#Airborne leaflet propaganda
bobbakerusa · 12 days
Propaganda Flights_ Psychological Warfare from the Sky During WWII by Flight Enthusiasts including Bob Baker (Oklahoma)
Bob Baker Oklahoma
Propaganda Flights: Psychological Warfare from the Sky During WWII by Flight Enthusiasts including Bob Baker (Oklahoma)
During World War II, aerial propaganda played a crucial role in psychological warfare, using aircraft as instruments for disseminating messages and influencing public sentiment. Propaganda flights were designed to demoralize enemy forces, boost the morale of allied troops, and sway neutral populations. The strategic deployment of propaganda from the sky became a significant aspect of wartime strategy, demonstrating the power of air superiority beyond mere combat.
This blog will explore how propaganda flights were utilized during World War II with the help of aviation buffs such as Bob Baker (Oklahoma), examining their objectives, methods, and impacts. We will delve into specific examples of how different nations employed aerial propaganda to achieve their strategic goals, and analyze the effectiveness of these efforts. By understanding these tactics, we gain insight into the broader scope of psychological warfare and its role in shaping the outcomes of the conflict.
The Role of Aerial Propaganda in WWII
Aerial propaganda during World War II was a key component of psychological operations designed to influence both military personnel and civilian populations. By dropping leaflets, pamphlets, and other materials from aircraft, the Allies and Axis powers aimed to undermine enemy morale and sow discord. These airborne messages were intended to spread fear, confusion, and doubt among enemy troops while boosting the morale of friendly forces.
The strategic use of propaganda flights enabled wartime leaders to reach a wide audience quickly and efficiently. Aircraft could cover vast areas and deliver messages directly to enemy territory, often bypassing traditional barriers to communication. Aviation enthusiasts like Bob Baker (Oklahoma) mention that this method proved effective in disseminating information that might otherwise be difficult to convey, making aerial propaganda a vital tool in psychological warfare.
Methods of Aerial Propaganda Deployment
The deployment of propaganda via aircraft involved various methods and technologies. One common approach was the dropping of leaflets and pamphlets over enemy-controlled areas. These materials often contained messages designed to demoralize enemy troops, such as exaggerated reports of defeats or false information about the strength of opposing forces.
In addition to leaflet drops, some nations used aircraft to broadcast propaganda messages over loudspeakers. This method allowed for real-time dissemination of information and psychological manipulation. The use of radio broadcasts from aircraft also became prevalent, enabling the delivery of propaganda to a broader audience. These methods were strategically planned to maximize their impact and ensure that the intended messages reached their target audiences effectively as noted by flight enthusiasts including Bob Baker (Oklahoma).
Examples of Propaganda Flights by the Allies
The Allied forces employed various propaganda strategies during World War II to weaken Axis morale and rally support. One notable example was the use of American B-17 Flying Fortress bombers to drop leaflets over German-occupied territories. These leaflets often featured messages designed to undermine German confidence and promote Allied victories.
Another significant example was the British Royal Air Force’s (RAF) "Bomber Command" missions, which included dropping propaganda leaflets alongside bomb loads. These leaflets aimed to encourage German soldiers to surrender and portray the inevitability of Allied victory. Aviation enthusiasts like Bob Baker (Oklahoma) convey that the psychological impact of these propaganda flights played a role in eroding enemy resolve and contributing to the overall success of Allied operations.
Axis Powers’ Propaganda Flights
The Axis powers also utilized propaganda flights to achieve their objectives. German aircraft, for instance, were employed to drop leaflets over Allied territories, aiming to create dissent and disrupt the morale of Allied troops and civilians. The content of these leaflets often included misinformation about the war’s progress and attempts to exploit existing fears and divisions within Allied countries.
Similarly, Japanese aircraft were used to drop propaganda leaflets over China and other territories under their control. These leaflets aimed to promote Japanese superiority and encourage collaboration with Japanese forces. The use of propaganda flights by the Axis powers demonstrated their recognition of the value of psychological warfare in shaping the outcomes of the conflict.
Impact and Effectiveness of Propaganda Flights
The effectiveness of propaganda flights varied depending on several factors, including the quality of the messages, the credibility of the information, and the context in which they were delivered. In some cases, propaganda flights successfully undermined enemy morale and contributed to psychological pressure on opposing forces. The dissemination of demoralizing information and false reports could weaken the enemy's will to fight and affect their overall performance.
However, the impact of propaganda flights was not always consistent. The success of these operations often depended on the ability to produce credible and persuasive content that resonated with the target audience. In some instances, propaganda efforts were met with skepticism or resistance, reducing their overall effectiveness. Despite these challenges, propaganda flights remained an important tool in the broader strategy of psychological warfare during World War II as pointed out by aviation buffs such as Bob Baker (Oklahoma).
Propaganda flights played a significant role in the psychological aspects of warfare during World War II. By utilizing aircraft to deliver messages and influence perceptions, both the Allies and Axis powers sought to achieve strategic advantages through psychological manipulation. While the effectiveness of these efforts varied, the use of aerial propaganda underscored the importance of psychological warfare in modern conflict. Understanding these tactics provides valuable insights into how psychological operations were employed to shape the course of the war and influence its outcomes.
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The Rumors and Propaganda around the Government shutdown Show....
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Ya know,...... once again we are witnessing our political leaders war on themselves has turned our system into a “clown show” and a “dysfunction caucus”,.... and that’s just what some of political leaders are saying about it.
Historically, and extraordinary again,... scenes of ignorance and stupidity are once again arising at the time of setting a budget to run the country.
A shutdown brings up a whole cornucopia of scenarios from both sides of the government,..... as well as the MEDIA!
Annnndddd those scenarios are increasingly slanting their opinions towards putting America on a path hurling toward a shutdown disaster.
Isn't this process the same Dog-&-Pony-Show every time?
I remember when I joined the Air Force they gave all us recruits classes in Rumors and Propaganda because routeinly the enemies we fight against will drop leaflets from aircraft because Airborne leaflet propaganda is a form of psychological warfare that actually works with stupid people who are unknowing, so all over the areas we were occupying we routinely saw those leaflets falling all around us telling us our government is wrongly occupying the areas, and we are actually the wrongdoers,.... not them who are just trying to defend themselves against a terrorist action.
Rumors and Propaganda get more wars fucked up than any other measure of defeat, that's why they give soldiers classes in rumors and propaganda, so we will know bullshit without the familiar smell.....
When it's all said and done the budget will be on track once again, without the fear of shutdown that the government stands more to lose then we the people do, for the main reason that government doesn't trust YOU to be responsible for its Money,...... Greed in a word!
It's one of the greatest Shows on Earth, The Circus of Rumors and Propaganda about the Government Shutdown.
I mean, think about it,........ we got the new COVID virus running rampant again,....... we got Russia on the brink of declaring war with America because we are giving the Ukraine the ability to fight Russia with American Made Munitions, so we are actually at war with russia by proxy on paper,.... then we got North Korea's leader Kim Jong-Urine pitching to sell Russia Arms to fight the Ukraine's American made weapons, making it really a war against North Korea's weapons against American Made weapons, .... and ya know that's gonna piss off America's political leaders to no end trying to figure out that legal paradox to the American people, to make it seem trivial instead of a major political clusterfuck(Lol),..... but I'm sure the American people will buy if Hook-Line-&-Sinker if you know what I mean........... and so you think setting a budget to run the country is priority one????
I don't think so, and it is showcased as the number one problem because out political leader don't want you obsessing about the real threats to America, so they are giving you this little Tiddlywinks game to concentrate on so you won't think they aren't doing their jobs very well supplying the Ukraine with American Made weapons, which is the real threat to America.......... Think about it......
See in the bomb shelters, Lol
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quakerjoe · 5 years
Belief is a tricky thing. Truth is subjective.
When Bill Barr's redacted narrative of what Robert Mueller's trying to tell Congress drops tomorrow, expect the airborne leaflet propaganda to follow — or its modern-day equivalent. The “counter report” prepared by the White House to "answer" Barr's blacked-out version of Bob's work, might as well be loaded onto Lockheed Martin C-5M Super Galaxy military planes and showered over every major American city. Confusion and chaos and conflict is the goal. Also, Rule 12 (enigmas have no solutions). They'll argue it's all too big and too complicated to know what REALLY happened (sorta like his taxes). It's not. There are simply too many peas and not enough shells for Trump’s game, which is why this administration is rolling out Rule 15 (fit the facts to alternate conclusions) and Rule 16 (vanishing evidence and witnesses [behind Barr's color-coded redaction rainbow]). Imagine for a moment you've reached the end of a classic mystery — “Murder on the Orient Express,” perhaps — but instead of Hercule Poirot showing up in the final scene, you get Inspector Clouseau trying to pin the murder of Samuel Ratchett on none other than — DUN DUN DUN — Hillary Clinton. Wait, what? Now imagine for a moment that EVERY OTHER COPY of Christie's classic mystery novel had shipped from Harper Collins Publishing with that Pink Panther epilogue. How could you even TALK about the experience aboard the Express with someone who read the "wrong" version? A good author has to play fair with the reader. This is Agatha, for crying out loud — ALL THE CLUES WERE THERE the entire time if you were paying attention to the plot. Honestly — go back and look. Which begs the next question: HOW IN THE WORLD can anyone buy the load of codswallop Republicans are selling? Cognitive ease. Given our druthers, we follow the path of least resistance. Dissonance is defined as “a tension or clash resulting from the combination of two disharmonious or unsuitable elements." As we navigate this post-truth, Apocalyptic nightmare that is the Trump residency, “cognitive dissonance” seems to be an excruciating experience exclusively reserved for Democrats. The "cognitive ease” with which the Trumpanzees swallow Donald's disinformation might be frightening, but the truth of the matter is ... it's just science. The easier your brain works, the more likely you are to believe what you're told is true. For example, if you've heard the "Fake Dossier’s discredited author, Trump hater Christopher Steele” was commissioned by Democrats and responsible for launching the Russia Investigation 1,001 times — it would be EASIER TO BELIEVE than having to recall the investigation began MONTHS EARLIER, once "covfefe boy” Papadopoulos drunkenly bragged about Russian hacking of Hillary — the real inciting incident of this horrific political drama. Don't know the name of the Australian diplomat who alerted US Intelligence to Team Trump's Russian connections? Rule 14: Demand complete solutions. Rule 19: Ignore proof presented, demand impossible proofs. Arguing with idiots is a zero sum game. When you run into someone employing Rule 18 (Emotionalize, Antagonize, and Goad Opponents), or Rule 9 (Play Dumb) it's time to walk away. Odds are, the "true believers” are not "playing." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-by  Tom Joad
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We all catch the ire that in Star Wars (A New Hope) that "these aren't the droids you're looking for" was an outright lie, using a mind trick, to get the simpletons to believe it, right? They WERE the droids they were looking for. ~Joe
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eventcharts · 4 months
North Korea to suspend trash balloon campaign (VIDEO)
However, Kim warned that if South Korean activists send propaganda leaflets via balloons again, North Korea would resume airborne trash deliveries, carrying “hundreds of times” the amount of the South Korean leaflets. North Korea has said it will stop sending so-called trash-balloons to the South, claiming on Sunday that the campaign had achieved its goals.
Mercury (messages (anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker propaganda messages) sextile Borasisi (propaganda (Pyongyang has flown tons of waste into South Korea in response to propaganda leaflets sent north by activists)).  Sun (leadership (North Korea’s deputy defense minister)) semi-sextile Hades (garbage, sewage, “messy” situations (floated hundreds of balloons carrying bags containing trash)). Hades (12 cn 38′34") square Mean Node (12 ar 43'57" Rx).
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South Korea’s military said on the same day that North Korea had floated hundreds more balloons carrying bags containing trash ranging from cigarette butts to pieces of cardboard and plastic, and threatened to retaliate.
Hours later, North Korea’s deputy defense minister, Kim Kang Il, said his country would “temporarily halt dropping trash over the border.” Pyongyang earlier described its “sincere gifts” as retaliation for South Korean activists’ years-long practice of floating balloons across the border to drop anti-Pyongyang leaflets.
A few days earlier, North Korea sent over more than 150 balloons carrying trash, manure and used toilet paper.
“We made the ROK [Republic of Korea] clans get enough experience of how much unpleasant they feel and how much effort is needed” to clean up the rubbish, Kim said.
He claimed Pyongyang had scattered 15 tons of wastepaper with more than 3,500 balloons of various sorts between May 28 and June 2.
However, Kim warned that if South Korean activists send propaganda leaflets via balloons again, North Korea would resume airborne trash deliveries, carrying “hundreds of times” the amount of the South Korean leaflets.
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said the balloons were found in the capital Seoul, and various other parts of the country. Some were spotted in the southeast province of South Gyeongsang, more than 280 km (180 miles) from the North.
Seoul warned it would take strong countermeasures in response to the balloon campaign and the continued jamming of GPS signals by the North last week.
South Korea’s National Security Council (NSC) said on Sunday it would not rule out a resumption of anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker propaganda messages along the border.
For years, anti-North Korea groups have used balloons to send leaflets, food, medicine, small amounts of cash, and mini radios into North Korea.
On Monday, the NSC decided to suspend the 2018 inter-Korean reduction pact – which stated that the countries would “completely cease all hostile acts against each other” – until mutual trust is restored.
This measure will enable military training near the Military Demarcation Line, which has been restricted by the agreement, the NSC said.
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php  
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North Korea Suggests ‘Alien Things’ From the South Brought Covid
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By BY CHOE SANG-HUN Airborne propaganda leaflets sent by activists across the border have long angered the regime, which pointed to them as the likely culprit in the country’s recent outbreak. Published: July 1, 2022 at 02:06AM from NYT World https://ift.tt/pP2KrWT via IFTTT
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Flyers Printing in Georgetown - a lucrative business
A flyer (or flier) is a shape of a paper commercial supposed for massive distribution and usually published or dispensed in a public place, surpassed out to people, or dispatched through the mail. If you live in North York and want flyers printing in North York, you have plenty of options.
A Flyer is mostly a single, spread out published sheet this is used to attract interest to an event, service, product, or idea. A flyer typically carries a straightforward message that may be conveyed quickly. Also, the printing is generally on one facet of the paper, even though no regulation announces flyers cannot be published on each side.
Flyers are exceeded out at the street (an exercise acknowledged as "flyering" or "leafleting"), allotted door-to-door via the mail, published on bulletin forums, positioned beneath each windshield wipers of cars, given away at occasions or the street, or affixed to cellphone poles, walls, or different surfaces. Bulletin forums are observed on university campuses, cafés, network assembly houses, Laundromats, and small markets.
Flyers printing in Georgetown can be done perfectly if one is completely aware of the uses of flyers. Flyers can be utilized by individuals, corporations, not-for-earnings corporations, or governments to:
Advertise an occasion along with a track concert, nightclub appearance, festival, or political rally.
· Promote a goods-promoting corporation along with a used vehicle lot cut-price shop or a commercial carrier enterprise along with an eating place or rub-down parlor.
· Persuade humans approximately a social, religious, or political message, as in evangelism or political marketing campaign sports on behalf of a political celebration or candidate in the course of an election.
· Flyers were utilized in conflicts: for example, airborne leaflet propaganda has been a tactic of mental warfare during wars.
A flyer generally has an incredibly short lifespan, along with getting used to announce a one-time occasion like a grand commencing or unique promotion. So, the paper used for flyers does now no longer always ought to be heavy-weight paper. However, a flyer may be published on thicker paper to make it extra long-lasting if it carries statistics to be cited once more while used as a product spec sheet or instructions. Flyers printing in Milton is done similarly.
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rastagong-tearoom · 6 years
Inspirational Blend #2: the charm of seaside cities
Hello, everyone! A day late, I present you this second inspirational blend! As a reminder, this is part of a series of posts where I disclose and talk about the inspirations behind Sylvan Disappearance.
Today's inspiration is most likely shared by many of you. If you've ever watched some movies from Studio Ghibli, and more specifically from Hayao Miyazaki, then you must have been struck by the charm of their seaside cities.
The seaside city from Kiki's Delivery Scene has been a major inspiration for me. To tell the truth, I watched the movie for the first time only some months ago or so. I distinctly remember seeing the posters for the movie everywhere as a child —it was originally released in 1989 in Japan, but where I live, it made it to the movie theatres only fifteen years later, well after a number of other Ghibli features were released. And though I also remember that some of my friends went to see it, and talked about it with praise, I myself never went, and it was only many years later that I finally decided to address this gap in my Ghibli knowledge.
There is much to say about the movie, but somehow, the main theme encapsulates a lot of it. A Town With an Ocean View [海の見える街] manages to express all at once the charm, novelty and attraction of a seaside city for Kiki. It renders the half-idyllic, half-modern atmosphere of the city, which was inspired by the studio's visit of Stockholm in Sweden.
But is this joyful atmosphere representative of life in the modern world? Or merely of Kiki's perception of life as an adult?
In a lot of ways, this question is at the core of this coming-of-age story. In Kiki's world, magic still exists, but city-dwellers don't know of it. The city has an exciting aspect to it, but it's also uncaring —towards naive newcomers, and towards witches too.
Kiki's growth as a person and as a witch is about learning to adjust to a new context where none of her previous points of reference hold true. Friendship, work, inspiration and purpose —they are all equally altered in the city. Overall, the story retains a largely hopeful tone. Kiki overcomes the loneliness and confusion of her first days, and thanks to the help of her friends, she succeeds in finding her place as a witch in the city. Though her new life takes a different turn, the movie suggests that is possible to care for each other, even in such a confusing city.
However, a certain level of nostalgia can still be perceived throughout the story. Whether in the loss of Gigi's speaking ability following Kiki's growth, in the lack of connection of the inhabitants with magic, or even in the resounding failure of the modern airship, it is hard to shake off the impression that both the seaside city and Kiki have lost something in the process of their growth, and that the beauty of the city is incomplete.
Interestingly, this contrasted impression is also visible throughout other works of Miyazaki which also feature idyllic seaside cities with a distinctive European style.
There is a beautiful and quaint town in Howl's Moving Castle too; it sits by an estuary which gives out to the sea. In a scene in the middle of the movie, Sophie goes into the town in the morning, doing her market among the food stalls of the peaceful harbour, with seagulls squawking all around in the skies. But suddenly, a warship from the kingdom's navy makes her way into the river. Heavily damaged and about to drown, her state sends the crowds on the harbour towards the shore. The scene itself is a call-back to the departure of a whole fleet of warships from the same shore —the returning ship being the only surviving one. The scene is followed by an airborne attack, and by the dropping of propaganda leaflets, which further accelerates the panic. The rapid transition between the peaceful portrayal of the town and its nationalist underbelly serves as a reminder that both sides coexist together: the late 19th-century rendition of Europe that Miyazaki portrays so beautifully in the movie cannot be divorced from the rampant nationalist sentiment and wars of the era.
In Porco Rosso, this aesthetic duality is made only more explicit by the setting. Set in a fictional rendering of the Italian coast by the Adriatic Sea in the 1930s, the premise of the movie relies largely on the beauty of aviation as a concept and on the freedom of flying over the sea. At the same time, the movie puts front and centre the monstrous usage of planes at the hand of fascist powers. Marco's own appearance of a pig is a further testament to the trauma he's suffered while flying over the sea, as a war pilot. The result is a nostalgic, bittersweet atmosphere, which makes the beauty of each moment all the more appreciated.
All three movies have contributed a great deal to my love for seaside cities, Howl's Moving Castle being the first one. It is actually among my greatest wishes to someday be able to live by the sea. At the same time, I really cherish the way they tie in the historical and cultural baggage that comes with these aesthetics, all the while remaining resolutely optimistic.
This is all to say that it's not a coincidence if Sylvan Disappearance prominently features a seaside city too. The setting will not be as developed nor as charming as those I have mentioned, but in the broadest terms, it shares some of the spirit from Kiki's Delivery Service.
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suffragettecity100 · 4 years
1915: The Winning Plan
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69. The “Winning Plan”, National Woman’s Party, and Littering
After the defeat of the 1915 New York state suffrage campaign, Carrie Chapman Catt dissolved her “Woman Suffrage Party” (Episode 51) and reluctantly became president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) for a second time. This time she changed tactics. Calling it her “Winning Plan”, she only concentrated on states that had the best chance of passing state suffrage amendments. NAWSA’s funds would be used more effectively by avoiding “detour” states that were unlikely to pass suffrage, such as many southern states. Much of the critical funding for NAWSA’s publications came from the “Empress of Journalism” and extremely colorful character Miriam Folline Squire Leslie. Leslie was known by many variations of her name including legally changing it in 1881 to that of her third husband, Frank Leslie, in order to save his publishing business by running it herself after his death. She left nearly two million dollars to “Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt … to the furtherance of the cause of Woman's Suffrage”.  Half of the inheritance was spent fighting descendants who contested the will but after two years, Catt was able to use the rest of the money (about one million dollars) to fulfill Leslie’s wishes.
In June of 1916, The Congressional Union (Alice Paul’s group) sponsored the National Woman’s Party Convention in Chicago. The CU rebranded itself as the National Woman’s Party (NWP) declaring the NWP to be the world’s first female political party and vowing to use the power of current women voters to influence politicians to pass a national suffrage amendment. 
And now…littering
People, including suffragists, were a little less concerned about littering in the early 1900s. In 1913 Rosalie Jones, a popular leader of the famous suffrage hikes, was a passenger on a plane during the opening ceremony of an air carnival in Staten Island, NY. As the plane soared over the crowds, she dropped a suffrage “bomb” consisting of  hundreds of pamphlets. (Airborne leaflet propaganda had been used in warfare since the late 1870s, first from hot air balloons then later from airplanes. It has been used as recently as 2015 in Syria.) When she landed, she gave a pro-suffrage speech and released a hundred balloons. 
In 1916 while the “Suffrage Special” train was on its five week promotional tour of the western states, Lucy Burns left the train for a few hours to fly with Lieutenant Terah Tom Maroney on a hydroplane. She “bombed” the city of Seattle with leaflets promoting the upcoming National Woman's Party Convention in Chicago.
Finally in December of 1916, two NAWSA suffragists attempted to “bomb” the Presidential yacht during a ceremony celebrating the Statue of Liberty. The original pilot, Ruth Law, was unable to do it because she was part of the ceremony so Leda Richberg-Hornsby took her place. (Richberg-Hornsby was the first woman to graduate from the Wright Brothers Flying School in Dayton, OH.) Known as the “Suff Bird Women”, Richberg-Hornsby and her passenger Ida Blair took off in a two-seater bi-plane. They had a “Women Want Liberty Too” banner and leaflets ready to go. However the fragile plane was no match for the winds that day and they had to crash land in Staten Island swamp before they could complete their mission. There were some bumps and bruises but both women were okay. 
This week’s song pick:
“This Time” by Mandy Harvey  https://youtu.be/kdEzeli5Gjs
#SuffragetteCity100 #FightForThe19th
Episode 69 Sources:
Miriam Folline Squire Leslie:
“Suffrage Special” Train Route:
Airborne Leaflet Propaganda:
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jorlaudanrino-bct · 5 years
Low Fidelity Prototypes
[Written Individually]
This week had us regrouping and starting the process of prototyping and testing. Jake and I worked on an idea he had about the airborne leaflet propaganda tactic that was used in World War I and II. We created a paper plane and leaflets and simulated ‘dropping’ them as we flew the plane. From this test, we discussed if there were ways to use its visualisation and explore it further to use it as a component in the final outcome. 
Grace (link to her blog) also brought in a tennis ball launcher and cups to visualise the consequences of a person’s actions, how it can affect others and how wide it can reach (kind of like a domino effect). The tennis ball in the launcher symbolises a piece of information, the cups symbolise people, while the person shooting the launcher acts as a person who spreads information. This visualisation, in particular, was one I thought would portray our idea of the dangers of the spread of misinformation the best. It was simple and dramatic. 
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gallen · 7 years
Yesterday’s (real) News from North Korea.
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Pyongyang, August 9 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the General Staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA) issued the following statement on Tuesday: Timed to coincide with the fabrication of the heinous "sanctions resolution" against the DPRK at the UN, the U.S. war-thirsty forces are engrossed in war hysteria without discretion. In the U.S. Trump is talking rhetoric without hesitation that "he will not rule out a war against the north rather than taking a folded-arm approach towards its development of long-range nuclear missile advancing with a rapid speed" and "even if a war breaks out, it will be fought on the Korean peninsula and even though thousands are killed, they will be there, not in the U.S. mainland." U.S. Ambassador to the UN Haley is openly saying that the "U.S. has the inexhaustible power" and "it will exercise the right to all the military options". An assistant to the President for National Security is saying that "if the north has access to the nuclear weapons capable of threatening the U.S., it is an intolerable thing for the president. Therefore, the U.S. is preparing all the military options including a fresh preventive war for neutralizing the north's nuclear strike capabilities". The military warmongers of the Pentagon such as Secretary of Defence Mattis, Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Dunford and commander of the U.S. combined special warfare are chiming in, unhesitatingly talking about the necessity of the "beheading operation", "preemptive strike at the north", "secret operation", "internal harassing operation" and "special operation". Timed to coincide with this, the 82nd airborne division, the U.S. imperialist forces' only air-dropping one, went into a large-scale airdrop and mobile drill, anticipating its involvement in the Korean front and the 25th light infantry division and the 10th mountain division are running high fever in their drills for getting familiar with the terrain of the Korean peninsula. Navy SEAL which earned an ill-fame across the world and other special warfare units specializing in terrorist operations were urgently dispatched to south Korea. The plan for bringing strategic assets including B-52, B-1B, B-2A and F-22 formations to south Korea is in the pipeline. At the Edward Air Force Base in California State B-52H formations are busy making preparations for a "secret operation" aimed to create chaos within the depth of the KPA, while staging a drill of dropping PDU-5/B bombs containing propaganda leaflets for psychological warfare. The U.S. plans to bring huge naval forces including its two nuclear aircraft carrier task forces and a nuclear sub to the waters off the Korean peninsula. All these military actions being conducted in the ground, sea and air clearly go to prove that the nuclear war hysteria of the U.S. authorities including Trump has reached an extremely reckless and rash phase for an actual war after crossing the red line. Under the prevailing grave situation, the General Staff of the KPA clarifies at home and abroad its resolute stand as follows to mercilessly smash all sorts of military provocation, being planned by the U.S. imperialist warmongers, with the inexhaustible military might of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army which has so far been built. 1. The KPA will start the Korean-style preemptive retaliatory operation of justice to wipe out the group of despicable plot-breeders once a slight sign of the U.S. provocation scheming to dare carry out a "beheading operation" against the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution out of wild calculation is detected. The "beheading operation" being pursued by the U.S. is just an extremely imprudent and heinous operation for "eliminating" the supreme headquarters of the DPRK, which has long been premeditated by the U.S. to "put under its control" Pyongyang where the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution are located and neutralize the use of nukes and strategic rockets. Once the U.S. shows a sign of starting to carry out the foolhardy plot, we will launch the Korean-style pre-emptive retaliatory operation of justice to annihilate the masterminds of the thrice-cursed operation and all the criminals involved in it. No matter how much specially they have been trained and prepared, the commandos group will be completely eliminated outside the blockade lines of the seas, underwater and air of the DPRK in which its sovereignty is exercised and on the line before the Military Demarcation Line before they reach the supreme headquarters. We have a world's best special operation force, not merely a "team" or platoon or company or battalion in its scale. Once the pent-up indignation of the service personnel of the special operation force of the KPA, which regards it as the greatest mission of the army of the leader and the party and the first maxim of soldiers to devotedly defend the headquarters of the revolution, against the U.S. and other enemies erupts, the U.S. will be forced to suffer an imaginably terrible disaster for the "beheading operation." The world will clearly witness how the fate of Trump and war merchants crying out for "not ruling out a war" and daring attempt to hurt the supreme dignity of the DPRK and eliminate its supreme headquarters will end in miseries once the fully prepared heroic special operation force group of the KPA on standby launches its operation. 2. The provocative "preventive war" the U.S. has devised and plans to execute will be countered with a just all-out war of wiping out all the strongholds of the enemies including the U.S. mainland. The "preventive war" allegedly under the preparations by the security think tank of Trump is an extremely provocative aggression war concept envisaging a sudden strike at the nuclear and rocket bases of the DPRK, which have the U.S. mainland within their striking range, and preventing possible danger of the U.S. Inventors of the "preventive war" admitted themselves that their act is a brigandish military option that can cause an international uproar. Yet, they set the northern half of the Republic, in which the sovereignty of the DPRK is exercised, as the theatre of the "preventive war" and claim it can be an "ideal option" unharmful to them as only Koreans will die there. This is a silly idea bereft of elementary sense, cognition and discretion of those ignorant of how things change, who their rival is and where the trend goes. War is by no means a game. The U.S. should remembered, however, that once there observed a sign of action for "preventive war" from the U.S., the army of the DPRK will turn the U.S. mainland into the theatre of a nuclear war before the inviolable land of the DPRK turns into the one. We do not hide that we already have in full readiness the diversified strategic nuclear strike means which have the U.S. mainland in our striking range. 3. The attempt at "preemptive attack" oft-repeated by the U.S. military warmongers will be mercilessly foiled by the Korean style preemptive attack which will be mounted earlier. Preemptive strike is no longer the monopoly of the U.S. The DPRK has its own style peculiar preemptive strike mode capable of holding back any military preemptive attack of the U.S. in advance as it has made preparations for a do-or-die confrontation with the U.S. imperialist aggressors for decades. It is ridiculous to talk about preemptive strike at the nuclear and rocket bases of the DPRK. The Korean-style earlier preemptive attack will burn up all the objects in the areas under the control of the first and third field armies of the puppet forces including Seoul the moment the U.S. reckless attempt at preemptive attack is spotted, and will lead to the all-out attack for neutralizing the launch bases of the U.S. imperialist aggression forces in the Pacific operational theatre together with the simultaneous strike at the depth of the whole of the southern half. All the strike means to be involved in the Korean-style earlier preemptive strike are ready to open fire of justice by order which can be made any moment. 4. The U.S. "secret operation" targeting the creation of disorder inside the DPRK and a regime change in it will be foiled by its all-people resistance. The "secret operation" touted by the U.S. policy-makers is a foolish scheme aimed at bringing down the social system of the DPRK, in combination with psychological warfare after creating disarrangement with such disorderly conducts as murder, arson, destruction with the use of rogue-like special commandoes to be infiltrated into the DPRK. In order to realize this scheme, a large-size bomb-dropping drill for psychological warfare is being conducted in the U.S. mainland. The "secret operation" is a type of special operation which the U.S. applied to countries in Mid-east like Iraq and Libya and several other countries in Africa and Europe. The anti-U.S. resistance of all the people including three million Children's Union members and five million youths will smash to pieces the "secret operation" which the U.S. dreams to conduct in the DPRK. A saying goes that a war with full knowledge of oneself and one's rival will emerge ever-victorious but a war without knowledge of oneself and one's rival would always end in loss. The U.S. has gone hysteric, being quite unaware of the army and people of the DPRK. The DPRK is an invincible ideological power in which all the service personnel and people are united around their leader in single mind and a country of an impregnable fortress in which all the people are armed and the whole country has been fortified. The U.S. policy-makers have no idea that the country on a declining slope is none other than the American empire where they reside. Herein lies their tragedy. This means that the U.S. is bound to meet a miserable end as it goes helter-skelter without knowledge of itself and its rival. Those who make their way to this land for their dirty dream can never be scot-free as the entire army and people tightly hold arms with strong hatred and hostility toward the U.S. The officers and men of the Korean People's Army and the members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Young Red Guards replete with the transparent spirit of devotedly safeguarding the leader and defending the country are waiting for the time of do-or-die battle while closely following the every move of the U.S. imperialist aggressors. The U.S. should not forget even a moment that its mean and crafty attempt at an aggression war against the DPRK will further strengthen the intensity of the military counteraction of the Korean People's Army. Should the U.S. finally opt for a reckless military adventure, defying the stern warning of our revolutionary armed forces, the tragic end of the American empire will be hastened.
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thewebofslime · 6 years
he War Zone recently outlined the logic behind persistent rumors that the U.S. Air Force, or some other U.S. government entity, might have regenerated some F-117A Nighthawk stealth combat jets for operations in the Middle East, most likely Syria, in recent years. We also noted that there’s absolutely no hard evidence to substantiate these claims. But there is a strong possibility that the United States did deploy another aircraft, a variant of the General Atomics Avenger drone, carrying the base designation Q-11, to meet a similar requirement for a stealthy, but armed platform that could strike high value and mobile targets in contested areas. To quickly recap, on Mar. 2, 2019, Dutch online aviation magazine Scramble posted claims on their Facebook page regarding the possibility that some F-117As flew missions in the Middle East in 2017. If true, this would have likely occurred because of a demand for the Nighthawks' particular attributes, most notably it being a relatively quick and stealthly platform that is able to employ laser-guided bombs on moving targets. It also doesn't represent the high-end of U.S. aerospace technology, especially in terms of its low-observable design. As such, if one was lost, the technological risk wouldn't be catastrophic. LET'S TALK ABOUT THE RUMOR THAT F-117S HAVE FLOWN MISSIONS IN THE MIDDLE EAST RECENTLY By Tyler Rogoway Posted in THE WAR ZONE PHOTO EMERGES OF STEALTHY AVENGER DRONE FITTED WITH ADVANCED MULTI-SPECTRAL SENSOR SUITE By Tyler Rogoway Posted in THE WAR ZONE SHEDDING SOME LIGHT ON THE AIR FORCE'S MOST SHADOWY DRONE SQUADRON By Joseph Trevithick and Tyler Rogoway Posted in THE WAR ZONE USAF REVEALS DETAILS ABOUT SOME OF ITS MOST SECRETIVE DRONE UNITS WITH NEW AWARDS By Joseph Trevithick Posted in THE WAR ZONE BEHOLD THE MOST DETAILED PHOTO TAKEN OF AN AIRBORNE F-117 NIGHTHAWK IN OVER A DECADE (UPDATED) By Tyler Rogoway Posted in THE WAR ZONE This is a capability gap the U.S. military had had since retiring the first-generation stealth jets in 2008 and only recently regained, at least publicly, with the integration of the GBU-49/B dual-mode Paveway precision guided bomb and associated software onto the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. You can read all about these issues in our previous post here. Officially, most of the last of the Nighthawks are in "Type 1000" regenerative storage Tonopah Test Range Airport, where they have been since their formal retirement more than a decade ago. Between four and six have remained in flyable condition, and have flown fairly regularly, for years. The service’s stated plan has been to permanently dispose of them at a rate of four per year starting in 2017. USAF An official picture of F-117As in storage at Tonopah. But whether or not the United States sent F-117s back into combat or not, the requirements that would have prompted that deployment were still there. If the U.S. government had identified a target it wanted to strike clandestinely and that could be on the move in, say, Western Syria, an area full of Syrian air defenses, it would have had few, if any options, at least publicly, to carry out that mission without being easily detected. This bring us to the General Atomics Avenger, also known as the Predator C. The Air Force appears to have designated at least one variant of this drone the YQ-11 and there are likely be additional configurations, such as an operational MQ-11. These designations are wholly unrelated to AeroVironment’s RQ-11A and RQ-11B Ravens. At the time of writing, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) has not responded to our queries for clarification and additional details on this nomenclature. But more on this later. The video below was General Atomics' vision for how Avengers would operate on the battlefield circa 2012. Despite its initial name, this unmanned aircraft is distinct from the company’s earlier MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper designs, featuring a stealthy planform reminiscent of Northrop's Tacit Blue demonstrator and using a turbofan engine for greater power and speed than its propeller-driven family members. Avenger also has a much higher operational ceiling than the MQ-1 or MQ-9, being able to reach altitudes of around 50,000 feet. GENERAL ATOMICS General Atomics Avenger in front of an MQ-1 Predator, at left, and an MQ-9 Reaper. The latest iterations of the Avenger, which are substantially larger than the original prototype, have a cruising speed of around 400 miles per hour, more than twice that of a Reaper, and a maximum flight time of around 20 hours, depending on what payloads it is carrying. In 2016, General Atomics also flew a new variant of the drone, called the Avenger Extended Range (ER), for the first time. The Avenger ER has since demonstrated an ability to remain aloft for longer than 20 hours. They also have the ability to carry weapons, including laser-guided bombs, in their internal payload bays, as well as additional stores on up to six underwing pylons. The Avenger can accommodate various sensor turrets with electro-optical, infrared, and multi-spectral cameras, as well as laser designators, on a retractable mount. This allows the drone to operate in maximum stealth mode until it reaches the target area. These drones, which, like the F-117s, don't represent the cutting-edge of American low-observable technology, but would still be well suited to conducting discreet and flexible missions over less than welcoming airspace in Syria from bases in nearby neighboring countries. General Atomics says the drones can also self-deploy to a forward operating site or that C-17A Globemaster III or C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft can transport them and other supporting equipment to the desired location. USN An Avenger with various inert examples of the precision guided bombs it can carry internally on display in front. Publicly, the Air Force has exactly one of these unmanned aircraft in its inventory, which it announced it was buying in 2011 under curious circumstances. An initial contracting notice said the service planned to send the drone to Afghanistan for tests, but this announcement was then “cancelled” and edited to redact the planned deployment location. In December 2011, the Air Force denied that it had plans to send the Avenger to Afghanistan. The initial contracting notice had come shortly after an RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone, likely flying from a base in Afghanistan, had crashed in neighboring Iran, leading some to speculate that the Avenger’s actual missions would be over that country. Another possibility was that it might fly from Afghan bases to conduct secretive strikes against terrorists and keep in an eye on the nuclear arsenal in Pakistan. GENERAL ATOMICS An Avenger on the ground with its payload bay open. What exactly the Air Force’s plans for the Avenger were or what it actually did with the drone remain unclear. An annual history of Air Combat Command (ACC), the service’s main warfighting command, for 2011 includes a section talking about both the Predator C and the then-ongoing MQ-X program, but the comments on the former are almost entirely redacted. The author previously obtained a copy of this document via the Freedom of Information Act. “The next generation RPA [remotely piloted aircraft], or MQ-X as it was more commonly called, promised a more viable solution to meeting the Air Force's future unmanned ISR [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] needs,” the historical review explains. “Unlike the Predator C which offered only minor improvements over the MQ-9, MQ-X had to be ‘survivable in a contested environment, weather tolerant, and have robust and agile communications.’” USAF VIA FOIA The entire, unredacted portions of the section on the Predator C and MQ-X from the 2011 ACC history. This is curious commentary given that the Avenger can carry a significantly larger payload than the MQ-9, has a substantially greater cruise and dash speed, and offers stealthy capabilities that the Reaper does not. This same section says that by the end of 2011, ACC had begun discussions with the U.S. Navy about blending MQ-X with the Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and Strike (UCLASS) program. In February 2012, the Air Force publicly cancelled MQ-X entirely. In retrospect, this is not surprising as anything having to do with advanced unmanned combat air vehicles had disappeared from the USAF's documentation and vernacular around that time. You can read all about this mysterious saga here. The unredacted portions of the 2012 annual history for ACC, which the author also got via FOIA, makes no mention of this program at all or of the final fate of the Air Force’s lone Avenger. The Navy’s UCLASS turned into an entirely separate debacle, which you can read about in more detail here, resulting in a complete shift in requirements to an unmanned aircraft that would primarily serve as an aerial refueling tanker. Boeing is now on contract to build this drone, known as the MQ-25 Stingray. General Atomics had used the Avenger as a surrogate to test various technologies in support of its own ultimately failed bid for this program. The Avenger’s history with the U.S. government didn’t end with MQ-X. As of 2017, General Atomics had confirmed the sale of the lone drone to the Air Force, but also the delivery of “up to seven” additional examples to an undisclosed U.S. government entity. The year before, the company also went on the record saying that someone had flown one of these unmanned aircraft over Syria to conduct a propaganda leaflet drop. We don’t know for sure who within the U.S. government owns or is flying the other Avengers, but Air Force Materiel Command's (AFMC) Detachment 3 flies the “YQ-11,” likely the sole example the Air Force "officially" owns, for test and evaluation purposes, as of 2019. This detachment is situated in Poway, California, home of General Atomics, according to a contracting announcement that appeared on FedBizOpps, the U.S. government’s main contracting website, in February 2019. The detachment also has a so-called “operation location,” or OL-Det 3, spread between General Atomics’ Mojave Desert Flight Test Facilities at Gray Butte and El Mirage Airfields. The testing that Detachment 3 conducts, which also includes work on the MQ-9, supports ACC requirements, as well as those from U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) by way of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC). USAF A section from a recent contracting document mentionoing the YQ-11. USAF Another section from another related contracting document describing AFMC, Detachment 3's mission and operating locations. But the latest editions of the Air Force’s Flight Test Aircrew Training manuals, which the service published in 2017, certainly hint at the existence of other U.S. government Avengers and actual operational activities. These documents include entire sections covering the YQ-11, something that seems incongruous for a fleet of just one drone. To retain their currency on this aircraft type, the Air Force says pilots and sensor operators must conduct landings using the drone’s electro-optical, infrared, and multi-spectral camera systems. It’s worth noting that Raytheon’s product page for its Multi-Spectral Targeting System (MTS) says this system is found on the “MQ-9C,” another designation that has been associated with the Avenger. YQ-11 crews must also fly mission profiles at least simulating the employment of both missiles and bombs. “Qualification in the YQ-11 does not count as qualification in any other aircraft except like YQ-11 series (Q-11X) requiring difference/conversion training,” one of the manuals says. The “Q-11X” reference suggests that there could be additional Q-11 variants, such as an MQ-11A, beyond the "prototype" YQ-11. USAF YQ-11 proficiency requirements as described in Air Force Instruction 11-2FT, Flight Test Aircrew Training, Volume 1. “In accordance with the 2011 defense appropriation act, the Air Force procured prototype demonstration capabilities of the Avenger system,” a spokesperson for the Air Force’s 645th Aeronautical Systems Group, a special projects office better known by the nickname Big Safari, told Flight Global in 2016. “The demonstration has completed and there are no current plans for future demonstrations." But this wouldn’t preclude the Air Force from operating a separate, classified fleet of operational Avengers. It also wouldn’t prevent the service from being involved in some way with another U.S. government entity’s operation of those drones. Annual historical reviews for Big Safari for 2012, 2013, and 2014, which the author obtained via FOIA, make no mention of Predator C, Avenger, or YQ-11 in any way, though they do have a category simply labeled “Classified Programs.” TYSON V. RININGER / WWW.TVRPHOTOGRAPHY.COM In addition, all of this could fit in with what is known, and still unknown, about the Air Force’s top-secret 44th Reconnaissance Squadron, which we at The War Zone were first to report on in detail in 2018. The service will not tell us what type or types of unmanned aircraft this unit operates. The 44th has its own convoluted history tracing back to the activation of a separate, secretive entity known as the 732nd Operations Group, Detachment 1. The 732nd as a whole has connections to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). Previous media reports have suggested the group acts as a cover for or is otherwise tied in with the CIA’s top-secret drone operations. FLIGHTLINEINSIGNIA.COM A patch for the 732nd Operations Group, Detachment 1, showing motifs in common with the 30th Reconnaissance Squadron, which flies the RQ-170 Sentinel stealth drone. This insignia also has the text "Forging the Sword" along with a lightning bolt, sword, and droplets of blood, suggesting this unit had other missions beyond intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. All of this brings us back to the F-117 rumors. There remains no evidence that these Nighthawk deployments ever occurred. There are, however, the on-the-record statements from General Atomics that a U.S. government agency, widely understood to be the CIA, possibly in cooperation with the Air Force, has a fleet of Avengers. There have been no other publicly acknowledged sales of this drone to the U.S. government or any other country. The drone's manufacturer has also revealed that at least one Avenger was flying over Syria at the same time when the rumors about F-117s heading back to combat were first emerging. The Avenger would have been able to meet many of the same requirements for stealthy, armed platform able to engage static and moving targets that was far faster, and therefore more responsive, than other unmanned aircraft available in the region. The 44th also officially stood up in April 2015, which would have given it months to reach at least initial operational capability ahead of an actual deployment the following year. This unit’s activation could have provided a cover for a much more mature Avenger program under the auspices of the CIA, as well. We also know that Al Qaeda’s number two leader, Abu Khayr Al Masri, died in what appeared to be an air strike on his car involving a special low-collateral damage munition in Syria’s western Idlib governorate in February 2017. More recently, The Washington Post reported, citing anonymous sources, that President Donald Trump had pushed the CIA to begin arming unspecified drones under its control flying over Syria after taking office the month before. Trump also reportedly received a briefing from the Agency about unique air-dropped munitions designed to avoid civilian casualties. This strike on Al Masri’s car is exactly the kind of mission profile – a high value target in a moving vehicle traveling in a denied area where American manned platforms don't generally go – that seemed to explain why the Air Force or the CIA might have turned to the mothballed F-117s at all. It’s also an operation that an Avenger could have performed and fits almost perfectly with the details and timeline regarding CIA drone operations in The Post’s subsequent reporting. With all this in mind, the small but critical gap that needed filling over Syria, and possibly over other countries in the Middle East, both friendly and not so friendly, could very well have been filled by the diminutive, but adaptable and relatively low-risk Avenger fleet that currently lives in the darkness. That's not to say that the mothballed F-117 force wasn't possibly evaluated to fulfill this role, but taking the human out of cockpit, as well as leveraging the long-endurance capabilities of the Avenger may have been an all too logical alternative. There's also the possibility that both airframes were put to use to fulfill a similar mission set. The presence of one in the region doesn't necessarily preclude the other. Especially if the F-117s were assigned to the Air Force and the Avengers were CIA assets. But we know for a fact that a handful of Avengers are flying under some classified umbrella for a certain government agency and that they have been active in the Middle East, and Syria, in particular. The claims that the F-117s were returned to service and deployed to the region, on the other hand, come without any hard evidence at all. If the Avenger has quietly stalked and killed high value targets in sensitive airspace, the program is far more successful than anyone has been allowed to let on. Author's note: A special thanks to Tyson Rininger for allowing to use his amazing photo as the banner image in this article. Make sure to check out all his work here.
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stany2 · 6 years
What is propaganda?
Propaganda is a advertisement made by the government to get the attention of the public. Most propaganda adverts are made to persuade the viewer to believe that something is good when really it is bad. For example, “War is peace” but really it’s nothing but devastation and horror. Propaganda advertising is a way to change how someone can view something differently than what it actually is. Propaganda is a way of avoiding facts. 
Not all persuading poster advertisements are propaganda, things like anti-littering for a good cause isn’t bad. 
In world war 2, enemy forces would drop things on their enemy forces to make them believe they are more superior. This is called airborne propaganda. There was many advantages for this such as making the enemy scared of your force however there was also disadvantages such as troops being unable to read the leaflets and also making the planes an easy target as they had to fly low. 
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newsfundastuff · 7 years
North Korea warned on Sunday that the latest round of United Nations sanctions were tantamount to an act of war and complete economic blockade, threatening punishment against supporters of the new measures. Sunday’s statement was the culmination of the latest round of warmongering rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington after US Defence Secretary James Mattis cautioned on Friday that “storm clouds are gathering” over the Korean peninsula while addressing a US Air Force base. The UN security council unanimously voted to step up its sanctions against North Korea on Friday in retaliation against its most recent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in November 29, which it claimed was capable of carrying a nuclear weapon to the US mainland. China, North Korea’s historical ally, and Russia both supported the resolution in an effort to prevent war, reported the Chinese state-run Global Times. The US-drafted restrictions seek to ban nearly 90 per cent of refined petroleum exports to North Korea by capping them at 500,000 barrels a year and demand the repatriation of North Koreans earning remunerations abroad within 24 months, a change from an earlier proposal of 12 months. Nikki Haley US ambassador to the UN Credit: Kena Betancur The resolution also caps crude oil supplies to North Korea at 4 million barrels a year, and threatens to reduce the quantity even further if Pyongyang carries out another nuclear or ICBM test. North Korea’s foreign ministry reacted in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency, accusing the US of being “terrified” of its nuclear force and of becoming “more and more frenzied” in its actions. “We define this ‘sanctions resolution’ rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of our republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region,” it said. The pariah regime continued that its nuclear weapons were a “self-defensive deterrence” to counter America’s “blackmail and hostile moves” and that those who voted for sanctions would face revenge. An overview of the second day of the 5th Conference of Cell Chairpersons of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang, December 22 Credit: AFP “Those countries that raised their hands in favour of this ‘sanctions resolution’ shall be held completely responsible for all the consequences…and we will make sure forever and ever that they pay a heavy price for what they have done,” the North Koreans threatened. Earlier in the week, Pyongyang condemned President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy as a “criminal document” that seeks the “total subordination of the whole world to the interests of the US.” Tension has been rising for months over North Korea’s ongoing nuclear and missile tests in defiance of UN security council resolutions. Even as diplomats scrambled to find a solution to the nuclear standoff, US defence chief General James Mattis sounded an ominous warning that “storm clouds” were gathering and that the US military must be ready for war. “My fine young soldiers, the only way our diplomats can speak with authority and be believed is if you’re ready to go,” Mr Mattis told soldiers and airmen at the 82nd Airborne Division’s Hall of Heroes, during a two-day pre-Christmas tour to greet troops. North Korean missile ranges The defence secretary did not forecast a conflict. However, his remarks come after the Telegraph revealed early last week that America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme.   The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said. Meanwhile, American troops based in South Korea have been told to remain alert and report suspicious individuals after a recent spurt of North Korean propaganda leaflets have been found on US military bases. “A significant number of North Korean propaganda leaflets and CDs were recently placed at strategic locations on multiple US military installations” across South Korea, the alert said. “Given the number of foreign nationals with access to our military installations via employment, sponsorship, and partnership programmes, the potential for insider threat is always a reality,” it said.
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engsinanalani · 7 years
North Korea warned on Sunday that the latest round of United Nations sanctions were tantamount to an act of war and complete economic blockade, threatening punishment against supporters of the new measures. Sunday’s statement was the culmination of the latest round of warmongering rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington after US Defence Secretary James Mattis cautioned on Friday that “storm clouds are gathering” over the Korean peninsula while addressing a US Air Force base. The UN security council unanimously voted to step up its sanctions against North Korea on Friday in retaliation against its most recent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in November 29, which it claimed was capable of carrying a nuclear weapon to the US mainland. China, North Korea’s historical ally, and Russia both supported the resolution in an effort to prevent war, reported the Chinese state-run Global Times. The US-drafted restrictions seek to ban nearly 90 per cent of refined petroleum exports to North Korea by capping them at 500,000 barrels a year and demand the repatriation of North Koreans earning remunerations abroad within 24 months, a change from an earlier proposal of 12 months. Nikki Haley US ambassador to the UN Credit: Kena Betancur The resolution also caps crude oil supplies to North Korea at 4 million barrels a year, and threatens to reduce the quantity even further if Pyongyang carries out another nuclear or ICBM test. North Korea’s foreign ministry reacted in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency, accusing the US of being “terrified” of its nuclear force and of becoming “more and more frenzied” in its actions. “We define this ‘sanctions resolution’ rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of our republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region,” it said. The pariah regime continued that its nuclear weapons were a “self-defensive deterrence” to counter America’s “blackmail and hostile moves” and that those who voted for sanctions would face revenge. An overview of the second day of the 5th Conference of Cell Chairpersons of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang, December 22 Credit: AFP “Those countries that raised their hands in favour of this ‘sanctions resolution’ shall be held completely responsible for all the consequences…and we will make sure forever and ever that they pay a heavy price for what they have done,” the North Koreans threatened. Earlier in the week, Pyongyang condemned President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy as a “criminal document” that seeks the “total subordination of the whole world to the interests of the US.” Tension has been rising for months over North Korea’s ongoing nuclear and missile tests in defiance of UN security council resolutions. Even as diplomats scrambled to find a solution to the nuclear standoff, US defence chief General James Mattis sounded an ominous warning that “storm clouds” were gathering and that the US military must be ready for war. “My fine young soldiers, the only way our diplomats can speak with authority and be believed is if you’re ready to go,” Mr Mattis told soldiers and airmen at the 82nd Airborne Division’s Hall of Heroes, during a two-day pre-Christmas tour to greet troops. North Korean missile ranges The defence secretary did not forecast a conflict. However, his remarks come after the Telegraph revealed early last week that America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme.   The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said. Meanwhile, American troops based in South Korea have been told to remain alert and report suspicious individuals after a recent spurt of North Korean propaganda leaflets have been found on US military bases. “A significant number of North Korean propaganda leaflets and CDs were recently placed at strategic locations on multiple US military installations” across South Korea, the alert said. “Given the number of foreign nationals with access to our military installations via employment, sponsorship, and partnership programmes, the potential for insider threat is always a reality,” it said.
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healthcaretipsblog · 7 years
North Korea warned on Sunday that the latest round of United Nations sanctions were tantamount to an act of war and complete economic blockade, threatening punishment against supporters of the new measures. Sunday’s statement was the culmination of the latest round of warmongering rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington after US Defence Secretary James Mattis cautioned on Friday that “storm clouds are gathering” over the Korean peninsula while addressing a US Air Force base. The UN security council unanimously voted to step up its sanctions against North Korea on Friday in retaliation against its most recent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in November 29, which it claimed was capable of carrying a nuclear weapon to the US mainland. China, North Korea’s historical ally, and Russia both supported the resolution in an effort to prevent war, reported the Chinese state-run Global Times. The US-drafted restrictions seek to ban nearly 90 per cent of refined petroleum exports to North Korea by capping them at 500,000 barrels a year and demand the repatriation of North Koreans earning remunerations abroad within 24 months, a change from an earlier proposal of 12 months. Nikki Haley US ambassador to the UN Credit: Kena Betancur The resolution also caps crude oil supplies to North Korea at 4 million barrels a year, and threatens to reduce the quantity even further if Pyongyang carries out another nuclear or ICBM test. North Korea’s foreign ministry reacted in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency, accusing the US of being “terrified” of its nuclear force and of becoming “more and more frenzied” in its actions. “We define this ‘sanctions resolution’ rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of our republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region,” it said. The pariah regime continued that its nuclear weapons were a “self-defensive deterrence” to counter America’s “blackmail and hostile moves” and that those who voted for sanctions would face revenge. An overview of the second day of the 5th Conference of Cell Chairpersons of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang, December 22 Credit: AFP “Those countries that raised their hands in favour of this ‘sanctions resolution’ shall be held completely responsible for all the consequences…and we will make sure forever and ever that they pay a heavy price for what they have done,” the North Koreans threatened. Earlier in the week, Pyongyang condemned President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy as a “criminal document” that seeks the “total subordination of the whole world to the interests of the US.” Tension has been rising for months over North Korea’s ongoing nuclear and missile tests in defiance of UN security council resolutions. Even as diplomats scrambled to find a solution to the nuclear standoff, US defence chief General James Mattis sounded an ominous warning that “storm clouds” were gathering and that the US military must be ready for war. “My fine young soldiers, the only way our diplomats can speak with authority and be believed is if you’re ready to go,” Mr Mattis told soldiers and airmen at the 82nd Airborne Division’s Hall of Heroes, during a two-day pre-Christmas tour to greet troops. North Korean missile ranges The defence secretary did not forecast a conflict. However, his remarks come after the Telegraph revealed early last week that America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme.   The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said. Meanwhile, American troops based in South Korea have been told to remain alert and report suspicious individuals after a recent spurt of North Korean propaganda leaflets have been found on US military bases. “A significant number of North Korean propaganda leaflets and CDs were recently placed at strategic locations on multiple US military installations” across South Korea, the alert said. “Given the number of foreign nationals with access to our military installations via employment, sponsorship, and partnership programmes, the potential for insider threat is always a reality,” it said.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2D6X9NS
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frankrbremer-blog · 7 years
North Korea warned on Sunday that the latest round of United Nations sanctions were tantamount to an act of war and complete economic blockade, threatening punishment against supporters of the new measures. Sunday’s statement was the culmination of the latest round of warmongering rhetoric between Pyongyang and Washington after US Defence Secretary James Mattis cautioned on Friday that “storm clouds are gathering” over the Korean peninsula while addressing a US Air Force base. The UN security council unanimously voted to step up its sanctions against North Korea on Friday in retaliation against its most recent intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test in November 29, which it claimed was capable of carrying a nuclear weapon to the US mainland. China, North Korea’s historical ally, and Russia both supported the resolution in an effort to prevent war, reported the Chinese state-run Global Times. The US-drafted restrictions seek to ban nearly 90 per cent of refined petroleum exports to North Korea by capping them at 500,000 barrels a year and demand the repatriation of North Koreans earning remunerations abroad within 24 months, a change from an earlier proposal of 12 months. Nikki Haley US ambassador to the UN Credit: Kena Betancur The resolution also caps crude oil supplies to North Korea at 4 million barrels a year, and threatens to reduce the quantity even further if Pyongyang carries out another nuclear or ICBM test. North Korea’s foreign ministry reacted in a statement carried by the official KCNA news agency, accusing the US of being “terrified” of its nuclear force and of becoming “more and more frenzied” in its actions. “We define this ‘sanctions resolution’ rigged up by the US and its followers as a grave infringement upon the sovereignty of our republic, as an act of war violating peace and stability in the Korean peninsula and the region,” it said. The pariah regime continued that its nuclear weapons were a “self-defensive deterrence” to counter America’s “blackmail and hostile moves” and that those who voted for sanctions would face revenge. An overview of the second day of the 5th Conference of Cell Chairpersons of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) in Pyongyang, December 22 Credit: AFP “Those countries that raised their hands in favour of this ‘sanctions resolution’ shall be held completely responsible for all the consequences…and we will make sure forever and ever that they pay a heavy price for what they have done,” the North Koreans threatened. Earlier in the week, Pyongyang condemned President Donald Trump’s new national security strategy as a “criminal document” that seeks the “total subordination of the whole world to the interests of the US.” Tension has been rising for months over North Korea’s ongoing nuclear and missile tests in defiance of UN security council resolutions. Even as diplomats scrambled to find a solution to the nuclear standoff, US defence chief General James Mattis sounded an ominous warning that “storm clouds” were gathering and that the US military must be ready for war. “My fine young soldiers, the only way our diplomats can speak with authority and be believed is if you’re ready to go,” Mr Mattis told soldiers and airmen at the 82nd Airborne Division’s Hall of Heroes, during a two-day pre-Christmas tour to greet troops. North Korean missile ranges The defence secretary did not forecast a conflict. However, his remarks come after the Telegraph revealed early last week that America is drawing up plans for a “bloody nose” military attack on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons programme.   The White House has “dramatically” stepped up preparation for a military solution in recent months amid fears diplomacy is not working, well-placed sources said. Meanwhile, American troops based in South Korea have been told to remain alert and report suspicious individuals after a recent spurt of North Korean propaganda leaflets have been found on US military bases. “A significant number of North Korean propaganda leaflets and CDs were recently placed at strategic locations on multiple US military installations” across South Korea, the alert said. “Given the number of foreign nationals with access to our military installations via employment, sponsorship, and partnership programmes, the potential for insider threat is always a reality,” it said.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines http://ift.tt/2D6X9NS
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