kayehereee · 7 months
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Oh, the way he smiles, a lopsided line of a mouth. His rough tongue grazes my hand, making it itch slightly, yet I don't mind in the least. After he showers, his soft white fur glistens, with a few hairs flying out when he shakes vigorously. His pointy canines pierce fiercely into the meat as he gobbles up his food, sighing in contentment. His stubborn reluctance when I hug him, inserting his clipped claws into my clothes. And oh, his fragrance, it's indescribable. It's better than the fragrance of flowers in a garden. Very unlike humans, but nevertheless, a fragrance of life.
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unicornery · 1 year
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Ailurophile (cat lover) by Nabilah Qurratunisa aka kumiko251
Poster about the voice of cat lover. And that visual meaning is about a cat and her owner who always comfort each other. for art style poster, I got inspired by Saul Bass poster style
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jccheapalier · 2 years
Bohemian Catsody - A Rhapsody Parody Song for Every Cat Queen and King!
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mybuddyjimmy · 3 months
Ailurophile [aye-LOO-rə-fayhl]  Part of speech: noun Origin: Greek, early 20th century  1. A cat lover.  Examples of ailurophile in a sentence  “She must be an ailurophile after fostering cats for 15 years.”  “Even though I only have dogs, I’m an ailurophile at heart.”  #wordoftheday
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okyoctaviani · 5 months
Ailurophobia dan Covid 19.
Sebelum tahun 2020 saya adalah seorang ailurophobia, orang yang takut dengan kucing. Kalau ada kucing yang mendekat, wah degdegan banget padahal gak bakal kenapa-napa. Pikiran buruk kemana-mana dimulai dari bulunya akan terbang-terbang, kutunya loncat-loncat ke kulit, bakal digigit dengan taringnya yang tajam, dicakar-cakar. Padahal itu belum tentu kejadian!
Suatu ketika diawal tahun 2020, saya harus dirawat inap ditempat kerja sendiri dengan diagnosa parathypi (Tifus) karena diduga kelelahan kerja menjadi swabbar. Saat itu lagi banyaknya permintaan pemeriksaan swab covid19 dan tiba-tiba jadi swabbar dadakan. Ceilah! Setiap hari ketemu dengan banyak orang yang diduga terjangkit covid19, entah sudah mencolok berapa hidung pasien untuk dilakukan tes PCR atau antigen.
Sepulangnya dari rawat inap itu, baru diberi tahu kanit ruangan perawatan kalau ternyata Dokter Penanggung Jawab Pasien (DPJP) saat dirawat terkena Covid juga. Jadi saat dirawat inap saya dan DPJP (yang diduga sudah terkena Covid) melakukan kontak karena divisite secara langsung. Kaget? Tentu aja! Apalagi sepulangnya kerumah udah ngerasa gak bisa nyium bau apa-apa, seperti halnya gejala-gejala Covid pada umumnya.
Akhirnya saya harus menjalani isolasi mandiri dan diungsikanlah sendirian ke 'rumah kecil' yang gak jauh dari rumah utama, jarak dari rumah utama ke rumah kecil ini hanya terhalang satu rumah tetangga. Fungsi rumah kecil ini sebenernya bekas ditinggali sama kakak waktu dulu, setelah dia nikah dia pindah rumah bersama dengan istrinya. Rumahnya tidaklah besar, hanya satu lantai dengan satu kamar mandi dan satu kamar tidur. Tidak ada dapur dan hanya ada ruang televisi. Cukup simple untuk dihuni single atau orang yang baru nikah dan belum punya anak. Rumah kecil ini jadi tempat isolasi mandiri selama kurang lebih satu minggu sambil menunggu hasil PCR dari tempat kerja.
Rumah kecil inilah yang bisa dibilang tempat Oky bermeditasi dan dewasa (dari yang sebelumnya). Harus tinggal sendirian karena sakit penyakit menular, sakitnya covid udah kayak habis ditabrak kereta kalo kalian udah tau gimana rasanya. Jaringan internet terbatas hanya dari tethering ponsel (karena WiFi ada di rumah utama), makanan terbatas karena gak ada dapur (ada kompor portable yang bisa dimasak cuman mie instan) dan dari itu semua cuman dapat hiburan dari flashdisk berisi film-film series yang sudah diunduh sebelumnya. Gabisa Netflix juga aaa~
Rumah kecil ini juga yang ternyata mempertemukan saya dengan keluarga kecil mereka. Mama kucing dan ketiga anaknya ternyata sudah sangat familiar dengan teras 'rumah kecil' ini. Mereka tidak segan untuk menginap diteras dimana mama kucing menyusui anaknya juga, anak-anak kucingnya bermain dengan pot tanaman. Mereka ternyata lebih dulu tinggal diteras rumah ini ketimbang saya, anak pemilik rumah.
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Kadang saat akan menyapu teras pagi-pagi sambil berjemur, mereka loncat-loncat dikaki. Gimana rasanya? GELIIIIII WOOOY~. Bahkan saat mau berjemur saja bisa gak jadi keluar karena suara derit pintu bagi mereka seperti suatu undangan selamat datang untuk para kucing yang biasanya ada di teras. Buka jendela kamar, anak anak kucing masuk dengan bebasnya kekamar. GAK BISAA! GAK BISA DIGITUIN GAK BISAAA!!
Ada hari dimana kepala sakiiit banget, badan panas karena demam, hidung gak bisa mencium apa-apa, nafsu makan gak ada dan yang jadi hiburan adalah... nontonin emak kucing yang sedang menyusui anaknya. Suatu hal yang lumrah dan menyenangkan untuk melihat mereka sampai berjam-jam lamanya, saat menonton mama kucing tidur siang sambil nyusuin anaknya, setelah anak-anaknya selesai menyusui pada induknya merea bermain loncat-loncatan, lari kesana kemari, cabok-cabokan dengan saudaranya sendiri. Sesuatu yang lucu untuk menonton daily life kittens secara langsung, bukan dari NatGeo.
Merasa ditemani. Merasa didengarkan saat curhat. Merasa diperhatikan saat tatapan dari jendela, mama kucing melihat anak yang sedang isolasi menangis karena sakit kepala dan gak bisa melakukan apa-apa. Mata mama kucing itu menatap dengan peeenuh kasih sayang. Gak tau ya kasih sayang beneran atau enggak. Padahal komunikasinya juga lewat kaca jendela yang tertutup karena takut anak-anaknya pada masuk.
Seorang ailurophobia yang sedang menjalani isolasi mandiri karena covid lama kelamaan merasa gak lagi takut untuk interaksi sama kucing. Perlahan-lahan kaca jendela dibuka biar mereka bisa nongolin kepalanya buat dielus-elus. Semakin bisa interaksi dengan kucing, semakin juga badan pulih dan kehidupan mulai lagi dengan normal.
Selesai isolasi, pindah lagi ke rumah utama biar gak susah jangkau makanan dan WiFi. Sedihnya karena sibuk lagi kerja, mama dan anak kucing juga ditinggalkan, seminggu setelah pindah mereka juga gak kelihatan lagi diteras rumah kecil.
Sedih? Ya. Sekaligus menyesal kenapa gak memperlakukan mereka dengan lebih baik lagi saat isolasi mandiri waktu itu. Mereka dengan baik ataupun dengan tidak sengaja menemani manusia yang sedang sakit dengan tulusnya. Apa manusia ada yang pernah memperlakukan mereka dengan baik?
Sebagai gantinya si Mama kucing dan anak-anaknya, kucing yang entah darimana ini datang dan sempat melahirkan dirumah utama. Namanya si Centang karena bulunya yang susah diatur dan mencuat kearah luar tubuh ini hobi makan apapun dari makanan sisaan kami. Semakin menambah kekisruhan kami sebenarnya, karena pada dasarnya orang tua bukan orang yang suka dengan kucing. Tapi karena si Centang ini kucing yang bisa berbaur dengan manusia dan sifatnya clingy, abah (bapak) yang setiap shubuh shalat di mesjid pun dia antarkan sampai gerbang mesjid dan balik ke rumah. Itulah kedekatan si Centang dengan abah.
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Sampai saat ini kalau ada kucing, sebenernya bukan rasa suka yang lebih dulu yang muncul. Tapi merasa berterimakasih sudah mau ada disamping manusia dengan berbagai kebutuhan mereka yang complicated. Rasa berterimakasih itulah yang akhirnya menggeser dari ailurophobia menjadi ailurophile, seorang yang menyukai kucing.
Sejak saat itu, saya jadi lebih berani untuk dekat dengan kucing-kucing yang ada disekitaran rumah. Beberapa kucing tetangga mampir hanya untuk sekedar dielus, atau malah mengajak bermain sebentar. It's not happiness that brings us gratitude. It's gratitude that brings us happiness.
Seperti biasa, waktunya pendapat dari pribadi. Ketakutan pada kucing yang dirasakan waktu itu mungkin seperti... 'suudzon' mau diperlakukan tidak baik oleh kucing, padahal nyatanya tidak begitu. Kucing tau niat kita baik atau buruk. Mereka adalah hewan yang paling peka dengan lingkungan sekitarnya, memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman tanpa manusia sadari.
Hidup dengan kucing kalau sudah tinggal sendiri sudah terpikirkan sejak awal, semoga bisa terwujud nantinya. Kucing dengan ras apapun, sama saja selama kucing ini bisa memberikan dampak positif pada pemiliknya.
Terimakasih yang sudah membaca sampai akhir, see ya!
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quasi-pretty · 6 months
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cath13191 · 10 months
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mayanangel · 2 years
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i feel seen :)
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I'm trying to write updates and catch up on my blog notifications and my cat decides it is now snuggle time. Not a few minutes ago when I wasn't doing anything. Not even a few minutes from now when I'm done. Right now
I see how it is
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aquamanandfriends · 1 year
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text posts for @thestoriesincoffeestains birthday celebration 3/∞
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ovilis-m · 1 year
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dduane · 10 months
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The cover for the first book in the Feline Wizards group has just been spiffed up a little (new render, improved magic...). So those of you who've already purchased it through Ebooks Direct are entitled to an upgrade to the version with the new cover, if you want one.
Just email the EBD customer service address quoting your order number, and we'll send you updated download links at no cost.
If you've already got the book as part of the whole-store Give Me Everything You've Got package, TBONWM has been updated there too. The request process to get the package with the re-covered book is the same as above.
And if you've never heard of this Young Wizards-universe book, and want to pick up a copy, you can do that here. The ebook is DRM-free: it can be moved from device to device as you please, and if you ever need a replacement due to file loss or platform change, we'll do that for you for free.
Some cats—the ones who're also wizards—work in the world as the guardians of Gates, maintaining the portals between realities. When an ancient evil threatens to flood through the worldgates hidden in New York's Grand Central Terminal and invade New York with surreal horror from another dimension, four champions—an Upper East Side house pet, a neurotic tortoiseshell, a fearless alley tom, and a feral kitten—are called to defend the Earth. Four small wizards must walk between worlds into the terrible realm of the Children of the Serpent... facing ultimate battle in a war against a Darkness born untold aeons before the creation of mere Man... "Intriguing, with a well-worked backdrop... Fantasy-loving ailurophiles will curl up and purr." -- Kirkus Reviews "Laughter, spellworks, battles, and personal growth all mesh into a Tolkienesque tale." -- San Diego Union-Tribune "Love it? I could not put it down." -- Jane Yolen
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catsofcalifornia · 10 months
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Thomas and Boo from Natalie's Cat Rescue in San Rafael, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help!
Click here for a link to Natalie's Cat Rescue's main website.
Thomas is three year old kitty with human oriented personality. He is social, relaxed, calm, super chilled and gentle. He is quiet boy, spends his day watching birds perching at windows, playing with toys and napping in his bed. He is a great companion and friend for ailurophiles.
Thomas was found outside and rescued. He had gum inflammation and lost most of his teeth. He eats wet canned food and dry food soaked in water.
Thomas is great with children and adults, he is very friendly with young kittens, female cats and dogs.
Thomas is very friendly with a rescued male kitten Boo, they make a great bonded pair and can be adopted together.
Boo is social, sweet, playful and affectionate little boy. He loves human companionship, likes to be petted and held, very snuggly and loving boy that will be his owner best friend, he is a lap kitty.
Boo is very active, likes to explore, play and run around the house. He is great with children and adults, he loves our cats and mid size dog. He will benefit from having a furry friend in his home.
Boo got friends with cat Thomas who is also available for adoption, please consider to adopt both boys if you would like to adopt a pair.
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naamahdarling · 5 months
First, the obligatory, from one ailurophile to another: how are each of the kitties? Do you have recent photos that you can share?
Second: a while back (pre-plague) I bought a painting from you. (Okay, a very small painting...but I love it. It had a night-time forest-and-starry-sky scene, with cutout-word poetry.) You've got a good eye and "ear". Do you still get time to paint?
Thank you for the kind words!
I will post some kitty pics presently so they can be separate from this post but they are doing okay-ish.
Dried Pickle Man continues to chug along, hurgling gurgling and purrgling, growing ever more unfortunate to gaze upon, but he is happy and as comfortable as a little old man cat can be, and very dear when he isn't being a bullying asshole.
Raleigh is doing just fine. His stomatitis that was causing his mouth to reject his teeth (what the FUCK that this can even HAPPEN) hasn't been bothering him lately, and he still -- knock on wood -- pisseth freely, his tiny weewee unblocked.
Sid has been ill. He finally got a diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and is on steroids for that. It doesn't give him the poops, which is what I expected. It comes out the other end. A lot of it. I didn't think a cat could contain that much. DPM has it as well, but his wasn't nearly as horrific. I was...not prepared. So that has been absolutely no fun at all. He has lost a lot of weight, so it's good he started out kind of chunky, but he should be fine. He's doing a lot better.
Fancy, as ever, remains extremely sweet and cuddly and funny and clever, and also just sometimes Bad and Naughty. She's the best. I know I talk up her naughtiness, but she is actually very little trouble. She's just very very playful and incredibly chatty and has a ridiculously expressive little face that usually looks smug, devious, or deliriously happy. I love her more than stars.
I have all the time I need to paint, but also it has become emotionally painful to do it because it's dangerous for me to sell my stuff and I feel constantly under the bootheel of Social Security. I can't seem to get past this. It's...incredibly painful to be without it but hey, ruining lives is what means testing is all about. Also ADHD makes it hard. I am often not medicated for it because the USA is experiencing an artificial shortage of stimulant meds that the government is aware of, allowing to continue, and thus, doing on purpose. 🤷‍♀️
But that's depressing, so here's a random cat pic palate cleanser. I'm just gonna see what I can randomly scroll to in my gallery.
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Ough. Yeah that's a good one.
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alarrytale · 2 months
You said harry can't be both straight and gay. But he can be bi. Have you heard of that term before? It's the third letter of the lgbtq acronym that you supposedly support. The second you guys accept that Harry could be with both men and women and not only Louis, you'll sleep better. And maybe then you'll not feel the need to criticize and call him out. You're welcome.
Hello, anon!
No, i've never heard the term bisexual before or been aware that bisexuality exists! I've also never gotten this exact ask before, and never answered why Harry isn't bisexual before either! Never!
I also believe that Harry is a true ailurophile at heart because he answered that the one food he refuse to eat is pussy 🥹😻 #kittensarenotforhumanconsumption
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