#Aila Alexander
breannathesimblr · 2 years
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Graduation Dinner🍽~
The Beginning | Previous | Next
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awaylaughing · 2 years
I’ve been thinking on the why and how of Echo and Lettow leaving together at the end and what that means and looks like for them. This is long enough so it’s just the Why, mostly from Echo’s end though I’ll take a stab at why Lettow’s so relieved to see her at the ending.
Echo's motivations are pretty easy to pin down after a few minutes spent really thinking on it. People in-universe are probably inclined to think it’s one of those Ravnos compulsions: on paper “stay and get a real job and earn respect” vs “run off with a man still coping with the fact you ate his last lover” is totally taking the dicier option.
But the truth is, Echo’s not really a Camarilla sort at the end of the day; she's very much an independent with Anarch leanings. And beyond that she really doesn't have any particular political ambitions, one of the many reasons she didn't side with Julian is because she was uncomfortable with her integral nature to The Plan. So while sticking around to build infrastructure alongside Dove and co. would have been the more noble thing and the more sensible thing, it wasn't terribly appealing: she'd have done it if Lettow didn't let her on the plane but it was her option B for sure.
In addition, she and Dove would be great friends in an AU where Lettow's like "no, stay here" but they're not particularly close yet. She's also not yet friends with Carlos or Alexander; Julian she can't be friends with anymore; Raul and Vani split rather than just be her non-mind controlled pals; Elena's more of a quasi-business partner. Other than Rocket she doesn't have anyone or anything to really leave behind or keep her in place. Lettow’s a whole humanoid person though, who can have conversations and has always treated her with respect (Lettow’s first clan-dependant line to a Ravnos courier is to apologize for her loss re:Brian, to say that bought him so many brownie points with Echo really undersells it).
(Also sidebar: Julian's surprised to hear he hurt her. He didn't understand: if she agreed with him that they needed to gently bring the curtain down themselves on their own terms, why she was siding with the Camarilla. The answer was:
A) By supporting people like Lettow who can be reasoned with they have a chance to unite his vision with the Camarilla's in time, providing structure that can reach further than Arizona or the States
B) Basically every word out of his mouth about her since the Reremouse mission makes it clear to her that Julian does not hugely respect Echo, at least not enough to trust her with plans and shit, and she in turn doesn’t trust him to turn over a new leaf.
it was not C) to get in good with the Camarilla because clearly she gives no fucks about that beyond, her great relationship with them would be much worse if Lettow was any other Prince I’m pretty sure.)
But most importantly, more than the lack of strong ties to Tuscon, definitely more than her clan compulsion it’s just because she really likes Lettow and they very much have things to talk about but if he disappears into the Middle East he's an ocean away and who knows where doing who know what. Even if they split up once they reach Cairo, which I think they do, she's near enough she can track him down again once he's had his space to Deal With Stuff.
But if she stays in Tuscon...maybe she loses track of him forever. Maybe she makes it across the ocean in five years and there's no sign of him because he's hiding from the Sabbat, or his ancestor ate him the way Zapathsura ate most her clan. Or maybe things keep popping up and she never goes, he never comes back, and all the things to say never get said.
So going with Lettow is taking a chance, but it might be the time she chooses the lesser gamble despite being Ravnos.
As for why Lettow wants her to come along...I think in some ways he had dealt with a lot of the Aila feelings (not all of them, there is more processing to be done For Sure) and it was the torment of not understanding why Echo had done it that was making it such an acute problem: before he knew it was Echo it was just the general lack of answers. Closure and all that.
The big thing is just the other side of Echo’s concern though. He’s going east and he doesn’t fully know why or what’s waiting for him. Leaving Echo in Tuscon very much might mean leaving her forever, Echo appearing to say she is getting on that plane removes his culpability from taking her from something she wants (she does not want) and means they might get a chance to actually talk about things before Whatever happens.
Plus, I don’t think he particularly likes to be alone so having a buddy along probably just makes him happier regardless.
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, AILA Review Vol. 4, No. 2 (2023)
ICYMI: 2022. iii, 94 pp. Table of Contents Articles Inside names: A contextualist approach to the syntax and semantics of direct reference Denis Delfitto & Gaetano Fiorin pp. 153–190 The cycle in language change: Insights from diachronic phonology and syntax of negation Marta Tagliani & Stefan Rabanus pp. 191–228 Book reviews Arie Verhagen. 2021. Ten Lectures on Cognitive Evolutionary Linguistics Reviewed by Alexander Lasch pp. 229–238 Cedric Boeckx. 2021. Reflections on Language Evolution: From http://dlvr.it/SpJxcd
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
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Night Road update kicked me back 3 chapters but it’s okay because my jaw hit the floor at this art.
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tigressmom · 6 years
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just randomly thought of alexander wang’s neice, aila wang. what a true fashion icon like aila really did THAT
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orodrethsgeek · 2 years
VtM: Night Road
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): my "canon" courier Vane on a less self-centered note, Lettow. What an amazing concept for a Prince??? He's so intriguingly chill throughout the game and I just want to spend more time with him, honestly.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Jasper Knowles. Yes, yes, the blood crimes, but also, he is So Shaped. (Julian is also cute, but obnoxious.)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Alexander, Lettow's ghoul. He's stinky and sketchy and I love him. My "canon" courier wasn't able to save him and is going to be haunted about it for the rest of his life.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): definitely Aila, even if she's only obscure in the sense that she's dead the whole game. I just find myself fascinated by her and the things we learn about her.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Giselle. More on the "poor/pathetic" end of the spectrum, less on the "problematic"; all of my couriers want to rescue her from Invidia. :( I deserve a little witch rehabilitation, as a treat.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Julian. He wrote self-insert vampire romance novels, I just think he'd appreciate a little shenaniganry. Oh, also the manipulation and gaslighting would make a little torment fun.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Samantha :( Mostly by virtue of elimination; I'm intrigued by her character concept honestly, but she is mean to my vamps, so.
I fully intend to do this for all the VTM games I've played so far, but this took longer than I expected, so have this Part 1 in the meantime until I get to the others.
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galpalaven · 3 years
early wip wednesday
tagged by @rosewoodcasket and i thot i would share my wip for my night road courier ruth and her. idk religious contemplations i guess. the piece is going to turn into something more (maybe a two-parter of some kind? before and after the Aila revelation jfdslkj) but yeh ;w;
i like it so far??
Being doomed to race the horizon for the rest of time grew old decades ago, when she was still young and fresh, thoughts clouded with bloodlust and the rush of eternity at her fingertips. 
It’s ironic, in a sick sort of way, that she - descendant of Israel, descendant of the Rromani wanderers - has been cursed to wander the Earth, never setting down roots, never finding a place she can call home, until all that she knows and loves has long since crumbled to dust and ash. She doesn’t even have a clan to call family, finding them all dead and decaying in a cabin in the forest shortly after her Embrace. 
If she thought she’d known loneliness before, it was nothing compared to this unlife she lives now.
For ten years, she wandered in a daze, running on autopilot and spending her nights wondering if it was really worth it to keep moving. If this afterlife was really worth the effort it took to keep moving, to stay alive one more night. She had no friends, no family, no community - just herself and Elazar, the wolf who had found her shortly after she’d discovered the mass grave of Clan Ravnos, when she’d been sobbing into the dirt under a moonless sky. 
Things have finally changed, though. She has connections. A tether to the world - a reason to live. She’s not sure whether she can call the Camarilla friends, but she doesn’t know what else to call them. She spends her nights at the Viper more often than not, dancing and laughing with Dove or Alexander. Sometimes even the Prince himself makes an appearance, spends some time trading wild stories with her and smiling like he actually enjoys hearing what she has to say. She’s even got her own ghoul, and she’ll never be able to tell Vani how grateful she is for her existence. 
The resurgence of life in her chest drives her to seek out something she hasn’t sought in years.
Ruth starts going to temple again.
She hasn’t been in ages - she’d stopped going to synagogue even before she’d been Embraced all those years ago - but something calls to her. It echoes on the wind, pulling tight like a wire wrapped around her sternum, until she finds herself slipping in during Shabbat services one weekend after the sun has gone down. She sits in the back, listens to the words and the songs so familiar that it stirs up an ache in her chest, ties a knot in her throat. The people around her notice her emotions and they talk to her in soft, comforting tones. An older woman brushes her bangs back from her face when she starts to hyperventilate (won’t let herself cry, lest someone call an ambulance on her) and she realizes that she desperately misses having a community like this. 
She misses being Jewish.
And so she starts going to services again. She doesn’t make them frequently, too busy with courier work for the Tucson Camarilla to do much else, but the times she makes it are the days when she feels almost alive again. Her heart has long since stopped beating, but when she raises her voice in that holy place, in songs of worship in the tongue of her ancestors, the tongue she grew up speaking and forced herself to stop long ago, she can almost feel life flowing through her veins again. Some nights she stays late, chatting with the regulars until they all make their way home, waving her off. She pretends to eat the meals served after services, telling people stories of a life long gone.
The week before Passover, she stays after even later than she normally would, letting herself back into the temple with keys she lifted a while back. Ruth stands at the front of the empty congregation and, with a tremble in her hands, sings, voice filling up the temple in a way she hadn’t heard in so long. She loses herself in the melodies, singing old prayers and newer songs - the River Lullaby from the Prince of Egypt flows off her tongue and echoes back to her, twisting around her like a long lost lover as her voice trips and falls across the Arabic trills. 
Her mind drifts across old memories - memories of her time studying abroad, when she’d gotten to sing in some of the oldest and most beautiful synagogues in the world. Memories of high holy days long past, faces of loved ones long dead. Memories of the days she’d gone with Julian to the mosque, standing outside and listening to the call to prayer as it poured out into the night air - the familiarity of it a beautiful remedy to the constant ache of loneliness sitting like a rock in her chest.
The sound of her own voice fades with a mournful echo as she finally opens her eyes, the sight of the empty synagogue making her cold, dead heart squeeze in her chest. 
Ruth has to leave before her heart can sink any lower.
Outside the synagogue, her lobo is waiting for her, having been standing guard while she sang away the aches in her soul. Well, “standing” guard is overstating things a bit - Elazar appears to have been napping on the doorstep when she opens the front doors. The way he gets up and wags his whole body at the sight of her makes her smile as she locks the doors behind her, memories of the years he’d been her only friend dancing through her mind.
As she heads for her Integra, she scratches his ears, sighing softly as the familiar itch of Hunger twinges in her gums. Her hand has just touched the door handle when the sound of rustling wings catches her attention.
The Prince wants an audience.
tagging anyone who wants to since i know it is tuesday and this is me goofing off when i really shouldn’t orz
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ryttu3k · 4 years
Timeline of all events during Night Road! The dates with an asterisk are all set, the rest is more or less extrapolation. Note that if you do the Reremouse mission last, there is a discontinuity where the text and in-game dates don't match up.
The two sets of three missions (St Basil’s/Scheffler/KXG and Cinderblock/Biosphere/Reremouse) can be done in any order, just sticking with the order I did for my main run with Pyre. Also has some notes on Raúl as ghoul because he’s the best meeting him is the most complicated. (For the other ghouls, you meet Vani at KXG and Elena at the pawn shop in Tucson. All three have individual missions that can be done at any point in Tucson, along with other activities and date options.)
November 1st Evening: The Courier departs El Paso
November 2nd (*) Morning: The Courier's car breaks down. They barely manage to get into an abandoned gas station before sunrise. Evening: The Courier encounters the now-wight Modian, along with Raúl and his family. They barely escape, and start the walk to Tucson.
November 3rd (*) Morning: The Courier arrives in Tucson and manages to find some temporary shelter before sunrise. Evening: After a really bad day in a clothing bin/old truck, the Courier arrives at the Tucson Elysium and meets Lettow. They are assigned their new jobs, get a car, and find a temporary haven in a parking garage.
November 4th (*) Morning: A little before sunrise, Julian shows up for the first time in ten years. Dick.
November 6th (*) Evening: The Courier leaves for Camp Scheffler, spotting Raúl there (if he's still alive). After an encounter with Elin Olivecrona's ghoul, Nilay, the Courier explores the camp.
Over the next several days The Courier explores the camp, potentially helping free prisoners, meeting Raúl, and making contacts amongst the Anarchs.
A few days after arrival Evening: The Courier is finally summoned to see Olivecrona, and she learns that the SI are on the way. Julian confronts Olivecrona. If working with Raúl, he and the Courier kill Nilay. The Courier can carry out other actions now to help with or hinder the evacuation.
The day after Morning: The evacuation takes place. Shortly before sunrise, the Courier can explain who they are to Raúl. Evening: The Courier (and potentially Raúl) return to Tucson. The Courier goes to the Viper and types up a report on what happened.
The day after Morning: The Courier returns to their parking garage haven. During the day, they dream of Aila and being shot down.
Over the next several days Tucson activities - stat improvements, cars, havens, et cetera.
November 15th (*) Evening: The Courier leaves Tucson for Kiowa Xenogenetics.
November 16th Morning: The Courier is stopped by Carlos and sent to deliver a package to an airfield, encountering Donati for the first time. En route to KXG, they see modified sheep, and arrive at the facility just in time to get into their trailer. Evening: Dr Takahashi's party. The Courier meets Vani, then Dr Caul. After reading the message, Dr Caul kills Sonam (and potentially others). Dr Caul asks the Courier to remain for a few days while she works out a message to Lettow.
Over the next several days Exploring the facility.
November 18th? Evening: Giselle takes the Courier to the Snow Room. Dr Caul makes an offer to the Courier to help her fake her death.
November 19th? Morning: The Courier is attacked by the SI. Evening: After the SI clears out the mobile home park, the Courier returns to Tucson and writes up everything that happened.
A few days later Evening: One of Dove's retainers asks the Courier to meet Lettow around midnight.
The next day Morning: Around midnight, the Courier meets with Lettow and briefs him on the events at KXG, and gets paid for the two jobs. That day, the Courier dreams of Aila's first meeting with Lettow. Evening: Tucson activities.
November 22nd (*) Evening: The Courier leaves for Phoenix and St Basil's hospital. They encounter the SI and Agent Donati at an AutoZone, then arrive in Phoenix at 9:40 PM. After getting into the hospital, the Courier meets Pattermuster and is briefed on what's happening in the hospital, then meets the other inhabitants.
Over the next several days The Courier gets a feel of the hospital.
November 24th Morning: Rita May is killed, and Pattermuster is stuck with her body over the day. Evening: Pattermuster arrives around 7 PM and announces Rita May's death. He and the Courier investigate and work out that Stercorius is the killer. Stercorius is dealt with.
November 25th (*) Evening: The Courier prepares to break into Carelli's office.
NOTE: This places Night Road during 2020, as it’s explicitly mentioned as being on a Wednesday night.
When the hospital is done as the first mission, the Courier leaves Tucson on the evening of the 6th and the office break-in is on the evening of Wednesday 11th. As the second mission, the Courier leaves on the evening of the 15th and the break-in is on the evening of Wednesday 18th. And as the third mission, the Courier leaves on the evening of the 22nd and the break-in is the evening of Wednesday 25th.
This means the time actually spent in St Basil’s is variable, since the day of departures vary, but the mission is always set on a Wednesday in November 2020.
November 26th Morning: At midnight, the Courier breaks into the office. If successful, Pattermuster invites the Courier to learn from him over the next few days.
A few days later Morning: The Courier returns to Tucson around 3 AM and gets paid. Evening: Julian shows up at the Courier's haven and makes his offer. Riga summons the Courier to the Viper. Dove requests the Courier investigate the Viper for spies.
The next day Morning: Lettow finally shows up. One of the spies escapes with information. Lettow interrogates the Courier about Aila, then gives them three more missions.
November 30th (*) Evening: The Courier leaves for Biosphere Zero.
December 1st Evening: The Courier arrives at Biosphere Zero, encountering the explorers.
December 2nd Morning: The Courier finds the hole where the cache once was. During the day, Tex is killed. Evening: The Courier awakens to find that Tex has been killed.
December 3rd Morning: First investigation, potentially second death. Evening: Second investigation, potentially third death.
December 4th Morning: Continued - second investigation, potentially third death. Evening: Antonio gets better maps. Third invesigation, potentially fourth death.
December 5th Morning: Continued - third investigation, potentially fourth death. The Courier finds a sign reading 'SPILL ZONE'. Evening: While exploring the Spill Zone, the Courier encounters Lampago.
December 6th Morning: Lampago encounter continued. The Courier and Antonio (and any other survivors) part ways, spending the day in a barn. Evening: The Courier sets back off on the way to Tucson, avoiding a fire en route.
December 7th Morning: The Courier arrives at the safe house. Evening: The Courier goes through the cache information, then is picked up by Carlos.
December 8th Morning: The Courier arrives in Tucson two hours before dawn and goes through the cache information. Evening: The Courier delivers the cache to the Viper. Tucson activities.
December 9th (*) Morning: Tucson activities. Evening: The Courier arrives at the Viper to find it shut down for health violations, then leaves for Dallas.
December 10th Evening: The Courier arrives in Dallas. Julian shows up and tells the Courier that the bouncer at the Cinderblock is SI.
Over the next few days The Courier investigates how to get into the Cinderblock safely.
A few nights after arrival Evening: The Courier goes to the Cinderblock and meets D'Espine, who makes her offer.
The next day? Morning: The Courier gets bad information to the Cinderblock SI bouncer and returns to the Cinderblock to get D'Espine's information.
A day or two later Evening: The Courier leaves Dallas.
The day after that Morning: At the safe house, Nadia scans the information for Julian. Evening: The Courier arrives back in Tucson. Riga summons the Courier to the Viper and is confronted by Lettow, but interrupted by Dove, who says they can reopen.
December 14th (*) Evening: The Courier picks up equipment and leaves for California.
December 16th Morning: The Courier arrives at the Desert View Motel to find the results of Modian's massacre. Lettow and Julian arrive, argue, and are interrupted by Modian, who Lettow kills. The Courier, Julian, and Lettow spend the day in the motel. Evening: Lettow and Julian argue. A lot.
December 17th Morning: Lettow and Julian keep arguing. The Courier, Julian, and Lettow spend the day in a cave. Evening: The Courier awakens to find Lettow and Julian hanging out drinking some nice blood. Dicks. Julian and Lettow continue arguing.
December 18th Morning: The Courier, Julian, and Lettow decide on a plan (after arguing) and fight Reremouse. They shelter in a trailer / in the mines. Evening: The Courier and co return to the Desert View Motel and leave.
December 19th Evening: The Courier arrives back in Tucson, finds the badly wounded Alexander, and unintentionally absorbs the 2100 serum.
December 20th Morning: After escaping the SI, the Courier dreams of Aila and Lettow.
DISCONTINUITY: If the Reremouse mission is performed last, the Courier doesn't return to Tucson until the evening of the 19th/morning of the 20th, and has at least one more daysleep, meaning chapter 11 should start on the evening of the 20th. However, the in-game text places it on the evening of the 18th.
December 18th (*) Evening: Riga summons the Courier to confront Lettow and Julian, and the Courier is forced to decide between them.
December 19th Morning: The Courier raids the Viper with Julian or Lettow, and fights and kills Donati. Lettow departs for the Middle East. The Courier leaves Tucson.
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Elisa’s Embrace: Part 1
You guys can blame @missn11 for being a HORRIBLE ENABLER
So, headcanon as to how Elisa’s Embrace went if Lettow was the Gangrel sire:
In AUs where Elisa never became Kindred, she was a wildlife rehabilitator instead, so I’ll use that -- she’s a wildlife vet nurse in Tucson, and caught Lettow’s attention through Riga.
At the time Lettow is having problems with another Kindred, though this is before the then-Prince went a little nuts. Lettow had sired a couple of other childer by then, waited to see if they would survive. One didn’t survive sunrise, the other became a wight so he had to put it down. While having the spat with the other vampire (not his childe, just usual inter-vampire bickering), the Kindred attacked Riga, who barely got away.
So Elisa’s driving home one night when she thinks she sees a wounded owl in the road. She’s used to picking up and transferring wildlife so she already has equipment in her car. Imagine her surprise when the “owl” turns out to be a hugeass eagle!
Riga is really pissed off about this. Unfortunately, Riga’s wing is broken and Lettow isn’t close enough to intervene, and Elisa knows what she’s doing, so she doesn’t have any problem capturing Riga and avoiding her bites.
Riga is Not Happy but Lettow tells her to stay put, so she calms down in the car.
Usually she’d drop the bird off and go straight back home because she’s already had a long day, but when she sees the bird in the light at the clinic she’s like... this is not a native bird, and it’s also really alert for an animal that should be dead, because yikes, those wounds are nasty.
So she helps one of her coworkers look over this bird, that’s actually really chilled out now (Lettow’s keeping her calm). Both wings are badly broken, bird is going to need surgery, but like Elisa, vet suspects this is actually somebody’s pet so they’ll need permission for treatment beyond closing the bird’s wounds on her chest -- looks like she got clawed by a mountain lion or something, this wasn’t a dog attack.
Elisa, who hasn’t been in the city for that long, says, “Does Tucson have mountain lions???”
“It’s not unheard of. What’s weird though is that it didn’t bite it, it just clawed it. It wasn’t hungry. If it was, it would’ve eaten the eagle before you could find it.”
But yeah the vet is talking about doing first aid and, if the bird survives the night, calling around the other vets in the morning to see if this is one of their clients because there’s no way this is a native animal, it’s definitely somebody’s pet. And then one of the other coworkers comes in and is like “hey, there’s a new nightclub that opened a few months ago, doesn’t the owner have an eagle???”
and the vet is like “IDK, do they?”
“It’s just a rumour I heard.”
So Elisa is like, where is it? Who owns it?
The coworker’s able to tell her where it is but doesn’t know the owner’s name, just that he owns a cool bird of prey and is unfazed at taking it outdoors, which is probably when it spooked and fucked off and got itself hurt.
So Elisa shrugs and says, “It’s on my way home, I’ll drop by and ask him if it’s his.”
Lettow isn’t Prince at this stage, though he has the Prince’s permission to open his own business and has done so. So the Viper isn’t an Elysium yet. He usually prefers to travel, but by now he’s watching over Aila, so he’s set down roots. And Elisa drops by. It’s a weeknight, so she can actually hear herself talk with the weird dude at the bar, and she asks him if the owner’s in and if he’s missing an eagle.
Alexander is like hey what a coincidence, he’s actually in tonight, up at the roof, and he IS missing an eagle~!
The roof is just a plain roof at this stage, and obviously Lettow spends a lot of time up there because BIRD THEME. Lettow’s already expecting Elisa, having overheard her conversation through Riga, and has told Alexander to look out for her. The rooftop isn’t magical at this stage, Lettow just has a little sitting area up there and his cactus garden. Any Masquerade violations were already put away -- Elisa isn’t meeting him in his office because, you know, Masquerade violations abounds. 
Alexander takes Elisa up to the rooftop, as Lettow had already asked him to, and Lettow’s up there pretending to do paperwork. Alexander introduces Lettow, and Elisa introduces herself as Elisa Mulgrew from X wildlife veterinary clinic. We found an injured eagle tonight and a coworker suspects it might be yours?
Lettow mentions that yes, he was out during the day looking for his eagle, but stopped when it got dark. He actually has a photo on hand from his search -- he gives it to Elisa and yup, that’s the eagle alright.
Elisa really did want to go home, but he has a cool accent, a cool bird, and seems interesting, so she ends up giving him a lift to the clinic instead. He doesn’t answer many questions about himself except that he came to the US with his parents when he was a child and is originally from Poland. Elisa politely probes to see if he’s willing to talk about the Iron Curtain, since obviously he’d have been on the wrong side of that, but he deflects to ask about her instead. She gets the hint and humours his questions -- yes, she loves animals, she’s gone camping in the desert and knows some survival tricks, she was the one who found Riga, etc etc. She gives him a rundown on what her condition is like but Lettow seems pretty convinced the vet is overreacting and that Riga’s just fine. She’s a very tough bird and she’s been hurt before, and it looked worse than it turned out to be and she was right as rain in a couple of days! In his experience, vets tend to overreact. He means no offence, of course, but eagles are not like other birds, and the vet will probably be quite surprised at how quickly and easily she recovers.
Elisa just humours him and he’s friendly enough so she’s not too offended.
Sure enough, when they’re back at the clinic the vet is absolutely boggled at how fast Riga’s wounds have been healing and how her wings might not have been broken after all??? Like the x-ray CLEARLY showed a break, but Lettow just takes a casual look at them and is like yeah, they always look like that on the x-ray, but she’s always been able to fly just fine, last time she got an x-ray the vet thought that they just healed that way from an old break (”bullshit,” thinks Elisa, that is clearly a new break, but then again, it makes more sense than a break aligning and healing itself in less than an hour). 
Lettow just casually gaslights the entire staff and tells Elisa that Riga was probably just stunned and that’s why she couldn’t fly. He thanks them for looking after Riga and tells them his “man”, Alexander, will come by in the morning to compensate them for their treatment.
Elisa is half confused at the whole thing, half horny because oh hey Lettow is cute. Are Polish guys open to women asking them out? ... Ehhhh he’s like ten years older than her and a nightclub owner is probably way out of her league. Alas.
Elisa gives him and Riga a lift back to the night club. She’s confused over what happened and tries to drive in silence, but Lettow’s asking her questions about herself again. She almost works up the nerve to go “what the hell, give him your number anyway” but chickens out at the last second.
The next day she goes in to work as usual. Towards the end of the day she realises Alexander hasn’t been by to pay, so she asks her coworkers if he’s been by and she just didn’t notice, but they’re like “Who?”
So she asks the vet who treated Riga, and he’s like, “What?”
Nobody remembers Riga. Nobody remembers Lettow. Except her. They’re all giving her blank looks when she asks, looks which turn puzzled, is she okay?
She’s sure it actually happened, that she didn’t dream it, but she can’t find Riga’s x-rays. But she finds the blankets she used to catch Riga in the clinic, not in her car.
Confused, she goes to the Viper that night for a drink. She recognises Alexander -- but he doesn’t seem to know who she is, acting like she’s a complete stranger. She has her drink and leaves.
She sees no signs of Lettow or Riga.
Over the next few weeks nothing... really happens, except that her supervisor inexplicably changes her shift so she goes in later and she’s leaving work at around 10PM. She sometimes feels like she’s being watched when she goes home at night and keeps seeing the same cars on her commute home, but given that it’s after peak hour she just writes it off as people who live near her that get off at the same time she does. She still thinks it’s absolutely baffling, what happened, but she thinks about it less and less and gets caught up in her life again and stops thinking about it as much.
One night she faints, or something, getting out of her car at home -- one moment she was getting out of her car, the next she finds herself on her own driveway on the ground, hidden beneath the car’s hood. She’s a bit WTF -- did she have a seizure or something? One moment she’s getting out of the car, the next she’s on the ground. Doesn’t even remember being woozy or anything, but she must’ve been.
She goes inside, decides she’ll make a doc appointment in the morning. She’s absolutely starving, goes to her kitchen. The microwave says it’s 3AM. She’s pretty sure that there must’ve been a power cut that fucked her microwave’s clock, but when she checks her watch to adjust the microwave’s time it also says it’s 3 in the morning.
Okay, she’s definitely calling a doc in the morning, even seizures aren’t supposed to go that long. 
She’s even more convinced because her appetite is fucked -- she’s starving, none of her food is appealing, and when she tries to force herself to eat anyway she just throws it all up. She wonders if she should go to the ER but she feels fine. Great, even.
Just really fucking hungry.
She tries to go to sleep. Can’t sleep. Too awake. And really fucking hungry.
When dawn comes she still hasn’t slept and the growing light gives her a panic attack. It culminates in her dragging her quilt into her kitchen, pulling shit out of the cupboard under the sink and making a mess all over the kitchen, and shutting herself and the quilt in there in the darkness, making a nest in there. It’s only when she’s in the pitch dark that her panic attack ebbs and she ends up passing out.
She doesn’t wake up until she’s more than four hours late for work, just after sunset. Freaking out she goes to the phone to call work, but the phone doesn’t work -- when troubleshooting it she finds out someone’s cut the line.
What the fuck.
She goes to her car. It won’t start. When she opens the hood she sees it’s been tampered with, too.
what the fuck.
Now what?
(She’s really fucking hungry )
So she goes next door. Her neighbours are home. She’s about to ask them to call the cops, but when her male neighbour opens the door she’s like holy shit he smells good.
That’s the last thing she knows before she frenzies. She has a brief flash of memory of a woman screaming and walking in on her bent over the husband, but when she comes to, the woman’s dead as well, in her lap. There’s blood everywhere, especially all over her mouth, and in it, and it tastes good. They’re both dead.
She’s no longer hungry.
Oh god.
She’s a fucking vampire.
(~*~To be continued~*~)
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lexbragnam · 3 years
Sage “Lex” Bragnam
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Full name ➵ Sage Alexander Bragnam Nicknames ➵ Lex, Alex, Xander Pronouns ➵ He/Him/His Birthdate & Age ➵ 1 January 1960, 12:37 AM / 20 years old Current residence ➵ Ravenclaw Dorms Sexual orientation ➵ ??? Handwriting ➵ Matt Rostine
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Childhood home ➵ Cottage in Loch, Scotland
Religious beliefs & affiliations ➵ Agnostic
Family ➵
Father ➵ Birk Bragnam; Ravenclaw Alumni; Ministry Worker; 47 years old
Mother ➵ Aila McKinnon; Hufflepuff Alumni; Baker; 45 years old
Strengths ➵ Studious. Observant. Charismatic.
Weaknesses ➵ Sarcastic.Neurotic. Stubborn. 
Zodiac ➵ Capricorn; Libra rising; Aquarius moon
Moral alignment ➵ TBD
Boggart ➵ TBD
Amortentia ➵ Parchment. Coffee. Cinnamon Rolls.
Likes ➵ Exploring, discovery new fun facts about history, jumpers, talking about hauntings.
Dislikes ➵ Blood purity, itchy sweaters, large groups of people,
Hair ➵ Brown Eye color ➵ Brown Height ➵ 5 feet, 11 inches Body type ➵ Slim Smells of ➵ The outdoors. Health ➵  Dominant hand ➵ Left FC ➵ Charlie Rowe Voice ➵ Iain De Caestecker
Blood status ➵ Halfblood
Wand ➵ 11 ¼’ Black Walnut & Unicorn Tail Hair
Less common than the standard walnut wand, that of black walnut seeks a master of good instincts and powerful insight. Black walnut is a very handsome wood, but not the easiest to master. Paired with a sincere, self-aware owner, however, it becomes one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all, with a particular flair in all kinds of charmwork.
Patronus ➵ Non-corporeal - it would be a unicorn. Scottish pride!
Institution ➵ Puddlemere Institute of Magic for Boys. Class of ‘78
O.W.L. courses & exam marks ➵
Ancient Runes - O
Astronomy - E
Charms - O
Defense - O
Herbology - O
History of Magic - O
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - E
Extracurricular activities ➵
History of Magic Club / September 1970 - May 1978
Muggle Studies Club  / September 1970 - May 1978
House & year ➵ Ravenclaw, Class of ‘82
Academic pursuits ➵ Social Sciences, History of Magic
First-year (1979-80) courses & marks
Global History of Magic- In Progress
Gobbledegook I - In Progress
Muggle Studies: Art History - In Progress
History: Global Codes & Treaties - In Progress
Social Sciences: A History of Muggle & Wizarding Relations - In Progress
Second-year (1970-81) courses & marks
History of Magic in Europe - Enrolled
Ancient Runes - Enrolled
History: Goblin Culture & Wizarding Relations - Enrolled
History: Wars & Rebellions  - Enrolled
Social Sciences: A Survey of Wizarding and Muggle Classics - Enrolled
Third-year (1981-82) courses & marks
Ancient Runes II  - Enrolled
Magical Theory  - Enrolled
Muggle Studies: Popular Culture from 1800 to Present - Enrolled
Internship at the Ministry - Proposed
Extracurricular activities ➵
Muggle Studies / September 1979 - present
Slug Club / September 1979 - present
Warlocks of Great Britain / September 1979 - present
Wizards’ Chess / September 1979 - present
Living arrangement ➵ Ravenclaw Dorms
Lex was raised by a wizardborn mum and a muggleborn dad. Growing up in the midst of two worlds, he has always been fascinated with history and how both sides see the events they experienced.
At present he is particularly fascinated by Haunted History, and enjoys visiting places deemed “haunted” by muggles and figuring out the mysteries of the haunt. 
Lex prides himself in his academics. Working hard to receive the best marks, his goal is to one day become a world renowned magical historian and the Head Curator of the Department of Magical Artefacts, but this doesn’t mean he’s all work and no play. He enjoys watching a good quidditch match and finding worthy competitors for Wizards’ Chess.
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breannathesimblr · 2 years
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Proud Families❤️~
The Beginning | Previous | Next
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hey what’s up hello, i’m bex & i’m super stoked to be playing katie. i think she’s a lot different than a lot of characters i’ve played before & i’m excited to explore her ! ( also i’m trash for a good zoey deutch fc so ... yeah ) a lil about me: i’m twenty-fun years old, i live in est, & i use she/her + they/them pronouns. a fun fact: i have a cat named gremlin & she lives up to her name
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Merlin’s beard, what is ( KATIE BELL ) doing out at this hour? For a ( PUREBLOOD ) who is ( 18 ) years old, ( SHE ) really ought to know better. You know, I hear that they’re aligned with ( THE D.A. ), but that could be just a rumor. I do know that they’re ( A CIS-WOMAN ) and a ( GRYFFINDOR ) student though. They’re very ( BRIGHT ) and ( CHARISMATIC ) but also quite ( COCKY ) and ( ERRATIC ), which could be why they remind of ( A THIN SMILE LIKE THE CURVE OF A CRESCENT MOON, A BLUSH ON YOUR FACE AS PINK AS MORNING SKY, THE CLEVER CHIRP OF A QUIP AND A LAUGH ). Some people say they’re the spitting image of ( ZOEY DEUTCH ), but I’ve never heard of them. ( &&. BEX. 21. EST. SHE/HER + THEY/THEM. )
the name bell might not hold much weight in the wizarding world. it is the name of a scottish family who has always teetered on eschewing pureblood values in exchange for things like righteousness and kindness. they don’t hold wealth, not in the indulgent fashion pureblood families like the malfoys and zabinis have done in the past, and they don’t associate themselves in the happenings of high society. they are content in this role, never seeking more. of course, it should not be forgotten the name bell has one prominence in the muggle world. alexander graham bell was not a muggle as many assume. instead, he was a squib, sent off by the family to a cousin of a cousin when it was realized he was not magical like the rest. it’s a great shame to the family, but he made his own course. he couldn’t do magic in the traditional sense, but he did find it in the muggle world, creating the first muggle tellyphone. perhaps this is selfish, but the bells that remained at the time found solace in their choosing to send him away when he found his own success.
katie bell was born in 1979, the third child to lachlan and mackenzie bell ( gryffindor and ravenclaw, respectively ). her elder siblings, calum and aila, were near in age to her, and the three were very close as siblings went. they wandered the fields during, navigating the stream behind their house and traversing the woods, and playing quidditch once the sun began to set. sometimes, they even got their parents to join in. mackenzie was a star chaser back in her day, playing professionally after graduation until she became a correspondent for the daily prophet, and katie wanted to be just like her. katie dressed like her mum, stealing her ravenclaw scarves and riding her broom ( of course, the latter only happened once. mackenzie made it clear that katie was to ride her own broom until she was old enough to properly respect mackenzie’s -- which, to be fair, was a professional racing broom ).
of course, come hogwarts, things didn’t go exactly to plan. she watched her older brother, three years older, be sorted into gryffindor. then, aila was sorted into hufflepuff just a year later. when it was katie’s turn, she still hoped for ravenclaw, if only to be like her mum, but she went into it with an open mind. she would let the hat do what it did best, and let it make the decision for her. when it called out GRYFFINDOR, she paused before nodding, smiling as she made her way to the lion’s table, taking a seat next to calum. she found her own there. she befriended people in her house and outside of it, slytherins excluded ( even katie was pressured into feeling all slytherins were bad, fueling her feelings for the house rivalry ). her favorite thing to do her first year was to watch the quidditch matches ( sometimes she snuck out to watch the practices until the captain -- oliver wood -- chased her out ). she wore her gryffindor scarf with pride and cheered until her throat was hoarse. it was no surprise when she tried out the next year.
to make the team her second year ( which -- to her pride -- was a year before her mother made her own house team ) was absolutely brilliant. she was thrilled to play chaser like her mum. really, being in the air was like nothing else. it was fun and exhilarating and nothing could compare ( she would say that until she felt the rush and burn of firewhiskey coursing through her her fourth year ). her future was set in stone. like oliver, who had come to not see her as the annoying quidditch-obsessed first year she once was, she wanted to play professionally. there really wasn’t any other choice. of course, as she aged, things changed. her love for quidditch didn’t dwindle, but she grew other interests. she learned to put her friends first ( something she didn’t do for the longest of times ) and she came to value them more than anyone else. she realized that, as a person, she couldn’t have such a one track mind. maybe that’s why she joined dumbledore’s army her sixth year ( -- besides the overwhelming fact it was the right thing to do ).
darkness was brewing in the wizarding world but it hadn’t touched katie or the rest of the bells, something they were endlessly thankful for. they were scared of loss, as many were, and were content in staying firmly in middle ground. they had their opinions, yes, and voldemort and his shocking regime were surely wrong, but they like many others were scared of being hurt and scared of death. perhaps it was cowardly -- no, it undoubtedly was, but fear has a way of ruining the resolve of the strongest. of her family, katie was the most reckless, they said, as she was the only one to do anything that would stake her place in this war, which she did in joining dumbledore’s army. she didn’t tell her family for obvious reasons, but how could she not do what was right ? her friends were joining, and she believed in harry potter more than the ministry -- it was the only choice.
of course, it was all fun and games, the reality of the war that was coming had yet to hit katie, until she was cursed. the imperius. she remembers it vaguely, the feeling like her actions weren’t her own. it was uncomfortable, certainly, but the worst part of it was the necklace. she was arguing with leanne about the delivery of it and then -- pain. it was like nothing she had ever known, and nothing she would ever wish on anyone, not even her worst enemy. it took her six months to recover in saint mungo’s. everyone asked but she could tell them nothing about who did it. eventually, they stopped prying, leaving her to recover. it took a long time, and sometimes she’ll shut her eyes and a flash of pain will course through her, just a fragment of what she experienced but still enough to scare her that it’s starting up again. finally -- finally -- she was able to return to hogwarts in april. 
it was great, giving katie a sense of normalcy once again. of course there were a few weird looks, but it was hogwarts, and she wouldn’t have expected anything else. the gryffindors won the cup and it was great. during this time, she spoke to professor mcgonagall and it was decided she would come back to hogwarts next year to repeat her seventh year. she had missed over half the year and even with professors working with her, it didn’t make sense to give her her newts and pray she passed. of course it was sad to not finish school with her friends, but it was what had to be done.
katie has always been easy to talk to, quick with a smile and quicker with a laugh. growing up with two older siblings, sometimes she was talked over, and really she has a lot to say. some of it’s random chatter, but occasionally it’s not. she’s bright, really, she is. she’s quick to grasp information and facts; she’s good at thinking rationally and giving advice. of course, sometimes it’s hard to get katie to focus. she’s constantly going from one thing to another, never settling down to pay attention to anything for too long. talk to katie about things she’s good at ( the list, for reference, includes these things: quidditch, gobstones, making paper fortune tellers, the pepper breath hex, and making dutch babies ) and she won’t stop talking. it’s really unfortunate. she doesn’t realize she might come off as boastful or inconsiderate, she just is proud of her accomplishments. maybe she should realize talking over people isn’t the greatest thing to do but -- katie is katie. 
since being attacked with the necklace, katie has two main moods: defensive and erratic. she has a tendency to be skeptical, to be nervous, which -- really -- is understandable, but it’s almost unceasingly so. she has come to lose trust in her friends and family, when really they’ve been the people who were there for her the most. she needs to relax, though that is easier said than done. on the flip side, she tends to act without thinking. she does what she wants, only thinking about the negative consequences after it’s been done. her rationale is this: she doesn’t want to miss out on doing something because she chickened out. she doesn’t want to lose a chance she might never get again.
quick notes: good intentions, bad execution scared of past, scared of future desire to do the right thing ( stemming from what peers do + a need to do what’s risky ) unintentionally self-absorbed loud + passionate + uninhibited
if you’ve read this far, bless you. not to throw something else at you, but here are some wanted connections.
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linguistlist-blog · 1 year
TOC, AILA Review Vol. 4, No. 2 (2023)
2022. iii, 94 pp. Table of Contents Articles Inside names: A contextualist approach to the syntax and semantics of direct reference Denis Delfitto & Gaetano Fiorin pp. 153–190 The cycle in language change: Insights from diachronic phonology and syntax of negation Marta Tagliani & Stefan Rabanus pp. 191–228 Book reviews Arie Verhagen. 2021. Ten Lectures on Cognitive Evolutionary Linguistics Reviewed by Alexander Lasch pp. 229–238 Cedric Boeckx. 2021. Reflections on Language Evolution: From http://dlvr.it/SpFzW7
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theanimangagirl · 7 years
Could you talk about your inquisitor? :) Didn't know you're playing DAI
Andresca Evelyn Trevelyan
[Long post ahead]
5th child of Bann Trevelyan of Ostwick and his wife. Her birth was highly anticipated as she had four older brothers. All is good and fine , but daughters are the desired offspring in Thedas and specially in the Free Marches. Her mother prayed fervently to Andraste for a daughter who could inherit the title of Bann, and pledged to give the name ‘Andraste’ if the babe was a girl. When the baby was born it was a moment of great joy in the Trevelyan household, they were just cleaning her up, when Lady Trevelyan began to push again. Despite the best healers predictions, Lady Trevelyan gave birth to identical twin girls.
Twins are to be said to be a good omen, they mean to name the baby girl Andraste Francesca , but since they were two, and didn’t wanted to insult Andraste for the blessing of twins, the Bann and the Lady named them Andresca Evelyn and Frandraste Patricia.
Despite looking identical, the twins didn’t got along. They were like water and oil. Andresca was more quiet but had a peaceful aura arround her, while Frandraste was loud with a very energical aura. They didn’t shared a lot of interest. Even the relationship with their brothers was very different, Andresca was doted by Timothy, the third son and her senior for almost nine years. They both enjoyed the quiet of a library and observing the nature. Even when he left for Templar training they remained in touch by letter. Frandraste was instead doted by Alexander, the second son and ‘spare heir’ of the family who pursued a military career. They both bonded on how they were just a ‘spare’ instead, both of them became deeply religious. And got along famously despite the eleven year gap.
The glue between the siblings was Gustav Maxwell, the third son. He was easy going and probably the only one who got along with his five siblings, even the ever busy Frederik, the eldest and the official heir of the family. He shocked the family by deciding he too wanted to become a Templar , despite not showing much interest while growing up. In reality he did it so he could keep an eye on both twins, as Andresca was in a Circle and Frandraste choose (despite the dismay of her parents) to become a priest.
Things went sour while on a heated argument  on 9:27 ten years old Andresca set Frandraste favorite doll on fire. Frandraste went screaming to her parents calling her sister an abomination. Both Timothy and Gustav escorted their little sister to the circle tower the next day. Despite her magical abilities the Trevelyans truly loved their daughter and ensured she would have any protection coin could buy in the circle. Something that alienated young Trevelyan in the circle as no templar or mage dared to touch one hair in her head. (Timothy after all was a Knight Captain and Gustav was a Knight Lieutenant )
After the circles fell Trevalyan was tasked with going to the Conclave as her noble status should protect their little delegation from harm. It didn’t worked.
The Conclave explosion not only wiped out the small Ostwick delegation, but also made Gustav pay the ultimate price as he had sneaked in to bring his little sister home safely. Frandraste to this day blames her for her brother’s death.
Andresca was mostly diplomatic in her approach, she offered peace rather than violence, tho she wasn’t immune to sarcasm. She did had a limit and once crossed she would rain fury in whoever had provoked her. She accepted that she was the Herald of Andraste, and truly believed it until Adamant. Even so she continued to believe Andraste had somehow intervened to save her as everybody else died and she survived.
She romanced (and eventually married) Cullen. Their relationship started very rocky. She was wary of him when she heard he had been a Templar in Kirkwall as horror stories about the Gallows traveled all the way to Ostwick.  When she discovered he was Meredith’s second she was absolutely terrified of him, that terror turned into open hostility when she realized she couldn’t be killed/made Tranquil as she had the mark in her hand and both Leliana and Josephine were inclined to agree with her. Especially after she recruited the Rebel Mages as full alies.  Cassandra might have disapproved, but Cullen was livid, and Andresca had enough of him and slapped full force in the face when he implied mages were susceptible to possession due the Breach. It was a moment of clarity for both as Trevelyan realized that she needed to use more reason and that not everybody was going to agree with her, Herald or not, and for Cullen to starting to realize he was being a judgemental ass. From there they began very slowly to build a friendship that developed into love.
She will forever carry the ‘what if?’ of Sera. 
As for the traitor egg….she bowed to stop him even if that emnt burning him into ashes and then burning the ashes. She ended up disbanding the Inquisition.
And still stuck in the hinterlands I have:
 Aila Malika Cadash, Two-Handed Dwarven Warrior
Atenea Herah Adaar, Qunari Mage
 But this post is long enough, so if you have questions about these two, nonie, feel free to ask :D
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“Being onstage and performing for people has been a dream of mine, and I’ve always wanted to do it. And this is, like, my first step,” explained Beau Monton of San Francisco’s George Washington High School. Monton, 17, was one of 17 high school students who staged original pieces inspired by “Hamilton” at the Orpheum Theatre on April 12 as part of the Broadway musical’s celebrated educational program, EduHam. [. . .] Students exhibited original spoken word poetry, scripted scenes, acoustic songs and raps. Some placed America’s founding in a modern context, drawing from the musical’s own presentation of history through rap and R&B. Mission High School’s Aila Alli and Celeste Guerreo presented a scene in which Revolutionary War figure John Laurens comes out as gay to his father in heaven. The duo ended the performance by announcing, “Accept and love your kids. Don’t wait until it’s too late.” Jinghao Huang and Yawen Yu of San Francisco International High School presented their “Boston Massacre Poem” in both English and Chinese. Their Chinese second reading received encouraging cheers and applause from the crowd. Others drew material from personal experience. Micol DiAloisio and Kayla Lin’s “Immigrant Poem,” the first performance of the day, portrayed their respective parents’ stories of immigrating to the United States. As “Hamilton” is known for its celebration of immigrant narratives, such as Alexander Hamilton’s — best embodied by the musical’s now-infamous line, “Immigrants: we get the job done” — the Balboa High School students were asked to write about immigration within their integrated curriculum classes. “Our teacher … really wanted us to include our own lives into ‘Hamilton,’ so writing about my father, about how he came here alone to meet his family, and how he grew up in Kansas, and how he and his brothers were the only Asians — it was difficult for him,” explained Lin.  [. . .]
‘Hamilton’ transforms Orpheum Theatre into classroom for San Francisco high school students in EduHam program (The Daily Californian)
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tyrannobro · 7 years
OC Stuffs Inspired by @msrenai21 It begins... With my three Alola adventuring nerds Ty, Baloo and Bro. None of them have last names so that saved me a good hour ewe Perhaps I shall do this with mah guzmeria chitterins
FULL NAME: Ty Alexander
NICKNAME(S): Ty, Tyra, Asshat
AGE: prolly over 20
OCCUPATION: currently Alola trial-goer
RELIGION: The fear of Arceus was beaten into him as a child
SEXUALITY: Bisexual leans towards womens
HEIGHT: 6'5"
WEIGHT: Is rude to ask a man his weight e3e/
HAIR COLOUR: His hair is kinda black but the fluffy bits look kinda gray-ish
EYE COLOUR: Amber/Orange-ish
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: His left eyebrow is split from a scar he has but covers with body paint
HOMETOWN: Born in Fuschia City and raised in Hearthome City but stayed in neither region too long
EDUCATION LEVEL: He has been in a school maybe a handful of times and had to teach himself and his siblings basic things
FATHER: Vaughn Petrov (Deceased; Taken to maximum security prison and word got out he beat his chitterins)
MOTHER: Aila Skúli (Deceased; Killed in suspicious house fire)
SIBLINGS: Baloo and Bro
EXTENDED FAMILY: ??? (Maternal Grandmother)
FULL NAME: Baloo Axelia
NICKNAME(S): Loo, Sister, that crazy bitch, the loud one
AGE: Definitely more then 2
OCCUPATION: currently Alola trial-goer
RELIGION: Believes in the Tapus as of recently but is super weak for Giratina and his lore
SEXUALITY: Bisexual (feels love should be more based on the person and not their parts)
HEIGHT: 5’5"
WEIGHT: 108 lbs.
EYE COLOUR: Heterochromic Green/Amber-Orange
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Her freckles and huge personalitits
HOMETOWN: Born in Fuschia City and raised in Hearthome City but stayed in neither region too long
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Paniola Town, Alola
EDUCATION LEVEL: Baloo has street smarts and her grasp of education stops at 10th grade
FATHER: Vaughn Petrov (Deceased; Taken to maximum security prison and word got out he beat his chitterins)
MOTHER: Aila Skúli (Deceased; Killed in suspicious house fire)
SIBLINGS: Ty and Bro
EXTENDED FAMILY: ??? (Maternal Grandmother)
NICKNAME(S): The Smol, mini-Bro, don't do that again
AGE: Around Lana's age if not a tad older
OCCUPATION: currently Alola trial-goer
RELIGION: Will literally believe in anything
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual: All the friendsexual :D
HEIGHT: 5’1"
WEIGHT: 97 lbs.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: His little whisker birthmarks
HOMETOWN: Hearthome, Sinnoh
EDUCATION LEVEL: Bro will deceive you into believing he is dumb and naive but in reality he has planned the next ten steps in confrontation
FATHER: Vaughn Petrov (Deceased; Taken to maximum security prison and word got out he beat his chitterins)
MOTHER: Aila Skúli (Deceased; Killed in suspicious house fire)
SIBLINGS: Ty and Baloo
EXTENDED FAMILY: ??? (Maternal Grandmother)
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