl asked you, almost whispering. She held a warm smile and put her hand out. How could you not smile back at her?
You allowed yourself to smile for a moment, scanning the girl’s figure when you frowned. Her knees were scraped and bloody. She caught your expression and reassured you that she was okay.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m okay see?” Mirabel says as she runs in place to show you that she was okay “My legs still work!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. For a moment it felt as if you had forgotten all the pressure and exhaustion you were feeling. 
Suddenly you heard the blow of a whistle “Halftime! Five minute break everyone!” Agustin yelled as everyone got off the small field you played on and walked over to the patio where Abuela waited with water. 
“Come on” Mirabel stated as she held her hand out to you and she pointed her head towards the drinks “Let’s go take a little break.”
You accepted and slipped your hand into hers as she pulled you up. The two of you walked over to Abuela and Mirabel still held your hand and squeezed your arm, her cheek being squished by your arm because of how tight she was holding you. You didn’t mind though, she was so adorable. You then helped Mirabel wash off her cuts, applying hydrogen peroxide to them and wrapping them.
“Ouuuuuuuuuuch!” the poor girl couldn’t contain her desperate cries for help as the liquid made contact with her open wound.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” you said, kneeling in front of her, gently cleaning the cuts with a paper towel. You then got a wrap and wrapped it around her knees, securing them with athletic tape.
Backing away, you stood up and nodded so Mirabel could stand up. 
“How’s it feel?” you ask.
“Better than ever. Thank you” Mirabel responded.
You blushed and looked down at the ground like an idiot as you twiddled your thumbs. Your lovey dovey expression was cut off by the feeling of a light hand on the top of your head. Your eyes widened and all you could do was keep your eyes glued to the ground. A shocked look was plastered on your face until you mustered enough courage to look up and meet Mirabel’s warm eyes.
They were so beautiful and looking into them made your heart race. All she did to return your flustered expression was smile and look at you like you were her entire world. Her eyes gleamed with love and adoration. How did a girl like her make you want to melt with simple headpats? You two stared into each other’s eyes, slowly getting closer and closer together, forgetting that the entire Madrigal family surrounded you two.
The tension that surrounded you two quickly disappeared when Agustin blew his whistle.
“Alright everyone, time for the second half!”
Everyone that was sitting on the benches quickly got up and made their way to the field, leaving you and Mirabel behind.
You then smiled warmly at her before pointing your head towards the field, urging her to follow.
“Come on” you said “Let’s win this.”
“By yoloing it?” Mirabel asked.
You responded by nodding and taking her hand “By yoloing it.”
When you two got on the field, only Bruno was there and Antonio was missing. He told you that his sobrino was too tired to keep playing so he sat on the sidelines, wanting to just watch the rest of the match. Pepa preferred the same, showing this by sitting with her son as she conversed with her mother, Alma. You and Mirabel just shrugged this off because the teams were going to be equal anyways. You insisted that Mirabel come up and play with you more because Antonio’s spot was free. You didn’t really need him anyway, you just wanted an excuse to play with Mirabel more. So without further questions, she agreed and moved to Antonio’s place.
The score was now 1-1 and you wanted to break that tie more than anything. With Mirabel watching front and center. Before Agustin blew the whistle, you gave her one last thumbs up and she nodded her head in determination, showing that she was going to try her best to help you. Kickoff was going to start with your team, since the goal was made on your team last.
After spending the first 8 minutes struggling to get the ball past the other team, the score was still tied but time was becoming an issue. Isabela and Camila were practically pushing you and Mirabel further and further back until they would eventually break through your defense. The pressure was on, and the temperature outside wasn’t helping. You and Mirabel panted for who knows how long, your lungs burning from the hot air that flowed through them. Your heart felt like it was beating at a million miles a minute and that you would collapse at any second. Mirabel didn’t look any better either, but you two were having so much fun. Your laughs filled the field and you both enjoyed yourselves a lot and how you both were playing. You guys worked so well together and it made you so happy. Camila and Isabela were having fun as well, but they didn’t look as tired as you and Mirabel did.
Finally, there was only about 1 minute left remaining, Agustin verifying it himself by putting his hand up and tapping his watch. This was the last play, and you were going to have to make it count. Thankfully, you were able to bring the ball up to their side of the field and Camila kicked it out in efforts to steal it from you so it was your ball. She really didn’t wanna lose and looked at you like she was going to kill you if you won. Same thing with Isabela. These two were very competitive and weren’t playing around when it came to winning.
You picked up the ball and walked over to the white line that divided the field from where it was considered ‘in’ and ‘out’. You held it behind your head, trying to figure out a way to give it to Mirabel. Your hands shook as you held the ball behind your head and a wave of fear washed over you. There was no way you could lose, especially in front of your girlfriend. It was just too embarrassing. So when Mirabel juked Isabela and came running towards you, asking for the ball, you threw it to her in an overhead motion so she could get it and pass it to you. Except you missed. Badly.
You may have thrown the ball a little too hard and you winced when it hit Mirabel in the stomach and she hunched over. That wasn’t considered a foul and the game still continued. Camila didn’t hesitate and attacked Mirabel so she could take the ball from her. You ran towards Mirabel and snatched the ball before Camila could. You yelled out a guilt filled but quick ‘sorry’ before you took the ball and bolted. Your girlfriend trailed behind you, clutching her stomach because she was barely able to hold it together. You didn’t notice, but as Mirabel chased after you in her efforts to help, she rolled her ankle and fell, a crack echoing from her leg as she fell to the ground.
Camila stopped for a moment, trying to decide if she should run after you or help her cousin. She spent a good 10 seconds contemplating what she should do and that gave you just enough time. Now there was only Isabela chasing after you, and you hadn’t realized why Camila stopped, Isabela pressuring you too much to spare a second to take a look back. As you neared the goal, you felt the taste of sweet victory approaching as you picked up your speed a bit more. Time seemed to slow down when you kicked the ball between Felix’s legs and it rolled past him without being blocked. Total satisfaction spread through your body when the whistle blew and the ball made contact with the net simultaneously.
You turned around, about to celebrate when you looked at Isabela, who stopped running and was hunched over, panting for her life. You then saw Camila, who was just standing in the middle of the field, as if she was trying to decide something. You then noticed that she was looking at something, or more like someone. Your heart sank a little when you realized Mirabel didn’t see your winning goal and then you became worried when you realized she held her ankle, rocking back and forth in pain.
Running over to her, you dropped to your knees and put your hands out cautiously, trying to decide what part of her to touch that wouldn’t hurt her. You then placed a hand on her shoulder and used the other to gently tilt her face towards you.
“Are you alright?” you asked.
Those big brown eyes that stared back at you in total fear and pain showed that she was indeed not alright. Her eyebrows were raised and her mouth was slightly agape. That worried look she gave you broke your heart and you wanted nothing more than to see her smile again.
The girl finally shook her head no in response to your question and she winced when she removed her hand from her ankle. There she showed her inflamed ankle, now red but you knew it was going to turn purple from bruising. This was definitely a sprain for sure.
“Can you move at all?” you asked softly.
The poor girl hesitantly shook her head again as she looked at you. You noticed her eyes became watery and tears threatened to fall. Her lip quivered and her mouth formed into a steady frown. Was she really in this much pain?
“Looks like she’s going to need Julieta. I’ll tell her about this when she gets home” Agustin spoke softly as he kneeled down to his daughter’s level “Don’t worry Miraboo, you’ll be okay. Is there any snacks or drink I can get for you?”
“Yeah… is there anything I can help you with too? I don’t like seeing you like this” Isabela joined in.
“Me too…” Camila agreed “I can go get some arepas from your mom in town if you want…” she said as she looked at her cousin with a worried expression.
“Thanks guys…” Mirabel spoke, looking up at everyone “I just wanna go inside and relax for a while. I have a few medical supplies in the nursery that can help patch me up.”
The girl looked at her hurt ankle once more before looking at you.
“A little help?”
You nodded “O-of course. I’ll take you upstairs.”
You then scooped up Mirabel, sliding your hands under her knees and holding her torso. It was like those princes in the fairytales picked up their princess. Everyone departed and went inside to do their own thing after you walked away. As you went up the stairs, Mirabel wrapped her arms around your neck softly as she brought her head close to your chest, using your heartbeat to relax her. The feeling of having your bodies this close together made you think things that you shouldn’t. Your girlfriend was going through pain and all you could do was think naughty things! You shook your head and tried to get the thoughts out before you got too ahead of yourself.
Finally reaching the top of the stairs, you looked down at Mirabel and she now held a calm expression. Her eyes fluttered as they stayed closed and her arms felt so heavy on your neck. Her hair tickled your neck and a strand of her tied up locks fell over her eyes. Her chubby cheeks were tinted pink from the hot sun and her adorable feet pointed inward, like a duck, as you carried her.
When you reached the nursery, the door was already slightly open so you just pushed it more open with your foot. You then walked over to Mirabel’s bed and gently placed her on it, sitting up. She winced as you sat her down and her body was very tense. You took off her shoes and socks and she kept wincing in pain. You continued repeating soft phrases like “It’s okay” and “I’m sorry” until you took both of her shoes off. Then, you got one of her pillows and propped her hurt foot on it.
After that, you got a small towel and wet it with cold water, gently wrapping it around Mirabel’s ankle. You knew it was working its magic when you saw her relax a bit and her stressed expression change.
You noticed that she was still very sweaty, so you got another wet towel and placed it on her forehead. If you had any doubts about her being relaxed before that, they were definitely gone now. She felt so much better now and it was visibly apparent, the girl smiled as her eyes remained closed and she just basked in your company. After a few minutes, you wrapped her ankle in a bandage that helped keep her foot straight.
You then sat on her bedside and watched her with a soft smile. The girl sat there, her head resting on the headboard of her bed and you watched her long eyelashes flutter from every gust of wind that came in through the window. You watched her chest rise and fall with every breath she took, each one taking her closer and closer to her slumber. Her tied up hair was now falling apart as several of her curls stuck out and fell over her face. Her tiny hands jerked every few minutes whenever she became too still. This sight of her was unlike anything you had ever seen before. She was so calm and quiet, a combination of qualities you thought you would never see from your girlfriend. The evening sun shone through the window of the nursery and casted on the wooden floor. The particles of dust in the room were seen because of this, and you found yourself gazing off into the distance, the thoughts of today’s events recurring in your head. You looked over at her bedside table, those iconic green glasses catching your eye and you reminisced every memory you had of them and you couldn’t help but blush a little. The comforting silence that surrounded you both was then suddenly cut off by Mirabel.
“Come here” she whispered, tapping the empty spot next to her “Come sit with me.”
Your eyes trailed to where her tiny hand was tapping and you reluctantly agreed. Sitting next to her, she leaned her head on your shoulder, intertwining her hand with yours. Her soft hands were so plump and warm compared to you. You had already cooled off and thought she found comfort in your lack of warmth.
“Thank you for today” she said.
You cocked an eyebrow “Thank you for what?” you responded.
“For getting us that victory and taking care of me. Also carrying me up those stairs, sorry about that.”
“Sorry? Why should you be sorry? I’m sorry for throwing the ball at your stomach in the first place.”
“Don’t be. That was an accident. I had fun playing with you anyways” she tiredly spoke.
You smiled “You really had fun playing with me?”
“Of course I did” she responded. She opened her eyes and returned the look you gave her “You did so good today and I’m so happy we won.”
“I’m happy we won too” you said, cupping her cheek with your hand “But I couldn’t have done it without you.”
You watched her tired expression change to a flustered one. Her face started to turn red and her eyes widened as she looked up at you. Her face began inching closer to you, those lips of hers begging you to just kiss her already. You were alone together, so you just decided to sieze your moment. Caressing her cheek as you brought her close, your noses briefly touched for a moment. You raised her head a bit and kissed the tip of her nose, earning an adorable smile from the girl.
“I love you” Mirabel says.
You smile in response “I love you more.”
“Well I love you even more than that” she responds.
“Oh really?” you say.
“There’s only one way to find out if that’s true” you say before finally bringing her in close and kissing her lips softly.
The kiss was gentle but long, your lips felt tingly and cold when you pulled away. You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from her and end it like that, so you just kept pecking her lips over and over again until you felt satisfied, which was most likely going to be never. Mirabel smiled into the kiss, laughing at your endless desire for kisses from her.
“God you’re so… you” she said.
“And what does that mean?” you ask, playfully.
She smiles, wrapping her arms around one of yours as she squeezes it and leans on your shoulder.
“It just means that I-”
“Should seriously lock your door next time?” Mirabel was cut off by a familiar voice.
The two of you stop and look over to the doorway where Camila was standing. She held a disgusted expression as she looked around nervously.
“Seriously you guys, that’s gross! People don’t need to be walking in on this!” Camila shamelessly added.
Mirabel was so embarrassed and all she could muster out was a simple ‘sorry’.
“Why are you even here Camila?” you ask, trying not to lose your patience.
“Well Y/N” Camila stated, highlighting your name when she spoke “I got some arepas from Tia Julieta in town so Mirabel doesn’t have to keep suffering like this.”
“Hey!” Mirabel cut in “I’m not suffering!”
“Your almost crying earlier definitely says otherwise. I guess you can stay here and have fun, doing whatever… this is.”
The girl then throws over the arepas wrapped in tinfoil over to you, and you catch it with one hand.
“Have fun in here losers, come down for dinner in an hour” Camila says as she shuts the door behind her but then opens it again a moment later.
“Don’t think I forgot about today. Just because you beat me in futbol once doesn’t make you better. Next time… you’re going down” Camila concludes as she squints and closes the door slowly.
“God” you said “Your cousin really is brutal!”
“Yeah…” Mirabel admits “She can get like that sometimes, she’s still nice though I swear.”
“Well yeah, maybe to her friends” you scoff as you open the arepas wrapped in tinfoil. You then notice how there’s two arepas here instead of one.
“Why are there two arepas if you’re the only one that’s hurt?” you ask.
“See?!” Mirabel says “I told you Camila was nice!” you hand her an arepa as she munches on it immediately and the swelling in her ankle and the cuts on her knees go away.
“Oh gosh, so much better…” your girlfriend says, rolling her ankle much more comfortably.
You then look down at the remaining arepa on your lap and contemplate on eating it. After all, you did get a few scratches and bruises from that game. Camila and Isabela were really aggressive players.
“Help yourself” Mirabel insisted.
And with that, you took a bite of the arepa and you felt the flavors melt onto your tongue and it was delicious. All of your bruises and cuts went away immediately.
You and Mirabel stayed there, with her head resting on your shoulder and she practically hugged your arm. You two talked about random things and maybe even shared a few kisses after that.
Some time later, Camila came rushing back to the nursery, barging in, totally out of breath.
“Hey! Um.. Is… there… any way that… you guys… ate the arepas… already…” Camila panted.
“Yeah we did, sorry” Mirabel apologized “Why?”
“Because one of them was for me! Damn it man!” Camila says, turning around as she exists the room and mutters to herself “This is what happens when I try to get some extra arepas for myself…”
You two laughed at Camila’s struggle and smiled at each other, sharing one last kiss as the sun finally descended past the clouds and into the night. You two found comfort in each other’s presence and eventually fell asleep together, Mirabel’s legs tangling with yours as she let out tiny snores. You rested your head on top of Mirabel’s, your hands laced together and holding on to each other tightly. Julieta couldn’t help but treasure the sight of the both of you sleeping together when she came to call you guys down for dinner.
“You only live once, and I’m glad their choosing to live their one and only life together” the woman says aloud, leaving a kiss on both of your foreheads, and softly shutting the door behind her as she leaves the two of you to cuddle together until morning.
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fandomobbsessedb · 3 years
My Encanto head-cannons part 2
Every family member has their “person” and these are who I think those pairs are based on the movie and just context clues.
Felix & Dolores- Felix and Dolores had daddy daughter days all the time when she was little. They’ll dance around Casita then sit down and have a tea party. Dolores would make Felix sit and watch her try on all her favorite outfits and Felix would happily cheer her on like she was a model. Even as she grew up she would always ask her dad what he thought of her new outfits before wearing them. After she got her gift her first pair of ear muffs came from her dad.
Camilo & Pepa- Camilo and Pepa would hang out in Camilos room and dress up and sing together. Every now and then when either of them are having a hard time like when Pepa gets overwhelmed (like after the proposal dinner) or when Camilos having a bit of an identity crisis (more details of this will be included in the part 3) they’ll help each other through it no matter what.
Agustin & Luisa- Growing up Luisa and Agustin where very close and still are. Luisa is definitely a daddy’s girl. Hence the proposal dinner scene where Luisa runs out crying and saying she’s a loser and Agustin is running after her. Agustin becomes a boss at doing hair so whenever Luisa is in a down mood he plays with her hair to relax her or cheer her up. When Luisa was little she liked sharing a room with Isabela, for the few years they did, when Isabela left the nursery and Luisa would get lonely she would either go to her parents room to cuddle with her father, or ask him to stay with her until she fell asleep. After Agustin would get hurt Luisa is typically the one to retrieve him and take him to Julieta.
Isabela & Alma- After Mirabel didn’t get her gift Juileta put more of her attention in her. Leaving Isabela to not have as much attention given to her from her parents so Abuela become her closer guardian. Since Isabela was the first born grandchild and the one Alma is typically around they form a closer bond and Alma becomes Isabela’s person. Even after the movie when Isabela breaks away from that perfect lifestyle it takes Abuela a little bit to get use to her new style but the two still love eachother very much. Isabela notices her efforts and appreciates it more than anything.
Antonio & Mirabel- Once Mirabel didn’t get a gift and she was stuck to the nursery for more time than she would like she and Antonio have a closer bond than anyone. Because she was always right there when baby Antonio would wake up in the middle of the night she could comfort him without having to get any of the adults. Occasionally when she couldn’t comfort him she would bring Antonio to Pepa and Felix, only for him to cry harder since he was use to Mirabel just holding him till he stopped crying. With all the older kids and the adults being busy all day helping the village Mirabel was free to stay with Antonio all day and play with him.
Bruno & The whole family- Alma will sit and talk with him about the past and they’ll work out past problems breaking down any misunderstandings or arguments in order to try and understand each other more. P B & J where all extremely close as children and where each others best friends so when their little gang gets back together they start up shenanigans like they did when they where little. Bruno coming back eased them giving them more of a relaxed feel. Nothing as childish as they use to but still some golden sibling bonding. Hiding something from someone and playing keep away all day with it passing it from one sibling to the next, or doing something that would make the slightest inconvenience. Bruno will hang out with Isabela and listen to her go off about plants, asking occasional questions and helping her water her plants. Dolores and him will sit around for hours watching his rat telenovelas, she use to be able to just hear what was going on and now that she can see it she sees the appeal. Bruno being stressed about his visions and Luisa being stressed about working go together perfectly for relax time. Mirabel makes them stop whatever they’re doing and makes them take the time to relax. She’ll take them on walks by the river or maybe even a group nap session in Antonio’s room just listening to the sounds of nature in his room. Bruno and Camilo, once they warm up to eachother, organise and put on shows and plays for the entire encanto. Some of them are silly ones they can do daily for the children but other more serious ones they put on during the weekend. (Further detail in part 3) Bruno and Mirabel get along together well being the “family weirdos” but after the movie they’re still pretty close, inside jokes and problems they can both relate to are the topics of many conversations they have. Mirabel and Juileta put it on themselves but not in a stressful way, that they need to get Bruno back on track with eating and sleep schedule and normal healthy routine times. Bruno has actual conversations with his rats through Antonio who enjoys getting to know his Tio. Felix, Agustin, and Bruno take guy days where they just hang out. (Continued In part 3 this post is already so long) overall after the movie they are even closer as a family than they ever where before.
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cassiebones · 3 years
Let's Get One Thing Straight:
Agustin Madrigal does not give a single FUCK about the family miracle. The only miracles he cares about are his three little girls.
This man is one of the best (if not THE BEST) Disney dad. He supports all three of his daughters in different ways.
At the beginning of the movie, we seem him offer Mirabel support on what he believes will be a really hard, emotional day (and he's not wrong), despite the fact that he is absolutely COVERED in bee stings. His entire face and hands are swollen and his wife is just like "not again, Agustin!" and goes off to make him food, but does this man care? Not one ounce. His focus is Mirabel and making sure that she feels okay and that she's not alone (he even mentions, hey Felix and I don't have Gifts and we're fine).
Throughout the movie, he stands up for his daughters and tries to comfort them.
After the failed proposal, when Mirabel is being blamed and Isabela is angry, he runs after Luisa, who is openly crying and calling herself a loser. All three of his daughters are upset, but Isabela and Mirabel can take care of themselves for the moment, he believes, because his middle daughter, who rarely shows any emotion (from what I've gathered, anyway) is crying and being down on herself.
And you just know Agustin sat with her for as long as it took to make her genuinely laugh or smile, telling her all the best things that he loves about her, holding her hand, or just hugging her (I have no doubt this man gives the best dad hugs in the world). Hell, I bet Luisa is a daddy's girl, because that piano scene at Antonio's party was fricking adorable, okay?
Hell, he probably had plans to go talk to Isabela and Mirabel after talking with Luisa and making sure his middle daughter was okay. He probably talked to her about her power and all the stress she's under from Abuela and the village.
My headcanon is that Agustin is from out of town, so he didn't grow up with this miracle like everybody else in the village did. He just happened to fall in love with a magical girl and had some magical children with her. No big deal. First and foremost, he wants his children to know that they are loved and perfect just the way they are, powers or no powers.
So he tells Luisa that he'll love her no matter what, that her mother and her sisters will love her no matter what, that their family will love her no matter what. It takes a lot of convincing for Luisa to actually believe his words, but when she finally does, she gives him a bone-crushing hug (probably literally) and he kisses her forehead and calls her mijita (even though she is now so much bigger than the first time he held her in his arms, she's his baby) and tells her that he's always around if she just needs to talk.
Luisa will eventually take him up on that and they turn it into a Thing, where they'll sit for hours and talk or have a Papa/Hija Day at least twice a month so that she gets some time to chill away from all the people who want her to do stuff for them. Luisa will try to just do this one thing to help out, but Agustin stops her and tells whomever to just buzz off because he's spending time with Luisa on her Day Off.
Now, somebody had this headcanon that Agustin was some kind of gardener or something in the past and I love it, because it may have influenced his eldest's Gift. I can imagine little infant Isa strapped to Agustin's back as he works in the Casita garden, growing herbs for Julieta's recipes and flowers to spruce up the house. He talks to baby Isa about each flower and what they do or symbolize and makes flower chains to put in her hair. She continues to help him as a toddler, watering the plants and learning how to make her own flower chains.
When her Gift is making flowers, Agustin is the only one who isn't so much surprised as he is touched the he could have influenced her power like this. For a few more years afterward, he continues to teach Isabela about each new flower that she grows. He tells her all the names of the flowers that aren't exactly native to Colombia and how they might affect the environment. He marvels at the quality of the flowers his child produces and is actually the first to call them perfect. Of course, Abuela runs with this and starts putting the pressure on Isa to be perfect in all matters of life. Agustin definitely hates this immediately, because it doesn't take a long time for Isabela to start changing herself to fit the mold Abuela has made out for her and he can see the way his nine-year-old straightens her back the second her grandmother is in her line of sight. It breaks his heart, so every now and then he visits her room and they play a board game or something to take the stress off. He may even plan picnics for her and her sisters to evade chores.
When Mirabel is born, he is just officially a Girldad, and he absolutely loves it. By this time, Julieta cooks almost nonstop so he's got all his girls around him. Mirabel strapped to his back and Isa and Luisa holding his hands as they walk together through town on days where he believes the older two can skip chores (despite Abuela's obvious disapproval). They're often joined by Felix, Dolores, and baby Camilo, who is just a tiny bit older than Mira. They have picnics and play games and just allow their kids to be kids.
Both Agustin and Felix grew up without powers, with the ability to go out and play whenever they wanted, when their totally non-magic-related chores were finished. But Luisa is six and already lifting heavy objects (and donkeys) for the villagers every single day and he can see that she's stressed out. Isabela is nine and provides flowers for every special occasion the villagers can think of. Husbands, fiances, and boyfriends come to her for extravagant bouquets to bring to their significant others practically every single day. She fills the halls of the casita with flowers, as well, and Abuela is constantly quizzing her. He can tell she's exhausted by it all. Even poor Dolores has pieces of linen stuck in her ears to dim all the conversations she can hear, day in and day out.
Agustin meets Felix's eye and knows that he is just as concerned for their children as Agustin is. But what can they do? The family was given a miracle years ago and they use that to help others. Their children are helping others.
Mirabel and Camilo will one day have gifts, they think. Agustin wonders what his daughter's will be. She likes flowers, like Isabela, but he doesn't think she'll get the same power. She also likes to sit in Alma's lap sometimes while she does her embroidery. She loves to watch the patterns emerge. Her tiny toddler hands are too tiny to do any of that herself, yet, but perhaps when she's a bit older, it will tie in to her gift. Camilo just likes to bug his older sister and cousins by copying everything they do and making faces at them. Agustin ruffles his curly hair and he giggles. He doesn't like to think about the day they'll each get their Gifts and all the scrutiny they'll be under from that day forward.
When Mirabel doesn't get a gift, Agustin feels guilty that his first reaction is relief. Guilty because of the look on his daughter's face. Guilty because of the look on his mother-in-law's face. Guilty because he knows what it feels like to be an outsider in this family, in this town. He and Julieta are the first to embrace their daughter, who has tears swimming in her eyes.
"What did I do wrong?" she asks, her voice small and chin quivering. "What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing, Mariboo," he whispers in her ear as he kisses her temple. "You did absolutely nothing wrong." He looks to his mother-in-law, imploring her to say the same, but she's already walking away, making a beeline for Bruno, whose face is ashen.
Of course the only thing she cares about is the miracle, he thinks, bitterly, as he soothes his daughter. Of course.
But Bruno is gone by the next morning. His door is no longer glowing. Nobody can find him, not even Dolores with her super hearing. He must have gone too far in the night, Agustin thinks. He finds himself a bit jealous that his brother-in-law has escaped the encanto. Not that he would ever abandon his family.
No, he wants to bring them with him, to get away from here. To leave Alma alone with her encanto.
He never says this to anybody but Julieta because she is the only one he can really confide in. She gets it, but she loves her mother and this village too much to leave, no matter how much stress she's constantly under.
So they stay and Agustin checks in with his daughters regularly, trying to make sure that they're all okay. He knows that Luisa is often stressed, which is why he tells her lame dad jokes when he's around, just to make her giggle and roll her eyes. He does the same with Isabela, but also requests the odd flower (like very odd, challengingly odd) to give to her mother. He always wears a flower she gives him in his vest pocket and keeps it there until it dies, then he preserves them to keep forever. He has a collection of his daughter's preserved flowers. The flowers consistently attract bees, but he can live with a few stings just to see the way his daughter's eyes light up when she sees a flower sticking out of his pocket.
With Mirabel, he has a bit of a special connection. They're both Gift-less, so he checks in with her a lot more to make sure that she never feels inferior. Like Julieta, he makes sure that Mirabel knows, without a doubt, that she is just as special as anybody else in their family. His nickname for her is Miraboo, which began when he used to play peek-a-boo with her as a baby ("Mira....boo!") and it just stuck.
So, during the movie, the fact that he stands up more for his daughter, who is constantly scapegoated by others in the family, is amazing. When Alma says "Think of the family!" and he says, "I was thinking of my daughter!" I wanted to fucking CHEER for this man.
But I was in a theater full of children, so I held back.
Anyway, Agustin Madrigal (who, by the way, let me commend these men for taking their wives' names, KINGS) is very important and a very good dad and husband who loves his immediate family and will never take any bullshit from Alma Madrigal and I love him.
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